Baby has a rash all over his body. Rash on the body of a child

It is no secret that the skin of babies is very delicate and often becomes covered with a rash or turns red. First of all, this is a signal that the baby's body is exposed to adverse factors. Parents should read the instructions rash on the body of a child photo with explanations not to be frightened at the first manifestation, but to help your child. Parents should have clear ideas of what to do if the child has a rash.

Poor ecology and food products that do not meet standards are the root cause of most diseases. But sometimes we provoke ourselves rash on the child's body.

Such provoking factors can be: the use of drugs without a preliminary examination, the use of aggressive household chemicals when cleaning, washing baby clothes and washing dishes.

Inclusion in the child's menu a large number sweets or citrus fruits, the use of unsuitable milk formula, poor hygiene in everyday life and nutrition. By establishing the causes, there is a chance to restore the health of the child.

Allergic rash in children photo

The reaction of the child's body to allergens is an allergic rash. This is a formidable symptom, indicating that it is necessary to identify allergens and exclude the possibility of their exposure. If you do not take action, then the allergy will develop and turn into severe incurable forms. Risk factors are products containing allergens: chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, rose hips, eggs, milk mixtures. At the first sign allergic rash it's too early to sound the alarm, but the signal of the child's body should not be ignored.
Hint for parents

Babies get allergens from their mother's milk. For example, if a mother eats a lot of oranges, then after feeding the baby, a rash will soon appear on his skin. Pregnant women can reward their baby with allergies if they don't eat right. There are cases when, using a rosehip decoction in large quantities, a mother provoked an allergy in her baby, who began to suffer a month after birth. Hereditary factors also matter, and if the family suffered from such a formidable disease, then certain forms of allergies will be observed in children.

Rash in a child all over the body without fever

Erythema toxic may cause a rash without fever. red spots irregular shape cover ninety percent of the body . Rash in a child all over the body without fever disappears after three days as the toxins are removed from the body. Water on polysorb or other sorbents will help remove toxins.

It happens in babies up to six months. If you regularly bathe a child with baby soap, the rash goes away without a trace. Sebaceous glands restore work, and the skin becomes clean and beautiful. Children need more air baths and cleanliness, less chemicals, good nutrition and care.

allergic rash almost never accompanied by fever, but can lead to shock and even suffocation. You should not be especially afraid if this is an isolated case, but if the rash recurs, allergens should be established and treated. Allergies can lead to asthma or psoriasis. In childhood, it is easier to restore normal work immune system. If you run an allergy, leaving it untreated, the consequences can be horrendous. AT chronic stage allergies the body destroys itself.

Rash entero viral infection in children photo

If a rash appears on the face, body of the child and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, then there is every reason to believe that the baby has caught enterovirus infection. Abdominal pain also speaks of a virus. recognize rash with enterovirus infection in children photo will help:

Such a rash has the configuration of red small nodules, with localization of many nodules in the chest and back, arms and legs, and face.

A rash may also appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and tonsils. In this case, the child experiences pain when swallowing, appetite disappears.

It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, since the rash is very similar to the manifestations of measles and an examination and collection of tests will be required. After establishing the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a doctor's prescription. As a rule, a viral rash is accompanied by a cough and runny nose, but disappears within five or seven days without a trace.

Rash on child's back

Rashes on the back are accompanied by itching and the baby experiences discomfort, cries. This localization of the rash is typical for prickly heat when the child is over-wrapped or rarely washed. With prickly heat, the rash on the back of the child is pink and very small, itchy.

Pustular pimples on the back appear when vesiculopusulose. They are filled with liquid and constantly burst, causing suffering, while infecting areas of the skin around. Bathing a child with such symptoms is impossible. It is necessary to process bursting bubbles with brilliant green so as not to become infected again.

Rash scarlet fever also located on the back. If before the appearance of the rash there was a temperature and a headache, then these are signs of scarlet fever - an infectious disease. You should quickly consult a doctor for help and do tests. Treatment will help to avoid complications.

Even sunbathing can cause rash on baby's back. Best time for sunbathing - morning and evening, and during the day the skin of the child may become blistered as a result sunburn. After-sun milk or regular sour cream will help relieve redness.

Rash on baby's stomach

At food allergies the rash appears first on the abdomen. For example, if a child eats a bucket of strawberries, then after three hours it will be covered with a rash, starting from the abdomen to the top of the head, arms and legs. There will definitely be itching, and the child will be worried.

