Vesicular lichen symptoms. Vesicular lichen: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Herpes simplex or lichen lichen is one of the most common viral dermatoses. The disease has severe symptoms and can manifest itself in several clinical forms. Why does bubble lichen occur and how to eliminate the pathology?

Lichen lichen is a chronic disease that manifests itself as a result of the penetration of the herpes simplex virus into the body. Most often, infection occurs in early infancy.

The disease may not show signs for years. The activation of the pathological process occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • chronic diseases that lead to a decrease in immune system;
  • skin injuries;
  • severe stress and nervous disorders;
  • disorders of immunological activity caused by the development of hepatitis or HIV infection;
  • violations of the functions of the digestive organs;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hormonal disruptions during the menstrual cycle.

If there are health problems, vesicular herpes can develop for a long time, periodically appearing on the skin or mucous membrane when the body is cooled and colds.

Exciter type

Herpes causing blistering lesions refers to the simple first type. Infection is transmitted mainly through contact with the carrier and to the child during childbirth. Also, the penetration of infection is often observed through the respiratory system.

There are two types of causative agents of vesicular herpes:

  1. The first. Lesions are observed on the mucous membrane of the eyes, cornea, lips and skin of the face.
  2. Second. Manifestations in the form of bubbles are formed in the genital area. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact.

Genital herpes can occur with little or no symptoms. A complicated form of the disease due to impaired lymphatic drainage can provoke an increase in the genital organs.

Clinical manifestations

When the virus is activated in the body, rashes in the form of bubbles are observed. They are located on the skin in a chaotic manner. Often in people with the herpes simplex virus, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • a burning sensation occurs on the affected area;
  • redness of the skin appears;
  • bubbles filled with liquid are formed;
  • after three days the watery eruptions burst;
  • pain is felt in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foci;
  • crusts form on the affected areas.

The field of healing of erosive formations does not leave any traces on the skin.

There are several forms of clinical manifestation of vesicular herpes simplex:

  1. Newborn infection. In infants, with the development of the virus, swelling of the tonsils, the inside of the cheeks and the tongue appears. At the same time, the body temperature rises sharply. The affected areas become strewn with many bubbles, which subsequently turn into small sores. Sometimes the lymph nodes in the head area increase.
  2. Genital lesions. Such an infection caused by herpes of the first and second serotypes is transmitted by using hygiene items of the carrier of the infection and sexually. The rash affects areas of the genitals and closely located areas of the skin.
  3. Chronic pathology. With this form, the frequency of rashes is noted. Manifestations are observed through a different period of time. Sometimes the disease does not bother for years. Pathology manifests itself mainly in those same areas of the body.
  4. Kaposi's eczema herpetiformis. Such an infection has a fairly pronounced symptomatology - heat, pain in the affected area. In this case, large bubbles are formed, which spread to fairly large areas of the skin. Sometimes with this form of herpes, foci are observed on the internal organs. In place of the bubbles, scars and scars often remain. The development of such a disease can lead to death.
  5. Gladiator virus. Pathology is extremely rare. The disease is observed mainly in athletes - wrestlers. This is due to close contact during the fight with an opponent. Symptoms of herpes occur in the area of ​​the shoulders, neck or face.
  6. Finger injury. Bubble rashes appear due to damage to the skin of the hands or in the presence of injuries. The manifestation of the disease occurs infrequently.

The development of a viral bladder infection in young children often causes stomatitis. Herpes simplex can cause general malaise, headaches and drowsiness.


Vesicular lichen has characteristic manifestations. Therefore, it is not difficult to make a primary diagnosis by visual examination of the affected areas. For an accurate final result, the following studies are additionally used:

  1. Analysis for cytology. Scrapings taken from the vesicles are studied under a microscope. In this case, the nature of the fluid released from the affected areas is examined.
  2. PRC research. Such an analysis is necessary to determine the type of virus that develops in the body. For samples, genital secretions and blood from a vein are taken.
  3. Blood analysis. The study is aimed at detecting antibodies to harmful microorganisms.

Sometimes it is required to determine the state of internal organs. For this, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound. Therapeutic actions are established only after the full confirmation of the diagnosis.

Methods of treatment

With the defeat of vesicular herpes, both medicinal and traditional medicine are used. All therapeutic actions are based on eliminating the symptoms of the disease, preventing frequent relapses and increase the protective functions of the body.

Medical therapy

Herpes simplex is a chronic disease, so it is impossible to completely eliminate the infection.

Patients are prescribed the following drugs:

  • immunostimulants - "Ridostin", "Cyclofkron" and "Likopid";
  • antiviral agents - "Famvir", "Acyclovir" or "Valacyclovir";
  • ointments and creams for treating lesions - Khelepin, Acyclovir.

In special cases, vaccination is carried out to protect against recurrent manifestations of the virus. Such preventive measures are carried out only after one and a half months from the time of the onset of manifestations of an exacerbated form.

Sometimes a doctor prescribes laser treatment or infrared irradiation for blisters.

Acyclovir - antiviral ointment

Folk methods

Alternative therapy is used only for mild forms of the disease and only with the permission of a doctor. The following recipes help to relieve symptoms and improve the patient's condition:

  1. Garlic. Garlic juice is used to treat the affected areas. Damaged skin is rubbed with it twice a day.
  2. Herbal collection. One teaspoon of lemon balm, the same amount of rose hips and chamomile should be poured with 300 grams of boiling water and left to brew for fifteen minutes. This herbal tea is taken several times a day to strengthen immune defenses.
  3. Iodine. Treatment of the affected areas with this remedy is practiced when a burning sensation appears. Iodine is often used even in acute forms of the disease.
  4. Tea tree. The product is often recommended in the treatment of vesicular herpes. Tea tree oil is used to lubricate pathological manifestations. Sore spots should be treated at least three times a day.

Self-treatment for vesicular herpes is quite dangerous. The development of the disease can lead to a rather serious complication.

Nutrition Features

The diet for lichen lichen caused by the herpes virus is of considerable importance in complex treatment. Proper nutrition helps to contain the manifestations of the disease and increases the body's immune defenses.

The diet consists in eating foods with a minimum amount of arginine and enriched with lysine. Therefore, it is recommended to eat:

  • skimmed milk;
  • chicken meat;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • shrimps;
  • flounder.

Vegetables and fruits containing phytoncides contribute to the increase in immunity:

  • ginger;
  • lemons;
  • garlic.

At the same time, gelatin, seeds, chocolate and nuts are necessarily excluded from the diet. It is necessary to reduce the amount of consumption of legumes and whole grains.


Care during illness consists of observing the correct hygiene measures. Therefore, to avoid complications, you should:

  • wash your hands regularly with antibacterial agents;
  • change bed linen at least twice a week;
  • do not use other people's hygiene items.

At the same time, in no case should you squeeze out bubble formations on the skin and do not peel off already dry crusts. Any injury to the affected areas can lead to an intensive spread of infection.


To avoid recurrence of lichen lichen simplex, it is recommended to take the following measures for prevention:

  • exclude any contact with patients with exacerbated symptoms of herpes;
  • do not use other people's hygiene items;
  • help to increase immune protection;
  • avoid injury to the skin;
  • prevent the development of chronic diseases;
  • eat properly;
  • wash hands regularly with soap and keep the body clean;
  • do not overcool the body.

Vesicular lichen is a chronic viral pathology. The disease can manifest itself quite rarely, but sometimes relapses occur at the slightest hypothermia of the body. For a long time to forget about the disease will help high-quality treatment, proper nutrition and adherence to preventive measures.

VISILLE SIMPLE(herpes simplex).

Etiology and pathogenesis. The causative agent is a neurotropic filterable virus. It usually occurs during common infectious diseases (flu, malaria, pneumonia, cerebrospinal meningitis, etc.), with gastrointestinal disorders, often after trauma (tooth extraction, burns, etc.), intoxication (carbon monoxide, alcohol, etc.). .), when using certain medications (salvarsan preparations, bismuth, mercury, various sera and vaccines), sometimes during menstruation, etc.

Symptoms. A group of vesicles ranging in size from a pinhead to a millet grain on normal or slightly reddened edematous skin. The rash is preceded by light, burning and tingling. The contents of the vesicles are initially transparent, then become cloudy (suppurate). After 3-6 days, the bubbles burst, dry up with the formation of serous-purulent crusts or superficial erosions form. Vesicular lichen does not leave scars. With complications of pyoderma, regional ones may increase.

