The health of your feet. How to determine the size of compression stockings

On the lower extremities - one of the most common diseases today. The veins lose their elasticity (due to a very thin muscle layer), expand (due to disruption of the valves and reverse blood flow) - as a result, patients report such unpleasant and painful symptoms as burning, cramps, heaviness in the legs.

For many years, experts around the world have been fighting to improve the quality of life of patients with varicose veins and are looking for new ways to treat the pathology. One of these effective methods specialized postoperative stockings are recognized.

Surgical treatment for varicose veins

In the treatment of varicose veins, both are used. The latter is preferred because medications, wearing special underwear, unfortunately, has a purely symptomatic or preventive effect, without affecting the underlying cause of the disease.

However, with the combined use of conservative and surgical methods, the highest positive results than when using only invasive operations.

In the arsenal of a modern surgeon there are several ways surgical treatment varicose veins. The following are most commonly used:

Each of the above methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, among the minuses there are such phenomena as: the likelihood of relapse (with sclerotherapy), scarring, the occurrence of complications, a relatively long period of rehabilitation, and so on.

Therefore, a doctor's consultation is a necessary and important point before making a decision in choosing a method of surgical intervention - only a specialist will be able to accurately establish all the indications and contraindications for each individual patient.

Compression stockings during surgery: is there a need?

Compression stockings are a highly specialized knitted product intended for use during surgical interventions - abdominal operations, operations on the spine, legs, as well as during caesarean section.

Putting on special compression underwear by the patient during the operation is a mandatory item that must be strictly controlled by both the patient himself and his attending physician. They protect the veins from the formation of blood clots, the occurrence of air embolism.

The principle of operation of the stockings is that their compression elastic fabric exerts external pressure on the veins, which does not allow the pressure inside the vessels to decrease. There is a uniform distribution of the load, the outflow of blood is accelerated towards the heart (from lower extremities), which prevents its stagnation and folding. At the same time, the mechanism of "suction" of air bubbles into the vessel is suppressed and the risk of blockage is significantly reduced.

How much do these stockings cost? Them the price range varies from 600 to 1000 or more rubles at various pharmacies. Many patients prefer to order the product through online stores.

Attention! In no case should you try to save money by replacing stockings with elastic bandages that were previously used in medicine for the same purpose - many studies have shown that they are in many ways inferior to modern medical knitwear in a number of properties.

Their biggest disadvantage is the inability to use when moving - the bandages do not have a reliable fixation on the patient's leg, they shift, unwind, pinching the limbs to an even greater extent.

How to choose the right stockings for surgery

We will figure out how to choose compression stockings for surgery and which ones are better. At first glance, hospital (that is, put on immediately before the intervention and removed only a few weeks after it) varicose stockings for surgery are no different from ordinary everyday compression stockings. However, they have a number of features:

The attending physician can help the patient in choosing stockings for surgery - do not hesitate to contact him in case of any questions.

How to put on compression stockings

There are several simple rules for putting on stockings:

  1. The patient puts on stockings in the supine position, on clean, dry skin of the legs.
  2. Previously, each stocking is turned inside out.
  3. In case of any difficulties, they can be put on not only manually, but also using a special mechanical device (this is especially indicated for weakened, elderly patients).
  4. Manually roll the stocking from the top to the sock, pull the sock over the foot, gently draw along the leg, unfolding the fabric along its entire length, smoothing out the wrinkles.
  5. When using the device, the machine independently collects the stocking. The patient can only put his foot into it and pull the compression stocking up to the thigh.
  6. During all the manipulations, it is very important to follow the correct sequence of using the elastic product, as there is a risk of damaging the thin fibers of the tissue and leveling its therapeutic effect. Stockings are worn on the day of surgery in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

How long to wear compression stockings after surgery and when to remove them

Recommendations for choosing the size of compression stockings

Stockings must be worn for at least 14 days after surgery, and for the first 3 days they cannot be removed at all. The minimum service life of the product is 1 week, the maximum is 30 days.

