How to treat pneumonia? Inflammation of the lungs pneumonia Inflammation of the lungs treatment.

Therapeutic tactics in acute pneumonia changed as knowledge, experience and ideas about the role of individual pathogens of this disease, the body's reactivity, the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs and various methods of treatment accumulated. The requirement to ensure proper care and monitoring of patients with pneumonia remained unchanged. Unfortunately, insufficient attention is now paid to the care of patients with pneumonia. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the main antibiotic treatment, and all other methods of therapy are considered obsolete, having lost their value. This erroneous judgment is quite widespread even among medical professionals.

Patients with pneumonia should be treated in a hospital. This is especially important for the treatment of lobar pneumonia and severe forms of focal pneumonia. In a hospital setting, you can use the entire arsenal of modern diagnostic and therapeutic tools and achieve a speedy recovery without complications.

In cases where the treatment of pneumonia for one reason or another is not possible in a hospital and is carried out at home, it is carried out by a doctor who prescribes the necessary therapy, guided by the course of the disease and changes that occur in the patient's condition as a result of the use of antibacterial drugs, symptomatic medications and other therapeutic methods.

A patient with pneumonia must observe a sparing regimen, even if the disease is relatively mild. A sparing regimen during antibiotic therapy is an important condition for the successful treatment of pneumonia and the prevention of complications. Expansion of the mode is carried out immediately after the temperature drops and the composition of the peripheral blood improves.

Powerful antimicrobial drugs such as antibiotics and sulfonamides are used to treat pneumonia. Their use requires compliance with certain rules related to the features of the antimicrobial action of these drugs. If treatment is started with one or another antibiotic, then it is necessary to complete the course in full and in exactly the doses prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes patients, after a decrease in temperature and an improvement in their condition, are inclined to stop treatment, since their weakness disappears, cough decreases, and they consider themselves recovered.

Indeed, antibacterial drugs quickly stop the reproduction and development of microbes, the phenomena of intoxication of the body decrease, and therefore the condition and well-being of patients improves, but this does not mean at all that the patient has recovered. The anatomical changes that have arisen in the lungs as a result of the inflammatory process undergo reverse development much more slowly than the improvement in well-being occurs. The patient feels well, but the pneumonia has not ended yet. Therefore, it is important to remember that after the temperature drops and the condition improves, it is necessary for another 2-3 days, depending on the doctor's instructions, to continue treatment with antibiotics or sulfanilamide preparations, i.e., to complete the treatment according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. With the unauthorized cessation of drug administration, the bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect of antibiotics or sulfa drugs is prematurely reduced when pneumonia has not yet passed, and pathogens again get the opportunity to grow and develop.

Diseased lung tissue is highly susceptible to further damage. So there are various complications, in particular, the disease can take a protracted or chronic course. Therefore, the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics and sulfa drugs must be continued even after the temperature has normalized for several days (2-3 or more, depending on the doctor's instructions).

It is impossible to allow an arbitrary reduction in the dose of drugs. In the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics and sulfa drugs are prescribed in doses that provide the necessary concentration of antibacterial substances in the focus of infection. Without this, recovery may not occur. Treatment of pneumonia with sulfonamides and antibiotics is prescribed and changed by the doctor, depending on. the patient's condition and the course of the disease. But general principle remains unchanged: treatment can be effective only if the content of the antibacterial drug in the patient's body is sufficient, i.e., when creating a therapeutic concentration.

Sometimes patients, and more often their relatives, show unjustified vigilance and even a negative attitude towards prescribing a medicine in such large doses, in their opinion. Outwardly agreeing with the medical staff in the need for a course of therapy, they then independently reduce the dose, thereby bringing not benefit, but serious harm to the patient: this is especially true for drugs administered by injection. It is clear that injections do not give pleasure to the patient, but this is a necessary therapeutic measure, without which it is still impossible to do in the treatment of pneumonia.

In the treatment of pneumonia at home, in addition to the strictest implementation drug therapy, it is very important to organize proper patient care. First of all, it concerns the creation necessary conditions similar to hospital. Bed rest is important, especially in the early days of illness. The nurse, relatives and relatives caring for the sick should monitor the slightest change the patient's condition, reporting everything to the doctor at his next visit. With a clear deterioration in the patient's condition, it is urgent to seek medical attention. medical care. Especially it is necessary to be on the alert during the period of temperature decrease, when a sharp drop is possible. blood pressure and development of vascular collapse. In these cases, urgent therapeutic assistance is required. With the appearance of mental excitement, delirium, the patient must be monitored around the clock by relatives and urgently call a doctor.

Clean air in the room where the patient with pneumonia is located is an important condition for successful treatment, so it is necessary to ventilate the room several times a day, even if the patient has a high temperature. During ventilation, it is necessary to cover the patient well, especially the head, leaving only the face open.

The nutrition of a patient with pneumonia should be varied, easily digestible, high-calorie, but not burdensome. In the first days of illness, when appetite is usually reduced, one should not particularly insist on eating. In the absence of appetite, strong broths, sour dairy products, fruits or fruit juices are given. With the appearance of appetite, you can expand the diet. It is very important to give the patient fluids (up to 2 liters per day if there is no circulatory failure), since a febrile patient loses a lot of fluid through sweat. In addition, the abundant introduction of liquid helps to free the patient from toxic metabolic products that poison the body. These can be syrups, fruit drinks, fruit decoctions, juices, etc. In cases where the patient takes sulfanilamide drugs, alkaline liquids are also needed - borzhom, soda water, etc. They contribute to a better dissolution of these drugs and provide a more complete removing them from the body. A hot drink is useful: milk with soda, tea with raspberries, since, according to most doctors, profuse sweating reduces intoxication and thus contributes to a speedy recovery.

It is necessary to monitor the oral cavity to avoid secondary infection (rinsing after eating, and in severe patients - wiping the oral cavity with a swab moistened with a weak, 1% hydrogen peroxide solution). Normal bowel function is regulated by the diet (prunes, boiled beets with vegetable oil on an empty stomach, yogurt, kefir) or the appointment of appropriate medications and procedures (laxatives, vaseline oil, cleansing enemas).

If sleep is disturbed, it is necessary to ensure its normalization with the help of sedatives and hypnotics.

Of the symptomatic remedies for pneumonia, antitussive, expectorant, antipyretic, analgesic, cardiac and vascular drugs are used, which are prescribed by a doctor depending on the indications.

The use of oxygen undoubtedly contributes to a more successful course of treatment of pneumonia. At home, the patient can use oxygen bags by inhaling oxygen through nasal catheters (rubber tubes of small diameter) inserted into the nasal passages.

Of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment at home, it is possible to use cans and mustard plasters on the affected side. Very good warming of the diseased half chest dry warm compresses or woolen cloth.

Patients who are in serious condition need the most careful care. At high temperatures, oral care, rubbing the skin with alcohol, washing the face with tepid water, and cleansing enemas are especially important.

If the patient cannot swallow the tablets, they must be crushed, mixed in water and given to drink with a sufficiently large amount of liquid. In case of refusal to take medication, it is necessary to be persistent and achieve the introduction medicinal product. Without the permission of the doctor, in no case should you cancel, at least once, the prescribed medication.

Thus, in the treatment of a patient with pneumonia, in addition to the usual general hygienic care of the patient, monitoring his nutrition, etc., the following requirements must be met: 1) exactly observe the time of taking the prescribed medication and the dose prescribed by the doctor; 2) the introduction of sulfanilamide preparations combined with the appointment of plentiful drinking, especially alkaline liquids; 3) carefully monitor the patient in order not to miss the appearance of possible complications, including those from taking medications; if there are any changes in the patient's condition, immediately inform the attending physician about this in order to take the necessary measures to eliminate the complications that have arisen.

Thanks to modern highly effective methods of treatment, pneumonia in the vast majority of cases ends in recovery. However, sometimes the disease can be accompanied by a variety of complications, both directly to the lungs and pleura, and to other organs. Respiratory complications include: lingering course pneumonia, effusion pleurisy, pulmonary suppuration (abscess), proliferation of connective tissue in the lungs (pneumosclerosis), transition to chronic pneumonia, etc.

Inflammation of the lungs can be accompanied by damage to a wide variety of systems and organs, for example, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), damage to the kidneys (nephritis), liver (hepatitis), inflammation of the membranes of the heart (endocarditis, pericarditis), etc. Complications from inflammation of the lungs are sometimes so severe that they lead to disability, up to a complete loss of ability to work. This indicates the need for timely and proper treatment for the fastest recovery of the patient without any complications. The organization of good patient care is one of the important sections complex treatment pneumonia.

The most common cause of pneumonia is pneumococcus or Haemophilus influenzae. In addition, mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia, etc. can act as the causative agent of pneumonia. To date, there are vaccines that prevent the disease or significantly alleviate its symptoms.

In the lungs healthy person there are some bacteria. Microorganisms that enter them are destroyed by a full-fledged immune system. But if the protective functions of the body do not work due to certain reasons, a person develops pneumonia. In view of the above, pneumonia is most common in immunocompromised patients, the elderly and children.

The causative agents of the disease enter the human lungs through the respiratory tract. For example, mucus from the mouth, which contains bacteria or viruses, can enter the lungs. After all, a number of causative agents of pneumonia exist in the nasopharynx in healthy people. Also the occurrence this disease provokes the inhalation of air in which there are pathogens. The route of transmission of pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae is airborne.

In children of school age, pneumonia can develop due to the presence of chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx, bronchitis with relapses, cystic fibrosis, immunodeficiency, and acquired heart defects.

In adults, pneumonia can be provoked by chronic bronchitis and lung diseases, persistent smoking, endocrine diseases, immunodeficiency, previous surgical interventions in the chest and abdominal cavity, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Symptoms of pneumonia

In the process of developing the disease, a person shows certain symptoms of pneumonia. So, the body temperature rises sharply - it can rise to degrees, there is a cough, during which purulent sputum is released. The following symptoms of pneumonia also occur: pain in the chest, severe shortness of breath, constant weakness. At night, the patient may experience very strong sweating. If you do not start treatment of the disease on time, then pneumonia will progress very quickly, and even death can result in it. There are types of this disease in which the symptoms of pneumonia are less pronounced. In this case, the patient may have a dry cough, a feeling of weakness, and a headache.

Types of pneumonia

Types of pneumonia are determined by the area of ​​the lesion. So, focal pneumonia occupies only a small part of the lung, segmental pneumonia affects one or more segments of the lung, lobar pneumonia spreads to the lobe of the lung, with confluent pneumonia, small foci merge into larger ones, total pneumonia affects the lung as a whole.

In acute pneumonia, inflammatory process in the lung tissue, which, as a rule, has a bacterial nature. The success of the treatment of the disease, which must necessarily be carried out in a hospital, directly depends on how timely the patient asked for help. With croupous inflammation, the disease develops suddenly: a person's body temperature rises sharply, reaching 39-40 ° C, he feels chest pain, severe chills, dry cough, after a certain time turning into a cough with sputum.

Inflammation of the lungs in children and adults can also go away with some of the symptoms erased. So, the patient may assume the presence of ARVI, however, weakness, moderate body temperature, and cough persist for a very long time.

In addition, there are unilateral pneumonia (one lung is affected) and bilateral pneumonia (both lungs are affected). Primary inflammation of the lungs occurs as an independent disease, and secondary - as an ailment that has developed against the background of another disease.

Signs of pneumonia

In most cases, pneumonia in children, as well as in adults, occurs as a result of another disease. Suspicion of pneumonia allows a number of symptoms manifested in the patient. Special attention should be paid to some signs of pneumonia. So, with pneumonia, the most pronounced symptom of the disease is coughing. The situation should alert if the patient improves after feeling unwell during a cold, or the duration of a cold for more than seven days.

There are other signs of pneumonia: coughing when trying to take a deep breath, the presence of severe pallor of the skin, which accompanies the usual symptoms of SARS, the presence of shortness of breath with relatively small temperature body. With the development of pneumonia in a patient, the body temperature does not decrease after taking antipyretics (Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Panadol).

It should be noted that in the presence of the above signs of pneumonia, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

To date, doctors have the ability to accurately diagnose pneumonia using various examination methods. After the patient's appeal, the specialist, first of all, conducts a detailed survey, listens to the patient. In some doubtful cases, a clinical blood test is performed, as well as an x-ray examination. As an additional study, in some cases, CT scan chest, bronchoscopy followed by a biopsy, urinalysis and other examinations prescribed by the attending physician.

The results of these studies allow diagnosing pneumonia with high accuracy.

Treatment of pneumonia

In the treatment of pneumonia, an important success factor is the selection of an antibiotic, as well as the dosage and methods of getting the drug into the patient's body. So, antibiotics are administered both by injection and taken in the form of tablets or syrups. Medicines are selected depending on the type of causative agent of pneumonia.

Also in the process of treating pneumonia, a number of drugs are used that have bronchodilatory properties, vitamin complexes, expectorant drugs. After some improvement in the condition, when the patient's body temperature returns to normal, the treatment of pneumonia includes physiotherapy and massotherapy. With the use of these methods, improvement occurs much faster. After recovery, the patient in some cases is prescribed a second x-ray in order to ascertain the success of the treatment.

After the end of the main course of treatment of pneumonia, the patient is prescribed an additional intake of the vitamin complex for a month. Indeed, in the course of the course of pneumonia in the body, a large number of beneficial microorganisms that produce B vitamins.

Every day, people who have had pneumonia are recommended to do special breathing exercises. These are exercises that help increase the mobility of the chest, as well as stretching adhesions that could form due to illness. Breathing exercises are especially indicated for patients old age. Also, people after an illness should be more often in the fresh air.

With the right approach to treatment, recovery occurs 3-4 weeks after the onset of the disease.

Nutrition for pneumonia

In parallel with the course of drug treatment, patients with pneumonia are recommended to follow certain principles in nutrition, which allows achieving more effective treatment results. So, during the acute course of pneumonia, the patient is shown to follow a diet, the energy value which does not exceed 1600-1800 kcal. To reduce the inflammatory process, you should limit the use of salt (6 g of salt per day is enough for the patient), and also increase the amount of foods high in vitamins C and P in the diet. Blackcurrants, gooseberries, rose hips, greens, citrus fruits, lemons are considered especially valuable foods. , raspberries, etc. Equally important is the observance of the drinking regime - at least two liters of liquid must be drunk per day. To ensure the content of the required amount of calcium in the body, it is worth consuming more dairy products, and at the same time turn off dishes containing oxalic acid from the diet.

There should be small portions, six times a day. Vegetables, fruits, berries, cranberry juice, tea with lemon, dairy dishes, eggs, cereals and mucous decoctions from cereals, low-fat broths from meat and fish are considered especially useful dishes and products during the treatment of pneumonia. You should not eat rich pastries, fatty, salty and smoked foods, fats, chocolate, spices.

In the process of recovery, the patient's diet must be made more high-calorie due to additional proteins, and you should also eat foods that improve the secretion of the stomach and pancreas.

Complications of pneumonia

As complications of pneumonia, patients may experience a number of serious conditions: lung abscess and gangrene, pleural empyema, pleurisy, manifestations of acute respiratory failure, endocarditis, meningitis, pericarditis, sepsis, pulmonary edema. If the treatment regimen was chosen incorrectly, or the patient has a pronounced immunodeficiency, pneumonia can be fatal.

Prevention of pneumonia

Methods for the prevention of pneumonia coincide with the prevention of bronchitis and acute respiratory infections. Children need to be tempered gradually and regularly, starting from a very early age. It is also important to strengthen the immune system, as well as the prevention of factors that provoke a state of immunodeficiency.

A risk factor for acute pneumonia is considered to be a tendency to microthrombosis, which occurs with constant bed rest and taking a number of drugs (infecundin, bisekurin, rigevidon). To prevent acute pneumonia in this case, it is recommended to carry out physiotherapy exercises, breathing exercises, and massage every day. Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of pneumonia in older patients due to a decrease in T and B immunity.

Education: Graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013, she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

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All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a method of treatment prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

How to treat pneumonia?

Inflammation of the lungs video

Therapeutic tactics in acute pneumonia changed as knowledge, experience and ideas about the role of individual pathogens of this disease, the body's reactivity, the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs and various methods of treatment accumulated. The requirement to ensure proper care and monitoring of patients with pneumonia remained unchanged. Unfortunately, insufficient attention is now paid to the care of patients with pneumonia. Perhaps this is due to the fact that antibacterial treatment is considered the main one, and all other methods of therapy are considered obsolete and have lost their significance. This erroneous judgment is quite widespread even among medical professionals.

Patients with pneumonia should be treated in a hospital. This is especially important for the treatment of lobar pneumonia and severe forms of focal pneumonia. In a hospital setting, you can use the entire arsenal of modern diagnostic and therapeutic tools and achieve a speedy recovery without complications.

In cases where the treatment of pneumonia for one reason or another is not possible in a hospital and is carried out at home, it is carried out by a doctor who prescribes the necessary therapy, guided by the course of the disease and changes that occur in the patient's condition as a result of the use of antibacterial drugs, symptomatic medications and other therapeutic methods.

A patient with pneumonia must observe a sparing regimen, even if the disease is relatively mild. A sparing regimen during antibiotic therapy is an important condition for the successful treatment of pneumonia and the prevention of complications. Expansion of the mode is carried out immediately after the temperature drops and the composition of the peripheral blood improves.

