Microbial eczema: causes, symptoms, treatment, folk recipes. All about microbial eczema Treatment and symptoms of eczematous manifestations on the legs

What is microbial eczema? Photos of the disease show numerous lesions on the skin, complicated by infection.

The infectious form is one of the varieties of secondary eczematous dermatitis that develops in areas of the epidermis affected by fungi, viruses or bacteria. The statistics of dermatological diseases for a third consists of patients who have been diagnosed with microbial eczema disease.

According to the international classification of diseases, microbial eczema (according to ICD 10) is included in the section of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Microbial eczema, ICD code 10, is classified as dermatitis, as well as other types of this disease. In the international registry, only the nummular form (L30.1) is listed as eczema.

Therefore, microbial eczema ICD 10 is coded by doctors - infectious (L30.3) or unspecified dermatitis (L30.9).

Microbial eczema: causes

The skin is the largest human organ, endowed with many functions, one of which is protection from pathogenic microbes.

In case of integrity violation skin the immune system with help blood cells(phagocytes, platelets, leukocytes) stops the access of microorganisms to the bloodstream, preventing them from getting inside. Neutralizes the infection that got into the wound during an injury.

This mechanism works flawlessly in a person with a healthy immune system in rare and isolated cases of skin damage.

People in the opposite situation are:

1 . With high susceptibility to streptococci and other microorganisms,

2 . Neglecting personal hygiene

3 . with a weakened immune system,

4 . with gastrointestinal disorders and endocrine system,

5 . With a high stress load - are at risk of developing infectious dermatitis.

Negative factors that constantly affect the body also reduce the barrier function of the epidermis. Therefore, areas of the skin

  • with allergic rashes,
  • with mycosis (fungal infection),
  • traumatic, surgical wounds, ulcers or fistulas,
  • with dilated veins from varicose veins,

become open gates for infection.

Long term sustainable inflammatory process on the skin caused by pathogenic microorganisms, and there is a dermatological disease called microbial eczema by doctors.

Symptoms of microbial eczema

This disease is multifaceted and unpredictable. The clinical picture depends on the causes, nature and location of the foci of inflammation.

A characteristic feature of the diagnosis of chronic microbial eczema is considered to be a dual symptomatology: both signs of eczematous dermatitis and symptoms of pustular pathology (pyoderma) caused by streptococci, staphylococci and other pyogenic cocci that have come from outside are determined on the skin.

Widespread microbial eczema affects a large area. The foci of inflammation are sharply limited, have scalloped or rounded outlines, with a peeling stratum corneum along the periphery. Erosions are covered with plates-crusts. When they are removed, a weeping continuous surface with drops of serous exudate remains. Drip character of weeping and asymmetry of rashes are the main differential symptoms when diagnosing a disease.

According to the clinical picture, reasons, localization, the following forms of infectious dermatitis are distinguished:

  • microbial plaque eczema,
  • post-traumatic,
  • varicose,
  • sycosiform,
  • eczematous dermatitis on the nipples.

Is microbial eczema contagious or not?

This dermatological disease, complicated by infection, is not dangerous to others. Only a high contamination of the hands with pathogenic microorganisms can cause infection of people with reduced immunity, which is extremely rare. But even in this case, not a disease will be transmitted to others, but an infectious agent (fungus, bacterium, virus).

Therefore, denial will be the only answer to whether microbial eczema is transmitted through objects, handshakes, sexual relations, by airborne droplets?

microbial eczema on hands

Photos of lesions on the hands are often represented by foci of inflammation of a rounded shape, not exceeding three centimeters in diameter. The plaques have clear, even edges and a protruding center with a profusely weeping, bluish-red surface covered with purulent crusts. This is what nummular, nummular, or microbial plaque eczema looks like. This type of dermatitis is most often diagnosed on upper limbs and strikes the back of the hands. Sometimes the inflammatory process, spreading, captures the elbows and forearms.

The many-sided chronic complicated by infection and characterized by a persistent course - this is what microbial eczema is. Treatment of the disease is carried out only under the supervision of a dermatologist after the diagnosis. The danger of inadequate therapy threatens with serious complications.

