Shingles (herpes zoster). Causes, symptoms and signs, diagnosis and treatment of the disease


Contagious herpes infection can be transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. It is accompanied by pain and is manifested by spots on the body. The incubation period continues for many years. The cause of the appearance is considered chickenpox. The Herpes Zoster virus is found in nerve cells in a dormant state, without causing various clinical manifestations.

What is shingles

Herpes zoster (according to ICD 10) is a viral infectious disease. When it occurs, it is accompanied by pain, looks like a rash. Mostly occurs in the elderly, in the autumn and winter. The cause and causative agent is the varicella-zoster virus - herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster). At a young age, when the body encounters chickenpox, it does not disappear after treatment, but goes into a latent state and hides in the nerve cells of the posterior horns of the spinal cord, ganglia of the autonomic nervous system, cranial nerves. There is damage to the back roots.

Viral ganglioneuritis contributes to the activation of the infection. The virus leaves the infected nerve cells, moving along the axons. The lurking pathogen does not cause symptoms. When the human body is healthy and there are no problems with immunity, the virus does not manifest itself in any way. After a long period, herpes zoster enters the blood again and causes the symptoms of herpes zoster. If a child becomes infected with the virus in the womb, the analysis reveals IgM antibodies anti-VZV and elevated level IgG anti-VZV. This means that tests of lymphoblastic transformation are positive.

What causes the chickenpox virus to attack the body again? Among them are:

  • taking drugs that lower immunity (immunosuppressants, corticosteroid hormones);
  • AIDS and HIV infections;
  • incessant stressful situations, constant overwork;
  • oncology: tumors and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • organ transplant and bone marrow.

What does shingles look like

The place of localization of the virus is the nerve cells that are located throughout the body (intercostal nerve trunks, branches trigeminal nerve). Lichen appears unilaterally and occurs on the face, arms, abdomen, head, in the genital area. You can recognize Herpes Zoster by spots that look like pink swelling. After a few days, a group of erythematous papules form, which instantly turn into small vesicles. Their diameter is 2-5 mm. Inside is transparent content.

Among the atypical forms of herpes zoster, 5 types are distinguished, all of which can be transmitted and require treatment. It:

  • abortive - minor manifestations of a rash;
  • bullous - connection of bubbles;
  • hemorrhagic - the vesicles contain hemorrhagic exudate;
  • gangrenous (necrotic) - with necrosis, scars;
  • disseminated (generalized).

Herpes zoster - how is it transmitted

The pathogenesis of the disease is as follows: shingles is transmitted from person to person by airborne, contact, transplacental routes. The person who infects another has herpes zoster or chicken pox. The virus belongs to the category of neurodermatotropic, therefore it is capable of infecting epithelial cells of the skin and nervous system. The virus is in all people who have had chickenpox or have been in contact with the patient. With a decrease in the immunological resistance of the body, the virus wakes up and activates again.

Shingles symptoms in adults

To recognize the disease, you need to know what shingles is - symptoms and treatment vary in adults. In people with severely suppressed immunity, the rash is located all over the body. This life-threatening condition is characterized by damage internal organs, nerve roots, organs of the nervous system, nerve nodes, membranes and substances of the brain. In young children, damage to the oral mucosa may occur. A rash appears on the gums in the form of bubbles, which quickly open up and turn into sores.

In addition to herpetiform rashes on the skin and the symptoms preceding it, there are signs of herpes zoster during an exacerbation of the virus:

  • an increase in body temperature to febrile numbers (38-40 degrees);
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • there is an increase in local lymph nodes.

If the virus is activated in the facial nerve, paralysis occurs, among the signs of which are:

  • asymmetry of the face;
  • the patient cannot puff out his cheeks, show his teeth;
  • the rash appears in the area of ​​the auricle.

Herpes zoster - the initial stage

For diagnosis and treatment, a PCR analysis is prescribed. A few days before the appearance of rashes, a person thinks that he has the flu, but this is the initial stage of herpes zoster: causeless weakness, headache, chills, fatigue, fever to subfebrile numbers, indigestion. Then a pain symptom occurs at the site of future rashes due to the nerve involved in the process. There is a burning sensation, itching, pain increases with a change in body position. There is reddening of the skin, swelling, and after 3-5 days rashes appear, as in the photo.

Rash in shingles

A person feels unwell, symptoms and spots appear in the zone of innervation of one or two neighboring spinal roots. Further, pink spots are converted into bubbles - this is the rash with herpes zoster. They appear only on one side: bubbles on the right in the chest area cannot appear in exactly the same place on the left. It is undesirable to wash with pain - this can lead to the transfer of infection to other areas. Rashes, such as in the photo, have the following characteristics:

  • these are bubbles with transparent contents (if suppuration occurs, then the contents are cloudy);
  • the rash is located in groups near nerve trunks;
  • bubbles can combine with each other;
  • when a rash appears, itching and pain may decrease slightly;
  • after 7-14 days, new elements of the rash appear.