Rash on baby's stomach may appear when psoriasis- severe immune disease. But psoriasis is usually preceded by another immune disease - allergies. Such a rash first appears in the form of small pink papules covered with white scales in the navel and between the ribs, in the lower abdomen, but if the scale is removed, the papule becomes bloody.

With infectious scabies the abdomen is also the first to break out in a rash. At the same time, dark dots are visible on the papule - scabies mites nest there. With scabies, the infectious disease doctor prescribes special preparations and ointments, isolates the patient from others.

To prevent the child from getting scabies at home and in kindergarten it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen more often, to avoid contact with the sick.

The manifestation of a rash in various diseases is just a visible part of the damage to human tissues. We do not see most of it, because the internal organs and blood suffer more.

Red rash on the body of a child

Accompanied by temperature red rash on the body of a child happens when rubella- an infectious disease.

You can get infected easily, but it leaks rubella difficult, sometimes with complications. With rubella, the lymph nodes also increase. After accepting treatment and restoring health in quarantine mode, the disease recedes, and the skin becomes clear.

scary symptom of meningococcal infection is red star-shaped rash. These are hemorrhages of blood vessels under the skin. The color may also be purplish-bluish. At the first sign of such a rash, parents should take the child to the hospital and preferably immediately to the infectious. They will make the necessary tests faster.

Rash in scarlet fever also red. It starts under the armpits, and then goes down. At the end of the disease, the skin flakes and turns white.

Measles characterized by a red rash. Not only the body of the child, but also the face can become covered with a solid red spot in a day.

A rash on the face of a child, a photo, all types of rashes - this is what will be discussed in this article. After all, it is a serious problem, as it spreads rapidly throughout the body and can turn into an intractable disease. In the future, we will consider how to recognize this in a child and what signs they have.

What does hives look like in a child

This disease is easy to diagnose on its own, most often it affects children under 3 years of age. It often appears in the form small dots. Rash on the face of a child, photo, all types of rash should be considered very carefully. They are distinguished by the presence of a reddish tint, blisters, which increase in size when combed. The cause of the occurrence is the ingress of an allergen into the body, due to which an increased amount of histamine is produced, leading to a thinning of the walls of blood vessels. In this case, the urticaria disappears quite quickly, within two hours, appearing elsewhere almost immediately. Irritants are:

  1. Foodstuffs like milk, eggs, chocolate, fruits, etc.
  2. Infections from viruses, bacteria.
  3. Medications.
  4. Impurities by type of pollen, dust, fluff and the rest.
  5. Nickel, resin.
  6. Dyes.

To make a diagnosis, it is enough to tell the attending physician the time and place of the onset of the initial symptoms.

To make sure the diagnosis is correct, your doctor may do a skin test, a whole body exam, and take a blood test.

Urticaria should be treated immediately, because it can go into severe form, which will be accompanied by labor-intensive treatment and a long onset of the result.

Measles and what it looks like

The rash on the child's body internal causes and is one of the first signs of the disease. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause and prescribe adequate treatment. However, parents need to know the main types of rashes and be able to determine their nature in order to provide the child with first aid and provide the doctor with the necessary information for a quick correct diagnosis.

What does it look like

The appearance of pathological elements on the skin different shapes, color, size and texture is called a rash. Often it is accompanied by other symptoms, which can determine the disease that caused the rash. Among the causes of rashes: disruption internal organs, infections and allergies. The rash is often accompanied by itching and fever. Among the secondary elements that accompany rashes are crusts, peeling, scars, cracks, ulcers and erosion, increased skin pattern, pigmentation disorders, and skin atrophy.

1. Infections

If the cause of the rash is an infection, viral or bacterial, the child has a fever, chills, a sore throat, a runny nose and a cough. Possible diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain. The rash appears immediately or for 2-3 days.

In the case of a viral infection, the child's condition is relieved by antipyretics and soothing external ointments and creams. For a bacterial rash, antibiotics are prescribed. The main symptoms of infectious diseases accompanied by a rash are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

