How to win a snake man. Eastern astrology: husbands born in the year of the Snake

Male horoscope Snake

A man-chi-na, born in the year of the Snake - kre-at-iv-en, um-en, this is a bright personality, someone-paradise does not tolerate boredom ki and lu-b-it pe-re-me-ny.

Husband-chi-na-Snake about-la-da-et-to-them-the same ball-m-ohm, like women-schi-na, from-but-scha-scha-i-sya to this-o- mu know. Restrained, strong and not-from-ra-zi-m-th, he, to all-e-mu-pro-che-mu, on the red-to-ost ​​is p-yat-en in general, that de-la-et it is not-ve-ro-yat-but priv-le-ka-te-l-nym in the eyes of women.

He almost hypnotizes people, and winning someone's attention does not require much effort from him. He has an excellent sense of humor and innate wisdom, which guarantee him the sympathy and interest of both sexes. However, it never reveals itself to the end, it always leaves a certain reserve and mystery, sets boundaries beyond which it does not allow anyone to go, which further fascinates beautiful ladies, excites their imagination.

He avoids conflict and very rarely loses his temper, is usually attentive to the feelings of others and never offends anyone. Relations with him resemble a smooth surface of water, which is very difficult to disturb.

Often he is characterized by laziness, overcoming which, he can quite successfully engage in mental activity. A man of this type is unlikely to become a good entrepreneur, because he is hindered by his sometimes excessive prudence and caution. His tendency to compromise and non-conflict in serious business play against him.

In personal relationships, he does not tolerate a lonely life, this is a very emotional, passionate man, who fully blossoms only in the case of a successful love relationship. By their nature, the people of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are misers, but the enamored Snake-man for his woman will not regret anything and will treat her like a real queen.

As the Chinese horoscope warns, the Snake-man is often very jealous and, despite the fact that he himself does not always know how to be faithful, he demands this unquestioningly in relation to himself. No matter how the circumstances develop, he will never be able to forgive betrayal.

Abandoned male snakes are sometimes very dangerous. With the same force with which they loved before, they will now hate, so you can expect anything.

It is difficult to get rid of them, because they know all your weaknesses and do everything not to be abandoned.


The snake is a lover for refined (refined, refined, faithful, which needs to be taken care of) and sophisticated persons.

In love, the Serpent always remains a sweet tempter who knows how to lead women to the heights of pleasure. Feelings, erotica and tenderness form the basis of their sexual psychology. Let no one be seduced by his outward indifference and self-control. Behind the "cold" view lies a real volcano of passions.

Sex for Snake men, according to the eastern horoscope, is a great weakness. His personal, intimate life is varied and rich, sometimes on the verge of perversion.

Desire makes its way into every, even the most secret, corner of his body. Seduction, understanding glances and tenderness - all this “turns on” the Snake man.

The woman of his dreams is a sophisticated princess who behaves somewhat reservedly and aloofly, as if resisting his charms and thus making him desire her even more, complicating his task, making the game more reckless and risky.


The Snake Man likes the fairer sex, who knows what they want from this life, who have certain goals. A sensible woman, firmly stepping on the ground, will interest him faster than the most delightful dreamer. Romantic persons are unlikely to win his sympathy. In this respect, he is constant and rarely deviates from the rules.

He is scared away by ladies who like to dominate relationships. The snake is more likely to pay attention to a quiet and calm woman who knows her own worth, but at the same time is ready to obey in a love affair.

Be natural. The snake will not expect too many manifestations of spontaneity and a sharp change in image from you. You could even say that all this can scare him away. If you want to attract a Snake man and keep him, try to behave normally, but from time to time a little follies and pranks are acceptable. But in general, one should bet on harmony and tranquility in relationships - he loves them very much.

Be strict with yourself. As a great aesthete, the snake is only interested in beautiful women. The thesis that there are no ugly women, he simply neglects. By creating a beautiful image and wearing appropriate clothes, you can work wonders, winning the heart of a Snake-man. On the first date, he will carefully examine your appearance, and do not be fooled by the fact that this is just a man. He will notice no worse than your girlfriend the nuances of makeup that do not adorn you, a stain on a dress, etc.

Don't be greedy. If you give him something, it must be of good quality, because Snakes are very picky.

