Are there lymph nodes in the armpits? What does an inflamed lymph node under the armpit look like?

If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, this indicates problems and malfunctions in the human body. Lymph nodes are located in parts of the human body; there are 150 locations. Common ones are in the armpits and neck. The lymph nodes under the armpit are the most susceptible to inflammation.

To identify the root cause, a consultation with a therapist is necessary. If inflammation occurs in a child, go to the pediatrician. Causes of pathology:

  1. Viruses and colds. Inflammation can occur due to infection with an acute respiratory viral infection, sore throat or influenza. To relieve the symptoms of lymphadenitis, the disease that caused the inflammatory process must be cured.
  2. Direct penetration of foreign agents into the lymph node. Bacterial infection with staphylococci or streptococci directly in the lymph node can cause inflammatory processes.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. Impaired blood circulation in the vessels also leads to lymphadenitis. When blood thickens, associated with excessive consumption of sweets, the veins become clogged and circulation is impaired.
  4. Toxic poisoning. Lymph nodes are a link in cleansing the body; in case of poisoning, toxins will try to be eliminated through sweat, leading to inflammation of the axillary nodes.
  5. Allergy. It may occur in response to deodorant, and again the lymph nodes will try to remove foreign agents through the armpits.
  6. Excessive sweating. Sweat is a favorable environment for the development of diseases and bacteria. If there is an excess of sweat secretion, the lymph nodes may not have time to cope with the amount of bacteria. The germ slips through, causing inflammation.
  7. Furunculosis. It is an independent disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the hair follicles. Inflammation can gradually spread to the lymph nodes. An enlarged lymph node is possible due to shaving.
  8. Malignant neoplasms. Oncology. Cancer can affect the human body, the symptom will be inflammation in the axillary, intramammary and para-aortic lymph nodes. The tumor can form in the chest, larynx, lungs or throat.


If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, a course of treatment will be prescribed by a general practitioner. The doctor, using numerous diagnostics, will determine the cause of the inflammation and make a diagnosis. After treatment of the disease, the lymph nodes will decrease in size on their own.

To relieve symptoms, eliminate pain and swelling, you will need to follow a number of medical recommendations:

  • In case of inflammation, you need to give rest to the nodes, therefore, you should not load the protective elements. You need to stop using deodorants and try to stay in a ventilated area so as not to sweat.
  • Treatment must be comprehensive, using medications and physiotherapy, compresses, ointments, etc.
  • When prescribing a course of antibiotics, they must be taken in consultation with a physician, since the body’s reaction must be under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Take vitamin supplements to boost immunity. The selection of vitamin supplements will have to be done by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Antibiotic therapy for inflammation

To stop the spread of a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The doctor prescribes medications to solve problems with infection; the early stage of the disease is amenable to the specified treatment.

If tuberculosis is excluded, therapy is prescribed for a period of 7 to 14 days. The allotted time is enough to relieve or reduce the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. With tuberculosis, treatment becomes more complicated, complex and inpatient.

Local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments

To speed up the relief of symptoms, ointments are used that accelerate the relief of inflammation. They do not treat the disease, but eliminate external effects. Compresses and other methods will help. The methods help improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of resorption of stagnation.

Application of chloroethyl

Prescribing chlorethyl is necessary if the patient’s lymph node hurts. Due to the content of an anesthetic in the composition, the drug relieves inflammation, shrinks the lymph node, reduces the sensitivity of this area of ​​​​the skin, which will help relieve pain. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a spray applied to the area. The skin will darken after application, this is normal. To completely eliminate the inflammatory process, the course consists of 5-6 sessions.


To strengthen the immune system and influence the lymph nodes, physiotherapy is often prescribed for inflammation. As an addition to the course of treatment, it performs a strengthening function.

The procedures consist of electrophoresis with medications and ultrasound therapy in the axillary area. The effect is elimination of the inflammatory process and reduction of pain.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are responsible for cleansing the body, medical supplies and traditional methods can help. Focus folk remedies– treatment of inflammation, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agents.

Surgical intervention

In the absence of pathology, treatment does not require surgical intervention, but if a purulent infection spreads, it is necessary. Pus can cause side problems, including rotting of the flesh. Urgent surgical intervention will be required to clean out the cavities.

Also necessary for oncology. If the lymph node is already affected by malignant neoplasms, it is removed and courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed.

Inflammation of the intramammary node in women

For women on the planet, an additional danger is inflammation of the lymph node located in the mammary gland or armpit.

Intramammary lymph nodes

They are localized in the upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland. Present on both sides in the armpit area. Absent in men, only in women. The location of the lymph nodes is designed so that the infection does not spread.


The lymphatic system will act as a filter due to immune reactions, occurring in the thymus and bursa-dependent areas. In the lymph nodes, distribution occurs into lymph and other foreign bodies, lymph flows from adjacent organs and tissues. If there is an excess of antigens in the inflowing lymph, inflammation of the nodes occurs and their size increases.

When to worry

A lymph node tumor is considered a consequence of the disease, and not a pathology. You should be concerned if the lymph node is enlarged, which indicates abnormalities in the human body. During an X-ray or mammographic examination, the lymph nodes should not be visible, but during inflammatory processes the elements are enlarged and compacted, appearing as a white spot on the pictures.

Lymphadenopathy is the so-called enlargement of intramammary nodes, which is a consequence of inflammatory and infectious or bacterial diseases. Although this is a consequence, the symptom cannot be ignored; the inflammation will go away after treatment of the disease. If you notice the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Possible diseases

Lymph nodes do not become enlarged without a reason. A doctor should diagnose the disease; there are many possible causes. And the degree of threat of diseases ranges from mild to difficult to treat and even fatal.


Most common during breastfeeding, after childbirth. Without safety or hygiene precautions during breastfeeding, pathogenic organisms can enter the mammary glands, and inflammation will occur. Also, during lactation periods, bacterial infections can develop if milk is not fully expressed. Stale milk becomes a favorable substrate for the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Symptoms: an increase in basal body temperature to 40 degrees, chest pain, an increase in breast size or redness of the skin in the area of ​​pain, headaches may be present, as well as pus discharged from the nipple.


Means benign tumor, which can develop in the chest. The cause is a disruption in the production of hormones. When palpated, hardening is detected on the nodule, and with light pressure, drops of liquid may be released from the nipple.