disease, cause Incubation (hidden) period Symptoms, the nature of the rash
Infectious erythema, caused by parvovirus B19, is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact transmission is also possible. Most often they get sick between the ages of 2 and 12 years. 4 -14 days,
the patient is contagious until the rash appears.
Low fever, headache and mild cough and runny nose, sometimes arthritis. First, there is a rash on the cheeks in the form of small, slightly protruding bright red dots, which, increasing, merge into shiny symmetrical spots. Then slightly swollen red spots of the rash, sometimes with a bluish tinge, spread over the body. Further, the center of the spots brightens. The rash most often appears on the extensor surfaces. The spots fade away gradually, in 1-3 weeks.
Sudden exanthema (roseola),
caused by the herpes simplex virus type 6 (HHV-6), most often between the ages of 10 months and 2 years, usually transmitted from adults, by airborne droplets.
5 -15 days. Possible malaise, runny nose, redness of the throat, slight swelling of the eyelids, increased lymph nodes, cervical and rear ear. The temperature rises sharply to 38 - 40.5 degrees, after 3 days the temperature drops, and the body appears small rash in the form of pink spots, sometimes slightly rising above the surface (they last from several hours to three days). Characterized by irritability, lethargy and lack of appetite.
Chickenpox (chickenpox), is caused by the varicella zoster virus, which is similar in structure to the herpes virus. Transmitted by air or contact, most often before the age of 15 years. 10-21 days, the patient is contagious up to 10 days. The malaise occurs 1-2 days before the rash appears, in the form of a headache, sometimes not severe pain in the abdomen, a gradual increase in temperature to 38 degrees. A rash accompanied by itching appears on the head, face, torso. Red spots in a few hours turn into papules, and then into vesicles with a clear liquid (vesicles). The next day, the liquid becomes cloudy, an impression appears in the center of the bubble, and it itself becomes covered with a crust. A characteristic feature of chickenpox is the appearance of new elements (spills), so that at the same time one can observe different stages rash development: spots - seals (papules) - vesicles (vesicles) - crusts. After the disappearance of the rash, spots may remain, disappear after a week. If you scratch the itchy rashes, you can get an infection, then scars can remain on the skin. In most people who have been ill, the varicella-zoster virus goes into a latent form, gaining strength in nerve cells.
Meningococcal infection, caused by meningococcus (bacteria), is transmitted by air, settling in the nasal cavity and becoming more active with a decrease in the quality of life or viral infections. 2 - 10 days. The period of infection is up to 14 days from the onset of the disease. The disease is very dangerous - less than a day can pass from the appearance of a rash to death if meningococcus enters the blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
Once in the bloodstream, meningococcus can cause blood poisoning (sepsis) and/or meningitis. With sepsis, the temperature rises to 41 degrees, vomiting begins. On the first day, patients complain of headache, impaired consciousness, photophobia, tension in the back of the head. Against the background of pale grayish skin, a rash (small bruises that grow and become star-shaped) appears, it can rise above the level of the skin, often ulcerates and forms scars. There is no rash in isolated meningitis.
It is caused by an RNA-containing virus from the Paramyxoviridae family of the Morbilivirus genus.
9 - 21 days. The patient is contagious up to the 5th day from the onset of the rash, i.e., by about the 9th day of the disease. General malaise lasts 3-5 days, with fever up to 40 degrees, dry cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, scleritis, blepharitis, lacrimation. On the inner, mucous membrane of the cheeks on the 2nd day, whitish-gray dots with a red rim appear, disappear within 12-18 hours (Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots), leaving looseness of the mucous membrane. In parallel with the rise in temperature, bright dense spots appear behind the ears and along the hairline. The rash is characterized by stages: on the 1st day, the rash covers the face, on the 2nd - on the trunk, on the 3rd - on the limbs, and turns pale on the face. The rash is accompanied by mild itching, sometimes there are small bruises. After the disappearance of the spots within 7 - 10 days, peeling and brownish traces may be observed.
Scarlet fever,
caused by group A streptococci. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact, not only from patients with scarlet fever, but also from those who have any disease caused by these bacteria (for example, tonsillitis).
2 - 7 days The patient is contagious until the 10th day of illness. The malaise begins with a rise in temperature, acute pain in the throat. The pharynx is bright red, the tonsils are enlarged more than with ordinary angina. On the 1st - 2nd day of illness, a bright red punctate rash appears that does not affect the nasolabial triangle, while the patient's cheeks are burning, his eyes are shining. The rash is more intense in the folds of the body. especially in the armpits, cubital fossae, in the groin. May be accompanied by itching. The skin is red and hot, slightly swollen. After 3-7 days, the rash disappears, leaving behind a strong peeling (ends after 2-3 weeks).
Infectious mononucleosis, is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (from a large group of herpes viruses), most often in children and young people, through close contact. Often resolves without rash or other characteristic symptoms. The degree of contagiousness of patients is low. The disease proceeds with high fever and enlargement of the lymph nodes, especially the posterior cervical, liver and spleen. From the 3rd day of illness, a rise in temperature, inflammation of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils with a white coating is possible. On the 5th - 6th day, a rapidly passing rash may occur, especially if the patient has been prescribed ampicillin.
, is caused by a virus from the group of togaviruses (family Togaviridae, genus Rubivirus), most often at the age of 5-15 years. It is transmitted by contact, airborne droplets. 11 - 21 days. The patient is contagious up to the 5th day of illness. A slight malaise with a low temperature is often not noticed. The occipital and posterior cervical lymph nodes are greatly enlarged. After 1 - 2 days, pale pink small spots (disappear when pressing on the skin or when stretching it) appear on the face, quickly spread to the legs in a day and usually disappear after 3 days, leaving no traces. The rash may be accompanied by slight itching, located on normal, non-hyperemic skin. A frequent manifestation of rubella is a moderately pronounced dry cough, perspiration and dryness in the throat, headache. Small red elements (Forchheimer's spots) are sometimes traced in the soft palate.
Often the disease proceeds completely without a rash. Rubella is dangerous for expectant mothers, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it causes congenital malformations of the fetus.

