Could it be from a cold? Treatment of the common cold (rhinitis)

The mucous membrane of the nose is inflamed in various diseases. Characteristic symptoms- congestion, difficulty breathing, discharge. To quickly cure a runny nose, it is necessary to determine its cause and type. A timely and correct diagnosis helps to avoid undesirable consequences, facilitates the course of the disease.

What is a runny nose

The treatment of a runny nose (rhinitis) is thought of when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract swells.

A common cause is mechanical or chemical irritants. Some people get stuffy nose and want to sneeze when dust gets in, in a draft, in too bright light.

Runny nose, caused by the above reasons, in adults and children does not go away for several days, does not require treatment.

The common cold itself is not contagious, its causative agent is unknown.

But the symptoms of a runny nose are characteristic of many diseases - for example, for the initial period of SARS, influenza.

In everyday life, the need to cure a runny nose is associated with nasal congestion. Others consider heavy discharge to be an obligatory symptom. Still others are looking for a cure for a runny nose when they start to sneeze.

The mucous membrane swells with a change in temperature, under the influence of alcohol, a pungent odor, and for other reasons.

Types of runny nose

Vasomotor variety associated with watery compartments. Congestion alternately in one nostril, then in the other. I want to sneeze, tears flow, my head hurts.

Causes - tobacco smoke, hormonal disorders, emotional distress. This type of rhinitis is correctly considered a disease of a neuro-reflex nature.

The condition is accompanied by weakness, fatigue, irritability, insomnia.

allergic variety manifests itself seasonally or as a reaction to certain foods, dust, animal hair, substances that are part of detergents or cosmetics.

I want to sneeze, my nose itches, tingles.

To avoid bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis treat rather than relieve symptoms with drugs or ointments.

With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, the nasal cavity is not inflamed.

infectious variety occurs with colds. The reason is viruses, bacteria, fungus. Symptoms: burning and dryness in the nasopharynx. To prevent the virus from entering the throat and bronchi, start treatment immediately.

Coryza manifests itself or as a symptom of acute respiratory diseases.

The nose is slightly itchy, dry, general lethargy and weakness. It is difficult to breathe through both nostrils, I want to sneeze, tears flow.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell, abundant mucopurulent discharge from the nose, if the vessels are damaged, they are bloody (snot with blood).

Duration acute cold- A week or more. Maybe 37C or higher.

Chronic runny nose in a simple form manifested by abundant secretions, often unilateral congestion. It develops as a complication of the acute form in violation of blood circulation in the mucous membrane, diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

If you do not treat a simple chronic rhinitis, as well as under the influence of a sharp climate change, the development of an inflammatory process in paranasal sinuses nose, adenoid, it goes into hypertrophic form.

Headache, stuffy nose, constant discharge, impaired sense of smell.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis develops with a weakened, after transferred infectious diseases with acute coryza due to surgical intervention in nasal cavity, the effects of adverse climatic conditions, harmful substances.

The nasal cavity is dry, the sense of smell is reduced, it is difficult to completely blow your nose, periodic bleeding from the nose.

If you do not get rid of the common cold, over time it turns into chronic form, can cause inflammation maxillary sinuses– . Complications are associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear.

Treatment of acute rhinitis

The onset of the disease is dryness in the nose, a feeling of heat. After 1-2 hours, the nose is blocked, the head hurts, copious discharge. Frequent sneezing, fever. A week later - the discharge is thick, purulent.

Acute rhinitis is treated by observing bed rest:

  • Put mustard plasters on the calves.
  • Warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon per 8 liters of water).
  1. Stir in equal amounts , coltsfoot, .
  2. Or mix in equal amounts of eucalyptus,.
  3. Brew 1s.l. one of the fees with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes, insist in a sealed container for 1 hour.

To wash the nose with a runny nose, drip 10 drops of infusion into the nostril. Then tilt your head, let the liquid flow out, blow your nose. Repeat 7-10 times for each nostril.

If the nose is very stuffy and rinsing is difficult, drip 5-6 drops, do not blow your nose. Treat 7-10 days.

Instill as prescribed by the doctor vasoconstrictor drugs Ephedrine, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

Vasoconstrictor drugs should be used to treat the common cold no more than 1-2 times a day, so as not to cause irreversible changes.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis

With a constant runny nose without fever, one or both nostrils are blocked, especially when lying down. Abundant mucus, reduced sense of smell, headache, dry mouth. Chronic runny nose lasts for several months or years.

The left nostril lays on the left side, the right - on the right. Nasal breathing is difficult in the supine position.

A common cause is a deviated nasal septum. The growth and thickening of the mucous membrane closes the nasal passages, which interferes with breathing through the nose.

Sometimes the mucosa, on the contrary, is thinned. Very viscous mucus forms crusts. When the crusts decompose, a fetid runny nose (ozena) is diagnosed.

This form of rhinitis causes inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) or paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

To recover, some people instill for a long time vasoconstrictor drops that give short term results.

Treatment is more effective if there is no pathological enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) - it makes it difficult to breathe through the nose. Otherwise, the adenoid is removed.

To dry the mucosa, reduce secretion, ointments from the common cold are used, which include streptocid, menthol, lanolin.

Effective against viruses Oxolinic ointment. Against sinusitis - Simanovsky's ointment.

For prevention and treatment during periods of exacerbations, the composition is useful:

  1. Mix 1 part marigold flowers and 2 parts raspberry leaves.
  2. Brew 3 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 minutes.

Inhale for 5 minutes twice a day. Treat within a week.

