Expectorants and mucolytics: a review of drugs. Mucolytic drugs in the daily practice of a doctor Medications that stimulate expectoration

Mucolytics are drugs that help to cope with a dry cough, the effect of which is aimed at thinning the juicy sputum secreted by the respiratory organs.

The list of drugs in this group is very large and any of them has different mechanisms of action, due to this, the doctor should prescribe the drugs, based on the cause and severity of the disease.

Methods of use

Mucolytic drugs are available in the form of syrups, tablets, solutions, capsules and granules. The choice of medicine and its form is determined by the age of the patient and the severity of the disease.

  • Granules and effervescent tablets based on acetylcysteine ​​dissolve in water and are taken within half an hour after meals.
  • Tablets with ambroxol are washed down with a large amount of water, syrup with the same element is used during meals.
  • Carbocysteine ​​capsules are swallowed whole, immediately after a meal.
  • Bromgeskin in the form of tablets and syrup is taken 3 times a day and is perfectly washed down with water.

Mucolytics are administered orally and by inhalation.

Difference from thinners

Cough medicines are divided into 3 groups: mucolytics, antitussives and expectorants. Preparations of different groups are distinctive in their action, and due to this they do not combine and are used in different situations.

Mucolytic drugs are used to treat coughs with juicy, viscous sputum resulting from bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other diseases. They eliminate the nutrient medium for the mucus that has appeared, thin the secretions and prevent them from sticking to the walls. respiratory tract. Medicines in this group help eliminate the cause of coughing.

Antitussive drugs, unlike mucolytic drugs, help with dry and unproductive cough, which may be caused by cigarette smoke, dust, rhinitis with sputum flowing into the bronchi, a reaction to inhaled oxygen, or after taking certain medications.

With the help of expectorants, the work of the ciliated epithelium, which is responsible for the amount of bronchial secretion secreted, is restored, and sputum discharge from the respiratory tract is stimulated. Medicines of this group, in contrast to the 2 previous ones, are used as ancillary in combination of antimicrobial therapy. They do not eliminate the cause of the cough, but they alleviate the patient's condition.


Mucolytic drugs are prescribed to cure:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • smoker's cough;
  • acute and chronic pneumonia.

Medications work very well with a dry cough, transforming it into a wet and productive one. During the entire wellness course, tablets and capsules are suggested to be perfectly washed down with water, weak tea, fruit drink or compote.

Application restrictions

  • It is not suggested to combine mucolytic agents with antitussives, as they present the exact opposite effect.
  • Mucolytics are not suitable for curing a wet cough, as they increase sputum production by an order of magnitude.
  • When allergic reactions or personal intolerance to the components, the prescribed drugs are canceled or replaced by others.
  • Medicines are not used to cure drug addicts.

Side effects

  • Bronchospasms.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Hemoptysis as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • The emergence of dependence on drugs containing codeine.
  • Indigestion and so on.


Mucolytics are divided into types according to the effect they have:

  • which affect the viscosity of the secretion;
  • helping to release sputum;
  • reducing the volume of sputum in the respiratory system.

They are also divided according to the way they act on direct (destroying polymeric mucous bonds) and indirect. The latter include drugs that change the composition of sputum, increase activity in the bronchial glands, which affect hydration, and stimulate the vomiting reflex.

According to the composition of medicines are plant origin and not real.

vegetable origin

According to the rules, these include plant extracts, dry medicines, oils, herbal preparations. Mucolytics of this group have fewer side effects than drugs of artificial origin. They have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitate sputum discharge. Each important part of the preparation purposefully works on the respiratory tract, for example, thyme relieves tickling and hoarseness, and ivy leaf extract has an expectorant effect.

Bronchicum S (Tussamag)

The active substance is an extract of the thyme herb. Available in the form of syrup, lozenges, elixir.

It has an expectorant effect, relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, reduces inflammation.

Adults and teenagers are advised to take 2 teaspoons of syrup after meals 3 times a day.

Side effects: allergic reaction, nausea, gastritis, dyspepsia.

Harmful in chronic heart failure, severe violations liver and kidney function, too high sensitivity to thyme. Bronchicum is not used to treat children under 6 years of age and to treat patients with alcohol dependence. Not applicable during pregnancy and lactation.


The active substances are dry extracts of leaves of vascular adhatoda, roots of naked licorice, fruits and roots of long pepper, flowers of fragrant violet, leaves of medicinal hyssop, roots and rhizomes of alpinia galanga, flowers of marshmallow, fruits of real jujube, leaves and flowers of flower osma. Available in the form of syrup, lozenges, balm, granules for dissolving in hot water.

The drug increases the effectiveness of cough, has an expectorant and mucolytic effect.

Children from 6 months to 3 years old are prescribed 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day, children from 3 to 8 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, children under 18 years old - 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. The dosage for adults is 2 teaspoons 3-4 times throughout the day. The course of treatment lasts 5-7 days.

