Who should not take lipoic acid. Lipoic acid: the benefits and harms of the substance for women and men

Lipoic acid preparations are sometimes used in the treatment of diabetes. These tools are quite diverse and are used in many areas.

It is worth considering them in more detail to understand how they are useful.

General information, composition and form of release

The manufacturer of the medicinal product is Russia. The drug is one of the hepatoprotective. It is used for various pathologies. For use, you need a doctor's prescription and clear instructions for use.

The active ingredient of the drug is alpha-lipoic acid (otherwise it is called thioctic acid). The formula of this compound is HOOC (CH2)4 CH CH2 CH2: C8HuO2S2. For simplicity, it is called vitamin N.

In its original form, it is a yellowish crystals. This component is part of many medicines, dietary supplements and vitamins. The form of release of drugs can be different - capsules, tablets, injection solutions, etc. The rules for taking each of them are determined by the attending physician.

Most often, Lipoic acid is available in tablets. They may be yellow or greenish-yellow in color. The content in them of the main component - thioctic acid - 12, 25, 200, 300 and 600 mg.

Additional Ingredients:

  • talc;
  • stearic acid;
  • starch;
  • calcium stereate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • aerosil;
  • wax;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • Vaseline oil.

They are packed in contour packs of 10 units. The pack can contain 10, 50 and 100 pieces. It is also possible to sell in glass jars, where 50 tablets are completed.

Another form of release of the drug - injection solution. Distribute it in ampoules, each containing 10 ml of solution.

The choice of one or another form of release is determined by the characteristics of the patient's condition.

Pharmacological action, indications and contraindications

The main function of thioctic acid is an antioxidant effect. This substance affects mitochondrial metabolism, provides the action of elements with antitoxic properties.

Thanks to this tool, the cell is less affected by reactive radicals and heavy metals.

For diabetics, thioctic acid is useful for its ability to increase the action of insulin. This contributes to the active uptake of glucose by cells and a decrease in its concentration in the blood. That is, in addition to protective functions, the drug is characterized by a hypoglycemic effect.

This drug has a wide range of applications. But it cannot be assumed that it can be used in any case. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and history to make sure there are no risks.

Lipoic acid is prescribed for such disorders and conditions as:

  • chronic pancreatitis (developed due to alcohol abuse);
  • active form of chronic hepatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poisoning medicines or food;
  • cholecystopancreatitis (chronic);
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes.

This drug can also be used for weight loss. But be sure to find out how to take it and what are the likely risks. After all, the causes of overweight are diverse, and you need to deal with the problem correctly and safely.

It is necessary not only to know what Lipoic acid is for, but also in what cases its use is undesirable. She has few contraindications. The main one is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. To verify its absence, a sensitivity test should be performed. This medicine should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

Instructions for use

Features of the use of the drug depend on the disease against which it is directed. According to this, the doctor determines the appropriate form of the drug, dosage and duration of the course.

Lipoic acid in the form of a solution is used intravenously. The most commonly used dosages are 300 or 600 mg. Such treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, after which the patient is transferred to the tablet form of the drug.

Tablets are taken in the same dosage, unless the doctor prescribes a different one. Drink them should be about half an hour before meals. Tablets should not be crushed.

In the treatment of diabetes, this drug is used in combination with other drugs. The regimen of therapy and doses of the drug are similar to those described above. Patients should follow the specialist's prescriptions and not make changes unnecessarily. If adverse reactions of the body are detected, you need to seek help.

The benefits and harms of lipoic acid

To understand the effects of Lipoic acid, it is necessary to study its beneficial and harmful features.

The benefits of its use are very great. Thioctic acid belongs to vitamins and is a natural antioxidant.

In addition, it has many other valuable properties:

Thanks to all these properties, this drug is considered very useful. If you follow the instructions of the doctor, then negative reactions almost do not occur. Therefore, the remedy is not harmful to the body, although it is not recommended to use it unnecessarily due to contraindications and side effects.