Powerful antimicrobial drugs such as antibiotics and sulfonamides are used to treat pneumonia. Their use requires compliance with certain rules related to the features of the antimicrobial action of these drugs. If treatment is started with one or another antibiotic, then it is necessary to complete the course in full and in exactly the doses prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes patients, after a decrease in temperature and an improvement in their condition, are inclined to stop treatment, since their weakness disappears, cough decreases, and they consider themselves recovered.

Indeed, antibacterial drugs quickly stop the reproduction and development of microbes, the phenomena of intoxication of the body decrease, and therefore the condition and well-being of patients improves, but this does not mean at all that the patient has recovered. The anatomical changes that have arisen in the lungs as a result of the inflammatory process undergo reverse development much more slowly than the improvement in well-being occurs. The patient feels well, but the pneumonia has not ended yet. Therefore, it is important to remember that after the temperature drops and the condition improves, it is necessary for another 2-3 days, depending on the doctor's instructions, to continue treatment with antibiotics or sulfanilamide preparations, i.e., to complete the treatment according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. With the unauthorized cessation of drug administration, the bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect of antibiotics or sulfa drugs is prematurely reduced when pneumonia has not yet passed, and pathogens again get the opportunity to grow and develop.

Diseased lung tissue is highly susceptible to further damage. So there are various complications, in particular, the disease can take a protracted or chronic course. Therefore, the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics and sulfa drugs must be continued even after the temperature has normalized for several days (2-3 or more, depending on the doctor's instructions).

It is impossible to allow an arbitrary reduction in the dose of drugs. In the treatment of pneumonia, antibiotics and sulfa drugs are prescribed in doses that provide the necessary concentration of antibacterial substances in the focus of infection. Without this, recovery may not occur. Treatment of pneumonia with sulfonamides and antibiotics is prescribed and changed by the doctor, depending on. the patient's condition and the course of the disease. But the general principle remains unchanged: treatment can be effective only if the content of the antibacterial drug in the patient's body is sufficient, i.e., when creating a therapeutic concentration.

Sometimes patients, and more often their relatives, show unjustified vigilance and even a negative attitude towards prescribing a medicine in such large doses, in their opinion. Outwardly agreeing with the medical staff in the need for a course of therapy, they then independently reduce the dose, thereby bringing not benefit, but serious harm to the patient: this is especially true for drugs administered by injection. It is clear that injections do not give pleasure to the patient, but this is a necessary therapeutic measure, without which it is still impossible to do in the treatment of pneumonia.

In the treatment of pneumonia at home, in addition to the strict implementation of drug therapy, it is very important to organize proper patient care. First of all, this concerns the creation of the necessary conditions similar to hospital ones. Bed rest is important, especially in the early days of illness. The nurse, relatives and relatives caring for the patient need to monitor the slightest changes in the patient's condition, reporting everything to the doctor at his next visit. With a clear deterioration in the patient's condition, it is urgent to seek medical help. It is especially necessary to be on the alert during a period of temperature decrease, when a sharp drop in blood pressure and the development of vascular collapse are possible. In these cases, urgent therapeutic assistance is required. With the appearance of mental excitement, delirium, the patient must be monitored around the clock by relatives and urgently call a doctor.

Clean air in the room where the patient with pneumonia is located is an important condition for successful treatment, so it is necessary to ventilate the room several times a day, even if the patient has a high temperature. During ventilation, it is necessary to cover the patient well, especially the head, leaving only the face open.

The nutrition of a patient with pneumonia should be varied, easily digestible, high-calorie, but not burdensome. In the first days of illness, when appetite is usually reduced, one should not particularly insist on eating. In the absence of appetite, strong broths, sour dairy products, fruits or fruit juices are given. With the appearance of appetite, you can expand the diet. It is very important to give the patient fluids (up to 2 liters per day if there is no circulatory failure), since a febrile patient loses a lot of fluid through sweat. In addition, the abundant introduction of liquid helps to free the patient from toxic metabolic products that poison the body. These can be syrups, fruit drinks, fruit decoctions, juices, etc. In cases where the patient takes sulfanilamide drugs, alkaline liquids are also needed - borzhom, soda water, etc. They contribute to a better dissolution of these drugs and provide a more complete removing them from the body. A hot drink is useful: milk with soda, tea with raspberries, since, according to most doctors, profuse sweating reduces intoxication and thus contributes to a speedy recovery.

It is necessary to monitor the oral cavity to avoid secondary infection (rinsing after eating, and in severe patients - wiping the oral cavity with a swab moistened with a weak, 1% hydrogen peroxide solution). Normal bowel function is regulated by the diet (prunes, boiled beets with vegetable oil on an empty stomach, yogurt, kefir) or the appointment of appropriate medications and procedures (laxatives, vaseline oil, cleansing enemas).

If sleep is disturbed, it is necessary to ensure its normalization with the help of sedatives and hypnotics.

Of the symptomatic remedies for pneumonia, antitussive, expectorant, antipyretic, analgesic, cardiac and vascular drugs are used, which are prescribed by a doctor depending on the indications.

The use of oxygen undoubtedly contributes to a more successful course of treatment of pneumonia. At home, the patient can use oxygen bags by inhaling oxygen through nasal catheters (rubber tubes of small diameter) inserted into the nasal passages.

Of the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment at home, it is possible to use cans and mustard plasters on the affected side. Warming up the diseased half of the chest with dry warm compresses or woolen cloth is very good.

Patients who are in serious condition need the most careful care. At high temperatures, oral care, rubbing the skin with alcohol, washing the face with tepid water, and cleansing enemas are especially important.

If the patient cannot swallow the tablets, they must be crushed, mixed in water and given to drink with a sufficiently large amount of liquid. In case of refusal to take medication, it is necessary to be persistent and achieve the administration of the drug. Without the permission of the doctor, in no case should you cancel, at least once, the prescribed medication.

Thus, in the treatment of a patient with pneumonia, in addition to the usual general hygienic care of the patient, monitoring his nutrition, etc., the following requirements must be met: 1) exactly observe the time of taking the prescribed medication and the dose prescribed by the doctor; 2) the introduction of sulfanilamide preparations combined with the appointment of plentiful drinking, especially alkaline liquids; 3) carefully monitor the patient in order not to miss the appearance of possible complications, including those from taking medications; if there are any changes in the patient's condition, immediately inform the attending physician about this in order to take the necessary measures to eliminate the complications that have arisen.

Related articles:

Thanks to modern highly effective methods of treatment, pneumonia in the vast majority of cases ends in recovery. However, sometimes the disease can be accompanied by a variety of complications, both directly to the lungs and pleura, and to other organs. Among the complications from the organs of the respiratory system include: prolonged course of pneumonia, effusion pleurisy, pulmonary suppuration (abscess), proliferation of connective tissue in the lungs (pneumosclerosis), transition to chronic pneumonia, etc.

Inflammation of the lungs can be accompanied by damage to a wide variety of systems and organs, for example, inflammation of the meninges (meningitis), damage to the kidneys (nephritis), liver (hepatitis), inflammation of the membranes of the heart (endocarditis, pericarditis), etc. Complications from inflammation of the lungs are sometimes so severe that they lead to disability, up to a complete loss of ability to work. This indicates the need for timely and proper treatment for the fastest recovery of the patient without any complications. The organization of good patient care is one of the important sections of the complex treatment of pneumonia.


Respiratory tract infections occupy a leading position among all infectious diseases. Inflammation of the lungs most often develops against the background of infection of the body with pathogenic microflora. But sometimes gases or irritating particles can provoke pneumonia. How does the disease manifest itself? What medicines and folk remedies are effective for treatment?

Types of pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs - what is it? Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease and ranks fourth among the main causes of death. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs or suspicion of inflammation. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children, the elderly, with various immunodeficiency states.

The cause of the disease is the defeat of the respiratory organs by bacteria, viruses, atypical pathogens, fungi against the background of a weakened immune system. The main pathogens are streptococci, enterobacteria, staphylococci. Atypical pathogens include mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, Haemophilus influenzae.

The main types of pneumonia:

  1. Streptococcal - most of the patients die from it. The reason is hypothermia, weakened immunity, which leads to the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Enterobacteria is a rare form of pneumonia that often accompanies chronic inflammation kidneys.
  3. Staphylococcal - most often diagnosed in older people.
  4. Chlamydia - the disease is difficult to treat, since pathogenic microorganisms multiply inside the cells, do not respond to antibacterial drugs. The disease often becomes chronic.
  5. Mycoplasma often appears in middle-aged people, is combined with infections of the genitourinary organs, and proceeds in a mild form.
  6. Legionella bacteria rarely cause pneumonia, but this form of the disease often causes death.
  7. Haemophilus influenzae is often found in smokers, inflammation develops against the background of destruction in respiratory tract.

Pneumonia can develop against the background of helminthic invasions, after taking certain medications, while working in hazardous industries.

Important! Viral pneumonia is a dangerous type of disease that has appeared recently. There is no clear specific treatment for the disease; the rate of recovery depends on the patient's immunity. If the body cannot cope, pathological changes begin in the alveoli, the person dies from a lack of oxygen.

Is pneumonia contagious or not? Even doctors do not have a definite answer to this question, it all depends on the type of disease. If bacteria have become the cause of the disease, then this form of the disease is non-dangerous. The viral form that develops against the background of the flu, ARVI, is contagious - along with a cough, during a conversation, pathogens of pneumonia enter the air.

The most dangerous forms of pneumonia are atypical, caseous (occurs with tuberculosis), is transmitted by airborne droplets, almost always ends in death.


Pneumonia can be acute or chronic acute form may manifest as croupous or focal inflammation of the lungs.

Signs of lobar pneumonia:

  • an entire lobe of the lung is affected against the background of infection with pneumococci;
  • acute onset of the disease - the temperature rises sharply to 39 degrees, accompanied by increased sweating and chills;
  • weakness, headache, drowsiness;
  • with severe intoxication, vomiting, confusion may occur;
  • dry cough, shortness of breath;
  • there is pain in the chest from the inflamed respiratory organ, which is aggravated by coughing and inhaling, sometimes there is no cough at the initial stage of the disease.

A patient with lobar pneumonia often has a feverish blush, reddening of the skin is observed, the person tries to lie on the side where the inflammatory process is localized.

With focal inflammation, a separate section of the respiratory organ is affected, the disease is a frequent complication of infectious and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms in adults and children are acute - high fever, signs of intoxication. Cough appears immediately, it can be dry or wet. The sputum has a grayish tint, sometimes blood impurities are present. Pain in the chest is absent, or has a mild character.

Inflammation of the respiratory organs can be either on one or both sides. Right-sided pneumonia occurs more often - the right process of the bronchial tree is directed obliquely from top to bottom, which allows bacteria to penetrate into the lower respiratory organs. The disease is caused by streptococci, treatment is difficult, since the bronchial tree on the right side is supplied with blood worse.

Left-sided pneumonia is a dangerous form of pneumonia, since the focus of inflammation is located close to the heart muscle, often causing death.

Important! Bilateral pneumonia is most often caused by pneumococci, the most dangerous type of pneumonia. As the disease develops, the places of small hemorrhages in the alveoli are covered with fibrin - respiratory failure develops, a person dies from lack of air.

Can there be pneumonia without fever

Sometimes inflammation of the lungs is latent, proceeds without fever. This form greatly complicates the diagnosis, a person may consult a doctor too late.

Symptoms without fever are often observed in people with a weakened immune system, diseased teeth, inflammation of the tonsils can provoke the development of the disease.

Signs of latent pneumonia:

  • dyspnea, increased sweating even with minor physical exertion;
  • cough for more than 2 weeks, sputum scanty or copious;
  • severe thirst, increased fatigue, loss of appetite;
  • asymmetrical fluctuation of the chest, wheezing.

Important! Hidden pneumonia is difficult to listen to, only an experienced doctor can detect it.

Inflammation of the lungs in children

The clinical picture and pathogenesis of pneumonia in children has some features, the disease is very dangerous for infants and preschool children.

Features of pneumonia in children:

  • temperature with segmental inflammation rarely rises above 38 degrees;
  • fever has classic signs, while antipyretic drugs do not bring relief;
  • the first signs of the disease are always accompanied by rapid breathing, while coughing may be absent;
  • pneumonia in newborns is characterized by severe shortness of breath, which is accompanied by retraction of the costal spaces of the chest.

The onset of inflammation in the lung tissues in children is evidenced by general weakness, increased sweating, appetite worsens after a few days.

Important! Temperatures up to 38 degrees help the body fight pathogenic organisms - it should be knocked down only if the child is prone to seizures.

In a child with pneumonia, the number of breaths per minute exceeds 50, while the norm is 20-40. If you carefully examine the chest, you can see a clear retraction of tissues in the intercostal spaces.

Atypical types of pneumonia begin in a child with a slight sore throat, a runny nose, dry cough. Against the background of high temperature, severe intoxication begins, vomiting, appetite disappears, babies often burp. Such forms of the disease are very dangerous for preschool children due to their incompletely formed immunity.

How to identify pneumonia

With a prolonged cough, which is accompanied by fever, pain in the chest, you should consult a doctor. After careful listening, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostic methods.

The basis of diagnosis is an x-ray of the lungs, which shows all changes in the tissues of the respiratory system. Will fluorography show pneumonia? On fluorography, you can see the state of the lung tissues - in a healthy person, it has a homogeneous structure, with inflammation, cancer, and tuberculosis, dark areas appear. But you can do it no more than 1 time per year.

X-ray is a diagnostic method, and fluorography refers to preventive methods. Pathologies and darkening are better seen on an x-ray.

A clinical blood test will show changes that are characteristic of the inflammatory process - leukocytosis, an increase in stab bodies, an increase in ESR. Sputum bakanalysis will determine the causative agent of inflammation, determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

How to treat pneumonia

It is possible to treat pneumonia in adults in a hospital or at home, children are subject to mandatory hospitalization. The basis of the treatment of pneumonia are antibacterial agents. At home, it is better to use medicines in the form of tablets in order to take the medicine strictly by the hour. You can not interrupt the course of antibiotic treatment on your own, or prolong it.

What antibiotics are used to treat pneumonia:

  • aminopenicillins - Ampiox, Amoxicillin;
  • II generation cephalosporins - Axetil, Cefuroxin;
  • macrolides - Erythromycin, Azithromycin;
  • fluoroquinolones - Levofloxacin.

As additional means in the treatment, expectorants are used - Lazolvan, Bromhexine. Heparin is designed to improve the blood supply to the respiratory system, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Treatment at home

Folk remedies in the treatment of pneumonia can only be used in combination with drug therapy- natural remedies help to cough, strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation.

For the treatment of children and adults, you can use figs or raisins.

How to prepare a decoction of dried fruits:

  1. Grind with a meat grinder 120 g of black raisins or figs.
  2. Pour a mass of 240 ml of boiling water.
  3. Cook raisins for 10 minutes over low heat, figs - a quarter of an hour.

Drink 240 ml of medicine three times a day, half the dose is enough for children.

Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that strengthens the immune system. Compresses can be made from it - mix 15 g of honey, dry mustard and vodka. Apply the mixture on the area between the shoulder blades and chest, cover with a film, leave overnight.

For oral administration, a mixture of 500 ml of Cahors, 350 ml of liquid honey, 250 g of crushed aloe should be prepared. Remove the medicine in a cool place for 14 days, filter. Drink 15 ml three times a day.

Is it possible to put mustard plasters with pneumonia? Mustard plasters help eliminate a strong cough that occurs with pneumonia, they eliminate congestion in the respiratory system, remove sputum, and have a slight analgesic effect. But you can put them only 2 days after the temperature drops.

Inflammation of the lungs is a complex respiratory disease, many forms of which are difficult to treat. The best prevention against pneumonia is to strengthen the protective functions of the body, give up bad habits, clean and sufficiently humidified air. Hypothermia should be avoided, colds and viral diseases should be treated in a timely manner.

Any person periodically suffers from diseases of the respiratory system. A number of such diseases include atypical pneumonia, the symptoms of which are similar to acute respiratory infections. At the slightest sign of its appearance, it is necessary.

One of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory system is pneumonia. Symptoms in children can be different - depending on the form of the disease and the type of pathogen. Treatment.

Pneumonia is called inflammation of the lungs. Pathogenic microorganisms are the main cause of the disease. Some of them are constantly in the respiratory tract of a person. But if immunity weakens, bacteria begin.

Pathogenic microorganisms that affect the lower respiratory tract cause inflammation of the lungs. Viral pneumonia occurs at any age and can lead to serious consequences, especially if not treated promptly.

Bilateral pneumonia, also called pneumonia, is a dangerous complication of certain respiratory infections, colds of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. This complication without timely treatment can.

Signs of pneumonia are manifested when the immune system is disturbed, infected with toxic pathogens: mycoplasmas, pneumococci, chlamydia. The most common time for symptoms of pneumonia to appear is during the fall and winter.

Pneumonia is an infectious disease that affects the lung tissue. The inflammatory process can affect the entire organ, or maybe only a separate part of it. Inflammation of the lungs is always caused.

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia serious disease, which is the appearance of an inflammatory process in the lung tissues. Reasons for development this disease varied. But nonetheless.

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia acute illness infectious nature, which consists in the appearance of an inflammatory process of the respiratory tissues of the lung. The disease is quite severe, so its danger is.