Localization: on the lips (herpes labialis), wings of the nose (herpes nasalis), facial skin (herpes facialis), genitals (herpes progenitalis), buttocks (herpes glutaealis), on the oral mucosa (herpes buccalis), pharynx (herpes pharyngealis ), conjunctiva (herpes conjunctivalis), urethra (herpes urethralis), etc. There are frequent repeated rashes in certain areas of the skin and mucous membranes - recurrent vesicular lichen (herpes recidivans).

Atypical forms: zosteriform lichen lichen (herpes simplex zosteriformis), abortive form, edematous form. A special form is herpetic fever (herpes febrilis).

Histologically an intraepidermal vesicle is noted, which is formed as a result of deep degeneration of epidermal cells in the form of ballooning and reticular degeneration; in the skin itself - dilatation of the blood vessels of the papillary layer or perivascular infiltrate.

Differentiate follows with, with localization of erosions of vesicular lichen on the genitals - with primary erosive syphiloma, soft chancre, erosive circinary balanoposthitis, scabies, vulvitis, etc., with localization on mucous membranes - with secondary syphilitic rashes.

Treatment. With normal forms lichen lichen can be limited local therapy. With herpetic fever - treatment of the underlying disease. With a recurrent form - autohemo- or autoserotherapy, lactotherapy, injections of vitamin B 1 (5%) 2 ml every other day, a total of 15-20 injections, orally aureomycin 250-1000 mg per day (in capsules) for 10-15 days , biomycin 1 g per day for 5-10 days, rivanol 0.05 g 3 times a day, ascorbic acid 0.2-0.3 g 2 times a day for 15-20 days, intravenous infusion of chloride calcium, intramuscular injections of gamma globulin. In stubbornly recurrent cases, repeated (4-5 times) inoculations of smallpox vaccine 1 time in 2 weeks, topically interferon in the form of a cream for 4-6 days.

It is necessary to examine the patient to identify and eliminate violations of the functions of the gonads, neuropsychiatric and gastrointestinal diseases, focal infection, etc. Local treatment is the same as for shingles. Sometimes it is possible to prevent rashes of bubbles by re-lubricating reddened areas of the skin with resorcinol or camphor alcohol. In the presence of crusts - Lassar paste, ichthyol-dermatol paste, etc. erosive form- lotions from a 3% solution of boric acid, drilling fluid, 0.25% solution of lapis.

In the stage of bubbles rash, general ultraviolet irradiation (ARC lamp), simultaneously local ultraviolet irradiation (distance 50-75 cm, starting from 0.5 biodose, adding 0.25 biodose each time, bringing up to 0.5 biodose per irradiation). With a rash on the oral mucosa, frequent rinsing with a solution of chamomile (Flores chamomillae) - 1 tablespoon of chamomile color per glass of boiling water, weak solutions of boric acid, soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. With neuralgic pain - painkillers.

Rp. Ichthyoli 0.9
Dermatoli 3.0
Pastae Zinci 30.0
M.f. pasta
D.S. Paste

Rp. Ac. tannici 1.5
T-rae iodi 2.0
Glycerini 25.0
MDS. Lubricate 2-3 times a day

Prevention. Elimination of focal infection (sanation of the oral cavity, pharynx, nose and adnexal cavities). Treatment of diseases of the nervous, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Hygienic maintenance of re-affected areas of the skin or mucous membranes. Patients with lichen lichen on the genitals should refrain from sexual intercourse during the period of rashes, with the localization of bubbles on the lips - from kissing, using cutlery alone, etc. In case of recurrent herpetic rashes, especially those fixed in time and place, cooling, overheating should be avoided , beware acute infections(flu, tonsillitis, etc.), gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

herpes simplex- herpes simplex or lichen lichen has been known to mankind since ancient times, and the name "herpes" is of Greek origin - "crawl", "sneak", which fully corresponds to the clinical manifestations of diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Due to the typical clinical picture, the diagnosis of herpes simplex is a fairly simple task. In doubtful cases, a study of the discharge of herpetic vesicles is carried out. The treatment of herpes simplex is reduced to the local or systemic administration of antiherpetic drugs based on acyclovir, if necessary, immunomodulatory therapy is carried out.

General information

herpes simplex- herpes simplex or lichen lichen has been known to mankind since ancient times, and the name "herpes" is of Greek origin - "crawl", "sneak", which fully corresponds to the clinical manifestations of diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus are quite common, some complications of the infection are fatal. Data from the Centers for Disease Control in the United States register about half a million cases of herpes infection per year, hence it can be assumed that from 2 to 20 million Americans are carriers of herpes infection. In England, the increase in the incidence of herpes infection of the genitals exceeds other sexually transmitted infections. In the Scandinavian countries, herpes simplex is found in approximately 8% of women who turn to a venereologist. In our country, there are no statistics on the incidence of herpes, but herpes infection is ubiquitous, this is indicated by data from private surveys on the carriage of the herpes simplex virus.

A recurrence of a herpes infection occurs in the case of reactivation of the virus, this is possible after hypothermia, overheating, with reduced immunity, in particular, herpes infection is a specific complication of HIV infection. Rashes caused by herpes virus serotype 1 are usually localized in the nasolabial region, the virus also manifests itself in the form of keratoconjunctivitis, and rashes caused by HSV-2 are localized in the genital area. But, given the characteristics of sexual behavior, the localization of rashes can be exactly the opposite. Therefore, herpes requires serological studies to establish the serotype.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The group of herpes viruses includes 4 viruses similar in morphology: HSV (herpes simplex), varicella-zoster - the causative agent of shingles and chicken pox, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus; In 1962, it was revealed that the herpes simplex virus has two serotypes - serotype 1 and serotype 2. Serological studies confirm that by the end of the 18th month of life, almost every person was in contact with AIV-1, while the entrance gates, as a rule, are Airways. The virus then enters the ganglion cells trigeminal nerve, but during life may never cause clinical manifestations of infection.

With HSV-2, the first contact usually occurs during puberty at the beginning of sexual relations. At the same time, after external manifestations, which may not be, the virus also passes into an inactive form and is able to persist in the cells of the sacral ganglion for a long time.

Herpes simplex, especially the second type, has oncogenic properties, which is of great importance, given the prevalence of infection. The incidence of herpes infection is approximately the same in all age groups and is equally common regardless of gender. Clinical manifestations depend on the location and size of the lesion, as well as on the general state of the immune system.

Manifestations of herpes

Herpes simplex is most often localized around the wings of the nose, the corners of the mouth, the red border of the lips and in the genital area, that is, around the natural openings. In one, less often in two or three places, against the background of limited hyperemia, small bubbles appear; each focus contains from two to ten or more. The bubbles are located in a group and are filled with a transparent exudate, which becomes cloudy after a few days. In some cases, single bubbles merge to form several multi-chamber bubbles that have an uneven scalloped edge and reach up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

When the process is localized, the blisters in areas of the skin that are not subject to maceration and friction shrink into a yellowish-gray crust, which disappears on its own after 5-7 days. And in place of the bubble, a pigmented area remains, after some time acquiring a normal color.

On the mucous membranes, as well as in those areas that are subject to maceration or friction, the bubbles open, as a result of which erosion of a polycyclic outline with a bright red bottom is formed. Rashes are accompanied by burning, pain and a tingling sensation, if there are a lot of rashes, swelling of nearby tissues occurs. The general condition of the patient with an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus does not suffer, but in some cases chills, muscle pain and subfebrile temperature. In general, the process takes 10-14 days, with the addition of a secondary infection, the duration of the disease increases.

The herpes simplex virus can cause herpetic stomatitis, the clinical manifestations of which are lesions of the mucous membrane of the mouth, lips, cheeks, gums and palate. Small groups of small vesicles appear on the swollen and hyperemic mucosa. The bubbles break open in the first few hours, leaving erosions that, due to fusion, have a finely scalloped outline. After 2-4 days, the erosions are covered with a delicate fibrous film, and then epithelialized. Herpetic stomatitis, not complicated by other infections, lasts 6-14 days, the general condition of the patient is satisfactory, but there is pain in the oral cavity and hypersalivation.

In young and preschool children, the herpes virus most often causes acute aphthous stomatitis. During a short prodromal period, general malaise, weakness, loss of appetite and a slight increase in body temperature are noted. The oral mucosa is sharply edematous and hyperemic, and aphthoid-like rashes are localized everywhere. Unlike simple stomatitis, rashes have the form of aphthae with a necrosis area in the center and a pronounced inflammatory rim around the periphery, the diameter of single rashes is up to 1 cm. As the process progresses, aphthae merge and form extensive erosive-ulcerative areas with uneven edges. There is hypersalivation, loss of appetite, fever and severe pain.

