Unusual ancient methods of treatment. Lichen obtained from pets Treatment of all diseases: we bleed

Our Ancestors more often did not heal, but restored, but not through themselves, but took energy from the Cosmos. You can not treat the effect, you need to help to understand the cause. Illness is a punishment for a person for his sins, it is given for awareness.
Runny nose
Warm up your hands by rubbing against each other and apply middle finger right hand on the forehead, and put the remaining 4 fingers in pairs on the wings of the nose for 3-5 minutes. Thus, there is pressure on the active points and the sinuses warm up.
If a failure occurs in the region of the heart - an energy plug, then the thumbs should be rubbed in pairs with the index fingers of both hands.
asthma attack
In case of an asthmatic attack, rub your hands until warm and apply them to the lungs of the patient. The temperature of the palms reaches up to 50 degrees during friction and warms the lungs.
A glass of warm milk, 1 tsp honey, 1 tbsp. oils
With toothache of the upper jaw - press and release with the middle finger the area between the eye and ear, with toothache mandible- press and release on the lower jaw.
You can also tie garlic on your wrist, where the pulse is for a certain time.
For pain in the groin
You need to press under the rib.
To turn off the nerve endings during a burn, you need to press on the earlobe.
Knead the palms of the same hand with the index fingers.
Press on the point between the nose and upper lip.
Pain in the spine
With three pads of the central fingers of the right hand, press-beat on the wrist of the left hand, beating the triple pulse up-middle position-down.
Hernia removal ritual.
Perform a ritual before bedtime. Sit opposite the child, if the adult is left-handed, then under left hand if right-handed - then under the right hand.
Belt and inguinal hernia. Warm up your hands with each other. Hand stroking clockwise, saying:
"Hernia! Gryz (a diminutive pet name for a child, for example, "Olyushka") you - one, I - two, you - two, I - three, you - three, I - four, you are four, I - five, you - five, I - six, you are six, I am seven, you are seven, and I am you completely!
We read three times on the full moon (5 days full moon). If the treating person is right-handed, then movements from left to right in the form of a figure eight.
Disk offset
Often, with incorrect posture and tension, a disc in front of the heart chakra flies out in a person. The nerve is clamped and the load on the heart muscle begins. A person's heart begins to hurt, but drugs can only aggravate the situation, but it is enough to set the disc and the heart will let go. The energy will go back to normal and the pressure will stabilize (upper and lower).
If a person has interruptions in work internal organs First of all, you need to look at the spine.
If the child sits leaning forward, then his disc is displaced, in which case he needs to be corrected!
An injury to the lumbar vertebrae leads to disruption of the energy flow between the lower and upper parts, and paralysis of the lower part occurs. It's cured!!! The spine is stretched (often in a bath) and the vertebrae are set, energy exchange is restored. For stabilization, a birch or oak corset is worn during the day.
You need to sleep on a hard bed. During sleep, in a person who has had a temperature since the evening, the Soul completely flies away, allowing the body to recover. The body falls into a state of suspended animation and therefore in the morning the temperature can be 33-34 degrees. If at the same time there is a silver amulet on the Man, then silver ions penetrate the body and destroy microbes and bacteria in the blood. If the amulet turned black, then the silver ions went for treatment. The amulet receives energy from the Cosmos and regenerates itself.
Natural gymnastics after waking up from sleep
A person should do natural gymnastics:
Stretches after waking up
head rotation
Shoulder rotation
Go out with bare feet into the street and walk on the ground, we drop the load of negative energies and get a charge of the energy of Mother Earth
Met the Sun - received solar energy(It is very useful to look at the rising Sun, during the day it is better not to look at it). When meeting the Sun, we raise our hands up towards him.
Rinse with cool water.
For breakfast - hot tea, hot milk or hot fruit drink with honey to wash the intestines.
Then comes harmony from the receipt of internal thermal energy to the already received thermal energy of the skin.
Ways to protect against dark forces
A catchphrase that has been used on many occasions:
"Good Spirit to the Earth, Evil - under the Earth!"
at the same time, show a goat gesture with both hands (the little finger and index finger stick out, the rest are bent.
The highest defense against dark forces is a gesture in which the little finger, middle and index fingers look up, and the ring finger is connected to the thumb.
Evil Eye Protection
Evil eye - short-term (up to 3 min.) Transfer of negative information. There is an evil eye in front and an evil eye in the back (in the back).
Any person can jinx it, even in their own family. A child under 12 cannot be jinxed. If they say that they have jinxed the child, then this means that they have jinxed the parent (his sins).
In this case, it is necessary to hang a red cloth on the window where the child sleeps. Go to the iron door handle (closed circuit), take a ladle of water and pour it through the handle into a jar. Pour this water over the child from head to toe and wipe it with the hem of the mother or the shirt of the father.
If a person was jinxed, a chakra was pierced, then the negative was removed from him by twisting. In case of a burn, the hands are twisted around (passes) and into the fire (candle).
Black seeds.
Inside is white, outside is black. Information is passed through, not released outside. In no case should you buy black seeds, especially from grannies, which they can subconsciously talk about, thinking about their hard life and the bad. You can eat striped and pumpkin seeds.
Transmission of negative information through the object carrier. Chocolate candies can be spoken and given to the child. They need to be thrown out. They try to influence negative information primarily on adults. Comb, handkerchief, etc. don't give it to anyone. You can give away a new one. Don't buy used items.
They talk about food and water. Our Ancestors did only good slander.
Any slander must come from the heart with pure thoughts, and it is necessary to invest the Soul in any deed.
Hex for water (spring, not boiled). Whisper in one breath:
"Pain-Khvoroba from someone else's box,
Where did you come from, where would you go,
Who sent you missed you
I conjure you, I send you back,
For blue rivers, for high mountains,
To where you will not be found by reservations,
Return to the sender, who did not know grief,
Stay with him and don't come back!"
The water conspired in this way is drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
Protective belt.
The Belt of Living Help among the Slavs is white, among Christians it is black. The Slavs write in black ink this slander or anthem to Semarglu on a white linen ribbon. On the body, this ribbon is 1-1.5 inches wide with the text towards you, sewn up with white threads on yourself on the full moon and worn from the full moon to the full moon. The moon highlights this text and projects it onto the body. Then the tape is torn on itself. With this protective belt, everything is treated ...
For pain in the heart, the slander is applied to a pin, which is stabbed horizontally on clothes in the region of the heart with the point up.
For women's and men's diseases, the pin is stabbed with a point down in the groin area on shorts.
Hex on Fire (candle).
“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in pain, cleanse the womb of a human child, of every creature, of old and young, You are God's Delight. Cleansing with fire, opening the power of Souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to you. Now and forever, and from circle to circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be!”
After the Anthem, requests and desires are whispered on the candle. The candle burns to the end and is not extinguished.

