Psoriasis: treatment with folk remedies at home. Effective treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies Get rid of psoriasis with folk remedies

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body are becoming increasingly popular today. Having lost faith in the effectiveness of many synthetic drugs, many patients are looking for a safe alternative in the form of the so-called grandmother's recipes. The main advantage of using folk remedies for psoriasis is their relative safety, availability of materials and excellent action.

A little about the disease

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory pathology. Pathology proceeds in the form of formation on the body of red spots of an oval or rounded shape. Such spots are called plaques or papules. The rash can be single or multiple, accompanied by severe flaking and itching.

The most common causes of the disease are:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. Transmission of infectious inflammatory diseases.
  3. Chemical and mechanical damage to the skin.
  4. Stress, nervous experiences.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Hypothermia.
  7. Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  8. Allergic reaction.

Until the end, the causes of pathology have not been studied. Often the provoking factors of pathology remain unknown.

Symptoms of pathology

Psoriasis is accompanied by the formation of psoriatic plaques on the body with clear outlines. The rashes are characterized by severe flaking and itching. Depending on the type of pathology, the nature of the rash may differ slightly. In ordinary psoriasis vulgaris, the rashes are oval or round in shape, reaching a diameter of 2 to 10 mm. Plaques rise above the level of healthy skin by several mm.

With teardrop-shaped psoriasis, the spots are small in diameter, reminiscent of the shape of drops. The dot view of the disease is characterized by multiple papules, the size of a match head. One of the most severe forms of the disease is pustular psoriasis. This type of disease is accompanied by purulent rashes, which, as they develop, turn into painful crusts.

The role of traditional medicine in the fight against the disease

Treatment of psoriasis folk methods sometimes not inferior in its effectiveness to some medications. Natural foods dine with the following activities:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • antiallergic;
  • antifungal;
  • painkillers;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating.

The combination of several natural components at once gives a complex action that ensures effective and safe relief of the patient from psoriatic rashes.

Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis have been collected by experienced healers and patients themselves for a long time. The most effective in pathology is the use of the following natural materials:

  • herbs;
  • tar;
  • medical grease;
  • bee products;
  • therapeutic mud and clay;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • soda and many other products.

Despite the safety folk ways treatment of psoriasis, you should definitely consult your doctor before using natural products.

Ointments based on grease at home

An excellent folk remedy for psoriasis on the body is an ointment with the addition of medical grease. Consider a few popular recipes:

  1. A tablespoon of grease is mixed with a tablespoon of honey. After that, crushed oak bark is added to the medicine. After that, a raw egg and a tablespoon of petroleum jelly are added to the resulting product. All components are thoroughly mixed, the ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Apply the product to the plaques 2-3 times during the day.
  2. To prepare a cream for psoriasis, mix 2 tbsp. l. medical grease and the same amount of baby cream. In the resulting mass, you need to add a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. The medicine is lubricated with plaques several times a day.

Regular use of ointments with grease helps to reduce skin flaking, helps eliminate itching, the number of rashes gradually decreases, and the inflammatory process passes.

Use of tar

Folk recipes for psoriasis are not complete without the use of tar. Most often, birch, pine and juniper tar is used for these purposes. To get rid of rashes on the body, it is recommended to prepare ointments that include one of the types of tar:

  1. A tablespoon of petroleum jelly is mixed with the same amount of birch tar, mixed thoroughly, after which a tablespoon of celandine juice is added to the product. The ointment is applied to the diseased areas of the dermis 2-3 times during the day.
  2. Another popular tar-based remedy is birch twig ash ointment. To do this, a tablespoon of ash is mixed with a fly in the ointment, plaques are treated with the resulting product.
  3. Often the product is used in its pure form. For this, all types of tar are suitable. The product is applied to the body, left for 5-15 minutes.

Tar has a specific smell and strongly stains clothes. It is recommended to use the product at night or on days when you can stay at home.

The use of soda

Soda in psoriasis helps to reduce psoriatic rashes, normalizes the acid balance of the dermis. To get rid of rashes, it is recommended to use soda to add to baths for bathing. To do this, 250 g of the product is dissolved in warm water, take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Warm soda compresses have proven themselves well. To do this, 100 g of the product is dissolved in warm water (500 ml). In the resulting product, moisten a small towel and apply it to the affected area. From above, the compress is covered with a film and a woolen cloth.

Ointment based on propolis

Propolis has a powerful anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, wound healing effect. Ointment based on propolis is prepared as follows: the product is crushed, placed in a water bath until completely dissolved. After that, a few drops of sea buckthorn oil and a teaspoon of glycerin are added to the resulting product. The components are kneaded, after which the diseased areas are treated with ointment. Plaques must be lubricated several times a day for 12 days.

Treatment of psoriasis with iodine

Iodine in psoriasis has a wound-healing, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect. To get rid of psoriatic plaques, treatment is carried out with a solution of iodine, which is applied to diseased areas. Another treatment option is to take the drug internally. To do this, 10 drops of iodine are diluted in a glass of boiled water, the resulting remedy is drunk 2 times. The course of treatment is 12 days. After that, you need to take a break. If necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Using iodine for treatment, one should be aware of contraindications. These include:

  • renal and heart failure;
  • vascular diseases;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • age up to 3 years.

Before using iodine, be sure to consult a doctor.

Alternative treatment of psoriasis with eggs

Many patients wonder how to cure psoriasis folk remedies without harm to health? An excellent method of therapy is the use of chicken eggs. Consider some effective means:

  1. A fresh egg must be hard boiled. It is advisable to use eggs of domestic chickens. For the preparation of the ointment, only the yolk is used. It must be placed in a preheated pan without oil and stir constantly. The product is considered ready at the moment when an oily liquid begins to stand out from the yolk. It is she who is used to treat plaques.
  2. To prepare the ointment, mix 2 boiled yolks, a teaspoon of camphor oil, a teaspoon of tar. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, applied to psoriatic spots 2 times a day.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that cannot be fully treated. Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies or medication is possible only for partial removal characteristic spots on the skin.

In the absence of preventive actions, spots form again after 2-3 days. The plaques itch and haunt the sick, which greatly complicates the normal functioning of a person. How to get rid of psoriasis plaques for a long time? Is it possible to protect yourself from the development of the presented chronic disease? What to do to people who are close to the patient?

