Treatment of a bitch udder with folk remedies. Bough udder (hydradenitis) - what kind of disease is it, causes, treatment

The cause of pain in the armpit is often hydradenitis - inflammation of the sweat glands. It is provoked by various factors. The development of the disease often leads to a violation of the rules of hygiene and the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Hydradenitis - what is it?

Hidradenitis is an inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands, which are located in various parts of the body. A large concentration of them is observed in the axillary region, around the nipples, in the groin, on the labia majora and scrotum. However, the axillary glands are predominantly affected, inguinal hidradenitis is rare. The development of pathology is partly due to the peculiarities of their structure.

The cells of the apocrine glands are located at the top of the excretory duct, they are constantly destroyed and mixed with the sweat that is released to the outside. The secret contains a large amount of fat, which increases the density of sweat and gives it a peculiar smell. The glands in the armpit are larger, winding passages, which increases the risk of inflammation several times.

Hydradenitis - causes

Due to the characteristic appearance, which acquires the armpit with hydradenitis, the disease is popularly called " bitch udder". Having heard about such a disease for the first time, many are interested in what causes the bitch udder and how it manifests itself. In most cases, the causative agent is pathogenic microflora:

  • staphylococcus;

A bitch udder under the arm provokes a number of the following factors:

  • increased sweating;
  • excess body weight;
  • diseases of the skin - diaper rash;
  • pathology endocrine system(diabetes);
  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • constant use of antiperspirants;
  • poor working conditions - work in dusty conditions, contact with harmful substances;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • rough;
  • the presence in the body of a chronic focus of infection;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • individual structural features of the apocrine glands.

Why is hydradenitis dangerous?

A long-term presence of a bough udder, lack of therapy, proper skin care is fraught with the development of complications. On the surface of contaminated, weeping skin, the infection develops rapidly with the capture of new areas. This can lead to the development of an abscess. This is observed when inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit affects several adjacent structures. The abscesses merge, destroying the subcutaneous tissue, in some cases the pathology even reaches the muscle fibers.

Lack of treatment at this stage leads to the formation of phlegmon - diffuse, purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. It has no clear boundaries and spreads through the subcutaneous tissue. Such conditions in rare cases can lead to sepsis - blood poisoning, which often ends in death.

Hidradenitis - symptoms

Regular hygiene procedures allow you to detect hydradenitis under the arm at the initial stage of the disease. At first, the patient can feel small nodules under the skin, pressure on which provokes pain. In parallel, itching and hyperemia of the skin at the site of inflammation are noted. After a few days, the nodules rapidly increase in size, becoming like large peas - 1-2 cm in diameter.

When examining the armpit, an inflammatory infiltrate, red indurations, painful to the touch - "bitch's udder" are fixed.

Among common symptoms accompanying hydradenitis:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • nausea.

As the disease progresses, the central part of the infiltrate softens. As a result, during examination, purulent contents become visible through a thin skin, which in some cases spontaneously pours out. After that, the patient notices an improvement in general well-being, a decrease in pain in the axillary region.

Stages of hydradenitis

As the inflammatory process develops, purulent hydradenitis in its course overcomes the following stages:

  1. 1 stage- characterized by the gradual formation of an abscess (sometimes several), which does not have fistulous passages and scars.
  2. 2 stage- accompanied by the appearance of one or more distant, periodically recurring abscesses with the formation of scars or fistulous passages.
  3. 3 stage- characterized by the formation of diffuse branching or, on the contrary, by the connection of several fistulous passages and abscesses, which increases the affected area.

Hidradenitis - treatment

How to treat a bitch udder, what to do to get rid of pain in the axillary region are common questions from patients with hydradenitis.

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to correctly differentiate hydradenitis with other similar pathologies:

  • furuncle;
  • carbuncle;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

Only after a diagnosis has been made can therapy begin. Treatment is complex and depends on a number of factors:

  • patient's age;
  • gender;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • general state of the immune system.

With a single inflammation of the gland, the distant location of the foci of inflammation from each other, doctors manage to quickly eliminate the disease. However, much depends on the patients themselves, the correctness and regularity of the hygiene procedures. It is necessary to carefully care for the skin around the focus of inflammation, wiping it with an antiseptic (salicylic, camphor alcohol). It is forbidden to take baths during treatment - bathing will contribute to the spread of infection. Doctors advise limiting yourself to a shower.

Ointment for hydradenitis

When a bough udder is found in a patient, treatment is not carried out without the use of local remedies. These are antiseptic solutions, creams and ointments. Due to local effects, they quickly eliminate inflammation. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the armpit area is previously freed from hair.

The skin is regularly worked out with the following antiseptics:

  • ethanol;
  • brilliant green;

After that, an anti-inflammatory cream or ointment is applied to the site of inflammation. The cream with resorcinol 15% proved to be excellent. It is applied to the affected area, after which a bandage is applied to the armpit. The procedure is performed 1 time per day, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Hidradenitis - antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics for hydradenitis are selected based on the type of pathogen. This reduces the duration of therapy and speeds up the healing process. Dosage, frequency of administration are set individually, taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process and the general well-being of the patient.

In most cases, doctors use one of the following antibiotics:

  • Tetracycline - 500 mg twice a day;
  • Doxycycline - 100-200 mg once a day;
  • Minocycline - 100 mg per day;
  • Erythromycin - 250-500 mg 4 times a day.

Treatment with antibiotics is carried out until the visible manifestations of the inflammatory process are eliminated. In most cases, therapy includes parallel treatment of the focus with antiseptic solutions. Prolonged lack of effect, deterioration of well-being requires a revision of the antibacterial agent or an increase in the dosage of the drug.

Hydradenitis - folk remedies

In cases where it is not possible to eliminate the bough udder for a long time, treatment folk remedies helps correct the situation. There are many simple recipes helping to eliminate inflammation in the armpit. Among the effective ones are the following.

Laundry soap compresses


  • laundry soap - 50 g;
  • rye flour - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. All ingredients are mixed and poured with boiling water.
  2. Put on the stove and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Bandages are made with the resulting mass at the site of inflammation.

Cakes from hydradenitis


  • rye flour - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are mixed until a mass with the consistency of the dough is obtained.
  2. A cake is formed from it and applied to a sore spot at night, fixed with a bandage.

Hydradenitis - operation

When, after prolonged conservative therapy, it is not possible to eliminate hidradenitis, removal of the abscess is the only method of treatment. Surgical intervention is prescribed when the center of inflammation has softened or an independent opening of the abscess has occurred:

  1. The surgeon makes a wide incision to gain access to the entire lesion.
  2. After that, all the pus is removed along with fatty tissue in the focus of inflammation.
  3. Next, install the drain.
  4. Wound healing occurs by secondary intention.

Hydradenitis - prevention

To never know what a bitch udder is, a disease that is accompanied by severe pain, doctors recommend following simple rules.

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  2. Use of high-quality cosmetics, deodorants.
  3. The use of disposable or individual accessories for depilation.
  4. Exclusion of rough and tight clothing.
  5. Strengthening immunity.

Hidradenitis (popularly this pathology is called "bitch's udder") is a bacterial inflammation of the duct of the sweat gland. The development of the disease is possible only after the beginning of the full functioning of these appendages of the skin. Therefore, in a child and in old age, pathology does not occur. In children, the glands do not yet work sufficiently, and in older people, on the contrary, their activity fades. Hidradenitis affects women more often than men. According to the ICD international classification system, the disease was assigned the code L73.2 (purulent hydradenitis).

Development mechanism

From a biology course, many remember that human skin consists of several layers. The upper, epidermis, performs a protective function. Some of its cells become keratinized, exfoliate and are replaced by new ones. The dermis is next. In the place of its attachment to the epidermis are nerve fibers and capillaries, and deeper there are sweat and sebaceous glands.

The last layer of the skin protects it from damage and temperature changes, and provides the storage of nutrients. It is called adipose tissue. The sweat gland is located deep in the dermis, it looks like a glomerulus, from which a straight or convoluted tubule emerges, ending in a duct. It can open on the surface of the epidermis or is excreted at the site of hair growth.

There are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Ecrinoids are located throughout the body, they are more concentrated on the palms, soles, back and emit transparent, odorless sweat. The secret of the apocrine glands contains cholesterol and cell debris. They are larger in size, their discharge has a specific smell and is a good breeding ground for pathogenic microflora. The locations of foci of hydradenitis are determined by the accumulation of this type of glands. Most of them are localized in the armpits, the area of ​​the labia and pubis in women, the scrotum and penis in men, the gluteal fold, around the nipples.

Normally, numerous strains of streptococci and staphylococci are present on the skin of a healthy person, only 10% of them are pathogenic. Unlike streptococci, which infect the surface layers of the epidermis, staphylococci penetrate into the appendages of the skin, including the sweat glands. As a result, with the development of acute hidradenitis - inflammation, which is accompanied by the formation of a pustule. This is the name given to a cavity filled with pus.

The high frequency of infectious skin lesions is facilitated by the widespread distribution of staphylococcus aureus in the environment. For a long time, the bacterium persists in dust, on clothes, and household items. Resistant to temperature, disinfectants. The disease "hydradenitis" appears in the area of ​​large folds, where poor aeration increases sweating.

Etiology (causes)

A certain role in the development of infection is played by the properties of the pathogen itself. The high virulence of staphylococcus aureus, the toxins it releases, facilitates its penetration and reproduction in the cavity of the sweat gland. But a number of exogenous and endogenous factors increase the risk of developing inflammation. Causes of hydradenitis include:

  • scratching of the skin allergic itch, insect bites, cuts, scratches due to careless shaving;
  • the use of soap, shower gels, cosmetics, which violates the pH of the skin, its normal level is in the range of 4.5 - 5.5, thus inhibiting the reproduction of pathogenic flora, with an increase in this value, this protective mechanism is violated;
  • a change in the hormonal background leads to an increase in the secretion of sweat and sebum;
  • hyperhidrosis caused by prolonged fever, stay in a hot climate, hard physical work, psychological stress;
  • ingrown hair after epilation;
  • diaper rash arising from improper selection of clothing, non-compliance with hygiene;
  • the use of deodorant and powders that clog the pores of the skin;
  • features of the anatomical structure of the ducts of the sweat glands, too curved tubule contributes to the accumulation of keratinized particles of the epidermis and fatty acids.

However, the main causes of infection are a violation of the immune system and local defense factors. A similar condition develops against the background of constant stress, the presence of foci of chronic "smoldering" infection in the body, HIV. Immunity weakens after operations, especially if they were accompanied by massive blood loss. Long-term use of corticosteroids, cytostatics, antibacterial agents, chemotherapy also inhibit the functioning of the immune system. The protective properties of the skin weaken with the frequent use of bactericidal hygiene products. Addiction to such soaps and gels and the skin diseases they cause have led to a ban on their sale in some foreign countries.

Clinical picture

Doctors note that the symptoms of hidradenitis in 90% of cases develop in the armpit, and on the one hand. Much less often, foci of the disease are localized on the genitals and around the nipples on the mammary glands in women. Pathology does not occur at all on the face, arms or legs. At an early stage of the disease, a seal appears.

At first, its size does not exceed 2 - 3 mm, but gradually it increases and can reach the shape of a hazelnut. The tubercle rises, the skin acquires a specific blue-red tint. Pressing, and in the later stages, a simple movement of the hand causes severe pain. Purulent hydradenitis develops acutely. A few days later (the exact period depends on the individual characteristics of the human body), as a result of the activity of staphylococcus aureus, the tissues are melted with the formation of a thick white exudate.

Live healthy! Hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat gland. (05/10/2016)

Live healthy! Hydradenitis

Forms and stages of hydradenitis. Relapse of hydradenitis. Suppurative hydradenitis

The results of the treatment of Lyudmila Gusak (hydradenitis)

The pathological process extends to the sebaceous glands. Therefore, black dots of clogged ducts are visible on the skin in the focus of infection. Further symptoms of hidradenitis are due to the development of inflammation: swelling appears, pain is felt all the time. Due to toxic waste products and metabolism of bacteria, general well-being worsens (temperature rises, there is no appetite, weakness develops).

Reaching a certain limit, the stretched skin bursts, and the abscess opens. In this case, pus is released with an admixture of blood. The state of health improves, and the signs of the disease disappear. However, without appropriate treatment, such a development of hidradenitis is fraught with complications and the spread of infection to nearby tissues.

Possible consequences of inflammation

Staphylococcal infections are among the most resistant and difficult to treat types of inflammation. Therefore, do not wait for the swelling to resolve by itself. On the forums devoted to the issues of skin diseases, there are many photos showing hydradenitis at various localizations. Therefore, if you find yourself with the described symptoms, you should immediately contact the clinic to the doctor.

The fact is that there are lymph nodes in the armpits and groin. And infection of the sweat glands has a tendency to abscess flow. That is, a solid core is not formed, as, for example, with boils, but nearby tissues are involved in the process. Infection in the lymph nodes is fraught with the development of severe lymphadenitis.

Even after opening the abscess, you will have to go to the doctor. Pathogenic microflora still remains in the cavity of the sweat gland. It becomes the cause of chronic hidradenitis, which is characterized by recurrent development with periods of exacerbation. In addition, a course of antibiotics is likely to help at an early stage. However, if there is a large abscess, surgery is required to prevent complications of hidradenitis.


Diagnosis of hidradenitis begins with a survey and examination of the patient. In favor of this disease speaks the characteristic area of ​​localization, the appearance of edema and possible accompanying symptoms. The doctor needs to distinguish the lesion of the sweat gland from other pathologies with a similar clinic. It:

  • boil, a feature is the presence of a purulent rod;
  • carbuncle - an accumulation of several boils in a limited area;
  • phlegmon - purulent inflammation of the deep layers of the skin - fatty tissue, sometimes connective tissue is involved in the process;
  • complicated atheroma - infection sebaceous gland;
  • lymphadenitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

It is also worth diagnosing another form of hydradenitis - suppurative. It develops against a background of acne. Seals in the ducts of the sebaceous gland compresses the sweat, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. This type of disease is recurrent in nature, it is advisable to treat it after the cause has been eliminated. In the process of lactation, seals at the initial stage of hidradenitis are also similar to areas of milk accumulation due to blockage of the duct on the nipple.

They do a blood test, but the quantitative composition in the early stages of the disease does not change. Later, with the spread of a bacterial infection, an increase in the level of ESR and leukocytes is possible. In acute hidradenitis, treatment is often started without bakposev. It makes sense to do such an analysis in a chronic inflammatory process and the ineffectiveness of the standard antibiotic regimen. In the presence of concomitant symptoms (deterioration of well-being, acne, disorders menstrual function in women, weight fluctuations, excessive sweating) it is recommended to check the blood for sugar and identify possible deviations levels of sex thyroid hormones.

Antibacterial therapy for hidradenitis

Treatment of hidradenitis with medication will be successful if started within the first three days of the lump forming. To increase the effectiveness, a combination of oral and external agents and physiotherapy (UV - irradiation and radiotherapy) is simultaneously prescribed. The problem of prescribing antibiotics is that due to unsystematic self-treatment with antibacterial drugs, the susceptibility of pathogenic microflora to active components. The range of their resistance has expanded, there has been a transformation of β-lactamases produced by microorganisms, which destroy the structure of the active ingredients of the drugs.

Therefore, in order to avoid complications, a doctor should prescribe antibiotics for hydradenitis. When choosing a specific medication, the doctor pays attention to its activity against various strains of staphylococcus aureus. Not the last role is played by the ability of the drug to accumulate in the tissues of the skin. Several groups of antibiotics meet these requirements:

  1. Tetracyclines (doxycycline). It is prescribed only on the basis of the results of bacterial culture, since more than 70% of staphylococcus strains show resistance to them. The drug should be taken according to the scheme: the initial dosage is 200 mg, then it is reduced to 100 mg (although with a persistent course, the amount of the drug remains unchanged).
  2. Macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin) have a bacteriostatic effect, stopping the process of reproduction of microorganisms. This determines their effectiveness in the active stage of inflammation. Azithromycin is prescribed 2 tablets (500 mg) once a day, the dosage of erythromycin is 2 g per day.
  3. Penicillins (combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid - Amoxiclav). The action is based on the destruction of pathogenic flora. Take the medicine should be 625 mg every 12 hours.
  4. Fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin or Ciprolet). Show bactericidal action against staphylococci. The drug should be taken at a dosage of 0.75 g twice a day.

Of the side effects during the treatment of hidradenitis with antibiotics, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders are more often noted. To eliminate these symptoms, probiotics are prescribed in parallel. The duration of the course of therapy is up to two weeks. However, if a noticeable result is not visible during the first 3-4 days, the question of performing an operation is raised.

