Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain - “Indirect brain massage. MRI, sensations, consequences, results

MRI is one of the most informative methods modern diagnostics, which, when properly carried out, allows you to timely determine extensive and minor brain damage, impaired functionality. This procedure is based on moderate exposure to radio waves, which, against the background of harmful radiation, is a more gentle and safe option for health. The end result is the visualization of the focus of pathology, the correct diagnosis and the appointment of an adequate treatment regimen strictly according to the indications. But what if you have a headache after an MRI?

Clinical picture

Sometimes after this procedure, some patients experience intense headaches that do not disappear even with the use of a potent antispasmodic. The action of drugs is short-term, and general state the clinical patient deteriorates sharply. In some cases, after MRI, acute pain syndrome is replaced by the following symptoms:

  • bouts of nausea, dizziness;
  • fainting state;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • violation of sensitivity;
  • a sharp decline in performance.

In this case, it is about side effects, which are temporary, but pronounced, cause fear for their own health. Before embarking on intensive treatment, it is important to find out why the head hurts and other disturbing symptoms are disturbing, reducing the quality of life.

Etiology of the pathological process

Despite the fact that the procedure for examining the state of the brain is absolutely harmless, not all patients are allowed to carry it out. Among the contraindications are the following features of the body:

If there are no such restrictions in the life of a clinical patient, it's time to move on to MRI. The procedure itself lasts about 20 minutes, but after completion it can cause a sharp decline in performance, an unexpected faint, and even a partial clouding of mind.

Such anomalies are explained by the individual sensitivity of the body, therefore, they occur in practice in single cases. clinical pictures. Despite the fact that such discomfort after an MRI is short-lived, you should not ignore the alarm signals of your own body. It is important to inform your doctor about the symptoms, make an appointment for an unscheduled consultation.

The reason why after the procedure the head hurts is weakness of cardio-vascular system. Perhaps the patient himself does not know about heart problems, so acute pain after MRI becomes the biggest surprise for him. This is explained simply: when exposed to radio waves on weak vascular walls the vibration of the latter increases, as a result of which the systemic blood flow is disturbed. Blood deviates from its usual course, encounters an "obstacle" in its path, which is why it is disturbed intracranial pressure reminiscent of an acute migraine attack.

This malaise most often prevails in patients with heart failure, the existence of which they only guess. As is known, this diagnosis progresses in chronic form with mild symptoms. A similar problem occurs with ischemia of the heart and atherosclerosis, when the permeability of the vascular walls is impaired.

Fighting methods

If a headache attack bothers you after an MRI, the doctor recommends bed rest, rest, and drinking plenty of fluids. Most often this herbal decoctions, healing foci that relieve spasms of blood vessels, facilitating general well-being. Reception of antispasmodics is indicated only on the recommendation of a specialist, since such medical preparations also have a lot of contraindications and side effects.

After MRI, it is recommended to relax, avoid increased physical and mental stress, exclude unnecessary emotions and increased irritability. Doctors recommend taking a horizontal position, reading, or performing a relaxing head massage. Ideally, the condition returns to normal after 15-20 minutes, otherwise the help of a specialist is required, followed by the appointment of potent anabolic steroids.

There is a misconception that MRI causes malignant neoplasms in the brain due to the dose of radiation. In fact, this is a harmless method of clinical examination, which excludes such consequences for the organic resource. If headaches are present, this may be a sign of another disease, but not a complication of the MRI.

On a note

If the patient continues to have a headache even after taking strong antispasmodics, doctors prescribe an MRI to establish a final diagnosis with the determination of pathogenic factors of the disease.

After a stroke, such a diagnosis is also indicated, since it determines the degree of brain damage, the size of the foci of necrosis, and areas of impaired blood circulation. This is an informative method that determines the further period of rehabilitation and its characteristic features.

After traumatic brain injury, MRI is also effective way, allowing you to identify a hidden threat to health. For example, internal bleeding, thrombosis and other pathologies can be diagnosed.

This procedure is involved in complex diagnostics such dangerous diagnoses like Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, hydrocephalus, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's syndrome, encephalitis, meningitis, extensive pituitary pathology.

MRI allows visualization malignant tumors brain, other neoplasms of unknown etiology. Such an examination is appropriate for nervous disorders, disorientation in space, disturbed consciousness.

The procedure is allowed only in laboratory conditions, while additionally you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and any metal objects on the body. It is also important to be careful about tattoos, broken integrity skin. If you are concerned about systematic migraine attacks, it is possible that this abnormal condition will intensify after an MRI.

If headaches are temporary, progressing only after the procedure, then this is just a side effect that does not need medical correction. Superficial self-treatment is excluded, MRI is performed only according to the indications of the attending physician and nothing else.

Although MRI is a safe ways diagnosis, some patients complain of discomfort during and after the procedure. As a rule, we are talking about symptoms such as nausea, weakness, dizziness, pain in the heart. There are also more exotic manifestations - loss of orientation, interruptions in the heartbeat, cold sweats and panic. Let's figure out how the MRI machine affects the body, and what consequences of this procedure may occur.