The principle of treatment of microbial eczema is based on two mandatory rules:

  • Eliminate the root cause of the pathology;
  • dock chronic infection. For this purpose, the following medications are used.

If laboratory tests have confirmed the presence on the skin pathogenic bacteria, then the doctor will definitely prescribe one of the following antibacterial agents:

  • Azithromycin,
  • doxycillin,
  • ampicillin,
  • ofloxacin,
  • ciprofloxacin,
  • Cefazolin.

When microbial eczema affects the skin, an antibiotic ointment (Drapolen, Dettol, Bactroban) is prescribed simultaneously with internal antibacterial drugs in its treatment.

Antiseptic solutions and ointments for microbial eczema

1 . Resorcinol (1% solution), lead water, brilliant green, miramistin, hydrogen peroxide - have proven themselves as lotions to relieve swelling, when weeping and to treat cracks and wounds.

2 . Ichthyol, Naftalan ointment, local preparations containing tar, are assigned to slightly weeping ulcerations;

3 . Non-hormonal ointments: Radevit, Fenistil, Gistan, Eplan - heal the integument, have a minimum of contraindications;

4 . Exoderil, Bifanazol, Nystatin ointment, Loceryl - ointment preparations recommended for dermatitis with fungal etiology.

5 . Sprays and ointments with corticosteroids Advant, Elok, Celestoderm, Lokoid are indicated for a large affected area, are prescribed only by a doctor;

6 . Treatment of infectious dermatitis will not be effective without the patient following the general recommendations:

  • Avoid overheating and trauma to the affected skin;
  • Careful hygiene. Minimizing contact with water of the skin with erosion;
  • With varicose dermatitis, wearing special tight stockings, elastic bandages;
  • Vegetable-protein diet;
  • Wearing cotton underwear;

Microbial eczema: treatment with folk remedies

  • Recipe #1"Herbal infusion for lotions"

Take in equal parts a string, nettle, birch buds, calendula (flowers), St. John's wort, yarrow. One large spoon to brew a glass of boiling water. After a couple of hours, the infusion can be used for oral administration three times a day for a quarter cup and as lotions on sore spots. Local home procedures have an antiseptic effect. They are held daily for half an hour.

  • Recipe #2"Compress with black elderberry leaves"

In the treatment of microbial eczema at home, this simple folk remedy achieves a quick positive effect, because. the plant is a powerful antiseptic that neutralizes the infection.

Washed, crushed or beaten elderberry leaves are applied to the foci of inflammation for a quarter of an hour, covering with a film. Procedures are carried out daily, until the disappearance of purulent scales.

Microbial eczema is inflammatory disease allergic skin. As a rule, it is formed in areas of the skin affected by a microbial or fungal inflammatory process. Microbial eczema is secondary.

According to medical statistics, the microbial subtype of eczema accounts for 12 to 27% of all cases of eczema. Most often it is formed in areas of purulent skin lesions: in the area of ​​poorly healing postoperative wounds, around ulcers, abrasions. Also, the disease can develop in areas of varicose veins.

A photo

Causes of development of microbial eczema

One of the reasons for the development of this disease is varicose veins of the extremities. Also among the reasons is skin irritation against the background of repeated eczematization of purulent skin lesions. The main causative agent is hemolytic streptococcus. In addition, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, fungi of the genus Candida and others act as the causative agent.

Most often, microbial eczema is formed against the background of exposure to internal and external factors, which include a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidneys, liver, nervous and endocrine systems. And accordingly, this disease can be found in places of chronic purulent skin lesions: wounds, abrasions, burns, trophic ulcers.

Particular importance is given to genetic predisposition, which is considered to be based on the chromosomal immune set. If a certain number of allergens accumulate in the human body, in this case, microbial eczema acquires chronic form followed by recurrent inflammation of the skin.

