How to replace meat in the diet - recommendations for vegetarians. What can replace meat in the diet of adults and children Is it possible to replace meat with dairy products

The relatively high popularity of vegetarianism in last years makes many people look for something to replace the meat they refuse. Nutritionists, of course, do not recommend excluding meat food completely, but in fact, it is quite possible to live without it, if you do not forget about the main rule healthy eating- nutrient balance.

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Contrary to popular belief, humans are neither herbivorous nor "frugivorous" creatures. We are omnivores, our body is adapted to consume any food, both plant and animal. That is why we need animal products.

Meat contains a large amount of biologically complete protein, which contains all the essential amino acids. Meat contains several times more B vitamins, it contains animal fat and cholesterol, which many people fear, but which the human body needs. Meat food is rich in extractive substances that can increase appetite and stimulate the digestive glands. Finally, it is meat that contains the largest amount of iron, and in the form in which it is best absorbed. It is no coincidence that in the old days, people were given meat and liver for treatment.

However, meat does have its downsides. There can really be a lot of cholesterol in it, and because of this, the intake of animal food by people suffering should be limited. Extractive substances are not what patients need. Fat people are more important, which is difficult to achieve with the help of meat. Red meat and organ meats (liver, kidneys, heart, tongue, etc.) also increase the level of uric acid in the body. And this is a direct harm to health at.

Do not forget about the oncogenicity of red meat, especially in the form of sausages. A recent report from the World Health Organization explicitly "blames" these foods for increasing risk. Obviously, replacing meat with something safer is a smart move. But what to eat if you exclude beef, pork, poultry meat from the diet?

"Animal" meat substitutes

If a vegetarian is not fundamental in his beliefs and refuses only meat, he has plenty of opportunities to replace meat with other animal products.

Milk and dairy products

In terms of amino acid composition, cottage cheese made from whole cottage cheese is closest to meat. It contains 15% complete protein, fully meeting the needs human body, as well as a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and. In addition, cottage cheese contains a number of substances (choline, methionine, etc.) that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Low-fat cottage cheese (the so-called "skinny" with a fat content of 0.5%) is even more useful, since there is an exceptionally small amount of saturated fatty acids it is combined with a fairly high protein load.

High concentration useful substances also found in cheeses. 25% protein, 25-30% fat - this is the approximate qualitative composition of a good cheese (unfortunately, recently it has been quite difficult to find one on store shelves).

Any sour-milk drink can serve, if not as a full-fledged substitute for meat, then as a good addition to the plant-based diet of a vegetarian (to be precise - lacto vegetarian). A person can easily get the missing amino acids from a glass of milk, curdled milk, etc.

Egg white is recognized by all nutritionists as ideal. It contains all the necessary amino acids, it is absorbed by the body by 97-98%, if you use only it - cholesterol in digestive system does not fall, as it is contained in the yolk. Protein omelettes are an integral part of many therapeutic diets. That is why eggs can be an excellent substitute for meat.

Fish and seafood

This category includes various representatives of the animal world that lives in the water. The protein contained in fish is not inferior to meat in its composition. A serious advantage of fish is that it is better digested than meat due to the low content of poorly digestible connective tissue.

The nutritional value of fish is also high due to the increased content in many of its varieties and omega-6 fatty acids. These substances are extremely important for the processes taking place in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inhibit the growth of "bad" ones. It is no coincidence that in countries with traditionally high consumption of fish, the level of atherosclerosis is relatively low.

Fish is also rich in trace elements: potassium, and most importantly, phosphorus, which is indispensable for maintaining bone strength. In addition, it contains many vitamins, especially group B, and the liver of many fish contains a high content of vitamins A, D, E.

The above described products suitable for those who refuse only meat. However, there is a category of vegetarians who completely ignore any food of animal origin, regardless of whether the animal was killed to obtain it or not. Such people are called vegans or Vitarians. It is somewhat more difficult for them to choose a complete replacement for meat, since neither vegetables, nor fruits, nor cereals individually contain a complete set of proteins. However, with the right diet, vegans can get everything they need from plants.


This category of plants includes, beans, and also mistakenly considered a nut. They contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is well absorbed by the body. The disadvantage of most legumes is the rather high content of carbohydrates that provoke. Peanuts also contain a large amount of fat, and this should be taken into account in the fight against excess weight. Another disadvantage of legumes is the lack of methionine in them.

Separately, we should talk about soy. This plant has an incredibly high protein content, in its composition as close as possible to the animal. Soy isolates, tofu, natto, miso, soy milk - all these products can be a complete replacement for any meat product.

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This category of plants can include all those products from which various cereals are made - rice, wheat, buckwheat. The latter is considered an ideal cereal, as it contains the highest amount of protein. Oatmeal is also very useful, but due to its relatively high fat content, it should not be made the main cereal in the diet of a vegetarian.

The lack of essential amino acids makes cereals an inferior substitute for meat. The way out here may be to cook meals with the addition of soy milk enriched with vitamins - this will allow you to get a complete set of amino acids, as well as ensure that you meet the need for calcium, which is also lacking in cereals.

Vegetarians consider nuts to be exceptionally high in protein. However, even a superficial analysis of sites dedicated to the rejection of meat, shows that their knowledge is limited to this. But despite the high protein content, nuts cannot provide the body with all the necessary set of amino acids. They contain too little tryptophan and lysine, and without these substances normal metabolism is impossible. However, the combination of nuts with legumes and cereals solves this problem.

In fact, there are practically no minuses in the rejection of meat, if you do not switch to pure vegetarianism. Eggs, fish, dairy products may well provide a person with absolutely all the necessary substances, including proteins, macro- and microelements.

