Removal of polyps in the nose under the general. Operations and Procedures

The nose is an important organ that performs many useful functions for the body: it protects the respiratory tract from infections, allergens, microorganisms, gives a keen sense of smell and prevents cold air from entering the lungs. By different reasons on the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity or inside the paranasal sinuses, benign neoplasms may appear that look like a pea, grape or mushroom - these are polyps in the nose. These small tumors are painless, but can lead to serious consequences for the body if not treated in time.

More often than women, the appearance of polyps overtakes men - out of 4% percent of people who have this disease (polypous sinusitis), approximately 3% are representatives of the stronger sex. Developing polyposis disease as follows: after an infection enters the body or for other reasons, it begins inflammatory process, microorganisms actively multiply in the nasal cavity. To protect respiratory system, the mucous membrane in the nose begins to secrete mucus, which helps to eliminate aggressive agents. If adequate therapy is prescribed, treatment lasts 1 week.

However, with improper treatment or with weakened immunity, the inflammatory process becomes protracted, the mucosa continues to secrete a secret to fight microorganisms. Due to the reduced resistance of the body, the excretory membrane works hard and fights irritants already by increasing and expanding its area - this is how the formation of a polyp begins. As a rule, it begins its existence in the paranasal sinus, then grows into the nasal cavity, blocking breathing.

There are two types of polyp/cyst location - those formed in the sinuses, usually antrochoanal, or arising in the cavity respiratory organ ethmoid - they usually grow on both sides and are more common in adults. Conventionally, doctors divide the disease into three stages: 1 - polyps almost do not block the passage of air; 2 - overgrown mucosa occupies a significant part of the nasal passage; 3 - polyps completely cover the nasal cavity. Causes of polyposis sinusitis:

  • Illness with a cold with a runny nose, susceptibility to infectious diseases.
  • Pathology of the immune system.
  • A deviated septum that causes breathing problems.
  • Chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses): sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis.
  • Allergic reactions to various irritants, causing increased secretion from the mucosa.
  • Chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs.
  • Intolerance to aspirin (salicylic acid).
  • Nose injury.
  • Asthma.
  • cystic fibrosis.

As a rule, allergic reactions become the main cause of nasal polyps, although this unusual disease has not yet been fully studied. Otolaryngologists study polyposis sinusitis as one of the main issues of science, specializing in the treatment and diagnosis of problems associated with diseases of the nose, ears, throat and neck.

Symptoms and signs of formations in the nose

Polyps in the nose are characteristic symptoms by which the diagnosis can be preliminarily determined. Self-diagnosis is complicated by the fact that at the first or second stage, a person may not pay attention to the manifestations of polyposis sinusitis, so the disease progresses. If you suspect polyps in yourself, you should contact an otolaryngologist who will prescribe an x-ray: this will determine the degree of growth of the nasal mucosa, the stage of the disease. The sooner a problem is detected, the better, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. Symptoms of nasal polyps:

  • A permanent feeling of stuffiness in the nose, difficulty breathing with one or both nostrils - this may signal a partial overlap of the nasal mucosa.
  • Runny nose with purulent or mucous transparent secretions they say that the excretory membrane is actively working.
  • Frequent sneezing. If the polyp touches the cilia covering the surface of the nasal passage, it is possible that they perceive the neoplasm as a foreign body.
  • Loss of smell or complete absence smell sensations. This is due to the fact that the overgrown mucosa disrupts the functioning of the nasal receptors.
  • Headaches can occur if the polyp presses on the sinuses or affects the nerve endings.

Methods for the treatment of nasal polyps

There are several ways to treat nasal polyps - this is a conservative drug, operable treatment or therapy with homeopathic remedies. Each method is used at a certain stage of the disease or can be combined with another, they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. good doctor will appoint complex treatment suitable for individual occasions.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment involves getting rid of polyps with pills or injections. To begin with, the otolaryngologist determines the stage of the disease, then tries to identify the cause of the disease - this is extremely important, because the content of the treatment depends on it. The main medications that are used to get rid of polyposis sinusitis:

  • Antiallergic drugs (Loratadin). Often, polyps are the result of allergies, so you need to identify the pathogen, avoid contact with it and at the same time take anti-allergic drugs.
  • Antibiotics (Ceftriaxone). Assign if the polyps in the nose are the result of inflammation of the sinuses.
  • The exclusion of products containing salicylates, as well as some food colors, the abolition of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The doctor prescribes this method of treatment for individual intolerance to aspirin.
  • Topical steroids (mometasone, fluticasone) in high dosage. Significantly reduce the size of nasal polyps, but are prescribed only in serious cases, because they have many adverse reactions.
  • Mast cell membrane stabilizers (Sodium cromoglycate, Ketotifen). Inhibit the release of histamine, which provokes active work respiratory tract, swelling of the nasal mucosa, allergies.
  • Immunotherapy (Ribomunil). It is used if polyps are caused by a decrease in immunity, drugs contribute to the emergence of new antibodies.

Surgical treatment

If the patient has a serious stage of development of polyposis sinusitis or drug treatment has not had the desired effect, one has to resort to operable measures. There are four types of polyp removal, differing in the length of the recovery period and the general trauma to the nasal cavity. They will be discussed in detail below.

Conventional polypotomy

Conventional polypotomy is the removal of polyps with a special tool - a Lange hook. This surgical device can immediately save a person from many polyposis neoplasms. It is usually carried out when polyps appear directly in the nasal cavity under local anesthesia. How the operation goes: the Lange hook (cutting loop) is inserted into the cavity of the organ, captures the processes of the mucosa (they were previously injected with Novocain solution), the loop gradually contracts, cutting off the captured polyps. This operation takes up to an hour.

Bleeding after surgery is negligible. Staying in the hospital after the intervention can last up to 7 days, in the first days it may be necessary to wear special tampons in the nasal cavity, lubricated with synthomycin ointment. Full recovery occurs after three weeks. Ordinary polypotomy is contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders, heart disease, exacerbation of colds.

Endoscopic surgery

Endoscopic removal of the overgrown mucosa takes place under local anesthesia by shooting a camera attached to the endoscope - the doctor gets the opportunity to accurately determine the location of polyps, their number, size. There is no scarring after such an operation, because the specialist does not touch the important structural elements of the nose. Usually the patient feels short-term discomfort, remains under observation for some time, and can return to normal activities 6-7 days after the operation.

Additionally, oil drops for the nose Pinosol are prescribed - five days three times, and then Nanozeks spray. Endoscopic removal of formations is contraindicated in people suffering from exacerbations of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, during periods of allergic rhinitis, women are not prescribed the removal of polyps during menstruation.

Removal with a shaver

Surgery to remove polyps with a shaver is performed under local or general anesthesia. It's kind endoscopic surgery, so the doctor can see everything that happens on the screen. A shaver is a device that shreds polyps and sucks them up. It is able to remove neoplasms exactly to a healthy mucous membrane, so the risk of undesirable consequences is reduced to a minimum. After shaver removal, there are rarely cases of re-growth of excretory tissue.

