A side effect of the measles rubella vaccine. Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps - a guarantee of health? When should children not be vaccinated?

In order to develop immunity in a child to certain infectious and viral diseases, to prepare him for possible infection, vaccination is considered mandatory all over the world. Its purpose is to prevent infection or make the course of the disease easier, to prepare the body for a meeting with a particular infection.

To do this, an antigenic material is introduced into the child's body, which is used as:

  • weakened but live microbes;
  • inactivated (killed) microbes;
  • purified materials of microorganisms;
  • synthetic components.

According to the calendar officially approved by the decree, vaccination against:

  • poliomyelitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough and measles;
  • mumps (mumps);
  • tetanus and hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis.

There are any violations in the state of health of the child, in which the normal formation of immunity without causing harm to health is impossible. But the reaction to the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine has a double standard.

Reaction to vaccinations

The reaction to vaccinations is characterized by a condition that has arisen during the day and is prescribed in the instructions for the drug. Frequent side effects are considered normal and do not require treatment. Usually it is up to 38-39 degrees or local reactions (hematomas, abscesses, etc.). Severe conditions after vaccination, such as convulsions, high (39-40 ° C) temperature, as well as anaphylactic shock require medical attention.

The reaction to the measles, rubella, mumps vaccination, according to official data, is very poor. Only general characteristics, which should not particularly scare parents. These are short term symptoms:

The reaction to hepatitis vaccination is interpreted well, quite “harmlessly”, as low-reactogenic, and manifests itself:

  • a small local reaction (within two days);
  • short-term rise in temperature.

Meanwhile, according to numerous studies (not Western, but our virologists), many dangerous "pitfalls" have been discovered. The vaccine itself and the response to the measles, rubella, mumps vaccine have been described as a "triple blow to the next generation."

Let's consider this in more detail.


Measles is a disease accompanied by a high temperature (3-4 days), with a profuse rash and photophobia. Does not require special treatment. Rest and frequent drinking will cure the child in a week.

The need for vaccination is due to the fact that it is considered as a measure to prevent the occurrence of measles encephalitis, which can occur in one case in a thousand. At risk are children living in poverty and starving. In civilized countries, encephalitis develops in 1 out of 100,000 cases. But in these same countries, the use of the vaccine causes encephalopathy with complications such as:

  • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis - causes fatal brain damage;
  • impaired muscle coordination;
  • mental retardation;
  • paralysis of half of the body and

In addition, with secondary complications associated with the vaccine, the following may occur:

Some components that are present in all, including measles, hide in human tissues for many years and, when manifested, can cause cancer.

By the way, according to studies (according to WHO), more than half of the children with measles were vaccinated.


It also manifests itself as a runny nose, only indicates the presence this disease rather than the common cold. No treatment is required, only plenty of fluids and rest.

Vaccination is due to the possibility of developing pathologies in the fetus when a pregnant woman is infected in the first trimester.

Vaccination is well-intentioned, but its effect is completely inadequate. A reaction to a vaccine can cause:

  • arthritis and arthralgia (joint pain);
  • polyneuritis (pain or numbness of peripheral nerves)

As you can see, the reaction to the measles, rubella vaccine is not as harmless as noted in the instructions.

Mumps (mumps)

Viral disease common in childhood, relatively harmless. Manifested by swelling salivary glands which disappears within a week. Does not require special treatment. Enough bed rest and soft food. Vaccination, according to experts, provides lifelong immunity.

The basis for vaccination is the development in unvaccinated children who fell ill in adolescence or adulthood, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), which can cause infertility. Although most often with orchitis one testicle is affected, and the second can successfully produce sperm to maintain the demographic situation in the country. But the reaction to the vaccine is replete with side effects:

  • defeat nervous system- fibrous convulsions;
  • allergic reaction - itching, rash, bruising.

The reaction to the “measles, rubella, mumps” vaccination is quite eloquent and gives parents every reason to have the right to independently decide the question “to be or not to be vaccinated”. Moreover, there is a law - "on the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases", which gives parents the legal right to choose.

There are diseases that occur mainly in childhood, they are called childhood infections. Measles, rubella, and mumps are among these diseases, but they are not commonly seen these days. The viruses that cause these diseases have been practically ousted from children's groups with the help of vaccination.

But if an unvaccinated child still meets the causative agent of measles, then the risk of infection reaches 95%, for the rubella virus this indicator is 98%, and for mumps - 40%. These diseases are dangerous with the appearance of severe complications. Exposure to these infections can adversely affect performance internal organs baby, lead to serious diseases and infertility.

Pediatrician, neonatologist

At a high temperature, which is hard to go astray, convulsions may occur. This complication is typical for children prone to convulsions, in whom such a complication has manifested itself earlier. Doctors recommend the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen at the first manifestations of hyperthermia.

4) Damage to the nervous system.

Several cases of diseases of the nervous system after vaccination have been described, but their prevalence is very low. MMR vaccination prevents complications after the disease. It turns out that the vaccine prevents damage to the brain and its membranes.

Blood disease, manifested by a decrease in platelets, is considered a complication of the rubella vaccine. There are both serious forms of the disease, and spontaneous cure of thrombocytopenia. The disease manifests itself very rarely and is associated with the characteristics of the body of the vaccinated person.