Symptoms of microbial eczema

Microbial eczema develops in the area of ​​purulent lesions of the skin - ulcers, scratches, abrasions, fistulas. The lesions are covered with a dense green-yellow crust of large sizes. Inflammations have clear boundaries.

In some cases, inflammation has the feature of asymmetric growth. Quite often, the process is accompanied by severe itching and exacerbations.

Dry microbial eczema leaves large lamellar scales on the skin, which are easily removed, forming an area of ​​dry, shiny skin with slight redness.

Improperly selected treatment can lead to the development of a secondary infection, which will manifest itself in the form of erythematous rashes, allergic spots, vesicles, and so on. Without adequate treatment, infectious foci merge with each other, forming large areas of weeping erosion.

Types of microbial eczema

Microbial eczema can coalesce to form extensive, inflamed patches of skin.

Microbial eczema is divided into 5 main subspecies depending on the location and clinical manifestations:

  1. Varicose - usually develops against the background of varicose veins or venous insufficiency. When sores appear on the affected area, edema with moderate itching may form.
  2. Nummular (coin-like, plaque) - a distinctive feature from other subspecies are the rounded shapes of infected areas, reaching a diameter of 1-3 cm. The affected areas have clear boundaries, with severe swelling and purulent crusts. As a rule, they form on the hands.
  3. Post-traumatic - is formed due to violations of the healing processes of the skin after any injuries, operations, wounds. It is characterized by the main signs of microbial eczema.
  4. Eczema of the nipples - formed in women during breastfeeding, as well as against the background of scabies. It is characterized by the appearance of red, inflamed spots around the nipple, which become very wet.
  5. Sycosiform - observed in people with inflamed hair follicles. Weeping, inflamed, itchy red patches form on the skin. Localized in the chin area, upper lip, armpits, and genitals.

Diagnosis of microbial eczema

Diagnosis is a scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin and further bactericidal research. Microscopy reveals mycotic cells. important detail is to determine the exact type of microorganism in order to determine the sensitivity to various drugs.

In more advanced cases, histological examination biopsy (material obtained by biopsy), extracted from the deep layers of the infected area. During a visual examination, it is possible to determine the swelling of the skin, the location of eczema and the main external signs.

If the doctor has a suspicion of the transition of microbial eczema to true, in this case, the patient takes general analysis blood, the level of immunoglobulins, as well as T-lymphocytes, is determined.

Treatment of microbial eczema

Treatment of microbial eczema consists of taking local medications, systemic medications, maintaining a certain diet, as well as other hygiene and care measures for the affected skin.

  • Careful hygiene of the affected areas of the skin, without prolonged exposure to water.
  • It is impossible to injure and overheat the infected areas.
  • It is necessary to eliminate a chronic infection.
  • It is recommended to wear underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics.
  • In the presence of varicose eczema, it is recommended to wear tight stockings or bandage the legs.
  • Limit the consumption of spicy foods, alcohol, canned foods. Eat dairy, vegetable products, cereals, fruits, lean meat.

Local treatment is as follows:

  • Lotions are prepared from lead water, as well as a 1% solution of resorcinol, treatment with Castellani liquid.
  • If the foci of inflammation have slight weeping spots, preparations containing tar, naphthalene ointment are used.
  • If eczema was caused by a bacterial pathogen, antibiotic ointments are used, for example, Bactroban, Dettol.
  • In the case of a fungal pathogen, antifungal ointments are used, for example, Exoderil, Loceryl.
  • If the affected area has reached a large size, corticosteroid sprays and ointments are used, such as Elokom, Lokoid.

Systemic treatment is as follows (in severe disease):

  • Antibiotic therapy - ampicillin, ofloxacin, azithromycin.
  • With a fungal infection, an antimycotic is prescribed - fluconazole.
  • Systemic administration of corticosteroids and cytostatics.
  • Antihistamines medications- suprastin, lorotadine.
  • Taking sedatives - motherwort, valerian, some types of sleeping pills.
  • Vitamin therapy - vitamins of groups A, B.
  • Physiotherapy - UHF, laser therapy, ozone therapy, magnetotherapy.

