At what time you can guess. Divination by the lunar calendar

Fortune telling is a magical ritual with which you can get answers to exciting questions and find out some facts about the future. In order for the information obtained to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to know when different prediction methods can be used.

When is the best time to guess?

This question arises, probably, for every beginner, since there are both favorable and unsuitable days for using any kind of magic. If this is not taken into account, then the rituals will not only not give true information, but can also do harm. For those who are interested in when it is possible to both guess and perform rituals, it is important to know that in order to choose the right time, one should take into account the day of the week, the lunar phase and the day. The most successful periods in order to predict your future are church and pagan holidays: Ivan Kupala, Christmas, New Year, Epiphany and so on.

When can you guess in January?

The second month of winter is the richest for days when you can perform various rituals, while obtaining the most accurate information. There are several days when guessing in January is allowed for any purpose: New Year's holidays, Christmas, Epiphany and Christmas days. In this time period, everyone has a chance to learn about long-term prospects.

The special energy of the January holidays is the opportunity to turn to the Higher powers or spirits. In ancient times, people believed that on these days the souls of dead people descend from heaven to communicate with their living relatives and friends. When figuring out when you can guess in January, it is important to note that the energy of magic gains its maximum at night from midnight to sunrise. It is believed that during the January holidays you can see prophetic dreams.

Another important point that interests many is how many you can guess in January, and so it is believed that the doors to the other world are closed on the Epiphany holiday, that is, January 19th. It is important to note that this does not mean that after this there comes a time when it is not worth doing predictions, because this is not the case and the rituals will provide information, but it will not be as accurate as during the New Year holidays.

When can you guess for Christmas?

According to Russian traditions, it is possible to perform various rituals in order to look into the future on Christmas Eve before Christmas, that is, on the night of the 6th to the 7th. When they begin to guess in this time period, you can count on receiving accurate information, since this is one of the most powerful nights of the year, when the spirits easily make contact and answer all questions. On Christmas itself, one should turn to the Higher Forces after the first star lights up in the sky.

When do you need to guess on the old New Year?

Another favorable period when the predictions of the future are true. Ancestors believed that the magical evening is the eighth holy day, and this is January 13th. All desires and rituals carried out this evening will give the desired results, which will be true. Divination before going to bed is popular, which gives a chance at night to get the necessary information regarding the future. To carry out the rituals without errors, remove the cross and things that close the energy, such as belts and bracelets, from the body.

When can you guess at Baptism?

This Christian holiday is considered the perfect time to find out the events of your future. On this day, the boundaries between the worlds are erased, so it is easier to get in touch with the Higher powers. It is believed that the information received on this day through rituals is 100% true. For those who are interested in guessing at Baptism, you should know that the appropriate time for this is the late evening or night of January 18th. Some rites have specific timing instructions.

Days favorable for divination

The reliability of the predictions is related to when the magic was used. The most unfavorable days of the week for this action are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The exception is the period of Christmas time, when the predictions will be true on any day. If you are interested in what days you can guess, it is worth replacing that the rituals performed on Thursday promise good events, and on Monday they are more pessimistic. True information can be obtained by predicting the future on the 13th, and especially if the date falls on a Friday.

Finding out when you can guess, it is worth mentioning such important dates as the first day of the year, for long-term predictions, and birthday. Even people working with energies recommend taking into account the lunar day in order to obtain the most truthful information. The best days for divination and contact with the other world are 12, 14 and 18 days. There are certain dates reserved for a particular kind of prediction:

  • 2 - the day when you can conduct any kind of fortune-telling;
  • 6 - an ideal date for predicting the future;
  • 10 - you can get reliable information about the events of the past;
  • 20 - it is better to conduct rituals for love;
  • 22 - use a book to predict;
  • 27 - you can learn about both the future and the past;
  • 28 - trust your intuition and predict fate.

Is it possible to guess on the cards on Sunday?

Such questions can be attributed to superstitions that appeared in antiquity and have survived to this day. Sunday was considered a time when it was necessary to rest, like God after the creation of the world, taking time to pray and go to church. People who do not belong to the Christian faith may not adhere to this prohibition. Psychics consider such taboos to be fiction and do not abide by them. Another version regarding whether it is possible to guess on Sunday indicates that the time is unfavorable, and the cards will lie.

Is it possible to guess during menstruation?

There are several explanations regarding this topic, and according to the most common version, a woman becomes open to evil spirits during critical days, so turning to magic is dangerous. The thing is that many entities that can make contact during divination love to feed on human energy. There is a version that during critical days, all predictions will not be true, and therefore they should not be carried out. In addition, many girls spend this period with, and this negatively affects the veracity of magic.

Serious consequences can await those who want to tell fortunes to other people during menstruation, because this way you can drag other people's problems onto yourself, or turn to fortune-tellers who can easily transfer negative energy to an unprotected woman. You can guess during menstruation only using rituals designed specifically for this time. There are signs that give a chance to find out some information about the future, according to when menstruation began.

Is it possible to guess on the waning moon?

People who work with energies say that in order to choose the right time, you need to focus on the phases of the moon. The most successful time when you have to guess is the full moon, since magical objects are saturated with the energy of the Earth's satellite and give true results. As for, this time is unfortunate for predicting the future, since there is a high risk that the results will be false. In ancient times, this phase was considered a time when nature rests and gains strength, so it is better not to disturb the spirits so that they do not get angry.

