Children's rhymes about bears. Dear mice! poems about bears

Funny poems about teddy bears for kids 3-4 years old

L. Shapiro

FROM bear I will load
I'll squat with him.
So that the bear does not become limp -
paws up and paws down.

I will put him at the table
I will offer chocolate
- Eat, bear, eat, dear,
you will be happy with me.
I will teach you to read a bear,
I will open a book in front of him.
The evening will come to visit us -
toys are sleeping and he will fall asleep.

E. Ars

bear- Teddy bear
It can roar loudly.
But I'm not afraid of the bear.
He growls and I laugh.

I. Zakharova

Lives on my shelf
Teddy bear.
He can't at all
Get angry and cry.
The bear is sweet and gentle.
He is wearing a soft coat.
We are in the crib serenely
We see a dream together.


This is a teddy bear
My friend from the cradle
After all, you can play with him
Read a book together
And when you're really tired
Side by side and sleep together.

Y. Simbirskaya

lullaby bear,
I wear around the room.
And in a plush ear
I breathe a little.
I rock, I rock
I try not to yawn.
He buttons blue
Doesn't want to close.
Bear lullaby
I will learn tomorrow
And gently, like a mother,
I'll yell at my son.

A. Mokhorev

I carry in my arms bear,
I'll put him to bed.
Reading a book to a bear
I will sleep next to the bear.
Together with mom on the tram
Tomorrow I will ride the bear.

M. Puidunen

They gave me a holiday
Plush bear,
I dressed him up
In bright pants
I asked my brother
For him a shirt
Planted near the dolls.
He's a big cutie.
Let the conversation start
With dolls for tea.
All the toy people
Plays with him.

Y. Simbirskaya

On a clothesline
I hang upside down.
And a clothespin for the tail
Grabbed it tight.
Upside down side by side
T-shirts with shirts.
If you need to wash
I won't stumble.
What from soap something to roar?!
I'm still a bear.
(Clean bear)

Baby Booms

Honey, honey bear,
The bear is soft, plush,
Teddy bear is my fluffy
With paws and ears.
With a warm cute bear
I lie down in bed.
With a baby bear
I'm more comfortable sleeping.
I quietly to him
I'll sing a song:
"Sleep, my bear,
Baiushki bye..."

I. Zimina

my favorite toy
Fluffy, white, old bear.
I love his eyes and ears
I'm sorry he can't cry.
I feed him porridge from a spoon
And I take it outside for a walk.
And my little sister Masha and I
We put Mishutka in bed in the evening.
Show letters in the book
And we learn to put them in syllables,
We do not want to play with dolls
Well, how much we like it!

M. Bronnikov

Walking in the yard with dad
With us bear clumsy.
But swing on the swing
The mouse is shaking. I'm bolder!
I told him this:
"Well, what a weakling you are!
Sit on the bench
And wait for the hostess.
But the nasty boy Fedya
Wants to adopt a bear.
I hold him tight
I'll show Fedka my strength!
Fedya is crying like a girl
He rubs his eyes with his hand.
I also have a jump rope...
Here, take it! Not at all sorry!

A. Teslenko

thoughtful bear ,
Lying on the sofa.
He has no candy
In a plush pocket.
No honey, no raspberries,
Just a pillow next to me
Bear wants a name day
But he's a toy.
Oh, how Mishutka wants,
Go green to the forest.
Lie down there on the grass
Where is the honey meadow.
Where butterflies flutter
And the cuckoos sing
Where the animals live
The frogs are croaking.
Mishka stretched sweetly,
Lying on the sofa.
Not enough candy
In a plush pocket.

S. Avtonomova

I got sick, - the bear whispers, -
Would you call a doctor
I'm short of breath again
Also, a shoulder injury.
- I yesterday, - the toy grumbles, -
Lost under a bush.
Someone ripped off my ear.
And covered the hole with a sheet.
I'm not jokingly worried -
Fleece climbs out of the hole.
Pick a teddy bear
Get lost in the heat!

S. Lopatina

Nothing happens in the world
Better than plush warm bears!
They don't fight, they don't bite,
And that's why I really like it!
They have thick soft paws
Never scratch anyone.
No trouble comes from them.
And they help with sadness.

M. Piodunen

They gave me a holiday
Teddy bear,
I dressed him up
In bright pants
I asked my brother
For him a shirt
Planted near the dolls.
He's a big cutie.
Let the conversation start
With dolls for tea.
All the toy people
Plays with him.

Nastasya El

Teddy bear sitting on the couch
Sad eyes, a handkerchief in your pocket,
Button nose and bow mouth.
A plush friend is waiting for me from kindergarten.
With great joy I run to the bear
I will take him in my arms and hug him!!!
My plush friend, my favorite animal,
I only need you, because you are alone.

I have a lot of toys
And cars, and the railroad,
And transformers, and cubes, and checkers,
Dinosaurs, tigers, turtles...
But I only love Teddy bear .
I play with him, sleep, read a book.
This bear is kind, smartest,
My mother also played with him.
And before my mother - my grandmother played,
So the bear has seen a lot.
I won't give it to anyone
I will pass it on to my child.

V. Orestova

At night, our Mishenka got up,
Sobbed at the top of his voice -
It can be seen that the wolves' mouths dreamed,
What ran into the crib to Nastya!
"You, Mordanka, calm down,
Lie down with me, hide yourself warmly,
You see, even the doll is sleeping -
Grandma is next...
In our house they are not afraid
Everyone goes to sleep peacefully
In the morning we are together
Themselves in Kindergarten let's go to.
Well, in the evening brother
Reading a book to us
Let's play with cubes
Have fun and chat.
Now get some sleep
There is no sun in the window.
Let it come to you in a dream
Chocolate hippo.

L. Kochubeeva

I have a lot of toys:
Dolls, bunnies, books,
But sweetest of all in the world -
Teddy bears!
I'm always friends with bears
I often play them
I go for a walk with bears,
I sleep with them.
And when I become an adult
I won't stop playing them!
I will learn to sew, knit,
I'll dress up the bears!

V. Sokolov

Our little Tanechka
Mom gave bear.
white teddy bear
Can cry and roar.
Put the bear to sleep
He collapsed under the bed.
And from the beads from the eyes,
Tears flowed immediately.
They began to lift him
He growls in response.
And threaten everyone with a paw,
Clubfooted bastard.
The bear needs to be bathed
How can he take off his coat?
Our little Tanya
Can't find a zipper.

I don’t know about you, but the most favorite toy of my childhood was a teddy bear.

To this day I remember his splayed paws, button eyes and blue color. Too bad it didn't survive.

Today we have a selection of poems about a teddy bear - not just about a toy, but about a true true friend from our childhood.

What was your favorite toy or your child's? Maybe a teddy bear too?

