Serum iron decreased treatment. Iron in the blood: normal, high and low levels What iron content should be in the blood

For the normal functioning of all organs, the body requires regular saturation of cells with many nutrients.

Fats, carbohydrates and proteins are needed, and in addition micro and macro elements. One of the most important among them is iron. 20 g of this substance should enter the human body every day with food.

The microelement is present in the blood in a complex with other compounds, and not in a free form.

About 80% of all iron contains hemoglobin, it is part of red blood cells. These blood particles are designed to carry oxygen to tissues as well as internal organs.

Up to 25% of the microelement is contained in the reserve in the form of protein compounds in the spleen, bone marrow, and liver.

And a small piece of iron only 3-4 mg, found in blood serum in conjunction with the transport protein transferrin, which delivers this important element to tissues.

The degree of saturation of the body with iron shows an analysis called in medicine the "norm serum iron».

The norm of this trace element for women plays an important role in the functioning of such processes as:

  • oxygen transport and tissue respiration;
  • ensuring normal processes of hematopoiesis;
  • formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin;
  • participation in the full absorption of vitamin B;
  • regulation of immunity;
  • neutralization of harmful substances in the liver;
  • maintaining healthy condition hair, skin, nail plates.

The result of the study shows the concentration of iron in the blood, allows you to evaluate the metabolic processes in which this trace element takes part.

The norm of serum iron for womenranges from 8.95 to 30.43 µmol/l. This is slightly lower than the male figure, which is due to monthly physiological blood loss during menstruation.

If the analysis showed that the level of iron is below the minimum limit of the norm, then the body feels a lack of this element.

The norm of serum iron for pregnant women

Doctors pay special attention to the serum iron index in pregnant women. In the second and third trimester, the metal concentration in the blood often decreases.

This physiological process is associated with a large consumption of iron for the intensive formation of internal organs and fetal glands, circulatory system.

The amount of trace element supplied with food should increase to 30 mg per day.

During pregnancy, serum iron plays an important role in the development of the unborn child and the health of the woman. The norm for women in position is the same as for everyone else, that is, 8.95-30.43 µmol / l.

If the indicator is lower, the doctor concludes that the body is deficient in this trace element. In this case, metal replenishment is required for the correct process of hematopoiesis.

The level of serum iron in pregnant women in pathological cases may deviate upward.

Serum iron is essential for the functioning of the body. The norm for women during pregnancy can change it, so you need to carefully control this.

With a high concentration of the trace element in the serum, the blood becomes thicker, oxygen is worse transferred to the internal organs of the child and woman.

Be careful! With elevated iron levels, yellowing of the skin and an enlarged liver are observed. A pregnant woman loses weight, there are disturbances in the work of the heart, cramps occur in the calf muscles of a woman.

Erythrocytes are compacted, this threatens with oxygen starvation. At a critical level of serum iron, doctors suspect dangerous failures.

Signs of a lack of serum iron in a woman's body

Often a woman at the initial stage of iron deficiency does not notice any significant changes in the body.

Carefully observing her condition, she will notice the following symptoms:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • irritability;
  • depressive states;
  • cold fingers and toes;
  • fatigue, lethargy, apathy;
  • memory impairment;
  • poor appetite, craving for unusual food and smells;
  • muscle pain;
  • insomnia;
  • fragility of nails;
  • fading and thinning hair;
  • cracks and jams in the corners of the lips.

Note! If there are signs that indicate that the serum iron in a woman is below normal, you need to contact the doctor to donate blood for a general analysis.

Causes of Serum Iron Deficiency in Women

If, as a result of a biochemical analysis, a lack of iron in the blood serum is detected, the doctor examines the patient, interviews him, prescribes additional tests if necessary.

In order to prevent the development of irreversible processes, it is important to make a correct diagnosis in a short time.

The most common causes of low serum iron in women are:

Serious pathologies also lead to a deficiency of serum iron:

  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs: bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen;
  • chronic diseases kidneys and liver;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic disease;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

Be careful! Identified dangerous pathologies require immediate treatment.

Preparation for a blood test for serum iron

In the case of a low hemoglobin content, the doctor prescribes a serum iron test for the patient.

According to doctors, serum iron is the most accurate indicator of the amount of metal in the body.

The result of the analysis is influenced by:

  • Times of Day- the maximum concentration of iron is found in the morning, during the day it decreases, and in the evening it reaches a minimum;
  • Oral contraceptives, estrogens and alcoholic beverages- raise the level of iron;
  • Cycle phase- before menstruation, the concentration of the microelement increases, and during them and immediately after it decreases;
  • Taking iron supplements- can significantly increase its concentration in the blood;
  • For stress and chronic sleep deprivation the level of iron is reduced;
  • Some groups of antibiotics, metformin and aspirin - reduce it;
  • Vitamin B12- leads to an increase in the indicator.

You should come to the laboratory in the morning, without eating 12 hours before the study. You are allowed to drink water. Blood is taken from a vein.

How to increase the content of serum iron in the body

To normalize the content of serum iron, the doctor prescribes iron preparations to the woman, eating foods with a large amount of the missing trace element.

In addition, it will be useful to use traditional medicine recipes.

Therapy with iron supplements

After a blood test, the doctor, if necessary, prescribes iron-containing preparations.

Pharmacies sell a large number of tablets, syrups, capsules, but only a doctor can choose the right drug and dosage.

Drugs that increase serum iron (the norm for women is 8.95-30.43 µmol / l) Features of drugs
"Sorbifer Durules"For better absorption, 60 mg of ascorbic acid was added to the preparation to 100 mg of iron. Among the contraindications are gastric and uterine bleeding.
"Fenules"Inexpensive drug, taken for the prevention of anemia and its treatment. The composition contains vitamins of group B, which have a beneficial effect on nervous system.
"Totem"Sold in ampoules. Causes darkening of the teeth, to avoid this, the medicine is taken through a tube.
"Ferrum Lek"Does not contain Vitamin C, so it must be taken additionally for absorption.
"Maltofer"The drug in the form of a syrup contains ethyl alcohol and sugar. Take with caution in women with diabetes and liver diseases. These categories should be replaced with syrup tablets.

It must be borne in mind that for a stable result, iron-containing preparations should be taken for at least 2 months. If oral preparations have not shown desired level serum iron, the doctor prescribes injections.

Products and nutrition rules

From the human body, iron is lost as a result of desquamation of the cells of the upper layer of the skin, and is excreted with sweat and feces. Eating a balanced diet, a person receives 15 mg of iron daily. About 1 mg is absorbed from this volume by the intestine.

Reduced metal content can be corrected by introducing products into the diet:

  • beef, lamb, chicken, turkey;
  • beef and pork liver, beef tongue;
  • river and sea fish;
  • legumes and soybeans;
  • buckwheat, oat and millet groats;
  • black bread;
  • parsley and dill;
  • blueberry;
  • dried apricots, prunes;
  • apples, persimmon, pomegranate, plum;
  • nuts.

Heme iron is better absorbed, which is found in products exclusively of animal origin.

Thus, the trace element will be better absorbed. After eating a meal rich in iron, it is useful to drink a glass of apple or orange juice.

Important to remember! The calcium in dairy products interferes with the absorption of iron. It should be divided by the time of intake of foods saturated with iron and calcium, the minimum interval should be equal to 2 hours.

Folk recipes to increase serum iron

With low serum iron adherents of traditional medicine advise women to use recipes from natural products:

  • Mix 200 ml each of lemon, carrot and beetroot juice, add 200 ml glass of cognac and honey. Stir with a wooden spatula. Drink 15 ml (1 tablespoon) 3 times a day. Remove the container with a drink for storage in the refrigerator;
  • Dried dill - 1 tbsp. spoon and the same amount of dried parsley pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Take at any time several times a day;
  • Pour into a thermos with 500 ml of boiling water 1 tablespoon of rose hips and the same amount of mountain ash. Can be drunk after 2 hours by adding sugar/honey;
  • Scroll in a meat grinder in equal parts: raisins, prunes, walnuts, dried apricots. Squeeze a small lemon and 1 part honey. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons with tea daily;
  • Fresh or dry clover inflorescences pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain the cooled drink. Take 50 ml before breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Note! The use of infusions and drinks is acceptable as an addition to drug therapy but it will not replace iron supplements.

Serum iron is an important trace element that ensures the normal functioning of all internal organs for a woman.

For expectant mothers, it is especially important to control and maintain the level of metal in the blood. A change in the content indicates a pathology.

The doctor conducts an additional examination to clarify the diagnosis and prescribes drug treatment.

From this video you will learn what serum iron is, what is its norm for women and men:

This video will introduce you to important and useful information about the need for iron in the body:

In our body there are a considerable number of varieties of formations, substances and compounds, one of the most important elements is iron. It, in turn, also has its subspecies: transport, deposited and functional. Most of the iron is found in the blood, as part of respiratory pigments: hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes, and some iron-containing pigments. The role of iron in the body should not be underestimated. This element is responsible for many functions, such as transporting oxygen to cells, organs and tissues, DNA production, hematopoiesis, cholesterol metabolism, and many other metabolic, energy and redox processes.

In medicine, there is the concept of "serum iron". This indicator necessary to assess all metabolic processes in the body associated with iron. The patient is offered to donate blood for serum iron if the concentration of this important element in the blood is critically low.