The best time for divination

To get the most accurate prediction, it is recommended to perform rituals not only on specific days, but also at specific times. Since ancient times, people believe that the night is a good period to find contact with the Higher Forces, but this does not mean that the day is not suitable for predicting the future. A favorable time for fortune-telling can be determined based on your own feelings, and if you want to tell fortunes, it means that the spirits give hints in such a way that you can start the ceremony.

Is it possible to guess during the day?

Among people who are not related to magic, it is widely believed that rituals can be performed only after sunset, but this is not entirely true. It is believed that between 11 a.m. and 4 a.m. there comes a time when you can establish close contact with otherworldly forces and receive truthful information thanks to various prediction methods, but this does not mean that it is forbidden to use magic at other times. For example, another period when it is customary to guess, the time from 2 to 4 pm - in the daytime it is difficult to concentrate on fortune telling, so it is easy to lose touch with the Higher powers.

Tarot cards are an extremely powerful tool for predicting the future, which makes it possible to protect yourself from mistakes and find the most correct solution to the problem. In working with any magical prediction systems, there are certain rules. Tarot cards are no exception. Both professionals and beginners need to know these requirements.

Tarot cards are a super powerful tool for predicting the future.

Features of tarot divination

The most popular ones say that it is undesirable to guess for yourself, for young children, for your relatives and friends. Here are a few requirements that every fortuneteller should know:

  • Guessing yourself is not worth it, since few people can perfectly control their feelings and emotions, objectively assess the situation, and adequately respond to the cards that have fallen. The morale and certain thoughts about the expectations of the prediction can hurt and the result will be completely wrong.
  • For the same reasons, you should not guess to your relatives and friends, because the cards will show what you think about this issue, and not an objective answer. If this is unavoidable, be sure to take a fee for the services, the usual verbal gratitude is not suitable. A symbolic amount will do.
  • There are also strict prohibitions that no one should violate:
  • Girls and women are forbidden to guess the day before menstruation and the day after it. During this period, the female body is very vulnerable, it is especially harmful to contact with someone else's energy.
  • Fortune telling during illness, nervous tension, or simply feeling unwell is also prohibited. Tarot cards take a lot of energy, and if the immune system is weakened, then there will be no strength. It was noticed that after the ritual there is always a "wild" desire to eat something harmful and tasty in order to restore the energy balance in the body.
  • Before starting the process, try to determine the attitude of the person you will be guessing to the cards. Whether he believes, whether he shows respect, whether there is fear of a possible result or not. If a person does not trust, scoffs at the cards, then they can “play a joke”. In this case, the answer of the cards will be false, sometimes even humorous or mocking.

There are also days when it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to read maps. You can not guess on the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th lunar days. Their energy can interfere with the ritual.

If you have doubts and the question arises “is it possible to guess?”, It is better to contact an experienced professional.

When can you read Tarot?

There are also some nuances about the time of divination:

  • it is forbidden to make fortune-telling on major church holidays;
  • lunar days are considered favorable: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13;
  • when half of the moon is visible in the sky, the best time to find out a prediction about the financial situation;
  • Fortune telling on Friday and Saturday is better not to do;
  • questions about financial well-being are advised to answer in February, November or October.
  • love fortune-telling is ideally done in April;
  • April 26 - a chance to find out the true information about the upcoming acquaintance with someone to whom the fortuneteller has a personal interest;
  • in September you can find out everything about future trips, as well as about the person who is currently away.

Remember, the main thing is not to get carried away, professional alignment, and its correct interpretation depends on your mood and energy strength.

How to read tarot cards correctly?

The result of divination on Tarot cards, the truth of the answer, depends on the fortuneteller. These rules will help you accurately get the information you need:

  1. It is possible to evaluate the possible alignment only objectively and nothing else, the personality traits of a person should not affect the result. You need to understand that a person who guesses is only a carrier of information.
  2. Don't force a person to accept what the cards say. Sometimes what they say is very difficult to accept. Psychologically, for some, this is unrealistic to do.
  3. During the divination process, there should be no conflicts, anxiety, beliefs.
  4. Fortune-telling comes with experience, the first time it will not work perfectly to count the answers. This is for professionals only.

If you are a beginner and this skill is still at a low level, do not guess to others.

The result of divination on Tarot cards depends on the fortuneteller

How to choose a place for tarot divination?

For this, a separate room is best suited. All windows and doors must be closed. On the table where the cards will lie, you need to put lighted candles. This will make it possible to receive information without interference, without extraneous "noise". The table for divination must be covered with a tablecloth. You can choose black or red. Try to concentrate fully during the session, do not rush, do not be distracted, keep calm.

According to the results of fortune-telling, you can determine whether a novice or a professional is working. An amateur will interpret the alignment from the most profitable and successful side, which will always turn out to be a lie. An experienced tarot reader knows about all the possible outcomes of such interpretations, so he soberly evaluates the cards and speaks the correct decoding.