Another thing is veganism. The main problem of vegans is the lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods. Some sites indicate that it can be obtained from seaweed, soybeans and other plants. However, this is blatantly false information. Vitamin is found only in animal foods, which include meat products (liver, kidneys), fish, shellfish. In much smaller quantities, it is found in cheeses, meat, eggs, and lactic acid products.

The lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods makes them biologically inferior. However, in the West, special vegan products are produced artificially enriched with this substance. In our country, we can recommend to vegans an additional intake of vitamin complexes and food additives containing and vitamin B12.

It is believed that a person can live for about a month without protein. This microelement is necessary for the normal functioning and proper functioning of the body. Protein is found in large quantities in meat products. This article will discuss whether it is possible to do without meat. The main substitutes for meat products are considered.

Why is protein needed?

The trace element is a building material for cells. It regulates the production of hemoglobin, enzymes, hormones. Increases immunity, helps the body digest and absorb vitamins, fats and other substances. It also ensures the proper functioning of the metabolism.

Important! Meat is one of the main sources of protein. It is necessary to refuse the use of the product gradually. Otherwise, problems with the digestive system may occur.

Meat contains the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • iron.

In order to replace meat, you will need to find alternative sources of protein.

How to replace meat in the diet?

Today, a vegetarian diet is widespread in the world. These people do not eat meat for ethical or other reasons. They get protein by eating other products of plant (animal) origin.

1. Legumes

A large number of protein is found in the following grains:

  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • peas.

Legumes also contain vegetable proteins. They are necessary for the proper assimilation of products. Beans should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, bloating will form. It is recommended to combine grain crops with vegetable dishes.

2. Dairy products

Dairy products have a lot of protein.

Cottage cheese

This is a great alternative to meat. The product contains a sufficient amount of protein (more than 15%). It is best to purchase cottage cheese made from whole milk. This product contains many useful substances:

  • phosphorus;
  • methionine;
  • calcium;
  • methionine;
  • vitamin b.

Regular consumption of cottage cheese in food can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Dairy products

These include kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk and other fermented milk drinks. They saturate the body with the necessary amino acids.


The product contains a large amount of protein - more than 25%. At the same time, it is very difficult to find high-quality cheese without additives and harmful substances.

3. Tofu

It is compressed soy milk. In addition to protein, tofu also contains other trace elements (for example, amino acids).

The main advantage of the product is its versatility. It can be used as a supplement or on its own. Many people like to eat tofu along with soups or fried foods.

4 eggs

Egg white must be present in the diet. It is easily absorbed by the body and contains all the necessary substances. The product is very popular among people who are actively involved in sports. Eggs help to quickly build muscle mass.

5. Mushrooms

A good option to replace meat products. Mushrooms are rich in protein and low in calories. In order to avoid problems with digestion, you should not often use this product. Mushrooms are a fairly heavy food that is difficult for the body to digest.

6. Seitan

The product is made from wheat protein. The manufacturing process is to remove starch from wheat. This procedure allows you to saturate the seitan with a large amount of protein.

Seitan tastes like chicken and has a special aroma. The product also contains gluten. That is why it is forbidden to use seitan for people who are allergic to gluten.

7. Nuts

It is recommended to observe the measure when eating nuts. They cannot completely replace meat. This is due to the fact that the product lacks the necessary amino acids. Nutritionists advise combining the product with cereals or legumes.

8. Tempe

The composition resembles tofu, is made on the basis of soy. The main difference is that soybeans are used for making, not milk. Tempeh is produced by fermentation. The product has a dry texture and may sometimes contain a small amount of grains or beans.

Unlike tofu, tempeh is high in fiber, magnesium, and gut health benefits. The product is usually added to salads or used to stuff sandwiches.

9. Seeds

In addition to protein, sunflower seeds contain vitamins, fats, amino acids, carotene and other substances. It is not recommended to consume a large number of seeds. The optimal daily intake is no more than 100 grams. Otherwise, there will be problems with digestion.

10. Cereal crops

To provide the body with protein, the following cereals should be included in the diet:

  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat;

When eating cereals, the body receives essential vitamins and useful substances. However, cereals cannot completely replace meat. Therefore, it is worthwhile to combine cereals with other sources of protein.

11. Textured Protein

It is a plant product derived from soybean oil. The manufacturing process is as follows - the protein is separated from the fat by high temperature.

After that, a product is obtained that looks like ordinary cottage cheese. In order to prepare a textured protein, you need to soak it. Preferably in boiling water or hot water.

12. Greenery

The product contains amino acids necessary for the body. It is recommended to add green leaves to salads, soups, or use as an independent dish.

Plants with the highest protein content:

  • spinach;
  • dill;
  • cilantro;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • cabbage.

Nutritionists advise to use smoothies made from greens and vegetables. They are very beneficial for the body.

Features of choice

Not all meat substitutes contain essential trace elements. That is why the diet should be varied and balanced.

Important! Before purchasing products, you should carefully study the composition indicated on the package. This is especially important for vegetarians who do not consume animal products.

The benefits and harms of vegetable protein

The composition of vegetable protein practically does not differ from animal protein. The main component is amino acid residues. At the same time, vegetable protein is absorbed by the body much worse. The main drawback is the unbalanced composition. Some useful elements are missing in the composition of vegetable protein.


This article discusses in detail the main meat substitutes. The benefits and harms of vegetable protein, features of the choice of products are also described.

Protein is the building block of the human body. Do not immediately refuse to eat meat products. It is best to gradually transfer your body to vegetable protein. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences that can occur with improper nutrition.