The ancestors never healed anyone, but restored, but not through themselves, but took energy from the Cosmos. You can not treat the effect, you need to help to understand the cause.

Runny nose

Warm up the hands by rubbing against each other and put the middle finger of the right hand on the forehead, and put the remaining 4 fingers in pairs on the wings of the nose for 3-5 minutes. Thus, there is pressure on the active points and the sinuses warm up.


If a failure occurs in the region of the heart - an energy plug, then the thumbs should be rubbed in pairs with the index fingers of both hands.

asthma attack

In case of an asthmatic attack, rub your hands until warm and apply them to the lungs of the patient. The temperature of the palms reaches up to 50 degrees during friction and warms the lungs.


A glass of warm milk, 1 tsp honey, 1 tbsp. oils


With a toothache of the upper jaw - press and release with the middle finger the area between the eye and ear, with a toothache of the lower jaw - press and release on the lower jaw.
You can also tie garlic on your wrist, where the pulse is for a certain time.

For pain in the groin

You need to press under the rib.


To turn off the nerve endings during a burn, you need to put pressure on the earlobe.


Knead the palms of the same hand with the index fingers.


Press on the point between the nose and upper lip.

Pain in the spine

With three pads of the central fingers of the right hand, press-beat on the wrist of the left hand, beating the triple pulse up-middle position-down.


Hernia removal ritual.

Perform a ritual before bedtime. Sit opposite the child, if the adult is left-handed, then under the left hand, if right-handed, then under the right hand.
Belt and inguinal hernia. Warm up your hands with each other. Hand stroking clockwise, saying:
"Hernia! Gryz (a diminutive pet name for a child, for example, "Olyushka") you - one, I - two, you - two, I - three, you - three, I - four, you are four, I - five, you - five, I - six, you are six, I am seven, you are seven, and I am you completely!
We read three times on the full moon (5 days of the full moon). If the treating person is right-handed, then movements from left to right in the form of a figure eight.