No wonder parents have so many doubts about vaccination. After all, for every mother and father, the health of the baby is the most important thing in the world. We have collected the most common questions parents have about MMR vaccination.

Can the MMR vaccine be given on the same day as other vaccines?

This vaccine can be used with other childhood vaccinations. The only exception is the live BCG vaccine. Other vaccines may be given on the same day as the MMR vaccine. The only condition is that vaccinations are made in different parts of the body. It is strictly forbidden to mix the MMR vaccine in the same syringe with other vaccines.

Is it true that the MMR vaccine can be given at the same time as the chickenpox vaccine?

Indeed, these two vaccines are perfectly combined. In developed countries, there is a four-component vaccine that combines the properties of MMR and protection against chickenpox. The vaccine is safe and provides protection against four diseases.

If MMR vaccine was administered out of schedule, when can other vaccinations be given?

The MMR vaccine is a live vaccine that contains live, attenuated viruses from three diseases. According to international recommendations, at least a month should elapse between vaccination with two live vaccines. In the event that any inactivated MMR vaccine is administered after the MMR vaccine, the interval does not matter.

Is it possible to get the MMR vaccine if all doses of DTP have not yet been given?

It happens that the child's vaccination schedule is violated and in the year the baby did not have time to receive the vaccination in full or did not receive vaccinations at all. If there are no contraindications to the introduction of the PDA, then the baby can be vaccinated in the near future. The order of administration of vaccines in this case does not matter.

Is it possible to combine MMR vaccination and Mantoux test?

The Mantoux test is not a vaccination, but a diagnostic test. If the sample coincides with the vaccination period according to the calendar, then you should wait for the test results and you can get vaccinated. If the test is scheduled after immunization, then you will have to wait at least a month after vaccination.

If the baby has contraindications, then he will never receive the MMR vaccine?

Not all contraindications are a ban on vaccination. There are diseases in which vaccination is delayed for a while. These include acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, for example, diseases of the ear or throat. After normalization of the child's condition, immunization is possible.

Can I get vaccinated against measles, rubella and mumps when I have a cold?

With ARVI, which occurs with severe hyperthermia, vaccination should be abandoned in order to prevent Negative consequences vaccination. If a cold is manifested by a slight rhinitis, you can vaccinate a baby.

Should I go for a walk after getting the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine?

It all depends on how the baby feels. If the child is feeling well, then a short walk will not hurt. Especially if immunization falls on the warm season.

Why is one MMR vaccination not enough?

For guaranteed protection against diseases, it is necessary to re-vaccinate. Some children vaccinated once do not develop immunity from diseases. Re-vaccination guarantees all vaccinated children the development of stable immunity.

Why were ages 1 and 6 chosen for vaccination?

The ideal age for vaccinating a baby is not chosen by chance. The first vaccination is given at a time when maternal protection against measles is weakening. Children receive antibodies during pregnancy, but if the mother did not have measles and was not vaccinated, immunity to the baby may not be transmitted at all.

The second vaccination is given before the child enters school. This is a time of high intellectual and mental tension. The child is faced with new people, new problems, a lot of viruses. The circulation of viruses in the collectives is huge, and the increased load negatively affects the immunity of the child.

The baby must be protected from dangerous diseases in time.

What if the child met with a measles patient?

Even if the baby has been in contact with an infected person, this does not mean that re-vaccination will be required. Vaccinations are subject to those who have not been vaccinated and those who have had one vaccination. If there is no information about the vaccination, then the person must be vaccinated.

Why vaccinate children against diseases that are practically non-existent?

Vaccination has become overgrown with myths, many mothers and fathers are afraid of the harmful artificial substances that are included in the vaccine, and consider vaccinations to be dangerous. In addition, recently there are more and more refusals of vaccinations, but the children remain perfectly healthy.

Oddly enough, unvaccinated children owe their health to vaccinated children. Vaccinated babies do not tolerate dangerous diseases, it is impossible to get infected by contact with them infectious diseases. But this effect persists if the vaccination rate exceeds 95%. If the number of unvaccinated children continues to rise, outbreaks of serious diseases are inevitable.


In our time, vaccination is very widespread, children are massively vaccinated in children's groups. Doctors recommend that almost all children be vaccinated, with the exception of some contraindications. The final choice of whether to vaccinate the baby is still made by the parents. This decision affects the life of the child, his future. Every parent should understand why vaccination is needed and what risks an unvaccinated child is exposed to.

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Graduated from Luhansk State medical University in the specialty "Pediatrics" in 2010, she graduated from the internship in the specialty "Neonatology" in 2017, in 2017 she was awarded the 2nd category in the specialty "Neonatology". I work in the Lugansk Republican perinatal center, earlier - the department for newborns of the Rovenkovsky maternity hospital. I specialize in nursing premature babies.

destruction of the gene pool: global defaults


Let's continue our acquaintance with the products of the Pasteur Institute.

In more than a century, this brainchild of a French adventurer has grown into a gigantic financial empire and tilted branches in all parts of the world. Of the vaccines currently in use in Russia, at least two-thirds are made by the Pasteur-Merier laboratory.

