What is myopia and possible methods of vision correction. Myopia Myopia 1 degree what does it mean

Myopia of the 1st degree occurs as a result of a hereditary predisposition or anomalies in the structure eyeball. Prolonged workload or non-compliance with the rules of safe reading and writing can cause the disease. In this case, the patient is not able to distinguish objects located far away. He develops lacrimation, photophobia and headache. More often the disease develops in childhood.

Mostly myopia occurs in both eyes, but there is also a unilateral lesion, which is often due to trauma.


Provoke myopia or mild myopia can be influenced by the following factors on the human body:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • congenital structural features of the eyeball;
  • increased load on the visual analyzer;
  • long work at the computer;
  • failure to maintain the required distance when reading a book or writing;
  • violation of visual hygiene;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • eye injury;
  • infectious lesion;
  • ciliary muscle weakness.

How is it manifested?

The symptom of the disease can be strong pain in temples.

To the most common symptoms myopia 1 degree include the following clinical signs:

  • headache in the temples;
  • feeling of pressure in the eye area;
  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • sensation foreign body In eyes;
  • squinting when trying to look into the distance;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball;
  • dryness.

Poor vision most often appears in childhood and adolescence, which is due rapid growth and a permanent change in the shape of the eye. At the same time, the child complains about the inability to distinguish objects that are far away. Often schoolchildren notice an inability to see what is written on the board. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist and establish the correct diagnosis. Myopia 1 degree involves the loss of the ability to see up to 3 diopters.


To make a diagnosis, the ophthalmologist uses a special table.

Stage 1 myopia can be suspected by the presence of symptoms characteristic of this pathology in a person. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a study of visual acuity using a special table. Ophthalmoscopy is also needed, in which it is possible to examine the fundus and identify retinal detachment or other pathological changes. Computer refractometry is shown, which makes it possible to study refraction. Should pass general analysis blood and urine.

How to treat?

Therapy for first-degree myopia is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause that provoked the patient's loss of vision. It is important to limit the load on the organ of vision, consume enough vitamins and minerals and get rid of bad habits. Medical therapy consists in the use of agents that improve microcirculation and nutrition of photosensitive cells of the eye. It is also possible to carry out surgical intervention in the form of scleroplasty, removal and replacement of the lens with an artificial one, as well as laser vision correction. For hardware therapy, Sidorenko glasses are used. They influence the patient with infrasound, phonophoresis, pneumomassage and color pulse therapy.


Treatment of myopia of the initial degree includes the use of medications. The most commonly used drugs that have lutein in their composition. It is a protective pigment for photosensitive cells. It is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes that contain a large amount of carotenes, which improve the patient's ability to see. With mild myopia, you can use drugs that improve the metabolism in the retina "Tauron", aloe or ATP solution. Means to relieve spasm of accommodation "Mezaton" and "Irifrin" will be useful. Contribute to increased blood circulation and microcirculation "Trental", "Piracetam" and "Pentoxifylline".

Surgical treatment

Scleroplasty is an operation in which the back walls of the eyeball are strengthened.

Surgical intervention for myopia includes scleroplasty, which is the strengthening of the back wall of the eyeball to improve its blood supply and nutrition. Sometimes intraocular lenses are placed under the cornea or in the anterior chamber. In case of loss of the ability to accommodate, the lens is removed and then replaced with an artificial one. You can change the shape of the eyeball and the angle of refraction of light rays using keratotomy or removal of the cornea. This kind of operation helps to get rid of myopia, however, it has a high frequency of postoperative complications.

Myopia is one of the ophthalmic diseases most frequently diagnosed in patients. different ages. Many factors can indicate the onset of myopia symptoms. It is important to start treatment of the disease on time. In this case, it will be possible to avoid problems due to a decrease in refraction, to stabilize vision.

In this article

What is myopia?

Myopia, or myopia, is a violation of visual functions associated with deformation of the eyeball or a malfunction in the optical system of the eye. With this ophthalmic pathology, light rays are focused in front of the retina, while in the normal state they should fall into the center of it.

Due to an incorrect refraction process, a person begins to see much worse at a distance, but at the same time, as a rule, he does not experience tangible discomfort if he works with objects at close range. At least on early stage diseases.
Myopia up to three diopters (for example, vision -1 diopter) is characterized as mild myopia. If vision falls from -3.25 to -6 diopters, the disease is classified as moderate. For a strong degree, all indicators that exceed -6 diopters are characteristic.