Disk offset

Often, with incorrect posture and tension, a disc in front of the heart chakra flies out in a person. The nerve is clamped and the load on the heart muscle begins. A person's heart begins to hurt, but drugs can only aggravate the situation, but it is enough to set the disc and the heart will let go. The energy will go back to normal and the pressure will stabilize (upper and lower).
If a person has interruptions in the work of internal organs, first of all, you need to look at the spine.
If the child sits leaning forward, then his disc is displaced, in which case he needs to be corrected!


An injury to the lumbar vertebrae leads to disruption of the energy flow between the lower and upper parts, and paralysis of the lower part occurs. It's cured!!! The spine is stretched (often in a bath) and the vertebrae are set, energy exchange is restored. For stabilization, a birch or oak corset is worn during the day.

You need to sleep on a hard bed. During sleep, in a person who has had a temperature since the evening, the Soul completely flies away, allowing the body to recover. The body falls into a state of suspended animation and therefore in the morning the temperature can be 33-34 degrees. If at the same time there is a silver amulet on the Man, then silver ions penetrate the body and destroy microbes and bacteria in the blood. If the amulet turned black, then the silver ions went for treatment. The amulet receives energy from the Cosmos and regenerates itself.

Natural gymnastics after waking up from sleep

A person should do natural gymnastics:
Stretches after waking up
head rotation
Shoulder rotation
Go out with bare feet into the street and walk on the ground, we drop the load of negative energies and get a charge of the energy of Mother Earth
We met the Sun - we received Solar energy (it is very useful to look at the rising Sun, it is better not to look at it during the day). When meeting the Sun, we raise our hands up towards him.
Rinse with cool water.
For breakfast - hot tea, hot milk or hot fruit drink with honey to wash the intestines.
Then comes harmony from the receipt of internal thermal energy to the already received thermal energy of the skin.

Ways to protect against dark forces

A catchphrase that has been used on many occasions:
"Good Spirit to the Earth, Evil - under the Earth!"
at the same time, show a goat gesture with both hands (the little finger and index finger stick out, the rest are bent.
The highest defense against dark forces is a gesture in which the little finger, middle and index fingers look up, and the ring finger is connected to the thumb.

Evil Eye Protection

Evil eye - short-term (up to 3 min.) Transfer of negative information. There is an evil eye in front and an evil eye in the back (in the back).
Any person can jinx it, even in their own family. A child under 12 cannot be jinxed. If they say that they have jinxed the child, then this means that they have jinxed the parent (his sins).

In this case, it is necessary to hang a red cloth on the window where the child sleeps. Go to the iron door handle (closed circuit), take a ladle of water and pour it through the handle into a jar. Pour this water over the child from head to toe and wipe it with the hem of the mother or the shirt of the father.
If a person was jinxed, a chakra was pierced, then the negative was removed from him by twisting. In case of a burn, the hands are twisted around (passes) and into the fire (candle).

Black seeds.

Inside is white, outside is black. Information is passed through, not released outside. In no case should you buy black seeds, especially from grannies, which they can subconsciously talk about, thinking about their hard life and the bad. You can eat striped and pumpkin seeds.


Transmission of negative information through the object carrier. Chocolate candies can be spoken and given to the child. They need to be thrown out. They try to influence negative information primarily on adults. Comb, handkerchief, etc. don't give it to anyone. You can give away a new one. Don't buy used items.


They talk about food and water. Our Ancestors did only good slander.

Any slander must come from the heart with pure thoughts, and it is necessary to invest the Soul in any deed.

Hex for water (spring, not boiled). Whisper in one breath:
"Pain-Khvoroba from someone else's box,
Where did you come from, where would you go,
Who sent you missed you
I conjure you, I send you back,
For blue rivers, for high mountains,
To where you will not be found by reservations,
Return to the sender, who did not know grief,
Stay with him and don't come back!"
The water conspired in this way is drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Protective belt.
The Belt of Living Help among the Slavs is white, among Christians it is black. The Slavs write in black ink this slander or anthem to Semarglu on a white linen ribbon. On the body, this ribbon is 1-1.5 inches wide with the text towards you, sewn up with white threads on yourself on the full moon and worn from the full moon to the full moon. The moon highlights this text and projects it onto the body. Then the tape is torn on itself. With this protective belt, everything is treated ...
For pain in the heart, the slander is applied to a pin, which is stabbed horizontally on clothes in the region of the heart with the point up.
For women's and men's diseases, the pin is stabbed with a point down in the groin area on shorts.