Topical preparations

The advantage of such medicines is fast "delivery" active substance directly to the focus of inflammation, bypassing the digestive system and bloodstream. The drug is rapidly absorbed through the epidermis and begins to act within minutes after application. In addition, the ointment from hidradenitis is indispensable for the sanitation of the cavity formed by the opened abscess. Also, funds for local use are prescribed for the treatment of the disease during pregnancy, since the only antibiotic allowed in this state is Amoxiclav. However, breastfeeding is recommended to be interrupted to prevent adverse reactions in the child.

To stimulate the release of purulent contents, Vishnevsky's liniment or ichthyol ointment is used. From the affected area of ​​​​the skin, the hair is cut off and the medicine is applied in a thin layer. The wound is then covered with a sterile dressing. It should be changed three times a day, spreading the drug at the same time. After the release of purulent contents, you need to use the following tools:

  • levomekol, which has antimicrobial, antiseptic and wound healing effects.
  • lotions with a 2% solution of clindamycin (this is an antibiotic from the lincosamide group with a bactericidal effect), which are changed every half hour;
  • dressings soaked in a mixture of a solution of dimexide and iodine, alcohol chlorophyllipt or calendula tincture, it is worth noting that if hydradenitis is localized in an area with delicate skin, these antiseptics must be diluted with boiled water;
  • oflomelide, containing a combination of the antibiotic ofloxacin, the wound healing agent methyluracil, and local anesthetic lidocaine, the infected skin should be smeared with this cream once a day, the drug can also be used as an application under sterile dressing, lay in an open wound after surgical intervention.

Non-purulent hidradenitis can be treated at home or at a day hospital. However, if inflammation is accompanied high temperature and accumulation of pus, the patient is recommended to be under the supervision of medical personnel around the clock. In some cases, with a pronounced infectious process, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections in the first few days. Then the patient is transferred to taking tablets with a similar composition.

Complementary Therapy

In the treatment of hidradenitis, especially recurrent, funds are needed to stimulate the work of one's own immunity. For this purpose, you can take drugs based on echinacea (doctors recommend the homeopathic remedy Echinacea compositum from Heel), drugs containing recombinant interferon. To eliminate edema appoint antihistamines(Telfast, Claritin, Diazepam). Showing preparations based on isotretinoin (retinoic ointment, Retasol solution, Roaccutane capsules). This substance reduces the production of sebum and inhibits the activity of the sweat glands.

In the scheme of how to treat chronic hydradenitis, specific macrophages and staphylococcal immunoglobulin are also present. However, the appropriateness of the use of these drugs is determined by the doctor. They are also dangerous during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To restore immunity, it is important to make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. This is achieved through diet.

Doctors recommend giving up fatty and fried foods. The menu for 70% should consist of vegetables and fruits. To reduce sweating during treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to psychosomatics and avoid stress, physical exertion. It is important that the clothes are made from natural materials and correspond to the surrounding temperature conditions.

A hot bath can be a catalyst for inflammation, so shower twice a day with unscented, unscented baby soap. After hygiene procedures, the affected skin should be wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate or tincture of calendula. Until the completion of the course of therapy, you can not shave this area, do epilation and avoid injury to the skin. And although the infection is not transmitted from person to person, the patient must be allocated a separate towel, which should be changed twice a day.

Surgical intervention

With hydradenitis, surgical treatment is necessary when antibiotics are ineffective, when the infection spreads to neighboring tissues. In an acute inflammatory process, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. The lesion is opened, after which the cavity of the gland is cleaned of pus and treated with a solution antimicrobial drug. To prevent complications of hidradenitis, drainage is left in the wound, which is removed after the infectious process subsides.

To permanently get rid of advanced chronic hydradenitis, which is prone to frequent relapses, doctors recommend completely removing the sweat gland affected by inflammation. During this operation, the connective tissue that has formed as a result of frequent inflammations is also cut out. Removal of the affected skin appendage ensures that there is no pathogenic microflora left, and opening of hidradenitis is no longer required. A video describing the operation process and the possible consequences of the disease, if it is not cured in time, is available on the Internet.

Alternative Medicine Recipes

Doctors believe that the treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies is ineffective, but it is safe and combined with the proposed drug therapy. In addition, numerous patient reviews confirm the effectiveness of these methods. The ingredients for such recipes are simple and can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. For the treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies at home, you can use the following methods:

  • bake half of the onion in the oven, apply to the inflamed skin, fix the “compress” with a bandage and leave overnight;
  • apply gruel from crushed plantain to the frozen seal;
  • beat off a cabbage leaf with a kitchen hammer and apply as a compress that draws out pus;
  • finely chop the onion, fry in melted butter and add 2 - 3 tbsp. grated laundry soap, make a compress from the mixture and leave overnight;
  • douse an aloe leaf with boiling water, clean it of sharp thorns and cut it lengthwise, apply it to inflamed skin up to 5 times a day.

Another folk remedy for hydradenitis is a mixture of yolks, melted pork fat, honey and flour. The ingredients must be mixed to the consistency of a thick ointment, applied to the site of inflammation and covered with a bandage. Also, a compress of fatty sour cream and rye flour helps to remove the "bitch udder" at home. Some healers recommend the treatment of hydradenitis with the help of conspiracies. However, the effectiveness of this method is highly debatable.

Preventive measures

Prevention of hidradenitis consists in observing the rules of personal hygiene. This is a regular shower, a timely change of clothes and underwear. Doctors also advise carefully choosing body care products and antiperspirants. Many will not be able to completely refuse to use it. However, they must be washed off every evening and in no case should be left overnight.

After epilation, it is advised to use emollient creams and scrubs to prevent hair from growing into the skin. Special prevention of hidradenitis is necessary for people prone to inflammation of the sweat glands. They should regularly wipe problem areas with a solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction, or use tar soap or Tsiteal antiseptic for hygiene purposes.

When a seal appears in the area of ​​accumulation of sweat glands, you should not wait until it resolves by itself. In the early stages it is possible drug treatment at home. Therefore, you need to see a doctor. This will help to avoid complications, the transition of the disease to chronic form and constant relapses.

The most interesting on the topic

Hidradenitis (mcb 10 L73.2 purulent hydradenitis) is an inflammation of the sweat glands, which most often occurs in the groin or under the arm. Also, this disease can affect areas of the skin that are localized:

  • around the anus;
  • near the nipples;
  • on the labia in women;
  • near the navel;
  • on the scalp;
  • on the scrotum in men.

In the people, hydradenitis is called a bough udder. This disease occurs with equal probability in both men and women. Hidradenitis does not affect the elderly, because the activity of the sweat glands is inhibited with age. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the summer, when the air temperature is high enough, and the person sweats a lot.

Stages of hydradenitis:
  • stage of infiltration;
  • suppuration stage;
  • an abscess has formed and may rupture.

Inflammation of the sweat glands with hydradenitis is most often provoked by the activity of streptococci, staphylococci and other bacteria. They enter the body through excretory ducts on the skin.

Classification of hydradenitis:
  • purulent hydradenitis;
  • axillary hydradenitis;
  • inguinal hydradenitis;
  • chronic hydradenitis;
  • suppurative hydradenitis.

Causes of hydradenitis

The main reasons for the development of hidradenitis, regardless of the location of inflammation:

  • decrease in body resistance;
  • hyperactivity of sweat glands;
  • frequent injury to the skin;
  • disregard for personal hygiene;
  • as a consequence of dermatoses, which are accompanied by severe itching;
  • immunosuppressive conditions;
  • diabetes.

The causes of hydradenitis under the arm are non-compliance with personal hygiene, the formation of microtraumas and cuts from a razor. The provoking factor may be the use of low-quality depilatory products. Deodorant can also cause hydradenitis if used very often.

Purulent hydradenitis - causes

The causes of hidradenitis, which is accompanied by the accumulation of pus inside the sweat gland, are considered to be non-compliance with hygiene rules and untimely treatment of this disease. If, when a small swelling appears, you do not pay attention to it, over time, the skin in this place begins to become more inflamed. The resulting pimple grows rapidly in size and can reach 15-20 mm in diameter.

Gradually, the swelling softens, and pus begins to flow from its center. When hydradenitis is opened, strong pain as an open wound is formed. This process can take 7-10 days. At proper treatment hidradenitis after opening the formation, a scar forms in its place.

Hydradenitis - the initial stage

At the initial stage of hydradenitis, some discomfort and tingling are felt under the armpit or in the groin. If you examine the skin, you can clearly see a small red pimple. In the initial stage of the disease, only one sweat gland is affected, and as hydradenitis develops, adjacent ducts may become inflamed.

This problem is characterized by the accumulation of secretion in the skin pore or near the hair follicle. Under these conditions, which are quite favorable for various bacteria, an inflammatory process develops.

Recurrent hydradenitis

Chronic or recurrent hydradenitis is characterized by the appearance of extensive inflammation of the sweat glands, which lasts for a long time. This form of the disease is considered the most difficult. It requires careful diagnosis and treatment. It is important to identify the causes that provoked such a long inflammatory process in the body.

Abscess - common complication recurrent hidradenitis, which may appear without timely complex treatment.

Suppurative hydradenitis

Suppurative hydradenitis of the armpit or other area of ​​the skin appears due to blockage and rupture of the hair follicle. The disease is characterized by the formation of an inflammatory process that affects the sweat glands.

Another name for this form of hydradenitis is acne inversion. This disease affects a person after puberty. Its feature is the combination of inflammation of the sweat glands with various forms of acne. Hidradenitis can sometimes appear on the face or neck.

Causes given state skin is considered wearing uncomfortable clothing that rubs the skin. Also a provoking factor is obesity and increased sweating.

Hydradenitis in the groin

Hydradenitis in the groin area arises from tight and uncomfortable underwear that can rub. Microtraumas and diaper rash that form on the skin become the entrance gate for infection. Hydradenitis in an intimate place may appear from the frequent use of razors. Also, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is directly related to this disease.

Hidradenitis in the groin in women appears in places where the apocrine glands are localized. It is characterized by the formation of dense nodes that cause pain.

Hydradenitis on the labia is accompanied by the formation of small formations protruding above the skin. Over time, they begin to increase in size and reach a diameter of 1-2 cm. At the same time, the problem area of ​​​​the skin acquires a bluish tint. Hydradenitis on the labia is diagnosed by a gynecologist after conducting appropriate tests. This disease is characterized by simultaneous damage to several sweat glands.

When diagnosing hidradenitis in the groin, treatment should be started immediately. If nothing is done after a while, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is affected.

Hydradenitis in men can be manifested by the appearance of painful seals on the scrotum.

Hydradenitis under the arm

Axillary hydradenitis in the stage of infiltration is accompanied by inflammation of the sweat glands, mainly on one side. In this case, small dense nodules are formed, which, when palpated, cause a painful sensation. Over time, the discomfort increases as the formations increase in size and begin to fester.

In some cases, hydradenitis of the mammary gland can be observed. In this case, nodules appear near the nipples. Especially dangerous is hydradenitis during pregnancy or hydradenitis during breastfeeding. This condition without effective treatment can harm not only the mother, but also the child. The inflammatory process in a woman's body can cause other more dangerous conditions.

Which doctor should I contact with hydradenitis?

Hidradenitis is a rather dangerous disease, since in severe cases it can cause sepsis. Therefore, when identifying the first symptoms, you need to contact a dermatologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment. In most cases, antibiotics are used, which are detrimental to pathogenic bacteria.

If hidradenitis has passed to the stage of suppuration, its treatment can only be performed surgically. In this case, you need to contact a regular surgeon.

When hydradenitis appears in children, it is imperative to contact a pediatrician who will examine the baby and prescribe a specific treatment. It is also important to exclude other diseases that are characterized by similar symptoms.

Also note that hydradenitis is not contagious. The only exception is hair removal products, which can only be used by one person.


Clinical picture hidradenitis, as a rule, unfolds with a certain dynamics and is characterized by the similarity of symptoms in different people. It is very important to note that if any of the symptoms described below appear, a person should immediately contact medical institution to receive professional medical care.

The clinical picture of hydradenitis

Hidradenitis predominantly affects the sweat glands of one armpit and is considered unilateral. This is one of the features of the manifestation of the clinical picture.

In the initial stage of the development of the disease (stage of infiltration), the appearance of dense nodules of small diameter is observed in the skin, which can be easily felt under the skin. At the same time, their appearance is accompanied by a feeling of itching and slight pain, which increases with pressure on the nodules. The skin over the altered sweat glands becomes hyperemic. There is pain in the armpit when moving the hand.

The nodules grow rapidly and reach a diameter of up to 1.5 - 2 cm, solder with the skin and with each other. They can be seen on the skin in the form of pear-shaped tubercles with a considerable height. At the same time, outwardly, they resemble the nipples of a dog, which is reflected in the trivial name of the disease - “bitch's udder”. The skin above them becomes purple-red, edematous and acquires a shine, which is associated with its tension. Soreness increases and now manifests itself not only with movements of the limb or pressure on the nodules, but also at rest. With further progression of hidradenitis, the nodules merge with each other and form large painful conglomerates, outwardly creating the illusion of a general inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, which can make it difficult to make a differential diagnosis of the disease. This stage of the development of the disease is called the stage of maturation of hydradenitis, and, in addition to local symptoms, it is manifested by an increase in body temperature, general weakness, stiffness and soreness of the muscles, headache and other symptoms of malaise.

If left untreated, the disease progresses. Purulent inflammation begins in the subcutaneous nodules, which is accompanied by their melting and the release of pus from under the skin. At the same time, the pus is thick (similar in consistency to sour cream) and very often contains bloody impurities. At this stage of the development of the disease, the skin at the site of the lesion becomes soft to the touch, of a doughy consistency, which is associated with the presence of purulent foci under it. At this stage of the development of hidradenitis, it must be differentiated from the furuncle of the axillary region, this can be helped by the absence of a purulent core, which is observed in 100% of cases with the latter disease. After opening the festering node, the patient's condition improves: the temperature decreases and the symptoms of intoxication disappear. Visually, ulcers are formed at the site of the former nodes, characterized by a long healing process. After them, a retracted scar remains on the skin.

With the progression of the disease, regional axillary lymph nodes are involved in the process, which is manifested by symptoms of lymphadenitis: an increase and soreness of the lymph nodes, the inability to move the limb due to pain.

As a rule, the development cycle of hidradenitis is two weeks, but at the same time, fresh purulent foci can be added to the already scarring nodes, which makes the disease potentially long and dangerous to human health. In this case, hydradenitis takes chronic course with frequent and severe relapses, which requires a certain correction of treatment. With such a protracted course, comedones remain on the skin (fistulous passages connected to the surface of the skin by many holes).

Symptoms of complications of hidradenitis

With further progression of hidradenitis, it is possible to melt the tissues surrounding the sweat glands, which can manifest itself with a wide variety of symptoms, depending on the affected structure. Very often, the disease acquires a diffuse character and is accompanied by the development of phlegmon (unlimited purulent inflammation), which is clinically accompanied by the development of a severe intoxication syndrome (temperature rise to 40 ° C, headache, weakness) and the inability to make any movements of the affected upper limb. Another typical complication of hidradenitis is damage to the trunks of the brachial plexus, which is manifested by pain in the limb, a burning sensation along the nerves, and muscle weakness. The development of complications requires immediate hospitalization and the start of intensive treatment in a hospital.

It is very important to pay great attention to the prevention of hidradenitis and prevent the development of this disease.


A doctor can prescribe treatment for any disease only after a visual examination, the patient undergoes additional instrumental examinations and getting results laboratory research. With a pathology such as hydradenitis, the diagnosis includes the following parameters:

An important factor is the differential diagnosis of the disease. While the clinical manifestations seem obvious to the patient, and he is in a hurry to begin treatment; an experienced qualified specialist will scrupulously study the data presented so as not to confuse hydradenitis with such pathologies as

  • tuberculosis of the lymph nodes of the armpit;
  • furunculosis;
  • carbuncle;
  • abscess;
  • phlegmon;
  • lymphadenitis.

If there are clear signs that indicate that hydradenitis is developing, diagnosis should be carried out in a medical institution. The attending physician will write out a referral for the necessary studies and prescribe a competent treatment.

Laboratory and instrumental research methods for hydradenitis

It must be remembered that the doctor signs not only the treatment plan, but also the types of diagnostics. The patient cannot choose the preferred research methods, add certain items or refuse to undergo examinations. As mentioned above, many diseases are manifested by symptoms similar to those of hidradenitis. But similar manifestations do not mean that the treatment will be similar. Therefore, incorrect diagnosis of pathology, at best, will lead to lingering current disease, and at worst - to the development of numerous complications. In order to accurately diagnose hidradenitis, five main examination methods are used.

The study of the clinical picture of the disease. This point should be treated with particular care. External manifestations can both push for the correct diagnosis with obvious manifestations, and confuse the blurring of symptoms. On examination, the doctor will reveal a bluish-red tint and swelling of the skin of the affected area, and on palpation, dense painful formations in the form of nodes are determined. A distinctive feature of hidradenitis from other pathologies is the absence of a necrotic rod.