If a value of -1.5 was detected during the diagnosis, this is considered an indicator of weak myopia. However, even such a seemingly insignificant decrease in visual functions should not be ignored. Otherwise, in the future, the pathology may progress, which in turn will negatively affect refraction and cause further development of undesirable processes.

Features of mild myopia

Myopia with a value of -1.5 - is it a lot or not?

As a rule, the corresponding diopter value does not significantly affect the quality of human vision. Moreover, few people can independently, without the help of an ophthalmologist, determine such a level of visual impairment. Therefore, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist at least once every 1.5-2 years (in the absence of obvious eye pathologies) and undergo an examination.
With a myopia index of -1.5 diopters. light rays that enter the eye are not correctly refracted. As a result, a person cannot properly recognize distant objects and objects.
According to statistics, a weak form of myopia is almost asymptomatic, which significantly complicates the diagnosis. Therefore, most patients turn to specialists already with moderate myopia.

Types of weak myopia

In addition to the generally accepted classification of myopia, mild myopia is also subject to gradation. It is false and true.

In the first case, symptoms of decreased visual function appear against the background of overexertion. eye muscles. It is enough to eliminate this cause so that vision is restored. True myopia is treated by completely different methods. Her therapy is quite long, since refractive disorders are difficult to stop.

The nature of the course of weak myopia can be:

  • Stationary, when the diagnosed refractive errors are stable, that is, the indicators of decreased vision do not worsen over time.
  • Progressive, in which vision falls by 1 or more diopters every year.
  • Malignant, when the disease progresses at a record pace, and for this reason visual impairment may occur.

For proper treatment pathology, it is necessary to correctly determine its form, features of the course.

Myopia 1st degree: causes

Myopia 1.5 is a reason to see a doctor. Various external and internal factors contribute to the emergence of this disease.

The list of main reasons includes:

  • Heredity: myopia, diagnosed in one or two parents, increases the risk of morbidity in the child.
  • Failure of the optical system of the eye.
  • Deformation of the eyeball (elongation).
  • Increased eye strain (for this reason, myopia develops both in school-age children and in adults whose professional activities involve eye strain).
  • Imbalance of the hormonal background of the body.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Poor living conditions (including the environmental factor).
  • Bad habits.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Avitaminosis.

If one of these factors (or several in combination) is present, the risk of myopia increases.

How to determine myopia 1 degree: symptoms and signs

Mild myopia occurs with barely noticeable symptoms. When a person has a vision of 1.5 diopters or less, he may not even be aware of the existing problem. However, as the pathology develops, visual discomfort will increase.

The following symptoms will indicate its appearance:

  • increased eye fatigue;
  • the desire to bring the objects under consideration closer (when reading a book, watching television, working with a computer, etc.);
  • the appearance of the habit of squinting when trying to see distant objects;
  • periodic pain in the eyes and temporal region;
  • the appearance of dryness and redness of the eyes.

The detection of one or more of the described signs in a child or adult should be a good reason to seek professional advice from an ophthalmologist.

Correction of mild myopia

Glasses are one of the standard methods of maintaining visual functions. For mild myopia (such as -1.5 diopters), doctors usually instruct patients to wear spectacle lenses or contact lenses.

The selection of means of correction is carried out in accordance with how many percent of visual functions are lost. Thus, it is possible to return the focusing of the rays to the center of the retina. This will help to avoid overstrain of the eye muscles, prevent further deformation of the eyeball (its lengthening), which will thereby serve as a good prevention of the progression of the pathology.
Surgical intervention at -1.5 diopters is not prescribed. Firstly, after the diagnosis of myopia, it is necessary to monitor the state of the visual apparatus for some time in order to exclude the possibility of complications. The main task of the specialist is to identify the type of myopia. If the disease is stationary (non-progressive), then there is no point in doing laser correction or resort to other ways to eliminate the symptoms of refractive error.

Myopia 1.5 - is it treated?

In medical circles, ophthalmologists who treat myopia ambiguously answer the question of whether correction is appropriate for mild myopia.
Some believe that since a slight decrease in visual functions does not affect the quality of life, there is no cause for concern. Others, on the contrary, based on experience and fears of a deterioration in the patient's condition, prefer to do everything possible to cure myopia: prescribe prescriptions for corrective agents, prescribe additional drugs for the eyes and even physiotherapy.

