Ears are very flaky inside. Ears are peeling inside: why and what to do? Causes of peeling in the ear canal

There are many reasons for flaky ears. These are sunburns or frostbite, beriberi. Dysbacteriosis can provoke a problem or malnutrition- Abuse of sweet, smoked, foods with a high content of preservatives.

Peeling can be a symptom of serious diseases - dermatitis, eczema, fungal skin lesions, otitis media. Or talk about a malfunction in metabolism or in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The problem can be solved on your own. This will require regular nourishing compresses, treatment of the auricle with oils.

But in the case when peeling is accompanied by painful, itchy sensations, a doctor's consultation is required. He will select the necessary treatment, which, in agreement with him, is supplemented folk remedies.

The main causes of peeling ears

In most cases, the ears peel inside, and crusts or small wounds may form. With allergies, dry patches of skin are localized behind the ear.

Older people often have age-related skin problems. Areas on the hands, body can dry, and the earlobes begin to peel off.

Seasonal beriberi causes increased separation of skin flakes on the body, face, ears. The problem is solved by taking multivitamin complexes.

On the ears, improper hygiene leads to peeling of the skin. If you clean the auricle with cotton swabs or other items, it is easy to damage the mucous membrane. This causes the appearance of micro-wounds, healing, they provoke peeling. And repeated procedures can aggravate the situation.

Improper care auricles, provokes itching and peeling.

One of the reasons for dryness and increased separation of skin flakes on the earlobes is the wearing of poor quality jewelry. If nickel is included in its composition, then the earrings can provoke peeling or inflammation. Individual allergies to gold or silver also provoke this problem.

The causes and treatment of itching, flaky skin on the ears will be determined by a dermatologist.

Experts identify the following factors that provoke the problem:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the external ear (otitis).
  • Fungal infections (otomytosis).
  • Dermatological diseases (eczema dermatitis).
  • Sunburn.

Also, problems with the skin on the ears cause protracted stressful situations, regular nervous strain. Unhealthy diet, diabetes, genetic disorders can provoke peeling.


Inflammation of the external ear is of two types - diffuse, local. In the first case, the pathological process affects everything inner ear, in the second - only the hair follicle. Otitis is accompanied by an accumulation of pus, which often causes itching, the ear may begin to peel, itch.

The disease cannot be started or self-medicated, its complications are hearing loss or purulent brain damage.

Hypothermia, trauma, water penetration into the ear can provoke otitis media. It may develop in the background viral infections. More often, the auricles flake off due to otitis media caused by damage.

The main symptoms of pathology:

  • Sharp, shooting pain.
  • Sensation of fullness in the ear, as if there were a foreign object inside.
  • It itches in the auricles, the skin flakes off, the scales move away in flakes.
  • Hearing impairment, sometimes the patient does not hear anything with the affected ear.


Dermatitis is one of the common reasons why the skin on the outside of the ears peels off. It requires complex antihistamine treatment. Tablets or drops that relieve an allergic reaction are combined with local remedies - ointments, creams.

Therapy is prescribed only by a dermatologist, self-medication leads to complications - the disease becomes chronic.

Symptoms of dermatitis:

  • Redness of the ears, accompanied by itching.
  • The appearance of small papules that burst, form crusts.
  • Peeling of the skin.


Eczema develops against the background of an allergic process. It proceeds in an acute form, which can turn into a chronic one. This is most often associated with self-medication and delaying the visit to the doctor.

Eczema is characterized by redness of the skin, the formation of weeping or dry crusts on the outside of the auricle, which provokes profuse peeling.

At the beginning of the disease, the skin turns red, becomes denser, and itches a lot. Already at the next stage, papules appear, turning into crusts. In some cases, the inside of the ear also peels off. In this situation, the use of compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs is recommended.

Eczema is treated with external preparations. Moist crusts are treated with special sprays or alcohol tinctures. Dry - with special ointments. In severe cases, antibiotics are used. Proper Treatment allows you to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms - the ears itch less and less, peeling becomes less intense.


Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ear. It develops with reduced immunity, beriberi. The disease is caused by a fungus that lives on the skin of any healthy person.

But with reduced work immune system, at the slightest microtrauma of the ear, the deeper layers of the epidermis are infected. With this disease, the auricle begins to peel off, the skin turns red, discharge appears (icure or pus).

Otomycosis begins with itching in the inner ear, with inflammation of the ear canal. The process is accompanied by microcracks in the skin. Further, the infection spreads to the outer part, accompanied by peeling of the back of the auricle, earlobe.

Treatment is carried out with local antifungal drugs, in severe cases they are combined with oral medication.


Prolonged exposure to the sun provokes a burn. Most often, thin and delicate skin suffers - ears, nose, neck, shoulders, knees.

Sunburn is accompanied by severe redness, damaged ear skin itches and flakes off. In especially severe cases, small blisters appear.

The earlobe, which flakes off abundantly, and the outer part of the auricle also suffer from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Burnt ears heal longer than other parts of the body. Painful or itchy sensations are more pronounced. Often the skin inside the ears is flaky. Treatment is carried out with the help of special after-sun creams, or folk remedies, when blisters appear, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Protects against sunburn wearing a hat.

Prevention of peeling of the ears

A balanced diet is one of the main ways to prevent peeling. A sufficient amount of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, fiber allows you to maintain the skin in a healthy state.

In a situation where the ears itch, peeling appears, it is enough for a person to drink a course of multivitamins or drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora. Often due to dysbacteriosis, various skin problems occur.

Prevention of peeling ears is proper care behind them. When removing sulfur, it is impossible to penetrate deep into the ear canal with a cotton swab. They clean only the outer part, use special ear sticks with limiters. Too often to resort to this procedure should also not be. It is necessary to ensure that water or foreign objects do not get inside the ear.

Protecting your ears from frost or direct sunlight will prevent the problem. To prevent fungal infections, you do not need to use other people's headphones or a telephone headset. It is important to maintain immunity, fully rest, try not to overwork.

The best remedies for peeling ears

Depending on the causes of peeling, doctors prescribe different groups of drugs. Bacterial infections of the inner ear require the use of antibiotics. Mycosis and otomycosis - antifungal ointments or creams. Dermatitis, eczema and others inflammatory diseases skin is treated with steroid ointments.