What is psoriasis and its history

Psoriasis is noncommunicable disease chronic, which is mainly manifested by the formation of plaques on the skin. Plaques are a scaly coating, gradually drying and flaking.

Sometimes a colorless exudate accumulates in the area of ​​the spots - it leads to a characteristic bulging of the plaque and subsequent rupture. As a result, the patient suffers from severe itching. After the affected area dries, the itching disappears, the scales can be carefully removed on their own.

Basically, the affected areas are places of constant friction on clothing and surfaces. So, plaques are found on the bend of the elbow, knees, buttocks. But the localization of the affected areas can gradually change. Scaly places are often formed in the hairy part - on the head. Often it is possible to observe the defeat of only the hairy part, when the skin of the body remains unchanged.

Psoriasis of the scalp is much more difficult to cure due to the constant use of household chemicals for washing. Plaques can also be seen on the palms, soles of the feet, and vulva.

Disease history very unique and interesting. Psoriasis was known as early as the time of Hippocrates, but only he at that time characterized all skin diseases. Separately, the "modern" disease began to be considered only in the 19th century. The physician R. Willen separated psoriatic plaques into a separate group, describing their history of occurrence. He was the first to identify a non-infectious cause of the formation of scaly and partially purulent plaques.

Today, the presented disease affects about 4% of the world's population. There is no effective treatment for a full recovery - you can only temporarily eliminate plaques. But if all the recommendations are followed, their repeated manifestation may not occur until 1-2 years.

What is psoriasis? Video:

Types of psoriasis

There are several varieties of the presented disease, differing in the type of plaques and localization on the body. There are the following types of psoriasis:

1. Plaque-like - psoriasis vulgaris ( ordinary, simple) - this form is diagnosed in more than 80% of patients with psoriasis. The plaques in this case have a dry scaly appearance, the scales themselves have a white or gray appearance. Scales are easily removed on their own, without causing itching.

2. Reverse - plaques protrude above the surface of the skin, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process, but at the same time they do not peel off and have a characteristic red tint.

The plaques are predominantly located in the armpit, in the gluteal fold, on the genitals, in the groin, and also in the fat folds ( under the "apron" of the abdomen). Plaques constantly disturb the patient due to constant friction or contact with sweat - they itch, become inflamed, there is a localized increase in temperature.

3. Guttate psoriasis- plaques of small sizes, having red, purple ( sometimes purple) shade. The shape of the plaques is more similar to drops, and they are observed in large quantities on the thighs.

Each exacerbation of the guttate form of the disease is based on a previous streptococcal disease, for example, streptococcal tonsillitis provokes the reappearance of drops.

4. Pustular psoriasis- exudative - the name itself indicates the nature of the formed plaques. The sores are presented in the form of blisters with the presence of a colorless exudate in them, which, after re-infection ( due to peeling of the skin) acquires a purulent consistency.

Separately allocate nail psoriasis, which may not be related to skin lesions. It appears as a detachment of the nail plate, the formation of longitudinal and transverse lines of a distinctive color, the acquisition of a yellow or purple hue by the nail.

Reasons for development

It is almost impossible to find out the exact causes of psoriasis in a certain person, since there are cases of a completely healthy patient, but with already formed plaques. The main reasons include the following factors:

  • immune response to certain failures in body systems- hormonal or endocrine disruption often causes the development of psoriasis;
  • hereditary factor- the risk group includes people who in the family have patients with the presented disease,
  • genetic changes- mutations at the gene level, is not a hereditary factor, this often explains psoriasis in children arising suddenly and without visible prerequisites;
  • separately allocate endocrine disorders, provoking improper release of melatonin;
  • stress and depression- during an unstable state, excessive releases of hormones into the blood occur, which provokes a series of biochemical processes that gradually lead to the appearance of scaly plaques;
  • exchange theory - identifies elevated level lipids in patients, which explains the occurrence of psoriatic plaques.

From the above, we can conclude that conditionally the causes of psoriasis development are divided into two groups: disorders in the immune system or in cell division.


Symptoms of psoriasis you can hardly confuse - these are characteristic scaly spots ( with a pink outline and white scales in a circle), which initially appeared only in places of constant friction against clothing or between existing folds.

Separately, one can observe psoriasis on the hands or on the legs - on the palms or plantar side of the foot. Such a pathology is presented in the form of rough skin with the subsequent occurrence of cracks.

This type of pathology is more difficult to cure, because it is explained by the speed of cell division - the process is 8 times higher than the norm.

Psoriasis on the face or other visible places appears only during the period of exacerbation or due to violations in cell division. This is rare, most often in children. The disease in children is distinctive features– their lesions, regardless of the species, do not coincide with the lesions of adults.

How to recognize psoriasis?

Knowing exactly how does psoriasis start, you can suspend it - undergo an appropriate examination and determine the cause of the development of the pathology, which in the future will help prescribe treatment.

The first signs of the formation of psoriatic plaques include a small rash all over the body or in separate places - on the lower back, elbows and knees, in the scalp, in the folds, groin, armpits.

The progression of the disease gradually leads to an increase in diameter - if at first the red spots are no larger than a match head, then they gradually grow to 8 cm in diameter. The stain itself becomes whitish in color. A clear exudate begins to form in the center. After rupture, the film begins to dry out, transforming into a scaly hard coating.

In the absence of proper treatment, plaques not only grow in size, but also increase in number, affecting more and more new places. If the treatment is neglected, the spots begin to itch seriously, and sometimes ache when in contact with clothing or other parts of the body.

This follows from the causes of the development of the disease - there are only a genetic, immune factor and disturbances in cell division. It is impossible to get infected with this - neither by tactile contact, nor by unprotected sexual intercourse.

Treatment of psoriasis

The treatment of this pathology does not require a hospital stay of the patient, so you should carefully study, how to treat psoriasis at home. There are several methods here that should be used in a complex way. Doctors say that along with drug treatment folk remedies will also help to effectively get rid of plaques.

