Medicinal herbs of the Crimea. Description of medicinal and medicinal herbs in the Crimea

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Medicinal herbs and their uses traditional medicine. They help heal various diseases, especially for those who do not like to take chemical drugs for different reasons. But this does not mean that healing herbs can replace trips to the doctor and annual examinations of the body. In this article, we will consider the medicinal herbs of the Crimea, which grow on the peninsula, both in mountainous regions and in the steppe.

Thyme and its uses

Thyme aka Thyme

Thyme aka Thyme - grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Western Siberia begins to bloom in early summer (June, July). Thyme is a fragrant plant and constantly attracts many bees. In Crimea, there is no better place to collect it. The high mountain climate and the natural location of the plateau attract many herbalists and traditional healers to collect medicinal herbs on the Ai-Petri Yaila.

It is better to harvest this herb at the beginning of summer, since at this time there are a lot of essential oils in thyme and it is the most fragrant. Drying of the grass is carried out without exposure to sunlight, the bundles are tied and hung upside down from the top of the plant.

medicinal properties thyme has been known since ancient times, it contains vitamins B and C, oleic and ursolic acids, gum, tannins.

Thyme is used in the food industry, medicine, and cosmetology. It is a good antiseptic and acts on the body as a disinfectant.

Thyme is used in folk medicine to treat various edema and pain, it is also used as a sedative for depression and neurasthenia. It also has a positive effect on coughs and bronchitis. A decoction of thyme helps to get rid of bad breath.

Thyme Recipes

Recipe #1. When coughing or bronchitis, you can mix 1 tablespoon of dry thyme with fresh aloe juice and honey. It is done in a 1:1 ratio.

Recipe #2. One tablespoon of thyme is poured into 400 ml of water and brought to a boil. Then you need to cool and strain. It is used three times a day for half a glass, with headaches, dysbacteriosis, overexertion of the body and loss of sleep.

Origanum vulgaris - this plant is also called Spirit color, Mother. The plant contains active substances, as essential oils, ascorbic acid, phenols and tannins. Oregano grows in the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, in Central Asia. In Crimea, it is possible in mountainous and steppe regions, as well as on the Kerch Peninsula.

The collection of this plant is carried out from the end of June to August, in dry sunny weather. You can dry it in the attic so that the sun's rays do not fall, spreading the collection on paper, or hanging the formed bunches of the plant upside down. After drying, oregano retains a bitter-spicy and astringent taste.

In folk medicine, oregano is used for gastritis, eczema, acute respiratory diseases, periodontitis and many other diseases.

Oregano Recipes

Recipe #1. You need to take one part of the dry herb of oregano, add one part of the leaves of the mother and stepmother and black elderberry. Pour boiling water over it all, cool and strain. Take 3 times a day for 1/2 cup half an hour before meals. Helps with respiratory diseases and colds.

Recipe number 2. For a therapeutic bath, you need to take 100 gr. dry herb oregano and pour 3 liters of boiling water. Then insist three hours and strain the broth. Next, you need to add a decoction of oregano to the bath with warm water. Baths are used for gynecological diseases, wound healing, diathesis, calming the nerves.

Schisandra Crimean (Zeleznica Crimean)

Schisandra Crimean, he is also Crimean iron and Tatar-tea.

Lemongrass or Crimean ironwort - grows in the Crimea, it is also often called Tatar-tea on the peninsula. Although if you go into history, the Greeks used the healing properties of lemongrass by eating it. The herb got its name from its lemon scent.

On the peninsula, lemongrass mainly grows in mountainous parts; it can often be seen on the Ai-Petri, Demerdzhi, plateau. Crimean lemongrass blooms all summer from June to August, at which time its collection begins.

The healing properties of lemongrass are generally known to all residents of the southern coast of Crimea, therefore they use it as a wonderful tea in winter. It also boosts immunity, fights bronchitis and diseases. respiratory tract. Good for healing wounds, tumors and bruises. The plant contains essential oils, vitamin C, flavonoids, organic acids, fixed oils.

When brewing tea from Crimean lemongrass - take a tablespoon of flowers or leaves, brew them with boiling water, leave for about 10 minutes, after which you can add a little honey. Some gourmets drink this tea with Kalamata black olives, feta cheese and crispy bread.

Salvia officinalis or Salvia is a herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. Blooms from late May to August. In the Crimea, the plant is rarely found in the wild, it is mainly cultivated. Because the peninsula is well suited for sage officinalis in not very cold winters. It also tolerates drought well, and does not like excess moisture in the soil.

Harvesting sage leaves begins during the flowering period of the plant and continues until the end of August. After that, the collection is dried in well-ventilated rooms.

The leaves of this plant contain organic acids (ursolic, olenolic), vitamins P and PP, flavonoids, alkaloids, essential oils.

In folk medicine, sage is used for atherosclerosis, sciatica, tonsillitis, and polyarthritis. Also used in the treatment of purulent wounds, gastrointestinal infections, gastritis and kidney disease.