In some patients, relapses of herpes infection are possible, depending on seasonality or without regard to the time of year; with reduced immunity, relapses can occur several times a month. Clinical manifestations of recurrent herpes depend on the location, the general condition of the patient, but do not differ from the manifestations of herpes simplex.

The basis of the pathogenesis of recurrent herpes are predisposing factors: hypothermia or overheating of the body, general and colds, previously transferred infectious diseases, as well as all diseases that weaken cellular immunity. In women, there is a relationship between periods menstrual cycle and exacerbations of recurrent herpetic infection.

Diagnosis of herpes

Diagnosis of diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus is not difficult, and in typical cases, clinical manifestations make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. But when localized in the genital area, herpetic ulcers may resemble a hard chancre. The erosion caused by the herpes virus has a polycyclic outline and there is a tendency to merge small bubble elements, there is no infiltration specific to the chancre, and on the basis of this, their differentiation occurs. Herpes simplex, unlike syphilis, is acute and in most cases recurrent. In doubtful cases, resort to laboratory diagnostics and test discharge erosion for the presence of pale treponema.

Herpes, localized on the oral mucosa and flowing like stomatitis, should be differentiated from pemphigus vulgaris and from erythema multiforme exudative, which has a seasonal course and recurs in spring and autumn. Diagnosis of herpetic stomatitis is based on clinical manifestations. For stomatitis caused by the herpes simplex virus, swelling and hyperemia of the oral mucosa, the appearance of large blisters that are prone to fusion are characteristic. Bubbles open within a few hours, and in their place there are erosions with a scalloped edge, covered from above with a fibrous film. If the red border of the lips is affected, then the serous exudate quickly turns into bloody, while the rash shrinks into single bloody crusts. There is loss of appetite, hypersalivation and soreness when eating. Rashes in pemphigus are usually located singly on the mucosa that is not prone to swelling, epithelialization and the formation of a fibrous film also do not occur, acantholytic cells are found in smears from the eroded surface, and Nikolsky's symptom is positive, which is not observed when infected with the herpes virus.

If confirmation of the diagnosis for the presence of the herpes virus is required, then in the first few days from the onset of the disease cytological studies the most informative. The material is taken by scraping and stained according to Romanovsky-Giemsa; after staining, giant multinucleated cells with basophilic cytoplasm are clearly visible. The nuclei inside the cells are crowded, forming layers, and outwardly resemble a single conglomerate. If fuzzy staining occurs, then the nuclei may not have a clear outline, which does not make it difficult to confirm the diagnosis of herpes simplex. Additionally, a PCR study is carried out for the herpes simplex virus, an immunofluorescence reaction (RIF) and a study for antiherpetic antibodies by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

Herpes treatment

Treatment of recurrent herpes consists in immunorehabilitation of patients, this helps to achieve a reduction in relapses or stable remission. Herpes simplex does not tolerate monotherapy, since it is inappropriate, it is used only to treat the acute phase of the disease. If, however, such therapy is used as the only method of treatment, then the constant use of drugs such as acyclovir and valaciclovir, the use of ointments resemble a vicious circle from which it is impossible to escape, and stressful situations only exacerbate the patient's condition.

Vesicular lichen is a characteristic manifestation of the herpes simplex virus, in which small blisters with transparent contents are observed. They often occur in inflamed areas. skin.

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    Medical indications

    Dermatological lesions due to the herpes virus are quite common. They rank second in frequency of detection after the flu. The situation is complicated by the fact that almost 9 out of 10 inhabitants of the planet are carriers of this difficult virus. Relapses of the disease can develop at any time.

    In most cases, the activation of the microorganism occurs during stress, nervous tension, and hypothermia. Therefore, such lichen is often called "colds." Other reasons can provoke an episode of herpes:

    • overheating;
    • emotional outbursts;
    • infectious diseases;
    • hormonal imbalance.

    Every HIV-infected patient has symptoms of lichen.

    The development of lichen simplex can be caused by viruses of 2 serotypes, one of which causes a rash on the patient's face (on the lips, nose, cheeks, cornea of ​​the eyes). Infection with such a pathogen occurs in childhood. Most often, the virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, by contact. Another subspecies provokes the appearance of a rash on the perineum, on the buttocks, and genitals. Infection is possible only through sexual contact.

    Clinical manifestations

    The rash is located randomly on the surface of the skin. Previously, a feeling of discomfort, burning sensation appears on the skin. The cover turns red, small grouped vesicles with transparent exudate appear on it. After 2-3 days, the bubbles begin to burst, erosive formations appear in their place. In this case, patients feel severe pain, tingling and discomfort in the lesion. Dry crusts appear at the site of the rash, which can easily fall off. The rash does not leave marks or scars.

    Vesicular lichen has several clinical forms:

    1. 1. Pathology of newborns - there is a sharp rise in body temperature, swelling of the mucous cheeks, tongue, tonsils. Bubbles appear on them, which turn into erosion. There may also be an increase in the lymph nodes of the head.
    2. 2. Chronic pathology manifests itself periodically in the form of rashes. The frequency of such episodes is different: there are remissions lasting up to several years. Rarely, dermatosis occurs, in which new elements of the rash develop against the background of unhealed old formations.
    3. 3. Genital herpes - its causative agent is the first serotype of the virus. The disease develops with self-infection or with the use of other people's hygiene items (washcloths, toothbrushes, towels).
    4. 4. Kaposi's eczema is an extremely severe manifestation of the herpes virus. This dermatosis herpetiformis occupies large areas of the skin, provokes severe pain, and causes a rise in body temperature. After healing, scars often remain on the surface of the skin. In severe cases, the virus can affect not only the skin, but also internal organs. There have been cases with a fatal outcome.
    5. 5. Disease of gladiators - a rare form of pathology, occurs in athletes who compete in close contact with an opponent (wrestling). Characterized by localization of the rash in the area of ​​the neck, face, shoulders.
    6. 6. Pathology of the fingers on the hands is rare. It is characterized by a large area of ​​damage. Such an ailment is transmitted very often through injuries or damage to the skin.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Thanks to a specific clinic, the diagnosis of dermatosis is simple. Already at the initial examination, an accurate diagnosis can be made. For confirmation, a number of additional studies are carried out:

    1. 1. Samples for cytology. They are taken from the vesicles by scraping, stained and examined under a microscope.
    2. 2. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus.
    3. 3. PCR, which is carried out to detect the virus and determine its type, subtype. Venous blood or secretions from the genital organs are taken as laboratory material. Such a study is relevant for the acute period of pathology, and in the period of remission it can be false negative.

    Therapy Methods

    Herpes cannot be cured. The main emphasis in treatment is aimed at strengthening the protective properties of immunity. This is done in order to minimize the frequency of recurrence of pathology. It is best to use complex therapy against herpes.

    The first stage is the use of antiviral drugs (Atsik, Famvir). This in a short time significantly reduces the concentration of the virus in the body. The second stage is the use of immunomodulatory drugs (Cycloferon, Likopid).

    At the third stage, treatment with an inactivated vaccine is carried out. It can be carried out one month after the removal of the exacerbation. This method of struggle is recommended only after consulting specialists.

    The choice of the drug, its dosage and method of use is selected by the attending physician individually.

    It is based on the condition of the patient, the presence of complications, the type of virus and the state of immunity.

    As an addition, physiotherapy is often used:

    • UVI methods;
    • infrared irradiation;
    • laser therapy.

Is it true that medications won't cure lichen lichen? Lichen bubble photo

photo and effective methods of treatment

According to the statistics that the World Health Organization managed to compile, the bubble form of lichen occupies a leading position in popularity throughout the world, only the flu is ahead of it. Lichen simplex has characteristics, one of these is the formation of small bubbles on the skin or mucous membranes. This problem causes a lot of psychological discomfort, and also leads to serious complications. Let's look at the disease in more detail.

Varieties of lichen

In fact, the word "lichen" means a group of several heterogeneous diseases that have different pathogens.