Pneumonia is one of the most common and dangerous infectious diseases, the nosocomial form often ends in death. How does pneumonia manifest itself, the main symptoms in adults? (Further…)

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The information is provided for informational purposes.

Not every type of cough is considered harmless. Sometimes it hides a dangerous disease called "pneumonia". How to treat pneumonia without complications and is it possible to prevent its occurrence?

Varieties of pneumonia in adults

A disease that affects the alveoli of the lungs is of an infectious nature. It is provoked by fungi, as well as viruses or bacteria. The air sacs endowed with a paired organ are necessary for oxygen-carbon exchange. When the alveoli become inflamed, fluid or pus builds up, causing fever, coughing, weakness, and trouble breathing.

Pneumonia can be unilateral (right-sided or left-sided pneumonia) and bilateral. The course of the disease varies from mild to life threatening. Most dangerous for children and adults with chronic diseases or weakened immune systems.

Differentiation of pneumonia helps to accurately prescribe treatment for a speedy recovery. According to the accepted classification, it is divided into two types according to the amount of affected material and the breadth of the infection.

Focal is easily determined while listening with a phonendoscope or visible on an x-ray. It affects the lower parts of the lungs. It usually occurs as a complication after the flu or a cold. Accompanied by fever and violent cough, with phlegm or pus. Total covers the entire surface, flows more heavily, has extremely serious consequences. The main causative agent of lobar pneumonia is the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, which affects the lobe of the lung.

By origin, pneumonia is divided into the following types:

- bacterial;

- fungal;

- viral;

- infectious;

- mixed.

Causes of pneumonia in adults

What causes pneumonia? Catching pneumonia is easy enough because it is caused by many microbes. The most common out-of-hospital received outside medical institution. It is caused by bacteria and fungi that enter the lungs through inhalation. Bacteria-like organisms can also cause light form inflammation of the lungs. Flu and cold viruses can provoke the disease.

How can you get pneumonia during inpatient treatment? Nosocomial pneumonia is especially dangerous because patients get infected on a weakened body. Patients receiving long-term medical care, such as kidney hemodialysis, are at greater risk.

The aspiration form of pneumonia occurs after the inhalation of food, liquid or saliva. The most severe is caseous, with acute, rapidly progressing tuberculosis. Patients with weakened immunity, diseases of the heart and respiratory organs, as well as smokers are at greater risk of getting sick.


Unfortunately, pneumonia does not have one or more clearly defined symptoms. The first symptoms of pneumonia in adults that should alert are fever and a wet cough.

The severity of the flow is characterized by three stages:

- mild, which passes without intoxication of the body. Heat - no more than 38.5 degrees, the number of heartbeats - 90 or less beats per minute. The lesion occupies a small area.

The incidence of pneumonia in children of the first year of life is 15-20 per 1000 children, older than 3 years 5-6 per 1000, in adults 10-13 per 1000 of the adult population. The high frequency of pneumonia in young children is associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory system.

Anatomy and physiology of the lungs

Pneumonia is a very serious disease, and in order to better understand what happens in the lungs and in the body as a whole, let's turn to the anatomy and physiology of the lungs.

The lungs are in the chest cavity. Each lung is divided into parts (segments), the right lung consists of three segments, the left lung of two, as it is adjacent to the heart, therefore the volume of the left lung is less than that of the right by about 10%.

The lung consists of the bronchial tree and alveoli. The bronchial tree, in turn, consists of the bronchi. Bronchi are of various sizes (caliber). The branching of the bronchi from a large caliber to smaller bronchi, up to the terminal bronchioles, is the so-called bronchial tree. It serves to conduct air during inhalation and exhalation.

Bronchioles decrease in diameter, pass into respiratory bronchioles and eventually end in alveolar sacs. The walls of the alveoli are very well supplied with blood, which allows gas exchange.

The alveoli are covered from the inside with a special substance (surfactant). It serves to protect against microbes, prevents the collapse of the lung, is involved in the removal of microbes and microscopic dust.

Features of the respiratory system in young children

1. The larynx, trachea and bronchi in infants are narrow. This leads to the retention of sputum in the respiratory tract and the multiplication of microorganisms in them.

2. In newborns, the horizontal position of the ribs and the intercostal muscles are underdeveloped. Children at this age are in a horizontal position for a long time, which leads to stagnation of blood circulation.

3. Imperfect nervous regulation of the respiratory muscles, which leads to respiratory failure.

The main forms of pneumonia

Also, depending on the involvement of the lungs, one-sided (when one lung is inflamed) and two-sided (when both lungs are involved in the process) are distinguished.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infectious disease caused by various microorganisms.

According to many scientists, in 50% of all patients with pneumonia, the cause remains unknown.

The causative agents of pneumonia in the early childhood is most often staphylococcus aureus, mycoplasma, microviruses, adenoviruses.

The most dangerous is a mixed viral-microbial infection. Viruses infect the respiratory mucosa and open access to the microbial flora, which aggravates the manifestations of pneumonia.
I would like to note other causes of pneumonia

Risk factorsto develop pneumoniaamong adults:
1. Constant stress that exhausts the body.
2. Malnutrition. Insufficient consumption of fruits, vegetables, fresh fish, lean meats.
3. Weakened immunity. Leads to a decrease barrier functions organism.
4. Frequent colds leading to the formation of a chronic focus of infection.
5. Smoking. When smoking, the walls of the bronchi and alveoli are covered with various harmful substances, preventing the surfactant and other structures of the lung from working normally.
6. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
7. Chronic diseases. Especially pyelonephritis, heart failure, coronary heart disease.

Symptoms of pneumonia (manifestations)

Symptoms of pneumonia consist of "lung complaints", symptoms of intoxication, signs of respiratory failure.

The onset of the disease can be either gradual or sudden.

Signs of intoxication.
1. An increase in body temperature from 37.5 to 39.5 degrees Celsius.
2. Headache of varying intensity.
3. Deterioration of well-being in the form of lethargy or anxiety, decreased interest in the environment, sleep disturbances, night sweats.

From " pulmonary symptoms» Cough may be noted. His character is dry at the beginning, and after a while (3-4 days) becomes wet with copious sputum. Usually the sputum is rusty in color due to the presence of red blood cells in it.

In children, cough with rusty sputum occurs mainly at an older age. Cough occurs as a result of inflammation of the bronchial and tracheal mucosa under the action of inflammatory mediators, or mechanical (phlegm) irritation.
Edema interferes with the normal functioning of the lung and therefore, with the help of a cough, the body tries to clear it. When the cough lasts 3-4 days, there is a persistent increase in pressure in all lung structures, therefore, erythrocytes pass from the vessels into the lumen of the bronchi, forming, together with mucus, rust-colored sputum.

In addition to coughing, chest pain appears on the side of the damaged lung. The pain usually worsens with inspiration.

To signs of pulmonary insufficiency includes such symptoms as: shortness of breath, cyanosis (blue) of the skin, especially the nasolabial triangle.
Shortness of breath appears more often with extensive pneumonia (bilateral), breathing is especially difficult. This symptom appears due to the shutdown of the affected part of the lung from the function, which leads to insufficient saturation of the tissues with oxygen. The larger the focus of inflammation, the stronger the shortness of breath.

Rapid breathing, for example, in children older than a year (more than 40 per minute) is one of the main signs of pneumonia. The blueness of the nasolabial triangle is especially noticeable in young children (during breastfeeding), but adults are no exception. The cause of cyanosis is again a lack of oxygen.

Course of pneumonia: the duration of the disease depends on the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and the reactivity of the organism. Before the advent of antibiotics, the high temperature dropped by 7-9 days.

When treated with antibiotics, the drop in temperature can be early dates. Gradually, the patient's condition improves, the cough becomes wetter.
If the infection is mixed (viral-microbial), the disease is accompanied by damage to the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

If you suspect that you have pneumonia, you should definitely consult a doctor (physician or pediatrician).Without medical examination it is impossible to make a diagnosis of pneumonia.

What is waiting for you at the doctor?

1. Conversation with a doctor At the appointment, the doctor will ask you about complaints and various factors that could cause the disease.
2. Chest examination To do this, you will be asked to undress to the waist. The doctor will examine the chest, especially the uniformity of its participation in breathing. In pneumonia, the affected side often lags behind the healthy side when breathing.
3. tapping lungs Percussion necessary for the diagnosis of pneumonia and the localization of the affected areas. With percussion, finger tapping of the chest is performed in the projection of the lung. Normally, the sound when tapping is sonorous as a box-shaped (due to the presence of air) in case of pneumonia, the sound is dulled and shortened, since instead of air, a pathological fluid called exudate accumulates in the lung.
4. Listening to the lungs Auscultation(listening to the lung) is performed using a special device called a stethophonedoscope. This simple device consists of a system of plastic tubes and a membrane that amplifies the sound. Normally, a clear lung sound is heard, that is, the sound of normal breathing. If there is an inflammatory process in the lungs, then exudate interferes with breathing and the sound of labored, weakened breathing and various kinds of wheezing appears.
5. Laboratory research General blood analysis: where there will be an increase in the number of leukocytes - cells responsible for the presence of inflammation, and elevated ESR the same as an indicator of inflammation.

General urine analysis: carried out to exclude an infectious process at the level of the kidneys.

Sputum analysis during coughing: to determine which microbe caused the disease, as well as adjust the treatment.

6. Instrumental Research X-ray examination
To understand in which area of ​​the lung is the focus of inflammation, what size it is, as well as the presence or absence of possible complications (abscess). On the x-ray, the doctor sees in the background dark color lung light spot called enlightenment in radiology. This enlightenment is the focus of inflammation.

Bronchoscopy is also sometimes performed - this is an examination of the bronchi using a flexible tube with a camera and a light source at the end. This tube is passed through the nose into the lumen of the bronchi to examine the contents. This study is done with complicated forms of pneumonia.

There are diseases similar in symptoms to pneumonia. These are diseases such as acute bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, and in order to correctly diagnose and then cure, the doctor prescribes a chest x-ray for all patients with suspected pneumonia.

In children, radiological changes characteristic of pneumonia may develop before the onset of symptoms of pneumonia (wheezing, decreased breathing). In children with damage to the lower lobe of the lung, it is necessary to differentiate pneumonia even with appendicitis (children complain of pain in the abdomen).

picture of pneumonia

Effective treatmentpneumonia

Hygiene, regimen and nutrition for pneumonia

1. Bed rest is recommended during the entire acute period.
Children of the first months of life are laid in a half-turn position to prevent choking with vomit. Swaddling of the chest is not allowed. In case of shortness of breath, the correct position of the child in bed with a raised upper body should be ensured.
When the child's condition improves, you should change the position of the child in bed more often and take him in your arms.

2. Balanced diet: increase in fluid intake 1.5-2.0 liters per day, preferably warm. You can use fruit drinks, juices, tea with lemon. Do not consume fatty foods(pork, goose, duck), confectionery (cakes, pastries). Sweet enhances inflammatory and allergic processes.

3. Clearing the respiratory tract of phlegm by expectoration.
In children under one year old, the airways are cleansed of mucus and sputum at home by the mother (the oral cavity is cleaned with a napkin). In the department, suction of mucus and sputum is performed with an electric suction oral cavity and nasopharynx.

4. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning in the room when there is no patient in the room.
When the air temperature outside is more than 20 degrees in the room, the window should always be open. At a lower temperature outside, the room is ventilated at least 4 times a day, so that in 20-30 minutes the temperature in the room drops by 2 degrees.
In winter, in order to avoid rapid cooling of the room, the window is covered with gauze.

What medicines are used for pneumonia?

The main type of treatment for pneumonia is medication. It is designed to fight infection.
In the acute period of pneumonia, this is antibiotic treatment.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are more commonly used. The choice of a group of antibiotics and the route of their administration (by mouth, intramuscularly, intravenously) depends on the severity of pneumonia.

In a mild form of pneumonia, as a rule, antibiotics are used in tablet form and in the form of intramuscular injections. Such drugs are used as: Amoxicillin 1.0-3.0 grams per day in 3 divided doses (orally), cefotaxime 1-2 grams every 6 hours intramuscularly.

Treatment of pneumonia in mild form possible at home, but under the obligatory supervision of a doctor.

Severe forms of pneumonia are treated in the hospital in the pulmonology department. Antibiotics in the hospital are administered either intramuscularly or intravenously.

The duration of antibiotic use should be at least 7 days (at the discretion of the attending physician)
The frequency of administration and dosage are also selected individually. As an example, we give standard schemes for the use of drugs.

Cefazolin 0.5-1.0 grams intravenously 3-4 times a day.

Cefepime 0.5-1.0 grams intravenously 2 times a day.

On the 3rd-4th day of taking antibiotics (or simultaneously with the start of taking antibacterial drugs), an antifungal drug (fluconazole 150 milligrams 1 tablet) is prescribed to prevent a fungal infection.

The antibiotic destroys not only the pathogenic (disease-causing) flora, but also the natural (protective) flora of the body. Therefore, a fungal infection, or intestinal dysbacteriosis, may occur. Therefore, the manifestation of intestinal dysbacteriosis can manifest itself liquid stool, bloating. This condition is treated with drugs such as bifiform, subtil after the end of the course of antibiotics.

When using antibiotics, it is also necessary to take vitamins C and group B in therapeutic doses. Expectorant and sputum thinning drugs are also prescribed.

When the temperature is normalized, physiotherapy (UHF) is prescribed to improve the resorption of the focus of inflammation. After the end of UHF, 10-15 sessions of electrophoresis with potassium iodide, platifilin, lidase are carried out.

Phytotherapy for pneumonia

Herbal treatment is used in the acute period. They use preparations with an expectorant effect (elecampane root, licorice root, sage, coltsfoot, thyme, wild rosemary) and anti-inflammatory action (Icelandic moss, birch leaves, St. John's wort).

These plants are mixed in equal parts, rubbed and 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, simmered for 10-20 minutes (boiling bath), infused for 1 hour, drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Physiotherapy an obligatory part of the treatment of patients with acute pneumonia. After normalization of body temperature, short-wave diathermy, UHF electric field can be prescribed. After the end of the UHF course, 10-15 sessions of electrophoresis with potassium iodine and lidase are carried out.

Adequate treatment of pneumonia is possible only under the supervision of the attending physician!

Therapeutic exercise for pneumonia

Usually, chest massage and gymnastics begin immediately after the temperature returns to normal. The tasks of exercise therapy for pneumonia are:

1. Strengthening general condition sick
2. Improvement of lymph and blood circulation
3. Prevention of the formation of pleural adhesions
4. Strengthening the heart muscle

In the initial position, lying 2-3 times a day, breathing exercises are performed with the simplest movements of the limbs. Then they include slow turns of the torso and inclinations of the torso. The duration of classes is no more than 12-15 minutes.

For preschool children, gymnastics is used partly according to the game method. For example, walking in various ways. Using the story "a walk in the forest" - a hunter, a bunny, a clubfoot bear. Breathing exercises (porridge boils, woodcutter, the ball burst). Drainage exercises - from a position, standing on all fours and lying on its side (the cat is angry and kind). Exercises for the muscles of the chest (mill, wings). Ends with walking with a gradual deceleration.

To finally convince you that treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, I will give several possible complications pneumonia.

Abscess (accumulation of pus in the lung), which, by the way, is treated with surgery.

Pulmonary edema - which, if not dealt with in time, can lead to death.

Sepsis (the entry of microbes into the blood) and, accordingly, the spread of infection throughout the body.

Prevention of pneumonia

The best prevention is to lead a rational lifestyle:
  • Proper nutrition (fruits, vegetables, juices), outdoor walks, avoiding stress.
  • In winter and spring, to avoid a decrease in immunity, you can take a multivitamin complex, for example, Vitrum.
  • To give up smoking .
  • Treatment chronic diseases, moderate alcohol consumption.
  • For children, it is important to exclude passive smoking, consult an otolaryngologist if the child is often sick colds, timely treatment of rickets , anemia .
Here are some recommendations with breathing exercises, useful for people who often suffer from colds. This breathing exercise should be done every day. It helps not only to improve oxygenation (saturation of cells with oxygen) of tissues, but also has a relaxing and sedative effect. Especially when during the exercise you think only about the good.

Yoga breathing exercises for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system

1. Stand up straight. Stretch your arms forward. Take a deep breath and hold your arms to the sides and forward several times. Lower your hands, exhale vigorously with an open mouth.

2. Stand up straight. Hands forward. Inhale: at exposure, wave your arms like a windmill. Energetic exhalation with an open mouth.

3. Stand up straight. Grab your shoulders with your fingertips. While holding the breath, connect the elbows on the chest and spread widely several times. Exhale forcefully with your mouth wide open.

4. Stand up straight. Inhale in three vigorous gradual breaths - steps. In the first third, stretch your arms forward, in the second to the sides, at shoulder level, in the third, up. Exhale forcefully, opening your mouth wide.

5. Stand up straight. Inhale as you rise up on your toes. Hold your breath while standing on your toes. Slowly exhale through the nose, lowering onto the heels.

6. Stand up straight. On an inhale, rise up on your toes. Exhaling, sit down. Then get up.

How does pneumonia manifest itself in children?