Today we will tell you what serum iron is in the blood, what is its role in the body, and for what reason there are deviations in iron metabolic processes.

Serum iron, what is it?

In the body of each person contains about 4-7 g of iron, which comes mainly with food. However, this figure means the total amount of the element, but in its pure form, of course, it is very difficult to find. Usually, iron is part of some porphyritic and enzymatic compounds (including hemoglobin, almost 80% of the total reserve falls on it).

Iron in the blood serum is found, as a rule, in combination with the protein-transferrin that binds and transports it.

AT laboratory diagnostics such a study as a “blood test for serum iron” is provided, and it is necessary to identify various pathological conditions in humans, which entailed a sharp loss of the element. Most often, analysis is used to determine the degree iron deficiency anemia in a person.

The norm of serum iron in the blood

When assessing the concentration of iron in the blood, one should take into account the fact that the indicator is nutritionally dependent on many factors, for example, taking any medications or biologically active additives, being on a special diet, etc. In addition, the level of iron is able to undergo changes during the day: in the morning its concentration is higher than in the evening. The indicator can also vary among people of different age categories and gender.

The rate of serum iron in the blood of women is less than for the representatives of the stronger half and is approximately 10.7-21.5 µmol / l.

Serum iron is normal in men, it is considered to be in the range from 14.0 to 30.4 µmol / l.

Such differences in standard values ​​are due, to a greater extent, to periodic menstrual bleeding, which affects only women.

Also, it should be noted that the normal serum iron during pregnancy, especially in the second half, can be significantly reduced, this is due to the formation of internal organs and the circulatory system in the fetus, as well as changes in the mother's body. In general, the indicator during the period of bearing a baby should not be lower than 10.0 μmol / l, otherwise the pregnant woman is diagnosed with anemia and a set of measures is prescribed to improve the condition. An analysis for serum iron during pregnancy is given three times (at the first visit, at 18 and at 30 weeks), and with a low rate, a woman will have to donate blood for research a little more often to see the dynamics of improvement or deterioration.

For children, their own allowable limits for the indicator are set, based on age. Serum iron normal in children:

  • Newborns up to 1 year old - 7.15-17.9 µmol / l;
  • Children from one to 14 years old - 8.9-21.5 µmol / l;
  • Boys over 14 years old - 11.6 - 30.4 µmol / l;
  • Girls after 14 years - 8.9-30.4 µmol / l.

The result of the analysis depends not only on the sex and age of a particular patient, but also on his weight, height, general condition health, lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, and other factors.

In addition, each patient must first be explained how to properly test for serum iron, so as not to get a false result. Main the most important rules and recommendations before donating blood for research:

  • Blood should be taken on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning), it is desirable that the last meal was at least 12 hours ago;
  • If the patient uses tablets for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, then they must be canceled a week before the upcoming analysis;
  • The analysis should be postponed if you underwent a blood transfusion the day before;
  • Serum iron norm in women increases on the eve of the onset menstrual bleeding, and during menstruation it decreases quite a lot, so this fact should be told to the doctor, who will help you choose the most optimal period for the study;
  • Also, it should be noted that it can be found that serum iron is lowered in case of chronic sleep deprivation and severe stress suffered the day before.

If all the rules have been followed, and there can be no error, but the analysis still shows deviations, then you should understand the causes of this condition.

Serum iron below normal

Despite the fact that the concentration of this metal in the blood is very unstable, the assessment of the indicator is extremely important for diagnosing a pathology such as anemia (anemia), as well as for monitoring the correctness of the prescribed treatment. Anemia can long time not manifest itself in any way, and a person accidentally learns about this state of his blood by chance, after periodically passing a biochemical analysis. In other cases, a decrease in iron in the blood to critical values ​​can be fatal. You can suspect the development of anemia by some signs, for example:

  • Constant feeling of weakness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • The appearance of cracks and seizures around the mouth;
  • Violation of taste and olfactory senses;
  • Excessive dryness and brittleness of hair and nail plates;
  • Paleness of lips, skin and mucous membranes.

So the most common cause, by which a person is detected reduced level serum iron is the development of anemia associated with iron deficiency.

Since the body does not produce iron on its own, the main cause of iron deficiency is an unbalanced (or vegetarian) diet. Most of all iron is absorbed in the body from meat and fish (almost 30%), from plant products, no more than 6%.

But other pathological and physiological factors can also affect iron levels. Serum iron is lowered causes:

  • Great loss of blood;
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (chronic bowel disease, gastritis with low acidity gastric juice, neoplasms in the intestines or stomach, bleeding ulcers);
  • The presence of chronic inflammatory, purulent-septic, etc. infectious diseases(e.g. tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, bacterial endocarditis, etc.);
  • The total iron-binding capacity of blood serum is impaired in diseases that affect the formation of transferrin and other iron-binding proteins. Such diseases include hepatitis, incl. viral.
  • Pregnancy (especially II or III trimester).

It should be noted that sometimes, according to the results of the analysis, low serum iron is detected with normal hemoglobin, and even overestimated. Hemoglobin is not always an indicator of sufficient iron content in the blood, therefore, to determine the “reserves” of iron in the body, experts analyze the serum iron index, or total serum iron-binding capacity (TBC).


A pathological condition in which elevated serum iron in the blood is fixed is called hemochromatosis. The disease can be primary (congenital or hereditary) or secondary (acquired), but in both cases it is characterized by an excessive content of iron in the blood plasma, the deposition of "excess" metal in the tissues, and a violation of the processes of metabolism and excretion of iron.

The state when serum iron is elevated to critical values ​​is a very dangerous pathology that can provoke the development of serious diseases up to oncological formations in the intestine or liver.

If serum iron in the blood is elevated, the causes may lie in various internal pathologies, for example:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Prolonged course of severe infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys (eg glomerulonephritis);
  • Frequent blood transfusions;
  • Acute hepatitis;
  • Iron poisoning.

To date, hemochromatosis has been successfully treated with medications, which are ways to capture particles of "excess" iron, convert them into a soluble state, and successfully excrete them in the urine. Also, patients with a similar diagnosis are advised to adjust their diet so that all the elements come in the quantities necessary for the body.

Serum iron analysis is the only type of study that shows the concentration of iron in the blood and the level of exchange of this element in the body.

Periodically check your blood counts and monitor your health!

AT human body contains many different micro and macro elements. But not every one of them is as important as iron. With a lack of this element, the supply of tissues with oxygen worsens, which, of course, cannot but affect the general well-being. What to do if the analysis showed that serum iron is below normal?

Carrying out blood tests allows you to timely identify a variety of pathologies. So, during preventive examinations, a test for the content of hemoglobin in the blood is often carried out. And if this analysis shows a deviation from the norm, an additional examination for serum iron may be prescribed. Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis.

What is the substance?

Iron is not only a metal widely used in construction, but also a macronutrient that provides cell respiration. It is iron that is needed to transport oxygen molecules to their destination. For the implementation of biological processes, it is not pure iron that is needed, but complexes in which this macroelement is included. The compounds are called heme iron, it:

  • provides oxygen transport;
  • takes part in a number of biochemical reactions;
  • performs certain functions, ensuring the functioning of the immune system.

Iron is not synthesized by the internal organs, it comes exclusively with food. Most of this macronutrient is found in red meat, it is also found in some plant foods.

Advice! No more than 15% of iron is absorbed from food products, therefore, to obtain the daily norm, it is often necessary to take special preparations containing this element. Especially if a person follows a vegetarian diet.

The level of serum iron in the blood varies during the day. It is highest in the morning and lowest around midnight.

In women, the level of a macroelement in the blood is always lower than in the representatives of the stronger sex.

Advice! In the female body, the concentration of the macronutrient is not the same during the cycle. The lowest values ​​are noted after the end of menstruation, the highest - in the luteal phase.


An analysis is prescribed for the content of serum iron in the blood in the presence of the following indications:

  • if in the results general analysis abnormalities were found in blood or hemoglobin analysis;
  • if there are symptoms of a deficiency or excess of an element in the body;
  • if the patient is suspected of being poisoned by drugs containing iron;
  • in acute inflammatory diseases;
  • with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Advice! With a lack of iron, symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and pallor are noted. If there are symptoms such as staining of the skin and sclera of the eyes in yellow, itching of the skin, an increase in the size of the liver, arrhythmia, an excess of a macroelement can be suspected.

Analysis and preparation for it

Blood samples should be taken in the morning, best time delivery - 8-10 am. To prepare for the examination, you should properly prepare:

  • do not take at least a week of dietary supplements containing iron;
  • at least a day to exclude alcohol and fatty foods;
  • if symptoms of ARVI or another infection appear, then the test should be rescheduled for another time;
  • warn the doctor if the patient is taking any medications, including contraceptives.

Reference values ​​(in µmol/l):

  • for infants under the age of one year - 7.15 - 17.90;
  • for children older than a year and adolescents under the age of 14 - 8.9 - 21.47;
  • for girls over 14 years old and women - 8.9 - 30.44;
  • for boys over 14 years old and men - 11.63-30.44.

Low level

What are the reasons that the analysis shows too low a level of serum iron? Most expectant mothers in the last trimester of pregnancy have a decrease in the level of iron in the body.

This is not a sign of any disease, but a physiological norm. However, the doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe iron supplements to the pregnant woman in order to increase the level of this element in the body.