There is a myth that with regular use of optics, the eyes get used to working in tandem with it, therefore, over time, they completely stop “fighting” with the onset of myopia. However, experimental studies have shown that this is not the case. In any case, doctors are unanimous in their opinion that it is absolutely not worth doing self-treatment of myopia, as well as completely ignoring the changes that have occurred.

Myopia 1.5 - how much?

Only a professional ophthalmologist can determine mild myopia, who, after collecting an anamnesis, will conduct a detailed examination of the patient. Within its framework, the condition of the eyes is diagnosed and an accurate diagnosis is made.

Standard diagnostic methods:

  • checking distance visual acuity (using tables or modern devices);
  • determination of refraction (refraction of rays);
  • measuring the length of the eye and checking intraocular pressure;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • determination of the field of view;
  • other methods.

In rare cases, when refractive errors of -1.5 units are detected, patients are recommended an ultrasound examination, which can more accurately determine the length of the eyeball. Ultrasound will help the specialist to understand how much its shape is prone to pathological deformations. According to the results of diagnostic measures (when a table for checking vision and other methods is used), the doctor gives the patient useful advice, and, if necessary, assigns a correction.

Myopia 1.5: what to do?

Mild myopia, provided there are no complications and background common diseases body, easy to diagnose and correct.

With a typical development, false myopia is treated by removing the spasm of accommodation and preventive measures preventing its recurrence. An integrated approach to therapeutic decisions is required when true signs of myopia appear. It may include:

  • correction with optical products (glasses, contact lenses);
  • medical support;
  • carrying out physiotherapy;
  • in rare cases surgical intervention(for the purpose of treatment).

It is important to understand that correction with the help of optics will not help to get rid of myopia completely, that is, to cure it. This technique only helps to improve vision and inhibit the progression of the disease. It compensates for defects in the visual system, helps the image to focus correctly.
With myopia -1.5 diopters, wearing glasses and contact lenses is indicated. The patient is recommended to use optics systematically to prevent the progression of the pathology. It is important to remember that it is impossible to let the disease take its course, since neglected myopia can lead to serious consequences.

Contraindications for mild myopia

Myopia of a mild degree practically does not affect the habitual way of life of a person. However, there are some features that are better not to neglect.

So, with myopia at -1.5 diopters, the following should be excluded:

  • visual strain (labor or physical work that requires prolonged visual stress);
  • stressful situations in children and adults;
  • limit occupations by traumatic (including professional) sports.

Myopia low degree It is easily amenable to optical correction, but in order to exclude the progression of this disease, it is important to observe the correct mode of work, have more rest, be outdoors more often, and eat well.

Vision 1.5 and working with a computer

Myopia of a weak degree should not be a reason for completely abandoning the computer. Working with gadgets is quite possible if you follow simple rules:

  • Do not overwork (every hour should be interrupted for rest while using the PC).
  • Systematically perform gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Organize your workspace. The monitor should be kept clean. In addition, the lighting and the location of the screen relative to the eyes should be correct - no closer than half a meter.
  • Monitor posture (scoliosis often provokes a deterioration in visual functions).
  • Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen, depending on the ambient light.

Is traditional medicine effective in the fight against myopia?

Often, to improve vision in myopia, combined therapy is used using methods of traditional and alternative medicine. However, it is important to remember that before any use of funds in order to eliminate the symptoms of this pathology, a doctor's consultation is required. Self-medication is fraught with adverse consequences, including the progression of the disease.

Folk remedies used on an outpatient basis, at home, are healing decoctions and tinctures of various medicinal fruits and herbs, which in the composition contain nutrients and trace elements. Among them:

  • blueberries (jam, dried berries and infusions using berries, fruit drink or fresh fruits);
  • rosehip (it is insisted and consumed daily);
  • black currant leaves;
  • nettle nettle.

In tandem with medical therapy folk methods treatment of myopia can bring positive results.

What foods will help stabilize vision?

vitamins and nutrients can often be the underlying cause of visual impairment. In the list of products useful for the eyes, there are:

  • Eggs. They are rich in amino acids and lutein.
  • Blueberry. As already noted, this berry is considered the most healing and nutritious for the eyes.
  • Fish. Nearly every species contains in large numbers essential fatty acids for vision.
  • Greens. Especially useful: spinach, parsley and dill.
  • Seeds, all kinds of nuts, sesame. These products contain zinc. Especially their inclusion in the diet is necessary for people working with a computer.
  • Carrot.
  • Persimmons, mangoes, apricots, and other bright green, red, and orange fruits.