Pneumonia in children manifests itself in different ways, depending on the area of ​​the inflammatory process and the infectious agent ( microorganism that causes inflammation).
Pneumonia usually develops in the setting of an acute respiratory infection such as bronchitis ( inflammation of the bronchial mucosa), laryngotracheitis ( inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea), angina . In this case, the symptoms of pneumonia are superimposed on the picture of the primary disease.

In most cases, pneumonia in children manifests itself in the form of three main syndromes.

The main syndromes of pneumonia in children are:

  • general intoxication syndrome;
  • syndrome of specific inflammation of the lung tissue;
  • respiratory distress syndrome.
General intoxication syndrome
Inflammation of the lung tissue in a small area rarely causes severe symptoms of intoxication syndrome. However, when several segments of the lungs or whole lobes are involved in the process, signs of intoxication come to the fore.
Young children who cannot express their complaints become capricious or lethargic.

Signs of a general intoxication syndrome are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • rapid pulse ( more than 110 - 120 beats per minute for preschool children, more than 90 beats per minute for children over 7 years old);
  • fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • decreased appetite up to refusal to eat;
  • rarely sweating ;
  • rarely vomiting.
With the defeat of small areas of the lungs, the body temperature is kept within 37 - 37.5 degrees. When the inflammatory process covers several segments or a lobe of the lung, the body temperature rises sharply to 38.5 - 39.5 degrees or more. At the same time, it is difficult to knock down antipyretic drugs and quickly rises again. Fever may persist will remain) 3-4 days or more without adequate treatment.

Syndrome of specific inflammation of the lung tissue
The most characteristic signs of pneumonia in children are signs indicating organic lesion lungs, infection and inflammation.

Signs of specific inflammation of the lung tissue in pneumonia are:

  • cough;
  • pain syndrome;
  • auscultatory changes;
  • radiological signs;
  • abnormalities in the hemoleukogram ( general blood test).
A feature of cough in pneumonia in children is its constant presence, regardless of the time of day. The cough is paroxysmal in nature. Any attempt to take a deep breath leads to another attack. Cough is constantly accompanied by phlegm. In preschool children, parents may not notice phlegm when they cough because children often swallow it. In children aged 7-8 years and older, there is a discharge of mucopurulent sputum in varying amounts. The shade of sputum with pneumonia is reddish or rusty.

Usually pneumonia in children goes away without pain. Pain in the form of aching pain in the abdomen may appear when the lower segments of the lungs are affected.
When the inflammatory process from the lungs passes to the pleura ( the lining of the lungs), children complain of chest pains when breathing. The pain is especially aggravated when trying to take a deep breath and when coughing.

On radiographs with pneumonia in children, darker areas of the lung tissue are noted, which correspond to the affected areas of the lungs. Plots can cover several segments or entire shares. In the general blood test for pneumonia, there is elevated level leukocytes at the expense of neutrophils ( leukocytes with granules) and an increase in ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

Respiratory failure syndrome
As a result of damage to the lung tissue in pneumonia, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "breathing" surface of the lungs decreases. As a result, children develop respiratory failure syndrome. How less baby the faster he develops respiratory failure. The severity of this syndrome is also affected by comorbidities. So, if the child is weak and often sick, then the symptoms of respiratory failure will increase rapidly.

Signs of respiratory failure in pneumonia are:

  • dyspnea;
  • tachypnea ( increase respiratory movements );
  • difficult breathing;
  • mobility of the wings of the nose during breathing;
  • cyanosis ( bluish coloration) of the nasolabial triangle.
From the first days of the disease, pneumonia in children is characterized by the appearance of shortness of breath as against the background of elevated temperature body, and with subfebrile condition ( long-term retention of temperature in the region of 37 - 37.5 degrees). Shortness of breath can be observed even at rest. Tachypnea or rapid shallow breathing is a mandatory symptom of pneumonia in children. At the same time, there is an increase in respiratory movements at rest up to 40 or more. Respiratory movements become superficial and incomplete. As a result, a much smaller amount of oxygen penetrates the body, which, in turn, leads to disruption of gas exchange in tissues.

With pneumonia in children, difficult, irregular breathing is noted. Attempts to take a deep breath are accompanied by great efforts involving all chest muscle groups. During breathing in children, you can see the retraction of the skin in the hypochondrium or supraclavicular region, as well as in the spaces between the ribs.
During inhalation, the wings of the nose move. The child seems to be trying to inhale more air by inflating the wings of the nose. It's another one hallmark which indicates respiratory failure.

What are the features of pneumonia in newborns?

Pneumonia in newborns is characterized by a number of features. First of all, this is a very rapidly growing symptomatology. If in adults in the clinic of the disease it is possible to conditionally distinguish stages, then pneumonia of newborns is characterized by an almost fulminant course. The disease progresses by leaps and bounds, respiratory failure is rapidly increasing.

Another feature of pneumonia in newborns is the predominance of symptoms of general intoxication. So, if in adults pneumonia is more manifested by pulmonary symptoms ( cough, shortness of breath), then newborns are dominated by intoxication syndrome ( refusal to feed, convulsions, vomiting).

Pneumonia in newborns may have the following manifestations:

  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • frequent regurgitation and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath or groaning breath;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

The first thing the mother pays attention to is that the child refuses to eat. He whimpers, restless, throws up his chest. In this case, a high temperature may not be observed, which will make it difficult to diagnose the disease. A slight increase in temperature or its decrease, as a rule, is observed in premature babies. High temperature is typical for children born in normal terms.

Newborns immediately show signs of respiratory failure. In this condition, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the child's body, and the tissues of the body begin to experience oxygen starvation. Therefore, the skin of the child becomes bluish. The skin of the face begins to turn blue first. Breathing becomes shallow, intermittent and frequent. The frequency of respiratory excursions reaches 80 - 100 per minute at a rate of 40 - 60 per minute. At the same time, the children seem to groan. The rhythm of breathing is also interrupted, and foamy saliva often appears on the lips of children. Against the background of temperature, convulsions occur in more than half of the cases. The so-called febrile convulsions occur at high temperatures and are clonic or tonic in nature. The consciousness of children at such moments is rarely preserved. Often it is confused, while the children are sleepy and lethargic.

Another difference between pneumonia in newborns is the presence of so-called intrauterine pneumonia. Intrauterine pneumonia is the one that developed in a child when he was still in the womb. The reason for this may be various infections that a woman suffered during pregnancy. Also intrauterine pneumonia is typical for premature babies. This pneumonia appears immediately after the birth of the child and is characterized by a number of symptoms.

Intrauterine pneumonia in a newborn baby may have the following features:

  • the first cry of the child is weak or completely absent;
  • the skin of the baby is bluish;
  • breathing is noisy, with multiple moist rales;
  • decrease in all reflexes, the child reacts poorly to stimuli;
  • the child does not take the breast;
  • possible swelling of the extremities.
Also, this type of pneumonia can develop when the child passes through the birth canal, that is, during the birth itself. This happens due to aspiration of amniotic fluid.

Intrauterine pneumonia in newborns is most often caused by bacterial flora. These can be peptostreptococci, bacteroids, E. coli, but most often they are group B streptococci. In children after six months, pneumonia develops against a background of a viral infection. So, first a viral infection develops ( like the flu), to which bacteria subsequently attach.

The most common causative agents of pneumonia in children of the first year of life

For children of the first month of life ( i.e. for newborns) is characterized by the development of small-focal pneumonia or bronchopneumonia. On x-ray, such pneumonia looks like small foci, which can be within one lung or two. Unilateral small-focal pneumonia is typical for full-term children and is characterized by a relatively benign course. Bilateral bronchopneumonia is characterized by a malignant course and is mainly found in prematurely born children.

For newborns, the following forms of pneumonia are characteristic:

  • small focal pneumonia- on x-ray images, small areas of darkening ( looks white on film.);
  • segmental pneumonia- the focus of inflammation occupies one or more segments of the lung;
  • interstitial pneumonia- not the alveoli themselves are affected, but the interstitial tissue between them.

What temperature can be with pneumonia?

Given that pneumonia is acute inflammation lung tissue, then it is characterized by an increase in temperature. elevated temperature ( above 36.6 degrees) - is a manifestation of the syndrome of general intoxication. The cause of high temperature is the action of antipyretic substances ( pyrogens). These substances are synthesized either by pathogenic bacteria or by the body itself.

The nature of the temperature depends on the form of pneumonia, on the degree of reactivity of the body and, of course, on the age of the patient.

Type of pneumonia The nature of the temperature
Croupous pneumonia
  • 39 - 40 degrees, accompanied by chills, wet sweat. Lasts 7-10 days.
Segmental pneumonia
  • 39 degrees if pneumonia is caused by bacterial flora;
  • 38 degrees if pneumonia is of viral origin.
Interstitial pneumonia
  • within the normal range ( i.e. 36.6 degrees) - in patients older than 50 years, as well as in cases where pneumonia develops against the background of systemic diseases;
  • 37.5 - 38 degrees, with acute interstitial pneumonia in middle-aged people;
  • above 38 degrees - in newborns.
Pneumonia of viral origin
  • 37 - 38 degrees, and when the bacterial flora is attached, it rises above 38.
Pneumonia in HIV-infected people
  • 37 - 37.2 degrees. The so-called low-grade fever can last throughout the entire period of illness, only in rare cases does the temperature become febrile ( over 37.5 degrees).
hospital pneumonia
(one that develops within 48 hours of hospitalization)
  • 38 - 39.5 degrees, does not respond well to taking antipyretics, lasts more than a week.
Pneumonia in people with diabetes mellitus.
  • 37 - 37.5 degrees, with severe decompensated forms of diabetes;
  • above 37.5 degrees - with pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus and microbial associations.
Intrauterine pneumonia of premature babies
  • less than 36 degrees with a pronounced lack of mass;
  • 36 - 36.6 degrees with pneumocystis pneumonia;
  • in other forms of pneumonia, the temperature is either within the normal range or reduced.
Early neonatal pneumonia
(those that develop during the first weeks of life)
  • 35 - 36 degrees, accompanied by respiratory disorders ( respiratory arrest).

Temperature is a mirror of the human immune system. The weaker a person's immunity, the more atypical his temperature. The nature of the temperature is affected by concomitant diseases, as well as medication. It happens that with viral pneumonia, a person begins to take antibiotics on his own. Since antibacterial drugs are ineffective in this case, the temperature continues to hold for a long time.

How does pneumonia caused by Klebsiella proceed?

Pneumonia caused by Klebsiella is much more severe than other types of bacterial pneumonia. Its symptoms are similar to those of pneumonia caused by pneumococci, however, it is more pronounced.

The main syndromes that dominate in clinical picture pneumonia caused by Klebsiella are intoxication syndrome and lung tissue damage syndrome.

Intoxication syndrome
One of important features Klebsiella pneumonia is an acute, sudden onset due to the action of microbial toxins on the human body.

The main manifestations of intoxication syndrome are:

  • temperature;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • delirium;
  • prostration.
In the first 24 hours, the patient has a body temperature of 37.5 - 38 degrees. At the same time, the first signs of the disease appear - chills, general fatigue and malaise. As Klebsiella toxins accumulate in the body, the fever rises to 39 - 39.5 degrees. The general condition is deteriorating sharply. Appear single vomiting and diarrhea. Hyperthermia ( heat) negatively affects the functioning of the brain. Headache is replaced by prostration and delirium, appetite decreases. Some patients experience hallucinations.

Lung Tissue Syndrome
Klebsiella are quite aggressive towards lung tissue, causing destruction ( destruction) lung parenchyma. For this reason, the course of Klebsiella pneumonia is especially severe.

Symptoms of lung tissue damage in pneumonia caused by Klebsiella are:

  • cough;
  • sputum;
  • pain syndrome;
  • dyspnea;
  • cyanosis ( bluish coloration).
In the initial stages of the disease, patients complain of a constant dry cough. After 2-3 days, against the background of high temperature, a persistent productive cough appears. Due to the high viscosity, sputum is difficult to separate, and the cough becomes excruciatingly painful.

Sputum with Klebsiella pneumonia contains particles of destroyed lung tissue, so it has a reddish color. It can be compared with currant jelly. Sometimes there are streaks of blood in the sputum. Also, sputum has a sharp specific smell, reminiscent of burnt meat. On the 5th - 6th day from the onset of the disease, bloody sputum is released in large quantities.

Pain syndrome
First, there are constant pains in the throat and in the retrosternal region due to a persistent cough. Secondly, there are pleural pains. The inflammatory process from the lungs quickly spreads to the pleural sheets ( membranes of the lungs), which have a large number of nerve endings. Any irritation of the pleura causes severe pain in the chest, especially in the lower sections. The pain is aggravated by coughing, walking, bending over.

Due to the destruction of lung tissue by Klebsiella, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe alveoli involved in the breathing process decreases. For this reason, shortness of breath appears. With the defeat of several lobes of the lungs, shortness of breath becomes pronounced even at rest.

Severe respiratory failure leads to the appearance of a cyanotic color of the nasolabial triangle ( area covering the nose and lips). This is especially pronounced on the lips and tongue. The rest of the face becomes paler with a grayish tint. There is also a bluish discoloration of the skin under the nails.

In a particularly severe course of Klebsiella pneumonia with a pronounced intoxication syndrome, other organs and systems are often affected. With untimely treatment in 30 - 35 percent of cases, the disease ends in death.

What are the features of the course of croupous pneumonia?

Due to the particular severity of the course of croupous pneumonia and the peculiarities of its development, this form is usually considered as a separate disease. In lobar pneumonia, an entire lobe of the lung is affected, and in extreme cases, several lobes. The causative agent is pneumococcus. Pneumococcus is particularly pathogenic, which is why the pneumonia caused by it is extremely difficult.

The main features of the course of croupous pneumonia

Main characteristics Croupous pneumonia
The debut of the disease The onset of the disease begins with chills and a sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees. Croupous pneumonia has the sharpest onset of the disease. Gradual development is excluded.
Main symptoms
  • Cough with stitching pain in chest. The first two days it is dry.
  • The fever lasts 7-11 days.
  • Sputum appears on the 3rd day. The sputum contains streaks of blood, due to which it acquires a rusty tint ( "Rusty sputum" is a specific symptom of lobar pneumonia).
  • Frequent, shallow and labored breathing.
  • Pain in the chest, especially when breathing. The development of pain syndrome is due to damage to the pleura ( croupous pneumonia always occurs with damage to the pleura).
  • If pneumonia affects the lower segments of the lungs, then the pain is localized in different segments of the abdominal cavity. This often mimics a picture of acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, biliary colic.
Changes in the internal organs
  • Most often, the nervous system, liver, heart suffer.
  • The gas composition of the blood is disturbed - hypoxemia and hypocapnia develop.
  • Dystrophic change in the liver - it increases, becomes painful, and bilirubin appears in the blood. The skin and sclera become icteric.
  • Not uncommon dystrophic changes heart muscle.
Disease staging The pathological process of croupous pneumonia takes place in several stages:
  • high tide- the lung tissue is filled with blood, stagnation of blood in the capillaries is noted. Lasts the first 2-3 days.
  • Red hepatization stage The alveoli of the lungs are filled with effusion. From the bloodstream, erythrocytes and fibrin penetrate into the lungs, which makes the lung tissue dense. In fact, this section of the lungs ( where effusion accumulates) becomes non-functional, as it ceases to take part in gas exchange. Lasts from 4 to 7 days.
  • Gray hepatization stage- leukocytes join the effusion, which give the lung a gray tint. It lasts from the 8th to the 14th day.
  • Resolution stage- effusion begins to leave the lungs. Lasts several weeks.
Changes in the blood, urine, in cardiac activity
  • In the general blood test, leukocytosis 20 x 10 9 is noted, a decrease in the number of eosinophils and an increase in neutrophils, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( COE) rises to 30 - 40 mm per hour or more.
  • A biochemical blood test reveals an increase in the level of residual nitrogen.
  • Pulse 120 beats per minute or more, signs of ischemia on the cardiogram, lowering blood pressure.
  • In the urine protein, erythrocytes.
All these changes are due to the high toxicity of pneumococcus and its destructive effect on body tissues.

It should be noted that classic croupous pneumonia is becoming less common these days.

What is the difference between viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia?

Viral pneumonia has a number of features that distinguish it from bacterial pneumonia. However, often viral pneumonia is complicated by a bacterial infection. In such cases, diagnosis becomes difficult. "Pure" viral pneumonia in more than 85 percent of cases is observed in children. Pneumonia is most commonly diagnosed in adults mixed type- viral-bacterial.

Differences between viral and bacterial pneumonia

Criterion Viral pneumonia bacterial pneumonia
It is contagious, like any acute respiratory viral disease ( ORZ). In epidemiological terms, it is not considered contagious.
Incubation period Short incubation period– from 2 to 5 days. Long incubation period - from 3 days to 2 weeks.
Previous disease Pneumonia always appears as a complication of an acute respiratory viral illness, most often as a result of influenza. No previous illness is typical.
prodromal period Lasts about 24 hours. Particularly pronounced.

The main symptoms are :

  • severe muscle pain;
  • aches in the bones;
Virtually invisible.
The onset of the disease A pronounced debut of the disease, in which the body temperature quickly rises to 39 - 39.5 degrees. Usually begins gradually, with a temperature not exceeding 37.5 - 38 degrees.
Intoxication syndrome Weakly expressed.