Folk remedies for the treatment of microbial eczema

Herbal infusion is perfect as a treatment for mild microbial eczema.

As additional treatment to the system and local therapy suggested to use folk methods treatment of microbial eczema on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. What can be used:

  • Lotions on herbal decoction- we take 20 grams of herbal collection of nettle, calendula, succession, yarrow, St. John's wort. We take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then apply lotions on the affected skin for 30 minutes.
  • We take 100 grams of fresh walnut leaves, add half a liter cold water, put on fire, boil for 5 minutes. After we insist for a while and wipe the affected areas of the skin.
  • To strengthen the immune system, prepare an infusion of dandelion root. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of chopped dandelion root, pour 400 ml of boiled water and leave for one night. We take 50 ml 3 times a day.

As preventive measures, it is necessary to carefully and timely disinfect the affected skin areas, and to carry out thorough hygiene. It is also recommended to adhere to a dairy-vegetable hypoallergenic diet and eliminate bad habits.

Remember that a timely visit to the doctor will avoid exacerbations of the disease and cure it more quickly.

Bacterial dermatitis is a group of skin diseases that provoke bacteria that are aggressive to humans. Most often, pathology occurs as a complication after an infection against the background of a decrease in the body's immune response. Sometimes dermatitis manifests itself as an independent disease.

The reasons

The main causes of bacterial dermatitis:

  • Active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, saprophytes, neutrophils) on the skin.
  • Decreased immunity below the acceptable threshold, when the body can not cope with the protection against the simplest bacteria.

Gram-positive microorganisms of the staphylococcus group are distinguished by high survival, rapid cell division, and amazing resistance to antibiotics. These simple bacteria are able to develop immunity to any drugs.

Skin problems most often occur when two types of staphylococci are activated:

The provoking factors for the occurrence of dermatitis are:

  • Complication after infectious disease as an autoimmune response of the body.
  • Infection of a wound on the body with staphylococci and other pathogens.
  • Immunodeficiency. A weakened immune system can not cope with the attacks of viruses.
  • Infection during surgery, blood transfusion.
  • Phlebeurysm.

The interaction of several factors increases the risk of the disease.

The bacterial form is contagious and is transmitted from person to person in two ways.:

Clinical picture

In humans, this type of dermatitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • spots and rashes on the skin;
  • weakness, fever, fever(not necessary).

In severe cases, the rash turns into eczema, it is possible to re-infect the foci of inflammation. As you can see in the photo below, loose elements can look like papules with liquid. Periodically, they burst and form scales like seborrhea or psoriasis.

Untimely access to a doctor can lead to a number of complications, including: scarring of the skin (scars), vitiligo, hyperpigmentation.

Features of the course in children

In children, the disease most often occurs due to frequent contact of babies with environment and unstable immunity. Quite often, the bacterial form of dermatitis manifests itself in the form of impetigo, pyoderma.

The rash may not appear immediately, sometimes it is preceded by a feverish state, general weakness, high fever. Bacterial lesions of the dermis are often wet, heal poorly and cause discomfort.

Symptoms of the disease depend on the age of the child:

  • In children under 3 years of age, dermatitis is acute, with fever. Pimples, ulcers, papules, weeping suppurations, cracks appear. Localization: elbow and knee bends, face, less often - torso.
  • From 3 to 12 years, the disease manifests itself in the form of a rash on the back of the hands, neck and in the places of the folds of the arms and legs. Severe redness and swelling are characteristic. After healing, the skin thickens and becomes rough.
  • Children from 12 years of age get sick like adults. In this group, self-healing with subsequent relapses is possible.

The course of the disease in children is complicated by the fact that the child's skin is more prone to eczema. The kid can not tolerate itching like an adult. He combs the wounds and this contributes to re-infection.

At the slightest suspicion of bacterial dermatitis in a child, seek immediate medical attention. medical care. If the rash is accompanied high temperature, it is better to call a doctor at home.


Diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist during a visual examination of the skin. The etymology of the disease can be established only after bacteriological cultures and blood tests for virus markers.