Sage Recipes

Recipe #1. Take one tablespoon of dry crushed sage leaves and pour one glass of milk and cook in an enamel bowl over low heat for 5 minutes. After that, the broth must be filtered and boiled again for 5 minutes. Drink at night before bed. The recipe is used for coughing.

With the addition of sage, many different dishes are prepared, for example, Italians serve warmed sage leaves in butter as a sauce for pasta.

Spring Adonis, aka Spring Adonis, Yellow Thousand, got its name from the ancient Greek god Adonis. It grows in the steppe and foothill regions of the Crimea. Adonis is harvested for medicinal purposes when flowering begins from April to June. Dry in the shade and attics so that the sun's rays do not fall.

The composition of Adonis officinalis includes adonylic acid, quinones, glycosides, coumarins.

You also need to understand that adonis is a potent drug and should be kept away from children, in glass jars or multilayer paper bags.

Adonis spring is used in medicine, as cardiac remedy and is available in pharmacology as the drug Adonizide in the form of a tincture, as well as in tablets.

Recipe for joint disease

Take one tablespoon of chopped dry herb Adonis spring, pour boiling water and leave for half an hour, after which you need to strain. Taken 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day.

1. If you want to be cheerful, you need to drink Tatar-tea

A cup of invigorating morning coffee can be easily replaced by Tatar tea, also known as lemongrass, or shepherd tea. It is difficult to find it in a pharmacy, because the grass grows in the mountains, most often on the Chatyr-Dag and Demerdzhi yayla. In appearance, lemongrass is almost gray, covered with thick felt hairs, and the stems are with yellow inflorescences. “It is harvested in mid-August, by which time a lot of essential oils and vitamin C accumulate in the flowers, and calcium in the stems and leaves,” Farhad Melikov, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, told KP. - Young inflorescences and leaves have a pleasant smell and are good for making tea. Unlike coffee, Tatar-tea perfectly supports the working capacity of the whole organism all day long. Drinking a cup in the morning will help you quickly get back to work. Shepherd tea has a pleasant lemon aroma, so drinking it is a pleasure, especially with dried fruits. This tea activates the cerebral cortex and strengthens the immune system. It is also used as a remedy for fever. A tincture of herbs will help the rapid healing and scarring of wounds.

Specifically To make tea, you need to pour a pinch of lemongrass leaves and inflorescences with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Also, tincture can be added to the bath.

2. To strengthen the nerves, lavender must be brewed If you go hiking in the mountains, do not forget to pick fragrant lavender along the way. Everyone knows that the smell of this plant repels moths, but its virtues do not end there. Now lavender is used to make medicinal tinctures, perfumes, food and even clothing. - It blooms all summer, but it is better to collect it in July, - Farhad Maisovich explains. - Lavender is an excellent remedy for insomnia, headache, neurasthenia, hysterical reactions and tearfulness. That is why a decoction of lavender is recommended for children and adults with the manifestation of aggression and insomnia. The mountain plant also has antibacterial properties. Eating strengthens the immune system. Baths with lavender inflorescences will help you relax after a hard day's work. And sachet pillows will protect your sound sleep.

Specifically To combat insomnia and nervous tension, you need to grind dry lavender flowers, pour 2-3 tablespoons into two cups of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Drink this tea 4 times a day for half a glass or 1 glass before bedtime.

3. Stevia - like honey, drink it and the disease will pass Stevia is known as honey herb because it tastes like sugar. It grows on barren sands or along the edge of swamps. To collect it, you will need to work hard, because there are very few swamps in the Crimea. “The composition of stevia includes various mineral compounds, vitamins, essential oils, amino acids and pectins,” say experts from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. - This plant contains many substances that serve as a building material for the production of hormones. Stevia decoction is great for supporting metabolism, restores carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases the protective functions of the body, neutralizes and removes toxins from it. Grass is indispensable diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, allergic diseases, reduced immunity, diseases of the blood, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Specifically Grass is compatible with any product and is easy to use. It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with boiling water, let it brew for several minutes and take it on an empty stomach. In order to strengthen the immune system, the decoction of this plant should be used for a long period.

Burdock oil perfectly stimulates hair growth and strengthens their roots. A photo: Nikita GARASHCHUK