Most frequent symptoms general intoxication syndrome are:

  • fever;
  • chills;
  • muscle and headaches;
  • general fatigue;
  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

The most common symptoms of intoxication syndrome are:

  • heat;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • cardiopalmus ( over 90 beats per minute).
Signs of damage to the lung tissue Symptoms of lung damage are mild at the onset of the disease. The symptoms of general malaise of the body come to the fore. Pulmonary symptoms are expressed from the first days of the disease.
Cough long time mild non-productive cough. Gradually, a small amount of mucous sputum begins to stand out. Sputum is clear or whitish in color, odorless. Sometimes streaks of blood appear in the sputum. If the sputum becomes purulent, then a bacterial infection has joined. Dry cough quickly becomes wet. Initially, a small amount of mucous sputum is secreted. The volume of sputum increases, and it becomes mucopurulent. The color of sputum can be different - greenish, yellowish or rusty with an admixture of blood.
Signs of respiratory failure In the advanced stages of the disease, acute respiratory failure appears with severe shortness of breath and cyanosis of the lips, nose and nails. The main symptoms of respiratory failure are:
  • severe shortness of breath, even at rest;
  • cyanosis of the lips, nose and fingers;
  • rapid breathing - more than 40 respiratory movements per minute.
Pain syndrome Moderate chest pains are noted. The pain is aggravated by coughing and taking a deep breath. In the chest appear pronounced pain when coughing and taking a deep breath.
auscultatory data
Throughout the disease, hard breathing with occasional single wheezing is heard. Many wet rales of various sizes and intensity are heard.
Inflammation of the pleura is heard in the form of crepitus.
X-ray data There is a pattern of interstitial ( intercellular) pneumonia.

The main characteristics of a viral pneumonia x-ray are:

  • thickening of the interlobar septa, which gives the lung tissue the appearance of a honeycomb;
  • moderate compaction and darkening of the tissue around the bronchi;
  • increase in peribronchial nodes;
  • emphasizing the vessels in the region of the roots of the lungs.
There are no highly specific signs of bacterial pneumonia.

The main characteristics of an x-ray are:

  • dark areas of the lung of various sizes ( focal or diffuse);
  • the contours of the focus are blurred;
  • slight darkening of the lung tissue ( decrease in airiness);
  • determination of the level of fluid in the pleural cavity.
General blood analysis There is a decrease in the number of leukocytes ( white blood cells). Sometimes there is lymphocytosis ( an increase in the number of lymphocytes) and/or monocytosis ( increase in the number of monocytes). A pronounced leukocytosis and an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate are detected ( ESR).
Response to antibiotic therapy Negative reaction to antibiotics. Effective is antiviral therapy in the early days of illness. positive reaction on antibiotics is visible from the first days of treatment.

What is nosocomial pneumonia?

Intrahospital ( synonyms nosocomial or hospital) pneumonia - this is the pneumonia that develops within 48 - 72 hours ( 2 or 3 days) after the patient is admitted to the hospital. This type of pneumonia is singled out in a separate form, due to the peculiarities of development and extremely severe course.

The term "hospitalized" means that pneumonia is caused by bacteria living within the walls of hospitals. These bacteria are particularly resistant and have multiresistance ( resistant to several drugs at once). Also, nosocomial pneumonia in most cases is caused not by a single microbe, but by a microbial association ( multiple pathogens). Conditionally allocate early nosocomial pneumonia and late. Early pneumonia develops within the first 5 days from the moment of hospitalization. Late nosocomial pneumonia develops no earlier than the sixth day from the moment the patient enters the hospital.

Thus, the course of nosocomial pneumonia is complicated by the polymorphism of bacteria and their particular resistance to medications.

The most common causative agents of nosocomial pneumonia

Exciter name Characteristic
Pseudomonas aeruginosa It is the most aggressive source of infection, has polyresistance.
Enterobacteriaceae It occurs very often, also quickly forms resistance. Often found in combination with P.aeruginosa.
Acinetobacter As a rule, it is a source of infection along with other types of bacteria. It has a natural resistance to many antibacterial drugs.
S.Maltophilia It is also naturally resistant to most antibiotics. At the same time, this type of bacteria is able to develop resistance to administered drugs.
S.Aureus It has the ability to mutate, as a result of which new strains of this type of staphylococcus constantly appear. Various strains occur with a frequency of 30 to 85 percent.
Aspergillus Fumigatus Causes fungal pneumonia. It is much less common than the above pathogens, but in recent decades there has been an increase in fungal pneumonia.

Nosocomial pneumonia is an infection with a high risk of mortality. Also, due to resistance to treatment, it is often complicated by the development of respiratory failure.

Risk factors for the development of nosocomial pneumonia are:

  • advanced age ( over 60 years);
  • smoking;
  • previous infections, including those of the respiratory system;
  • chronic diseases ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is of particular importance);
  • unconsciousness with a high risk of aspiration;
  • food through a probe;
  • long horizontal position when the patient is in a supine position for a long time);
  • connecting the patient to the ventilator.

Clinically, nosocomial pneumonia is very difficult and with numerous consequences.

Symptoms of nosocomial pneumonia are:

  • temperature over 38.5 degrees;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • purulent sputum;
  • frequent shallow breathing;
  • interruptions in breathing;
  • changes in the blood - can be observed as an increase in the number of leukocytes ( over 9x 10 9) and their decrease ( less than 4x 10 9);
  • decrease in oxygen levels in the blood oxygenation) less than 97 percent;
  • new foci of inflammation are visible on the x-ray.
Also, nosocomial pneumonia is often complicated by the development of bacteremia ( a condition in which bacteria and their toxins enter the bloodstream). This in turn leads to toxic shock. The lethality of this condition is very high.

What is SARS?

SARS is pneumonia that is caused by atypical pathogens and presents with atypical symptoms.
If typical pneumonia is most often caused by pneumococcus and its strains, then the causative agents of atypical pneumonia can be viruses, protozoa, fungi.

Symptoms of SARS are:

  • high fever - more than 38 degrees, and with pneumonia caused by legionella - 40 degrees;
  • symptoms of general intoxication predominate, such as excruciating headaches, muscle pains;
  • erased pulmonary symptoms - moderate, unproductive ( no sputum) cough, and if sputum appears, then its amount is insignificant;
  • the presence of extrapulmonary symptoms characteristic of the pathogen ( e.g. rashes);
  • mild changes in the blood - there is no leukocytosis, which is characteristic of pneumococcal pneumonia.
  • on the radiograph, an atypical picture - there are no pronounced foci of blackout;
  • there is no reaction to sulfa drugs.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome is a special form of SARS. This syndrome in the English literature is called SARS ( severe acute respiratory syndrome). It is caused by mutated strains from the coronavirus family. An epidemic of this form of pneumonia was registered in 2000-2003 in the countries of Southeast Asia. The carriers of this virus, as it turned out later, were bats.

A feature of this atypical pneumonia is also erased pulmonary symptoms and a pronounced intoxication syndrome. Also, with pneumonia caused by a coronavirus, multiple changes in the internal organs are noted. This happens because, penetrating the body, the virus spreads very quickly to the kidneys, lungs, and liver.

The features of SARS or SARS are:

  • adults from 25 to 65 years old are predominantly ill, isolated cases were noted among children;
  • the incubation period lasts from 2 to 10 days;
  • the route of infection transmission is airborne and fecal-oral;
  • pulmonary symptoms appear on the 5th day, and before that, symptoms of viral intoxication appear - chills, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea ( such a course of the disease can mimic an intestinal infection);
  • on the part of the blood, there is a decrease in the number of both lymphocytes and platelets ( which often provokes hemorrhagic syndrome);
  • in biochemical analysis blood, an increase in liver enzymes is noted, which reflects the damage to the liver by the virus.
  • complications such as distress syndrome, toxic shock, acute respiratory failure develop rapidly.
Extremely high mortality in SARS is due to the constant mutation of the virus. As a result, finding a drug that would kill this virus is very difficult.

What are the stages of development of pneumonia?

There are three stages in the development of pneumonia, through which all patients pass. Each stage has its own characteristic symptoms and clinical manifestations.

The stages of development of pneumonia are:

  • start stage;
  • heat stage;
  • permission stage.
These stages correspond pathological changes in the lungs, caused by the inflammatory process, at the tissue and cellular level.

Stage of onset of pneumonia
The beginning of the inflammatory process in the lungs is characterized by a sharp, sudden deterioration in the general condition of the patient against the background of complete health. Sudden changes in the body are explained by its hyperergic ( excessive) reaction to the causative agent of pneumonia and its toxins.

The first symptom of the disease is subfebrile temperature body ( 37 - 37.5 degrees). In the first 24 hours, it quickly increases to levels of 38 - 39 degrees and more. High body temperature is accompanied by a number of symptoms caused by general intoxication of the body with toxins of the pathogen.

Symptoms of general intoxication of the body are:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • general fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • rapid heartbeat ( more than 90 - 95 beats per minute);
  • a sharp decrease in performance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of a blush on the cheeks;
  • cyanosis of the nose and lips;
  • herpetic eruptions on the mucous membranes of the lips and nose;
  • increased sweating.
In some cases, the disease begins with signs of indigestion - nausea, vomiting, rarely diarrhea. Also important symptoms the onset of the disease are cough and chest pain. Cough appears from the first days of the disease. Initially, it is dry, but permanent. Due to constant irritation and tension of the chest, characteristic pains appear in the retrosternal region.

stage of pneumonia
In the stage of peak, there is an increase in the symptoms of general intoxication of the body, and signs of inflammation of the lung tissue also appear. The body temperature is kept at a high level and is difficult to treat with antipyretic drugs.

Symptoms of pneumonia in the stage of peak are:

  • severe chest pain;
  • quickening of breathing;
  • cough;
  • expectoration;
  • dyspnea.
Expressed chest pain due to inflammation of the pleural layers ( membranes of the lungs), which contain a large number of nerve receptors. Pain sensations have precise localization. The greatest intensity of pain sensations is noted with deep breaths, coughing, and when the torso is tilted to the affected side. The patient's body tries to adapt and reduce pain by reducing the mobility of the affected side. Become noticeable lagging half of the chest in the process of breathing. Severe chest pains lead to the appearance of "gentle" breathing. Breathing in a patient with pneumonia becomes superficial and rapid ( more than 25 - 30 breaths per minute). The patient tries to avoid taking deep breaths.

In the stage of heat, a constant cough persists. Due to the constant irritation of the pleural sheets, the cough intensifies and becomes painful. At the height of the disease with a cough, thick mucopurulent sputum begins to stand out. Initially, the color of sputum is gray-yellow or yellow-green. Gradually, streaks of blood and particles of destroyed lungs appear in the secretions. This gives the sputum a bloody-rusty color. During the peak of the disease, sputum is excreted in large quantities.

As a result of inflammation of the respiratory surface of the lungs, respiratory failure occurs, which is characterized by severe shortness of breath. In the first two days of the peak of the disease, shortness of breath appears during movement and normal physical exertion. Gradually, shortness of breath appears when performing minimal physical exertion and even at rest. Sometimes it can be accompanied by dizziness and severe fatigue.

Resolution stage
In the stage of resolution of the disease, all the symptoms of pneumonia go into decline.
Signs of general intoxication of the body disappear, and body temperature returns to normal.
The cough gradually subsides, and the sputum becomes less viscous, as a result of which it is easily separated. Its volume is decreasing. Pain in the chest appears only with sudden movements or a strong cough. Breathing gradually normalizes, but shortness of breath persists with normal physical activity. Visually, there is a slight lag of half of the chest.

What complications can pneumonia cause?

Pneumonia can occur with various pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications. Pulmonary complications are those that affect the lung tissue, bronchi, and pleura. Extrapulmonary complications are complications from the internal organs.

Pulmonary complications of pneumonia are:

  • development of an obstructive syndrome;
Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura that covers the lungs. Pleurisy can be dry and wet. With dry pleurisy, fibrin clots accumulate in the pleural cavity, which subsequently glue the pleural sheets together. The main symptom of dry pleurisy is very intense pain in the chest. Pain is associated with breathing and appears at the height of inspiration. To ease the pain a little, the patient tries to breathe less often and not so deeply. With wet or exudative pleurisy, the main symptom is shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. The reason for this is the accumulating inflammatory fluid in the pleural cavity. This fluid presses on the lung, compressing it and thus reducing the respiratory surface area.

With pleurisy, symptoms of respiratory failure quickly increase. Skin at the same time they quickly become cyanotic, there are interruptions in the work of the heart.

Empyema, or purulent pleurisy, is also a formidable complication of pneumonia. With empyema, pus does not accumulate in the pleural cavity. Symptoms of empyema are similar to exudative pleurisy, but are much more pronounced. The main symptom is a high temperature ( 39 - 40 degrees) of a hectic nature. This type of fever is characterized by daily temperature fluctuations from 2 to 3 degrees. So, the temperature from 40 degrees can drop sharply to 36.6. Sharp rises and falls in temperature are accompanied by chills and cold sweat. Empyema also affects the cardiovascular system. The heart rate rises to 120 beats per minute or more.

lung abscess
An abscess forms a cavity in the lung or multiple cavities) in which purulent contents accumulate. An abscess is a destructive process, therefore, in its place, the lung tissue is destroyed. The symptomatology of this condition is characterized by severe intoxication. Until a certain time, the abscess remains closed. But then he breaks out. It can break through into the bronchial cavity or into the pleural cavity. In the first case, there is a copious discharge of purulent contents. Pus from the lung cavity exits through the bronchus to the outside. The patient has offensive, copious sputum. At the same time, the patient's condition improves with the breakthrough of the abscess, the temperature drops.
If the abscess breaks into the pleural cavity, then pleural empyema develops.

The development of obstructive syndrome
Symptoms of obstructive syndrome are shortness of breath and periodic attacks of suffocation. This is due to the fact that the lung tissue at the site of the former pneumonia loses its functionality. In its place, connective tissue develops, which replaces not only lung tissue, but also its vessels.

Pulmonary edema
Edema is the most formidable complication of pneumonia, the lethality of which is very high. In this case, water from the vessels penetrates first into the interstitium of the lungs, and then into the alveoli themselves. Thus, the alveoli, which are normally filled with air, are filled with water.

In this state, a person begins to quickly suffocate and becomes agitated. A cough appears, which is accompanied by the release of foamy sputum. The pulse rises to 200 beats per minute, the skin is covered with a cold sticky sweat. This condition requires resuscitation.

Extrapulmonary complications of pneumonia are:

  • toxic shock;
  • toxic myocarditis;
Extrapulmonary complications of pneumonia are due to the specific action of bacteria. Some pathogenic bacteria have tropism ( similarity) to the liver tissue, others easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier and enter nervous system.

toxic shock
Toxic shock is a condition in which toxins from bacteria and viruses enter the patient's bloodstream. it emergency in which multiple organ failure occurs. Multiple organ failure means that more than 3 organs and systems are involved in the pathological process. Most often, the cardiovascular, renal, digestive and nervous systems suffer. The main symptoms are fever, low blood pressure and a polymorphic rash on the body.

Toxic myocarditis
Myocarditis is a lesion of the heart muscle, as a result of which its function is lost. The highest cardiotropism ( selectivity for the heart muscle) have viruses. Therefore, viral pneumonia is most often complicated by toxic myocarditis. Bacteria such as mycoplasma and chlamydia also specifically affect the heart tissue.
The main symptoms are disorders heart rate, weakness of cardiac activity, shortness of breath.

Pericarditis is an inflammation of the serous membrane that surrounds the heart. Pericarditis may develop on its own or precede myocarditis. At the same time, inflammatory fluid accumulates in the pericardial cavity, which subsequently presses on the heart and compresses it. As a result, the main symptom of pericarditis develops - shortness of breath. In addition to shortness of breath, a patient suffering from pericarditis complains of weakness, pain in the heart, dry cough.

Meningitis ( inflammation of the meningeal membranes of the brain) develops due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the central nervous system. Meningitis can also be bacterial or viral, depending on the etiology of the pneumonia.
The main symptoms of meningitis are nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and stiff neck.

It is a very common complication of atypical pneumonia. With hepatitis, the liver tissue is affected, as a result of which the liver ceases to perform its functions. Since the liver plays the role of a filter in the body, when it is damaged, all metabolic products are not excreted from the body, but remain in it. With hepatitis, a large amount of bilirubin enters the blood from destroyed liver cells, which leads to the development of jaundice. The patient also complains of nausea, vomiting, dull pain in the right hypochondrium.

What antibiotics are used in the treatment of pneumonia?

The choice of this or that drug depends on the form of pneumonia and the individual tolerability of the drug.

Drugs that are used in the treatment of typical pneumonia

Pathogen First line drugs Alternative drug
Staphylococcus aureus
  • oxacillin;
  • clindamycin;
  • cephalosporins I-II generation ( cephalexin, cefuroxime).
Streptococcus group A
  • penicillin G;
  • penicillin V.
  • clindamycin;
  • 3rd generation cephalosporins ceftriaxone).
  • penicillin G and amoxicillin in cases of penicillin-sensitive pneumococcus;
  • ceftriaxone and levofloxacin in the case of penicillin-resistant pneumococcus.
  • macrolides ( erythromycin, clarithromycin);
  • respiratory fluoroquinolones ( levofloxacin, moxifloxacin).
  • 3rd generation cephalosporins cefotaxime, ceftazidime).
  • carbapenems ( imipenem, meropenem).