Side effects and overdose

In spite of a large number of useful properties, side effects may occur when using lipoic acid. Very often they occur due to violation of the rules for the use of the drug. For example, injecting a drug into a vein too quickly can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Common side effects medications can be:

When these symptoms appear, the principle of action is determined by the doctor. Sometimes a dose adjustment is necessary, in other cases the drug should be discontinued. With significant discomfort, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. There are situations when negative phenomena disappear on their own after a while.

An overdose of this medicine is rare.

Most often, in such a situation, features such as:

  • hypoglycemia;
  • allergy;
  • violations in the work of the digestive tract;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

Their elimination depends on the type of reaction and its severity.

Interaction with other drugs

The benefits of this drug depend on many factors. One of them is its competent combination with other medicines. During treatment, it is often necessary to combine drugs, and it must be borne in mind that some combinations are not very successful.

Thioctic acid enhances the effects of drugs such as:

  • insulin-containing;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hypoglycemic.

This means that when they are used simultaneously, it is supposed to reduce the dosage so that there is no hypertrophied reaction.

Lipoic acid has a depressing effect on Cisplastin, so dose adjustment is also needed for the effectiveness of treatment.

It is undesirable to use this drug in combination with drugs that contain metal ions, since it blocks their action. Do not use acid together with alcohol-containing products, due to which the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

Alpha-lipoic (ALA) or thioctic acid is a natural metabolic product (metabolite) that is involved in most physiological processes that are directly related to proper metabolism. This feature is explained by the participation of thioctic acid in the composition of the enzyme, which is involved in the chemical reactions of the transformation of organic acids, and this affects the decrease in acidity in the cells themselves. .

By promoting the formation of coenzyme A, thioctic acid preparations take part in the metabolism of fatty acids. This affects the decrease in the severity of dystrophy (fatty) in the liver cells, and also activates the metabolic function in the bile compartment, as well as liver protection, the so-called hepatoprotective properties.

To understand why lipoic acid is needed, it is worth understanding a certain sequence. It accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids, while lowering the level of blood lipids, exhibits antioxidant properties, and also prevents cell damage by neutralizing free radicals. In addition, alpha-lipoic acid prevents the development of insulin resistance in the body at the cellular level, which is extremely important when diabetes.

What you need to know about lipoic acid

Many are interested in what lipoic acid contains, as well as in what products it can be found. Such a practical antioxidant is present in spinach, yeast, cabbage and rice. Also, this substance is found in products of animal origin, for example:

  • Offal (heart, liver, kidneys);
  • Milk products;
  • Beef;
  • Chicken eggs.

The fact that thioctic acid is synthesized in the body has also been confirmed. Moreover, the amount of endogenously synthesized substance decreases with age.

Lipoic acid, or vitamin N, is considered an insulin-like substance with a powerful antioxidant function. The strength of its action far exceeds the standard performance of the body, filling it with a huge amount of additional energy. Such an element cannot be found in the standard list of vitamins, although it is considered a powerful antioxidant for weight loss, as well as useful in sports and bodybuilding.

It is no secret that lipoic acid (vitamin N) in its functions resembles a vitamin of group B, namely:

  1. It regulates lipid and carbon metabolism;
  2. Can prevent fatty liver;
  3. Fat and carbohydrate burner on the way to weight loss;
  4. Restores violations in the functions of vision;
  5. Has an effect on cholesterol metabolism;
  6. Raises the metabolic rate;
  7. Protects the walls of cells and blood vessels from destruction;
  8. Regulates well-coordinated work thyroid gland;
  9. It has a protective function against the effects of the radiation environment.

These are not all the beneficial properties of lipoic acid, it can improve concentration and memory due to its participation in carbon metabolism, which results in nutrition. nerve fibers and the brain. It is worth remembering what contains lipoic acid and consume these products daily in order to maintain a comfortable weight and strive for weight loss. Alpha lipoic acid is present in a variety of animal or plant origin. Proper culinary processing is able to preserve the portion of vitamin N necessary for the body to obtain its daily norm with benefits for the liver, as well as the body of a pregnant woman.

