"Sinupret" (tablets): reviews, instructions for use and analogues. Does sinupret belong to the group of antibacterial drugs Sinupret caused an increase in temperature

Sinupret is a drug that is prescribed for sinusitis - acute and chronic. inflammatory processes in the sinuses. The drug is available in the form of drops and dragees for oral administration (inside). It fights infection, relieves inflammation and swelling. Due to the antimicrobial action of the drug, patients experience: Sinupret is an antibiotic or not.

The composition of the medicine

Sinupret is produced on the basis of vegetable raw materials. Its main components are the various parts medicinal plants(extracts and extracts).

Gentian root is an annual shrub. The root is bitter in taste due to the content of glycosides, which are antispasmodics. The plant is active against infectious pathogens (tuberculosis, plague), neutralizes animal poisons when bitten, and has an antihelminthic effect. Gentian reduces the production of pathological exudate respiratory tract relieves coughing fits.

Gentian root is a natural antiseptic. It not only resists pathogenic microflora, but also promotes the regeneration (recovery) of the epithelium. The plant has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Its powerful tonic effect is displayed throughout the body. The root contains an alkaloid - gentianine. It relieves congestion of the mucous membranes, has antipyretic and soothing properties. Gentian contains phenolcarboxylic acids. They increase the evacuation of mucus from the nasal passages and sinus ducts.

Primrose flowers are a low flowering herb. The composition of the plant includes such substances:

  • manganese salts;
  • carotene (provitamin of group A);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E.

The plant improves the condition of the mucosa, restores the physiological processes inside the cell. Helps to strengthen local immunity. Thanks to ascorbic acid, it enhances the production of interferon - a protein under the action of which the mucosa becomes immune to viruses, acts as an immunomodulator. Vitamin E strengthens membranes and protects cells from the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

Sorrel herb has powerful antibacterial activity. It contains acids, trace elements, vitamins. The plant is characterized by the following properties:

  • anesthetic (pain reliever);
  • detoxification;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • soothing (sedative).

Verbena grass - normalizes metabolic processes in the mucosa, strengthens and tones it. Helps reduce body temperature. Stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria. When applied, it accelerates the healing of erosive changes in the epithelium.

Sinupret, despite its properties, is not an antibiotic. This is a plant, not a chemical preparation, it does not have targeted antibacterial activity.

Benefits of Sinupret over antibiotics

The drug Sinupret due to its herbal basis has some advantages. It has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Sinupret does not lead to such consequences after taking antibiotics:

  • superinfection;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • heavy allergic reactions;
  • infectious-toxic shock.

In addition to therapy, Sinupret is prescribed for the prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. Drops or dragees begin to drink a month before the expected epidemic of respiratory diseases.

medicinal solution drops contains ethanol. When the drug interacts with alcoholic beverages, the patient develops such severe side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • breath holding leading to death.

Therefore, the compatibility of Sinupret and alcohol is impossible. The drug is contraindicated in patients with chronic alcoholism or after anti-alcohol therapy.

Sinupret, unlike antibiotics, does not have a teratogenic effect during pregnancy (toxic effect on the fetus with subsequent developmental anomalies). But the medicine for pregnant women is prescribed with caution and under the supervision of a physician.

Sinupret is compatible with other drugs, including antibiotics. As an independent antibacterial drug, it is not prescribed, but only as part of complex therapy in the treatment of sinusitis.

When taking the medicine inside, patients do not develop addiction, and the solution does not lose its activity against pathogenic microflora.

Features of taking Sinupret

Sinupret is combination drug, which has a moderate antimicrobial effect. It is used as an antiviral, decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent. The drug helps to restore the patency of the upper respiratory tract. Sinupret facilitates the course of the disease and prevents the development of complications.

The main indications are acute and chronic infections sinuses, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous and thick sputum.

The drug is not prescribed for small patients under 2 years of age. As well as people with a history of severe liver disease, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy. Do not take medicine to patients with peptic ulcers, this can provoke its perforation.

Possible side effects when taking Sinupret are limited to gastrointestinal disorders:

  • nausea, aching pain in the stomach;
  • impaired absorption of the mucosa due to fermentation or putrefactive processes;
  • heaviness and bloating due to increased gas formation;
  • single diarrhea immediately after ingestion.