Poems about a teddy bear

Teddy Bear

I have a toy
Plush animal.
lop-eared bear,
The most expensive.
He plays with me
Everything breaks everywhere.
And naughty, prankster,
He is with me too.

We are with him on Sunday
We ate all the jam.
Water faucet turned on
They flooded the house.
Why is mom
It stubbornly tells me
That I'm the only one to blame
Aren't we two?

Elena Eremina

plush mod

So many buttons on me -
On the sides and back
On the crown and on the belly,
A pair of buttons on the ear

There is also on the tail!
I see buttons in my dreams
I dream about buttons during the day.
As I see, I choose

I sew with thick thread.
Buttons are shining on me.
Bear cubs say:
"Well, you have a piercing -
You tried not in vain!”

Eugene Duering

A toy

I'm a hero from a children's fairy tale
I live in your bed
My button eyes
You were always looked at.

I know everything that you dream
A sea of ​​colorful dreams
How your eyelashes tremble
Tears on the cheeks.

I know all your signs
Everything you hide under your pillow
Your shameful secrets
The ones you whisper in my ear.

At night I hear you breathe
How do you fold a blanket
Only you don't hear me
Time has separated us.

In the dark they scare you
Creaks, rustles and things
Something suddenly reminds
Fear grips you.

When you hug me
I hear an alarming heartbeat.
I know what you dream about
I remember the warmth of your hands.

I'm your plush buddy
Clumsy sad bear
Silent observer.
You are a shy boy.

P. Loginov


The bear's ear is hard to hear,
He is a very sharp toy.
Grandma also went with him:
She fed, nursed, healed.

Shabby nose stained with paint
He snores in a doll carriage.
He is dearer to me than all animals,
Living in my room.

When I grow up a little
How will I become a mother, grow up,
I'll show him the way
To my daughter's heart.

Anna Shemyakina


Two sisters shared a bear -
With whom does the bear sleep today?
- You better read a book!
Why me again?

The sisters argued for a long time,
But then mom came to them
And page after page
I read them a bedtime story.

And the sisters closed their eyes
And fell into a sweet dream.
How useful bedtime stories are -
The sisters had a dream about

That there are two bear toys.
And the agility soon faded away:
They don't need to argue anymore.
Nothing more to share!

Irena Kotlyar

About the bear - a favorite toy

Played, tore, forgot
And they forgot to darn me.
I used to be a favorite bear
Ringleader, soul, naughty.
And I didn't think time would pass
And in the garbage will have to huddle.

I bathed a teddy bear

I bathed a teddy bear
He grumbled terribly loudly,
He jerked his paws, splashed,
And laughed with joy!

Blowing bubbles like a fountain
Wet all the rug in the bathroom
Mishka loves to wash very much,
It will be a clean rascal!

Lyubov Aleinikova

Teddy bear

Today I got out of the dresser -
Lop-eared, soft and big,
Plush to the claws. I would like honey:
Give me a barrel - don't lie!
Where is my cardboard candy?
With her in an embrace - the day will be sweet.
Ride in the car before lunch
And put on my cap sideways.
I am a favorite, in a jacket and pants -
Friend shaggy, faithful - I'm not kidding!
Read to me at night, Vanya, a book -
In my dreams I will ride you through the forest.

Maria Vinokurova

They gave a bear to Nyusha,
The bear was a great toy!
Nyusha played with him for a long time,
And then she broke it.

Nyusha to dad, help!
Urgently fix the bear
Cotton came out of it
Fix it soon dad.

Sewing a hole with a thread
And sew on a patch.
Bear is my favorite friend
It can suddenly break.

I don't want to leave him
I will play with it for a long time.

Lydia Rakhmankulova

plush tourist

Twishka bear,
former boy,
And now - the bear-dad:
shirt and hat,

nice vest,
In the pocket is a ticket.
flew by plane,
sailed on a steamboat,

On the tourist bus
He traveled around the globe.
Was in France
Was in Germany

And now he's at the station

Eugene Duering

plush sick

Little bear fell ill -
Fever, red nose
And now lies sad.
A steam locomotive is passing by -

The smoke is blown by the breeze
And the signal fire burns.
The driver has a long way
Only the bear does not let -

With his fluffy paw
The steam locomotive covers.
The machinist says:
“Here, touch it - your forehead is on fire!

You stay right here with me
And then I work alone.
Together will be more fun!
I will forget that I am sick.

If you are with me
I'll get well soon!"

Eugene Duering

Teddy bear

I was given today
What I have long dreamed of
What's in the window, in the store
Showed my mom and dad.

Bear cute, clubfoot,
Stuffed with soft cotton.
Ears, paws and furry,
Button nose is sewn on.

I will take him with me.
I'll take it for a walk.
And I'll take it to kindergarten
I want to show my friends.

Let's play with him
We will give Easter cake from the sand.
Let's make a house for a bear
(He needs it).

And then we are with him again
Let's have fun playing.

Elena Kovina

plush friend

Fluffy teddy bear,
Your plush friend.
In bed almost from the cradle
You put it on your side.

He will be a faithful guardian
your happy dreams
With him and Koschey is not terrible,
And the wolf is not so severe.

Here you burned your hand -
He consoled me seriously
His belly is furry
Seen a lot of tears.

You ate porridge together
They led a round dance
They cheered, they sang songs ...
Yes, it's a mess.

Though he knows all the secrets
Will never give out
Actually, I don't have a friend.
Bear is no nonsense!

Not just a bauble
What do you put in a corner?
Favorite toy,
Your plush friend.

Natalia Klyuchkina

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It's a pity, the countries of Medvedia
Not in the encyclopedia.

But there is Mongolia,
Mexico on "M",
With Malta and Mauritius
Also no problem.

There is also Malaysia
Mozambique, Mali,
Only here is the Bear
Somehow they didn't take it into account.

But the encyclopedia
This is bullshit!
Just don't fit
The countries are all there.

Here are the crocodiles
Also not on "K",
And about Kangurundia
Not a word yet.

Ancient Dinosaur
No place found
But someday it will come
And before them, perhaps.

Everyone in the encyclopedia
Enough space for them
All will be written in TYPE

Bought a bear diaper
Enrolled in kindergarten
He has a lion cub in his family
Appeared a day ago!

He found him under the tree
Just almost crushed -
All in burrs and with red bangs -
Took and adopted.

And from the adopted son
He does not take his gentle eyes off:
"Let all bears have Bears,
Well, Lyovushka is with us!"


Announcement on the lair:
(And the owner does not waste his strength -
You can not wipe your paws.)

The new kind

The bear has slippers at home
Turned into clubfoot
And bear sandals
They turned into goats.
Only his boots
From the looks of it, nothing...
Their bear will not warp,
He doesn't wear them in winter.
In these felt boots he sleeps,
Here they have a new look.