Indications and contraindications for MRI of the brain

Most often, MRI of the brain causes an ambiguous reaction in patients. When is the procedure indicated? As a rule, the study is prescribed:

Harm of the procedure for the human body

Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the properties of an electromagnetic field, or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The MRI machine creates a magnetic field, under the influence of which hydrogen atoms change their properties. Hydrogen protons, with which the human body is saturated, line up along the field lines of force. At this moment, they are affected by a radio pulse at a resonant frequency, causing the particles to change their spatial orientation. After the termination of the influence of this impulse, the protons return to their places, that is, they “relax”.

During relaxation, the particles release a certain amount of energy, which varies depending on their location. Sensors capture the energy burst of each proton, and based on this data, a computer program creates an image of the organs.

Despite such a complex device, the MRI machine does not have ionizing radiation, the influence of which has certain consequences for the body. To date, there is no evidence that a magnetic field can harm a person.

However, if the patient has implanted metal elements (pacemaker, hemostatic clip, endoprosthesis), this procedure is contraindicated. Physicists warn that ferromagnetic metals under the influence of a magnet can move or heat up. If the implant is made of titanium or another metal that is “friendly” to MRI, the procedure will not harm.

Possible Side Effects of an MRI and How to Manage Them

After taking a series of pictures, the doctor may decide to use contrast to get a more accurate picture. According to experts, side effects after MRI can only occur due to the use of a contrast agent. As a rule, preparations based on gadolinium are used. This tool is safe, but in rare cases, such manifestations are possible:

  • rash and peeling of the skin at the injection site;
  • redness of the eyes, itching;
  • rhinitis and sneezing;
  • shortness of breath and dizziness;
  • erythema.


Sometimes patients complain of pain in the heart, which occurs during the procedure of magnetic resonance imaging or immediately after it. Such manifestations are possible in various situations - as a rule, the problem lies in anxious expectation. Preparation for the session takes some time, the doctor interviews the patient, finding out if he has any contraindications. Next, the patient is asked to take off their clothes and replace them with a disposable gown in order to exclude the possibility of magnetization of metal elements. After this, the patient is placed on the tomograph table and the head is fixed, since movements during the session are undesirable.

If the patient is prone to claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), he will certainly experience not too pleasant sensations, being in the tomograph capsule. In addition, during the session, it is required to remain still, which also does not contribute to good health. During the study period, some patients are prone to seizures panic attacks. This is the name of a sharply emerging anxiety state (fear and even horror), accompanied by palpitations, respiratory disorders, cooling and trembling of the limbs.

If the procedure lasts more than half an hour, there may be manifestations of stagnation of blood in the arms and legs in the form of tingling and numbness. This affects blood circulation and can indirectly affect the heart muscle. All this in combination can cause pain in the heart, especially in impressionable patients.


Many patients complain that their head hurts after the procedure. Until now, headaches remain a poorly understood phenomenon and cannot always be diagnosed. However, it can be assumed that given state refers to tension-type headache syndrome. This type of pathology is familiar to 70% of the world's population and is characterized by bilateral pain of a compressive (or squeezing) type.

One of the causes of HDN is mental stress. This phenomenon leads to the occurrence of muscle spasm. The vessels in the muscles are compressed, which disrupts blood circulation. Such pain does not pose a threat to life and health, it only serves as a signal that it is necessary to avoid stress. As mentioned above, impressionable patients may well find themselves under stress during an MRI procedure.

General deterioration in well-being

Doctors are sure that MRI cannot cause a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes bad feeling provoked by the underlying disease, because usually the procedure is prescribed to people who already have health problems. You should also not forget about the stress that can appear in patients who first find themselves in a closed chamber of the apparatus. Moreover, the MRI device makes rather loud sounds during operation. In this regard, not everyone can relax during the session.

To avoid negative consequences During an MRI, doctors recommend using all of the following relaxation methods:

  • You can reduce the volume of the sounds of the device using headphones or earplugs;
  • for those who cannot stand confined spaces, it is better to undergo research in open-type devices;
  • especially impressionable patients will be helped by auto-training sessions, during which you need to pronounce soothing formulations to yourself.

/ 18.03.2018

Mri with contrast side effects. MRI with contrast

Computed tomography is one of the most accurate methods for diagnosing diseases of many organs; it can be used to identify pathologies of any complexity even in the early stages of development. Scientists who developed the CT scanner were awarded Nobel Prize back in 1979.

Currently, contrasts are often used for diagnosis. As contrast agents, during CT, iodine-containing drugs are usually used, which can be administered intravenously, sometimes the patient takes them orally.

Injection system for CT

What contrasts are used for computed tomography?

Enhanced CT is usually done with iodinated contrast agents. They are different: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble preparations are highly viscous and therefore of limited use and are only indicated for topical use (eg, injection into the cavity to detect fistulas).

For oral and intravenous enhancement, water-based compounds are used. They are rapidly distributed in the vascular bed and have less toxicity.

How are contrasts introduced?

