What icons help. Charm icons protecting children from evil unkind people

In the old days, in every living room there was always an iconostasis with the faces of saints. The images helped to protect the house from various disasters, they were prayed to in difficult times and thanked for the sent well-being and health of family members. But over time, people lose the knowledge of what icons should be in the house, what helps this or that face of the saint and where to place the home iconostasis.

Icons: what are they for?

Every Orthodox Christian acquires not for beauty or fashion trends, but in order to pray in silence to the saints for the most secret. An icon is a chain that connects a person's soul with the Lord God. By saying prayer speeches, we communicate with the Almighty, ask for intercession and thank you for the mercy shown.

The image of a saint is not only a relic that is inherited. This is the holy of holies, which brings together all those living under one roof in a single prayer.

Each image, no matter what material it is made of, carries a special mysterious meaning. But in order for the icon to become a real patron of your family hearth, you should know where to put the icon, in what order to arrange them.

Home iconostasis (photo)

In addition to the fact that you just need to have these icons at home, you need to know the rules for their placement.

Previously, it was customary in houses to place icons on special wooden shelves, but now the church allows you to hang the faces of saints directly on the wall. The main thing is the location of the icons.

Images can be hung in any room. Hang the icon right above the entrance to the room. And you will feel how an unknown force protects your home.

Only 1 or 2 icons should be hung in the kitchen. After all, every Orthodox before sitting at the table and after eating, says a prayer of thanksgiving. Choose Christ the Savior, the Holy Trinity or the Mother of God.

If you want cooked food to always be tasty, healthy, and blessed by the saints, get the face of Euphrosynus of Palestine. He alone for good deeds was given the reward to see paradise and return to earthly life. He took heavenly apples as a gift, distributed them to the monks, who gave them only to those who were dying.

Any Small child should be taught from birth to turn to the saints for help and thank them for their support. In addition, the icons will protect your baby from any accidents and illnesses.

To do this, at the head of the bed they put the faces of saints who are the protectors of children, as well as nominal icons. It is also worth thinking about acquiring a measured icon. This is an image that matches the length of your baby at birth.

You can also hang icons of the Savior, the Virgin and the Guardian Angel. In the nursery, it is customary to pray that your child does not get sick and grows up as a worthy person.

Many are inclined to believe that icons are useless in the bedroom. You can hang images on the walls only if the spouses live in a married marriage. Then the faces of Saints Peter and Fevronia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon and personalized icons will protect your union.

If a person is lonely, then you can place the icons of the Virgin or the Savior.

It is here that you can install a home iconostasis, which is assembled according to all the rules. If your room is a walk-through, you have people who are unbelievers, you can move the icons to the room in which you are the most.

When something does not work out in business, the melancholy overcame and lazy languor attacked, you need to turn with prayers to the saints of the profession to which you belong.

With sincere prayer, the holy intercessors will always put in a word for you before the Lord.

Now you know what icons should be in the house. But the main thing is not just to have them in your room, but sincerely, sincerely and reverently indulge in prayer speeches.