Assessment of the general condition of the patient's body. Patients may complain of a deterioration in well-being, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy towards the outside world, headaches and dizziness, and increased sweating. These signs are relative and can be a manifestation of many diseases. However, in a comprehensive examination, you should take into account all the details and pay attention to any little things.

General blood analysis. In the general blood test, signs of inflammation appear: an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and an increased number of leukocytes.

Sowing discharge from the wound. Treatment of hidradenitis is not possible without antibiotic therapy. Therefore, it is advisable to culture the discharge from the wound to determine the sensitivity to these drugs. This measure will help to choose exactly the drug that will successfully eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

Immunogram. There are cases when prolonged and chronic hydradenitis is observed, the diagnosis in such a situation is supplemented by a study of the body's defenses. If the assumption about the weakening of the immune system is confirmed, the treatment is expanded by the introduction of immunomodulators.

Timely and high-quality diagnosis is an important step towards correct and adequate treatment.


The method of treatment of hidradenitis depends on the stage of the disease. With the manifestation of a slight swelling, which has not yet had time to fester, you can get rid of the problem quite easily at home using external agents - antibiotic ointments and antiseptic solutions.

At an early stage of the disease, treatment with folk remedies is allowed, which is aimed at reducing inflammation and destroying pathogenic microorganisms on the skin. It also shows a positive result various methods physiotherapy.

Effective treatment for hidradenitis includes antibacterial therapy with antibiotics. Immunostimulating agents are also indicated, especially if relapses of the disease occur.

If the formations on the skin are festering, you can not do without surgical intervention. Does it hurt to cut hidradenitis? No, because this operation is carried out under the local or general anesthesia depending on the degree of skin damage. After removal of hidradenitis, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the surgeon and dermatologist in order to prevent repeated outbreaks of the disease. Also, for better healing of an open wound after surgery, local external therapy is indicated.

Can hydradenitis resolve? Of course, yes, if the treatment occurs in a timely manner and the correct drugs are used, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to get rid of hydradenitis at the initial stage?

How to treat hydradenitis under the arm or on any other part of the body, if only small seals have formed on the skin:

  • antibiotic therapy - used for 8-10 days, depending on the patient's condition;
  • antihistamines - used in case of severe itching;
  • immunostimulating agents that are aimed at normalizing the protective functions of the body;
  • specific immunotherapy - in cases of frequent relapses of the disease, when staphylococcus aureus is the cause of inflammation;
  • corticosteroids - are used in the form of injections that reduce the inflammatory process;
  • external use of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions;
  • physiotherapy and dry compresses.

If you follow the instructions of doctors and use an integrated approach to solving the problem, hydradenitis resolves within 10-14 days.

How to treat hidradenitis - personal hygiene and skin care

How to cure hidradenitis quickly and without surgery? To do this, you need not only to take the drugs prescribed by your doctor, but also to follow the rules of personal hygiene with special care and take care of the inflamed areas of the skin.

First of all, cut off the hairs that are near the swelling with nail scissors. Also, wipe the skin with antiseptics 4-5 times a day to prevent the spread of infection to neighboring sweat glands. If large areas of the skin are affected, ointments or injections with antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed.

The first days after the appearance of swelling, put gauze bandages on them, which must be soaked with antiseptics. Top can not be sealed with a plaster, which can create a greenhouse effect and worsen the situation. The use of wet compresses is also prohibited. This will only accelerate the suppuration of neoplasms.

Treatment of hydradenitis under the arm is best supplemented with dry compresses. To do this, apply a warm cloth to the affected areas of the skin or expose your hand to direct sunlight for 20-30 minutes daily.

During an outbreak of hidradenitis, it is not recommended to take a bath, which can lead to the spread of the disease to other areas of the skin. It is best to wash under the shower. At the same time, glue a bactericidal patch on the inflamed swelling. Also, during treatment, refuse to shave, so as not to provoke new outbreaks of the disease in other areas of the skin and not slow down the healing process.

Purulent hidradenitis - treatment

With the development of suppuration in places with swelling, all treatment is reduced to the use various means, which will help him to ripen, after which the hydradenitis is opened. To do this, it is best to use special ointments that are applied in a thick layer to the skin. This must be done until the moment when the abscess opens.

In parallel with external agents, it is necessary to continue the use of antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs prescribed by the doctor.

When pus discharge appears in the middle of the seal, it is imperative to contact a surgeon who will remove the hydradenitis. You cannot open an abscess on your own. This can cause infection of the blood, which will lead to serious consequences.

Hidradenitis - surgical treatment

Surgery for hydradenitis is a necessary measure that will help eliminate abscesses and prevent the spread of the disease to other areas of the skin.

Depending on the nature of the disease, surgical intervention can take place according to the following schemes:

  • the appearance of one abscess for the first time - the operation takes place under local anesthesia, and lasts no more than 30 minutes. The surgeon opens the abscess, removes all the pus, and then treats the wound with antiseptics and antibiotic solutions;
  • the formation of hydradenitis several times in the same place - during the operation, the entire inflamed sweat gland is removed;
  • hidradenitis, which is accompanied by the formation of a large number of abscesses - the operation takes place in two stages under general anesthesia. This procedure is indicated in the most severe cases, which requires a long recovery period and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of hidradenitis in an intimate place, including surgery, occurs according to the same scheme that is used for other localization of abscesses.

Physiotherapy for hydradenitis

Together with other methods of treating hidradenitis, physiotherapy is used, which includes:

  • UHF therapy - helps to reduce the inflammatory process and eliminate the abscess;
  • UV therapy - destroys bacteria on the skin and increases resistance to infections;
  • CMW therapy - improves blood microcirculation and eliminates inflammation;
  • x-ray therapy - used to destroy the sweat gland, which is constantly inflamed.

Prevention of hidradenitis

An important point is the careful observance of hygiene standards:

  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics, which should be loose and not rub anywhere;
  • do not use daily antiperspirants. It is best to choose a powder with a bactericidal effect for yourself;
  • change clothes and underwear every day, especially in summer;
  • try not to shave with a razor. It is preferable to use laser hair removal or cut hairs short;
  • shower daily;
  • once a week for hygiene procedures, use antibacterial soap;
  • for intimate hygiene, use special gels that contain lactic acid.

To prevent the formation of abscesses and inflammations that are characteristic of hidradenitis, it is necessary to systematically strengthen the immune system, monitor weight and treat other infectious diseases in a timely manner.


The choice of means and methods for the treatment of hidradenitis largely depends on the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. Yes, on early stages diseases dermatologists often prescribe their patients treatment with medications.

Surgical intervention is carried out only if the treatment of hydradenitis with ointments and tablets for a long time has not brought any results.

As a rule, a conservative technique consists in the treatment of hidradenitis with antibiotics. They can be used both internally and externally in the form of various ointments, creams, sprays, etc. However, in whatever form the medicine is, only a doctor can prescribe it. This is due to the fact that antibiotics for hydradenitis can be addictive, which in the future may adversely affect the effectiveness of therapy.

Good results in the treatment of the disease are also shown by ointments that have the ability to draw purulent contents out.

However, any medication should be prescribed by a specialist in the appropriate field. Only he knows which antibiotics for hydradenitis and ointments should be prescribed to a particular patient.

Vishnevsky ointment

Physicians are ambiguous about the use of Vishnevsky's ointment, because sometimes it speeds up the process of producing pus.

As part of this tool there is tar, camphor and Castor oil. These components of the drug have a slight irritating and warming ability.

After applying the product to the affected area, it warms up, and the blood supply in it improves. All this leads to the rapid development of the inflammatory process.

This means that Vishnevsky's ointment for hydradenitis is prescribed only if the pathology has already passed into the suppuration phase. In this situation, the essence of its application is to accelerate the process of opening the abscess. That is, ointment from hydradenitis is used not to suppress, but to enhance the inflammatory process.

However, in the initial stages of the disease, this medicine is still not advisable to use. That is why it is so important that Vishnevsky's ointment for hydradenitis is prescribed by a specialist.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to the components of the drug.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment is another effective remedy for hydradenitis. It, like Vishnevsky's ointment, speeds up the opening process.

The agent showed the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of sluggish hidradenitis, in which the inflammatory process is weak, but at the same time prolonged. As a rule, ichthyol ointment for hydradenitis is prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs for oral administration.

Among the contraindications for the use this medicine hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the period of pregnancy and lactation, age under 12 years can be noted.


Levomekol is an ointment that has antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. It contains levomethicin (an antibiotic) and methyluracil. It is worth noting that in case of a severe course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the administration of chloramphenicol in tablet form inside.

Since Levomekol is a drug based on several drugs, it can replace several drugs accordingly.

Levomecithin contained in the drug has a detrimental effect on staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and many other bacteria. At the same time, methyluracil accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. In addition, it effectively simulates local immunity, so that the body eliminates the infection faster.

For the same reason, Levomekol is able to fight not only bacterial, but also viral infections.

Levomekol with hydradenitis is a relatively safe ointment. A contraindication to its use is only the presence of an allergic reaction to the constituent agents.

However, only a doctor should prescribe the ointment, since in some cases it can cause side effects, among which swelling, rash, itching and redness of the skin can be distinguished.

If these symptoms occur, the patient should consult a doctor as soon as possible. When the drug is replaced, side effects disappear within a few days.


Erythromycin for hydradenitis can be prescribed in different forms both in tablet and ointment form. The choice of the form of the remedy and the scheme of its use in this case is carried out by the doctor, based on the degree of the disease and the nature of its course.

This antibiotic can affect both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Unlike antibiotics of the penicillin group, erythromycin ointment for hydradenitis is much more easily tolerated by patients.

Erythromycin stops protein synthesis by pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to their death and a decrease in the inflammatory process.

Unfortunately, erythromycin (in any form), like most drugs, has its own contraindications. So, this tool is not recommended to use if the patient has intolerance to the components of the drug or serious illnesses liver. Pregnant women and children should consult a doctor before using the drug.

Among the side effects of the drug, patients sometimes note dizziness, swelling, migraines and difficulty breathing.


Dimexide is a drug for external use that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and mild analgesic effects.

Dimexide has a low price, and you can buy it at any pharmacy.

Its main function is to conduct other medicines into the deeper layers of tissues, that is, it acts as a conductor.

However, you can use this remedy only as directed by a doctor, since if used incorrectly, it can cause a chemical burn or carry into the body along with useful substances and toxic ones.

Pregnant women and patients with liver and kidney diseases should refrain from using dimexide for hydradenitis.

Among side effects the drug, patients often report nausea, allergic reactions, respiratory disorders and burning sensation.

As a rule, the doctor selects for the patient individually the medications that must be used with Dimexide to achieve the best results. To do this, the patient must independently make various talkers and ointments with dimexide in the composition. It is important not to self-medicate. Only a doctor knows exactly how to smear hydradenitis to his patient.


Amoxicillin is an oral antibiotic. It effectively fights pathogenic bacteria - causative agents of hydradenitis.

Its absorption in the stomach occurs within 15-30 minutes after ingestion. It reaches its maximum activity after 2 hours, and the duration of its action is 8 hours.

Among the side effects of amoxicillin are allergies, digestive disorders, and central nervous system damage.

Folk remedies

In addition to the official approach in the treatment of hydradenitis, traditional medicine is also effective. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that this inflammatory process is a serious ailment, so the selection of a folk remedy should be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Aloe disinfection

Treatment of hidradenitis at home is effective when using the leaves of this houseplant.

For the procedure, perennial aloe is used, which must be washed with water before use, the thorns are removed. A cut sheet is applied to the site of inflammation for 20 minutes several times a day. The medicinal juice of the plant draws out pus and promotes the rapid healing of inflammation.

Compresses from blackberry leaves, plantain and white cabbage are also suitable for cleansing an abscess.

Treatment with onions

With purulent rashes, baked onions are effective. The vegetable is cut into half rings and baked in the oven until golden brown. Then the agent is applied to the sore spot, fixed with sterile cotton and bandaged.

Treatment must be continued until the rupture of the abscess.

Honey and propolis

Alternative treatment of hydradenitis involves the use of honey and propolis in the absence of allergies.

If there are no special contraindications, then bee glue and honey are mixed, and there should be a little more propolis in the therapeutic composition. Wheat flour is added to the folk remedy. The resulting cake must be applied to the diseased area, securing with adhesive tape.

Sour cream and rye flour

For a compress with hydradenitis, fatty sour cream and flour are used. The resulting mass should be dense, it is important that the substance does not slip from the place of attachment.

Eggs, honey and flour are also used for the compress. All components are mixed into a homogeneous composition and applied for several hours to the site of inflammation.

To fix the flour cake, you also need an adhesive plaster.

Herbal remedies

For a complete cure for the disease, it is effective to take medicines inside. In this case, phytotherapy comes to the rescue.

Calendula tincture is also suitable for treating an inflamed area. A little water is added to the solution before use.

To accelerate the maturation of the abscess, an infusion of wormwood paniculata is used. The boiled product cools, the diseased areas are lubricated with medicine.

With hydradenitis, a herbal collection of eucalyptus and plantain leaves, calendula and elderberry flowers is effective. All plants are taken in equal proportions. One glass of raw materials is crushed and poured with water, the mixture is brought to a boil over low heat.

The medicine is used several times a day after insisting in a dark place. For taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the broth. This folk remedy for hydradenitis has anti-inflammatory properties and improves immunity.

To heal a burst abscess

To make the wound heal faster, wash the sore spot with infusion of chamomile or sage. This will not only reduce inflammation, but also relieve pain.

It is strictly contraindicated to squeeze out an abscess. This can lead not only to redness and expansion of the inflammatory area, but also to blood poisoning (sepsis). This condition is life-threatening and requires urgent hospitalization.

Although folk remedies have a certain therapeutic effect, but a conservative approach is not a panacea for hidradenitis. With inflammation, surgical intervention is often indicated, so you cannot prescribe treatment yourself. Running the disease is also not an option, since hydradenitis can go into the stage of severe suppuration.

The information is for reference only and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.

The root cause is a weakening of the immune system, which, against the background of increased sweating and alkalization of sweat in the armpits, inguinal folds, genitals and anus, leads to the formation of an inflammatory focus.

At the first stage of the disease, the doctor, when probing, will determine dense formations that ripen one by one and are small in size. Usually, a bough udder begins to grow from dermal and hypodermal cells.

Appear characteristic symptoms, the patient feels itching and periodic pain. Inflammation of the sweat glands passes into an acute stage, the formations grow rapidly, solder with the upper layers of the skin, become pear-shaped and swell on the surface in the form of a nipple.

The photo of seals in the first stage shows almost intact skin.

By this time, the skin becomes cyanotic, swelling and a local increase in body temperature are observed at the site of the lesion. The pains are getting stronger.

It often happens that initially isolated foci begin to merge, after which the formation becomes soft, begins to sag, and then spontaneously opens, releasing thick pus mixed with blood.

The bitch udder does not form a necrotic core, but in some cases an extensive and dense purulent infiltrate forms under the skin, which can be mistaken for phlegmon.

Hidradenitis refers to one of the forms of pyoderma (bacterial infections that cause pustular lesions of the skin). Pathogenic microorganisms can be brought in after shaving, combing, squeezing acne.

Hidradenitis in the armpits in women is common, since this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin undergoes frequent destruction during epilation, and sweating increases the number of bacteria.

Hydradenitis is a microbial pathology. It is most often caused by staphylococci, streptococci. The provoking factors are: microtraumas, as a result of shaving, for example, a decrease in immunity, violation of hygiene rules, diabetes mellitus, obesity ...

Signs of hydradenitis or how to distinguish a bough udder from other skin diseases

photo of hydradenitis formation

It is important to note that most often this ailment is one-sided, but there are exceptions. When the purulent-inflammatory process is just beginning, in places where the apocrine sweat glands are located, dense nodules are tied in the skin itself.

Over time, they begin to itch and cause pain (especially when pressed).

At first, the nodules are small, but they grow rapidly, reaching sizes up to one and a half centimeters each, and resemble a pear in shape. Around them, the skin becomes red-blue and swells; the site of inflammation is very sore.

Some nodules, close to each other, can be combined into one - then in this place a formation tightly soldered to the skin, resembling a disk in shape.

Analyzes for hydradenitis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with a furuncle (with hydradenitis there is no purulent core), carbuncle, lymphadenitis, venereal lymphogranuloma, donovanosis, actinomycosis.

Having undressed you, palpating the focus of inflammation, the doctor will already make a diagnosis. A blood sugar test is also required.

Treatment of hidradenitis

How to treat hydradenitis? The disease will not go away on its own, so medical intervention is required. Sweat center and skin problems are dealt with by a surgeon and a dermatologist.

It is forbidden to squeeze pus out of the nodules on your own. This can cause the spread of infection and, as a result, serious complications.