Fundamentals of drug treatment

Only a doctor, having studied the results of the examination passed by the patient, can accurately answer, how to get rid of psoriasis. The following groups are based systemic treatment presented disease:

  1. Taking corticosteroids- do not have a full-fledged effect, but have a positive effect on metabolism and quickly relieve the inflammatory process.
  2. Cytostatics - somewhat depressing immune system, but quickly stop the division of damaged cells.
  3. Taking immunomodulators- their effectiveness has not been studied ( often positive result not visible), but at positive impact drugs help stabilize the immune system.
  4. NSAIDs - they cannot completely eliminate plaques, but they perfectly relieve itching and inflammation during an exacerbation.

Also drug treatment for psoriasis includes taking anti-allergic drugs and vitamins - this provides a partial restoration of the immune system and prevents the exacerbation of an existing form of the disease.


Treatment of the pathology in question is possible with the use of drugs that are prescribed only by a doctor in emergency situations - at the beginning of the disease ( the ability to prevent plaque growth) or during an exacerbation, which causes unbearable itching, and external agents do not bring long-term results.

To medicines include:

  1. Methotrexate - the drug is used only with the advanced form of psoriasis and is a rapid suspension of cell division. The drug is used orally in the form of tablets or intravenous injections.
  2. Reamberin - is administered by intravenous systems. Designed for detoxification of the body, which is necessary after suffering infectious disease. Often, exacerbation of psoriasis is observed with simple purulent tonsillitis - this disease also contributes to the intoxication of the patient's body, resulting in the need to use Reamberin.
  3. Diprospan - a hormonal drug of prolonged action, is used only in extreme cases, since it has an ambiguous effect on human health. The drug is aimed at maintaining the level of hormones at the required normal level.

to auxiliary drug therapy include:

  • vitamin complex- Complivit, Alphabet, Pikovit for children;
  • hepatoprotectors- Phosphogliv - designed to protect the liver from toxins;
  • omega-3 acids;
  • immunomodulators;
  • enterosorbents - Enterosgel - designed to remove toxins from the intestines;
  • antiallergic drugs- Tavegil, Suprastin.

Auxiliary agents are prescribed after determining the cause of the development of the disease, as well as when regular examination patient and identifying certain disorders in the body.

Preparations for external use

Certainly the treatment skin disease impossible without means for external use. There are several forms of drugs, which include:

1. Cream for psoriasis There are two groups of drugs here. The first includes creams with vitamin D - it is often not enough not only for newborns, but in the case of psoriasis, this vitamin provides a longer effect of other drugs used.

The second group includes a drug that includes all other important properties. Among the latest innovations, Akriderm is distinguished - the cream has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, antipruritic, anti-allergic and anti-edematous effects. These also include Triderm, Mesoderm and Uniderm.

2. Ointment for psoriasis on the skin- these drugs are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal ointments from psoriasis. Non-hormonal or corticosteroids quickly eliminate psoriatic plaques, but significantly and negatively affect the kidneys, endocrine and vascular systems.

To effective hormonal drugs refer Triamcinolone, flumethasone and mometasone. Doctors, in most cases, advise using only non-hormonal ointments - they do not act immediately, but give a longer lasting result. Among the presented group of ointments include Salicylic and Zinc ointment, as well as Belosalik, Akrustal and Daivobet.

3. Gels - used in two forms: orally or topically. Among the oral include Enterosgel - it must be taken to remove toxins from the body and, to a greater extent, from the intestines. Such treatment is effective in eliminating psoriasis of the nails or hairline. Local gels include Flucinar, Solcoseryl, Lamisil.

4. Sprays - promote prompt elimination plaques are mainly used because of the quick and easy application. Basically, sprays are recommended for use for the prevention of plaques that have already been eliminated - daily spray care of previously affected areas allows you not to remember psoriasis for several months. Here are the most effective Skin Cap or Spray 999.

5. Oils - contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as irritation. Some types of oils can stop the division of damaged cells. Among the effective oils are oil of sea buckthorn, cumin, chamomile, jasmine, cedar, oregano, bergamot and others.

Oils should not be used without first having been tested, as it is not uncommon for certain varieties to cause an allergic reaction.

6. Patches - a new invention that helps not only to heal, but also to protect the damaged area from tactile contacts. The patches are glued to the plaques, having previously removed the “scales” from them. The procedure is repeated until the complete disappearance of the stain. Manufacturers today offer patches "Tender skin" and Qu'annaide Xinmeisu Tiegao.

You can learn in detail about the properties of the drug prescribed by the doctor by studying the instructions for use. It is not recommended to use a self-selected remedy for treatment, since with an incorrectly selected active substance, you can only harm your health.

Folk remedies

Physicians often prescribe to patients psoriasis treatment with folk remedies, since effective recipes can quickly relieve inflammation and itching, and when used in combination, they will be useful for the complete removal of plaques. Patients themselves give a positive assessment of the following folk recipes:

Sea salt. Salt has a regenerative effect, and also acts as an excellent antiseptic. The use of sea salt can be common - it is enough to use it during baths. To prepare the bath, it is enough to stir 1 kg of salt in 2 liters of hot water. After complete dissolution, the solution is poured into the bath, they are in water for no more than 20 minutes. It is enough to carry out such procedures up to 3 times a week.

Celandine. This herb is also used in baths. But it is better to use it during severe itching in the form of lotions and compresses. To prepare the solution, it is enough to pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and let the infusion brew for half an hour.

  • To prepare a homemade ointment, you can mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2 raw eggs. After thorough whipping with a mixer, half a teaspoon of vinegar is added to the mixture. The prepared ointment should be stored in a dark container and in a cool place. Use every time before bed. Ointment for the treatment of the hairline. Here, for treatment, a composition should be prepared, for which 2 tablespoons of tar are mixed and castor oil, 3 tablespoons of melted honey and one raw egg white. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the damaged parts daily. Before each procedure, the composition is prepared again.
  • Patients respond positively to treating psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, however, pay attention only to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease. Hydrogen peroxide can remove plaques after 2-3 applications, however, such treatment should not be abused - this is fraught with burning the affected area and damaging new healthy cells.

    Hydrogen peroxide can be used in the form of lotions - pour no more than 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide into 50 ml of water.

    A gauze bandage is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the damaged area for half an hour. Such lotions can be done every time itching occurs.