Silicone implant

After surgery to install a silicone implant, it is necessary to monitor your breast health. Possible enlarged lymph nodes. If installed incorrectly, swelling or increase in breast size may occur. For two months, you will have to carefully monitor the shape and size of your breasts to identify pathologies. There is a low probability of silicone leakage. The situation is not dangerous for the woman. But the need to contact a plastic surgeon remains.

Oncological neoplasm

Not every tumor fits the description of cancer. It is necessary to take into account a number of signs in which it is necessary to consult a doctor - oncologist. Warning signs include: violation appearance, change in volume, discharge from the nipples, changes in the structure of the epidermis, weight gain.


Tuberculosis produces symptoms throughout the body, including in the axillary nodes, which can begin an inflammatory process in the nodes near the bronchi and trachea. The nodes are considered the center of lymph maturation, which influences the correct response that the body gives to foreign agents. It is necessary to track the dynamics of changes.


Inflammation or swelling in the armpit is normal during pregnancy or before menstruation.


If the symptoms described above are identified, you should urgently consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis, make a preliminary diagnosis and refer you to a specialist for further treatment.

Doctors involved in diagnosis: mammologist, gynecologist, surgeon and oncologist.


After palpation of the mammary glands and the area of ​​the armpits, compactions may be revealed. Referrals for additional examinations are issued. During a routine visit, symptoms of a serious illness are sometimes identified.


An imbalance of sex hormones and the presence of sexually transmitted infections can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes. A gynecologist can identify these problems and prescribe a course. Treatment consists of hormonal pills in case of disruptions in the production of hormones. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in case of infection.


Takes part in the treatment of mastitis (purulent form). Treatment consists of surgery. Introduced local anesthesia, then a skin incision is made, the pus is removed and the cavity is cleaned. After suturing the wound, the lymph node will return to normal within one to two weeks, without additional stimulation.


First of all, it confirms the presence malignant tumor. There are two stages of oncology, and two methods of fight. In the initial stages, treatment is minimal. It will be necessary to remove the tumor regionally without affecting other tissues. In advanced stages, a complete mastectomy is necessary. Treatment is not limited to this, but rehabilitation period you will have to undergo procedures aimed at improving your health. Medical gymnastics and health-improving exercises are used.

Diagnostic methods

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo clinical examinations and find out the results, which include blood and urine tests, as well as special clinical studies for a range of diseases.


The basis of health is self-examination. At home, it is possible to detect symptoms: malaise, pain in the chest area or enlargement. For a correct and competent inspection, a number of rules must be taken into account. It is best to perform the procedure on the 10th day of the cycle, including visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands. Palpate on both sides, carefully palpating the chest in a circular motion. If the lymph node continues to enlarge, the disease develops. If any lumps or clots are detected, immediately contact a mammologist.


This method is a non-invasive method for identifying compactions. An x-ray is taken separately from the breast. The detail determines the location, shape and density of the tumor.

To avoid radiation exposure that can lead to mutations, it is possible to use MRI mammography. But the price of this method is higher, and the image resolution is lower, therefore the diagnostic benefit is less.


The difference with mammography is that it produces dynamic images. Purpose – used to detail the pathological process or clarify the diagnosis. The analysis will show tissue differentiation, breast structure and condition lymph nodes.


The area with pathological processes has a different temperature compared to the body. These areas heat up the tissue due to inflammatory processes. In the picture, this area is distinguished by the presence of red tints, and a healthy one will be light. Thermography allows you to obtain such a temperature analysis of the body on film.


If you suspect malignant formations a biopsy is prescribed. The method is invasive. A section of tissue is grabbed and examined using a special device. Within 1-3 weeks, a result will come that will show the type of tumor - benign or malignant, or its absence as such.


If results are obtained that indirectly indicate oncology, additional analysis is carried out. Axillography reveals metastases. The mechanism is an x-ray of the tissues of the axillary region.

CT scan

Indicated to exclude or monitor a pathological process. The analysis mechanism helps to assess the course of the pathological process, the size of the lesion, and detect metastases. The computer calculation is based on information from x-rays.

Treatment for various diseases

Timely handling and delivery of rows clinical trials allow the doctor to prescribe a course of treatment. Self-medication must be avoided so as not to aggravate the situation. To familiarize yourself with the procedures, possible treatment options are presented below.

Two approaches to treatment are used: conservative and surgical. Eliminating pain in the chest area without relying on a diagnosis - using topical ointments. They help relieve pain, improve blood circulation, which helps reduce the inflammatory process and resolve the seal.

For mastitis

An infectious disease is treated with antibacterial agents. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce body temperature and chest pain. Surgery is necessary if there is pus in the chest; the affected areas will be cleaned and washed.

Women who are breastfeeding need a product to suppress lactation. Excess retained milk can cause bacterial infection.

If the inflammation progresses to chronic form, physical therapy should also be added to drug treatment: electrophoresis and ultrasound.

For mastopathy

Treatment depends on the diagnosis:

  • Nodal form. Not amenable to drug treatment. Subject to surgical cutting. A dangerous form that poses a threat to human life.
  • Cystic fibrous form. After testing for hormones, the endocrinologist will prescribe hormone therapy in the form of tablets or hormonal contraceptives.
  • Fibrous-diffuse form. Therapy consists of a course of medications and a complex integrative approach to treatment. It includes a change in lifestyle, a change in diet, right choice underwear that does not restrict blood circulation. A course of treatment with hormonal and non-hormonal medications is forthcoming.

When implanted

Urgent consultation required plastic surgeon. Preferably, the same specialist who performed the operation and knows about the patient and the installed implant. After collecting information, a decision will be made on the need to remove the implant and subsequent treatment. The reasons may be a change in the shape of the implant, its rupture, which requires urgent surgery, and threatens the patient’s life!

For malignant tumors

After diagnosis, a suspicion of cancer is likely. The course of treatment will be planned and prescribed by a doctor. Items included surgical intervention, the use of radiation, radio and chemotherapy. Molecular targeted therapy, which consists of drug treatment, is possible.

Such procedures help eliminate or destroy malignant cells. To eliminate the risk of developing metastases, it is necessary to remove the lymph nodes of the affected area. Treatment is selected based on tests that will help the patient eliminate the consequences of therapy. You will need to visit your therapist annually to avoid periods of remission.

For tuberculosis

These diseases - inflammation of the lymph node and tuberculosis - can occur in parallel. There are two stages of the disease. Depending on the course of the disease, appropriate treatment is selected.