2. Allergy

An allergic rash can be caused by food (chocolate, milk, eggs, citrus fruits, etc.), household chemicals, medicines, animal hair, even after touching a nettle or jellyfish, or after a mosquito bite. Eruptions all over the body are clearly visible and embossed. Accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation and severe itching. Contact with the source of its occurrence should be excluded, and prescribed by a doctor antihistamines and other drugs. Allergic rashes differ from infectious rashes in their rapid manifestation and good general well-being of the child.

Quincke's edema. May occur as a severe reaction of the body to an allergen, most often on medicines or food, but can also be insect bites, contact with jellyfish or nettles. The rash lasts for a long time, accompanied by swelling, if they extend to the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract and tongue - the risk of overlapping of the larynx and suffocation increases sharply.

Hives. It occurs as a reaction to foods, drugs, other allergens and under the influence of temperature factors (cold, sun), in some cases it is a secondary sign of hormonal disruptions and pathologies of the internal organs. Large, spreading, pink, intensely itchy blisters appear on the skin.

Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema, neurodermatitis). This is an inflammation of the skin caused by the immediate (within the first four hours) reaction of the body to an allergen. It is chronic, does not heal completely and requires daily attention throughout life. May be accompanied allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and eczema itself. The disease appears in the first year with an itchy rash on the face, cheeks, inner surfaces of the folds of the arms and legs. In the period of exacerbation, the rash looks like red vesicles-papules with scratching and liquid discharge. Bursting bubbles are covered with crusts. Symptoms mutate over the years skin rashes change appearance and location. The skin becomes dry and rough, lesions occur in the popliteal and ulnar fossae, on the chest, on the face and neck. The occurrence of eczema is provoked nervous diseases, pathologies of internal organs, disorders of the endocrine system.

3. Rash in newborns

Rashes on the body of newborns are caused by:

  • an excess dose of allergen products received with mother's milk (toxic erythema of newborns is most often caused by dried apricots, walnuts);
  • inept care (diaper rash, diaper dermatitis, prickly heat are caused by excessive wrapping, rare washing, lack of air baths).
  • Toxic erythema looks like small white-yellow seals surrounded by a red rim. Often only red spots appear.
  • acne in newborns occurs on the face, scalp and neck. A rash in the form of inflamed seals causes activation sebaceous glands maternal hormones. Careful hygiene and moisturizing with emollients is required.
  • Prickly heat due to increased skin moisture and disruption of the sweat glands with excessive wrapping. Small bubbles and spots rarely become inflamed, do not disturb the patient and quickly pass with good care.
  • Vesiculopustulosis(inflammation of the mouth of the sweat glands caused by pathogenic staphylococcus aureus) is characterized by pustular small vesicles of white or yellowish color on the body, neck, legs, arms, and head. Crusts form in place of the burst bubbles. In order to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body, careful treatment of the identified foci with solutions of potassium permanganate or brilliant green, and alcohol is necessary - skin areas between the pustules. Bathing the baby is not allowed.

Bite marks are formed due to mechanical damage to the skin and toxins and infections that have got into them. The reaction of the body to insect bites from a rash of infectious diseases can be distinguished by localization and the absence of other symptoms. Immediately after the bite, the damaged area of ​​​​the skin turns red, swells, itching, urticaria, anaphylaxis and acute vascular insufficiency in allergic people may occur.