Peeling skin behind the ears is treated with creams, pastes containing zinc, sulfur, salicylic acid. Ointments with selenium disulfate or ketanazole may be used.

After consulting a doctor, treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies:

  • Bury onion juice in the ear canal two or three times a day.
  • Wrapped in gauze and inserted into the external auditory canal, a clove of garlic will relieve inflammation and reduce the pathogenic microflora.
  • Aloe vera juice will relieve swelling and skin irritation. Freshly squeezed juice (no more than 5 drops) is instilled two, three times a day.

Sunburns and frostbite are treated with panthenol, other vitamin B6-based products that stimulate skin regeneration. If ear dandruff is not accompanied unpleasant sensations- itching, burning, pain can be treated independently.

How to cure abundant peeling of the ears in an adult - vitamin compresses are effective. It is necessary to mix the contents of the capsules with vitamins A, B, E, C in equal proportions. Place a moistened cotton swab in the ear canal for 30 minutes.

Rosehip oil is used to facilitate the removal of keratinized scales. Suitable for vegetable or olive oil. They moisten a piece of bandage or a cotton swab and gently wipe the flaky skin. The oils are left for 20 minutes, then removed along with the scales with a cotton pad.

You can wipe the problem surface with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. With these infusions, you can make compresses. A moistened sterile bandage is placed in the ear for 20-30 minutes. It is important that the broth is slightly warm.

To facilitate the discharge of dead skin cells, you can add a few drops of oil, both vegetable and cosmetic, to it.

Nourishing, hypoallergenic creams will help repair damaged skin behind the ear. If peeling on the ears is associated with stress, not only local skin treatment is necessary, but also the use of sedatives.

The video describes in detail the treatment regimen for a fungal infection that leads to itching and peeling of the ear:

When to See a Doctor

If the ears begin to itch, itch a lot, peel off profusely, there is a discharge from the auditory canal, before starting self-treatment, consult a dermatologist. Similar symptoms indicate a fungal infection of the skin.

If the auricle inside and outside is covered with a crust that gets wet or peels off, a dermatologist's consultation is necessary. Often, eczema and other skin diseases that require special treatment appear in a similar way.

When the ears begin to itch, this is accompanied by flaky skin, severe pain, a feeling of congestion, or significant hearing loss, you should contact your ENT. Most likely, otitis media has developed, which requires immediate treatment with antibiotics, which only a doctor can correctly prescribe.

In adults, itching of the auricle with peeling, with the formation of papules and reddening of the skin on the outside may indicate dermatitis or fungal infection. These diseases require a visit to a dermatologist and treatment under his control.

There are many reasons for flaky skin in the ears. If the problem is caused by beriberi or improper care, incorrectly selected cosmetics, it is easy to solve it yourself.

But when accompanied by peeling, severe itching, pain, the appearance of crusts or discharge, you need to see a doctor. Self-medication in such cases will only worsen the situation.

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In most cases, skin problems arise due to the banal neglect of the rules of personal hygiene. Few people know that the ears are a very sensitive organ that needs daily care and preventive actions in order to avoid various ailments. Now, for sure, everyone wants to take it in their hands cotton buds and remove all the sulfur accumulated during the day.

However, there is a paradox : too frequent use of cotton swabs threatens the formation ear plugs. Sometimes even those who observe personal hygiene get annoying itching and constantly peeling skin in the ears. What is the reason?

The reasons why the epidermis in the auricles peel off can be very diverse. Among the most likely:

  • increased;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • fungal infections;
  • failure to comply with basic hygiene;
  • boils;
  • eczema;
  • malnutrition or diabetes;
  • (in most cases accompanied by peeling behind the ears);
  • large accumulations of sulfur;
  • genetic features;
  • age factor (in people old age there is an increased tendency to pathologies of the epidermis);
  • stress and nervous breakdowns.

The epidermis can peel off behind the ear, inside the auricle, and also on the lobe. If you have flaky skin in your ears, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

Sometimes lichen develops behind the ear, and its carriers are pets such as dogs and cats. Therefore, your own treatment should be combined with the treatment of your little friend.


The manifestation begins with redness and itching. Contact with the irritant should be quickly limited, otherwise the upper part of the epidermis will begin to exfoliate.

Pathogen allergic reaction often there is chemistry for hair, earrings or eyeglasses.

You can cope with the problem with the help of antihistamine ointments, which eliminate itching and make the skin soft.

With a pronounced reaction, a hypoallergenic diet and a course of taking special medications are prescribed.


it acute inflammation purulent-necrotic type, which is caused by pyogenic bacteria. The cause of the disease is most often non-compliance with personal hygiene, as well as impaired metabolism, poor nutrition and skin problems.

In the initial stages, the process is accompanied by redness in the ears or directly in the ear. Further edema appears and sharp pain, when touched, it intensifies.

You can get rid of the boil with the help of medicines or by surgical intervention. Then it is necessary to undergo antibiotic therapy for a long time.


This is a disease that is the development of an inflammatory process in the ear cavity. Otitis media often occurs in children or people with weakened immune systems. If you do not go to the hospital in time, you can not only cause serious illness, but also completely lose your hearing. Symptoms of otitis media:

  • significant itching inside the ear;
  • hearing loss;
  • feeling of "plug".

The development of otitis is accompanied by the formation of purulent masses, the appearance of pain, as a result of which dermatitis may appear: the skin will itch unbearably, peeling of the ear will occur. It is necessary to treat inflammation in children and adults under the strict supervision of a doctor.

At the initial stages, boric acid is used, at the final stages - antibiotics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.


Often, peeling of the skin in the auricle is caused by a fungal infection. You can get infected with harmful bacteria through earplugs, headphones and hearing aids of strangers.

Signs of a fungal infection:

  • noise in ears;
  • cork formation;
  • the presence of secretions;
  • the ear itches and flakes;
  • headache.

Treatment consists in the use of special medicines, the affected area is covered with therapeutic ointments.


The disease is chronic and sharp shape. The duration of the last one is on average 3 weeks. During this time, the top layer of the skin is damaged. With properly selected methods of treatment, the occurrence of relapses is unlikely. Sometimes an infection can get into the healed tissue or the disease will continue to develop, which will weaken the immune system, and give impetus to the onset of a chronic form.