In past issues, we have given several examples of the harm that vaccination can cause to individuals and entire nations. Examples of this kind are carefully hidden from the population of the Russian Federation and for the time being were hiding in the West. But when the most dangerous diseases, previously exterminated to zero in a particular country, appear en masse after mass vaccination, it is difficult to hide it.


40 years ago there was a chance to turn off the dead end path that practical medicine has been going on since the 19th century, from the time of Pasteur's famous experiment with sheep (falsified, as we remember) and to put an end to the consequences of a protracted adventure.

We have already mentioned that in 1960, American researchers found in the kidneys of green monkeys and rhesus monkeys, from which the polio vaccine is made, the simian virus SV40, which was then found in the blood of vaccinated people. AT next years it was found that a foreign virus, harmless to monkeys, provokes cancer in humans. What followed was a cascade of discoveries. In 1962, the United States discovered the same virus in chicken embryos (material for vaccines against measles and yellow fever), which provokes leukemia in humans. In the same year, the scientists of the Department social medicine(Great Britain) and the American Public Health Service studied huge layers of official statistics in 1952-53 and revealed a sharp jump in mortality from leukemia in children aged 2 to 4 years in all highly developed countries. Is it necessary to say that it was precisely this group that was vaccinated without exception in the indicated years? In 1963, another carcinogenic (cancer-causing) virus was discovered by the Americans in the kidneys of dogs - another source of the measles vaccine. And in 1981, already in Germany, the notorious SV40 was detected in brain tumors in vaccinated people, and in 25 percent of cases both the natural monkey virus and its new form, which originated from the natural ...

In general, after numerous discoveries of this kind, the scientific community (and primarily from the Pasteur Institute) faced a choice: silently continue, turning a blind eye to all, earn money on the crazy idea of ​​the adventurer Pasteur, or turn off the shop and repent. But the third way was chosen. In an effort to maintain momentum and profits, an idea was brought under the business even more absurd than that of Pasteur: what if you populate human body not viruses, but only their shells, the body will "remember" their shape and will continue to produce antibodies that have a "memory" for it. Of course, there was no convincing evidence for this, but in general, the scientific world breathed a sigh of relief, because everyone understood that there was no benefit from these protein films, but at least there was no harm either. Hopes turned out to be in vain, because pretty soon a lot of data was obtained that the body not only acquires a new one, but loses its own "memory", becoming vulnerable to infections, which it successfully coped with before vaccination ...

And yet another unpleasant phenomenon was brought to life by the countless vaccinations of both species that the human race underwent in the 20th century: the diverse mutations of animal and human viruses mixed in an unpredictable way, giving rise to diverse, never seen before forms of diseases. Today, everyone is tensed in anticipation of the next variety of "bird flu" with the ability to be transmitted from person to person (as they recently tensed about "SARS"). But back in 1966, a vivid example of adenovirus 7 (influenza virus) was described, which, together with SV40, forms a hybrid containing the genetic material of the first and the shell of the second, that is, it has pronounced oncological properties. And in the late 1990s, a huge scandal erupted in the United States when an influenza vaccine contaminated with SV40 was injected into tens of thousands of American soldiers, after which the government had to urgently withdraw huge quantities of this and other contaminated "shell" vaccines from sale and sue the test subjects. and their relatives.

And now we will continue to get acquainted with the information about the vaccines used in our country, which was hidden from the population of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Trivaccine as a triple blow to the next generations

A few years will pass - and most countries of the world will finally get rid of a century and a half obsession called "vaccination". In the Scandinavian and some Asian countries, the "discovery" of the fraudster Pasteur is actually withdrawn from the arsenal of health care today. In the United States, the process of refusal of pharmaceutical companies from the production of vaccines is gaining momentum, and those who still produce them are in a state of continuous litigation with the parents of dead and maimed children, therefore they are forced to endlessly expand the lists of contraindications for their products. And only on "one-sixth", in the former Soviet Union, time goes back. There are more and more vaccines. Attitude towards parents-refuseniks is getting stricter.

According to the law, vaccination in Russia is a voluntary matter, but in real life, today a child will not be allowed into any kindergarten without the required set of vaccinations. At the same time, the incidence of all those diseases against which the younger generation is vaccinated is growing significantly both in kindergartens and schools.

What to do? There is only one thing: enlightenment. We continue the story of the most massive, mandatory, inevitable vaccinations.


(rubella, measles, mumps)

In the Russian Federation, this vaccine against three diseases is mandatory given to children upon reaching 12 months, then repeated every 9 years. In addition, convincingly insist on vaccination against each disease separately.

Parents, of course, have no opportunity to refuse vaccinations. To the most harmful, who have heard something about the futility of vaccination, the dangers of vaccinations and their legal right to refuse, health workers tell legends about the dangers.

Parotitis (colloquially piggy ), according to health workers, is dangerous for boys. If they are not vaccinated in childhood, then after infection in adulthood they will become infertile.

People not vaccinated with virusesmeasles, according to legend, are at risk of complications in the form of encephalitis and expose themselves to a 10 percent chance of death if infected.

Rubellamost dangerous during pregnancy, because - to quote the "educational" literature for parents - "almost always leads to the birth of a child with defects and deformities (deafness, heart defects, mental retardation)".

What is true here and what is false? Let's consider each disease in turn.