If inflammation is detected, first aid must be provided:

  1. Gently remove hair from neighboring places.
  2. Avoid moisture, so do not take a bath. You can take a shower, but the sore spot must be sealed with adhesive tape.
  3. Warm the nodules every hour with a warm towel.
  4. Warm up the inflammation with a blue lamp for 5 minutes 3 times a day.
  5. Wipe the nodes and skin around with alcohol several times a day.

These measures will help to heal faster and will not allow pus to pass deep into the body.

Hydradenitis itself is not contagious. However, an infection that comes out with purulent contents can be transmitted. Therefore, you can not touch personal hygiene items and clothes of the patient.

With hydradenitis, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will prescribe conservative treatment, which includes medicines and traditional medicine. In advanced cases, only surgery can help.


Medications have the most intense and directed action. The main assets include:

Antibiotics for hydradenitis are prescribed for severe inflammation. The disease seriously affects the body, and such medicines prevent the spread of infection and the occurrence of complications.

Of the antibiotics, macrolides, Erythromycin, Tetracycline can be prescribed. If observed fever Antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) are prescribed.

Surgical intervention

Hidradenitis with persistent purulent discharge can only be cured with surgery.

If the bump opens, and the installation of drainage does not bring results due to the appearance of many small abscesses in the focus of the infiltrate, then the surgeon makes a deep incision to healthy tissues.

When the wound heals, antibiotics and physiotherapy are prescribed. This way, relapses can be avoided. The physiotherapy course includes the following methods:

  • photochemotherapy (increases the body's resistance to pathogenic bacteria);
  • quartz;
  • IF-therapy (stops pain in the armpits);
  • magnetic laser therapy (has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect).

Treatment of hidradenitis at home with a curd compress

The woman developed hydradenitis under her arm, she was offered an operation. But the disease was cured by folk remedies. A familiar grandmother helped her, who cured her daughter's bitch udder with the same method.

Mix 1 part sour cream, 1 part butter and 1 part cottage cheese. Apply this mixture in the form of a compress to the inflammation under the armpit and fix it tightly.

Prepare the mixture fresh every evening. By morning it dries up.

The bumps that had already begun to boil were getting smaller every day. The woman did compresses until the painful seals completely disappeared.

The operation was not needed. (HLS 2001, No. 3, p.

It helps to cure the disease and simple cottage cheese, it must be mixed with hot water so that the cottage cheese warms up, squeezed out and applied on gauze to the abscess under the arm. (HLS 2007, No. 4, p. 33).

Honey cake against inflammation of the sweat glands

A woman had an abscess under her arm, unbearable pains began, she turned to a surgeon. The sore was cut open, she lost consciousness from the pain.

After a while, hidradenitis returned again, but she was afraid to go to the hospital. In addition, one woman told her how to treat a bitch udder with folk remedies.

1 st. l. heat honey in a water bath, mix with flour, knead the cake and apply at night to the abscess under the arm in the form of a compress, covered with polyethylene. Make fresh bread every night. Hidradenitis was cured without surgery, the disease never returned. (HLS 2003, No. 3, p. 19)

Treatment of hidradenitis at home with onion ointment

The woman had boils under her armpit. Despite the treatment, the disease progressed, the nodes became more and more.

The surgeon was far away, so she decided to treat the bitch udder with herbal ointment. First you need to prepare calendula oil: pour 1.5 cups of calendula flowers with a glass of vegetable oil at a temperature of 80-100 degrees, mix.

Insist in the dark for 40 days, strain.

The treatment of the female udder is based on the use of antibiotics, the dose and frequency of which are determined by the attending physician. Potent nitrofurans and sulfonamides can be added to these drugs, the principle of action of which is similar to antibiotics.

In the chronic form, the patient is shown immunotherapy and taking restorative drugs. To speed up the maturation process, a compress is applied to the inflamed area. ichthyol ointment.

And after opening the abscess, the compress must be changed twice a day. In addition, physiotherapy treatments are prescribed, such as dry heat, UHF and ultraviolet irradiation.

External treatment allows you to treat the wound with pharmaceutical ointments, as well as alcohol tincture of sophora. A compress from a decoction of St. John's wort, Kalanchoe juice, with sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oil helps.

What ichthyol ointment looks like can be found in a photo from the Internet.

If you decide to get rid of the bitch udder without the help of a doctor, you need to know a few basic rules of therapy, and then resort to folk recipes.

  1. When a growth appears with a purulent discharge, in no case should warm bandages be applied.
  2. You can not open boils and try to sanitize them yourself.
  3. It is impossible to apply ointments and masks directly to open ulcers.

Efficient and absolutely safe method treatment of hidradenitis without drugs is sunbathing. Just clean your armpit of hair and lie down in the sun. Unfortunately, this method helps only at an early stage of the disease.

You can wipe the foci of inflammation with decoctions and tinctures of herbs with antiseptic properties (calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine).

Treatment of hidradenitis is carried out strictly individually, based on the examination of the patient. If we see the stage of inflammation (the beginning of the process) without pus, then antibiotic ointments (tetracycline, erythromycin) are prescribed locally.

), alcohol solutions of aniline dyes (brilliant green solution.

), hydrogen peroxide, physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation.

When it is already a purulent stage - opening the focus with its drainage. It should be noted that the operation is not difficult and should not be afraid of it. Otherwise, trouble cannot be avoided. That is why it is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. In either case, antibiotics are prescribed orally (ciprofloxacin, azitrox).

During the active stage of the process, it is forbidden to wet the area of ​​​​inflammation. Sweet, spicy, alcohol are excluded from the diet. After suffering hidradenitis, it is necessary to exclude all the provoking factors that caused it (the use of aftershave lotions, blood sugar regulation).

Even in our 21st century, folk methods of treating hydradenitis are very often used: applying baked onions to the focus of inflammation, ichthyol “cake” is very popular.

Folk remedies can be used in the initial, not running stage. When surgery is not required.

And necessarily as an aid to the main methods of treatment.

Bitch udder (hydradenitis) treatment with folk remedies

As soon as you feel painful discomfort, you should wipe the problem areas with antiseptics - salicylic or boric alcohol, chlorhexidine, octenisept, alcohol tincture of calendula, diluted with boiled water 1: 1.

After treating inflammation under the arm, apply ointment to the skin: ichthyol, Vishnevsky or levomekol. Ointment should not be spared: apply it liberally on a napkin with a slide and apply to the abscess.

Secure the napkin with a bandage or plaster. If the inflammation is strong, then it is better to wear this bandage for several days without removing it, only changing it.

In mild cases, apply at night, lubricate abscesses with iodine or brilliant green during the day. Exclude water procedures.

For 3-5 days of such treatment, the bitch udder completely disappears.

Physiotherapy procedures

Diagnosis with a bough udder includes:

  • external examination by a dermatologist;
  • visiting an infectious disease specialist;
  • taking a blood test for bacteriological culture;
  • ultrasound thyroid gland;
  • collection of urine;
  • histological analysis(with complicated purulent form).
in the photo hydradenitis (bough udder) under the arm

In a chronic course, the diagnosis includes a series of tests to identify the causes of weakened immunity.

This row diagnostic procedures aimed at excluding pathologies similar in symptomatology. Wolf udder is often confused with fungal infections, manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases, carbuncles, boils, tularemia and pathologies of the lymphatic system.

Traditional medicine against hydradenitis

Treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies is possible only at the beginning of the disease. Note that alternative medicine is effective only in combination with conservative treatment.

Before using any remedy, you should consult your doctor. Distinguish means for external use and ingestion. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

External treatment

What are the complications of hydradenitis?

I want to urge you: "Do not self-medicate." Otherwise: Hidradenitis is a deep defeat. There is a very high probability that the infection will begin to spread inward through the lymphatic and blood vessels to all organs and systems with a life-threatening condition of sepsis (blood poisoning).


It is much easier to prevent the disease than to wonder how to treat hidradenitis.

Great importance has disease prevention:

With hydradenitis, nutrition plays an important role. The diet should consist of foods rich in iron, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6.

Regular prevention of hidradenitis improves the activity of the sweat glands and the general condition of the body.

Hidradenitis, which appeared in the armpit, brings many problems. Treatment of the disease must begin in the early stages. The doctor will select the correct treatment regimen.

Traditional medicine can only supplement the main treatment. For the treatment of hydradenitis at home, you can use drug method and alternative medicine.

The protective methods that a person needs to know to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon include hygiene of the whole body, caring for it especially in the hot season, the use of disinfectants and antibacterial agents.

And most importantly, it is cleaning hard-to-reach places and sweat glands.

The first rule for the prevention of hidradenitis is personal hygiene

"Bitch udder" or hydradenitis is a disease of the sweat glands, skin areas around. It is worth fighting this unpleasant phenomenon in order to avoid relapses and repetitions.

To date, there are many means and methods for treating such a defect: from folk methods to surgical intervention, for every taste and for different financial possibilities. But, above all, experts insist on going to the doctor. Don't neglect it!

Be healthy!

Clothing should always be clean, made from natural fabrics and appropriate for the season. It is better to give up tight things made from synthetic materials. With this combination, the body sweats much more intensely, but the secret is not absorbed into the tissue, but remains on the surface of the skin.

It is necessary to normalize weight and balance nutrition. Eliminate annoying ones cosmetics and antiperspirants that block the channels of the sweat glands. Armpits should be washed twice a day, and in summer - more often and always with soap.

The basis of preventive measures is the observance of all norms and rules of personal hygiene and careful care of the groin and armpits. In order to avoid diseases, women need to use high-quality machines that do not injure the skin, and products that moisturize the skin before and after shaving.

Good preventive action pharmaceutical preparations skin care foams and gels with antibacterial action, plant-based, Lierac products.

If you cut yourself while shaving, you must immediately treat the wound with an antiseptic.

An important role in the development of the disease is played by the intensity of sweating. Dermatologists recommend washing your underarms more often, using soap or foam with antibacterial agents.

Underwear should be made of natural breathable materials, loose fit. In summer, clothing should not create friction with areas of increased sweating.

Prevention of "bitch's udder" comes down to personal hygiene, careful shaving, the use of creams, aftershave lotions, and the treatment of chronic diseases.

Hydradenitis (bough udder): therapeutic diet for illness

Does it exist proper nutrition with hydradenitis? Of course, it will be necessary to adhere to a balanced diet for three months. The food should contain as many vitamins and microelements as possible, a wide variety of means to maintain the strength of the body.

Enrich your diet with vitamin B foods

The principles of proper eating with hydradenitis:

Diet adjustment for hydradenitis is indicated for patients with a chronic form of the disease who have endocrine disorders.

For overweight people, calorie restriction and a low-carbohydrate diet are indicated. In addition, it is advised to give up fatty and spicy foods. A diet rich in vitamins and fiber helps speed up recovery.

With purulent hydradenitis, sweet and rich pastries should be abandoned, since such products provoke the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. It is undesirable to eat hot and spicy food, which provokes increased sweating.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the consequence, and not with the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. Such are the things

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Well, I'll duplicate it, it's not difficult for me, catch - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a divorce? Why the Internet sell ah?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonia, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars.

Editorial response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not sold through the pharmacy network in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I'm sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then, it's OK! Everything is in order - exactly, if payment upon receipt. Thank you so much!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman has been suffering from pain for many years ...

Andrew a week ago

What kind of folk remedies I have not tried, nothing helped, it only got worse ...

Ekaterina a week ago

I tried to drink a decoction of bay leaves, to no avail, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods - complete nonsense !!

Maria 5 days ago

Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this Federal program for the fight against diseases of the joints spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient

  • Complications of the disease are:

    • Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.
    • On the side of hidradenitis, sometimes lymphedema develops - soft tissue swelling upper limb on the side of hydradenitis.
    • With the spread of inflammation to the subcutaneous tissue, phlegmon develops.

    Rice. 8. In the photo, the consequences of hydradenitis under the arm are hypertrophic and keloid scars.

    Rice. 9. At the site of inflammation of the sweat glands under the arm, ugly, retracted scars often form.

    Rice. 10. In the photo, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, as a result of a boil, carbuncle, abscess or hydradenitis.

    There are three forms of the disease. Allocate hidradenitis non-purulent, purulent and chronic.

    Non-purulent hidradenitis is characterized by the absence of signs of inflammation. With this form, there is only a slight swelling, a dense nodule that does not cause discomfort (sometimes there is pain that disappears with time).

    The purulent form is characterized by the presence of all clinical manifestations of the disease. The picture of the disease is stormy with severe pain and symptoms of intoxication.

    Chronic hidradenitis is characterized by a regular return of the disease. Most often appears in people with weakened immune systems or against the background of hormonal fluctuations. As a rule, when the underlying disease is eliminated, the pathology ceases to disturb the person.

    The places of occurrence of hydradenitis are the zones of location of apocrine sweat glands. The most common inflammation in the armpits. In second place are the genital, perianal (in men) areas and the area under the mammary glands (in women).

    Most often, hidradenitis appears in the axillary zone.

    The initial stage of the disease is the penetration of infectious agents into the duct of the sweat gland. As a result of their increased reproduction and disruption of the processes of desquamation of the surface epithelium, the output of the secreted fluid is first disturbed, and then completely stops due to blockage of the outlet.

    In the process of development, the seal gradually begins to swell, itch, and then turn red, while pain in the places of localization increases every day, becoming more and more intense. This is the active phase of inflammation. In addition, the patient has an elevated temperature from subfebrile values ​​to high (from 37.5 to 39-40 ° C), increased weakness, drowsiness and lethargy are observed, dizziness, headaches and nausea are possible.

    Then the abscess breaks, and its contents come out. The bacteria contained in its composition enter the clean skin, penetrating the healthy gland ducts. Then history repeats itself. Thus, more and more new areas are involved in the process. The tissues become edematous and acquire a bluish-purple hue.

    Many people know that any disease is best treated in the initial stages of development. It is at the first stage of the formation of the infectious process that hidradenitis responds well to conservative therapy, which avoids surgical intervention and further complications. Surgeons are engaged in the treatment of such pathology. It is to these specialists that you need to contact when you find seals that look like a bough udder.

    Non-surgical treatment consists of drug therapy, adherence to dietary recommendations and physiotherapy.

    Hydradenitis under the arm is an inflammation of the apocrine sweat glands. Pathological processes are most often associated with the penetration of Staphylococcus aureus or bacteria of the streptococcal group. Pus begins to accumulate, a knot of burgundy or cyanotic color is formed. The site of inflammation hurts, burns, swells and brings a lot of discomfort.

    Factors that provoke the disease:

    • decreased immunity;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • skin diseases;
    • frequent use of deodorant;
    • non-compliance with hygiene rules.

    When you detect the first symptoms, you need to know some rules that will help prevent the spread of infection:

    1. You can't wash in the bathroom. It is allowed to take only a shower, but first you need to seal the affected area with a band-aid.
    2. After a shower, you can treat the place with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    3. You can’t shave the place; around the inflammation, the hair is only carefully trimmed.
    4. Avoid tight clothing made from synthetic fabrics.
    5. Towels and underwear should be changed every day.

    You can not squeeze out the pus on your own, only the surgeon does this. Be sure to find the cause of hidradenitis in order to prevent re-inflammation.

    At home, to alleviate the condition and speed up the healing process, you can use compresses, lotions that can draw out pus and eliminate inflammation. Immunity boosters are used.

    The ICD-10 code (international classifier of diseases) for axillary hydradenitis is L 73.2 (pathology of the skin appendages). The people call the disease "bitch's udder", because the skin abscesses under the armpits look like dog nipples.

    Type of hydradenitis Symptoms Peculiarities
    Acute purulent Temperature up to 38 degrees, discomfort, turning into armpit pain. People who do not observe the hygiene of the axillary region are susceptible to this disease. The deviation is manifested by clogging of the apocrine and sebaceous glands. The purulent form, if the patient does not consult a doctor, can become a threat to life, since the infection can spread throughout the body.
    Chronic Exacerbations with specific symptoms of an acute illness are replaced by relapses. With each exacerbation, the area of ​​inflamed apocrine glands increases. Without treatment, there is a danger of sepsis with a fatal outcome.

    In addition to the armpit area, hidradenitis can appear in the groin, on the neck and under the breasts.

    In a separate form, suppurative hydradenitis, also called inverse acne, is isolated. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of acne after puberty. It can even appear on the face.

    The structure of the sweat glands.

    There are other risk factors for the inflammatory process:

    • a sharp decrease in immune defense;
    • the use of immunosuppressants and hormonal pharmaceuticals;
    • various deviations of the endocrine system;
    • low-calorie diets;
    • excess weight;
    • streptoderma and dermatoses.

    The disease is quite rare in the elderly, since the activity of the sweat glands is inhibited with age. Girls and women are more likely to suffer from the disease due to the functional characteristics of the body. During hormonal surges in women ( puberty, pregnancy, menopause) the risk of hidradenitis increases.

    It provokes the development of dermatological pathology, such an infectious agent as staphylococcus aureus. A bacterium that accidentally enters the sweat gland contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.