Nowadays, when many people are coming to the faith again, you can in any church shop. But for a person who is not too familiar with the basics of faith, the question may arise why icons are needed, and which icon helps in what. In general, to say that the icon helps is not entirely true, since it is not the icon itself that helps, but those who are depicted on it - the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, Angels and Saints. An icon is a kind of “window” into the spiritual world, invisible to simple eyes. And turning to the image imprinted on the icon, we thereby turn to the Prototype, which was once revealed to the icon painter in the form of the deepest spiritual insight, we partake of Divine grace, the conductor of which is the icon.
It has long been known that holy icons help those who turn to them with prayer. In Russia, it has long been customary to ask for help from the Holy Faces, requests have been and are addressed most often to the icons of the Mother of God and the Saints. Icons are prayed for healing from illnesses, for the health and well-being of loved ones, for help in business, and they also express gratitude for their help. It has long been customary that different images are addressed with different requests, this is especially noticeable by how many icons of the Mother of God and prayers to them exist. Icons of the Mother of God help those who pray for children, for their well-being and health. Next, it will be considered in more detail which icons of the Mother of God help in what.
One of the most revered icons in Russia is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which has been protecting Russia for several centuries. The Kazan icon helps those who ask for family well-being, for the blessing of marriage and children, and also protects from fires and various troubles and misfortunes.
Another revered miraculous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, which has accompanied the history of Rus' since ancient times, helps mothers and children, they pray to her for deliverance from infertility and the healing of female diseases. They also pray to this icon for the pacification of unrest, for protection from enemies and natural disasters.
The Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God is considered the patroness of children. She protects young children from illnesses, and older children from harmful influences from outside, helps them to protect themselves from bad companies and dangers.
The Icon of the Mother of God of Iberia is another ancient revered icon, which is considered the guardian of the hearth and the patroness of women. The Mother of God of Iverskaya helps in the healing of diseases and consolation in sorrows.
The miraculous icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice helps people recover from alcoholism and drug addiction, and also symbolizes an inexhaustible source of grace and heavenly help that is given to those who ask.
The Seven-shooter icon protects from other people's evil thoughts, helps to protect oneself from enmity and brings peace. The Softening of Evil Hearts icon, very similar to this image, helps to stop hostility both between individuals and between countries and peoples, helps to understand what compassion and mercy are.
The icon of the Unfading Color helps, as its name implies, to preserve chastity and purity for girls before marriage, and also, after folk beliefs, prayer in front of this icon helps women keep their beauty and youth longer.
The Icon of the Three Joys helps in family life, they pray to her for the return of the stolen and unfairly taken away, as well as for protection from enemies and for help to those who are imprisoned.
In Russia, the icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are very widely revered; almost every Orthodox Christian has such an icon in the house. The icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker helps from need and poverty, keeps wealth in the house, patronizes children and women, and also keeps travelers, so a person who is going on a trip, especially by water, should take it with him.
The icon of Panteleimon the Healer helps both the sick, who pray before this image for healing, and doctors, since the Great Martyr Panteleimon patronizes people associated with medicine.
Speaking of helping icons, we need to remember one more image - the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. This icon helps in healing diseases, primarily diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Also, the icon of Seraphim of Sarov is prayed for consolation in sorrows.
The icon Sergius of Radonezh patronizes students, they pray to St. Sergius for help in their studies, for overcoming problems with attention and assimilation of educational material, as well as for help during courts and lawsuits. Sergius of Radonezh helps those who stand for truth and defend justice.
The icon of the Matrona of Moscow helps in almost all everyday problems. They pray to Matronushka for health, for the well-being of loved ones, they ask for help in finding a “soul mate”.

13 602 look.

Icons have an ancient and very rich history in Russia. For centuries, they have protected the Orthodox from all kinds of misfortunes, cataclysms and wars, helped to keep their presence of mind and made them rise again and again from their knees ...

Ancient Russian icons stopped enemy armies and cheered up their own, healed ailments and sent pestilence on the enemy, saved them from fires and directed the formidable forces of nature at the villains.

What icons of Russia are the most famous and valuable? Let's name 30 Russian Orthodox icons, which can definitely be identified as the most famous.

1. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

According to legend, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the evangelist Luke himself. It was brought to Russia at the beginning of the 12th century as a gift to Prince Mstislav.

The icon was recognized as miraculous after it three times withdrew the invaders from Moscow.

Now the icon is in the church-museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the Tretyakov Gallery.

2. Icon "Trinity"

The famous icon "Trinity" was painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century for the iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral. Over the 600 years of its existence, the icon has been renovated five times, but after the restoration in 1919, the author's layer was rediscovered.

Now the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

3. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The Kazan icon of the Mother of God was found on the ashes in 1579 after the Mother of God appeared three times in a dream to the girl Matrona. Today, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most popular in Russia. It is believed that it was her patronage that helped Pozharsky's militia to expel the Poles from Moscow.

Of the three miraculous lists, only the St. Petersburg one has survived to our time, now it is stored in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

4. Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

It is generally accepted that the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was found in Tikhvin in 1383. The icon is revered as miraculous. According to legend, it was her intercession in 1613 that helped save the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery from the invasion of the Swedes.

Now the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God is in the Tikhvin Assumption Monastery.