* Epidemic parotitis (mumps)

Piggy comparatively harmless viral disease quite common in childhood. With this disease, one or both salivary glands, located in front of and below the ears, swell. Swellingbegins in 2-3 days and disappears on the 6-7th day of illness. Sometimes one gland may be affected first, and after 10-12 days second. Mumps does not require treatment. It is enough to keep the child in bed for 2-3 and feed soft food. The disease goes away on its own. With any variant of mumps, lifelong immunity is developed.

Pediatricians defend the vaccine, arguing that while mumps is not a serious childhood disease, children without immunity can get it as adults, and then they can develop an inflammation of the testicles - orchitis, which sometimes causes infertility.

In fact, orchitis very rarely leads to infertility, but even when it does, it is limited to one testicle, while the ability of the second testicle to produce sperm can double the world's population. And that is not all. No one knows if the immunity induced by the mumps vaccine actually continues into adulthood. There is no evidence for this (as, indeed, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of any vaccinations), but evidence of very severe side effects this vaccination is available: allergic reactions in the form of a rash, itching and bruising, symptoms of damage to the central nervous system in the form of febrile seizures, unilateral sensory deafness and encephalitis. True, the risk of the most severe consequences is small, but real. In contrast to the thrice invented risk of infertility.

* Measles

Measles is more severe than mumps, accompanied by a rash, photophobia, a high temperature and a headache can last 3-4 days. No treatment is required, except for rest and a large number liquids. Windows should be covered if your eyes hurt. The disease disappears in a week, the rash and fever - in 3-4 days.

Health officials insist that the vaccine is necessary to prevent measles encephalitis, which can occur in one in 1,000 cases. This is true, but only for Sudan and Bangladesh, that is, for countries whose population lives in poverty and whose children are starving. And, for example, in the USA, measles develops into encephalitis in 1 case out of 100,000. But much more often in the same States, the use of measles vaccine leads to encephalopathy withcomplications, such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which causes irreversible, fatal brain damage. Other (sometimes fatal) complications associated with measles vaccine include ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle activity), mental retardation, aseptic meningitis, convulsions, and hemiparesis (paralysis on one side of the body). The secondary complications associated with the vaccine can be even more frightening. They include encephalitis, juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis. In addition, individual components found in all "live" vaccines, including measles,can hide in human tissues for years, and later become the cause the appearance of cancer.

The history of the measles vaccine in the United States is full of fog, which the medical community managed to dispel only in the 1990s. Statistics were published showing that measles had been eradicated long before the introduction of the vaccine in 1963. In particular, measles deaths decreased from 13.3 cases per 100,000 people in 1900 to 0.03 cases by 1956. According to a study carried out in modern times in 30 states, more than half of the children with measles were properly vaccinated. Moreover, according to the WHO, the chances of getting measles are about 15 times higher in children vaccinated against measles. In other words, the vaccine does not prevent measles, but promotes it.

The last mass measles epidemic was a pandemic in California in the mid-1990s, which occurred, as usual, immediately after the introduction of a new version of the measles vaccine in that state. Comrade Schwarzenegger's predecessor ordered that all children over the age of 6 months be vaccinated. The public objected. The pharmaceutical and bureaucratic mafia insisted. Doctors began to vaccinate every child that fell into their hands, while taking advantage of their official position, they did not vaccinate their own children. There was a scandal that revealed, as usual, both the "double standards" of modern society, and the corrupt essence of modern medicine, dependent on the state and pharmacomafia. But this is already a matter of politics, and for science, the issue of the measles vaccine has long been resolved. Not for a vaccine.

* Rubella

Rubella is a harmless childhood disease that does not require medical attention. The temperature rises, a runny nose appears, and only a rash on the face and body, disappearing after 2-3 days, makes it clear that we are talking about another disease, and not about the common cold. The patient needs to rest and drink, no other treatment is required.

By forcing them to be vaccinated, health workers do not scare them with a disease, but with the possibility of harming the fetus if a woman becomes infected in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The vaccine, designed, according to the mafia, to protect children from a harmless disease, turns into completely inadequate side effects:arthritis, arthralgia (joint pain), polyneuritis, manifested by pain or numbness in peripheral nerves. Most often, the symptoms are temporary, but can last for months, and appear no earlier than two months after vaccination. Because of this, parents may not associate the symptoms that appear with the vaccine.

The biggest danger of the rubella vaccine is that it can leave mothers-to-be without natural immunity to the disease. Vaccination not only does not prevent, but, on the contrary, increases the risk of disease in childbearing age and harm to unborn children. Studies show that many women who were vaccinated against rubella as children do not have blood-tested immunity as adults. Even the majority of children who were vaccinated 4-5 years ago do not have it.

Currently, doctors who remember the Hippocratic Oath have stepped up in all states. In places - successfully. For example, in Connecticut, wherepractically managed to cross rubella off the list of mandatory, legally established vaccinations. In some places, not so much. Yes, published inJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study found in California that over 90 percent of obstetricians refused to vaccinate themselves. The logic is clear: you can't disobey the mafia - at least take care of the publicity of the issue. And since there is such publicity, it is clear that if not today, then tomorrow the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine will be canceled in America.

But what about our beloved Papua New Russia?