How to cure a runny nose at home

To get rid of the disease, direct efforts to weaken specific complaints, avoid possible complications.

Some believe that walking in the fresh air helps to quickly cure a runny nose. But cold, moisture-saturated air irritates the mucous membranes. Therefore, the answer to the question "Do I walk with a runny nose?" more negative than positive.

During treatment, it is useful to exclude everything that irritates the mucous membrane and causes increased blood circulation - inhalation of warm steam, smoking.

When treating a runny nose, especially an infectious one, use disposable wipes so that self-infection from a handkerchief does not occur.

During the treatment of the common cold, avoid milk and dairy products as a source of mucus, as well as high-sugar foods. Limit the use of peanuts, fatty foods, citrus fruits.

As prescribed by the doctor, allergic rhinitis is treated with Suprastin, Pipolfen.

Treatment with menthol oil (1%).

  • Several times a day, instill oil into the nostrils.
  • In the supine position, place cotton swabs in the nostrils,
  • Squeeze them through the wings of the nose, squeeze out the oil so that it penetrates into the back of the lower part of the nose.

Children under 3 years old cannot be treated in this way.

Lanolin ointment (1-2%).

  • Lubricate the front of the nose with a mixture of lanolin ointment and petroleum jelly.

Balm "Asterisk" helps to cure an infectious (cold) runny nose or alleviate the condition. Essential oils and other substances have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate the cause of the disease.

  • Apply a little balm to the temples and wings of the nose.
  • Place a small amount of balm (half a match head) into a glass of boiling water.
  • Wrap the glass in a cone with a towel folded several times.
  • Inhale steam through the hole in the cone for 5 minutes through the nose.

Vitamin C. You should not immediately take pharmacological medicines for the common cold - this is how immunity does not participate in the treatment:

  • When the first symptoms appear, take 1 g of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) after breakfast for 1-2 days.

Washing with saline. To make a runny nose go faster, rinse your nose with salted water at the rate of 1 tsp. table or sea in a glass of warm boiled water. At the pharmacy, ask for a special nose can or use an old teapot:

  1. Tilt your head sideways over the sink.
  2. Pouring salt water into the upper nostril so that water flows out of the lower one.
  3. Tilt your head to the other side, repeat the procedure.

The procedure is shown in the figures in the article.

Another way to rinse the nose with a runny nose is to draw water into the nose from a handful so that the water is in the mouth, spit it out.

Blow out the right and left nostril alternately so that the secretions do not penetrate the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media.

Hungry saliva:

  • In the morning before breakfast, insert turundas moistened with saliva into the nostrils.

Folk treatment of the common cold with mustard

Recipe 1. Actions at the first symptoms:

  1. In the evening, fasten the mustard plasters on the heels, wrap them in flannel, put on woolen socks.
  2. After one or two hours, remove mustard plasters, walk quickly for 5-10 minutes, go to bed.

This method relieves a runny nose and congestion in one day, allows you to wake up healthy in the morning.

Recipe 3. In the first hours, warming up the legs cures a runny nose:

  • Add 200g of table water and 150g of mustard powder to a bucket of warm water.
  • Place the legs, cover the hips and knees with a woolen blanket.
  • When the legs turn red, rinse with warm water, put on woolen socks, lie down.
  1. Brew 1 tsp. mustard powder with a small amount of boiling water, stir.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab with the composition, inhale alternately with each nostril.

How to cure a runny nose with honey

  1. Soak the rollers from the bandage with fresh liquid honey, insert 2 cm into the nostrils.
  2. To endure burning, which soon turns into heat. Keep 30-60 minutes.

Adults and children need 3-5 sessions.

Recipe 2. If the burning sensation is too strong:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp. honey in 2s.l. warm boiled water, moisten the rollers.
  2. Alternately insert into each nostril.
  • Bury a honey solution of 4-6 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  • Grind 5g, add a little butter, up to 50g sunflower oil, mix thoroughly.

Application of propolis ointment:

  • Soak tampons, lay in the morning and evening in each nostril for 10 minutes.
  • Soak tampons, insert into nostrils. Lie without a pillow for 5 minutes on the left side, 5 minutes on the right side.

Onion, garlic, horseradish - medicines for the common cold

  • Cut the onion, rub the wings of the nose with it, put small pieces through gauze into the ear canals.

The remedy provides immediate relief. Some in this way get rid of a runny nose for three days.

  • Finely chop or on a plate, inhale the vapors.

Recipe 3. Another way to get rid of a cold:

  1. Finely rub the garlic, place in a glass bottle, add water, close with a cork.
  2. Heat in a saucepan of boiling water so that the walls of the bottle do not touch the saucepan.

Inhale through each nostril from the neck of the bottle. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

  • At night, fix the parts of the bulb near the nostrils.

The method helps to quickly cure a runny nose, cope with sinusitis.

Recipe 5. To cure a runny nose in adults and children:

  • Instill an aqueous solution at the rate of 1 drop of fresh garlic juice per 1 tsp. water.
  • Take after 2-3 hours, 1 tsp. mixture of onion and honey.
  • Place chopped fresh garlic in gauze in the nostrils, rub well.

Some in this way cure a runny nose in a few hours.

  • Quickly cures a runny nose by instilling a mixture of onion juice, fresh potato juice, sunflower oil, honey, taken in equal parts.

Recipe 9. Bury infusion:

  • Mix 2-3s.l. finely chopped onion, pour 50 ml of warm boiled water, add 0.5 tsp. honey, insist half an hour.

Recipe 10. The best remedy from a cold:

  1. Grind fresh garlic, add water to sting the tongue.
  2. Mix with the same amount of aloe juice, add the same amount of honey.