People refuse meat different reasons. Someone consciously decided to become a vegetarian, while doctors recommend it to someone. One way or another, the question of what to replace meat with, and from what foods the body can get protein, arises for everyone. The editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you an overview of the best herbal products that can replace meat products.

Giving up meat: pros and cons

Until now, there is no unequivocal answer to the question, exclude meat products from the diet or not. To date, there are disputes about the benefits and harms of meat. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that people who do not eat meat are less likely to suffer diabetes or heart disease. They are also not prone to obesity. But here the moment of a balanced and varied diet is important.

Positive changes that occur when replacing meat with plant-based foods:

  • Unloading the gastrointestinal tract. It's no secret that meat products take longer to digest. As a result, toxins and slags are formed in the intestines. And in the absence of such heavy food, the process of digestion is greatly facilitated.
  • Weight loss. In the absence of meat proteins, weight loss naturally occurs. Since plant foods have fewer calories, and it does not contribute to the retention of excess fluid in the body. However, there is also an opposite side. Do not get carried away with cereals and flour products, as excess weight will come along with carbohydrates. Nutrition must be balanced.
  • Reduce puffiness and blood pressure. Here, too, everything happens naturally, due to an increase in diuresis. Due to which excess fluid is excreted from the body along with urine, and as a result, edema decreases or completely disappears and blood pressure decreases.

And here are the possible Negative consequences giving up meat:

  • The development of protein deficiency. The fact is that protein of animal origin is necessary for the body to natural processes occurring in it: cell renewal, production of necessary hormones and enzymes. Vegetable protein, however, is not able to fully cope with these tasks. Therefore, if animal protein ceases to be supplied with food, then the body begins to extract it from its own resources, gradually depleting itself, which will eventually lead to the development of various diseases.
  • iron deficiency. Iron is necessary for the human body for normal blood formation and the production of enzymes that help the kidneys to function properly. The iron contained in meat is absorbed much more efficiently than from cereals and other plant products.
  • Work disruptions nervous system. Stable functioning of the nervous system is impossible without B vitamins. They affect hematopoiesis and increase protein production. And it is their human body that receives from meat products.

And these are just some of the possible pros and cons associated with giving up meat consumption. Therefore, before completely removing this product from your diet, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, as well as consult your doctor.

TOP 7 plant-based meat substitutes

In addition to being delicious, these foods are also highly nutritious. Regular consumption of various nuts in food will provide the body with protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and trace elements. In terms of protein content, nuts are practically not inferior to meat. They have a high calorie content, so a few pieces during a snack can satisfy hunger.

To date, a huge number of different varieties of nuts are known, and each of the species has useful properties and effects on the human body. For example:

  • Walnut contains iodine and is therefore useful for diseases thyroid gland. And due to the low content of sugar and starch, it is indicated for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Cashew helps in the treatment of some skin diseases arising in connection with metabolic disorders in the body. Promotes recovery from influenza, bronchitis, pharyngitis and other respiratory diseases.
  • Almonds, due to their high content of vitamin E, prevent premature aging skin. Also, this nut is a natural analgesic.
  • Hazelnut is able to remove toxins from the body. And the calcium, potassium and sodium contained in it have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Doctors recommend introducing into the daily diet different kinds nuts, not only as meat substitutes, but also as an independent product. After all, the useful substances contained in them are able to normalize the work of many systems in the human body.


  • high content of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids;
  • contribute to the improvement of mental activity;
  • support the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • quickly satisfy hunger, which contributes to the fight against excess weight.


  • an allergic reaction is possible;
  • in large quantities, walnuts can provoke allergic stomatitis;
  • excessive consumption of cashews is contraindicated in kidney stones and osteoporosis.

Soybeans contain a high amount of protein, which in its properties is very close to meat proteins. In addition, soy contains amino acids, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Thanks to this rich composition, soy and soy products can become an excellent alternative to meat.

Trace elements contained in soybeans, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, as well as B vitamins, have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and skin condition. In addition, soy prevents the development of osteoporosis in the elderly.

Thus, soy can fully replace meat, but you should not completely rely on its multifaceted composition and switch exclusively to soy products. Such a "diet" will not add health to the body. Soy is an excellent nutritious product, but it must be consumed in combination with other equally healthy plant foods.


  • contains vitamin E, which protects the body from negative influences;
  • soy is a strong antioxidant, which prevents the development of senile dementia;
  • due to its low fat content, soy is suitable for people who want to lose weight, as well as for the treatment of obesity.


  • soy is the object of experiments in genetic engineering, which increases the production of genetically modified products that are harmful to human health;
  • soy is contraindicated in people with uric acid metabolism disorders.

Tofu is a soy cheese that has become one of the most popular meat substitutes. This product is a source of vegetable protein, in quantity superior to meat products. Tofu cheese is versatile and unpretentious in cooking. It is great for baking, it can be fried or steamed, and even smoked or marinated. Desserts and sauces are even prepared from such cheese, or added to soup.
Since tofu cheese is made from soybeans, it is also high in calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.

There are three types of tofu: soft, dry, and hard. Soft is usually used for making desserts, sauces and soups. But firm, suitable for baking or frying. This soy cheese in any form is gaining popularity around the world, and is increasingly preferred, refusing red meat.


  • low-calorie;
  • will diversify the menu;
  • well absorbed even by allergy sufferers;
  • contains all the necessary amino acids;
  • consumption of necessary daily allowance can reduce the development of cardiovascular disease.


  • short shelf life;
  • stored in packs of water, which must be changed regularly after opening.

