What are jumpers called? Baby jumpers: at what age can they be used? The design of the jumpers differs in the type of seat

Choosing guitar strings

To begin with, I want to say right away that the choice guitar strings- This is a personal matter for each guitarist, which depends on hearing preferences, the convenience of playing or the instrument. Therefore, it is impossible to say - "Buy only these!". One can only make out what types of strings are, which ones are better suited for a certain type of instrument, and recommend brands of companies that are popular among guitarists. This is what I will do.

String types
There are several types guitar strings. Here are the main ones (maybe there are some other developments, but for now we'll get by with this list)

These are the main types guitar strings. Choose the ones that suit you, based on the criteria that I described. Personally, I use synthetic nylon strings with a silver-plated winding from DRStrings, which, in my opinion, is the best value for money.

The strings are bought, the time has come to replace them.
To do this, first remove the old ones, loosening their tension with the help of pegs. Relax all the strings gradually, that is, you should not remove them one by one, this will create the wrong load on the neck.
After removing the strings, wipe the guitar from dust (only not with a wet cloth).

Open the box you bought and take out the bags of strings. Each of them should have a letter with the designation of the string (E, H, G, D, A, E), although it will be difficult to get confused, because they are different in thickness. With winding - bass. However, don't take them all at once.

Take the first thin string (E) and thread it through the hole in the stand. Now it will need to be fixed. There are various ways of fastening for every taste, in the end, you can simply tie a knot at the end of the string, but this is not aesthetically pleasing and not practical, since the string can fly out.
I recommend using the method shown in the picture.

Next, you need to fix the other end of the string on the peg mechanism. Just don't push the string too deep, otherwise the remaining end will dangle, and cutting the strings is not recommended. Therefore, it is better to wind more. Another important point is to turn all the pegs in the same direction when stringing, otherwise you will get confused when tuning.
If you put the first string through the hole on the nearest peg, the second on the next, the third on the far, then display this picture as a mirror image in relation to the bass strings.


Unwind the peg and remove the old string from the holder. Remember that you don’t need to take out all the strings at once, in the future there may be problems with tightening new ones, you just won’t know which and where to pull. Start changing strings.

Start changing from the string you are comfortable with. Take a new one corresponding to the elongated old one. Attach the string to the holder and tie a knot.

Make a knot according to the following principle. First, tie a small loop in a few turns and then tighten it tightly. Several turns when tying should be done so that the string does not slip. When tightening, do not overdo it, as you can break the string.

Leave a small tail, about 2-3 cm, after tying the knot. The rest can be cut off with ordinary nippers.
After tying the knot, thread a new string instead of the old one, into a small hole on the peg. At the same time, thread the first three strings into the hole twice, for greater reliability.

Tie all subsequent strings of the instrument in the same way. With all this, when tying a string and making a knot, it is recommended to make several turns for 1-3 strings, the rest can be tied with a regular single knot.
Move on to tuning the instrument, because after tying the strings, they must be properly tensioned and tuned to sound.

Plucked and bowed instruments are usually sold with the strings already strung. However, the need to install new ones regularly arises. The range of strings on sale is quite large, and there is always the opportunity to choose what is right for your instrument. Don't forget to look at the label - it usually says what tool the kit is for.

You will need

  • - Tool;
  • - a set of strings;
  • - tuning fork.


Do not unpack all the strings at once. You need to put them in a certain order, while the difference between the strings is not always easy to distinguish by eye. You can change them gradually by removing one and putting a new one in its place.

Tighten the locking mechanism of the nut. It must skip a string, so it needs to be loosened. Pass the free end of the string into it. Lead it to the peg and insert it into the hole. It should lie loose enough to be able to wind it around the peg. It will not work to immediately hold the string in the slot, it will need to be fixed before the end of the tuning.

Tighten the string by twisting the peg. If it is better for acoustic guitars to first lightly stretch all the strings, and only then tune out, then it is more reasonable to tune an electric guitar in the reverse order. Tune the string as close as possible to the desired sound. The adjusting screw must be placed in an intermediate position so that it is possible to make a more precise adjustment. Bend the end of the string inserted into the peg in the opposite direction to that in which you will rotate it.

The direction of rotation depends on the design of the headstock. It can be single row or double row. In the first case, twist all the pegs counterclockwise. In the second option, bass strings are twisted counterclockwise, and thin ones are twisted clockwise.