Three Bears

Three bears lived
Fedka, Fedenka and Fedya.

Fedka was a terrible robber,
Real punk!
He poured yesterday's soup
On passers-by from the window.

Well, Fedenka is good
He was very kind-hearted
Even flies did not beat galoshes,
He was a big smart guy.

The animals loved Fedenka,
Invited to visit for pancakes,
Well, they beat Fedka with a stick
Here is the thickness.

Fedya was some kind of average,
Incomprehensible and wonderful -
That with a malicious grin,
That with a harmonica.

Well, these Feds lived
All in one big
Both outside and inside
There was a BEAR
Like three.

A sad bear wanders in the thicket -
He lost his home.
Burlaps in ravines tears,
How it roars in handkerchiefs:
“Where are you, where are you, my berlozhka?
Respond, light the window!
Squeak the door hinge!
Hang out with me!"

"Sneaky and evil -
Here she is!
There is no more insidious
There is no scarier one!" -
The bears say
Bear kids
From the very first days. -

"Clicks teeth
Rogue smart!
God forbid you into it
Paw please!
Be careful, bears, -
In more often mishelovka!
You go there without adults
Better not go!”

Mishka's teaser

Let the likes angrily lie -
Bear likes are not scary,
And strumming on the balalaika
He told them from the top of a pine tree:

Get in for at least three days!
Tryn-melon-melon, melon-melon, melon-hole,
Here's a bump from me!

Flew into the bear's ear
A very small fly.
All day long buzzed inside
So the ear was already trembling,
And hoarse, flew away,
Didn't say what you wanted.

A bear in a T-shirt was walking through the forest,
And the whole forest on it read:
"There is NO ANIMAL ANGERER than LIKE!",

A koala came to visit the bear -
The bag of overseas guests is full!
I put all kinds of greenery there
And eucalyptus leaves she.

Eucalyptus leaves smell amazing!
A wonderful aroma permeates the house,
Flies out the door, floats through the gate
And flows back through the windows ...

“Ah,” the koala admitted at dinner, “
How high I had to climb!
How I risked myself for them
To eat with you for dessert!

Why didn't you touch the dish?
Eat the leaves, I beg you!”
“No,” the owner smiled, “I won’t.
I’ll dry the bath brooms from them!”

Star Bears

The month spoke to the Big Dipper:
"Would you like me to join you?
I will babysit your little daughter,
Gently potush, pamper,
I will teach "goat", "magpie", "okays"
I'll hang quietly next to her.

Bureau of disservice

Opened bear service bureau
"Bear Kindness" -
For this, he will fix your heel,
And the spokes of the umbrella

The laces will help tie
Peel your banana
And he can tell a story
And unfold the sofa.

But already wiped his pants to holes
There is a bear in his office,
And all no one at least cheese
Do not ask to rub!

All his services are afraid -
They are bearish
And everyone thinks: “What if
Are there only tricks in them?

The bear did not expect such problems
And hangs on a nail
Another sign entirely:
Bureau "Bear anger"! -

Help you break your heel
Pierce a car with an umbrella ...
Now from all his services
Nobody can hide!

high art

It's a whole science
It's hard to master -
Step on the ear
Just like a bear does.

Neither elephants nor hippos
They can't come like this
So that the singer, forgetting about the notes,
He sang nastier than a donkey.

And the bear has all the tricks
Worked for a long time -
He trains at home
On the tatami in kimono!

How to lay on the shoulder blades,
Loudly shout out: "Kiya!" -
And with one touch of the heel
Your song is sung.

grandfather bear

“Hello, grandfather bear,
How old are you? Answer."

"Years, guys, so much for me,
How many cones on a pine tree!

“Tell us, do not melt,
Is your family big?

“You count everyone with difficulty,
The house is full of teddy bears!

“Are you all, confess to us,
Do you remember their names?"

“How not to remember, since relatives.
All are Mikhails, in honor of me!”

To Grandma

Oh how long it takes
To Grandma Bear!
The bear is in such a hurry
To her on the day off!
There's jam in a jar!
There in the evening fairy tales!
Yes, and sad grandmother
There's only one there!

Bear is friends
With monkey and pony
Knows the approach
To the talking crow

Hanging out with a clown
And with the African elephant -

Tigers and lions
He shakes his paws
Whispering with a rabbit
White from a hat.

The lady who
Sawed to pieces
Every intermission
Says "hello" to him.

Just yet
Should make friends
With a gloomy girl
From the fifth row.

full moon time

Looked out at night
Bear from the window
Elle hissed,
Like a black cat

Your claws
Unleashed on her paws
Like prey
I smelled it.

moon in the sky,
Like a gray-haired sorceress, -
Here it is
Full moon time...

Feels the bear
Goosebumps on the body -
There are two bears
They took off on broomsticks!

Following the big
Smaller friend.
near the moon
Describe two circles

Suddenly like a robber
Ka-a-k whistled! -
Startled bear
And burrowed into bed.

pink mouse

Wound up at the bear
Pink mouse.
Pink mouse...
What is this strange animal?
And I don't believe my eyes
Surprised bear -
Well, you try
Believe it yourself!
Gray - it happens
White - removed
There are no pink
In the world under the moon.
Even in the Red Book
You will hardly meet them -
There and pink
I don't have one!
The bear scratches its turnip:
"What a little girl!
It's a pity for such
Raise your paw!"
So this mouse
cunning thief,
Keeps on in the jam
Take baths.

About weather

announced in the morning
Medvest program:
For tomorrow in the forecast
Frost "minus two hundred"!

"Wow! Have you heard?
Well, that's too much!" -
Fear like a wave
Rolled over the bears.

They put on
Pieces of ten coats,
thrown into the oven
coal and firewood,

They sit at home
in woolen gloves,
Earflaps, scarves
And with worry on their faces.

"Heh heh," she apologized.
The Medvest program, -
Frost "minus twenty",
And the one in Bucharest!

The forecast turned out to be
erroneous, false,
And the right one is exactly

Warm tomorrow
We promise "plus twenty"!
But the bears
Don't rush to undress.

Born to bears
Tiny baby,
Although in the tummy
It wasn't bad!

And Mishutka would be glad
Come back,
But you must first
Go to kindergarten

Then learn
A little at school
Choose a profession
Born when...

And if they take
Then go sailor -
scare the fish
Steamboat whistle!

And also marry
Still not to forget
After all, what kind of life
Without love and marriage?

Not good to walk
A single sailor!
Therefore, it is necessary
Think about who.

So that with her sons
Babysit and daughters
Grandchildren and great-grandchildren
Also weird...