By the nature of the causative agent of the disease, two types of lichen are distinguished:

  1. Simple. Usually, lichen simplex occurs in children in spring or autumn, and can be epidemic in nature. The causative agent is streptococcus, which affects mainly smooth and delicate skin. Simple lichen manifests itself as round or oval well-defined foci of whitish or pink color, covered with scales, sometimes there may be a slight itch. Especially noticeable in people with dark skin. Usually the skin around the mouth, cheeks, jaw is covered, rarely the rest of the body. Treatment is easy - they are lubricated with certain ointments that the doctor prescribes. During treatment, bathing is prohibited.
  2. Pityriasis (varicolored) lichen. This is a fungal disease. The causative agent is located in the upper layer of the skin, and it is very difficult to obtain a culture of the fungus for research. This disease is more common in adults, children are rarely exposed to it. It is almost not transmitted by direct contact.

The course of the disease.

Yellow-brown-pink spots form on the skin, which do not become inflamed. They increase over time. The color of the spots turns dark brown, accompanied by peeling, but do not itch and do not bother patients. Most often, this disease occurs throughout the body, even on the hair of the head, but the hair does not undergo changes. The disease lasts a long time, usually the treatment is delayed for several years, there are relapses. The diagnosis is made easily, without difficulty - by appearance and the condition of the patient, some specific samples are sometimes taken.


Basically, keratolytic (topical agents) and antifungal drugs, very rarely something is applied internally. Patients are advised to abandon synthetics, lubricate the body once a week with salicylic alcohol (1-3% solution) and frequent washing, and prevent excessive sweating.

  1. Shingles. Caused by a virus similar to chicken pox. It is also called herpes zoster due to the appearance of blisters on the skin during the course of the disease.

The course of the disease

After 7-8 days of the incubation period, a rash occurs. Before rashes, intense pain, fever, headache, burning, weakness are observed. By the nature of the bubbles, species are distinguished that will not be described in this article. The main feature of shingles is the spread of the disease along nerve fiber. It can be located anywhere on the body, but most frequent places- head, forehead, neck, eye areas, chest, abdomen, thighs.

Unfortunately, complications with visual impairment and damage are possible. auditory nerve so treatment is necessary. Usually, after shingles, immunity occurs, and relapse in patients does not occur. The diagnosis is made quite easily by appearance and pain. This form of lichen is contagious by contact.


Antibiotics are prescribed, many intravenous supporting substances, such as vitamin B1, acetylsalicylic acid for external use. In some cases, acyclovir and analgesics are prescribed.

  1. Pink deprive. It is not completely known what caused its occurrence, perhaps it is an infectious-allergic process.

The course of the disease.

A rounded or oval "plaque" appears, with a slightly sunken base and covered with characteristic scales. For some time before this, patients may complain of weakness, fever and headache. Further causes a rash in the form of pink-red spots, clearly defined and oval, with scales, remains bad feeling sick. Sometimes accompanied by a feeling of itching and burning.

The course of this lichen is usually seasonal, with the development of pigmentation and long-term immunity.


Ointments with antibiotics and others active ingredients. Antibiotics are also used antihistamines by mouth, sometimes the streptococcal vaccine, and many other drugs. Food irritants are limited, only a short shower is allowed for the entire duration of treatment.

  1. Red lichen planus. Unfortunately, the disease is chronic. It is characterized by rashes of papules on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. As in the case pink lichen, the reason is not clear. There are several forms of this lichen, diagnosis is easy in appearance. For the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to identify other somatic diseases that could cause illness. A certain diet is also prescribed and some external preparations are used.

Of course, not all types of lichen are described here, but pay attention to the variety of diseases this word hides. And it is not always necessary to be afraid of a person with the phrase: “I have lichen”, because. many of its forms are not contagious by contact and also treat well.

Why does blistering occur?

Inflammation is caused by a fairly common herpes simplex virus, in medicine it is referred to as the first type. In different countries of the world, about 90% of the total population have a strain of herpes in their blood. The infection usually occurs during childhood, the virus enters the body through the air after contact with the carrier or even at birth.

There are two main types of the causative agent of herpes simplex:

  1. The first affects the skin on the face, mucous membranes of the eyes, lips, corneas.
  2. The second is characterized by rashes in intimate areas.

The second can be infected only after sexual intercourse, when the pathogen penetrates the surface of the mucous membranes. In any case, the lichen lichen virus penetrates into circulatory system, then enters the ternary nerve, and then spreads through the nervous system. For a long time, he does not show any signs of his existence. Reasons for the awakening of the virus:

  1. Weakening of the protective functions of the body as a result of past diseases.
  2. Skin injuries.
  3. Systematic stress, as well as psychological failures.
  4. Immunodeficiency in hepatitis or AIDS.
  5. Sharp hormonal disruptions that occur in women as a result of menstruation.

Quite often, lichen occurs in children suffering from reduced immunity, as a result of which the eyes are affected. This can lead to the development of conjunctivitis and even a temporary decrease in vision. Eruptions on the tonsils lead to problems with swallowing and eating. On the hands, blistering lichen can recur, that is, appear several times a year. This fact indicates the presence of serious health problems, for example, disorders may be hiding in one of the body systems. Many have experienced the effect of lichen on their lips, which is often confused with the consequences of a cold.

Types of vesicular lichen

Lichen lichen is a serious skin lesion that consists of several small blisters that contain a clear liquid. The bubble has a rounded shape. Basically, pustules appear on the cheeks or lips, as well as on the nose. In rare cases, symptoms appear on the genitals. Experts share several varieties of the disease, depending on the location:

  • herpetic stomatitis, occurs, as a rule, in children on the surface of the cheeks from the inside;
  • herpetic glossitis, located on the tongue;
  • herpetic sore throat affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and tonsils;
  • genital herpes is localized on the external genitalia.

It is the latter variety that is the most dangerous for patients, and it is diagnosed in men and women. Development on the mucous membranes can lead to severe edema, lymphostasis in the thigh area, cause cervical cancer or a prostate tumor in the male body.

Symptoms of the disease

The development of the disease begins with a slight itch, which gradually develops into an unbearable feeling. This is accompanied by a burning sensation in the area of ​​abscess formation. In this area, the skin becomes red and inflamed, the surface is covered with small bubbles. After a few days, the liquid inside them becomes cloudy, after some time they may open, which will be accompanied by the release of ichor. As a result of this process, erosion and various damages will form on the skin. Basically, lichen lichen causes the following symptoms:

  • the focus of infection is characterized by the presence of characteristic rashes;
  • abscesses of small sizes merge into large ones, resulting in significant irregularities on the skin;
  • chills, fever, and even a state close to fever are observed;
  • as soon as the primary foci disappear, secondary formations will begin to form in their place or nearby.

As soon as the liquid comes out of the bubble, it will begin to heal, covered with a dry crust. After it falls off, ulcers and scars will remain on the skin.

How to diagnose and treat ringworm?

An experienced specialist can identify simple vesicular standard lichen by appearance. However, this is not enough, the doctor must refer the patient to the analysis of the excreted fluid and scraping cytology. These studies will refute or confirm the doctor's assumption, in addition, they will determine the presence of infections that will complicate the treatment process. Additionally, the patient may be prescribed:

  • a blood test for antibodies;
  • if necessary, ultrasound examination of the viscera;
  • PRC examination to determine the type of virus.

Biological material is taken only in the acute period of development, in order to obtain the most reliable information. Based on these data, a further treatment plan is drawn up. Therapy is a complex process, since it requires high competence from doctors, it is important to treat the disease in a complex manner. It is impossible to completely cope with the causative agent of the disease, even with the help of modern medicines, therefore the main bias is aimed at reducing side effects, as well as the suppression of the activity of the virus.

Necessarily therapy includes the following aspects:

  • the use of antiviral agents, they inhibit the pathogen, which puts it into a "sleep" mode;
  • increase in the protective functions of the body;
  • the effect of a special vaccine, it is administered after it is possible to normalize inflammatory process. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent recurrence of depriving.

Treatment of lichen lichen can be supplemented with the use of a special ointment, it will act localized directly on the rash. You can choose one of the following options:

  1. Florinal ointment.
  2. Helepin ointment.
  3. Cream Aciclovir.

A specialist can prescribe physiotherapy, and also undergo a course of infrared light irradiation, and laser therapy will not be superfluous. As a result of such manipulations, it is possible to act directly on the affected areas of the body.

Vesicular lichen - dangerous disease which requires a lot of endurance and determination from the patient. This is due to the fact that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the disease, you can only “lull” it and minimize the manifestation of symptoms. However, any negative factor can cause a relapse, which may require therapy again.

Lichen simplex: symptoms and treatment

Vesicular lichen is a characteristic manifestation of the herpes simplex virus, in which small blisters with transparent contents are observed. Often they occur on inflamed areas of the skin.