Bury a few drops 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 11. Horseradish juice helps cure chronic runny nose:

  • Mix at the rate of 150 g of horseradish juice and the juice of 2-3 lemons, do not use pure horseradish juice.

Take a mixture of 1/2 tsp. twice a day, do not eat or drink for half an hour. The tool eliminates mucus, has a diuretic effect. At first, it causes plentiful.

Cold juices

Beet juice.

  • Bury children in each nostril 5 drops of fresh beetroot juice. Can be mixed with honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey for 2.5 tsp juice.
  • In case of thick discharge, rinse the nose with boiled juice.
  • Moisten cotton swabs with beetroot juice, place them in the nose for 10 minutes.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Kalanchoe juice helps to quickly get rid of the common cold.

  • Lubricate the nostrils 1-2 times a day with fresh juice to separate the mucus.
  • Bury aloe juice 2-4 drops 4 times a day.

Radish juice:

  • Put tampons moistened with radish juice into the nostrils.

Ginger, lemon juice for the treatment of chronic rhinitis.

  • Mix 50g grated and juice.

Take on an empty stomach twice a day for 1/2 teaspoon.

  • Mix fresh ginger juice with the same amount of water

Bury children three times a day and at bedtime.

Mother and stepmother, yarrow:

  • With a constant runny nose, instill juice from the leaves of the mother and stepmother, as well as yarrow juice.

Oils for colds

Rosehip or sea buckthorn oil quickly relieve congestion:

  • Bury 2-3 drops or place oil swabs in the nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil helps to cure a runny nose:

  • Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil, add 0.5 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, insist in a sealed container for 5 hours, strain.

Bury warm up to 6 times a day.

Pumpkin seed oil, garlic:

  • Stir 1 tsp. and 1-2 drops of fresh garlic juice.

Bury warm.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis pumpkin oil.

  • Bury 6-7 drops for 14 days.
  • Take orally 1 tsp. three times a day one hour before meals.

How to treat a runny nose by warming up the nose

Buckwheat, salt from a prolonged runny nose:

  • Fill a cloth bag not to the top with thick hot buckwheat porridge or salt.

Keep in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses (on the sides of the nose) until cool.

boiled egg for the treatment of the common cold:

  • Apply near the nose through a handkerchief.

Hot hand baths help to cope with a runny nose and congestion.

How to rinse your nose with a runny nose

Chamomile, St. John's wort from severe runny nose:

  • Bury twice a day a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort at the rate of 1 tsp. to a glass of boiling water.

St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the recovery process.

Soda. Rinse your nose at night:

  • Drop a weak solution of soda.

Tea mushroom helps to get rid of a common cold:

  • Rinse with a weak infusion (dilute with 10 parts of water).

Golden mustache:

  • Grind the leaves, pour a glass of water, simmer for 3 minutes, let cool. Add 1 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp honey, mix.

Rinse your nose with warm saline.

Starch helps to cope with sneezing with a runny nose:

  • Instill a weak solution of starch.

Cotton wool. In Tibet, when you have a cold, you tickle your nose with a match, at the end of which is cotton wool. Sneezing causes copious secretion of mucus.

How to cure a runny nose

Hydrogen peroxide helps at the beginning of the disease:

  • Instill a solution of 3% (3-6 drops per 1 tsp of warm water).

After a copious discharge of mucus, the congestion disappears. After half an hour, sniff the ammonia in turn with each nostril.

Flax seeds, rye breadcrumbs:

  • Heat in a frying pan or rye cracker until smoke appears, inhale through the nose.

Treat runny nose several times a day.


  • With a prolonged runny nose, sniff the powder of oregano grass.

nettle treat allergic rhinitis:

  • Mash a green leaf, inhale the aroma for 3 minutes several times a day.

Horseradish, radish, honey, salt:

  1. In the evening, warm up the body in a bath or bath.
  2. Grate the sacrum with grated radish mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish.
  3. Add some honey and table salt.

After drinking tea with raspberries, mint. The next morning manages to get rid of the common cold.

Modified: 06/26/2019

Rhinitis is the main and very unpleasant symptom of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis, which is accompanied by profuse mucus, is popularly called the common cold. In an adult, a runny nose occurs with allergies, acute respiratory diseases, with hypothermia, irritation of the mucous membrane with cold air and pungent odors. A properly selected treatment method will help to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

The main culprits of the common cold are rhinoviruses, which are transmitted from person to person by contact and airborne droplets. Outbreaks of rhinovirus infection are recorded in all regions of the country all year round, the peak incidence occurs in the cold season.

The source of the rhinovirus is a sick person who is contagious for two days before the first symptoms of the disease appear and two to three days after. With prolonged contact with sick people, the likelihood of getting sick is higher, because. when a large number of viruses enter the body.

Medical methods of treatment

The main treatment for the second stage of the common cold, when profuse liquid discharges are disturbing, are vasoconstrictor drugs. You can use both drops and tablets (Ephedrine, Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine, Phenylpropanolamine).

The funds help quickly, but there is one “but” - they have a number of contraindications, dry out the mucous membrane, and are addictive. For this reason, vasoconstrictor drops / sprays for rhinitis cannot be used for a long time, even for adults.

Vasoconstrictor drugs disrupt the blood circulation of the nose, so it is better to use long-acting drugs - Oxymetazoline or Xylometazoline (the effect lasts up to 12 hours), this will reduce the frequency of their use. It is better to use not drops, but sprays - the spray is distributed evenly and extensively, due to this drug, less is spent than when using drops.