Snakes have an incredibly difficult to perceive, unpredictable and explosive character, where periods of gloomy and rather aggressive behavior can, without any apparent reason change to wild fun. He can make a scandal over a completely trifling matter, spoil the mood, cause women's tears with subsequent calls to his best friends, and he, as if nothing had happened, invites you to the cinema, sprinkles jokes and does not accept the refusal at all. A just insult can be perceived by him as a whim of a capricious female character. Moreover, the Snakes do everything, on the one hand, prudently, on the other, sincerely suffering.

Snakes have the opportunity to make a quick and early career, in the professional field they make excellent military and doctors, excellent journalists and architects. Their precise and logical mind will help them succeed in many things and make a wonderful career.

The Snake man in marriage feels best with a partner with whom he is united by a commonality of views and interests, where relationships are built on an equal footing than with the traditional distribution of roles. Excessive tenderness and sentimentality will also tire him. He loves children, but by no means belongs to the category of "fanatic and sacrificial fathers."

Your union with the male Snake:

Snake Man and Rat Woman: quite a successful union for the Snake, but the woman in this pair will almost certainly suffer. A partner will often upset her with nit-picking and eternal discontent. However, the Rat woman is inclined to forgive everything ... But is it necessary?

Snake Man and Ox Woman: a successful union and even marriage is possible. The Snake Man will be patient with the authoritarianism of his companion, but with loyalty on his part it may not be very good. If the Ox woman understands this, the couple will break up.

Snake Man and Tiger Woman: an uneasy union in which everyone will try to become a leader and lead in relationships. There is little in common in habits, tastes, and intimate relationships are unlikely to be harmonious.

Snake Man and Rabbit Woman: the union can be largely successful, because the Rabbit woman will create a cozy nest for her husband with great pleasure. But her penchant for companionship, communication at parties will decently annoy her companion.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman: an ambiguous union, in which everyone contributes both their portion of sympathy, and a lot of discrepancies in views with a partner. It may seem insufficient for a Dragon Woman to express the feelings of a companion, although many views and habits are very close.

Snake Man and Snake Woman: the union can be favorable if you manage to cope with the feeling of rivalry and not arrange a struggle for leadership. You need to admire your partner a lot and often.

Snake Man and Horse Woman: a long-term union is possible here if the Snake man can overcome his polygamy. The horse is very devoted and loving, but she cannot forgive betrayal.

Snake Man and Goat Woman: if this marriage is destined to survive, then the reason for this is by no means love, but the materialistic considerations of a woman. If her companion is well provided for and generous, then she will be able to adapt to his complex nature.

Snake Man and Monkey Woman: the union is better suited to achieve any common goals than for marriage. Perhaps a misunderstanding in the way of thinking, sensuality and habits of life.

Snake Man and Rooster Woman: a strong relationship can develop here, as the lady will see the wisdom of her companion and learn to restrain her impulses. A man - to admire the beauty of his woman!

Snake Man and Dog Woman: for the Dog lady, the union may not be too happy. This is the option where the hostess sits and waits for her husband. And that one has constant business trips and meetings, often lasting past midnight. So either strong nerves, or absolute mutual understanding and trust!

Snake Man and Pig Woman: difficult union for a woman. The snake here will constantly try to dominate, not excluding rather harsh measures from its arsenal. And the woman, most likely, will endure all this, attributing it to the complex nature of the satellite.

The material was prepared with the help of Sophia Bozhan, a specialist in astrology at

The charisma of the male Snake, like a magnet, attracts others to him. Making an impression on others that can be compared with a hypnotic one, in most cases he easily wins anyone's attention, including the opposite sex, without much strain. If he really wants to, he will be able to conquer even the most impregnable "fortresses", since he can be called a connoisseur of characters, who knows firsthand what women expect from him.

Most men of this sign incessantly
improve in seduction, as they tend to draw conclusions from past mistakes. Their high intelligence also helps them in this.

Another feature of the Snake man is a delightful sense of humor, which also increases his popularity in society and among ladies in particular. True, to their very essence, they prefer not to reveal themselves to others, retaining some intrigue. The halo of mystery and mystery that accompanies their person greatly excites the imagination of the fair sex.

