How I spent my summer holidays in English. Composition “My summer holidays” in English: “How I spent my summer

Summer vacation essay English language. Use this text as a template for writing your own story about "My summer vacation» for an English lesson. If you are interested in other topics of essays, we recommend that you look in the section.

My summer holidays - “My summer holidays”

I strongly believe that summer is the greatest season of the year. It is very warm, nature is beautiful around, and we have an excellent opportunity to relax. Summer is the time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere we want to. It's wonderful to spend time near lake, splashing in warm water or to rest in the shade of trees. You can go to the mountains, ride a bicycle or play all sorts of games.

I want to share my impressions of the most memorable moment in the last summer holidays. In July, my family and I went to the forest for barbecue. We made campfire, prepared meat, and put up a tent. While my parents were making dinner, I went to the forest to work up an appetite.

The day was magnificent! There was an aroma of flowers, honey and strawberries in the air. All around was green, only the trunks of the trees stood out with bright spots on a dark green background. The birds were chirping, the woodpecker was banging.

Suddenly, I heard strange noise… It seemed to me that someone hissed next to me. I turned around and saw … a curling snake! It immediately took my breath away. I didn't even remember how it looked like, because I was very frightened. I began to retreat slowly, and then rushed to our camp. I decided not to talk about everything that happened to my Mom. I didn't want to worry about her. Later, we had lunch and plenty of fun. In the evening we packed up our bags and drove home.

Yes… Time flies very quickly. It is a pity that it is impossible to repeat those moments and sensations that I experienced during the holidays. But I believe that next summer will also be unforgettable!


I think summer is the best time of the year. In summer it is very warm, nature is very beautiful everywhere. We have a wonderful opportunity to relax. Summer is a time of holidays and vacations. We can go anywhere. You can have a wonderful time by the lake, splashing in warm water, or relax in the shade of trees. You can always go hiking in the mountains, ride a bike, play any game.

I want to tell you about one incident that happened to me this summer. It was the most memorable moment ever. In July, my family and I went to the forest for barbecue. We built a fire, prepared meat for roasting and pitched a tent. While my parents were preparing dinner, I went to the forest to work up an appetite.

The day was just amazing! The air was scented with flowers, honey and wild strawberries. Everything around was green, only the trunks of trees stood out in bright spots against a dark green background. Birds chirped, woodpeckers chirped.

Suddenly I heard a strange sound... It seemed to me that someone hissed next to me. I turned around and saw... a writhing snake! I immediately caught my breath. I didn’t even remember what she looked like, because I was very scared. I began to slowly retreat, and then ran towards our camp. I decided not to tell my mother about everything that happened, so as not to worry her. Later, we had dinner and had a lot of fun. In the evening we packed our things and went home.

Yes… Time flies very fast. It is a pity that it is impossible to repeat those moments and feelings that you experienced during the holidays. But I believe that next summer will also be unforgettable!

Vocabulary - Vocabulary to text

  • season - time of year
  • moment - a memorable moment
  • campfire - fire
  • aroma - smell
  • magnificent - amazing, magnificent
  • strange noise - strange sound
  • curling snake - writhing snake
  • to take my breath away - to catch your breath
  • to retreat slowly - slowly retreat
  • unforgettable - unforgettable

Let's start our dialogue about summer holidays with vacations in the country.

How did you spend the summer?
— I was at the dacha near Moscow.
— Fresh air, fishing?
Yes, I often went fishing, spent a lot of time on the river, swam, sunbathed.
— What else did you do?
- I fulfilled an important plan: I built a house and planted a tree.
Uh, but is it possible more in detail?
— I filled the foundation and put together a one-story panel house on it, the scheme and instructions found on the Internet.
— And the tree?
— I planted a whole garden, 20 apple trees, 3 cherries, an oak, a small birch grove.
Is the third point of the plan?
— I met a daughter of a neighbor, a student from Moscow State University, Olga, we became very friendly, went to the forest together, swam in a boat.

— How did you spend your summer?
— I was at a dacha near Moscow.
— Fresh air, fishing?
— Yes, I often went fishing, spent a lot of time on the river, swam, sunbathed.
- What else did you do?
- Completed an important plan: built a house and planted a tree.
"Uh, can you be more specific?"
- I poured the foundation and knocked together a one-story panel house on it, I found the diagram and instructions on the Internet.
- BUT ?
- I planted a whole garden, 20 apple trees, 3 cherries, an oak, a small birch grove.
— Is the third point of the plan left?
- I met my neighbor's daughter, a student from Moscow State University, Olga, we became very good friends, we went to the forest together, sailed in a boat.