Of course, it takes time to determine which microorganism caused pneumonia. To do this, it is necessary to isolate the pathogen from the pathological material, in this case sputum. All this takes time, which is often not available. Therefore, the doctor empirically approaches this issue. He chooses the antibiotic with the broadest spectrum of action. He also takes into account the nature of the disease, and if there are signs of an anaerobic infection, he will give preference to beta-lactam antibiotics or carbapenems.

Also, having studied in detail the patient's medical history, he can assume what kind of disease this is. If the patient has recently been hospitalized, then most likely it is nosocomial ( hospital) pneumonia. If the clinical picture is dominated by symptoms of general intoxication, and pneumonia is more like measles or mumps, then most likely it is atypical pneumonia. If it is intrauterine pneumonia of a newborn child, then perhaps its cause is gram-negative bacilli or Staphylococcus aureus.

Once pneumonia has been diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed ( if it's bacterial pneumonia).

Drugs used in the treatment of SARS

Source of infection).
Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • cephalosporins II - IV generation ( cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefepime);
  • respiratory fluoroquinolones.
  • aminoglycosides ( kanamycin, gentamicin);
  • carbapenems ( imipenem, meropenem).
  • macrolides;
  • respiratory fluoroquinolones.
  • doxycycline;
  • rifampicin.
  • macrolides.
  • respiratory fluoroquinolones.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • antipseudomonas cephalosporins ( ceftazidime, cefepime).
  • aminoglycosides ( amikacin).

In the treatment of pneumonia, various combinations of antibiotics are often used. Although monotherapy ( single drug treatment) is the gold standard, it is often inefficient. Poorly treated pneumonia is a major risk factor for subsequent relapse ( re-exacerbation).

It is important to note that although antibiotic therapy is the mainstay of treatment, other drugs are used in the treatment of pneumonia. Without fail, antibiotic therapy is carried out in parallel with the appointment of antifungal drugs ( for the prevention of candidiasis) and other drugs, in order to eliminate the main symptoms of pneumonia ( for example, antipyretics to lower the temperature).

Is there a vaccine for pneumonia?

There is no universal vaccine against pneumonia. There are some vaccines that only work against certain microorganisms. For example, the best known vaccine is the pneumococcal vaccine. Because pneumococcus is one of the most common causes of pneumonia, this vaccine prevents pneumococcal pneumonia. The best known are the Prevenar vaccines ( USA), Synflorix ( Belgium) and Pneumo-23 ( France).

The Prevenar vaccine is one of the most modern and most expensive. The vaccine is given in three doses one month apart. It is believed that immunity after vaccination is developed after a month. The Synflorix vaccine is given on the same schedule as Prevenar. Pneumo-23 is the oldest vaccine currently in existence. It is set once, and its validity period is about 5 years. A significant disadvantage of this vaccination is that it can be given only after reaching the age of two. It is known that newborn children are the most vulnerable category in terms of the development of pneumonia.

It should be noted right away that vaccination against pneumonia does not mean at all that a child or an adult will not get sick again. Firstly, you can get pneumonia of another origin, for example, staphylococcal. And secondly, even from pneumococcal pneumonia, immunity is not formed for life. Vaccine manufacturers warn that it is possible to get sick again after vaccination, but the patient will endure the disease much more easily.

In addition to the pneumococcal vaccine, there is a vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae. Haemophilus influenzae, or influenza bacillus, is also a common causative agent of pneumonia. The following three vaccines are registered in Russia - Act-HIB, Hiberix and Pentaxim. They are given at the same time as the polio and hepatitis B vaccines.

With regard to vaccination against viral pneumonia, it is a little more complicated. It is known that viruses are able to mutate, that is, to change. Therefore, it is very difficult to model a vaccine against a particular virus. As soon as science invents one vaccine against a known virus, it changes and the vaccine becomes ineffective.

How does aspiration pneumonia develop?

Aspiration pneumonia is a pneumonia that develops as a result of the penetration of foreign substances into the lungs. Foreign substances can be vomit, food particles and other foreign bodies.
Normally, the airways with the help of special mechanisms prevent foreign bodies from entering the lungs. One such mechanism is coughing. So, when a foreign object gets into the bronchial tree ( e.g. saliva), he starts coughing it up. However, there are situations when these mechanisms are defective, and foreign particles still reach the lungs, where they settle and cause inflammation.

Aspiration pneumonia can develop under the following conditions:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • drug intoxication;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • unconscious state;
  • severe, uncontrollable vomiting;
  • early childhood.
The most common cases are alcohol and drug intoxication. Alcohol, like some drugs, weakens all reflexes, including defense mechanisms. Very often, such conditions are accompanied by vomiting. At the same time, a person is not able to control this process. Vomit can easily enter the respiratory tract. It should be noted that even in a healthy person, vomit with strong and indomitable vomiting can enter the lungs.

In children, aspiration pneumonia can develop when food particles enter the bronchi. This happens when complementary foods are introduced into the baby's diet. Porridge, for example, buckwheat, has the greatest danger. Even one grain of buckwheat, once in the lungs, causes local inflammation.

Another risk group is people taking psychotropic drugs, such as antidepressants or hypnotics ( sleeping pills). These drugs weaken all the reactions of the body, including reflexes. People, especially those who take sleeping pills, are in a sleepy, somewhat slowed down state. Therefore, the obstruction in their airways is weakened, and food ( or drinks) easily enters the lungs.

Getting into the lung tissue, foreign bodies ( vomit, food) cause inflammation and pneumonia.

Diseases of the respiratory system are of high danger to humans. One of these common pathologies is pneumonia, which causes inflammation of the lung tissue and irreversible changes in it. To avoid oxygen starvation tissues, the disease must be treated on time.

How to treat pneumonia at home in adults

Pneumonia is more often of a viral nature, but even in other cases bacterial infections are added to it, so adults are required to undergo antibiotic therapy, prescribing 1-2 drugs at a time. Treatment standards take into account several factors:

  • type of pneumonia
  • volume of damage to lung tissue;
  • health and age of the patient;
  • concomitant diseases of the heart, kidneys or lungs.


Adults are prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia, taking into account their age, and even with a slight effectiveness of one drug, it is not changed for 3 days or until the patient's sputum analysis is deciphered. For the treatment of pneumonia, modern popular drugs are used under the names:

  1. Ceftriaxone. Powders are used as the release form. white color for preparation of injections. The course of treatment for pneumonia is determined by the doctor depending on the severity. For an adult, the dose is 1-2 g daily. The solution for injections is prepared from 500 mg of the drug and 2 ml of a 1% solution of lidocaine, and 5 ml of sterile water is used for droppers. Price from 25 rubles, sold by prescription.
  2. Sefpotek. Antibiotic, also allowed for a child from 12 years old. Effective in the treatment of pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections. Adults need to take 200 mg - 1 tablet, with an interval of 12 hours. It is necessary to finish the course of treatment in 2 weeks. Price from 120 rubles.
  3. Sumamed. In addition to tablets, it is available as a powder or lyophilisate. It is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases, including the respiratory tract. From pneumonia, you need to take 500 mg of the drug per day with a course of treatment equal to 3 days. Price from 520 rubles.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment of pneumonia in adults is effective in combination with medication if therapy is carried out at home. To do this, you can use the following recipes:

  1. A decoction of raisins. Rinse 0.5 tbsp. dark raisins, pass it through a meat grinder. Fill with a glass of boiling water, sweat under the lid for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to treat pneumonia with such a decoction by drinking 1.5 tbsp. daily.
  2. Fig milk. Prepare 3 dried white figs. Heat the milk, pour the fruits, cook over low heat for about half an hour. For pneumonia, drink 2 cups a day until symptoms improve.
  3. Infusion on nuts. Take 500 ml of dry red wine. Fill them with 50 g of peeled nuts. Sweat the product over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Use 1 tbsp. before every meal.

exercise therapy

To begin with, it is recommended to change your position in bed more often and not lie on the side that hurts. After 3-4 days, when the acute period of the disease is already behind, you can start breathing exercises, for which lie on your back and put your hands on your stomach. You need to exhale after a deep breath, but do it slowly, tensing the abdominal muscles. Approaches should be at least 5 per day, each of which includes 15 repetitions. It is recommended to use exercise therapy for the prevention of pneumonia.

Features of the treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia in an adult depends on many factors, the first of which is the type of this disease. Therapy for the elderly is carried out necessarily in a hospital, in other cases, the decision is made by the doctor. The treatment algorithm consists of several stages. First, pneumonia is diagnosed, then the focus of inflammation is eliminated with antibiotics. Further, additional drugs are prescribed for the remaining signs of the disease.


In adults, this form occurs more often than others and is divided into right-sided and left-sided. A private variety is bilateral, when there are lesions in both lungs. Treatment of pneumonia in an adult is carried out in a hospital with the use of antibiotics, physiotherapy, inhalations and elimination allergic reactions. With a unilateral or bilateral form, it is necessary to ensure the correct position of the patient - semi-sitting to improve lung function.



This type of pneumonia is also called focal. It develops against the background of bronchitis, therefore it is especially dangerous for its consequences - pleuropneumonia, abscess and even gangrene, therefore, treatment methods are chosen only by a doctor. Antibiotics become mandatory in therapy, and they are chosen according to the degree of impact on the intestinal microflora. Ecoantibiotics are often used. In addition, adults are treated with agents that thin, remove sputum and restore immune system.


The most serious of all is atypical form, because it is caused by atypical pathogens and such pneumonia often occurs in an adult without fever. The disease is also insidious in that it has a latent period when symptoms are practically absent. Antibiotics are often unable to cope with the manifestations of this type of pneumonia, so an adult is prescribed immunoglobulins and special procedures to suck fluid in the lungs. Treatment is supplemented with a complex of vitamins and antipyretics.


Another complex form of pneumonia is hilar. It is difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms are similar to tuberculosis and central lung cancer. Drugs for treatment are prescribed immediately after diagnosis, and several drugs at the same time, so that the condition is alleviated after 2-3 days and the patient can be prescribed warm-ups and exercise therapy.

Treatment of pneumonia in the hospital

Indications for hospitalization is the deterioration of the patient's condition or the inability to apply necessary drugs at home. With timely treatment, relief occurs in 2-4 days, but possible complications increase the length of stay in the hospital up to 10 days, and often up to 4 weeks. The patient is given injections or put on droppers with antibiotics, then in the same way a saline solution is injected to detoxify the body. In combination with these drugs, adults are prescribed expectorants and antipyretics.

How long is pneumonia treated

Community-acquired pneumonia in adults is treated at home and takes 7 to 10 days. This adds a period for the recovery of the body, which may take from 1 to several months. The same can be done to fight chronic pneumonia. The duration of treatment depends on the timeliness of therapy. In addition, the effectiveness of the selected drugs is also important. In a hospital, therapy has an average duration of 9-10 days in severe form. Congestive pneumonia can be cured in 20-25 days.

Video about breathing exercises for pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia in adults

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) in both adults and children and the elderly requires timely adequate treatment, because otherwise it can lead to the development of serious complications. Proper Treatment this disease can only be prescribed by a doctor, after examining the patient and conducting the necessary studies.

Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed taking into account the conducted microscopic examinations. In the event that microscopy or culture has not been performed, antibiotics are selected for the patient, focusing on his age, epidemiological factors and the severity of the disease.

In adults, this disease is treated according to the concept of the so-called "step therapy", which involves the two-stage use of antibiotics. At the same time, in the shortest possible time, the administration of the drug is transferred from the parenteral route to the non-parenteral route (usually to oral, i.e. through the mouth).

If the patient has pneumonia, then the doctor, before prescribing treatment, will determine the severity of his condition. As a rule, all people who have symptoms of pneumonia are divided into several groups.

  1. The first group includes patients under 60 years of age who do not have severe comorbidities, and the disease proceeds without complications. Their treatment takes place at home under the supervision of a local doctor. Of antibiotics, they are usually prescribed drugs from the group of penicillins or macrolides.
  2. The second group includes patients over 60 years of age who have comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, chronic alcoholism, renal or heart failure, etc.). It is customary to treat pneumonia in such patients with antibiotics belonging to the group of protected aminopenicillins, as well as third-generation cephalosporins. It is best to carry out treatment not at home, but in a hospital, in order to avoid the development of complications.
  3. The third group includes people of any age who have a severe disease and a high risk of complications. In order to assess the severity of the patient's condition, the doctor pays attention to the following symptoms: shortness of breath, cyanosis, confusion, tachycardia, hypotension and temperature above 39 degrees.

Regardless of whether community-acquired or nosocomial pneumonia is involved, the patient must be hospitalized or transferred to the pulmonology department. For therapy, drugs belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin) are used. Be sure to identify the pathogen that caused pneumonia.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic therapy of pneumonia in adults is aimed at alleviating and eliminating its main symptoms. So, when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesil, aspirin, indomethacin, Nurofen) are used. Drugs that thin sputum and facilitate its expectoration are used (marshmallow, licorice, ambroxol, lazolvan, solvin, fluimucil, fluditec, halixol, ACC, Mukaltin and bromhexine).

For the purpose of detoxification therapy, the patient, if necessary, can be prescribed intravenous administration liquids, such as gemodez. The patient may also be given antihistamines, agents that simulate local and general immunity, ascorbic acid and B vitamins. In severe cases, cardiac glycosides, analeptics, etc. are used.

Physiotherapy, which is carried out in adult patients, can reduce inflammation, as well as restore the ventilation function of the lungs. This treatment accelerates the resolution of the inflammatory infiltrate, reduces bronchial obstruction, activates alveolar-capillary transport and increases the level of nonspecific resistance of the body.


With pneumonia, it is necessary to be treated not only with the help of drugs, but also with the help of physiotherapy exercises. Simple exercises are a good prevention of complications. It is recommended to start practicing from the first days of illness. First, the patient should change position in bed more often.

You should not lie on the side that hurts, it is better to change position more often, lying on a healthy side and on your back. For 3-4 days, you need to start breathing exercises. To do this, the patient must lie down, put his hands on his stomach and take a deep breath. Exhale slowly, while drawing in the abdominal muscles. You need to repeat this exercise 15 times 5 times a day. You can supplement such breathing exercises with other movements, for example, tilts and rotation of the torso.

Care and nutrition

If the patient is at home, then he needs to be carefully looked after. If he sweats, you need to change underwear and bedding. It is worth providing the patient with a special spittoon, where he will expectorate sputum.

The room in which it is located must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned in it. The sick person must have personal hygiene items and cutlery. If he has signs of complications, you should again consult a doctor.

Food should be high-calorie, but at the same time it is worth excluding hard-to-digest foods (for example, too fatty) from the diet. Every day you need to eat vegetables and fruits. Drinking plenty of water will help increase the excretion of sputum and prevent the development of dehydration against a background of high temperature. The patient should drink about three liters per day, alkaline mineral water, fruit juices and various fruit drinks are suitable.

Folk methods

Those who are treated at home often use various folk remedies, after consulting with their doctor. You can use, for example, a decoction of raisins. To prepare it, half a glass of dark raisins is passed through a meat grinder, poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered on fire for 10 minutes. Then the broth is filtered, squeezed and drunk three times a day until recovery.

And also treatment with folk remedies often includes the use of a decoction of figs. To prepare it, you need to pour a couple of dried figs into a glass of cold milk and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting drink should be taken in a glass a couple of times a day. Hazelnuts are considered folk remedies for poorly expelled sputum, which the patient can eat in large quantities.

Duration of treatment

Many patients are interested in the question of how long the treatment of the disease lasts. In each case, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. If there are no complications, then antibiotics continue for another three days from the moment the temperature returns to normal.

Pneumonia - treatment with folk remedies at home | Folk recipes for the treatment of pneumonia

An acute infectious disease of predominantly bacterial etiology, characterized by focal lesions of the lungs, is called pneumonia. Phytotherapy for this disease can be carried out only with strict adherence to the regimen and adequate patient care.

Folk recipes for the treatment of pneumonia

After the exact diagnosis of the doctor, you can try herbal remedies. From cough, heaviness in the chest, mucus and sputum in the lungs, you can get rid of traditional medicine. Here are the most effective folk remedies.


1. Herbal infusion

Mix the root and leaves of coltsfoot with oregano. Pour boiling water over and let stand for about an hour. Take in strained form half a glass twice a day before eating food.

2. Medicinal decoction

In equal doses, take marshmallow roots, sage and licorice leaves, pine buds, anise fruits. Pour in hot boiled water. Drink a week for one-fourth glass every three hours.

After folk treatment you will definitely feel lightness in the lungs, get rid of pain in the chest and cough, as herbal infusions cleanse the airways.

3. Honey infusion

Bring to a boil a mixture of a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of anise seeds and salt. Drink folk remedy strained every 2 hours.

4. Aloe balm

Pour a few leaves of aloe with Cahors with liquid honey, insist for 14 days. Consume three times before eating.

5. Plantain compress

Ask a relative to put clean psyllium leaves on your back and chest before going to bed. Put a towel on top and wrap it with a plastic bag. Wear a wool sweater or cover yourself with a warm blanket. The next morning, all the unpleasant symptoms of pneumonia will disappear.

6. Herbal teas are great. These are linden, sage, elecampane, raspberry, oregano, willow, succession, elderberry and many others. They are taken hot, you can add honey.