In the initial stages, surgery should not be performed, as it is possible to cause a re-infection from the remaining bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to take anti-tuberculosis tablets and other medicinal methods. In this case, the lymph nodes will retain function.

During the second stage, tissue destruction occurs and combination therapy will be required. In addition to the course of pills, this includes operational activities. The procedure involves cutting out lymph nodes that cannot be treated. If nearby tissue is also damaged, according to medical instructions, it also has the right to be removed. In the latter case, the tissues may become encapsulated and then heal. Then the capsule is impregnated with calcium and its salts, forming a dense lump.

Things to remember

Enlarged lymph nodes in any organ or tissue are a symptom of an inflammatory process and disorders in the human body. To exclude a possible danger to life, consultation with a therapist is necessary to make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor; with timely tests and all treatment measures, the recovery rate is 90%. After treatment, the breasts will return to normal outside and inside.

Para-aortic lymph nodes

These lymph nodes include organs located on the periphery of the lymphatic system. Localized in the space between the stomach and spine. Receive lymph from organs abdominal cavity, the armpits also have an outlet here.

The location of the lymph nodes is designed so that the infection does not spread. Para-aortic nodes prevent infections from spreading from the area of ​​the iliac node, male and female genital organs, and the pelvic region to the overlying tissues, for example, in the armpit. Location – in front of the spine, near the psoas muscle, close to the lower leg of the diaphragm.


Like the lymphatic system, its normal function is filtration, it is achieved through immune reactions. The response occurs in the thymus and bursa dependent areas. In the area of ​​the nodes, inflowing lymph from nearby tissues and organs is divided into pure lymph and foreign agents. When there are a lot of foreign agents and antigens, the nodes do not have time to cope with the work and inflammation occurs.


The normal size of lymph nodes should not exceed 1.5 cm; with age or after illness, the size changes. But an increase in excess of 2 cm most likely carries pathology. The person should see a therapist.

Seeing a doctor

Feel the lymph nodes healthy person it’s difficult, he doesn’t feel them. At the first signs of swelling or tenderness in the area, you should consult a doctor; infections and pathologies are likely.


Common causes of inflammation:

  • Disturbances in the organs of the urinary system.
  • Appearance in lumbar region abscesses.
  • Skin lesions in the area of ​​inflammation, dermatitis or other eczema.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Penetration of metastases from other lesions into the lymph node. The source can be the kidneys, stomach, intestines, uterus in a woman or prostate gland in a man.


A painful sensation indicates positive signs that the lymph nodes are inflamed. And with oncological processes, pain is not an accompanying symptom. In addition, weakness, fever, excessive sweating, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. In addition, the patient will be disturbed characteristic symptoms disease causing inflammation.


Diagnostics is complicated by the impossibility of direct inspection of the node due to its location. The diagnosis is made from indirect reasons, such as examination, tests and medical history. Lists of required clinical examinations include: general tests blood, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray examination of the pelvis, histological examination - lymph node puncture.


The inflammatory process in the lymph nodes is not a disease; treatment is prescribed according to the diagnosis. And the lymph nodes will decrease in size on their own a week or two after recovery.

As mentioned above, the nature of the treatment will depend on the disease: for an acute respiratory viral infection, you will have to take antipyretics. If there is a bacterial infection, you will need to take a course of antibiotics. At malignant neoplasms(cancer) the therapist will prescribe complex therapy, which will include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as surgery in the later stages.

The operation takes place in stages. The skin over the lymph nodes is cut, excess blood and lymph are pumped out. Remove pus and surrounding soft fabrics, as well as tissues susceptible to necrosis. A sponge with an antimicrobial or antiseptic drug is inserted into the open wound to avoid infections. It is then removed and the patient is sutured. After the operation, dressings are made for 7-10 days. Antibiotics are prescribed to exclude secondary infection. Fabrics that have been cut are sent to histological examination to exclude malignant neoplasms.

If, when inflammation is detected, a person neglects therapeutic measures, lymphatic drainage is impaired. This threatens the development of lymphostasis, which can provoke a decrease in the amplitude of movement of the limbs. With a timely start drug therapy the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

Lymph nodes are important organs of the human immune system. This is a kind of filter, a barrier to harmful viruses and bacteria; they do not participate in the formation of cells. In normal conditions, the location of such nodes is barely noticeable. A person may not even know that they exist. But if the lymph node under the armpit suddenly becomes inflamed, this may indicate the presence of a disease in nearby organs. With sudden movements and pressure, a person will experience acute pain. This means it's time to see a doctor.

What does a lump under the arm mean?

A lump or ball under the armpit is a hard lump that, as a rule, always brings an unpleasant painful sensation. Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms are caused by wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear, non-compliance with hygiene rules, and razor cuts. In addition, the lump under the arm hurts as a result of weakened immunity after a severe infectious disease. The axillary lymph nodes may also become enlarged due to inflammation of the mammary glands or due to excessive sweating.

Symptoms in women and men

The pain under the armpit can be sharp. In this case, inflammation of the lymph nodes often develops slowly. First, a person develops a small lump the size of a pea, and pain appears on palpation. The skin becomes red and hot. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the patient’s lymph nodes may become very swollen and the temperature will rise sharply. As a rule, women and men have the same symptoms if the inflammation is caused by lymphadenitis:

  • weight loss;
  • skin redness;
  • an abscess may pop out;
  • armpit hurts when pressed;
  • may shoot in the swollen area on the left or right.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit is not always accompanied by pain. Appearance this symptom depends on internal cause, which provoked compaction: if the lymph nodes under the armpit are inflamed in a patient with tuberculosis or syphilis, then there will be no strong burning sensation. A person whose lymph nodes have enlarged as a result of cancer (cancer, sarcoma) will not feel discomfort.

Enlarged lymph nodes

IN healthy condition The lymph nodes under the arm do not bother me. If they begin to inflame, become large, pain is felt, and there is swelling, this means that the process of infection has begun in the body. You cannot ignore these signs and self-medicate. You need to see a doctor and get advice. Lumps under the armpit in women often occur as a result of certain diseases, such as:

Lymph node pain and armpit pain

A common cause of armpit pain is a sprained ligament. Discomfort can also arise as a result of problems with the mammary glands or previous breast surgery. The cyclical nature of the pain occurs due to mastalgia, which appears before menstruation. An allergy to deodorant, as well as the appearance of a pimple or boil, contribute to the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the armpits. Such an abscess can burst at any moment. It may leave an ugly scar.

red spot

A red spot under the armpit appears in the form of a round shape, and not immediately a bright shade; at first a brick color is observed. For comparison, you can look at photos of such spots. They are not always smooth to the touch - sometimes you can see small scales. As a rule, red spots disappear after a person begins to perform the complex hygiene procedures. The reasons for this appearance of spots under the arms:

  • irritation after shaving;
  • skin reaction to sunlight;
  • wearing uncomfortable clothes;
  • change individual funds hygiene (shampoo, soap, razor);
  • heavy sweating.