Vasoconstrictor pills do not act so quickly. They spare the mucosa, but have systemic effects, so they are not recommended for use by senile and elderly people suffering from glaucoma, vascular and heart diseases, with impaired motility of the digestive organs.


To quickly cure a runny nose and not damage the mucous membrane, you need to use combined preparations. One of these is SeptaNazal, which contains Xylometazoline and the healing agent Dexpanthenol.

The drug constricts blood vessels, heals microcracks, prevents the development of dryness, burning and itching in the nose. The remedy is also allowed to treat the allergic type of rhinitis in adults.

Protargol and Kollargol

If a medical runny nose appeared from the use of vasoconstrictors, then rhinitis should be treated with astringents - 3% Collargol or Protargol.

For the treatment of rhinitis that accompanies a cold (viral or bacterial infection), homeopathic tablets Corizalia are used. They contain components that can eliminate congestion and discharge from the nose for different stages colds.

The sooner you start treatment, the faster the drug helps. You need to dissolve 1 tablet every hour. From the second day, the dosage is halved. The drug is not addictive discomfort, does not overdry the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

Folk methods of treatment

It is possible to treat an infectious / cold rhinitis with both medicines and improvised means. We provide a list of the most effective ways, which do not require financial costs and are able to cure a runny nose after the first procedure.

Garlic and onion

Quickly dry the nasal mucosa, kill viruses and bacteria. To quickly cure a runny nose, you need to breathe over chopped garlic or onions. The positive effect will be enhanced if garlic and onions are eaten at the same time.

Crushed garlic, placed around the room, will help prevent and cure a cold. You can fight a runny nose in this way for pregnant and lactating women.

Horseradish and mustard

The pungent smell of these products can eliminate a runny nose. You need to eat horseradish and mustard, breathe over their vapors - they irritate the mucous membrane, cause sneezing, with which a significant amount of snot comes out.

Foot warming

A hot bath helps to quickly cure a runny nose: feet are kept for 15–20 minutes in hot water, to which mustard powder and sea salt are added. After the procedure, warm woolen socks are put on.

Feet can also be rubbed with alcohol, turpentine, or a warming ointment for bruises and injuries.

Steam inhalation

In emergency situations, inhalation over water diluted with sea salt will help to quickly cure a runny nose. You can use a decoction of medicinal plants- eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula. Balm "Star", soda or Validol tablet is added to the herbal decoction. Breathe for 15 minutes.

You can also treat rhinitis with the help of pine buds. You need to boil a handful of kidneys in a liter of water for 10 minutes, and then breathe over the broth.

Warming up the nose

The method has been tested by several generations. It is better to warm up the nose at night. For heating, a boiled egg wrapped in gauze, potatoes in a “uniform”, coarse rock salt heated in a bag are used.

It is believed that the optimal temperature for warming up is when the patient feels comfortable warmth, and not burning and fear of being burned. The procedure lasts 15 minutes. The method is effective for colds, but if the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then its effectiveness is low.

Warming up the legs, nose and steam inhalations to treat a runny nose in adults is allowed only at normal body temperature.

hot drink

A hot drink helps to quickly ease breathing: any tea or compote. The main thing is that it be warmed up to 50-60 degrees, drink at least 0.4 liters. It is better to drink a decoction of rose hips, cranberry juice, raspberry or linden tea.

Raspberries and limes have been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, but you need to drink a lot and often to achieve the effect. It is useful to put a spoonful of honey or ginger in tea.

Nasal lavage

most trusted and effective method which almost everyone has tried. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then an isotonic solution is prepared - ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

If a runny nose is due to a cold, then a whole teaspoon of salt is added to the same glass of water. You can rinse your nose every hour, using the entire glass of solution in one procedure. Hypertonic saline helps the first time.

Modern and safe method- rinsing the nose with a saline solution. If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, then you need to use Salin, saline, isotonic Humer. If the cause is an infection, then hypertonic solutions Quicks, Humer, Aquamaris, Aqualor will help to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

Balm "Star"

You can treat a runny nose with the Zvezda balm, which is recommended to be smeared under the nose three times a day.

Nasal drops

  1. Aloe juice (agave) helps to cure a runny nose in an adult very quickly. It is mixed with honey and dripped 2 drops into each nostril up to 5 times a day. Treatment of aloe with honey is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.
  2. Fresh Kalanchoe juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions, after which it is instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day.
  3. Beet juice or carrot juice will help to quickly get rid of snot. The juice irritates the mucous membrane and causes sneezing, with which all the mucus comes out.

Before instillation of juice, the nose must be rinsed with saline.

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy

Allergies are the second most common cause of acute rhinitis. Allergies can be year-round, when reacting to dust, wool, animal dander, and seasonal, if disturbed during the flowering of plants. It is not always necessary to treat an allergic rhinitis - sometimes it is enough to stop contact with the allergen. For cupping acute rhinitis There are several groups of drugs.


The best and the most fast treatment provide glucocorticosteroids Mometasone, Fluticasone, Beclomethasone and Budesonide. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, are able to quickly cure a runny nose, are well tolerated, but have a number of contraindications.


More often at home, Suprastin and Loratadin are used. No more than 1-2 tablets can be used per day. A special place among antihistamines is occupied by the 3rd generation drugs Khifenadin and Sekhifenadin, they act after 5-20 minutes.


Most often, people use the wonderful Vibrocil nasal spray. It combines an antihistamine component and a vasoconstrictor that has mild action. Vibrocil relieves allergy symptoms, constricts blood vessels, relieves congestion and runny nose.