To provoke an insufficient iron content in the body can also be the reasons associated with insufficient intake of the macronutrient in the body. This condition is noted with anorexia or an unbalanced diet, most often when following a vegetarian diet.

It should be taken into account the fact that a milk diet and taking calcium supplements prevents the absorption of iron from food.

Advice! Despite the fact that iron is also found in some plant foods (for example, apples, pomegranates), it is vegetarians who are more often deficient in this macronutrient.

A lack of iron in the blood plasma can also be caused by various diseases, the following reasons can lead to such test results:

  • Iron deficiency anemia. This condition can be triggered by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which there is a violation of the absorption of micro and macro elements. Gastritis with insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, enterocolitis, tumors of the intestine or stomach can lead to a decrease in serum iron.

Advice! Iron deficiency anemia often develops in patients who have had their stomach or intestines partially removed.

  • The deficit is redistributive. In some diseases, plasma iron begins to be actively absorbed by elements of the macrophage system. This is noted with the development of inflammatory and purulent-septic processes, with actively growing tumors, rheumatism, myocardial infarction, osteomyelitis.
  • Pathology of the kidneys. Kidney disease causes disturbances in the excretion and metabolism of iron.
  • Bleeding. With frequent bleeding, iron levels decrease.

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the decrease in the iron content, since if the process of assimilation of a macronutrient is disrupted, then taking preparations with its content is pointless.

After identifying the causes, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the decrease is caused by an improper diet, then iron-containing preparations will be prescribed, it is recommended that the diet be made correctly.

So, if the analysis shows that the content of serum iron is lowered, it will be necessary to identify the cause of this condition. If this is due to the wrong diet, then it will not be difficult to solve the problem. If the deficiency is due to a disease, appropriate treatment will be required.

Iron is one of the important components of the blood, which is considered an important component and takes part in the process of hematopoiesis. A sufficient supply of iron ensures the process of binding and transporting oxygen during the movement of blood through the vessels.

To diagnose the concentration of iron, a biochemical study of venous blood is prescribed. In the event that the norm of iron in the blood serum is diagnosed, then this indicates the absence of any pathologies in a person.

Iron is a trace element that enters the body from food and is transferred using a special protein - transferrin. Active iron is involved in the production of such important blood elements as. In addition, it is a constituent element that ensures the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to various organs and tissues. Iron is present in the composition of the muscle protein myoglobin and various.

Iron plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body:

  • takes an active part in the work of the hematopoietic system
  • ensures the normal functioning of cells
  • regulates immunobiological processes and redox reactions

The norm of iron in the human body ensures the maintenance of the normal condition of the skin, and also helps to avoid severe overwork of the body, increased drowsiness and depression.

The most important functions that iron performs in the human body can be distinguished:

  • ensures normal tissue respiration, as it catalyzes metabolic processes with oxygen
  • maintains the necessary level of systemic and cellular metabolism
  • is a constituent element of many enzymatic systems and protein, including
  • has a destructive effect on peroxidation products
  • maintains normal functioning
  • increases the protective functions of the human body

Insufficient concentration of iron in the body or its excess is determined using. Such an amount of iron in the body can pose a serious threat to the human body, and especially if it is chronic.

Indications for analysis

To determine the level of iron in the blood, a venous blood test is performed, and the analysis is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if there are suspicions of poisoning the human body with products containing iron, as well as to determine deviations in the patient's diet
  • to identify different types
  • with insufficient content of vitamins in the human body, as well as with their excess
  • in case of problems with functioning
  • to detect infectious diseases occurring in acute and chronic form
  • to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment

Medical practice shows that the highest iron content is determined precisely in the morning, therefore, in order to obtain accurate results, it is recommended to conduct it during this period.

It is important to perform blood sampling for research, and it is also necessary to stop eating 8-12 hours before the procedure.

A biochemical blood test is carried out using a colorimetric method, which is considered quite simple to use and helps to determine the exact level of iron in the blood serum.

The norm of the element in the blood

Iron concentration is determined by several factors:

  • patient's age

The norm of iron in the human body can be:

  • in children under two years of age, the level of iron is 7-18 µmol / l
  • in children from 2 to 14 years old, the content of this element reaches 9-22 µmol / l
  • in men, iron levels can range from 11 to 31 µmol/l
  • in women, the norm of iron is 8.9-30.4 µmol / l

A low iron content or its increased concentration can signal the development of various pathologies and abnormalities in the human body. With an insufficient content of such an element in the blood serum, the patient may develop the following symptoms:

  • severe fatigue
  • permanent depression
  • feeling of weakness in the body
  • disruption of the immune system
  • patient refuses food
  • disrupted work
  • skin becomes dry and pale

In the event that a person has an insufficient iron content for a long time, which causes the development of such pathological condition, how .

AT childhood the result of insufficient intake of iron in the body is a violation of their growth, as well as problems in development.

A negative effect on the human body and an increased concentration of iron in the patient's blood for a long time. Content a large number such an element leads to the fact that it begins to gradually accumulate in various organs and tissues. In this case, it is no longer able to regulate the exchange of iron in the blood, and the result of this is the appearance of problems with the functioning of internal organs and systems.

With the progression of such a pathological condition for a long time, the following diseases may develop:

  • oncology

Causes of low iron content

Vitamin deficiency, depression, anemia are signs of low iron levels in the blood.

The main reason for insufficient intake of iron in the human body is an unbalanced diet, as well as vegetarianism. The largest part of this element enters the human body along with meat and fish, and only 5-6% comes from plant products. In order for iron to be successfully absorbed by the human body, it is necessary that the food be enriched with various proteins and vitamins.

Among the internal reasons that cause the development of a deficiency of such an important element, the following can be distinguished:

  • intensive growth with parallel depletion of the microelement content in the bone marrow
  • progression in the stomach and intestines of bleeding ulcers
  • low acidity of the stomach
  • development inflammatory process chronic in
  • period and breastfeeding
  • physiological blood loss

You can learn more about the blood test for iron levels in the video.

The result of iron deficiency can be a violation of the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body, which causes:

  • the development of a pathological condition such as iron deficiency anemia
  • increased body fatigue
  • disruption of the immune system, which provokes the development of many different diseases of an infectious nature
  • pathological transformations of tissues and organs

In addition, insufficient iron content in the human body causes a decrease in blood pressure, and also causes frequent dizziness and palpitations. To eliminate this pathological condition and restore required level iron, specialized ferropreparations and diet therapy are used.

High levels of iron in the blood

In the event that it showed an increased content of such a microelement in the blood serum, then this may indicate the development of the following pathologies and abnormalities in the human body:

  • progression of viral acute and chronic nature
  • jade development
  • the appearance of problems with the removal of iron from the body
  • leukemia diagnosis
  • poisoning the body with a substance such as lead
  • inadequate intake of B vitamins and folic acid

Besides, elevated level iron in can be observed with the constant use of estrogen and oral contraceptive pills.

An organization is appointed to restore the level of iron proper nutrition, the use of drugs with iron and various food additives. In addition, it is recommended to use B vitamins and ascorbic acid, which ensures the normal absorption of iron in the human body.

  • In children, iron deficiency is the cause of delayed growth and development.

    In addition, iron deficiency can indicate very dangerous diseases, such as cancer. In this case, treatment with the use of medications and other forms of therapy should be started as quickly as possible. Sometimes the cause is not related to the disease and is caused by insufficient intake of the element into the body along with food. In this case, the answer to the question of how to raise the level of iron in the blood is simple: you need to adjust the diet. Application medicines in this case, it is usually not required (unless the doctor may prescribe the use of vitamin-mineral complexes).

    Functions of iron in the blood

    It is believed that in the human body the total amount of iron ranges from two to seven grams, depending on the sex, weight and age of the person. In its pure form, this substance is not in the body: it is very toxic, so when the microelement enters the bloodstream, most of it is bound by proteins. The rest of the iron is instantly converted into hemosiderin or ferritin (protein compounds), which are deposited in the tissues in the form of reserves, and when the body is deficient in a microelement, it extracts them from there.

    The body itself does not produce iron: this trace element comes from food, is absorbed in the intestines (which is why a low amount of a trace element is often associated with problems intestinal tract). Iron is then released into plasma, the liquid part of the blood.

    Then about eighty percent of the microelement is part of hemoglobin, which is an integral part of the erythrocyte. Here, iron is responsible for attaching oxygen and carbon dioxide to hemoglobin. This microelement attaches oxygen to itself in the lungs. Then, as part of hemoglobin, which is inside the red blood cells, it goes to the cells, transfers oxygen to them, and attaches carbon dioxide to itself. After that, the erythrocyte goes to the lungs, where iron atoms easily part with carbon dioxide.

    Interestingly, iron acquires the ability to attach and detach gases only when it is part of hemoglobin. Other compounds that include this trace element do not have this capability.

    About ten percent of iron is part of myoglobin, which is found in the myocardial muscle and skeletal muscles. Myoglobin binds oxygen and stores it. If the body begins to experience oxygen starvation, this gas is extracted from myoglobin, passes into the muscles and participates in further reactions. Therefore, when for some reason the blood supply to any part of the muscle is disrupted, the muscle still receives oxygen for some time.