There are several ways of contrasting: substances can be administered intravenously, orally, into the cavity of an organ or pathological formation.

Intravenous administration

The introduction of the drug into a vein is the most common method for enhanced CT. The contrast, being distributed along the vascular bed, reaches the organs under study and makes the tomograms clearer, highlighting the vascular network. Intravenous contrast is often done in the study of both parenchymal and hollow organs, to identify tumors and determine their malignancy. With the help of this technology, vascular anomalies and pathological processes can be detected. Currently, almost all CT studies are performed using intravenous contrast agents.

The drug can be administered into a vein in several ways:

  • The contrast agent is administered by a nurse before the start of the study.
  • First, a native study is done (without contrast), then the tomograph is stopped, the nurse injects the drug, and the procedure continues.
  • The drug can be administered by bolus method using a special device - an injector, or an infusion pump, if the procedure involves slow, drip administration. When using the bolus method, a peripheral venous catheter is installed before the procedure, which is connected to the injector, and the machine injects contrast by the bolus method according to the programmed scheme.

Equipment for intravenous administration contrast agent

Often, the introduction of contrast agents is carried out in the vein of the elbow bend. If this is not available, another vein on the limb can be used, in extreme cases, a subclavian approach can be used.

oral route

Some types of CT require the drug to be taken by mouth. Usually, oral amplification is used to diagnose diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the stomach, the aqueous contrast is quickly absorbed, increasing the clarity of images of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of the drug remaining in the lumen of the stomach and intestines, one can see the pathological processes inside the intestinal cavity (narrowings, polyps). Often the oral method is combined with intravenous.

into the lumen of the cavity

Fat-soluble viscous compounds are introduced into the cavity to contrast pathological structures (fistulas, diverticula). During some studies of hollow organs, such as the bladder, a water-soluble substance is injected into the cavity.

Special types of contrast studies

CT angiography

The drug is administered intravenously and layer-by-layer scanning of the vascular network of the organ is done, then, using a computer analyzer, based on tomograms, a three-dimensional image of the circulatory system of the organ under study is built. The method is widely used in cardiology and vascular surgery.

CT perfusion

After the introduction of a contrast agent into a vein, a sequential scan of parenchymal organs, for example, the brain, liver, pancreas, is made at different stages of the passage of iodine-containing drugs through the bloodstream. Using the method, it is possible to assess deviations in the blood supply to the organ.

What complications can occur during the study and for whom the procedure is contraindicated?

  • Iodine-containing drugs are highly allergenic, so a frequent complication is the development of an allergic reaction of varying severity. A strict contraindication to CT with contrast is allergic reactions to drugs in the patient's history. Before starting the study, at the discretion of the radiologist, the patient can be tested for tolerance.
  • The thyroid gland uses iodine for the synthesis of hormones, therefore, in case of pathological processes in it, the introduction of iodine-containing drugs is contraindicated. Not all thyroid diseases are iodine-dependent, so you should ask your endocrinologist about the possibility of conducting a study.

For some pathologies thyroid gland the introduction of iodine-containing contrast agents is contraindicated

  • Iodine-containing drugs are nephrotoxic, which is not dangerous during normal kidney function, the drug is quickly excreted without adverse effects. With renal failure, the excretion of the drug slows down, and it stays in the renal tissue for a longer time, causing its damage up to necrosis. In renal failure, CT with iodine-containing drugs is contraindicated. Also do not conduct research on chronic diseases accompanied by nephropathy, for example, diabetes mellitus.
  • Computed tomography in any variant is contraindicated during pregnancy of any terms, if it is extremely necessary to conduct a study during breastfeeding, the child is transferred to temporary artificial feeding (two to three days).

For patients who have a contraindication to computed tomography with contrast, an alternative is MRI, during which completely different preparations based on gadolinium salts are used. Gadolinium does not cross-allergize with iodine and is less allergenic. MRI can be performed during pregnancy, but breastfeeding will also have to be temporarily interrupted.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a very effective procedure carried out with the help of high-tech modern equipment and serving one main goal - to determine an accurate diagnosis. indicated for brain injuries, concussions, vascular disorders, etc.

Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography play a major role in the diagnosis of brain diseases. Confession this method deserved because of its safety and the possibility of its use for a wide range of people. The procedure has practically no serious contraindications, recovery is not required after it, a person, having been examined, can simply get up and go home, and after an hour or two come for the results.

With the help of MRI, the doctor examines the cranium - its cracks, the presence or absence of tumors, cysts, hemorrhages, abscesses in it, certain pathologies associated with blood vessels. MRI images of the brain vessels are very accurate, but for a more detailed analysis of a specific area of ​​​​the brain, the patient needs to undergo an MRI procedure with contrast.

MRI of the brain with a contrast agent provides an additional opportunity for specialists to explore and study in detail a specific pathology. The contrast agent for MRI of the brain is a chemical compound called paramagnetic in medicine. Their meaning lies in the fact that during magnetic resonance imaging, these substances tend to those areas where there are pathological formations, for example, tumor-like ones.

