Pumpkin seed oil how to cook. Pumpkin seed oil: composition, useful properties, recipes

The autumn period is harvest time. Among vegetables grown in gardens and summer cottages, large, orange-colored pumpkin fruits attract attention. Almost everyone knows about the beneficial properties of pumpkin, although many people even know about the benefits of oil made from it.

Why is pumpkin oxol useful?

  1. Omega-3 acids, which are of great value, help with vascular atherosclerosis.
  2. Stimulating the work of the heart, strengthening the skeletal system, potassium and calcium salts, testes.
  3. Vitamins of various groups and carotene normalizing the metabolic process.
  4. Magnesium, which performs a supporting function of the brain.
  5. The trace element is selenium, which prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
  6. Elements that regulate the functioning of the biliary system. These include only phospholipids and flavonoids.

Pumpkin technical) oil and nutritionists recommend their patients. Its use helps cleanse the liver, regulates the decline of the gallbladder, which is necessary condition while following a diet. Pumpkin technical) oil - necessary thing in the fight against excess weight.

The oil will help to win against morning puffiness under the eyes, with allergic reactions and problem skin. It is desirable for children to use it to increase immunity. This is an undemandingly versatile tool.


Of course pumpkin seed oil is real. Ant. past tense can be purchased at any supermarket, hypermarket or pharmacy. So, prepared from seeds at home, such oil will never be compared in its taste and useful qualities with factory production. Outside the classroom, the manufacturing process is long, but the result will exceed all expectations. The product will be the most natural. True, there is one drawback of home preparation - a bitter aftertaste, which excludes its use in cooking.

The oil production process consists of five stages:

  1. Seeds should be dried first, preferably in the sun. Then Wodan kilos of pumpkin seeds are cleaned.
  2. Seeds are filled with water, next to this, make sure that it completely covers them.
  3. The tank warms up on fire for several minutes. Do not cook.
  4. The water is drained, the seeds are crushed. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, combine or blender.
  5. The mass is laid out in a pre-prepared gauze, folded into a well layer, and squeezed out by hand. The oil is ready.

From one kilogram of pumpkin seeds, as we see, about 150 grams of oil. Of course, this is not enough, but for treatment or cosmetic procedures quite enough.

Preservation and use of pumpkin seed oil

Making your own oil from pumpkin seeds is not all, you need to learn how to properly store it, so that the product has not lost its healing properties. Cool rooms with dark places are ideal for oils. Heat and light have a detrimental effect on the quality and properties of the pumpkin product.

  1. Oil is widespread in folk medicine, healers advise taking it three times in ultimo, one teaspoonful, immediately before meals.
  2. Cosmetic procedures with pumpkin seed oil are carried out to nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. With it, you can make a face mask or use it as a night cream. This oil is especially needed for dry and aging skin. It eliminates dark spots, small wrinkles. Long service makes the skin smooth, it stops peeling.
  3. It can also be used for preventive purposes. This is the best protection against sunburn and the harmful effects of the sun's rays, as this tan is distributed evenly.
  4. With the help of pumpkin seed oil, it is allowed to give your hair the effect of volume, freshness and shine. The benefit of this is to add about 50 ml to the shampoo, some used regularly.

Having made oil from pumpkin seeds at home, it’s not a sin to get it right away and for free medicine and a whole beauty salon.


Pumpkin seed oil, like any other drug, has certain contraindications for use. Admission is strictly allowed this product people suffering from cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis. If there is a history of diabetes, oil inside is used with caution. In rare cases, there is an objective possibility of individual intolerance to the product.

Video: pumpkin seed oil production with a wooden press

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How to make pumpkin seed oil at home?

Once in Arsen (I have a very good supermarket near my house) I saw pumpkin seed oil for sale. And I was about to buy it. After all, it is very useful: this oil improves eyesight, heals the liver and is also a wonderful prevention against many types of worms. But when I looked at the price, I was just horrified. A 100 gram bottle costs more than 70 hryvnia (I don’t remember exactly: either 72, or 75 hryvnia).

But you can also make this oil at home!

Pumpkin oil has an exquisite taste and aroma that resembles nut (nut oil was also there, it costs even more), so a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with pumpkin oil will be even tastier than with high-quality olive oil.

Pumpkin seed oil is used in cooking, both in pure form and mixed in a mix with linseed oil. You can also use it as a medicine - one teaspoon before meals three times a day.

Pumpkin seed oil helps to eliminate excess " bad cholesterol”, normalizes water-salt metabolism, bile secretion. That is why it is useful in acute and chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, colitis various kinds. Such treatment helps to get rid of roundworms or pinworms.