As a rule, in the future it is allowed to make preventive pauses in wearing stockings - starting with a night's rest and gradually increasing the time up to several days of break.


Varicose veins of the lower extremities is an insidious disease that in a short time changes the habitual rhythm of the patient's life and significantly reduces the quality of his life as a whole. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem - ranging from preventive conservative therapy to serious surgical operations in the most radical, hopeful way.

To maintain the effect after surgery, experts strongly recommend using special compression stockings during it, the most popular option of which is elastic surgical stockings. It is also necessary to apply compression products and some time after the operation. The terms of their wearing are selected by the attending physician of the patient in each case.

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Today, compression products are extremely popular. Many are so surprised by the result of their use that they wear them almost constantly. Others, on the contrary, are very critical of such products, refuse to follow the instructions of a phlebologist. What are compression stockings, what is the essence of anti-varicose underwear, and can I buy it at a pharmacy?

What are compression stockings

Medical therapeutic and prophylactic products made of elastic material, which have a therapeutic effect on the legs, veins of the lower extremities, are called compression stockings. In most cases, they are recommended to be worn at the first sign of varicose veins, which is why they are also called anti-varicose veins. They changed elastic bandages which are impractical to use. Anti-varicose stockings do not cause allergies, are well ventilated, effective, differ little in outward signs from the usual.

Compression levels

Products differ in the level of compression, each has its own specific class. They are divided according to the force with which they can pull. Each degree has its own characteristics:

  • First class compression is 23 mmHg. Art. These products are recommended for people with spider veins on the skin, and if the work is associated with a constant impact on the legs, fatigue is felt at the end of the day.
  • Linen of the 2nd class of compression exerts a pressure of about 33 mm Hg. Art. It is prescribed for thrombophlebitis and developing varicose veins.
  • Products of the 3rd level of compression have a pressure of up to 46 mm Hg. st, and is prescribed for venous insufficiency.
  • For class 4, compression is more than 50 mm Hg. st (maximum pressure). Such stockings are prescribed by a doctor to reduce swelling and normalize lymph circulation.

A medical device of the 1st class can be chosen by a person on his own, without the recommendations of a doctor, without making a mistake with the choice of size. You can buy the right products of the 2nd and 3rd compression classes together with a phlebologist. Class 4 products can only be purchased with a prescription, and only in pharmacies that sell products with an orthopedic effect. The doctor will tell you not only the right model, but also the rules for caring for such products.

Indications for use

Experts are of the opinion that compression products should be worn both for the prevention of varicose veins, and at its first signs. Buying stockings for surgery is also sometimes necessary when agreed with the doctor. The indications for their use are:

  • manifestation of the vascular network;
  • constant work on your feet;
  • pregnancy;
  • discomfort when walking, decompression sickness;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rehabilitation postoperative period.


There are a number of cases when compression products should be used with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to use such products in the development chronic diseases arteries of the legs, which arose due to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels with a pressure below 80 mm. rt. Art.: aortoarteritis, atherosclerosis, endarteritis. Relative contraindications include:

  • eczema;
  • necrosis;
  • open wounds;
  • dermatitis;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes.

How to wear compression stockings

Recommendations for putting on compression underwear can be given by doctors, or you can study them yourself in the instructions. It is recommended to put on stockings after sleep, without getting out of bed. The main thing is to correctly distribute the stocking, because the level of compression and treatment depends on it. At the first application, unusual sensations of squeezing, cold may be present. This is normal, because the venous blood flow is accelerated, the walls of the veins are aligned. After 2-3 days, the limbs get used to it. The stocking should be evenly distributed throughout the leg, providing the correct degree of compression.

The dressing process takes about 15 minutes. If the size is chosen correctly, but it is difficult to do it yourself, then they use a special device for putting this jersey on the lower limbs. Facilitates the donning of special silk gloves, which are not recommended for any other purpose. The time of wearing stockings depends on the appointment of a specialist. For sports activities, it is recommended to wear them for the entire duration of the workout. Pregnant women can use the products throughout the entire period of pregnancy and after childbirth.