Medical indications

Dermatological lesions due to the herpes virus are quite common. They rank second in frequency of detection after the flu. The situation is complicated by the fact that almost 9 out of 10 inhabitants of the planet are carriers of this difficult virus. Relapses of the disease can develop at any time.

In most cases, the activation of the microorganism occurs during stress, nervous tension, and hypothermia. Therefore, such lichen is often called "colds." Other reasons can provoke an episode of herpes:

  • overheating;
  • emotional outbursts;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Every HIV-infected patient has symptoms of lichen.

The development of lichen simplex can be caused by viruses of 2 serotypes, one of which causes a rash on the patient's face (on the lips, nose, cheeks, cornea of ​​the eyes). Infection with such a pathogen occurs in childhood. Most often, the virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, by contact. Another subspecies provokes the appearance of a rash on the perineum, on the buttocks, and genitals. Infection is possible only through sexual contact.

Causes and treatment of simple white lichen in a child

Clinical manifestations

The rash is located randomly on the surface of the skin. Previously, a feeling of discomfort, burning sensation appears on the skin. The cover turns red, small grouped vesicles with transparent exudate appear on it. After 2-3 days, the bubbles begin to burst, erosive formations appear in their place. In this case, patients feel severe pain, tingling and discomfort in the lesion. Dry crusts appear at the site of the rash, which can easily fall off. The rash does not leave marks or scars.

Vesicular lichen has several clinical forms:

  1. 1. Pathology of newborns - there is a sharp rise in body temperature, swelling of the mucous cheeks, tongue, tonsils. Bubbles appear on them, which turn into erosion. There may also be an increase in the lymph nodes of the head.
  2. 2. Chronic pathology manifests itself periodically in the form of rashes. The frequency of such episodes is different: there are remissions lasting up to several years. Rarely, dermatosis occurs, in which new elements of the rash develop against the background of unhealed old formations.
  3. 3. Genital herpes - its causative agent is the first serotype of the virus. The disease develops with self-infection or with the use of other people's hygiene items (washcloths, toothbrushes, towels).
  4. 4. Kaposi's eczema is an extremely severe manifestation of the herpes virus. This dermatosis herpetiformis occupies large areas of the skin, provokes severe pain, and causes a rise in body temperature. After healing, scars often remain on the surface of the skin. In severe cases, the virus can affect not only the skin, but also internal organs. There have been cases with a fatal outcome.
  5. 5. Disease of gladiators - a rare form of pathology, occurs in athletes who compete in close contact with an opponent (wrestling). Characterized by localization of the rash in the area of ​​the neck, face, shoulders.
  6. 6. Pathology of the fingers on the hands is rare. It is characterized by a large area of ​​damage. Such an ailment is transmitted very often through injuries or damage to the skin.

Symptoms and treatment of lumbar lichen

Diagnosis of pathology

Thanks to a specific clinic, the diagnosis of dermatosis is simple. Already at the initial examination, an accurate diagnosis can be made. For confirmation, a number of additional studies are carried out:

  1. 1. Samples for cytology. They are taken from the vesicles by scraping, stained and examined under a microscope.
  2. 2. Blood test for the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus.
  3. 3. PCR, which is carried out to detect the virus and determine its type, subtype. Venous blood or secretions from the genital organs are taken as laboratory material. Such a study is relevant for the acute period of pathology, and in the period of remission it can be false negative.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of shingles

Therapy Methods

Herpes cannot be cured. The main emphasis in treatment is aimed at strengthening the protective properties of immunity. This is done in order to minimize the frequency of recurrence of pathology. It is best to use complex therapy against herpes.

The first stage is the use of antiviral drugs (Atsik, Famvir). This in a short time significantly reduces the concentration of the virus in the body. The second stage is the use of immunomodulatory drugs (Cycloferon, Likopid).

At the third stage, treatment with an inactivated vaccine is carried out. It can be carried out one month after the removal of the exacerbation. This method of struggle is recommended only after consulting specialists.

The choice of the drug, its dosage and method of use is selected by the attending physician individually.

It is based on the condition of the patient, the presence of complications, the type of virus and the state of immunity.

As an addition, physiotherapy is often used:

  • UVI methods;
  • infrared irradiation;
  • laser therapy.

Non-traditional approaches to the fight against dermatosis

Due to the prevalence of this disease, many are trying to cope with the exacerbation of the process at home:

  1. 1. Aloe juice. Effective method defeat the virus on the most early stages. It is important to lubricate the skin repeatedly at the first symptoms of pathology.
  2. 2. Tea tree oil. Great for treatment different stages ailment. They lubricate the rash three times a day. You can also use sea buckthorn oil, fir.
  3. 3. Iodine. Helps with herpes in its earliest stages. The rash is abundantly lubricated with iodine at the first manifestations of a burning sensation on the skin.
  4. 4. Herbal teas are used to maintain the immune properties of a person. Drink tea from rose hips, lemon balm, chamomile, sweet clover.

How to prevent the development of the disease?

The most contagious period is the exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, at this time it is important to completely exclude kisses, hugs, close contacts. Some recommendations should be followed:

  • wash your hands thoroughly after each touching the vials;
  • medicated creams, ointments should be applied to the areas of the rash cotton swab, not by hands;
  • an infectious patient should have individual dishes, towels, hygiene items;
  • you can not press the bubbles, tear off the crusts - this is fraught with the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, the addition of bacterial flora;
  • to increase the protective qualities of the body, it is best to take multivitamin complexes.

To prevent the recurrence of herpes, it is important to conduct healthy lifestyle life, temper, get enough sleep. It is always necessary to dress according to the weather, avoid hypothermia and excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Bubble (wet) lichen: causes, symptoms and treatment

Vesical lichen is also called wet, it is considered one of the most common types of disease among dermatitis in humans. Most often, the nature of its origin is considered allergic and it is unable to be transmitted to other people. Usually the disease is chronic and indolent, but there are cases when patients show enough acute form lichen development.

For months and even years this disease brings a person physical discomfort and a sense of inconvenience in society. In other words, this type of lichen is considered herpes simplex, which manifests itself in the form of small blisters on the skin filled with a clear liquid. According to WHO statistics, almost 90% of the entire population of the planet suffer from this disease.

Relapses of the disease can occur absolutely at any time and in the very different ages. This is because the virus that entered the body and caused the appearance of the fungus never leaves it again. There are cases when people are not bothered by lichen for several decades, and some relapses occur annually during the period of exacerbation of allergic reactions of the body.

Causes and symptoms of vesicular lichen

To provoke a recurrence of the disease can be very diverse factors emanating from the human body and from the environment. Most often, provocateurs can be hormonal disruptions and stressful situations in human life, strong exposure to ultraviolet rays and overheating in the sun, previously transferred infections of various origins.

The difficulty of quick and complete treatment of weeping lichen is due to the fact. that the scientists of the world have not been able to fully study the causes that are provocateurs to the appearance of the disease. However, there are several main factors that experts confidently attribute to the main causes of the development of wet lichen in humans. The main ones include the following:

  1. Functional disturbances nervous system person, which can even begin with early childhood and is completely hereditary. hereditary predisposition in almost fifty percent of cases is the root cause of the development of wet lichen.
  2. The vesicular form of lichen can also manifest itself as a result of various kinds of infections, as well as damage to the peripheral nervous system. Violations of the digestive system, as well as the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, often lead to a deterioration in the condition of a sick person.
  3. An important role in most dermatological diseases is played by impaired functioning endocrine system, which is responsible for the most important functions in the human body.
  4. Not only internal problems in the body become the causes of the onset of the disease and its progression. Environment and varied external factors may reinforce clinical picture diseases, but almost never act as the root cause of lichen. Aggressive chemicals and professional employment of a person play an important role in the development of lichen.

The clinical manifestations of lichen largely depend on the degree of the disease in a person, as well as on his predisposition to allergic reactions. Dermatological symptoms begin with the appearance of a slight burning sensation, itching and discomfort on the skin. Over time, all this develops into the development of inflamed areas on the human body.

After that, several foci of inflammation begin to actively blush and acquire a burgundy hue. On several parts of the body, a person begins to form groups of rashes, in the center of which there are bubbles of different diameters. Usually these are small rashes, inside of which there is a clear liquid without any characteristic odor. Pain and a tingling sensation appear during the formation of erosion and the opening of the bubbles.