It is worth noting that the form of release of lipoic acid in pharmacies is presented in 12 mg tablets, and 25 mg tablets, as well as in ampoules with a 3% injection solution.

Often, lipoic acid is needed for impaired concentration, rapid fatigue, and many other diseases. It is also used in active sports, pumping muscle mass and bodybuilding. People suffering from diabetes mellitus are prescribed high dosages of this drug, since it can stabilize blood sugar levels with it.

According to the instructions, there is a certain dosage of lipoic acid, depending on the main purposes of its use. For the correct selection of the required dose, there is an analysis known as - "Antioxidant status". Based on its results, a purely individual dose of the drug is prescribed for treatment or prevention. For preventive purposes, 100 mg of the substance is prescribed per day for a long period. The dose for treatment is about - 600 mg per day.

Before taking alpha-lipoic acid, you should know that this substance is a powerful chelator that connects and removes harmful substances, adsorbing them from the body, blood and liver, contributing to weight loss. This applies even to salts of heavy metals. That is why the intake of thioctic acid should not be superimposed on food or other drugs, it is advisable to take it along with plenty of fluids and diet. It is worth knowing that with prolonged use of this pill, B vitamins run out in the body. In order to adjust their content, it is worth periodically replenishing the stock.

In the pharmaceutical market, thioctic acid preparations are divided into medicines (Berlition, Lipamid, Lipoic acid, Octolipen, Espa-Lipon, Thiogamma), as well as dietary supplements with the presence of this substance in their composition (Alpha Normix, Alpha D3-Teva, Gastrofilin Plus, Microhydrin , Nutricoenzyme Q10, etc.) This is an incomplete list of alpha-lipoic acid preparations.

The correct daily rate of lipoic acid and the benefits of it

It is worth noting that according to the instructions of the drug, lipoic acid during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding, has a number of contraindications. This drug during pregnancy and lactation should be used with extreme caution, as well as weigh the benefits and possible risks. It's about matching possible harm for the baby for the benefit of his mother. Not so long ago were held laboratory research substances in pregnant animals. They made it possible to notice a decrease in the likelihood of anomalies in the nervous system of the fetus, as well as an accidental miscarriage in a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, similar data on humans have not been amenable to similar studies. So far, the penetration of thioctic acid to the fetus through the placenta of a pregnant woman has not been established.

It is no secret that the growing body of a child needs a daily dose of vitamin N in the amount of 12.5-25 mg. In the process of studying, playing sports and nervous tension, the dose of the substance can be increased after consulting a doctor.

Daily rate vitamin N in tablets is selected individually, depending on the prevailing lifestyle, as well as physical stress (bodybuilding):

  1. Category from 11 to 55 years and above - from 25 mg to 30 mg;
  2. Men who practice strength training and bodybuilding with weight gain should take at least 100-200 mg of the substance;
  3. Physical exercise for endurance - at least 400-500 mg of the drug per day.

The presence of vitamin N in a woman's body provides an indispensable service in the pursuit of weight loss and weight loss. The thioctic substance is able to remove excess body fat from the female body, transforming it into energy for productive life. The correct dosage of lipoic acid, corrective diet and exercise can help in losing weight.

Experts are sure that its daily norm balances in the range from 12.5 mg to 25 mg, with active life.

There are certain indications for the use of alpha-lipoic acid, as well as symptoms that indicate an insufficient amount of it in the body, namely:

  1. muscle cramps;
  2. Polyneuritis;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Frequent and severe dizziness;
  5. Fat deposits;
  6. Failure in the production of bile and disturbances in the functioning of the liver;
  7. The presence of atherosclerotic deposits;
  8. Vascular plaques.

Overdose and side effects of lipoic acid are extremely rare, since the substance is not toxic in nature, and also easily leaves the body. Despite this, it is worth remembering that excess dosages of drugs with vitamin N can provoke the following symptoms:

  • Allergic manifestations (rashes);
  • Heartburn;
  • Change in the acidity of the stomach upward;
  • Pain in the pancreas;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms.