And pumpkin seed oil contains a large amount of vitamin A, so it is recommended for people with impaired vision. Do not forget that it is also rich in vitamins C, B1 and B2 and contains a large amount of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, cobalt and phosphorus. That is why it contributes to the overall strengthening of the body.

Here, in fact, is the recipe for making pumpkin seed oil, it is very simple.

One kilogram of peeled and dried pumpkin seeds is taken (peeled seeds can be found in markets where dried fruits are sold, in supermarkets or grown by yourself), poured with a small amount of water to just cover the seeds and put on fire. Boil for 5-7 minutes, leave, cool.

Next, grind the resulting mass in a blender and squeeze through several layers of gauze. Thus, a lot of oil will not work - an incomplete glass should come out somewhere. Unfortunately, you cannot clean this product at home, so the oil will be slightly bitter. But beneficial features pumpkin seed oil will not be affected.

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Pumpkin seeds, having gone through the process of cold pressing, give a unique product called "Pumpkin Oil".

The resulting liquid has a dark brown color, a bright nutty aroma and taste. Among the variety of vegetable oils, it is pumpkin oil that has the best taste characteristics and is considered a panacea for various diseases.

Daily use of this product will positively affect the work of many systems and organs. But it is important to consider that he has some contraindications.

In order for the effect of the oil to be truly effective, it is important to be able to distinguish the original products. All dates and manufacturer's information must be indicated on the container. When shaken, greasy stains appear; there may be sediment at the bottom of the bottle. A saturated shade speaks of quality, while a fake is given out by more faded tones.

Useful properties and composition

All the useful qualities of a valuable product are explained by its special composition - vitamins A, B, C, E, trace elements, phospholipids, the rarest vitamin F, Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids, etc.

To normalize vision, this oil is useful for no less famous blueberries and carrots. In addition, health-promoting vitamins visual organs, in this product are characterized by higher digestibility.

Digestion, bowel function can also be improved by introducing this type of vegetable oil into the diet. Moreover, you can use it in its pure form, and mixed with healthy flaxseed. Healers recommend such a “union” for high cholesterol. After 2-3 weeks of daily use, the level of “bad” cholesterol will drop to normal levels.

Important! Phosphorus, zinc, vitamins E, B6 and B9, etc. assist in the proper formation of the human embryo, so pumpkin seed oil must be present in the menu of a pregnant woman or planning a pregnancy!

To preserve the healing properties, the product is kept in a dry place, in containers with a tight lid. The impact is undesirable high temperatures. Expiration date: 1 year.

Features of use in cooking

Pumpkin seed oil is characterized by a pleasant taste, due to which it is widely used in cooking, excluding recipes with heat treatment: dressing salads, soups, preparing dishes with legumes. For example, the usual one will be especially tasty if you take pumpkin instead of sunflower.

In Austria, it is mixed with apple cider vinegar to make a popular national greens dressing. By the way, in the original Russian sauce - - you can also use pumpkin oil. The taste from this will acquire original notes.

Also, this product is added to the filling for pancakes, to give an original taste to cold fish appetizers and various marinades.

You can cook pastries, where pumpkin is in the composition, replacing the recommended fat with oil from the seeds of a vitamin vegetable - you get a brighter aroma and rich taste. We have a lot of such recipes on our website:, etc.

Do not be afraid to experiment, good quality pumpkin seed oil is much tastier than even the famous olive oil.

The main thing to remember is that not suitable for frying- burns, foams, not only taste, but also medicinal qualities deteriorate, dangerous carcinogens are formed.

Benefits of pumpkin seed oil for women

This product has proven to be excellent in the treatment of female diseases of a bacterial and inflammatory nature related to the sexual and reproductive areas.

  • during pregnancy - the product helps the healthy formation of the fetus;
  • to normalize hormonal levels;
  • to stabilize the nervous system;
  • as an effective remedy for pain and cramps during menstruation;
  • how effective remedy with menopause;
  • to prevent erosion (ectopia) of the cervix and various inflammations;
  • as a means of normalizing the production of sex hormones. Also, the product helps with hair loss due to hormonal changes after childbirth.

For the treatment of female diseases and for their prevention it is recommended to drink pumpkin seed oil on an empty stomach 2-3 times per day for 1.5-1 tsp. The full course should include half a liter of oil.

Pumpkin seed oil for men

The product helps with many male ailments, it is especially recommended for representatives of the strong half of humanity with prostatitis and problems with potency

To prevent male diseases, oil is added to salad, soup, or simply spread on bread, trying to use it daily.