Lunar calendar and tarot cards

Until today, it remains a mystery why and who decided to associate Tarot cards with the Moon. But it is known for sure that there is a dependence of water on the lunar calendar, namely the seas and oceans with their ebbs and flows, and also do not forget about our body, which is 75–80% water. From which it follows that the moon can also somehow act on us.

The meaning of the Calendar is that there are days when it is impossible to read Tarot. It is not advisable to ask the cards about the past on the 1st and 2nd days of the Moon, these days it is better to learn about the future. Day 4 is great for all questions, and on day 6 you can get a new deck off the shelf and use it. The 10th and 13th will tell you about the state of physical health. Day number 16 is special, at this time any deck will answer all your questions to the maximum, the same result will be on the 22nd and 23rd. And here is the 24th day of especially important news. It is best to talk about the past on the 25th day of the calendar. The 27th and 28th are also very productive, they provide an opportunity to try new tarot cards.

On days that are not described here, it is better not to guess, not because it may affect you badly, but simply it will be useless, since you will not receive answers. Only ignorant people who are not properly aware of all the rules for handling Tarot cards say that this can harm you. There are no days of a complete ban, even experienced fortune-tellers are silent about them. Unless the days when the fortuneteller is sick or weak. Although many believe that cards can cure their owner. There is no exact answer for this version, so do not try to check it.

At what age can you guess?

If you have already decided to study this magical sphere, to master the skill of divination, then it is better to start it as early as possible. Although no one claims that it may be too late to start. Some begin to guess at 40, and someone at 18. If you want to ask a question about your future or just get some advice from a professional tarologist, there are a lot of thoughts about this. Is it dangerous to read tarot cards for children? Yes, it is said that children under thirteen are strictly forbidden to guess. It is also said that it is easier to decipher cards for the elderly, and more difficult for the young. If it so happened that you have no one else to turn to except a fortune teller, then it doesn’t matter how old you are. When a person has a problem, everything else fades into the background. It is important to treat the cards with respect and not refer to them for no reason.

Some start guessing at 40, and someone at 18

Prohibitions on tarot divination

Someone claims that it is impossible to guess. Most often this is the opinion of believers. The church at all times had a negative attitude towards magic and divination. According to Christians, if you follow the Lord, then you should not use any magical problem-solving techniques or read your future on tarot cards. But if you understand in detail, then fortune-telling cannot be put on the same scale with some sinful offenses (murder, theft), because there is no damage to the person himself. Some argue that divination can harm not only the fortuneteller, but also his next generations.

You also need to say why you can’t read tarot every day. The fact is that daily fortune-telling, this is a kind of addiction, will not give a true answer. If you act only according to the predictions of the cards, then you can turn life “in the wrong direction” and everything will not go according to plan. You can’t guess for the faint of heart, people with a weak psyche, they can perceive negative predictions very sharply. So, if you cannot adequately respond to all the answers, it is better not to ask questions.

The most important thing you need to know is your attitude to the cards, the mood with which you are guessing. The lunar calendar was invented a long time ago and not without reason, but do not forget about the human factor. In order for fortune-telling to still bring you the expected result, it is best to do it on the right lunar day and with a positive attitude. Then all your questions will be answered. Guess always wisely.

Winter divination has been known since the times of Ancient Russia, when paganism was widespread. You can start guessing from the evening of December 31, on New Year's Eve. The time of the most accurate predictions is traditionally considered to be the period from Christmas Eve (January 6) to Epiphany (January 19). These two weeks are called Christmas Eve. It is believed that the farther away from Christmas Eve fortune-telling is carried out, the less true its results will be.

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During the January fortune-telling in predictions, you need to look for only positive, good meaning. Negative results should not be given much importance.

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    Divination rules

    There are many options for fortune telling in winter. Everyone chooses the best dates and times for themselves. Most often, female representatives want to look into the future. Girls have long been interested to know what fate has prepared for them.

    When conducting fortune-telling for the Christmas holidays and Epiphany, the fortuneteller should:

    • Dissolve the hair. Long women's hair has long been considered a magnet for evil spirits. And if they are loose, the evil one will certainly turn his attention to the fortuneteller.
    • Remove all charms and jewelry: pectoral cross, earrings, rings and bracelets.
    • Carry out fortune-telling only in an empty house, room. The most successful place in the old days was the canopy.

    To protect yourself from the action of evil spirits, you need to draw a circle around yourself with a candle or a poker. If a group of girls is guessing, everyone takes each other by the little fingers.

    The color of candles plays an important role:

    • When divining for love, it is better to light red and white candles.
    • For fate - blue and purple.
    • For success in business and finances, green and gold are lit.

    For the New Year and the Old New Year

    On New Year's Eve, fortune-telling is most often carried out in a company. They can be real and funny. With the help of simple actions, you can find out what awaits everyone in the next year.

    Based on the book

    Everyone picks up any book they like. Before you start the process, you should mentally ask a question. The main thing is to formulate it succinctly.

    After that, the fortuneteller sets the page and line number (top or bottom). If the line fell out with an incomplete sentence, you need to read it in its entirety. The resulting expression will be the answer to the question posed. You can guess on the same book no more than three times per evening.

    By pillow

    This fortune-telling is usually carried out on the old New Year. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller should put the pillowcase inside out on the pillow. He himself puts on his pajamas, also inside out, and lies on the bed with his head where his legs usually point.