It is no secret that the human body is capable of producing lipoic acid on its own, but with age, this process becomes more and more difficult for him. Foods that contain acid can improve the situation with the content of the substance. For example, 300-600 mg of the drug per day is not capable of damaging the body. The modern medical industry has not yet come to a unified conclusion regarding the most effective and safe dosage of the thioctic drug in tablets. Only one thing is clear that the benefits and harms of alpha-lipoic acid do exist.

diabetes mellitus and lipoic acid

It is worth considering that lipoic acid in type 2 diabetes still occurs. Studies of the last decade have revealed that it is important to maintain the level of vitamin D required by the body in order to maintain health. Otherwise, the body experiences oxidative stress, which must be considered as the main cause of cell deterioration, aging, an increased risk of blood vessel and heart disease, and metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus). 2 types), as well as the development of oncological diseases. Taking alpha-lipoic acid in diabetes increases the perception of insulin by the body, positively affects the consumption of sugar by cells. In this disease, the daily dose of the drug according to the instructions is 600-1800 mg, it is administered intravenously. Soon, the regeneration of nerve fibers increases, and the daily dosage often decreases.

Alcohol and thioctic acid

According to the above, ALA protects the cells of the body from the oxidative process, which occurs constantly. The use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, heavily fried meat, a huge amount of drugs, as well as frequent stress stimulate the formation of harmful free radicals. For their rapid neutralization, lipoic acid is needed.

It is worth noting that the compatibility of lipoic acid and alcohol still exists. Enough frequent complication excessive and prolonged use alcohol is considered polyneuropathy. According to experts, it carries a damaging effect that targets the peripheral nervous system. Despite the fact that this disease is quite complex, it is treated with drugs with alpha-lipoic acid according to the instructions for their use, which can remove alcohol, but quickly lose their effect. That is why its dosage is increased.

Hangover lipoic acid is considered quite a powerful antioxidant, it can prevent withdrawal symptoms. According to consumer reviews, from 2 to 5 tablets of the drug in the process of taking alcohol, they begin to act to remove it from the body. That is why intoxication is not possible.

Healthy facial skin with thioctic acid

In addition to many other useful properties, alpha-lipoic acid is considered incredibly effective for facial skin for cosmetic purposes. This applies not only to the successful fight against the aging process, but also to healthy skin color. It is the skin that is considered a reflection general condition human health. It can be used to determine age, notice fatigue, relaxation or tension. From a cosmetic point of view, there is a division into its painful and healthy color.

The skin itself has a huge number of layers, which, in addition to protective properties, perform many other functions:

  1. Regulate the temperature balance;
  2. Protect against microorganisms that are the causative agents of various diseases;
  3. Adjust sensitivity (tactility).

Cosmetologists say that in its second layer there is about 90% of the thickness of the entire skin because it contains elastin and collagen. Their main properties are elasticity and strength. The amount of these proteins is directly reflected in the aging process of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

It is worth noting that thioctic acid in cosmetology has also managed to find its application. With the help of the antioxidant properties of alpha lipoic acid (coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E), the body resists the hardness of the skin, which can lead to wrinkles. For example, lipoic acid is in constant opposition to the breakdown of vitamin E and Q10 in the skin.

With the help of this drug, according to the reviews of experts and cosmetologists, aging can be slowed down in most organs. The scientist Perricon managed to test 15 patients in the age group of 35-55 years in 2001. His anti-aging solution consisted of 1% lipoic acid. Some women noticed the first results after 1-2 days of rubbing the solution. According to the reviews, their lacrimal sacs tightened up a bit. After 5 days, reddening of the skin of the irritating effect disappeared. After 2 weeks of testing, the pores of the patients expanded significantly. On the 12th week, small wrinkles disappeared (scars decreased) under the eyes, as well as in other areas of the face without special diets.