    It has been noted that purulent inflammation of the sweat glands is more common in the female population than in the male population. To a greater extent, the disease is affected by the age category up to 35 years, since it is during this period of life that the most active work of the sweat glands is observed.

    It is possible to describe the disease for a long time, but to complete the picture of perception, we will demonstrate a photo of hydradenitis under the arm. Depending on the stage of development, the bough udder has certain external manifestations. So, in the photo of hydradenitis at the initial stage (given below), when the inflammatory process has just begun, puffiness and small formations are striking, which will increase over time.

    But, the last stage of hydradenitis (photo) looks like this.

    At the last stage of hydradenitis, fluid begins to stand out from the formations. Initially, a purulent focus is formed, then the abscess breaks through. The last step is scarring. The resulting wounds must be treated, as complications may arise in the form of:

    • lymphadenitis, when the lymph nodes under the arm become inflamed;
    • phlegmon, when purulent inflammation spreads to nearby skin;
    • sepsis (blood poisoning), which can be fatal.

    The first to appear is a small nodule that grows rapidly. On palpation, it can be determined that the formation is located inside the thickness of the skin. With an increase in the node or nodes, they "move" outward, and painful aching sensations grow exponentially. The neoplasm acquires a purple-red, then a cyanotic-violet color. The person has the following symptoms:

    • fever, in some cases up to 40 degrees;
    • general weakness;
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • there is a headache;
    • due to pain, hand movements and crying are quite limited.

    Factors causing the development of the disease

    Hidradenitis is a skin disease that is expressed by inflammatory processes of a purulent nature. They appear as a result of penetration into the ducts of the sweat glands of varieties of pyogenic cocci. Favorable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms is sweat, in which viruses, fungi, and pathogenic bacteria actively multiply. The following reasons contribute to the development of hydradenitis:

    • weakening of the immune system;
    • hormonal imbalances;
    • endocrine pathologies;
    • dermatoses;
    • streptoderma;
    • chronic or autoimmune diseases.

    External causes that may contribute to the development of pathology include:

    • shaving, after which microcracks remain on the skin, into which bacteria can enter, contributing to the progression of the infection;
    • frequent use of an antiperspirant: it clogs the ducts of the sweat glands, disrupting their functioning.

    Patients with:

    • SARS;
    • chronic diseases;
    • diagnosed with AIDS, hepatitis;
    • overweight;
    • diabetes
    • dermatitis.

    1) synthetic tight clothing; 2) increased sweating; 3) decreased immunity; 4) trauma to the armpit during shaving; 5) allergic skin reaction to deodorants. 6) heredity; ) excess weight

    Intense hyperhidrosis can cause hidradenitis

    The main causes of hydradenitis are as follows:

    • violation of the integrity of the skin;
    • excessive hyperhidrosis;
    • internal pathologies;
    • weakened immunity.

    During shaving, the skin is often damaged, which further leads to the penetration of bacteria. Excessive hyperhidrosis leads to a decrease in the local immune response, which causes the development of the disease.

    With such internal pathologies like diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders and overweight, the protective functions of the body suffer, so bacteria freely penetrate through the pores of the skin.

    The bitch udder of the cause of the appearance, which can be varied, should be treated in time, as the disease threatens with further complications.

    Symptoms of the disease

    For such a disease, a certain stage in development is characteristic. The main stages of its formation are the following:

    1. Initially, a nodule appears on the skin. It itches quite a lot. When pressed on it, pain occurs.
    2. Gradually, the nodule increases in size. It can reach up to 2 cm in diameter. Such an increase in the nodule is accompanied by the development of general symptoms. As a result, a person's body temperature may rise, weakness and headaches appear.
    3. In the future, in the area of ​​​​development of hydradenitis, the inflammatory process passes to the nearby skin. As a result, the patient's local temperature rises above the nodule. The skin becomes reddish, and touching them causes quite severe pain.

    Often, with hydradenitis, symptoms of general intoxication of the body appear: fever and weakness

    At timely treatment hidradenitis is a gradual reverse development of the disease. If the measures were taken too late or no therapeutic measures were taken at all, then the patient may experience complications.

    Doctors pay attention to the fact that the disease is more often unilateral. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Purulent hydradenitis begins in the areas where the apocrine glands are located, which are responsible for removing and cleansing the body of sweat. With bilateral leakage, dense unpleasant knots may appear on the skin.

    They cause itching and irritation. The nodes begin to develop, increasing in size. Pain appears. And they are felt not only when the patient moves. Even a static position does not remove the pain. Sharp pain occurs when pressing on the nodes. The size of the nodules reaches 1.5 cm. The shape of the node is pear-shaped.

    Skin color changes around the seals. It becomes unpleasant, painful blue or bright red. The nodes swell, begin to hang over healthy areas. Nodular lesions, close to each other, gradually merge into one. Such a soldered connection of nodes resembles a disk. Density is gradually lost.

    Knots become softer. A purulent wound opens in the central part. More often, fluid comes out, accompanied by blood. Hidradenitis is difficult to confuse with a boil. The bitch udder has a necrotic core inside. The pus is thicker than in a boil. It looks like thick sour cream. Hydradenitis is inflammation. Therefore, the clinical picture is close to such processes.

    The opening of the node occurs approximately 7 days after its first manifestation, but not detection. The release of pus improves the patient's condition. Pain is gone. An ulcer appears at the site of the opening of the wound, with proper treatment it will heal. Traces will remain - scars from the defeat and split of the skin. They will require a different system of therapy.

    Painful symptoms do not appear in childhood and in the elderly. This fact is explained by the insufficiency of the functioning of the sweat glands. A greater number of cases of diagnosing the disease was recorded in women. The age of patients at risk is from 15 to 55 years. Statistical data give a figure - 85% of all pathologies registered by physicians.


    • the appearance of painful nodules;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • development in the nodes of abscesses;
    • general weakness of the body;
    • feeling unwell.

    Purulent inflammation of the sweat glands involves passing through a full cycle of development. On average, it is 14 days. Some wounds are healing, others are just beginning to form. Inflammation develops throughout the body, affecting the patient more and more. If the treatment of hidradenitis is not started, it will turn into chronic stage development.

    Sometimes patients notice a temporary stop in the appearance of new pathologies. They see it as a recovery. Most often, a relapse occurs after a while. Medical data give examples of the course of diseases when the virus escalates up to 10 times. Treatment of a bitch udder does not tolerate delays and mistakes in the choice of means.

    Non-compliance with hygiene procedures and associated pathological processes can worsen the patient's condition.

    Usually the cause of complications is a reduced level of the protective barrier - immunity. The disease is aggravated by an incorrectly chosen system, the use of independent recipes and remedies.

    Possible complications:

    • spread to adjacent tissues;
    • abscess;
    • phlegmon;
    • blood infection;
    • sepsis.

    Treatment of hidradenitis begins with a diagnostic procedure. At the first suspicion of a malfunctioning sweat gland, a specialist is visited.

    You will need to pass several important tests and checks:

    • Blood content. The speed of movement of the ESR is checked (normal or there is a noticeable acceleration). The level and number of leukocyte cells is established.
    • Appointed reception strong medical preparations , drowning out the focus of infection, antibiotics.
    • Sowing is taken from the secretions on the skin by the sweat glands.
    • An immunogram is performed.

    Antibiotics are prescribed after studying the content of the crop. Research is aimed at studying susceptibility to anti-inflammatory drugs. The attending physician will choose the option of how to treat hidradenitis according to individual characteristics patient.

    Immunogram is prescribed for severe forms course, the transition of the disease to a dangerous stage or the absence of timely medical treatment.

    Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation that develops in the ducts of the apocrine glands. Usually, the ducts under the armpits are subject to this process, less often such a pathology occurs in the inguinal region, in the folds under the breast, in the anus region. The clinical picture is very similar to furunculosis manifestations. For hidradenitis, the absence of necrotic (purulent) rods is characteristic, and this is what distinguishes it from furunculosis.

    In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, infectious agents (golden and white staphylococci) enter the wounds, where they actively develop. There is a blockage of the duct by a corneal plug. The produced secret accumulates, stretching the gland, provoking the growth of education.

    Initially, small dense nodules appear on the skin under the arm, which are located inside the thickness of the epidermis. During the maturation of these formations, a person may feel increased soreness and unbearable itching.

    Further, these nodules become larger and reach a diameter of up to 1.5 cm. After their compaction is observed, adhesions protrude over the skin, which acquire a burgundy-cyanotic hue. Puffiness appears, pain increases. Over time, the nodes join each other, merging into a huge neoplasm. Medicine calls it a filtrate. If you do not take any action for treatment, then symptoms of general intoxication of the body will appear.

    After the nodes "ripen", it takes from 7 to 12 days, the process of softening and opening takes place. Getting rid of pus significantly reduces local pain and improves the general condition of the patient. The ulcer that appears is delayed, and in its place a retracted scar is formed. If the therapy is chosen incorrectly or the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, then the adjacent ducts of the apocrine glands will be involved in the inflammatory process, and relapses cannot be avoided.

    Pathology can appear in people aged 16 to 55–60 years. This is due to the fact that the functioning of the apocrine glands begins during puberty and fades away at the onset of menopause.

    An increase in the affected area indicates the development of hydradenitis

    In the first days of the development of a purulent process, a person gropes for a small seal in the form of a nodule in the affected area. After a few days, the seal begins to become larger and larger in size, acquiring a nipple-like shape. This symptom is one of the main in purulent disease of the sweat gland.

    In addition, hydradenitis symptoms are of a different nature. In addition to growth, the patient also has other signs:

    • itching in the affected area;
    • pain on palpation;
    • temperature rise.

    Full maturation of the purulent nipple takes place on the seventh to tenth day after the onset of the infectious process. The growth is opened, and a white mass with an admixture of blood pours out of it. After that, the pain subsides, and overall well-being improves. A scar subsequently remains in the area of ​​the opened nipple.

    Description of the disease

    Currently, physicians distinguish several forms of this disease. The main types among them are the following:

    1. Purulent.
    2. Axillary.
    3. Recurrent.

    Purulent hydradenitis most often occurs in those people who ignore the rules of personal hygiene. Such a disease develops with blockage of the apocrine and sebaceous glands.

    The main cause of hidradenitis under the arm is trauma to the apocrine glands during shaving. In the vast majority of cases, the causative agent of this pathology is Staphylococcus aureus.

    Often, axillary hydradenitis is manifested by multiple lesions

    Recurrent hidradenitis is a chronic disease, manifested by the periodic occurrence and disappearance of clinical symptoms. Treatment of such a pathology usually takes longer.

    As mentioned above, hidradenitis, the causes of which can lead to complications, threatens the development of an abscess. In patients with a weakened immune system, this process can go further and lead to the development of sepsia, which is a general purulent infection. Against the background of this disease, the patient experiences a sharp increase in temperature, fever, signs of intoxication of the body and damage to individual organs. Such a pathology requires serious medical intervention with the use of powerful antibacterial therapy.

    Hydradenitis is an infectious inflammatory process of apocrine sweat glands in the deep layers of the skin. Most often, this disease occurs in people during the period of the highest hormonal activity, so children and the elderly are not affected by this pathology. Localization of the affected areas is observed in the armpits, around the anus, on the female and male genital organs, in the groin, less often on the face, near the umbilical and near-nipple zone.

    "Bitch udder" under the arm is often observed in women and is unilateral, rarely bilateral. Inflammation of the sweat glands is promoted by scratches and abrasions after depilation, the use of tight synthetic clothing, and neglect of personal hygiene.

    Inguinal hidradenitis occurs during or after puberty. But depending on the characteristics of the physiology and the state of the endocrine system, it can also be observed at a more mature age in both sexes. In addition to the groin, the udder is also formed on the labia majora in women and on the scrotum in men. The fair sex is more at risk of developing a disease in this zone, since it is they who get rid of unwanted hairs.

    The disease is aggravated by the constant wearing of tight underwear and the presence of skin folds, which causes friction and the appearance of new abscesses. If treatment is refused, it flows from an acute to a chronic form with the occurrence of fistulas and phlegmon, problems with the urethra, bladder and rectum.

    Hormonal and endocrine changes during pregnancy can cause the disease. The body of a pregnant woman is especially susceptible to various infections. At the first symptoms of pathology, it is urgent to consult a doctor, as pathogens can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

    There are several factors that cause inflammation of the apocrine glands:

    • hormonal changes during pregnancy;
    • staph infection;
    • decreased immunity;
    • damage to the skin when shaving;
    • use of deodorants containing talc;
    • gonadal dysfunction.

    Course of the disease

    At the very beginning of the disease, a slight edema appears, accompanied by itching. In the future, this area becomes painful, an abscess is formed. There is hyperemia of the skin, after a while the affected area acquires a bluish tint. The purulent bump increases in size and looks like a dog's udder during lactation. Because of this, it has the common name "bitch" or "wolf" udder.

    The inflammatory process is accompanied by fever, weakness, increased pain in the affected area. With inflammation, nodules are formed that can twist one large abscess. Gradually, the swelling becomes soft, exudative fluid mixed with blood, which has an unpleasant odor, is released from it.

    Diagnosis of the wolf udder is not difficult due to the clinical picture characteristic of this disease. During the examination, it is very important to distinguish hydradenitis from furunculosis and tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. At the initial stage, a general blood test is performed. During the development of hidradenitis, an accelerated ESR and an increase in the content of leukocytes are observed.

    Is there proper nutrition for hydradenitis? Of course, it will be necessary to adhere to a balanced diet for three months. The food should contain as many vitamins and microelements as possible, a wide variety of means to maintain the strength of the body.

    Enrich your diet with vitamin B foods

    The principles of proper eating with hydradenitis:

    • Since with such a disease the body weakens, it is necessary to fill it with vitamins and microelements.
    • In addition, you should take the means to raise the immune system. For example: tincture of sea buckthorn and ginseng, preparations based on dry and brewer's yeast.

    Avoid sweets and other junk food

    • sweets;
    • Fatty and fried;
    • Spicy and too salty.

    If the sweat gland is destroyed and an abscess has formed, surgery will be required. If the bitch udder is represented by one abscess, then local anesthesia, the wound is treated with an antiseptic and antibiotic. A rubber drainage is installed for a day, designed to remove the liquid. Preparation for the operation is not needed, on the same day the patient returns home. The doctor will tell you how to protect the wound from inflammation. It will take a week to heal.

    If hidradenitis constantly recurs, the doctor will remove the affected gland. After the operation, a bandage with medicine is applied to the wound. Ten days later, the wound heals and a small scar forms. In rare cases, patients have more than one abscess focus, but many small ones. Then the operation is performed general anesthesia with implantation of a piece of skin from a healthy area on the affected area.

    Main danger surgical treatment in the possibility of complications. After the first operation, with an insufficient level of hygiene, re-infection occurs. With repeated repetition of such a situation, it is necessary to remove the gland, which contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

    Hydradenitis in children develops in adolescence when the process of puberty occurs with a change in hormonal levels.

    Provoking factors are also long-term infectious diseases, increased sweating, skin diaper rash, insufficient personal hygiene.

    You can not self-medicate, exposing children to the risk of severe hydradenitis and possible complications.

    The teenager needs to be shown to the pediatrician, who will decide on the need for further action:

    • if the process is at the very beginning and there are no signs of general malaise, it can help local therapy. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and external agents;
    • perhaps the doctor will refer the child to a surgeon to remove abscesses and further rehabilitation therapy.

    During the recovery period, the patient needs rest, rest, a balanced diet, taking vitamins. If necessary, the teenager is prescribed physiotherapy procedures.

    In general, the treatment regimen is similar to that used in adults. But the use of drugs is required according to the age of the child and in the appropriate dosage.

    If observed frequent relapses hidradenitis, a teenager should undergo a complete examination to identify the causes of such a pathology - these may be chronic diseases or violations of metabolic processes in the body.

    Differential Diagnosis

    A blood test will help confirm hidradenitis

    Hydradenitis bough udder should not be confused with such dermatological pathologies as furuncle, lymphadenitis and tuberculosis.

    To exclude the above pathologies, the dermatologist conducts an examination and prescribes a differential diagnosis. To determine the presence of hidradenitis allows a blood test.

    Hidradenitis should be differentiated from boils, carbuncles, lymphadenitis, lymphogranulomatosis and tuberculosis. An experienced specialist, based on external signs and general symptoms, will easily make the correct diagnosis. Nevertheless, there are times when it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies that will help confirm the opinion of the doctor. Usually assigned:

    • General blood analysis. Hidradenitis is characterized by an increase in indicators of general inflammation, namely, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and lymphocytes.
    • Bacterial culture of purulent masses. With its help, you can find out the causative agent of the disease and what antibacterial drugs help fight it.
    • Immunographic study (immunogram). It is most often carried out in cases of frequent occurrence of the disease.