Causes of compaction

Common causes of lumps in the armpit:

  • abuse of deodorants that are designed to get rid of sweat;
  • rough shaving;
  • in a child - due to wearing uncomfortable, tight clothes;
  • skin damage;
  • physical activity, increased sweating, inaccessibility to taking a bath leads to the growth of microorganisms that cause inflammation;
  • inflammation of the sweat glands and inflammation of the follicles appear acute pain: complications may occur in the form of elevated temperature and formation of an abscess;
  • allergic reaction for certain medications.

What to do if there is a tumor under the armpit

To get rid of a swollen lump under the arm, you need to understand the root cause of its appearance. If it occurs as a result of unsuccessful hair removal, you just need to apply treatment with antiseptics. You can use the old one folk method– make a mesh of iodine on the armpit area. If a lump appears after using an antiperspirant, you need to discard it and treat the skin with alcohol. You can also use special ointments with antibiotics. Echinacea tincture with alcohol is effective in the fight against such neoplasms.

Enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes is noted quite often, but attention is not always paid to it, which can lead to the development of a serious disease that will subsequently be difficult to cure. Clinicians know a large number of predisposing factors that may influence the development of such a symptom. It is noteworthy that all of them are associated with one disease or another.

Similar clinical manifestation is not the only sign of illness; it can also be accompanied by discomfort in the armpits, as well as redness skin in this zone and an increase in temperature.

Establishing the correct diagnosis is carried out through an objective examination and laboratory and instrumental examinations of the patient. The treatment regimen will directly depend on the etiological factor.


The following factors can cause inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arm:

  • a previous illness of an infectious or cold nature;
  • inflammatory process in hair follicles located in this anatomical zone;
  • severe, which arose as a consequence of a serious illness;
  • increased sweating - this condition causes an increase in the number of pathogenic agents that can enter the body through skin cuts in the armpit;
  • allergic reaction - often this body response is a reaction to a deodorant used to prevent sweating;
  • damage to regional lymph nodes by an oncological process. It is worth noting that on early stages cancer lymph nodes will not be enlarged and painful;
  • – this pathology is characterized by the formation of a malignant granuloma. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can achieve a complete recovery;
  • - This is the most common reason that the axillary lymph node is significantly enlarged in children. Despite the fact that this condition is caused by a rather banal factor - scratches or bites pet, such a disorder poses a threat.

Such sources of the main symptom are the most common, but there is a group of rare ones. This category should include:

  • – there is a violation of the structure of capillaries and connective tissue;
  • angioimmunoblastic;
  • – this is the most common joint disease;
  • serum sickness, which is a reaction of the immune system to foreign proteins;
  • or purulent wounds on the upper extremities, in the chest or shoulder area;
  • side effects from receiving some groups medicines.

All of the above predisposing factors are characteristic of both sexes, but there are several reasons that are unique to women. We are talking about enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes with. This manifestation occurs due to the formation of compactions in the mammary glands. In addition, representatives of the fairer sex may experience a similar symptom during pregnancy or when breastfeeding baby. In such cases, treatment is not required.

In addition to the above factors, a child’s lymph nodes may become enlarged due to:

  • or ;
  • or ;
  • or .

In the vast majority of cases, the causative agents of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes are. Infection occurs in several ways - through blood or lymph, as well as through contact of the microorganism with the affected skin in the armpit area.


Changes in lymph nodes in the axillary area can be:

  • sharp– most often acts as a complication of infectious or inflammatory disease;
  • chronic– often this type is observed during malignant processes in the body.

In addition, an increase in the volume of lymph nodes is divided into:

  • inflammatory;
  • non-inflammatory.

The need for such a classification lies in the fact that the tactics of their treatment will be radically different.

Depending on the causative agent of the disease, there are several additional forms of this symptom:

  • specific– diagnosed quite rarely, because the source of the increase is pathogens of diseases such as, and;
  • nonspecific - the causative agents are staphylococci and other bacteria.

In addition, either one or several lymph nodes can be involved in the pathological process.


Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit are accompanied by characteristic clinical symptoms, among which:

  • the skin under which the inflamed lymph node is located acquires a red tint;
  • the formation of a specific tubercle under the armpit, which indicates the location of the affected lymph node;
  • discomfort during palpation of the armpit;
  • the appearance of a pronounced pain syndrome, which indicates an advanced stage of the disease. It is noteworthy that pain under the arms does not appear in mastopathy and oncology;
  • constant ;
  • feeling of pulsation of enlarged lymph nodes;
  • physical weakness of the hands;

All of the above signs are associated only with changes in the volume of the lymph nodes, but they may be accompanied by other manifestations characteristic of the disease that caused the main symptom.

Similar symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit can be seen in both adults and children. However, it must be taken into account that in a child any pathological process develops faster and is more severe.


In order to find out the sources of enlarged axillary lymph nodes in women and men, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient. However, a primary diagnosis is initially carried out, which includes:

  • a detailed survey of the patient, which is aimed at determining the time of lymph node enlargement, as well as the presence and severity of additional symptoms;
  • studying the medical history and life history of the patient;
  • a thorough objective examination, which consists of assessing the condition of the skin and palpation of the armpit area.

The second stage of diagnosis involves laboratory tests, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • general and biochemical blood test - to identify signs of inflammation;
  • clinical analysis urine;
  • Mantoux test - if tuberculosis infection is suspected;
  • blood test to determine tumor markers.

TO instrumental examinations include:

  • Ultrasound of lymph nodes in men and women;
  • radiography;
  • mammography - for women;
  • biopsy - to confirm or refute the presence of oncology.


If there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms, then patients are strictly prohibited from making independent attempts to eliminate such a symptom.

Treatment is based on eliminating as soon as possible the inflammation or infection that caused the development of such a symptom. To do this you need:

  • take a course of taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications;
  • apply compresses based on Dimexide;
  • undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • accept homeopathic medicines and immunomodulators.