Side effects: allergic reaction.

Harmful to children under six months and persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Mukaltin (Mukaltin tablets, Mukaltin-Lekt, Alteyka)

The active ingredient is marshmallow medicinal herb extract, available in tablets.

It is prescribed for the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis individually, depending on the parameters of the disease and age.

Side effects: allergic reaction.

Harmful to people with hypersensitivity to marshmallow.

Prospan (Gerbion, Gedelix, Prospan SASH)

The active ingredient is ivy leaf extract. Available in the form of drops and syrup.

The remedy is very good for acute and chronic inflammation respiratory tract, accompanied by cough with sputum difficult to separate.

The dosage of syrup for infants up to 1 year is 2.5 milliliters 2 times a day, for children aged 1 to 6 years - 2.5 milliliters 3 times a day, for adolescents and schoolchildren - 5 milliliters 3 times during the day. Adults are prescribed 5-7.5 milliliters of syrup 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Side effects: allergic reaction, possible laxative effect.

Harmful for fructose intolerance, sucrase deficiency, too high sensitivity to components.


Active ingredients - gentian root, primrose flowers, sorrel herb, elder flowers, verbena herb. Produced in the form of dragees, drops for oral administration.

The drug has a mild effect and is easily tolerated. Thanks to herbal ingredients, the medicinal product promotes the rapid removal of sputum from the sinuses and upper respiratory tract.

Adults are prescribed a dosage of 2 tablets 3 times a day, school-age children - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days. During pregnancy, the medicine is used exclusively as directed by the doctor.

Side effects: allergic reaction, digestive disorders.

Harmful to children under 6 years of age, if high sensitivity to the components of the drug, deficiency of lactase, sucrase and fructose intolerance.

Licorice Root Syrup (Licorice Syrup)

The active substance is licorice roots.

The drug is intended for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It has an expectorant effect, also acts as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating and antiviral drug.

The medicine is taken 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

Side effects: increased pressure of the arteries, the appearance of edema.

Harmful in chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, severe kidney failure, diabetes, disorders heart rate, pregnancy and lactation, sensitivity to licorice.


The details of these preparations are obtained by synthesizing, with their help it becomes larger and easier sputum discharge. They also have an antitoxic effect and regenerate bronchial sector cells.

ACC (Fluimucil, Mukonex, Acetylcysteine ​​sedicone)

The active substance is acetylcysteine. Available in syrup form effervescent tablets, granules for dissolution, solution for injection.

Indicated for diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by juicy, difficult to separate sputum.

The daily dose for the treatment of adults and children from 14 years of age is 400-600 milligrams.

Side effects: allergic reaction, decreased arterial pressure, tinnitus, nausea.

Harmful for peptic ulcer disease, hemoptysis, during pregnancy and lactation, children under 14 years of age.

Bromhexine (Bromhexine-Akrikhin, Bromhexine MS, Solvin, Bromhexine-Egis)

The active substance is bromhexine. Available in the form of tablets, syrup and solution.

The tool is very good for tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and chronic pneumonia.

Adults and children over 10 years old are prescribed 8 milligrams 3-4 times a day, children under 2 years old - 3 milligrams 3 times a day, children from 2 to 6 years old - 4 milligrams 3 times a day and from 6 up to ten years - 6-8 milligrams 3 times a day. During pregnancy, the medicine is used exclusively as directed by the doctor.

Side effects: headache, dizziness, sweating, skin rash.

Harmful if high sensitivity to bromhexine.

Carbocisteine ​​(Flyuditek, Libeksin Muko, Bronhobos, Fluifort, Mukosol)

The active substance is carbocysteine. Available in the form of capsules and syrup.

Helps reduce the appearance of mucus and changes its composition. The drug activates the production of enzymes in the cells of the bronchial mucosa, and in addition helps to restore the mucosa itself after bronchitis.

Adults take 2 capsules 3 times a day, children under 2 years old take 0.5 teaspoon of syrup 4 times a day, children under 12 years old - 2 teaspoons 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 8-10 days. It is extremely carefully prescribed during pregnancy, when treating during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, headache, skin rash.

Harmful in hypersensitivity, vigorous peptic ulcer, acute cystitis, childhood up to 2 years, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Lazolvan (Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Flavamed, Bronchorus)

The active substance is ambroxol. Available in the form of tablets, syrup and injection.

The remedy is very good for acute and chronic diseases respiratory organs with dry non-productive cough, smoker's cough.

The drug is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. Extremely carefully appointed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects: nausea, rash, anaphylactic reactions.

Harmful in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation and in children under 18 years of age.

Trypsin crystalline

The active substance is trypsin.

It has a thinning effect on the viscous sputum secreted by the respiratory organs. The solution is administered intramuscularly or interprevally using aerosols and sprays.