Lipoic acid is very necessary to eliminate the following cosmetic problems with facial skin:

  1. Wrinkles and lines;
  2. Skin edema and lacrimal sacs;
  3. Elimination of dullness and pallor of the skin.

According to reviews, thioctic acid in cosmetology has managed to establish itself as quickly effective drug beneficial at any age. For example, a cream with alpha-lipoic acid Health Quartet is a new line of cosmetics with a rejuvenating effect, as well as an impressive antioxidant effect. A successful combination of cream and serum with provitamin D3, polysaturated fatty acids(omega-3), lipoic acid and phytoestrogens improve skin metabolism, bringing benefits.

Lipoic acid is needed for a slim physique

It's no secret that intense physical training promotes the formation of free radicals, which increase oxidative stress, so it's important to know how to take lipoic acid in bodybuilding or other sports hobbies. Thanks to this substance, the indicators and properties of oxidation are noticeably reduced, the destruction of cells and proteins slows down. In other words, athletes and bodybuilders will train with reduced damage to muscle fibers, as well as quickly regenerate at the site of damage. For them, there is a special sports nutrition with alpha-lipoic acid and other additives.

In order to speed up the metabolism in foreign medical practice, alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine are used. It is this combination that is balanced for the transformation of fats into energy. The course of admission, according to the instructions, is designed for a month. Moreover, this combination of substances, without special diets, will help to defeat the main cause of excess weight - a slow metabolism.

Opinions and reviews that alpha-lipoic acid for weight loss are not entirely correct. It should be noted that her pills are not designed to deal with extra pounds. They are considered a powerful antioxidant capable of isolating and deactivating dangerous substances from the body. At the same time, thanks to the drug with the above active substance, the process of burning sugar in the blood is noticeably accelerated and the metabolism is stabilized.

The human body is capable of producing lipoic acid, but this figure decreases with age. The reason for this is a metabolic disorder. In order to prevent malfunctions in the body, experts recommend using special supplements with this element according to the instructions.

That is why it is worth listening to the reviews of nutritionists on how to drink lipoic acid for weight loss, namely:

  • Experts are convinced that its adoption should be accompanied by physical activity (going to the gym, bodybuilding);
  • Selection of an individual corrective diet for the purpose of losing weight;
  • The daily dose of ALA at the age of 25 to 50 years should be about 400-600 mg.

Dosages are prescribed individually depending on weight, age category, as well as a tendency to obesity, etc. Thanks to such a well-established system of actions, the need for mediocre diets and fasting days simply disappears.

Lipoic acid is actively used to normalize metabolism, regulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and control cholesterol levels. It is worth analyzing what lipoic acid is for, how effective it is and whether it has side effects.

Almost every organ in humans contains lipoic acid, but it is especially abundant in the kidneys, heart, and liver. The substance reduces the level of toxic effects of toxic substances and salts of heavy metals. Thanks to him, the work of the liver improves - it is protected from any harmful factors, because the substance has a detoxifying and hepatoprotective effect. Doctors prescribe drugs containing lipoic acid if there is a lack of it in the body.

For people with impaired metabolic processes and elevated blood glucose levels, the dosage is increased. It is unacceptable to combine the drug with iron-containing products and alcoholic beverages. As a means for weight loss, the drug should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist.

Like any substance, lipoic acid has benefits and harms. Side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, and allergies.

Application in cosmetology

In addition to the above indications for use alpha lipoic () acid, it also has another purpose. It gives the skin healthy look, will make soft and beautiful in a short period of time.

In cosmetology, creams containing thioctic acid are widely used. Thanks to it, the action of vitamins A, C, E is enhanced, metabolism is accelerated, cells are renewed, toxins and sugar are removed. The substance is used in the field of beauty due to its rejuvenating effect - the skin becomes toned and well-groomed, acne and dandruff on the head disappear.