    Also, iron is part of other substances, and together with them is involved in hematopoiesis, the production of DNA, connective tissue. Takes part in lipid metabolism, oxidative reactions, regulates the neutralization of poisons by the liver, promotes energy metabolism. The thyroid gland needs this element for the synthesis of hormones that are involved in many metabolic processes. The role of iron during pregnancy is important: the baby's body uses it to build its tissues.

    It has long been noticed that the lack of iron in the body negatively affects the work of the nervous system. And all because this element is involved in the transmission of signals between brain cells. Also, this microelement increases the body's resistance to disease, relieves fatigue. Therefore, with its lack, a person often feels powerless.

    How much should be a trace element?

    In the male body, the reserves of this trace element are higher than in women, and range from 500 to 1.5 thousand mg. In women, this figure ranges from 300 to 1 thousand mg. At the same time, doctors argue that the vast majority of the population has iron reserves at a minimum. That is why during pregnancy, when the body requires iron in large quantities, there may be a lack of it, and doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral preparations for the purpose of prevention.

    To find out if there is an iron deficiency in the body, you need to do biochemical analysis blood. The material for the study is taken from a vein, then fibrinogen is removed from the plasma (so that the blood does not clot during the study), and serum is obtained. Such a sample is convenient to use during the study of blood composition.

    Thus, the norm of serum iron in the blood healthy person must match the following values:

    • up to 1 year: 7.16 - 17.9 µmol / l;
    • from 1 to 14 years: 8.95 - 21.48 µmol / l;
    • in women after 14 years, including during pregnancy: 8.95 - 30.43 µmol / l;
    • in men after 14 years: 11.64 - 30.43 µmol / l.

    In the female body, its amount is less than in men. In women of reproductive age, the concentration of iron depends on menstruation. In the second half of the cycle, the indicators of this trace element reach highest values, after menstruation, its level is greatly reduced, which is associated with blood loss during menstruation.

    During pregnancy, the iron content in the body should be at the same level as that of a non-pregnant woman.

    But at the same time, the body's need for this trace element increases, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that during pregnancy a sufficient amount of iron is supplied with food. This is due to the fact that not only the mother's body, but also the baby needs this microelement. Therefore, at a certain stage of its development, it begins to take it very quickly in large quantities.

    That is why the doctor during pregnancy recommends a special diet, and also prescribes the use of special vitamin and mineral preparations. Thanks to this, the body during pregnancy is provided with all the necessary substances. After childbirth, the acute need for iron, as during pregnancy, disappears. But is it worth it to refuse the use of vitamin and mineral preparations, the doctor should say.

    iron deficiency symptoms

    When interpreting the results, it is very important to take into account at what time of day the material was taken: the iron content in the body fluctuates greatly throughout the day. It is known that the concentration of iron in the morning is higher than in the evening.

    You should also know that the concentration of iron in the blood depends on many reasons: on the work of the intestines, on the amount of trace element reserves that are stored in the spleen, bone marrow and other organs, as well as on the production and breakdown of hemoglobin in the body. Iron leaves the body in different ways: with feces, urine, and even as part of nails and hair.

    That is why, if the body lacks iron, there are disorders in the work of many organs and systems. Therefore, a trace element deficiency makes you aware of the following symptoms:

    • increased fatigue, feeling of weakness, fatigue;
    • increased heart rate, shortness of breath;
    • irritability;
    • dizziness;
    • migraines;
    • cold fingers and toes;
    • pale skin, brittle nails, hair loss;
    • pain or inflammation of the tongue;
    • a strong desire to move your legs (restless legs syndrome);
    • poor appetite, cravings for unusual foods.

    Having found such symptoms, it is imperative to pass an analysis to determine the level of iron in the blood. If the study shows its deficiency, the cause must be clarified as quickly as possible (especially when it comes to pregnancy or a growing child's body).

    Don’t be scared right away: in many situations, iron deficiency is caused by poor nutrition. For example, its deficiency is recorded in vegetarians, in people who adhere to a dairy diet (calcium prevents the absorption of the microelement), as well as in those who are fond of fatty foods. Also in the body there is little iron during a hunger strike. After correcting the diet, taking vitamin and mineral preparations, its concentration returns to normal.

    A small amount of iron in the body may be due to the increased need of the body for this trace element. This primarily applies to small children under two years of age, adolescents, women during pregnancy, during lactation.

    Sometimes iron deficiency can provoke stressful situations, a shattered nervous system. In this case, you need to put it in order, avoid stress.

    Pathological causes

    Iron deficiency can lead to various diseases. Among them:

    • Iron deficiency anemia, provoked by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which interfere with the normal absorption of the trace element in the intestine. It can be gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, various tumors in the stomach and intestines, operations to remove part small intestine or stomach.
    • The presence of inflammation, purulent-septic and other infections.
    • Osteomyelitis (purulent infection that affects the bone tissue).
    • Myocardial infarction.
    • An increased amount of iron-containing pigment hemosiderin (formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin or with intensive absorption of iron from the intestine).
    • A problem with the synthesis of the hormone erythropoietin in the kidneys due to chronic kidney failure or other diseases of this organ.
    • Rheumatism.
    • Iron is excreted rapidly in the urine due to nephrotic syndrome.
    • Bleeding of various nature.
    • Increased hematopoiesis, in which iron is used.
    • Cirrhosis.
    • Benign and oncological tumors, especially fast-growing ones.
    • Stagnation of bile in the biliary tract.
    • Deficiency of vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron.

    Due to the fact that iron deficiency can be provoked by various reasons, having discovered a lack of a trace element, the doctor will send you for additional examination. It must be completed as quickly as possible, because among the diseases that cause iron deficiency in the blood, there are deadly diseases. And only then, according to the results of the analysis, will he prescribe treatment, prescribe the necessary drugs.

    The Importance of Diet

    To increase iron in the blood, it is very important not only to take the prescribed medical preparations but also pay attention to the diet. A menu aimed at increasing the level of iron in the blood should include the use of lean beef, lamb, veal, rabbit, fish, turkey or goose. There is little trace element in pork, so nutritionists do not recommend using it to increase iron. To increase this trace element in the blood, the liver, which is a hematopoietic organ, is well suited. But it must be consumed in moderation, since it is also responsible for the neutralization of toxins.

    Buckwheat, oatmeal, beans, nuts, oysters contribute to an increase in iron in the blood. The diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain not only iron, but also vitamin C, which contributes to the absorption of this trace element.

    It is important to understand that diet alone is not enough to increase iron in the blood if the problem is caused by an illness. Even if the food contains the right amount of a microelement, this will not be enough if the body does not absorb it enough due to illness or there are problems due to which the microelement is consumed in an increased amount.

    Therefore, it is very important to follow all the instructions of the doctor, take the drugs prescribed by him, including the dosage. It is impossible to increase or decrease the dose of drugs on your own in any case.

    Blood test for serum iron - deciphering the results, normal indicators for men, women and children

    This substance plays an important role in the life support of the body. Human blood contains the so-called bound serum iron, which different reasons can increase or decrease, which, as a rule, indicates the presence of a variety of pathological conditions. Find out what this element is and what is its significance for the body.

    What is serum iron

    The correct ratio of all the substances necessary for a person is the key good health. At the same time, iron (Fe) is considered one of the most significant metals for the body. This trace element is part of pigment proteins, cytochromes and acts as a coenzyme of many chemical reactions. The body contains about 4-7 mg of iron. In the bone marrow, liver, and spleen, Fe is found as intracellular ferritin. Only the plasma concentration of this protein complex is a reliable reflection of the metal reserves.

    Serum ferritin serves as a kind of “iron depot”, which is used both with an excess and a lack of this microelement. In tissues, however, Fe is in the form of hemosiderin. Serum iron is determined in conjunction with the transport protein transferrin. This complex is used by the body as needed, while tissue and intracellular reserves remain intact.


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    Iron is essential for the body. In plasma, this element is in a complex with a transport protein. Thanks to this “tandem”, the free oxygen that comes in during breathing is bound, which is subsequently supplied to all organs and tissues. Whey iron is involved in many energy processes and redox reactions:

    • DNA synthesis;
    • cholesterol metabolism;
    • the process of hematopoiesis;
    • detoxification processes.

    The norm of serum iron

    When assessing the serum concentration of a trace element, the alimentary-dependent nature of this indicator should be taken into account. The intake of iron in the body occurs along with food, so a moderate decrease in the concentration of bound transferrin during a non-strict diet or taking drugs that prevent the absorption of Fe is considered a physiological phenomenon that can be easily eliminated by adjusting the diet.

    When a serious iron deficiency is detected, appropriate medical treatment is prescribed. It should be borne in mind that in the morning the serum contains a little more of this microelement than in the evening. With all this, the indicator of serum Fe may vary in patients belonging to different age categories.

    Among women

    In the body of the fairer sex, iron metabolism proceeds under the influence of a constantly changing hormonal background, therefore, the norm of serum iron in the blood of women is slightly underestimated and is about 10.7-21.5 µmol / l, which is mainly due to menstruation. During pregnancy, the content of plasma Fe can also decrease significantly. So, during gestation, this indicator should not fall below 10.0 µmol / l.

    In men

    Subject to a balanced diet and adherence to the daily regimen, the iron reserves of the stronger sex are consumed in the optimal mode. A decrease in ferritin inside the cells in men occurs due to liver disease, which often occurs against the background of abuse (or even poisoning) of alcoholic beverages and their surrogates. The normal indicator of serum iron in men is in the range from 14.0 to 30.4 µmol / l.