Adults are prescribed 0.005-0.01 grams 1-2 times during the day, for a child - 0.0025 grams 1 time during the day. After inhalation, rinse your mouth with warm water and rinse your nose. During pregnancy, it is used exclusively as prescribed by the doctor.

Side effects: allergic reaction, body temperature increase, pain at the injection site.

Harmful in heart failure, hypersensitivity, dystrophy and cirrhosis of the kidneys, pancreatitis, hemorrhagic diathesis.

For kids

Children's preparations for dry cough are prescribed with extreme caution. For example, medicines containing codeine are prohibited for treating children under 2.5 years of age. For small patients, soft preparations made on the basis of herbs are suitable.

Chest collection helps with coughing very well, and in addition, various inhalations, especially with soda. They actively moisturize and soften the child's airways, making coughing easier. The most suitable form of medicine for a child is syrup. Pleasant in its own taste and texture, it does not cause hostility in the child.

  • Wet cough with sputum difficult to separate in acute and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and a number of other diseases.

Features: mucolytics directly or indirectly thin the thick bronchial secretions and reduce the ability of sputum to stick to the wall of the respiratory tract. All mucolytics have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

Important information for the patient:

  • Mucolytics are not indicated for dry cough that accompanies influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.
  • When taking expectorants and mucolytics, it is desirable to use liquid more often than usual and in large quantities: weak tea, fruit drink, compote.
  • Mucolytics and expectorants should not be combined with antitussives.
Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug, which is important for the patient to know
Active substance: Acetylcysteine

(Geksal, Sandoz)

ACC Long

(Geksal, Sandoz)

Vicks Active ExpectoMed(Procter & Gamble, Teva)


It is usually taken orally as tablets or soluble powders. Well liquefies sputum. It can be used both for bronchitis and sinusitis for better discharge of thick mucus from the sinuses. In severe cases, it is used in injectable form. It has an antioxidant effect, and therefore it can protect against poisoning by certain poisons (for example, it is used as a remedy for an overdose of paracetamol). Can sometimes cause heartburn and nausea. Contraindicated in exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenum.
Active substance: Carbocysteine


Libeksin Muko(Sanofi Aventis)



The drug is similar in action and contraindications to acetylcysteine. It is used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, otitis and sinusitis.
Active substance: Ambroxol





Ambrohexal(Geksal AG)

Lazolvan(Boehringer Ingelheim)





Halixol (Aegis)
One of the most active and frequently used drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action. Stimulates the synthesis of surfactant - a substance that prevents the adhesion of the alveoli and small bronchi, and therefore can be used not only for bronchitis, but also for pneumonia. May increase the concentration of some antibiotics in bronchial secretions. Used mainly for oral administration. However, there is a special dosage form"Lazolvana" for inhalation use through a nebulizer. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Active substance: Ambroxol + Sodium Glycyrrhizinate + Thyme Liquid Extract
Codelac broncho with thyme(Pharmstandard) 104-215,5 A complex preparation in which the mucolytic and expectorant action of ambroxol is enhanced by the anti-inflammatory action of sodium glycyrrhizinate. Thyme herb extract, which is part of the preparation, contains a mixture of essential oils with expectorant and anti-inflammatory and slight antispasmodic action. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation. In children, it can be used from 2 years.
Active substance: Ambroxol + sodium glycyrrhizinate +

dry extract of thermopsis + sodium bicarbonate
Codelac broncho(Pharmstandard) 90-157 A complex drug, each of the components of which has a specific therapeutic effect. Ambroxol reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its discharge. Sodium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. The thermopsis extract has an expectorant effect, reflexively increasing the secretion of the bronchial glands. Sodium bicarbonate shifts the acid-base balance of bronchial mucus to the alkaline side, reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates its excretion. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years of age.
Active substance: Bromhexine
Bromhexine (Berlin-Chemie)





Long used expectorant and mucolytic drug. As a result of processing in the body, bromhexine turns into ambroxol, which directly has a therapeutic effect. Currently, bromhexine is considered an outdated drug, doctors recommend it less and less.
Active substance: Herbs thermopsis lanceolate powder + sodium bicarbonate
Cough tablets(Tathhimfarm-

drugs, Dalhimfarm)
10,2-55 Thermopsis grass has an expectorant effect, increasing the amount of sputum, and sodium bicarbonate stimulates the bronchial glands and reduces the viscosity of sputum. Tablets are contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute phase, as well as in children under 12 years of age.
Active substance:

Bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol + levomenthol
In these syrups, the expectorant and mucolytic components of bromhexine and guaifenesin are combined with salbutamol, which prevents or eliminates bronchospasm. Due to this, the drugs are well suited for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum that is difficult to separate. Syrups can also be used as a component complex treatment bronchial asthma. They have many contraindications, the main of which are pregnancy, lactation, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, decompensated diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Joset(Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories) 102-221,5
Active substance:

Bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol + racementol


Active substance:

Bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol


Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, for advice on the use of any medicines see a doctor.

Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in adults and children are often accompanied by the formation of thick, viscous sputum.

In this case, the cough becomes unproductive, suffocating, painful. Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to do without special expectorant drugs. Cluster a large number mucus in the bronchi is dangerous due to the creation favorable conditions for accession and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, in such a situation, only drugs that dilute and remove sputum from the bronchial lumens will come to the rescue.

Why are expectorants needed?

Cough is a protective reflex that is triggered by irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But if the reaction is absolutely normal, then why do you need to take expectorant drugs? Let's try to figure it out.

In the body healthy person the trachea and bronchi secrete a specific substance - tracheobronchial mucus. It neutralizes the negative impact of pathogenic microflora and viruses on the respiratory organs, promotes the removal of microparticles that irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs and enter the body along with the inhaled air. A person swallows about 100 ml of this secret per day.

When an infection is attached, the volume of mucus produced increases, and can be up to 1.5 liters per day. Such sputum is the optimal habitat for pathogenic bacteria. To get rid of its excessive accumulation, the cough reflex is triggered.

Viscous and thick sputum cannot come out of the bronchi on its own, as a result of which a sharp deterioration in a person’s well-being occurs. To remove mucus and make breathing easier, special expectorants are prescribed.


Means that have the ability to thin and remove sputum are divided into antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant.

  1. Antitussives and combined preparations . Such medicines are prescribed for an unproductive, painful cough.
  2. Expectorants a. They are prescribed for a productive cough, accompanied by the formation of a thin and easily separated secret.
  3. Mucolytics. Such medications are indicated for patients with a productive cough, in which the sputum is thick and viscous, so it cannot leave the bronchi on its own.

Expectorants are divided into several types:

  1. Reflex drugs. When they enter the gastric mucosa, the gag reflex is activated. But at the same time, the patient does not feel the urge to vomit, but the peristalsis of the muscles of the bronchi improves, resulting in an increase in the volume of mucus in the bronchi. Stimulation of expectoration and sputum production occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. This effect is mainly pharmaceutical preparations made on the basis of extracts of marshmallow, thyme, coltsfoot, etc.
  2. Drugs of direct resorptive action. These drugs are absorbed in the stomach and irritate the bronchi, increasing the volume of fluid, under the influence of which sputum is formed. Improved expectoration is facilitated by the accumulation of water in the sputum, which dilutes it.

Mucolytics that thin sputum are divided into:

  • agents that affect the elasticity and viscosity of mucus (ACC, etc.);
  • drugs that promote the excretion of sputum (Ambroxol, Abrol, etc.);
  • drugs that inhibit the process of sputum production (glucocorticoid drugs, Libeksin Muko, etc.).

All drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician. It should be borne in mind that mucolytics cannot be used in combination with antitussives. However, there are combination drugs that have both expectorant and antitussive effects.

Medications dilute sputum and can be used if the patient has a cough accompanied by difficult, viscous and thick sputum. These are one of the basic groups of drugs that doctors prescribe during the treatment of a productive (“wet”) cough.

There are certain features of the use and activity of drugs from the group of mucolytics:

  • Clinical efficacy when using expectorant and mucolytic drugs is observed 5-7 days after the start of the use of medications.
  • At the beginning of therapy, patients may note the effect of "imaginary worsening".
  • The use of mucolytics is not recommended during the treatment of bedridden patients due to the "flooding effect".

Mucolytic drugs are thiol-containing, visicinoids, proteolytic enzymes.

Often patients ask themselves: what is a mucolytic effect? After entering the bronchial mucus, the action active ingredients drugs is aimed at the destruction of protein molecules, providing its viscosity and density. There is a decrease in the viscosity of mucus and facilitating its removal from the bronchial area - this is the mucolytic effect.

The use of this group of drugs contributes to:

  1. Inhibition of the formation of bronchial secretions.
  2. Restoration of damaged mucous membranes of the bronchi.
  3. Sputum rehydration.
  4. Normalization of elasticity of lung tissues.
  5. Stimulation of sputum excretion from the lumen of the bronchial tree.

Classification by active substance

Mucolytics are medicines that help loosen mucus.

Modern pharmacology provides the following list of mucolytic drugs:

  • Drugs that help accelerate the excretion of sputum based on bromhexidine and ambroxol.
  • Medicines that help reduce the formation of mucus.
  • Medications based on acetylcysteine ​​contribute to influencing the quality of viscosity and elasticity of bronchial mucus.

Mucolytic cough suppressants can also have direct and indirect effects.
With direct exposure, there is a rapid destruction of the polymer bonds of the mucus, which is located in the bronchi.

  • Acetylcysteine ​​​​(ACC), Mucaltin, Mukomista, Mukobene, Fluimucil, infusion of marshmallow root, plantain leaves, coltsfoot, marshmallow.
  • Enzyme preparations that reduce the viscosity of sputum: Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Ribonuclease, Streptokinase.
  • Carbocysteine: Mukopront, Mukosol, Bronkatara.