  • Bed bug bites appear as linear, itchy lumps and vesicles that appear at night. In the center of the rash is a tiny bruise. Drops of blood can be found on bed linen.
  • Flea bites similar to bedbug bites, but randomly located on the skin.
  • Bees, bumblebees, wasps and hornets in the back of the body they have a sting connected to a sac containing poison. This sting often remains at the site of the bite and must be carefully removed.
  • mosquitoes leave bites in the form of itchy blisters, which then develop into a reddish lump that lasts from several hours to several days. Sometimes the bite site swells. With a tendency to allergies, urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible.
  • Scabies mites make microscopic passages in thin skin (between the fingers, on the wrists, on the abdomen, etc.). The rash looks like red dots, often arranged in pairs, 2-3 mm apart, and is accompanied by intense itching. Scabies is contagious. It is transmitted by contact, including through common things, and requires treatment by a dermatologist.

5. Hemorrhagic rash

A rash in diseases of the blood and blood vessels (amyloidosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, Wegener's granulomatosis, vasculitis, skin hemosiderosis, etc.) occurs as a result of hemorrhages in the skin and requires examination by a hematologist. Depending on the disease, it can be in the form of small dots or large bruises of various shapes and shades (from blue to brown and dirty gray). If a hemorrhagic rash is detected, an urgent need to call a doctor, and before making a diagnosis, limit the patient's mobility. Among the causes of hemorrhagic rash are anthrax, meningococcemia, pseudotuberculosis, typhoid fever, intestinal yersiniosis. The rash may be accompanied by itching and soreness of the skin, fever, swollen lymph nodes.

What to do

When rashes appear on the skin, it is necessary to analyze

  • where and how long was the child;
  • what did he eat, what did he do;
  • with whom or what he was in contact with.

The child must be shown to the doctor, the doctor is called to the house in the usual manner. Before visiting a doctor, you should:

  1. Isolate the baby from other children (to prevent the spread possible infection), and, if possible, limit its mobility.
  2. You can not scratch itchy areas, so as not to expand the affected area (for example, with scabies).
  3. It is impossible to treat the rash by any means, so as not to distort the clinical picture for making a diagnosis.

IMPORTANT! Ambulance urgent care invoked on suspicion of meningococcal infection. And also if the rash is accompanied by a temperature above 40 degrees, confusion, vomiting, headache, swelling and difficulty breathing, or has the appearance of stellate hemorrhages throughout the body and causes unbearable itching.


The simplest and effective way prevention of infectious diseases (and their serious complications) in children is vaccination under the supervision of a pediatrician, according to the national vaccination schedule. Most modern vaccines are lightweight: they eliminate components that can cause unwanted reactions. And also have the ability to combine into one.

In children, the immune system has not yet been fully formed, so in order not to provoke allergic manifestations new foods in the child's diet should be introduced gradually, in small portions, checking how he tolerates them.

Any pathological change skin you need to carefully examine the child, analyze what he ate, what he did, when and with whom he contacted, calm the baby, provide him with peace and, if necessary, call a doctor.

Rash is a common childhood problem

Skin rashes in children are not uncommon. Redness, lumps and other reactions may be associated with the most different reasons and only a doctor should make a diagnosis. Sometimes a child's rash can be removed by the simplest means, while in other cases, hospital treatment may be required.

Types of rash in children and their causes

A rash is any pathological changes on the skin, the color, relief and density of which differ in any way from normal skin:

  • spots - flat areas without swelling are red, pink or whitish;
  • blisters - convex, dense or with a cavity inside;
  • pustules - abscesses;
  • papules - small seals without cavities.

Rashes can be local, sometimes the rash spreads throughout the body with or without fever. They are called:

  • allergies to food, contact products and household chemicals;
  • infectious diseases bacteriological and viral nature;
  • insect bites and other damage to the skin.

Allergies and insect bites are only part of the causes of rashes

Basic rules of action for the appearance of rashes

1. If a rash appears in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor;

2. It is not recommended to use any medications on your own, without a prescription - self-medication can worsen the child's condition;

3. If a hemorrhagic rash is detected (local hemorrhages that do not go away when pressed with a finger), an ambulance should be urgently called - this is how meningitis can manifest itself.

Skin rashes in a child: common types

Prickly heat

Miliaria occurs in young children in hot weather, when the room temperature is too high, or when the child is too tightly dressed. The rash looks like small reddish or transparent vesicles concentrated in skin folds or localized in the form of a "necklace" - around the neck, on the shoulders, chest and partly the chin. By themselves, they are not dangerous, but they can be disturbing. With prickly heat, the rash, as a rule, itches, and when scratched, it starts to hurt.