    The presented groups of allowed products should be present in the diet daily, since the constituent components help to better regenerate healthy cells and remove toxins from the body. As a result, after eliminating scaly spots by traditional methods, you can forget about their reappearance for a long time.

    Most of the patients are interested in the question, how to cure psoriasis permanently. This may seem like sad news, but a complete cure for psoriasis is currently impossible.

    Yes, there are many suggestions and remedies for the quick and long-term removal of scaly places, but no one has yet been able to completely cure psoriasis.

    You should not believe the numerous and bright advertisements about a quick cure - this is just an advertisement for ineffective remedies.

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    Psoriasis is a disease characterized by skin lesions, the formation of scaly rashes, accompanied by itching and a feeling of tightness. The disease develops in both children and adults. The disease worsens appearance covers, creates an unpleasant visual effect.

    Causes, symptoms and forms of psoriasis

    Pathology is provoked:

    • activation of cell division of the epidermis, as a result, the upper layer is exfoliated and remains on the surface in the form of convex plaques;
    • genetic failures;
    • weakening of the immune system.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    • the presence of white-gray scales covering areas of the skin (stearin stain);
    • under the keratinized cells there is a smooth pink surface - the terminal film;
    • local spot bleeding that occurs after removal of the stratum corneum;
    • painful lesions on the arms (near the elbows), knees, head;
    • poor condition of the nail plates, the appearance of dents, peeling them from the base, discoloration.

    Psoriasis manifests itself in the following forms:

    • partial: there are spots on certain areas of the outer cover;
    • continuous: epidermal lesion extends to the entire surface of the body.

    Pathology goes through several stages in its development:

    • Initial. Characterized by a rash, oval pink formations, scales white color.
    • Stationary. It develops within a month after the first signs appear. Papules become light, ring-shaped, covered with a silvery coating.
    • Decaying. The duration of the period is up to six months. Plaques acquire a natural color, dense keratinizations form on the path of foci of inflammation.

    Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies at home is carried out using ointments for local (external) use, stopping external signs psoriasis. Systemic therapy is also prescribed, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the onset of the disease, sedative drugs, glucocorticoids, keratoplastic ointments. When the disease shows hydrogen sulfide and mud baths, heliotherapy.

    Basic rules of home therapy

    Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies involves:

    • the use of several prescriptions from the arsenal of alternative medicine;
    • conducting a full course of recreational activities.

    It will not be possible to completely recover from the disease with herbal medicines alone, therefore, alternative therapy should be accompanied by taking medications.

    To cure psoriasis at home, are widely used:

    • herbal phyto-collections and tinctures for internal use;
    • external ointments and lotions;
    • baths.

    Features of the treatment of various forms

    There are several main forms of psoriasis. Each of them has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account when prescribing a course of therapy.

    psoriasis vulgaris

    Characterized by:

    • the appearance of skin exfoliation on the entire surface of the body;
    • skin lesions on the elbows and knee joints in the form of small whitish islands;
    • change in the activity of the appearance of painful foci.

    Mild forms of the disease are treated with salicylic acid and tar ointments, creams containing vitamin D, and corticosteroids.

    If the disease is in a progressive stage, then it is treated with injections of "Calcium gluconate" (10%), "Magnesium sulfate" (25%). The course of treatment involves 10 injections of each solution.

    Relieve symptoms using ointments Birch tar”, “Ditranol”, “Calciotriol”, “Salicylic acid”, as well as folk remedies.

    seborrheic psoriasis

    It affects the scalp, skin behind the ears, nose, chest, interscapular region. Accompanied by severe itching, inflammation and peeling of papules.

    The causes of the disease are:

    • heredity;
    • immune failures;
    • improper metabolism;
    • fungus;
    • unstable psychological condition, frequent stress;
    • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

    In the treatment are prescribed:

    • dietary table (fatty, spicy, salty, canned food, chocolate, soda are excluded);
    • corticosteroid agents;
    • antifungal drugs;
    • cytostatics;
    • physiotherapy.

    Affected areas should be treated with gentle shampoos, balms.

    Guttate psoriasis

    It manifests itself in the form of dry small formations of lilac or violet color, resembling a drop, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, itchy. More often, the foci of the disease spread along the back, hips, shoulders, and the face rarely suffers. The source of this type of psoriasis is infection with streptococcus. The disease develops more often in childhood and adolescence.

    Patients suffering from this type of psoriasis are prescribed a diet that involves the rejection of fatty and meat foods, smoked, spicy, canned foods. The patient's diet includes: vegetables and fruits, herbs, a large number of drinking water, portion fish oil. If the source of the disease is pathogenic bacterium, then staphylococcal serum and vitamins are prescribed.

    Alternative methods for psoriasis of the head

    Folk (grandmother's) drugs are made on the basis of natural ingredients of natural origin, have a good healing effect. But they should be used only in combination with the main drug therapy (immunostimulating drugs), a balanced diet.

    Recipes for head psoriasis used at home:

    • Linen: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seeds is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, allowed to brew, decanted in the morning, and drunk. Oil obtained from the plant is advised to smear the affected areas of the body every day.
    • Clover: 100 g of flowers are poured into fabric bags, poured with boiling water, kept for a minute. When the tea has cooled down, it is smeared with keratinized psoriasis crusts.
    • Solidol. The substance is treated with the scalp, washed off with shampoo after two hours.
    • Onion. The vegetable is rubbed into gruel, applied to painful foci, left for a day. After rinsing, the procedure is repeated. Treatment is carried out within a month.
    • Mustard. The powder is diluted with water to the state of sour cream, lubricated hairy part heads are covered with a scarf. Hold until a burning sensation appears.
    • Celandine. Juice is squeezed out of the stems, mixed with red wine in equal proportions. Make lotions daily at night.
    • Cow butter: 5 grams of sea buckthorn ether are introduced into 50 g of melted raw materials, everything is mixed well and the sore skin is treated, washed off after half an hour. Carry out the procedure every day.

    Treatment of psoriasis on nails

    The disease is rarely diagnosed, may be accompanied by skin forms of pathology.

    Among the main reasons:

    • violation of peripheral blood flow;
    • prolonged stressful conditions;
    • chronic diseases;
    • improper metabolism;
    • heredity;
    • high degree of sensitivity to external influences.