If it is necessary to provide indirect action, the use of:

  • Bromhexine: Broxin, Fulpena, Bizolvon, Flegamine.
  • Ambroxol: Amrosana, Ambrobene, Lasolvana, Medoventa.
  • Antihistamine and anticholinergic drugs that contribute to a change in the productivity of the bronchial glands.

Patients are advised to refrain from self-medication. If a cough occurs, you should consult a doctor and find out the exact cause of the symptom. A suitable treatment regimen will be prescribed after an internal examination and a comprehensive examination.

Mucolytics with acetylcysteine

Mucolytic drugs based on acetylcysteine ​​are among the most active. Available in the form of tablets or powders for oral administration.

When dissolving the drug, the manufacturer recommends using glassware. The drug is taken immediately after the main meal.

The active ingredient is part of the following funds:

  • Fluimucila.
  • Mukomist.
  • Mukobene.
  • Exomuk 200.
  • N-Ats-Ratiopharm.
  • Espa National

It is recommended to refrain from the use of drugs based on acetylcysteine:

  1. During the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma, since there is a risk of bronchospasm.
  2. With exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  3. During the treatment of patients under 2 years of age.
  4. In the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

The combination of acetylcysteine ​​with drugs that include nitroglycerin enhances the vasodilation effect and antiplatelet properties.

Antibiotics based on cephalosporin, tetracycline and penicillin are recommended to be used no earlier than a few hours after the use of acetylcysteine.

Mucolytics with bromhexine

Bromhexine contributes to liquefaction of sputum, providing a weak antitussive effect. I use drugs during the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis.

Given active substance is part of the following drugs:

  • Phlegamina.
  • Solvin.
  • Flekoksina.
  • Bronchostop.
  • Bronchotila.
  • Bromhexine 8 Berlin-Chemie.

Tablets are recommended to be taken orally, after meals, drinking plenty of fluids. The duration of the use of the drug is determined by the doctor, taking into account the therapeutic effect and indications for use.

There are certain features of the use of drugs with this active substance:

  • Under the action of Bromhexine and Ambroxol, the processes of producing substances that cover the mucous membranes of the bronchi (surfactant) are activated, which prevent small villi from sticking together, which promote mucous formations from the bronchi.
  • Bromhexine enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
  • In the event that a combination of mucolytics with herbal expectorants is used, an increase in the positive therapeutic effect is observed.

In order to enhance the mucolytic effect of preparations based on bromhexidine and ambroxol, it is recommended to drink fruit juice.

Mucolytics with carbocysteine

Medicines based on carbocysteine ​​are used in the course of complex treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, otitis, sinusitis. Pharmacological activity is similar to acetylcysteine, the active substance is part of such medicines:

  • Bronchobos.
  • Libeksina Muko.
  • Fluditheca.

The use of Carbocysteine ​​is acceptable in the treatment of patients with a history of bronchial asthma. Unlike drugs that contain acetylcysteine, carbocysteine ​​​​does not contribute to the development of bronchospasms.

Mucolytics with ambroxol

Bromhexine is a prodrug and Ambroxol is the active metabolite of Bromhexine.

Ambroxol, as well as Bromhexine, is a synthetic analogue of the vizicine alkaloid obtained from the plant Yustitia vascular.

This substance is part of drugs with the following trade names:

  • Lazolvan in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration, solution for inhalation, syrup for adults and children, lozenges for resorption.
  • Neo-Bronchol in the form of lozenges.
  • Flavamed in the form of tablets and oral solution.
  • Flavamed Max in the form of effervescent tablets.
  • Ambrosan - tablets for internal use.
  • Ambroxol in the form of tablets and syrup for oral administration.
  • Halixol in the form of tablets and syrup for oral administration.
  • Vicks active abromed - syrup for oral administration.
  • Ambrohexal - syrup, solution, tablets.

It is recommended to refrain from the use of drugs based on ambroxol in the treatment of patients with peptic ulcer stomach, convulsive syndrome, bronchial motility disorders, large volumes of excreted secret (due to the risk of developing stagnation of mucus in the bronchial area), during the 1st trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Mucolytics with a combined composition

Mucolytics with combined composition contain several active ingredients that mutually reinforce each other's therapeutic effect.

  • Codelac Broncho with thyme- combined mucolytic with ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate, thyme liquid extract. Can be used in the treatment of children from 2 years. It has an expectorant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Ascoril Expectorant- a drug based on bromhexine, salbutamol, guaifenesin, racementol. Available in the form of a syrup for oral administration. The combination of active ingredients with salbutamol prevents and eliminates the development of bronchospasm. This drug is used in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Among the contraindications are the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, the development of decompensated diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.


One of the expectorants that help thin sputum and have an anti-inflammatory effect are enzyme preparations, for example, Ribonuclease. The active substance is obtained from the pancreas of cattle.