To cope with such irritation, you need to make sure that the child does not sweat because he is hot - the air around him should be moderately cool, clothes should not rub the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rash. After consulting with a doctor and excluding other diseases, you can proceed to the second step - delicate drying of the rash. Pharmacy tincture of calendula, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, is best suited for this. The solution is applied with light lotions, without friction. It is absolutely impossible to use creams, panthenol or oils for prickly heat - this will worsen the condition of the child's skin.

Rash with prickly heat in a child - photo


The skin of a child prone to allergies can react to an irritant in different ways:

  • dermatitis - contact dermatitis manifests itself in the form of itching, burning, due to which the baby combs the skin to blood, atopic is characterized by coarsening and crusting in the folds and on the cheeks;
  • diathesis - red scaly rashes, often accompanied by crying, irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • eczema - relief foci on the face and neck, hands and ankles, which are crusted, cracked and itchy.
  • urticaria - red or orange convex swollen spots of various shapes and severity, whitish liquid can accumulate inside large ones.

Important: if you notice urticaria in a child, the foci increase, lips, eyelids and fingers swell, Quincke's edema, dangerous to health, may develop. If such changes are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance. If the child is allergic, parents should always carry effective antihistamines with them.

Photo: what does a rash look like with urticaria?

Therapy for allergies should be comprehensive - the doctor prescribes remedies that will quickly relieve local symptoms, support immunity and protect against unpleasant complications.

Bite reaction

An insect bite - wasps, bees, midges, mosquitoes - often turns out to be painful, and after mechanical damage, the skin in the affected area may turn red, swell and hurt. This is how reactions to a bite, for example, of a mosquito, manifest themselves. Cold compresses or antihistamine lotions, for example, with Fenistil baby gel, help to cope with these symptoms. After a midge bite, the skin becomes covered with a diffuse rash. Most dangerous bites- bees, wasps, hornets and other arrow-bellied insects. The bite is very painful, and the insect's venom can cause the most severe reactions, including swelling of the airways. If a child is bitten by a bee or wasp, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby for several hours. If the baby becomes lethargic, his face swells and his hands are weak, immediate medical attention is needed.

Diseases in which a rash appears on the body of a child

Skin reactions often accompany acute childhood illnesses, the rash can be both the main symptom and part of mixed signs. That is why when a rash appears, it is necessary to visit the clinic as soon as possible or call a doctor at home.


Chickenpox refers to acute viral diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets and are accompanied by clear symptoms. Infection is primarily signaled by a rash - the vesicles spread throughout the body, become covered with a crust and, as they heal, itch strongly. Such rashes do not require specific treatment, they go away within a few days, subject to the recommendations of the pediatrician. Chickenpox rash can spread without fever. As soon as new bubbles stop appearing, we can say that the disease has subsided. That is why the foci with chickenpox are “marked” with brilliant green - so that new bubbles can be seen immediately.

Chickenpox in a child is accompanied by a rash


In the case of rubella, a common childhood illness, the child's red dotted rash spreads all over the body, starting on the face and neck. It is preceded by an acute phase with symptoms characteristic of acute respiratory infections - a temperature of 37-38 degrees, cough and sore throat. The temperature can, on the recommendation of a doctor, be removed with antipyretics. Red dots in the foci of rashes begin to disappear approximately on the fourth day after the appearance. After another 2-3 days, the child ceases to be contagious to the surrounding adults and other children.


The symptoms of measles are similar to rubella in many ways. The child begins to complain of weakness, cough, sometimes runny nose, body temperature can rise significantly. The rash appears on the child's face and spreads to the body. It can be pale and scanty, or, conversely, more pronounced. On the second day, the intensity of the color of the rashes decreases. Within 5 days, the exacerbation ends, the foci of the rash begin to peel off and completely disappear in the following days without any local effect.

With measles, the rash in a child is red

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever in young children presents as high temperature, severe sore throat and a characteristic rash - small, bright pink or red, concentrated in the folds and folds, for example, in the groin, inside the elbows, under the knees. When localized on the face, the rash covers the cheeks and forehead, the nasolabial triangle usually remains unaffected. Since scarlet fever has many complications of varying severity, its treatment and symptom control should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Scabies is highly contagious


Roseola is a disease that affects most children between the ages of six months and two years. It has symptoms that are almost identical to SARS - it is an acute temperature that is resistant to antipyretics. Approximately on the 4th day, the temperature drops critically quickly, and it is replaced by a rash on the child's body - slightly convex, small-spotted rashes appear first on the stomach, and then on other parts of the body. Their formation indicates the completion of the acute phase of roseola, while the rash itself disappears after 3-4 days without residual peeling and pigmentation.


