When is it right to cut birch brooms. Birch brooms - harvesting, knitting, storage and steaming rules

A broom is the basis of the Russian bath, of course, it can also be purchased at a specialized store, but it is much better to prepare it yourself. Then there will be complete confidence that the raw materials are collected in accordance with all the rules and contain the entire complex useful substances. Knitting brooms for a bath can be combined with a trip to nature.

Harvesting must be carried out in a certain period of time, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. Many types of trees are suitable for a broom and medicinal herbs. The main requirement is the growth of the plant in an ecologically clean area, away from roads and settlements..

Which plants are suitable for knitting brooms: the period of collection of raw materials

One of the most popular plants in Russia is birch, but not only it is suitable for knitting brooms.

There are traditional types:

  • oak;
  • Linden;
  • Juniper;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • tansy;
  • Wormwood;
  • Rowan;
  • Nettles;
  • Spruce.

Each of them is endowed with various beneficial properties aimed at restoring body functions. The quality of the future broom and its durability directly depend on where and when the raw materials were collected.

Birch: collection time and useful properties

By right, this plant is considered the best participant in bath procedures. It renders soft action on the body. The beginning of the collection of raw materials falls on mid-June and continues until August 2nd. Young flexible twigs of weeping birch and curly birch growing on the banks of water bodies are best suited.

They cut with their own hands only side shoots about 50-60 cm long, without affecting the tops of the trees. Collection at the beginning of summer is quite justified - by this time the foliage has already absorbed enough useful substances and filled with essential oils.

What are the requirements for birch branches and leaves:

  • The age of the tree should not exceed 2-3 years;
  • The outer side of the sheet is tender and smooth, rough and hard broom will turn out of the rough ones;
  • The size of the leaves is small and medium;
  • There should be no knots on the branches.

Only a dry day is suitable for harvesting, if it rained the day before, you will have to wait a few days.

What effect do the substances contained in birch leaves have on the body:

  • Relieves aches in muscles and joints;
  • Eliminates irritation on the skin, cleansing it well;
  • Wounds heal several times faster;
  • Renders positive influence on the respiratory tract - very useful for long-term smokers and asthmatics.

The infusion left after steaming a broom is very useful for the scalp - it relieves itching and eliminates dandruff.

Oak broom: when to collect

The second most popular tree after birch is oak. It is harvested in July-September, “winter” is most suitable - it does not shed leaves and, accordingly, is more durable. If you are lucky enough to find a tree growing in a dense dark forest next to large burdocks, then the branches from it are also suitable for collection - the leaves do not crumble from them for a long time.

The most popular species can be called pedunculate oak - this is the most common, it grows throughout Russia. Young trees 3-4 meters high are suitable, small plants should not be touched - they may die. Plants should be given rest and brooms should be harvested from them no more than once a year.

The earlier the broom is prepared, the more tender the foliage, but it will also be less durable. They are cooked until the first frost, then it is no longer possible. But optimal time ends in September, then the quality of raw materials falls.

To know how to knit oak brooms for a bath, you need to understand their useful properties:

  • Unlike birch, oak does not cause profuse sweating, therefore it is more suitable for owners of oily skin;
  • The skin becomes more dense, tannins and essential oils cleanse, have bactericidal properties and give dullness and elasticity, preventing aging;
  • You can steam with such a broom for people prone to high blood pressure and heart disease - it calms the nervous system and helps reduce pressure;
  • It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Brooms are knitted in two ways: with a shovel and a ball. This does not affect the properties in any way and depends on personal preferences.

Features of harvesting brooms from other raw materials

Not only the usual trees and shrubs can serve as raw materials for bath brooms. For them, medicinal herbs are used, which are not necessarily used as decoctions or tinctures. One of the methods of treatment is "driving" them into the skin.

To do this, herbs are collected and tied into bunches by species or prefabricated brooms are made. For the correct selection of herbs, you need to know when to collect them and how to knit brooms for a bath, combining different raw materials. Everyone has it medicinal plant there is a collection period. It is at this time that it accumulates the maximum amount of nutrients.

For brooms, flowers and leaves are harvested on a long stem, so that it is convenient to tie them. They are harvested by hand, the plants must be without signs of wilting and grow away from roads.

Suitable for use in a steam room:

  • Tansy - collected at the end of summer, dried in the shade. Brooms from it contribute to healing skin diseases and pain in the joints;
  • Wormwood - brooms can be knitted all summer, but the best time to collect is the month of June. It relieves irritability and improves sleep;

  • Nettle - young plants are harvested in May. At this time, it is not particularly stinging and can be used even in fresh. The plant has a tonic effect;
  • Yarrow - harvested during flowering, used in combination with other herbs. Relieves irritation on the skin;
  • Chamomile - it is harvested in June. Bunches of a plant or linden. Soothes and disinfects wounds.

Medicinal herbs as brooms for only after consulting a doctor, and if there are no contraindications.

If the time for collecting medicinal herbs and other raw materials for brooms coincides, then they can be dried together with each other. You need to know how to properly tie a broom for a bath if there are several types of plants in it. Herbs are usually placed in the middle and hidden by the main branches.

Before harvesting and knitting brooms from different plants, you need to familiarize yourself with their useful properties, which are described in the instructions for use. Medicinal raw materials are dried and stored for no more than one year.

When brooms are knitted from needles and eucalyptus

It is pointless to harvest branches of coniferous trees for the future, because when the needles dry, they fall off. Therefore, real connoisseurs and lovers of steam cut branches immediately before going to the bath. As a result, fresh brooms can be used throughout the year. The exception is juniper, but it is not stored for a long time.

How to knit bath brooms from coniferous plants so that excess resin does not interfere with steaming? It is necessary to compose them in a certain sequence: thick branches are laid inside, and on the outside they are lined with flexible and thin ones. It is useful to add branches of other plants and tie them with a tourniquet, they will close the handle and the resin will not get dirty.

Branches of some trees not growing in middle lane Russia, harvested until the end of November. For example, eucalyptus, whose leaves are just gaining full strength by this time. Dry raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees, in the shade. For greater safety, they are packed in paper or cloth bags.

Eucalyptus brooms help in the treatment of skin and colds, stimulate immune system. Since its branches are very thin and flexible, it is advisable to combine it with birch. The price for them depends on the size and length of the branches.


Bath brooms are used in medical and cosmetic purposes. The time varies depending on the plant, but to a greater extent it falls on May-September, with the exception of needles. It is during this period that the accumulation of useful substances takes place.

In order for bathing procedures to bring joy, it is important to correctly knit brooms and store them. The video in this article will tell you when and how to collect herbs and tree branches.

There is nothing complicated in preparing bath brooms, but, like in every business, there are some nuances: you need to know when it is better to knit bath brooms, which branches to choose, how long they should be, how to keep brooms for the whole year without losing quality .

When to knit bath brooms

Our ancestors prepared raw materials for bath brooms in the first half of June - on Trinity Day after Green Christmas. If you are far from church calendars and rituals, collect branches in early June, when the foliage has already grown and strengthened, but has not yet become faded and withered.

For church holidays or calendar dates, you can only navigate by region: our country is large. Somewhere on Trinity it is already almost summer, but somewhere the leaves have barely hatched. So it’s better to focus on the state of the foliage.

When birch brooms are harvested

Not so much time is allotted for harvesting birch brooms: a maximum of a week. It is necessary to have time to prepare birch branches when the leaf has already turned green, and not light green, but before the earrings bloom. If time is missed, the foliage becomes very stiff and falls heavily in the bath. So the term for harvesting birch brooms is very short.

But time is not the only criterion. When choosing branches for a birch broom, you need to navigate by appearance sheet. It should have a dense green color, the plate should be even. There should be no aphids, no other pests or diseases. But, most importantly, there should not be earrings on the branches. And for greater effect, you need to cut birch branches on a broom in the specified interval, but after a rain. Only the birch must already be dry, otherwise, when steaming, the leaf will darken and curl up.

More advice from the older generation: cut a broom when a leaf on a birch is no larger than an old five-kopeck coin, and it should be slightly glued to the touch.

But with sticky leaves you get a "soap broom". It affects the skin just fine: it becomes silky and soft. But at the same time, leave the steam room with skin covered with mucus. Not everyone likes this feeling. So choose here: either a more comfortable feeling with more “mature” foliage or elastic skin.

Birch brooms harvested in May smell differently than summer brooms: they add a smell very similar to the smell of propolis. At this time, there are light stripes on the skin of the twigs, which give off this aroma. Not all branches have such stripes; they must be selected separately. Running your hand along such a branch, you feel the tubercles - these are the very resinous odorous secretions. If someone has not tried - try. Very pleasant sensations, although the sheet is sticky at this time.

Some sauna lovers especially appreciate birch brooms that grew near water - rivers or lakes (but not in a swamp). In such plants, the branches are long, elastic and flexible. Good twigs growing roots or stumps of birches. They are flexible, resilient and tender.

On trees, the lower climbing shoots are considered the best. They are cut for a broom. It is better not to cut single young ones without side branches, even despite a large, beautiful and dense leaf: a whip is obtained. And this is not at all what is required from a bath broom.

If the tree is young, you do not need to cut more than two or three pieces - you can harm the plant. Know the measure - take care of nature!