Dialogue about summer at sea

Hi, I have not seen you for a long time. Were you on vacation?
Yes, I went to Sochi, to the sea.
— Did you like it?
- Very, it's a wonderful city, wonderful beaches.
— The weather did not disappoint?
- It was hot, +35. The sea is very warm, we did not leave the water for a long time.
— What else is interesting in Sochi?
— In the city there are many exotic plants, interesting objects built for the Olympics. The city itself is interesting - with its character, inhabitants.
Is it a multinational city?
— Oh, yes, there is a very colorful coast, trade, people. Good will, respect is appreciated here.

“Hi, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Have you been on vacation?
- Yes, I went to Sochi.
- Did you like it there?
— Very, it is a wonderful city, wonderful beaches.
- Did the weather let you down?
— It was hot, +35. The sea is very warm, we did not leave the water for a long time.
— What else is interesting in Sochi?
— There are many exotic plants in the city, interesting objects built for the Olympics. The city itself is interesting - with its own character, inhabitants.
— Is it a cosmopolitan city?
- Oh, yes, there is a very colorful coast, trade, people. Kindness and respect are valued here.

Dialogue about schoolchildren's summer holidays

— How did you spend your summer holidays?
In June I went to the village.
- Were you bored there?
- Not at all: I helped relatives with the housework, went to the meadow, to the forest, meditated on the hills, did yoga.
- And what happened then?
- In July, my parents and I flew to Anapa, where we rented rooms in a mini-hotel.
Are there good beaches in Anapa?
— Yes, there are very wide sandy beaches. I have never seen such wide beaches anywhere. Even in Antalya.
- Is the sea clean?
- In July, algae appear near the coast, there are a lot of them. towards the end of the month, the sea becomes very dirty - algae hold all the garbage. During this period, it is not recommended to swim in the sea.
What did you do in August?
- We returned to Moscow, and here I managed to visit the zoo, the circus, several times in the cinema. I spent a lot of time at VDNKh. Was in the Pushkin Museum.
— Your Moscow summer was interesting.
- This is true. Our city provides many opportunities to have fun. I even visited the beaches in the suburbs twice. With a friend, we walked along the Old Arbat, with friends we visited a climbing wall and a tennis court.

How did you spend your summer vacation?
— In June I went to the village.
— Were you bored there?
— Not at all: I helped my relatives in the household, went to the meadow, to the forest, meditated on the hills, practiced yoga.
— And then what happened?
— In July, my parents and I flew to Anapa, they rented rooms in the mini-hotel.
— Are beaches good in Anapa?
Yes, there are very wide sandy beaches. I've never seen such wide beaches anywhere. Even in Antalya.
— And the sea is clean?
— In July, there are algae near the coast, there are a lot of them. closer to the end of the month the sea becomes very dirty - seaweed keeps all the debris. During this period, do not recommend swimming in the sea.
— And what did you do in August?
— We returned to Moscow, and here I managed to visit the zoo, the circus, several times in the cinema. A lot of time spent on VDNH. I was at the Pushkin Museum.
— Your Moscow summer was interesting.
— This is true. Our city gives many opportunities to spend interesting time. I even was twice on the beaches in the suburbs. With a friend we walked around the Old Arbat, with friends visited the rock and the tennis court.

Summer time - Summer

Personally I suppose that summer is the best time for holiday and rest. This season is the warmest one. The nature is really beautiful and the people have various opportunities for their rest. They can travel and visit other cities and countries, continents and islands. They can go hiking and have a terrific time in the forest, in the mountains, on the lake, on the river or on the sea. The people can also go out with their friends and relatives and have fun in the open air.

Personally, I think that summer is the best time for holidays and recreation. This time of the year is the warmest. Nature is really beautiful and people have different opportunities for recreation. They can travel and visit other cities and countries, continents and islands. They can go on hikes and have a great time in the forest, in the mountains, on the lake, on the river or on the sea. People can also go out with their friends and family and have fun outdoors.