    To prescribe adequate treatment for hidradenitis, a differential diagnosis method should be used with furuncle, carbuncle, lymphadenitis and felinosis in the early stages of the development of the disease, and venereal lymphogranuloma, donovaz, scrofuloderma and actinomycosis in the later stages of the disease.

    Rice. 11. The photo shows an enlarged lymph node in the armpit (left) and a boil (right).

    Traditional medicine against hydradenitis

    Treatment of hydradenitis with folk remedies is possible only at the beginning of the disease. Note that alternative medicine is effective only in combination with conservative treatment.

    Before using any remedy, you should consult your doctor. Distinguish means for external use and ingestion. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

    Treatment of hidradenitis with traditional medicine has many contraindications.
    Before using any technique, you should consult with a dermatologist or herbalist.

    It is much easier to prevent the disease than to wonder how to treat hydradenitis

    With hydradenitis, nutrition plays an important role. The diet should consist of foods rich in iron, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6.

    Regular prevention of hidradenitis improves the activity of the sweat glands and the general condition of the body.

    Hidradenitis, which appeared in the armpit, brings many problems. Treatment of the disease must begin in the early stages. The doctor will select the correct treatment regimen.

    Traditional medicine can only supplement the main treatment. For the treatment of hidradenitis at home, you can use the drug method and alternative medicine.

    Simultaneously with the treatment of hidradenitis, it is necessary to eliminate other foci of the spread of infection (sick teeth, cholecystitis, inflamed appendages, obsessive otitis media).

    Furuncle under the arm should be distinguished from hydradenitis. A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle of the skin, and hydradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat glands. But the causes and symptoms are the same, so the methods of treatment are similar. Moreover, folk remedies for the treatment of hydradenitis are often much more effective than the means of the official medicine. Below are many examples of how we managed to cure the "bitch udder" and avoid surgery. Recipes taken from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle"

    (popularly a disease of a bough udder) is an acute purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. The cause of the disease is staphylococcus bacteria. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the form of a furuncle under the arm, less often localized around the nipples, navel, in the perineum

    Causes of hydradenitis:
    1) synthetic tight clothing is an excellent breeding ground for staphylococcus aureus; 2) increased sweating, overheating, or vice versa, hypothermia; 3) decreased immunity; 4) injury to the armpit during shaving, an allergic skin reaction to deodorants - against the background of reduced immunity, wounds and allergic inflammation of the skin is an open gate for staphylococcus 5) heredity 6) hormonal imbalance

    Treatment of a furuncle under the arm with medications
    As soon as you feel pain and inflammation under the armpit, you should start wiping the skin with antiseptics - salicylic or boric alcohol, chlorhexidine, alcohol tincture of calendula. After that, apply ointment to the skin: Ichthyol, Vishnevsky or Levomekol.

    Apply the ointment generously on a napkin and apply to the boil under the arm. Fix the napkin with ointment. If the disease of the udder has gone far, then change the bandage 3-4 times a day, walk constantly with this bandage. If the disease has just begun, then apply the ointment at night, wipe it with a dry cloth during the day and lubricate the boil under the arm with iodine or brilliant green. Inflamed areas of the skin should not be wetted. If you follow these recommendations, you can cure hydradenitis in 3-5 days.

    If these pharmacy products are not at hand and there is no way to get to the pharmacy in the near future, folk remedies come to the rescue: attach plantain leaves, aloe, Kalanchoe, cabbage to the boil under the arm, after stretching or cutting them, so that the juice comes out. In the treatment of boils , including under the arm, good effect gives a baked onion or a compress with grated potatoes. It is very useful to drink tea from calendula flowers - it kills staphylococcus bacteria in the body. (HLS 2013, No. 13, pp. 12-13)

    Treatment of hidradenitis with curd compress
    The woman developed a furuncle under her arm, she was diagnosed with hydradenitis and an operation was suggested. But before the operation, the patient talked to a neighbor, and she offered to try a folk remedy with which she managed to cure her daughter's bitch udder a few years ago.

    Mix 1 tbsp. l. fresh sour cream, butter and cottage cheese. Put this mixture on a napkin and fix it tightly on the boil under the arm for the night. Prepare a fresh mixture every evening. The woman took this advice and began to make compresses. The boils under my arm were getting smaller every day. Treatment of hidradenitis with compresses continued until all seals disappeared. The operation was avoided. (2001, No. 3, pp. 18-19).

    It helps to cure the disease "bitch's udder" and simple cottage cheese, it must be poured with hot water so that the cottage cheese warms up and gives off excess acid, stir and squeeze. Put the cottage cheese on a napkin, attach to the boil under the arm. (HLS 2007, No. 4, p. 33).

    How to treat a bitch udder with a honey cake A woman had a furuncle under her arm, severe pains began, it was even impossible to move her hand. The patient went to the hospital. The furuncle was opened, she lost consciousness from the pain. A few months later, the disease returned again, but she was afraid to go to the hospital. In addition, a friend suggested to her a recipe for how to treat a bitch udder with folk remedies.1 tbsp. l.

    Treatment of hydradenitis with onion-based ointment
    50 g of laundry soap, 50 g of onion - grate on a fine grater. Heat up 150 g of rendered interior pork fat and throw onions and soap into it. Heat, rubbing, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool down. Store in the cold for no more than 2 weeks. Apply a thick layer of ointment on a napkin, apply to the boil under the arm, fix.

    Bough udder disease - treatment with herbal ointment
    The woman had boils under her armpit. The disease progressed rapidly, the number of abscesses increased. The surgeon was far away, so she decided to treat the bitch udder at home and prepared an ointment from herbs that can treat abscesses. Preparation of the ointment.

    Fresh calendula flowers 2 parts, yarrow - 2 parts, sweet clover - 1 part, dandelion roots - 2 parts, horse sorrel roots - 1 part, tansy inflorescences - 1 part. Wash all these herbs and pass through a meat grinder. Add to the herbal slurry 1 part of Vishnevsky's ointment and ichthyol ointment. Dilute this whole mixture with calendula oil to get a homogeneous elastic mass.

    You can buy calendula oil at the pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself in advance. Pour 1.5 cups of calendula flowers with a glass of vegetable oil at a temperature of 80-100 degrees, mix. Infuse in the dark for 40 days, strain. In the treatment of hydradenitis, the patient wiped the affected skin with an alcohol solution, made a compress with this ointment in the morning, and changed the bandage in the evening. A day later, the furuncles under the arm increased, white heads appeared. On the third day, the boils burst and the pus came out. (2006, No. 18, p. 31)

    Treatment of a bitch udder with a compress
    The girl had hydradenitis. Neighbors advised to treat the bough udder with such a folk remedy: Take rosin, beeswax and butter in equal proportions. Melt everything over low heat and stir well, do not bring to a boil. You should get a homogeneous mass.

    Treatment of hydradenitis with nettle
    To cure the disease "bitch's udder", it is necessary to clean the blood with nettles - 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insist and drink throughout the day. Do this for 2-3 weeks. (HLS 2006, No. 24, p. 4)

    How to treat the disease "bitch's udder" with a bulb
    Baked onion is the simplest and most effective folk remedy for "bitch's udder" and any abscesses. Bake the onion, cut in half, and apply warm to the abscess under the arm. (HLS 2006, No. 2, p. 11)

    Golden mustache
    The girl had a furuncle under her arm. For two nights in a row, she applied the leaves of the golden mustache plant to the abscess. On the third day, the abscess burst, and after a week everything healed, the skin cleared (2006, No. 4, p. 31).

    Tibetan black plaster from a furuncle under the arm
    This remedy quickly heals any abscesses, boils, "bitch's udder". Here is the recipe: Mix 50 g of grated laundry soap, 50 g of rye flour, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Dilute all this with 150 g of boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, add 1 church candle without a wick. Stir.

    Treatment of hidradenitis in succession
    An 8-year-old girl developed inflammation under her armpit, an abscess formed, the size of a walnut and somewhat smaller. The surgeon scheduled the operation, but a friend gave me the following recipe: make a strong infusion of string, moisten a cloth in hot infusion and apply to the boil. Apply a warm wet compress 6-8 times a day. For 2 days, the child's bough udder was cured. (HLS 2010, No. 7, p. 3,)

    Hidradenitis - Treatment with folk remedies

    • the use of medicines;
    • diet therapy;
    • physiotherapy.
    • deodorants and other means that prevent sweat are applied to the armpits every day;
    • here is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria;
    • a person often gets rid of underarm hair, including aggressive methods.


    If the bough udder cannot be cured with the help of conservative measures, surgical removal is prescribed. It is usually carried out only if hydradenitis declares itself with regular relapses.

    As additional treatment physiotherapy is prescribed in the form of laser therapy, electrophoresis or magnetotherapy. It is permissible to carry them out only after complete regeneration of tissues that have undergone surgical intervention. Physiotherapy sessions allow you to remove the inflammatory process and improve blood circulation, which helps to improve local immunity.

    If it is not possible to stop the pathology with medicines, and the mature abscess has greatly increased in volume, the operation can no longer be avoided. Purulent hidradenitis is almost impossible to eliminate with medicines.

    First, patients will be given painkillers, then:

    • a small incision is made with a scalpel;
    • papule opens;
    • the inflamed tissue and the infectious focus are excised together with the nearby affected tissue areas;
    • purulent exudate is pumped out;
    • the cleaned cavity is drained and treated with antiseptics;
    • suturing of the skin is performed.

    The procedure is short-lived, so patients, as a rule, are not prescribed inpatient treatment. It will be proposed to heal wounds on an outpatient basis by applying antiseptic dressings in place.

    Laser surgery has become an innovative solution today, since it is painless, does not leave unpleasant scars and scars on the body, does not require preliminary preparation, and the rehabilitation period is also reduced by several times. Patients quickly recover and after 2 return to their usual way of life.

    Prevention measures

    To prevent the infection from spreading to neighboring healthy areas of the skin, it is important to follow some rules:

    1. It is not recommended to wear too tight clothing.
    2. You should choose cosmetics for body care without dyes, based on natural ingredients.
    3. Completely abandon deodorants and antiperspirants, as they block the work of the sweat glands and aggravate the course of the disease.
    4. Promptly treat comorbidities.
    5. Avoid excess body weight.
    6. It is important to follow a diet. Excluded products that contribute to the increased production of sweat in the sweat glands (spicy, salty, smoked foods, alcohol).
    7. You should take care of the quality of sleep. Night sleep should last at least 7 hours. As a result, the work of the immune and nervous systems is normalized.
    8. During an exacerbation, any physical exercises are contraindicated.

    It is impossible to squeeze out the abscess on your own - this can lead to complications: sepsis, purulent infection internal organs.

    Armpit hygiene should be constant

    Since it is more difficult to cure a disease than to prevent it, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules of prevention.

    The skin in the armpits and groin area requires special care. It is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene measures in these places.

    Inguinal areas in obese people should be treated with medical talc or baby powder.

    An important role in the prevention of relapse is played by a healthy lifestyle with the rejection of bad habits. You need to eat right, exercise, monitor your weight, and maintain personal hygiene.

    At the first symptoms of hidradenitis, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist, who, before prescribing treatment, must prescribe a differential diagnosis and identify the causes that contribute to the onset of the disease.

    Frequent use of antiperspirants reduces local immunity and clogs pores, which in turn leads to the development of a purulent infection. For this reason, sweat protection is recommended to be used as little as possible. Preference should be given to safe deodorants on a natural basis.

    Experts assure that it is possible to reduce the likelihood of a bough udder by 2-4 times if you always follow preventive measures:

    • take a shower every day;
    • Never use underarm deodorants if they are past their expiration date or cause itching, burning, or other problems.
    • do not wear clothes that interfere with normal movement or rub;
    • change underwear every day;
    • use sharp blades for shaving, and also make sure that the machine is always clean;
    • never use other people's razors;
    • sleep in comfortable clothes and exclusively from cotton materials;
    • avoid overheating of the body;
    • before sports training, do not apply deodorants to the armpits, which does not clog the sweat glands.

    Also, in addition to the above preventive measures, you should not abuse junk food and alcohol.

    For many reasons, a person may begin to develop hidradenitis or bough udders. Such a pathology requires a mandatory visit to a dermatologist, an examination, and subsequent treatment.

    It may include not only a course of ointments or antibiotics, but physiotherapy procedures, as well as folk remedies.

    Blitz - Tips:

    • if the swelling that appears does not subside for more than two days, then you urgently need to go to the doctor;
    • when a person started treatment and began to notice a deterioration in his condition, then you should contact a dermatologist and make an appointment for a second appointment;
    • never resort to treatment, including folk methods, unless prescribed by a doctor.

    Practicing doctor - cosmetologist, dermatologist, venereologist, infectious disease specialist, trichologist. Experience 9 years. Doctor of the highest category and skindiary website specialist. ru. Helps people with skin diseases, problems with nails and hair, having a different etiology and genesis.

    The main preventive measure is mindfulness while shaving.

    In order to prevent the development of a disease such as hydradenitis, it is recommended to observe the following precautions:

    1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
    2. When shaving, be extremely careful to avoid damaging the skin.
    3. If the skin was damaged during shaving, then this area should be treated with antiseptic agents.
    4. Avoid excessive use of deodorants.
    5. Limit wearing tight underwear.
    6. Eat enough foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In the autumn-spring period, vitamin therapy should be carried out.

    In addition, it is important to avoid the appearance of excess weight and lead an active lifestyle.

    Hidradenitis is quite unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous disease, however, with the right approach, most often it can be cured quickly enough and without any consequences.

    Medical preparations against hidradenitis

    1. Brew dry nettle (1 tbsp.) With boiling water (200 ml) and drink a day in several doses.
    2. Prepare a collection of chopped herbs of sweet clover and elderberry, calendula flowers, plantain leaves and eucalyptus (take all components in equal amounts). Medicinal raw materials (1 tsp) pour boiling water (180 ml) and leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Drink the resulting drink per day in 3 divided doses. Continue treatment according to the described scheme for a week.
    3. Mix lingonberry leaves and string (1.5 tablespoons each), pour boiling water over them (400 ml) and leave for 50 minutes. Infusion take 7 tbsp. l. before meals 4 times a day.
    4. Prepare a collection of calendula flowers and fresh blackberry leaves (1: 2). Based on the herbal mixture, make an infusion (1 tbsp. medicinal raw materials per 220 ml of water) and drink it per day, dividing the daily dose into 6 doses.

    Bough udder or hydradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat glands (most often in the armpits), which is caused by pathogens and, without appropriate treatment, can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important not only to recognize in time, but also to understand how to treat hydradenitis so that the disease passes as quickly as possible and does not entail complications.

    It is possible to cure a bough udder with folk remedies, provided that treatment is started at the first signs of the disease, while purulent inflammation can be fought without surgical intervention. To do this, you can use traditional medicine recipes that help to “pull out” pus and contribute to the effective removal of inflammation.

    As soon as you feel painful discomfort, you should wipe the problem areas with antiseptics - salicylic or boric alcohol, chlorhexidine, octenisept, alcohol tincture of calendula, diluted with boiled water 1: 1. After treating the inflammation under the arm, apply ointment to the skin: Ichthyol, Vishnevsky or Levomekol.

    Ointment should not be spared: apply it liberally on a napkin with a slide and apply to the abscess. Secure the napkin with a bandage or plaster. If the inflammation is strong, then it is better to wear this bandage for several days without removing it, only changing it. In mild cases, apply at night, lubricate abscesses with iodine or brilliant green during the day. Exclude water procedures. For 3-5 days of such treatment, the bitch udder completely disappears.

    If the pharmacy is far away, the disease caught you in the field, then folk remedies will help: attach the leaves of plantain, blackberry, lilac, aloe, Kalanchoe, cabbage to the inflamed area. A baked onion or a compress with grated potatoes helps well. It is also useful to take an infusion of calendula flowers inside. (HLS 2013, No. 13, pp. 12-13)

    • fat sour cream, cottage cheese, butter (1 tbsp) mix, apply a compress to the sore spot to dissolve the bumps, relieve pain;
    • onion bake the onion in the oven, divide into plates, apply to the inflamed area, holding for up to 15 minutes, so until the abscess breaks through on its own and comes out;
    • herbal collection is recommended for sluggish course of hydradenitis: mix dandelion sweet clover calendula yarrow (1 tsp each), add Vishnevsky's ichthyol or ointment (1 tsp), treat inflamed areas 2 times a day;
    • prepare wax mixed with butter and camphor in equal proportions until a homogeneous mass, applied to a gauze bandage and applied as a compress, securing with adhesive tape. So, until the pustular nodules disappear completely

    Svetlana, 42 years old: I have been suffering from recurrent hidradenitis for 5 years. During this time, I learned to quickly recognize and stop the development of seals at the very beginning of their inception. Ilon ointment helps me with this. I thickly lubricate the ball of hydradenitis with it twice a day. If the process has not yet gone far, then after 3 days the ball disappears without a trace.