    In children

    The content of Fe in the blood of young patients varies depending on their age, weight and height. Children under one year old who are exclusively on breastfeeding are subject to a slight decrease in hemoglobin. This fact is due to the limited content of the so-called heme iron in the body of babies, which is not a cause for concern. The norm of serum Fe in children under one year old is 7-18 µmol/l, and in older children this figure can reach 9-21 µmol/l.

    Serum iron is low

    Most patients tend to suffer from Fe deficiency. This state often manifests itself as a latent deficiency. In other cases, iron deficiency is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. People suffering from anemia have severe headaches, muscle weakness, and fatigue. The serum Fe in these patients is less than 9 µmol/L. The reasons for the decrease in the concentration of iron are as follows:

    • chronic diseases;
    • malnutrition and vitamin deficiency;
    • kidney failure;
    • Iron-deficiency anemia
    • pregnancy, lactation;
    • destruction of red blood cells;
    • violation of iron absorption in intestinal diseases;
    • oncology.

    Serum iron increased

    This condition is very rare. In patients with elevated plasma iron, or hemochromatosis, yellowing is noted eyeballs and skin, violation heart rate, weight loss. During instrumental research in such patients, liver enlargement, myocardial dystrophy, and pancreatic dysfunction are found. Excess iron (about kmol / l) negatively affects the work of all organs and systems. Iron in the blood serum is increased, as a rule, against the background of the following pathologies:

    • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
    • primary hemochromatosis;
    • taking iron-containing drugs;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • lack of folic acid;
    • chronic liver diseases.

    Blood test for serum iron

    This laboratory test is prescribed not only for patients with various pathologies, but also for ordinary patients during the annual preventive examination. The degree of absorption of iron directly affects the functioning of the whole organism, therefore it is very important to periodically check the accumulation of this element. This is especially true for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    What shows

    Plasma iron is in a bound state. Diagnosis of anemia is based on the determination of the concentration of transferrin. The iron-binding capacity of serum reflects the so-called TIBC index. In order to detect tissue deficiency, the content of ferritin inside the cells is determined. Any abnormalities identified during a biochemical blood test are the reason for the appointment of additional laboratory tests.

    How to take

    Given that early morning characterized by a slightly increased serum Fe, experts recommend checking the degree of saturation with this element a little later. As a rule, the study of plasma for iron content is carried out from 8 to 10 in the morning. The test is taken on an empty stomach. The day before blood sampling, you should refrain from eating fatty foods and drinking alcohol.

    How to increase serum iron in the blood

    The loss of protein (enzymes) and lack of vitamins negatively affects the absorption of Fe, so if you are on a strict diet, give Special attention the use of foods rich in this trace element (meat, liver, eggs, sea fish). With a significant iron deficiency, tablets are prescribed. The intestines absorb about 1 g of Fe. Removal of excess occurs with sweat and feces. By eating a balanced diet, you provide your body with approximately 15 mg of heme (easily digestible) iron.

    Serum iron: normal, high, low. Serum iron during pregnancy

    Serum iron is a vital trace element that provides the binding, transport and transfer of oxygen to tissues, as well as participating in the processes of tissue respiration.

    Serum Iron Functions

    The total amount of iron contained in the human body reaches 4-5 grams. Of course, it is difficult to find it in its pure form, but it is part of such porphyrin compounds as hemoglobin (up to 80% of its total amount), myoglobin (5-10%), cytochromes, as well as myeloperoxidase and catalase myeloenzymes. Up to 25% of iron in the body is not used and is considered a reserve, being in the depot (spleen, liver, Bone marrow) in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin. Heme iron, which mainly performs the function of reversible binding of oxygen and transporting it to tissues, is mainly found in the composition of enzymes. In addition, iron is directly involved in a number of redox reactions, hematopoiesis, collagen synthesis and the immune system.

    Entry routes

    Iron enters the body mainly with food. The product with the highest content is considered to be meat, namely beef. Other foods rich in this trace element are liver, fish, buckwheat, beans, eggs. Vitamin C, which is found in fresh greens and other plant foods, promotes optimal absorption of iron (which is why nutritionists recommend serving fresh vegetables with meat). Of the amount that comes with food, as a rule, from 10 to 15% is absorbed. Absorption occurs in the duodenum. That is why most often low serum iron is the result of various pathologies of the intestinal tract. Its concentration also depends on the amount of deposited iron stored in the spleen, intestines, bone marrow, and on the level of synthesis and breakdown of hemoglobin in the body. Physiological losses of the microelement occur with feces, urine, sweat, as well as with nails and hair.

    Serum iron: normal

    Iron is one of those micronutrients whose levels change throughout the day. In the morning, its indicators are higher, and in the evening they decrease. In addition, they depend on the age and gender of the person. Serum iron in women, as a rule, is lower than in men, while its concentration is directly related to the menstrual cycle (in the luteal phase, its content is maximum, and after menstruation, its indicators decrease). Stress, overwork and lack of sleep also affect the level of this trace element.

    Serum iron, the norm of which in men is 11.64-30.43, and in women - 8.95-30.43 µmol / liter, also changes depending on the time of day. Its maximum concentration is fixed in the morning, and during the day the indicators decrease. In infants under one year old, the range of 7.16–17.90 is considered normal. In children from one to fourteen years old, the norm is 8.95–21.48.

    Serum iron during pregnancy, especially in the second half, is slightly reduced. This is due to the formation of organs in the fetus. In general, its level should not fall below 10 (otherwise it will be considered anemia) and exceed 30 µmol/liter.

    Serum iron low

    Despite the relative instability of the level of this indicator in the blood, its study is very important for differential diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment of pathologies such as anemia, which are the most common human diseases. They can proceed both imperceptibly and cause severe disturbances in the functioning of the body. In some cases, anemia can be fatal. Outwardly, a decrease in the level of iron is manifested by general weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches. In addition, fragility of hair and nail plates, cracks in the corners of the mouth, violations of taste and smell are noted. The skin is pale, dry, unmotivated subfebrile condition is possible (the temperature rises to 37-37.5).

    Causes of a decrease in serum iron

    Serum iron in plasma can decrease for many reasons. One of them is called external factors while others are the result of internal changes. The most common of these are the following:

    iron deficiency anemia - the disease can be caused by chronic blood loss, a lack of iron intake into the body or a violation of its absorption;

    chronic systemic diseases - lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, endocarditis, Crohn's disease;

    resection of the intestine or stomach;

    Increased content (hemochromatosis)

    Elevated serum iron is a rather serious pathology, the consequence of which can be the development of many life-threatening conditions up to the development of oncological processes in the liver and intestines. Symptoms are similar to those of hepatitis. Yellowness of the skin appears, the liver enlarges, weight loss occurs, arrhythmias begin. Due to the fact that excess iron is deposited in organs such as the heart, pancreas, malfunctions begin in their normal operation. In addition, the development of pathologies such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease can become a consequence of hemochromatosis.

    Reasons for the increase

    An increased content of iron in the blood plasma can cause a pathology such as hereditary hemochromatosis, in which there is a high assimilation of iron from incoming food. Its excess is deposited in various organs, causing various disturbances in their work. The following factors can also cause an increase in the amount of serum iron:

    thalassemia is a pathology in which the structure of hemoglobin changes;

    transfusion of blood in large quantities;

    In children, hemochromatosis can cause acute poisoning iron preparations.

    How to take an analysis?

    Blood sampling is carried out from a vein in the morning. At least eight hours must have passed since the last meal. It is undesirable to chew gum and brush your teeth before taking the test. The reliability of the data obtained can be influenced by the following factors:

    taking even one iron-containing tablet can significantly increase the concentration of iron;

    oral contraceptives and alcohol also increase trace element levels;

    "Metformin", testosterone and aspirin in large doses reduce the concentration of iron;

    the use of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), even two days before the upcoming analysis, also increases the concentration;

    menstruation, lack of sleep, stressful situations reduce iron levels.

    Iron in the body: norms in the blood, low and high in the analysis - causes and treatment

    The human body contains almost all the elements of the table of D. I. Mendeleev, but not all of them carry such biological significance as iron. Iron in the blood is most concentrated in red blood cells - erythrocytes, namely, in their important component - hemoglobin: heme (Fe ++) + protein (globin).

    A certain amount of this chemical element is permanently present in plasma and tissues - as a complex compound with the transferrin protein and as part of ferritin and hemosiderin. In the body of an adult, there should normally be from 4 to 7 grams of iron. The loss of an element for any reason entails an iron deficiency condition called anemia. To identify this pathology in laboratory diagnostics, such a study is provided as the determination of serum iron, or iron in the blood, as the patients themselves say.

    The rate of iron in the body

    In the blood serum, iron is found in combination with a protein that binds and transports it - transferrin (25% Fe). Usually, the reason for calculating the concentration of an element in the blood serum (serum iron) is a low level of hemoglobin, which, as you know, is one of the main parameters of a general blood test.