With herpes, a child develops a blister on the lips, which is often called a "cold". The blister may be large, red, double, filled with fluid. The bubble bursts within a few days, its walls dry out and fall off. As it heals, it may itch, it is important that the child does not scratch the lips and does not tear off the crusts so as not to bring dirt. Children over 2 years old can use effective means like "Zovirax" or "Acyclovir", which accelerate healing and relieve discomfort on the skin.

With herpes, a rash appears on the lips


Meningitis is one of the most dangerous childhood diseases: there are different ways of infection, and the disease itself develops rapidly. It begins with weakness, runny nose, sore throat, which are later joined by acute headaches, muscle stiffness and the so-called Kernig symptom (the child cannot straighten the leg bent at the knee). hip joint). Another symptom of meningitis is an exanthema rash, hemorrhagic (i.e. with subcutaneous hemorrhage) with a focus of necrosis in the center. If you find such signs, you should urgently call a doctor or an ambulance.

Many diseases in childhood accompanied by the appearance on the child's body of various rashes. This condition in babies gives rise to many questions from their parents. In the photo in the article, you can see the types, nature and localization of the rash in children with explanations depending on a particular disease.

Types of sipi in childhood

First, let's find out what this concept is. A rash is a pathological element on the skin and mucous membrane of a person, which differs in its structure from healthy skin. In children, there are several types of rashes.

Without certain knowledge, which only a qualified specialist has, it is quite difficult to determine one or another type of rash. Our article is provided for informational purposes only. Diagnosis should only be done by a doctor.

The etiology and pathogenesis of rashes is the science of dermatology. In medical practice, there are several large groups of these pathological elements on the skin:

  • Physiological - more often diagnosed in infants under one year old. Cause pathological changes Here are the hormonal fluctuations in the body.
  • Infectious - appears due to the influence of viral, bacterial and fungal agents on the body.
  • Immunological - appears as a result of exposure to the skin of mechanical irritations, temperature, allergens and other things.

Depending on this classification, it is possible to identify the causes of a rash on the body of a child.

A rash of children can appear on the head, face, arms, legs, neck, back, chest, pope, abdomen, elbows, and in the genital area. The localization of pimples, as well as their nature, depends on the type of disease that provoked them. The most common causes of pathological changes in the skin are the following factors:

  • Blood disorders. With poor blood clotting, small hemorrhages appear on the skin. This is most characteristic of meningococcal meningitis.
  • Diseases of viral etiology. This group includes measles, chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis, rubella.
  • bacterial pathologies. A prominent representative is scarlet fever.
  • mechanical factors. With damage to the dermis, a child may develop a rash in the form of small red dots, vesicles, pimples, red or pink spots.
  • Allergy. Often a rash in children appears due to insect bites, when exposed to the dermis of household chemicals and some cosmetics. Often, skin irritation occurs when eating allergens. Rashes may appear as a response to the use of medications.

The list shows that there are quite a few reasons for this condition.

In addition, with many pathologies, the rash has a very similar character. In this regard, do not try to independently diagnose a particular condition in your child. This should be done by an experienced dermatologist.

Photo of a rash in a child with explanations

There are a number of pathologies accompanied by the appearance of pathological formations on the skin in the form of vesicles, pimples, papules, vesicles and other manifestations. Consider common diseases that occur in childhood.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic allergic disease that occurs in children with infancy. Pathology occurs in patients with a hereditary predisposition to atopy. This condition is caused by various factors. Among them should be highlighted:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • imperfection of the immune system;
  • maternal malnutrition during pregnancy;
  • influence on the child's skin of various irritants.

The symptoms of the disease include redness of the dermis. Localization of the rash is observed on the skin folds, legs, arms, torso. The disease is diagnosed mainly in children under one year old.

In the photo you can see what atopic dermatitis looks like in a child

Treatment of pathology is carried out in a complex manner. In this case, medications are used, folk methods, preventive measures prescribed by a dermatologist.

Dermatitis of this type is characterized by the development inflammatory process in the area of ​​the scalp. Pathology is caused by fungal microorganisms from the genus Malassezia furfur. Under the influence of their vital activity, symptoms characteristic of the disease appear on the child's skin. These include:

  • dryness of the dermis;
  • the appearance of yellow crusts on the head, forehead, in the area auricles(gneiss);
  • itching and peeling;
  • redness of the dermis.