Well, so many
Not done!
And so would my mother
Still sat.

happy father

A bear walked by the handle with a bear
And with one more under the arm,
And under the arm of the other -
The third son dangled his leg.
A fourth sat on his shoulders,
The fifth rode on his back,
The bear walked with a proud gait
For the sixth - to the hospital to his wife!

Brave Bear

"That's it," said the bear,
I'm covered!
There hunters with guns!
Only the bear is not a coward,
He does not give up alive!
Right now, how do I get out!
Right now, how to roar!
I'll show you my fangs!
How to shout guys from the thicket!
The brats will run!”

The bear came out of the den,
Sat down, tired, on the threshold,
He stretched out his legs,
He wiped the sweat off his forehead with his paw.

“Wow cleaning!
Bucket full of dirt!
In the holes, a rag-poluter!
Well, you are a pig, a hut!

Who feels good

“Good big as a bear! -
The ant dreamed.
Don't crush them with your feet
Do not tease small fry! ”

Well, the bear is on the way
Sowed the key from the lair:
“Oh, but it would be smaller -
I would have gotten into the house without the keys!”

Got a teddy bear once
A very gentle letter.
"Hello bunny! -
Someone is writing. -
How are you, work?
I'll be visiting soon
I'm making pancakes for dinner!
I'll bring a barrel of honey!
I'll treat you, little squirrel!
Ladies raspberries from the branch right!
Well, see you later, baby!

They push the bear to the side: “Mish,
You snore too much!
The forest is rocking back and forth!
You would cover your mouth with your paw!
The bumps are falling on us!
Turn up your bass a little!
Do they snore so loudly?! -
You blew off all the hats!
Jay in panic and thrush:
The eggs will fall out of the nests!
Your terrible snoring
Even the gag kicks out!
Wake up, bully!
Sorry for the hurricane!
We want to sleep too!
Oh, catch us - we're flying!

The wolf looks at the bear:
“Well, you, brother, are a bandit!
The eye is broken, the nose is broken,
A tuft of hair is pulled out from behind,
Burdock stuck to the beard,
The bump has grown like a mushroom!
Did you break the moose?”
“Nah! Zaitsev separated!

I met two bears.
There was one of them in a shirt-front,
Tailcoat, bow tie, raincoat
And with an umbrella on my elbow.

And the other, or rather the other,
Like an expensive doll
She walked, blinking her eyelashes,
With a magnificent fan in his hand.

Chatting with me about fashion
About the weather, about nature:
“Well,” said the bears, “like
We went to a dinner party…”

Here come the bears
Gentlemen and ladies!
Well, I'm in a leaky sneaker
She waved her cap at them.

I'll get myself a bear

I'll get myself a bear
I will proudly go out with him into the yard -
Let the neighbors envy
Looking out the windows through the curtains!

They would also like a couple of bears,
But they already have
Any living creatures surplus -
Kangaroo, gorilla, yak.

A bath is shared by two penguins
Duck, toad and seal.
They planted a dolphin with them -
The bathtub immediately turned upside down.

Everywhere zebras walk in formation
And giraffes in full growth,
And one peacock is like three,
If he opens his tail.

Not enough for lunch
Tiger place at the table!
Where to plant a bear?
Not on a chandelier with an eagle!
honey sea

One bear
Loved to roar.
He was a terrible roar!
Roaring bear:
"I want candy!"
And I didn't want another.

He was asked:
"Eat jelly,
Be a good bear!"
And he moaned "calamel"
And "plyanichka" with "ilishka".

He did not eat soup for uncles and aunts,
Seeing a vase with honey,
But I promised
What will eat all the "copper",
And for everyone and at once!

"Once a raspberry,
Two raspberries! -
The bear is eating.-
In every berry
Dozhdinka -

Not a raspberry
And the picture!
The big man licked his lips.-
And big as a basket!
Come on, get off her, you worm!"

Mishutka has paws in honey,
Mishutka has a nose in honey.
But he did not eat honey, like, -
Just carried very quickly!

Just honey was very liquid,
He pretended to be water
Just honey was very quick,
Like a young grasshopper!

He splashed on a plate -
Who would keep him?
Honey was faster than squirrels,
That's why he ran away!

excellent student

Bear with pride
Brings from school
Notebook in the bag
For control work.

In this notebook
Today again
He received
On the bear "five"!

happy mom
And papa bear:
"Here's a young lady!
Keep trying!

At school, a bear -
main subject,
For admission
To university!"

Bear bees

Bear started an apiary
With beehives and bees
And decided to name all the bees
Fun nicknames.

He himself chose the names -
Daisy, Rose,
Vasilisushka alone
And one Mimosa.

Loved the dandelion
Kholil the Bell,
Even nailed them to the hives
With the names of pegs!

So that, flying through the flowers,
Mishkin bees knew
That they are not someone there!
What are they - Toptyzhkins!

crimson dream

If raspberries
Was without thorns
No scratches
needle stuff,

That would not stick out
Splinters from the nose
How ugly
Ugly goats.

If raspberries
Was not thick
Not with worms inside
And empty

Right in the den
Growing up by the fireplace
That would be
Not life, but raspberries!

Barrel of honey

The sun is a barrel of honey, -
So thought one bear
And at any time of the year
He liked to look at him.

He sat down on the hill
And sat with his mouth open
With the look of a gourmet glutton
And a rumbling belly.

The eccentric waited for drops of honey
Fly into an open mouth
But in the end from the sky
It was raining, not honey.

honey sea

I would very much like
gluttonous bear,
To appear
Honey Sea.

He would bathe in it
Crawl and brass
With a donut circle
And a bun-mattress.

It would be the sea
amber, radiant,
Clean, transparent
And very fragrant.

The sea would smell
Buckwheat and sticky
wave shore
It would be sticky.

It would be the sea
Sweet yummy -
Swim in it
And you swallow furtively!

Ode to honey

Bear composes an ode
Under the name "Glory to honey!".
And shoots like a machine gun
A hundred-meter verse about honey:

"Glory to golden honey,
Generously poured into a barrel,
Glory in a saucer, in a vase, honey!
Hail, sandwich with honey!

Hail, honey, in a pot and in a jar,
In cake and casserole
In milk and in pie
On pancakes and in cottage cheese.

Hail, honey, with hot tea!
With pumpkin honey is unusual!
Sweeter than sour lemon
About a million times.

Honey is always held in high esteem, in fashion,
And honor everything that is in honey -
Pear, apple, banana,
Even the blue eggplant.

And to distraction
Decorates honey cookies.
Honey, you are worthy of poems!
All. I'm going to eat you."

honey cows

Eyes twinkle in the dark
Bears lay down to sleep in a row,
And the bear tells them fairy tales
In a hoarse whisper:

"I will repeat to you word for word,
What my grandfather used to say:
There are honey cows
Where there are no cold winters.