5. Smolensk icon Holy Mother of God

The Smolensk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was brought to Russia in the 11th century. Many miracles were attributed to her, including the salvation of Smolensk from the invasion of Batu Khan in 1239.

There are many copies of the Smolensk icon, but the prototype was lost during the occupation of Smolensk by German troops in 1941.

6. Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

The Iberian icon in the 9th century was kept in the house of a pious widow, who saved it from destruction by lowering it into the sea. Two centuries later, the icon appeared to the monks of the Iberian Monastery on Mount Athos.

In the 17th century, a copy of the miraculous icon was brought to Russia. Today you can bow to the image in the Novodevichy Convent.

7. Don Icon of the Mother of God

The Don Icon of the Mother of God is two-sided, on the back is depicted the Assumption of the Mother of God. The authorship of the icon is attributed to Theophanes the Greek. According to legend, the Cossacks presented this miraculous icon as a gift to Dmitry Donskoy before the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380.

To date, the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery and leaves it every year on August 19. On this day, the image is transported to the Donskoy Monastery for the celebration of the festive service.

8. Icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos dates back to the 12th century. In 1170, when Andrei Bogolyubsky laid siege to Veliky Novgorod, during the procession along the walls, the icon was pierced by a random arrow. The icon wept, and the troops of Bogolyubsky fled in horror.

Until now, the image is kept in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod.

9. Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God

The icon was found in the forest near Kursk on the day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in 1295. In place of the acquired image, a spring immediately began to spring.

According to legend, after the Tatar-Mongol raid, the icon was cut in half, but as soon as its parts were combined, it miraculously “grown together”.

In 1920, the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God was taken out of Russia by the Wrangel army. Since 1957, it has been kept in the Cathedral of the Sign of the Synod of Bishops in New York.

10. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

The exact date of the writing of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God is unknown, but the first mention dates back to the 12th century. The icon is considered miraculous, it was saved from the fire several times, and in 1613 nun Martha blessed her son Mikhail Romanov with this icon when he was elected to the kingdom.

You can bow to the miraculous icon in Bogoyavlensko-Anastasin convent in Kostroma.

11. Pskov-Pechersk icon "Tenderness"

The icon "Tenderness" is a list of 1521 with Vladimir icon Mother of God. According to legend, the Pskov-Caves icon protected Pskov from the siege of the Polish King Stephen in 1581.

Now the icon is in the Assumption Cathedral of the Pskov-Caves Monastery.

12. St. Nicholas (Ugresh icon)

The Ugresh icon appeared to Dmitry Donskoy on his way to Kulikovo Field in 1380. Later, a monastery was founded at that place, in which the image was kept until the closing of the monastery in 1925.

Now the miraculous icon is in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

13. Icon "Savior of Eleazar"

The manifest image of the Savior of Eleazar was acquired in November 1352. The icon was recognized as miraculous, and the tree on which the icon was found was walled up in the vault of the temple built at the place where the icon was found.

Since August 2010, the icon of the Savior of Eleazarovsky has been kept in the Savior-Eleazarovsky Monastery near Pskov.

14. Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikola Mozhaisky)

The icon was painted in the first half of the 17th century from the famous carved sculpture depicting Nicholas the Wonderworker with a sword in his hands. In 1993-1995, the icon was restored, revealing the lower layers of paint.

Now the image is in the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Mozhaisk.

15. Icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows

The revealed image of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows was found in the bell tower in Vologda. For many years, parishioners walked on it, mistaking it for a floorboard. The image was recognized as miraculous during the cholera epidemic in 1830.

To date, the revealed image has been lost, but one of the famous lists, the myrrh-streaming icon of the "Seven Arrows", is located in the Church of the Archangel Michael in Moscow.

16. Icon of the Holy Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow was canonized only in 1999, but her icon, painted in the 21st century, has already been recognized as miraculous. The list contains a particle of the cover and relics of the saint.

You can bow to the shrine in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow.

17. Icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Blessed Xenia of Petersburg was canonized in 1988, but they began to venerate the blessed one during her lifetime.

The most famous image is located in the Smolensk Church in St. Petersburg, where everyone can bow to him.

18. Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord was painted in 1403. For a long time, Theophanes the Greek was considered its author, but recent studies have shown that an unknown icon painter of the same period painted the icon. The creation of the image is associated with the restoration and re-consecration of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

From the 20th century famous icon stored in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

19. Icon of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky

One of the miraculous images of Spyridon Trimifuntsky is located in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek. Inside the icon is an ark with the relics of the saint.

20. Icon of St. Basil the Blessed in prayer to Christ

The icon was painted at the end of the 16th century for the Cathedral of the Intercession-on-the-Ditch, which is better known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

The icon is still kept in its original place and is one of the oldest images of the temple.

21. Savior Not Made by Hands Simon Ushakov

The Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands was painted by Simon Ushakov in 1658. The icon painter was criticized for the uncharacteristic depiction of the face of Christ, but later this particular image became the most popular in Russia.

Now the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

22. Icon of the Savior in the Force by Andrey Rublev

The icon of the Savior in Strength was painted by Andrei Rublev and his apprentices for the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir in 1408.

The icon can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

23. Icon of Seraphim of Sarov

One of the most revered icons of Seraphim of Sarov is kept in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow. The image is an exact list from the cell icon of Shegeumena Tamar and contains a rosary, part of the saint's mantle and part of the stone on which he prayed for a thousand days.

24. Icon of Dionysius the Mother of God Hodegetria (Guidebook)

The icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria was painted by Dionysius in 1482. For a long time the image was kept in the Ascension Monastery in the Moscow Kremlin, but now it is in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

25. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The Pochaev icon was first mentioned in chronicles in 1559, when the noblewoman Anna Goiskaya presented the icon to the monks of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra. The icon was recognized as miraculous when its patronage saved the Lavra from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

The image is still kept in the Assumption Pochaev Lavra in Ukraine.

26. Intercession of St. Sergius of Radonezh

The most famous and earliest image of Sergius of Radonezh is not an icon, but a cover. It was embroidered in the 1420s and is now in the sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

27. Icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul

The icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul was painted in Novgorod in the 11th century and, with a high probability, is the oldest of Russian easel paintings. Three times in its history the icon left Novgorod, but always came back.

Now the image is in the Novgorod Museum-Reserve in Veliky Novgorod.

28. Icon. Spas Golden Robe

The image of the Savior Golden Robe was painted in the 11th century specifically for Rus'. The icon got its name because of the now lost continuous gilded salary.

The icon can be venerated in the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.

29. Icon. Ustyug Annunciation

The Ustyug Annunciation is one of the few surviving icons of the pre-Mongolian period. It was written at the beginning of the 12th century in Veliky Novgorod, and transported to Moscow in the middle of the 16th century.

For the last 85 years, the icon has been kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

30. Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God

The Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God is one of the oldest Russian icons (1155) and is revered as miraculous.

During the restoration of 1946, the icon was badly damaged, but subsequent work was able to partially save the image. In 2009, the image suffered again when it was struck by a fungus that appeared on the icon due to improper storage. To date, the icon is preserved in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum in a special room. Scientists fear that a new restoration could completely destroy the image.

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Hello dear readers. Arriving at the temple, it is important to know the icons and their meaning in order to immediately approach the image you need.

How to pray in front of an icon

Many people think that it doesn’t matter which icon to pray before, because prayer comes from a pure heart. But we offer prayer not to the icon itself, but to the one whose image is depicted on it, because all saints have their strengths.

  1. Stand in front of the shrine, cross yourself to attract God's blessing.
  2. After you have asked for help, that is, you have prayed, kiss the image. By doing so, you express your respect to the Lord.
  3. After the end of the prayer service, it is necessary to cross yourself three times.

Pray with bright thoughts, forgiving everyone who offended you.

Meaning of icons

This is one of the most powerful icons. The Most Holy Theotokos had to endure many torments, which are symbolized by seven arrows. When a person feels bad, he goes exactly to this image. "Seven-shooter" will help in protecting housing, protect from troubles, envious, evil people, from curses, damage, the evil eye of the person who wears her image on his chest.