The mechanism of operation of enzyme preparations is associated with their ability to:

  • Act only in the area of ​​necrotic tissue and viscous secretions. Such drugs do not show efficacy in areas of healthy tissue.
  • Break peptide bonds in protein molecules.
  • Reduce the viscoelastic properties of sputum.

The use of the drug can cause the development of allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Due to the high risk of developing bronchospasms this species mucolytics are prescribed in rare cases.

Frequent colds, to which people sometimes do not even pay attention, can develop into inflammatory disease bronchi - bronchitis. Almost 90% of people have experienced such a pathology. Soreness of the chest, shortness of breath, excruciating cough, weakness - bronchitis symptoms. This disease is insidious, it has many types.

In medical practice, pulmonologists distinguish four main types of bronchial inflammation. The disease is classified based on the mechanism of development and the causes of bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis. The most common form of the disease. Acute bronchitis has a bacterial or viral etymology. But it can also develop due to aggressive allergens entering the bronchial mucosa.

Chronical bronchitis. This type of pathology develops due to illiterate treatment of the acute phase. Chronic bronchitis is diagnosed when the patient is observed (about 2.5-3 months annually). Pathology relapses during the off-season against the background of respiratory infections are noted.

smoker's bronchitis. This type of disease visits experienced nicotine lovers. The main signs of pathology are severe shortness of breath and coughing spells with copious sputum discharge.

Obstructive bronchitis. This type of bronchitis manifests itself with loud whistling sounds during breathing, the formation of thick and difficult to expel mucus and severe shortness of breath. The culprits of obstructive bronchitis are smoking, hereditary factors, polluted air, the activity of pathogenic viruses, work in harmful conditions.

Bronchitis is also divided into varieties according to the type of inflammatory process and sputum features:

  • purulent;
  • fibrous;
  • mixed;
  • catarrhal;
  • hemorrhagic.

According to the degree of the inflammatory process, the pathologies are divided into limited (a certain area of ​​the bronchi is affected by inflammation) and diffuse, when the inflammatory process covers a significant part of the organ and spreads to nearby organs.

Bronchitis can be simple and complicated, proceed in mild, moderate and severe degrees.

Important. At the first sign of illness, be sure to visit a doctor. Bronchitis is an insidious disease, it is dangerous for development serious complications and transition to the chronic stage.

A complete diagnosis allows you to detect bronchitis in its early forms and help the doctor develop an effective treatment regimen. Treatment should be carried out only under medical supervision. How is the therapy going?

Withdrawal of sputum with the help of strong means (drugs) and tablets for discharge (expectoration) of sputum with bronchitis in adults

Basic treatment inflammatory processes bronchi is reduced to stopping swelling, alleviating cough attacks and improving the patency of the respiratory tract. To cope with a painful cough, you need to help the body loosen and expel mucus.

Important. The mucus formed in the bronchi protects the organs respiratory system from dust, pathogenic microorganisms.

With the development of bronchitis, mucus begins to be produced in large quantities. She becomes sticky.

The bronchi do not cope with the withdrawal of thick mucus. Together with sputum, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the organs, which worsens the patient's condition.

What gives relief from disease-causing mucus?

  1. Relief of cough syndrome.
  2. Improvement general condition sick.
  3. Cleansing the body of pathogenic toxins.

What does the doctor do to remove sputum? Therapy methods are aimed at stimulating the work of the glands of the bronchi, which are responsible for "pushing out" mucus. Measures aimed at removing mucus include the following:

  • postural drainage;
  • plentiful warm drink;
  • breathing exercises;
  • massage manipulations;
  • full air humidification;
  • taking expectorants;
  • steam and aerosol inhalations.

Expectorants are considered the most effective in terms of its withdrawal. Similar drugs often combined with the use of mucolytics.

Some medicines have a mixed effect: expectorant-mucolytic with simultaneous antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

We understand expectorant drugs for bronchitis for sputum discharge in adults

To relieve cough syndrome, help to cope with pathogenic mucus and speed up recovery, physicians develop a course of therapy, which includes taking the following drugs.

Expectorants for bronchitis reflex action

Medicines of this type, in contact with the gastric mucosa, provoke a semblance of a gag reflex (but without obvious vomiting). At the same time, the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles improves markedly, leading to increased mucus volume.

At the same time, the cells of the epithelial tissue begin to work in an accelerated mode - mucus from the small alveoli is transported to the large bronchi and trachea. As a result, the process of sputum expectoration improves. Doctors often recommend taking the following medications.

Althea-based expectorants. Herbal remedies of this type are intended for obstructive and tracheal bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema. Such drugs accelerate the work of bronchial peristalsis, stop inflammation and thin the mucus of a viscous consistency.

Attention. Marshmallow-based medicines are prohibited for use in case of ulcerative problems of the gastrointestinal tract and in children under 3 years of age. Rare, but seen side effects: allergy, nausea, vomiting.