Children may develop an allergic reaction to the drug in the form of skin redness, rashes, itching, peeling and hives. In rare cases, a child may develop shortness of breath of unknown etiology, swelling of the face, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

The course of treatment averages 1-2 weeks. Take the drug three times a day according to the prescribed dose. If after treatment the symptoms of the disease persist or intensify, it is necessary to stop taking Sinupret and consult a doctor. In case of an overdose, some side effects may occur, their treatment is symptomatic.

Sinupret is not an antibiotic, but it has a detrimental effect on bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microflora. The medicine helps immune system stop virus replication (reproduction in the cell nucleus). Thus, the spread of infection throughout the body is stopped.

Sinupret is relatively safe for children and debilitated patients and does not require dose adjustment. How prophylactic, it is effective during the outbreak of the influenza epidemic or SARS in the winter. The drug, if necessary, can be prescribed to pregnant women.

Herbal ingredients contained in this medicine, have a high systemic activity, significantly reduce the swelling of mucosal tissues, regulate secretion, normalize sinus ventilation, activate drainage and eliminate any nature.

Indications for use

Combined herbal preparation, it is rational to use for the treatment of classic ( Rhinitis- syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa), . As an additional therapy, Sinupret can be used in the treatment of frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and any other types of sinusitis, both polyp and purulent-mucous nature.

With a natural base active substances, the medicine is combined with all , antihistamines and even corticosteroids (a subclass of steroid hormone preparations), and a gentle mode of action almost never causes an allergic reaction and side effects.

The composition of the drug

Sinupret contains powders or extracts (depending on the form of release) of primrose flowers, sorrel herb, gentian root, verbena and elderberry flowers - these are the active components of the drug.

The excipients that make up the drug in tablet form include gelatin, starch, stearic acid, sorbitol, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate.

The drop form excipient is 20% ethanol diluted with purified water. Syrup for children contains similar active substances, a lower concentration of alcohol (up to 8 percent), as well as liquid maltitol, sucrose and cherry flavor.

Types of synupret

The drug is available in the form of round dragees with light green shells, drops on a water-alcohol extract in bottles with a dispenser to be taken orally, as well as a sweet syrup for children.

tablet form

The classic tablet form of the drug in the form of a dragee is usually prescribed for adults and ten older than ten years. The medicine should be swallowed without chewing and drinking the necessary amount of water.

The usual Sinupret is prescribed for. As a complex therapy for frontal sinusitis and other sinusitis, it is advisable to use Sinupret Forte: the concentration of active substances in it is much higher, which in turn ensures that a more powerful dose of the drug enters the body while maintaining the frequency of administration, which reduces the manifestation of side effects in the form of, and also reduces the load on the liver and so "processing" a whole group of drugs (antibiotics, corticosteroids, antihistamines).

drip form

Alcohol tincture for internal use is more effective than dragees and enters the blood faster, but it can only be used by adults and children over 10 years old due to the high content of ethanol in the preparation. Thanks to the available dispenser, it is easy to count the number of drops required for taking.

It should be understood that Sinupret nose drops cannot be instilled - the medicine does not have a systemic effect. local action, contains a large amount of alcohol and can only be used orally (taking the medicine through the mouth), where it is quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach / intestines.

Sinupret for children

This dosage form contains much less alcohol compared to drops (up to 8 percent), flavors that are pleasant for the baby, which make it easier to take the medicine, as well as an optimized dosage, calculated specifically for children's age.

Instructions for use

The course of treatment with the drug is designed for a period of seven to fourteen days. If after completing the course the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, then it is necessary to consult with an ENT doctor so that he prescribes a different type of drug or adjusts the dosage

Dragee Sinupret

  1. Adults are prescribed 2 tablets three times a day.
  2. Children from 6 years of age are prescribed one tablet three times a day.

Sinupret drops

  1. Adults are prescribed 50 drops of the drug three times a day.
  2. Children from 10 years of age are recommended to take no more than 25 drops of the medicine three times a day.

Syrup Sinupret

  1. Adults and children over 12 years old - 7 milliliters of syrup 3 times a day.
  2. Children from six to eleven years old - 3.5 milliliters of medicine three times a day.
  3. Children from two to five years old - 2 milliliters of medicine three times a day. For this age group, it is advisable to dilute the syrup in a tablespoon of boiled water before taking the drug.