Of course, the listed products will not help to completely get rid of myopia, but in some cases they will prevent its progression and the development of more serious pathologies of the eye system.

Repeatedly, case studies have been conducted on the topic of the development of myopia in people of different ages. Almost all of them lead to the fact that the quality of human vision is influenced not only by the hereditary factor and conditions environment but also a way of life.
To prevent the development of eye pathologies and their exacerbation, ophthalmologists advise to give Special attention maintaining a good state of health of the body as a whole, because it is known that all organs and systems are interconnected, which means that in one way or another they are able to influence vision. Exclusion of bad habits, adherence to a proper lifestyle, good nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air, work hygiene - all this will help protect the eyes from unwanted eye pathologies.

Myopia of the 1st degree is not a sentence, but its symptoms should not be left to chance so that the value of 1.5 diopters does not turn into 5.1. Timely diagnosis and regular monitoring of visual functions will reduce the risk of further progression of myopia.

Effective remedy to restore vision without surgery and doctors, recommended by our readers!

Ophthalmological specialists note high quantitative indicators of visual impairment among the population. Pathologies associated with refractive errors are quite common and have varying degrees.

According to medical statistics, 18-40% of the population suffers from mild myopia and progresses regardless of the person's gender. Mild myopia in both eyes affects people of any age group, including children aged 6-17 years.


What it is was established in the time of Aristotle. The ancient Greek scientist noted that some people need to squint their eyes in order to visualize objects that are at a great distance. In ancient times, this pathology was rare.

In medicine, pathology is given the name - myopia. The popular term for the pathology under consideration is myopia. Very often, children from 7 to 17 years old suffer from mild myopia in both eyes.

In most cases, people have a number of questions: what is mild myopia and can the pathology be corrected? AT clinical practice there are answers to all the questions.

Grade 1 myopia is a visual acuity disorder characterized by abnormal image formation. Light rays from distant objects are grouped into focus in front of the retina, which contributes to a fuzzy and blurred image. In this case, the refractive error is less than three diopters.


  • Progressive myopia is a condition accompanied by the progression of the pathology by 1 or more diopters per year;
  • Non-progressive myopia - does not require therapeutic treatment and does not cause fundus anomalies.

In most cases, mild myopia is a hereditary eye disease.


The pathology under consideration is very often asymptomatic. One of the main symptoms of myopia is the forced tension of the oculomotor apparatus, which is accompanied by an explicit symptom complex:

  • Aches in the eyes;
  • mild headaches;
  • Radiating pain in the eye sockets.

In most cases, the pathology under consideration is asymptomatic and is detected only during routine ophthalmological examinations.

Diagnostic measures

The diagnosis of mild myopia is not specific. Carrying out standard ophthalmological tests is sufficient to establish the presence of pathology. Diagnostics includes the following activities:

  • Visual examination of the eye;
  • Refractometry - determination of the refractive index;
  • Visometry - setting visual acuity with the help of special spectacle lenses;
  • Color testing;
  • Biomicroscopy - reveals pathological changes in the retina, staphylomas;
  • Ultrasound examination of the eye - evaluates the size of the transparent body, localized inside the eyeball, as well as the homogeneity of the vitreous body.

If an ophthalmologist registers mild myopia, then it is necessary to control the development of the pathology and, in case of deterioration of vision, begin to treat the pathology. At timely diagnosis the risk of complications is reduced, and the disease can be successfully corrected.


With established myopia of a low degree, treatment consists in wearing individually selected glasses and contact lenses with diverging lenses. Adequate selection of glasses and lenses can correct a slight refractive error in a short time.

When detecting myopia, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations prescribed by the specialist. It is extremely important to observe the correct visual mode:

  • Use of adequate lighting;
  • conducting daily gymnastic exercises for the eyes;
  • alternation of visual activity with eye rest.

These activities can also be attributed to preventive measures for myopia.

Orthoptic and physiotherapeutic methods are also used in the course of therapy:

  • enhance accommodation;
  • laser stimulation of the inner shell of the eye;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • massage of the cervical-collar segment of the spine.

But medication courses can also be prescribed, which are advisable to be carried out twice a year. Various ophthalmic medicines are prescribed. The following drugs are most often prescribed:

  • piracetam;
  • hopantenic acid;
  • vitamins of groups B and C.

The drugs help prevent the progression of myopia.


Adequate corrective measures allow you to maintain a fairly high visual refraction. With progressive myopia, the prognosis is determined due to the presence of secondary complications:

  • decreased vision, not amenable to therapy;
  • protrusion of the posterior surface of the sclera;
  • detachment of the inner lining of the eye.