Old people who love the bath say that even in a birch grove you can not take branches for a broom from every tree. But only from those whose birch bark on the trunk, as it were, shines a little. Moreover, the spots on the birch bark are not gray, but rather brownish. There are not very many such trees, but they do exist. Try to find at least a few and fold the branches separately. Then evaluate the difference and next time you will not regret the time.

Birch foliage when harvesting brooms should be dense and smooth. Someone advises to try a birch leaf with your tongue. If it is rough, the branch is not good, if it is smooth and velvety, it is an excellent raw material.

You can navigate along the leg of a young birch leaf. If it has already become reddish, you can cut it, and if it is green, it’s too early.

The video shows how to choose birch branches and knit brooms from them correctly.

We prepare oak brooms

Harvest term oak brooms longer: starting from the end of June, and some harvest in August and early September. Depends on year and region. But even in the same region, year to year is very different. In some areas you have to hurry: later the foliage is affected by diseases, becomes lethargic or spotty. But sometimes, after being hit by diseases in August-September, the foliage on the oak grows again. That's when you can also get excellent brooms.

When harvesting an oak broom in summer, pay attention to the condition of the leaf: it should be an even dense green color, without spots. The main rule: there should not be an acorn yet. As with birch harvesting, branched shoots with a large leaf are taken.

But there are lovers who harvest an oak broom in September. In this case, the leaf turns yellow or yellow. They say it also works very well.

Bath gourmets value oak brooms made from tree branches, near which burdock grew. Their shoots are considered the most durable and flexible. Trees should grow in shady corners of the forest and be young: on old ones it is difficult to find non-knotted branches of sufficient length. Foliage should be large and abundant.

The harvesting of oak brooms has its own specifics:

  • firstly, cut branches are folded for an hour and a half in a shady place, and only then they can be transported;
  • secondly, after the oak broom is tied, it is necessary to put oppression on it to give it the shape of a fan - this form is the most common, but some people prefer traditional spherical oak brooms.

When to cut linden brooms

If you want a linden broom with color, you have a week and a half to prepare. And that's at the expense different breeds blooming at different times. In general, the best period is when most of the flowers have already opened. The aroma then in the bath is amazing.

Linden with color smells amazing, but they won’t be able to “work” normally - the leaf is soft

There is a linden broom and a later harvest. He also has a deadline of two weeks - from August 15 to September 1. This is what experts say, who claim that, of course, there are more useful substances in the previously collected linden branches, but the leaf on them is too soft and, when steamed, twists and wrinkles so that it is absolutely impossible for them to bathe.

Preparation of coniferous brooms: spruce, juniper

The "widest collection range" of conifers. There are no restrictions here. In Siberia, coniferous brooms are made both in the most severe frosts and in summer ...

Choose a warm, fine, dry day for harvesting. Cut off the branches begin after the dew dries. Choose young and flexible. There are no other recommendations.

How to prepare nettle brooms

Despite the "terrible" pungency, you only need to try the nettle broom. Then you will really like them to bathe. Harvesting them for the winter is problematic, except to insert a few branches into birch and oak trees. No other way. But fresh can be steamed all summer.

Cut off young shoots without color, about 40-50 cm long. It is made short and fluffy. It is better to work with gloves: it burns. It turns out it is quite soft: only for one person.

There are quite a few ways to park a nettle broom. Basically, they are dipped in hot (not boiling) water for 3-5 seconds, then in cold water. All.

The second option is to dip in cold water, then after steaming out, trample on it in the steam room with your feet, hold it over the steam, giving in a ladle of water.

Regardless of how you cook a broom, they need to “work” on the already steamed body. That is, you first need to steam out birch.

There is one point in using a nettle broom: it strongly stains the wood. Therefore, it is better not to put it on the shelves. Bring a mat, put it on it.

All other brooms (and what they are, and how they affect the body, read in the article “How to steam a broom for a bath”) are collected in the same timeframe as birch brooms until August 2.

If you want to tie a broom of herbs, you need to know the timing of its flowering - at this time they have the highest concentration of nutrients.

How to choose branches for a bath broom

They cut branches from young trees that grow in sunny, wetlands, away from roads and enterprises with harmful emissions.

The length of the branches is selected depending on the selected size of the broom. Usually it is from 40 to 70-80cm. Who is comfortable. Similarly, the thickness of the handle is selected. The diameter rarely exceeds 5 cm - it is difficult to wave too large and heavy, although it is a matter of taste and habit.

Branches should be smooth, free of disease and withered parts. The foliage is thick and juicy, not too hard. It is advisable to choose branches with two or three branches - the broom will not only be more magnificent and beautiful, it will also be denser, it will be good to “capture” the steam. Walking with such a broom over the body, you do not whip it, but massage it.

How to knit brooms for a bath

Having picked up suitable branches, they can be immediately collected into brooms. Some bath lovers advise pre-soaking them for several days in an unlit, well-ventilated place. They say the branches need to be “withered”. It is easier to work with them then.

Thicker shoots are located inside, thinner outside. If there is a bend on the branches (and most often it happens), then the bend should look inward. Also, make sure that the matte surface of the sheet is directed inward, and the shiny surface is directed outward. It should turn out so that their shiny side is directed in one direction. When folding, give the shape of a fan or "bouquet" - they do it differently. The broom-fan is more common: it seems to hug the body. Feelings are pleasant.

For the handle, the foliage is removed from the bottom. Its length is chosen individually, but the most optimal, established empirically, is two palm widths. It is also necessary to expose the butt of branches so that the brooms are better preserved during use. If everything is done correctly, then one broom can be enough for two trips to the steam room.

When folding the branches, they are turned over and shaken several times so that they are more evenly distributed. For knitting, it is better to use natural materials: dense twine, hemp rope, medical bandage or other similar materials. It is better not to use metal wire: it heats up in the bath and it is very inconvenient to hold such a broom in your hands.

There are several knitting techniques:

Used for knitting and clamps. Some are plastic, some are metal. They quickly tighten the handle, hold tight. And after shrinkage, it will be possible to tighten. So that all these puffs do not rub your hand, then they wrap the handle with a thick cotton tape: it is sold in hardware stores, sometimes in hardware or haberdashery. You can wrap the handle with a thick cotton rope (after using a broom, you can remove it and tie the next one).

There are many more ways to knit brooms. Someone uses marine knots, which make it possible to tighten the rope after shrinkage, someone puts two parts of the branches crosswise with butts, then ties them not very tightly, then connects the two parts with effort and ties them completely at the butt, and above. Almost every master has his own secrets. But they are very reluctant to share. Try simple methods first, then adjust as you like. There will be your personal method of knitting a bath broom.

Proper drying

No matter how you knit brooms, they still need to be dried. They are immediately stacked in a heap, one on top of the other. So they lie for a day or two. They flatten out under their own weight. Then they can be tied in pairs, and hung on a rope or pole in a dark, well-ventilated room.

If it is possible to hang brooms in the attic, they can be tied in pairs (without cutting off the remaining twine for tying) and hung to dry on poles. The best brooms are obtained under a double roof: the heat will not “burn” the leaf, but will dry it out. But ventilation must be good. If there is no such “luxury” as your own attic, you can hang a broom on a carnation in a well-ventilated place. In any case, you need to find a room where direct sunlight does not fall on it. Only in such conditions the leaf remains green and does not fall off.

With any drying method, brooms should not be placed close to one another - there should be free space between them. At first, in order for the branches and foliage to dry evenly, they need to be turned over once or twice a day. When they are completely dry, they can be stored away.

How to store bath brooms

Dried brooms can be stacked on a bookcase or shelf (again, the room must be dry and well ventilated). But from time to time brooms need to be shifted so that those that were below are in the middle or at the top. Moreover, light should not fall on the brooms: the leaf will turn yellow.

If you have your own hayloft, you can stack brooms on dry hay, placing them loosely together. Top with dry hay. This is how our ancestors kept them.

For the inhabitants of apartments, there is also a storage method: make small holes in a cardboard box, put brooms into it without crushing, alternating the handle and crown. In this case, you also need to periodically shift them, lifting the lower ones up.

You can also store brooms in the refrigerator: they are packed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film, put on the bottom shelf, in a dark, dry corner.

As you can see, it is not difficult to tie a bath broom yourself. But this is only the beginning. Brooms, even the most wonderful, can be spoiled by steaming it incorrectly. How to avoid such trouble, read here. Do not forget to read the article, "How to take a steam bath in the bath."

When to prepare bath brooms and how to knit them, how to do it correctly

The Russian bath is famous all over the world for its unique healing properties and this glory would not be so without the use of unique bath brooms when taking procedures. The article will discuss how to properly prepare brooms for a bath: timing, knitting methods, drying nuances and types of trees used.

Optimal time frame for harvesting branches

From ancient times, it so happened that when preparing bath brooms, they were guided by the feast of the Trinity. This Orthodox holiday falls on the 50th day after Easter. For both holidays, the date varies slightly from year to year, but usually the time for knitting brooms in the bath comes in June. Christians also focused on semik - the week before the feast of the Trinity. This week was called green (Green Christmas time) and ended with the Slavic holiday of agriculture. See also: "All you need to know about bath brooms."

Speaking from the point of view of a bath attendant, then brooms are knitted in the summer due to the beginning of the flowering of the necessary plants and the abundant growth of herbs. The maximum efficiency of a broom will be only when its foliage is fresh, juicy and exudes a pleasant persistent smell, highlighting various useful for human body substances.