Healing after herpes

After a few days, herpes vesicles begin to open, forming erosion. All stages of healing depriving the patient passes within 2 weeks. The epithelium acquires integrity, but a consequence remains in place of the former bubble - depigmentation. This is a temporary phenomenon that will soon pass. The danger is the case when a person's immunity is greatly reduced. Then another type of infection, streptococci or staphylococci, can stick to erosion. This phenomenon can lead to the development of pustules, and after their treatment, scars will remain on the skin.

Pain in shingles

Herpetic eruptions are characterized by the presence of a strong pain syndrome. A person has a feeling of tingling, tingling, incision, lumbago. After the rash, the pain can persist for a year. Doctors recommend resorting to the help of painkillers. Relieve symptoms and severe pain Herpes zoster can be treated with medications such as:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ketorolac, naproxen, ibuprofen);
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • anticonvulsants - anticonvulsants (gabapentin, pregabalin);
  • amantadine sulfate (PC-Merz);
  • non-narcotic analgesics;
  • immunoglobulins (zostevir);
  • novocaine blockade;
  • valacyclovir, acyclovir (against diseases of a viral nature);
  • transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the affected nerves;
  • adequate pain relief (oxycodone, tramadol);
  • preparations based on capsaicin (ointment Mataren plus).

How to treat shingles

Prevention of the disease should be done with a live Zostavax vaccine. You can cure a viral infection with pills, folk remedies, brush with the mixture. To increase the effectiveness of the chosen method, the treatment of herpes zoster must be combined with the right lifestyle: keep calm, have a good rest. It is necessary to eliminate the exposure of the patient to sunlight. It is necessary to protect others from the possibility of becoming infected: give the patient all personal items. There are also non-traditional methods of treatment, such as a conspiracy from depriving.

How to treat shingles at home

A complete treatment of shingles at home is possible with the support of immunity, a balanced diet. Undiluted apple cider vinegar is applied in the form of compresses to the damaged area 5 times a day to get rid of itching and burning. To be treated, you can prepare a tincture of calendula and meadowsweet. In the composition, it is necessary to moisten the gauze and apply 3 times a day for 10 minutes. A recipe for a tincture of calendula and meadowsweet will remove the symptoms and help with the treatment. Ingredients:

  • meadowsweet flowers - 2 tsp;
  • calendula flowers - 100 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Pour flowers into a container and pour vodka.
  2. Close the lid tightly.
  3. Put in a dark place for a month.
  4. Tincture (1 tsp) can be diluted in 150 ml of boiled water.
  5. For treatment, take three times a day.

Shingles - treatment with folk remedies

Treatment options:

  • Coltsfoot - medicinal plant, fresh leaves of which will help get rid of symptoms. Before use, they must be crushed to the consistency of gruel. Apply to the affected area for 20 minutes. You can take mother-and-mahecha inside, eat, take 2-3 drops of grass juice and pour 150 ml of water (3 times a day, 60 minutes before meals).
  • Treatment of shingles with folk remedies includes lubricating the rash with a decoction of unroasted buckwheat.
  • If you mix tea tree oil with alcohol 1: 1, then a healing compress will come out.
  • Garlic treatment is also suitable, if you turn it into a puree by adding water.

Treatment of shingles in the elderly

When taking drugs, the emphasis should be on suppressing the virus. Treatment of herpes zoster in the elderly occurs externally in the form of ointments and internally. Inside, antiviral agents are taken for 14 days: analgesics, antihistamines. For people old age in the treatment of herpes useful walks in the fresh air, diet, vitamins to boost immunity. It is necessary to avoid meeting with patients so that a relapse does not occur: the route of transmission is contact and airborne. The infection can be transmitted through things and through the air.

Complications after herpes zoster

If you find yourself with symptoms, red spots, as in the photo, then the first thing to do is to contact an infectious disease specialist, because. unpleasant consequences may occur. If treatment is not started on time, the consequences of shingles can be deplorable. Among the common complications after lichen are:

  • paralysis facial nerve;
  • meningitis;
  • prolonged pain in the affected area;
  • decreased visual acuity if herpes touched the area around the eyes;
  • hepatitis;
  • development of transverse myelitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • violation of urination.

Find out more about how the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves.

Shingles is a pathology of viral origin that develops when the herpes virus type 3 enters the body. The disease is severe chronic course with seasonal outbreaks of exacerbation (most often in autumn and spring). In some cases, the virus incubation process can take several years. In people with strong immunity, the disease does not develop, as the cells of the immune system suppress the activity of the viral agent.

If the body's defenses are weakened, severe symptoms and a characteristic pain syndrome appear. The main number of cases are people over 45 years of age and elderly patients - their pathology is especially difficult, since not all drugs are suitable for use at this age. Therapy for herpes zoster in elderly patients should be selected by a specialist, taking into account individual factors and general condition patient, as well as an assessment of possible risks and consequences.