    Characteristic signs:

    • pits and depressions on the surface of the nail plates;
    • pain;
    • the formation of space between the nail and its base;
    • the presence of an inflammatory process.

    Patients with this type of psoriasis are prescribed complex treatment which includes:

    • Dieting. Allowed to eat eggs, raw vegetables and fruits, tea, vegetarian soups, lean meats, cereals, low-fat dairy products. Under the ban are condensed milk, ice cream, spices and spices, spicy and fried foods.
    • The use of medicines: glucocorticoids ("Advantan", "Elocom"), ointments ("Cygnolin", "Cygnoderm").
    • Carrying out physiotherapy (magnetic and laser therapy, electrophoresis, electrosleep).

    To cure the disease, they also resort to alternative medicine methods: the use of compresses, ointments, rubbing, herbal and vegetable baths.

    Alternative therapy for psoriasis on the elbows

    With this form of the disease, the foci are located on the flexion surfaces upper limbs, knees. The lesions are a rash formed by psoriasis plaques.

    It is impossible to cure psoriasis only with folk remedies. The disease is treated with medication, with the help of diet, physiotherapy. Methods of alternative therapy have only an additional local effect, eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

    Traditional healers advise using as medicines for psoriasis on the elbows:

    1. Decoctions. The composition may include the roots of valerian, burdock, celandine, chicory. Of these, it is also recommended to make lotions.
    2. Tea from dandelion roots, St. John's wort, nettle.
    3. Garlic - compresses are prepared from its juice.
    4. Baths with the addition of decoctions of celandine, yarrow, succession, St. John's wort.
    5. cabbage pickle, Birch juice: they rub the places of localization of the foci.

    Treatment of psoriasis on the legs

    Limb damage can occur due to:

    • injury to the skin, phalanges of the fingers;
    • hormonal disruptions;
    • intoxications;
    • infectious diseases.

    Important! Of great importance is the stress factor and heredity.

    The disease appears:

    • puffiness;
    • itching;
    • arthritis;
    • papular rash;
    • nail damage.

    Tactics of treatment depends on the stage of development of the disease. With a mild manifestation, zinc and salicylic ointments are prescribed, "Skin-Cap", hormonal preparations("Belosalik", "Daivobet").

    With pathology moderate physiotherapy is used: cryotherapy, phototherapy, plasmapheresis, PUVA therapy.

    A severe degree of the disease is treated with a complex of medications (cytostatics, immunosuppressants, hormones, immunomodulators, retinoids, antihistamines).

    Therapy for palmoplantar psoriasis

    The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

    • typical;
    • horny (there is a complete lesion of the feet and palms with a dense psoriasis crust);
    • Berber's psoriasis (purulent foci appear).

    Patients are prescribed "Cyclosporin", "Methotrexate", drugs that promote the removal of toxins, supporting the normal functioning of the liver.

    Products for home use

    Healers offer their own ways of treating psoriasis. At correct use folk remedies in combination with other recreational activities will help cure psoriasis forever.

    Alternative methods of treatment of psoriasis:

    • available;
    • are natural (based on the action of natural ingredients) and easy to prepare and use;
    • have minimal side effects.

    Folk remedies treatment of psoriasis is carried out at home.


    The most effective folk remedy for psoriasis is sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Used in the manufacture of ointments, balms, compresses. The agent for external use softens hardened areas, produces an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, reduces itching, peeling, improves fluid circulation in the body, and helps to remove toxins.

    On the basis of soda, an ointment is prepared from eggs for psoriasis for external use. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of the substance, add 3 egg yolks, half a glass of fat, 2 tbsp. l. almond and fir oil, pharmaceutical bile, laundry soap. The prepared mixture is applied before going to bed on sore spots.

    Soda is part of therapeutic baths, compresses. The powder mixed with soda and iodine has sedative qualities, helps to normalize sleep and relieve stress, and relieves psoriatic plaques.


    Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies involves the use of sea salt, which has many healing qualities: it is a good antiseptic, promotes wound healing, eliminates itching, improves metabolism, and regenerates damaged cells.

    On the basis of sea salt are prepared:

    • baths;
    • compresses ( saline solution fabric is impregnated and superimposed on diseased areas).

    In the fight against the disease, dry salt is rubbed into the scalp, left for an hour, then washed off with warm water.


    Iodine also helps against the disease. The substance is produced in the body thyroid gland, has an effect on general state and well-being of a person, takes part in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, and prevents the formation of blood clots.

    Treatment of psoriasis with iodine is that they treat keratinized areas.

    Flax seeds and oil

    Flax is a cleanser for the whole body, relieves the external manifestations of psoriasis (removes itching and swelling). Flaxseed oil is smeared on skin lesions, rubbed until completely absorbed.

    From the seeds you can make a healing balm. To do this, 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured with a glass of boiling water.


    The substance disinfects, heals wounds, improves blood circulation, relieves infections, relieves pain and irritation.

    Tar is a part of soap, shampoos. Based on it, there effective recipe ointments for psoriasis: mix 100 ml of the substance with 40 ml salicylic acid add some castor oil. The resulting substance is applied to the affected area, left overnight.

    Ash and birch buds

    The ash is mixed with tar, the foci are treated.

    Ointments and other folk remedies for psoriasis are made from birch buds - infusions: two teaspoons of vegetable raw materials are brewed into a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath. Use the drug inside a third of a glass before meals. The decoction can also be used to make a compress.


    The root of the plant is crushed. The resulting mass is applied to the sores, kept for two hours. The treatment course lasts eight weeks.

    Juice drink three times a day, 2 tablespoons.


    Dry leaves are brewed with boiling water, insisted, squeezed and applied to the lesions.

    cabbage pickle

    Brine lubricates the sick body, washed off after a few days. At least seven procedures are required.

    egg yolks

    They are ground, lightly fried without adding oil. A liquid is squeezed out of the resulting mass, which is smeared with psoriasis areas.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Lubricate the skin with a solution two to three times a day. Take action within 2 weeks.

    Activated carbon

    It absorbs well, removes toxins and slags. It is taken orally (to find out the daily dosage, the patient's weight is divided by ten) in three doses, washed down with plenty of water.