7. You can take propolis, which is an excellent way against infectious diseases. Honey water also eliminates the symptoms of the disease and greatly facilitates breathing.

8. home remedy, which restores the lungs very well, is prepared on the basis of one tablespoon of St. John's wort and three tablespoons of elecampane, this collection must be poured with 0.5 lira of boiling water. Boil all this for 30 minutes, then cool the broth, strain. In the already chilled broth, add two glasses of liquid honey and two hundred milliliters of olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for two weeks, after which the remedy for pneumonia is ready to be taken. To treat pneumonia, you need to take one teaspoon thirty minutes before meals five times a day.

9. Actual and most importantly effective is the treatment with balm. It is prepared on the basis of 250 grams of aloe, half a liter of Cahors, 350 grams of liquid honey. Aloe leaves must be thoroughly wiped, in no case wash. After that, they need to be crushed and put in a jar, pour in honey mixed with Cahors. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Then the filtered mass must be squeezed out. Taking this balm three times a day, one tablespoon will relieve all kinds of lung diseases, and will act as a general tonic.

10. Elderberry - also effective remedy from pneumonia, we take four preferably large umbrellas of elderberry, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for fourteen days and you're done. One tablespoon should be taken one hour before meals.

11. It is very important to do inhalations. The bandage rubbed with onions should be placed in a mug and try to breathe over it for ten minutes at least seven times a day. This type inhalation is very effective in treating any even the most advanced stage of the disease, as well as in bronchitis and tonsillitis.

Effective ways to treat pneumonia with fees

1. Herb lungwort, large plantain, medicinal sage, centaury umbrella, wormwood common for the treatment of pneumonia - equally.

2. Knot grass, anise fruits, dill fruits, pine buds, thyme grass, licorice root (chopped) - equally.

3. Althea root, birch leaves or buds, elecampane root, St.

4. Oregano herb, clover flowers, raspberry leaves, coltsfoot leaves, chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, thyme herb, lamb herb, wild rosemary shoots, tricolor violet herb - equally.

5. Oregano grass, viburnum bark, fireweed leaves, coltsfoot leaves, mint leaves, dandelion root, plantain leaves, licorice root, rose hips, lungwort grass, primrose root, cuff leaves - equally.

6. Calendula flowers, clover flowers, plantain leaves, pine buds, sage leaves, rose hips, gravel root, motherwort grass, speedwell grass, cyanosis grass, dill fruits, hawthorn fruits - equally for the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies.

7. Birch buds, elecampane root, viburnum bark or berries, raspberry leaves, sage leaves, lilac flowers, marshmallow root, wormwood grass, motherwort herb, wild rosemary shoots, mullein flowers, coriander fruits - equally.

8. Dill fruits, oregano grass, nettle grass, coltsfoot leaves, pine buds, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow grass, gravel root, violet grass, cuff leaves - equally.

9. Leaves or buds of birch, viburnum bark, meadowsweet herb, mint herb, yasnitka herb, St. John's wort herb, calendula flowers, thyme herb, angelica root, cyanosis herb - equally.

10. Oregano grass, chamomile flowers, rose hips, plantain leaves, licorice root, lungwort grass, thermopsis grass - equally.

Treatment of childhood pneumonia with folk remedies

For children, it is recommended to prepare infusions and decoctions in the following daily dose of dry medicinal collection: up to 1 year - 1/2-1 tsp, from 1 to 3 years - 1 tsp, from 3 to 6 years - 1 des. l., from 6 to 10 years - 1 tbsp. l., over 10 years old - 2 tbsp. l.

Plants, previously crushed (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder), are mixed, 2 tbsp. l. collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour together with the grass in a thermos, insist overnight.

Take during the day, 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment for pneumonia is 3-4 months.

Herbal preparations can be used in combination with other medicines. Before taking this or that collection, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the herbs that are part of this collection.

We must not forget that if pneumonia is with complications, then herbal medicine can only serve as an addition to the main forms of treatment and to the course of taking antibiotics. It is strictly not recommended to self-medicate, this will only complicate your health condition. With a sharp rise in body temperature, fainting and shortness of breath, immediately contact an ambulance. An accurate and correct diagnosis can only be made by an experienced doctor with an appointment laboratory tests and X-ray.

Rules for the care of pneumonia at home

For treatment, you can take a variety of measures:

1. Pleural chest pains in pneumonia in adults can sometimes be relieved by applying an electric heating pad wrapped in a pillowcase and placed over the patient's underwear. In this case, care must be taken if the patient is restless, motionless, or his mind is clouded.

2. If the patient has a high temperature, then to maintain body hygiene good help will provide bed linen and underwear made of cotton, as well as washing the patient and applying talc if necessary.

3. Regular brushing of teeth, rinsing the mouth, washing dentures (who have them), as well as sucking ice cubes contribute to the relief of the patient's condition.

4. It is very important in the treatment of pneumonia at home to regularly give the patient to drink, since high fever is associated with dehydration. (dried fruit compotes, juices, fruit drinks, teas and herbal decoctions, milk with honey, mineral water). For fever, take at least 3 liters of water. It's okay if the patient loses his appetite during an acute attack of the disease - as soon as he gets better, the appetite will return.

5. During the period of pneumonia, bed rest must be strictly observed. Sometimes sit down to cough up phlegm.

6. The room where the patient is located must be kept in constant cleanliness, ventilated more often. The air must be moist and clean. The room must be cool.

7. The food of the patient should be high-calorie, vitamin and containing trace elements. These are all kinds of fruits and vegetables. In case of intoxication of the body, food ground with a blender is recommended.

8. It is necessary to monitor the intestines, to prevent constipation and the development of flatulence.

9. For better sputum discharge, mucus from the lungs is given a special massage. With the help of relatives or a massage therapist, they massage the chest and back, arms and legs in a circular motion. There is acupressure (light stroking touches, pressing the sore spot with a finger for ten minutes) and classic segmental massage. Also effective in the treatment is respiratory gymnastics, which helps to eliminate respiratory failure. Physical exercises, which facilitate breathing and sputum waste, activate blood circulation.

10. For ease of breathing in pneumonia in an adult, saline and alkaline inhalations help.

11. You can treat pneumonia at home using jars, mustard plasters, make warm compresses, body wraps. This helps to expel mucus when coughing.

It usually takes several weeks to fully recover, although this depends on the individual patient. During the recovery period, bouts of depression often occur. All the above measures for the care of the patient can be applied in the case of bronchitis.

Prevention of pneumonia by folk methods

Many doctors recommend strengthening the body and immunity with herbal decoctions to prevent pneumonia. Honey is a universal remedy for the prevention of the disease, 1-2 tablespoons with a hot drink, the same norm with raspberry jam. Increase the consumption of onions and garlic. Recommended herbs: raspberry leaf, elderflower, coltsfoot, and other anti-inflammatory herbs.

But any disease can be prevented if you take care of your body and strengthen the immune system. First of all, this is hardening for the prevention of pneumonia. For young children, this process should become the norm. A patting back and chest massage for improved blood and air circulation. The prophylactic course of the vitamin complex for the prevention of pneumonia has not harmed anyone yet. And remember, forewarned is forearmed, which means you are ready! Your health and the health of your loved ones is in your hands!

Pneumonia in adults treatment and symptoms | How to treat pneumonia in an adult

This is an infectious disease in which an infiltrate forms in the lung parenchyma. Pneumonia captures the lung tissue and occurs when harmful bacteria and microorganisms enter the body. There are a number of other main factors that have a direct impact on the development of the disease in adults: alcohol, smoking, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and lungs.


Symptoms of pneumonia in adults

This disease is popularly called simply - pneumonia. This is a fairly common and dangerous disease that has serious consequences for the body and sometimes human life.

Symptoms of pneumonia at the initial stage can mislead any doctor. Often there are cases when the doctor makes a false diagnosis and after a couple of days changes his mind.

The first sign of the disease is a cough, which is wet and dry, at the beginning of the disease only dry. When coughing, sharp pains in the chest area are observed, and this one is already alarming, pneumonia is more likely to begin, and it is urgent to treat the disease.

When rusty sputum appears, this indicates that the patient has croupous pneumonia. When bloody sputum appears, you need to act immediately. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated, since bleeding appear when the disease is caused by Friedlander's wand. To localize the stick, more serious methods of treatment must be taken.

Bacteria such as streptococci cause purulent sputum, with a characteristic unpleasant odor of sputum, it is very important to know that purulent foci have appeared and the disease begins to progress. When the patient has strong pain in the side - this is a lung infarction, a sign of hemoptysis. Another symptom of the disease in adults is often chest pain, with a deep breath or a fit of coughing manifests itself in full force. When the patient feels a sharp lack of air, this is a sign of shortness of breath. In some cases, during the disease, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, sometimes it sticks to 37.5 degrees and the patient feels a certain malaise, lethargy, chills. Sometimes there is vomiting and loss of appetite.

The main syndromes of pneumonia:

1. compaction of the lung tissue,

2. bronchitis,

3. general inflammatory,

4 intoxication,

5. asthenic,

6. bronchial dyscrinia,

7. broncho-obstructive,

8. respiratory failure.

Types of pneumonia in an adult and its manifestations

The source of infection is most often bacteria, but sometimes there is a viral form of pneumonia. According to the nature of the course, acute and chronic pneumonia are distinguished. If the infection penetrates into the lung lobes, then such a disease is called lobar pneumonia, while bronchopneumonia is an inflammation of the smaller airways inside the lung.

Pneumonia in an adult is divided into several types, which contributes to a different approach to treatment:

1. A non-hospital form of the disease that occurs in an adult outside the walls of a hospital.

2. Nosomial or hospital (hospital) - developing over 48 hours in connection with the stay of an adult in the hospital.

3. Aspiration - which is associated with the inhalation of foreign masses into the lungs (vomiting after surgery, loss of consciousness, trauma to the face, nasopharynx).

4. Pneumonia associated with an immunodeficiency state of a person (HIV-infected, cancer patient, drug addict, diabetic).

Stages of pneumonia in an adult and their symptoms

Pneumonia is divided into three stages according to the severity of the disease. Symptoms of the disease at each stage are different.

1. mild stage, in which mild intoxication, fever, tachycardia, shortness of breath;

2. for the middle stage of pneumonia in adults, signs of weakness, dry or wet cough, moderate intoxication are characteristic;

3. with severe pneumonia, there is an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, clouding of consciousness, shortness of breath, tachycardia more than 100 beats per minute.

When pneumonia is in the tide stage, there is a deterioration in well-being in the form of chills, headaches, fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, acute pain in the chest area. By the end of the tide stage, a cough appears with the release of "rusty" sputum and herpes.

When the disease is at the stage of compaction, sputum with purulent content of sputum comes out during coughing, shortness of breath increases, severe pain in the chest during an attack of coughing and inhalation, high body temperature, and nervous excitement and icterus of the sclera are also observed.

When the disease is at the final stage of resolution, then normalization of temperature is observed, chest pain and shortness of breath disappear, sputum is not significant, and health improves.

How to treat pneumonia in an adult with traditional methods?

Treatment of the disease is prescribed when the diagnosis is precisely established. And only after that, qualified treatment is prescribed. The first step (in treatment) is to remove the focal inflammation. In this case, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The second step is to lower the body temperature, relieve the exacerbation of coughing and organize care for a sick person. Remember that pneumonia is a serious disease. To reduce elevated body temperature (if above 39 degrees), antipyretic drugs are prescribed. Assign mucolytic agents for better separation of sputum. Particular attention should be paid to general intoxication manifestations, sputum output, disappearance of the infiltrate. It is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination when establishing the inflammatory process. In medical practice, there are pneumonias with altered immunological reactivity, especially in military hospitals. Pneumonia in adults is characterized by an atypical onset and presents certain difficulties in treatment, since the body does not respond to pathogens.

Treatment of the disease of moderate and severe course is carried out in a hospital. Assign an easily digestible, high-calorie diet with a high content of proteins and vitamins. Preferred ward mode.

How to treat pneumonia in a hospital?

A person with pneumonia often needs hospital treatment. In this case, the doctor prescribes strong painkillers to alleviate pain that occurs in the chest area when breathing and coughing, or as a result of pleurisy. Physical therapy is designed to help relieve sputum, which is often rusty in color.

If the patient is hospitalized, then he is prescribed treatment in the form of an intravenous infusion of antibiotics (droppers), so that in this case a strict dosage is maintained. Oxygen may also be given, either through a special mask or through thin hollow tubes inserted into the nostrils. This makes it easier to breathe and ensures that all body tissues are adequately supplied with oxygen. In addition, the patient's temperature and pulse rate are regularly recorded.

When the acute form of the disease is under constant control, antibiotics can be taken in the form of tablets. It is very important to ensure that the course of treatment for pneumonia is carried out to the end in order to prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

Also, a regular examination of his breathing is done and all improvements and deteriorations in this process are accurately recorded. With the help of a blood test, the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide present in it, as well as the presence in the body of the patient of the bacteria that caused pneumonia, is determined.

What drugs to cure pneumonia?

When a symptom of pneumonia is detected, treatment is usually aimed at localizing the inflammatory process of the disease. Eriotropic treatment is used, in which broad-spectrum antibiotics are primarily prescribed. After receiving laboratory tests (sowing on the flora and sensitivity), the treatment of pneumonia is corrected.

Pathogenic treatment consists in improving the secretion of sputum from the bronchial tree by taking the mucolytics Bromhexine, Mukaltin, ACC) and bronchodilators (Berodual, Atrovent, Teopec, Eufillin). After passing the course of treatment for pneumonia, breathing improves, the infection is localized.

Symptomatic therapy includes antipyretic drugs. In the absence of contraindications, breathing exercises and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Antibacterial therapy is carried out taking into account the results of microscopic studies. If culture and microscopy are not performed or are indicative, then antibiotic therapy is selected based on the patient's age, epidemiological factors, and disease severity. Treatment of pneumonia should be carried out in accordance with the concept of "step therapy", which assumes a two-stage use of antibacterial drugs: a transition from parenteral to non-parenteral route (usually oral) administration of antibiotics is carried out as soon as possible (subject to normal temperature, positive clinical, laboratory and radiological dynamics).

In viral pneumonia (influenza viruses A, B), the drugs of choice are zanamivir, oseltamivir (therapy should be started no later than 48 hours from the onset of symptoms). Alternative drugs for influenza A are Remantadine or Amantadine. For community-acquired pneumonia, the drug of choice is Azithromycin (Clarithromycin). Fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin) are used orally. Alternative drugs are second-generation cephalosporins or "protected" penicillins (Amoxicillin Clavulanate or Doxycycline). Finally, for community-acquired hospitalized pneumonia, fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin), which are administered parenterally, are the drugs of choice.

Third-generation cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, cefoperazone) are administered intravenously, in especially severe cases, parenteral use of carbapenems (meronem) or fourth-generation cephalosporins (Cefepime) is indicated.

In patients with "atypical" (including those caused by Legionella pneumonia) pneumonia, the use of macrolide antibiotics is indicated. For the treatment of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeroginosa, combination antibiotic therapy is used ("protected" penicillins, Tazozym and Gentamicin, Fluoroquinolone and Carbapenem, or fourth-generation Cephalosporin with an antibiotic from another group to which Pseudomonas aeroginosa is sensitive). Improvement in the elimination of secretions from the lower respiratory tract is achieved with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures and by prescribing mucolytic drugs. Carbocysteine ​​derivatives normalize the rheological properties of the secretion, its viscosity and elasticity, the secretory function of the glandular cells of the respiratory tract, the ratio of sialomucins and fucomucins, and accelerate mucociliary transport.

Bromhexine derivatives improve the drainage function of the lungs, increase the secretion of glycoproteins (mucokinetic action), increase the motor activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, stimulate the synthesis of surfactant and prevent its decay.

Detoxification therapy: plentiful warm drink, if necessary - intravenous fluid (polarizing solution, Hemodez). Symptomatic therapy:

1. antipyretic drugs;

2. drugs that suppress irritant cough (antitussives), bronchodilators, antihistamines;

3. agents that modulate general and local immunity,

4. B vitamins, ascorbic acid,

5. analgesics for pain.

In the treatment of severe or complicated cases of pneumonia, microcirculatory disorders and dysproteinemia are corrected, oxygen therapy, glucocorticoid, antioxidant therapy, etc. are performed. depending on the clinical course diseases.

Until now, Ampicillin in combination with clavuanic acid has been used to treat pneumonia. However, in practice, a high resistance to this type of antibiotics has been proven. A severe course of the disease requires hospitalization and the appointment of cephalosporins or Ampiox with Synthomycin. Check treatment after 3 days.

How to treat home remedies for pneumonia?

Most people with pneumonia (up to eighty percent) can be treated at home. The patient needs to organize appropriate care, appropriate assistance. This is done in order to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of pneumonia in adults and speed up his recovery. As with most diseases, the patient's diet should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Eat fatty foods and indigestible foods as little as possible. The patient is recommended to drink plenty of warm water.

1. Firstly, the fluid in pneumonia helps to expel sputum.

2. Secondly, it prevents dehydration of the body during elevated body temperature.

3. Can drink: milk, alkaline mineral water, juices. A person with pneumonia needs complete rest and bed rest.

4. A positive result will give physiotherapy. It can speed up a person's recovery. It must be done from the first day. From the second day of illness, it is necessary to carry out breathing exercises (lying in bed). Also, during illness, it is necessary to perform inclinations (forward, to the sides), rotate the body. These exercises are good for the chest.