The right choice of time for knitting a bath broom is very important:

  • if you cut the branches early, then when steaming it will become slippery, and the leaves will break off from it;
  • it is also impossible to be late in this process, because by autumn the foliage will begin to lose its strength.

If met optimal timing to start knitting, the service life of the broom will be long, and the foliage will not crumble during operation. Sometimes bath attendants, speaking about when to prepare bath brooms, advise starting this process at least 2 weeks after Trinity, since the early holiday (in early June) takes place at a time when young foliage has not yet gained its strength.

It is also important to take into account climatic features the region where the bath broom is made.

When to cut birch and oak branches

If we are talking about how to knit brooms for a birch bath, then there is an unambiguous period of time on the 11th-30th of the day, when there are no earrings on the trees yet.

However, it is imperative to take into account general state foliage:

  • the outer part of the sheet should not be rough, but on the contrary, tenderness and velvety should be felt to the touch;
  • when you try to pull the sheet, only a small part of it should come off, and not the entire plate as a whole.

If we talk about the timing of the preparation of oak brooms for a bath, then they fall on the second half of July or the beginning of August. The leaf by that time should not only get stronger, but also acquire a rich green color in comparison with the young color that is inherent in it at the beginning of summer.

If you do not wait the right time, then early knitting will lead to a decrease in the strength of the oak broom. But you can't be late! The deadline for preparing oak brooms for a bath is the time when the first acorns appear.

Rules for knitting bath brooms

In addition to the timing of the preparation of bath brooms, there are a number of other rules that you should know about in advance in order to get a strong, durable and most effective bath broom.

You can cut the branches only in the dry period, since high humidity will lead to their damage during the drying process. The leaves, when the moisture begins to leave, will darken, curl and fly around. If it rains in the region during the period of harvesting branches for a broom, then it is worth cutting it a little later.

Usually, when bath brooms are knitted, they go for suitable branches away from city streets to ecologically clean areas. Branches are pruned before lunch, when the morning dew has already dried. It is worth picking up branches of 2 years of age that grow lowest to the ground (not to be confused with processes at the roots).

You can cut them off with a sharp pruner. The length should be about 60 centimeters. By observing these conditions, you can get a high-quality, reliable and efficient broom for several procedures.

Why is summer the best time to collect birch bath brooms (or oak brooms)? Everything is quite simple. The leaves by this time not only have time to grow up, but also contain the optimal amount of essential oil glands. The branches are elastic, which provides maximum pleasure from whipping them over the steamed human body.

Often, brooms are tied using sheaf technology, assembling a structure from prepared branches in advance. A bunch of branches is folded in such a way that they are divided into internal and external, which protect them. From above, the structure is covered with hay and, in the form of a sheaf, lies in a dry shed for storage. Branches are taken out exclusively for tying a small broom for each trip to the bathhouse.

If the branches are already prepared, then they should be tied, having previously laid them out on burlap. A set of branches from already withered branches is fastened. The thickness of the bundle can vary depending on the tastes of the bath visitor, but at the same time, the broom should be from 40 to 80 centimeters in length so that it is quite easy to use.

Branch preparation looks like this:

  1. The branches are cleaned from knots and leaves in the place where the intended handle will be located. Its length should be about a third of the entire broom.
  2. Thick branches are laid inside the knitting, and with thin ones I cover such a frame from the outside, bending them a little inward. All knitting should take on a flat shape.
  3. It is important to ensure that when folding the foliage is directed in one direction and in the end the bundle should resemble a fan.

By correctly completing all the steps, you can get a broom of sufficient density and density. It will be pleasant for the body and will last at least 2-3 trips to the bath.

The handle is processed by wrapping the stripped part of the branches with twine. The entire area is wound without knots and foliage, and at the end, the remains of branches or material are carefully trimmed. Thus, a neat handle is obtained, which will not lead to the formation of corns in the process of whipping a bath visitor. The handle of 15 centimeters is considered optimal in length, in which there is no winding under the very leaves, which allows you to make the broom more voluminous. It lies comfortably in the hand and does not slip out of the hand when clapping.

Many experts, speaking about how to prepare brooms for a bath, recommend adding mint stalks, thyme, chamomile or young shoots of black currant between the branches. This will give the product a great aroma and enhance healing effect procedures.

Sometimes, when looking at a photo from a bathhouse, you can see that branches of coniferous trees have been added to the broom. It should be said right away that they can only be inserted inside, since the needles can damage the skin when whipped.

The weight of the broom is selected according to one's own feelings, but, naturally, it should have such a mass that it is easy to hold it during the procedures.

How to dry branches for bath brooms

There are several ways to dry branches for bath brooms, but they all have one thing in common: you need to place the cut branches in the shade. In the sun, the foliage curls and burns very quickly, and its natural aroma and color disappear. The very first trip to the bath will lead to the fact that all the leaves will fall from the steamed branches. See also: "Which bamboo brooms for a bath are better to use - types and features."

The formation of drafts in the place of drying of the branches is also unacceptable. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the broom branches should be dried in a dark, dry and cool place. The bundles can be either hung or laid out.

Uniform drying can be ensured by periodically turning the bundles. If the broom has been dried correctly, then the foliage will turn green with a matte tint on it, and the aroma of balsamic oil will also form, which intensifies when steaming.

In the Russian outback, you can often find the option of drying a bath broom in a fresh sheaf of absolutely dry hay. Brooms are stacked in such a sheaf in several layers around. A layer of fragrant hay is laid between the layers. The advantage of this drying method lies in the preservation of the shape of the product and all its basic qualities: smell, color, etc.

If the broom was overexposed during drying, then it should not be thrown away, but you just need to steam it longer and add it to the stove before the start of the procedures. A couple of branches will reach the necessary conditions. After the procedures, do not leave fallen leaves on the stove.

In modern bath complexes, it is possible to carry out procedures using non-standard brooms, which were previously frozen and placed in vacuum packaging. Such a non-standard way of harvesting brooms came from Finland.

Similar to freezing vegetables, a broom does not lose its useful qualities and aroma, which allows, when steaming, to bring it to an optimal operational state even from a frozen state.

What not to do when preparing bath brooms

If we are talking about how to properly prepare brooms for a bath, then it is worth pointing out the main mistakes of novice bath attendants, which lead to the rapid fall of foliage and the transformation of a broom into an ordinary bunch of branches.

The most common mistakes:

  1. Harvesting was carried out at the wrong time: if too early, then the leaves did not have time to get stronger, and if it was too late, then they had already lost their strength.
  2. Drying was carried out in open places under the influence of direct sunlight.
  3. Wet branches were used, or they were washed before linking, which is absolutely impossible to do. Dust from a broom can be washed off only after drying and always with boiling water when visiting the bath for the first time.


The article describes in detail how and what kind of brooms you need to prepare for visiting the bath. If you follow all the recommendations presented, then the products will serve quite effectively for 2-3 procedures and will have the most positive effect on the body of bath visitors.

Harvesting birch brooms for a bath - a simple science

A broom is an essential attribute of the Russian bath. Most steam bath enthusiasts believe that the best brooms are made from soft, flexible birch branches.

It is no coincidence that from time immemorial the most common in Russia was precisely Birch broom for a bath. But everyone's preferences are different. Many people like to steam with oak or linden products. Which one is better? The debate continues to this day...

The harvesting process itself is not too complicated. But in order for the prepared broom to be suitable for the steam room, certain rules must be followed. Harvesting of birch brooms for a bath traditionally falls on the Trinity. But not everywhere the birch "ripens" everywhere, and not all types of wood are suitable for brooms. A tall tree with long, thin, straight branches is chosen - a weeping birch.

To know for sure whether the branches of this birch are suitable or not, you need to try the leaf with your tongue: if the leaf is rough, the tree does not fit. The leaf should be velvety, tender. In addition, the taste of the sheet also speaks about the preparation time. As soon as it ceases to be sweetish and begins to taste bitter, then the time for harvesting has come. Birches, from the branches and leaves of which brooms will be made, should not grow near roads, near enterprises or in the city center. It should be an ecologically clean area outside the city - clearings, edges, clearings. Preparation of birch brooms for a bath is carried out in the early morning hours after the dew has disappeared. It should be a careful cutting of extra branches. Basically, young, flexible, well-bending branches with small leaves are used.

Cut raw materials must be dried in the shade for an hour.

How to knit a broom

Dried branches at the base are stripped of leaves and knots and tied with twine. Thick branches are placed in the middle, and thin ones are wrapped around. The broom turns out thick. The handle is made 15-20 centimeters long. Tied brooms are placed under oppression to acquire a flat fan shape until completely dry. Then the broom is suspended in a ventilated room for a couple of days. It is best to store brooms in a refrigerator, but if this is not possible, then in a well-ventilated cool room: attic, garage, balcony - for two years. Preparation of birch brooms for the bath is completed. Now it's time to go to the bath. But you need to take a dry product with you, and not just cooked.

We steam a broom

A dry birch broom is taken to the bathhouse in order to take a steam bath. By the way, fresh brooms do not steam, because they become limp, becoming heavy, and can burn the skin. Dry brooms are steamed: they are lowered for 5 minutes into a basin with cold, warm and, finally, hot water. A basin with hot water and a broom should be covered so that it is steamed. When you feel the aroma of essential oils from the broom, you can take it out. It is ready to work on your body, massaging it and improving blood circulation, cleansing respiratory system, making breathing easier for asthmatics and smokers, cleansing the skin well. It remains to wish you health and light steam with a birch broom!