    In the morning you need to see which side the person woke up on. If the right cheek was on the pillow, his desire will soon be fulfilled, if the left cheek, the time for fulfillment has not yet come.

    For coffee

    Fortune telling on coffee is carried out on the old New Year. Drinkit is necessary to drink insoluble and without sugar. After he has finished drinking, the cup must be turned upside down on the saucer three times. After the third time, you need to wait a bit until the coffee residues flow down, forming figures.

    Their interpretation is presented in the table:

    Figure Interpretation
    LockThe fortuneteller keeps someone's secrets
    HouseWell-being in the family, idyll
    FlowerThe flowering of the soul, the formation of a fortuneteller as a person
    GatesEarly arrival of guests
    SmokeFuss, pleasant household chores
    RiverJourney, long road
    MountainIncreased vitality, success in business
    Bear, wolfInfluential patron
    FoxTricky friend, flatterer
    FlyUnpleasant meetings, serious illness
    Hare rabbitFuss, anxiety
    DogFaithful friend and comrade
    CatFast travel, holiday abroad
    figures of peoplePleasant meetings, dates with loved ones
    CrapSoon you will have to face the tricks of evil spirits

    With TV or radio

    The fortuneteller needs to mentally ask a question and turn on the TV (radio). The first thing he hears will be the answer. It can be an excerpt from a song, a program, a monologue of the presenter.

    It is best to include those channels on which you can hear something positive.

    Card reading

    Picking up cards in order to find out your future with their help, the fortuneteller must remember:

    • You can't lie in front of cards. Cunning on the part of a woman will entail a lie of the cards.
    • You cannot use a deck that was previously used in games and solitaire games.
    • Before fortune-telling, you need to ask the cards a clearly formulated question without unnecessary information.
    • In the process of divination, you need to keep it in your head all the time. If fortune-telling is carried out on a lover, it is advisable to represent his image.
    • Before divination, you should turn off all electronic items in the house or at least in the room: TV, radio, computer and telephones.
    • Guessing is necessary by candlelight.
    • You can not tell fortunes on church holidays.
    • The process should begin after sunset, preferably after midnight.
    • You can’t tell anyone about the results of fortune-telling - otherwise it will turn out to be comic.
    • Women should tell fortunes on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
    • It is necessary to refrain from fortune-telling on Sunday.

    Find out if today the cards will tell the truth or lie,can be done in two ways:

    1. 1. Carefully shuffle the deck and lay it out in piles in the form of a square - two piles at the top and two at the bottom. The stacks do not have to be equal. After that, open the top cards from each pile and see: if the cards match in rank horizontally, vertically or diagonally, then the cards will answer true today.
    2. 2. Shuffle the cards and start laying them out three at a time in a column. Stop when a lady of diamonds falls out (a fortune-telling card if she is not married). Next to it will be two cards, the value of which you need to see. If they are talking about the events of the past week or month, then today the cards are set to tell the truth.

    A young unmarried man thinks of the king of diamonds. Married - hearts. If a man is much older than a fortuneteller or occupies an important position, then he is a king of clubs. An unfamiliar guy is the king of spades.

    You can learn about the near future and the events of the past with the help of a simple gypsy fortune-telling. For him, you need to take a deck, shuffle it and move some part towards you with your left hand. The shifted cards are placed down.

    Nine cards are laid out in three columns, the rest are set aside. The first 3 rows represent the past, the second - the present, the third - the future. So you can guess not only for yourself, but also for others, without having special skills.

    Card interpretations:

    Rank/Suit Diamonds Peaks Hearts Clubs
    Sixemergency forced roadEvening long roadRomantic meetingBusiness trip, business trip
    Sevenromantic meetingUpset, tears, sadnessWaiting for a dateConversation with serious people
    EightImportant talk about the futureQuick big profitDispute, conflictImportant conversation with family
    NineDevelopment of a relationshipIllness, troubleThe development of a love connectionEasy money, promotion
    TenThe beginning of a relationship, loveUnfulfilled plans, empty hopesDreams, plans for the futureAttachment to someone or something
    JackAnxiety and hassleWaste of time and effortchoresProblems, the need for outside help
    Ladynice girl friendRival, jealousy, angerBeloved woman, sometimes motherLady who wants to hurt, hinder
    KingSomeone's son, unmarried man, youthman of noble bloodMarried manPowerful person
    AceBig news, big newsDrinking, a feast on an important occasionfamily hearthimportant matter

    Christmas and Christmas divination

    Although the church remains opposed to any fortune-telling, the tradition of fortune-telling from January 6 to 7 has survived to this day. Many believe that fortune-telling during the Christmas holidays is a harmless divination that is not considered a sin.

    Christmas fortune-telling should be carried out only on the holiday itself and on its eve - on any other days they lose their relevance and do not bring any results. It is also allowed to guess at Christmas time, or the so-called fortune-telling week - the period between Christmas and Epiphany.

    To carry out the process of divination in the old days, various objects were used. They, according to the predictions, could protect the fortuneteller from the tricks of evil spirits. Such attributes were:

    • needle;
    • mirror;
    • ring;
    • thimble;
    • crest;
    • candles.