To draw up a plan of therapeutic measures, it is important to correctly diagnose the form of lichen. Each of them has its own characteristics and signs that you need to know in order not to make a mistake with the choice of treatment methods.

Form of pathologyDistinctive features and clinical symptoms
GeneralizedThe rash can appear on several areas of the body. Painful blisters and spots can cover not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes (including oral cavity and sexual organs). In severe cases, the affected area occupies up to 90% of the body surface (such forms of herpes zoster are very rare)
bullousWith this form, small bubbles are located close to each other and merge into one large blister. After its breakthrough, the affected area remains dark spot, and a scab is formed (areas of necrotic tissue)
VisceralA severe form of the disease in which internal organs are involved in the process. With the visceral form of herpes zoster, treatment of patients of any age is carried out only in a hospital
abortiveThe rash disappears almost immediately after the appearance. Pain syndrome is usually absent, which makes diagnosis difficult. Blisters and vesicles with abortive form of lichen occur only in 17% of cases. This type of pathology is called latent.

Is hospitalization necessary?

In most cases, treatment for shingles in older patients can be done on an outpatient basis, but sometimes urgent hospitalization is required. Even with a generalized or bullous form of herpes zoster, inpatient treatment and constant medical supervision may be required. Indications for hospital stay are:

  • age over 75;
  • immunodeficiency states in history;
  • allergic reactions to medicines(especially if the patient has previously had anaphylactic reactions);
  • heavy chronic diseases, which can worsen when taking certain medications (especially for diseases of the kidneys and liver).

Important! When deciding on the methods and methods of treatment, it is important to consider which of the family members has had chicken pox (chickenpox). If people who did not have this disease live in the territory with the patient, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital, since there is a high probability of infection of the rest of the household. The fact is that shingles is caused by the same virus as chicken pox, so it is important to be careful when contacting such patients.

How to treat shingles in the elderly?

When choosing treatment tactics, the patient's age, his state of health, the presence of chronic pathologies and other factors that may affect the safety or effectiveness of treatment are taken into account. Therapy in patients older than 55 years is aimed at the following goals:

  • suppression of virus activity;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • reduction of intoxication and improvement of general well-being;
  • restoration of the body's defenses.

Video - Shingles

Medical therapy

The main group of drugs used to treat herpes in the elderly are antiviral agents. They destroy the protein shell of the virus, inhibit its activity and prevent the spread of infection to internal organs. Interferon-based antiviral drugs will help not only destroy the virus, but also strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of your own interferon.

The most effective drug for the treatment of diseases caused by the herpes virus is considered to be " Acyclovir". It can be taken orally in tablet form or used as an external treatment (ointment). The medicine can be replaced by similar means, which include:

  • "Genferon";
  • "Interferon";
  • "Famciclovir Thera";
  • "Valacyclovir";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Cycloferon".

Important! Patients who cannot use oral form drugs (for example, with a strong gag reflex), antiviral agents are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories.

For local treatment of blisters and rashes, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of brilliant green, or other preparations recommended by the doctor.

If the pathology is accompanied by severe pain, the doctor may prescribe the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics. For the elderly, such therapy is prescribed for a period of no more than 5-7 days.

Drugs that can be used to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation:

  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Ibufen";
  • "Naproxen";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Analgin".

Important!"Analgin" has a strong toxic effect on the body, so patients over 55 years of age should take it under strict medical supervision and in accordance with the prescribed dosing regimen.

For some patients, the doctor may prescribe ointments with glucocorticosteroid hormones or antibiotics. It is necessary to use drugs of this group very carefully and for a short period of time. If any negative effects appear, you should immediately notify your doctor.

A mandatory item in the treatment of herpes zoster is vitamin therapy. The patient is selected a complex of vitamins. And also recommendations are given on the preparation and enrichment of the diet. You can take ready-made multivitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes, for example, " Alphabet».

Physiotherapy treatment

A visit to a physiotherapy room gives a pronounced therapeutic effect, especially with the development of postherpetic neuralgia. Depending on the available indications and complications, the patient may be prescribed:

  • plasmapheresis (blood purification);
  • acupuncture.

Acupuncture and plasmapheresis are modern methods treatment of skin pathologies various genesis which give good therapeutic results at any age.

Folk methods


Grind a few leaves of cinquefoil with a knife or blender to a state of gruel. From the raw materials obtained, make a compress on the affected area. Keep at least 10-15 minutes. Compresses should be done every day until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

Calendula and meadowsweet

These medicinal plants have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so they are excellent for eliminating pain in shingles. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of meadowsweet and calendula flowers and pour into an enameled container. Add 0.5 l of vodka to the mixture, mix and remove in the dark.

The resulting infusion should be used for external and internal treatment according to the following scheme:

  • moisten a piece of dense tissue in the infusion and apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes (repeat the procedure 3 times a day);
  • Mix 1 spoon with 100 ml of boiled water and drink with meals (3 times a day).