Tempeh is another soy-based product. His homeland is Indonesia. Unlike cooking tofu, here the beans are left whole, which makes this product even more saturated with proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated acids.

Just like tofu, tempeh can be cooked in a variety of ways. And it can act as a side dish or as an independent dish, as a substitute for meat or fish products.

As a rule, ready-made tempeh is sold in rectangular briquettes, up to 1.5 centimeters thick.


  • well absorbed;
  • rich in fiber;
  • low-calorie;
  • goes well with fish and seafood.


  • very short shelf life;
  • poorly absorbed in combination with proteins and fats of animal origin.

Quinoa is a pseudo-grain. Its fruits are fruits. But in cooking use the seeds of this plant. They are rich in protein and trace elements, and do not contain gluten at all. Therefore, it is an excellent substitute for meat. Quinoa dishes are also suitable for people suffering from gluten intolerance. Thanks to their lysine content, quinoa seeds help the body absorb calcium.

There are several varieties of quinoa, which determine the color of the seeds. They can be red, brown, white or black. The shell of the seeds is bitter, so it is important to rinse them thoroughly with water before cooking.

Like any other grain, quinoa is boiled. 15 minutes is enough to get a crumbly side dish. Also, ready-made seeds can be added to salads and toppings for various dishes.

When using seeds in the diet, individual intolerance may appear, therefore, introduces quinoa into the menu, follows in small portions and gradually. There are also contraindications for women during lactation, as the child may be sensitive to this product.


  • pleasant taste;
  • slow down the aging process in the body;
  • well absorbed by the human body;
  • suitable for gluten intolerance;
  • promotes cleansing of toxins;
  • contributes to the strengthening and restoration of the body in postoperative period and after illness.


  • there are contraindications;
  • hard to find in regular grocery stores and supermarkets.

Everyone knows that mushrooms are a vegetable source of protein. In addition, these gifts of nature are very useful and tasty. Often they are used as an independent dish with some kind of side dish. In their nutritional value, mushrooms may well compete with meat. And in combination with other products rich in proteins, it is permissible to even completely exclude the latter from the diet without any losses to the body.

The nutritional values ​​of the same mushroom can vary depending on various factors. So, for example, indicators of protein and protein content are significantly higher in dried mushrooms. And the content of amino acids is higher in young members of the species.

Among the whole variety of known varieties, five types of mushrooms can be distinguished that are richest in proteins and amino acids:

  • The first place in this ranking is occupied by champignons. Compared to porcini mushrooms, the nutritional composition of champignons is less balanced, but they contain more protein than any other species: 4.3 g per 100 g. As a rule, champignons are not dried, but used raw. Due to the fact that these mushrooms, in addition to natural conditions, are also grown on an industrial scale, you can buy them at any supermarket.
  • In second place are porcini mushrooms. The protein content in the raw form of these mushrooms is 3.7 g, and in dried form - more than 30 g. Those who decide to give up meat are recommended to introduce white fungus into their diet. In addition to the high protein content, these mushrooms are saturated with vitamins and trace elements, as well as a whole list of useful substances.
  • On the third step - boletus. 100 g of raw boletus contains about 3.3 g of protein, and after drying, this figure reaches 32.4 g. These mushrooms are also rich in iron and their nutritional value is as close as possible to the composition of meat. Therefore, they can completely replace the latter without causing absolutely no harm to the body.
  • The fourth place is occupied by butterflies. 100 g of fresh oil contains 2.4 g of protein. But drying these mushrooms is not accepted.
  • And finally, the fifth place is occupied by boletus. AT fresh contain about the same amount of protein as butter, namely 2.3 g. After drying, this value increases to 23.5 g, which is slightly higher than in chicken meat.


  • low-calorie product;
  • variety of choice;
  • mushroom diet can be used for weight loss;
  • rich nutritional content.


  • Excessive consumption of mushrooms can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Seitan is a plant-based product made from wheat flour. It is rich in nutrients and is used to prepare various dishes, replacing meat in them. 100 g of seitan contains 25 g of protein. Often the product is called "vegetarian meat" because, when cooked, it acquires a similar appearance and the same fibrous structure.

Seitan is usually cooked with vegetables, cereals and pasta. It can completely replace meat products both in terms of taste and nutritional qualities. There are many recipes using this miracle product. Cutlets are prepared from seitan, added to salads, fried, boiled, served with a side dish and as an independent dish. Also suitable for both hot and cold consumption.


  • completely absorbed by the body;
  • lends itself to different cooking processes.


  • calorie;
  • only sold in health food stores;
  • not suitable for people with gluten intolerance.

Contraindications for giving up meat

Despite the positive aspects associated with the rejection of meat products, there are groups of people who are absolutely not allowed to such a diet:

  • Children at least 4 years of age. Animal protein is involved in the development of all organs and systems of the child's body. And its deficiency can adversely affect the physical and mental condition of the child. That is why it is so important that children food was as complete and balanced as possible.
  • Pregnant women and women during lactation. The previous paragraph is also relevant for the development of the fetus and for the newborn. And also a complete balanced diet is extremely important for maintaining the health of a newly-made mother.
  • The manifestation of various ailments. As with any other diet, if the state of health deteriorates sharply during the exclusion of meat products from the diet, this is a sure sign to return to the usual diet.
  • People with chronic diseases, as well as during periods of exacerbation. Any dietary restrictions are stressful for the body. Especially if there are any diseases. Therefore, here you should not engage in amateur activities, but it is better to consult with your doctor.