    Katya, 29 years old: Surgical removal of inguinal hidradenitis horrified me. Worse than that, nothing has ever happened to me in my life. On the recommendation of a doctor, I passed the tests, according to which I was diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus. The doctor prescribed me a course of antibiotics. I am just about to finish taking the prescribed medications.

    Hidradenitis is only a consequence of the action of any provoking factor. It is treated quite successfully if the patient does not lose faith and finds the true cause of the disease. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is better to treat the "bitch's udder" under the supervision of a doctor who will be able to detect the onset of complications in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Along with the diet, alternative medicine offers the following recipes:

    Preventive methods include compliance with the necessary hygiene rules, antiseptic treatment of the armpits after shaving. Overweight people need to lose weight. This will help sports and healthy lifestyle life. Bitch udder disease is not contagious, but can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through hygiene items.

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    Axillary hydradenitis: causes and symptoms

    • In addition to the general causes of axillary hidradenitis, inaccurate shaving can be the result of which cuts and wounds form on the skin.
    • Wearing tight clothes, using deodorants, shaving products, lotions can also provoke the occurrence of purulent inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpits.
    • The disease begins with a slight feeling of discomfort in the armpit area. The patient begins to feel the affected area and finds a small subcutaneous nodule, the size of a pea.
    • In the future, the size of the nodule increases, the pain increases, the appearance of the abscess becomes frightening. On the 4th - 6th day, the pain becomes unbearable and the patient usually seeks help from a surgeon who opens the abscess and removes its contents.
    • Often several purulent nodes ripen simultaneously under the armpits. Treatment of multiple formations is carried out in the surgical department. It is very dangerous to start a disease or self-medicate in such cases.

    In addition to staphylococci, other coccal bacteria, such as streptococci, can provoke the manifestation of hidradenitis. Pathogenic microorganisms present on the skin are usually not active. But penetrating into the wounds due to careless shaving, they begin to multiply intensively, which causes an inflammatory process. Other reasons can also activate the pathological work of bacteria:

    Allergies can also cause an inflammatory process on the skin. With it, an active synthesis of histamine occurs, the interaction of which with the cells of the epidermis causes swelling, itching, and burning. Often the reason is poor hygiene, wearing synthetic underwear, frequent and excessive use of deodorants that clog the sweat glands.

    The causative agents of hidradenitis are staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci and other pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms. Pathogenic microflora penetrates into the sweat gland through its duct or through the lymphatic vessels when the upper layers of the skin are damaged. Epithelial tissues can be injured when scratching an itchy area or when removing unwanted hair.

    Factors that increase the risk of developing a female udder are:

    • weakening of the immune system;
    • superficial attitude to compliance with hygiene requirements;
    • increased sweating;
    • obesity;
    • endocrine disruptions;
    • chronic foci of inflammation in the body;
    • constant wearing of clothes and underwear made of synthetics that restrict movement;
    • the use of low-quality creams for depilation, deodorants;
    • hormonal disruptions.

    In addition, hydradenitis under the arm or in the perineum can occur against the background of unfavorable heredity.

    In addition, with the aggravation of symptoms, the general condition of the patient worsens, the body temperature rises, headache and weakness appear. During this period, hydradenitis ripens, after which it opens and the pus comes out, and in its place, as it heals, a scar forms. The duration of the disease is about 10 days.

    Factors that contribute to the development of hydradenitis:

    • hygiene violations;
    • Availability mechanical damage on the skin in the area of ​​sweat glands (scratches, cuts, cracks);
    • the use of underarm hair removal products that remove hair from the root;
    • the presence in the body of foci of chronic infection;
    • decline in immunity;
    • blockage of sweat glands due to overuse antiperspirants.

    Treatment of hidradenitis at home is effective at the compaction stage, since the measures taken at this time prevent the development of an abscess.
    If an abscess is nevertheless formed, then it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor, because this is a very serious condition that can result in blood poisoning.

    Contributes to the development of the disease:

    • increased sweating,
    • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene,
    • injuries that occur after shaving, scuffs that occur when wearing uncomfortable clothes,
    • lipid (fat) metabolism disorders,
    • dysfunction of the gonads,
    • high carbohydrate intake and diabetes favorable conditions for the development of infection (carbohydrates are a good breeding ground for pyogenic microbes);
    • malnutrition (insufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements);
    • severe somatic pathology, which leads to exhaustion of the body,
    • contributes to the disease stay in a hot climate and high humidity.

    Rice. 6. In the photo, the consequences of hydradenitis under the arm. Multiple scars are visible after the healing of the fistulous passages.

    Classification and forms of the disease

    Mostly in people with a developing bitch udder, it is noted:

    • constant itching in this area;
    • burning sensation, especially after applying deodorant;
    • swelling that does not disappear, but, on the contrary, grows in volume;
    • soreness;
    • purulent discharge from the resulting swelling.

    Hidradenitis is a suppuration that occurs in the apocrine sweat glands of the body. In many cases, such a defect can be found in the armpits.

    But hydradenitis can occur near the umbilical region, inguinal folds, anus, scrotum, and labia majora.

    Hydradenitis can also appear in the navel area

    The treatment of this disease is not easy, but it is certainly possible to cure it.

    To date, there are a large number of methods and methods of struggle. Among them: therapeutic, as well as treatment with medicines and medicines, you can definitely use folk remedies, well, and in severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

    More often, hidradenitis is unilateral, for example, in the armpit on the left, inflammation on both sides at once is very rare.

    The initial stage of the "bitch's udder" is the appearance under the skin of one, and more often several nodules of a dense structure, the size of a pea.

    Gradually, painful seals reach a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm, they protrude above the surface of the skin, becoming like a dog's udder.

    The surrounding skin reddens, itches, then swelling occurs, the nodes merge, forming an area of ​​​​a large inflamed cyanotic-burgundy infiltrate.

    These characteristic symptoms are accompanied by signs of general malaise:

    When a solid node gradually becomes soft, then when pressing on the wall of the cavity, oscillations are formed - fluctuation. This serves as a sign by which it is possible to distinguish a "bitch udder" from a boil.

    After the maturation of the infiltrate, it is opened, in which purulent contents come out. Then a scar is formed in this place.

    The process can take from 10 days to a month - the fact is that while some abscesses heal, others appear.

    After the release of pus, the patient usually feels better. During this period, it is important to prevent contents with a large number of staphylococci from entering neighboring areas.

    Otherwise, the involvement of new sweat glands in the process threatens with repeated hydradenitis. The disease can take a chronic relapsing form.

    Note: in a neglected form, it is difficult to raise a hand, it hurts to sleep on your side, and the body temperature is kept at 37 - 37.4 degrees and does not subside even when the patient has drunk an antipyretic pill. Important: all symptoms only intensify, especially with physical activity, worries and wearing tight clothing.

    Hydradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat gland, most commonly found in the armpits. The infection enters the injured skin and subcutaneous tissue with microtrauma - abrasions from clothing or microcuts that occur when shaving the armpits. Bough udder develops in people with reduced immunity, who do not carefully observe hygiene requirements.

    The disease recurs until the patient regains normal immunity. Especially often hydradenitis develops in patients diabetes and immunodeficiency.

    Hygiene rules that must be observed for the prevention and treatment of hydradenitis.

    • Wearing loose clothing made from natural materials: cotton, linen, wool, silk. Such clothes help to avoid excessive sweating, overheating of the body.
    • Take a shower every day.
    • It is good to use a germicidal soap or gel - they reduce the number of microorganisms on the skin, helping to avoid inflammation.
    • Shave gently with shaving products that reduce cuts.
    • Use a separate towel for each family member.
    • If a person sweats a lot, it is advisable for him to use baby powder.

    If a person is already sick, then hygiene measures are intensified.

    • Do not take baths to avoid infection of other areas.
    • Use the shower, after sealing the abscess with adhesive tape.
    • Rinse the abscess with citeal, and after a shower with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    • Wash bedding and underwear daily in very hot water. After drying, the linen is ironed with a hot iron.
    • Until recovery, refuse depilation and shaving.
    • After each procedure, you need to wash your hands, treat them with alcohol.

    "Bitch udder" is localized in places of accumulation of apocrine glands. They are most common in the armpits, so axillary hidradenitis is the most common disease.

    In addition, these parts of the body are constantly exposed to negative effects - this is traumatic depilation, and friction with tight clothing, and inappropriate deodorants.

    Some simply neglect the elementary hygiene of places that are characterized by increased sweating.

    Where else is localized hidradenitis:

    • in the groin area;
    • in the perineum, around the anus;
    • in men - on the scrotum;
    • in women - on the labia;
    • in the folds under the breast;
    • on the mammary gland - in the area of ​​pigmentation around the nipples;
    • rarely hydradenitis appears in the scalp.

    So that the infection does not spread throughout the body, when a single focus appears, for example, a bump on the pubis, you should immediately begin antiseptic treatment of this place.

    The generally accepted classification of hydradenitis is based on its various manifestations.

    By localization, the "bitch udder" is divided into one-sided (more common) and two-sided.

    Also, the disease at the place of occurrence is axillary, inguinal, located in the anus, scrotum, labia, navel, mammary glands.

    There are several stages of the course of the disease:

    1. Initial - when the blockage of the sweat gland has just occurred. Accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin, itching, pain.
    2. Medium - the growth of inflamed nodes and increased pain.
    3. Severe - the formation of purulent abscesses with an admixture of blood.

    Depending on the nature of the development of the pathology, 2 types of hidradenitis are distinguished: acute purulent and chronic.

    The reason for the development of this form of the disease is the blockage of the apocrine glands, mainly due to poor hygiene of the body.

    It is important to notice the formation of a bump in time, which quickly becomes inflamed and turns into a purulent abscess.

    The disease is accompanied by typical symptoms - fever, weakness, pain in the places where abscesses form.

    Untimely treatment of pathology is dangerous by intoxication of the body and complications in the form of abscesses and phlegmon.


    The chronic form of hidradenitis is also called recurrent. The inflammatory process lasts for a long time, manifesting itself at certain intervals.

    Extensive inflammation of the sweat glands is considered the most complex form of hidradenitis. For successful treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of a long pathological process.

    The disease is dangerous by an increase in the area of ​​inflamed apocrine glands and the formation of abscesses.

    Adequate complex treatment with the use of antibiotics, be sure to exclude alcohol and diet, careful personal hygiene.


    The suppurative form of hidradenitis is also called inverse acne. It is more common in adolescents during puberty.

    The peculiarity of the disease is that various forms of acne are combined with an inflammatory process in the sweat glands.

    Suppurative hydradenitis of the armpit or other area of ​​the skin appears due to blockage and rupture of the hair follicle.

    The disease is characterized by the formation of an inflammatory process that affects the sweat glands.

    Pathology can be localized in the groin, perineum, armpits, less often on the face. Factors conducive to the development of the disease are excessive sweating, obesity, uncomfortable clothing.

    Prevention of the occurrence of hidradenitis is reduced to the elimination of factors provoking the disease. To avoid the appearance of such an unpleasant ailment, it is recommended:

    • wear comfortable clothes and do not abuse various deodorizing agents;
    • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
    • timely identify and treat diseases against which hydradenitis may develop;
    • strengthen immunity;
    • choose more gentle methods of removing unwanted hair that do not injure the skin.

    Hydradenitis at the initial stage of development.

    The appearance of the pathology and physical sensations depend on the stage and severity of the infectious process. Symptoms appear gradually and indicate the transition of the disease to a new phase:

    High body temperature signals the transition of the disease to the period of maturation. The occurrence of phlegmon indicates the connection to the pathological process of fatty tissues, and lymphadenitis indicates the inflammatory process of the lymph nodes.

    This is what the fistulous form of hydradenitis looks like.

    If the disease has acquired a chronic course, then two or three fistulous openings are formed in the armpit.

    They are connected by subcutaneous passages and become inflamed from time to time. There is a fistulous form of the disease. There is a high risk of relapse in overweight people and those who suffer from hyperhidrosis.

    • With the formation of an inflammatory infiltrate in the early stages of the development of the disease, the patient is disturbed by periodic pain. Often several infiltrates are formed, which merge and form one acutely inflammatory, sharply painful infiltrate, which occupies the entire axillary fossa. During this period, the patient may be disturbed by weakness and malaise, sometimes the body temperature rises. The skin over the infiltrate acquires a bluish-pink color. Infiltrates range in size from 0.5 cm to 3 cm. Pain and the appearance of armpit infiltrates are the main symptoms of the disease.
    • Inflammatory infiltrates either resolve or tissue suppuration (abscess or abscesses) is formed. Abscesses with hydradenitis have a conical shape (popularly called "bitch's udder").
    • When opening the abscess, thick pus is released. A necrotic core, as with boils and carbuncles, is not formed.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    If hidradenitis therapy is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, and the patient strictly follows all the recommendations of his attending physician, the prognosis is the most favorable. Only a minor defect remains on the skin, which will for some time remind of such an unpleasant condition in the past.

    Otherwise, the risk of developing serious complications. With illiterate treatment or its complete absence, the pathological process may spread to the surrounding tissues, which will subsequently lead to the development of an abscess (suppuration with clear boundaries), and then phlegmon - a diffuse purulent inflammation of the surrounding tissues, characterized by an acute course and lack of boundaries.

    In severely neglected cases, purulent masses can enter the bloodstream and infect all organs and systems of the body. This condition is called sepsis and is very life-threatening. In most cases, patients who are diagnosed with blood poisoning die. Therefore, one should not underestimate the danger of pathology and delay a visit to the doctor if there is no desire to “receive as a gift” a much more serious disease.

    Treatment of hidradenitis at home with a curd compress

    The woman developed hydradenitis under her arm, she was offered an operation. But the disease was cured by folk remedies. A familiar grandmother helped her, who cured her daughter's bitch udder with the same method.

    Mix 1 part sour cream, 1 part butter and 1 part cottage cheese. Apply this mixture in the form of a compress to the inflammation under the armpit and fix it tightly. Prepare the mixture fresh every evening. By morning it dries up. The bumps that had already begun to boil were getting smaller every day. The woman did compresses until the painful seals completely disappeared. The operation was not needed. (HLS 2001, No. 3, pp. 18-19).

    It helps to cure the disease and simple cottage cheese, it must be mixed with hot water so that the cottage cheese warms up, squeezed out and applied on gauze to the abscess under the arm. (HLS 2007, No. 4, p. 33).

    Honey cake against inflammation of the sweat glands

    A woman had an abscess under her arm, unbearable pains began, she turned to a surgeon. The sore was cut open, she lost consciousness from the pain. After a while, hidradenitis returned again, but she was afraid to go to the hospital. In addition, one woman told her how to treat a bitch udder with folk remedies.

    1 st. l. heat honey in a water bath, mix with flour, knead the cake and apply at night to the abscess under the arm in the form of a compress, covered with polyethylene. Make fresh bread every night. Hidradenitis was cured without surgery, the disease never returned. (HLS 2003, No. 3, p. 19)

    Treatment of hidradenitis at home with onion ointment

    50 g of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater, 50 g of grated onion, 150 g of melted interior pork fat. Combine everything and heat slightly, rubbing to get a homogeneous mass. Cool down. Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Apply an ointment 2-3 cm thick on a small piece of gauze, apply to the abscess under the arm.

    The disease cannot be started, it delivers a lot of discomfort, can lead to blood poisoning. Hidradenitis usually does not go away on its own, so effective medical intervention is necessary. It is forbidden to open the knots and squeeze out their contents on your own. This will spread the infection and worsen the condition.

    What can be done with hydradenitis at home before going to the doctor:

    It is impossible to wet the inflamed axillary area, baths are prohibited. You can wash in the shower, having previously closed the problem area with adhesive tape. Be sure to stick to the diet throughout the treatment. Under the ban spicy, salty, smoked, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate, pastries - all these are products that provoke excessive sweating. Choose fruits, vegetables, natural juices. All food is recommended to be steamed, not roasted, or baked in the oven.

    Antibacterial drugs are the basis of therapy, since the first step is to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of the disease. Antibiotics for hydradenitis are prescribed, as a rule, in the form of tablets. Tetracycline, cephalosporin, penicillin series, a number of macrolides, fluoroquinolones.

    The most effective and proven drugs are:

    • taking antibiotics, immunostimulating drugs and vitamins;
    • regular treatment of the skin in the area of ​​​​the abscess with antiseptic solutions;
    • novocaine injections (for severe pain);
    • the imposition of semi-alcohol bandages;
    • dry heat therapy (sunbathing, heating with a Minin reflector);
    • physiotherapy procedures (local ultraviolet irradiation, UHF therapy, magnetotherapy, laser, electrophoresis, etc.).

    Fully mature hidradenitis under the arm, in the groin area or in the anus area requires surgical treatment. The surgeon performs a wide incision in the affected area, evacuates the purulent masses and removes the infiltrated adipose tissue. With persistent, repeatedly recurring bough udder, the attending physician may recommend that the patient undergo a course of X-ray therapy that destroys the sweat glands.