Having reached the damaged structures and tissues, paramagnets stain them in a different color than the rest of the cranial cavity (which is why the substances are called contrast). In addition, paramagnets have another important ability - they accumulate mainly in areas that are affected by the disease, while healthy cells and tissues remain completely untouched. Therefore, a specialist, simply by tracing the movement of a contrast agent, can draw a conclusion about the location of the site in which a pathological formation has arisen and is developing.

The contrast agent is very sensitive to inflammatory processes and possible tissue destruction, its introduction is very useful, if necessary, to distinguish from malignant.

If you suspect vascular diseases of the brain, MRI of the brain with contrasting allows you to reproduce the entire network of capillaries and blood vessels, their orientation, possible narrowing or expansion, plaques in atherosclerosis, aneurysms, etc. in the pictures.

Indications for the use of a contrast agent in MRI

The question of the use of a contrast agent is decided by specialists on the basis of a preliminary analysis and suspected disorders and pathologies. So, the procedure should be shown in the following situations:

  1. the study of small-sized formations that cannot be recognized using the usual magnetic resonance imaging procedure;
  2. study of the presence in the brain;
  3. examination of the brain of postoperative intervention (included in the list of possible measures for rehabilitation after surgery);
  4. suspicions of tumors and cysts located locally in the structure of the brain;
  5. preparation for the operation;
  6. pathologies associated with blood vessels (thrombi, aneurysms, etc.);
  7. in identifying the causes and stage of epilepsy.

MRI results with contrast

A contrast agent is a substance used when a detailed study of abnormal formations is necessary. The MRI procedure with contrasting allows you to get the approximate size of malignant and benign formations, to determine the foci.

Also, the introduction of a contrast agent into the human body is carried out if the doctor needs confirmation of the presence of a pathology (for example,).

The ability to make detailed pictures of the vascular network with MRI is substances. One of the types of MRI - magnetic resonance angiography of blood vessels - involves just the use of paramagnetic materials. Magnetic resonance angiography is considered today the most informative method for diagnosing vascular pathologies.

In the angiography images, the entire blood flow of the brain is reproduced in a three-dimensional plane, while the doctor can examine each vessel separately. Thus, possible anomalies are revealed along the entire path of the vessel within the cranium.

Contraindications for MRI with contrast

The main disadvantage of the MRI procedure with brain contrast is its contraindications. Their list is small, but still some patients will not be able to carry it out. So, contraindications for MRI with contrast include:

  1. Increased fat mass and body volume. Obese people, the doctor will have to diagnose possible differently. The thing is that with increased body weight, the tomograph may not close, cannot withstand the load, etc. However, now, already in modern times open-type MRI machines appeared. Their meaning is that although the top cover is closed, nevertheless, space remains on both sides. These devices are also used when the patient is claustrophobic (fear of closed spaces);
  2. Claustrophobia can also be one of the reasons why the client will not be allowed to the MRI procedure, and it doesn’t matter whether a contrast agent is injected or not, whether the tomograph is open or closed. Everything in this case is decided purely individually, depending on the condition of the patient himself;
  3. The presence of metal objects in the body - implants, braces, etc. The risk lies in the fact that the MRI procedure takes place with the help of an artificially created magnetic field, the effect of which is very pronounced. Therefore, in a patient who has certain objects in the body that are capable of magnetizing the field, it is impossible to undergo the procedure;
  4. Allergy to the contrast agent. In many cases, the introduction of paramagnets into the body causes an allergic reaction, but if the patient is initially prescribed a ban on such chemical compounds, then the MRI procedure with contrast will be denied. Due to the strengthening allergic reactions right during the procedure, it can be stopped.

Nursing mothers also belong to this category. True, this kind of strict ban does not apply to them, but after an MRI with contrast, a nursing mother is recommended to wean the child for a couple of days. The fact is that the contrast agent also enters the mammary glands, but after 2 days it leaves the body completely in a natural way;

  1. Pregnancy at any time. The question of the admission of pregnant women to the MRI procedure with contrast is within the competence of the doctor. He considers it individually. If the MRI procedure with contrast is a matter of life and death, then, of course, specialists will allow a woman to undergo the procedure. Under other circumstances, it will be necessary to take into account the condition of the woman, the duration of pregnancy, possible fears and panic attacks.

It should be borne in mind that with an MRI, incomprehensible fears, disturbing thoughts can arise even in an absolutely healthy person. Therefore, doctors communicate with the patient during the session through a two-way microphone. allow the patient's relatives to be present in the equipment room. All these steps towards are used only for the comfort and convenience of the client.


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MRI in most cases is performed without the use of contrast, giving comprehensive information about the structure and condition of any organ or part of the body.

MRI with contrast carried out in controversial and clinically unclear cases of diagnosis, when the price diagnostic error may endanger the life of the patient.

The contrast agent for MRI is different from the contrast agents used for or. These are expensive preparations made on the basis of the rare earth metal gadolinium (gadovist, omniscan, dotarem, magnevist, etc.), which significantly increase the cost of research.