  • the skin turns red;
  • in the area of ​​​​redness there is severe itching;
  • the appearance of a rash with vesicles, subsequently they become covered with a crust.

External and internal crusts can be removed with oil mixtures. The affected areas are treated with alcohol or ether, sometimes aerosols containing oxycort are prescribed.

If the surface of the skin is not wet, treatment with all kinds of anti-inflammatory ointments is supplemented with drugs that constrict blood vessels and have an antifungal purpose.

Treatment for dandruff in the ears

The ears can flake due to dandruff, often accompanied by intense redness and intolerable itching. Dandruff occurs due to stress and unhealthy diet. The treatment is as follows: first you need to establish your own diet, and then drink herbal teas to normalize nervous system. Experts recommend creating a daily routine and trying to stick to it as much as possible to reduce stress levels.

Sometimes the surface of the ears peels and cracks due to metabolic problems. The skin can peel off due to its features, for example, too intense secretion of sebum.

It is necessary to choose the right shampoo, which will not only remove excess fat, but also have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. If the surface, on the contrary, is dry, it must be systematically moistened.

How to get rid of ear dandruff on your own?

To combat seborrhea, it is not at all necessary to undergo clinical treatment, you can cope with the disease on your own, using the means traditional medicine. To do this, you need to periodically prepare homemade masks, as well as make compresses with vegetable oil and chamomile tincture.

  1. To cope with seborrhea, you need to insert a cotton swab moistened with sunflower or olive oil into the ear canal three times a day. Keep such a compress should be no more than 15 minutes. After this time, you can remove the swab, the remnants of softened skin are removed with a clean cloth.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers and pour 100 ml of boiling water. The resulting solution should be infused for about 25 minutes, after which it must be carefully filtered and a few drops of vegetable oil added. Moisten a swab with the mixture and insert into the ear canals. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.

To cure a more serious disease, for example, one that has an infectious origin, one should apply hormone therapy under the close supervision of a specialist. It would be advisable to use various ointments containing salicylic acid, sulfur or tar.

When dandruff appears behind the ear and in the auricle, it is necessary to use preparations with zinc, ketonazole and selenium disulfide, which kill the fungus. The specialist must appoint individual methods treatment, based on the disease and characteristics of the skin.

In addition to the use of drugs and folk methods for a quick recovery, hygiene should be observed and dry skin should be systematically removed. It is forbidden to wipe your ears with alcohol, use cotton swabs every day and clean the sulfur with foreign objects.

Attention! Treatment can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, therefore, before using traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult a specialist, otherwise you can seriously damage eardrum and even lose their hearing.

Ear dandruff is a very unpleasant, but easy-to-treat disease, subject to all the rules and recommendations.

There are a lot of reasons why the skin in the ears peels off. At the first manifestations of the disease, appropriate measures should be taken, namely, consult a specialist, since sometimes self-medication can bring more trouble than the disease itself.

Many people have experienced such a problem as peeling of certain areas of the skin. Sometimes it passes quickly and does not cause discomfort, in some cases it lasts for quite a long time and is accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations. There can be many causes of pathology, as well as methods of treatment. Let's try to figure out why the earlobes are peeling and what to do in this case.

The reasons

Dermatological problems, as well as household causes, can explain why the earlobe is flaky and itchy.

  1. Allergy. If you analyze your diet, you can identify which product causes an allergic reaction in the form of peeling of certain areas of the skin, including the earlobes.
  2. An insect bite can also cause illness.
  3. Vitamin deficiency. The lack of vitamins A and E often causes dry skin.
  4. old age. Due to the age characteristics of the body, problems with the epidermis are not uncommon, especially in places with sensitive skin.
  5. Ear dandruff. It occurs for the same reason as on the head. If there is peeling of scales, most likely, we are talking about dandruff.
  6. Inflammation in the deep layers of the epidermis, which is accompanied by reddening of the skin.
  7. Failure to comply with basic hygiene results in itching and flaking of the dermis.
  8. stressful situations and nervous disorders contribute to irritation of the dermis.
  9. Diseases. Peeling and itching can be a manifestation of various diseases.


We examined the reasons why earlobes peel off. How does pathology manifest itself?

Symptoms differ in appearance:

  • peeling and flaking of scales;
  • itching;
  • slight burning sensation at the site of irritation;
  • dryness of the skin.

Diagnosis includes a primary examination, anamnesis, clarification of a tendency to allergies, exclusion of chronic pathologies. With further examination, a blood test, taking a sample from the skin, may be prescribed.


Peeling inside or on the surface of the ear is often a sign of one of the skin diseases. Each type of dermatitis is accompanied by specific symptoms.

Psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of red nodules with white scales on the surface of the skin, so the outer earlobe may peel off. At first, the formations are small in size, but over time they develop into large plaques. Depending on the stage of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Neurodermatitis - dangerous view dermatitis, which can affect the lymph nodes. A red rash and unbearable itching appear on the infected foci. In severe stages, neurodermatitis causes darkening of the dermis and the formation of a dry crust on it.

Eczema is a disease characterized by skin rashes and itching in places of their localization.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease caused by infectious and inflammatory processes, which mainly affects skin areas with an abundance of fatty glands. The cause of dermatitis is fungi, which, being on the surface of the skin, feed on the product of excretion. sebaceous glands.

For the treatment of each type of dermatitis is selected complex treatment, which consists in the use of medicines, dietary nutrition and increasing local immunity.

fungal infection

If the earlobe is peeling off in an adult or a child, then it may be a fungus. Usually infection occurs against the background of reduced immunity and the presence of favorable conditions for the life process of pests. Including excessive hygiene can lead to a violation of the natural microflora, when the auricles are excessively treated with water and other means.

Symptoms of a fungal infection include:

  • headache;
  • feeling in the ears foreign body;
  • itching and peeling;
  • various kinds of discharge from the auricle.

In most cases, the lesions are caused by Candida or Aspergillus fungi, less often the cause of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus. The treatment for such a problem is the same for all parts of the body.

First of all, the type of fungus is determined, only after that special ointments and creams are prescribed. Processing inside the ear involves the use of a cotton swab, which is applied medicinal composition. If an allergic reaction occurs to the drug, it is replaced with another drug of similar action.