Among the positive properties of the drug, it is worth noting the following:

  • prevention of the development of prostate adenoma;
  • increase in potency;
  • restoration of prostate function;
  • restoration of the reproductive system;
  • prevention of various inflammatory processes;
  • help immunity against infections. The oil supplies the male body with zinc, which is actively involved in the work of the reproductive and sexual environment.

For the treatment of male diseases, it is necessary to adhere to a special scheme:

  1. Take 3-5 times per day. The entire course can be from 2 to 4 weeks.
  2. Drink 2 hours after eating. Drink nothing.
  3. Drink no more than 2 teaspoons at a time.

The best effect is achieved with the use of microclysters, which are made from a mixture of heated oil and water. Treatment is important to carry out in the evening (takes no more than half an hour). After the administration of the medicine, rest for 15 minutes. One liter of pumpkin seed oil will be enough for the entire course.

Contraindications and harm of use

Along with a large number of useful characteristics, the oil also has its contraindications:

  • if diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • choleretic properties can cause displacement of stones in the gallbladder;
  • in diseases of the pancreas, pumpkin oil is also more likely to do harm than good;
  • diarrhea and/or belching may occur. To eliminate belching, drink juice. Kefir or juices containing citric acid are suitable;
  • sometimes there is an allergic reaction, in which the reception should be stopped.

Attention! If you even suspect one of the pathologies listed above, be sure to consult a doctor for advice!

Excess daily allowance gives 5 teaspoons side effects even in the absence of contraindications.

Application in cosmetology

To preserve youth and beauty, pumpkin seed oil is also very useful. It is most often used as an additive in products against dry skin and minor damage to it, to eliminate acne and protect from the sun, as an ingredient in anti-aging masks.

You can put a couple of drops in hair conditioner or pamper your curls with a wrap. As a result, the hair is restored from the roots, beauty and vitality return to them.

How to make pumpkin seed oil at home?

The cost of this finished product is quite high, so craftsmen often use the method of making valuable and healthy oil on their own. It's pretty simple.

You need to take 1-2 kg of peeled and dried seeds. Pour all 150-200 g of ordinary water and put on medium heat in any convenient dish with a lid. After boiling, hold for 7-10 minutes, turn off and cool.

After grinding the seeds in a blender, in a meat grinder - as it is convenient for anyone. Squeeze the resulting mass through several layers of gauze. It turns out a little oil - from 170 to 250 ml, and it itself will be slightly bitter. But everything healing properties perfectly preserved in this self-made product!

Useful video

Pumpkin seed oil pomace is valued by Europeans for its composition, which has a positive healing effect.

It is used by culinary specialists, doctors, cosmetologists, specialists in other fields. The product raises many questions: what are its useful and harmful qualities, how to use it and does it have contraindications?


The oil is produced by direct extraction. It has a characteristic smell and good taste. The shade varies from light brown to dark green.

It has a rich composition, which contains minerals, vitamins, fatty acid, antioxidants and flavonoids with tocopherols. But in order not to be unfounded, let's take a closer look at the constituent components.

Natural oil must contain linoleic and linolenic acids. It also contains palmitic acid, which lowers cholesterol and prevents the appearance of plaques in the vessels.

There are also necessary vitamin components, such as: A, E, F, C and P, and phytosterol, which prevents cholesterol from being absorbed into the intestines. It also prevents cancer cells from appearing.

Phospholipids present in the composition contribute to the improvement of psoriasis and other skin diseases. They also take part in the regenerating process of cells and transport useful elements in tissues.

Pumpkin seed oil is dietary, it removes all bad substances from the body, regulates the balance of water and lipids.

It is allowed to use it for ailments associated with gynecology or urology, as well as for child health. If you give this product to your child every day, it will become excellent. prophylactic against colds, group and other ailments associated with viruses.


Oil ingredients have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal work, normalize the outflow of bile, making it better.

It also benefits the liver, because. makes cell regeneration better, has a hepatoprotective effect.

Oil extraction of a wound in the stomach heals, works as a gentle laxative and lowers the acid balance of the juice in the stomach. Therefore, if there are problems with digestive system it is advisable to use pumpkin seed oil, which improves the condition of the digestive tract.


For pathologies associated with the heart and blood vessels, the oil is recommended to be used together with medical therapy. When it is used, the blood passages are strengthened, their elasticity increases, the heart rhythm is regulated, pressure is normalized, the blood passages are cleared of plaques.

The product is needed in case of atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease and other disorders in the cardiovascular system.