The nature is beautiful in summer. The grass and the leaves on the trees are fresh and green, there are many different flowers everywhere. The weather is mostly very nice. Of course, it can rain sometimes, but some people like rainy days. So do I. When it rains I like to read books and to listen to the patter of rain.

Nature is amazing in summer. Grass and leaves on the trees are fresh and green, everywhere there is a lot of different colors. The weather is mostly very pleasant. Sure, it can rain sometimes, but some people love rainy days. Me too. When it rains, I like to read books and listen to the sound of the rain.

Our family has a country house in a village near our city. In summer my grandmother lives there and I usually enjoy my summer holidays there. I have many friends in the village and we do many things together. We swim in the river or in the lake, go fishing, ride a bicycle, play many different games, go mushrooming and so on. In the evening I usually read books or watch TV and video.

Our family has a country house in a village near the city. My grandmother lives there during the summer and I usually enjoy my summer holidays there. I have many friends in the village and we do a lot of things together. We swim in a river or lake, go fishing, ride a bike, play various games, go for mushrooms and so on. In the evening I usually read books or watch TV and videos.

At the end of August I come back to the city. On the 1st of September begins the new school year. Next year I will put my school graduating exams. I am going to enter the university, that`s why I have also to put the entering exams. I will read up for examinations in our country house - far away from the scurry and the scramble of city life.

No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.

No one needs a summer vacation as much as the person who just had one.

Elbert Hubbard

For a person dreaming of a vacation, it doesn’t matter at all what this wonderful period is called. Vacation, work break, vacation... However, there is a difference. We are all familiar with such English words as vacation(vacation, holidays) and holidays(holiday). They are very close in meaning, but you should carefully use them in speech. Both words describe a time when you don't have to go to school or work. But under the word vacation often involve traveling somewhere. But holidays can mean not only holidays, but also holidays: Christmas ( Christmas), Independence Day ( independence day), Thanksgiving Day ( Thanksgiving Day). Recently, the concept has become very popular staycation (stay + holiday). Guess what that means? Correctly. You spend your holidays or summer holidays at home and don't go anywhere.

So, have you already planned your summer vacation? Then be prepared for all sorts of questions from friends, colleagues and acquaintances about the upcoming vacation. You can also ask such questions to your English-speaking friends yourself. We have collected the most popular questions for you in the following table:

Phrase Translation
What are you going to do for your vacation? What are you going to do during your vacation?
Do you have any plans for the summer holiday? Do you have plans for summer holidays?
Holidays are coming. What are your plans? Holidays are coming soon. What are your plans?
What are you going to do there? What are you going to do there?
Do you have a place to stay in... (Prague)? Do you have a place to stay in... (Prague)?
How long will you stay? / How long do you plan to stay? How long do you plan to stay there?
Will you be staying at a relative's? Will you be visiting relatives?
Do you have a destination in mind? Any thoughts on where to go?
Phrase Translation
How was your vacation? How was your vacation?
How did you spend your summer vacation? How did you spend your summer holidays?
Where did you go? Where did you go?
Did you go with... (your parents)? Did you travel with... (your parents)?
Did you go alone? Did you travel alone?
Did you take any pictures? Did you take photos?
What did you do in/on the holidays? What did you do on holidays?
How were your holidays? / How were the holes? How did the holidays (go)?
When did you go there? When did you go there?
Who did you go there with? Who did you go there with?
How did you get there? How did you get there?
Who did you meet along the way? Who did you meet along the way?
Where did you stay (at night)? Where did you stay (for the night)?
how long were you there? How long did you stay there?
What was the weather like? What was the weather like there?
What did you do during the day / in the evening? What did you do during the day/evening?
Did you buy any souvenirs? Did you buy souvenirs?
Was the entire trip very expensive? Was the whole trip very expensive?
Did you eat the local food? Have you eaten local food?
Do you recommend it? Do you recommend this place?

Learn more interesting phrases and words about summer holidays by watching the following video. Pay attention to subtitles and correct pronunciation.