The course of treatment according to this scheme is 14 days.


Peel the medium pumpkin and pass through a meat grinder. Apply the gruel in a thick layer on a cotton or gauze cloth and apply to the sore spot for 30 minutes. The procedure is best performed before going to bed.

Same healing effect has natural cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil ("Tykveol"). It is used for external treatment of rashes for 10 days (longer possible).

clay and honey

An excellent remedy for relieving pain in severe pain is blue clay. One bag of clay (100 g) should be mixed with a spoonful of honey and a small spoonful of rye flour. Add boiling water to the mixture to get the consistency of dough for making cakes.

From the mass, form cakes and attach them to the sore spot. Keep it as long as possible (at least 20 minutes). You can bandage the affected area or stick the cakes with a band-aid. You can use the remedy every time you experience severe pain.


Ash mixed with water helps to soothe irritated skin, get rid of itching and discomfort. It is best to use ash from birch logs. To improve well-being, 3-5 procedures are enough. Gruel should be lubricated with diseased areas (keep the composition for 10-30 minutes).


Compresses with a decoction of burdock - another effective remedy for the treatment of lichen in the elderly at home. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of fresh burdock with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes, strain, then moisten a thin cloth with decoction and apply to the affected area.

Compresses should be applied every day in the evening for 10-15 days.


Mustard is in almost every home, so this method of treating lichen is not only effective, but also affordable. Before applying mustard to the skin, treat the affected area with butter. Top with a small amount of seasoning and tie with a cloth or bandage. Keep 1-1.5 hours. After removing the dressing, wash the skin with warm water and mild soap.

The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days.

Important! For this recipe, only natural mustard is suitable without flavoring additives, horseradish and other components.

Video - How to treat shingles with folk remedies

Fast treatment for shingles

Some experts suggest using the following scheme to quickly get rid of the disease in the elderly and the elderly:

  • wiping the skin with tincture of walnuts (unripe) 3 times a day;
  • lubrication of the affected areas with a mixture of propolis, wax and cedar resin (2-3 times a day);
  • oral administration of half a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid.

Visible improvements in patients with this method of treatment occur on the third or fourth day. Complete recovery, provided that it is combined with antiviral therapy, can be achieved 7 days after the start of treatment.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

Shingles is dangerous for the rest of the family, so if the patient is being treated on an outpatient basis, it is important to follow the rules and norms of hygiene and sanitization of the room in which the patient spends most of the time.

  1. The patient should be in an isolated room, where healthy family members who have not had chickenpox should not be allowed.
  2. The patient's room should be ventilated 5-6 times a day (for 10-15 minutes).
  3. Wet cleaning with the use of disinfectant solutions should be carried out 2 times a day. It is best to avoid chlorine-based products, as an older person may have a severe allergic reaction.
  4. Skin treatment should be carried out only in disposable sterile gloves, which must be changed each time.
  5. Linen (bed and underwear), clothes, towels and other personal belongings of the patient should be washed separately from the belongings of other family members. After washing, they should be carefully ironed on both sides.
  6. For the period of illness, it is better to use disposable toilet pads (paper).
  7. Wearing tight clothing that compresses blood vessels and interferes with blood flow is not allowed during illness.

Compliance with these measures will help protect healthy households from infection.

When should you go to the hospital?

Home treatment is possible only after consultation with the attending dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. In case of deterioration of health and the appearance of signs of complications of the infection, the patient must call " ambulance” or come to the hospital on your own, if your health allows. Hospitalization of the patient is carried out with the following symptoms (against the background of outpatient treatment):

  • severe migraine;
  • vomit;
  • pain and stuffiness in the ears;
  • convulsions;
  • blurred vision;
  • muscle weakness.

All of these signs point to possible complications therefore, the patient must undergo an examination to identify the cause that caused the deterioration, and prescribe therapeutic measures.

Herpes zoster is a severe pathology that is especially difficult in old age. To prevent serious complications, it is important to immediately go to the hospital. Strict adherence to the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician is the key to effective and safe treatment of patients over 50 years of age.

Shingles (herpes) is viral disease skin, which is manifested by unilateral rashes and is accompanied by severe pain. The causative agent of the disease is the chickenpox virus - herpes zoster.

Shingles strikes peripheral nerves on some areas of the skin, which leads to intoxication of the body, inflammation of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and the appearance of a blistering rash. As a rule, adults and children over the age of 10 suffer from this infection, and it develops only in those who have had chickenpox.

At the same time, skin rashes are not the worst manifestation of the disease. Herpes zoster is dangerous because it damages the peripheral nerves. Being in the nerve endings, the virus in an active state destroys their structure, thereby causing unbearable pain in shingles and many neurological complications.

What it is?