Respiratory system

Pumpkin remedy is an immunomodulatory and antiviral agent that relieves inflammation. Its use prevents the development viral diseases respiratory tract such as tonsillitis and other infectious ailments.

The remedy is effective during bronchial ailments, pneumonia and tuberculosis.


Even in ancient times, oil helped in the treatment of skin diseases. Substances included in the composition are removed allergic reactions, kill microorganisms, heal wounds, make skin covering complete and equal.

The tool can be used for acne, acne, diathesis, allergies, burns.

The immune system

strengthening immune system- one of the main properties attributed to oil. Immunomodulator, given by nature, increases immunity, making it resistant to various infectious and viral pathogens.

It is good to use the remedy during colds and infectious diseases. And with constant use, you can remove various disorders and prevent the development of chronic ailments.

Recovery after operations

The product should be used after surgery and during chemotherapy. It reduces complications, and regenerative properties heal tissues faster. It is necessary to apply it in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. within 1 year.


If your eyes are often, constantly tired, they have an increased load or suffer from myopia, cataracts, then doctors advise using pumpkin seed oil. In this situation, it can be added to food or drink 5-10 ml per day. Of course you can replace it medicines, but they will negatively affect other organs. It is better to use natural, proven products.

How to take and why

The use and dosage of the product depends on what effect is to be achieved. Before use, talk to your doctor and study contraindications with side effects, including allergies.

As a prophylaxis against various ailments, oil pomace from seeds is used as an additive to products that have not undergone heat treatment, it goes well with salad.

For ingestion, pumpkin seed oil does not need to be boiled and heated, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

To help treat ailments, the product is taken 3 times a day 60 minutes before eating or a few hours after eating.

At one time, you should not drink it more than 10 grams. During heartburn, you can drink 5 gr. oil - in a few minutes the burning sensation, discomfort will go away.

When exposed to the product, itching and redness from mosquito and other insect bites are eliminated, the healing of cuts, bruises, abrasions, and other damage to the epidermis is accelerated.

  • With cystitis, oil pomace can be taken in 3 sets per day, 5-10 drops each - you should start with a smaller amount, gradually increasing. The course continues for 30 days.
  • With inflammation respiratory organs and cataracts, the remedy should be taken according to the above scheme and only after the permission of the doctor.
  • With cirrhosis, heartburn, hepatitis, cholecystopingitis, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, it is allowed to use from 5 to 10 grams. funds 4 times a day. How long to take depends on the disease, its manifestations.
  • During constipation, drink 10 ml 2 times a day. If constipation is permanent, then take 4 times a day.
  • As a prevention of atherosclerosis or its treatment, the product is used 3 times a day, 5 ml. The course ends with a total oil consumption of up to 600 ml. such prophylaxis should be carried out several times a year.
  • If there is an allergy (not to pumpkin seed oil), it is necessary to take 15 ml of oil per day.
  • In case of epidermal lesions, the product is applied to the skin and taken orally, 5 ml 3 times a day.

You can use pumpkin seed oil for babies, in this case, it is applied only externally, it should not be taken orally. Smear the children with irritation on the epidermis, bites, allergic reactions to diapers. But before using, be sure to ask the pediatrician for advice and permission, perhaps it is your child who cannot use this oil or with caution.

Pumpkin seed oil for women

It can be applied in various areas. The oil helps women to gain beauty and health, having a beneficial effect on the body, and this can be seen in appearance.

If you want to use oil in your daily diet, you should know that it cannot be heat treated. At the same time, all of his useful material disappear, and a useless product remains.

For hair

To restore the shine and radiance of the hair, it is recommended to use the product daily in food. It will also help with hair loss.

If the hair is dry, brittle, damaged, then it is also recommended to use the product for food, make hair masks.

For masks, the product must be heated with a water bath, applied in a warm state to the curls and scalp. Make a small massage, put on a shower cap, cover with a towel. The mask is left overnight or for 2-3 hours, then the head is washed in the usual way.

A good effect is achieved with a 2-week course of therapy, during which pumpkin oil is applied to the curls and head every other day.

At the end of the course, you will see that your hair has become well-groomed, your hair is silky, smooth and shiny.

For facial skin

If you have bruises and bags under your eyes, then the remedy will help fight these phenomena. In this case, just apply the oil under the eyes and let it soak in, you can use it instead of an eye cream.

You can enrich them with creams and face masks. Take an evening or morning cream, add a couple of drops of oil, stir and apply to the skin. There will be no oily sheen.