The drug does not act on the arteries, but on the veins, therefore it does not disturb blood circulation, does not dry out the mucous membrane and is approved for use for more than 14 days in a row.

barrier means

To treat allergic rhinitis in adults, you need to create a barrier with allergens floating in the air. For this, special sprays have been created from cellulose, blue clay, guar gum, glycerin, sesame and mint oils. Barrier spray treatment is approved for adults and children over 6 years of age. Modern drug Vibrolor will protect the nasal mucosa from dust, tobacco smoke and other inhaled allergens.

These treatments may have an effect for several hours, but no more. After all, a runny nose lasts as long as a cold or an allergic attack lasts. In the normal course of acute respiratory infection without complications, the duration of a severe runny nose is 2-3 days, then relief comes even without treatment. If the cause of the disease is an allergy, then only complete protection from the allergen can save you from rhinitis.

Rhinitis (runny nose)- the main symptom of colds and various viral infections.

In addition, a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body to irritation by various microbes, viruses and mucosal allergens. Protection of the mucosa is manifested in the form of increased secretion of mucus, and edema, which remove pathogens at the initial stage of penetration into the body.

Rhinitis is included in a group of diseases called -. This group, in addition to rhinitis, also includes:,. For an illustrative example, consider the picture below:

Types and causes of rhinitis (runny nose)

  • Vasomotor rhinitis. This type of runny nose is caused by a violation of nasal breathing due to the narrowing of the nasal cavity, which is a consequence of swelling of the tissues of the nasal concha, due to a violation of the tone of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Vasomotor rhinitis is divided into:

allergic rhinitis. Causes: the body's reaction to - house dust, poplar fluff, animal hair, fluff, feathers, plant pollen.

Neurovegetative rhinitis. Reasons: violations of the nervous mechanisms responsible for the normal physiology of the nose.

  • Infectious rhinitis. This type of rhinitis is the most common. Its main causes are viruses and bacteria. In addition, any type of infectious rhinitis is a companion of such diseases as, etc. It is dangerous because the virus, penetrating into the nasopharynx, disrupts the body's defense mechanisms and opens up free entry for the virus. Infectious rhinitis is divided into:

- Acute rhinitis;
- Viral rhinitis;
- Bacterial rhinitis.

  • Chronic rhinitis. Subdivided into:

atrophic rhinitis. Causes: A complex chronic type of rhinitis, the causes of which are hereditary predisposition, viral infections and long-term diseases of the nasal cavity. This type of rhinitis is called "Fetid rhinitis of the lake."

hypertrophic rhinitis. Causes: Occurs upon contact with dust and gas contamination. Because of these factors, the bone frame of the turbinates and mucous membrane grows.

  • Medical rhinitis. The cause of drug-induced rhinitis, as a rule, is dependence and abuse of various drops and sprays.
  • Traumatic rhinitis. Caused by damage to the nasal septum.

The main causes of a runny nose

To summarize, we can distinguish the following main causes of a runny nose (rhinitis):

  • Symptoms of neurovegetative rhinitis:

- labored breathing;
- liquid watery discharge;
- frequent bouts of copious liquid discharge after sleep.

Treatment of this type of rhinitis should include treatment nervous system, sedatives and water treatments.

  • Symptoms of acute rhinitis:

- frequent sneezing;
- lacrimation;
- general malaise;
- Abundant serous-mucous discharge, acquiring a mucopurulent character.

  • Symptoms of a viral cold

- dryness and burning in the nose;
- swelling of nasal conchas;
- difficulty breathing through the nose;
- sneezing;
- (over time).

If you have these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.

  • Symptoms of a bacterial cold:

- increase in body temperature;
— ;
- swelling of nasal conchas;
- cloudy, thick yellow or green discharge;
- redness above the upper lip and near the nose.

Prolonged bacterial runny nose can lead to inflammation of all the sinuses (sinusitis), and other more serious diseases.

  • Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis:

- atrophy of the mucous membranes and bone walls of the nasal cavity;
- allocation of a purulent secret with a sharp unpleasant odor;
- dried crusts;
- Loss of smell.

Having this species runny nose, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

  • Symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis:

- Constant difficulty in nasal breathing.

It is treated by removing hypertrophied areas of the bone and mucous membrane.

  • Symptoms of drug rhinitis:

- mucosal vessels stop working independently.

This is a type of runny nose that is difficult to treat, since the nutrition of the mucosa is disturbed, and it dies.

  • Symptoms of traumatic rhinitis:

- often, one half of the nose suffers from rhinitis, and the other from dryness of the mucous membrane;
- no snot comes out. They thicken and flow down the wall of the larynx into the throat.

In this case, it is necessary to lower the temperature and increase the humidity in the room where the person is most often located. This can be done, for example, with a humidifier.

As we already know, rhinitis (runny nose) is a symptom, therefore, for its treatment, it is necessary to identify the disease that provoked the runny nose.
It is also worth noting that some types of rhinitis do not require treatment as such, but simply the prevention of its irritants. For example: sometimes, to stop a runny nose, it is enough to carry out wet cleaning in the living room and remove the source of the pathogen (animal, some flowering houseplants, old carpet or even change the pillow).

For the treatment of the common cold, vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are mainly used, as well as antiviral drugs that are effective against many types of SARS viruses.

Vasoconstrictor drugs against the common cold

Various drops and sprays against the common cold, falling on the nasal mucosa, cause constriction of blood vessels. In the nasal cavity, swelling decreases, which blocked the air. The rate of formation of new mucus decreases, and it becomes thicker.