The herpes zoster virus first enters the body with chickenpox. Elimination of chickenpox rashes does not mean the death of the infectious agent. The virus is kept by the immune system in a weakened state and after chickenpox is constantly in the body.

Herpes zoster is an external manifestation of the herpes virus activated against the background of a decrease in immunity. The disease is registered only in people who have had chickenpox!

Activations herpes zoster contribute to:

  • hypothermia,
  • transferred acute respiratory infections or influenza (any other disease that leads to a sharp weakening of immunity),
  • stress,
  • visiting a solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun,
  • oncology and ongoing radiation therapy,
  • severe infections - HIV,
  • long-term use of corticosteroids and treatment with immunosuppressants,
  • pregnancy (often the disease proceeds without skin rashes and severe pain, but negatively affects the development of the fetus).


Clinical forms of herpes zoster may be as follows:

  • gangliocutaneous form;
  • eye and ear forms;
  • necrotic form (gangrenous);
  • the form of herpes zoster when it affects the autonomic ganglia;
  • form meningoencephalitic;
  • disseminated form;
  • abortive form.

All these forms of herpes zoster and the symptoms inherent in their course, we will consider a little lower, but first we will consider the main type of course of this disease.

Is shingles contagious to humans?

Shingles is contagious and it is important to understand what are the ways of transmission of a dangerous viral pathology.

The following methods of infection are possible:

  1. Airborne, in which the virus is localized in the mucous membranes of the carrier of the infection, from where it enters the air after coughing or sneezing. In the future, the virus remains in the form of an aerosol until a healthy person inhales the infected air.
  2. By contact, in which the virus enters the body healthy person after direct contact with the skin of an infected person.

How many days is shingles contagious? Exactly as much as bubbles with liquid appear and burst on the skin. As soon as they are covered with a crust, you can not be afraid of infection. The source of infection is the liquid that fills them, therefore, if a person with a rash touches them, and then - to objects accessible to other members of his environment - he exposes others to the risk of infection.

It should be noted that the virus that causes shingles is very unstable, it is destroyed when exposed to solar insolation, disinfectants, and high temperatures.

Most often, outbreaks are recorded in autumn and spring.

  • At mild form pathological process, skin nodules do not transform into vesicles.
  • However, in a severe form of the disease, vesicular vesicles transform into abscesses, which after a while begin to ulcerate. In this case, shingles becomes protracted and lasts up to one and a half months.

Shingles Symptoms

The symptoms of shingles in an adult cannot be overlooked. Clinical picture characterized by an acute onset, with severe pain and severe burning at the site of injury.

The disease affects the area human body most often on one side.

Zones of localization of herpes zoster can be:

  1. Genitals;
  2. Buttocks:
  3. lower and upper limbs;
  4. Intercostal areas;
  5. Face (its part along the trigeminal nerve);
  6. Lower jaw;
  7. Nape;

If shingles affects the front part, then the rash will be located along the ternary, or facial nerve. If a part of the body is affected, then the rash will be located in the course spinal nerves. This fact is explained by the high accumulation of the virus in the nerve nodes, in 11 pairs cranial nerves, in the posterior horns in each of the halves of the spinal cord. That's why skin manifestations localized along the involved nerve.

Specialists distinguish three periods, each of which has its own symptoms of shingles:

The onset of the disease

This period is called the prodrome. It is accompanied by general malaise, psychovegetative (neurological) pain, which may different intensity. The duration of the initial period can be from 48 hours to 4 days.

In parallel, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  1. feeling of weakness;
  2. Headache;
  3. An increase in body temperature to subfebrile marks (fever is extremely rare, but it does occur);
  4. Chills;
  5. Violations of the functioning of the digestive tract and associated dyspeptic disorders;
  6. Pain, burning, itching, severe tingling in the area of ​​that part of the body or face where rashes will subsequently appear;
  7. As the symptoms increase, the lymph nodes swell and become painful and hard to the touch;
  8. Disturbances in the emptying process Bladder seen in severe disease.

When the body temperature drops, the symptoms of intoxication caused by it are significantly weakened.

Eruption period

The time when the rashes characteristic of shingles appear. The symptoms and nature of the rash depend on the severity inflammatory process. At first, the rashes look like foci pink spots 2-5 mm in size, between which there are areas of healthy skin.

  • In a typical form of the disease, the next day, small, closely grouped vesicles, vesicles with transparent serous contents, which become cloudy after 3-4 days, form in their place.
  • In severe gangrenous herpes, the contents of the vesicles may be mixed with blood, black. Herpetic eruptions have an undulating course, as with chickenpox, that is, fresh rashes with vesicular elements appear at intervals of several days. Bubbles, as it were, crawl from one place to another, encircling the body, hence the name of this disease.
  • In mild forms of the inflammatory process, the transformation of skin nodules into pustules does not form and their ulceration does not occur, and it is also possible that herpes is only of a neurological nature - pain without a rash, otherwise it is also called herpetic neuralgia and is often mistaken for manifestations of intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis or heart pains. And therefore, inadequate treatment may be prescribed.