Fasten the clamp on the top nut. Tune your guitar with the tuning screw. Check tension. It should be smooth, without slack. Cut off the excess piece. You can leave a small piece and wind it around the top of the string. Acoustic guitars do not need to cut the end of the string.


Before inserting the end of the string into the hole of the tuning peg, pull it and straighten it. Then it will be better to keep the system.

A good acoustic guitar sound does not depend only on its quality and the skill of the performer. One of the main roles is played by the correct installation of the strings on the guitar. This affects how well the tool will build.


Attach the first string to the saddle located on the bridge . Otherwise, this place is called the bridge. After that, stretch the inserted string to the end of the neck (its head). Gently insert the string into the hole on the corresponding guitar peg.

Slightly in the peg, choose the direction of tension so that it goes towards the headstock. At the same time, it is necessary to leave such a string in order to wind it around the guitar peg in the future. Leave the string stock so that when winding, you get no more than 2-3 turns of the string around the peg. This number of turns is optimal. Carry out the actions carefully, do not pull hard or pull the string - as a result, it may bend or break. Such a string will no longer work.

Bend the end of the string so that the direction goes towards the center of the headstock. After that, pass the end of the string under its body. This is required to create a secure mount on the guitar peg.

After that, wrap the string around its axis, while maintaining the tension created. The result should be something like a castle. It is necessary to keep the strings in their position, which will not allow you to often get out of tune. Keep the string taut - this is necessary for the correct further installation.

Start spinning the guitar peg while holding the string. As a result, she will press herself. To increase the angle of inclination, wind the string downwards. This natural binding is quite strong and will not allow the strings to "creep".

Do the above procedure with the remaining strings. Thread them into the saddle carefully so as not to damage the body of the guitar. Check that the strings are properly attached to the guitar neck pegs.

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Over time, the strings of any guitar will age and begin to sound dull. This is a sure sign that it's time to replace them. How do you attach new nylon strings to a guitar?

You will need

  • - nylon strings;
  • - guitar.


Take a string and insert its end into the hole in the stand. Pull through the hole for 13-15 cm. Tie a knot, trying to keep it as close to the edge of the string as possible. A tail that is too long can scratch the soundboard.

Take the end with a knot to the side and wrap it around the resulting loop again to wrap it around its axis twice. Pull the string tight. Make sure it is securely fixed to the bridge and its last turn on the stand.

To keep the bridge from knotting, keep the string slightly taut. Leave a small margin for winding. Try to calculate in such a way that it lasts for two or three turns, no more. Bend the end towards the head of the neck. Pass it under the string.

Holding the string and maintaining tension, wrap it around its axis so that you get a "lock".

Start spinning the peg, holding the string until it tightens on its own. After the "tail" of the string has been crossed several times, take it to the side so that it does not interfere with the winding. Make sure that the string winds down along the peg shaft, and its coils lie neatly.

In order for the new string to straighten faster, it is recommended to pull it out forcibly. Pull the string up two centimeters and run your fingers along it several times so that it comes off a little from the slots in the bridge and on the nut. Tighten the string with the peg.

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When changing strings, you should hold the guitar so that the front of the guitar is pointing away from you. Otherwise, a broken string can seriously damage the face and eyes.

Useful advice

It is necessary to fasten the strings on the bridge and the peg very carefully. You should know that the tighter the winding and loops are, the less time it will take to tune the guitar.

Check the condition of your guitar nut. If the string is wedged in the slot, it may break. To prevent this, it is recommended to use a special lubricant.


  • "Classical guitar. First steps"
  • Installing nylon strings
  • Replacing nylon strings
  • strings on the bridge

The strings on an electric guitar are subjected to significant mechanical stress. After about a month, they begin to lose their properties, become less elastic, and may even burst. Therefore, any guitarist should be able to remove the strings and put new ones in their place.


Loosen worn strings by turning the pegs and remove them. Clean the sills and pegs from the accumulated dust. Wipe the fretboard with a soft, dry cloth soaked in a special care product until the strings get in your way. Such tools can be purchased at specialized music stores. There are string treatment agents that are used to prevent fouling and oxidation. If a string breaks, remove it from the peg, and carefully remove the rest from below, through the nut.