If you choose between drops and spray, then it is better to give preference to the spray, as it has exact dosage medicines, which is why it is more economical, prevents overdose and side effects from it.

Products containing xylometazoline:"Galazolin", "Dlyanos", "Rinonorm", "Xymelin", "Farmazolin".

The duration of action of drugs with xylometazoline is about 4 hours.

Products containing oxylometazoline:"Nazivin", "Fervex", "Nazol", "Knoxprey", "Fazin".

The duration of action of drugs with oxylometazoline is 10-12 hours.

Preparations containing oxymetazoline are strictly contraindicated in: pregnancy, impaired renal function and children under 1 year of age.

Products containing naphazoline:"Sanorin", "Naftizin".

The duration of action of drugs with naphazoline is 4-6 hours.

All vasoconstrictor drops and sprays against the common cold are not recommended for use for more than 7 days in a row. With a weekly use of such funds side effects is not observed, but with regular long-term use, the vessels become dependent on the drug.

Tablets against the common cold

"Sinupret". Used for treatment colds in the bronchi, lungs and nasopharynx. They have mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Contains extracts of gentian, shevel, verbena, elderberry, primrose flowers with a calyx. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

"Koldakt". Complex preparation based on chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of many colds, accompanied by allergies, swelling of the respiratory blunts and nasopharynx, runny nose. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, suffering from and. With the permission of the doctor, take with bronchial asthma, diabetes and the elderly.

Rhinopront. Vasoconstrictor and antihistamine, facilitates the course of a runny nose of any kind up to 12 hours, reduces the permeability of capillary walls and exudative manifestations.
Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women suffering from glaucoma, arterial hypertension and those suffering from prostate enlargement.

For correct diagnosis and proper treatment you need to see a doctor.


Essential oils. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, drop 2-3 drops of oil: eucalyptus, juniper, fir or pine. Or a mixture of oils, 1 drop each: + cinnamon, pine + eucalyptus or pine +.

Inhalations with essential oils should not be carried out for children under 3 years old, for everyone with bronchial asthma, allergies and individual intolerance to oils.

Kalanchoe. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed juice and proceed.

Onion or garlic juice. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice to hot water and begin the procedure.

Decoction of herbs. In 1-2 liters of boiling water, add the selected herb: 2 tbsp. spoons of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of pine buds or 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and eucalyptus leaves. Boil for 5 minutes and breathe.

The drug "Rotokan". Contains chamomile extract, and. In half a liter of hot water we drip 2 tbsp. spoons of the drug and proceed.

It is difficult to find a person who at least once has not experienced what a runny nose is. The problem is ubiquitous and all people face it without limitation. But not everyone understands what processes take place in the nose and why discharge suddenly appears from it. These questions are worth considering in more detail.

The nasal cavity is covered with a mucous membrane. It consists of prismatic epithelium, equipped with cilia (ciliated), and glandular cells. This cover is densely permeated with capillaries; sensitive nerve receptors (including olfactory ones) are located in it. The morphological features of the mucous membrane are a solid basis for the functions it performs:

  • Upper respiratory protection.
  • Moisturizing and warming the air.
  • Olfaction.

Glandular cells secrete mucus, which lubricates the surface layer of the epithelium, thereby maintaining an optimal moisture regime. It contains substances that contribute to the destruction of microbes (lysozyme, interferon, lactoferrin, secretory immunoglobulins), preventing them further dissemination. Foreign particles, immersed in the mucous fluid, are brought out due to the movement of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium. This is how the main function is carried out - protective.

Thus, the inhaled air in the nasal cavity is cleaned, moistened and warmed. The latter circumstance is associated with intensive blood circulation in the capillaries. It is impossible not to mention that the mucous membrane has an olfactory function, allowing a person to distinguish smells. All this can be disturbed during a runny nose.

Causes and mechanisms

The medical name for the common cold is rhinitis. But its structure is quite diverse. The appearance of a pathological process on the mucous membrane is associated with inflammation, increased vascular permeability (including with allergies), and trophic disorders. Most often you have to deal with an infectious-inflammatory rhinitis. It develops under the influence of saprophytic flora, which is already contained in the nasal cavity, but is activated against the background of a decrease in local and general reactivity of the body. Contributing factors are:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Acute and chronic diseases.
  • Injuries and operations on the nose.
  • Foreign bodies, adenoids.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Professional hazards.
  • Smoking.

With inflammation, the mucous membrane swells, a serous effusion forms in the nose, and the movement of cilia stops. The epithelium is infiltrated with cellular elements, and then desquamated with the formation of erosions. Great importance in what causes a runny nose, vascular changes are assigned. They develop under the influence of neurovegetative stimulation (stress, emotional stress, cold air, irrational use of vasoconstrictors) or upon contact with allergens:

  1. Household (dust, wool).
  2. Food (citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, nuts, seafood, eggs).
  3. Vegetable (pollen, fluff, smells).
  4. Chemical (paint and varnish products, perfumes and cosmetics, detergents).
  5. Medicinal (a wide range of drugs).

The sensitizing agent, hitting the mucous membrane, induces immune response reactions. It is first taken up by macrophages, which present antigenic particles to T-lymphocytes. They produce cytokines that stimulate the formation of plasma cells. And they, in turn, synthesize specific class E immunoglobulins. The latter are adsorbed on the surface of basophils and mast cells. And when there is repeated contact with the allergen, they will contact it, forming an immune complex. This will be a signal to exit the cells biologically. active substances(histamine, bradykinin, thromboxane, serotonin, etc.), which increase the permeability vascular wall and cause symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

To understand why a runny nose occurs and what it is, you can only after consulting a doctor. The specialist will conduct a full diagnosis to determine the source of the problem.