The recovery period in the hospital lasts up to five days, the patient is usually prescribed a course of antibiotics to avoid infections - to prevent the formation of new polyps. Contraindications to the purpose of the operation: the possibility allergic reaction, inflammatory processes of an acute nature, a cold. How is the operation with a shaver on the video:

Removal of polyps with a laser

The advantage of laser removal of neoplasms in the nose is that there is no need to go to the hospital. It is not recommended to consume food before the operation. First, an anesthetic is injected into the overgrown mucosal tissue, then an endoscope with a camera and a laser device. The laser beam produces a strong heating of the polyp, evaporating the liquid, the formation disintegrates. Then the vessels are sealed, which eliminates the occurrence of bleeding and infection. Due to the minimal trauma, this method is used when removing the overgrown mucosa in children.

After the laser removal of polyps, the patient is observed by the doctor for several more days, coming to the appointments. During this period, it is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol, bath procedures, sports. Laser surgery is contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from obstructive bronchitis, with multiple polyps, if there is a risk of allergic reactions.

How to cure nasal polyps at home?

Turning to alternative medicine at home is highly discouraged by otolaryngologists without prior consultation. To eliminate the danger to health and the extreme degree of development of the disease, you need to be examined by a specialist. If nasal polyps are small, then folk remedies can help. Also, some homeopathic medicines can be prescribed in combination with drug treatment or during the postoperative period.

Folk remedies

As a folk remedy for the treatment of polyps in the nasal cavity and sinuses, celandine tincture is used. How to prepare and use: a teaspoon of chopped herbs should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water, left for 20 minutes, blotted with a cotton swab and inserted alternately first into one nostril, hold for 10 minutes, then into the other. Repeat every day of the week, the course is 2 months. After each week of using the nasal medicine, a seven-day break must be taken.

Propolis will also help reduce polyps. Recipe for the treatment of the nose with this component: put a little propolis in a metal pan or other small dish, heat it up. When the smoke appears, gently begin to inhale it so as not to burn yourself. Do not breathe with both nostrils at the same time. Repeat this procedure for the treatment of nasal polyps twice a day.

How to treat nasal polyps in children?

If polyps are caused by an allergic reaction, they are treated by avoiding eating or interacting with the allergen and taking an antiallergic drug. Folk remedies, conservative treatment with antibiotics, steroid drugs, mast cell membrane stabilizers are also used. If the case is severe, they resort to removing formations in the nose with a laser, since this operation does not cause serious injuries to the child's mucosa.

Photo: what polyps in the nose look like

A photo of polyps will help you understand what the neoplasms of the mucosa are, and will also help diagnose polypous sinusitis if they are in the nasal passage and you can see them through a mirror. Feeling the symptoms of proliferation of excretory tissue, or seeing such formations, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist for a consultation.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual features specific patient.

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If frequent colds or allergic pathologies have brought a person to polyps, then the choice of treatment is small. Only the operation has proven effectiveness. If earlier it was a terrible procedure with bleeding and a long recovery, today there are several new methods of getting rid of formations. Removal of polyps in the nose with a shaver is one of the modern low-traumatic methods that allows you to eliminate formations from any part of the organ without an incision.

The proliferation of own tissues of the mucous membrane is of a benign nature and is a polyp in the nasal cavity. It doesn't just happen. The mechanism of pathology is that the body protects itself in this way, increasing the surface of the inner shell and making it thicker. The formation is like a dry callus on the skin, which coarsens in the place where it is constantly squeezed or rubbed. The launch of the protective mechanisms of the nasal mucosa occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • Constant contact with the allergen;
  • Chronic and recurrent infections;
  • Incorrect structure of the nasal septum;
  • Harmful fumes, smoke;
  • Hereditary tendency to form tumors and polyps.

Manifestations of pathology can be confused with a runny nose:

  • Man breathes through his mouth, so it is always open;
  • He is pale, lethargic, tired;
  • Snores at night and does not breathe for several seconds;
  • The timbre of the voice changes, a nasal tone appears.

Over time, polyps lead to serious problems:

  • With its body, the formation closes the exit from the sinuses, a secret is collected there, most likely already infected. There is inflammation with suppuration;
  • The contents of such a cavity over time no longer fit in it, it is ejected into any possible hole, most often towards the brain. The result is sepsis, meningitis, death;
  • Choanal polyps, which hang down towards the pharynx, overlap the opening of the auditory tube as they grow. Outcome - hearing loss;
  • Breathing problems cause permanent hypoxia of the brain. Therefore, a person is lethargic, lacking initiative, suffers from headaches and weakness;
  • A small child loses weight, does not develop, speech formation is disturbed.

Treatment of formations of the nasal cavity

Getting rid of polyps is possible only through. However, this does not exclude drug therapy. Its goal is to destroy the infection using antibacterial drugs, reduce allergic manifestations antihistamines relieve inflammation with corticosteroids. Therefore, before removing the formation, a person undergoes a thorough diagnosis and receives comprehensive drug assistance.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

In the case of polyps on the nasal mucosa, it gives an effect. Usually in the early stages. It is enough to eliminate the cause and with steroids for a month. If recovery has occurred, do not relax. The risk of recurrence with the return of provoking factors is quite high.


The initial examination and diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist. Further, a hardware examination of the sinuses using MRI, radiography or computed tomography is mandatory. They will show where the polyp is growing from. Indeed, often the formation begins to form in the sinus, and then falls out into the nasal cavity. The choice of removal technique depends on the location of the growth point. Because not all methods are suitable for working in the sinuses.

In addition, infection is detected by the results general analyzes and biomicroscopy of a nasal swab. A person visits an allergist if an appropriate pathology is suspected. Immediately before removal, a general examination is prescribed to exclude contraindications to surgery.

Indications for the operation

For medical procedures, regulations are prescribed that specifically define the grounds for surgical intervention. In the case of formations of the sinuses and nasal cavity, removal is recommended for the following manifestations of the pathology:

  • One or both nostrils completely blocked;
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes in the sinuses were found;
  • Apnea is present - this is holding your breath during sleep, as well as snoring;
  • Drug therapy did not give any effect;
  • Lost the ability to smell;
  • Hearing problems due to polyps;
  • Incorrect position of the nasal septum.


Unfortunately, sometimes even with pathology in an advanced stage, the operation is completely impossible. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • Diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys, when there are serious changes in the state of the organs;
  • Low production of platelets - reduced blood clotting. There is a risk of bleeding during the intervention. Requires treatment;
  • Pregnancy and child feeding breast milk. Will have to wait. The operation is prescribed for suppuration of the sinuses and the risk to the life of the mother and child;
  • Manipulations are not carried out with exacerbation of allergic pathology. Requires drug preparation;
  • Infections in the nasal cavity and the body as a whole are first treated with antibiotics;
  • Cancer patients may be denied polyp surgery due to the risk of provoking the growth of a malignant tumor;
  • Women on the days of menstruation are not subjected to surgical interventions.

Attention! Most contraindications to nasal polyp surgery are temporary and require additional treatment.