Rules for the care of stockings

Stockings for varicose veins should be washed daily. Preference should be given to hand washing in warm water, without the use of detergents and soaps. In order for the product not to lose its shape and properties, it must be dried with a towel. Medical knitwear should not be boiled, twisted, ironed, dried on a radiator. Stain removers and others chemical substances cannot be used, as they can damage the structure of the fibers of the product, and it will lose its medicinal properties.

How to choose compression stockings

In order to choose the right high-quality compression products, you need to take individual measurements from the patient: the size of the hips (5 cm below the gluteal cavity), calves, ankles, height from floor to hips. Special attention should be referred to:

  • knitwear quality;
  • compliance with the required standards;
  • the presence of rubber trim,
  • color scheme;
  • manufacturer (a fake may not have a therapeutic effect).

Price for compression stockings

Many people wonder where to buy compression stockings. They can be purchased at many pharmacies, as well as ordered from online stores throughout the country. How much do compression stockings cost? The cost varies depending on what compression class the stocking is, the manufacturer, etc. For example, in Moscow, elastic stockings can be purchased at such prices.

Properly selected compression stockings have a powerful healing effect, they are comfortable to wear every day, and the products also look aesthetically pleasing on the legs. Such therapy helps to normalize blood flow, eliminates congestion in the lower extremities and brings stable improvements to problematic vessels.

How to choose compression products

To achieve a therapeutic effect is possible only with the help of underwear of a suitable size. The main rules you need to know before buying compression stockings for surgery: how to choose the size, class and model of the product.

Since therapeutic stockings are intended for long-term use, it is important to consider their hygienic properties. You should choose products that provide the feet with the most comfortable conditions.

It is recommended to wear stockings made of hypoallergenic material: they are more expensive, but keep the legs dry and do not exude an unpleasant smell.

Manufacturers make special marks showing that the product has a breathable, antimicrobial and hypoallergenic effect. Before buying, carefully inspect the packaging and select socks with the desired properties.

Also, there should be no seams on high-quality compression products - only in this way the tension is distributed evenly over the entire plane.

How to determine the size of compression stockings

Main recommendation: take measurements in the morning, preferably after waking up. In the afternoon, after a long walk, the legs swell, because the parameters are distorted. By morning, the limb will become narrower again, the medical stocking put on will be large and will not have the desired effect.

If it is not possible to measure the parameters in the morning, you can do it at another time, but having prepared in advance. Before measurements, you should get rid of the blood accumulated in the lower extremities by lying down for 20-30 minutes with your legs raised up. The minimum height of lifting the limbs is 15 cm above the level of the heart.

The circumference of the ankle (ankle) should be measured just above the bone, the circumference of the calf - in the widest possible place of the lower leg, the circumference of the thigh - at a height of 25-30 cm above the kneecap.

If there are difficulties with measurements, consultants of specialized stores can help. Their effectiveness depends on how correctly the measurements are taken and the size is selected. Stockings that are too tight will squeeze tissues and blood vessels, stimulating congestion.

If the product turns out to be large, then the compression will be distributed incorrectly: the therapeutic effect will be lost.

If the patient's measurements do not fall strictly in one size, we recommend that you consult a doctor: he will tell you what parameters you need to focus on in order to get a therapeutic result. With a non-standard addition of the figure, anti-varicose products can be sewn to order.

How to choose a class of medical stockings

For various operations, stockings with different degrees of tension are used.

Therefore, you should choose underwear, paying attention to the markings on the package. Manufacturers usually indicate the compression level (from 1 to 4) and the applied pressure (a numerical value in mmHg or hectopascals).