If it is necessary to reconcile the warring, to bring peace, tranquility, and harmony into the house, then one must kneel before this relic, prayerfully ask for help. They take it with them when they go on responsible business.

At home they put her opposite front door, above half of the wall so that she can "see" the eyes of the incoming person. Before installing the relic, it is necessary to read a prayer service. You may notice: a person with unkind thoughts will stop crossing the threshold of your home.

The Most Holy Theotokos will become a protector from criminals, thieves and any unkind people. Living in this house can be sure that their family is well protected.

Put it on your desktop, it will protect you from quarrels with superiors and work colleagues. If the soul of a person is embittered, then he can come to face, the Most Holy Theotokos will help to return to good thoughts again.


Icon of the Mother of God. The Mother of God comforts, prays for all who stumble, calls to touch the inexhaustible spring of spiritual joy. The purpose of this holy power is hard to overestimate.

The inexhaustible cup will help everyone who turns to it with faith. She proclaims that heavenly help and mercy is destined for all those who ask. It will help heal from drunkenness, drug addiction, those who are passionate about gambling.

The image of the Virgin should be installed at the head of the bed of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction and pray every day.

There are many cases of healing from drunkenness and other addictions. There is evidence that the relic helped solve housing issues, facilitate the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments and houses.

Parents who release their children into adulthood are required to ask for help by saying prayers in front of the shrine every day.

3. Icon of the Mother of God "HEALER"

It will help to heal a person not only from physical illnesses, but also mental ones. The relic can be recognized by the image of the Mother of God standing at the bedside of a sick person.


Our whole life consists of small joys that we often do not notice in pursuit of an ephemeral dream, forgetting about our loved ones, about words of gratitude. Therefore, many dreams, becoming obsessive, do not allow you to enjoy the new day, and therefore are not heard.

What to pray for at the face of Unexpected Joy

Prayer at the shrine grants:

  • Get spiritual power;
  • Get what you always dreamed of, but no longer believed to get it. It can be someone's forgiveness, repentance;
  • Grants healing of ailments, especially with hearing loss, ear diseases;
  • The Mother of God will help find and return the missing people;
  • A pregnant woman will be helped to endure and give birth to a healthy child;
  • To parents whose children have gone the wrong way, the Mother of God will give them the opportunity to reason;
  • Resolves conflicts, helps to come to a happy solution;
  • At the relic they pray for the preservation of marriage, love and harmony.


The miraculous image of the Mother of God grants healing from hand diseases. Prayers protect from fire, various diseases, sadness and grief.

6. "The Quick Listener"

The writing of the image dates back to the 10th century. If you need a fast urgent care, kneel just before the shrine. They are also asking:

  • about the healing of mental illnesses;
  • about healing from cancer, paralysis, blindness;
  • prayerfully ask for the birth of healthy children;
  • pray for the release of those who are languishing in captivity.


Saint, especially revered in Russia. A prayer service to Seraphim of Sarov helps to heal from pain in the joints, arms, legs, and spine.

Moscow patron. He is prayed to by those whose work is related to weapons, risk to life, as well as athletes and entrepreneurs who open their own business.


Protector from need and poverty. If his face is in your house, then he makes sure that there is prosperity in the family, protects from need. He is worshiped by all travelers, pilots, drivers, sailors and all who revere this saint.

In Rus', a particularly revered image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Before this holy relic, the coronation of kings and the election of high hierarchs took place.

Prayers will help to pacify people who are at war with each other, soften evil hearts, heal from bodily and spiritual weakness and those who have been possessed by a demon.

People have always resorted to the help of the icon of the Holy Mother of God. In what cases it can help:

  • She protects the house from fires.
  • She is asked for help by doctors, military, firefighters, pilots.
  • Miraculous fire helps to cleanse oneself of committed sins and mental illnesses.


Virgin Mary grants:

  • healing the sick,
  • Restocking,
  • Getting rid of the raids of enemies.


She is the personification of purity, purity, therefore, she stands up for young girls, helping them to maintain their innocence and chastity.

Prayers at the image of the Unfading Color help to marry the person whom fate itself sent. married women may ask for a prosperous family life.