Where the snow never fell,
They chew cornflowers
Fresh milk with honey
They give three buckets a day!

From a sore throat, from a cold
There is no better tool in the world.
Once brought from there
I have it in a can grandfather.

Better than any other
This is miracle milk!
Sorry honey cows
So far from here...

This precious breed
They love the bears of those parts,
Well, what about the locals, that without honey,
They don't count as cows!"

raspberry mama

The bear has such a wonderful mother!
Not like the tiger and the hippo!
You can not replace her mother lion,
After all, the mother of a lion does not smell like raspberries.

So tasty it is for a lucky bear
Bakes for a birthday with raspberry gingerbread!
Compote and jam, sore throat syrup,
Jelly, marmalade she has - from raspberries!

What is there! She and roast goose
Raspberries are always stuffed for taste.
And even meatballs in her frying pan
Squealing begins with a raspberry note.

She pickles and ferments raspberries
And she paints her head for the holiday,
And if he kisses someone on the cheeks
Raspberry smacks remain from the lips.

Why does she need other blush, lipstick?
And she doesn't even need any perfume,
After all, it smells nice, like raspberries.
Well, she’s not her mother, but Malvina!
winter dreams

What's on the bear's mind?

What's on the bear's mind?
Buns, gingerbread and donuts,
Cakes, waffles, pies
And ice cream cones.
All in all, here's what's on my mind:
Stock up on fat for the winter.

The bear is tormented by yawning -
Mouth won't close
And in a stew for some reason
He's been biting his nose all day.

Just take the book -
Sleepy right eye.
“Well, - the bear scratches the back of his head, -
It's time to unroll the mattress.

Behind the window is a refrigerator
Pine paws freeze ...
Time to set the alarm
Me on the first day of spring.

Dear Bears!

Dear mice!
I ask you one thing:
From claws to armpit
Wash your paw before bed!

After all, when you suck in a dream,
You are like a sandwich
You carry it to yourself
A million germs in your mouth!

They might even take you to the hospital
Because of the paw to put!
So you better not be lazy
And wash it with shampoo -

So that strawberries and raspberries
Paw smelled every time
Like in your bed with a feather bed
You lay down for a quiet hour.

Mishkin's backfill

The sun shone in the sky -
Legs, march under the covers!

My head, turntable,
Your pillow is waiting for you.

Paw, smear yourself in jam
And put it in my mouth soon.

Close together, eyes, -
Soon you will dream of fairy tales!

Bear's lullaby

Sleep teddy bear
It's not spring yet!
Waiting for us three months
Winter sleep.

The snow falls asleep
grass and leaves,
We say goodbye to them
We are real.

I will be in a dream
I miss you
I will get up
Shake you.

Cute baby,
Don't cry, don't be sad.
Better a little
Grow up in your sleep!

Wake up in March
With a cheerful soul
And you'll be surprised
How big are you!

Will become you
The cradle is tight...
Sleep, little bear
Sweet dream!

Footprints in the snow

There are many footprints in the snow.
There the fox caught the mouse,
There the hare gnawed at the bark,
There was a kangaroo jumping ...
The elephant dangled back and forth ...
A hippopotamus was riding down the mountain...
Zebras trampled paths ...
The ostrich dived forehead into a snowdrift ...
And the giraffe decorated the forest
Snow tower to the sky!
Yes! And this is not a joke -
Just a winter dream of Mishutka.

Bear rod

Everywhere cold, beater,
Birds don't fly.
The connecting rod wanders through the forest
And staggers in a dream.

Walks straight in slippers
And in pajamas with bees.
Oh, I'm afraid it will fall
On birches with fir trees!

Hey, connecting rod, bloody your nose! -
He doesn't get upset.
He's just a sailor in a dream
And the ship is rocking.

Sleepy bear

The bear sleeps sweetly in the den,
After all, in the ears of the bear - cotton wool.
Sleeping, not hearing at all,
How the roof cracks under the snow,
How the old woman's bed creaks
As the cracker rattles in the forest,
How they knock on the door outside
All his neighbors are beasts
How a cone flies through the window:
"Happy New Year, dormouse-bear!"


Yes "knock-knock-knock" -
What is that sound?
Whose hooves trample there -
Elk, horse, donkey?

Yes "knock-knock-knock" -
What kind of guest appeared all of a sudden?
Who is knocking on the door to the bear
March 1st?

Yes, knock-knock-knock...
- Come back later, friend!
Do not shake your fists at the door -
Distract from sleep!

Yes, knock-knock-knock...
- Who is there - a squirrel, a wolf, a badger?
What kind of animal is so stubborn?
- I came - Spring!

Mishka's alarm clock

Open up, right eye!
Look what time it is.

Paw, wipe your left eye!
Left eye, do not sleep - look!

Head, good yawn! -
Which leg should I get up on?

Bears in the north

At the North Pole
Cold bears.
Bears decided:
"Let's move south!"
Lying down, sunbathing
At the South Pole
On the snowy pole
Cold and blizzard.

White bears

There are only blondes in their family,
In their family there are only blondes,
Mother and father are white as ice floes,
And their kids are like ice cubes.

Grandmothers, grandfathers of blondes
All to the most distant ancestors.
Only one was with a brown skin,
Because he rarely washed.


The white bear will not understand:
What kind of sweetness is this - "honey"?
What kind of animals are these "bees"?
What kind of edge is the "blooming meadow"?
Where there are ice and icebreakers
He did not meet these things.

If there is no summer

Do not hibernate
White bears,
Don't snore all winter
In a soft, warm blanket.

Because if
Blizzards all year round
That all their lives or something
Spend in bed?

After all, there is no summer
Swimming, fishing...
And sleep it all
Very, very sorry!

Northern lights

Here is the radiance
All colors merge,
northern rainbow,
Overflow of colors!

Pole bears love
In the sky this lane
It's a marvelous wonder
Best of Divas!

They put on boots,
Sit and admire:
Fairytale spectacle!
Just like in the movies!

Look up with smiles
feast on fish,
Somebody is kissing
Even at the same time.


Slippery in the Arctic and icy.
Out on the slippery ice
The bears are there, like skaters,
They perform all year round.

They ride like a swallow, like aces,
To the milk shop
And with a trolley at the checkout
Brake with one skate.

For a talented streak
They would give cups to everyone.
And a special sharpener
To sharpen blades!

Here is hardening so hardening -
Swim in the hole in the cold!
The wind whips like a skipping rope
And bites like a dog.

In winter waters even fish
Breaks the bones, brings the tail,
And the scales stick out on end, -
That's how the cold of the ice is not simple!

And bears, like in a jacuzzi,
They fall prone into the hole
And who frolic on the belly,
Who is on the back, who is sideways!

And then the bears come out
Barefoot on the ice
And shake off the ice
Freezing water.