Hex on Fire (candle).
“Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in pain, cleanse the womb of a human child, of every creature, of old and young, You are God's Delight. Cleansing with fire, opening the power of Souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to you. Now and forever, and from circle to circle. Taco be, taco be, taco be!”

After the Anthem, requests and desires are whispered on the candle. The candle burns to the end and is not extinguished.

State of the art modern medicine quite high. We have a huge selection of all kinds of drugs and medicines, unique diagnostic techniques, high-tech equipment. However, medicine has reached such a development literally in the last half century. Even 60 years ago, the methods of treatment used were very ambiguous. Often, it was not the disease that could kill the patient, but its treatment.

For example, one of the methods of curing stuttering was the removal of part of the tongue.

Doctors of the 18th and 19th centuries assumed that stuttering in patients was due to problems in the vocal cords. A hemiglossectomy procedure was recommended to repair the defect. talking in simple words, removing part of the tongue of a triangular shape. Doctors assured that this operation would increase the clarity of pronunciation. The procedure was incredibly dangerous and painful. There was no anesthesia and the patient was at risk of dying from pain shock or blood loss. At the same time, there was no reduction in stuttering at all.

The treatment for migraine is craniotomy.

As historians suggest, drilling a hole in the skull is one of the first surgical operation conducted by man. During the time of pagan beliefs, people assumed that all diseases were caused by evil spirits. Having made a hole in the skull, the shamans exorcised the spirits from the patient's body. Back in Neolithic times, migraines, epilepsy, and mental disorders were treated in this way. Modern neurosurgeons also perform craniotomy, but only to provide access to the brain for further manipulations.

Cough in children: we prescribe syrup with heroin

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were no health institutions that would be responsible for testing new drugs and would issue authorization for their use. So anyone could sell medical preparations containing anything. One of the most shocking drugs of the time was a children's cough syrup containing heroin. It was a product of the Bayer company, which made a lot of money selling aspirin and heroin for coughs, colds, and pain. However, it soon became known about cases of addiction to cough syrup - both in children and adults. In the United States, heroin was banned from prescription in 1914, and a total ban was imposed on it in 1924.

Treatment of all diseases: we bleed

In ancient times, healers believed that blood and other body fluids must be in balance to maintain health. One of the favorite ways to achieve this balance was the procedure of bloodletting, and it was prescribed for almost any reason until the end of the 18th century. And the first mention of bloodletting dates back to the 5th century BC. e. and found in the writings of Hippocrates, who advised the patient to bleed to "purify" the body.

He said that it works in the same way as women's menstruation - "everything unnecessary and bad comes out of a woman." This means that other diseases can be treated in a similar way. Today, bloodletting is considered pseudoscience and its ineffectiveness has long been proven.

In those days, when doctors did not yet understand human anatomy and physiology, they acted as priests or magicians-healers. Then people believed that the cause of diseases was the demons that settled in the body or the wrath of the gods sent from heaven. Well, the treatment was appropriate.

For example, in ancient Babylon, a human skull was considered a tried and tested remedy for grinding teeth at night. He had to be put in bed and slept like that for a whole week. This is because the gnashing of teeth is caused by the ghosts of dead relatives trying to make contact with the sleeping person. By the way, it was necessary not only to sleep next to the skull, but also to hug and kiss it in order to remove the curse.

Treatment of many diseases: we prescribe powder from mummies for oral administration

Physicians of the ancient and not so ancient past used the treatment of cannibalism. The ancient Romans believed that the gladiator's blood cured convulsive seizures, and in the 17th century, King Charles of England drank the medicinal drink "Royal Drops", made from a crushed human skull and alcohol, and designed to restore the health and vitality of the monarch.

In the 16th century, another strange medical fashion came to Europe: powder from Egyptian mummies began to be sold as a medicine. However, few people knew that in fact they were not mummies, but recently killed slaves. A couple of centuries ago, people believed that mummy powder was an excellent hemostatic agent.