Side effects

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients. Gastrointestinal disorders with nausea, occasional vomiting and non-systemic heartburn are rarely observed. Isolated cases include allergic reactions that disappear after the abolition of Sinupret.

Overdoses may increase the above side effects, treated symptomatically. Studies have shown that the drug does not interact with most modern drugs used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis, sinusitis, which allows it to be used in any complex therapy


Sinupret is contraindicated in children under two years of age, as well as in patients with intolerance to additional components of the drug.

Pregnant women are advised to use the tablet form of the drug, since the drops and syrup contain alcohol, which adversely affects the future health of the child, be sure to be prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor who can correctly assess the possible risks to the fetus.

With regard to breastfeeding mothers, the necessary studies have not been conducted regarding the negative impact of Sinupret on the health of the child, so you should not take the medicine if your baby consuming the lactation product is under two years old.

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Synupret cost

  1. A package of Sinupret dragees (2 blisters of 25 pieces) in Moscow costs from 250 to 270 rubles.
  2. A bottle of Sinupret drops (100 mil) in the capital costs from 260 to 290 rubles.
  3. A bottle of Sinupret syrup for children (100 ml) in Moscow can be bought for 360-400 rubles.


Sinupret is a combined herbal preparation used to treat various colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough. A popular medication belongs to the group of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents and has a pronounced expectorant and mucolytic effect on the body, helps to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, facilitates sputum discharge and helps the body's immune system to cope with infectious agents.

The drug is produced by the German company Bionorica, which specializes in the manufacture of medicines from plant materials by low-temperature extraction in a vacuum. Thanks to this method useful material from plants are extracted to the maximum extent and are not destroyed, which ensures high pharmacological efficacy and hypoallergenicity of the drug.

Due to these properties, Sinupret is widely used to treat patients of all ages. The high biocompatibility of the drug allows it to be used for the treatment of young children and immunocompromised patients.

Regardless of the dosage form, Sinupret is easily tolerated and does not cause side effects. Safety medicinal product based on plant raw materials allows you to prescribe it to those patients who are contraindicated in drug therapy.

Sinupret - the effect of the drug

The complex action of the plant components that make up Sinupret allows you to eliminate bronchospasm and reduce the viscosity of sputum. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, stimulates and improves immunity.

At colds active substances regulate the formation of tracheobronchial secretion, eliminate nasal congestion, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and restore its protective properties, making it more resistant to the pathological influence of endogenous and exogenous factors.

The use of Sinupret promotes the outflow of mucus and sputum from the upper respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses nose, which speeds up the process of expectoration and makes breathing easier. herbal preparation increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections and enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

The therapeutic effect of Sinupret is complemented by its safety and the absence of side effects. A variety of forms of release make it possible to widely use the drug for the treatment of adults and children. The universal action of Sinupret contributes to the achievement of the following therapeutic effect:

  • Reducing the amount of sputum and mucus and facilitating their removal from the bronchi and trachea
  • Reducing swelling of the mucosa and cleansing the sinuses
  • Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's defenses
  • Gain

The use of Sinupret reduces inflammatory reactions, regulates secretion, restores drainage and ventilation in the paranasal sinuses, which allows you to get rid of a prolonged runny nose and quickly alleviate the patient's condition.

Composition and forms of release

The drug is produced in the form of tablets (pellets) and drops for oral administration. For the smallest patients, Sinupret is produced in the form of a sweet syrup. Depending on the form of release, the medicine contains powder or extracts of medicinal plants: primrose, elderberry, verbena, gentian, sorrel. These active components of the drug provide its therapeutic effect.

Sinupret tablets are round, biconvex dragees coated with a green shell. One dragee contains:

  • Gentian flowers (powder) - 6mg
  • Primrose flowers (powder) - 18 mg
  • Elderflower (powder) - 18mg
  • Sorrel herb (powder) - 18 mg
  • Verbena herb (powder) - 18 mg

Another tablet form of the drug - Sinupret Forte, contains the same herbal ingredients, but in double the amount.

Of the excipients, the composition of the dragee includes: colloidal silicon dioxide, sorbitol, starch, gelatin, stearic acid, lactose monohydrate, etc. The drug is produced in cell contour blisters, each of which contains 25 pieces of dragee. A package with a medication may contain 50 and 100 pieces of dragee.