If in the States all the above noise was made by only one vaccine brandM- M- RII, then in The RF mafia is quietly destroying the gene pool with a whole range of vaccines. It's the same triple vaccineM- M- RIIAmerican company "Merck-Sharp and Dome Idea" and English triple vaccine Priorix SmithKline Beecham, live rubella vaccines Rudivax Franco-Swiss firm "Aventis Pasteur" and Ervevax from a named English manufacturer, measles vaccine Ruvax from the founders of vaccination from the Pasteur-Merier Corporation (France) and a whole family of Russian live vaccines: YHV- from parotitis, ZhKV- from measles, GKKV- from measles and rubella, JKPV - from rubella and mumps. In a word, genocide.

How to resist the pressure of vaccinators?

If your unvaccinated child is refused admission to school, Kindergarten and other institutions (or you to the maternity hospital), hand over to the administration of the institution your written refusal to vaccinate (in free form), accompany this action with a request for a reasoned response in writing and calmly inform that a similar statement will be sent to the first persons of the health authorities of the city and region. Not impressed - in fact, send a statement of refusal to vaccinate to the first persons. Remember that all regional and regional health departments have been instructed from Moscow to comply with the requirement of the law on the right to refuse vaccinations. If they dismiss it there, you will have to look for another institution for the child. And if you are not accepted into the maternity hospital, start giving birth right in the administrator's office. They will not go anywhere - they will accept. They don't want a scandal either. www. liveinternet. en / users /4084478/ post 195297668/

I apologize for the inconvenience and possible broken links, this post has been deleted or made inaccessible more than once. I hope the information has already spread enough on the Internet, and now these "miracles" are over.

Health, blessings and good luck to everyone who reads this material, and to those who are dear to you!

Rubella mumps (MMR vaccine) is the most in an efficient way prevent the development of these diseases. It should immediately be noted that there are cases when, after vaccination, the patient still falls ill with these diseases. However, he tolerates them in mild forms (often asymptomatic or erased), without the development of dangerous complications.

Vaccination in childhood is a fairly common event. Naturally, the child reacts emotionally to such stress as soon as the sight of a syringe. Therefore, the MDA vaccination (three in one) partially relieves stress.

The first time the drug is planned to be administered in the year of life. Re-vaccination with measles-rubella-mumps is performed at 6 years.

Why is it important to get the measles mumps rubella vaccine?

For reference. All three pathologies belong to the group of classic DI (childhood infections) with airborne spread of pathogens. Infection with viruses that cause measles, rubella and mumps occurs even with fleeting contact with the patient.

Isolation of a large number of viruses in environment occurs while the patient sneezes, talks, coughs, etc. At the same time, with dust particles, viruses can be transported over fairly long distances (in apartment buildings, through ventilation, the virus can penetrate to other floors, into neighboring rooms, etc.).

As a rule, children tolerate these diseases more easily than adults. The exception is measles in unvaccinated children in the first two years of life. In this age group of patients, the disease is often accompanied by severe damage to the nervous tissues or the development of specific giant cell interstitial pneumonia.

Also, rubella, parotitis are severe in immunocompromised patients and patients with concomitant somatic diseases that aggravate the course of infection ( diabetes, heart defects, etc.).

Attention! Many opponents of vaccinations argue that these diseases are of low danger and it is easier to catch them than to get vaccinated. This approach to the health of the child is categorically wrong.

In mild forms, these diseases are carried by vaccinated children. In unvaccinated babies, these infections are fraught with the formation of serious complications. It should also be emphasized that children born to mothers immunized and/or exposed to measles, rubella and mumps in the first months of life are immune to these diseases.

The safety of the vaccines used

Attention. All preparations for MMR vaccination undergo the strictest quality control.

Despite the widespread assertion of opponents of vaccinations about the "terrible harm" of modern vaccines, routine vaccination:

  • does not affect fertility
  • does not increase the risk of developing oncology in the future (vaccines do not have a carcinogenic effect),
  • do not violate the natural immunity of the child,
  • do not cause autism.

Serious side effects from vaccination are rarely recorded and, in most cases, are associated with improper storage and transportation of vaccines, as well as violation of the rules for allowing a child to be vaccinated.

To reduce the chance of unwanted effects from routine vaccinations, all children should be seen by a doctor and general diagnostics(blood and urine tests). If contraindications are identified, vaccinations are not carried out.

If on the eve of vaccination the child has catarrhal symptoms (cough, runny nose), fever, deterioration of health, or the child has recently had a serious infection, there have been injuries, surgical interventions, etc. this must be reported to the pediatrician.

Attention! All referrals for vaccination must be considered on an individual basis.

Vaccination measles rubella mumps - side effects

Undesirable effects of mumps rubella vaccination can be manifested by the development of:

  • bronchitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • tracheitis;
  • otitis media;
  • cough
  • runny nose;
  • fever;
  • rashes;
  • benign arthritis;
  • anorexia;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • vomiting;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • swelling of the parotid gland;
  • insomnia;
  • atypical crying;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • febrile seizures;
  • nervousness;
  • local hyperemia of the skin at the injection site;
  • local edema at the injection site;
  • temporary decrease in the level of platelets, etc.

As a rule, these drugs are easily tolerated and rarely cause complications. The most common side effects from the measles-rubella mumps vaccine are a rash after injection of the drug, itching of the skin at the injection site, the appearance of slight swelling at the injection site, the appearance catarrhal symptoms and fever.