    However, with a bough udder that has become chronic, treatment can be delayed for 1.5 months or longer.

    • the size of the resulting swelling on the body;
    • the presence of pus in them;
    • patient's age;
    • the time interval during which the disease progresses;
    • other features of the patient, for example, intolerance to any drug.

    After the specialist has analyzed the nature of the disease, taken into account all the accompanying factors, he prescribes a treatment that includes:

    1. Various ointments that provoke the opening of swelling and the release of accumulated pus.
    2. Taking antibiotics to fight infections in the body.
    3. Special physiotherapy aimed at restoring the skin and accelerating recovery.


    When a bough udder is diagnosed, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics in 92% of cases. Among the most proven drugs for this disease are:

    • minocycline, which is supposed to be taken 3-4 times a day;
    • tetracycline, taken up to three times a day.

    If a patient has a decrease in general immunity, then this may well lead to the development of sepsis, which poses a serious danger to a person.

    Important! If the course of hidradenitis is accompanied by high fever and severe weakness, you must urgently inform your doctor about this.

    Treatment of a bitch udder should be strictly individual for each patient. Moreover, treatment should begin only after a complete examination of the person.

    Methods for the treatment of bough udder:

    • If the disease is still at the initial stage, then the patient is prescribed antibiotic ointments. Most often it is tetracycline and erythromycin. In the complex, alcohol solutions and hydrogen peroxide are even prescribed by a doctor. In addition, treatment can be based on ultraviolet radiation.
    • If the disease has already developed before the formation of pus, then the formation itself is opened and drained. This procedure is not very complicated, so do not be afraid of such an operation. After that, the patient is prescribed antibiotics in the form of ciprofloxacin and azitrox.
    • If the disease is active, then the formations cannot be wetted. In addition, all sweet and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages, should be excluded from your diet. After the disease is cured, it is necessary to exclude all factors that can provoke the formation of the disease again.

    In order to stimulate the purulent contents out of the inflammation, it is smeared with Vishnevsky liniment or ichthyol ointment. First you need to cut off all the hair from the site of inflammation, then the ointment is applied in a very thin layer over the painful formation. These ointments have stretching properties, so they are also used to quickly form a boil core. See the photo of the boil here.

    After the purulent contents come out, you must use the following tools:

    • Antibiotic ointment Levomekol.
    • Lotions of clindamycin solution.
    • Compress from a solution of dimexide and iodine.
    • Oflomelid.


    Treatment should be complex, therefore, in addition to ointments, antibiotics must also be taken.

    Most often, the following antibiotics are prescribed in the treatment of a bough udder:

    • Erythromycin - 4 times a day.
    • Tetracycline - once a day.
    • Minocycline - 3 times a day.


    It is very important to note that antibiotics are not taken during physiotherapy procedures.

    Physiotherapy aimed at treating the bitch udder includes the following procedures:

    • Bactericidal technique
    • Anti-inflammatory therapy with UHF, UV radiation
    • Immunostimulating therapy (laser blood irradiation, magnetotherapy, heliotherapy)
    • Regenerative technique

    Folk remedies

    Many doctors say that the treatment of a bitch udder folk methods is an ineffective way, however, it cannot harm health and can be well combined with drug therapy. In addition, people's reviews suggest that folk remedies may well fight such a disease.

    How to treat bitch udder with herbal ointment

    A good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect has an infusion of calendula, wild hops, elderberry, eucalyptus and plantain. All dried ingredients must be taken 1 tbsp. l., grind and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After keeping in a water bath for 15 minutes, the infusion must be cooled and filtered. Take the remedy 50 ml three times a day.

    Excellent fights against pathogenic bacteria and infusion of the leaves of the series and lingonberries. They need to take 1 tbsp. l. and pour 0.4 liters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour and strain. Use the remedy 50 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    You can also use a decoction consisting of two parts of blackberry leaves and one part of calendula flowers. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes. After cooling and straining, take a decoction of 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

    These funds can be combined and alternated with each other. Also, white cabbage leaves can bring relief. They must be scalded with boiling water and lightly beaten with a hammer so that they let the juice flow. You need to apply cabbage leaves to the sore spot throughout the day, in between lotions of medicinal herbs.

    An effective remedy for a speedy recovery is an onion baked in the oven. It needs to be disassembled into separate parts and make a warm compress with it. It is necessary to put a warm onion on the painful area, cover it with a plastic bag and put a layer of cotton wool on top. You can wrap this place with a woolen scarf for a warming effect.

    Honey cake also helps cure hidradenitis. It can reduce inflammation and promote the resorption of infiltrates. Honey must be mixed with flour to the consistency of thick sour cream. From the resulting mass, you need to form a cake and apply to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification. From above, this place must also be wrapped with polyethylene and covered with a warm cloth. It is best to use such a remedy at night, each time using a fresh cake.


    During the course of the disease, it is important to follow a diet that excludes alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. The bath must be abandoned in favor of the shower, sealing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhydradenitis with a plaster to prevent it from getting wet. To disinfect the diseased area, you can use an alcohol tincture of calendula. In the treatment of hidradenitis, it is important to carefully remove the growing hair on the inflamed area, since harmful microorganisms and sweat can collect on them, but this should not injure the skin.

    The woman had boils under her armpit. Despite the treatment, the disease progressed, the nodes became more and more. The surgeon was far away, so she decided to treat the bitch udder with herbal ointment. First you need to prepare calendula oil: pour 1.5 cups of calendula flowers with a glass of vegetable oil at a temperature of 80-100 degrees, mix. Insist in the dark for 40 days, strain.

    Ointment preparation. Fresh calendula flowers 2 parts, yarrow - 2 parts, sweet clover - 1 part, dandelion roots - 2 parts, horse sorrel roots - 1 part, tansy inflorescences - 1 part. Wash all these herbs and pass through a meat grinder. Add 1 part of Vishnevsky's ointment and 1 part of ichthyol ointment to the herbal slurry. Dilute this whole mixture with calendula oil prepared in advance to obtain a homogeneous elastic mass.

    When treating a bitch udder, a woman wiped the affected area with an alcohol solution (or herbal tincture, or cologne, or alcohol). Then she applied the ointment for the whole day, and repeated the procedure in the evening. The result was ideal in a day: the abscesses under the arm increased, white heads appeared. On the 3-4th day, all the pus began to come out. (2006, No. 18, p. 31)

    Treatment of hidradenitis with a wax compress

    The girl was in the hospital with a fracture of the spine, and in addition, she developed hydradenitis. The neighbors in the ward advised such a folk remedy: take rosin, beeswax and butter in equal proportions. Melt everything in an enamel bowl and stir well, but do not boil. Get a homogeneous mass.

    Cleansing the blood with hydradenitis

    To cure the disease "bitch's udder", it is necessary to clean the blood with nettles - 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, insist and drink throughout the day. do this for 2-3 weeks. (HLS 2006, No. 24, p. 4)

    Treatment of hydradenitis with a bulb

    A baked onion is the simplest and most effective folk remedy for "bitch udders", boils and any abscesses. Bake the onion, cut off the bottom, and, without cooling, apply with a cut to the abscess under the arm. (HLS 2006, No. 2, p. 11)

    How to treat a bitch udder with a golden mustache

    The girl had an abscess under her arm. At night, she applied 2 leaves of a golden mustache plant to it. Did the same on the second night. And that's it, on the third night nothing began to heal, and a week later there was no trace of the sore (HLS 2006, No. 4, p. 31).

    Tibetan black patch for abscesses and inflammation under the arm

    Mix 50 g grated laundry soap, 50 g rye flour, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Dilute all this with 150 g of boiling water, cook for 2-3 minutes, add 1 church candle without a wick. Stir, the ointment is ready. Apply this ointment on a napkin and apply to the abscess, secure with adhesive tape.

    Treatment of hidradenitis in succession

    An 8-year-old girl had inflammation under her armpit, an abscess formed, red, painful, the size of a walnut. The doctor prescribed an operation, but the biology teacher, who came across, gave the following recipe: make a strong infusion of string, moisten a rag in a hot infusion and apply to the abscess. Apply a warm wet compress 6-8 times a day. For 2 days, the child's bough udder was cured. (HLS 2010, No. 7, p. 3,)


    There are two types of sweat glands on the human body - eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine sweat glands are located in the deep layers of the skin over the entire surface of the body, except for the glans penis, foreskin and areas of the red border of the lips. In the region of the palms and soles, the glands are located in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Eccrine sweat glands are involved in thermoregulation of the body.

    Apocrine sweat glands are found in the armpits, genitals, perineum, around the anus, and in the pigmented area around the nipples. Apocrine sweat glands are not involved in thermoregulation, but are activated during stress. The smell of sweat and its viscosity depends on the degree of destruction of secretory cells. Apocrine sweat glands do not function in children, and in the elderly their function is sharply weakened.

    Rice. 4. The secretory glomerulus and the narrow excretory duct are the main structures of the sweat glands.

    Hydradenitis is easier to prevent than to treat. Those who are already familiar with purulent inflammation of the sweat glands and its consequences should be especially careful. The main preventive measures of the disease are:

    • personal hygiene
    • careful selection of cosmetics or a complete rejection of cosmetics
    • control of blood sugar levels, exclusion of staphylococcal infection
    • gentle hair removal in "risk areas": armpits, groin, abdomen and chest
    • treatment of armpits with alcohol in moments of heavy sweating
    • avoiding dust and dirt on sweaty skin

    The insidiousness of the bitch udder is that, having appeared once in the human body, the disease often recurs. But, knowing about preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease in the future. Disease can be prevented by:

    • compliance with daily hygienic water procedures;
    • moderate use of deodorants and antiperspirants;
    • renunciation bad habits(alcohol and smoking), which inhibit work immune system;
    • taking multivitamin preparations (preferably several courses a year);
    • regular change of bed linen;
    • antiseptic treatment of all skin lesions;
    • the fight against existing chronic foci of infection in the body ( chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, etc.).

    Treatment of a bitch udder with folk remedies at the first signs of the disease usually brings quick relief and leads to a speedy recovery. But depending on the severity of the disease and the state of immunity, this may not be enough. It is important to monitor the dynamics of the process and, in the absence of improvements, be sure to agree with the doctor on further methods of treating the disease.

    The disease has a bitch udder medical term- hydradenitis. The unsound name of the disease is more often used by the people. Pathology received such an obscene name because of the appearance of the lesion of the skin.

    Hydradenitis of the bough udder is a purulent inflammatory process in the sweat glands. Most often, infection occurs from the ingress of bacteria. The area most commonly affected by the disease is the armpit. But there are infectious inflammations in other parts and areas of the body. More often this occurs where hair growth is observed: the lower abdomen, the inguinal folds of men and the genitals of women.

    Infectious damage to tissues and internal organs is caused by staphylococcus aureus. The disease is very dangerous for humans. Left unattended, it leads to blood poisoning. Sepsis becomes scary for the patient, so you should know what hydradenitis is, how to treat a bough udder. The clinical picture has clearly identified symptoms by doctors.

    The causes of hydradenitis are different. The main virus that causes the disease is Staphylococcus aureus. It most often disrupts the digestive system.

    Bacteria can enter the body in several ways:

    • through the lymph. This occurs when the skin is damaged. The bacterium penetrates into the apocrine glands through external routes: cuts, cracks, scratches.
    • through ducts that drain fluid. The infection enters those areas that are more prone to sweat formation, the pores are enlarged, open.

    Both methods are the result of inaccurate human actions. The skin is damaged during shaving, with strong combing during the hot seasons. Sometimes the pores become open after being bitten by insects (mosquitoes). Staphylococcus detects small cuts and bite marks that are not disinfected with the right agent.

    Increased sweating, a constant feeling of skin debate make the human body vulnerable to the penetration of bacteria. Various microbes enter the body, among them a dangerous Staphylococcus aureus occupies a special place. Hydradenitis causes depend on the strength of the immune system. How stronger protection, the weaker the virus.

    You can list the main bough udder causes of the development of the disease:

    • increased alkaline background of sweating;
    • lack of hygiene skills;
    • chronic pathologies;
    • diabetes;
    • different degrees of obesity;
    • diseases of the endocrine system.

    Diagnostics and differential diagnostics of the condition

    It includes:

    • Listening to patient complaints.

    Tip: so that the doctor does not have any doubts about the diagnosis, it is important to describe all the symptoms as accurately as possible, how long the problems have been, whether there are improvements or, on the contrary, it is getting worse.

    • Inspection of problem areas of the body, for example, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits.
    • Feeling of swelling.

    Note: at the time of palpation, the doctor is always interested in whether the patient feels pain, and also assesses the size of the swelling and the presence of purulent content in it.

    • A blood test for basic indicators, especially leukocytes and ESR.

    An important point: if there are more leukocytes in the blood than expected according to the standard, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is significantly higher, then the doctor has no doubt that hydradenitis is developing.

    The diagnosis is based on a clinical blood test and sugar. Additionally, patients will be asked to consult a surgeon and an endocrinologist. As a rule, the blood formula in this disease changes dramatically: the ESR and the number of leukocytes are overestimated, which clearly indicates the progression of the inflammatory process.

    An immunogram is performed to examine the immune system if the disease is advanced and relapses are observed.

    Additionally, a study of the microflora from the inflamed area is carried out. This helps the doctor choose the right antibiotics for further treatment of hidradenitis.

    Medical therapy

    To prevent the infection from spreading, the skin around the purulent formations is wiped with alcohol several times a day. It is advisable to wash only in the shower, sealing the sore spots with a plaster. In the first week of illness, it is recommended to apply wipes soaked in an alcohol solution. Various types of compresses are contraindicated, which increase the formation of pus. Only warming with dry heat and sunbathing are considered useful.

    General treatment is carried out with antibiotics of the penicillin and tetracycline series. When the disease resumes, patients are prescribed immunostimulating therapy based on the data of the immunogram. If infection with staphylococcus is confirmed, then therapy is carried out with the help of a staphylococcal vaccine and gamma globulin.

    Drugs are prescribed exclusively under the supervision of specialists. Course assignments can be as follows:

    • antibiotics (ointments, solutions) to suppress the bacterial flora of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria (streptococcal, staphylococcal);
    • antiseptics (camphor alcohol 10%, brilliant green) for applying applications to the affected surface for the purpose of treatment;
    • novocaine blockade with the accumulation of multiple infiltrate in the subcutaneous tissue by chipping the affected area around the circumference;
    • sulfonamides;
    • nitrofurans;
    • vitamin complexes.

    Useful can become a strong lamp for warming up inflamed areas, for which you need to bring it to the body for 5-5 minutes, maintaining a distance of 15-20 cm. This helps to avoid surgery at the initial stage of the development of the disease, i.e. cuts and punctures.

    What can and what can not be eaten during the bitch udder?

    An unbalanced diet is the cause of the development of many diseases, which include the bitch udder. For a quick recovery, you need to get rid of excess weight, saturate the body with a normal amount of minerals and vitamins. Need to eat dairy products, low-fat poultry meat, beets, carrots, tomatoes, black currants, rose hips. All types of nuts, butter and vegetable oils, seafood, cereals, mushrooms, most berries are useful for the patient's body.

    It is necessary to exclude products that cause allergies in a particular patient. Carbonated, energy, alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Too fatty and fried foods, sweets and rich flour products are undesirable.

    Why does a bitch udder appear

    The main cause of hidradenitis is a staphylococcal infection. Normally, many different microorganisms are present on the human body. And staphylococci are no exception. On the skin, especially in places where apocrine sweat glands are localized special kind these bacteria. These are epidermal staphylococci.

    With increased reproduction, they can get into the glandular ducts, and then into the gland itself, causing inflammation. But in most cases, the source of the disease is environment. It contains much more microbes than on the skin. The main microorganisms that cause the development of the infectious process are golden and hemolytic staphylococci. In addition, the cause of inflammation can be coli, proteus, fungi and klebsiella.

    Factors contributing to the entry of an infectious agent into the apocrine sweat glands and the further development of the inflammatory process are:

    • weakening of the immune defense of the body;
    • the presence of autoimmune diseases;
    • various hormonal disorders (including changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy);
    • pathology of the endocrine system;
    • metabolic disorders (including overweight, obesity and diabetes mellitus);
    • excessive sweating, excessive and constant moceration (moisture) of the skin;
    • violation or non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (there is an accelerated reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms);
    • wearing uncomfortable clothes (seams and coarse fabrics can injure delicate skin);
    • excessive concern for the aesthetic appearance of the skin: shaving and epilation;
    • the use of talc as a deodorant and antiperspirants containing it;
    • frequent use of personal hygiene products containing alkali (soap, shower gels, and so on);
    • non-compliance with the principles of rational nutrition.

    The use of deodorants is a common cause of hydradenitis.