Another reason why the earlobe peels off may be the formation of a boil inside the dermis. It occurs when an infection enters the epidermis and indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. It flows in the sebaceous glands, follicle or in the deep layers of the skin.

At the initial stage of inflammation, a person feels itching, redness and peeling are observed. In cases of complications, the boil causes unbearable pain. Treatment with medicines in this case is impossible, surgery is required. After it - a long course of therapy with antibacterial agents.


One of the most common forms of allergies is eczema. In a short time, it flows from one form to another and can become chronic disease. The acute stage takes place within three weeks, during which time eczema affects the upper layers of the skin. This explains why the skin on the earlobes peels off.

If timely measures are taken, the disease can be easily cured without development side effects. Provided that the treatment is chosen correctly. If you start the disease and do not start therapy, then in the shortest possible time the epidermis will become infected, and eczema will turn into an acute and then a chronic form.

At the very beginning of the disease, the patient has a slight induration and redness of the skin, which is accompanied by itching, especially on palpation. Over time, a small rash forms on the ears, when it dries, it begins to peel off and crack.

Therapy includes the use of external medications. If weeping wounds form on the lesions, they are treated with alcohol or an oxycort-based agent. If the rash is covered with a crust, then ointments with anti-inflammatory action are applied to it. In addition, they contain components that fight fungus and constrict blood vessels. In some cases, antibacterial ointments and creams are prescribed.

In addition to medications, traditional medicine gives good results. These are lotions based on herbal decoctions and oils that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Manifestations in children

Most of the causes that cause discomfort in adults also apply to young patients. If the child's earlobe is peeling, most often, diathesis is manifested in this way.

This is a feature of the child's body - to react in a peculiar way to stimuli. The main symptoms are as follows: redness of the skin of the face, neck and ears, as well as peeling in these places. In some cases, itching in the earlobes in children may appear as a result of excessive wrapping of the child and excessive sweating.


Therapeutic measures are started only after the cause of the disease is identified, most often the treatment is carried out at home.

If the earlobe is peeling due to an allergic reaction to medicines, insect bites, food, hair dye, jewelry, treat antihistamines, external preparations and soothing compresses. For example, Loratadin, Finistil, Lorinden. If an allergy causative agent is identified, it must be eliminated.

If the reason lies in poor hygiene, then it will not be difficult to solve the problem. It is necessary to regularly wash the affected areas of the skin using soap.

Irritation provoked by neurosis and stress is treated by eliminating the root cause. It is necessary to take sedatives, herbal infusions and avoid stressful situations. For example, valerian tincture, Nevrochel, Persen.

If the cause of peeling and itching of the ears is caused by a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, then it is necessary to change the daily diet, eat more foods containing trace elements and minerals to make up for their deficiency. You can buy complexes, for example, Complivit, Supradin, Vitrum.

Diseases, the symptoms of which are manifested by peeling of the ears, are treated after consulting a doctor and making a diagnosis. It is not always dermatitis, as is commonly believed, in some cases itching can be caused diabetes. After determining the cause of the pathology, the doctor will prescribe treatment. At different types dermatitis, it consists in taking pills, using creams and ointments, physiotherapy.


The main goal of prevention is to prevent possible appearance itching and peeling of the ears.

To do this, the following actions are being taken:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to exclude all sources of allergies that can cause a reaction. For each person, everything is purely individual, for some it is animal hair, for others - food, for others - medicines. If you get rid of the causative agent of allergies, the skin will stop peeling.
  2. In addition, it is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, Special attention focusing on the areas of the ears and face, since it is there that the largest number of sebaceous glands is located. They, in turn, become clogged with a mixture of sebum and dirt, and cause unwanted manifestations on the epidermis.
  3. Another point concerns existing chronic skin diseases. It is important to follow general condition to prevent relapses and exacerbations. This will greatly reduce the frequency of itching.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the earlobe can peel off both from external irritants and internal problems of the body. If a person cannot cope with the disease on his own, you should definitely visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

In most cases, skin problems arise due to the banal neglect of the rules of personal hygiene. Few people know that the ears are a very sensitive organ that needs daily care and preventive actions in order to avoid various ailments. Now, for sure, everyone wanted to pick up cotton swabs and remove all the sulfur accumulated during the day.

However, there is a paradox : too frequent use of cotton swabs threatens with the formation of ear plugs. Sometimes even those who observe personal hygiene get annoying itching and constantly peeling skin in the ears. What is the reason?

There are many reasons due to which there is itching and burning in the area of ​​​​the auricles. It can be either an allergic reaction or a symptom of a serious illness. Oddly enough, itchy ears can be associated with endocrine or hormonal disorders.

Causes of itching:

  • Wrong hygiene. Itching may occur if you clean your ears very often. In this case, the auditory canal is damaged. When the wound heals, a burning sensation is observed.
  • Allergy. It may be associated with flowering plants or the use of powders with strong odors. Food allergies cannot be ruled out.
  • Otomycosis. This is a fungal disease, which in the initial stages is characterized by mild itching or a slight burning sensation.
  • Dermatitis. It can be seborrheic or allergic. It all depends on what caused the disease.


It is possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of skin peeling in the ears if certain principles are followed.

The most important of them are:

  • A varied, balanced diet that includes a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Timely treatment of colds.
  • Protect your ears from water while visiting swimming pools.
  • Prevention of being without a headdress in drafts.

Be especially careful when cleaning your ears. The procedure should be carried out with cotton swabs only in the outer region of the ear canal. There is no need to try to get sulfur out of the “depth”, since it comes out of there on its own during chewing.

When peeling of the auricle appears, you should not self-medicate. Determine the true cause and prescribe effective therapy only a doctor after a comprehensive examination is capable.

In general, cracks behind the ear are formed for a reason. In most cases, this is due to ailments of a fungal or allergic nature.

Causes of cracks:

  • Atopic dermatitis. It usually appears in children under 3 years of age. It is associated with nutritional deficiencies. With such violations, a diet and the use of emollients are indicated.
  • Eczema. In the initial stages, it may be wet and secrete a yellow liquid. Then dry crusts appear.
  • fungal infection. In this case, it is necessary to identify the pathogen. To do this, you need to pass the scraping to the laboratory. Most often, itching and peeling with cracks are provoked by fungi of the genus Candida.