Administration of intravenous contrast, in a standard way: the dose of a contrast agent is calculated, depending on the body weight, and injected into the installed venous catheter before the start of the magnetic resonance study.

There are varieties of MRI, such as contrast MR arthrography (examination of the joints) and contrast MR angiography (examination of blood vessels), in which a contrast agent is used that lingers in the anatomical structures under study and is injected according to a more complicated scheme.
For the study of the gastrointestinal tract, preparations based on fat emulsions (gastromark, abdoscan) are used.

The main indications for MRI with contrast

  • Condition after hernia removal intervertebral disc. It is almost impossible to differentiate recurrent disc herniation from scar tissue (epidural fibrosis) without the use of contrast.
  • Suspicion of a pituitary adenoma located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica, if other diagnostic methods it cannot be found. Considering that an endocrine tumor makes itself felt even with its microscopic size, they resort to MRI with contrast. The use of contrast enhances diagnostic sensitivity when the size of the formation is less than 10 mm (microadenomas), which may not be detected with a simple MRI against the background of a high level of prolactin. But even MRI with contrast does not always detect a microadenoma.
  • Activity detection multiple sclerosis. MRI without contrast gives an idea of ​​the presence of pathological foci in the disease, but does not provide information about its activity. Contrasting foci, visualized in the images, speaks in favor of the activity of multiple sclerosis, helps to determine the tactics of treatment.
  • Tumors of the head and spinal cord. In some cases, a simple MRI does not provide all the information about the disease necessary to determine the tactics of treatment or does not detect a tumor at all. In this case, MRI with contrast is used. This allows you to more accurately detect the structure of the formation, determine its boundaries, which is important when planning a surgical intervention. And also in some cases to assume its nature (benign or malignant).
  • Diagnosis after brain surgery. After surgery, it is always more difficult to determine whether there is a recurrence of the tumor, so they resort to the use of contrast.
  • Diagnosis of metastases in the brain or spinal cord. The definition of metastases in the brain is difficult due to their small size. MRI with contrast almost doubles their detection.

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the modern and most informative diagnostic methods, which allows specialists to accurately study the internal organs and systems of the human body. The study is widely used in the world in medical practice. MRI is used to detect various abnormalities and serious illnesses. This non-invasive diagnostic method allows you to visualize in detail even deeply located tissues. The study makes it possible to obtain a layered image of the internal organs. At the same time, the quality of tomography images is comparable to real photographs of anatomical sections.

What is an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging is considered safe method research, since it does not have radiation or ionizing radiation on the patient, therefore it is harmless to the body. An MRI is prescribed for both adults and young children. As the name implies, this diagnostic method is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance.

To understand what an MRI is, it is necessary to have an understanding of how it works. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the nuclei of some atoms placed in a magnetic field can absorb electromagnetic pulses. Subsequently, they convert the energy into radio signals and, at the end of the pulse, emit them. Oscillations can register special devices.

Tomographs used in medicine work on the nuclei of hydrogen atoms that are part of the water molecules, which makes up 70% of the human body. The amount of fluid in different organs of the body is different, as a result of which tissues emit different signals during the scanning process. Thanks to this, the MRI machine can accurately:

  • visualize internal organs;
  • to distinguish healthy cells from pathological ones;
  • identify any malfunctions of the organs.

This is a unique diagnostic method that allows specialists to obtain high-quality images of almost all structures of the human body. The MRI examination visualizes the soft tissues, joints, cartilage. The innovative technique allows doctors to make images of structures that are difficult to obtain with other research methods. Such hard-to-reach tissues include those that are located near bone structures, for example:

  • intervertebral discs;
  • spinal cord and brain;
  • inner ear;
  • pelvic organs;
  • connection device.

However, images of structures containing a small amount of water are less accurate on images. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging is used very rarely to examine the lungs or bones of the skeleton.

Study with contrast

In order to obtain clearer images during the study, the patient is prescribed a special substance before the procedure. This diagnostic method is called MRI with contrast. Many people wonder if this remedy can be dangerous for them. Such doubts are absolutely groundless, since the contrast is just a dye that allows you to highlight and better visualize the structures of the body. Its use does not pose any threat to the health of the patient, since the remedy:

  • has no contraindications;
  • quickly excreted from the body;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

Isolated cases of side effects have been recorded: a small rash on the skin, headaches and slight dizziness. According to medical statistics, such complications are observed only in 0.1% of cases and are associated with individual intolerance to the drug. Side effects are extremely rare and pass quickly.

There are several types of contrast agents used in MRI with contrast. They differ in composition and method of application. Most often, patients are prescribed contrast, which is administered intravenously. The composition of this substance includes iron oxide, which helps to obtain the most accurate picture of blood vessels. Such a contrast is prescribed, for example, for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

For a detailed diagnosis of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract of the patient, oral contrast agents are used. Such funds may be based on compounds of manganese and gadolinium soda. But the drug is made not only on the basis of such chemicals. Also, the most simple and familiar products for each person, for example, green or blueberry tea, can be used as a contrast in MRI. They are effective because they contain a high concentration of manganese.