Sold in ampoules, capsules and tablets. If you add a vitamin to a cream or tonic, you need to use them immediately, long-term storage is not allowed. Otherwise, all healing properties will be lost.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is a large list of indications for which lipoic acid is recommended for use. But, despite all the medicinal properties, doctors prescribe the drug with caution to women in position and nursing mothers. Some sources indicate that you should generally refuse to take. Due to the fact that opinions differ so much, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before using.

Contraindications and side effects

Although positive influence lipoic acid is undeniable, there are still contraindications:

  • Children under 6.
  • Allergy.
  • Hypersensitivity .
  • Pregnancy.
  • lactation period.

There are the following side effects:

  • Pinpoint hemorrhages .
  • Platelet dysfunction .
  • Increasing performance intracranial pressure .
  • Decreased sugar levels in blood.
  • Double vision .
  • Nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach .
  • convulsions.
  • Allergy.
  • Heartburn.

What products contain?

You can replenish stocks with the help of an additional intake of the drug. But better - from natural sources.

Scientists have found out in which products the acid is present in sufficient quantities:

  • Red meat and liver .
  • Spinach, broccoli, cabbage .
  • Milk.
  • Rice.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Carrots, beets, potatoes .

What you need to pay attention to

Lipoic acid is safe to use, but more research is needed on how it works in the body. Its interaction with other medicinal substances has not been fully identified. Safe daily dosage - 300-600 mg.

Drugs should be used only after complete examination and consultations with a doctor, as there are some nuances:

  • With diabetes it is dangerous that with uncontrolled intake, blood sugar can drop significantly.
  • After chemotherapy caution should be exercised as its effect may be weakened.
  • For thyroid diseases possible decrease in hormone levels.
  • Caution must also be exercised with gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, in the presence of chronic diseases and long-term use.

If you use the drug without the recommendation of a specialist and compliance, this is fraught with serious consequences. An overdose may manifest as a rash, heartburn, indigestion, headaches, or anaphylactic shock. If the intravenous infusion is too fast, intracranial pressure may increase, a feeling of heaviness will appear, and breathing will become difficult. Acid is not used in pediatric practice. In the case when a person has a deficiency due to prolonged use of alcohol, it is necessary to refrain from taking the drug.

Opinion of specialists and patients

According to doctors' reviews, acid is a substance that speeds up all processes for energy production. In the body, it is produced in a small amount and is the "helper" of all vitamins. Alpha lipoic acid is absorbed by the cells of the body, serious side effects was not noted.

Lipoic acid has a lot of reviews among patients. Almost 100% of them are positive. People take it for different purposes. Someone notes the desired effect when losing weight, while others use the drug to help the liver, to restore strength, etc.

Admission rules

As an additional drug for diabetes mellitus, neuropathy, atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, intoxication, doctors prescribe 300-600 mg per day.

If the disease is in a severe stage, then first medicine administered intravenously. Then they switch to taking tablets or capsules with a maintenance dosage of 300 mg. The mild course of the disease allows you to immediately take a tablet form.

Solutions are very sensitive to light, therefore, they are prepared immediately before ingestion. Even during the administration of the drug, the bottle is wrapped in foil or some other opaque material. Solutions are stored for six hours.

Regarding how to take tablets and capsules, the recommendations are as follows: half an hour before meals, with a small amount of water. Do not chew, should be swallowed immediately. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

For prevention, it is recommended to take drugs or dietary supplements containing lipoic acid in the amount of 12-25 mg twice or thrice a day. It is permissible to increase the dosage to 100 mg per day. The drug is taken after meals. Preventive reception lasts 20-30 days. You can conduct such courses repeatedly, but the interval between them should be at least a month.

Healthy people take acid for different purposes. Athletes do this to build muscle mass or increase their aerobic threshold. If the load is high-speed and power, then it is necessary to take 100-200 mg for two to three weeks. In the case when endurance develops, acid is used at 400-500 mg. During the competition, you can increase the dosage to 500-600 mg per day.

special instructions

In the presence of neurological diseases at the beginning of taking lipoic acid, there may be an increase in the manifestation of symptoms. This is due to the intensive process of restoration of the nerve fiber.