Birch broom for a bath - features and self-harvesting

The broom is the visiting card of the Russian bath. It is thanks to him that the unique atmosphere and spirit of the steam room is created. Moreover, if this attribute is removed, then the traditional Russian bath would be no different from a sauna.

With the preparation of brooms, just like with the conduct of bath procedures, a whole tradition is associated in Russia. Experienced attendants carefully select raw materials, knowing when it is better to harvest birch brooms for a bath. As a result, traditional brooms are obtained, which have been used in Russia for bath procedures since time immemorial.

In this article, we will look at when to cut birch brooms for a bath, how to properly harvest them and how to choose ready-made products.

Traditional brooms

To date, bath attributes are made from branches of various trees and shrubs, but birch and oak are the most common. Birch branches are an excellent material that allows you to get high quality products.

In addition, the healing effect of this tree has been known for centuries, while birch grows almost everywhere, which greatly facilitates harvesting.

About the tradition of harvesting

Many novice bath attendants are interested in when they prepare birch brooms for a bath.

And regardless of which tree you decide to harvest, there are several recommendations for the correct collection of material:

  1. Harvesting is carried out in a certain period every year. As a rule, most attendants choose Trinity Day, which falls in mid-July.

Advice! Before you start harvesting, pay attention to the weather. If it rains, then the branches are not collected, just like immediately after the rain. Optimum conditions are the presence of dew.

  1. For preparation work, it is best to choose the first half of the day. It was at this time that the dew had not yet left the vegetation.
  2. In the event that the weather on Trinity is rainy, the collection procedure should be postponed for a couple of days.

About the beneficial properties of a bath broom

Brooms are not only obligatory bathing attributes.

In addition, they are very useful, which is expressed in the following points:

  1. massage effect.
  2. Each type of wood is characterized by certain beneficial substances that have a certain effect on the body (the benefits of birch will be discussed below).
  3. Ecological purity.

Advice! If you do not have the opportunity to carry out independent harvesting, then you can buy a ready-made one. Only preference should be given not to a product on a supermarket shelf, but to a broom made in the countryside according to the technology used by our ancestors, which is passed down from generation to generation.

birch tree features

If the broom is made of birch, then the following is added to the above properties:

  1. When using birch brooms, it is possible to cure aching joints and muscles caused by rheumatism or increased physical exertion.
  2. The skin is also cleansed of acne and sebaceous plugs.
  3. Birch branches warmed up with hot water emit a pleasant smell and substances that are useful for asthmatics and smokers, since in this way accumulated harmful substances are removed from the bronchi.

We prepare birch branches

Birch broom is the most popular in urban environments. In addition, it emits a pleasant smell, has softness and a number of medicinal properties. In order to make a birch broom with your own hands, you should first of all choose the right tree.

Advice! When harvesting, it is best to use weeping birch, which grows along a river or lake. Such a tree has long falling branches, sloping low to the ground.

Instructions for the correct collection of branches relies on several points:

  1. Good material is obtained from young birches.
  2. Before starting the assembly, touch the leaves: their outer side should be smooth and tender. If it is rough, look for another tree.
  3. A guarantee of a fragrant broom are thin and flexible branches.
  4. It is advisable to collect outside the city. Best of all - in the forest.
  5. Before drying, the birch must be tied very tightly, but there must be free space between the branches. Otherwise, the leaves may lose their color and healing properties.

We collect a broom

There are general rules for assembling brooms.

Regardless of whether you choose branches of oak, birch, juniper, linden, or even combine them, you should adhere to the following recommendations in your work:

  1. Branches should be with fully blossomed green leaves.
  2. It is desirable that the branch has several branches.
  3. Branches are suitable for knitting, 45-60 cm long.
  4. The thickness of the branch is on average 0.5 cm.

  1. In a broom, you should collect such an amount of material that the dressing handle has a diameter of no more than 5 cm. This is dictated by convenience.
  2. Cut branches must be knitted immediately, then hung in a well-ventilated area to dry.
  3. We carry out dressing in two places, stepping back from the butt 4-5 cm and 10-12 cm.
  4. At the butt, the branches are carefully cut.

Advice! The best option for a combined broom is a combination of linden, oak and birch branches. Also, for medicinal purposes, you can add nettles to oak branches.

  1. In the case of proper drying, the leaves remain green and do not fall off the branches.

How to choose ready-made brooms

Since not everyone has the desire and ability to prepare bath equipment on their own, there is an option for them to buy it on the market or directly in the bath (find out here how to properly steam a birch broom for a bath).

However, in order not to purchase a low-quality product, you should know what to look for. It doesn't matter how much the product costs, what matters is how well it is made.

Based on this rule, the broom, the price of which is the lowest, may be of the highest quality.

To determine the quality, use the following instruction:

  1. First of all, the product should cause pleasant tactile sensations and lie comfortably in the hand. The thickness of the handle is very important here, as mentioned above. Therefore, just hold the product in your hand.
  2. Inspect for leaf mold. If mold is noticed, this may indicate improper storage or that the bundle was not tied from freshly cut branches. Such inventory should not be purchased.
  3. Shake the broom. If it is dried according to all the rules, then the leaves will remain on the branches. If drying was incorrect, the leaves will begin to crumble. In the event that you steam a bad broom, then after a while you will have only bare branches.

birch alternative

Naturally, birch is not the only raw material for creating bath equipment. And although these trees are located everywhere, nevertheless, in some cases it is more convenient to use other raw materials, for example, oak or linden.

Let's look at what healing properties and features the wood most often used in the bath has:

  1. Oak. Knitted oak branches are found no less than birch. Oak products are great for people with oily skin, due to the drying effect that tannins have. In addition, oak reduces arterial pressure in people with hypertension.

Oak harvesting is carried out in August-September, since it unfolds its leaves later than other trees in the spring. The main strength of the leaves is gaining only by the end of summer.

Advice! When choosing an oak, you need to pay attention to the growing burdock nearby. If there is no burdock nearby, such a tree is not suitable, since the leaves will surely fly around when dried.

  1. Linden. People associate tranquility and balance with linden. Such a broom is a natural remedy for headaches, it is used to prevent vegetative-vascular dystonia, which causes insomnia and migraines. In addition to its calming effect, linden perfectly heals wounds and fights against colds.

  1. Eucalyptus. Every respected attendant should have eucalyptus tincture. It is intended for watering the walls in the steam room. And this choice is not accidental, since eucalyptus is attributed to a powerful antiseptic effect, it is used to warm the bronchi and inhalations.

Eucalyptus broom allows you to maximize the healing effect by saturating the skin with essential oils that help fight bruises, inflammation of muscle tissue and sprains.


In order for bath procedures to bring not only pleasure, but also have a healing effect, it is necessary to use the right equipment. Above, we examined how to choose and prepare one of the main bath attributes on our own (see also the article “Fungus in the bath - folk and modern ways fight").

Watch the video in this article for more information.

A broom for a steam room made of oak branches is in second place after birch in popularity among bath lovers. This “second line” is due, perhaps, only to the lesser prevalence of the tree (it’s easier to find birch in Central and Northern Russia), and oak is practically not inferior in its qualities to the “competitor”, and in some positions it even surpasses his.

The terms for harvesting oak brooms for a bath and the knitting procedure will be discussed below, but in order to know about their main qualities, about what diseases it is useful to use oak, you need to know the characteristics of this wood species, since these factors are closely interconnected.

What is oak known for?

This tree is considered the strongest in terms of energy among all species growing in Russia. There are persistent beliefs, by the way, not denied by scientists, that, in contact with oak under any life circumstances, a person receives part of its strength, which means that additional potential appears in the body to fight various ailments.

That is why very often in Russia oaks were planted near the house and turned to them for help, asking them to give health for many years. Today, living in high-rise buildings and not having a suburban area, it is difficult to grow your own "family" oak, so many turn to bonsai. This art allows you to grow an exact copy of a real tree, only in a miniature form, in a flowerpot. Oak grown using this technique will always be present in the house, sharing its energy forces.

But this tree is rich not only in powerful energy - it contains in its bark, branches and leaves a large number of substances useful for the human body are gallic and ellagic acids, pectins, pentosans, flavone compounds, starch, sugar, flobafen, protein, tannins and other substances.

For medicinal purposes, oak raw materials are always tried to be prepared during the period of active sap flow in order to preserve everything in it. beneficial features. Any blanks are dried in a place protected from the sun, and they can be stored for five or even more years without losing their medicinal qualities.

oak bark

Oak bark decoctions are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce excessive sweating, heal burns, festering wounds, treat gums and get rid of other diseases. inflammatory processes mouth, with severe frostbite of the skin and bleeding hemorrhoids.

Decoctions are also considered an excellent antidote for poisoning with salts of heavy metals and mushrooms. As a vitamin remedy, they are used for rickets and scurvy, as a hemostatic agent for internal bleeding.

It should be noted that this is sufficient strong remedy therefore, before giving it to children to drink, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

oak leaves

For medicinal purposes, young leaves are harvested along with branches. This process is carried out until mid-May, while the leaves are light green in color. They are dried by hanging under awnings and used throughout the year.