Removal of nasal polyps with a shaver

Shaver is a special device for endoscopic manipulations. According to the mechanism of action, it resembles a razor combined with a vacuum cleaner. It cuts the polyp in thin layers to healthy tissues, and the particles are absorbed inwards. The retracting property is convenient for the surgeon, as it helps to pick up the end of the formation. You can clearly see the shaver procedure in the release of the Health program "" with Elena Malysheva.

The operation takes 20 minutes or more. The time depends on the number of formations on the surface of the mucosa and in the sinuses. Anesthetize local preparations. General anesthesia may only be required for young children or mentally ill people. During removal, the wound is not sealed, as with coagulation or laser exposure. But modern plugging materials are able to stick to the wound, and then dissolve after a few hours. And yes, the damage is minor. The patient is discharged the next day. Optionally, a couple of hours after the operation.

The advantage of this method to remove polyps is that the equipment allows not only to get into the most secluded corners of the nose, but also to see everything that happens on the monitor. Errors are excluded, as when using the Lange hook. Tissues are cut with a sharp instrument, rather than torn, which makes healing faster without scarring. The likelihood of re-growth of the polyp is minimal.

Attention! For comparison, surgical polypotomy gives a recurrence risk of about 70%.

Preparing for nose surgery

The procedure requires preparation not only in terms of diagnosis and preliminary medical treatment. A few days in advance, the patient is warned not to take aspirin, as well as other drugs that reduce platelets and thin the blood. Before the operation, irrigation of the nasal cavity with hormonal sprays is mandatory. The specific steroid will be advised by the doctor. Effective and acceptable for children from 2 years old is Nasonex.

Fact! Corticosteroids in local forms do not have a negative effect on the body, since they do not enter the bloodstream.

On the eve of the famine comes. It is recommended to stop eating and drinking within 6 hours.

Care after removal

If a regular tampon was installed to the patient, then it is removed after a day. Next, wash and treat with antiseptics daily for a week. A person can independently perform nasal care, but the supervision of a doctor during this period is mandatory.

It is forbidden after getting rid of polyps:

  • Touch the wound, try to remove the crust;
  • Drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Use hormonal sprays until healing;
  • Blow your nose with effort;
  • Lifting weights and strongly straining the body.

The patient must be prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of an infectious process. After recovery, steroid treatment is repeated to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the pathology.

Possible Complications

The risk of consequences after removal with a shaver is minimal. It exists only theoretically. There may be the following problems:

  • Relapse occurs in half of patients after a few months or years. However, it is worth remembering that if provoking factors remain, then the problem will return;
  • Bleeding is often the result of picking, blowing noses and other actions of the patient. High blood pressure can lead to it, including after drinking alcohol;
  • Sense of smell is not restored. Most likely, it is a matter of time.

Polyps are rounded benign formations that appeared as a result of pathological growth of the nasal mucosa. By appearance they look like a pea or a mushroom. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: nasal congestion, copious discharge, which can lead to the development of severe complications. Therefore, if nasal polyps are diagnosed, surgery is required.

Polyps formed in the nose disappear on their own very rarely. On early stages diseases can help hormone therapy or other conservative methods. However, if the pathology progresses, the formations increase in size, and the unpleasant symptoms worsen, nasal polyps must be removed.

Surgery is recommended by otolaryngologists in the following cases:

  • drug therapy does not give the desired results;
  • overgrown polyps block the airways, causing breathing problems;
  • neoplasms deform the nasal cavities, the bone skeleton;
  • there is a violation of the olfactory function;
  • there is a general deterioration in the patient's condition as a result of oxygen starvation;
  • inflammation of the nasal cavities (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis) is often diagnosed.

How are nasal polyps removed? To date, several effective ways removal of growths. All of them are considered sparing, since the operations are carried out through the nasal passages and incisions are not required. The choice of method is carried out by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

The oldest, but still used method of removing polyps is a loop polypotomy. This method is used when:

  • on examination, the body and leg of the polyp are clearly visible;
  • one formation or 2-3 well-visible ones is subject to removal;
  • the pathological process affects only the nasal mucosa.

Surgical manipulation is carried out using a special cutting loop - the Lange hook. The average time to complete the procedure is one hour. Before removal, local anesthesia is required. An anesthetic drug is injected directly into the site of the growth of the mucosa.

Further, a Lange hook is pulled into the nostril and, with a loop located on it, the polyp is captured. It is fixed near the base, gradually tightened and cut off the formation. Then the loop is pulled out of the nasal cavity with light twitching movements along with the removed polyp.

After the procedure, the patient stays in the hospital for about a week. He is prescribed daily nasal lavage with antiseptic preparations. The full course of rehabilitation is about 2-3 weeks. There are no scars left on the nasal mucosa after surgery.

The main disadvantage of manipulation is the incomplete removal of the polyp. Because of this, there is a high risk of relapse - re-growth of the mucosa and a second operation may be required. Also, a minus of the procedure is called a large blood loss.

This is one of the modern methods of eliminating mucous formations. To remove the polyp, special endoscopic equipment is used, due to which the accuracy of surgical manipulation increases. Using this method of removal, the risk of re-growth is greatly reduced. However, it should be remembered that the procedure does not help eliminate the cause of the disease, so there is still a chance of a relapse.

The removal takes place under general anesthesia. An endoscope with a camera at the end is inserted into nasal cavity. Thanks to modern equipment, the doctor has access to the most inaccessible places, while the whole picture is clearly visible on the monitor. Using a special tool attached to the endoscope, the doctor cuts off the polyp at the very border with healthy tissue.

After manipulation, the patient does not feel pain. There is a slight discomfort in the nasal cavity, this unpleasant feeling passes quickly enough. Recovery after removal of polyps in the nose takes 4-7 days. In this case, the patient is in the hospital, where washings are carried out daily. After the procedure, it is not allowed to take too hot food, blow your nose.

Almost immediately after the operation to remove polyps, it is restored nasal breathing, and after about a month - the olfactory function. Further, the patient needs to visit an ENT doctor every 3-4 months to control the process of mucosal growth.

Removal with a laser

A less traumatic and new surgical method is laser removal of grown polyps in the nose. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and a long stay in the hospital is not required. Manipulation lasts only 20 minutes and bleeding does not occur. There is no pain syndrome, there is practically no feeling of discomfort. The disadvantage of the procedure is the inability to remove a large accumulation of polyps. The laser eliminates only single formations.

An anesthetic is injected into the growth itself and the mucous membrane near it. Then, an endoscope with a camera and instruments for working with a laser are inserted through the nasal passage. A powerful beam is directed directly to the polyp and exposed to heat. By heating the cells, they are cauterized. Due to the high temperature effect, the vessels are sealed and the blood does not flow. After removal of polyps in the nose with a laser, the patient should regularly visit a specialist to check the condition of the mucosa.


Shaver removal is a type of endoscopic procedure. A camera and a special tool are inserted into the nasal passages, while the whole picture is displayed on the monitor. The likelihood of injury to the mucosa during this procedure is minimal. Removal with a shaver is the only manipulation after which the risk of a new growth is reduced to almost zero.