Sinupret drops for oral administration are released in the form of a clear solution that has a yellow-brown color and pleasant aroma. Slight turbidity of the solution or loss of a small amount of sediment is allowed. To prepare 100 g of a water-alcohol extract, use:

  • Gentian (root) - 200mg
  • Primrose (flowers) - 600mg
  • Sorrel (herb) - 600 mg
  • Elderberry (flowers) - 600 mg
  • Verbena (herb) 600 mg

Of the excipients, ethanol and purified water are present. Sinupret drops are produced in dark glass bottles equipped with a dosing drip device. The bottle with the solution is placed in a cardboard box.

Sinupret for children in the form of a syrup contains much less alcohol (ethanol) and pleasant flavors that make it easier for kids to take the medicine. The syrup is a viscous light brown sweet liquid with a cherry flavor. 100 ml syrup contains:

  • Genician root (extract) - 70mg
  • Primrose flowers (extract) - 200 mg
  • Elderflower (extract) - 200 mg
  • Sorrel leaf (extract) -200mg
  • Verbena leaves (extract) -200 mg

The excipients are ethanol (8%), distilled water, cherry flavor, maltitol. The syrup is produced in dark glass bottles with a volume of 100 ml, with a drip dispenser, packed in cardboard boxes. Once opened, the vial can be used within 6 months.


Sinupret is used to treat acute and chronic sinusitis, the course of which is accompanied by the formation of a viscous secret. The drug is widely used for sinusitis and frontal sinusitis of a polyp and purulent-mucosal nature, allergic rhinitis and rhinitis of any origin.

Natural vegetable base medication allows you to combine it with antibacterial drugs, antihistamines and corticosteroids. soft action the drug does not provoke allergic reactions and contributes to the rapid relief of the condition with infectious lesions of the respiratory tract. As part of complex treatment the drug is used in the treatment of tracheobronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Instructions for use

Sinupret dragees and drops are usually prescribed for adults and children over 10 years old. . Instructions for use Sinupret recommends taking 2 tablets or 50 drops of the drug three times a day. The dragee is swallowed whole, without biting and washing down with a small amount of liquid. Drops are measured with the attached dispenser and drunk undiluted. For children, drops can be added to tea or juice for relief.

Children aged 6 to 16 years can take 1 tablet or 25 drops of the solution three times a day. Small patients aged 2 to 6 years are prescribed 15 drops of the drug 3 times a day. When using Sinupret drops therapeutic effect achieved faster, but this form of the drug has a high content of ethanol (alcohol), so it can only be used for adults and older children.

Sinupret Forte tablets have a prolonged action and a high content of active active ingredients, which allows you to reduce the number of doses without reducing the therapeutic effect of the drug. The required dose and frequency of use will be determined by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the symptoms and the patient's condition.

Sinupret for children

For the treatment of children aged 2 to 10 years, doctors prescribe Sinupret in the form of a sweet syrup. This form of the drug is convenient to use, the attached dispenser makes it easy to measure the required amount of the drug, and the syrup itself has a pleasant taste and the kids drink it with pleasure.

For children from 2 to 5 years, a single dose of the drug is 2 ml, it should be taken three times a day. Children from 6 to 11 years of age are prescribed 3.5 ml of syrup three times a day. The syrup can be used to treat older children and adult patients, for them the dosage of the drug will be 7 ml three times a day.

Before using the drug in the form of drops and syrup, it is recommended to shake the bottle with the medicine. To make it easier for young children to take syrup, doctors advise diluting a single dose in one tablespoon of liquid.

The course of treatment with Sinupret is designed for a period of 7 to 14 days. The doctor should choose the optimal dose and treatment regimen on an individual basis. If after the end of the course of drug therapy, dysfunctional symptoms do not disappear, it is necessary to consult with ENT doctor and adjust the course of treatment.

During pregnancy

Sinupret during pregnancy can be used as prescribed by a doctor. During this period, it is recommended to take the drug in the form of a dragee, since drops and syrup contain ethanol (alcohol) in their composition.

If allergic reactions or abdominal pain occur while taking the drug, the drug should be stopped immediately and the doctor should be informed about adverse reactions. During breastfeeding it is not recommended to use the drug, due to the lack of data on its effect on the baby's body.