The therapy takes place in 3 stages: the fight against the cause of the pathological process, the removal of inflammation, the restoration of the skin.

Used drugs:

  • bacterial lysates. Increase the body's resistance to bacteria (Imudon, IRS-19, Respibron).
  • Antibiotics. Assign external and systemic agents (Levomycetin, Bactroban, Cephalosporin, Baneocin). Most staphylococci remain in the body forever, even strong medications can only relieve an acute condition. Before the appointment, an analysis is carried out to determine the sensitivity of the bacterium to a particular antibiotic.
  • Antihistamines to get rid of itching, redness and swelling (Claritin, Tavegil).
  • Antiseptics to prevent secondary infection (brilliant green solution, Fukortsin).
  • Softening ointments (Panthenol, Bepanten) for the regeneration of affected areas.

Hormonal drugs for bacterial dermatitis can be dangerous.

During treatment, the patient should be protected from contact with other people, quarantine measures should be observed.

Alternative medicine

For fixing therapeutic effect you can use folk remedies. They combat symptoms but should not replace primary treatment.


To prevent re-infection and protect yourself and your loved ones from bacterial dermatitis, you must follow the following rules:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life, which will provide high immunity;
  • avoid contact with people suffering from this disease;
  • get vaccinated against dangerous viral diseases;
  • at the first suspicion, immediately consult a doctor.

Self-medication for bacterial dermatitis is dangerous and can lead to serious complications affecting internal organs.

Microbial eczema is one of the varieties that develops secondarily, that is, against the background of a disease, usually a fungal or microbial nature. If in other forms of the disease it is a complication, then for microbial eczema this phenomenon is standard, appearing already at the first stages of the disease. How is it different from other types of dermatitis, contagious or not, and how to treat microbial eczema on the legs and arms?

Features of the disease

Up to 27% of cases of eczema occur in this type of disease. Its localization is always indirectly associated with injuries, cuts on the skin, abrasions or trophic ulcers. Often it is provoked by fungal infections, lymphostasis or.

The causative agent of the disease is a number of bacteria and fungi. As a rule, they affect the body for a long time, reduce its protective properties, provoking sensitization. Under the influence of these factors, the process of occurrence of eczema is accelerated.

ICD-10 microbial eczema code: L20-L30.

Microbial eczema can only be contagious if the patient has contracted herpes. In such cases, the disease can be transmitted through contact.

  • Children are most susceptible to microbial eczema, as they are much more likely to receive various injuries.
  • In adults, the course of the disease is often associated with the primary disease.

Microbial eczema on the legs (photo)

Classification and forms

Microbial eczema is divided into several types:

  1. Post-traumatic. The main factor development - the presence of injuries on the skin. The reason for the appearance in this case of eczema is the low immune defense of the body or slow healing processes. The latter is inherent in some diseases, such as diabetes.
  2. Nummular. It differs in plaque lesions with a diameter of up to 3 cm. They usually focus on the upper limbs. The rashes themselves have a weeping surface, a clear edge. The skin on the site of eczema is edematous and hyperemic, on the plaques themselves there are layers of serous or purulent crusts.
  3. sycosiform the form sometimes develops along with sycosis in a number of patients. The rashes are red, itchy, and they are located in the areas characteristic of the disease - on the pubic region, beard, armpits, lips.
  4. microbial form appears against the background of venous insufficiency or with already developed varicose veins veins. The impetus for the development of the disease is often maceration, trauma in this area, or the appearance trophic ulcer.
  5. Microbial eczema of the nipples occurs during lactation with frequent injuries of the nipples, but sometimes it can also develop with scabies. They become covered with cracks, they form foci with red skin, itchy and weeping. Crusts form on the nipples themselves. The whole process takes a long time and is treated very difficult.

You can subdivide the disease and localization:

  • on foot,
  • on the beard
  • on hands,
  • in the pubic area
  • on the neck,
  • on the upper lip
  • on the stomach
  • in the armpit,
  • on the brushes
  • on the nipples
  • between fingers.