The best remedies for peeling ears

Depending on the causes of peeling, doctors prescribe different groups of drugs. Bacterial infections of the inner ear require the use of antibiotics. Mycosis and otomycosis - antifungal ointments or creams. Dermatitis, eczema, and other inflammatory skin conditions are treated with steroid ointments.

Peeling skin behind the ears is treated with creams, pastes containing zinc, sulfur, salicylic acid. Ointments with selenium disulfate or ketanazole may be used.

After consulting a doctor, treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies:

  • Bury onion juice in the ear canal two or three times a day.
  • Wrapped in gauze and inserted into the external auditory canal, a clove of garlic will relieve inflammation and reduce the pathogenic microflora.
  • Aloe vera juice will relieve swelling and skin irritation. Freshly squeezed juice (no more than 5 drops) is instilled two, three times a day.

Sunburns and frostbite are treated with panthenol, other vitamin B6-based products that stimulate skin regeneration. If ear dandruff is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations - itching, burning, pain, they can be treated independently.

How to cure abundant peeling of the ears in an adult - vitamin compresses are effective. It is necessary to mix the contents of the capsules with vitamins A, B, E, C in equal proportions. Place a moistened cotton swab in the ear canal for 30 minutes.

Rosehip oil is used to facilitate the removal of keratinized scales. Vegetable or olive oil is also suitable. They moisten a piece of bandage or a cotton swab and gently wipe the flaky skin. The oils are left for 20 minutes, then removed along with the scales with a cotton pad.

You can wipe the problem surface with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. With these infusions, you can make compresses. A moistened sterile bandage is placed in the ear for 20-30 minutes. It is important that the broth is slightly warm.

To facilitate the discharge of dead skin cells, you can add a few drops of oil, both vegetable and cosmetic, to it.

Nourishing, hypoallergenic creams will help repair damaged skin behind the ear. If peeling on the ears is associated with stress, not only local skin treatment is necessary, but also the use of sedatives.

The video describes in detail the treatment regimen for a fungal infection that leads to itching and peeling of the ear:

Peeling of the earlobes is quite common. However, sometimes the treatment is quite simple and paradoxical. Often patients themselves are to blame for the occurrence of the disease.

  • Allergy. Most often occurs due to the use of hair dyes or styling products for curls. These products contain a lot of aggressive substances that cause allergies.
  • Eczema and fungus. Along with peeling, an unpleasant odor is observed, as well as a yellow or brown coating.
  • bacteria. This is due to the use of headphones or earrings. Do not forget to sometimes treat jewelry and headphones with antiseptics.

Main reasons

There are several pathologies that most often provoke crusts in the ears. They are characterized by additional manifestations that allow an accurate diagnosis. So why does this problem appear?


Most often, this anomaly develops in children. Its appearance is influenced by such factors:

  • metabolic disorders due to damage to the endocrine system;
  • malnutrition;
  • weakened immunity as a result of infections or relapses of chronic pathologies;
  • genetic predisposition.

The appearance of scrofula leads to the ingestion of Koch's sticks into the body. These are bacterial microorganisms that provoke the development of tuberculosis. The key manifestation of the disease is the appearance of dry crusts behind the ears, which have a yellow tint. The skin becomes pale. If a person rips off the crust, the skin begins to itch and get wet.

Tuberculosis is indicated by additional symptoms. They include subfebrile temperature, fever, increased agitation. A person loses body weight, his submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed.

In such a situation, only therapy of the main pathology will help to cope with scrofula. In other situations, it is enough just to normalize living conditions - to include more foods containing many vitamins in the diet.

To remove the crusts, the affected areas should be treated with drugs containing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components.

  • Orally, substances that normalize metabolic processes and antibacterial agents can be used.
  • Air baths will help speed up the recovery process.
  • The maritime climate is also very useful.

allergic reactions

Crusts and scales in the ears can be the result of exposure to allergens. Earrings, hat material, hair cosmetics, etc. can cause negative reactions.

Therapy consists in eliminating contact with the allergen, using antihistamines and treating the affected areas with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substances. If it is not possible to identify the provoking factor, there is a possibility of eczema.

Dermatitis and eczema

These pathologies are the result of allergies and mechanical damage. The provoking factor is the weakening of the immune system with the development of infectious pathologies.

Dermatitis is characterized by the formation of crusts in the region of the auditory opening. Rashes appear on the surface of the skin in the form of small papules that contain fluid. After opening them, inflammation of the skin and dried crusts are observed in these areas. The ear canals swell. In this case, the same therapy is required as with allergies.

In the case of the development of eczema, formations with liquid often appear on the auricles and on adjacent areas of the dermis. The recurrence of the disease usually lasts 21-28 days. Initially, the skin becomes denser and there is a sensation of itching. Then rashes form in this area, which are very itchy.

If you remove the affected area, the inflamed skin will crack. Weeping crusts with a small rash will appear on it. To achieve a stable remission, the dermis should be treated oil solutions containing oxycort.

To avoid secondary infection or the development of a fungal disease, these areas are treated with alcohol antiseptics. In case of dry peeling, local anti-inflammatory drugs should be used. If you start treating eczema at the first manifestations, after 7-10 days it will be possible to stop the development of the disease. To stop severe itching, systemic and local antihistamines can be used.

fungal infection

In adults, dried crusts in the ears are often caused by infection with fungi. Their active reproduction is most often observed as a result of a weakened immune system and a violation of hygiene rules. At the same time, fungal microorganisms can develop not only with insufficient cleaning of the ears, but also with too frequent washing. In the latter case, the lubrication of the skin is washed off, which is a protection against the ingress of fungi.

Ear mycosis can be infected through hearing aids, headphones or ear plugs. The main symptoms of pathology include the following:

  • sensation of a foreign object in the ears;
  • formation of sulfur plugs;
  • noise in ears;
  • headache;
  • discharge from the ears - they can be serous or purulent in nature.

Used to eliminate pathology antifungal drugs. They are placed in the ear passages with a cotton turunda. Manifestations of itching can be eliminated with antihistamines.