4. To lose fat sack, collect agrimony It grows on forest edges, along roads and even in city wastelands. Five-leaved yellow flowers are distinguished correct form and small size. Hurry up to collect inflorescences in time, because by the end of August he will already have departed. “This plant is a universal remedy for losing weight and cleansing the body of salts, toxins and toxins,” herbalist Lyubov Zalevskaya told KP. - Alla Pugacheva in an interview said that she was losing weight with the help of a decoction of apricot inflorescences. It gently cleanses the blood vessels and removes salts not only from the joints, but also from the spine, thereby providing a healing effect on the body as a whole. Specifically To lose weight and cleanse the body, you need to pour 100 grams of agrimony with a liter of water and cook on low heat for 15-25 minutes. Honey can be added to the strained remedy. Drink a decoction in the morning and evening before meals for a month. 5. Rosemary will help you against aging, wrinkles This fragrant, needle-like evergreen shrub is highly valued in cooking and aromatherapy for its essential oil content. This is because rosemary fights aging and wrinkles. It can be found on the sea coast of Crimea, which is why many people call this plant "sea dew". It is recommended to collect rosemary in early summer. - Rosemary essential oil is used in treatment and cosmetology, - experts of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden say. - The plant helps with memory impairment, skin diseases faces and heads. Rosemary is able to tone the work of cardio-vascular system as well as the stomach and liver. The oil of this plant stimulates blood circulation, therefore it is indicated for people suffering from low blood pressure. blood pressure. Specifically, rosemary oil can be rubbed into the skin in the morning or the leaves of this plant can be added to food. Note to the tourist If you came to the Crimea for a vacation, you want to sunbathe and swim, and it’s time to go to the mountains or wander through the fields in search of useful herbs no - no problem. Fees can be bought in almost every resort town. True, they are not sold in pharmacies, but often in the markets next to souvenirs.

Crimea is a storehouse of medicinal herbs. Many specially climb farther and higher from civilization in order to collect and prepare herbal preparations for the winter. There are more than a thousand different herbs in Crimea, many of which are medicinal. The peak of flowering grasses falls on the month of June-July and lasts until September. If you want to spice up your trip in the mountainous Crimea with delicious and healthy herbal teas We advise you to choose the summer months.

Unfortunately, not all herbs are equally useful, some should be approached with caution. If you do not know what kind of grass, it is better not to touch it. Below we list the most popular herbs that are thrown into the pot. These herbs make excellent fragrant herbal teas.

Thyme (Thyme)- a plant that people used to call the holy herb of the Virgin. It was believed that the smell of thyme purifies the air, drives out evil spirits and prolongs youth and beauty. To this day, people use it as a panacea for many ailments. Finding it is easy. An earthy shrub, numerous stems reach a length of 15 cm, oblong leaves, pink-purple flowers, clustered in small capitate blooms. Tea from it turns out fragrant and rich.

- this plant is used not only in the preparation of delicious, fragrant tea, but also has an excellent antiseptic effect. Tea from this fragrant plant quenches thirst, fills with strength and energy, and also wash wounds with it. A very common plant in our time. Oregano is a good honey plant. It is quite high 30 - 60 cm. It is not difficult to find it, the stems are erect, tetrahedral and have a reddish tint. The flower is purple, collected in a small capitate bloom. Oregano blooms in June - August.

Zheleznitsa Crimean (Shepherd - tea) or in the common people "Schimonnik", do not confuse it with Lemongrass, which grows in the Caucasus, these are different herbs. The herb takes its name from its rich, lemony scent. Tea from it turns out very fragrant and tasty. The benefits of this plant are known firsthand to lovers of tourism. One of the best tonic, strengthening plants. Gives vigor, supports the immune system, restores strength and much more. The leaf poultice has a disinfecting and healing agent. This miracle - grass grows on rocky steppe slopes. You can recognize it by its gray stem with dense pubescence. The flower has yellow, in the form of an ear. Well, if in doubt, rub the leaf with your finger and you will feel the lemon aroma.

Mint grows in the shade, along springs. Dislikes dry places. Found on the outskirts of yail. This plant has healing properties. Restores the heart vascular system, good at colds, very useful for female body. Men should be careful with mint, it reduces the level of testosterone in the body. Mint tea is very fragrant and refreshing due to the menthol contained in the leaves. Mint can be harvested as early as spring. It is used both in its pure form and added to tea.

Strawberries (leaves and berries)- when you come across a clearing with strawberries and do not find tasty berries on it, do not be discouraged. Tear some strawberry leaves and add to the cauldron with your tea or compote. The benefits of such tea will be indispensable in the mountains. Strawberry leaves give tea not only a pleasant taste and aroma, but also benefit. Vitamins, minerals, acids, fructose, glucose…. All this helps the liver, gastrointestinal tract, with colds and strengthens the body. But if you also come across berries, then make a delicious compote of berries and leaves. And of course, taking advantage of the opportunity, pick up a little in reserve. Tie a small bundle and hang it on your backpack. By the next stop you will have again, a fragrant and healthy drink.

St. John's wort- there is an opinion that this plant "allegedly" kills the beast in a man. No no and one more time no. There are many legends about the appearance of this plant. But all the legends say one thing: there is blood in St. John's wort (of a fiery bird, Jesus Christ, mythical creatures ...). The fact is that if you rub the St. John's wort flower in your fingers, you will see red juice. And of course, in the old days people gave this plant Special attention. They hid it in children's mattresses, scared away evil spirits, wore branches of St. John's wort, as a talisman against the evil eye, and much more. But most importantly, they were treated. There is even an ancient saying, “Just as one cannot bake bread without flour, one cannot cure diseases without St. John's wort.” I will not describe all the benefits, but I can say one thing, this plant will only bring benefits in your tea. Of course, it is worth noting the contraindications. Hypertension, it should not be consumed regularly as it is slightly toxic, and can complicate the work of the kidneys.