Sinupret has a minimum number of contraindications. It should not be taken in the following cases:

  • In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
  • Children's age up to 2 years (for drops)
  • For children under 6 years of age, the drug is not prescribed in the form of a dragee.

The drug in the form of drops is contraindicated for the treatment of people suffering from alcoholism or who have undergone anti-alcohol treatment, as the drug contains ethanol in high doses. In addition, the drug in a drop form is not recommended for use in patients with liver pathologies, brain diseases and epilepsy.

Sinupren in the form of tablets or dragees should not be administered to patients with intolerance to glucose, galactose, impaired absorption or lactase deficiency.

Side effects

Adverse reactions on the use of Sinupret develop extremely rarely. In some cases, there are gastrointestinal disorders in the form of nausea, heartburn, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

In patients with hypersensitivity Allergic reactions may occur to the components of the drug: redness skin, rashes, itching. Adverse reactions usually disappear quickly after discontinuation of the drug.

In severe cases, shortness of breath and angioedema may develop, such conditions require emergency medical care.


Sinupret - a drug with a unique composition plant origin, therefore, it has no structural analogues containing the same active ingredients. close pharmacological action has homeopathic remedy ATMA, produced in the form of drops and has a mucolytic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, in homeopathy there are a number of preparations containing some of the components present in Sinupret. It:

  1. Phytoflox,
  2. Agri,

However, their therapeutic effect may differ significantly from the original, so it is not recommended to replace Sinupret on your own without consulting a doctor.

Average prices for dispensing a drug from a pharmacy chain:

  • Sinupret drops (100 ml) - from 310 to 350 rubles
  • Dragee Sinupret (50 pieces) - from 320 to 360 rubles
  • Sinupret syrup (100 ml) - from 380 to 400 rubles
special instructions

It is permissible and advisable to use Sinupret in combination with antibacterial drugs, as it enhances the action of antibiotics. When combined with other drugs, no negative reactions were detected.

During the period of treatment with Sinupret, it is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages and use the drug in drops in patients treated for alcohol dependence.

The high efficiency of the drug, its safety and mildness of action is confirmed by numerous positive feedback. Among the important advantages of the drug are ease of use and variety. dosage forms, which allows the successful use of Sinupret for the treatment of young children.

A cold is more than just the danger of having a stuffy nose for days. If it is not cured in time, then there is a risk of the cold developing into more complex forms of the disease. One of them is sinusitis. Inflammation of the maxillary airway sinuses is a natural result of an untreated cold, SARS, stuffy nose and sore throat. There are people who suffer from sinusitis year-round. But most often this disease comes upon us when the season of changing autumn to winter is on the street.

Sinusitis should not just be “healed” and get rid of its symptoms. So that the sore does not return again, it is necessary to act on your nasal mucous membranes constantly and with a proven remedy. Such as the German drug Sinupret.

The effect of the drug Sinupret and Sinupret Forte

Sinupret has gained popularity among patients with colds and sinusitis due to its effectiveness in combating stuffy nose, swelling of mucous membranes and removing stagnant sputum from our body. It has a natural composition, so it can be used by children and pregnant women. Affordable price and different forms of release complement the advantages of Sinupret.

Read how to treat signs of sinusitis in adults at home.

The composition of the drug includes the following natural extracts:

  • Verbena grass.
  • Primrose.
  • Elder.
  • Sorrel.
  • Gentian root.

These plants have a powerful antiviral, immunomodulatory, disinfectant and liquefying effect. Sorrel extract relieves mucosal edema, as a result of which the nose breathes better. Gentian root removes phlegm due to its secretolytic and mucological properties. Verbena grass kills harmful microflora and viral infections.

All otolaryngologists unanimously speak about the safety of using Sinupret. The natural composition and perfectly matched proportions of active ingredients made it safe for normal microflora intestines. Unlike antibiotics, after a course of treatment with Sinupret, it is not necessary to restore damaged body functions.

Therefore, Sinupret can be used for allergy sufferers, young children, pregnant and lactating women and other people with individual characteristics, which are always taken into account when prescribing the treatment of sinusitis. However, Sinupret is often prescribed in conjunction with antibiotics. What antibiotics can be taken for sinusitis you will find out.