Decoctions are an excellent remedy for cuts and abrasions, they disinfect and help ulcers heal. In addition, they are used in the treatment of children suffering from nocturnal enuresis.

Oak fruits - acorns

Only those acorns are considered mature that have fallen from the tree. They are collected and dried away from sunlight - in attics or in sheds with good ventilation, and the final drying is carried out in ovens.

Dry fruits are peeled, then roasted until red, ground in a coffee grinder and consumed like coffee. This drink is useful for various diseases and has the following actions:

  • Bactericidal, astringent, antitumor and enveloping properties.
  • It strengthens and cleanses the stomach.
  • Treats gum disease and soothes toothache.
  • Stops bleeding of various kinds, including uterine.
  • Cleanses the body in case of poisoning.

Broom for a steam room from oak branches

All this was not told in vain - all the components of this magnificent tree, except for the listed methods of use, are widely used in the "bath practice". Decoctions are made from the bark, leaves and acorns, which are splashed on the stove, and brooms, useful in every respect, are knitted from branches with young leaves.

  • The oak broom has fairly wide and strong leaves, so it looks more like a fan. Thanks to this quality, it is excellent for them to pump the heat coming from the heater to the body.

Using a broom is quite comfortable - they seem to rake in hot steam and direct it towards themselves. This quality can be called the first of its advantages over other breeds used to make bath brooms.

  • With the help of an oak broom, it is good to massage, since the tannins contained in its leaves and branches have a great effect on the skin, making it more elastic.
  • In addition, oak brooms reduce excessive sweating, as they cleanse the skin and activate the metabolic process. Thanks to the same quality, the skin becomes less oily, receives reliable protection against inflammation.

  • The use of an oak broom in the steam room helps to significantly reduce blood pressure which is very important for people suffering from hypertension.
  • To put the nervous system in order, you also need to go to the steam room, taking an oak "bouquet" with you, since the substances released by it have a calming effect.
  • Such a broom is suitable for various massage techniques - they are passed over the entire body, lightly patting it on the skin, pressed to the body, collecting sweat from it, rubbing certain areas, and also making oak branches on a bench in the steam room.

In order for the broom to be used several times, and at the same time retain all its medicinal properties, the raw materials for it must be properly prepared and dried. A well-prepared oak broom can be used three to five times in the steam room.

Preparation of brooms from oak branches

Harvesting oak brooms in the southern regions of the country is carried out from mid to late May, while in central Russia this event is held in the second half of June. At this time, the leaves are small and delicate in structure, and the branches have not yet gained thickness and have not lost flexibility.

You can, of course, harvest throughout the summer, however, the closer to autumn, the leaves become stiffer, and the branches thicker, so the broom will be heavier and less flexible.

You should not cut branches too early, as the leaves will be too tender, not having gained useful substances, so steaming will not give the desired therapeutic effect, and the strength of this broom will be extremely low.

Branches for such purposes are taken from the lower part of a large tree that grows in the thickest oak forests, where it penetrates least. sunlight. A good guideline for choosing a tree for cutting a broom will be burdocks growing under it, which have large juicy leaves. It is rather difficult to find single branches on old oaks, therefore, most often a branched branch with a dense leafy cover on a good annual growth is chosen. If the young growth on the old branch has the desired length of 500 ÷ 550 mm, then it is cut off and further brooms are formed.

Branches are also taken from young oak trees, having a height of only three ÷ four meters - such trees have the optimal thickness of branches for a broom and the size of foliage.

Branch of "winter oak"

Good brooms are obtained from the "winter oak" - this is the name of one of the varieties of wood that does not shed its leaves for the winter. The leaves change their hue from green to golden, but do not fly around, but hold tightly to the branches, although the sap flow in them stops. This type of oak does not grow in oak forests, but singly, and most often - on high hillocks or on small hills.

It should be noted that the best brooms are obtained from branches from trees growing in oak forests than those cut from single trees.

Rules for collecting branches

Traditional healers and experienced herbalists have developed rules that help to preserve cut branches for bath brooms and collected medicinal herbs for a long time:

  • All natural raw materials - both branches and grasses - must be harvested in the morning, but only after the dew has disappeared, in dry and clear weather.
  • You should not take sluggish branches that have already been broken off, as when steaming they will gain more moisture, becoming heavy.
  • The broom is cut only from those branches that have high flexibility - they bend well and do not break.
  • When harvesting brooms, wood should be treated with the utmost care. You should not cut it completely or deprive it of large side branches, as this can only harm the plant. If only young shoots are cut in different places of the oak, then this helps him, since thinning the branches is very useful. With the right attitude to the tree, it will supply raw materials for baths and medicinal decoctions for many years.
  • Young oak trees should not be cut off, for which the loss of several branches can be fatal. You need to let the tree take root well and get stronger before using it for your own good.

Knitting brooms

After cutting the branches, leaves and knots are removed from their lower part, and then they are laid out on the table in one layer and left for one hour and a half. You can not leave them piled in a heap, since from such storage the leaves can quickly crumble.

After this time, you can start knitting branches into brooms:

  • Each of the branches is shaken, and then they are folded into a "bouquet". The branches are equalized along the upper leaves - they should be located at the same height and create the required density of the broom.
  • Branches with thicker trunks are placed in the middle, but there should not be more than three of them in each of the brooms, otherwise the fan will be too hard and they can damage the skin. The thickness of the broom handle should not be more than 50 mm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to hold it. The length is usually 100 ÷ 120 mm, and the height of the fan is 450 ÷ 500 mm.
  • Further, the lower part of the branches, left without leaves, is compressed and tied with twine in two places - immediately under the leaves and below, forming a broom handle. It must be remembered that it is still impossible to tighten the handle strongly, it will finally be tied when the broom dries a little.
  • Some modern bath lovers have adapted plastic self-locking collars - “ties” for tying brooms. They bind the branches lightly at first, then, after drying, they pull them up a little, and already before using the broom, they tighten them tightly.

  • Pens related brooms trimmed with secateurs. And then the finished bundles are laid under a not very heavy oppression. This is necessary so that the brooms acquire a flat fan shape, and the branches do not stick out in different directions. In this form, the brooms are left for one or two days.

  • After that, the brooms are hung in a ventilated shed or in the attic. In no case should you dry them in the sun, as the leaves will be overdried and may simply crumble.
Video: a good example of tying an oak broom

Steaming an oak broom

All bath lovers have their own ways of steaming brooms:

A fresh broom is dipped in hot water for one to two minutes, and then it can be steamed.

  • The simplest and fast way to prepare a dry broom is to lower it with a fan in cold water for three to five minutes, and then immediately transfer it to a container with hot water and leave it for the same time.
  • Another method involves rinsing the broom in cold water and placing it completely in a bowl with warm water. After immersing the broom, the container is closed with a lid and left for 10 ÷ 15 minutes. The main thing here is not to overexpose it in water, otherwise it will become sour and quickly crumble.
  • In the event that the broom is very dry for some reason, it is placed for 5 ÷ 7 minutes in warm water, and then pulled out, shaken off and held over hot stones, periodically turning. Both the fan and the handle will steam well, and the broom should become soft.
  • Some attendants soak dry brooms in cold water in the morning and leave them in it until late in the evening. Then they are pulled out and wrapped overnight in a dense cloth. A broom soaked in this way is not only soft, but also gives a very rich forest aroma. In addition, it will last for several vaping sessions.
  • Sometimes steaming takes place in a contrasting way, when the fan of a broom is moved from cold to hot water, leaving it in each of the containers for 1–2 minutes, and before entering the steam room, it is poured over with boiling water.
  • Other bath lovers prefer to cook a broom on the eve of going to the steam room. After keeping the brooms in hot water for 15 ÷ 20 minutes, they are wrapped in polyethylene and left overnight. After entering the steam room, such a broom will remain heated over the heater - and it is completely ready for bath procedures.

Do not throw water from steamed brooms into the street. She, during the stay of oak leaves in her, is saturated with useful substances, and a kind of decoction is obtained. It is used for rinsing the body, washing the hair, or poured onto the heater to create a healing steam. Hair after such water acquires a pleasant shine and receives a significant vitamin dose. A decoction of oak leaves also has a positive effect on the skin, thanks to all the natural substances that this plant is rich in.

Naturally, it is difficult to get the desired results in one trip to the steam room with an oak broom - you need to do these bath procedures every week for a long time. Only in this case, you can significantly improve your physical health and get energy from this amazing tree.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the unique properties of oak, many sauna lovers prefer mixed brooms, consisting of oak and traditional birch branches. This complex combines everything necessary qualities for vaping - birch leaves adhere well to the skin, collecting sweat and opening pores, while oak nourishes skin vitamins and strength.

Therefore, when preparing brooms, you need to collect different variants, try each of them for yourself and choose the best one.

Have good broom- only half the battle!

The first trip to a real bath is better to organize with an experienced person - so as not to harm your health out of ignorance. How to steam- read in a special publication of our "bath encyclopedia".

Massage with a birch bath broom is an excellent remedy for pain in muscles and joints, contributing to faster and painless recovery after various physical activity. Birch helps to normalize the condition of acne-prone skin, accelerates the healing of minor wounds and abrasions, and soothes the body as a whole.