In cases where the presence of a malignant process is confirmed, chemotherapy or surgery is indicated.

As part of complex therapy it is not prohibited to use prescriptions for enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits traditional medicine, which involve application.

The lymph node under the arm may become inflamed and painful various reasons. This group of lymph nodes is distinguished by its superficial location, so any pathologies in this area have specific symptoms that are easy to detect. First, you need to figure out where exactly these lymph nodes are located, how disruptions in their functioning manifest themselves, and what reasons can provoke inflammation.

Unpleasant sensations in the armpits, radiating to the arm and chest area, are often the first sign of inflammation of the lymph nodes localized in the armpit

The axillary lymph nodes are a group of superficial lymph nodes that are found in the armpit and along the pectoral muscle. They are located in the subcutaneous fat, are large in size and react acutely to pathological processes occurring throughout the body.

Disruption of the axillary lymph nodes is an alarming signal indicating a malfunction of the immune system. In addition, enlargement of lymph nodes in the axillary fossa and axillary region is one of the typical manifestations breast cancer, therefore, disorders of these organs of the lymphatic system cannot be ignored.

The lymph node under the arm can become enlarged and inflamed in response to various infectious diseases. Due to the superficial location and large size of the lymph nodes in the armpit, it is not difficult to suspect the onset of a pathological process, since a specific symptom of disorders of these organs is their enlargement. The main thing is to find where the axillary lymph nodes are located. The development of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm is easy to diagnose at an early stage by the characteristic swelling of the node and the appearance of pain.

Location and functions

Lymph nodes in the armpits are located in the fatty tissue of the armpit. They are located in the center of the fossa, on the inner and outside armpit, as well as near the pectoral muscle. This group often includes subscapular lymph nodes, located in a chain from the outer edge of the axillary fossa to the area under the scapula. An anatomical diagram will help you understand in more detail the location of the lymph nodes under the armpit.

The lymph node is the most important organ of the human lymphatic system. It is a small formation in subcutaneous fat layer, predominantly bean-shaped or round in shape. The structure of the nodes is homogeneous and quite dense. The axillary lymph nodes are located in clusters. They are distinguished by their superficial location, so they are easily palpated.

Their main function is to cleanse the lymph of toxins and infections, as well as saturate it with immune cells (lymphocytes) for their further transmission into the blood. In fact, these formations act as a filter for the entire body. The intercellular fluid travels through the lymphatic vessels to the nodes, is processed, and then used to transport immune cells and other important substances into the circulatory system.

The axillary lymph nodes react acutely to pathologies of the mediastinal organs and mammary glands, so their enlargement or inflammation is an alarming symptom that requires a comprehensive examination.

The condition of the armpit lymph nodes is a kind of marker of the health of the whole body. Due to the peculiarities of their location, they are the first to respond to serious malfunctions in the body. Enlarged lymph nodes are important diagnostic sign systemic infectious diseases, autoimmune processes and oncology.

Sizes for children and adults

In children under three years of age, the axillary lymph nodes may always be slightly enlarged and there is no need to worry about this

The number of lymph nodes and their sizes are physiological feature each person. So, there can be from 300 to 800 lymph nodes in the body. It is difficult to say how many lymph nodes a person has under his arm. On average, each person has from 5 to 20 axillary lymph nodes. If we take into account the axillary lymph nodes located along the vessels of the mammary glands, this number can be up to 40 lymph nodes on the right and left. An anatomical diagram will help you understand in more detail where the lymph nodes are located under the armpit.

The normal size of the axillary lymph nodes is a purely individual matter. The normal size of armpit lymph nodes is a diameter of 3 to 10 mm. Moreover, in some people the sizes can be very small (1-3 mm), while in others the lymph nodes can reach 1-2 cm in diameter. The number and size of axillary lymph nodes also depend on the characteristics of the body. Axillary lymph nodes run along the vessels of the mammary gland, near the inner corner of the axillary fossa. On average, their sizes are 1-3 mm.

You should pay attention to the fact that the lymph nodes in the armpits are located superficially, but the nodes near the mammary glands are located deep, so they are not palpable.

In children, the axillary lymph nodes may always be slightly enlarged. This is observed before the age of three, and is associated with the peculiarities of the children's immune system. At this age, the axillary lymph nodes are easily palpable, and their size can reach 10 mm in diameter. With a strong immune system in a child, the lymph nodes in the armpits measure about 3-5 mm. In children, the normal size of axillary lymph nodes is no more than 3 mm.

For self-diagnosis, you should know how to palpate the lymph nodes under the armpit. To do this, you need to raise your hand and place the hand of the other hand in the armpit so that the fingers touch its center. Then you should gently feel the entire hole with your fingers, moving from the center to the chest and to the back. It is quite easy to feel the lymph nodes in the armpit, due to the superficial location of the lymph nodes in the armpit.

When to see a doctor?

For a number of reasons, axillary lymph nodes can become enlarged and inflamed. Such disorders occur due to various diseases accompanied by decreased immunity. If in some cases a slight enlargement of the node does not pose a danger and is a natural reaction of the body to the disease, then if the lymph nodes under the arm are inflamed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since such a violation indicates an infection of the lymphatic system organ.

Warning symptoms to look out for:

  • noticeable enlargement of the lymph node;
  • pain on palpation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general malaise and weakness.

Many people do not know which doctor treats lymph nodes and which doctor to contact if there is inflammation or enlargement of the lymph node under the arm. First of all, you should consult a therapist. If there is severe pain in the lymph nodes in women, it is necessary to undergo examination by a mammologist.

Disturbances in the functioning of the lymph nodes

Infections entering the body affect the lymph node in the armpits, causing its inflammation

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, the cause should be sought in infectious diseases. An increase in the size of the lymph node is associated with a weakening of the immune defense and may indicate both inflammatory processes in the chest organs and mammary glands, and oncology.

In general, lymph node enlargement occurs because lymphatic system for some reason ceases to cope with its function. First of all, this is due to the functioning of the immune system. Under normal conditions, lymph nodes constantly cleanse lymph coming from nearby tissues and organs, from infections and toxins. Lymph supplies antibodies and lymphocytes to the blood ( immune cells), which help fight various infections. When serious illnesses(inflammation, infection, cancer), a large number of infectious agents, toxins and cancer cells enter the node, but the node cannot cope with such a load. As a result, the infection affects the node, causing inflammation of the axillary lymph node.

Lymphadenopathy of the axillary lymph nodes

Having understood what an armpit lymph node is and where exactly it is located, you should know about diseases that can affect these organs.