The mechanism of action of Sinupret on the maxillary sinuses is manifested in the thinning of mucus. After a week or two of taking the drug, sputum and mucus no longer linger in the nose and throat. Purulent swelling disappears, the body itself begins to fight with accumulated mucus. The antiviral effect of Sinupret prevents harmful microorganisms from gaining a foothold in the sinuses. And immunomodulating functions provide the body with everything necessary for an independent victory over the disease.

The symptoms of sinusitis in a child of 2 years old can be found.

Release form

Sinupret is available in several forms. These are drops, syrup, dragees and tablets. Let's describe each of these types from the standpoint of maximum effectiveness for people with different forms sinusitis, different ages and with their own characteristics.

  • Tablets The most common form of release of Sinupret. Designed for adults. It has all the above actions due to the fact that the active enzymes of the drug dissolve in small intestine and from there are transmitted to the maxillary sinuses. There are regular and enhanced tablets - Sinupret Forte. In the photo - Sinupret tablets for sinusitis:
  • Dragee. The same tablets, but coated with a special shell. This is done so that the substance enters the intestines without loss in the stomach and esophagus. They do not need to be chewed, but only swallowed.
  • Drops. The alcohol solution of Sinupret is more convenient for some people than tablets. Ethanol helps plant extracts get into our body in the shortest possible time.
  • Syrup. For preschool children and toddlers, there is Sinupret syrup. It does not contain alcohol and is safe for children. Otherwise, everything is the same in it, as in other forms of this natural preparation. The syrup has a pleasant cherry flavor.

How to take: instruction

The greatest care should be taken when taking Sinupret by children from 2 to 5 years. They are given a teaspoon of syrup 3 times a day. Or you can replace the syrup with 15 drops of Sinupret. But remember that they contain alcohol ethanol. Therefore, it is better for young children to still opt for syrup.

Children from 6 to 12 years old can be given tablets or dragees. One 3 times a day. The entire course of treatment does not exceed two weeks. The sooner the course of using Sinupret is started, the sooner you can feel the symptoms of recovery.

Adults and children over 12 years of age can take Sinupret two tablets or 50 drops three times a day. Such a course is quite enough for sinusitis to move from an active to a fading stage. And then the body itself copes with it on its own.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of Sinupret during pregnancy and lactation. With sinusitis in a future mother, it is better to opt for tablets or dragees, since the drops contain alcohol.

For those who find it difficult to be treated with antibiotics and strong medications, Sinupret is the only right solution.

The price of the drug for sinusitis: drops, dragees, tablets, syrup

  • Packaging Sinupret dragee 50 pcs. - 350 rubles.
  • Tablets - 250-350 rubles.
  • Sinupret drops 100 ml. - 390 rubles.
  • Syrup for children - 400 rubles.

The advantages of the drug are gentle disposal of mucus, increased body resistance, selective effect on irritants and complete safety even for children.

Most often, complete relief from the symptoms of sinusitis occurs after 7-15 days of taking Sinupret. maybe combined application with other medications for cleaning maxillary sinuses from pus and mucus.

In the new year 2008, another anniversary awaits us: the German company Bionorica AG and its first drug SINUPRET ® are celebrating 75 years old!

It was 75 years ago that Josef Popp collected, carefully studied and systematized the data available at that time on the therapeutic properties of medicinal plants and, as a result of painstaking selection of their active ingredients, obtained new drug containing extracts from verbena and sorrel herbs, elder flowers and primrose, gentian root.

Josef Popp could hardly have imagined then that a drug invented in such a combination would become not only a bestseller, but also the start of the career of one of the leading in Europe, as well as the most dynamically developing pharmaceutical company engaged in the production of innovative drugs, a leader in the field of their research and development, as well as the ancestor of a whole family of highly effective herbal preparations with a wide range of clinical applications used to treat respiratory diseases, inflammatory diseases kidneys and urinary tract, dysfunction reproductive system in women, pathologies of the digestive tract, rheumatic inflammation, joint diseases.

What is the reason for such success not only of SINUPRET ® , but also of Bionorica AG?