Thus, in the absence of any diseases or ailments, it is quite possible to refuse to eat meat. However, first of all, you should listen to your own body, and not be led by fashion trends.

If you have experience with meat substitutes presented in the review or other more interesting and nutritious options, tell us about it in the comments.

Giving up meat may be motivated various reasons. Some take such a step out of pity for animals, others - in order to preserve their own health. In addition, such measures can be part of a therapeutic diet, for example, in chronic kidney disease. In any case, a serious question arises before a person - what can replace meat? To answer it, consider plant foods with a maximum protein content, without which a balanced vegetarian diet is impossible.

Seeds and nuts

Nuts and seeds are rich not only in protein, but also in healthy fats, which are necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels. However, for the same reason, they should not be eaten without measure: like any product rich in fats, they are high in calories. People with a tendency to be overweight should limit themselves to one handful of nuts or seeds, consumed necessarily only in the morning.

One of the best animal protein substitutes in this food category is pumpkin seeds. They contain 30.23 g of protein per 100 g of product. For comparison, in beef, only about 25 g of protein, in pork - even less. Seeds are best consumed raw or lightly dried. Just do not need to fry them, as this will lead to the oxidation of healthy fats, and the product will turn from useful to harmful. Also, a vegetarian should pay attention to almonds (21.22 g), sunflower seeds (20.7 g), sesame seeds (20.45 g), pistachios (20 g), flax seed (18.29 g), cashew nuts (18. 22 g), walnut (15.23 g). Nuts and seeds can be consumed separately, as well as added to salads and cereals. BUT in the best possible way getting a good serving of protein is the preparation of plant-based milk. It can be made from almonds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds. But the most effective in terms of protein content is milk from hemp seeds. If you are interested not only in what is acceptable to replace meat with vegetarianism, but also in how to gain muscle mass, then this is the best natural analogue of protein shakes. Hemp seed contains all the essential amino acids, and in a more easily digestible form than in animal products.


Plants of the legume family are products that confidently replace meat in the diet. In terms of protein content, they are in no way inferior to animal products. Here are some examples:

  • soy (36.7 g);
  • beans (26.12 g);
  • lentils (25.8 g);
  • split peas (24.55 g);
  • mung (23.86 g);
  • beans (20-25 g depending on the variety);
  • chickpeas (20.1 g).

To improve the amino acid composition of food, it is useful to combine legumes with grains. An ideal combination, for example, would be a dish of lentils and rice.

Tofu is a high-protein legume that can replace meat in your diet. It is made from soybeans, and the consistency resembles something between cottage cheese and cheese. It contains about 14-18 g of protein per 100 g of product. Separately, it is worth mentioning peanuts. It is also part of the legume family and is not a nut at all. In terms of protein content, which is 26.3 g, this product is a good alternative to meat. But many vegetarians still avoid peanuts. Firstly, this plant is included in the list of allowed GM foods, and secondly, it spoils very easily. Peanuts are highly susceptible to the fungus Aspergillus, which can cause liver disease, and with regular long-term use, it can cause oncology. The fungus is not visible to the human eye, so if you still want to eat peanuts, it is better to heat them.


Not all types of vegetarianism allow heat treatment of food. But this is no reason to give up protein-rich cereals and legumes. These products can be sprouted, thereby not only retaining all the nutrients, but also increasing them.

The sprouting process improves the amino acid composition of vegetable protein and increases its digestibility, while reducing the fat content and calorie content of the product. Those who are looking for something to replace meat in the diet should start sprouting green buckwheat, chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, wheat, oats. In addition to improving the quality of protein, the amount of vitamins and minerals in the seedlings of cereals and legumes increases several times. This is because the germinating seed releases the maximum of its potential for the development of a new plant. Sprouts can be consumed separately from other products, as well as added to vegetable salads. In addition, they can be used to improve the composition of a green cocktail.

Greens and greens leafy vegetables

Considering how to replace meat in a vegetarian diet, you can not deprive the attention of greens and leafy vegetables. Most people regard greens more as a seasoning for the main course, and not as a complete food. And in vain, because it is in the green parts of plants that you can find all 9 essential amino acids.

At the same time, even if one plant contains little of any amino acid, it will certainly be in excess in another. Therefore, the more diverse greens you consume, the more balanced your diet is in terms of amino acid composition. The most useful types of greens are:

  • spinach;
  • celery stalks;
  • basil;
  • arugula;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro.

This also includes various types of cabbage - white, cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing, etc. Obtaining amino acids from greens has its own characteristics. In order for the substances to be easily assimilated, it is necessary to break the sufficiently strong walls of green cells. Therefore, it must be thoroughly chewed or crushed using kitchen appliances. For this reason the best option to saturate the body with useful substances, regular consumption of green smoothies from various types greens and vegetables.


Mushrooms are called the "meat" of vegetarians. Although they do not differ in record levels in protein content, they have a rich amino acid composition. For example, champignons contain 18 amino acids in their composition. It is also worth noting that during the drying process, the amount of protein in mushrooms increases up to 10 times. So, fresh porcini mushroom contains 3.7 g of protein, and dried - already 30.3 g. Mushrooms with meat are also united by the fact that both of these products are indigestible. Therefore, mushrooms can help out well at the initial stage of refusing animal products, when the body is not yet accustomed to being saturated with lighter food. Over time, their number should be reduced.

To preserve the usefulness of mushrooms, it is important to cook them correctly. It is better to give preference to stewing and baking in the oven, but it is better to exclude fried mushrooms from the diet due to their high calorie content and health hazards. Raw foodists can also include mushrooms in their diet, as some varieties can be eaten raw. These are mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. In French cuisine, you can find many salad recipes using these raw mushrooms.