Today, almost 20% of all magnetic resonance imaging scans are performed using a contrast agent. The need for its use is determined by the doctor. Most often, the use of contrast is prescribed for suspected oncological diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, the study of the brain, as well as for diseases of the spine.


Patients who have repeatedly undergone such an examination and know what MRI is, have experienced its effectiveness. Tomography is absolutely harmless, since it does not carry radiation and ionizing radiation. However, even for this diagnostic method there are contraindications. Since the work of the tomograph is based on the influence of magnetic fields, people with:

  • metal implants;
  • neurostimulators;
  • clips on vessels;
  • heart valves;
  • dental prostheses.

They may not be allowed to examine patients with metal implants, intrauterine devices. The procedure is also strongly not recommended for women who use permanent eyeliner. A contraindication to MRI will be the presence in the patient's body of fragments from bullet or other types of wounds.

People who suffer from mental illness and claustrophobia can refuse to pass the examination. If a person is afraid of a closed space, an examination on an open type apparatus will be recommended. The images obtained on such a tomograph may not be as detailed and accurate as on a closed one, but this will allow the patient to avoid an attack.

Some diseases in the stage of decompensation can interfere with the examination of a person. A waiver may be given to a patient who suffers from:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe dehydration.

The intake of certain drugs, which contain beta-blockers, is an additional contraindication for MRI. People under the influence of alcohol or drugs are also not allowed to take the study. A patient with a violation or complete cessation of the excretory function of the kidneys can also be refused if he was sent for magnetic resonance imaging with the use of a contrast agent.

Experts also identify relative contraindications for MRI, which cause controversy among physicians. It is not recommended to perform tomography for pregnant women for a gestation period of up to 12 weeks. Although studies have not revealed any threat to the intrauterine development of the fetus, the procedure is still not carried out. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby undergoes the main processes of formation internal organs and body systems, so medical workers don't want to take risks. During this period, a woman is offered to use other methods to make a diagnosis. modern ways research.

Indications for MRI diagnostics

Like any other examination method, magnetic resonance imaging has both strengths and weaknesses, which are quite numerous. In the study of some tissues, it provides the most accurate information, and when scanning others, it provides less detailed information. During the use of MRI, experts have compiled a list of pathologies that are recommended for diagnosis using this method.

First of all, the survey helps to detect a large number of brain disorders. Experts distinguish the following indications for MRI:

  • periodic fainting;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • decreased sensitivity of the facial nerves.

The examination enables doctors to quickly detect metastases, diagnose any inflammatory diseases. The study is appointed not only to identify the disease, but also to determine the possibility of its surgical treatment. Immediately after therapy, patients are often asked to undergo a second MRI, the results of which will tell you how effective the prescribed treatment was and whether there is a risk of relapse.

Very often, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed to people to study the condition spine and spinal cord. The survey helps:

  • Determine congenital and acquired anomalies in the development of the vertebrae.
  • Identify diseases such as: osteochondrosis, herniated discs, sciatica, arthrosis of the intervertebral joints, disc protrusion and etc.
  • Assess the condition of the spinal cord and diagnose its pinching.
  • To reveal the decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs.
  • Determine the presence and location of tumor formations.
  • Assess degree degenerative changes in the spine.

In this regard, the study allows you to accurately diagnose the following pathologies: protrusions and hernias of the intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, spinal cord injuries.

Gives good results MRI in the study of internal organs:

  • abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space: kidneys, liver, pancreas, bile, adrenal glands, spleen;
  • small pelvis in women and men: ovaries, uterus, scrotum, bladder, prostate, penis, vas deferens, fallopian tubes;
  • chest cavity: lungs, thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • nasopharynx: nasal sinuses, maxillary sinuses, pharynx, larynx, soft tissues of the neck.

Preparation for the examination

The undoubted advantage of magnetic resonance imaging is the lack of special preparation for its passage, unlike many other diagnostic methods. The patient does not need to follow strict diets, refuse to eat before the examination, or otherwise change his usual rhythm of life.

Preparing for an MRI is quite simple, and is mainly associated with the doctor's study of the patient's history. Before the examination, the specialist must obtain comprehensive information about the patient's state of health, so he:

  • conducts a survey;
  • clarifies all past pathologies;
  • examines the results of previous procedures.

This is necessary in order to avoid errors during scanning and analysis of the obtained images. The doctor will definitely tell the patient how the examination will take place and whether preparation for an MRI is necessary. Women who are scheduled for an examination should remember that it is better not to apply makeup before the procedure, as cosmetics may contain metal microparticles. Such substances can cause distortion of the results of the analysis.

Immediately before the start of the procedure, the patient will be asked to remove all metal objects, including earrings, belts, rings, hairpins, clothes with zippers. The patient will be given a special gown that he will have to wear. The patient can also bring comfortable, light clothing in which he will undergo the study.