    Grated potato mass is applied to the tissue and applied as a compress to the localization of the disease for two hours, the manipulation is repeated daily until the condition improves.

    It is also advised to apply the product directly to the sores, keep for a quarter of an hour.


    Used for external treatment of the affected area. Half a kilogram of grease should be pre-mixed with half a tube of baby cream, added to 2 tbsp. l. honey.


    From psoriasis on the body, it is recommended to use the following folk remedy. Take one teaspoon of fine powder, mix it thoroughly with petroleum jelly (100 g). The resulting plaques are lubricated with the finished ointment. Treatment is carried out for six months.

    milk scale

    To get rid of psoriasis, traditional medicine also offers such a treatment option: boil milk in a separate container, drain, smear the affected areas with white coating remaining on the walls of the pan. It is recommended to carry out ten procedures, carry out the manipulation daily at night.


    It has good healing qualities, promotes healing of wounds. Effective folk remedies are made from it - propolis ointments for psoriasis. Take butter (100 g), warm it up, add propolis, vitamin E (in capsules) to it. The resulting composition is lubricated with a clean gauze cloth, applied to sore spots.


    The substance in its pure form is rubbed into problem areas, added to bathing water (a glass). There are options for recipes for internal use, with his participation they prepare infusions for psoriasis.

    Cannot be applied bee product in the presence of individual contraindications.


    Helps in the treatment of psoriasis and hirudotherapy. It promotes blood thinning, prevents thrombosis, restores the body's defenses, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Leeches are located on psoriasis plaques for an hour, after they are removed, a bandage is applied to the wounds, which changes every other day. Swimming is not recommended for the next week after the procedure.

    Bay leaf decoction

    10-15 bay leaves are put in water, brought to a boil, kept on fire for half an hour. The liquid is decanted, consumed in a tablespoon three times a day. The prepared broth (1 liter) can be added to a bath with warm water.

    club moss

    A tablespoon of spores is boiled for 20 minutes. The decoction is taken during exacerbations of the disease.


    Two or three leaves of the plant are dipped in warm water, insisted for 15 minutes, passed through gauze. Use one spoon up to three times a day.

    Herbs for psoriasis

    In order to get rid of the disease in folk medicine, the power of plants is widely used.

    black elderberry

    To prepare an infusion at home, you need two teaspoons of flowers per 500 ml of water. Consume after meals 100 ml three times a day.


    To get rid of advanced psoriasis, an infusion is prepared: take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed plants, brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist, drink, starting with one tablespoon three times a day, increasing the dose with each dose.


    It is advised to make a decoction of herbs: horsetail, St. John's wort, oregano, lingonberry and strawberry leaves, calamus (root). Brew the mixture with boiling water, insist, decant, drink 100 ml after breakfast for a month.

    Sophora japonica

    The tincture of the plant for psoriasis is taken half a teaspoon three times a day.

    Birch chagu mushroom

    The raw material is left in boiled water for 5 hours, then scrolled through a meat grinder. The remaining water is added to the mushroom mass, insisted for two days, they drink half a glass three times a day after meals.

    Herbal remedy for psoriasis

    There are various options for herbal preparations used for illness. A mixture of buckthorn, nettle, birch leaves, flaxseed is popular. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, brewed with boiling water. Drink the drug 3 times a day after meals.


    Psoriasis is treated comprehensively. Prescribed drugs, both hormonal and plant-based.

    Medicines for internal use

    Medications for oral administration are divided into several groups.


    Antiallergic drugs are used at the stage of exacerbation of the disease, they are designed to reduce itching, restore sleep.

    From this group of drugs, the patient is prescribed Claritin, Telfast, Suprastin.


    Struggling with depressive states, treat the skin. Azathioprine is widely used, « Mercaptopurine", "Cyclophosphan", "Vinblastine".

    Medicines tend to suppress the protective function of the body, therefore they are taken in combination with drugs that restore immunity.


    Substances containing vitamin A and its derivatives. Vitamins stabilize cell tone, have great importance in the treatment of pathology.

    The most popular retinoid treatment is Neotigazon.


    They prevent the absorption of harmful substances by intestinal cells, promote the removal of toxins from the body.

    With psoriasis, use "Polysorb", which eliminates toxins that may be the cause of the appearance skin rashes.


    Indicated if there is a leak during the illness inflammatory processes. They are treated both externally and internally. First, weak drugs are used, then they move on to stronger ones (tablets or injections). Most popular:

    • "Amoxicillin";
    • "Erythromycin".

    Hepatoprotectors, enzymes

    They are auxiliary, strengthen the walls of cellular structures. Appointed:

    • "Likopid";
    • "Essentiale";
    • "Karsil";
    • "Phosphogliv";
    • "Heptral".


    They affect the immune system, inhibiting it. Treat psoriasis:

    • "Efalizumab";
    • "Cyclosporine";
    • "Methotrexate";
    • "Infliximab";
    • "Arava".

    Anti-inflammatory drugs

    Relieve inflammation, improve the appearance of the skin:

    • "Psoril";
    • "Akriderm".


    They act on the root cause of the disease, eliminate pathogenic cells that provoke inflammation. Among those allowed:

    • "Enbrel";
    • "Ameviv";
    • "Remicade";
    • "Humira";
    • "Stelara".


    Belongs to the category of anticancer medical preparations, blocks the process of growth of pathogenic structures, is used as an antifungal agent for the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis. Contraindications for use:

    • pregnancy;
    • period breastfeeding;
    • kidney and liver diseases, etc.

    Medicines for external use

    Local exposure is no less important than taking oral medications.

    Therapeutic baths

    Procedures have a positive effect on the epithelium:

    • moisturize;
    • remove toxins;
    • relieve the symptoms of pathology.
    • salt;
    • soda;
    • oat;
    • starchy;
    • turpentine;
    • hydrogen sulfide;
    • coniferous;
    • mud;
    • radon;
    • herbal (with sage, chamomile, succession, celandine).

    You cannot assign a procedure if you have:

    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • thyroid dysfunction;
    • fungal infections;
    • tuberculosis;
    • pregnancy;
    • tumor diseases.