The effectiveness of treatment is reduced due to the use of alcohol. In addition, the condition may worsen due to the mixing of the drug and alcoholic beverages.

Intravenous injections can provoke the appearance of a specific smell of urine. But it doesn't have any important. An allergy may appear in the form of itching, malaise. In this case, you should stop using the drug. Due to too rapid administration, heaviness in the head, convulsions, double vision may appear. But these symptoms go away on their own.

Dairy products can only be used 4-5 hours after taking lipoic acid. Because of it, the absorption of calcium and other ions worsens.

From nutritionists you can hear a lot of opinions about healthy fats, which do not provoke weight gain, but are necessary for work internal organs and systems. These fats include omega-3 and omega-6 acids, as well as linoleic, oleic and lipoic acids. The benefits and harms for women and men from the latter are unknown to most people. Does the body really need it, in what quantity should it be supplied, what tasks does it perform?

A fat- and water-soluble semi-vitamin, an organosulfur compound that plays the role of a coenzyme (coenzyme) in oxygen metabolism - such a definition of lipoic or alpha-lipoic acid (lipoate) is given by doctors. In pharmacies, it is found in the form of a ready-made dietary supplement called "thioctic acid" or "vitamin N", and when taken orally, its bioavailability is rather low: only 30%. In food, it can be found in:

  • yeast;
  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables (spinach, peas, cabbage);
  • beef liver, heart, kidneys.

The benefits and harms of alpha-lipoic acid were discussed only in the middle of the last century, and at about the same time its main properties were revealed. Thanks to the research, it became known that lipoate protects damaged DNA molecules by creating a barrier around them, which prevents the occurrence of premature aging. In addition, it is partially responsible for the functioning of the satiety center in the brain, improves the absorption of glucose by cells, prevents fatty liver disease and controls energy consumption.

Some experts argue that lipoate is one of the important elements that maintain normal weight (especially for women), but doctors still tend to make adjustments: only if the hormonal background is not disturbed. A significant advantage of lipoic acid is the inability to get an overdose, not only when it is obtained from products, but also when taken. food additives based on it. Several Yet important points talking about the benefits of lipoic acid:

  • As a strong natural antioxidant, lipoate promotes the removal of heavy metal salts and the destruction of free radicals.
  • Restoring the liver and protecting its cells, as well as increasing the body's defenses, is also a merit of lipoic acid.
  • It is very important for athletes to regularly receive this substance, since it provides the body with energy, does not allow depletion of glutathione, which is spent during physical activity.
  • Stimulation of the regeneration of the structure of the brain and nervous tissues helps to increase concentration, strengthen memory, improve vision, and eliminate chronic fatigue.
  • It is not excluded the positive effect of lipoic acid on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Today, the effect of lipoate on alcohol dependence is in question: there is an opinion that it normalizes the activity of most internal organs and systems affected by ethanol. It may also be involved in the process of reducing insulin resistance (sensitivity) in diabetics.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


In cosmetology and medicine, several types of acids are known that have a beneficial effect on human health. For example, a drug such as lipoic acid (thioctic) is successfully used to normalize the body's metabolism, regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and control cholesterol levels. What is this substance, why is thioctic acid valuable for our health, how effective is it, and for what purpose is it used?

Medicinal properties of lipoic acid

Almost all organs human body is found as lipoic (thioctic) acid, but the kidneys, heart, liver contain it in greater quantities. This substance helps to reduce the toxic effect of any toxic substances, salts of heavy metals. It improves the functioning of the liver, protects it from damaging factors, has hepatoprotective, detoxifying properties. With a lack of thioctic (lipoic) acid in the body, drugs with its content are prescribed.

Connecting with life essential vitamins E, C, enhancing their properties, alpha-lipoic acid (another name for it) fights free radicals. It lowers lipid, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improves nutrition nervous system, according to some properties it approaches B vitamins, protects the body from ultraviolet rays, regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Thioctic (lipoic) acid is the active substance of the drug of the same name and acts as a compound that provides a therapeutic effect.