Crust formation period

After two weeks (maximum 1.5 weeks), in the place where the rash was previously, crusts form from yellow to brown. The places where the vesicles were located lose their rich color.

Gradually, the crusts disappear from them, after which patches of pigmentation remain on the skin.

Pain in shingles

A person always suffers from severe pains that arise from even a slight touch to the skin. This is due to the fact that the virus is localized in nerve cells, disrupting their work and many times increasing the sensitivity of nerve endings. The pain that a person experiences can be compared to burn pain. They are especially aggravated when water enters the affected areas. In this regard, scientists have not yet come to a single decision - is it worth taking a bath with shingles.

Some doctors are of the opinion that it is better to avoid water procedures, others believe that baths with the addition of sea salt to them help well, and still others recommend taking only a shower, after which the body will simply get wet.

Describing the nature of the pain, patients indicate that they can be dull, burning or boring, some people compare them to the passage of an electric current through the affected area. The pain tends to increase after a slight mechanical or thermal impact. They can continue to bother a person even after the rash has completely subsided. This happens to about 15% of all those who recover from shingles.

The reason for the residual pain is that the viruses have destroyed the tissues of the nerves, and it will take some time for them to recover. Most often, postherpetic neuralgia in the elderly can persist for several months, and in young people it disappears after a maximum of 10 days after the disappearance of the rash.

Shingles in the photo

Atypical forms

The typical course of herpes zoster is described above. Sometimes the disease gives an atypical clinical picture:

  • Abortive form - there is no stage of formation of watery vesicles. Against the background of the absence of a skin rash, the pain is just as intense.
  • Bullous form - vesicles that increase in size merge, forming blisters of large diameter.
  • Hemorrhagic form - deep destruction of tissues with damage to the capillaries of the skin leads to the filling of bubbles with blood. Healing occurs with the formation of scars and dimples on the skin.
  • Gangrenous form - deep ulcers form at the site of the vesicles. Healing is delayed, as a result, rough scars form in their place.


  • In severe cases of the disease, there may be facial paralysis or other paralysis due to damage to the motor nerves.
  • It is also possible violations of the internal organs, such as pneumonia, diseases of the genitourinary system, duodenum.
  • If the eyes are affected, neuritis may occur optic nerve and significantly reduced visual acuity.
  • With a very dangerous encephalitic form of shingles, a complication is meningoencephalitis - serious disease most often resulting in disability.
  • With the addition of a bacterial infection, purulent processes aggravate the patient's condition, the recovery process after the disease is delayed for months.

Forecast if not severe forms the disease is favorable, usually there are no relapses and serious consequences of herpes zoster. However, in weakened people after a severe inflammatory process, exacerbations are possible in the future.


Laboratory studies play a very important role, as they make it possible to determine with 100% accuracy which virus is the source of problems.

Tests for shingles:

  • Polymerase chain reaction.
  • Immunofluorescent analysis.
  • Serological method.
  • Lymphoblastic transformation test (for babies in the womb).

One of the most common tests is the polymerase chain reaction, for which the contents of the vial and the patient's blood are taken. The analysis allows you to identify the exact type of herpes virus through the isolation of its DNA and antibodies to the virus.

Shingles and pregnancy

The occurrence of shingles in pregnant women is a rather alarming signal. Often, it is pregnancy that becomes a predisposing factor provoking the reactivation of the herpes zoster virus, which has been dormant for a long time in the body of the expectant mother.

Very often, this disease becomes the cause of intrauterine infection. As a result, children are born with signs of severe damage to the nervous system or brain. Newborns may be diagnosed with congenital blindness or deafness. Also, the possibility of miscarriage, stillbirth or death of the newborn is not excluded.

How to treat shingles in adults

Most cases of herpes zoster in adults end on their own recovery even in the absence of treatment. However, effective treatment exists and can significantly alleviate the symptom of the disease, as well as prevent complications.

The goals of Herpes zoster treatment are:

  1. Accelerate recovery;
  2. Decrease pain;
  3. Prevent complications;
  4. Reduce the likelihood of developing postherpetic neuralgia.
  5. Medical treatment is necessary for people at high risk of complications or lingering current diseases: people with immunodeficiencies, patients
  6. over 50 years old. Benefit from antiviral therapy in healthy and young people has not been proven.

Uncomplicated cases are treated at home (outpatient). Hospitalization is indicated for all people with suspected disseminated process, with damage to the eyes and brain.


Pain relief is one of the key points in the treatment of shingles. Adequate anesthesia makes it possible to breathe normally, move and reduce psychological discomfort. In the United States, narcotic analgesics such as oxycodone are used for pain relief.