One of the most pronounced medicinal properties of a birch broom is an intense positive effect on the bronchi - the substances contained in the plant contribute to their expansion, due to which ventilation of the lungs is normalized and sputum discharge is facilitated. That is why experts especially strongly recommend the use of birch brooms to smokers and patients with asthma and allergies.

The composition of birch leaves contains vitamins A and C, many essential oils, tannins and other useful components. So that they are fully preserved in the broom and most effectively show their useful action, you need to know, firstly, how birch leaves are harvested for a bath, and secondly, how to properly use the finished device. It is with this information that you are invited to familiarize yourself with the study of the information below.

In ancient times, the preparation of bath brooms was traditionally done 1-2 weeks after the Holy Trinity Day. As a rule, this holy feast falls in June. Along with this, due to significant differences in climatic conditions in different regions of Russia, focus on only one folk custom it’s not worth it - in many areas the birch does not have time to blossom by the Trinity, and there is little sense from a broom from such branches.

The principle is as follows: we focus on the characteristics of birch ripening. The maximum strengthening of the sheet will indicate the imminent appearance of earrings. This short time period, when the leaves are the strongest, and the earrings are not yet available, is the most suitable for preparing the right bath brooms.

Bath brooms are traditionally made from weeping birch. Usually these trees have a rather impressive height, while possessing long, strong and quite flexible branches. Beautiful brooms are obtained from the branches of young and previously unflowered birch trees - such trees have the most delicate leaves.

Useful advice! When choosing branches, make sure that the upper side of the leaves is not rough, the branches are straight and rather thin, and the leaves themselves are velvety and tender.

Photo of a weeping birch near a pond - a suitable tree for collecting raw materials

Branches can be cut with a sharp knife or harvested in some other suitable way. For greater convenience, the collector can climb a tree, bend it down, tie it to some neighboring tree and collect the required number of branches. Birch, as noted, is quite flexible and durable, so such manipulations, provided they are carefully performed, will not harm.

Important! Do not immediately tie the collected branches too tightly. The material is hung on a strong rope under a protective canopy so that direct contact with the sun is excluded. There must be a draft in the room. A week later, the brooms are already quite thoroughly dry. In this state, they are allowed to be laid out tightly on racks in a dry, ventilated room, for example, a dressing room or a barn.

It is better that the finished bath broom looks like a fan, and does not look like a broom. To comply with this recommendation, fresh broom should be laid out on the floor and turned over daily, repeating until the products are dry. Otherwise, the material may dry out or dry incorrectly.

For example, if the harvester ties birch branches tightly from the very beginning, the leaves in the center of the broom will become dark and “burn out”, which is why they will have practically no aroma.

The color of correctly dried brooms is concentrated green, pleasant matte. The branches should emit a scent of balsamic birch oil, which intensifies when steamed.

It is also correct to collect branches on brooms in June for the reason that during this period the leaves already grow to a fairly large size, but retain desired level essential oil glands, which are present, at the same time, not only in foliage, but also in young birch shoots. Non-old large shoots retain high elasticity, thanks to which whipping with such a broom is easily tolerated by a visitor to the bath.

Summing up the above, we can draw the following conclusion: branches with strong and young leaves are used to harvest birch brooms. Such foliage contains a maximum of useful components for humans. On the territory of Russia, depending on the climatic zone, the optimal time for harvesting birch brooms can vary from early June to mid-July.

Choosing a time and place to collect branches

The right time for harvesting determines the quality, service life, aroma and softness of brooms. For example, if you collect branches too early, subsequent steaming will make the broom flimsy, short-lived and slippery. A well-prepared product will “keep the sheet” for as long as possible.

A high-quality broom is fragrant, durable and “holds the leaf” well

Dry weather is chosen for harvesting. If the foliage is moistened with dew or rainwater, when dried, it will collapse, twist, fly around, darken. If it rained the day before, it is better to wait a few days, and only after that collect branches for the preparation of brooms.

To assemble branches, choose an environmentally friendly place, remote from highways and other pollutants. In practice, two-year-old branches growing near the ground have the best properties. For cutting, it is convenient to use a secateurs.

What to do with branches after harvesting?

An attic is well suited for storing harvested branches, even better - a pile of hay. For storage of blanks in urban conditions, a balcony or even a mezzanine is suitable. In this case, the brooms will need to be wrapped in paper bags first.

Drying brooms on the roof of the barn is also allowed. This is done in the following sequence:

  • meadow hay is spread over the roof;
  • birch branches with small gaps are laid out on hay;
  • a layer of hay is laid out on top of the branches;
  • daily (some experts advise increasing this interval to 2-3 days), the branches turn over. This is done throughout the month.

Most often, dried blanks are tied in pairs to a rope and stored in this position. You can not knit brooms at once, but combine branches into small sheaves. Sheaves are wrapped in hay and stored in the attic. Before going to the bath, the required number of branches is pulled out of the sheaf and tied into a broom.

Instructions for knitting a birch broom with your own hands

The image shows a step-by-step sequence of knitting a birch broom for a bath. For a better understanding of the process, check out the more detailed guide for this activity. The necessary information is presented in the table.

Table. Knitting a birch broom

Stage of workDescriptionA photo
Pre-spread dried birch branches on burlap and leave for a couple of days. Branches dried in this way are better suited for harvesting birch brooms.
At this moment, everything is individual: some attendants love massive brooms, others prefer small products. The only standardized recommendation is regarding the length: keep it within 0.4-0.8 m. A shorter or longer broom will simply be inconvenient to use.
At the location of the handle, knots and foliage are removed. In general, about a third of the total length of the product is subject to cleaning.
The peeled branches are collected together. The product, in this case, is given a flattened shape. The frame is created from thicker branches - they must be placed inside the future product. Thin blanks are laid out around the frame. Position them with an inward bend.
The leaves should be facing in the same direction, and the branches should lie like a fan. In this case, the broom in the course of the bath massage will “hug” the body of the bather.
One thick and dense product is enough for an average of 2-3 visits to the steam room. After that, it crumbles and becomes unusable.
Pre-cleaned and collected branches are wrapped with twine: with one hand you squeeze the workpieces, with the other you wind the rope. There are no secrets here: the main thing is that the branches are tightly fastened.
A strip of fabric is wound at the end of the handle - without it, there is a high risk of getting blisters in the future.
The recommended handle length is 150 mm. The highest quality is ensured when tying the branches with twine in several rows near the foliage, and not along the length of the handle - a handle with a free end is more convenient to use, it will not slip out even with the most powerful movements.

Useful advice! When assembling a broom, add some fragrant herbs to its composition. For example, thyme and chamomile are well suited, mint and blackcurrant do not interfere. If nettles, spruces and other thorny plants are added, they should be placed inside the product to eliminate the risk of injury and discomfort.

Don't make the broom too heavy. At this moment, be guided by your own feelings: the product should be comfortable and light just for you.

Subsequent drying of brooms

There are many ways to dry brooms. Regardless of the characteristic features of each method, there remains one main general rule: brooms should dry in the shade. Direct contact with the sun's rays leads to rapid fading and curling of leaves, volatilization of fragrant and useful components, loss of aroma and external qualities. A broom dried in the sun will crumble immediately after steaming.

The room should have a moderate draft. The presence of powerful drafts is unacceptable, because. because of them, the final quality of the finished brooms will also not be the best. Ideally, the chosen room should be dry, cool and dark. During drying, brooms can be both folded and hung. To ensure uniform drying of the branches, as noted, the blanks must be turned over daily.

The easiest drying option involves hanging brooms from a pole or even a simple rope. To provide protection from the sun, the cord is pulled under a suitable canopy.

It was previously mentioned that best form for a broom is a fan. To ensure compliance with this recommendation, about a week after the start of drying (during this period, the brooms begin to rustle a little), you need to tightly tie the collected branches and lay the blanks tightly. They will cuddle and gradually flatten, becoming like a fan.

Some clarifications require a method involving drying in hay. First, the hay must be sufficiently dried and fresh. Laying of products, in this case, is carried out in circular layers. The foliage should be directed directly to the center of the stack. Fragrant hay is laid between the layers. Drying in such conditions contributes to the maximum preservation of aroma, color, as well as shape and quality characteristics.

It is possible that the first harvesting experience will end with the drying of the products. In this case, you should not get too upset and get rid of blanks - brooms can be “reanimated”. To do this, “marriage”, firstly, must be steamed for a longer (literally several minutes) time, and secondly, after steaming, the product should be held on the heater. Steam emanating from the stacked stones will contribute to the rapid restoration of brooms.

Important! After carrying out "resuscitation measures", be sure to remove the fallen leaves from the heater.

Recommendations for further storage of birch brooms

Having prepared brooms, ensure their proper and careful storage. The room should be cool, shady and well ventilated. Violation of any of the above recommendations will lead to yellowing and discoloration of the foliage, it will lose its aroma and freshness.

Hay is well suited for storing brooms, as well as for pre-drying them. In such conditions, the foliage will be even more saturated with useful elements, due to which its aroma will noticeably improve. For storage in urban areas, plastic or paper bags and vacuum packaging can be used.

If a bath broom crumbles due to repeated use, an excuse can be found for this - nothing lasts forever. Much more tragic are the situations when the foliage instantly flies around after the first steaming. This state of affairs is direct evidence of a violation of the rules for harvesting birch brooms.