Indications for use

It is necessary to use thioctic (lipoic) acid in such cases as:

  • diabetic, alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • violation various types sensitivity in the limbs;
  • atherosclerosis of the heart vessels;
  • liver disease (viral, toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • treatment of any poisoning (for example, salts of heavy metals);
  • carrying out activities to improve vision;
  • stimulation of the brain;
  • support of the thyroid gland.

How to take for weight loss?

The main properties of lipoic (thioctic) acid: strengthening and normalization of all processes occurring in the human body. This substance affects the suppression of hunger, promotes consumption and destruction of up to simple substances fat reserves that become energy, accelerates metabolic processes. Therefore, it is used for weight loss. daily rate for healthy person is 25-50 mg of lipoic (thioctic) acid. In order to lose weight, doctors recommend dividing the daily dose into three doses: before or after breakfast, exercise, dinner.

People who have a violation of metabolic processes, as well as elevated level blood sugar, higher doses of this substance are prescribed. You can not combine the drug with iron-containing drugs and alcohol. Lipoic (thioctic) acid for weight loss should be prescribed by a lietologist. Side effects of an overdose of this substance include:

Carnitine and alpha lipoic acid in bodybuilding

Carnitine (L-carnitine) is an amino acid that activates fat metabolism in the human body. This substance, accumulating in the muscles and contributing to the breakdown of fats in muscle cells, provides muscle tissue with long-term energy. Which is very important during intensive strength training. Many carnitine supplements also contain alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). It converts the substances received by the body into energy, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and prevents the development of obesity.

ALA is a strong antioxidant, helps to reduce the destruction of proteins and cells, helps to quickly restore strength after intense workouts. Carnitine is taken before training, which helps to last longer. exercise without feeling tired. Athletes involved in bodybuilding also take alpha-lipoic acid along with a substance called "" to effectively build muscle mass.

The use of dietary supplements leads to an improvement in heart function, faster recovery of the body due to the normalization of metabolic processes in cells, and a decrease in subcutaneous fat. The maximum result of the use of drugs is achieved with a properly designed training program and a balanced diet. Both ALA and carnitine are not doping, so they are allowed to be used in sports nutrition without any restrictions.

ALC in cosmetics and cosmetology

ALA (alpha lipoic acid) is able to give the skin a healthy look, make it soft, smooth and beautiful in the shortest possible time. It is a natural substance, particles of which are present in every cell of the human body. ALA is similar to vitamin C in its action. Protection against free radicals is the main function of this substance.

In cosmetology, a cream is used, the component of which is lipoic (thioctic) acid. When using products containing this substance, the action of vitamins E, A, C is enhanced, metabolism is accelerated, cells are renewed, getting rid of toxins and sugar. Most importantly, ALA gives a rejuvenating effect, the skin of the face becomes toned, well-groomed, acne, dandruff disappear, accelerated fusion and healing of microscopic wounds occurs.

You can buy ALA in powder or liquid form. When added to a cream or tonic, alpha-lipoic acid capsules are used immediately, they cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise they will lose their medicinal properties. It is necessary to store ALA and the products of which it is a component, in places protected from light. In cosmetology, the use of this substance leads to smoothing and tightening of the skin, restoring its natural color.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Lipoic (thioctic) acid is successfully used to treat many diseases. Regardless medicinal properties, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, this remedy is prescribed with great care, and some sources generally recommend abandoning its use. Since opinions differ on the safety of thioctic acid for lactating and pregnant women, it is best to consult a doctor before using this drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of lipoic (thioctic) acid:

  • children under 6 years of age (safety of use has not been proven);
  • allergic reaction to the drug and its components;
  • hypersensitivity to thioctic (lipoic) acid;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding.

Possible side effects:

  • point hemorrhages;
  • dysfunction of platelets;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • a sharp drop in blood sugar;
  • double vision;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heartburn.