The miraculous face protects and helps women to maintain purity, endurance, good disposition. If with faith you ask for support from the Virgin Mary, then she will surely fulfill your request. The Mother of God will surely help the girls to find a worthy life partner.

When a woman faces severe life trials or she experiences a spiritual shock, then she must kneel at the image of the Most Pure, then life will definitely get better.


Intercessor. She helps everyone who is in trouble or has difficulties at work, as well as in his personal life.

The guide will help you make the right decision, save you from mistakes. Blessing the young before marriage, they also turn to Our Lady of Kazan. The life of the young will be very happy if the wedding takes place on the day of the celebration of the Holy Image.

Spouses can always turn to this image for help. Saint MARY will help anyone who turns to her with any pure request. If the request is negative, then it will not be heard.

How to ask for help

If you pray at home, then you need to pray in the morning:

  1. Before prayer, wash your face, cross your hands;
  2. Leave all annoying thoughts;
  3. Light candles, kneel down, read a prayer service;
  4. Say the request in your own words, coming from a pure heart.


A rare but extremely powerful image that protects the home from evil spirits, the family from outside interference, helps spouses find happiness and love, and everyone else gets rid of despondency and depression.

Place it at the entrance, then it will protect the home from all evil spirits, and from unfriendly guests. Many people confirm that after a solitary prayer in front of this Holy Face, the problems were solved by themselves.


Named in honor of its stamina, undamaged, no matter what disasters, elements and wars the image of the Mother of God, located in the Kiev monastery, has experienced.

A miracle beyond the control of human reason makes this icon a protector in all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. The icon will avert troubles, fires, will not let dashing people into the house, and will help strengthen family happiness.

Pray at the icon when leaving the house, as well as in solitude. The best place in the house for your Protector is the wall opposite or above the front door.

18. Grieving

The icon of the Mother of God helps people:

  • Gives the necessary benefits to those who need them;
  • Brings comfort in sorrow, helps in difficult life situations;
  • Heals physical and mental illnesses;
  • Protects merchants on long journeys.

Pray to the face, and help will come to you in work, business and family life.


The miraculous icon will help if you pray without fuss and anger in your heart:

  • About the return of lost things;
  • For salvation from slander and slander;
  • On release from prison;
  • On the successful completion of litigation;
  • About assistance during a trip to a foreign country;
  • About those who serve in "hot spots".


A prayer appeal to the Holy Trinity will help to cope with any trials, to find the right path. In front of the shrine, prayers must be read in order to be cleansed of those sins that torment you, do not allow you to live in peace. It is believed that the prayer said at the icon "Holy Trinity" is a direct conversation with God.

Icons from damage from the evil eye are important effective means from an energy attack for believers. It should be understood that all Orthodox icons are distinguished by their ability to protect from negative influences. You can choose the image that is closest to you and carry it with you all the time.

Universal icons are:

    Icon of your own Guardian Angel; Icon of the Mother of God; Icon of St. Nicholas.

They are initially set to close the human energy field, therefore, they prevent the attempts of ill-wishers to direct damage. Moreover, if these icons appeared in your life after you were attacked by energy, they are able to significantly reduce the consequences of the negative impact, and eventually completely restore the protective aura.

What does the Seven-shooter icon protect from?

There are icons from the evil eye and damage that have strong protective properties. First of all, this is the icon of the Seven Arrows. The original image, which is painted on canvas and pasted on a wooden base, is very ancient. The icon depicts the Mother of God, pierced by seven arrows. First of all, they symbolize the torment experienced by the Saint. In addition, seven arrows are seven sins that cause unbearable mental pain to the Mother of God. The seven-shooter calls people to mercy.

Believers who are faced with trouble turn to this icon for help. It is believed that after prayer, the soul is cleansed and the person is freed from all negativity.

This icon helps in the following cases:

    When you need to soften the hearts of envious and ill-wishers, and, therefore, prevent the message of negativity; When you need to get protection from any enemy weapon when a person enters the warpath; When people are seriously ill and traditional medicine cannot help them; When you need to make peace with people , moreover, even if you need to establish relations with the most sworn enemies.

There is a special prayer-appeal to the Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God. It helps to protect yourself from human hatred.