The method of anesthesia is chosen by the doctor. The operation can be carried out both under general and under local anesthesia. A shaver is inserted into the nasal cavity, which crushes the polyps and removes the cut pieces from the nose. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to remove growths that are deep in the sinuses.

After the anesthesia wears off, the patient feels some discomfort. This feeling goes away after a few hours. It is necessary to stay in the clinic for 3-4 days after the procedure. At the same time, the nasal cavity is washed daily and antibacterial drugs are taken in parallel.

radio wave surgery

This technique is most similar to the removal of polyps with a Lange loop. However, despite the comparative identity of the methods, radio wave surgery has many more advantages. At the moment of cutting the build-up, radio waves cauterize the tissue, this minimizes the risk of bleeding. Another important advantage of the procedure is the possibility of its implementation on an outpatient basis.

However, this removal method does have its drawbacks. It is not possible to remove small growths. Also, the radio wave technique leaves the risk of relapse.

Cryosurgical removal

Cryodestruction (cold destruction) is a unique technique based on exposure to low temperatures. A special cryoagent - liquid nitrogen, allows you to instantly freeze the cells of the polyp, which are destroyed after thawing. With this method of removing growths, the patient does not feel pain, since the cold is a kind of anesthetic, the risk of bleeding is also minimized.

This technique also has its downsides. With its help, it is impossible to freeze large formations and overgrown tissues. This may require several manipulations. Cryosurgical removal is not possible if the growths fill the maxillary sinuses.

Which method is better and which is more commonly used?

The choice of the method of removal of polyps is carried out by the doctor, depending on the available indications and possible contraindications. Before the procedure, the patient is examined. Computed tomography is needed for more exact definition sites of the pathological process.

If polyps are located only in the nasal cavity and in the cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth, it is possible to use a loop polypectomy or a laser technique. With massive growths of the mucosa and localization of the process in the nasal sinuses, it is preferable to use shaver surgery for polyps in the nose.

The cost of polyp removal surgery

The approximate cost of operations for the rapid removal of polyps in the nose, carried out with various instruments, may vary:

  • removal of Lange loops - 2000 rubles;
  • endoscopy on one side - 6000 rubles;
  • laser cauterization - 16,000 rubles;
  • cryodestruction - 8000 rubles;
  • removal of a polyp in the nose with a shaver - 15,000 rubles;
  • radio wave surgery - 13,000 rubles.

Nasal polyps are benign neoplasms
which look like small rounded formations and are formed as a result of prolonged irritation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

The presence of polyps in the nose leads to the development of a number of undesirable symptoms, which can only be eliminated with the help of surgical intervention.

Removal of polyps in the sinuses. Indications for surgery

Before performing surgery in connection with polyposis neoplasms of the nasal cavity, it should be determined whether there are indications for their removal. There are absolute and relative indications for surgical removal of polyps in the nose.

If you don't want to go under the surgeon's knife, then read about modern treatment nasal polyps.

Absolute indications for surgery to remove nasal polyps:

  • Complete absence of nasal breathing.
  • Increase in asthma attacks.
  • Anosmia (complete absence of the sense of smell).
  • Attachment of symptoms of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Frequent occurrence of discharge from the nose with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of blood.
  • Development of deformity of the nasal septum.
  • Chronic course of purulent-inflammatory processes of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Relative indications for surgery:

  • The appearance of snoring.
  • Voice change (hoarseness).
  • Hyposmia.
  • Periodic headache and dizziness.
  • Feeling foreign body in the nose.

Contraindications to surgery

The presence of polyposis neoplasms in the nose is not in all cases an indication for their removal during surgery. There are local and systemic contraindications to the removal of polyps.

Systemic contraindications for surgery to remove polyposis neoplasms:

Local contraindications for surgery:

  • Acute diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses ( acute rhinitis, acute sinusitis).
  • allergic rhinitis.

If you have a history of oncological pathology of the nasal cavity, you should consult with an oncologist before the operation.

Distinguish a large number of different methods surgical removal of polyps. To date, the operation to remove polyps in the nose is performed under general anesthesia. The essence of surgical intervention is to excise pathological neoplasms. Polypotomy (surgical intervention to remove polyps) is performed in a sitting position of the patient.

Technique for the operation to remove polyps in the nose:

  1. First of all, anterior and posterior rhinoscopy should be performed using nasal mirrors.
  2. Sanitize the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses with a hypertonic solution or pharmacological agent Humer.
  3. Dry the nasal cavity with a cotton swab.
  4. Consistently lubricate the nasal mucosa twice with 10% dicaine solution to reduce its sensitivity during surgical excision of neoplasms.
  5. Find out the location of the legs of polyps, their number and size.
  6. Insert the snare into the nose under visual control.
  7. Conduct an audit of the nasal cavity with the help of a loop outlet.
  8. Put a loop on a polyp or a group of polyps (if they are small).
  9. Move the loop up to the head of the polyp.
  10. After feeling the solid consistency of the head of the polyp, tighten the loop.
  11. Remove the loop with polypous masses from the nasal cavity and put in a special tray.

Especially important!

An important criterion that prevents recurrence is the removal of the polyp along with the stem. Therefore, you should carefully tighten the loop so as not to cut off the head of the polyp, but to pull the polyp along with the leg from the nasal cavity.

Modern methods of surgery to remove polyps help to avoid the formation of scars and adhesions in the nasal cavity. In addition to the usual polypotomy, there are such methods for eliminating polyposis:

  • Endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic removal is one of the most accurate removal methods. The operation is performed using a special medical endoscope with a camera. This allows you to achieve complete removal of even the smallest formations and at the same time not damage the surrounding structures of the nasal cavity.
  • Removal with a shaver (microdebrider). The essence of this technique is the grinding of neoplasms and their absorption. The operation is less traumatic and is performed under the control of a screen monitor.
  • Laser removal of polyps. Under the influence of laser beams, the neoplasm disappears. advantage this method is an additional coagulation of blood vessels and an obstacle to the spread of infection to surrounding structures.
  • Crochet Lange removal. With the help of the Lange hook, it is possible to remove not only nasal polyps, but also polyps with localization in the choanal region.

With all this, there are methods for removing polyps without surgery!

Ways to remove polyps in the nose:

In the vast majority of cases, the postoperative period proceeds without significant complications.

In particular cases, postoperative symptoms are presented:

  • The development of minor bleeding. This symptom develops as a result of damage to the vessels of the nasal cavity.
  • The formation of adhesions and adhesions after surgery in the nasal passages. This symptom develops 2-3 months after surgery. Patients again complain of aggravated nasal breathing. This symptomatology requires surgical dissection of newly formed adhesions.
  • Disease recurrence. The development of relapses is possible if there was an incomplete removal of polyps or the doctor removed only the head of the polyp.
  • Accession of infectious complications. Infectious complications are added in the case of an operation in the acute period of diseases of the nose or paranasal sinuses. Infectious agents can spread through the hematogenous or lymphogenous route and lead to systemic manifestations of an infectious disease.
  • Headaches. Headaches are a transient symptom that disappears after 3-5 days. The temperature after removal of polyps in the nose is kept at around 37.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing and loss of smell as a result of the development of edema. This symptom is a physiological response to surgery. Normally, the restoration of the respiratory and olfactory function of the nose occurs 3-5 days after the operation.