In the following video, the doctor will talk about what microbial eczema is:

Causes of microbial eczema

The main reason for the development is associated with the presence of a pathology that provokes microbial eczema. Usually these are fungal or infectious lesions, against the background of which there is a deterioration in the protective function of the skin, and sometimes the body.

Pay attention to allergic predisposition or burdened heredity, since in these cases the likelihood of microbial eczema is much higher.


The affected area is usually located on the lower extremities, which is often due to poor blood circulation. The foci of rashes themselves are so large that there may not be areas of healthy skin between them. In the inflamed area of ​​the skin, there are both weeping areas and pustules with serous or purulent contents.

Eczema of this type is also characterized by an abundant amount of purulent crusts that grow. During the disease, severe itching is felt.

Sometimes wetting is not too pronounced. In such cases, large layers of scales form on the surface of the rash. It is very easy to remove them, because under them remains smooth skin no erosive areas.


The diagnosis is usually established already at the time of the first appointment and examination. features play a special role clinical picture disease, namely its course is secondary, i.e. against the background of the main problem (injury, varicose veins, etc.). Laboratory studies are carried out only to establish the causative agent of eczema, which is important for the individual selection of antibiotics. Bacteriological culture can be replaced by scraping for pathogenic fungi, if there is a suspicion that they were the causative agent.

Histological examination is prescribed only if there are difficulties with the diagnosis. For examination, a biopsy specimen is taken from the area of ​​microbial eczema. Its study allows to establish the presence of acanthosis, lymphoid infiltration, spongiosis, edema of the dermis.

Differentiate the disease from other types of eczema, familial pemphigus (benign course), reticulosis, dermatitis, psoriasis.


Therapeutic way

Most importance is given to the treatment of the disease that provoked microbial eczema. Therapy is different, so in this case, recommendations are given only by the doctor individually.

  • For local application use antimycotic and antibacterial agents, as well as agents with antipruritic effect.
  • Moisture is prevented with anti-exudative ointments.
  • Antibacterial agents are good in the treatment of microbial eczema, especially those based on birch tar and naftalan oil. Additionally, they have a drying effect and promote healing.

The selection of ointments should be carried out only by a dermatologist, since some types of products may not be used. For example, if the disease is fungal in nature, then it is forbidden to use antibiotic-based gels.

Physiotherapy is used for the attenuation of an acute process. At this stage, procedures are usually used, such as:

  • ultraviolet,
  • laser therapy,
  • ozone therapy,
  • magnetotherapy.

Compliance with hygiene and a hypoallergenic diet are important stages of therapy and prevention of exacerbation of the disease. You need to try extra to avoid any injuries. Throughout the entire period of treatment, it is better to hide the foci of the disease under antiseptic dressings. Do not expose the skin to rain, frost, snow or sun.

The next section will tell about ointments and other medicines for the treatment of microbial eczema on the hands and feet.

A famous doctor tells about the treatment of eczema:

in a medicinal way

The selection of drugs for the treatment of eczema should be carried out by a doctor. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • sedatives;
  • B vitamins;
  • Diazolin, Suprastin and other desensitizing agents;
  • antihistamines.

If the inflammatory process begins to spread or transform into, to drug therapy connect glucocorticosteroids and strong antibiotics. Read more about the treatment of microbial eczema with folk remedies at home.

Folk methods

Microbial eczema is not completely treated at home, and therefore folk recipes unable to prevent it. Application medications necessarily, they cannot be replaced by any home-made means. It is rational to use them only as an additional component to drug therapy.

  1. Efficient use fish oil as an accompaniment. The duration of this procedure is limited to 3 days.
  2. Allow to remove inflammation applications and lotions based on resorcinol, boric acid.
  3. It is useful to make lotions based on natural antiseptics (for example, chamomile).

Best to limit topical application folk remedies because of the risk of aggravating the situation with inflammation. It will be much more useful to take general tonic decoctions inside, and if the patient has problems with blood circulation, then it is also worth using decoctions aimed at improving work circulatory system.