The most common disorder is lymphadenopathy, or enlarged lymph nodes. Lymphadenopathy is not a full disease, but rather a symptom of various pathologies.

The lymph nodes of the armpit are responsible for cleansing the lymph coming from the mediastinal organs, mammary glands and upper limbs. Any pathologies of these organs can negatively affect the functioning of the lymph nodes, which provokes the development of lymphadenopathy.

Symptoms of this pathology:

  • noticeable enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • discomfort during palpation;
  • night sweats;
  • general weakness.

It should be noted that pain with lymphadenopathy is mild and occurs only when pressure is applied to the node.

There are many reasons for this disorder - from infections to malignant neoplasms in internal organs. In children, enlarged axillary lymph nodes may be associated with childhood infectious diseases - chickenpox, rubella, measles. These diseases are accompanied by an enlargement of all large lymph nodes, so lymphadenopathy of the cervical and inguinal nodes can also be observed.

The most common causes of axillary lymphadenopathy are:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • lymphoma;
  • breast cancer;
  • lungs' cancer;

The cause can only be accurately identified through a comprehensive examination. There is no treatment for lymphadenopathy; the size of the lymph nodes returns to normal several months after the underlying disease is eliminated.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

A specific symptom of inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) is an increase in the size of the liver

If you find inflamed lymph nodes in your armpits, you should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. This dangerous symptom, which requires adequate drug therapy. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits is called lymphadenitis. This pathology is of an infectious nature, resulting from the penetration of infection into the lymph node.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm, the causes of which are varied, is accompanied by severe pain, so it is impossible to “miss” this disease. Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits:

  • severe swelling and significant increase in the size of the lymph node;
  • acute pain;
  • heat bodies;
  • redness of the skin under the armpits;
  • symptoms of general intoxication;
  • weakness and general malaise.

If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, there is an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees. In case of purulent inflammation, the temperature can increase to 40 degrees. Signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit appear acutely. Severe intoxication of the body is often observed, which is manifested by weakness, nausea, loss of appetite and headache. Patients often complain of worsening sleep, which is associated with worsening pain at night.

As a rule, lymphadenitis manifests itself as inflammation on one side of the body, for example in the right or left armpit, and the pain can spread to the entire side of the body, disturbing the right or left side.

Another specific symptom of lymphadenitis is an increase in the size of the liver and spleen. In severe cases, this may be felt as heaviness and pressure in the right hypochondrium, but most often this symptom does not manifest itself, and organ enlargement is diagnosed on ultrasound.

Not everyone knows why the lymph nodes under the arm become inflamed, mistaking lymphadenitis for an independent disease, but not trying to identify its cause. The main causes of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes are various infectious lesions of organs located in close proximity to this group of organs of the lymphatic system. As a rule, the inflammatory process occurs against the background of infection of the node with staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The lymph nodes in the armpits can become inflamed due to the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mastitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • hidradenitis

Inflamed lymph nodes under the arms, the causes of infection of which are hidden in infection of the body with mycobacteria (the causative agent of tuberculosis), require urgent treatment. It should be noted that inflammation of the lymph nodes against the background of tuberculosis can act as both the first symptom of infection with Koch’s bacillus, even before the appearance of a cough, and as a complication of an untreated disease.

The spread of the causative agent of syphilis (treponema pallidum) can lead to infection of large lymph nodes. As a rule, the axillary node, inguinal and cervical lymph nodes can become inflamed.

In the vast majority of cases with inflammation of the lymph nodes, the cause should be sought in infectious diseases of organs located as close as possible to the source of lymphadenitis. If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, diseases such as furunculosis and hidradenitis should first be excluded. Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the sweat gland. This pathology develops when the glands of the armpits become infected with pyogenic bacteria. Most often the causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus. The disease is manifested by the formation of a large cavity in the armpit, filled with pus, and manifests itself severe pain both during palpation and at rest.

Furunculosis is an inflammation of the hair follicles. A large abscess (boil) forms on the skin, a necrotic core is visible, the skin around the area of ​​inflammation turns red and swells. This disease is also associated with infection of the epidermis by staphylococcus. Infection can penetrate through small wounds and scratches, this especially often occurs due to poor personal hygiene and careless hair removal of the armpits.

Having figured out where the lymph nodes are located in the armpit, and what it looks like swollen lymph node, you should consult a doctor when the first symptoms of inflammation appear. A purulent inflammatory process in the lymph node is potentially dangerous for infection of the entire body, so it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner to avoid dangerous complications.

Pain in lymph nodes in women

The lymph node in the armpit in women and girls can become inflamed due to mastitis

Lymph nodes react to any changes occurring in the body. In addition to the reasons listed, enlarged lymph nodes may be associated with changes in hormonal levels. For many women, the lymph nodes become enlarged in the days leading up to menstruation, causing mild armpit soreness. This condition is not a pathology in most cases, and is one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Important! If a woman has always experienced pain in the lymph nodes before menstruation, this phenomenon can be considered a variant of the norm. In case of sudden onset of pain and enlarged lymph nodes, you should undergo a comprehensive examination as soon as possible, visit a mammologist and gynecologist.

In women suffering from PMS, enlarged lymph nodes are caused by obstructed lymph drainage from the mammary glands due to fluid retention before menstruation, but there should be no inflammation. Pain during palpation of the lymph nodes in this case is due to mechanical irritation of the surrounding tissues, and not to the inflammatory process.

The lymph node in the armpit in women can become inflamed due to mastitis. This disorder develops due to infection of the mammary gland. As a rule, mastitis is observed in nursing women and occurs shortly after childbirth. If a woman has an inflamed lymph node under her arm while breastfeeding, she should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since it is impossible to continue lactation with mastitis.

The symptoms of inflammatory processes in the axillary lymph nodes in women are the same as with inflammation of this group of lymph nodes in men.

Lymph nodes in cancer

Another cause of enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes in the armpits is cancer. This group of lymph nodes reacts to cancer of the breast, lungs, and trachea. In addition, axillary lymph nodes can become enlarged and hardened due to lymphoma, a malignant process of lymphoid tissue.

Tumor and swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits may indicate either malignant processes in other organs. And with cancer internal organs lymph nodes enlarge as a natural reaction of the body to a malignant process against the background of general intoxication, and when metastases spread to the lymphatic system.

Important! Enlarged axillary lymph nodes without any other symptoms may indicate early stage cancer.