Other reasons

This defect is formed due to the influence of a variety of factors:

  1. Infection. Pathology may develop due to a violation of the piercing technique or other factors. As a result, scales, itching, hyperemia of the dermis often appear.
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis. This disease is accompanied by the appearance of white scales on the skin and dandruff. In addition, there is often a feeling of itching, dryness and discomfort. Especially often these symptoms are localized behind the ears. The exact causes of the pathology have not been established. However, most often provoking factors are stressful situations, HIV infection, exposure low temperatures, Parkinson's disease.
  3. Irritation due to exposure to chemicals.
  4. Prickly heat. This anomaly is characterized by blockage of the sweat glands. As a result, no sweat is released. The patient may develop small bumps. In addition, there may be a feeling of itching, peeling, redness and crusts.
  5. Psoriasis. This pathology is accompanied by a sensation of itching, redness, the appearance of peeling of the dermis.
  6. Measles. This pathology is accompanied by rashes on the forehead and behind the ears. The rash appears in the form of small pink spots.
  7. Bacterial meningitis. This is very serious illness who needs urgent medical attention. A common symptom of pathology is the appearance of purple rashes.
  8. Folliculitis. Infectious lesions of the hair follicles are accompanied by a sensation of itching and rashes on the ears. Also, this anomaly is characterized by hyperemia and irritation. Often blisters form.
  9. Chickenpox. This infectious pathology is characterized by the appearance of itchy blisters or ulcers. They first appear on the face. In addition, there is a cough, headaches, fever. Often there are crusts on the ears or inside the ear canal.
  10. Otitis media. This pathology appears due to infection with viruses or bacteria, as well as an increase in the volume of fluid that is localized in the middle ear. In addition, a person has chills, discharge of pus, pain, fever.
  11. Otitis externa. This condition is accompanied by an inflammatory lesion of the outer ear.
  12. Dryness of the dermis. Dehydration of the epithelium can provoke a sensation of itching, the formation of crusts and scales.

Inflammatory processes in the organs of hearing

Why is peeling observed and what causes it? Often the cause lies in the inflammatory process. The main disease is otitis media. The disease provokes an infection that penetrates into the auricles along with water or as a result of hypothermia. The main symptoms of the developing inflammatory process are:

  • itching deep in the ear;
  • the presence of traffic jams;
  • hearing loss.

If at this stage we do not intervene in the process, the situation begins to become more complicated. Gradually standard clinical picture complemented severe pain, purulent discharge and dermatitis. The skin begins to itch intensely, due to this strong drying and peeling. Eliminate inflammatory process necessary under the supervision of a specialist. In most cases, it is advisable to use a solution of boric acid and take antibiotics. Such agents as Amoxiclav and Nitrofural have a pronounced effect. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy can eliminate obvious symptoms from the outside of the ears.

Peeling, complemented by pain, may indicate the formation of a boil. In this case, infection is observed, complemented by an inflammatory process. Pathology is accompanied by peeling behind the ears and redness at the site of the formation of the boil. In this case, there are no hearing impairments, but the pain increases significantly. A complex inflammatory process requires surgical intervention followed by antibiotic therapy.


There is no specially designed diet for physiologically normal flaky skin. A balanced diet is recommended, including unrefined vegetable oils, fish, chicken eggs, vegetables and fruits, garden greens, nuts, as well as fortified drinks (rosehip broth, oats, freshly prepared juices). Smoked, fatty, spicy and pickled foods / dishes, alcoholic beverages to which the skin does not react well are subject to restriction.

With dryness and flaking of the skin against the background of dermatological or endocrine diseases, appropriate diets are prescribed, for example:

  • Diet for hypothyroidism.
  • Diet at hormonal failure among women.
  • Diet for dermatitis.
  • Diet for psoriasis.
  • Diet for eczema.
  • antifungal diet.
  • hypoallergenic diet.

A photo


Treatment should begin when the exact cause is identified. If this does not pose a threat to the health of an adult or a child, then treatment can be carried out at home as prescribed by a doctor.

Allergic reactions to food, drugs, or insect bites are treated with antihistamines, soothing ointments, and compresses. When determining the cause of an allergic reaction, the allergy provocateur must be eliminated (cancel medical preparation or eliminate the food from the diet).

If the irritation is caused by insufficient hygiene, then the solution to the problem is very simple. You just need to wash the affected areas of the epidermis with soap.

Nervous peeling quickly stops when the root cause (stress or neurosis) is eliminated. It is necessary to avoid situations that irritate the nervous system.

Ear dandruff is perfectly treated with medicated hair shampoos.

If the cause of peeling ears lies in a lack of vitamins or nutrients, then it is necessary to change the diet and take vitamin complexes to make up for the deficiency.

Diseases, a symptom of which is peeling of the ears, must be treated by a specialist. Most often it is a dermatologist. When visiting a doctor, it is necessary to indicate all symptoms, even minor ones. Since the itching of the epidermis is possibly caused by a hidden insidious disease (for example, diabetes mellitus). That is why the diagnosis should be made by a specialist.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. At skin diseases it consists of taking pills, applying ointments and visiting the physiotherapy room, where there are special light lamps.

In no case should you prescribe yourself a treatment on your own, without making an accurate diagnosis. This can turn into an aggravation of the problem, the disease can turn into chronic course with exacerbations. In this case, getting rid of peeling will become much more difficult.

Precautionary measures

If you have just managed to get rid of the ill-fated crust in your ears, then you are still at risk. To prevent the disease from reappearing, be guided by the recommendations of experienced dermatologists:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not use other people's accessories (for example, headphones or ear plugs) and wash your ears regularly;
  • otolaryngologists forbid using cotton buds to clean the ears, because they destroy epithelial cells and eliminate the protective lubricant formed in the ear canal;
  • spend more time outdoors and try to follow the generally accepted daily routine (preferably sleep at least 8 hours);
  • in no case do not supercool your ears in the cold season, so buy a hat;
  • protect your ears from water, especially chlorine(should get a special cap for swimming);
  • if a person wears a hearing aid, you need to regularly treat the device and use special ear drops;
  • do not start the treatment of otitis media and boils, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the crust in the auricle;
  • drink as much as you can mineral water without gas, because it will help to establish a metabolism;
  • try to avoid stressful situations (you can improve your perception of the world around you by doing yoga or reading books on self-development and psychology);
  • start eating a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, greens, cereals, meat and dairy products).