For reference. If fever occurs, after vaccination, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic in tablets or syrup, or to put a rectal suppository with NSAIDs (choice dosage form and the drug used: paracetamol, nimesulide, etc. depends on the age of the child).

Patients prone to febrile convulsions (convulsive attack against the background of an increase in body temperature) are recommended to put an anti-inflammatory candle or take a syrup, suspension, etc. immediately after the introduction of the vaccine and repeat the intake of NSAIDs at night.

Read also related

Rubella in children - symptoms and treatment

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken at night (up to three to four days after vaccination) and, if necessary, during the day (with a fever over thirty-eight degrees).

If the rash after vaccination with measles-rubella-mumps is allergic, then the child is prescribed antihistamines.

Attention! Patients prone to allergies are advised to start taking antihistamines two days before vaccination and continue taking them for 3 days after vaccine administration.

To reduce the risk of side effects after vaccination, on the day of administration medicinal product it is not recommended to walk on the street and wet the vaccination site (also, the injection site should not be rubbed, treated with alcohol, iodine, etc.).

You should also drink plenty of fluids and eat an easily digestible diet (plant-and-dairy food is recommended) for five to seven days after vaccination.

For reference. In rare cases, after vaccination, stool disorder (diarrhea), single vomiting or appearance of a lung swelling of the testicles.

What are the dangers of measles, rubella and mumps

Prior to the mass introduction of the MMR vaccine, measles was considered an extremely serious illness high risk
development of a complicated course, up to a lethal outcome.

The main complications of measles are:

  • laryngitis,
  • ulcerative and necrotic laryngotracheitis,
  • false croup,
  • bronchiolitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • optic atrophy,
  • inflammation of the cornea,
  • blindness,
  • encephalitis,
  • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
  • hepatitis,
  • thrombocytopenic purpura,
  • glomerulonephritis, etc.

For reference. The main causes of death in measles are interstitial giant cell pneumonia, encephalitis, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

With epidemic parotitis inflammatory process it affects mainly the salivary glands, however, in severe infections, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) and testicles (orchitis) may develop.

Also, mumps can be complicated by encephalitis, myocarditis, meningitis, thyroiditis, nephritis, polyarthritis, nephritis, polyradiculoneuritis, neuritis cranial nerves etc.

What is dangerous epid. parotitis in children and adults

For reference. The most common complications of mumps are orchitis, pancreatitis, and CNS (central nervous system) lesions.

With the development of orchitis, glandular tissues and the parenchymal part of the testicles are affected. Inflammation of the testicles is observed in almost half of patients with moderate and severe forms of the disease. In some cases, testicular inflammation can occur without affecting the salivary gland.

Symptoms of orchitis may appear by the fifth or eighth day of the disease against the background of a decrease in temperature and an improvement in the patient's condition. In this case, the development of complications is accompanied by the appearance of a new wave of fever, chills, headaches, weakness, etc.

The patient is concerned about severe pain in the scrotum, radiating to the thigh or lower abdomen. The affected testicle can increase in size by two to three times.

For reference. In some cases, the orchitis clinic may be obliterated.

Complications of mumps orchitis can be the formation of:

  • infertility (impaired spermatogenesis);
  • priapism (persistent, painful erection, not associated with a feeling of sexual arousal);
  • prostate vein thrombosis;
  • lung infarction (this complication may occur as a result of prostate vein thrombosis).

Attention. In women, mumps can be complicated by mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands), bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland), oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries).

Pancreatitis is a common complication of mumps. The disease can occur with acute symptoms or in an erased form and be diagnosed only by laboratory parameters (high amylase, diastasis).

Acute pancreatitis is accompanied severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. A complication of mumps pancreatitis can be atrophy of the cells of the islet apparatus of the pancreas and the development of diabetes mellitus.

Nervous tissue damage in patients with this disease can be manifested by indomitable vomiting, photophobia, tremor of the extremities, convulsions, the appearance of meningeal symptoms, etc.

Why rubella is dangerous

Rubella is most often benign. The cause of deaths in severe forms infection can become rubella encephalitis.

The main complications of rubella are benign arthritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, as well as complications caused by the activation of the secondary bacterial flora (otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.).

Symptoms of rubella encephalitis can be manifested by cranial nerve paresis, convulsive and meningeal symptoms, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, etc.

Attention! The rubella virus poses the greatest danger to expectant mothers. When infected with this disease at an early stage, spontaneous abortions or the birth of dead fetuses are possible.

With intrauterine infection of the fetus (congenital forms of rubella), the disease manifests itself:

  • congenital cardiac pathologies (formation of unclosed AP (ductus arteriosus), LA stenosis ( pulmonary artery), VSD and MZHPP;
  • violation of the development of the organs of vision (the formation of nuclear pearl cataracts, microphthalmia, congenital forms of glaucoma, various retinal pathologies is possible);
  • damage to the central nervous system (the child may develop microcephaly, mental retardation, mental retardation, autism);
  • congenital deafness.

For reference. Babies born to mothers with rubella are small, often born ahead of time. Hemorrhagic rash, enlargement of the liver and spleen may also be noted, hemolytic anemia, meningitis, defects in skeletal formation.