    Previously, only church candles were traditionally used, but now it is allowed to use any others.

    On the lover

    With the help of cards, you can find out the true attitude of a lover to a girl, as well as what he thinks about, dreams about.

    Divination by name

    On Christmas Eve, after sunset, an unmarried girl must go out alone and ask the name of the first man she meets. It is believed that this is what her betrothed will be called.

    If the stranger did not give his name, the girl is destined to be left alone this year. If the first person she met was a woman, a fortuneteller can live alone all her life, without her other half.

    For 4 jacks

    You can find out who exactly will become a lover with the help of four jacks. To do this, a fortuneteller for each must guess a man. If there are less than 4 boyfriends, the rest of the cards will remain mysterious strangers.

    Carrying out algorithm:

    1. 1. Jacks are laid out face down in random order in a horizontal line.
    2. 2. The remaining cards are shuffled and placed alternately under each jack, 8 pieces each.
    3. 3. Then the cards are revealed.
    4. 4. Pair cards (that is, with the same value) are placed on the jack. This action is performed with each jack.
    5. 5. Unpaired ones are shuffled and laid out again.
    6. 6. This action is performed 3 times.
    7. 7. Then you can watch the result.

    If all 4 cards of the same rank fell under the jack, then their value is exactly doubled.

    Card interpretations:

    For 4 kings

    Before going to bed, the fortuneteller puts all four kings under the pillow and says: "The betrothed-mummer, dream of me." The interpretation of sleep depends on which king the girl dreamed of:

    • tambourine- a young man, rather sentimental, but behind him the fortuneteller will be like behind a stone wall.
    • Hearts- the husband will carry a woman in his arms all his life, but will be extremely jealous.
    • Peak- the future husband will be a doctor or a military man. This is a middle-aged man.
    • Clubs- the betrothed is much older than the fortuneteller.

    "The Well and the Bridge"

    From matches or thin twigs, you need to make a well yourself. It should be placed next to you or under the bed. Going to bed, you need to say: "Narrowed-mummer, come, take me across the bridge."

    In a dream, a man should appear, who will transfer the sleeping arm across the bridge. If the devil appeared instead, the girl will remain alone for a long time.

    On the water and the comb

    Divination can be done in two ways:

    1. 1. Take a glass of plain water and place it under or next to your bed. Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, and then go to bed. Before that, you can not talk to anyone. As soon as the fortuneteller lies in bed, she should say: "The betrothed-mummer, come, give me a drink." According to popular beliefs, the betrothed comes in a dream and gives the girl water to drink. If no one came in a dream, it is believed that this year it is too early for her to become a bride.
    2. 2. In the second option, you need to take a comb. The main thing is that only a fortuneteller combs them. The subject must be put under the pillow and said: “Narrowed-mummer, come, comb me,” and then go to bed. In a dream, a lover will come and comb the girl.

    With a mirror

    One of the most dangerous and scary divination divination is considered with the help mirrors . You will need 2 candles in red or white, as well as 2 mirrors of the same size. Only the fortuneteller should remain in the room. There should be no strangers or animals. The girl needs to remove all jewelry and a cross from herself, dissolve her hair. First, the lights are turned off in the room and only then the candles are lit.

    Mirrors must be placed one opposite the other, candles should be installed on both sides.

    It is necessary to make sure that, looking into one mirror, the girl sees the reflection of the other, that is, the illuminated mirror corridor, and not herself.

    The fortuneteller sits down on her knees in front of the mirror, says: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me,” and begins to peer into the mirror corridor. This is where the divination begins. Sometimes it can take a long time before someone arrives.

    In addition to the narrowed one in the mirror, you can see evil spirits or even a dead person. Therefore, as soon as someone other than the betrothed began to look through the mirror, the girl needs to quickly say: “Chur me! ” and throw a thick cloth over the mirrors. If you do not pronounce the right words in time, a red mark may remain on the fortuneteller's face for life.

    For fate

    You can find out about your fate with the help of threads or a diamond king.

    On the king of diamonds

    The card will be able to answer any exciting question. To do this, before going to bed, you need to hold a card in your hands, ask her a question, and then put it under the pillow.

    In a dream, the answer will surely come. It may not be direct, but expressed by some symbol, which should subsequently be interpreted.

    With the help of threads

    Christmas divination is carried out as follows: five threads are attached to the girl’s back: white, black, red, green and blue. In what order they are attached, the fortuneteller should not know. Then she should remove one thread and look at its value:

    • White- In the coming year, the girl will marry her beloved.
    • Black- It is worth paying attention to pressing problems.
    • Red- all my life I will be lucky to live with my loved one in a complete idyll.
    • Green- the future husband will be rich and of noble birth.
    • Blue- before gaining respect from the outside and fulfilling her dreams, the fortuneteller will shed many tears and overcome many life trials.

    Using tarot cards

    One of the simplest is the alignment of one Tarot card. It can be used if the fortuneteller asks a question, the answer to which can only be “yes / no”, “good / bad”, “to be / not to be”. Remove the Major Arcana from the deck and shuffle them. Then take out one card and look at its value. Direct knowledge of the lasso in this case is ignored. Attention should be paid only to its direct or inverted position.