More modern methods operational influence prevent the development of postoperative symptoms.

The correct tactics of the patient in the postoperative period will help to avoid the recurrence of the disease and the development of many dangerous complications(recurrence of the disease, bleeding, etc.).

  1. In the first days after surgery to remove polyps, antibacterial drugs (Ceftriaxone, Suprax) should be taken. Data pharmacological preparations help to avoid the development of complications of an inflammatory nature. Antibiotics should be taken for 3-5 days of the postoperative period.
  2. Also, after surgery, otolaryngologists recommend instilling oil-based drops (Pinosol, sea buckthorn oil) into the nasal cavity, because they contribute to faster healing of the postoperative wound and prevent the formation of adhesions and adhesions in the nasal passage.
  3. The next step after the operation is the regular sanitation of the nasal cavity with saline or Humer's pharmacological agent. Sanitation should be carried out from 5 to 14 days after surgery.
  4. In the first days of the postoperative period, steroids are recommended for local application(Nasonex). These medicines do not cause side effects from other organs and systems and at the same time prevent the development of relapses of the disease.

In the treatment after removal of polyps in the nose, it is recommended to use 30% propolis ointment. Swabs are wetted and placed in the nose. The duration of the procedure is 2 weeks

Propolis ointment after removal of polyps in the nose

Rehabilitation after removal of polyps in the nose does not require long-term measures. In order to avoid complications after the operation, the following doctor's instructions should be followed for five days:

  • Follow a gentle regimen.
  • Avoid hot food and drinks. Hot drinks and food lead to vasodilation and provoke the development of bleeding.
  • Don't lift weights. Increasing systemic blood pressure is also a risk factor for bleeding.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure.
  • Not located in a dusty environment.
  • Do wet cleaning in the house twice a day
  • Carry out timely ventilation in the apartment.
  • Do not come into contact with infectious patients

An increase in the overall resistance of the body and a positive psychological attitude of patients will also help to avoid complications in the postoperative period.

Removal of polyps in the nose video:

Polyps are outgrowths of the mucous membrane due to excessive proliferation of its glandular tissue. Polyps can form anywhere in the body where there is a mucous membrane. The nasal cavity is no exception. It is believed that about 4% of the population has nasal polyps.

The causes of polyps are different, mainly:

  • Violation of the aerodynamics of the nasal cavity.
  • chronic inflammatory process in paranasal sinuses.
  • Allergy, in this case, polyposis is usually combined with bronchial asthma.

Polyps can form both from the mucosa of the nasal cavity itself, and (more often) from the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses. At the same time, polyps that have arisen in the sinuses of the nose “fall out” through the fistulas into the nasal cavity and continue to increase in size and block the nasal passages. Children are more likely to have anthrochoanal polyps (derived from maxillary sinus), in adults - ethmoid polyps (growing from the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth).

Polyps in the sinuses are usually multiple, outwardly they resemble a bunch of grapes. With excessive growth, they come out of the fistulas of the sinuses and are located in the nasal cavity.

Why polyps need to be removed

In the initial stage, polyps are tried to be treated conservatively, but usually these measures do not work. Sooner or later, they still have to be removed surgically.

Removal of polyps is one of those operations that many patients themselves ask doctors for. Mainly because the violation of nasal breathing greatly disrupts normal life. A person cannot breathe through his nose, he does not feel very well from this, it prevents him from working, and no one frees him from work.

  1. The main problem that polyps cause is difficulty in nasal breathing. That is, when they grow, they mechanically block the nasal passages, the air cannot freely pass into the nasopharynx. Vasoconstrictor drops in this case will be ineffective. The patient breathes through his mouth, which is not physiological and unpleasant.
  2. The second problem that often accompanies patients with polyps is a violation of the sense of smell. Polyps overlap the mucous membrane of the olfactory zone. Lack of sensitivity to smells greatly reduces the quality of life.
  3. Blocking the natural communications of the paranasal sinuses with the nasal cavity, polyps lead to a violation of the cleansing of the sinuses from mucus and microbes, which causes a chronic inflammatory process in the sinuses. And that's enough serious complication. So, purulent sinusitis can lead to serious consequences up to meningoencephalitis and sepsis.
  4. If a person breathes not through his nose, but through his mouth, then the air is not warmed up, not cleaned and humidified properly. All this increases the risk of developing pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma.
  5. Inadequate nasal breathing leads to some hypoxia of the brain, as a result of which a person experiences frequent headaches, bad dream, rapid fatigue, impaired performance.

Who is shown the removal of polyps

Intervention is indicated for the following groups of patients:

  • Patients with complete nasal congestion.
  • The combination of polyposis with a curvature of the nasal septum.
  • combination of polyps with chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis not amenable to conservative treatment.

Preparing for the operation

At the first examination, the ENT doctor performs a rhinoscopy at the reception. Polyps with rhinoscopy are usually clearly visible.

However, to clarify their number, size, degree of damage to the nasal mucosa and sinuses, clarifying examinations are usually prescribed:

  1. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses.
  2. Computed tomography of the sinuses.
  3. Videoendoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and sinuses.

When the indications and scope of the operation are determined, it is necessary to choose the right time and prepare for it. So, with purulent rhinitis or rhinosinusitis, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy based on the results of bakposev purulent discharge.

Operation is not assigned:

  • During the flowering season, when the course of allergic rhinitis and asthma worsens.
  • For acute infectious diseases
  • Decompensated course chronic diseases heart, liver, kidneys.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • During pregnancy.

2 weeks before the operation, you must undergo:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Coagulogram.
  3. Biochemical analysis.
  4. Electrocardiography.
  5. Chest x-ray.
  6. Blood on markers viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV.
  7. Therapist's review.

A few days before the operation, drugs that prevent blood clotting (aspirin, warfarin) are canceled. Decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs (ketotifen, dexamethasone) are prescribed.

Types of operations to remove nasal polyps

To date, the following types of interventions are carried out:

  • The usual polypotomy. The oldest, most traumatic, but also the cheapest operation.
  • Endoscopic removal of polyps.
  • Removal of polyps with a laser.
  • Radio wave polypotomy.

It must be said that nasal polypotomy is very often combined with other operations:

  1. With drainage of the paranasal sinus with chronic sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis.
  2. Correction of deviated nasal septum.
  3. With resection of the nasal concha (conchotomy).

Conventional polypotomy

Removal of polyps is carried out with a special polyp loop: the loop is thrown over the polyp and gradually tightened at its base, pulled out and torn off. The art of the surgeon should not be to cut the polyp with a loop, but to pull it out with a leg (“with a root”). The risk of recurrence with such a correct removal is much less.

The operation is usually performed under local infiltration anesthesia with novocaine, lidocaine or ultracaine. Additionally, the anesthetic is applied to the nasal mucosa (together with vasoconstrictor drugs).

The position of the patient is sitting, a tray for flowing blood is placed under the chin. The duration of the operation is 40-60 minutes.