This unusual product is suitable for those who are not only looking for something to replace meat with vegetarianism, but also want to diversify their diet with new dishes. It is pure gluten obtained by repeatedly washing wheat flour. It is now fashionable to completely refuse products with this substance, however, for a person with no intolerance to gluten, it is absolutely safe.

After washing, the seitan is boiled in water with spices, and then fried or baked in the oven. Roasting will be more useful on a grill without the use of oil. Seitan pairs well with a vegetable side dish and is very meat-like in flavor and texture. And in terms of protein content, this product even surpasses meat (55.8 g). At the same time, it contains only 3.5 g of fat. Therefore, seitan is very popular among vegetarian athletes.


Algae are a treasure trove of health benefits. But in terms of protein content, spirulina is of maximum interest. This seaweed contains 57.5 g of protein. On sale, it can be found in the form of a powder, which is convenient to add to green smoothies or vegetable smoothies.

Nori is also high in protein. These are the same sheets in which Japanese rolls are wrapped. Vegetarians may not refuse this dish, as there are a huge number of its vegetable variations, including raw food ones. Nori is made from ordinary seaweed by pressing. Seaweed is not high in protein, but nori contains it in a concentrated form, so this product has a whopping 41.4 g of protein.


Flower pollen was not in vain praised in ancient Greek myths: the ancient Greeks believed that the famous nectar for the inhabitants of Olympus was made from it. This product has a unique chemical composition, which contains almost all vitamins and minerals. In addition, a third of the pollen consists of high-quality protein.

Of course, you should not replenish the entire daily protein intake with this product: it is so easy to get an allergy. Only essential amino acids are of interest, for the sake of which pollen should be introduced into the daily diet as a food supplement (no more than 2 tablespoons per day).

Refusal of meat in childhood

When an adult decides to give up animal products, this is his conscious choice, and he is able to track changes in his body. But what if the child does not eat meat? Is it possible to allow him to eat in this way, and with what products to replace animal protein? official medicine recognizes the usefulness of vegetarian nutrition, but this opinion does not apply to children, especially those under the age of 5 years. According to doctors and nutritionists, a growing body cannot do without animal protein. However, there are a number of progressive specialists who do not agree with this position. For example, the well-known doctor Evgeny Komarovsky claims that a child should not be forcibly added to the diet of meat if he does not want it. As, however, and force him to switch to vegetarianism without his will. The child's body is much more intuitive than an adult, and the baby always feels what foods he needs for normal development.

If your child refuses to eat meat, offer him a variety of protein products plant origin, which were mentioned above. Surely at least something from this list he will like. Caution should be exercised only with mushrooms: this indigestible product can be given only after 2 years and no more than 1 time per week. Legumes can also be a problem, because of which children often suffer from bloating. They can be given to a child only in a frayed form. Thus, finding an alternative to meat is not a problem at all. Rather, on the contrary, this is an interesting path in which you have to discover previously unknown products and create new culinary masterpieces.

The problem of how to replace meat is solved in many ways. With the right approach to choosing a menu, your table can be filled with dishes, the content of which compensates for proteins, calcium and iron, which are traditionally considered the virtues of meat products.

Features of animal protein and its effect on the human body

Animal protein is obtained from meat products. Its structure is different from vegetable. The simple and complex amino acids that make up protein are made up of metals, fats, and acids. They perform the function of delivering sugar to the body, because they are able to carry carbohydrate residues.

Enzymatic proteins speed up and start chemical reactions. Structural protein is involved in the formation of cells (cytoskeleton). For example, parts of the intercellular substance - elastin, collagen and keratin - are part of the nails and hair.

Another useful feature is protection. It implies the chemical, physical and immune protection of the body.

Proteins are regulators. Proteins help cells move through life cycle. Responsible for the delivery of building materials and nutrients important for development and growth. They perform the following processes:

  1. Signaling - are responsible for the transmission of nutrients and electrical impulses.
  2. Transport - carry components that provide oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. One such protein is hemoglobin.
  3. Reserve - deposited in the body for an emergency.
  4. Motor - the optimal amount of protein in the body helps maintain muscle activity and strength.

A component such as animal protein is needed for normal metabolism. Its deficiency leads to disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, brain, cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems person.

There are vegetable proteins that are similar in composition to animals. When answering the question of what products can replace beef - a supplier of protein necessary for the normal functioning of the body - you need to remember the following. Substances similar in composition to red meat are found in beans, buckwheat, nuts, pasta (from durum wheat).

Is it possible to eat only vegetable protein

Many people find a vegan diet to be poor. This diet excludes the consumption of animal products.

Whether meat can be replaced with vegetables has not been finally decided. The opinions of representatives of medicine, scientists, nutritionists were divided.

The structure of the body is too complicated to fully understand. Computers made by the human mind sometimes act in ways that surprise their creators. And the result of many years of evolutionary work of nature to create the body and psyche is a mystery in many respects.

Proponents of vegetarianism believe that the body is able to synthesize all the necessary amino acids, since the necessary components are found in plant foods. They refer to the state of health of world and Olympic champions who adhere to diets that exclude meat.

There is no need for humans to rear and kill hundreds of millions of animals in cruel conditions. Or condemn the population of third world countries to starvation in order to grow feed for industrial animal husbandry. Arable land and agricultural technologies can be successfully applied directly to the production of plant foods.

Representatives of the opposite side argue that man is omnivorous. This is how nature created it, and the rejection of meat - the main source of vital protein - harms the body. In addition, meat contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Because of its high iron content, it has always been prescribed to people recovering from a serious illness.