    The level of iron in the blood fluctuates throughout the day, its average concentration for men and women is different and is: 14.10 μmol per liter of male blood and 10.70 - 21.50 μmol / l in the female half. Such differences are most due to the menstrual cycle, which affects only persons of a certain sex. With age, the differences are erased, the amount of the element decreases in both men and women, and iron deficiency can be observed to the same extent in both sexes. The rate of iron in the blood of infants, as well as children and adults, males and females, is different, therefore, to make it more convenient for the reader, it is better to present it in the form of a small table:

    However, it should be borne in mind that, like other biochemical indicators, normal level iron in the blood in different sources may vary slightly. In addition, we consider it useful to remind the reader of the rules for passing the analysis:

    • They donate blood on an empty stomach (it is desirable to starve for 12 hours);
    • One week before the study, tablets for the treatment of IDA are canceled;
    • After a blood transfusion, the analysis is postponed for several days.

    To determine the level of iron in the blood, serum is used as a biological material, that is, blood is taken without an anticoagulant in a dry new test tube that never comes into contact with detergents.

    The functions of iron in the blood and the biological significance of the element

    Why is so much attention riveted to iron in the blood, why is this element classified as a vital component, and why can a living organism do without it? It's all about the functions that iron performs:

    1. Concentrated in the blood ferrum (heme hemoglobin) is involved in the respiration of tissues;
    2. The microelement located in the muscles (as part of myoglobin) ensures the normal activity of skeletal muscles.

    The main functions of iron in the blood coincide with one of the main tasks of the blood itself and the hemoglobin contained in it. Blood (erythrocytes and hemoglobin) takes oxygen from the external environment into the lungs and transports it to the most remote corners human body, and the carbon dioxide formed as a result of tissue respiration is taken out for removal from the body.

    scheme: myshared, Efremova S.A.

    Thus, iron plays a key role in the respiratory activity of hemoglobin, and this applies only to the divalent ion (Fe ++). The conversion of ferrous iron to ferric iron and the formation of a very strong compound called methemoglobin (MetHb) occurs under the influence of strong oxidizing agents. Degeneratively altered red blood cells containing MetHb begin to break down (hemolysis), so they cannot perform their respiratory functions- for the tissues of the body, a state of acute hypoxia occurs.

    A person himself cannot synthesize this chemical element; food products bring iron to his body: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. However, it is difficult for us to absorb iron from plant sources, but vegetables and fruits containing large amounts of ascorbic acid increase the absorption of the trace element from animal products by 2-3 times.

    Fe is absorbed in the duodenum and along the small intestine, and iron deficiency in the body contributes to enhanced absorption, and an excess causes a blockage of this process. The large intestine does not absorb iron. During the day, we absorb an average of 2 - 2.5 mg of Fe, however female body this element needs almost 2 times more than the male, because the monthly losses are quite noticeable (with 2 ml of blood, 1 mg of iron is lost).

    Increased content

    An elevated iron content in a biochemical blood test, just like a lack of an element in the serum, indicates certain pathological conditions of the body.

    Given that we have a mechanism that prevents the absorption of excess amounts of iron, an increase in it may be due to the formation of ferrum as a result of pathological reactions somewhere in the body (increased breakdown of red blood cells and the release of iron ions) or a breakdown in the mechanism that regulates intake. An increase in iron levels makes one suspect:

    • Anemia of various origins (hemolytic, aplastic, B 12, folic acid deficiency, thalassemia);
    • Excessive absorption in the gastrointestinal tract in violation of the limiting mechanism (hemochromatosis).
    • Hemosiderosis due to multiple blood transfusions or overdose of ferrum-containing medicines used for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency conditions (intramuscular or intravenous administration).
    • Failure of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow at the stage of iron incorporation into erythrocyte precursor cells (sideroahrestic anemia, lead poisoning, use of oral contraceptives).
    • Liver damage (viral and acute hepatitis of any origin, acute liver necrosis, chronic cholecystitis, various hepatopathy).

    When determining iron in the blood, one should keep in mind the cases when the patient received iron-containing preparations in tablets for a long time (2-3 months).

    Lack of iron in the body

    Due to the fact that we do not produce this microelement ourselves, we often do not look at the nutrition and composition of the consumed products (if only it was tasty), over time our body begins to experience iron deficiency.

    Fe deficiency is accompanied various symptoms anemia: headache, dizziness, flies before the eyes, pallor and dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails and many other troubles. The reduced value of iron in the blood can be the result of many reasons:

    1. Alimentary deficiency, which develops as a result of a low intake of an element with food (a preference for vegetarianism or, conversely, a hobby fatty foods that do not contain iron, or switching to a dairy diet that contains calcium and prevents the absorption of Fe).
    2. The high needs of the body for any microelements (children under 2 years of age, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers) lead to a reduced content of them in the blood (this concerns iron in the first place).
    3. Iron deficiency anemia as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that prevent the normal absorption of iron in the intestine: gastritis with reduced secretion, enteritis, enterocolitis, neoplasms in the stomach and intestines, surgical interventions with resection of the stomach or small intestine (resorption deficiency).
    4. Redistributive deficiency against the background of inflammatory, purulent-septic and other infections, fast-growing tumors, osteomyelitis, rheumatism, myocardial infarction (absorption of iron from plasma by cellular elements of the mononuclear phagocytic system) - in the blood test, the amount of Fe will, of course, be reduced.
    5. Excessive accumulation of hemosiderin in the tissues of the internal organs (hemosiderosis) leads to a low level of iron in the plasma, which is very noticeable when examining the patient's serum.
    6. Lack of erythropoietin production in the kidneys as a manifestation of chronic renal failure (CRF) or other kidney pathology.
    7. Increased excretion of iron in the urine in nephrotic syndrome.
    8. The reason for the low content of iron in the blood and the development of IDA can be prolonged bleeding (nose, gums, during menstruation, from hemorrhoids, etc.).
    9. Active hematopoiesis with significant use of the element.
    10. Cirrhosis, liver cancer. Other malignant and some benign (uterine fibroids) tumors.
    11. Stagnation of bile in the biliary tract (cholestasis) with the development of obstructive jaundice.
    12. Lack of ascorbic acid in the diet, which promotes the absorption of iron from other foods.

    How to raise?

    In order to increase the level of iron in the blood, you need to accurately identify the cause of its decrease. After all, you can consume as many microelements as you like with food, but all efforts will be in vain if their absorption is impaired.

    Thus, we will only provide transit through the gastrointestinal tract, but we will not find out the true cause of the low Fe content in the body, so first you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

    And we can only advise to increase with the help of a diet rich in iron:

    • Use meat products(veal, beef, hot lamb, rabbit). Poultry meat is not particularly rich in the element, but if you choose, then better fit turkey and goose. Lard contains absolutely no iron, so it is not worth considering.
    • There is a lot of Fe in the liver of various animals, which is not surprising, it is a hematopoietic organ, but at the same time, the liver is a detoxification organ, so excessive passion can be unhealthy.
    • There is little or no iron in the eggs, but they have a high content of vitamins B12, B1 and phospholipids.
    • Buckwheat is recognized as the best cereal for the treatment of IDA.
    • Cottage cheese, cheeses, milk, white bread, being calcium-containing foods, inhibit the absorption of iron, so these foods should be consumed separately from a diet aimed at combating iron. low level ferrum.
    • To increase the absorption of the element in the intestine, you will have to dilute protein diet vegetables and fruits containing ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is concentrated in large quantities in citrus fruits (lemon, orange) and sauerkraut. In addition, some plant foods are themselves rich in iron (apples, prunes, peas, beans, spinach), but iron is absorbed very limitedly from food of non-animal origin.

    When increasing iron through diet, you do not need to be afraid that it will become too much. This will not happen, because we have a mechanism that will not allow excessive increase, of course, if it works correctly.

    Serum iron in the blood: normal, high, low

    Iron in the human body is a necessary element, without which many processes and normal life are impossible. Doctors set the norm of iron in the blood. The human body contains 4 to 5 grams of iron. The blood contains 80% of this volume. The remaining 20% ​​is distributed between the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Only 75% of iron is constantly used by human tissues, and the remaining 25% is a reserve that allows you to recover from blood loss and a temporary lack of the substance. In severe cases, when the reserve volume is used up, persistent iron deficiency is noted.

    During biochemical research blood determine the indicator of serum iron, which shows the most accurate level of the substance in the body. There are many reasons to get tested for serum iron. It is very important not to miss both the decrease and the increase in the level of iron in the blood.

    Why is iron needed in the body?

    The rate of iron in the body shows how much of this element a person needs to maintain many vital important processes, which include:

    the formation of hemoglobin (with a lack of which iron deficiency anemia develops);

    maintaining proper operation thyroid gland;

    ensuring the full absorption of vitamin B;

    production of a number of enzymes (including those involved in the construction of DNA);

    ensuring the normal growth process in the child;

    maintaining a healthy immune system;

    neutralization of toxins in the liver;

    production of oxidative enzymes;

    maintaining good condition of hair, skin and nails.

    Since this chemical element is involved in the main processes in the body, its deficiency is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Knowing that a condition such as impaired iron content in the blood can have an extremely negative impact on health, one must be attentive to one's well-being so as not to miss the first symptoms of pathology.

    Routes of iron entry into the body

    To maintain the norm of iron in the blood, its sufficient intake into the body is required. The main source of iron in the body is food. The maximum absorption of the element occurs if its consumption is combined with a dose of vitamin C, which is rich in greens such as parsley and dill.