Usually, all polyps visible during anterior rhinoscopy are removed. Those polyps that were not noticed during the first operation are removed after 1-2 weeks.

After the removal of one or more polyps, the nasal cavity is tamponed with turundas lubricated with petroleum jelly and a sling-like bandage is applied.

The next day, the turundas are removed, the nasal cavity is washed with antiseptics and salt solutions. After 3-5 days, with a favorable course, the patient is discharged from the hospital.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • The operation is the most traumatic, always accompanied by bleeding of one degree or another.
  • The longest recovery period.
  • This method can remove polyps that only grow in the nasal cavity. That is, if a polyp grows from the sinus, it is impossible to remove it completely to the base.
  • This method is most often accompanied by relapses (up to 70%). That is, the polyps grow back within a year.

The advantages of the method include its availability and low cost, since in this case expensive equipment is not required.

Endoscopic surgery

Endoscopic surgery of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is increasingly gaining a niche surgical treatment this area. With the help of a microendoscope, almost all operations in the nose, including the removal of polyps, can be performed.

The endoscope displays a magnified image on the monitor screen. This allows the surgeon to perform manipulations both in the nasal cavity and in the cavities of the paranasal sinuses with maximum accuracy.

Endoscopic removal of polyps can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends both on the volume and expected duration of the operation, age (children under 7 years old are general anesthesia), and on the preferences of the patient himself.

Endoscopic removal of polyps can be performed in three ways:

  1. Polypotomy with microinstruments without shaver.
  2. Removal of polyps with a shaver (microderiber).
  3. Shaver removal with navigation.

removal of polyps with a shaver

Removal of polyps with a shaver is the most convenient way of this type of operation. A shaver is a special tool that has a tip with a set of various cutting nozzles and suction. The use of a shaver allows you to very accurately, within healthy tissues, with minimal trauma, remove all polyps both in the nose and in the sinuses.

The shaver is brought to the polyp, cuts it off together with the leg, crushes and sucks.

The use of video navigation makes it possible to revise the paranasal sinuses and remove all polyps in them (mainly in the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth).

The whole procedure lasts 50-60 minutes. After the operation, the nasal cavity is plugged for a day. Terms of inpatient treatment - 2-3 days. Sometimes the patient can be sent home immediately.

Video: endoscopic shaver removal of nasal polyps

After polypotomy

The patient usually stays in the hospital for observation for several days. A day later, the turunda is removed, the nasal cavity is washed with antiseptics and lubricated with synthomycin ointment or petroleum jelly to soften the crusts. For the same purpose, irrigation of the nasal cavity with saline solutions or the use of oil drops (Pinosol, sea buckthorn oil) is used.

Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infectious complications. A week after the removal of polyps, the use of anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs (Nasonex spray) is recommended.

In the postoperative period, you can not:

  • Pick crusts in the nose.
  • Blow your nose hard.
  • Take hot food.
  • Take a hot bath or shower.
  • Lift weights.
  • Take alcohol.

According to patients, nasal breathing is restored after a few days, and the sense of smell resumes within a month.

Complications that may occur after a polypectomy:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Inflammation - rhinitis, rhinosinusitis.
  3. The formation of adhesions.
  4. Re-formation of polyps (unfortunately, recurrence of polyps is the main problem even endoscopic surgery, the recurrence rate is about 50%).

Removal of polyps with a laser

Laser removal of polyps is perhaps the most safe method polypectomy. Removal of polyps with a laser can be performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia.

It is often used to remove polyps in children, as well as those with chronic diseases.

The essence of the operation is that the polyp tissue is simply “evaporated” under the influence of high-precision laser energy. The operation is performed under the control of the endoscope. The procedure is quick and takes no more than 15-20 minutes. Bleeding is not observed, as the laser seals the vessels. The risk of infection is also minimal. Nose packing is not required.

However, the use of laser polypotomy is limited: only single polyps can be removed by this method, and only those located in the nasal cavity. With multiple polyps and polyposis of the paranasal sinuses, laser treatment will not solve the problem.

Radio wave polypotomy

It is carried out by the Surgitron apparatus using a radio wave loop. The operation is also almost bloodless and can be performed on an outpatient basis. It is used to remove only large and medium polyps.

Main conclusions

Let's summarize:

  • Surgical treatment of polyps is a thankless task. None of the operations to remove polyps from the nose guarantees their re-growth.
  • The smallest percentage of relapses gives complete endoscopic removal polyps in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. When removed in this way, the time until the re-formation of polyps is stretched to 5-6 years.
  • If the patient has the opportunity to choose, then you need to choose a clinic with modern video endoscopic equipment, with sufficient experience in performing such operations. Of all the methods, the most effective is the shaver removal of polyps with navigation.
  • It is desirable to simultaneously eliminate all defects that can contribute to the re-formation of polyps (correct the crooked nasal septum, resect the hypertrophied nasal concha).
  • After the removal of polyps, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations, as well as use agents that inhibit the growth of polypous tissue (mainly hormonal preparations local action), to be examined and treated by an allergist.

The cost of polyp removal surgery

Most a budget option is a polypotomy in the usual way using a polyp loop. It can be carried out free of charge in any ENT department. In paid clinics, it costs from 2000 rubles (on the one hand).

Endoscopic removal of polyps will cost from 15 to 35 thousand rubles (depending on the volume of the operation, the rank of the clinic, the duration of inpatient treatment). The operation under general anesthesia will cost up to 70 thousand rubles.

Laser removal of a polyp will cost about 8-10 thousand rubles.

Video: removal of polyps in the nose in the Health program

Nasal polyps are an overgrowth of the epithelial tissue of the mucous membrane of the labyrinth or maxillary sinus. Some ENT specialists refer to them as benign tumors. Others prefer to consider polyps separately because their structure is more consistent with unaltered, normal tissues.

The average prevalence of the disease in the world is 1-4%. It does not belong to the category of dangerous, but is recurrent: in 70% of cases, polyps reappear after removal.

Reasons for the formation of polyps

Nasal polyps (the official medical name for the disease is polyposis rhinosinusitis) can have completely different etiologies. However, such a remark can be made in relation to most tumors and growths similar to them. Among the most common causes are the following:

  • Allergy and accompanying symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, cough).
  • Chronic infectious diseases associated with the nose or paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, rhinitis).
  • Some physiological conditions accompanied by hormonal changes (pregnancy).
  • Deviated septum, nasal trauma.
  • One of the latest theories expressed in the domestic literature is a violation of the metabolism of arachidonic acid. Note. This compound is involved in the formation of substances that transmit signals between nerve cells. Products of arachidonic acid - prostaglandins, are responsible in particular for the regulation of the inflammatory process.
  • Cysts in the nasal cavity and sinuses. They are small, fluid-filled formations.
  • Hereditary diseases that lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the mucosa (for example, cystic fibrosis).
  • Taking drugs or products with aspirin if you are intolerant to it.

Development of the disease

Despite the heterogeneity of the causes that cause polyps, the disease develops according to the same pattern. The mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses or the ethmoid labyrinth has to function long time under conditions of increased activity. This is necessary to cope with allergies, inflammation or other adverse factors. At first, it performs this task, but gradually the reserves run out, and the effect of the factor does not stop.