  • To have a blast- light up, have a great rest.
  • To upload pictures to (social networks) - upload photos to (social networks).
  • pending assignment- unfinished task.
  • To complete- finish, complete.
  • To miss the deadline- Miss the deadline.
  • good grades- good marks.
  • To take a boat trip- boat.
  • peaceful place- quiet place.
  • relaxing- relaxing.
  • Hectic schedules- it is a tense timetable.
  • Tough life- a difficult life.
  • To apply for a ...-day leave– apply for ... - day leave.
  • To approve- approve.
  • A series of disasters- a series of bad luck, troubles.
  • The flight got delayed the flight was postponed.
  • To break down (a car/taxi) - break down (car / taxi).
  • To get sick from the bad food- get poisoned by poor-quality food.
  • I needed that break. I needed this break.
  • goodness! - My God!
  • I'm sorry to hear that! - Sorry!
  • It all sounds so bad! - How terrible it all is!
  • It was hell! - It was a nightmare!

It is always a pleasure to send a postcard to friends and acquaintances, bought on vacation somewhere at the foot of the Colosseum or in a souvenir shop in the center of Havana. And if you sign it in English, it will be doubly interesting. The following material will help you talk about your vacation in English.

Perhaps school holidays are ahead of you. In that case, this video is for you. When you return to class, it will be easy for you to tell the teacher about the summer holidays in English.

List of useful vocabulary from the video:

  • A couple of weeks- a couple of weeks.
  • To go on tracks- go camping.
  • economic packages- economy tours.
  • airfare- airfare.
  • Accommodation- housing.
  • No-frill airlines- Low cost airlines.
  • It's been years since I last went there. Many years have passed since my last visit.
  • It was awesome! - That was amazing!
  • My folks were around.“My parents were nearby.
  • You will definitely love the place.“You will definitely like this place.
  • It seems you had a good time.“Looks like you had a good time.
  • It's a great choice around this time of the year.“Great choice for this time of year.
  • Do you have any good deals for next week? Do you have any great deals for next week?

If you think that an essay on the topic “How did I spend my summer?” (an annual hit in our schools) is not asked anywhere else, you are mistaken. In English or American schools, our essay looks something like this:

Describing the summer, we often use such expressions: "rest as savages", "roast in the sun", "swim like a dolphin". Undoubtedly, the English language is also full of bright summer speech turns. We bring to your attention some of them.

Summer Vacation Idioms in English

  1. To soak up some sun- to sunbathe, soak up the sun.

    In Florida, they spent a lot of time lying on the beach and soaking up the sun. – In Florida, they spent a lot of time lying on the beach and sunbathing.

  2. to line something up- organize, prepare, order.

    They are trying to line everything up for a summer trip. - They try prepare everything for summer travel.

  3. To hit the town- light, rest to the fullest (colloquial version).

    It was Saturday night, so we decided to hit the town! It was Saturday evening, so we decided relax to the fullest!

  4. To kick back- relax.

    During her trip to Hawaii, my niece kicked back on the beach. It was great! – During her trip to Hawaii, my niece relaxed on the beach. That was great!

  5. A summer fly- summer (resort) novel.

    Brenda and Patrick's summer fly ended up in a happy marriage. Brenda and Patrick's holiday romance ended in a happy marriage.

Now you know how to talk about your vacation or summer vacation in English. In conclusion, we suggest you download a document that contains all the words and expressions on the topic, as well as take a short lexical test.

(*.pdf, 257 Kb)

The most popular task in the subject, if a language is being studied (both native and foreign) is an essay. Guess what theme is firmly in the top spot when the summer holidays are over? “How I spent the summer” is the correct answer! First of all, students take the topic about the past summer holidays to work: it seems that it could be easier to describe the impressions of the vacation?

With a good level of grammar and a fairly rich vocabulary, the topic “How I spent the summer” is easy to write. Before you start writing a topic, it is very useful to repeat something and make a plan of what the future essay will look like.

General tips for preparing to write a topic in English

Caption: "How I spent my summer vacation"

The banal advice that teachers give, but which, alas, not all schoolchildren listen to: do not postpone the task until the last moment. Almost always, the topic of how the summer holidays went is set in the spring. Of course, you should not start working in the first days of the holidays - there are no impressions yet! You can start writing in June, July, if, for example, you have already returned from an exciting journey.

It is worth paying attention to the tenses of the Past group (first of all,), because they will be most often used in this essay. Be sure to repeat the rules about complex sentences.

You need to have an idea of ​​how the topic is generally written in English, what parts the text will consist of. It will not be superfluous to review and write out popular expressions: with them, the text will be interesting and easy to read.