    Arcana Direct answer Answer upside down
    JesterThe question remains unansweredYes, but there are obstacles
    PriestessThere is no clear answer to the questionYes
    HierophantNo to material issues, yes to spiritual onesNo answer, need to rephrase the question
    loversYes, when it comes to emotionsNot
    ChariotYes, when it comes to travel, transport, movingNot
    HermitYes, when it comes to training and educationNot
    Wheel of FortuneYesYes
    TowerNotNo (except for real estate matters)
    StarYes, but you'll have to waitNot
    MoonThere is no exact answer, the fate of a person has not yet been resolved, or the question was asked incorrectly
    SunYesYes, but you have to overcome obstacles
    WorldYes, when it comes to travel, education, career, new job. No - if about loveOpposite meanings

    If the cards suddenly fell out of your hands, then fortune-telling should be postponed until the next day.

    Good luck with a candle

    Whether the year will be successful, the candle flame will tell. You must be alone in a dark room. Windows and doors must be tightly closed. Only if these rules are observed, the candle is lit. By its flame, you can talk the events of the next year:

    • Bright- indicates damage to success and money.
    • Calm, quiet- measured life without serious upheavals.
    • dim- loss of luck for an indefinite period.
    • went out quickly- a series of serious problems and life tests.
    • The candle does not light- to illness.

    Epiphany divination

    Epiphany fortune-telling is held from January 19 to 20. You can also carry out divination on the eve of Epiphany, on the night of January 18-19.

    For the beloved

    It is allowed to tell fortunes about a loved one even after Baptism, on January 21. Further, such rituals will be considered a sin.

    On towels

    On the evening of January 18, the fortuneteller needs to hang a clean white towel outside and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come, wipe yourself off.” After that, go to bed without talking to anyone.

    In the morning, the girl looks at the state of things. If the towel is slightly damp or even wet, then this year she will become a bride.

    On a mitten

    The fortuneteller needs to take her mitten (not a glove) and, going out into the yard, throw it up with the words: “Should I be a bride this year? »

    If the mitten fell with the thumb up, the girl will get married this year.

    On felt boots

    For fortune-telling, you need a felt boot or boot from the girl’s left foot. The fortuneteller should go to the crossroads at midnight on January 19 and turn her back to her house (or the side from which she came). Then you need to say: “The betrothed-mummer, where can I expect you from? » Throw your shoes over your left shoulder. The sock of the felt boot will indicate the side from which the matchmakers should be expected.

    If the boot pointed to the girl's house, this year she will be left alone.

    For the number of children

    On January 18, on the night before Epiphany, you need to pour clean water into the bucket, preferably melted water. After that, the container should be placed on a flat surface and say: “How many children are waiting for me in the future? »

    In the morning, waking up, you need to go outside and look at the frozen water. The number of depressions indicates the number of girls, and the tubercles indicate the number of boys. If the ice remains smooth, the fortuneteller may not have children.

    Such fortune-telling should be carried out only in frosty weather.

    For fate

    These fortune-telling can be used not only by girls, but also by guys.

    On a walnut

    For this ritual you will need:

    • basin with water;
    • half a walnut shell.

    Papers with inscriptions are attached along the edges of the pelvis: “Wedding”, “Children”, “Money”, “Luck”, “Health”. A church candle is placed in the nut shell. If there is none, you can take an ordinary white candle. The shell is lowered into the center of the pelvis and the question is asked: “What awaits me this year? » To which piece of paper the shell will float, this is to be expected next year.

    If a whole company has gathered for fortune-telling, it can be done in a slightly different way. Instead of predictions, they write the names of the audience. The nut is also lowered into the center and any question is asked. For example: “Who will get married first? ”, “Who is waiting for prosperity this year? ".

    On the paper

    What the next year will bring, you can find out with the help of paper. You should take a shallow plate, put a crumpled piece of paper on the bottom (you should not take newspaper, because it burns quickly) and set it on fire.

    Bringing the plate to the wall and turning off the light, you can see shadows replacing each other. They are used to interpret.

    On wax

    Pour clean water into a deep plate and light a candle. When it begins to melt, it should be tilted so that the wax drips into the water. In water, it quickly freezes, forming different shapes. It is by them that one should judge the upcoming events:

    Figure Interpretation
    HumanPleasant meetings, new promising acquaintances
    ChildPleasant chores, anxiety
    CrossFuzzy contours are interpreted as a series of small events, clear ones - as a serious long-term illness.
    StarGood luck in business and undertakings, quick fame
    AnimalAn ill-wisher appeared in the environment
    Flowerwedding during this year
    WoodBranches pointing upwards promise success in business, downward - failures.
    CirclesStability, moderation
    Geometric figuresDifficulties in life, new challenges
    Pancake that has sunk to the bottomLong girlhood

    For wealth

    To learn about the financial component of the next year, you will need a live rooster and 4 saucers:

    • in the first you need to pour the grain;
    • pour water into the second;
    • pour salt into the third;
    • put a ring in the fourth.