With malignant neoplasms of internal organs, the lymph node often does not hurt or become inflamed, but increases in size. At the same time, the risk of infection increases, since a weakened body is vulnerable to pathogens.

Enlarged axillary lymph nodes and swelling of the arm

Knowing why the lymph nodes in the armpits become inflamed in women and how to determine the inflammatory process, you should also pay attention to such a symptom as swelling of the upper extremities. This pathology is called lymphostasis and is characterized by impaired lymph outflow. The cause may be mechanical damage to the lymphatic vessels entering the axillary lymph nodes, which ensure the drainage of lymph from the arms.

Typical symptoms: increased volume of the arm, heaviness in the limbs,... This disease is very dangerous and difficult to treat in advanced forms, so you should check the axillary lymph nodes when swelling appears.


Women are required to have a mammogram if they have inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits.

What to do if the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, how to treat these lymph nodes - it depends on the cause of the disruption in their functioning. To prescribe the optimal treatment regimen for inflamed lymph nodes under the arm, you should visit a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the causes of the pathology.

Necessary examinations:

Based on a blood test, it is possible to exclude lymphoma, as well as identify inflammatory processes and determine deviations in the functioning of the immune system by quantitative changes in lymphocytes. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes allows you to accurately determine the type of pathology - lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis. If lymphostasis is suspected, an X-ray of the lymphatic vessels with contrast is additionally taken.

A chest x-ray is necessary to identify pathologies of the mediastinum, and fluorography can detect tuberculosis, pneumonia, and sarcoidosis.

Mammography is mandatory for women. This examination allows us to identify pathological changes in the tissues of the mammary glands - mastopathy, mastitis, malignant neoplasms.

After all the examinations have been carried out, the doctor makes a conclusion about how to treat the inflamed lymph node under the arm and how to cure the underlying disease.

Principles of treatment

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit depends on the cause of the pathology. First of all, the underlying disease is treated, since if the cause is not eliminated, symptomatic therapy of lymphadenitis or lymphadenopathy will be ineffective.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the body should be prescribed by a doctor, but if the lymph nodes under the arm are inflamed, antibacterial therapy must be used. Proven remedies are broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Additionally, symptomatic therapy can be used to reduce pain and inflammation.

During treatment, the patient must adhere to a diet (“Table 15”). The purpose of this diet is to generally strengthen the body by ensuring that all necessary substances are supplied with food.

Drug treatment

If the lymph nodes under the arm are inflamed, antibiotics are first prescribed. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, at home, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules, and less often injections are prescribed. The following drugs are widely used in therapy:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Amoxiclav.

The listed drugs have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Only a doctor can accurately select the drug; the dosage and duration of medication are selected on an individual basis.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help reduce the severity and symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm. These include tablets Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Nalgesin, Dexalgin. These medications reduce pain, stop the inflammatory process, and have an antipyretic effect.

Additionally, immunomodulators and herbal medicines (for example, Lymphomyosot) may be prescribed. These medications do not treat inflammation, but help the lymphatic system recover more quickly.

Ointments for the treatment of lymph nodes

The ointment is applied under the bandage, which must be changed twice a day.

Inflamed lymph nodes in the armpit can be treated with external agents - ointments and gels. Such drugs are classified as auxiliary drugs, since they cannot destroy the infection in the lymph nodes, so they will not replace taking antibiotics. How can you anoint an inflamed lymph node under the arm? This is a question asked by many patients who have encountered lymphadenitis.

To reduce the inflammatory process, you can use Vishnevsky liniment or Levomekol ointment. Both drugs have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, accelerate tissue regeneration and reduce pain. The ointment is applied under the bandage, which must be changed twice a day.

If the lymph nodes are enlarged, heparin ointment can be used. It eliminates swelling, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Before using external treatments, you should consult your doctor.

Folk remedies

Treatment of lymph nodes under the arm with folk remedies is a dubious undertaking. This treatment is ineffective, but can significantly aggravate symptoms and harm health, so it should be used with great caution.

Important! Infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs will not replace antibiotics.

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, folk remedies can only be used as an auxiliary, but not the main treatment. One of the fairly popular remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine is a tincture or decoction of Echinacea. This plant is a natural immunomodulator and is approved by official medicine. The downside is that it takes a long time to prepare the tincture yourself, since it must be infused for at least 2 weeks. A good alternative would be to purchase alcohol tincture at the pharmacy, or taking echinacea tablets.

For inflammation of the lymph node under the armpit, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out using anti-inflammatory herbs - calendula, sage, stinging nettle. You should take a small spoon of each plant, place it in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. The medicine should infuse for 6 hours, and then it can be taken 100 ml in the morning and evening.

Lymph nodes perform the function of cleansing the lymphatic fluid that circulates throughout the body. Any bacteria or viruses that affect the organs of the upper body can cause inflammation in the axillary lymph nodes. Depending on the causes, the disease may be accompanied by symptoms of varying intensity.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm can be caused by many reasons. Most often this happens in response to chronic inflammation internal organs, since a constant source of bacterial infection appears in the body, which must be constantly neutralized.

The most common causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit are:

  • Viral infectious diseases. For example, lymphadenitis can be caused by the influenza virus, chickenpox or shingles.
  • Bacterial infectious diseases. Furuncle, curbuncle, panacirium can cause a local reaction of the immune system. Also, the cause of axillary lymphadenitis can be cuts when shaving, excessively active work sebaceous glands with subsequent inflammation of the hair follicles. These processes increase the risk of staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria entering the body.
  • Fungal infections can lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes, especially if the fungal lesions are on the arms and upper torso. This ringworm, which appears on skin without hair, pityriasis versicolor and other types of lichens.
  • Specific diseases - AIDS, tuberculosis, syphilis, plague, mononucleosis - also cause inflammation and soreness in the armpits.

Most often, lymphadenitis in adults occurs with chronic and acute inflammations internal organs. A child's body may respond to frequent viral infections and colds by enlarged lymph nodes.

Symptoms indicating the process of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arms depend on the causes and the patient’s state of health. Lymphadenitis can develop rapidly, in acute form, either be mild or chronic.

Symptoms of inflammation:

  • increasing their size;
  • pain when pressing;
  • pain when moving your arm;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling and redness of the skin over the affected nodes;
  • hand dysfunction: swelling, loss of sensation.

The acute development of lymphadenitis can be divided into several stages.