Is the Snake man worth attention as an object of love? Quite. Usually, representatives of this sign are distinguished by a remarkable mind, culture, elegance and the ability to care, as well as to say ornate compliments. By nature, Snake men are not prone to loneliness, they have increased emotionality and passion, which are fully manifested when establishing a love relationship with objects that really appeal to them. And although by nature the Snakes are still misers, being in love, they do not regret anything for their ladies.
and treat them like princesses. With them, it is quite possible to hope for expensive presents, candlelit dinners, going to restaurants and traveling abroad.

Giving his soul and money to the chosen one, the male Snake in return expects to receive "dog" loyalty, despite the fact that in most cases he himself cannot guarantee loyalty. In love, they are possessive and jealous, who barely tolerate the friends of their beloved, as well as the presence of hobbies, because of which they leave them alone. They would like to turn into a kind of center of the universe of the faithful, and such a desire to suppress independence is not given to every woman.

The Snake Man in most cases becomes an ideal partner for a woman experienced in carnal pleasures. In love relationships, he acts as a tempter, able to lead a lady to the peak of pleasure. No matter how cold and indifferent he looks, behind his feigned detachment lies a dormant volcano of passions. If you believe the horoscope, then close relationships in the snake life are one of the greatest weaknesses and strengths at the same time. As a rule, the intimate life of the Snake man is so
diverse and saturated, that many might consider such a person prone to excesses. Persons who are lucky enough to like the Snake can be said that they have practically no choice. If they do not want to mess with such a "fiery" man, run away from him wherever your eyes look, and as soon as possible.

In addition to all of the above, the Snake man is characterized by creativity, a bright personality and a desire for change. This also applies to the sphere of his personal relationships. Feeling that the monotonous romance no longer gives him pleasure, the Snake man is quite capable of setting off in search of fresh emotions beyond the boundaries of his connection. As a conclusion, his beloved is faced with a difficult task - to constantly provide him with new impressions and fresh experiences, fanning the fire of passion, or start a relationship
on their own, if she is not sure if she needs them.

The Snake Man, who is not always faithful to his wife or girlfriend, demands her 100% from her partner. As a rule, he cannot forgive betrayal. Mainly due to the fact that he does not consider it necessary to be paired with a lady who does not agree to consider him the very “navel of the earth”. And since she does not appreciate the place, for which there is always a couple of beauties deifying him, he should be released as soon as possible.

Like representatives of other signs, Snake men are sometimes abandoned. True, these guys are not one of those who will grieve and go to their side. Not only is it not easy to get rid of them, because they know all the weaknesses of women and deftly manipulate them so as not to be “abandoned”. Male Snakes can also be truly dangerous for the madam who rejected them. Their love is quite capable of transforming into hatred and a desire for revenge, as a result, you can expect anything from them.

The Snake man is interesting and has powerful charisma, but communicates only with those who are attractive to him. He rejects small talk, because he never wastes time on what he does not see the point in. There is no rudeness in his characterization, but he does not try to be tactful either. The Snake man can only show aggression if someone brazenly invades his personal life or imposes his society on him.

In relations with women, he is proactive, because he does not like to be alone. However, intimacy with a partner can only arise with a complete coincidence of interests. If, apart from mutual sympathy, nothing else unites the couple, the Snake man will perceive his chosen one as a pleasant and useful addition, if not to say, as a household appliance.

He takes more from relationships than he puts into them, but at the same time, as a rule, he is very loved by his girlfriend or wife and dear to her. The Snake man is a jealous owner who considers himself entitled to restrict the freedom of his beloved. At the same time, he does not forbid himself to flirt on the side, justifying himself by the fact that he is a man, which means that he can. However, his relationships with women are rarely short-lived, because for the charm he is forgiven a lot and hopes for the best.

snake in love

A man of this sign is not subject to outbursts of passion. He is not greedy for a bright appearance and female coquetry, and ladies who behave persistently annoy him at all. The Snake man is not the kind of person who can be seduced or kept if he decides to break the connection.

In relationships, he seeks constancy; he treats frivolous women without respect. He tends to flirt, but he usually does it out of boredom and definitely does not try to arrange his personal life in this way.