Vegans are often found to be deficient in calcium. Lacto-vegetarians are less likely to experience this problem because calcium is found in high amounts in milk. Zinc found in plant foods is more difficult to digest than in fish or meat. Fish is the main supplier of phosphorus to the body.

Objectively, some fruits, vegetables and cereals in terms of composition and nutritional value are similar to meat products and are able to replace it. You can include more plant foods containing iron in your diet. The combination of vegetable protein with vitamin C increases its amount in the body.

Ovolacto-vegetarians replace fish with dairy products. Vegans who follow an all-plant diet include foods high in calcium in their diet.

The main issue that arises when switching from animal food to plant food is the lack of animal protein in the body. But it is believed that the correct selection of plant products compensates for the shortcomings, despite the fact that plant protein is different from animal protein.

Cons of giving up meat

Opponents of vegetarianism believe that it is impossible to replace meat in the diet. Meat is the main source of animal protein. This product helps to restore strength after illness, strengthens the immune system.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains sugar, iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium, zinc, vitamins E, A, B. Eating meat helps to strengthen the muscular system, is good for bones, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and brain. It helps to strengthen the immune system.

The benefits and harms of not eating meat

Meat products contain an excess amount of cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques. This interferes with the normal blood supply to the body.

For example, in the UK, where there are already millions of vegetarians, the Medical Association has concluded that people who exclude meat products from their diet stay young and beautiful longer. But on the other hand, there are doctors who claim the following - meat food contains vital amino acids, vitamins, minerals. For vegetarians, the question of what consequences a lack of protein can lead to is especially important. Weak immunity, problems with muscles, hair, nails, skin condition are not excluded.

Farmers have begun to raise animals using antibiotics and toxic feed additives to make livestock less sick. And for rapid growth, tranquilizers and hormones are needed. There is a possibility that this was the cause of excess weight in meat eaters.

Contraindications to switching to a meat-free diet

A person who has made the decision to switch to a vegetarian diet needs to understand that he will have to give up fat-soluble vitamins, which are part of animal products.

A meat-free diet includes plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. It acts as a cleansing brush for the digestive organs. Helps to remove toxins. But it is harmful to abuse food containing hard, slightly crushed particles. Plant foods, entering the body, will act like emery and can harm the gastrointestinal mucosa.

For healthy person switching to a plant-based diet will not cause problems. Before replacing one product with another, it is better to consult with your doctor and undergo a complete examination.

Sometimes the existing diseases proceed without expressed external symptoms. An abrupt change in diet will provoke an exacerbation. Doctors recommend a smooth transition from the previously used menu to a vegetarian one.

Where does the body get protein from when you are a vegetarian?

An organic substance called protein is an important material for building the cells of the human body.

Its molecule consists of smaller amino acids. The latter are indispensable for the life of the organism. Useful functions of protein - support for immunity, transportation of useful elements, participation in metabolic processes.

At physical activity the body requires protein, especially in children, pregnant women. The compound helps to gain strength for patients during the rehabilitation period.

Some scientists believe that there are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body. They come with meat food from the outside.

People switching to vegetarianism should take into account that products may contain insufficient amounts of protein, and the body will begin to break down its own. This leads to dystrophy, disorders in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

You need to know how to replace meat with a vegetarian. The body will receive all the necessary substances if you eat well-chosen foods.

In large quantities, vegetable protein is found in legumes, some fruits and vegetables, pasta, mushrooms. The problem of how to replace animal protein disappears if people eat eggs, milk, cottage cheese, fish.

How much protein does a person really need

The daily amount of protein for a person depends on general condition his health. Men involved in sports have a greater need for protein. Calculations are affected by the weight of a person, diet, professional workload, age.

Nutritionists say that vegetarians need 1-2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. In order for the compound to be well absorbed, portions must be divided into several small parts.

Rules for switching to a meat-free diet

Vegetarianism has several branches in the food system:

  1. The raw food diet is the most radical offshoot. Raw foodists prefer fruits and vegetables without heat treatment.
  2. Veganism is eating only plant foods.
  3. Ovo-vegetarian - allowed to eat eggs.
  4. Lacto-vegetarian - you can add dairy products to the diet.
  5. Ovolacto-vegetarian - dairy products and eggs are on the menu.

Pescatarians (fish eaters) are people who are more likely to switch to a plant-based diet, but are not yet vegetarians.

Choosing a food system is a responsible step for a person. If the decision has already been made, then before changing the diet it is required:

  1. Pass an examination, pass tests, bypass narrow specialists. Refusal of meat-eating is possible only in cases where the tests are normal.
  2. To carry out a gradual transition, you can not rush to extremes. People are switching to vegetarianism too abruptly. For the body, such a turn will be a shock.
  3. Move away from animal food in small steps. First, exclude red meat from the menu, then fish, milk, eggs.

After each step, 2 weeks should pass. Keep track of your health. At the slightest deviation, consult a doctor.

Balance is a method that takes into account individual characteristics organism. People suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, intestines, pancreas and stomach should take into account the lack of enzymes in the body for food processing. It is necessary to maintain parity when using thermally processed and raw foods.

Combine food so that a complete protein enters the body, such as buckwheat with mushrooms, avocado with corn, cabbage with lemon.

The mistake of the sweet tooth is a weakness for fast food and semi-finished products, the manufacturers of which often use components containing animal fats. Replace sugar with honey.

Proper heat treatment is essential. Beginning vegetarians sometimes overuse frying when cooking. For example, it is useful to eat potatoes boiled, and an appetizing crust contains substances that can destroy protein.