An important role in a positive forecast is played by:

  • Regular ophthalmological examinations aimed at establishing pathology in risk groups.
  • Clinical examination of persons with myopia.
  • rational correction.

When diagnosing first-degree myopia, it is necessary to undergo regular ophthalmological examination in order to establish the progressive stage of the disease in time. Eye pathology can progress very quickly.

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With myopia, difficulties with distance vision are due to the fact that, due to excessive refractive refraction, light rays are combined on the retina only when viewing close-up objects. Disproportionate clinical refraction makes it possible to focus only divergent rays. Distance vision also requires parallel light fluxes to be brought together, which is problematic against the background of hyperrefraction. Thus, distance vision gives a fuzzy, blurry image. Visual acuity in myopia is always less than 1.0.

The reason for the shift of the focus point to the front plane can be two factors:

  1. excessive refractive power of the optical media of the eye;
  2. increased length of the eye axis.

With normal vision, these two indicators functionally and organically correspond to each other.

When there is too much refraction of light, such myopia is called "refractive". If vision is impaired due to an elongated axis, they speak of "axial" myopia.

The first degree of myopia is assigned if the visual acuity is up to -3 diopters. Such a violation, as a rule, does not progress and does not significantly affect the quality of life. It does not carry the risk of possible complications, does not cause pathological changes fundus and does not require treatment. It is usually enough to correct your vision with glasses or contact lenses and have regular check-ups. preventive examination at the ophthalmologist.

Causes of mild myopia

Many studies confirm that increased accommodation acts as a starting factor for the decline in visual acuity. It initially causes false myopia, which turns into true myopia over time.

It has been statistically proven that the hereditary factor has a significant influence here. Myopia of parents is most often transmitted to children to one degree or another. The inherent weakness of the eye structures at a certain moment (when entering school, workloads, under stress) forces the eyes to accommodate excessively. This is the first step towards true refractive errors.

Common diseases can also contribute to the development of myopia. Increased intraocular pressure, weakening of the sclera, tension and malnutrition of the visual system can become a background for the development of pathology.

Working conditions and mode of work, as well as the nature professional activity create a certain amount of regular visual loads. Here are crucial:

  • location and size of objects with which a person works;
  • alternation of work and rest;
  • illumination;
  • workload with text and behind the monitor;
  • degree of responsibility and nervous tension.

Weakness of accommodation in combination with prolonged tension of the visual system leads to compensatory stretching of the eye axis and increased convergence.

Under certain favorable conditions(if the load on vision does not increase, vision is corrected with glasses, hygiene at work and rest is observed) myopia of the first degree has a stationary (non-progressive) clinical course.

Possible Complications of First Degree Myopia

Since elongation of the eye axis is an organic pathology, it is it that carries the risk of complications. An elongated eye leads to violations of the choroid and a deterioration in the nutrition of the retina. Stretched structures of the eye cause trophic changes, including those in the fundus.

If myopia of the first degree progresses, then on the disk optic nerve a myopic cone gradually develops, eventually growing into a false staphyloma. This formation is a large atrophic focus of the choroid. Surrounding the optic disc, as it develops, false staphyloma reaches the area yellow spot. This causes a rapid drop in visual acuity.

If myopia of the first degree is not controlled and continues to develop, then it is aggravated by dystrophic chorioretinal changes. This leads to breaks and retinal detachment.

Against the background of myopia, the development of cataracts is also possible. A sign of clouding of the lens is the presence (against the background of vagueness and blurred vision) of stripes, glare and "flies" in front of the eyes.

Higher myopia, accompanied by constant tension of convergence, loads the medial rectus muscles. Over time, against this background, muscular asthenopia can be diagnosed - visual fatigue, subjectively felt as discomfort in the temporal region, headache, pressure in the eyes.

These possible complications develop with moderate and high myopia. However, even at the initial stage of the disease, one should be aware of the possible risk and try to prevent the progression of the pathology.

Treatment of myopia of the 1st degree

First-degree myopia is fully corrected with diverging lenses. Glasses can be worn not all the time, but put on as needed (when considering distant objects, while driving a car, while walking).

In order for the condition to remain stable, it is necessary to observe the regime of work and rest, eat well, not overstrain and avoid stressful situations.

With weak myopia, exercises for the eyes are very useful. They not only minimize the risk of complications and further development of the disease, but can also lead to some improvements in vision.