It is not difficult to answer this question. The reason for this is the originality and relevance of drugs, including SINUPRETA ® , which are based on technology phytoneering. This term, which defines the main course of the company, appeared in 2000. Its essence is in deciphering the mechanisms of action active components vegetable raw materials using the latest technologies and modern scientific methods (engineering). Thanks to phytoneering, research results are embodied in the manufacture of highly effective medicines. High technologies and strict control accompany plants along the entire path of their transformation into medicines: from the selection of seeds of medicinal plants of our own production, their sowing, harvesting, right conditions drying and storage - and ending with production conditions. This technology minimizes side effects phytopreparations.

In addition, the phytoneering concept developed by Bionorica AG is based on the production of a finished standardized product with quality control at all stages (according to GMP standards), as well as on the use of the principles evidence-based medicine to study the effectiveness and safety of drugs, which allows you to get a predictable result of treatment with Bionorica AG drugs.

The relevance of the preparations of the Bionorica AG company lies in the need for widespread use of drugs of natural origin in the treatment of diseases, since cases of occurrence of side effects caused by taking, including uncontrolled and irrational, synthetic drugs. Therefore, the popularity of herbal medicines is growing all over the world.

However, the drug SINUPRET ® was remembered not because the anniversary of Bionorica AG is on the verge, but rather because it is wet, cold and windy with slush outside.

It is in such weather that our health begins to suffer: chronic diseases, immunity decreases, a banal runny nose begins, illiterate treatment of which can lead to side effects with the development of complications (sinusitis (sinusitis)). Usually all this ends with a visit to the ENT, a hospital and a “puncture” ...

However, to avoid surgical intervention, unpleasant procedures and prescription a large number antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs will allow therapy with SINUPRET ® .

Combination of phytoextracts at the first symptoms of runny nose and nasal congestion in the preparation SINUPRET ® provides a secretolytic and anti-inflammatory effect from the inside, as a result of which stuffy paranasal sinuses open, viscous mucous secretions are liquefied, the severity of inflammation symptoms and tissue swelling decrease, drainage and ventilation of the paranasal sinuses are restored, and the protective function of the respiratory tract epithelium is normalized.

The patient has the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief!

In addition, SINUPRET ® activates the body's defenses and helps to quickly cope with infectious agents, acts on the etiological factors of rhinosinusitis - bacteria and viruses.

Moreover, this drug has other properties that distinguish it from other medicines, because SINUPRET ®:

  • dispensed without a doctor's prescription;
  • overdose is impossible;
  • easy to use in adults;
  • safe for children aged 2 years and older;
  • has a comfortable and precise dosage(available in the form of dragees and drops);
  • can be used in pregnant and lactating women;
  • potentiates action antibacterial drugs;
  • can be prescribed as part of complex therapy;
  • herbal medicines are popular today. o

SINUPRET ® in questions and answers

Very often, the first-timer has to answer the same type of questions about the use of medicines. We have analyzed the most frequently asked questions regarding SINUPRET ® :

When and how is the best time to take SINUPRET ® ?

It is best to use the drug 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening 15 minutes before meals. SINUPRET ® in the form of a dragee is easy to swallow with a little water. SINUPRET ® drops for adults should be taken undiluted, children can add them to juice or tea.

During storage of SINUPRETA ® a precipitate formed. Is the drug suitable?

Since it consists of plant components, turbidity or precipitation is possible during storage, which does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Remember to advise patients to shake the vial before use!

How long should I take SINUPRET ® ?

SINUPRET ® can be taken for a long period of time. If the symptoms persist for more than 7-14 days, if the condition worsens or if the disease recurs, advise the patient to consult a doctor.

When should I start taking SINUPRET ® ?

Immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, for example, irritation in the nose, sneezing, nasal congestion. The antiviral properties of SINUPRET ® help the immune system fight pathogens, thereby reducing the risk of common cold in sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). And thanks to the anti-inflammatory, secretolytic action of the drug SINUPRET ®, the severity of symptoms of inflammation, swelling of tissues decreases, drainage and ventilation of the paranasal sinuses is restored, and the protective function of the respiratory tract epithelium is normalized.

What to do if a bacterial infection is already in full swing and the doctor has prescribed antibiotics?

SINUPRET ® supports the action of such medicines (has an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to dissolve the secretion). Allocations are easier to depart, the severity of mucosal edema decreases, ventilation of the paranasal sinuses improves. All this contributes to a speedy recovery.

Can the drug be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Harmful effects of SINUPRET ® during such periods were not noted. But you should start taking the drug after consulting with your doctor.

Valery Yudin