Worst Meat Substitutes

Food on the table should be of high quality, consisting of healthy proteins. Some meat substitutes are even more dangerous than the meat itself.

Veggie Burger and Veggie Chicken Nuggets

American versions of meat substitutes - plant-based burgers - do not contain a lot of fat, but have a large amount of salt in the composition. It binds water, leads to fullness.

The situation with the nuggets is no less dramatic. 1 nugget contains 1/3 sodium from the daily requirement.

Read the ingredients on the label before buying ready-to-eat vegetarian meals. Sometimes there you can find animal protein, harmful food colors and genetically modified foods.

Protein powder

Food supplement - protein powder - accelerates muscle growth. Powders are in demand among people involved in fitness, bodybuilding. It is necessary to take such mixtures as little as possible. They are not as harmless as a milk protein shake.

Protein supplements are not tested by example medical preparations. You can't be sure what they are made of. The composition may include ingredients that a person does not know anything about the effect on the body.

Roasted salted nuts

Having a bite of fried salted nuts, the body will immediately receive half the daily portion of salt. And honey almonds add a whole teaspoon of sugar.

Tofu "meat" delicacies

Most people are aware of the tofu product. Due to its high protein content, it is a useful energy product. Initially, it has a low fat content, but frying makes tofu more harmful than meat when making sausages or sausages from it.

Tofu is made by curdling soy milk when heated. Products made from it contain soy, but still require additional heat treatment.


Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. But do not abuse them. Cheese is high in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. This can be reflected in the figure in the form of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides.

The best meat substitutes

There are meat substitutes that are completely environmentally friendly and healthy to eat.

Soya beans

Products from soy meat - cutlets, sausage, sausages, hamburgers, as well as soy milk. The list of bean foods is long, as soy contains a high amount of protein without excess fat. It has no cholesterol and has anti-cancer properties. Soybean protein is easily absorbed by the body.

On the basis of soy, “vegetable” meat is made, which in recipes can successfully replace an animal.

Beans, peas and lentils

Other legumes will also help replenish the daily protein requirement. They are affordable and easy to prepare. Products are good in soup, puree, sauces.

The taste of pea porridge is familiar to all meat-eaters from childhood. Spicy salads from beans and green peas diversify the diet of a vegetarian.

Seeds and raw nuts

Source of vegetable protein, fiber and youth vitamin (E) - seeds and raw nuts. The only drawback is that it fatty food. It is advisable to control the portion size and not overeat.

It is tasty and healthy to spread nut paste on a sandwich, add seeds to honey for tea.

Hemp and Quinoa Seeds

They have a powdery consistency. The seeds are added to salads and cereals. Put hemp in smoothies. A large amount of protein is one of the advantages of these products.

Warm salad with garlic and parsley or quinoa with cucumber are dishes that are nutritious, fresh and aromatic.

Whole grain products

Along with a high protein content, whole grain foods include fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Grains, seeds, nuts individually do not contain the entire range of amino acids necessary for the body. You can achieve the result by connecting. For example, seeds are mixed with nuts or legumes with grains.

Delicious foods that can replace meat

A person who is on a plant-based diet is able to get the daily norm of protein from provisions, which can be used as an alternative to meat. But there is another side - food must have a pleasant taste to satisfy even a gourmet.


After testing vegetable products, Korean researchers came to the conclusion that mushrooms are the closest in their parameters and taste to meat. The question of whether mushrooms can replace meat has been resolved positively.

Tomatoes stuffed with them, rich soups, meatballs, recipes with rice and vegetables can be used in the diet in winter and summer. Occasionally it is allowed to treat yourself to fried mushrooms with potatoes.


Eggplant is a vegetable familiar to every housewife. Food made from eggplant replaces meat in terms of nutritional value. Stews, sautéed, stewed and baked dishes are successfully obtained from these vegetables.

These fleshy vegetables are loaded with B vitamins, potassium, and antioxidants.


Cookbooks are filled with recipes for making vegetarian cereals. You can eat this dish on its own or as a side dish. Barley in the oven, buckwheat with vegetables, classic recipe risotto or yellow rice with turmeric is good at any time of the day.


If a vegetarian follows a diet that includes eggs, then there will be no shortage of the necessary substances: most of the amino acids are in the protein. Cholesterol is found only in the yolk and will not enter the body if it is not eaten.

Eggs can be added to any recipe: stuffed, fried, cut into salads, put in soups.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae. They have been eaten for hundreds of years.

If you do not eat animal products, then this plant will replace protein and a number of B vitamins. The low calorie content of the product allows it to be used in weight loss diets.

Smoothies with banana, avocado or berries along with spirulina give energy in the morning.

Fish and seafood

Fish is easily digested by the body. Its composition is not inferior to meat, includes phosphorus for bone strength and active brain activity. Replacing meat with fish in combination with seafood is possible by pescatarians.


Cauliflower can be eaten both raw and cooked. The menu of dishes that include the plant includes many options: stewed, baked, with breadcrumbs, potatoes, in spicy salads.

Green pea

People learned about the existence of peas 5000 years ago. They began to be used as food in China. The benefits of green peas are the presence of easily digestible, high-quality vegetable protein, similar in composition to animals.

Peas are sold in canned, dry or fresh form. It can be eaten alone or in combination with pumpkin, rice, cheeses. Soups according to oriental recipes are especially good.

Giving up meat is a step that needs to be approached with all responsibility. Food will not only become a home doctor for the body, but will also bring pleasure if you know about the compatibility of products and follow the recommendations of science.