If a person is scheduled for an organ examination abdominal cavity, then he may need special preparation before the MRI. The patient will be advised not to eat or drink for 5 hours before the start of the scan. Patients who need to examine the condition of the pelvic organs are asked to drink a liter one hour before the examination. clean water. This will improve the quality and accuracy of the resulting images. It is important to remember that such a study is not recommended for women during menstruation.

Patients do not need to perform any preparatory actions before starting the examination of the spinal column. However, you need to know that throughout the scan you will have to maintain complete immobility. This can be quite difficult for some patients with spinal problems, as they may experience severe discomfort. Patients with similar problems may be prescribed pain medication before the procedure.

What does an MRI show?

The survey is considered the most effective for identifying brain diseases. After studying the layered image of tissues, it is not difficult for a doctor to detect:

  • vasculitis;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • stroke;
  • aneurysm;
  • cerebral infarction;
  • neoplasms.

The study allows you to find any inflammatory processes, detect tumors, cysts, hematomas, ischemic zones. When studying the results of the study, the doctor may also identify some ophthalmic diseases. For example, MRI diagnostics is effective in detecting inflammatory processes in the structure of the eye, metastasis that penetrated the tissues of the organs of vision, thrombosis and injuries of the optic nerve.

Examination of the abdominal organs includes the study of the spleen, gallbladder and ducts, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands. During the procedure, doctors may find: diseases of the internal organs:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • cysts;
  • liver abscess;
  • cholecystitis.

When studying the kidneys and adrenal glands, doctors are able to identify any violations of their work, as well as to study the condition of the urinary tract. Even minor anomalies are clearly visible on the images obtained during MRI diagnostics.

The study pelvic organs in men detects prostatitis, vesiculitis, proctitis, prostatic hypertrophy, teratoma. Survey pelvis can reveal in women:

  • endometriosis;
  • uterine myoma;
  • adnexitis;
  • cysts;
  • polyps;
  • cancerous tumors.

Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the most accurate method for diagnosing liver tumors. This study was called MR-pancreatocholangiography. It is performed without the use of a contrast agent, helps to study all bile ducts and detect a tumor even at the initial stage of its development.

Of all the methods of studying the condition of the spine, MRI is considered the most accurate and informative. In the pictures, the specialist clearly sees the soft fibers that are located near the spine, all nerve endings and blood vessels. This gives him the opportunity to study all the processes taking place in this area. MRI diagnostics of the back allows you to identify:

  • displacement of bone structures;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis.

In addition, MRI helps to identify any vascular disorders and circulatory problems. Any infectious tissue lesions are also easily identified when examining the scan results.

How is the research going?

The duration of magnetic resonance imaging may vary. As a rule, the study takes from 20 to 60 minutes. The duration of the procedure is affected by:

  • the scope of the study;
  • the number of pathologies and their prevalence;
  • the need for a contrast agent.

Before starting the study, the patient must notify the doctor if he has any contraindications for MRI. For example, if a woman suspects her pregnancy, then she needs to tell a specialist about it. Perhaps the doctor will refuse to conduct a scan or replace it with a less risky one.

Many patients who are scheduled for a study are interested in how an MRI is performed. A person is placed on a special couch, fixing his legs, head and arms with special soft straps. This is necessary in order to prevent any involuntary movements during the scan. Even a slight change in the patient's posture threatens to cause inaccuracies in the images and blur the image.

Throughout the study, you must lie absolutely still. For children, this requirement is often impossible. Therefore, if MRI scheduled for a child, then before the procedure he may be given a sedative or injected into light anesthesia. When the patient is nervous before the procedure, doctors may advise him to take a sedative.

The table on which the patient lies is slowly moved into the tomograph. The device is a large hollow cylinder. Since the tomograph makes quite sharp and loud sounds during operation, the patient will be asked to use earplugs or headphones in which calm music will play.

The results of the MRI study will be ready within a few hours after the scan is completed. The pictures are sent to the attending physician or given to the patient in the hands. Since the procedure does not bear absolutely no harm to health, it can be repeated many times.

When agreeing to undergo a tomography procedure, many patients do not know if MRI has side effects, that is, negative side effects. The lack of information gives rise to conjectures, myths. A negative attitude leads to the fact that patients do not trust doctors, prefer to be treated on the advice of friends or recommendations from newspapers and advertisements. They turn to doctors at the last stage, when the disease is already running, and precious time for treatment has been lost. Full information about side effects during the MRI procedure will allow you to treat this diagnostic method with great confidence.

All doubts and worries will disappear if you understand the examination process. Hydrogen atoms, which move randomly, under the influence of a strong magnetic field line up in a certain sequence. This does not affect their physical or chemical parameters, so there can be no side effects. Atoms vibrate in a certain rhythm, creating a resonance. It is captured by a tomograph, fixed by a computer program. Even the smallest ones will definitely be found.

MRI is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis, before the operation, in order to build a plan surgical intervention. An MRI may be done after surgery to clarify the results to monitor for possible side effects. During treatment, tomography is done to check the effectiveness of the therapy used. Assign an MRI as many times as necessary before receiving positive result. This indicates the safety of the procedure. X-rays are never taken that often.