Thread the new strings through the saddle and pull them up to the pegs. Insert them into special holes. Tighten the pegs without over tightening. The winding direction should be the same for all strings. The extra length of the strings can be cut off with the help of wire cutters, you can leave it free, or you can wind it on the peg entirely. It all depends on your desire and availability of time.

Tune your guitar, taking into account the string numbers and overall tuning. Leave the instrument for a while: the strings should stretch a little. Beginners, when they hear that the guitar does not sound as it should, mistakenly believe that they got a low-quality product. Don't be scared - it's normal. A couple of hours and the strings will stop stretching. After waiting for some time, check the tuning again and, if necessary, re-tune the guitar. If you're changing strings during rehearsal, be aware of the stretchability of the new strings and keep an eye on the guitar's tuning.

Don't change just one string - it will sound a little different than the old strings. It is better to change all the strings, then you can be sure of a good guitar sound. The instrument will be ready to play in a couple of hours. As mentioned above, if you need to play right away, you will have to tune the guitar during rehearsal or concert.

Sooner or later, any novice guitarist is faced with the question of how to do it correctly and quickly. Before asking this question, it is necessary to identify the reason why the gap occurred. If you have only one string gone bad, and you have changed the rest before, then you can only replace the torn part. If the change was a long time ago, it makes sense to change the entire set, since consumables tend to become thinner when worn, leading to a duller and more metallic sound. Now that we have decided on the number of strings, let's look at how to string a guitar using both metal and nylon components. It's not very difficult.

Let's take the first option - metal guitar strings, which you can buy at any specialized store. We will prepare everything you need, including the tool itself, and proceed to the process. First you need to stretch the wire through a special hole - the string holder, pass it through a special slot for fixing and pull it all the way. Next, you should thread it into a peg, cut it with wire cutters along the length, leaving a tail of about 20 centimeters, and wind a few turns so that they tightly press the free tip. It is not recommended to pull it hard before wrapping it in order to exclude the possibility of overtightening.

When installing strings on an electric guitar, you need to pay attention to the direction of the pegs. When the tension is increased, the peg should turn counterclockwise, when loosened, it should turn clockwise. If the neck has two rows of pegs - three on top and three on the bottom, make sure that the direction of rotation of the top and bottom is different.

The second mounting option, where the head of the string passes through the guitar stand and is held by a locking mechanism, is suitable for modern guitars. In this case, the string is fixed in two places - on the stand and the nut, which provides better retention of the guitar's tuning when playing with active sound extraction. Let's look at how to string a guitar with a locking mechanism.

One end of the wire should be fixed in the stand using a special L-key, and pass it through a special slot, after loosening the nut lock. Then we make a preliminary rough adjustment, fixing it on a peg and twisting it to the required tension. We install a special screw for adjusting to an intermediate position, after which we fix the string on the nut. Now we can fine-tune the sound more precisely using the tuning screws. It is clear that all these actions must be repeated for each installed string.

Consider one more nuance, how to string the strings on the guitar using synthetic It is very important that the nylon does not slip out of the holes and is firmly fixed on the stand. The ends of the strings, in addition to fixing the ends, must be twisted several times according to the principle of the marine

Node. Also, when you wind them on the pegs, it is recommended to hold them with your hand, applying a little effort, so that the turns are even and more durable.

Make sure you always have replacement consumables. It is better to buy guitar strings in advance, choosing sets with the necessary characteristics (softness, composition, etc.), so that in a force majeure situation you can quickly change them.

And it has a beneficial effect on his emotional state. There are many children's simulators that help kids improve physical skills and broaden their horizons. The leading position among them is occupied by a special device for jumping, and in simple words jumpers for children.

Baby jumpers: pros and cons

If walkers appeared in Russia back in the 70s of the 20th century and managed to firmly establish themselves among popular children's products, jumpers are a relatively new device, and therefore actively gathering heated discussions about the benefits and harms for children.

An obvious plus of jumping equipment is the real pleasure that jumpers bring to children. With the help of the simulator, the child gets acquainted with interior items and learns to independently control the body. The benefits of using a jumper also include:

  • development of the vestibular apparatus;
  • mastering new movements;
  • strengthening the muscular system;
  • receiving positive emotions;
  • unloading for mom.