Disease prevention

Of fundamental importance in therapeutic measures against microbial eczema is timely treatment all those pathologies against which its development occurs.

In the future, it is important to be attentive to your health, monitor the work of the circulatory system and regularly perform physical exercises. Careful hygiene and following the doctor's instructions are important steps in preventive measures.


If you avoid therapy for eczema, then this will gradually lead to the fact that allergic rashes will become permanent. Due to the susceptibility of the body to viruses, there is a risk of infection. Both diseases exacerbate each other so much that even a fatal outcome is possible.

The prognosis that nummular and other types of microbial eczema have is presented below.


In general, the prognosis is considered to be favorable, since microbial eczema is treatable. Difficulties can arise only in the elderly or in those whose body is weakened. In such cases, therapy may be prolonged.

Improper therapy or repeated injury to the area with eczema worsens the prognosis, since the risk of a secondary wave of allergic rashes is higher. Both processes of the disease merge, aggravating weeping, and then spread to healthy skin. At this stage, it flows into the true.

Elena Malysheva will talk about how to treat microbial and other types of eczema:

Microbial eczema is a fairly common variety, as it is diagnosed in 27% of cases among all patients diagnosed with eczema. It differs in that it is not an independent disease, but develops on lesions of the skin that were previously affected by any pathology.

Based on the name, it becomes clear that the main source of the disease is the pathological influence of pathogens, but there are a number of other predisposing factors.

The clinical picture will be somewhat different depending on the form in which the disease proceeds. Most hallmark the appearance of itchy and weeping foci of inflammation appears.

A dermatologist diagnoses and prescribes treatment. To establish the correct diagnosis, data obtained during the physical examination and a wide range of laboratory research.

Treatment of microbial eczema directly depends on the etiological factor, but is often limited to conservative methods.

In the international classification of diseases, such a pathology belongs to the category of other dermatitis, which is why the ICD-10 code will be - L 20-L 30.


In the vast majority of cases, the causative agent of microbial eczema is:

  • beta hemolytic;
  • epidermal or;
  • Proteus and Klebsiella;
  • Neisseria causing or;
  • fungi of the genus Candida.

As background pathological condition, in which there was a violation of the integrity of the skin, may be:

  • poorly healing wounds received during surgery or injuries;
  • lymphostasis;
  • a wide range of sluggish fungal diseases of the skin.

In addition, abrasions and fistulas, as well as other structural skin lesions, can contribute to the formation of the disease.

The pathogenesis of the disease is that the underlying disease leads to a decrease barrier function skin, and the chronic influence of pathogenic agents causes sensitization human body. Against this background, the formation of autoimmune processes occurs, which actually cause such a disease.

Thus, the main risk group is made up of people who:

  • weakened immune system;
  • there are signs of allergic diathesis;
  • there are problems with digestion;
  • increased susceptibility to stressful situations;
  • flow allergic diseases;
  • a violation of the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system was diagnosed, which include the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and ovaries;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene.

All of the above etiological factors are responsible for the development of microbial eczema in children and adults. From this it follows that the pathology has no restrictions regarding gender and age category.


Specialists in the field of dermatology, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties of such a disease:

  • nummular- has a second name - coin-like. It is characterized by the fact that it most often affects the skin of the hands, on which isolated eczematous foci appear, no more than three centimeters in volume. In addition, it is prone to spread and does not respond well to therapy;
  • varicose- is formed due to varicose veins, which means that it is often localized on the lower extremities;
  • paratraumatic;
  • mycotic- a similar variety develops against the background of already existing fungal lesions of the skin, both upper and lower extremities;
  • sycosiform- differs in that the source of this variety is sycosis, which, in turn, is a pustular lesion of the skin. The causative agent is most often Staphylococcus aureus. Favorite sites of injury are the face and hairy part head, armpits and pubis.

Separately, microbial eczema of the nipples is isolated, which occurs as a result of their injury in the process breastfeeding baby. In addition, it is often diagnosed in persons infected with scabies.


Since there are several types of the disease, it is quite natural that each of them has its own clinical manifestations.