From non-narcotic analgesics use:

  • Dexketoprofen
  • ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Ketorolac
  • Ketoprofen

For post-herpetic neuralgia, capsaicin-based agents are effective. The drug of choice for the relief of severe pain and the prevention of post-zoster neuralgia is amantadine sulfate due to its virostatic properties and the ability to block peripheral NMDA receptors at the stage of pain impulse transmission.


Aciclovir, valaciclovir, and famciclovir are used to treat shingles. Valaciclovir is the metabolic precursor of acyclovir and is completely converted into it by the action of liver enzymes. The acyclovir molecule has the ability to integrate into viral DNA, thus stopping its replication and reproduction of viral particles. Famciclovir is converted in the body to penciclovir and acts similarly.

The efficacy and safety of these drugs has been proven by numerous studies. When starting therapy within 72 hours from the appearance of the first rash, they are able to reduce the severity of pain, reduce the duration of the disease and the likelihood of postherpetic neuralgia. Famciclovir and valaciclovir have a more convenient regimen than aciclovir, but they are less studied and several times more expensive.


Anticonvulsants (anticonvulsants) are commonly used for epilepsy, but they also have the ability to reduce neuropathic pain. Some of these may be used for Herpes zoster, such as gabapentin and pregabalin.


Corticosteroid medications reduce inflammation and itching. Some studies have shown their ability, in combination with antiviral agents, to reduce the symptoms of mild and moderate forms of the disease.

Despite these data, corticosteroids have not gained acceptance for the treatment of herpes zoster for safety reasons. Currently, these drugs are not recommended for use in this disease.

Vitamin therapy and diet

Also, with shingles, to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to take the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C.

These vitamins, being antioxidants, reduce the ability of cells to respond to inflammation, and also help to increase the body's defenses.

  • B group vitamins.

Vitamins from this group improve the regeneration of the epithelium, participate in the formation of antibodies, as well as in all metabolic processes.

It should also be borne in mind that during treatment, a patient with herpes zoster is recommended a sparing diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Food is recommended to boil or steam, and you should also reduce the intake of salty, fatty and fried foods.

  • dairy ( milk, kefir, butter, cottage cheese);
  • vegetables ( beets, broccoli, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, onions);
  • white meat;
  • seafood ( salmon, pike perch, herring);
  • nuts ( peanuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, cashews);
  • fruit ( grapes, apricots, apples, kiwi, plums, citrus fruits);
  • cereals ( oatmeal, wheat, barley groats);
  • legumes ( peas, beans);
  • green tea, rosehip or raspberry tea.

Can I swim with shingles?

Shingles is a strict contraindication to taking a bath, shower. Areas with rashes and nearby skin should never be wetted to prevent the spread of infection.

It is permissible to partially wash the hands / feet, wipe the neck and face with a damp cloth, provided there are no rashes on them. In this case, the patient must provide a personal towel and regularly change underwear.

How long does shingles pain last?

Even after effective treatment 70% of patients have intense pain for some time (several months and even years, on average - 3-6 months).

Postherpetic neuralgia is caused by the destruction of the nervous tissue, namely, the nervous tissue is characterized by a long recovery. Therefore, it is so necessary to begin complex treatment from the first days of the disease.

Can you get sick again?

The varicella-zoster virus, when it enters the human body, causes chickenpox ( chicken pox).

However, after recovery, this virus is not eliminated, but remains in the human body in a latent state. This virus asymptomatically lurks in nerve cells in the dorsal roots of the spinal cord. Activation of the virus occurs when the body is exposed to negative factors that reduce immunity. In this case, the disease recurs, only not in the form of chicken pox, but in the form of shingles. As a rule, the recurrence of shingles is not observed in the future. In patients with normal health, recurrence of herpes zoster is observed in two percent of cases.

In ten percent of people, a recurrence of herpes zoster is observed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • HIV infection;
  • AIDS;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • lymphocytic leukemia.

In this regard, in order to reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease, as well as to prevent the development of herpes zoster, a vaccine against the Varicella-zoster virus has been released since 2006. This vaccine showed good results, reducing the risk of developing the disease by 51%.

The purpose of the introduction of the vaccine is to create artificial active immunity against the Varicella-zoster virus.


There is no specific prevention of the herpes virus infection. It can only consist in maintaining the natural human immune system and increasing the body's resistance.

This is facilitated by the management healthy lifestyle life, rejection bad habits, active physical regime, adherence to the rules of a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, hardening, walks in the fresh air, avoiding the aggressive influence of ultraviolet rays, a harmonious psycho-emotional state of a person.


With the exception of the encephalitic form of herpes zoster, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Relapses usually do not occur. Only in very weakened people the infection can be activated again.

Shingles is a rather serious disease with damage to the nerve regions. In some cases, it proceeds easily, in others, after treatment, a person gets rid of this problem forever, and in some, herpes zoster leads to serious complications. Below we will look at how herpes zoster manifests itself in different parts of the body, we will analyze how to treat herpes zoster and talk about the causes and consequences of this disease. And first, let's look at what shingles is.