    Saucers are placed on the table, and then the rooster is released. The fortuneteller asks the question: “What awaits me this year? "Then you need to look at which saucer the bird went to:

    • With grain- a woman will be able to receive a large financial profit.
    • With water- wealth is possible only if the girl makes considerable efforts.
    • With salt- the year will be full of tears and financial losses.
    • With ring- the girl will become the bride of a rich man.

    Divination by the lunar calendar

    Tarologists believe that fortune-telling should be carried out on certain days according to the lunar calendar, since the final result may depend on this. The best time for divination in January is considered to be the 28th lunar day.

    Fortune telling in the first decade of the month on lunar days:

    • 1 - the future is not defined. Any fortune-telling is deceptive.
    • 2 - only wax and paper are allowed. Questions should only be asked about upcoming events.
    • 3 - guessing is not recommended, so as not to bring down a series of favorable events.
    • 4 - you can tell fortunes on the water and the ring. Complex rituals are not recommended.
    • 5 - only mirrors can be used. You should only ask about love and your own experiences.
    • 6 - guessing is allowed on any objects and at any time.
    • 7 - do not ask questions about love. It is allowed to ask about relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues.
    • 8 - it is recommended to guess on the playing deck. You can ask questions about the past.
    • 9 - fortune-telling should be refrained from.
    • 10 - you can ask a question about the family - both your own and your partner.

    Second decade of the month:

    • 11 - you can ask any questions. Guessing is on fire.
    • 12 - books can be used in divination. You are allowed to ask about everything.
    • 13 - wax and paper will be able to tell about the events of the near future.
    • 14 - a crystal ball will tell about the true purpose, life path.
    • 15 - fortune-telling is possible on any question and with the help of any paraphernalia.
    • 16 - coins and banknotes will be able to tell about the financial situation and status of the fortuneteller.
    • 17 - on this day the question of love and marriage is relevant.
    • 18 - you should refrain from divination and pay attention to the signs of fate.
    • 19 - divination will be dangerous, it is worth abandoning it.
    • 20 - the questions asked may relate to the social status of the fortuneteller, his relationship with superiors and colleagues.

    Third decade:

    • 21 - fortune-telling can be associated with the creative potential of a person.
    • 22 - you can ask questions about success, wealth, financial situation.
    • 23 is not worth guessing.
    • 24 - you can ask questions about the property.
    • 25 - you should tell fortunes only in extreme cases. There is no need to disturb the higher powers over trifles.
    • 26 - guessing is not recommended.
    • 27 - higher powers should be asked about travel and new beginnings.
    • 28 is the most successful day for any kind of divination. You can ask about anything. As an attribute, you need to choose the one with which the connection is stronger.
    • 29 - you can only ask about what you plan to get rid of - about illness, work, love relationships.
    • 30 - Only important questions should be asked. You can use complex rituals and multi-stage ceremonies.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that the whole life is going downhill and passing by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Fortune-telling with salt was very popular in Russia: a girl ate a thimble of salt mixed with a thimble of water before going to bed, then went to bed with the words "My betrothed, mummers, come, give me a drink." At night, the future husband was supposed to dream, who would supply water.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

What days can you guess

Professional predictors do not adhere to any strict work schedule, but people who are just starting to comprehend the laws of the mystical world have many questions. What days can you guess, and when should you refrain from doing so? It is worth considering that all the rules below are not dogma, rather, they are advisory in nature.

Competent application for success

Communication with the subtle world is a rather laborious process with an incomprehensible result. How do you know if the cards or other “handy tools” are ready to make contact and lift the veil over the foggy future? It is known that the right start of any business is half the success. That is why it is better to move from theory to practice on the growing moon, it is at this time that the stars respond favorably to the most unusual experiments and favor those who are looking for their own path.

On ordinary everyday issues (for example, in the "for the day" layout on tarot cards or the "card of the day" on playing cards), you can "torture fate" at any time. Is it possible to guess on Monday? Without any doubt - especially if the object of interest is a young man. It is believed that in every week there are "women's" and "men's" days - this is the last Monday and refers to. Also on Monday it is recommended to play the so-called weekly solitaire games. It is best to ask questions to higher powers about the fate of lovely ladies on Wednesday or Friday.

Some practitioners answer the question of whether it is possible to guess on Sunday, give a negative answer. This prejudice is connected with the peculiarities of the Christian faith - the last day of the week is dedicated to God, this is a time of rest from any work (including magic). Also, do not resort to pagan practices during the days of great church festivities, primarily at Easter.

On the other hand, our ancestors knew for sure that there are several special days in the year when the line between the worlds becomes as thin as possible. At this time, it is much easier to get reliable answers from higher spheres, ghosts, spirits. When deciding which days are better to guess, do not miss Halloween, the period from Christmas to Epiphany (Christmas week), a decade on the eve of Ivan Kupala.

The innate magical abilities of most practitioners are aggravated on the full moon. The New Year, St. Andrew's Night (December 13), and also any Friday, if it falls on the 13th, are shrouded in a special mystical veil.

When should you give up trying to know the future?

Not so important when you can guess. It is much more important to avoid forbidden moments that are not related to the number or day of the week. The most important taboos for the predictor are the state of acute stress, physical illness, alcohol or drug intoxication, and deadly fatigue. It is allowed to start fortune-telling only with a fresh mind, with excellent health and a cheerful mood. Otherwise, the energy costs incurred may turn out to be too heavy a blow, from which it will not be easy to recover.