He is a clumsy bear
And not clumsy.
He has another
Strange Trait:

This cute bear
Cat-footed since childhood
And why the bear
Cat paws?

Maybe not to stomp
And walk without a sound?
To sly
Walk in the bushes?

No, panda has them
For bamboo stalks
Their cat's paw
Easier to hook.

spectacled bear

He is not farsighted
And not nearsighted
But he walks all the time
Like a dude with glasses

Maybe very soon
Will he wear pants?
flaunt in fashionable
Will there be jackets?

“Well, what is it!? -
The bear answers
I want to wear
On my nose I pince-nez!

Sometimes in a monocle
I am reading a book.
Very, by the way,
He suits me!”

Grizzly at the zoo at night
The bars in the cages were gnawed
Tiger, lion, elephant, raccoon,
Hamadryla, hippopotamus,
Kangaroo, donkey, lemur,
Wolf, zebra, bison, round,
Boar, tapir, lynx,
The way to the eagle was opened in the sky!
But, like everyone else, they didn’t whistle -
Just too tired...

sloth bear

The sponge bear himself does not know,
What a glorious trumpeter he would be.
With his talented lip
He could blow the clarinet, the oboe,
bassoon, horn, bugle, trumpet
And find your destiny in them!
And he could make us happy
Jazz on the saxophone...
But it doesn't blow at all
Shifting the dust a hundred steps,
And, clearing the way for the ants,
He hurries to blow them into himself.
At leisure

The bear asks the bear:
“Do you fish with a mormyshka?
I heard that mormyshka
Even a catfish can peck!”

"No, buddy, mormyshka
I catch a mouse in the pantry,
The one that runs in a jump,
And I go to fish with a lasso (m)!

No they don't like bears
Cut into cards.
But they are crazy
From another game - in the loto!

Pull on the bench
From a bag of barrels.
- Who has "back and forth"?
- I have! Come here!

Who has gloves?
Who has ducks?
And who has the "hatchet"?
- I have! Look! In!

Well, what about the "grandmother with a club"?
- Peter and Ilyushka!
- Well, "felt boots" to whom?
- To me!
- And me!
- And I'll take it!

So they sit and play
Without end and end.
Everyone decides who will take
The main prize is a barrel of "honey".

At leisure bear cubs
Decided to play hide and seek:
- Only vada, chur, not me!
- You! After all, it's your turn!
- I found you three times!
- You peeped in two eyes!
- Come on, for me
Here's someone who will take half a day ...
- Who is this?
- Bear…
- He's a toy after all!
- But you have to try!
Maybe he's a good wada!
- Okay, chur, in raspberries only
I'm hiding now and Kolya,
Because you, Taras,
Ate raspberries last time!
- Well, then I - by the river,
In a secret place.
Only, teddy bear,
You don't eavesdrop on us!

We didn’t see the checkers of the bear,
They don't have checkers in the forest,
But they call it a game of cones
The same game.

Here in the shade of a spruce branch
The bears will sit in a crowd,
Cells will be drawn on the stump
And they fight after battle.

And for those who are too noisy -
Pine Announcement:
“Shh! The tournament is underway!
We ask everyone to be quiet!”

"Cat and Mouse"

No, guys, "cat and mouse" -
Not a game, but nonsense.
Is it a matter of "bee-bear"!
"Bees-bears" - yes!

real fun
For funny teddy bears!
Who is left, who is right
They run, they scream!

Bees rush about and get angry -
Fear for honey
Well, the bears are having fun
All day long.

Hula Hup

The bear is doing exercises -
Spinning the hula hoop
And inside it, as in a tub,
Soup beats with a noisy splash.

Kasha gurgles angrily,
The sandwich blew up:
“Hey, Toptygin, you wait!
Stop shaking your stomach!"

The jam has the same opinion
And angry mint tea:
"Hey Toptygin, exercise
Finish yours soon!"

Crushing a pack of cookies
Like a ball, the cake jumps:
“Stop, Toptygin, rolling!
We can fall overboard!”

But, chewing a cutlet with a bun,
Bear responds:
"Hey guys, stop gurgling!
Don't stop me from losing weight!"


Who is in the forest clearing
Left a mark on the wheels?
This is a speedy mishkin
Passenger jet!

Not a fancy Mercedes
He is, of course, but
Fits the whole forest
In this bear's car.

Full body will dial
He is a beast from all around
And rolls back and forth
Protein, hares, foxes, moose.

Distributed all day
Echoing a loud "beep-beep!"
"Beep!" - and the stump shuddered in the thicket,
"Beep!" - and the mushroom jumped sideways.

And in the evening a jalopy
Rushing home like a fire
Turning on the distant light
Bright owl headlights.

The meaning and origin of the name Michael:"Who is like God" (Biblical)

Patron saints and name day dates:

  • January 24 (January 11) - St. Michael of Klopsky, Novgorod (Rus.).
  • February 27 (February 14) - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Chernigov (Rus.) (transfer of relics).
  • March 23 (March 10) - Martyr Michael of Thessalonica.
  • March 27 (March 14) - Right-believing Grand Duke Rostislav-Michael. (Rus.).
  • April 29 (April 16) - Martyr Michael Vourliot.
  • May 15 (May 2) - Blessed and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Boris, with the holy baptism Michael (Bolg.).
  • June 3 (May 2) - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Murom (Rus.).
  • June 5 (May 23) - Rev. Michael, confessor, Bishop of Sinad and Rev. Martyr Michael, Chernorites.
  • June 28 (June 15) - St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, wonderworker of all Russia (Rus.).
  • July 12 (June 29) - Martyr Michael, gardener, Athens.
  • July 16 (July 3) - Blessed Mikhail Solvychegodsky.
  • July 17 (July 4) - Saint Michael, Archbishop of Athens.
  • July 25 (July 12) - Rev. Michael Maleip.
  • August 11 (July 29) - Martyr Michael.
  • September 19 (September 6) - Archangel Michael (remembrance of the miracle that happened in Khonekh).
  • October 3 (September 20) - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Chernigov (Rus.).
  • October 13 (September 30) - St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, wonderworker of all Russia (Rus.).
  • October 14 (October 1) - Martyr Michael, hegumen of Zovia.
  • October 15 (October 2) - Martyr Michael of Kazan (Rus.).
  • November 21 (November 8) - Archangel Michael (cathedral).
  • December 5 (November 22) - Righteous Prince Mikhail of Tverskoy (Rus.) and righteous Michael, warrior (Bolg.).
  • December 31 (December 18) - St. Michael the Confessor.

E. Serova


I spent half a day drawing a handsome horse,
And everyone praised me for the drawing.

First my mom
She said a word:
- Wonderful, Mishenka,
The sheep is out!

But with the same pattern
I went to my dad
And dad said to me:
- Excellent goat!