A topic in which there is a dull enumeration: “I bought a ticket, got on a train, came to my grandmother, went to the river”, even written without errors, is boring. But the description of an interesting event in which the author of the text took part is a completely different matter, this will positively affect the assessment. In this case, it would not be superfluous to “refresh” your vocabulary on a specific topic: for example, you went to the World Cup in the summer, so it’s useful to read the information in English “”.

You can go a non-standard way and issue a topic as a letter to a friend, in which you share your impressions of the past summer with an imaginary friend. Study the topic "" for this, so that the essay in the form of a letter looks impeccable.

An example of the topic "How I spent my summer" with translation

For inspiration, you can turn to literature.

How I spent my summer holidays in Podgorica

I like summer so much, because in summer we have the longest holidays. This summer I decided to spend my holidays in Podgorica (it’s the capital of Montenegro) – my uncle lives there. My uncle has lived in Podgorica since 1990, so he knows a lot about this city. When I came to him, he wanted me to visit ancient monuments, and we saw a lot of attractions there. One day we decided to go to the ruins of the old Turkish fortress. It is difficult to describe my impressions: the place looked fearsome and mysterious!

Also my uncle showed me the Moraca river. We were sunbathing and swimming there from the very morning till 9 p.m. By the way, the water in the Moraca river was rather cold. My uncle told me that the river had never dried up and that it was very deep and quite dangerous in some places.

I liked my holidays in Podgorica very much! I saw many interesting places and made a lot of photos.


How I spent my summer in Podgorica

I love summer so much because we have the longest holidays in summer. This summer I decided to spend my holidays in Podgorica (this is the capital of Montenegro) - my uncle lives there. My uncle has been living in Podgorica since 1990, so he knows a lot about this city. When I came to him, he wanted me to visit ancient monuments, and we saw many sights. One day we decided to go to the ruins of an old Turkish fortress. It is difficult to describe my impressions: the place looked menacing and mysterious!

Also, my uncle showed me the Moraca River. We sunbathed and swam there from early morning until 9 pm. By the way, the water in the river was quite cold. My uncle told me that this river never dries up, that it is very deep and quite dangerous in some places.

I really enjoyed my holidays in Podgorica! I saw a lot of interesting places and took a lot of photos.

Topic in the form of a letter to a friend "How I spent the summer" with translation

Maybe you were shocked, that I didn't write anything during summer holidays, but I had serious reasons for it. In May my grandma sent me a letter, that she felt not good and wanted to see me, so I spent my holidays in Rustavi (she lives there).

My holidays were very extraordinary, and I'd like to describe, what happened. First week I felt bored: I didn't have good internet (we lived in the most distant part of the town). That's why I could not send you massages. I made new friends there (cool guys!), they invited me to the central park. I thought that it would be boring as well, but I was mistaken! There was a big zoo in that park. We didn't know that two lions had escaped from the Zoo! When we came there, the park was full of policemen, firemen and soldiers. The lions were not caught that day, and my grandma and me decided to go to the village to my uncle: my granny was so afraid! So, I had to spend the whole month in the little village in the mountains… I was swimming in the river, helping my uncle with cows – what a cruel routine!

Finally the lions were caught, no one got hurt. To tell the truth, I was dreaming about the meeting with one of them: I took my uncle's gun and didn't sleep some nights. And how did you spend your summer holidays?

best regards,


Dear Ben!

Maybe you were shocked that I didn't write anything during the summer holidays, but I had good reasons for this. My grandmother wrote to me in May that she was not feeling well and wanted to see me, and so I spent my holidays in Rustavi (she lives there).

My holidays were very unusual and I want to describe what happened. The first week I was bored: I had no good internet(we lived in the most remote area of ​​the city). That's why I couldn't send you messages. I made new friends (cool guys!), and they invited me to Central Park. I thought it would be just as boring, but I was wrong! There was a big zoo in the park. We didn't know that two lions had escaped from the zoo! When we got there, the park was full of police, firemen and military. On that day, the lions were not caught, and my grandmother and I decided to go to the village to my uncle: my grandmother was so scared! So, I was forced to spend a whole month in a small village in the mountains... I bathed in the river, I helped my uncle look after the cows - what a terrible routine!

As a result, the lions were caught, no one was hurt. To tell the truth, I dreamed of meeting one of them: I took a gun from my uncle and did not sleep for several nights. And how did you spend your summer holidays?

Best wishes,

We hope our tips are helpful.

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