It sounds disgusting, but it's absolutely true: the ancient Romans rinsed their mouths with urine to keep their teeth shiny and white. And we are not talking about fresh urine, but about old, aged urine - it contains a lot of ammonia, which is a bleaching agent. Well, fresh urine was used as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds, burns and scorpion stings.

Today, everyone knows that cigarettes and other tobacco products are very harmful, but people used to believe that inhaling vapors and smoke could clear the chest and cure coughs, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. There were cigarettes "specially for asthmatics" and they were recommended by doctors. The first warning labels about the dangers of smoking appeared on cigarette packs in 1966 in the United States, and before that, even children could buy and smoke cigarettes quite calmly.

Today, women can decide for themselves whether they want to have a child or not. In this case, there are many different methods of contraception. They used to be, too, but very special. For example, in ancient egypt Dried crocodile droppings were considered the most popular contraceptive. The drug was very expensive and was considered an effective barrier method of contraception. In fact, it often leads to infection.

Syphilis: prescribing a medicine based on mercury

If you accidentally swallow mercury today, call an ambulance immediately. And just 100 years ago, people swallowed mercury of their own free will and as prescribed by a doctor. For some reason, mercury fascinated healers for a long time and they considered it extremely healing. Mercury ointments and ointments, mercury-based creams for wound healing and treatment skin diseases, mercury as a remedy for syphilis and typhoid fever ... When patients began treatment, they developed symptoms of mercury poisoning, but all these symptoms were usually attributed to worsening of the disease.

Schizophrenia: do an overdose of insulin and shock

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder. The schizophrenic has difficulty understanding what is real and what is not, experiencing auditory hallucinations, bouts of paranoia and fantastic delusions. Antipsychotic drugs that can help with this disorder did not appear until the 60s of the 20th century, and before that there were various methods of "treatment" - today they can only be called barbaric. One such method was insulin shock therapy.

It was first used in 1927 and was widely used until the 50s. The treatment consisted in the fact that the patient was regularly injected with large doses of insulin, from which he fell into a coma. While the patient was in a coma, he was subjected to electroshock therapy. Unhappy people.

Mental disorders: doing a lobotomy

A lobotomy is a procedure in which a doctor inserts a sharp instrument, similar to an ice pick, through a patient's eye socket and separates the frontal, parietal, temporal, or occipital lobe of the brain from other areas. This "operation" was very popular in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century and was used to treat the mentally ill. Most often, after a lobotomy, patients became obedient, lethargic, turned into a "vegetable".

Hemorrhoids: we treat with a hot metal rod

Hemorrhoids are a painful disease that brings great discomfort, but today they know how to treat it - even extremely neglected cases. In ancient times, the patient with this disease knew that the treatment he would have was more severe than the disease itself. Treated him by inserting into anus patient with a thin hot metal rod. Real execution.

"Hysteria": we prescribe a long bed rest

In the 19th century, overly emancipated women who read too much and wanted to win the right to participate in elections were recorded as "hysterics." Psychiatric hospitals were crowded with these unfortunate women who were treated with "rest". The treatment consisted in the fact that the woman was forbidden to get up for at least two months. She had to lie in bed in one position. It was forbidden to read, draw or speak. At the same time, they were fed for slaughter - because, according to the doctors of that time, a well-fed woman has better mental health.

Diagnosis of the patient: we taste his urine

Today's doctors have many diagnostic tools at their disposal. And the doctors of the past had to rely on their instincts, literally. They worked with what they could see, hear, feel, smell and, yes, taste. And doctors quickly realized that the urine of a diabetic patient attracted ants and smelled of something sweet. So they began to taste urine to see if a person was suffering from high sugar levels. The best diagnostic method.

Be interesting with

All secrets of the subconscious. Encyclopedia of practical esoteric Naumenko Georgy

Traditional ancient methods of healing and treatment

The traditional folk healing practice of healing and treatment exists in rural areas and at present, it exists according to its own special rules and procedures, the customs of antiquity. This is natural, because residents of many villages and villages, small farms remote from rural centers and cities where there are hospitals, do not have the opportunity to constantly receive professional medical care. Their only salvation in case of a sudden illness is their own healing experience and turning to healers. Another reason why this tradition is preserved is the belief that some diseases are not known to doctors: the evil eye, damage, hair, black mug, bristles, etc. Often, rural residents are equally treated by doctors and healers: first they go to the doctor and, if the medicine does not help, they go to the healer. Traditional healing practice is usually transmitted orally and exists in parallel, next to the generally accepted world of medical medicine.