At a more mature age, such patients may develop a sluggish CNS lesion (sluggish panencephalitis is a consequence of intrauterine damage to the nervous tissues).

Measles, mumps, rubella are three typical childhood infections that are viral in nature, which means they are extremely contagious. Vaccination against these diseases, made in a timely manner and in compliance with sanitary rules, guarantees against infection in 99 out of 100 cases. If, after immunization, infection occurs, then the disease will proceed in mild form, with erased symptoms and without complications.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of vaccines. Some doctors recommend a domestic divaccine (against 2 viruses: measles and mumps), others - an imported one, from three components (MMR). Each has its own merits and demerits. Regardless of which vaccine is preferred, the first MMR immunization is given at 1 year of age. Further - following the national calendar.

The epidemiology of these diseases suggests that only humans can be the source of infection, so mass immunization is the only effective method prevent the spread of infection. BUT possible reactions to protect against these viruses should not be a reason for not immunizing.

At what age should a child be vaccinated

In order to know at what age a child needs to be given certain vaccinations, parents should familiarize themselves with the vaccination calendar. According to it, vaccination against measles, rubella and against mumps done three times: at 1 year, then at 6 and at 16-17 years. There are no differences in the timing of the vaccination schedule for girls and boys.

The need for repeated administration of the MMR vaccine (measles, rubella, mumps) is due to the fact that sometimes after the first vaccination, children do not develop a strong immunity to these infections.

Another reason for revaccination is the duration of acquired immunity. It weakens over time. Therefore, adults need to follow the vaccination calendar so as not to miss the next vaccination.

AT adolescence reasons for revaccination:

  • women who will have children in the next 10 years should be vaccinated due to the fact that intrauterine infection with rubella or mumps during pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the fetus;
  • Revaccination in adolescence is necessary for young men due to the fact that infertility can be a complication of mumps.

If the child is in force different reasons not vaccinated, he is vaccinated against measles, rubella, mumps at 13 years old. Then, after 10 years, revaccination is carried out.

Doctors do not recommend combining vaccinations against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio with MMR vaccination. It is better that a month has passed since the vaccination. The second vaccination can be carried out after this period has passed. In the video, conversations with the doctor about vaccination:

How to prepare for vaccination

To be vaccinated with the MMR vaccine (measles, rubella, mumps), healthy children or adults do not need any special preparation. The main thing is that the person is healthy for two weeks before and on the day of vaccination. It is recommended to do tests before vaccination. General analysis blood will give information about whether there is any inflammatory process in the body.

Preparation for vaccination of special groups of patients requires special measures. Children with a history of allergic reactions are prescribed antihistamines 3 days before vaccination.

Children with various lesions of the nervous system or chronic diseases for the time of possible vaccine reactions (2 weeks), therapy is carried out to prevent the exacerbation of these pathologies.

For children with frequent respiratory infections, general strengthening therapy is recommended 3 days before vaccination and for two weeks after it.

During the vaccination period and after it, contact with people who have signs of infections and look contagious should be avoided. You can walk, but for this you need to choose sparsely populated places. You should not start visiting preschool institutions for the first time after vaccination for at least a week. If any signs appear respiratory infection On the eve of vaccination, it will have to be abandoned.


Speaking about the measles + rubella + mumps vaccination, doctor E. O. Komarovsky advises not to disregard contraindications for immunization. They are divided into temporary and permanent. Temporary ones include:

  1. periods of exacerbation somatic diseases before they go into stable remission.
  2. Pregnancy, this is especially important for those women who have never had rubella, they should be vaccinated against mumps, measles and rubella at the planning stage of pregnancy.
  3. Blood transfusion or administration of blood products.
  4. Vaccination is delayed for 5-6 weeks if a tuberculosis vaccine has been administered or a mantoux test has been taken.
  5. A sick baby should not be vaccinated with measles + rubella + mumps, the reaction to it can be unpredictable. If there are signs, symptoms of an illness, or blood test results that indicate that an inflammatory process is developing in the body, the vaccination should be rescheduled. During periods of illness, neither adults nor children can be vaccinated.

Permanent contraindications for MMR vaccination include:

  • allergy to antibiotics Gentamicin, Neomycin, Kanamycin;
  • allergy to egg protein (chicken and quail);
  • the presence in the anamnesis of anaphylactic reactions in the form of shock or Quincke's edema;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe reaction to a previously administered vaccine;
  • decreased level of platelets in the blood test;
  • HIV infection;
  • transferred organ transplant.

Which vaccine is best

Parents who are about to vaccinate their children often ask which vaccine is better: domestic (the name of the vaccine is divaccine) or imported.

The Priorix vaccine is widely used. This is an imported vaccine (manufacturer - Belgium), multicomponent, contains strains of the measles, rubella and mumps virus. Priorix fully complies with the standards and requirements for WHO vaccines, has proven itself well in Europe, where this drug has been used for vaccinations for children for a long time.

According to the instructions, after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps, immunity to these viruses is formed in 96-98% of cases.

The essential difference between domestic vaccine against measles and Priorix is ​​that the imported vaccine is produced on the basis of chicken eggs, and the domestic vaccine is based on quail eggs. For children who are allergic to chicken protein, Priorix is ​​contraindicated, the domestic vaccine is suitable for them.