Important point! If left untreated, dandruff in the ears can develop acute mycosis. The fungus acts not only locally, but also begins to penetrate deep into the tissues of the body.

To treat dandruff in the ears, you need to use an integrated approach- simultaneously eliminate a cosmetic problem with ointments, lotions and tablets, and also begin to lead healthy lifestyle life by eating foods rich in fiber and vitamins. Remember to drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day.

Do not think that white grains will immediately begin to disappear, at least 2 months must pass for the skin on your ears to acquire its former healthy appearance.


At the reception, in order to identify the causes, the specialist makes a thorough examination. If necessary, assign a number general analyzes to establish a complete picture and nature of the disease.

  • If the symptom is provoked by inflammation of the ear, the doctor examines with an otoscope;
  • If an allergy is suspected, consultation with an allergist-immunologist is required, which in turn also determines the cause and method of treatment. In this regard, in some cases, tests are prescribed to identify allergens;
  • If there is a suspicion of eczema, a detailed examination is carried out skin. In the case when the patient came with diabetes, tests for hormones are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

Thus, for each type of disease, an individual diagnosis is carried out, which has its own separate specifics.

How to get rid of scabs

The mistake of many people suffering from the formation of crusts in the ears is that they do not go to the doctor and direct all their efforts precisely to eliminate the scab. This is fundamentally wrong, as a result of which the skin is covered again yellow coating, scales and crusts.

First of all, therapy is directed to the underlying disease. Only after complete recovery, the crusts on the ears will stop appearing. Treatment depends on the diagnosis, as well as on the stage of the process and individual features patient.

Otitis involves the use of the following medications:

  • antibiotics - Ciprofloxacin and analogues;
  • combined preparations - Sofradex, Candibiotic;
  • antiseptics - Miramistin.

Fungal infections:

  • solutions and drops - Nitrofungin, Clotrimazole;
  • ointments - Pimafukort, Lamisil;
  • capsules - Fluconazole.

Eczema and dermatitis provide for complex treatment aimed at both suppressing the pathological process and supporting the body's immune system.

Only the passage of the full course of treatment is guaranteed to get rid of crusts on the ears. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as well as to use dubious methods of traditional medicine. most efficient and in safe ways getting rid of yellow crusts is the use of chamomile, calendula or string in the form of a decoction. For cooking, 1-2 tablespoons of the plant and 200 ml of boiling water are required. The broth is infused for 5-6 hours and cooled to room temperature, after which the affected area is moistened with a cotton pad. Do not rub the scales strongly or try to get rid of them mechanically. Wiping should be done 5-6 times a day. Chamomile, string and calendula have an antibacterial and healing effect.

Before use folk recipe you need to consult a doctor. Contraindications and individual intolerance are possible.

List of sources

  • Trukhan D.I., Viktorova I.A., Bagisheva N.V. SKIN CHANGES IN SOMATIC DISEASES // International magazine applied and fundamental research. - 2019. - No. 8-5. - S. 736-740.
  • Studenikin V.M., Studenikina N.I. Skin care for children in the first years of life: neuropediatric aspects. Attending doctor. 2008; 3:66–70.
  • Arabian E.R., Sokolovsky E.V. Dry skin. Causes and mechanisms of occurrence. Principles of correction // Journal of dermatovenereology and cosmetology. 2002. No. 2.
  • Kuznetsov S. L., Goryachkina V. L., Tsomartova D. A., Zaborova V. A., Lutsevich O. A. Modern views on the structure and functions of the epidermis // Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2013. No. 2. P.26 - 31.
  • Lomakina E. A. Role barrier function skin in the pathogenesis of some dermatoses // Contemporary Issues dermatovenereology, immunology and medical cosmetology. 2009, No. 2, pp. 87–90.

Eczema (weeping lichen)

Inflammatory disease, accompanied by weeping rashes and itching, damaging the skin and ear canal. It occurs equally often in children and adults. The character may be acute or chronic.

The symptoms are quite typical:

  • redness and swelling, against the background of which congestion and noise occur;
  • the appearance of a vesicular rash from vesicles with transparent contents;
  • ears get wet inside when bubbles burst;
  • as it dries inside, the ear itches, the bubbles injure again, and so on, until the rash passes.


To reduce itching and allergic manifestations appoint a course:

  • antihistamines - Fenistil, Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak, Zirtek, etc.),
  • vitamin groups B, P and A, nicotinic, ascorbic and succinic acid;
  • physiotherapy.

bacterial infection

If a person is faced with such a pathology, doctors can only eliminate the problem by taking antibiotics. If there is discharge from the ear, it will be necessary to take antibacterial drugs and use local resources.

A drugA photoPrice
AnauranFrom 289 rub.
OtinumFrom 209 rub.
OtipaxFrom 254 rubles.

Each of these drugs has a complex effect:

  • fights the inflammatory process;
  • relieves tooth and redness;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria.

It is extremely important to remember that antibiotics have many contraindications and can only be used after a certain age.


Diseases in which the ears are covered on the outside or inside are most often associated with skin problems and disorders in the immune system. Let's take a closer look:

  • Psoriasis. A chronic non-infectious disease, the symptom of which is severe itching of the epidermis (often on the ears). At present, the autoimmune root cause of this disease is being considered in medicine.
  • Eczema. noncommunicable disease, characterized by a rash, severe irritation and burning.
  • fungal infection. called various types fungus that affects the dermis.
  • Diseases of the liver. This group of disorders is often accompanied by dryness and irritation of the epidermis.

If the earlobe is peeling for a long time, then you should definitely visit a doctor and find out why such a nuisance appeared.

VIDEO: Ears are peeling

Peeling is the process of desquamation of dead cells of the epidermis from the surface of the skin. Normally, we do not notice this phenomenon, although it happens all the time. Horny skin flakes are removed by washing the skin (especially with a washcloth), wiping it with a towel, etc. The skin of the ears, like other parts of the body, is also constantly updated.

Increased peeling suggests that either the skin is overdried, or the epithelial cells divide so quickly that the stratum corneum does not have time to peel off. Another one possible reason permanent damage (mechanical, chemical, allergic irritation, inflammation, etc.) cells on the surface of the skin. Peeling ears are caused by one or more of these factors.