You can find a description of the most common errors in the following table.

Table. Mistakes when preparing bath brooms

Wrong choice of time for collecting birch branchesA broom will inevitably fly around if it is made from too early or, conversely, too late collected branches. As noted, the best period for harvesting branches is June-July. In June, the foliage is already quite strong and dense. By the middle of the second summer month, the birch begins to prepare for the approaching autumn, which does not have the best effect on the characteristics of the foliage.
Violation of the rules for drying broomsOften, inexperienced bath attendants, trying to prepare as many brooms as possible in the shortest possible time, dry the blanks in the sun. Yes, the products will dry out in just a day or two, but in this case the leaves will not endure even the first contact with boiling water. Remember: the broom should dry on its own and the heat of the sun will not help it in this.
Collecting branches after the rainFirstly, the branches cannot be collected immediately after the rain.
Secondly, the blanks cannot be washed on their own.
If the issue of settling dust does not leave you alone, wait until you go to the steam room and pour boiling water over the brooms there - there will be no trace of pollution.

Practice shows that brooms are best prepared with a small margin. However, you should not be too zealous either: it is much more pleasant to use a fragrant and fresh broom every time.

Before use, brooms are traditionally steamed. Fresh products do not need such preliminary preparation - they can become sour. Dry blanks before use are dipped for 10-15 minutes in cool water, then for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

If the birch broom is too dry, the steaming time can be increased. In this case, the basin is filled with boiling water, after which the product is lowered into the water and covered with a second bowl on top. Another a good option- dip the product in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and then put it on the heater. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the broom, slightly shaking and rotating it to prevent burning. Usually, 2-3 such approaches with a total duration of up to 1.5-2 minutes are enough to bring the broom back to normal.

It is more convenient to go to the bath with brooms together. The person undergoing a massage session is located in a supine position. It is recommended that the performer first wear gloves so as not to get blisters (if a fabric is wound around the handle, as recommended in the instructions above, you can refuse to use gloves).

Tune in right away: soaring with a broom is a whole science. First of all, remember the most important rules:

  • massage is performed with a wet broom. Periodically, the product should be moistened with a little warm water;
  • touches with a broom to the body should be light, soft and barely perceptible;
  • if the steam room is heated to more than 60 degrees, you need to use a birch broom as carefully as possible, otherwise the steam will leave burns.

Competent bath massage improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes, gets rid of pathogens, strengthens the skin.

The traditional sequence of bath massage using a broom is as follows.

One person lies on his stomach and places his hands along the body. The second bath attendant takes 2 birch brooms and carefully, slowly, from the bottom up, strokes the torso of the first bath attendant. Brooms, at the same time, do not come off the skin. During the reverse movement, birch brooms are carried out on the sides of the body. You need to repeat all this 2-3 times.

At the next stage, the massage therapist lifts the birch brooms up to take in some heated air, after which he lowers them onto the lumbar region of the first attendant and presses them with his hand for a couple of seconds. Such manipulation helps to restore the spinal muscles after heavy loads, get rid of pain and quickly cure various injuries.

If you take bath procedures without brooms, then the effect of skin cleansing and the benefits of the procedure are reduced.

From pain in the lower back and back, the so-called. stretching. To carry it out, both birch brooms are placed on the lower back, after which one is assigned to the back of the head, and the second to the legs. It is necessary to make such a wiring at the same time. Similarly, the knees and shoulder blades are worked out.

Important! During the massage, you need to make sure that the brooms touch the body of the attendant, and not just move through the air. Violation of this recommendation in an overheated steam room will lead to burns. If an unpleasant burning sensation is detected, the broom should be moistened with cool water.

A very useful technique is fastening. Such a massage is carried out by providing fast lashing movements with the end of a birch broom on the bath attendant's body. The back is worked out first, then the lower back, and in the end they pay attention to the pelvis, hips and further to the feet. The whole procedure takes about a minute. At the end, the body of the bather is stroked with brooms, but at a higher speed than at the beginning of the procedure.

A stronger massage is whipping. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the broom rises up to capture some air;
  • all parts of the body are whipped 2-3 times;
  • alternately with whippings, a “compress” is performed (described earlier, when the broom is pressed against the body for a couple of seconds).

Plowing is also an interesting and useful massage technique, which involves lightly waving a broom with barely perceptible touches on the skin. “Processing” is best to start from the legs, gradually moving up along the body, and then pay attention to the sides, moving in the opposite direction. During the procedure, light warm air currents will be felt.

If it is necessary to warm up the body more intensively, the broom should be periodically lifted up and shaken. A broom heated in this way is pressed for a couple of seconds to the lower back and shoulder blades, knees, and feet. If necessary, cool the product with cool water.

The massage ends with rubbing. To do this, the performer takes the broom by the handle, and with the other hand, slightly pressing on the part with foliage, slowly and gradually rubs the body. The legs and arms are rubbed along, the torso is worked out in all directions.

Important! After the described massage, a slight dizziness may occur - be careful in your movements.

Easy steam for you!

Prices for birch brooms for a bath

birch brooms

Video - Harvesting birch brooms for a bath

Bath broom - what is it? Is it just an attribute, a symbol, or a useful and irreplaceable thing? Definitely the second answer is correct. A broom is an integral part of a real Russian bath, without which it is impossible to imagine it. It can be said that the sacrament that takes place in the steam room with our body includes procedures with a broom.

So why is it needed? For our health! Brooms of different breeds have been used by our ancestors for the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. And what matters is exactly what plant this bath accessory is made of. Each branch has its own strength, which must be taken into account when preparing brooms. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to other factors - the time of year, the ripening of plants, etc. Only a properly made broom will help achieve the goal and bring maximum benefit to a person.

Everyone knows that in the Russian bath they are needed. But for what? Oddly enough, not everyone can answer this question. Many people think that a broom is needed to fool around, whipping each other. But what is the secret? It's not just that they came up with this interesting ritual. If you just hit each other on the back, then the bath will turn into torture and is unlikely to bring any pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know the true purpose of the broom in the steam room.

And use it for massage. Such a procedure will improve blood circulation not only on the surface of the skin, but also in the tissues. Throughout the body, lymph, blood and interstitial fluid are better distributed. And phytoncides and other useful substances that "live" in the leaves of a broom provide the skin with youth, beauty and health.

How to do massage with a broom? You can use different methods:

  • whipping;
  • stroking;
  • Compress;
  • Plowing, etc.

With the first, everything is clear, many more than once whipped their comrades in the bath. You need to stroke with gentle movements, running a broom along the entire body: from the neck to the heels, and then back. Compression is very easy to make.

The broom is lifted up, capturing more hot air. Then it is lowered to a short time pressed to the body, usually to the back. When plowing with a broom, you do not need to touch the skin at all. They simply fan a person, pushing hot air to the body.

Why is each type of broom useful specifically, we will describe below.

When to harvest brooms, timing

Among the people, bath brooms began to be prepared for the Christian holiday - Trinity Day. It comes on the 50th day after one of the most important holidays of Easter. According to folk beliefs, for 2 weeks after the Trinity, you can make bath brooms. But it is not so. The fact is that the harvesting period depends on the region of the country, as well as the weather conditions of a particular year.

The main criterion is the readiness of the leaves.

They should be in the juice itself, strong, fragrant. For a birch, this is, as a rule, 2-3 decades of the first summer month. You need to collect the branches before the earrings appear. The leaves should not necessarily be rough, but tender. When you pull the sheet, it should not fall off, but only a part will come off.

For oak, the most suitable time is July, sometimes the first days of August. The leaves should darken a little, get stronger. If acorns have already appeared, it is too late to prepare a broom.

Types and varieties of brooms

Contrary to the opinion of many people, bath brooms are made not only from birch. There are lime and oak, juniper and mountain ash, as well as eucalyptus, walnut. Herbal compositions are also used, for example, wormwood and tansy, lemon balm, nettle, sage, mint and bamboo.

The most famous and popular. It is soft, gentle, pleasant for the body. This broom is able to cleanse the skin, it removes toxins, toxins. Birch treatments are useful for kidney problems, bronchial asthma. Broom has diaphoretic, strengthening, disinfecting properties.

It is not prepared very often. But in vain, because such a broom has many useful properties. It is used in the bath for skin diseases, excessive sweating. This remedy has anti-inflammatory properties.

It affects the skin just fine - tightens it, tones it, makes it more elastic and supple. In addition, a bath with such a broom helps to lower blood pressure, calm down in case of violations. nervous system. Oak brooms are heavier and denser than birch brooms. Plowing them gives more steam, which will appeal to lovers of a hot bath.

Such bath accessories are harvested during the flowering period of this unusually fragrant tree. Interestingly, for a long time, lime products have been actively used in the bath. From the wood of this plant, the buildings themselves were built, as well as deck chairs and shelves.

During the procedures and after them in Russia they drank mead, tea, lime kvass and honey. With the help of a linden broom, the back is massaged, and this has a great effect on the kidneys and urinary tract.

Steamed branches and linden flowers have a positive effect on the respiratory tract - they expand the bronchi, soothe, heal wounds.

This representative is perhaps the most rude and prickly, tough. But that doesn't make it any less useful. The main thing is to find a common language with such a broom. Then from him you can get only the best in the steam room. If you use it incorrectly, you can injure the skin, scratch it.