Then the body tries to compensate for the insufficient efficiency of the mucosa by increasing its area. The tissue begins to grow, a polyp forms. At first, it is localized in the organ in which it was formed, but gradually, with an increase in its size, it begins to hang down into the nasal cavity. There he interferes with breathing, over time seriously complicating it.

The formed polyp looks like this: it is a mushroom-shaped formation on a stalk that hangs down into the nasal cavity with its wide part. The color of a polyp can vary from pearlescent to red, depending on how well the blood supply is developed in it. It is characterized by moderate growth, spherical or cylindrical shape.

The polyp does not affect other tissues, except for the mucous membrane and does not pose a serious danger to the body.

Symptoms of polyposis rhinosinusitis

The main symptom of the disease is nasal congestion. It does not go away after taking vasoconstrictor drugs, worsens over time. Patients may also complain of:

  1. Sinusitis. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is often the cause or concomitant disease of polypous rhinosinusitis.
  2. Rhinitis. Runny nose (allergic or otherwise) often provokes hypertrophic development of the mucosa.
  3. Decrease or loss of smell. Due to changes in the size of the mucosa, sensitive areas cease to function properly, they become smaller relative to the total surface of the nasal cavity.
  4. Headache. Violation of nasal breathing often results in problems with the regular supply of oxygen to the brain. Periodic hypoxia can cause migraines.
  5. Voice disturbance. Due to the constant congestion of the nasal passages, the patient is forced to nasalize when talking.


As a rule, polyps are easily detected during rhinoscopy. An important task of a specialist is differential diagnosis from benign malignant tumors and other diseases. To do this, research:

  • Computed tomography of the nasal sinuses. It is carried out, as a rule, before the operation, in order to accurately identify the localization of the polyp.
  • Biopsy. A piece of tissue that makes up a polyp is subjected to a comprehensive study, its structure, size and shape of cells are studied under a microscope.
  • Serological study. It allows, in the absence of certain antibodies in the blood, to exclude scleroma, tuberculosis, syphilis, leprosy. These diseases sometimes produce similar tissue indurations (granulomas) that can be mistaken for polyps.

Diagnosis can be somewhat difficult in children, especially at a younger age, when they can't talk about their problems on their own. Parents should take their child to the doctor if:

  1. He suffers from a prolonged runny nose, which then subsides, then resumes again.
  2. The child's nose is stuffed up, he breathes mainly through his mouth.
  3. The kid periodically rubs his nose, shows obvious discomfort.
  4. Along with the above symptoms, the child's appetite has changed, he has become capricious and irritable.

Treatment of polyps and prevention of recurrence

In the treatment of the disease, the doctor should set the following goals:

  • Elimination of the cause of the disease when it is detected.
  • Restoration of normal nasal breathing.
  • Polyp removal.
  • Prevention of the emergence of a new formation.

Important! Aggregate measures are currently recognized as the most effective drug treatment polyps (conservative therapy) and surgery. Exclusively surgical intervention does not make it possible to achieve a stable remission (recovery).

Conservative treatment

The basis of accepted medicines are steroids. Along with them, antibiotics and antiseptic drugs, general stimulants and immunomodulators can be prescribed. In therapeutic practice, intranasal topical steroid sprays are usually used:

  1. Beclomethasone. The drug acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agent. It inhibits the work of certain parts of the immune system, therefore, with prolonged use, infection of the nasal cavity is possible (most often with fungi of the genus Candida). In this case, the reception is not stopped, but beclomethasone is combined with antimicrobials. Also, the drug can affect the adrenal glands, slowing down the growth of the body in childhood. For this reason, it is contraindicated for use under 12 years of age.
  2. Mometasone. The drug reduces inflammation, relieves swelling, itching, fluid accumulation in the nasal cavity. Mometasone reduces the production of arachidonic acid, which can presumably be involved in the formation of polyps. With prolonged use, control of adrenal function is necessary.
  3. Fluticasone. The drug belongs to synthetic corticosteroids. Its use in the form of an intranasal spray is allowed from the age of 4. One of the frequent side effects from the use of the drug include: nosebleeds; sensation of dryness, unpleasant smell or taste; headache.

The impact of immunomodulatory drugs is currently being studied, but the work of recent decades shows their unequivocal effectiveness. They make it possible to treat diseases by influencing the mechanism of its development.

However, the results are highly dependent on the route of administration of drugs (preferably local). Often they are used along with surgery. Candidate of Medical Sciences Samolazova S.G. describes the results of the use of these drugs for polyps (2003): “Local immunocorrection with cycloferon and subsequent surgery lead to an improvement in immunogram scores… and an increase in the rate of mucociliary transport.”

The positive effect of recombinant human interferon 2a. This drug affects cells at the genetic level, preventing their proliferation (excessive growth and reproduction). Research has shown ( Miroshnenko A.P., 2004) that “recombinant a2 interferon should be used in addition to traditional treatment polypous rhinosinusitis.

Surgical removal of polyps

It is worth noting that getting rid of a polyp without surgery is quite difficult, usually on conservative treatment stop only if there are serious contraindications to surgical intervention (asthma during an exacerbation, bleeding disorders, etc.).

There are three main operational methods:

  • Laser removal.
  • Endoscopic polypectomy.
  • Removal with Lange's loop.

The laser is considered the least traumatic, but it is used only for single polyps. The operation lasts 15-20 minutes and is usually performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, a device is inserted into the nasal cavity that emits laser beams. They cause coagulation of polyp cell proteins. As a result, they die. As such, no wound is formed in the process, which minimizes the risk of infection and subsequent complications. Scarring at the site of the former polyp also does not occur.

Due to the limitations of the method, endoscopic polypectomy is performed much more frequently. It allows you to remove any growth, even in hard-to-reach places in the body. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is associated with a small risk of bleeding. A big plus of polypectomy is the low risk of recurrence. New polyps usually appear no earlier than 5-6 years after surgery.

The doctor observes the entire space in an enlarged view on the monitor screen, which allows him to act with great accuracy. The actual removal is performed using a special device - a rhinoscopic shaver. It resembles a pistol in appearance, but instead of a muzzle, it contains a hollow tube with cutting nozzles of various sizes. Depending on the volume of the polyp, the doctor chooses one or another knife. During the operation, the cutting nozzles rotate, and at the same time, excess tissue is captured. Removal with shaver is an excellent alternative to conventional surgery, because. the device acts pointwise, leaving healthy mucosa intact.

Video: removal of polyps in the nose, endoscopic surgery

The last method - polypotomy with a loop, is the oldest, "classic" way to get rid of growths in the nasal cavity. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and can take up to 1 hour. Important! Its main disadvantage is the high recurrence rate. After a few months, the polyps reappear. This is due to the fact that the surgeon removes only the visible part of the neoplasm, while the growth of the polyp from the sinuses or the mucosa of the ethmoid labyrinth begins. The advantages of the operation are its accessibility, the possibility of carrying it out without a highly qualified doctor or special expensive equipment.