Then she praised
Baby sister:
- You are very good.
Made a kitten!

And my older brother
He praised me
Yawned and said:
- Nice crocodile!

Vladimir Orlov

Uncle MISHA on the stove
Ate cakes and rolls,
And during the break
Ate dumplings and donuts.
Very soon Uncle Misha
They got it through the roof.

Yes, coat
That's all

Michael, Mishan, Mishka
He loves to eat rugs.

Ilona Grosheva

Like a flame
Light and cheerful
Pleases the family.
Waking up in the morning -
Filled with laughter
In the evening lulls
Your little sister.
How we love Mishenka,
Our little boy
How we cherish it -
There are no such words.
He is like the sun for us
He is like a month for us,
He is our main
The Greatest God!

Dmitry Pinsky

We wish you health and strength,
And happiness in addition - to you, Michael!

Dmitry Pinsky

Misha, Mishenka, Bear,
Stop crying in vain!
Record your roar on tape
Let everyone listen to the child.

A. Mogilevskaya

Misha, Misha, Mishenka
Brought Dana a cherry
Apricot smooth
And sweet raspberries
Cherry plum is beautiful,
Plum dark blue.
Mom cooks compote for them
And jam for the whole year.

Y. Sveshnikov

Misha, Misha, you are a baby.
What? Why don't you sleep?
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And go to sleep soon.
Sleep with grandma and mom
Sleep, my stubborn granddaughter,
Sleep, spinner and talker,
Sleep, my little rascal.

M. Kuchukova

Bear rides, rides
In brand new pants.
Riding down an icy hill
Like an inflatable ball.

Our bear does not want to wash,
He overturned the trough.
I shouted loudly - I do not want,
I will douse everyone with water!

Z. Pisman

Evening, the rain is pounding on the roof,
Scary little Misha.
He doesn't want to go to bed
Because he is afraid.
Mom sat down by the bed
And softly she sang:
"The blue night floats,
Clouds lead a round dance,
Sleep, son, sleep
Sleep, son, bye, bye.
Close your eyes soon
The dream will tell you tales:
About hedgehogs, forest bear,
About a titmouse and a hare.
Sleep descended, hush, hush,
The boy Misha is sleeping peacefully.

V. Filenko

Our Misha, little boy,
Such a naughty and mischievous:
Then he will tear his mother's book,
Then the soup will spill in a bowl,
Scatters toys everywhere
Take one and play with it.
Him: - Don't spoil Misha.
And he answered: only: Ay! Yes - wow!
Give-give, Ba-ba and hoo,
This is his speech.
At the dacha he picks flowers
And then carries to the grandmother,
And smiles at her clearly
Take granny, you are beautiful.
And grandmother blooms with happiness
And, Misha, it’s not misfortune at all,
But it takes a lot of work
He is only a year old.

S. Rusanovskaya

silver spoon
A little wrinkled
Shiny and black
Patterned at the waist
Antique silver spoon.
Among your girlfriends
Cheerful noisy spoons
She is always a princess
And the queen too.
And little Misha
Everything feeds a little,
All royal porridge
Silver spoon.

N. Firefly

Mama lowered the curtains
The doors to the room closed
- The night has come, it's time for everyone to sleep,
Quickly, Mishenka, go to bed!
- They say that the night has come!
Where has she been all day?
I'm embarrassed again,
Why is it not visible?
I see dad, I see mom
I see my brother all the time...
Why am I this lady
Never meet?
Not in the kitchen, not in the hallway ...
Who does she look like?
My family dreams
Mom, dad, Dimka,
Why can't I see
Where does the invisible man sleep?
In the morning gently again
Mom will say: "Mi-sha,
The night is gone, it's time to get up!
How could I not have heard?

S. Smetanin

Maryin Misha is just a treasure.
He comes to kindergarten
Undressing in the hallway
Everyone faster, they say.
He is combed, he is washed,
Looking up is fun.
He skillfully brushes his teeth -
How the smile shines!
Little Petya fell -
Misha immediately ran up,
And stroked his head.
Peter stopped crying.
Pavlik was very upset -
The ball rolled somewhere.
Misha did not guess for a long time -
I quickly found the ball.
Misha does not interfere with adults,
And he helps the kids.
That's why they say:
- Hey, boy! Just a treasure.

Lira Eroshevskaya

Michael - this name seems blue to me,
What is glorified by the young poet of Russia.
This name is dearer and closer to me than others:
Yes, I loved a guy named Misha,
And I couldn’t forget, and I’m still toiling,
I keep this name as if it were a shrine.
Michael is balanced by nature,
Will give great advice if you ask, of course.
And if he gets angry - there is no holding him in anger,
Required, all promises will be kept.
Fair, "equal to God", there is no more honest.
But painfully perceives criticism.

Tongue twisters about Misha

A hat and a fur coat - that's the whole Mishutka.

Misha's grandmother knits warm mittens to warm the hands of Little Bear.

Sasha and Mishutka have funny jokes.

... we have such an autumn - the real one, and not very cold. Everything is red and black - from leaves and wet asphalt, it's raining, but the air temperature is plus 12 ...

And here I found amazing poems about bears and blinded a whole selection. I really hope that they will cheer someone up, because here for every taste - from lyrics to almost hardcore. Seriously - read and see for yourself :)

Christmas lullaby
for teddy bears

Until the face of the moon is erased in the window
And spots of light slumber on the floor,
Dream, my favorite plush Orso,
Ball stuffed with sawdust.

When the rumble of a blizzard suddenly subsides in winter,
Listen - you will hear a quiet glanders ...
How serene is this bearish dream,
What bears dream of miracles !!!

The bears are sleeping, the moon does not interfere with them ...
Wonderful love keeps a light sleep.
Bear dreams are simple, but who understands them?
Who will smile at them and who will bless them?