    The following products, presented in the table, contain the largest amount of iron available to humans:

    Read more about nutrition with iron deficiency in our article Foods containing iron.

    However, one should not overly lean on foods that contain a high content of the necessary substance, since an excess of iron in the body may form, which will not benefit in the same way as its deficiency, and measures will need to be taken to lower it.

    Iron absorption in humans occurs in the duodenum, which is why, with a deficiency of this element, the condition of the intestine is first checked.

    Norm of iron in the blood

    The international norm of serum iron in the blood has been adopted, which is used by all doctors to detect pathologies. Until the age of 14, serum iron in the blood has the same norms, but later its lower limit in an adult, depending on gender, turns out to be different. Normal for each age category is its own indicator of iron in the human body, the values ​​​​are given in the table

    Read also our article on this topic Iron in the female body.

    The standards for how much iron should be are quite flexible due to the peculiarities of its perception by tissues. Also, certain products can increase the indicator to some extent.

    Deviation from the norm, both up and down, is a pathology and requires therapy. Excess iron, due to the fact that with it there are risks serious illnesses turns out to be even more dangerous than a deficiency of it.

    Fluctuations in the rate of iron in women deserve special attention, since for them during pregnancy this element is required in a larger volume. Their rate is increased by one and a half times.

    Causes of low iron levels

    Iron levels in a biochemical blood test can be low for a number of reasons. The main factors by which the indicator can be reduced, doctors consider:

    deficiency of iron intake with food;

    irregular nutrition - iron deficiency means that the body does not have time to replenish reserves without getting enough nutrients .;

    an increase in the need for an element - takes place during the recovery period after serious illnesses, blood loss, as well as during pregnancy, when the body needs everything in an additional volume for the normal formation of the fetus;

    pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the inability to absorb iron;

    systemic lupus erythematosus - SLE;

    malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;

    severe purulent-inflammatory diseases;

    an excess of hemosiderin in tissues and internal organs;

    lack of production of erythropoietin by the kidneys in renal failure;

    excretion of large amounts of iron by the kidneys in nephrotic syndrome;

    deficiency of ascorbic acid in food.

    In order to accurately establish the reasons why the level of iron in the blood is low, a passage is required. complete examination. The only exceptions are cases where iron deficiency is obvious, as in pregnancy, blood loss and malnutrition.

    Symptoms of iron deficiency

    Read about the features of iron deficiency in women in the article Iron deficiency in women: symptoms, causes, treatment.

    A low level of a substance in the body has certain symptoms that should alert. The following manifestations indicate that there is not enough iron in the human body:

    migrating pains in the body;

    dry mucous membranes;

    some difficulty in swallowing food;

    developmental delay in children - not only physical, but also mental;

    increased fragility of nails;

    a change in the normal shape of the nails to a spoon-shaped one - the appearance of "watch glasses", or a symptom chronic hypoxia. It may also indicate chronic pulmonary insufficiency;

    low body temperature;

    dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

    All these manifestations are direct indications in order to check the level of serum iron in the body. The doctor issues a referral for a biochemical blood test and, after receiving its results, determines the level of iron in the blood serum and whether there is a need for therapy. With a low iron content, a diet is necessarily prescribed and then a treatment is selected that will be optimal for a particular patient.

    Causes of high iron in the body

    An increased level of iron in the body is no less dangerous than a lower one. If the daily intake of a substance is too high, it can even lead to death. A deadly dose of iron is considered to be 7 g or more. An increase in serum iron in the blood in humans is noted for the following reasons:

    excessive intake of the substance with food - can also appear with a high content of iron in the water;

    diseases of the pancreas;

    pathology of the spleen - an organ from the reserve concentrated in it begins to release more of the element than necessary, which causes an excess of iron;

    liver pathology - with them, an incorrect distribution of the substance occurs: its excess in the blood and lack in the organ;

    large blood transfusion;

    improper use of iron-containing drugs - in this case, a person receives too much iron, which leads to the fact that it becomes higher than normal. You should use iron-containing preparations only at the rate indicated by the doctor, and not prescribe them to yourself arbitrarily;

    chronic alcoholism - with it, the process of assimilation and excretion of substances from the body is disrupted, due to which iron in the blood rises;

    iron metabolism disorders;

    anemia associated with a deficiency in the formation of red blood cells;

    hemolytic anemia - in pathology, an excessively rapid destruction of erythrocytes is observed with the release of iron from them, which causes its significant increase;

    deficiency in the body of vitamin B12;

    poor absorption of the substance by tissues;

    Increased iron in the blood certainly requires treatment - lowering the level to an acceptable norm. In cases where there is an increase in the level of iron in the blood, we can talk about the development of serious diseases, and therefore a person must definitely undergo an examination.

    Manifestation of excess iron in the body

    Elevated serum iron is always manifested by special symptoms, which should not be ignored and the violations should not be attributed to simple overwork. It is necessary to visit a doctor and check whether iron is normally present in the blood with the following phenomena:

    frequent headache;

    general loss of strength

    frequent nausea, up to vomiting;

    alternating diarrhea and constipation;

    However, it must be emphasized that these symptoms do not always indicate that serum iron is elevated, but only in 90% of cases. Remaining 10% when cause feeling unwell is not an excess of iron, are associated with severe pathologies of internal organs, including oncology and systemic diseases.

    Complications of increased iron in the blood

    Increased iron content in the body increases the likelihood of developing a number of diseases. According to medical data, such a pathology can provoke the following diseases:

    These complications of the condition are also a reason not to ignore the increase in iron levels in the blood. If the problem is detected in time, in most cases it is solved effectively and the norm of iron content in the blood is restored.

    How is the analysis going?

    Exactly what it is - an analysis for a high or low iron level - can always be informed by a doctor. The study is carried out on the basis of material obtained from a vein. The analysis requires serum, and therefore the blood is passed through a centrifuge. Further, with the help of special reagents, iron in the serum is detected. Today, analysis is implemented in all medical institutions, so you can almost always check the iron indicator near the house. Iron is detected precisely from the blood serum.

    How to prepare for analysis

    In order for the value of the analysis to be accurate, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. Blood sampling is carried out from 8 to 11 am. The last meal can be no later than 8 hours before the delivery of the material. Drinking is allowed without restrictions, but only clean, non-carbonated water. 3 days before blood donation, it is required to give up alcohol and oral contraceptives, as they will distort normal performance, because they can lift iron.

    Due to the fact that many drugs can interfere with the result of biochemistry, the doctor accurately instructs the person about which ones can be used and which cannot.

    It is undesirable to take tests during menstruation, as the indicators will be with large errors due to the presence of bleeding. In such a situation, if possible, it is necessary to postpone the day of sampling, and if it is not possible, then the nurse must be informed so that she can indicate this on the test tube with the material. The importance of a blood test for iron levels cannot be underestimated.

    Serum iron. Iron in the blood, the norm, what does the change in indicators indicate?

    Frequently asked Questions

    The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician.

    All inorganic substances divided into micronutrients and macronutrients. It depends on the mass fraction of the element. Trace elements include iron, copper, zinc and others. Macronutrients include calcium, sodium, potassium and others.

    Why is iron needed in the body?

    • functional iron. Functional iron is part of hemoglobin (an iron-containing erythrocyte protein that captures and carries oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body), myoglobin (an oxygen-containing protein of skeletal muscles and heart muscles that creates oxygen reserves), enzymes (specific proteins that change the rate of chemical reactions in the body). Functional iron is involved in many body processes and is constantly used.
    • Transport iron. Transport iron is the amount of an element that is transferred from the source of iron into the body to each of its cells. Transport iron is not involved in the functions of the body. It is part of the carrier proteins - transferrin (the main protein carrier of iron ions in the blood plasma), lactoferrin (the carrier protein contained in breast milk, tears, saliva and other secretory fluids) and mobilferrin (an iron ion carrier protein in the cell).
    • deposited iron. Part of the iron that enters the body is deposited “in reserve”. Iron is deposited in various organs and tissues, mainly in the liver and spleen. Iron is deposited in the form of ferritin (a water-soluble complex protein complex, which is the main intracellular iron depot) or hemosiderin (an iron-containing pigment formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin).
    • Free iron. Free iron or a free pool is iron that is not bound to proteins inside cells, formed as a result of the release of iron from a triple complex - iron, apotransferrin (transferrin precursor protein) and a receptor (a molecule on the cell surface that attaches molecules of various chemical substances and transmitting regulatory signals). In its free form, iron is highly toxic. Therefore, free iron is transported within the cell by mobilferrin or deposited with ferritin.

    By localization in the body are distinguished:

    • Heme iron (cellular). Heme iron makes up the bulk of the total iron content in the human body - up to 70 - 75%. Participates in the internal exchange of iron ions and is part of hemoglobin, myoglobin and many enzymes (substances that accelerate chemical reactions in the body).
    • Non-heme iron. Non-heme iron is divided into extracellular and deposited iron. Extracellular iron includes free plasma iron and iron-binding transport proteins - transferrin, lactoferrin, mobilferrin. Deposited iron is found in the body in the form of two protein compounds - ferritin and hemosiderin.