How to understand why the skin in the ears and on their surface is peeling off? We will tell you how to find out the cause of this violation.

Allergic reaction

If peeling appeared due to allergies, prescribe antihistamines. Medicines of a similar pharmaceutical group must be taken for eczema, various skin dermatitis.

If the pills are chosen correctly, they will help block the receptors that respond to the stimulus, eliminate the symptoms in a few days. Popular drugs are:

Since all these medicines have contraindications, you must read the instructions before using them.


The main cause of pathological dryness of the skin and desquamation of the epithelium is a violation of the hydration of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Leading pathogenic mechanisms dry skin are:

  • Decreased ability of the skin to retain moisture due to a deficiency of hygroscopic substances inside corneocytes - natural moisturizing factor (NMF), which is a product of protein breakdown filaggrina. With the participation of the enzyme peptidyl deaminase, the proteolytic breakdown of filaggrin occurs, while a multicomponent structure is formed in the stratum corneum, which forms the hydrolipid mantle of the skin (free amino acids, urea derivatives, lactate compounds, lactic and polycarboxylic acids, metal ions and other components) that bind and retain water in corneocytes. It is this water that is the main moisture of the stratum corneum. The degradation process of filaggrin and the effect of NMF components (urea, glistidin, glutamine) on the skin is schematically presented below.
  • Decrease in the barrier function of the stratum corneum due to the failure of the lipid component (violation of their location and structure), which causes defects in the intercellular lipid layers and leads to a sharp increase transepidermal water loss. It is the change in the composition of epidermal lipids that underlies the formation of an inferiority of the protective hydrolipidic layer, which leads to a transcutaneous loss of water and contributes to the penetration of irritants and allergens.
  • Violation of the process of transporting moisture from the dermis to the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The pathogenesis of desquamation (desquamation) is based on pathological changes in speed and order of destruction rootodesmosome in the stratum corneum of the skin, which affects the condition of the skin (thickness of the stratum corneum, peeling, dryness). Regulation of desquamative processes is controlled by many factors: exogenous/endogenous proteases, skin pH, activity of protease inhibitors, properties of corneodesmosome proteins, external factors aggression. A special role in the control of desquamative processes is assigned to protease inhibitors that are secreted in the lamellar bodies of the granular layer (SLPI, SKALP, LEKTI, plasminogen activation inhibitor, etc.) and metal ions, in particular, zinc. It is the defects of protease inhibitors that lead to structural disorders in corneodesmosomes, which contributes to the formation of defects in the process of desquamation of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Thus, a violation of the differentiation and proliferation of the epidermis, as well as the inability of the stratum corneum to retain moisture, underlie the mechanism for the development of dry skin, pathological desquamation (desquamation) and changes in skin relief.


A fungal infection of the ear that affects the structure of the outer and middle ear. There are no specific symptoms, as a rule, violations of hygiene rules and the addition of secondary infections against the background of previously transferred diseases lead to otomycosis. In other words, this is ear dysbacteriosis, in which the patient's own immunity is not able to inhibit the activity of the fungal flora.

Symptoms are similar to other ear diseases - pain, noise, congestion, discharge of fluid, feeling of wet ears even after complete removal of the fluid.

Treatment of otomycosis

First, hygienic cleaning of the ear canal is carried out with boric acid, furacillin or similar antiseptics, after which antimycotic drugs of general and directed action are prescribed. The course usually takes 5-7 days without any consequences.

What to do in case of fungal otitis media

With the development of a fungal infection, it is necessary to determine the type of fungus. This will help you choose effective drug. If molds are found, the appointment of Terbinafine is indicated. If a fungal infection is provoked by yeast fungi, then the use of Pimafucin is recommended.

For the treatment of otitis externa, topical medicines(ointments and drops). In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. Preventive actions involve the elimination of moisture from the ears, the refusal to swim in polluted water bodies and the use of sharp objects during hygiene procedures.

How to recognize a fungal infection in the ears, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:


If inflammation occurs behind the auricles, a number of common symptoms appear on the epithelium:

  • itching, discomfort, rash,
  • the skin is flaky and wet,
  • blisters appear on the irritated areas, after opening of which yellow crusts form,
  • moisture in the lesions progresses,
  • cracks appear
  • there is pain, redness, burning,
  • inflamed areas begin to itch unbearably,
  • a fetid odor emanates from weeping skin,
  • patients develop psychoemotional disorder.

If you do not start treatment, the signs of the pathological process will increase:

  • annoyance appears,
  • sleep is disturbed
  • performance decreases,
  • a complication develops: in addition to the fact that a person’s skin is peeling and getting wet behind the ears, a secondary infection occurs in the areas of inflammation.

Dry skin on the earlobe

Peeling ear

Shampoo, hair dye, styling foam and others cosmetics often cause allergies, which are accompanied by redness and itching of the skin. If contact with the allergen is prolonged, the upper layer of the affected epidermis exfoliates.

Another reason why the earlobe flakes and itches is eczema. These are the first signs of the disease. Then a rash, cracks on the skin, crusts appear. At timely treatment eczema goes away if measures are not taken for too long, it degenerates into a chronic form.

The fungus also provokes discomfort, causing itching and flaking of the skin. The infection is accompanied by other symptoms:

Discharge from the ears

feeling that the ear canal is blocked;

Rapid formation of sulfur plug.

The most innocuous cause of peeling earlobes is earrings, which often cause skin irritation. If hygiene is not observed and regular cleaning of jewelry is neglected, itching, darkening and flaking of the skin occur.

What to do if the earlobes are peeling

The solution to the problem depends on its cause. Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of the earlobe, it is necessary to identify the "provocateur". And it is better to do this not on your own, but with a doctor. What measures are taken then?

1. In case of allergy, skin contact with the allergen is excluded. With severe itching, antihistamines and ointments are taken - "Fenistil", "Suprastin", "Locoid".

2. Eczema and fungus are detected during a thorough examination in the clinic. Treatment is selected to the patient individually and includes ointments with antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. If earrings or other items in contact with the skin (headphones, hearing aids, etc.) are the cause of peeling, hygienic treatment of products is required. They need to be cleaned of contaminants and treated with an alcohol solution. Until the discomfort passes, you should not return to using these things.