Step-by-step instruction. How to draw a human body? Step by step instructions Human organs for children

Has it ever seemed strange to you that you live for more than a dozen years, but know absolutely nothing about your own body? Or that you ended up taking a human anatomy exam, but didn't prepare for it at all. In both cases, you need to catch up on lost knowledge, and get to know the human organs better. Their location is best viewed in pictures - clarity is very important. Therefore, we have collected pictures for you in which the location of human organs is easily traced and signed with inscriptions.

If you like games with human internal organs, be sure to try on our site.

To enlarge any picture, click on it and it will open in full size. This way you can read the fine print. So let's start at the top and work our way down.

Human organs: location in pictures.


The human brain is the most complex and least understood human organ. He manages all other organs, coordinates their work. In fact, our consciousness is the brain. Despite the little study, we still know the location of its main departments. This picture describes in detail the anatomy of the human brain.


The larynx allows us to make sounds, speech, singing. The structure of this cunning organ is shown in the picture.

Major organs, organs of the chest and abdomen

This picture shows the location of 31 organs human body from the thyroid cartilage to the rectum. If you urgently need to see the location of any body in order to win an argument with a friend or get an exam, this picture will help.

The picture shows the location of the larynx, thyroid gland, trachea, pulmonary veins and arteries, bronchi, heart and pulmonary lobes. Not much, but very clear.

Schematic arrangement of human internal organs from trochea to Bladder shown in this picture. Due to its small size, it loads quickly, saving you time for spying on the exam. But we hope that if you are studying to be a doctor, then you do not need the help of our materials.

A picture with the location of the internal organs of a person, which also shows the system of blood vessels and veins. Organs are beautifully depicted from an artistic point of view, some of them are signed. We hope that among the signed there are those that you need.

A picture that details the location of the organs of the human digestive system and the small pelvis. If you have a stomach ache, then this picture will help you locate the source while it works. Activated carbon, or while you make it easy digestive system in amenities.

Location of the pelvic organs

If you need to know the location of the superior adrenal artery, bladder, psoas major, or any other organ abdominal cavity then this picture will help you. It describes in detail the location of all organs of this cavity.

The human genitourinary system: the location of organs in pictures

Everything you wanted to know about the genitourinary system of a man or woman is shown in this picture. Seminal vesicles, egg, labia of all stripes and of course, the urinary system in all its glory. Enjoy!

male reproductive system

The study of the structure of human organs is useful for children. They will learn how the human body works, what a skeleton is, why a heart is needed, etc. Thanks to this knowledge, kids begin to perceive themselves as individuals, respect other people, and understand that we are all built the same way. Pictures depicting the human body will help kids learn its structure.

When to start studying materials?

Acquaintance with one's own body occurs in the baby from the first year of life. First, he learns to recognize body parts (body, eyes, face, heart, lungs, structure of the nose or throat and other organs) with the help of parental prompts, shows where the arms, legs, eyes, etc. are. Then the time comes when the child is able to name and show the parts of the body on the doll or on the drawing of a person. During this period (after a year), you can use various images of people to improve speech skills. On our site we offer a selection of materials on the theme "Man" (pictures for children). These are images of the human body, according to which you can study with the baby, studying what parts a person consists of (eyes, face, heart, lungs, skeleton, structure of the throat or nose, etc.). In the pictures for children, the human body is presented so that the child can easily find the given body components (eyes, skeleton, nose structure, heart, lungs, face, etc.). Print out the cards from our website and lay them out in front of your child. Ask them to show where the hand, leg, head, mouth, eyes, skeleton, etc. are in the drawing. Many children are easily able to do this action on themselves, but they get confused and lost when working with drawings. The proposed exercises and manuals will develop the child's associative thinking, the ability to think more broadly, to relate himself as a person to other people. All these skills are necessary for a fulfilling life in society. And, of course, these exercises develop the baby, teach him to think more actively and efficiently. Older children can complicate the task. Using the Human Structure (Pictures for Kids) set, talk about parts of the human body that cannot be seen with the naked eye (for example, the stomach or lungs, the structure of the eye or nose, the skeleton, the heart). Such knowledge will be useful for children, they learn to find and notice what is hidden inside the phenomenon. Let the kids in the pictures show the location of the various internal parts of the body. Subsequently, this will help them in studying such a complex subject as biology.


To help kids learn the human body faster, you can play games with them. Pictures can be cut into several parts and then combined like a puzzle. First, make puzzles of 3-4 parts, then complicate the tasks.

Also, schematic drawings from pictures will be useful for children. So, ask the child to draw the structure of the nose, throat or the entire human body schematically: this way the baby will remember the information faster.