Fortune telling is a ritual known to our ancestors, thanks to fortune telling you can get answers to many questions, find out fate, see the feelings of a loved one. When you can guess, on which days you can guess, whether time for fortune telling matters, you will learn from this article.

What days can you guess?

If you still decide to tell fortunes on your own, you can’t choose auspicious days for divination. So which days you can guess, and which days you can’t under any circumstances.

You can not guess during menstruation. Female energy is very vulnerable during menstruation, it is not recommended to resort to divination on such days, so as not to get a magical effect on yourself.
It is not recommended to guess if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You can also take on negative influences from divination.

Favorable days when you can guess.

Accurate predictions can be obtained on certain lunar days. Fortunetellers say that favorable days for divination come on the 12th, 14th and 18th lunar days.
recommend guessing at a loved one and love relationships on Friday evening. This is the best time for fortune-telling, the planet of love Venus itself, is conducive to finding out what feelings a loved one has for you. Friday Night Divination it is also good because at this time the heart chakras function most actively, and love forecasts are perceived more sensually.

Favorable days for divination according to the lunar calendar.

  • 2 lunar day - at this time you can do a magical ritual and use any kind of fortune-telling for love, relationships, the future.
  • 6 lunar day is a favorable day when you can find out what awaits you in the near future (for a month);
  • 10 lunar day - guessing on this day is not the best time, but you can look into the past and find it possible to understand the reasons for wrong decisions.
  • 20 lunar day is a good opportunity to tell fortunes about love relationships and receive signs from fate.
  • 22 lunar day - suitable for divination for work, business. at lunch will indicate future events in your career and affairs.
  • 27 lunar days - at this time it is better to tell fortunes on water or milk, you can ask questions of any nature on any topic.
  • 28 lunar day is a good time to turn on your intuition and hear yourself. Most of us open our "third eye" on this day and we can see the future very accurately.

There are the most important days of the year, at this time you can get an accurate prediction for the future.

In 2017, from February 20 to 26, at Maslenitsa, it will tell you when there will be marriage and, possibly, pancake fortune-telling will show who the future husband will be.

Favorable days for accurate fortune-telling: from March 15 to 20, from June 23 to 28, from November 15 to 21.

It is an important day for forecasts for the future, it takes place on July 6th.
It is not recommended to guess on church holidays and on Sunday.
If you are not satisfied with the result of fortune-telling, you cannot ask the same question again.

When can you guess and how should you guess?

If you love and predicting events is your hobby, there are days and certain times of the day when the ritual of predicting events can be predicted most accurately.
It is absolutely not forbidden to make layouts on cards to familiar friends and relatives, to make unusual gatherings on holidays, with a touch of mystery with the help of the Gothic tarot, it will bring you joy, entertain and amuse, making your celebration unusual. But if we talk about serious fortune-telling, but as a necessary help when you turn to a real fortune teller. When it comes to very important things, an answer to the question is urgently required, whether it is the division of an inheritance, health problems, difficult and sometimes hopeless relationships with a loved one, love triangles, total lack of money or trouble with relatives, a lot of things happen wrong in our life and sometimes it seems the situation is completely irreparable, when other specialists of non-esoteric profiles cannot do anything, this is where people turn to fortune-telling.

When you need to hear that everything is not so bad, when the exit is already there, you just need to point to it. And finding happiness is possible and everything is not so gloomy, but of course you can turn to a lawyer or a psychologist, but sometimes the question is so emotionally exhausting that a person needs to get an answer here and now, then they turn to a fortuneteller or tarologist for advice, there are two possible bad moments, you may not believe the prediction and you may try not to pay for the prediction, this is more difficult, unpaid predictions rarely come true, these are the laws of karma.

And it is precisely the desire to get answers immediately that is the very motivation for contacting a fortuneteller. After all, the desire to fix everything as soon as possible, to again feel harmony in the soul and peace in the heart, as well as to get an accurate hint and solutions, even if something happened that you can’t fix, divorced your husband, relationships with not free people, then here you can ask, and if this is not a karmic lesson, maybe it was given to gain inner strength. It is very important for a person in a difficult life situation, just to hear words of consolation and encouraging news, it is simply necessary.

What is divination?

What is fortune-telling, let's see, fortune-telling is nothing more than communication with higher powers, turning to them during fortune-telling, people receive the answers they need, tips and explanations about the situation that tormented them. Now divination itself has become closer to scientific action than to ritual, and fortunetellers are now called tarologists, numerologists, runologists and palmists, now this is a phenomenon substantiated by esoteric science.

Now let's try to answer the question when you can guess, if fortune telling is a way to spend time distracted to satisfy the need to look into the future or a completely justified and necessary action in order to get out of a difficult situation. Most restrictions in fortune-telling are nothing more than superstition; you can guess at any time of the day or month.

Such superstitions as the fact that one can only guess at Christmas time from January 7 to 19 or at Ivan Kupala.
You can not guess on Sunday and Monday, as well as on church holidays.
The fact that the best time for divination is morning, or night, and the days are either the 13th of the month, or birthdays, it was also believed that it was impossible to guess on the eve of these days.

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