Such expectorants include mukaltin, marshmallow syrup.

Expectorants based on thermopsis. Herbal medicines with thermopsis have a powerful expectorant property. They are not recommended for children under 10-12 years of age. Even the slightest overdose of the drug can cause vomiting, and the active substance cytisine affects breathing. This may scare the baby.

Common expectorants containing thermopsis extract: Thermopsol, Codelac Broncho, Thermopsis sputum tablets. But these drugs can cause side effects(with an overdose) in the form of problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation), lethargy, headache.

Other herbal remedies . Excellent results in sputum thinning are shown by other expectorant drug complexes based on:

  • thyme;
  • thyme;
  • plantain;
  • coltsfoot;
  • marsh wild rosemary.

Such drugs include"Pertussin", "Gerbion", "Tussamag", "Stoptussin", "Bronhikum". Good results were shown by Coldrex Broncho (an expectorant containing camphor, red pepper, macrogol and guaifenesin) and Gelomirtol, made on the basis of myrtol.

The best expectorants of resorptive action

Such drugs stimulate the work of the bronchial glands, effectively thinning the viscous sputum. Resorptive expectorants stimulate the secretory of bronchioles and the muscles of the bronchial walls. The composition of resorptive expectorant drugs includes components that enhance the separation of fluid into the mucous secretion. Such an effect is shown:

  • baking soda;
  • anise esters;
  • ammonium chloride;
  • marsh wild rosemary;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • oregano (oregano herb);
  • ammonium chloride (ammonia);
  • iodides (iodine salts) of potassium/sodium.

The most common and effective expectorant of this direction is Amtersol. This medicine is contraindicated for expectant mothers and small children (up to 3 years). The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient.

The best expectorants of mucolytic orientation

The main task of mucolytics is to thin the sputum and accelerate its evacuation from the bronchi. Next, consider which expectorant for coughing with sputum is better.

Pathogenic microorganisms, having lost a beneficial environment, die, which speeds up recovery. More often physicians recommend taking the following mucolytics:

  1. "Acetylcysteine". The medicine is available in the form of tablets, powders and syrups. In pharmacies, acetylcysteine-based products can be found under the names: Vicks Active, ACC, Fluimucil. Such drugs are prescribed to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum in obstructive and acute bronchitis, otitis and pneumonia and laryngitis.
  2. Bromhexine. Antitussive expectorant tablets, the effect of which is already observed on the 2nd day after administration. "Bromhexine" can be used both inside and by inhalation. The following expectorants have a similar effect: "Solvin", "Bronchosan" and essential oils mint, eucalyptus, oregano, anise and fennel.
  3. Ambroxol. One of the best medicines working on liquefaction and withdrawal of sputum. Analogues of Ambroxol include Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Flavamed, Halixol, Ambrohexal, Ambrosal. These mucolytics are recommended for bronchitis different kind, pneumonia, asthma and COPD, accompanied by a cough with mucus that is difficult to remove.
  4. "Carbocysteine". Effective expectorant drugs-mucolytics. Means help to reduce the viscosity of sputum and increase the elasticity of bronchial secretion. On the basis of carbocysteine, the following preparations have been created: Fluditec, Bronhobos, Libeksin Muko and Fluifort.

In the world of pharmaceuticals, there are also effective combined expectorants, containing several active ingredients at once. Common drugs in this category are "Joset", "Cashnol" and "Ascoril".

Attention, dangerous frivolity

Often people with bronchitis, not wanting to waste time in the clinic, try to cope with cough and sputum on their own.

When purchasing antitussives at pharmacies, they do not think that such drugs it is allowed to use only with dry cough. Antitussives include:

  • "Libeksin";
  • "Levopront";
  • "Stoptussin";
  • "Tussin Plus";
  • "Bronholitin";
  • "Glautsin" ("Glauvent");
  • "Sinekod" ("Butamirat");
  • "Codeine" ("Methylmorphine");
  • "Libexin" ("Prenoxdiazine");
  • "Sedotussin" ("Pentoxyverine");
  • "Ethylmorphine" ("Dextromethorphan");
  • "Tusuprex" ("Oxeladin" or "Paxeladin").

As soon as sputum begins to be expectorated, such drugs should be discontinued. Otherwise, mucus will accumulate in the bronchi and provoke asthma attacks, aggravating the course of the disease. The situation is exacerbated by the simultaneous use of antitussive drugs and expectorants.

Important. When sputum is produced in copious amounts and cannot be expelled from the body, congestion occurs in the bronchi and lungs. This situation can lead to dangerous complication- emphysema of the lung (rupture of the tissue of the organ).

Folk expectorant medicines

Increasingly, doctors besides drug therapy in the treatment of bronchitis, it is used for an expectorant course. Such funds perfectly "get along" with taking medications and effectively help expel mucus from the bronchi.

Important. Despite the safety of folk recipes (they can be used by children and pregnant women), home treatment must be agreed with your doctor. Some herbs used in traditional medicine have a number of contraindications.