Let the pure snow sparkle outside the windows.
I'll ask the wizard to help
Two bears dream of each other
On a magical Christmas night.

bear dream

The bear is sleeping, scaring mice with snoring,
Thick and gray-haired from the jacket.
Pulls a greasy paw
A tenacious handful of lips and tongue.
Pulls and smacks his lips: "Delicious!"
... Lazy dew falls,
Aged to sugar crunch
A strip of milk oats.
The moon sleeps in the early morning mist,
Night watchmen sleep in the village,
Only a stream through a berry meadow
Rolling, trembling on the pebbles ...
And above all above this, behind the fog,
The ringing of birches, the rustling of a snowstorm,
The wolf howl of a blizzard.
T. Belozerov

The next one really hurt my heart... :(
Who knows how to cry like that?
Just an angry bear!
Who displeased him
Who made the bear angry?
What in it, the devil moved in?
Just a bear wants to go to the forest!
There is expanse and space!
Living in a cage, what a shame!
There, in the forest, relatives live
And the bearish whole family.
The bear was separated from them
Learned to live in an aviary.
Only the bear does not give up,
It still breaks free.
He rushes around the cage,
His sadness is incurable.
N. Batsanova

Well, here he is, a bear ...
Bear, bear, couch potato

Bear, bear, couch potato!
He slept long and deep
Slept through the whole winter
And didn't hit the tree
And I didn't go sledding
And didn't throw snowballs
Everything would be a little bear to snore.
Oh, you little bear!
V. Berestov

but because - here! and indeed...
Why does a bear sleep in winter

Bear, bear! What happened to you?
Why do you sleep in winter?
- Because snow and ice -
Not raspberries and not honey!
V. Orlov

being polite can do wonders, right? :)
Sat down Bear - belly, like a globe,
On a crowded bus.
I began to make my way to the window,
And he had to push.
Clumsy, clumsy
Stepped on the Fox's paw;
He kicked the Hedgehog by accident, -
He screamed desperately;
Elbow gave the she-wolf in the back,
She howled, making a face.
Almost crushed Uzh,
I didn’t want to - he scared Chizh away ...
In general, wittingly or unwittingly,
Many Misha hurt.
But for all
He tried to be polite
I apologized, I apologized
- Sorry, miss
Here, please take...
I didn't push on purpose
Sorry, I accidentally.
Don't move, Beavers,
Be kind brothers.
Animals shunned, huddled,
But imagine not being offended.
Although the Bear was well-fed,
The main thing - he was brought up!
And try to be kind
Know baby, it's not useless.
Polite people will always be noticed
You will be kindly answered.
O. Tain

hard to wake up a bear...
Oh what a pleasure
Rivers and forests awakening!
The sun ray touched
And they were completely awake.
The fish are playing in the river
The birds welcome the sun.
The sound of swollen kidneys is heard,
And the bear doesn't want to get up!
Two sisters came running
Two shaggy foxes
They began to knock with their paws,
Shout out loud like this:
"Come on, sleepyhead, wake up,
Go fishing.
Well you emaciated for the winter
And became completely powerless.
The animals have been at work for a long time.
They build houses, in care!"
And the bear growls in response:
"I'm leaving, hello to the beast!"
L. Khramova

everything is really very simple
Come on, bear
Answer us quickly
Why are you called a bear?
- I'm in charge of honey,
Where is he hidden? -
The bear answered.
Is it healthy?
V. Chardin

bears are very inquisitive :)
- Where did you go, bear?
- I went to look at the moon.
I'm on the other side
Haven't seen the moon yet!
I climbed over the mountain
Walked along the river, through the forest -
But everywhere was visible
Same moon!

and not at all evil ... when they sleep :)

He slept in the winter in a lair,
He didn't run on the road.
He sucked his paw.
Saved the fat from the cold.
And the bear is warm here.
Turn from side to side
Grumble and smile...
Y. Asaeva

very lyrical :)
Bear lullaby

Sleeping bear in his lair.
He is warm, comfortable, happy.
And winter is on the doorstep.
Snowfall outside the window.
The bear sleeps, lies, does not grieve.
And in a dream he sees honey.
Silence stands outside.
A blizzard sweeps the ground.
Sleeping bear. White snow swirls.
Sweet, soft bed.
Wind in the yard, and cold.
The blizzard starts.
Sleeping bear. Knows no grief.
He sucks his paw in his sleep.
And does not know that, soon,
There will be a holiday - New Year.
Sleeping bear. A star is like a candle.
The winter world is full of wonders.
The ice is shining, the river is frozen.
And the forest is covered with snow.

do not scare the bears, otherwise they will not meet you
Once upon a frosty winter
Along the forest path
The bear went to his home
In a warm fur coat.

He walked, walked to his lair
Along a country road
And walking across the bridge
Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry
The dark forest rustled
A bear with a fright in an instant
Climb a big pine tree.

Cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree
Squirrel's house caulked
And he said: "You, bear,
You have to watch your feet."

Since then, the bear decided
That you need to sleep in winter
Do not walk along the paths.
Don't step on the tails.

And calm in winter
The bear sleeps under a snowy roof.
And happy not casually
Who was born without a tail!

tin, for some reason I even felt sorry for the bear ...
About a girl
who found her bear

Bear, bear, shame on you!
Get out from under the dresser...
You don't love me, you see?
What is this mod...
How dare you run away without asking?
Who did you look like?
On the unfortunate watchdog,
For which the hedgehog was chasing ...
All covered in dust
In cobwebs
With a shell on the nose...
This is how they paint in pictures
Only a devil in the forest.
Been looking for you all day
In the nursery, in the kitchen, in the pantry,
Wiped tears with elbow
And shook her head...
I flew in the corridor, -
Here, a scratch on the lip ...
Do you want soup? I did not eat -
I left everything for you.
Bear-mish, furry bear,
My fluffy baby!
Once upon a time there was a cat and a mouse...
Don't play pranks! Do you hear, honey?
Sorry, say I won't
Get under the dressers.
I will buy you a camel
And a green bed.
My most favorite bow
I will tie on your chest:
You will be cute, you will be a dandy, -
Just be obedient...
Why are you keeping silent? Let's take a brush -
We need to remove all the dirt.
To hurry you, freak,
I could kiss.
Sasha Black

still tin, if you imagine all this - try it :)
Bears and ears

In houses where naughty children live
Ear bears come at night
Because those who are sometimes disobedient
Ears hang like dumplings from the pillows.
And to everyone who would like to sing to the music,
A bear steps on the ear.

Ear bears are slightly clubfoot,
They are not afraid of either mom or dad.
They come and stand on the pillow with their paw,
Where harmful ears are sleepily spread,
Give them just a reason to climb onto the bed
And trample the musical ear with your foot.

well almost hardcore!
The Bears

(Initial idea by Kirill Blintsov)

The city was asleep and did not hear anything,
I saw dreams about a new lightning.
He did not hear how the armada of bears
Captured the approaches to the capital.

Machine guns in plush hands
And grenades in backpacks on the backs.
Legs go hard on the grass
High laced boots.

A very strange look in the glass eyes
And a grin on Misha's muzzle.
On banners in the brightest colors
The word “I hate!” blazes

Bears go to avenge their brother,
Bears go to destroy cities.
They threw it on the floor, cut off the paw:
Bears will never forgive insults.
Bears are ruthless and heartless,
Bears arrange total terror.
A new race that has come into eternity
Will pass judgment on eternity...

March for Plush Toys
In the morning it will end at the Reichstag.
Hundreds of planes, hundreds of guns,
Hundreds of waving flags.

The sun rises to the sky.
Adults and children cry in fear.
Avoid righteous anger
Angry teddy bears.