    The main functions of iron are:

    • transport of oxygen to tissues - the composition of the erythrocyte includes hemoglobin, the molecules of which contain 4 iron atoms each; iron in the composition of hemoglobin binds and transports oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body;
    • participation in the processes of hematopoiesis - the bone marrow uses iron to synthesize hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells;
    • detoxification of the body - iron is necessary for the synthesis of liver enzymes involved in the destruction of toxins;
    • regulation of immunity and an increase in the tone of the body - iron affects the composition of the blood, the level of leukocytes necessary to maintain immunity;
    • participation in the process of cell division - iron is part of proteins and enzymes involved in DNA synthesis;
    • hormone synthesis - iron is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulates the metabolism in the body;
    • providing cells with energy - iron delivers oxygen to the energy molecules of the protein.

    Iron enters the human body from the external environment along with food. It is found in red meat (especially rabbit meat), dark poultry meat (especially turkey meat), dried mushrooms, in legumes, vegetables, fruits, cocoa. The daily need for iron is on average 6-40 milligrams. Toxic dose iron is 150-200 mg, the lethal dose is 7-35 g.

    Iron in the body is found in different concentrations depending on the type of iron, as well as gender.

    What is serum iron and what is the norm of iron in the blood? Why is a serum iron test performed?

    • diagnostics, differential diagnosis(distinguishing one pathology from another with similar symptoms) and monitoring the treatment of anemia (a pathological condition characterized by a low content of hemoglobin in red blood cells);
    • diagnosis of hemochromatosis (a hereditary disease characterized by impaired iron metabolism);
    • diagnosis of intoxication (poisoning) with iron;
    • malnutrition, hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins);
    • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the normal absorption of iron is disrupted;
    • identified deviations in the results of a general blood test (erythrocytes, hematocrit);
    • bleeding of various etiologies (abundant prolonged menstruation, bleeding gums, bleeding from hemorrhoids, stomach or duodenal ulcers, and others).

    Serum iron analysis is carried out for:

    • assessment of iron stores in the body;
    • calculating the percent saturation of transferrin with iron (i.e. determining the concentration of iron carried by the blood);
    • differential diagnosis of anemia;
    • control of anemia treatment;
    • control of treatment with iron preparations;
    • diagnostics genetic diseases iron metabolism disorders.

    When receiving tests, the doctor focuses on the gender and age of the patient. The results obtained may be within the normal range, below or above the norm. If the iron level is below normal, the patient has an iron deficiency. If the level of iron is higher than normal, there is an excess of iron in the patient's body. When interpreting the results obtained, many factors should be taken into account - nutrition, medication, the woman's menstrual cycle, and others. Do not forget about the daily fluctuation of the concentration of iron in the blood. Thus, the maximum daily concentration of iron in the blood is observed in the morning. In women, in the period before and during menstruation, the concentration of iron in the blood is higher than after the end of menstruation. Therefore, an analysis for serum iron should be taken after the cessation of menstruation. Random fluctuations in the level of iron in the blood can also be observed, for example, with a sharp increase in the consumption of meat in the patient's diet.

    • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
    • methotrexate - an antitumor agent;
    • multivitamins containing iron;
    • oral contraceptives - birth control pills;
    • antibiotics - methicillin, chloramphenicol, cefotaxime;
    • preparations containing estrogens (female sex hormones).

    Drugs that lower the level of iron in the blood are:

    • acetylsalicylic acid in high doses is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
    • allopurinol - a drug that lowers the level of uric acid in the blood;
    • cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone;
    • metformin - a tableted hypoglycemic agent (lowering blood sugar levels);
    • corticotropin - a preparation of adrenocorticotropic hormone;
    • cholestyramine - a lipid-lowering agent (reducing the level of fats in the blood);
    • asparaginase is an antitumor agent;
    • preparations containing testosterone - the male sex hormone.

    In order to obtain reliable results of the level of iron in the blood, it is necessary to properly prepare the patient for diagnosis.

    How to prepare for a serum iron test?

    • a week before the test for serum iron, stop taking medications and complexes of iron-containing vitamins;
    • postpone the analysis of serum iron for several days after hemotransfusion (blood transfusion);
    • explain to the patient that for the analysis of serum iron it will be necessary to take a blood sample, explain the essence of the procedure, warn about unpleasant sensations when applying a tourniquet and puncture (piercing) of the vein;
    • describe the daily routine and nutrition that the patient must follow.

    The general requirements for a blood test for serum iron are:

    • taking the test blood on an empty stomach;
    • exclusion of smoking, alcohol and fatty foods, physical activity 12 hours before the analysis;
    • collection of test material prior to any diagnostic procedures(radiography, computed tomography);
    • the absence of viral and inflammatory diseases in the patient.

    What should be the level of serum iron during pregnancy?

    • an increase in blood volume by 50%, and, consequently, a 2-fold increase in the need for iron to produce hemoglobin (an iron-containing protein that transports blood);
    • significant iron intake from the maternal iron depot for the formation of the placenta, erythrocytes (red blood cells that transport oxygen) of the fetus;
    • iron deficiency anemia (anemia is a condition characterized by low levels of hemoglobin in the blood) before pregnancy, which exacerbates iron deficiency during pregnancy.

    In addition to the normal physiological loss of iron in pregnant women, daily iron consumption increases. In the first trimester, additional iron costs are 0.8 milligrams per day, in the second trimester - 4-5 milligrams per day, in the third trimester - up to 6.5 milligrams per day. 400 milligrams of iron are needed for the development of the fetus, 50-75 milligrams of iron for the uterus that has increased in size, 100 milligrams of iron is needed for the construction of the placenta, through which the vital activity of the fetus is maintained. In general, for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, the expectant mother needs about 800 milligrams of iron additionally. During pregnancy and childbirth (without complications), about 650 milligrams of iron is consumed.

    For a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, both iron deficiency and its excess are equally dangerous. If the body of a pregnant woman does not receive the necessary daily rate iron, its reserves are rapidly depleted. This leads to iron deficiency (serum iron level of 30 µmol/l) and also negatively affects the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus. Excess iron can be observed in hereditary diseases with impaired iron metabolism and excessive intake of iron into the body (uncontrolled intake of iron-containing drugs). Excessive iron content in the blood of a pregnant woman can cause the development of gestational diabetes (a pathology in which there is a high blood sugar level in a pregnant woman), preeclampsia (complications of pregnancy after 20 weeks, characterized by high blood pressure and high protein in the urine), miscarriage. Therefore, iron supplements should be taken under the strict supervision of a physician.

    • Sorbifer durules. This drug contains 100 milligrams of iron per tablet and vitamin C to improve iron absorption from the intestines. During pregnancy, in order to prevent iron deficiency, 1 tablet per day is prescribed, for treatment - 1 tablet in the morning and evening.
    • Ferroplex. Dragees contain 50 milligrams of iron and vitamin C. Take 2 tablets 3 times a day.
    • Totem. Totem is a solution containing 50 milligrams of iron. For prophylaxis, it is prescribed orally 1 ampoule per day from 4 months of pregnancy. In large doses, totem is prescribed only for laboratory-confirmed iron deficiency anemia. It is prescribed 2-4 ampoules per day.
    • Fenyuls. The capsules contain 45 milligrams of iron. For prevention, take 1 capsule per day from the 14th week of pregnancy. After taking the drug daily for 2 weeks, take a week break, and then continue taking the drug again.

    Side effects of iron supplements include nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. The stool will also turn black, which is normal. When side effects you need to see a doctor. The doctor will reduce the dose of the iron preparation or cancel it altogether (if the patient's condition and laboratory parameters allow).

    With the consumption of iron from reserves and its insufficient intake into the body, many processes in the body are disrupted. The symptoms become more pronounced. Severe iron deficiency leads to disease and serious complications.

    • decreased immunity - the patient often suffers from viral and respiratory diseases;
    • low body temperature, chilliness - body temperature is below 36.6 ° C, a person feels uncomfortable when low temperatures, he has constantly cold extremities;
    • deterioration of memory, attention, learning rates - with iron deficiency, it is difficult for the patient to concentrate, remember information, there is frequent forgetfulness;
    • decreased performance - the patient constantly feels tired, "broken", even after a good sleep;
    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, pain in the stomach, constipation, flatulence (excessive accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen), the appearance of belching and heartburn;
    • increased fatigue, weakness in the muscles - the patient observes increased fatigue even after a short activity, also notes weakness in the muscles during physical activity and at rest;
    • neurological disorders - increased irritability, irascibility, depressive states, tearfulness, migrating pains (headaches, in the heart area);
    • delayed mental and physical development in children - lack of iron leads to oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the central nervous system of the child, development of cardio-vascular system and others;
    • geophagia (perversion of nutrition) - with iron deficiency, a person can start eating inedible objects - chalk, earth, sand;
    • dryness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes - the skin becomes dry, begins to peel off, cracks and pronounced wrinkles appear, wounds form in the corners of the mouth (cheilitis), stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the oral cavity);
    • dryness, brittleness of nails and hair - with a lack of iron, the hair becomes dull, brittle, lose shine and volume, nails exfoliate and break easily;
    • dizziness, loss of consciousness (fainting) - as a result of a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, the body suffers from oxygen starvation, this especially affects the brain, which is manifested by dizziness, short-term loss of consciousness, darkening in the eyes;
    • shortness of breath, heart palpitations - iron deficiency leads to a lack of oxygen, which the body tries to compensate for by increasing breathing and heart rate.