Modern methods of treating the disease

It is important to diagnose the correct disease in a timely manner and begin to treat it only with an integrated approach. Majority medical preparations sold in pharmacies are able to effectively cope with lichen pathogens in a short period of time.

Wet lichen can be treated with several therapies, but it is best to combine several of the following:

  • taking medications such as Acyclovir or Famvir. They have a directed effect on the body and can have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the disease;
  • it is important to keep the immune system in good shape during the period of exacerbation of depriving. In this case, a course of application of such medicines. like Cycloferon or Likopid. They are made on the basis of interferons, to which lichen is very sensitive;
  • prevention of relapse can be achieved by selecting and administering a certain type of vaccine for a person, it is best to use it during the subsidence of the main course of the disease to achieve the greatest effect

For many decades, the means remain popular traditional medicine which are good to use in combination with drug therapy and physiotherapy procedures. There are some of the most popular recipes that you can actually cook at home from improvised means:

  1. Tincture from lichen based on alcohol. To prepare it, you will need about one glass of pure alcohol, which can be replaced with vodka. Add about 50 grams of propolis to the liquid and infuse the solution in a dark and cool room, optimal time exposure - ten days. After this time, the tincture can be applied several times a day to the areas of the skin localized by the fungus. In just a week, you can almost completely eliminate the symptoms of depriving.
  2. An ordinary raisin has a secret property. In the process of fermentation, it produces certain types of fungi that can fight lichen. To prepare the mixture, it is enough to finely scroll about 50 grams of pitted raisins and dilute the gruel with 20 grams of alcohol (vodka). Let it brew for several days and apply pointwise several times a week.
  3. Every home has common cooking salt and baking soda. It is these two components together that negatively affect the nature of the occurrence of lichen. For cooking simple recipe you will need to mix two tablespoons of both components together and dilute them with boiled water to get a mixture resembling sour cream in density. Rub the product on the affected areas of the skin several times a day.

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causes, symptoms and treatments

Lichen lichen or herpes simplex is known to almost every person. After all, almost every second person faces this disease. It is caused by the action of a viral infection and is expressed in the form of watery blisters around the lips or nose, and can also appear in the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Infection with this virus occurs even in childhood and it can live quietly in the carrier's body for some time. But under the influence of the flu virus or the common cold, herpes is activated and progresses.

Causes of vesicular deprivation

Vesicular lichen occurs under the influence of herpes simplex. He is known for the fact that rashes appear on the nose and lips, much less often such defects can appear on other parts of the body. The immune system does not fight this infection for a simple reason - it settles on the nerve processes immediately upon entering the body, which makes it completely invisible to immune cells. There are cases when the virus caused nerve damage, which was accompanied by severe pain.

Currently, herpes has not yet been fully studied by science and there is no treatment that would help to completely get rid of it. In addition, if the lichen lichen virus enters the body once, it will remain there forever and will make itself felt from time to time. No one modern method treatment does not provide a complete cure for the disease.

How often bubble lichen appears, the photo of which can be seen below, depends entirely on how strong the person's immunity is. The virus cannot manifest itself in full force while the body's defenses are strong. Most often, herpes is activated:

  • for acute and chronic diseases;
  • at negative emotions and stress;
  • from lack of rest and exhaustion of the body;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • if a person abuses sunburn;
  • pregnancy.

Most often, it is enough to get nervous before the first date or passing a difficult exam, and an unpleasant bubble immediately jumps off on the lip, spoiling the mood even more.

How the virus is transmitted

Herpes is transmitted by contact. It is very easy to get infected, because the virus is very sticky. The pathogen is found in saliva, on mucous membranes, blood and is able to live outside the carrier for some time, which leaves no way to avoid infection. It is worth remembering that in most cases a person becomes infected in childhood, and it is impossible to cure the virus - modern medicines not efficient enough for that.

You can also get blistering lichen when an infection is introduced through a wound on the skin. So, if you have to communicate with a person who has herpes, try to contact him as little as possible.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, the herpes virus appears in the lips. This is due to the fact that infection occurs through the mouth: with a kiss. The virus is located on the ternary facial nerve and periodically manifests itself with the following symptoms:

In addition, the course of the disease may be accompanied by fever and general malaise. The appearance of herpes on the leg or arm is accompanied by the same symptoms, but strong pain.

Treatment of the disease

Basically, the treatment of herpes is accompanied by a course of taking antiviral drugs. The patient will be prescribed drugs such as Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir. As an additional therapy, ointments can be applied, which are used topically and help prevent the spread of blisters and reduce itching in damaged areas of the skin. To stop the virus inside the body, the patient is prescribed tablets containing these components. This helps stop the virus from multiplying.

At severe pain the patient may be prescribed painkillers and sedatives. As an additional therapy, vitamin preparations are used. And in special cases, when traditional methods of treatment are powerless, immunomodulatory therapy can be used.

The use of folk methods

Herpes simplex is widespread. This explains the abundance folk ways treatment of this disease. The most common are aloe and tea tree oil. They should lubricate the damaged area from the moment itching appears. Tea tree helps to cope with herpes at any stage. It does not allow the skin to dry out and form open wounds.

Iodine and garlic are also widely used to treat vesicles. They should lubricate the damaged area of ​​​​the skin at the first symptoms of burning and itching. Usually, these drugs help relieve symptoms and prevent the development of the disease.

To maintain immunity, it is worth drinking rosehip, currant and raspberry tea. This will help saturate the body with vitamins and strengthen its defenses.

Preventive measures

When a patient has skin rashes, he poses a particular danger to others. Therefore, at this time it is recommended to avoid contact with healthy people. If this is not possible, then at least avoid kissing. To prevent the spread of infection, simple preventive measures should be followed.

In no case do not touch the damaged areas of the skin with your hands. If you had to do this, wash them immediately. Apply creams and ointments to the damaged area of ​​the skin not with your finger, but with a cotton swab or a special spatula. Use a separate towel when washing and eating utensils. Do not try in any case to open the bubbles or tear off the dried area of ​​​​the skin, this can lead to infection of healthy areas.

In order for the herpes virus not to hit you - strengthen your immune system, temper yourself, walk more in the fresh air and get enough sleep. Also, try to dress appropriately for the weather, avoid hypothermia and excessive UV exposure. Be healthy!

causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

This disease is viral, develops as a result of the fact that the body is damaged by the herpes virus. Simple vesicular lichen (according to ICD-10, the disease was assigned code B00) is a fairly common disease.

The main causes of occurrence

Simple bubble lichen, the photo of which is presented above, appears as a result of the fact that the herpes simplex virus enters the human body, which is activated. Most often, infection occurs during infancy.

Under the influence of certain reasons, the virus may begin to awaken. In this case, the process of development of bubble lichen is started. Most often, this disease manifests itself in older people, this is due to natural process. Based on this, it becomes clear that incubation period is not limited, it can last for several decades.

First signs

Symptoms this disease manifests itself rapidly, initially appears sharp pain, which worries constantly, after that the infected person has other symptoms, such as:

  • Changes in body temperature. Often this is accompanied by chills, the temperature rises rapidly, and then normalizes.

  • The general condition becomes worse, weakness, lethargy and antipathy appear.
  • The digestive organs cease to function normally.
  • The patient has frequent headaches and dizziness.
  • Lesions appear on the skin in the form of a rash, which, in turn, causes tingling and severe itching.

Other symptoms

Already in the first stages of the disease on the patient, it will be possible to notice characteristic small vesicles that are located close. This type of inflammation can gradually reach a large size and merge together. Often such rashes appear in the patient throughout the body. The vertebral zone becomes the focus of neoplasms, then they spread to the stomach. Several foci of inflammation may appear on the body at once, and they will be located symmetrically, but there are also cases where their placement is asymmetrical.

In rare cases, a rash may appear on the face, especially in the cheeks and eyes.

Still extremely rare cases of the appearance of such lichen on the buttocks, feet, thighs and chest. If immunity is greatly reduced, the development of a rash can spread throughout the skin.

The rash remains on the body for no more than 14 days. Throughout this time, the bubbles are covered with a hard crust, and later they dry out and crumble. But the pain syndrome in this disease can remain even after the rash has passed.

How to diagnose a disease?

When external manifestations appeared on the body, the rash must be shown to a therapist or dermatologist. And this will be enough to make an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will determine the strain of the virus by a characteristic rash. After that, he will collect an anamnesis and conduct laboratory research according to prescribed methodology. The most common diagnosis of this type of lichen is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. A blood test is taken.
  2. An immunofluorescent study of the patient is being performed.
  3. PCR is carried out.