Magnetic resonance imaging can be done several times in one day, if necessary. This is rarely done because of the high cost of the diagnostic procedure. But theoretically it is possible, which is proof of the safety of the method. The advantage of MRI lies in the absence of preliminary preparation and the absence of side effects, which is important in an emergency.

The benefits of an MRI far outweigh any side effects.

Benefits of the survey

In medical practice, there are many diagnostic procedures. Almost all of them cause some harm to the body. For example, it is necessary to take x-rays for a fracture. After all, the doctor must know how the bones and fragments are located. Radiation with such a diagnosis is also harmful, but it is minimal, it is not taken into account in case of a serious injury. Much safer, but also more expensive, would be an MRI of the leg or arm. But no side effects and radiation.

Conducting an endoscopic examination of the stomach (swallowing a probe) is an unpleasant procedure. The endoscope can damage the walls of the esophagus, the mucous membrane, cause heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Such side effects you have to endure, because the benefits of diagnosis are much greater than the harm.

When conducting an MRI, layered images are taken with a slice thickness of up to 0.5 mm, but this depends on. The smallest neoplasms in the structures of soft tissues, cartilage, joints and bones are revealed. Experts define diseases by changes in the rate of blood or lymph flow, changes in the density of internal organs. The presence of small side effects that do not affect health should not override the huge benefits of diagnosing diseases and body conditions.

"Invented" harm

Physicians often have to deal with patients' assumptions about possible harm caused by tomography. Such rumors are generated by poor awareness, so they want to be dispelled. Some rebuttals of side effects are presented in the table.

Assumptions about the dangers of MRI Explanation
The influence of radiationDuring the procedure, it is 5 times lower than from talking on a cell phone.
Impact on the fetus during pregnancyNobody talks about the negative impact on the fetus. But not much experience has been accumulated yet in studying the action of a tomograph during pregnancy, so it is better to avoid such diagnostics while waiting for the baby. Although in particularly difficult cases, pregnant women do an MRI.
Exacerbation of chronic diseasesThe magnetic field does not affect chronic pathologies. They do an MRI during the period of illness, so its exacerbation may be a mere coincidence. medical statistics does not know cases of strengthening of a disease after a tomography.
Impact on the psycheThe influence of the tomograph on the psyche was not noted. But MRI is not performed on people who cannot control their behavior, are mentally unstable. They are not able to lie still throughout the procedure, they will move, the images will turn out to be blurry, and will not bring results. Tomography is an expensive procedure to be spent on unproductive actions in advance.
Harms the kidneysIt is not the MRI itself that is harmful to the kidneys, but the contrast agent. It is not used if there is a chronic kidney failure. The contrast agent is excreted through the kidneys and may cause side effects. In the presence of a disease, additional stress can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Do you have concerns about hair and eyelash loss after undergoing magnetic resonance imaging procedures? You should pay attention to specialists who spend all day tomography. They do not experience catastrophic hair loss.

When to expect side effects?

MRI has side effects that occur when the doctor's recommendations are not followed. For example, in some cases, tomography is performed using a contrast agent. This is necessary for a detailed review of the neoplasm, confirmation of the presence of vascular aneurysm. The contrast is gadolinium, which can cause side effects. An allergy test is preliminarily performed or the patient is asked about the attitude of his body to such a substance.

If during the MRI it turns out that the contrast agent was injected, and the allergy is present, then there will be the following side effects:

  • skin rashes;
  • edema;
  • redness;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being;
  • anaphylactic shock.

To exclude negative side effects, an allergy test must be done without fail.

During magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, some patients complain of pain in the head after the procedure. This happens when there are metal parts on the clothes they were wearing during the session. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to more carefully follow the recommendations of doctors. In some medical centers provide sets of disposable clothing for examination. This eliminates the presence of metal buttons during the MRI procedure.

Another unpleasant side effect can be metallic taste in the mouth. This will be due to dental fillings, pins. After a while, the taste will disappear. You can rinse your teeth with mouthwash. These side effects do occur.

It is important to remember that if the patient feels worse, he can always press the panic button, which is in his hand. The procedure will be interrupted. The couch will come out of the tomograph capsule. Doctors will help the patient. To exclude such side effects, you need to follow all the recommendations of doctors, carefully preparing for a tomography.

There are practically no side effects of tomography, but for this it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor

CT Precautions

Modern tomographs can conduct an examination with existing metal elements. You only need to know what these devices are in order to set up the MRI machine. It is still not recommended to perform magnetic resonance imaging in the presence of electronic devices such as a pacemaker, the tomograph can render this expensive device unusable or cause other side effects.

You can not come to the examination with a full stomach, and drinking a lot of water. Similarly, they will not be allowed to have a tomography while intoxicated. These precautions are in place to preserve the health of the patients themselves. The imaging procedure usually takes about an hour. So much time on a full stomach, in a drunken state it is difficult to lie still. The patient may want to use the toilet, begin to move restlessly. As a result, the images are fuzzy, computer processing will show the wrong diagnosis. The introduction of sedative drugs or a contrast agent in this state is prohibited.