In practice, decoctions from the roots of licorice, marshmallow, oregano and mint are often used. Steam inhalations using soda and medicinal herbs . Of the means used orally, drugs made from milk with the addition of soda, oats, and honey are effective:

banana broth. Grind a couple of ripe bananas to a puree-like state. Stir sugar (25 g) into them. Dilute the mass with a glass of water and mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil and cool. Take a delicious medicine for a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

"Redkin" honey. Take a large black radish and cut off its top. Make a small hole and fill it completely with honey. Cover the hole with a top (like a lid). After 6-7 hours, the radish will give juice. Mixed with honey, this juice is an effective expectorant. It should be taken 20-25 ml three times daily.

oat milk. To prepare the next expectorant, you will need a glass of oatmeal. They need to be poured with milk (300-400 ml) and brought to a boil. You can add honey for taste. The finished drug is taken 5-6 times daily in small sips of 100-150 ml.

Baking soda. Good old product, time-tested. This is an excellent expectorant. Soda can be used in the form of inhalation or taken orally, pre-mixed with hot milk (5-6 g of soda per glass of milk).

Medicinal. Healing plants have been successfully used since ancient times in folk recipes to help expel mucus. The following recipes are among the most effective:

  1. Birch. Mix young leaves of the tree with wild rosemary (40-50 g each), oregano (25 g), nettle and birch buds (15 g each). Mix all ingredients and crush. Pour the herbal mixture (12 g) with water (500 ml) and boil. Then leave the mass to infuse for 30-40 minutes. The finished medicine is drunk 50 ml three times a day.
  2. herbal collection. Mix coltsfoot, chamomile (10 g each) and oregano (5 g). Steam the mass with boiling water (200 ml) and leave to infuse for an hour. Drink the drug 100 ml 3-4 times a day. You can add honey for taste.

The best expectorants for bronchitis

The modern world of pharmaceuticals is replete with a rich selection of products, with expectorant effect.

In order not to get confused among the pharmacy windows, know that, according to experts, the best expectorants for bronchitis are herbal medicines based on medicinal plants:

  • thyme, valued for its powerful antibacterial effect;
  • swamp wild rosemary with analgesic and bactericidal action;
  • coltsfoot with excellent expectorant and antiseptic effect;
  • plantain, which has antimicrobial and analgesic effects;
  • marshmallow, which has a softening effect on the bronchi, does not cause allergies;
  • thermopsis, which, in addition to liquefying and removing sputum, strengthens the patient's immunity;
  • source, in medical practice I use the roots of this plant, which have expectorant properties.

Important. When treating bronchitis, you can not self-medicate. The wrong choice of drug will only worsen the situation and provoke the development of dangerous complications.

Be sure to see a doctor if the cough is accompanied by profuse purulent sputum, sweating, fever and severe weakness. Parents should be especially careful. Sputum in childhood is very dangerous, it can provoke asthma attacks in small children.

Gentle effective expectorants for children and pregnant women with bronchitis

Treatment of children
. Not all expectorants can be given to children in the treatment of bronchitis. The most suitable medicine is the one prescribed by the pediatrician. The doctor, choosing treatment for the baby, takes into account his age and state of health. Carefully read the instructions for the drugs, which prescribe age categories.

For example, "Lazolvan", often prescribed by pediatricians, it is allowed to use for the treatment of children older than one year. But in certain situations, "Lazolvan" in injections is also prescribed for infants (they do this only in a hospital setting).

Important. Babies are not able to expectorate sputum on their own. Abundant mucus that accumulates in the bronchi of the crumbs leads to the development of congestion and the appearance of pneumonia.

For the treatment of children are often prescribed, based on thermopsis: "Pectussin", "Doctor Mom", "Doctor Thais". Such tasty, fragrant kids drink with pleasure. Efficiency shows and syrups based on « Ambroxol».

At home (after a preliminary consultation with a doctor), the baby can be given breast expectorants and tasty medicines based on bananas, honey, and milk.

Treatment of pregnant women. Doctors are no less scrupulous about the choice of expectorants for a pregnant woman. Many drugs can harm the body of a future mother and her baby. Only doctors choose safe and effective expectorants. Doctors first take into account the severity of bronchitis and the current state of the pregnant woman.

More often doctors prescribe neutral, gentle medicines for thinning and removing sputum. Such expectorants include syrups based on ivy and licorice roots, marshmallow (they are prescribed by pediatricians for the treatment of young children). Become effective medicines with thyme and thermopsis.

When conducting treatment, doctors take into account that a pregnant woman may experience unpredictable reactions while taking the prescribed medication. At the slightest negative symptomatology, the prescribed drug is canceled and prescribe a milder medication.

Take care of yourself and don't get sick!

Baby cough medicine video

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what cough medicines are for a child, and will draw the attention of parents to the difference between cough medicines and expectorants.