The creative approach of educators and parents will make a child an erudite and educated person.

Developmental tasks and materials

Use pictures for children "Human Body" for the mental development of your children. Let them delight you with their success!


The game

Guess the animal by a specific body part:

Black and white poster with human body parts:

Make a cube



Riddles about parts of the human body:

In English

The human body is a complex mechanism, unknown and unusual. The mechanism is keenly sensitive and has the ability to think. Understand the device human body not only important, but also extremely interesting!

Let's try to reveal the secrets of the structure of the human body.

Of the six billion people who inhabit our planet, not even two are absolutely similar to each other. Although one hundred trillion microscopic cells that make up the body of each person make all people on Earth 99.9% similar in structure.
All our cells, feelings, bones, muscles, heart, brain must work without errors. Nature has arranged everything wonderfully.


Outside, we are protected by a velvety layer of protein-rich cells - our skin.

The skin is the largest organ of our body. The skin protects us from mechanical damage, thanks to it we are able to feel pain and gentle touches. The skin on the palms, feet, tongue and lips is especially sensitive.

Also, the skin is a heater and a cooling system that maintains a constant body temperature. To do this, more than 2 million microscopic skin pores per hour are capable of producing about 2 liters of sweat. Sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin and cools the body.
In one month, a person's skin changes completely. Old skin particles die off, and new skin is constantly growing. We shed up to 700 grams of skin per year.

Kilometers of blood vessels stretch to skin cells. And every square centimeter of skin is inhabited by hundreds of bacteria.
An amazing substance is produced in the skin - melanin. The amount of melanin determines the color of the skin, hair and even eyes. The more melanin, the darker the skin. When we sunbathe, our skin darkens precisely from the increase in the amount of melanin under the action of sunlight.


The eyes are one of the most important human organs. The eyes make it possible to notice and follow everything that interests us.

The outer part of the eye is called cornea. The cornea captures light, and in order for it to do its job better, we moisten it every few seconds. How do we do it? We blink for this and the eye does not dry out.

The cornea sends a beam of light through the pupil to the retina. The retina processes the signal and sends it along the nerve endings to the brain. So we can see!


But even if you have perfect eyesight, everyone needs ears. Our ears, like locators, pick up the surrounding sounds. However, this is not the only function of the ears.

They do not just hear - the ears are also responsible for balance. Jumping, running or even normal walking is impossible without a device hidden by nature in the depths of the ear - vestibular apparatus. Thanks to this device, a person learns to skate or bike and not fall.


Man is endowed with a unique gift - the ability to speak. This opportunity is provided by the vocal cords.

Vocal cords- these are two plates located in the throat. They vibrate like guitar strings. With muscles, we change the position of the vocal cords. When the exhaled air stirs these strings, the sound of the voice is produced.


The real reason air comes out through the mouth is the breath.

It is difficult to overestimate breathing. Man can only live for a few minutes without air. In one breath, we draw in half a liter of air and so 20,000 times a day.

Passing through the throat, the air enters the right and left lungs. Here the air is filtered from dust and harmful substances. Through the lungs, oxygen from the air enters our bloodstream. Then exhalation follows, turning oxygen into carbon dioxide, we exhale the exhaust air.
And when we breathe with the help of receptors in the nose, we can pick up odors. A person is able to distinguish up to 1000 aromas.

The respiratory system allows you to make sounds, recognize odors. Each breath provides our body with energy and makes the heart beat.

Heart and circulatory system.

Oxygen is required for every cell in our body. It is the blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. About four liters of blood run through the arteries, veins and capillaries. There are very, very many such vessels, large and very tiny, in humans. The length of all human vessels reaches 96,000 kilometers. This is our circulatory system.

But what makes the blood run such a long path? Of course, heart!

This indefatigable pump pumps periodically all the blood through the body, saturating every cell of the body with oxygen. And then the blood flows back through the veins, taking harmful substances from each cell, and thus cleanses the human body. All the blood passes through the body in less than a minute without stopping for a moment
If you add up all the strength of the heart in one day, then this strength is enough to lift a school bus.

Sometimes the blood flows even faster. This happens when we burn more oxygen. For example, we run, jump or dance. And while eating, more oxygen is required for our stomach. Even while reading, the brain needs more oxygen.

However, blood does more than just carry oxygen. Each drop of blood contains up to 400,000 white blood cells that fight the body's enemies. They are constantly on guard - they track down viruses and bacteria. These heroic blood cells are called - leukocytes.

But we need not only air, but also fuel - food.


Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals - all the substances we need are taken by the body from food. The main goal of digestion is to take away all the most valuable from each piece of food eaten.