What seborrhea looks like in the photo can be seen below

Treatment of the disease is carried out under medical supervision using exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, emollients.

From the name it is clear that this type of rash appears in babies with prolonged contact with irritants such as urine and feces. The cause of the disease is improper care or insufficient hygiene. Poor-quality underwear or diapers can also provoke a rash.

The danger of diaper dermatitis lies in the fact that with untimely treatment, ulcers and erosions in the genital area can form in the baby. Often a bacterial infection joins, which greatly complicates the treatment.

Diaper dermatitis on the picture

Rash treatment is carried out by observing the rules of hygiene, using anti-inflammatory, softening, disinfecting creams, herbal baths.

This type of allergic reaction occurs in children due to irritation of the dermis by various factors (seams on clothing, scratches, cosmetics and so on).

Rash contact dermatitis on the picture

Therapy of the disease is carried out exclusively by eliminating the irritant. If you do not remove the factors provoking rashes, any hygiene products and medicines will be ineffective.

Acne in children occurs at any age. There are many reasons for inflammation. Among them should be mentioned allergic reactions, the influence of mechanical damage, bacteria, hormonal imbalance and metabolic processes in the body.

There are several types of acne. Among them are papules, pink or red spots, abscesses, vesicles. Acne can be localized throughout the body. Most often occur on the face, chest, back, buttocks.

Photo of acne in a child

Treatment is carried out depending on the cause that provoked given state. To clarify it, you should show the baby to a dermatologist, pass the necessary laboratory tests.

The disease is provoked by group A streptococci, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a general violation of the condition and the formation of a small rash all over the body. Rashes appear in the patient on the 2nd-3rd day of illness, affecting the cheeks, groin, and side parts of the body. Nasolabial triangle pale, remains unaffected.

The tongue at the beginning of the disease has a red tint, a pronounced granular structure (scarlet fever tongue). On day 10-14, the skin begins to peel off. On the fingers and toes, peeling has a large-lamellar character. In the throat, purulent lesions provoked by streptococcus are noted.

Rash with scarlet fever in the photo

In this photo, rashes on the tongue

This disease is caused by members of the herpes family. Pathology develops mainly before the age of two years. The clinic of the disease includes the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • on the second or third day after a high temperature, a small rash appears on the baby's body in the form of red spots;
  • sometimes there is an increase in submandibular lymph nodes;
  • after rashes, peeling and age spots appear on the body.

What roseola looks like can be seen in the photo

Some special treatment for roseola, as with other viral diseases, is not required. The child should be provided with comfortable conditions, drink plenty of water, give antipyretics in a timely manner.

This term refers to acute viral disease, provoking damage to the throat, tonsils, enlargement of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes, as well as causing a change in the composition of the blood.

Rash infectious mononucleosis photo of a child

Clinical picture accompanied by severe redness of the skin, which indicates a strong intoxication of the body. The rashes are similar to goosebumps. Pathology is treated symptomatically, depending on the severity of the patient's symptoms. In the photo of the rash moderate currents.

When a child may have a rash of a very different nature. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and its immune system. Usually the manifestations on the body look like small pimples. They can appear on a variety of parts.

Photo of a rash with helminthic invasions

Due to the heat, direct exposure of the sun to the skin and insufficient hygiene, the baby often develops sweating on the body. At the same time, small-dot formations appear on the body that do not bring significant inconvenience to the child. Provokes this condition profuse sweating in humans.

Prickly heat in the photo

Treatment of this condition is carried out by observing the methods of hygiene, frequent bathing and normalizing the temperature in the room. For the speedy cleansing of the dermis, a plentiful drink is shown. In severe cases, antihistamines are used.


Having found any rashes on your baby’s body, do not try to find out their cause on your own from the photo. It is very difficult to diagnose pathology without the necessary knowledge. Similar manifestations on the body in children can develop according to the most various reasons. This list includes lactose intolerance, mumps, skin changes with staphylococcus, dysbacteriosis, diathesis. On the chin and around the mouth, pimples often occur during teething. Rashes often occur with food allergies. Besides, this symptom often found in leukemia and other formidable diseases.

Be that as it may, the first thing parents need to do when pathological changes are found on the body of their baby is to seek a qualified medical care. Take care of your children and be happy.


Komarovsky spoke in detail about the rash in a child.