Healing is not a craft. This is a gift. He seems to descend to the person from above. Only those who 100% believe that they have the miraculous power of healing become them, and there is not a drop of doubt about it. Such a power of faith in one's extraordinary healing abilities rarely arises in the mind of an ordinary person, but more in a person who has experienced traumas, illnesses, strong experiences; or received, as it seems to him, some (from higher powers) mental suggestion; and besides having a disposition and desire for this craft. Such a person concentrates his thoughts on one goal, his consciousness leads to the challenge of a real desire - the unity of the conscious and subconscious will, which form the basis of the forces that have appeared. An attitude is important - the desire to help, to do good.

As stated in the scientific literature: “In folk life, there were dozens of sorceresses and hundreds of just grandmothers“ with the nobility ”for people, for a few sorcerers, warlocks, experts in black magic in the villages, bringing people healing, goodness, sometimes just hope of getting rid of misfortune, illness, trouble providing first aid.

The healer has his assistants - this is a special ritual of his magical rites and actions: patient preparation, symbolic actions, prayers, spells, conspiracies, suggestion, ointments and herbs, water, wax, fire - all that can increase reverent awe before what is happening and faith in success.

The healer has preserved the ancient formulas of pagan spells, sacred words of conspiracies that have come down to us from time immemorial. Conspiracy words were introduced into folk medicine books, herbalists, the manuscripts of which were carefully stored and passed down from generation to generation only to the elite. There are conspiracies for all occasions; and the sorcerer has a professional knack for figuring out how to apply them to diseases. They are owned only by real healers and healers, guessing women, healers, witches, whisperers and fortune tellers. Special respect for the "experts" - clairvoyants who are able to see in the water, like a mirror, the disease that struck a person, or the one who spoiled a person, that is, caught up with damage.

Healers are capable of everything, they know everything, they are omnipotent and they contain all the ways to maintain health and all the benefits for different occasions: from troubles, evils, misfortunes. And although their work is often attributed to supernatural power, healers are ordinary people who have only special knowledge and disposition for healing activities. As soon as something happens, they run to the healer or fortune teller, and one or the other will turn or do tricks. No wonder in ancient times the healer was called a magician. Grandmother will settle everything, whisper, teach. Indeed, in everyday peasant life, unexpected situations, illnesses and injuries often occurred, requiring immediate appeal to these grandmothers-doctors. It is also often necessary to rely on the experience of the elders in the family, who have learned something in their lifetime.

Bruise and cut toothache and lumbar pain “from pressure”, sticky warts or barley on the eye, painful burns and much more - each of these “everyday” diseases, ailments, physical defects has long had its own remedy. These means comprise herbs and potions, the actions and manipulations of water and wax, and, almost necessarily, “words,” i.e., incantations. Conspiracies are also resorted to in more severe cases, for example, in cases of fever, snake bites or a rabid dog.

There are “personified” diseases or conditions, carriers of evil: the twelve fever sisters, scrofula, night bat and midnight owl, cry-babies, melancholy, dryness. There are also obvious diseases, designated objectively - boil, barley, keel, hair.

Diseases, in the popular concept, are divided into grief, black pain, epilepsy, sickness, sickness, prisor, evil eye, lesson, flash, itching, hiccups, hiccups. It is believed that many diseases come from spoilage unkind people. Corruption - causing harm from malicious intent or malice.

Grief is heart disease. Black pain - cholera or syphilis. Sickness - naturally occurring diseases. The evil eye (or lesson, prizor, mowing) - comes from the unfriendly, envious look of a stranger. Lesson (or wall) means dryness, emaciation. Ozeva - also comes from a thin, unkind eye, as well as from words spoken by someone in their hearts about another, with annoyance, with malicious envy. A slander - it is also let out from any words of an envious stranger, although spoken from a good heart and even affectionate, but not at a good hour. A flash is an instant fright.