It's no secret that the period of pregnancy and childbirth directly depend on the state of health of the future mother and on which experienced doctors you have to trust in the most important point. Bypassing doctors is not the most exciting activity, but it is still necessary. So an ophthalmologist undeservedly deprived of attention can put an end to the fact that natural childbirth is contraindicated. And all because of the fact that the pregnant woman was found to have myopia.

How important is a visit to an ophthalmologist? To prevent any complications with the eyes during pregnancy and childbirth, you need to find out in advance how good vision a pregnant woman and whether there are any problems. Regardless of whether there are complaints about vision, and whether there are deviations, absolutely every pregnant woman should visit an ophthalmologist from 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. In parallel with the formal eye examination, a fundus examination is always performed after pupil dilation. If no changes are found, the doctor will prescribe the last examination a month before the date of birth.

If during the examination there are ruptures of the retina or its dystrophic changes, a preventive procedure can be carried out - laser coagulation. At the same time, the pregnant woman should come for examination monthly and if the last examination, a month before the birth, negative factors are not observed, the doctor will give a conclusion that the patient can give birth naturally.

Myopia of the eyes in a pregnant woman, especially in the last trimester, may not change for the better. A variety of pathological manifestations during pregnancy, such as early or late toxicosis, can increase myopia up to 5 diopters. And the birth itself in a woman with this deviation can cause retinal detachment, which will subsequently lead to total loss vision. But this applies to those who have a high degree of myopia. Pregnant women with grade 1 myopia are not at risk and this mild disease does not pose a particular threat. However, examinations by an ophthalmologist should be regular, because in each case, the approach to delivery is individual.

Symptoms and causes of myopia during pregnancy

The main symptoms of the development of myopia include deterioration of vision when trying to see objects that are far away. If a woman who is expecting a baby is aware of her problem, then she is also familiar with the symptoms that may bother her throughout her pregnancy. But it also happens that a pregnant woman experiences certain manifestations for the first time, not understanding what this is connected with and why this happens.

What you need to pay special attention to and what is direct evidence of myopia:

  • the appearance of flashes, flickering in the eyes;
  • cloudy vision of objects, the irregularity of their shape;
  • eyes began to tire quickly;
  • narrowed the field of view;
  • discomfort in the eyes;
  • pain in the forehead and eye sockets, headache.

If these signs appear frequently and cause inconvenience, then even in the absence of early vision problems, there is a need to visit an ophthalmologist.

The main cause of the development of the disease can be called a hereditary factor. But, in addition, myopia can occur due to a negative effect on the eyes, excessive stress, due to permanent illness or after a traumatic brain injury.

During pregnancy, the development of myopia is manifested:

  • During pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, tissue elasticity increases, therefore, previously existing grade 1 myopia can result in serious problems, even retinal detachment.
  • Toxicosis that torments a woman can reduce vision, the reasons for this may be the increased permeability of the lens, its curvature, which leads to an increase in refractive power.
  • Poor heredity, and the risk is higher if both parents suffer from this disease.
  • congenital anomalies of the organ of vision, these may be deformations of the eyeball, its irregular shape.
  • Imaginary myopia, may be the result of poor visual hygiene, these are the consequences of reading in a supine position, working in a dimly lit room. And if you do not pay attention to this, then such myopia can be transformed into true.
  • Head injuries, infectious and viral diseases.

Types of myopia and their effect on pregnancy

There are the following degrees of myopia:

  1. Myopia of the 1st degree during pregnancy does not affect the safety of bearing a child at all.
  2. Myopia of the 2nd degree without pronounced pathologies of pregnancy, in this situation, delivery ends naturally.
  3. Myopia 3 degrees with the initial stage dystrophic changes retina, and in this case, childbirth, take place naturally.
  4. High myopia and pronounced retinal dystrophy, here, most likely, given how the pregnancy went and the condition of the fundus, childbirth will be resolved by caesarean section.

Dystrophic changes and detachment of the retina are the most common complication of visual organs during pregnancy and childbirth. But medicine has stepped forward, and already without hesitation can identify and prevent possible risks associated with the eyes of a pregnant woman.

Treatment and prevention of visual impairment

There are several methods to help fight and get rid of myopia of the 1st degree:

It is worth noting that having information on some issues that are directly related to your health during pregnancy is a huge plus. But an equally important fact is that right choice a doctor, and not only a gynecologist, but, as practice shows, an ophthalmologist, will add confidence that no troubles threatening from myopia will affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.