    Hormonal ointments and creams

    • "Hydrocortisone";
    • "Prednisolone";
    • "Laticort";
    • "Locacorten";
    • "Elocom"
    • "Sinaflan";
    • "Flucinar";
    • "Dermovate".

    Non-hormonal ointments and creams

    From the medicines of this group are prescribed:

    • "Kartalin";
    • "Akrustal";
    • "Antipsor";
    • "Salicylic ointment";
    • "Naftaderm";
    • "Zinc ointment".


    For the treatment of the scalp with psoriasis, shampoos are suitable:

    • tar ("Friderm Tar");
    • antifungal ("Nizoral");
    • medical ("Etrivex", "Skin-Cap").

    Psoriasis patch

    Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it improves the appearance of the skin, stimulates the renewal of dermal cells, activates blood circulation, and with its help, the healing process is faster.

    A band-aid is glued onto cleansed and softened skin, and it is changed after a couple of hours.

    Physiotherapy treatment

    Physiotherapy is an addition to the main treatment. Patients with psoriasis are shown:

    • ultraviolet irradiation;
    • UV and PUVA therapy;
    • excimer laser;
    • cryotherapy;
    • Ufo blood.


    Folk remedies for psoriasis in the form of ointments have a local local effect, soften the skin, active ingredients have a positive effect on cell membranes.


    Improves the protective function of the body, stabilizes the balance of vitamins and hormones, normalizes the intestinal microflora.

    Homeopathic preparations have a natural composition, hypoallergenic, have a positive effect on all organ systems.

    Among the popular:

    • "Psorinochel";
    • "Psoriatic";
    • "Silicea".


    Phototherapy kills microbes, has a positive effect on all tissues and organs.

    Disease prevention and prognosis

    To prevent the development of the disease, you need:

    • properly care for the skin: carry out hardening, take baths based on herbal preparations, sea salt;
    • during washing, use soft sponges, avoid damage to the skin;
    • use mild soaps that are gentle detergents;
    • care for hair with special lotions, balms, shampoos;
    • control the time spent in direct sunlight;
    • wear natural clothes, do not use synthetics;
    • diet, keep healthy lifestyle life, prevent beriberi;
    • avoid stressful situations.

    With early initiation of therapy, the prognosis is favorable. Running forms require more long-term treatment and threatened with disability.

    People with psoriasis should follow the following rules:

    • do not scratch the skin in the affected areas;
    • all healing procedures perform carefully, avoiding injury to epithelial cells;
    • for washing, use children's hygiene products (soap, shampoos), special anti-psoriasis gels and hair balms that have a calming effect; after bathing, wipe the whole body dry;
    • stick to a diet bad habits;
    • wear natural, breathable clothing;
    • strengthen immunity, take vitamin complexes, prevent beriberi.

    Cons of traditional medicine

    Non-traditional remedies for psoriasis have many advantages, but are not without drawbacks. Among the main ones:

    • folk recipes are only an addition to the main drug therapy;
    • it will not be possible to cure psoriasis quickly, long-term medication is required to achieve a positive result.

    It is necessary to treat psoriasis with alternative methods only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Uncontrolled treatment with folk recipes can complicate the healing process and lead to the development of complications.

    The statement that psoriasis is incurable is incorrect. Recovery is quite real if you choose the right methods of treatment.

    What kind of skin lesions do dermatologists not face?! Until now, scientists have not been able to find out for what reasons psoriasis occurs in a particular person. Especially often it affects people from 15 to 35 years old. It also affects heredity, external stimuli, stress, taking the drug, which includes lithium carbonate, allergies, as well as excessive love for hygiene.

    But this disease is not contagious. You may well be in contact with a sick person and not be afraid for your body. Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin disease of the body. It is also often called scaly lichen. Various factors can cause this disease, but more often it occurs due to a hereditary predisposition. How to cure psoriasis folk remedies, as well as what effective ways should be used at home, you will learn from this article.

    be careful

    People suffering from psoriasis very often make one big mistake:

    The patient is trying to eliminate the external signs of the disease, but the elimination of the external manifestations of psoriasis does not solve the problem from the inside.

    Roughly speaking, even if it is possible to remove the signs of psoriasis from the outside and put the skin in order, inside the body the disease continues to devour the autoimmune system, which provokes severe diseases, most of which are fatal. Especially terrible is the fact that psoriasis can provoke cancerous tumors.

    The only tool that is currently available for independent use by patients with psoriasis is a special tool "PSORIDEL", which before issued at a reduced price - 1 ruble. Read the details in official source.

    The main aspects of pathology

    Psoriasis has a chronic form, which is accompanied by rashes in the form of papules strewn with scales. There are several stages in this unpleasant disease:

    • The appearance of the first papules. They have a pink or red tint, while the surface is as if strewn with scales. As a rule, no itching is observed in the first stage. Areas on the body, fold zones, as well as the scalp are affected.
    • The appearance of new papules, which, in turn, merge with existing ones.
    • The affected areas begin to turn blue and peel off. If you do not see a doctor in time, then psoriasis takes sharp shape, and papillomas or plaques form on the body.

    More severe forms This disease is characterized by inflammation throughout the body - it can be the hips, neck, scalp, shoulders, etc.

    In addition to all kinds of medicines, there are also folk remedies for psoriasis, which our grandmothers have collected over time. But in order for them not to bring additional problems, their intake should be discussed with your dermatologist. But with psoriasis, not only the skin suffers, but also hair, nails, and even internal organs.

    This disease has been known since the 19th century. Since then, all sorts of experiments and studies have been carried out. possible causes occurrence of this disease.

    Such a medicine should languish in the oven for about 4 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. After it has been prepared, it is taken orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Stories from our readers

    Defeated psoriasis at home. It's been a month since I forgot about those terrible red spots and itching. Oh, how much I have suffered. The plaques were in prominent places, so I constantly noticed strange looks on myself, and, well, self-esteem, respectively, is below the baseboard. And it itches from time to time. How many times I went to dermatologists, how many folk methods I tried - all to no avail. But everything changed when I came across this article. Anyone with psoriasis should read this!