When vaccinated with Priorix, you can make an injection in different parts of the body (under the shoulder blade, in the thigh, in the arm). Many prefer an imported vaccine, since only one injection is required in order to get vaccinated against three viruses at once. When it comes to one-year-old children, doctors often recommend it. And when vaccinated with a domestic drug, the injection is done twice.

Both domestic and imported vaccines contain live viruses, so they are equally tolerated. For both, the instructions say that reactions from different body systems can be observed within 42 days from the moment of vaccination.

Vaccines have many types and varieties, the types of virus strains in the preparation determine its characteristics. When choosing a vaccine, parents, together with the doctor, should decide on the one that is most suitable for the child, taking into account the characteristics of his health.

What not to do after vaccination

Parents of children who have received the measles + mumps + rubella vaccine should refrain from introducing foods that the child has not tried before into the diet for a week. The same must be done for the mother, if the child is breastfeeding. Since in case of allergic reactions it will be difficult to figure out what the reaction is to the vaccine or to the product.

If redness or swelling occurs at the injection site, it is not recommended to warm the affected area. On the day when the vaccination was given, you can not swim and wet the injection site.

The social circle of a child who has been vaccinated with MMR should be limited, especially during seasonal epidemiological outbreaks. Communicate, contact with people who have visual signs of infection respiratory disease, the child is not allowed. It is better to spend a few days at home after vaccination. If there is no temperature, then you can walk, while avoiding crowded places.

These rules must be observed regardless of whether a multicomponent MMR vaccine has been given or a divaccine (for measles and mumps): these vaccinations are equally tolerated.

How is the measles, rubella and mumps vaccine tolerated?

Parents who are about to have their child vaccinated are interested in how their children tolerate the measles + rubella + mumps vaccine. In most children, neither multicomponent nor monovaccines cause post-vaccination reactions.

In 10% of children, a local reaction may develop at the injection site in the form of a slight swelling or redness, which disappears in 1-2 days.

The most severely tolerated is the measles virus, and the reaction to it occurs in 10-15% of children. Starting from 4-5 days and 13-14 days after vaccination, reactions may occur that manifest themselves high temperature(up to 40 degrees), runny nose. There may be a slight cough.

A reaction to the rubella virus may appear 10-14 days after vaccination. It is expressed in the form skin rashes(most often the rash is localized on the back).

Regardless of whether a divaccine or a multicomponent vaccine was used, mumps rarely gives post-vaccination reactions. They are manifested by fever, redness of the throat, runny nose, inflammation of the place where they were vaccinated. Rarely, there may be an increase in the parotid salivary glands.

In adults, the consequences of revaccination can manifest themselves in joint pain.

The occurrence of these reactions is not a pathology, but it is necessary to consult a doctor if these symptoms appear on the 4th-5th day and persist after two weeks (for example, the temperature rises regularly), and also if they first appeared after two weeks. Since this may mean that the child is sick and these symptoms have nothing to do with vaccination.

Possible complications and side effects

Severe complications after vaccination with measles + rubella + mumps are quite rare. They can be:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • serous aseptic meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • encephalitis;
  • toxic shock syndrome;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Vaccine-associated diseases (resulting from the introduction of live viruses) are the most severe and at the same time the most rare complications of vaccination. Post-vaccination measles encephalitis (a reaction to a measles vaccine) occurs in 1 case per million. The vaccine-associated disease caused by the mumps vaccine is serous meningitis, which occurs with a frequency of 1 case per 100 thousand vaccinated.

After analyzing the reviews of reactions after vaccination with measles + rubella + mumps, you can see that such severe consequences of vaccination develop extremely rarely. Much more often it is about side effects such as allergic reactions, skin rashes, redness and discomfort at the injection site, fever after vaccination with measles + rubella + mumps.

Some believe that in addition to side effects, MMR vaccination can provoke disturbances in the psycho-emotional development of the child, delay speech development etc. But these statements are not proven scientifically and medical points vision.

pharmachologic effect

The imported vaccine (Priorix) was created from live strains of the pathogens of these viruses. The cultivation of strains is carried out on the cells of chicken embryos. After vaccination, the formation of immunity against measles occurs in 98% of cases, against the mumps virus - in 96% of cases, against the rubella pathogen - in 99%.

Domestic vaccination (against mumps and measles) also contains live attenuated measles and mumps viruses, the vaccine retains its effect for 10-11 years.

Some degree of protection against these diseases can be given to non-immune persons by vaccination with measles + rubella + mumps, and the vaccine must be given within 72 hours after their contact with the patient.

When are mumps vaccinations given?

The measles + rubella + mumps vaccination is included in the list of mandatory preventive vaccinations, in accordance with the National Immunization Schedule. Immunization within the framework of this calendar is carried out with vaccines of domestic and imported production, registered in accordance with the law and approved for use.

The first vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps is done at 12 months. The second vaccination (the first revaccination) should be done at 6-7 years of age. The second revaccination is done at the age of 15-17, while mumps vaccinations are important for boys, and girls, as expectant mothers, need to acquire immunity to rubella.

The vaccination schedule is followed regardless of whether immunization is carried out with a multicomponent vaccine or a monovaccine. If a measles and mumps vaccine is given without rubella, the rubella single vaccine can be given on the same day.