Treatment of polyps with traditional medicine

At the moment, there is no encouraging data on the possibility of getting rid of the disease on their own. Although homeopathy and alternative medicine offer a wide range of methods, home treatment is unlikely to bring the desired recovery. However, folk remedies for dealing with polyps in the nose can be considered as maintenance therapy, which will alleviate the patient's condition before a medical examination or surgery.

For such purposes, you can use:

  1. Celandine juice diluted with water 1:2. It is recommended to bury it in the nose for 10 days. First you need to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the plant. Also, the solution can be laid in the nasal passages by moistening a cotton swab with it.
  2. Hypericum juice mixed with sea buckthorn juice. This tool is used for long-term use. Homeopaths advise using it for instillation for at least 1 year. The main thing is to monitor the freshness of the solution. It must be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 10-14 days.
  3. Tui oil. It can be used in finished form or used as part of the same name. homeopathic remedy. The oil is sold in specialized pharmacies or can be ordered from non-traditional practitioners.

Video: treatment of polyps in the nose with folk methods

Nasal hygiene

During illness and as part of its prevention, it is necessary to perform certain hygiene procedures:

  • Frequent moistening of the nasal cavity.
  • Nasal lavage sea ​​water or iodine saline solution.
  • Inhalations with decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory properties: chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.
  • Wetting the nasal mucosa with vaseline, almond, peach oil.

It is also desirable to protect the patient from the action of additional damaging factors:

  1. Smoke from a fire or tobacco smoke;
  2. Inhalation of poisons, including insecticides for private use;
  3. dust;
  4. Aroma and pollen of flowering plants.

A big plus will be the rejection of food allergens that can aggravate the situation: coffee, chocolate, citrus, spicy, salty or smoked foods.

Important! It is not possible to cure polyps with surgery or by taking steroid drugs. These methods are purely symptomatic. They are necessary because there is no other way to get rid of polyps. However, to prevent recurrence, it is important to identify the causes of neoplasms and eliminate them.

Benign neoplasms that are round or drop-shaped, painless, which form in the nasal cavity due to the growth of the mucous membrane - this is nasal polyps.

Outwardly, they look like a pea, a drop or a bunch of grapes. Approximately 3-5% of people suffer from the disease, and men are several times more likely than women. The disease manifests itself as characteristic mucous secretions and constant nasal congestion.

The difference between polyposis and rhinitis is that after using vasoconstrictor drugs, breathing is not restored, the patient is forced to continue breathing through the mouth.

Surgery to remove polyps in the nose. Indications

  • for a long time the patient has a stuffy nose or there is no breathing through the nose at all;
  • pronounced deformed (curved) nasal septum;
  • the presence of complications of polyposis ( bronchial asthma, atrophic rhinitis);
  • impaired taste and smell, in some cases a complete loss of sensitivity;
  • snoring, nasality, headaches;
  • constant, nasal discharge (unpleasant smell, rarely bloody).

The only effective treatment option for tumors is surgical removal.

How are nasal polyps removed?

Several existing surgical options:

  • polypotomy;
  • removal with a shaver;
  • laser operation;
  • endoscopic removal.

Any of these methods requires some preparation of the patient. To do this, X-rays are taken, according to indications. computed tomography, blood tests, conduct drug preparation.

Removal of polyps in the nose in modern surgical practice is carried out according to an individually selected technique.

Polypotomy ordinary

Such an intervention is too painful and is currently very rarely prescribed by specialists. Nose growths are removed using a special steel loop or Lange hook. It is more often used in cases where there is a need to remove several growths.

used in cases where there is a need to remove several growths.

Surgical intervention technique :

anesthesia is carried out locally (novocaine 1% solution is injected directly into the growth). The loop (through the nostril) captures the polyp by the leg. The doctor narrows the lumen of the loop and cuts off the formation. There are practically no scars after polypotomy.

This procedure is strictly contraindicated when:

  • any diseases in the acute period,
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system and heart,
  • bronchial asthma.

After operation

After the performed polypectomy, the mucosa must be disinfected, and the organ is tamponed with turundas. Tampons are removed after 24 hours, and the mucosa is lubricated with Synthomycin emulsion.

If necessary, the specialist prescribes for the nose. The patient stays in hospital for 5-7 days, and recovery period takes 2 - 3 weeks. Source: website

Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps

Endoscopic removal is a technique that allows you to remove modified tissues and, if necessary, correct the nasal septum. After surgery, traumatic scars and scars do not remain in the nose.

Methodology :

Local anesthesia is used during the intervention.
an endoscope with a camera is inserted into the nasal cavity (through the nostril). An image of the nasal cavity is displayed on a computer screen.

Contraindications to the intervention are:

  • chronic or allergic bronchitis and rhinitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • in women - menstruation.

Postoperative period

Immediately after the operation, the patient has an unpleasant feeling (slight discomfort), which disappears after 3-6 hours. Relief of nasal breathing occurs after the operation in 24-48 hours, and the sense of smell is restored within a month.

The patient is discharged from the hospital in a day, and after 3 days the person returns to his usual life. In the period after the operation, it is necessary to exclude blowing your nose.

The recovery period of the mucosa lasts up to 14 days. At this time, the doctor prescribes nasal drops (Pinosol). It is very important to maintain nasal hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Removal with a shaver

One of the methods of endoscopic surgery, which with maximum accuracy allows you to get rid of formations and overgrown mucosa. The intervention is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Shaver- a device that crushes growths, then sucks them into a special tip. The device with maximum accuracy removes the build-up to healthy tissue.

Methodology :

The operation to remove polyps is low-traumatic, bleeding occurs in 0.5% of the operated patients, the risk of complications and relapses is minimal. This technique allows you to remove polyps in the sinus cavity, as well as to keep the healthy mucosa intact as much as possible.

Shaver- the only technique using which, the occurrence of repeated growths does not happen. Contraindications: acute viral infections and inflammatory processes.

Postoperative period

The patient stays in the hospital for up to 5 days. All this time, saline washings are carried out (in order to get rid of tissue residues).

In order to prevent the growth of connective tissue, local use of steroid preparations is recommended. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent secondary infection.

Laser removal of nasal polyps

using a laser, a new modern technique. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia.

A specialist inserts laser equipment and an endoscope with a camera into the nasal cavity.

The laser beam directed at the formation heats its cells, and this causes their death. During the operation, the laser coagulates the vessels, which prevents bleeding.

The main advantage: infection of the wound is completely excluded. This technique is the safest among all known, therefore it is used for children and people who suffer from bronchial asthma.

Disadvantages of the procedure: during the operation, the sinuses are not opened, so it is impossible to remove the polypous tissue from them, and this may cause a relapse in the future.


  • pregnancy period,
  • the presence of multiple polyps in the nose,
  • obstructive bronchitis,
  • spring-summer period.

Period after surgery: what to do
After removal, the patient is at home, but for several days he goes to see the doctor. During the week it is recommended to cancel sports, it is forbidden to visit the sauna or bath (these procedures can cause bleeding). Special medications will help prevent relapse.