Those who often have a runny nose know firsthand how it manifests itself. But without the intervention of a doctor is still not enough. He will conduct an in-depth assessment of existing complaints, detail them and perform a physical examination. This is necessary to build a preliminary conclusion on which further diagnostic measures are based.

Acute rhinitis

Infectious-inflammatory rhinitis begins acutely. Both halves of the nose are affected at once. Its main symptoms will be:

  • Allocations.
  • Congestion.
  • Deterioration of the general condition.

But they do not appear immediately. The course of acute rhinitis goes through three successive stages. First, the mucous membrane is irritated. It is characterized by a feeling of dryness, tickling, scratching in the nose. Meanwhile, the temperature rises, fatigue and malaise appear. In the nose, on examination, redness is determined, the injected vessels are clearly visible, but there is no discharge.

The next stage is accompanied by the formation of serous secretions. Transudate sweats from the vascular wall, so a clear liquid flows abundantly from the nose, which soon becomes mucous. Dryness is no longer a concern, but it is difficult nasal breathing. Often, signs of conjunctivitis join and lay the ears. This is due to the spread of the process to the lacrimal canaliculus and the Eustachian tube.

After about 5 days, the amount of discharge begins to decrease, it becomes thicker and acquires a yellowish-greenish tint. This is due to the penetration of leukocytes and desquamated epithelium. Nasal congestion gradually disappears, breathing is restored, normalizes general state. At protracted course rhinitis can cause sinusitis, pharyngotracheitis, otitis media.

AT childhood acute rhinitis is more severe, which is due to the physiological narrowness of the nasal passages, the imperfection of protective mechanisms, adenoid growths, the impossibility of adequate blowing. Even common cold, which appeared in an infant, can cause a high temperature, which can provoke convulsions and meningism phenomena. Babies refuse natural feeding, because they cannot suckle with a stuffy nose, get tired quickly, and are drowsy. Due to the wide and short auditory tube inflammatory process often extended to tympanic cavity(otitis).

The development of acute rhinitis goes through several stages, which are accompanied by corresponding clinical manifestations.

Specific rhinitis

A runny nose can appear against the background of common infectious diseases (usually of a viral nature). Then it has a secondary character and is called specific. With influenza, adenovirus infection, measles and other diseases, rhinitis is a constant companion of patients. Even common colds do not pass without it. AT clinical picture general manifestations will prevail:

  • Fever.
  • Body aches (muscles and joints).
  • Malaise and fatigue.
  • Headache.

In influenza, coryza with scanty serous discharge and severe nasal congestion. It appears from the first days of illness and can be combined with nosebleeds. Adenovirus infection is accompanied in parallel by conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, swollen lymph nodes. And with measles, against the background of catarrhal phenomena in the nasopharynx, a rash occurs on the body (maculopapular).

allergic rhinitis

Sensitization reactions cause a special runny nose - this is rhinitis of an allergic nature. It is included in the structure of vasomotor disorders, which are manifested by the following main features:

  • Paroxysmal sneezing.
  • Copious liquid discharge.
  • Itching in the nose and tickling.
  • Feeling of congestion.

With a seasonal form of exacerbation, they can appear only in the spring (during the flowering of plants), and a year-round runny nose is accompanied by permanent signs which significantly impair the quality of life of patients. In addition, rhinitis is often included in the picture of general atopy, along with bronchial asthma and pollinosis.

Chronic rhinitis

Runny nose, ongoing long time called chronic. However, morphological changes in the mucous membrane are of a different nature:

  • Edema and hyperemia.
  • Hypertrophy.
  • Atrophy.

Accordingly, the symptoms also differ. For example, with hypertrophic rhinitis, nasal congestion occurs, which does not go away after vasoconstrictor drops, and nasal voice. And the atrophic process is characterized by a feeling of dryness, itching and tickling in the nose, as well as crusts that form due to the accumulation of viscous mucus. But all of these forms are accompanied by difficulty in nasal breathing and a decrease in smell. At chronic rhinitis, in addition to atrophic, there will be discharge (mucous or mucopurulent).

There are several types of chronic rhinitis, which have certain differences in the clinical picture.

Additional diagnostics

For more information about what a runny nose is and why it develops, provide laboratory and instrumental methods. Diagnosis of the state of the mucous membrane includes the following studies:

  1. General analysis blood and urine.
  2. Serological analysis (antibodies to infections).
  3. Nasopharyngeal swab (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  4. Allergic tests (skin, scarification, injection).
  5. Rhinofaringoscopy.

The results of these procedures are able to dispel any doubts that have arisen during the clinical examination of the patient. They also allow you to make a final diagnosis indicating the nature of the pathological process and its causes. And then the runny nose is subject to medical correction.

Very common childhood disease, which is most often manifested in the autumn-winter period, but is often diagnosed in the spring / summer (allergic nature). As a rule, the common cold in school-age children does not require special treatment problems - a young, actively developing organism effectively fights a cold and, according to Dr. Komarovsky, as well as a number of other well-known modern therapists, the appointment of powerful drugs like antibiotics only harms this process.

Naturally, if we are talking about allergies, as well as serious pathologies and the connection of a bacterial infection, then individual therapy is often required, and not just classic vasoconstrictor drops that temporarily ease breathing. Medical treatment it is rational to use it when a cold passes into a chronic phase or if symptoms of a protracted (more than two weeks) rhinitis appear - snot of a thick consistency and white, yellow, green color.