If the patient has signs of a complication, it is necessary to conduct an additional check, for example, to do an MRI. In the event of a serious complication, doctors may prescribe additional studies in order to determine the exact condition of the patient, as well as to find out the cause of the onset of this disease.

Proper treatment of the disease

If this disease has appeared in adults, then this can cause a serious complication, therefore, in no case do doctors recommend self-treatment of vesicular lichen (the photo of the disease is presented above). If during the examination in the hospital it was found that this particular disease is present, then it is necessary to start complex therapy using special preparations. At the moment, there are a huge number of drugs that are designed to suppress viruses and eliminate its characteristic manifestations.

Most of those infected are being treated on an outpatient basis. Those who have the immunodeficiency virus, in case of a severe course of the disease, must be in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

How to treat vesicular lichen with the help of pharmacology?

This lichen is well treated with medication, but before you start taking medications, you should consult your doctor. All medicines that are taken during this disease are prescribed by a doctor. First of all, it is recommended to use antiviral drugs, they are available in the form of an ointment or tablets. The most popular are:

  • "Zovirax".
  • "Valacyclovir".

In addition to means for oral administration, with lichen lichen in children and adults, ointments are necessarily prescribed for local application, which allow you to accelerate the process of maturation and drying of the rash. Often there is such a situation that interferon is prescribed as therapy. These drugs have their own characteristics. They only work on the virus.

In the event that a lesion of the nervous system has occurred, the patient experiences convulsions, drugs intended for an anticonvulsant state are prescribed, these include Gabapentin and Pregabalin.

And also an accelerator is often used, which affects the disease and eliminates the signs of any infection. Doctors recommend that patients take corticosteroids. And in order to eliminate the pain syndrome and reduce its intensity, special painkillers or anesthetics are prescribed.

The most popular drugs

The list of optimal remedies for this disease is quite large. Ibuprofen is often prescribed, but the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs are:

  • "Nimesil".
  • "Naproxen".
  • Meloxicam.

In order to actively combat itching, special antihistamines are prescribed. They are also necessary in order to improve the condition during the period of infectious therapy.

Unfortunately, it often happens that during therapy other bacterial infections join the course of the disease. In order to prevent this, antidepressants are prescribed (for example, Fluxicin), as well as a whole complex of vitamins and homeopathy. When the case is too severe and advanced, the patient is advised to vaccinate and administer a drug to weaken the virus. This procedure contributes to the rapid destruction of the damaging infection.


Treatment of vesicular lichen at home includes proper nutrition and hygiene rules.

At the moment when the patient has begun treatment for lichen, it is necessary to start eating right so that there are no foods in the diet that contribute to the development of this virus. On the contrary, it is necessary to use those foods that contain special vitamins to maintain and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E, B and C are excellent protection for immunity, they strengthen it, and thus the acidity in the body for the virus decreases, this habitat is unfavorable.

Best Products

Products that must be consumed in order to actively fight against bubble lichen:

  1. Brewer's yeast.
  2. Lean meat.
  3. Seaweed.
  4. Ginger.
  5. Potato.
  6. Products containing soy.
  7. Milk.
  8. Seafood.

Doctors recommend that you carefully monitor the diet, it is advisable to exclude products fast food, alcoholic drinks, fried fish dishes and those dishes that are heavily seasoned with pepper. All these foods are heavy, as they overload the liver, and this, in turn, can have a tremendous impact on the human immune system.


Proper hygiene is also very important during lichen disease. It is necessary to properly carry out activities related to bathing. In order to prevent the development of rashes, it is necessary to follow such rules as:

  • Hand washing should be done as often as possible using disinfectant soap.
  • During illness, only personal hygiene products should be used. Comb, towel, dishes must also be your own.
  • Bed linen should be changed as often as possible, it is recommended to do this every two to three days.
  • Ointments that will soften the skin must be applied with a special cotton pad or ear stick, which should be thrown away immediately.
  • In no case should you touch the lesions with hands that have not been disinfected, this can provoke a large development of the network.

Dermatologists categorically forbid patients suffering from this disease from squeezing blisters, and it is also not recommended to peel off crusts with erosion. All these activities can lead to the fact that there is a lot of damage to the soft tissues, and the infection can spread further through the body.

Folk remedies for dealing with such a virus

In order to buy this species depriving, you can use not only antiviral agents, but also medicines that are prepared from natural products and medicinal herbs.

From traditional medicine, for the treatment of a blistering rash, it is recommended to use the following tinctures as an additional drug:

  • Propolis tincture. To prepare this drug, 300 g of alcohol, 40 g of dry propolis are needed. All this is mixed and left to brew for several days. After preparation, the product is ready for use, they need to treat the area around the inflammation. This will help prevent further distribution rash.
  • Aloe is also an excellent remedy in the fight against lichen. To prepare it, you need to twist a few leaves of the plant in a meat grinder and strain with gauze. The liquid that was obtained from the plant is meant to wipe the rash. This procedure is recommended to be done four or six times a day.
  • Garlic is also ideal in the fight against a viral disease. It must be crushed, squeeze out the juice, and treat the affected area with the resulting liquid. This procedure is done three to four times a day. Before performing this event, the skin must be cleaned of impurities. This is done with an antiseptic.

Consequences of the disease

Unfortunately, the dermatosis that resulted from viral disease, can be very serious and carry complications. They are divided into two types:

  • Specific. These consequences are manifested if the treatment of lichen was not timely or incorrect. At the moment when the active development of diseases is carried out, the virus can enter the internal organs and disrupt the functioning of the liver tissue, damage the brain or damage the esophagus.
  • Nonspecific complications. These consequences can occur at the moment when another virus or bacterium joins during the period of illness. Such a situation can result in a purulent inflammation unfolding or a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, getting rid of the disease will be much more difficult and lengthy.

Additional measures

During the period of time when lichen is actively developing, the patient poses a great danger not only to himself, but also to others. In order to prevent the transmission of the disease, it is necessary to constantly monitor the functioning of the immune system. It is recommended to constantly supply it with vitamins. It is also necessary to reduce the risk of recurrence. To do this, it is recommended:

  1. Apply ointments designed to fight the virus.
  2. Eat properly.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. Take drugs that improve the immune system.

Unfortunately, lichen diseases often occur when the immune system has not yet matured. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing this virus, it is necessary to monitor nutrition, especially in the autumn or spring, use a complex of vitamins. This will allow you to take preventive measures, improve immunity and thus protect yourself or your child from diseases.

Vesicular lichen photo - Fashionable beautiful

DEprive vesicular SIMPLE (herpes simplex).

Etiology and pathogenesis. The causative agent is a neurotropic filterable virus. It appears in most cases during non-specialized infectious diseases (influenza, malaria, pneumonia, cerebrospinal meningitis, etc.), with gastrointestinal disorders, often after trauma (tooth extraction, burns, etc.), intoxication (carbon monoxide, alcohol, etc.), when using certain drugs (salvarsan preparations, bismuth, mercury, various sera and vaccines), from time to time during menstruation, etc.

Symptoms. A group of vesicles ranging in size from a pinhead to a millet grain on normal or steam reddened edematous skin. The rash is preceded by mild itching. burning and tingling. The contents of the vesicles are initially transparent, after which they become cloudy (suppurate). After 3-6 days, the bubbles burst, dry up with the formation of serous-purulent crusts, or superficial erosions form. Vesicular lichen does not leave scars. With complications of pyoderma, regional The lymph nodes.

Localization: on the lips (herpes labialis), wings of the nose (herpes nasalis), skin of the face (herpes facialis), genitals (herpes progenitalis), buttocks (herpes glutaealis), on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (herpes buccalis), pharynx (herpes pharyngealis), conjunctiva (herpes conjunctivalis), urethra (herpes urethralis), etc. There are frequent repeated rashes in certain areas of the skin and mucous membranes - recurrent vesicular lichen (herpes recidivans).

Atypical forms: zosteriform vesicular lichen (herpes simplex zosteriformis), abortive form, edematous form. A special form is herpetic fever (herpes febrilis).

Histologically, an intraepidermal vesicle is noted, which is formed as a result of deep degeneration of epidermal cells in the form of ballooning and reticular degeneration; in actual skin - hypostasis. expansion of the blood vessels of the papillary layer or perivascular infiltrate.