While in the bath, water should be spoken with these words:

"Mother, Mother of God, Seven-shooter Mother of God, I, Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) I beg you with all my soul to take the seven holy arrows. Shoot human evil from me and direct it to where it came from. And whoever begins to harass me, so let your seven arrows stick to him. Yes, it will press so that my enemy will exhaust himself. Let my words be molded, and my deeds be strong. From now on and forever. Amen".

If you carry a small icon of the Seven-shooter with you, then you can not be afraid of the evil eye or damage even from people who can send a strong negative. In the house, this icon should be hung opposite the front door. Believers are advised to pray regularly before the Semistrelnaya. This will allow not only to protect yourself from external negativity, but to restore peace of mind, and, consequently, awaken your own protective capabilities.

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has very strong protective properties. It is available in every church and, of course, such an image can be purchased at any church shop.

There are several options for images, the most common of them:

    Belt. On this Icon, the Miracle Worker blesses with his right hand, and holds the Gospel in his left hand. The decoration of the Saint: a purple phelonion, which is a sign of bishopric power, and a white omophorion, which is a wide and long strip of fabric, symbolizing the patronage of all Orthodox believers. At the same time left hand The saint is covered with a robe, which means reverence for the Divine Word. Nicholas of Mozhaisky. On this icon, the Saint is depicted in full growth. He holds a fortress in his left hand, and in his right hand- sword. The combination of such symbols means the protection of Russian cities and at the same time the protection of the Orthodox faith. Rostova. The horse depicts a Saint with outstretched hands. His decoration: handrails, chasuble and phelonion.

If you feel that something is going wrong in life and you are close to despair, then you should suspect that you have been corrupted. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help to get rid of it and subsequently put up reliable protection.

First you need to visit the temple. There you need to put three candles in front of the icon of the Saint.

Then say the following prayer words several times:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, take away the damage sent to me and my loved ones, protect me in the future from the evil eye and word. Amen".

Then you need to stand and diligently cross yourself. After that, you need to buy an icon and consecrate it. You can also purchase a small image that you can carry with you. Additionally, you should buy 12 candles and collect holy water.

Late at night, when all the household members fall asleep, you need to retire in a separate room or in the kitchen, where you should light 12 candles and put the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the table, and next to it, holy water in a glass vessel. Then you need to stand in front of the icon and start praying, discarding all negativity from your soul. There is no need to wish evil on people who tried to harm you.

Prayer words may sound like this:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Just Defender and Savior, I turn to you, I am the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name). I do not blame anyone living in my soul and I certainly forgive them. I ask and pray only you alone. Help me and all my relatives, and if someone tried to harm us, then remove the damage. May all illnesses and quarrels be washed away with holy water forever. But let the sorcerer not suffer from this damage and the sorcerer not die. And peace will reign in my soul, and harmony in the family. I beg you and ask only this. Amen".

After that, you need to take a sip of holy water, put out the candles and throw away the cinders. The icon must be preserved. The next day, you need to pour holy water into drinks for your loved ones. In this way, you can not only get rid of damage, but also protect yourself from negativity.

If the evil eye or damage manifests itself in a specific ailment, then icons will help to recover and protect yourself from a repeated energy attack. For each specific case:
    With severe headaches and unreasonable depression, when the light turns black and white, the icon of the Baptist John will save; If there are incomprehensible problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and diseases are not diagnosed traditional medicine, then you can try to recover using the icon of the Great Martyr Artemia; Toothache, which occurs periodically, with healthy teeth will disappear if you pray to the icon of the Holy Martyr Antipas; If you experience a feeling of causeless fear or other nervous disorders you need to seek help from the icon of St. Efim the Syrian; In case of insomnia, which cannot be overcome by any means, the icon of Alexander Svirsky will help.
You should know that in any case, if you suspect that you have been damaged, you need to visit the temple and ask for help and protection near the image of Christ. Icons can be accessed at any time. This can be done through prayer or in simple terms. And yet, it is important to understand that the icon can protect against damage or the evil eye, if you sincerely believe in it. You should also know that all icons have a light effect. They cleanse the space around a person, charge him with positive and give strength to a person to resist evil.