Healing stocking class Compression (in mm Hg) Compression (in GPa) Indications for use
1 15-21 24-28 Isolated cases of vasodilatation, enlargement of the venous network. Appointed during pregnancy.
2 22-33 31-43 They are used for noticeable dilation of the veins that have arisen after vein surgery. Recommended for the prevention of thrombosis during surgical interventions (removal of the uterus, caesarean section, joint replacement).
3 34-46 45-61 They are prescribed after operations (most often in the field of gynecology) with significant vascular insufficiency.
4 From 49 From 65 This degree of compression is necessary for serious disorders in the body: post-thrombotic syndrome, severe lymphostasis.

In addition to the above classification, anti-varicose stockings of class A are additionally isolated, intended for prophylactic purposes. The compression they provide is 10-14 mm Hg. (or 13-19 GPa). Recommendations about the class required by the patient are determined by the phlebologist.

When choosing, the operating technique, the duration of the operation, the list of prescribed drugs for the postoperative period are necessarily taken into account.

Choosing medical underwear is not an easy task, the solution of which requires not only a doctor's consultation, but also some knowledge. Compression products are designed to enhance the effect of treatment vascular diseases, as well as to maintain muscle tone, or in the postoperative period to prevent complications. There are a huge number of types of compression stockings, so it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to figure out which product is better to buy.

Tights - selection rules

Medical knitwear after a thorough ultrasound examination can only be prescribed by a phlebologist, taking into account general condition patient and health problems. For some patients, it is enough to wear knee socks. Stockings are used when there is a deterioration in the condition of the veins throughout the leg. The length of the product can be - to the middle of the thigh, or to the inguinal region. For the treatment of more severe pathology, tights are used.


Do not try to choose medical knitwear without consulting a specialist, otherwise you will not only waste a significant amount of money, but may also aggravate the course of the disease. Products can be transparent and opaque, winter and summer options, simple and openwork, with a pattern and with a 3D effect, paired or monostockings.

How to determine stocking size

Choosing compression stockings

The choice of size depends on medical purpose products. The therapeutic effect on the legs is achieved due to the dosed distribution of pressure, the smallest indicator of which falls on the thigh area. Thus, the ankle and shin are subjected to pressure of 100%, the knee - 70%, the thigh - no more than 40%. When buying stockings, pay attention to the manufacturer's advice on determining the size and degree of compression, because only in this case the positive effect of wearing knitwear is achieved. The most accurate values ​​are obtained by measuring the fundamental parameters of the lower extremities in the morning or after an hour or two of rest in a position where the legs are raised up. You need to know the circumference of the ankles, calves, knee joint and hips (measurement is made 5 cm below the inguinal region). Knowing the basic parameters, you can determine your size according to the table specified by the manufacturer. It is best if your measurements are in the middle part of the interval - in this case, the product will be worn as comfortably as possible.


Don't buy compression stockings based on height and weight alone. Such products do not have healing effect, and can only be a minor prevention varicose veins veins.

Choosing a class of compression stockings

Compression stockings are not measured in den (DEN), but only in millimeters of mercury. Anti-varicose knitwear with an indication of the number of dens is not a medical product, and its use can even harm. Choose medical underwear only from trusted companies, and remember that it is expensive, as it is made from hypoallergenic wear-resistant materials on specialized equipment using the most modern technologies.

1 class

Grade 1 (light) - 18-22 mm Hg. - this option is used to correct minor vascular disorders: edema, heaviness, pain in the legs, etc.


The choice of compression stockings must be agreed with the doctor, who will select a model for you based on medical indications, the severity of the disease and the expected amount of time to wear. The modern market offers a wide variety of medical underwear of various styles and shades, however, it is necessary to buy such knitwear only from trusted manufacturers, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved.

How to choose the right compression stockings

Compression stockings are specially designed medical devices, which put pressure on different parts of the legs with different strength. In the area of ​​​​the calf muscles, they are the most dense, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knee / thigh, the density is already smaller.

Compression stockings perform the following functions:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce the likelihood of blood clots in the veins;
  • relieve pain, swelling and discomfort.