The Snake man is a complex person. Outwardly, he looks quite open, but often, demonstrating his location, he achieves some of his goals. If he leads a double life, the partner will be the last to know about it. It is worth noting that it is not the thirst for new sensations that can push him to betray, but only the desire to change his life for the better.

Business life of the Snake man

The Snake man is a responsible person. He knows how to competently conduct business and negotiate, at work he is only engaged in work, therefore he is respected by his superiors. He seeks to climb the career ladder only if this leads to an increase in wages.

He's not a workaholic, but he's not lazy either. He does not take on extra responsibilities, does not get close to the work team, does what he has to do and performs his duties with high quality. This person follows the development of new technologies and tries to improve his skills. He can radically change the field of activity even in adulthood, if he feels that he can do it. The snake is not afraid of change, but on the contrary, strives for them.

At the moment when other warriors fall, the Serpent man will be the last person on Earth who will continue to stubbornly move towards the goal. And win! No obstacles can lead him astray and force him to abandon his plans. At the same time, in the process of conquering another peak in life, the Snake man knows how to look elegant: this is his inherent property, which commands respect from men and makes women's hearts beat faster.

How to win a man Snake

If the Snake man laid eyes on you, then you don’t even have to make any efforts - he himself will do everything necessary to get closer to his inherent subtlety and grace. Another thing is if you are faced with the difficult task of attracting the attention of a representative of this sign. Chinese horoscope.

In this case, remember that first you need to get through to his feelings through protective armor. In society, the Snake Man behaves, although at ease, but rather coldly. Finding out what exactly he feels at the moment is a task with an asterisk. And just in the feelings the key to his heart is hidden. Only by understanding what the Snake man has in his soul, what emotions he lives with, what makes his pulse quicken, you can melt the outer ice of his protective shell. At heart, the Snake man is waiting for just such a person to whom he can open his heart, he is simply afraid to be too trusting and show his weaknesses that others can play on (just like the Snake man himself sometimes plays on the weaknesses and feelings of others). Get into it inner world, showing that you do not pose any threat to him - and he is practically yours!

The Snake man has high requirements for leisure. He values ​​his time too much to waste it on something unnecessary or uninteresting. His only weakness is the places that he loved with all his heart and for some reason singled them out among others. Find them to get another key to his heart. It can be a cafe where the Snake man's favorite coffee is brewed or one-of-a-kind cakes are prepared, for which he is ready to go to the other end of the city. If you find out the locations of such sites and organize your date there, then his heart will melt, despite the arguments of reason.

During the period of romantic meetings with the Snake man, you will feel like a wonderful lady, no less - in the process of courtship, he is capable of spectacular actions, beautiful gestures and any other bright ways to surprise his beloved.

Relationship with the Snake man

Truly enjoy love relationship with the Snake man, only one who fully shares his desire to achieve goals at all costs and his passion for the Cause of his life (and the Snake man must have such a Cause with a capital letter) will be able to. He is very strong and stubborn, so it is almost impossible for a weak and indecisive woman to be near him. In fact, the ideal romantic relationship with the male Snake is a story of two strong personalities in the spirit of the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", where the role of the spouses was played by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

If the work of the Snake man is precisely the Business of his life, if he is inspired by her and feels that his efforts are not in vain, resign yourself to the fact that he will devote a lot of time to her. Highly. Delays until late in the evening, work on weekends or cancellation of vacation at the very last moment are in the order of things. In order to reduce conflicts on this issue to a minimum, it is advisable to agree with the Snake man on clear rules on this matter even on the shore of relations. For example, about what is the minimum time you expect to spend with him together during the week. Or how much you need an annual joint vacation together. Be sure, having reached agreements, the pedantic man of the Snake will strictly observe them, and you will not have to be offended by him.

Despite the fact that relations with the male Snake are distinguished by their brightness and sometimes even the intensity of passions, the representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope is practically not at all prone to jealousy. Firstly, he simply does not have time for this, and, secondly, it is not in his habit to waste his resources on unreasonable assumptions.

Life with a male Snake can please you with a series of small and large achievements; next to him, you will always know that your house is a full bowl, and fortune is on your side. And main reason This well-being is his indomitable and persistent movement towards the goal: to provide for himself and for his beloved woman a comfortable fairy tale life. Say what you like, but the Snake man copes with this task perfectly!