Varicose eczema or microbial eczema on the legs is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • moderate skin itching;
  • the presence of clear boundaries of the inflammatory focus;
  • rash polymorphism.

Nummular nummular or plaque eczema is characterized by:

  • the appearance of rounded lesions, the volume of which can vary from one to three centimeters;
  • the presence of clear edges separating healthy skin from the patient;
  • pathological redness;
  • swelling and weeping;
  • the appearance of a layer of serous-purulent crust.

This variety is also known as microbial eczema on the hands, since only this area is involved in the pathology.

Sycosiform eczema or microbial eczema on the face is accompanied by the appearance of foci on the skin, which are complemented by severe skin itching and weeping, i.e., the release of a specific fluid from the wound. The post-traumatic form of the disease has similar Clinical signs, but is localized around wounds, scratches or abrasions.

  • the appearance of foci of inflammation of a bright red color;
  • crack formation;
  • weeping;
  • severe itching;
  • pronounced pain;
  • formation of crusts on the surface of wounds.

It is also advisable to attribute similar signs characteristic of a particular type of disease to the development of microbial eczema in a child.

The chronic form of the course of the disease is characterized by an extensive erosive lesion of the skin, which means that microbial eczema is transformed into a true one.


An integrated approach is needed to establish the cause of microbial eczema. Before prescribing laboratory tests, a dermatologist must independently perform several manipulations:

  • to study the patient's medical history - since such a disease has a pathological basis, this is often enough to establish the most characteristic etiological factor for a particular person;
  • perform a thorough physical examination of the foci of inflammation, which can be localized on the arms and legs, in the armpits and pubic area, on the face or on the scalp;
  • conduct a detailed survey of the patient - this is necessary to determine the first time of appearance and the severity of the infectious process.

Laboratory studies are based on the implementation of:

  • bakposeva discharge or scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin - to identify the pathogen and evaluate its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • scraping for pathogenic fungi;
  • histological examination of the biopsy;
  • general clinical and biochemical analysis blood.

During the diagnosis of microbial eczema in a child and an adult, they do not turn to the implementation of instrumental diagnostic measures.

All of the above diagnostic methods allow not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to differentiate the disease from:

  • others;
  • primary reticulosis of the skin;
  • familial, with a benign course.


The tactics of how to cure microbial eczema is directly dictated by the etiological factor, for example:

  • with fungal skin lesions, local or course treatment of the underlying ailment is carried out;
  • when taking medications, treating skin areas with antibacterial substances and therapeutic ointments is shown;
  • specific elimination of trophic ulcers and sycosis.

Directly in the treatment of microbial eczema, the following drugs are used:

  • antihistamines;
  • desensitizing drugs;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • sedatives;
  • antimicrobial ointments for topical use;
  • astringents and antibacterial drugs;
  • antiseptics.

Among the most effective physiotherapy procedures, it is worth highlighting:

It is also allowed to treat microbial eczema with the help of lotions from decoctions based on:

  • strings and nettles;
  • birch and calendula;
  • hypericum and yarrow.

It should be noted that the elimination of eczema in infants and babies early age carried out by the most gentle methods.

In addition, therapy must necessarily include:

  • hypoallergenic diet for microbial eczema - sparing nutrition is compiled by the attending physician on an individual basis for each patient;
  • careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • a course of taking glucocorticoids - in cases of the transition of the disease to true eczema.

Prevention and prognosis

To prevent the development of bacterial eczema, you must:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • prevent infection of wounds and other structural lesions of the skin;
  • treat on early stages those ailments that lead to the development of eczema on the legs, arms, face and any other localization.

When establishing such a diagnosis, patients are concerned about the problem - is microbial eczema contagious or not? The disease is considered conditionally contagious, since it is possible to become infected with a significant increase in the number of pathogenic microflora and in the presence of one of the predisposing factors.

As for the prognosis of microbial eczema, it is favorable in the vast majority of cases. Long-term and persistent therapy is observed only in debilitated and elderly patients.

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