Such brooms are not prepared prematurely, but immediately before the procedure in the steam room. It should not dry out, compared to leaf brooms, because then its properties will not be able to recover. From juniper, you can make not only brooms, but also flooring on deck chairs in the bath.

Why is it useful?

  • A broom from such an evergreen rock is indispensable for gout, sciatica, as well as neuralgia and even rheumatism.
  • It is also useful for the skin due to its properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and also bactericidal.
  • When the period of raging flu and GRVI comes, it is worth bathing in a bath with just such a broom.

By the way, he has another secret. Juniper broom is simply an indispensable tool for the prevention and even treatment of allergies of various origins.

It is not easy to make it yourself due to the lack of this tree in the forests. But still, despite the high price, recently such an accessory for a bath is very popular. And all because of its irreplaceable healing properties. In the steam room with eucalyptus, you can relieve pain from sciatica, bruises, neuralgia, stretch marks, muscle inflammation. Vapors from this plant, that is, inhalations, are simply a magical remedy for respiratory tract. Eucalyptus is also good for the skin because it contains tannins. But a broom can be made exclusively from one variety of eucalyptus - twig-shaped.

herbal broom

It can be used for massage and just as a fragrance - hanging in the bath. Passing in pairs, herbs give away their beneficial properties, which we inhale and pass into our bodies. The most popular herbal brooms are nettle, mint, wormwood and tansy.

The plant helps to relieve fatigue, normalize blood pressure, activate blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body. Even chronic nervous tension will disappear with the regular use of such a broom. It needs to be harvested in May or early June. The leaves should not be very hard and burning. After all, the effect of a broom should be obtained not traumatic, but stimulating, stimulating the skin.

This grass is usually added to brooms made of tree branches or laid on deck chairs, hung in a steam room. The aroma emanating from the twigs in the steam room relieves breathing difficulties and helps to cleanse the body. Essential oils that stand out from wormwood are very useful for the human body. Such a broom is harvested in the period after flowering. The stems should be strong, but not too coarse. After harvesting, the grass cannot be wetted, but immediately sent for drying.

Brooms with mint are pressed against the skin of the face, neck, hands to soothe and rejuvenate. Peppermint components also help dilate blood vessels, making breathing easier, especially in the presence of asthma. The plant has a bactericidal effect.

This broom is an indispensable attribute for aromatherapy in a steam room. You can collect mint for a bath throughout the summer, choosing thick stems. It is also impossible to wet this plant before drying, as well as collect it during rain or heavy dew.

In the bath, such a broom will help fight headaches, rheumatic pains, and menstruation disorders. It also promotes wound healing, relieves chronic diseases liver, genitourinary system, with regular use. The herb can be added to compositions or hung in a steam room as an aromatherapy aid. It is necessary to collect tansy during flowering. Dry without washing with good ventilation under the ceiling.

Brooms are also made from other trees, shrubs, herbs:

  • Canadian maple is used for this, which anesthetizes, cleanses, heals wounds, and tones.
  • Coniferous brooms are good for aromatherapy, they are useful for the respiratory tract, spine, joints. Suitable for this Christmas tree, fir, cedar.
  • Alder broom provides prevention of colds and benefits the skin - cleanses it, smoothes it, makes it more elastic.
  • You can take branches fruit trees, bushes. For example, cherries, mountain ash, currants. They fill the steam room with a unique aroma after soaking, are beneficial for the skin, joints, urinary system, and lymph nodes.

How to prepare a quality bath broom

To assemble and tie the "correct" broom, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Grass and branches should be cut when the dew has gone. The weather must be clear. Simply put, raw materials must be taken dry.
  2. The branches should be elastic, well-bending, young.
  3. Immediately after cutting, the branches are laid out in 1 layer in the shade so that they wither. When transporting, do not pack them heavily, as the leaves can overheat, be damaged and crumble.
  4. The connected broom is put under oppression. So it takes on a flat shape. Only then can it be hung. Dry the broom in a cool place with good ventilation, about 2-3 days.

It is important to remember that brooms should not be dried in the sun. This will save them from the aroma, nutrients. And after steaming, all the leaves will fall off from such a broom. Drying is not recommended in strong drafts. You can hang brooms or lay out. In the second case, they must be turned over every day for uniform drying.

If the broom is dried qualitatively, its leaves are green and have a matte surface. He drains pleasant aroma, which greatly increases after the steaming procedure.

Knitting brooms is very simple. This does not require special skills. In the lower part, all leaves and knots are removed, leaving room for the handle. It should be no more than 5 cm thick, it will be convenient. Having collected the required number of branches, they must be tightly tied with twine, wrapped at the base several times. Thicker branches lie in the middle of the broom, and thin ones along its edges. The length of the handle can be left as you like. It is better to harvest branches that are longer, so that later you can adjust the handle by simply cutting and trimming the edges.

Zaparka. How to brew a broom

Just before going to the steam room, the broom needs to be steamed with high quality. You can put it in water low temperatures for a few minutes. After that, for the same amount of time in warm water and, finally, in hot (but not boiling water). The container with a broom must be covered. Then this water is used in the steam room - walls or stones are watered with it.

It is important to remember that fresh and semi-fresh brooms should not be steamed. Only dry brooms go through this procedure. By the way, if it turns out that your broom is too dry, then you need to slightly increase the steaming time.

When to prepare brooms for a bath. How to knit birch brooms: video

Well, you already wanted to take a steam bath with fragrant and such useful brooms? It is very good. After all, it was not in vain that our ancestors considered the bathhouse to be an excellent means for relaxation, recovery, rejuvenation and recovery. And if you also bathe with brooms prepared with your own hands, then the benefits will definitely double! Enjoy Your Bath!

True lovers of the bath are well aware that in order to get real pleasure from visiting the steam room, you need dry steam, and of course, healing folk remedy for mighty health - a good broom. Correct workpiece brooms for a bath is a very responsible process. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Let's look at the types of brooms, their healing properties, time and harvesting rules. How to make a broom yourself - see helpful videos expert advice.

The right brooms for the bath

Harvest brooms most often from birch, oak, eucalyptus, linden, juniper, young nettle. And each of them is good in its own way.

Birch broom

He is everyone's favorite. Its properties:

  • perfectly massages and calms the nerves;
  • relieves pain;
  • heals wounds;
  • cleanses the skin.

No wonder people say "stuck like a bath leaf." It is thanks to the porous surface that the sheet adheres tightly to the body and absorbs sweat. Thus, unnecessary, harmful substances with toxins and slags are removed from the body through the pores.

Volatile substances that are released by a birch broom create not only an unforgettable aroma in the steam room, but also purify the air, destroying various microorganisms. Breathing such air is very useful for lung diseases.


It is best to harvest birch brooms in the first half of summer. By this time, the leaves on the birch have already grown strong. Young birch trees that have not yet borne fruit are suitable for harvesting. Their foliage is smooth and delicate, and the branches are flexible.

Such trees are most often found in low, rather humid places. And also near reservoirs, ponds, rivers, that is, closer to the water.

At the same time, one should remember about respect for nature, cut off young shoots from several trees without harming the tree. If the upper surface of the leaf is already rough and rough, then such shoots should not be cut off - they are not suitable.

oak broom

Many bath lovers prefer it. It is more massive and durable. Dense leaves of oak branches allow you to pump strong heat over the body and perform excellent massage.

It is better to harvest oak brooms from June to August, choosing damp places in the forest for this.

Preparation of brooms for a bath from other plants

Brooms from linden branches, currants are less durable. But the high content of vitamins in them allows you to favorably affect the entire body and restore strength.

Juniper brooms have a lot of fans, in Siberia - from fir, cedar. They relieve any fatigue and stress, the illness goes away. They are especially good for the treatment of rheumatism, muscle and joint pain.

Of course, you need to get used to the tingling brooms of juniper, fir, and cedar. However, the resinous aroma and excellent massage are worth a little patience and a lot of pleasure.

Brooms from young nettle branches are useful, as they contain many vitamins, iron and other valuable substances. Before the steam room, it should be placed not in hot, but in warm water. They need to be harvested in the spring during the flowering of nettles (they are not harvested in reserve).

Often steam room lovers use mixed brooms, for example:

  • from birch and oak;
  • birch and wormwood;
  • eucalyptus and oak.

But whatever he is, his presence in the steam room is simply necessary. And they will enhance the therapeutic effect and.

How to knit a broom for a bath

After harvesting the branches, they begin to form them. They are knitted in a certain sequence:

First, thicker branches are laid, they serve as a frame.

Then thin branches are densely arranged around it with a bend inward.

The number of branches may vary. The main thing is that the broom turned out to be quite dense and thick, but at the same time convenient for a free swing.

For a more visual representation, see how the preparation of brooms for a bath takes place and the rules for knitting them in the video.

Preparation of brooms for a bath according to the rules

Now let's remember a few general requirements:

1. Places for harvesting should be chosen away from busy roads, sewage treatment plants, polluted reservoirs.

2. Cut branches, young shoots should be carefully, without harming the tree, plant.

3. It is best to store ready-made brooms in a dry, dark, but ventilated area. From bright light, they turn yellow, become less durable and lose their aroma.

4. Not only in dry weather it is necessary to harvest raw materials. In no case should moisture be allowed to enter during storage.