Thanks to the oil enrichment of creams, you will give the skin additional hydration, nutrition, eliminate redness, peeling and burning from sunburn. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties treat acne, acne, acne.

With cracks on the lips, in the corners of the lips, it can be added to balms or used as an independent remedy, applied to the lips.

For harmony

Who wants to bring weight, figure in order, oil must be included in the menu. The product contains many components that normalize the normal functioning of the digestive system and organs in general.

The product helps to remove toxins and toxins, which is important during the period of weight loss, and also saturates the body with nutrients that are lacking during the diet period.

Moreover, the tool perfectly burns fats.

For weight loss, oil can simply be taken in 1 tsp. in the morning or season salads with it. At first it may seem that it is tasteless, but after a few days you will feel how it gives a spicy taste and adds a "zest" to the dishes.

During pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, oil will also be useful, because. it will relieve constipation, which often worries women in recent months. It will help to quickly eliminate constipation, most importantly, it will not harm the baby, unlike laxatives.

The product contains vitamins and antimicrobial substances that will strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman and protect her from viral illnesses.

Pumpkin seed contains vitamin B, which has a positive effect on the placenta.

For men

For men, pumpkin seed oil is most useful in the genital area, because. improves potency and has a positive effect on sperm. The oil is especially useful for men over 50, because it makes sexual life much better, besides it has a positive effect on gonad, preventing it from growing, which means it prevents the appearance of prostatitis.

In case of infertility, doctors advise using pumpkin seed oil, both for men and women.

It is known that men are more likely to suffer from heart disease, in order to prevent this, it is recommended to use a squeeze of pumpkin seeds. Also, with its help, hemoglobin will be better produced.

For the male half of humanity, oil will help to cope or prevent diseases associated with the kidneys, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the positive effect is visible both on men and on ladies.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that pumpkin seed oil is almost a panacea for all diseases, but this is not so. It has its contraindications and even harm. This will be discussed below.

First of all, you need to remember that although the oil is a natural product, you need to use it in moderation and use it in accordance with the doctor's instructions. If you assign it to yourself on your own and at the same time use “the more the better”, then you will not only improve your health, on the contrary, harm it.

You can not use it for diseases such as:

  • Allergic reactions and tendency to them;
  • Diseases of the epidermis of a chronic type, for example, eczema, etc.;
  • Intolerance to substances in the oil;
  • gallbladder stones;
  • Diabetes of various types;
  • Diarrhea.

It is allowed to consume up to 65 grams of oil per day, you should not increase the rate - it can lead to undesirable consequences.

When using the product, you feel sick, the skin turns red, small pimples appear - exclude the oil from use. These side effects are rare, but you need to be aware of them if you are going to use this oil.

How to cook at home

If you are someone who likes to make a product with their own hands to avoid counterfeit or damaged goods, then here are recommendations for making your own pumpkin seed oil.

Peel the pumpkin seeds from the husk (they contain up to 50% fat), chop and pour hot sunflower oil at the rate of 2 parts of the seeds - 5 oils. Soak for 2-3 days in a warm, dark place (preferably in a regular thermos). Then strain the resulting extract, getting rid of the cake.

We hope you have learned enough about the properties and uses of this amazingly useful product. Health to your family and let pumpkin seed oil become the main dressing on your table.

From given amount ingredients is obtained 2 jars of 200 gr.
In order to cook pumpkin seed oil, the first step is to turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.
The pumpkin should be thoroughly washed and cut into small slices, after removing the fibers with seeds. Place prepared pumpkin slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle the pumpkin with olive oil and place in the oven to bake until tender, 25-35 minutes.

Let the pumpkin slices cool slightly and, helping yourself with a spoon and fork, remove the pumpkin pulp from the peels and transfer to a blender bowl. Grind to a smooth puree. From 1 kg of pumpkin, 500-550 g of puree should be obtained, depending on the variety of pumpkin.

To prepare pumpkin seed oil, transfer the resulting pumpkin puree in a saucepan, add brown sugar, cinnamon stick, ground ginger. Pour in apple juice and vanilla extract and add honey. Mix everything well and put on the stove. Bring to a boil over high heat, immediately reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Over time, pumpkin seed oil will darken and thicken. Remove the cinnamon stick, add lemon juice, mix thoroughly and transfer the finished oil to a jar or storage container.

Pumpkin seed oil is ready. Use it as a filling for pancakes, in baked goods for a pumpkin flavor, or just eat it with a spoon. Pumpkin seed oil is perfectly frozen, so you can immediately prepare a double, triple portion and put it in the freezer.
Enjoy your meal!