Indisputable were and remain such healing means as massage, reduction of dislocations, a bath, such an invaluable skill among the people to “rule” and “get along” with children and adults. Invaluable rich arsenal traditional medicine in the area of medicinal herbs. Constant contact with nature, attitude towards it, both reverent and economic, contributed to the knowledge of many plants. Their detailed love descriptions are found in the old Herbalists. Healers who treated the sick with herbs and roots were nicknamed "herbalists". “We go for medicines,” say elderly rural women. Plantain and yarrow, mint and chamomile, coltsfoot and St. John's wort are kept in every home where they know a lot about herbs. And, finally, there is no doubt the power of suggestion, the psychological impact of the healer on the patient, which is directly related to the "words" themselves, that is, conspiracies, or rather, to their pronunciation.

There is numerous evidence that healers successfully cured mental illness. Conspiracies have always been successfully used for bleeding, various kinds of pain, snake bites, with the use of bandages, rubbing herbal ointments and similar means. Hysteria, epilepsy, insanity, impotence, children's, women's and various kinds of protracted ailments - all these diseases, the cause of which, according to the concepts of the villager, is spoilage, a joke, the evil eye, and which quickly and soon, as the patient needs, are not able to to cure doctors were the concerns of healers.

There is a kind of specialization of healers. Among such specialists there are special "experts" in internal diseases, who give the sick different herbs for drinking - dry St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, currant and birch buds, etc.; substances such as tar, turpentine, vitriol, "bel" (mercuric chloride), or fumigating patients with cinnabar and herbs. These same "experts" often stop bleeding by filling wounds with soot, ash, tobacco, crushed sugar, a devil's finger, or treat abscesses by applying patches of red wax and sulfur, flour with honey, cottage cheese with dough, etc. .

There is a sorcerer's diagnosis and therapy. Healers' means and techniques are in strict and sometimes striking dependence on the views on diseases that the people have about them: the therapy of healers is built on the folk theory of diseases and there is only a consequence and conclusion from it.

Just as the first task for a doctor is to determine the patient’s illness, so sometimes a healer, when referring to him, begins by doing an examination and putting his healer’s diagnosis: illness from fright, from a bad wind, from an eye or damage. To determine the nature of the disease, the healer often guesses, looks into the water, into the mirror, drowns the wax, lays out cards, etc. With such a diagnosis, he sometimes gets great importance yawning: if, when pronouncing a conspiracy, the healer yawns heavily, it means that the patient has “big lessons”. Finding out who jinxed it is relatively easy. It is much more difficult for a healer to understand and determine the type of disease. And to treat many of these diseases is more difficult, and their treatment is different. Rural doctors say: “When the evil eye is good, but if from a bad hour - damage. Then the treatment is much more difficult. The evil eye only needs to be reprimanded for three dawns, and from a bad hour and from damage, as many as twelve dawns.

Scientists define a conspiracy as a verbal magic formula, necessary and sufficient to influence the world around, its phenomena and objects in order to cause the desired result. They believe that the most ancient conspiracies were short formulas explaining magical actions - "charms". Conspiracies were passed down from generation to generation both orally and in writing - they were copied from sheet to sheet, from notebook to notebook. In oral existence, the storage and transmission of incantations were an integral part of the tradition. They were usually transmitted only from the elder to the younger, more often by relatives. "White" conspiracies and amulets - always voluntarily, at the request and willingly. The carriers of "black magic" - sorcerers had to "get rid" of their knowledge before their death and often passed them on by force or deceit.

Spells, or slander, conspiracies and approaches, are to the authorities, for love (girls, for the separation of a married woman, for the love of everyone), for healing from wounds, ailments and diseases (from a lesson, an evil eye, from vereds and boils, from impurity, from outflow of blood, mowing, prize, from a burn, from a hernia, from drunkenness, from bruises, to parables, from arrows, from a night owl, from a toothache), to receive respect, happiness, self-interest.

I know about the practice of folk healing, the healing art of healers and the magic of sorcerers firsthand, not from literature, but from my long experience of contact with this phenomenon, as an ethnographer and collector of folklore. For more than thirty years of work, I have visited many protected corners of Russia that still retain their ancient way of life, hundreds of ethnographic expeditions. I observed with my own eyes the work of healers, how healing rites take place, conspiracies and spells are performed, medicinal potions and herbs are prepared. Part of the collected materials was included in the book "Ethnography of childhood". Most of the material on this topic has not yet been published. And acquaintance with folk healing began with this.

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