Also Special attention should be given to patients under the age of three years- during this period, any disease can provoke the development serious complications in a short period of time, so your child needs to be under the constant supervision of a pediatrician or the supervision of a specialized specialist until the child is completely recovered.

In view of the possible potential risks to the health of the fetus, the diagnosis of the common cold, as well as its treatment, must be carried out under the mandatory supervision of your doctor. A number of drugs and procedures commonly used by adults for rhinitis are contraindicated for women in this period, therefore, special emphasis is placed on prevention, additional therapy (immunomodulation, homeopathy,) and creating ideal conditions for natural recovery.

Drug treatment of the common cold is contraindicated in most cases in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is just being formed.

Causes of a runny nose

  1. Various infections of a fungal, bacterial or viral nature.
  2. Allergic seasonal or systemic manifestations.
  3. Physiological causes- sudden temperature changes environment(for example, hypothermia).
  4. Contact with the mucous membranes of the nose of various irritants - from chemical substances and smoke up foreign bodies.
  5. General weakening of the immune system against the background chronic diseases.
  6. Side effect certain medical preparations.
  7. Hormonal problems and disorders of reflex-nervous functions.
  8. Circulatory problems.
  9. Other factors.


The symptoms of a runny nose in the vast majority of cases are unambiguous and, as a rule, are divided into three main stages:

  1. Hyperemia and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose. In the designated internal area, dryness and burning are felt, the person begins to sneeze. Often there is a slight fever, malaise, as well as aching limbs, especially during physical activity. May be observed.
  2. Swelling of the mucous membrane and a significant increase in the secretion of mucus from the nose. Nasal congestion develops, it becomes difficult to breathe. With the "blockage" of the nasal passages, the functions of smell and taste can be dulled. Increasingly, the secretion of liquid colorless secretions increases, which can irritate the areas of the wings of the nose and upper lip, as well as external openings of the nasal passages.
  3. On the 5-6th day of a cold, the problem may disappear, suppressed by the immune system. If this does not happen, then the transparent secret from the nose is replaced by purulent-mucous secretions, green or, mucous edema increases and completely blocks the nasal passages. Ear congestion may occur. With a favorable set of circumstances, rhinitis of the third stage completely disappears by the 14–16th day of illness, or the symptomatology of the problem partially fades and passes into the chronic phase.

Treatment of rhinitis can be divided into two stages - general actions at home, as well as drug therapy.

  1. Regular clearing of nasal passages from mucus by blowing your nose or aspiration (for young children) to prevent the accumulation of secretions in the sinuses.
  2. Ventilation and humidification of indoor air, moderate walks on the street.
  3. Plentiful drink.
  4. Dry compresses and direct warming of the sinuses in the absence of high temperature, infections and suspected .
  5. (It is undesirable to use for these purposes essential oils or drugs not approved by your doctor).
  6. Acupressure.
  7. maintaining a balanced circadian rhythm and correct posture in a dream (a high pillow that raises your head at an angle of 25-30 degrees in relation to the surface of the bed).

  • . For a certain period of time, puffiness is removed, and also normalizes the secretion of mucus, relieving the symptoms of a runny nose. They can be used for no more than 10 days in a row. With extreme caution, this type of medication is prescribed for children (reduced dosage), as well as for pregnant women due to a number of possible side effects.
  • Antibiotics. They are used only with a confirmed bacteriological nature of the common cold, preference is given to topical preparations based on the macrolide group.
  • Antiseptics / anesthetics. Often used in combination to relieve symptoms and local disinfection of the internal nasal cavity.
  • Antihistamines. They are used for the confirmed allergic nature of the common cold, systemic pills (Loratadin, Erius, etc.).
  • Glucocorticosteroids. Used to reduce inflammation in advanced rhinitis. Recommended application local preparations non-systemic exposure to minimize the burden on the liver.
  • Immunomodulators based on interferon, in tablet, syrup or drop form. Precautions are prescribed for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.
  • Vitamin complexes approved by the therapist and used for general strengthening of the immune system.
  • Non-narcotic analgesics. Designed to reduce high fever and get rid of pain / toxic syndrome (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc.).
  • Nasal/sinus flushing systems (Dolphin, AquaMaris, etc.). They are convenient complexes for clearing mucus and preventing the occurrence of sinusitis. As an alternative, the usual saline solution in the form of a liquid for instillation.
  • Office physiotherapy. Steam inhalation, UV, UHF, diathermy, etc.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows hundreds of recipes for the treatment of the common cold, but they can be used with caution, carefully weighing the possible potential harm and after consulting with your doctor, especially if the patient is a child or a pregnant woman.

  • Boil a few eggs, drain the water and, wrapping them in one or two layers of matter, apply on the sides of the nose in the sinus area. Keep ten minutes to cool.
  • Chop 1 onion thoroughly and add the resulting slurry to a steam inhalation, breathing it several times a day.
  • Prepare a decoction - 1 teaspoon of tea per 240 milliliters of water, boil it for 15 minutes over low heat. After straining, add ½ tsp to the liquid. soda, stirring until completely dissolved. Bury the resulting soda-tannin decoction, 1 full pipette in each nostril for a week, 2-3 times a day.
  • Squeeze the juice from Kalanchoe, carefully filter and instill a few drops three times a day until recovery.
  • A mix of chamomile, calendula and yarrow in equal proportions, brew in boiling water, placing in a water bath (1 teaspoon per 300 milligrams clean water). Cool and filter the resulting liquid, use 2 times a day, instilling 2 drops into both nasal passages.

Useful video

Runny nose and medicines for the common cold - Dr. Komarovsky's School