The harm that a jumper can cause is mainly due to violations of the operation of a children's device. If the treadmill is used incorrectly, it can lead to a decrease in muscle tone, compression of the perineum and a delay in acquiring independent walking skills.

It is not worth using jumpers even if the baby is diagnosed or there are signs:

  • neurological disorder;
  • orthopedic disorders;
  • developmental delays;
  • decreased or increased tone of the legs;
  • inflammatory processes in areas of the body in contact with the device.

Children's jumpers: at what age can the device be used?

You can put in jumpers only those kids who have learned to sit without support for a long time, and it’s better to stand at all. More often this is the age of 5-8 months, regardless of whether the boy will be engaged or the girl. According to more cautious pediatricians, a baby who has already learned to crawl and set his legs correctly for independent movement can start jumping with a simulator. Dr. Komarovsky believes that until the child crawls, the ligaments of his back do not strengthen, and the arms do not develop, it is not worth putting him in jumpers.

The instructions for some models contain information that jumpers are intended for children from 4 months. In fact, at this age, the spine of babies is still weak. The child's back may not be able to withstand the load, which can cause it to curve and become excessively toned. If the desire to give the little one the opportunity to learn new emotions and movements for him is great, give preference to jumpers with special armpit rollers.

It is better to use jumpers from the first days for several minutes, gradually increasing the duration of classes. The time spent by the baby in the simulator should not exceed a third of an hour. It is important to consider the abilities of your own child. If the little one is actively pushing off the floor with his feet, you can put him in jumpers.

What jumpers to buy for a baby?

Manufacturers of goods for children offer modern parents various models of children's jumping devices. All of them are divided into 2 types.

  1. Floor jumpers are a stationary structure equipped with their own suspension system. The disadvantage of the device is that it occupies a large area, so owners of small apartments should not buy such jumpers. For training in the simulator, no auxiliary support is needed, and the stability of the structure is achieved by the reliability of the frame. The low height of the frame of the product limits the amplitude of jumps, ensuring the safety of the child during training.
  2. The children's hanging jumper resembles a swing on elastic bands. Jumpers for children are fastened to the doorway, ceiling or horizontal bar of the sports complex. A strong cradle-seat provides support for the child, and the presence of safety devices and elastic elements ensures the reliability of the accessory. You can buy such a simulator both for a city apartment and for a private house.

How to choose jumpers for a child correctly: instructions

The right choice of a children's jumper trainer is based on safety requirements and the child's comfortable position in the jumpers.

Therefore, before putting the baby in this device, you should make sure of the quality of its individual components.

  1. The presence of axillary rollers made of soft natural fabric will ensure the comfort of the child in the process of training.
  2. A rigid crossbar over the baby's head will not allow the little one to get tangled in the belts.
  3. Fastening in the form of a steel hook with a thread is equipped with budget models. More expensive baby jumpers are attached to the base with special clips in the form of brackets, which are easy to remove to move the jumpers to another place.
  4. An elastic spring shock absorber with a built-in safety cable must be adjustable in length, which will provide different amplitude and frequency of jumps.
  5. Belt slings can be made in the form of rubber products or springs. The second option is considered more reliable. It is also recommended to give preference to models with adjustable straps.
  6. The jumper's seat should be deep enough with a rigid back to provide support for the spine. The armpit fixation mechanism will allow you to adjust the device to the parameters of the baby.
  7. Before buying jumpers, you need to find out how much the child weighs and choose the appropriate simulator.

The best jumpers for boys and girls. Rating

  1. Suspended jumpers 3 in 1 "Sport Baby" - an inexpensive option for babies from 5 months old, which is fastened in the doorway using a swing hook with a dowel. A variety of colors will allow parents to find the right option for both boys and girls. Structurally, a boy jumper is no different from a device for little princesses.
  2. The Fisher Price Rainforest Floor Jumpers feature a play panel, fabric-coated suspension springs, and a 360-degree removable seat. The weight of the device is 8 kilograms. The photos and videos published in various children's magazines and online resources show how bright, colorful and interesting the simulator is.
  3. Children's jumpers Evenfio Johnny Jump Up are attached to the door frame with a width of the protrusions of the platbands of at least 12 mm. The ergonomically shaped seat is equipped with a rigid frame with a removable practical cover.