The process of digestion begins even before food enters our mouths. One has only to think about food or see a delicious sandwich, saliva begins to be produced. Saliva contains special substances - enzymes They are the first to break down food. The human body produces half a liter of saliva in one day.

The tongue pushes the food chewed by the teeth into the esophagus and through the esophagus the food in the form of a paste enters stomach. In the stomach, food is affected by a very caustic gastric juice, and the walls of the stomach mix it, turning it into a liquid porridge. The stomach itself absorbs very few substances, it only prepares and transfers food to small intestine . Already there, for five hours, food will be squeezed out useful material that pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Almost all useful substances will be delivered to the largest internal human organ - in liver. Here they are sorted and sent to all the cells of the body so that they grow and work well.

The next 20 hours in the large intestine will absorb the remaining beneficial substances. And what cannot be digested will leave our body.


In our body, from the tips of the fingers to the top of the head are about 650 different muscles. They make up almost half the mass of the human body and allow us to move various parts of the body, often without even thinking about it. Without muscles, we couldn't run, blink, talk, or smile. When we pronounce even one single word, we have more than a hundred different muscles working. And for walking, almost 200 muscles of the body are required. Imagine how many muscles work when you dance, swim or play tag.
But the muscles could not hold the body without a reliable frame - the bones.

Skeleton, bones.

206 amazing bones are distributed throughout the human body, forming a perfect skeleton. The bones are extremely strong and at the same time very light. Bones grow and the size of the human body depends on the size of the bones. Joints connect bones and allow bones to move from side to side, up or down.


All parts of the body and its organs are very complex, but they are all controlled from one center - everything is controlled by brain.

With the help of nerves stretched throughout the body, the brain monitors all parts of the body - the ears, eyes, skin, bones, stomach - the brain is responsible for absolutely everything. Thanks to the electrical and chemical impulses of the brain, we think, remember, feel, act.
It is the brain that makes us human. Perhaps this is the most unexplored and mysterious part of our body.

Even when we fall asleep, all the organs of the body continue to work - we breathe, the heart beats, new cells are born. We live!

Elena Khokhlova

Miracles inside of me: Internal organs.


Continue to introduce children with a human body;

introduce children with the concept« internal organs » , their name and location;

Educate children about the causes of diseases internal organs and disease prevention measures.


Illustrative guide "Human" (internal organs - lungs, heart, stomach, intestines); a balloon, a mirror for each child, cards with the image of the stomach with different fullness of food; rope; application material (human model and details - internal organs) .

preliminary work: looking at illustrations in "Encyclopedia of health for children» , excursion to medical office listening with a phonendoscope internal organs(heart, intestines, lungs).

Course progress.

Guys, today we will continue to study ourselves. We already know that we have a skeleton, and we know what it is for. But inside we still have a lot of interesting things, real miracles. These miracles are called« internal organs» .

1. Exercise "Big Good Animal".

Guys, stand in a circle, hold hands. Now we are a big kind animal. It sleeps, it rests, and of course it breathes in its sleep. Take a step back together (circle gets wider)- inhale ... Now exhale - take a step forward (the circle has become narrower). Again - inhale ... Again - exhale ... (exercise is performed at a calm pace, silently). Let's not interfere with the sleep of a big kind animal, let's quietly take our places ...

2. Acquaintance with the respiratory system.

You know that any animal can breathe. And we humans can breathe. Let's talk about how a person breathes. Close your mouth, take a deep, deep breath through your nose, feel where the air goes. Exhale! Another breath! Another breath! Where does the air go first? (into the nose). Can air get into the mouth?). Let's check. Pinch your nose and inhale through your mouth. Exhale! Another inhale... exhale... So can I breathe through my mouth or not? (Yes).

So, air got into the nose or mouth (shown on the atlas from the manual "Human", there he warmed up, and then - already warm - goes through a special tube. This tube is called "respiratory" because it helps to breathe. Air enters the lungs through the breathing tube. They're hiding right here, behind the ribs. Remember, we already said that the ribs look like a fence? Here is such a fence - ribs and serve to protect the lungs. Pay Attention: How many lungs are there? Yes, them two: left and right. Air moves in and out of them. Take the balloons, take a deep breath, and exhale the air right into the balloon. What happened? Yes, the balloon is inflated. When air fills the lung, it expands like this balloon. Release the air from the balloon. What happened? And when the air leaves the lung, it also sort of deflates. (experiment with the ball is carried out several times). Put your hands on your chest like this (show on yourself). When we breathe in rib cage rises. Why? When do we exhale? Exhaled air, which is no longer needed by our body, it can no longer be useful. Now take a mirror, and exhale the air directly on it. What did you notice? (mirror fogged up). This means that the air inside us not only warms up, but also becomes wet. This is important so that we do not get sick. But sometimes we can still start a runny nose and cough. This means that our respiratory organs are sick. Please remind me what organs help us breathe? (nose, mouth, breathing tube, lungs). And this authorities need our support! Try not to overcool, do not get wet, do not catch a cold, do not scream in the cold! Be sure to temper, do gymnastics and drink vitamins!