5. Treatment with antibiotics is strictly individual. To prescribe antibiotics, it is necessary to establish the degree of development of the disease, determine at what stage the disease is, and what form of pneumonia. The prescription of antibiotics also depends on the correct diagnosis. The duration of treatment for pneumonia is also strictly individual.

6. Give up smoking, go in for sports, change your diet so that this disease will pass you.

Causes and prevention of pneumonia in an adult

Typical causative agents of primary community-acquired pneumonia are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamidia pneumoniae. In 20-30% of patients, it is not possible to establish the etiology of the disease. Some microorganisms are normally rarely found in the microflora of the upper respiratory tract and can cause the development of pneumonia in people of older age groups with concomitant severe chronic diseases of other organs and systems.

Acute respiratory viral infections, primarily influenza, are certainly the main risk factor for the development of the disease, however, according to most scientists, they rarely cause pneumonia in adults. At the same time, viruses can cause pneumonia in young children.

In secondary (hospital) pneumonia in adults, the role of gram-negative microorganisms and opportunistic flora is great: Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Legionella pneumoniae. The etiology of aspiration pneumonia is characterized by the participation of non-clostridial anaerobes (Bacteroides spp., Micoplasma spp., Candida spp.), often in combination with aerobic gram-negative microflora (Hae-mophilus influenzae, Enterobacterio-ceae). In the development of the disease in people with severe immunological disorders involved cytomegalovirus infection, Pneumocystis cari-nii, pathogenic fungi, mycobacterium tuberculosis along with other microorganisms found in other pneumonias.

The causative agent of the disease is epithelial dysfunction and impaired mucociliary clearance. Thus, pathogens search for the receptor field, adhere to it, and colonize. The use of antibiotics gives results only at the stage of colonization of microorganisms.

Mucociliary transport is a major lung defense factor that is impaired in acute pneumonia. Violation of pulmonary ventilation is an obligatory factor in acute pneumonia.

The age of the patient also influences the development of the disease. The disease also depends on the time of year, most often a high percentage of the disease occurs in cold weather, a severe course of the disease is observed in people who come from regions of the far north. Chlamydia pneumonia, which affects young people, plays an important role in the disease. The main causative agents of pneumonia: streptococci in winter, mycoplasma in autumn, legionella in summer. The advantage is headed by streptococcus, the etiology of the disease has not yet been established.

According to the European Society of Pulmonology, pneumonia does not include diseases of the lung tissue of a non-infectious nature; caused by physical, chemical factors; having an allergic or vascular origin; caused by highly contagious infectious agents (plague, measles, rubella, typhoid, influenza; such diseases are considered under the relevant infectious disease); diseases caused by a viral infection (primarily with influenza).

Prevention of pneumonia in adults

In the future, it is necessary to harden and observe general sanitary and hygienic factors (do not smoke, avoid dust, ventilate rooms or offices, good nutrition, and much more). Be careful about your health! Take care of yourself!

In medicine, the term pneumonia is understood as an acute infectious disease, predominantly of bacterial etiology, with focal lesions of the respiratory sections of the lungs and the obligatory presence of intraalveolar exudation, detected during physical and / or instrumental examination, general inflammatory and toxic changes.

Inflammation of the lungs: the main measures of treatment at home

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia - quite serious and dangerous disease. It has an infectious nature, with improper treatment or lack of it, it can lead to serious complications, up to death, and, of course, requires consultation with a doctor in the course of treatment.

Pneumonia in children and people over 65 requires mandatory hospitalization. If you refused to go to the hospital and plan to be treated at home, then you need to know some rules that will help you successfully cope with this disease.

Home treatment for pneumonia in adults lasts approximately 10-14 days, the severe form will require at least 21 days of treatment. The situation is similar with the treatment of children. A consultation with a doctor is still necessary, due to the fact that pneumonia requires complex treatment, primarily with antibiotics, which, taking into account your condition, age, individual sensitivity to drugs, the pathogen that caused the inflammation, can only be selected correctly by a specialist.

How to treat pneumonia at home folk remedies

Folk remedies are very effective as additional treatment inflammation of the lungs at home, and we will dwell on them in more detail.

  1. Bed rest, regular airing of the room.
  2. Clearing the airways of mucus. This is a very important aspect that contributes to a speedy recovery.

    The main remedy applicable at home is inhalation with inflammation of the lungs. In this case, you can use either a special inhaler purchased at a pharmacy, or use a saucepan or kettle, making a paper funnel on it.

    Very effective inhalations with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves, sage, mint, chamomile, calendula, essential oils. You can alternate them with saline-alkaline inhalations (salt and soda in equal proportions).


    However, inhalations should be used with caution: they are not recommended at high temperatures and the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

    For expectoration use black radish juice with honey, onion juice with sugar.

  3. To relieve symptoms of intoxication (which often accompanies pneumonia) are well suited rosehip tea, coltsfoot decoction(2 tablespoons of leaves per glass of water).

  4. Mustard plasters for pneumonia and cans
    - their use contributes to the heating of tissues, the resorption of inflammatory processes, and the strengthening of the protective mechanisms of the immune system. However, it should be remembered that their use is contraindicated at high temperatures and during the day after its normalization, skin diseases, oncology, pregnancy.
  5. Breathing exercises- it is necessary during bed rest to prevent a decrease in lung function. It needs to be done from the moment the temperature drops and can be done right in bed. The easiest and most effective way is to use an inflatable toy.

    A good addition would be a massage.(nose area, thoracic region). Massage for pneumonia does not require special training, and any of the members of the patient's family can do it: it is necessary to do stroking, rubbing the chest (immediately the front part from the bottom up, then from the back for 10-15 minutes daily, starting from 4-5 days after the start of treatment (i.e. when the acute period of inflammation has already passed).

  6. A very important component of successful treatment is the observance of the correct diet for pneumonia, water balance.
    • A prerequisite is the use of a large amount of fluid (at least two liters per day). This helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body.
    • Decoctions of medicinal plants (coltsfoot, chamomile, oregano, black elderberry, plantain leaves, pine buds) and their use as tea will be useful.
    • Food should be light, dietary. This is due to the fact that the body spends a lot of energy during the period of illness to fight the pathogen, and the digestion of high-calorie foods is additional energy consumption.

    How to treat pneumonia at the initial stage? The initial stage of the disease is often accompanied by a decrease in appetite. This is normal, do not over-stuff the patient, force him to eat. During such periods, it is best to limit yourself to fruits, freshly squeezed juices, compotes, at the initial stages of recovery, you can add chicken broths, light soups, sour-milk products, boiled meat or fish, and vegetables to the diet. It is better to eat more often, but little by little.


    It is better to exclude such foods as salt, sugar, fatty meat and dairy products from the diet until the moment of recovery, avoid fried foods, bakery and confectionery products, hot sauces.

    You should also take care of the intestinal microflora during antibiotic treatment and consume fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt.

  7. Oral hygiene.
  8. The use of antipyretics.

    You should know that viruses in the body die precisely at high temperatures (above 38 degrees), so antipyretic drugs should be given to patients only if the fever is poorly tolerated, in other cases it is better to be patient - this is a guarantee of a speedy recovery. Antipyretics, like antibiotics, should be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

  9. Do no harm.

    A serious obstacle to a successful recovery can be the erroneous opinion that with inflammation of the lungs, you need to take a good steam. Under no circumstances should this be done. Elevated body temperature is in itself a big test for of cardio-vascular system so don't put any more stress on her.

Also, during an illness with pneumonia, you can not smoke, drink alcohol, carry the disease on your feet, take a bath, shower in the presence of temperature.

It is not good during the treatment period for the patient to have heat and stuffiness in the room, dry air, dust - all this contributes to the drying of sputum and prevents the body from fighting the infection.

Thus, in order to cope with pneumonia at home, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time, take antibiotics prescribed by him, provide the patient with bed rest, proper care, diet and drink plenty of water, carefully monitor his condition in order to prevent complications.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults: principles and drugs

Pneumonia is the development of inflammatory changes in the lung tissue. This is due to the entry of microbes into them (mainly bacteria, but there may also be viruses and fungi) in various ways. The danger of pneumonia is that in this case, a more or less extensive area of ​​the lung is turned off from the gas exchange process, which reduces the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In addition, the body is poisoned by products of inflammation and destruction of the lung parenchyma.

Inflammation of the lungs can develop:

In community settings (such pneumonia is called "community-acquired");

In a person being treated in a hospital for any other disease;

Arising from neurological disorders(convulsions, loss of consciousness), as a result of which the contents from the stomach entered the respiratory tract (aspiration pneumonia);

In people with reduced immune defenses.

Depending on which of the four types is observed in this case, as well as taking into account age and the presence of chronic diseases, treatment of pneumonia in adults is prescribed.

How does a microbe get into the lungs?

1) By the bronchi:

When an aerosol enters them, densely seeded with pathogenic microbes. This is more typical for tuberculous or viral pneumonia;

By inhalation of the contents of one's own mouth and throat. This process almost always occurs during deep sleep, and is exacerbated by the use of sleeping pills or alcohol. Normally, the local immune defense of the lungs works, but when it is weakened by the action of the virus, when there are too many microbes or they are very aggressive, pneumonia occurs.

2) Through the blood from another focus of inflammation. For example, from bone - with osteomyelitis, from heart valves - with endocarditis.

3) By contact:

When pus enters from a neighboring organ, for example, with a liver abscess;

With a penetrating wound of the chest.

Principles for the treatment of pneumonia in adults

If the diagnosis of "pneumonia" is established, this implies the appointment of one or two antibiotics, since even if the cause was a virus (for example, the influenza virus), the bacterial flora joins in any case.

In theory, the antibiotic should have been prescribed after the microbe-causative agent of inflammation has been identified, and its sensitivity to drugs has been obtained. But this requires obligatory coughing up of sputum, which not every patient can do, as well as a 4-5-day wait for the result, which is unacceptable. Loss of time can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, antibiotics are prescribed empirically, preferably after a person passes sputum for bacteriological examination, but on the same day and preferably at the same hour as the diagnosis was made (there is evidence that the loss of even 4 hours of time significantly worsens the prognosis).

Treatment of pneumonia in adults is based on the following criteria:

  1. Type of pneumonia: community-acquired, hospital-acquired, or other.
  2. The volume of lung tissue damage: segmental, lobar, polysegmental, one- or two-sided.
  3. The patient's condition: his general well-being, shortness of breath, blood pressure level, degree of blood oxygen saturation are taken into account.
  4. Age.
  5. The presence of concomitant pathology of the heart, lungs (for example, chronic bronchitis), kidneys.

Treatment is carried out at home or in a hospital in the department of internal medicine or pulmonology. Sometimes hospitalization in the intensive care unit is required.

Pneumonia: diagnosis

The classic symptoms of pneumonia are high (above 38 ° C) temperature, cough with sputum, deterioration in general condition (weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite). But now often there are pneumonia with an atypical course. Against the background of a high or not very elevated temperature, diarrhea or impaired consciousness, delirium, hallucinations may appear. In this case, the cough may not be at all.

Therefore, the standard of diagnosis is an x-ray of the lungs, and computed tomography may also be needed.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults with antibiotics

The following antibiotics are used for treatment: Amoxiclav, Cefix, Sumamed, Levofloxacin, Avelox. They are prescribed in tablets, often a combination is used. For example, with a course of moderate severity, such a complex of drugs can be prescribed: Sumamed plus Avelox or Leflox. If the disease was caused by Klebsiella, pneumonia is treated in a hospital. In this case, intravenous and intramuscular drugs are prescribed, such as Amikacin, Gentamicin, together with Leflocin or Tavanic medicines.

How long does it take to treat pneumonia?

Many are interested in the topical question: how and how much is pneumonia treated? A disease such as pneumonia is also called pneumonia. This disease is of an infectious nature, and the lesion in this case concerns the lung tissue.

It can be noted that this disease is really serious and dangerous. According to statistics, about 5-6% of people with pneumonia die.

What are the symptoms of this disease

The problem of the symptoms of pneumonia lies in the similarity of the symptoms of pneumonia with other diseases, such as, for example, acute respiratory diseases or bronchitis. Therefore, knowledge of the main symptoms to determine the onset of pneumonia is simply necessary. These symptoms include:

    • the appearance of shortness of breath (is a constant sign of pneumonia);
    • elevated body temperature (which indicates that inflammation has begun and the body of a sick person with pneumonia is exposed to intoxication);
    • the appearance of a cough with sputum (this sign appears with pneumonia almost always);
    • pain in the chest (especially on the side);
    • deterioration in the general condition of the patient, which can be severe or moderate.

    According to these signs, you can independently note the symptoms of pneumonia, however, in order to correctly diagnose and begin to treat the disease, you need to go to the clinic, where for exact definition Inflammation of the chest is tapped by a doctor, an x-ray is taken to view the condition of the lungs, and special tests are also prescribed.

Treatment of pneumonia with symptomatic and pathogenetic methods

The symptomatic method of treating pneumonia is used to eliminate and alleviate the main symptoms of the disease. With this type of treatment, the means necessary to lower the fever are usually prescribed, and the use of mucolytic drugs is also possible. Patients with pneumonia need to reduce the temperature only when there is really an urgent need for this, that is, at a temperature that has risen above 39 degrees (in adults), or when the patient is in serious condition.

To remove sputum from the bronchi, mucolytic drugs are usually used. In addition, some mucolytic agents have the ability to increase the activity of antibiotics taken, which is important in the treatment of pneumonia. Reception of mucolytics such as Ambroxol, ACC or Carbocisteine ​​has an auxiliary effect against pneumonia, while the dosage and time of taking these drugs are prescribed by the attending physician.

The mainstay of therapy for pneumonia is the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics. The execution of the gas exchange function in the body is assigned to the lung tissue. Air enters tissues and organs through a complex system of tubes of different diameters and overcoming the alveolocapillary barrier.

Bacteria and viruses affect and infect the alveolar tissue when the lung tissue is inflamed. Therefore, there is an accumulation of infiltrative fluid in the lumen of the acini. This hinders the gas exchange process, as a result of which a part of the tissue falls out of the respiratory process.

Pathogenetic is a treatment aimed at eliminating those changes in the airways that provoked pneumonia.

There are several types of the disease, which are classified in connection with the size of the pathological foci:

  • focal (the process occurs in one or affects several alveoli);
  • segmental (there is a defeat of the whole segment, which in its composition has a large number of alveolar lobes);
  • lobar (in this case, the inflammatory process of the whole lung lobe occurs);
  • croupous (completely affected lung fields on both sides).

All of these forms involve specific changes in lung tissue.

How long does it take to treat pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia can be carried out both in medical institutions and at home. In this disease, it is necessary to assess the severity of pneumonia. This is the determining factor in order to predict the duration of treatment, prescribe the right drugs. Therefore, the period during which a patient with pneumonia will be treated in a hospital hospital is determined precisely by the severity of his disease.

There are many factors that can be the basis for the hospitalization of a patient. For example, patients are hospitalized who for some reason are unable to take medications as required by the schemes and schedule for the treatment of pneumonia. Before a patient is hospitalized, the severity of pneumonia is usually determined, for which an x-ray of the chest of a patient suffering from pneumonia is performed.

Immediately after the radiography, the difference in physiological indications is considered, that is, the pressure, the state of the pulse and the respiratory rate of the patient are checked. If it happens acute disorder consciousness, hypoxemia, there is an infection that accompanies the disease (such an infection may be symptoms of meningitis or endocarditis), or if there are suspicions of concomitant diseases of the heart, liver, then the patient is required to be hospitalized. Tumor formations also belong to the listed factors.

The duration of the total period of hospitalization is affected by the form of the disease, the correctness of the selected drug and how the body of a patient with pneumonia reacts to the prescribed medications. On average, in the normal course of the disease, if the treatment is given due attention, and with therapy that successfully helps recovery, the length of time that the patient spends in the hospital room is two to four days. But, nevertheless, under some circumstances, the attending physician may not stop hospitalization in order to continue monitoring the course of the disease and to treat pneumonia with a more intensive course.

In mild forms of pneumonia, the patient usually stays in the hospital for no more than two days, after which he is discharged home on the third day and can continue to be treated on his own there. As for the forms of pneumonia, which are considered to be complicated, their treatment can be much longer, about nine to ten days.

The disease is treated taking into account the type of pneumonia and the initial cause of the formation of the disease.

Prevention of pneumonia

In therapy, antibacterial drugs are mainly used, which are issued in accordance with the age of the patient and his condition. If pneumonia does not take a complicated form, and the treatment was carried out correctly and with the most appropriate drugs, then the prognosis for the treatment of pneumonia is usually quite favorable. Most often, in patients with pneumonia, complete recovery occurs within three weeks, sometimes within a month.

In order to prevent a disease such as pneumonia, or, more simply, to prevent pneumonia, medical specialists usually recommend hardening the body in various ways, stop drinking alcohol and stop smoking tobacco products.

In addition, it is desirable to frequently ventilate the rooms in which a lot of time is spent, that is, the office and rooms in the house. It is necessary to carefully monitor the diet, which must be balanced, and lead healthy lifestyle life. Sports are also good prophylactic to strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of pneumonia.