The manufacturing process of this compression product uses elastic fabrics that can compress muscle tissue so that blood circulation from the lower body to the heart is free, therefore, there will be no venous stasis of blood in the legs.

Basically, doctors prescribe stockings at the initial stage of varicose veins (bloating of peripheral veins under the skin). If the disease is running, then doctors recommend purchasing varicose stockings for surgery. And how to choose compression stockings for surgery, and which ones are better, let's figure it out.

Compression underwear is:

  • preventive (pressure 15–18 mm Hg) - designed for everyday wear.
  • therapeutic elastic and anti-embolic (pressure over 18 mm Hg) - designed to be worn after operations in the lower body, for example, in the area abdominal cavity, groin, or on blood capillaries in the legs.

Compression underwear has four degrees of compression:

  1. The first (pressure 18–21 mm Hg) is worn at the initial stage of varicose veins or in the presence of pain / swelling in the legs after exercise.
  2. The second (pressure 23–32 mm Hg) - put on in the presence of the second and third stages of varicose veins, and also if there is phlebothrombosis.
  3. Third (pressure 34–46 mm Hg) - put on in the presence of the fourth and subsequent stages of varicose veins with trophic complications.
  4. The fourth (pressure over 46 mm Hg. Art.) - are used to eliminate violations of the lymph flow, they are mainly worn by patients who are on hospital treatment after operations.

Why are they needed?

So why do we need surgical stockings? First, it is worth noting that they prevent the development of thromboembolism. pulmonary artery. And secondly, elastic compression stockings for the operation of the product perform a number of functions. Here are the most basic ones:

  • during the operation, the pressure in the veins is distributed in such a way that the outflow of blood is accelerated from the legs towards the heart;
  • on my feet in soft tissues reduce fluid accumulation;
  • shorten the recovery time after surgery;
  • prevent air embolism before surgical interventions and laparoscopic operations.

How to wear?

Compression underwear can be put on manually or with a device specially designed for this purpose.

How to wear compression stockings for surgery manually:

  • be in a supine position;
  • neatly assemble the product from the top to the toe;
  • insert the sock into the product and pull it over the leg with a little effort.

How to wear using a special tool:

  • carefully from the top to the toe to assemble on the device;
  • insert the sock into the stocking located on the device and pull it over the leg with a little effort.

How much to wear?

How, how much to wear and when to remove compression stockings after surgery can only be answered by a doctor. Usually postoperative stockings are worn from one week to one month, but if there are complications or varicose veins of an advanced stage, then they are worn much longer.

How much to wear stockings after laparoscopy, only the doctor will say the same. But usually after such an operation, medical products are worn for 24 hours 10-14 days. After that, you need to consult with a specialist who will tell you what to do next.

How to choose?

The main factor in choosing such underwear is the degree of compression. After all, it depends on it what pressure the products will exert on the muscles of the legs.

After you have decided on the degree of compression, you need to start choosing the length of underwear, which is up to the middle of the thigh, to the groin and with a zipper / fastener at the waist.

Do not forget that the disease itself also affects the choice. For example, a thigh-length compression stocking is appropriate if swollen veins are clearly visible in the calves, back of the knee, and mid-thigh.

In addition, you still need to choose the right size. In order to choose the correct size of the compression product, you need to arm yourself with a centimeter and take measurements (circumference of the lower leg and thigh). Next, compare the obtained data with the parameters with the dimensional grid of the product, located with reverse side packaging.

How to take Venarus venotonic? Read the article.

How much are?

You can buy compression underwear for 300 rubles, and if you buy stockings from the world's leading brands, the price will be much higher and vary from 1300 to 4000. The difference in price depends on three factors: the manufacturer, the duration of the wear and the design. But, despite this, all products have a healing property.


And in conclusion, I would like to note that doctors note a positive trend in the overall result of treatment when people use compression stockings not only after surgery, but also as a means of additional prevention of venous vessels.

Quite healthy people can wear such stockings for prevention.