1. Signs of the first stage are enlarged nodes and pain upon palpation. You may feel one or more hard lumps under your arms that increase in size and become more than one centimeter in diameter.

2. The second stage is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • significant enlargement and hardening of lymph nodes;
  • chills, sleep disorders, apathy;
  • headache.

3. At the third stage of inflammation of the lymph nodes, the processes of suppuration in the lymph nodes begin. They are accompanied by throbbing pain in the affected area and extremely high body temperature.

If enlargement and tenderness in the lymph nodes is observed long time, this is a good reason to contact a specialist. If the high temperature rises suddenly and your general health sharply deteriorates, then in this case emergency medical care is required.


First of all, in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to undergo examination by a therapist. After diagnosis, you may be referred to a specialized specialist (ENT, dentist, mammologist, phthisiatrician, etc.) depending on the causes of the disease.

After an in-person examination by a physician, a laboratory blood test is performed to confirm the diagnosis.

Additionally, you may need:

  • chest x-ray (if tuberculosis is suspected);
  • ultrasound examination of organs if inflammation is suspected;
  • lymph node biopsy.

In some cases, it is necessary to perform a lymph node biopsy:

  • if treatment does not produce results for a long time;
  • if lymphadenitis processes indicate tumor or cancer processes.

Identifying the correct reasons that led to inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes is a prerequisite effective treatment. If a long course of medication does not bring recovery, it is necessary to undergo additional examination and adjust the treatment.

Treatment of lymphadenitis is very individual and depends on the underlying problem that causes inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm. At different types infections, appropriate medications are used.

  • For bacterial infections, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.
  • If lymphadenitis is caused by viruses, then anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents are used. Immunomodulators are sometimes used to increase the activity of the immune system.
  • Fungal infections are treated antifungal drugs(tablets, ointments and sprays). Often, it is necessary to prescribe a course of antihistamine (antiallergic) medications.

In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm does not require treatment. additional treatment, since symptoms quickly disappear with improvement general condition body. But, in the acute form and with obvious suppuration processes, drug treatment is mandatory.

The main remedy used in the second stage of the disease is anti-inflammatory medications. Physiotherapy is also used, when a special physiotherapeutic effect is aimed at the enlarged node. This makes it possible to improve blood circulation and regeneration processes under the arms.

Effective physiotherapeutic agents include:

  • electrophoresis is the use of weak electrical currents for better penetration medicines into cells;
  • ultrasound therapy - the effect on the affected lymph node with ultrasonic waves;
  • UHF therapy – uses an ultra-high frequency electric field.

If the last stage of the disease is observed, and pus is detected in the nodes, then treatment is carried out surgical method. The affected lymph nodes are cleaned of purulent masses and drained. A course of rehabilitation therapy is also prescribed.


Complications with lymphadenitis occur if you ignore the signs of the last stage of the disease, when pus accumulates in the lymph nodes. It is suppuration that is the main danger. Firstly, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes due to suppuration complicates the work of the lymphatic and circulatory systems body. Secondly, the spread of pus from the lymph node into the arm or chest will lead to a serious condition for the patient.

The main consequences of purulent lymphadenitis:

  • periadenitis – inflammation of nearby body tissues;
  • adenophlegmon - the skin over the affected lymph node becomes very swollen, red, and severe pain appears;
  • thrombophlebitis – an enlarged lymph node compresses neighboring veins, disrupting blood circulation in the arms;
  • general infection is a process that occurs after the breakthrough of pus from the affected node.

The development of purulent lymphadenitis is unpredictable and can lead to very serious consequences. It is worth treating the disease comprehensively in the early stages of its development.

The female body often reacts to problems with the mammary glands by enlarging the lymph nodes. There are several pathological processes in which lymphadenitis develops in women.

  • Mastitis. If a nursing mother experiences a blockage of the milk ducts, which develops into mastitis, then high body temperature, chills, and deterioration in general condition appear.
  • Benign breast tumors: cyst, fibroadenoma. The formation of a tumor in the breast can occur unnoticed. The only mild symptom is sometimes permanently enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit. If the inflammation does not go away for a long time, consult a doctor.
  • Malignant tumors. It is important to identify oncological processes in the breast in the early stages. As in previous cases, a slight increase in nodes near the mammary glands may be the only symptom of such a problem.

If women experience inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes without significant causes for more than six months, it is necessary to do a biopsy of the lymphatic tissue. This test will determine the presence or absence of tumor and cancer cells. Depending on this, a further treatment strategy is developed.

Before treating inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a doctor and identify the main cause of the disease. The use of traditional medicine recipes must be carried out in combination with drug treatment underlying disease.

Let's consider the most effective recipes traditional medicine. For lymphadenitis, both compresses and infusions are used, which are taken orally. A good result of such treatment depends on the stage of development of the disease: with advanced inflammation, the effectiveness of folk remedies decreases.

Ginseng tincture. Ginseng has anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. The tincture should be taken 10-15 drops, diluted in a small amount of water. Take the product before meals 2 times a day. Ginseng will not only help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also strengthen the immune system.

Aloe juice. Freshly squeezed aloe juice will also help reduce inflammation in the body. To do this, take a teaspoon or dessert spoon of juice 2 times a day. To prepare it, take a leaf of the plant, finely chop it and squeeze out the juice. It is better to take the medicine immediately before use.

Baked onion. This remedy is very effective, as it activates blood circulation and relieves inflammation of the lymph nodes. It is important to remember that baked onion compresses are effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Bake the onion and make a paste out of it. Use it as a compress on the affected nodes. You can use polyethylene or a bandage on top. It is better to leave the compress overnight.

There are recipes when it is necessary to warm up inflamed lymph nodes. But, by carrying out this procedure without the approval of a doctor, you are putting yourself in danger, since lymphatic inflammation when exposed to heat can be aggravated by suppuration.


Prevention of lymphadenitis consists of promoting health. If the immune system responds quickly and efficiently to infections, then the body will not suffer from prolonged inflammation.

In order to strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses, it is necessary:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • eat healthy;
  • exercise to improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • take a course of vitamins in the off-season;
  • timely treat inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Get checked regularly if you have chronic diseases.

Prevention is, first of all, maintenance healthy image life. It is important to consult a doctor promptly if acute symptoms disease, as well as if an enlarged axillary lymph node is observed for more than 6 months. Since the lymphatic system reacts very sensitively to all negative processes in the body, these symptoms can be signals of incipient cancer problems or other serious diseases.