    Read full article >>>

    Method number 3. Decoction for internal use

    The best is considered a decoction of five medicinal herbs, which include: chamomile, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, lingonberry. To prepare a medicinal drink, we need:

    • chamomile flowers - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • St. John's wort - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • tricolor violet grass - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • lingonberry leaves - 2 tbsp. l..

    This decoction should be prepared immediately before taking. All ingredients should be mixed well. Then we take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture and pour one glass of boiling water. Be sure to cover the container. We insist this solution for at least half an hour. In the resulting broth, you need to add 1 tbsp. l. Eleutherococcus extract.

    But drink it medicine follows only 1 time per day and exclusively in the morning.

    Method number 4. Tea recovery

    Celandine tea. Celandine is a unique plant with incredible healing power. But when treating psoriasis with this remedy, do not forget about the poison that this herb contains. Celandine also contains vitamins and useful elements. The most effective result will be obtained if celandine is used from this skin ailment at an early stage.

    We prepare this infusion in this way. We buy celandine grass in a pharmacy. At home, you need to take 1 teaspoon of celandine and pour one glass of boiling water. Tea is infused for about 30 minutes. We use this solution before meals 3 times a day.

    Method number 5. We are treated with a decoction

    A decoction of barley. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of malted barley flour, pour it into a convenient container. Then you should pour this 1 liter of boiling water. It is necessary to insist such a decoction for at least 4 hours, after which it should be filtered. Drink the infusion should be 4-5 times a day, along with honey or sugar.

    Method number 6. Help burdock decoction

    An infusion of burdock roots. The most valuable roots are those collected in early spring. They should be dug up, washed well and dried. The roots of this plant are very thick, so they need to be cut. We take 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots, put them in a convenient container and pour two glasses of boiling water. Boil, decoction for about 10 minutes. Then leave it to infuse for 2 hours. We filter it and drink 200 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

    Method number 7. Save the collection of herbs

    herbal or blood purifying tea. To prepare it, we take:

    • burdock grass 4 tbsp;
    • strawberry leaves - 6 tbsp;
    • nettle - 4 tbsp;
    • blackcurrant leaves - 5 tbsp;
    • yarrow grass - 3 tbsp;
    • tricolor violet - 3 tbsp;
    • series - 6 tbsp. l.

    Mix all herbs thoroughly and collect 1 tbsp. l. for 2 cups of boiling water. All tea should be infused for about 15 minutes. You need to take half a glass 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

    Method number 8. Repeshkovy infusion will help everyone

    Infusion turnip. Such tea contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, improves digestion. This herb can be purchased at a pharmacy. At home we take 1 tbsp. l. agrimony and pour 200 ml of boiling water. This tea should be brewed for about an hour. This remedy can be used up to 4 times a day.

    Sea buckthorn is also good for psoriasis. It is intended for both outdoor and indoor use. On the body, sea buckthorn oil has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect on the skin of the body, and is also a source of vitamins necessary for a person. It is enough to drink 2-3 teaspoons on an empty stomach. But when taken internally, it has one side effect, so do not overdo it with the dose.

    Of course, folk recipes for psoriasis are always effective, but you should not forget about proper nutrition to avoid recurrence of this disease.

    You should eat only healthy foods that contain a large amount of vitamins. Exclude from the diet all fatty and smoked. Products must not contain additional additives and preservatives.

    Additional medical complex

    • chamomile;
    • sage;
    • succession;

    Thoroughly mix the mixture and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. Then we insist the broth for about an hour and pour it into the bath. such methods can be carried out within 7 days. These baths normalize the condition skin, reduce rashes, and also has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

    Linseed oil

    It has high regenerating properties and in a short time returns the skin to its previous state. But before using it on yourself, you should definitely consult with your doctor, as it very often causes an allergic reaction.

    It is quite possible to cook it yourself. We need an enamel saucepan, put 500 grams of butter in it. We put her stove, and wait for the oil to boil in it. Turn off the gas and add 50 grams of mashed propolis there. Then mix thoroughly and wait for the ointment to cool.

    This ointment relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of affected areas on the body.

    Salicylic ointment

    Preparation for external use. It occupies a special place in the treatment of this unpleasant disease. Before using it, you should seek the advice of your doctor. There are many varieties of this ointment in the pharmacy. They differ in the percentage of acid. From this disease, you should buy a 2% ointment. But acid is acid, so you should not use it for too long (the entire course of application lasts 1 month with a break of 2 weeks).


    It is not difficult to prepare an ointment based on Kalanchoe. Only with the help of this ointment the skin is completely cleansed in just a few weeks. But for its preparation, you need to carefully grind the leaves of this plant and celandine on petroleum jelly. It should be applied no more than 2 times a day.


    To prepare the mixture, we need only two tablets of this miraculous remedy. They will need to be dissolved in a spoonful of water with a small addition olive oil. This mixture should be applied to the affected areas.

    Of course, you will not see any improvements right away, but in just a week you will begin to notice a small result. More effect is noticeable with psoriasis of the scalp. You can add this mixture to hair masks. The wounds will begin to disappear before our eyes along with itching.

    fir oil

    We take 500 ml of water and 30 grams of good baby soap. We put in a convenient container and put on a small fire, cook until it dissolves. In the resulting mixture, you need to add 500 ml, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. In the prepared warm bath, add 30 grams of broth. You should lie in it for no more than 20 minutes. For the next bath, the solution will need to be increased, but not more than 85 grams.

    Even if one of the above methods did not help you, do not be upset. All organisms are completely different and if one recipe is suitable for someone, for the second it can adversely affect health.

    Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to contact a competent specialist so that the disease does not take a chronic form.

    Only he can appoint proper treatment, advise you on the use of this or that folk remedy. Effective treatment is to combine various means. Do not forget about proper nutrition and adherence to a special diet for psoriasis.

    Drawing conclusions

    If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from psoriasis.

    We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and means for the treatment of psoriasis. The verdict is:

    All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the treatment was stopped, the disease began to progress sharply.

    The only drug that fixed the result is PSORIDEL.

    At the moment, it is not yet sold in pharmacies and can only be ordered via the Internet.

    Attention! Cases of sale of fake drug PSORIDEL have become more frequent. If you want to get a guaranteed quality product, then you need to purchase it ONLY at official website.

    In addition, when buying on the official website, you get a money back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.