Differentiate to be sent with herpes zoster. streptococcal impetigo. with localization of erosions of vesicular lichen on the genitals - with primary erosive syphiloma, soft chancre, erosive circinary balanoposthitis, scabies, vulvitis, acute vulvar ulcer, etc. with localization on mucous membranes - with aphthae. Vincent's angina. secondary syphilitic eruptions.

Treatment. With simple forms of vesicular lichen, it is possible to limit yourself to local therapy. With herpetic fever - treatment of the underlying disease. With a recurrent form - autohemo- or autoserotherapy, lactotherapy, injections of vitamin B1 (5%) 2 ml every other day, a total of 15-20 injections, inside aureomycin 250-1000 mg per day (in capsules) for 10-15 days, biomycin 1 g per day for 5-10 days, rivanol 0.05 g 3 times a day, ascorbic acid 0.2-0.3 g 2 times a day for 15-20 days, intravenous infusions of calcium chloride , intramuscular injections of gamma globulin. In persistently recurrent cases, repeated (4-5 times) inoculations of smallpox vaccine 1 time in 2 weeks, local interferon in the form of a cream for 4-6 days.

It is necessary to examine the patient to detect and eliminate violations of the functions of the gonads, neuropsychiatric and gastrointestinal diseases, focal infection, etc. Local treatment is the same as for shingles. From time to time, it is possible to prevent the rash of bubbles by re-lubricating the reddened areas of the skin with resorcinol or camphor alcohol. In the presence of crusts - Lassar paste, ichthyol-dermatol paste, etc. In the erosive form - lotions from a 3% solution of boric acid, drilling fluid, 0.25% solution of lapis.

In the stage of bubbles rash, general ultraviolet irradiation (ARC lamp), at one moment local ultraviolet irradiation (distance 50-75 cm, starting from 0.5 biodose, adding 0.25 biodose at any time, bringing up to 0.5 biodose per irradiation) . When a rash occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, frequent rinsing with a solution of chamomile (Flores chamomillae) - 1 tablespoon of chamomile color per glass of boiling water, not strong with solutions of boric acid, soda, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. With neuralgic pain - painkillers.

Rp. Ichthyoli 0.9 Dermatoli 3.0 Pastae Zinci 30.0 M. f. pasta D.S. Paste

Rp. Ac. tannici 1.5 T-rae iodi 2.0 Glycerini 25.0 MDS. Lubricate 2-3 times a day

Prevention. Elimination of focal infection (sanation of the oral cavity, pharynx, nose and adnexal cavities). Treatment of diseases of the nervous, endocrine system. gastrointestinal tract, etc. Hygienic maintenance of re-affected areas of the skin or mucous membranes. Patients with lichen lichen on the genitals should refrain from sexual intercourse during the period of rashes, and if bubbles are localized on the lips, from kissing, using cutlery alone, etc. In case of recurrent herpetic rashes, especially those fixed in time and place, avoid cooling, overheating , beware of acute infections (flu, tonsillitis, etc.), gastrointestinal diseases, etc.


drugs that are most effective for its treatment

Today I offer you an article about perhaps the most common infection. This is herpes simplex, or lichen lichen, which occurs in almost everyone. Antigens to the pathogen can be found in 80-90% of the world's population.

Infection with the herpes simplex virus occurs more often between the ages of 1 and 3 years, because during this period the amount of antibodies received from the mother decreases sharply.

More often, infection of children occurs imperceptibly, but there are cases with a vivid clinical picture.

The most severe course is observed in children during the first months of life, since the disease can become generalized, the rash is localized on the mucous membranes oral cavity, eyes, skin. Rare cases of detection of primary herpes in the adult population.

Herpetic infection rarely recurs after its manifestation, more often it goes into a latent form and makes itself felt when the body is weakened.


The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, contact with which occurs in almost everyone by 18 months of age.

The first contact between a person and a virus ends with the penetration of the latter into the ganglia of the trigeminal nerve. There it goes into a latent form and may not bother you all your life.

The herpes simplex virus is usually characterized by a rash on the mucous membrane of the lips, it also causes keratoconjunctivitis, and rarely affects the skin in other places.

How is the disease progressing?

The favorite localization of the virus is in areas of the skin or mucous membrane near natural openings. These are the lips, the skin of the wings of the nose, the corners of the mouth, and also in the genital area.

Bubble lichen begins with the appearance of small, the size of millet grains, bubbles. More often it is one focus, less often - two or more.

Each focus contains from 2 to 10 or more bubbles. The elements are located in a group, contain serous fluid, which becomes cloudy after 2-3 days.

The fusion of the bubbles leads to the appearance of large chambers, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, with scalloped edges (see photo).

Areas of the skin that are most subject to friction soon become covered with macerated foci, crusts, which disappear after 5-6 days, leaving hypopigmented spots.

On the mucous membranes and skin areas exposed to friction, the bubbles open, exposing the eroded surface.

Of the subjective symptoms, burning, pain predominate, the general condition is usually not disturbed, but some patients note muscle pain, chills, and weakness.

The disease itself lasts from 1 to 1.5 weeks. If there is a secondary infection, the process is delayed.

In childhood, herpes simplex often manifests itself in the form of gingvostomatitis, painful blisters appear in the oral cavity, which burst, then erosion, which are covered with a yellow or gray film.

In a third of cases, herpes manifests itself as a result of reactivation of the virus, and not only as a primary infection.

Most patients face the problem of virus activation more than twice a year. This usually indicates a decrease in the body's immunity during stress, overwork, against or after SARS.

Treatment Methods

Treating herpes, or lichen lichen, is challenging. The fact is that the chronic nature of the course leads to a restructuring of the body's immune system, and secondary immune deficiency develops.

At the same time, the cellular reaction of the body is inhibited, and nonspecific protection is reduced.

There are a large number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market, however, none of them leads to a complete recovery.

In order to control the disease, you need to choose the right medication, time of treatment, dosage.

In connection with the above-described changes in the immune status, in complex treatment bubble lichen add immunobiological preparations, as well as agents acting on pathogenesis.

Treatment of herpes is carried out using three groups of drugs:

  • Chemotherapy drugs, such as Valtrex, Famvir, Tsimeven, inhibit the synthesis of viral DNA;
  • Immunomodulators. Imunofan, Polyoxidonium, Alpyrazine. Stimulate cellular and humoral immunity;
  • Amiksin, Neovir, Cycloferon. They have an immunomodulatory effect, affect the cause of the disease.

Experts give special importance to the herpes vaccine, which stimulates the immune system. It prevents primary infection, facilitates the course of the disease.

Depending on the course of the disease, for example, with severe stomatitis or herpes zoster, antiviral drugs are prescribed orally. For example, Acyclovir or Zovirax. It is possible to use Bonafton, Alipyrazine.

In addition to chemotherapy drugs, interferons are used in the treatment of lichen lichen, which have an effect on a wide range of viruses.

It has been established that patients with a chronic form of the disease have reduced interferon formation.

Therefore, it is logical that the use of interferons leads to their fastest recovery and reduction in the duration of course therapy.

Suitable for topical treatment are human leukocyte interferon and analogues (alpha-interferon and interlock). Apply them to the foci up to 6-7 times a day.

The synthesis of interferon in the body is influenced by its inducers, which are also successfully used in the treatment of lichen lichen.

An example is the 3% ointment of Megasin and Gossypol. They are used as applications up to 3-4 times a day, with a course of up to 7 days.

It is worth remembering that the use of antiviral drugs is especially effective in the first day of the disease.

To relieve symptoms (itching, burning), antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. For example, Tavigil, Suprastin or Fenkarol. Calcium gluconate and acetysalicylic acid are effective.

Considering the reasons why herpes occurs - viral infection, then you should prescribe means to strengthen the immune system, multivitamins, especially vitamin C.

If the patient is treated in a hospital, then lysozyme and intramuscular injections of Prodigiosan are added to the therapy.

With a complicated course of lichen lichen with the addition of a bacterial infection, Metronidazole is prescribed.

Topical treatment consists in the use of ointments with antiviral components: florenal, tebrofen, helepin, acyclovir, bonafton, alpyrazine.

Before applying ointments, the affected surface is treated with proteolytic enzyme preparations and antiseptics.

At the same time, they must be applied to the entire surface of the mucosa, and not only to the foci (as a prophylactic agent).

With extensive lesions, anesthesia of the mucous or skin is performed. This is usually done before applying medication or before eating.

For the fastest epithelialization, physiotherapy is prescribed: KUF, infrared laser therapy. Periodically, the foci are treated with aniline dyes.