3. Acquaintance with the heart.

And now we are going to talk about something very important. organ - about the heart. It is the heart that makes our blood flow through special tubes-vessels. Clench your fist look: This is the size of your heart. And at me a heart bigger than yours (show). You are growing and your heart is growing with you. Look at the atlas, here in this place is the heart of a person. Can you show where your heart is? Put your hand on this place. Squeeze your fist... relax... squeeze it again... relax again... The heart will contract - push out the blood, and it runs through the vessels. It will shrink again - it will push out again ... (experiment with syringe: a transparent tube from a dropper is attached to a syringe with a solution of potassium permanganate; when squeezing the syringe, the tinted water begins to be pushed out).

The heart can be heard. Remember, we already listened to him with a special device - a phonendoscope - in Marina Mikhailovna's office. But you can do without it. Just put your ear against your friend's chest, where the heart is.) Now change places. Did you hear? Why do they say that "heart is beating"? Let's loosen up a bit, shall we?

Fun workout.

Friendly, fun, all together -

Let's start on the spot!

And now - jumping in place!

And now - and running in place!

1-2-3-4-5 - no one can catch up with us!

1-2-3- look at us!

And 4-5 and 6 - everyone should sit down in their place!

Listen now, how did the heart begin to beat? Hear the difference? If a person goes in for sports, his heart works faster, it trains and becomes more enduring. Our heart never stops. That is why it is jokingly called "motor" our organism. But even such a hardy motor needs our support. The heart loves when its owner is engaged in physical education, remember this!

4. Acquaintance with the digestive system.

Guys, you know that in order to live, it's not enough just to breathe. .what else do we need for life? (food). So we'll talk now about what happens to a person when he eats. Imagine that you have an apple in your hand. You want to eat it. What will you do first? (take a bite). Yes, food enters the mouth first and we start chewing. Why chew food? (to grind). During chewing, food is not only crushed, it is also wetted with saliva, and therefore easier to swallow. Further, the food descends through the tube-esophagus directly into the stomach (show on the manual "Human"). The stomach contains a special fluid called gastric juice. It helps dissolve food. Food in the stomach "digested". The stomach itself is like a ball. And the more we eat, the more the ball swells up. And if we eat too much (for example, not a birthday, the stomach will stretch too much. We will not be very Good: stomach will hurt, maybe even throw up (showing a diagram of the stomach with different fullness). Therefore, we will not overeat! But here the stomach coped with its work - it digested food. Further, the food, already similar to mashed potatoes, moves into the intestines. It's such a long tube. (showing a rope 10 meters long). How is the intestine placed? inside us? (assumptions children) . And the thing is that our intestines are tightly folded inside our belly, like this! (show). But no nodes should to be: otherwise the food will get stuck and you will need the help of a doctor). Digested food moves through the intestines, and during its journey gives nutrients and vitamins to various authorities. And what remains and we do not need, we get rid of in the toilet.

5. Fixing the material.

Guys, now we will check how well you remember where in our body which organ is located. Take paper mock-ups of the human body and paper-cut internal organs: lungs, stomach, heart, and a thread - intestines. Now, from memory, paste these « bodies» to the right place. (work goes to calm music).

Good morning dear friends!

Over the weekend, I made a small poster for my daughter with body parts using the example of a cute boy.

With it, you can clearly explain and show where a person has: head, hair, mouth, ears, eyes, forehead, neck, palm, finger, wrist, stomach, navel, chest, legs, knees, heels, feet, etc. d.

In addition, I also inserted an image of a hand and a listing of the names of all fingers here - thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger. The daughter looked at it with interest.

I recommend this educational material about parts of the human body for viewing by both the youngest children from 1 year old and older children. Show it several times a day, ask the baby to find in the picture where this or that part of the human body is. Or you can just hang it on the wall and from time to time come up and examine it.

Good luck to all.

poster in pictures

Mini poster: "Body Parts for Kids" can be downloaded here:

Cards and photos

Here you can download and print a selection of educational cards for your child on the subject of a person and the structure of his body. Cards are designed for ages 1 and up. They will introduce your baby to the main parts of the human body in an easy and accessible form, and they can also be included in developmental classes in kindergartens, schools early development, elementary school and just at home.

Parts of the body and human organs.