To understand what herpes zoster is, it is necessary to consider its causative agent. Herpes zoster is caused by a type 3 herpes virus called Varicella zoster. This strain of the herpes virus enters the body during childhood and causes chicken pox. After a person has been ill with chickenpox, the virus remains forever in the body of the carrier. And later, under certain circumstances, it recurs and causes shingles in adults or in children if the child has already had chickenpox before.

Shingles is a relapsing type 3 herpes virus called herpes zoster or herpes zoster. It manifests itself either in the form of rashes with different localization throughout the body, or without a rash, and is caused by neuralgic lesions of those body systems where it manifests itself.

The incubation period for herpes zoster can be many years. Most often, herpes zoster occurs in older people between the ages of fifty and eighty years, they account for more than sixty percent of all recurrences of herpes zoster. Until the age of twenty, herpes zoster has less than ten percent of manifestations.

Causes of the manifestation of herpes zoster

The causes of shingles are always associated with an unstable immune system. Relapses occur for many reasons, but they will always indicate the inability of the immune system to suppress the virus in the body. When a person has been ill with herpes zoster, the human body begins a constant immune suppression. That is, he will suppress the virus throughout his life until the defense mechanisms fail.

In this regard, when shingles is considered, its causes of recurrence must be associated with a depressed immune system. Let's look at the reasons that can lead to a failure of immunity and activation of the zoster virus:

  • radiotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • cancers and oncological formations;
  • transferred surgical operations;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • organ transplantation;
  • taking antibiotics and medications that kill the immune system;
  • depression and stress;
  • hypothermia or overheating.

In addition to the obvious causes of suppression of the immune system for most people, such as AIDS, antibiotics, or organ transplants, immunity can weaken even under stressful situations. Suppose many people make the mistake of hardening when they take cold and hot shower and choose a large temperature range. A sudden change in body temperature produces a stress hormone that affects the functioning of the immune system. In order for immune suppression to work, it is necessary to exclude all methods of vital activity aimed at testing immunity for strength.

Doctors have not found the reasons that cause shingles in humans, other than a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Therefore, with herpes zoster, there is only one reason, and there are a lot of ways to cause it.

When hardening, especially systemic, you should not lower the water temperature below 22 degrees and raise it above 39 degrees. If you stick to this range, immunity will grow stronger, and if you make a stronger contrast, immunity will be gradually suppressed.

Symptoms of herpes zoster

Symptoms of herpes zoster should be divided into two forms - a typical manifestation and atypical forms. Initially, we will consider how the usual course of shingles manifests itself, and then we will analyze cases of atypical manifestations. And after that, you will be able to see clearly what herpes zoster looks like, localized in different parts of the body.

Typical manifestation of herpes zoster

The first stage is the prodromal period. Symptoms of shingles in the prodromal stage are observed within two to four days. At the same time, pain sensations of a neuralgic nature begin in that nervous zone, where a herpetic rash will appear in the future. There may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the temperature rises to 39 degrees and the regional lymph nodes increase. A distinctive feature of the manifestation of herpes zoster is tingling in the nerve area where the virus begins its activity.

The second stage is the rash phase. The rash appears at a distance from each other. At this stage, bubbles of different sizes appear from about two to five millimeters. At first, they just look like reddened spots, and after three or four days the spots turn into vesicles characteristic of a herpetic rash, or as they are also called, vesicles. At typical manifestation vesicles are somewhat reminiscent of herpes sores on the lips in color and shape.

The third stage is the formation of crusts. Approximately two weeks later, proper treatment the symptoms of herpes zoster approach the healing of the skin, but the neuralgic symptoms remain. Under the vesicles, new skin is formed, and the herpetic vesicles gradually become covered with crusts, begin to dry out and fall off. After the disappearance of cortical formations, barely noticeable pigment spots remain on the skin.

Atypical symptoms of herpes zoster

Signs of shingles atypical forms currents are expressed in the following types:

  1. Mild or abortive form. With this form, the blistering rash in the form of vesicles does not appear, but neuralgia remains.
  2. Severe or gangrenous form. It often manifests itself with severe immunodeficiency and is characterized by an increased rash, which, encircling the localization, constantly changes movement. This is expressed by the constant appearance of new rashes.
  3. bubble form. The vesicles increase in size, cluster and form a large area of ​​rashes, in appearance with ragged borders of the lesion.
  4. generalized form. With serious disorders of the immune system after typical rashes, herpes zoster begins to affect large areas of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. bullous form. This form is expressed by the combination of vesicles located nearby into single large papules.

Before treating shingles, you need to make sure that it is he. While herpes zoster does not give obvious symptoms, it is impossible to determine the disease, since neuralgic symptoms may indicate other diseases.

What does shingles look like in different locations

The photo under No. 1 shows herpes zoster on the body, viewed from the back. And in the photo under number 2, you can also see how herpes zoster encircles the torso, but moving to the chest. This is the most common localization of zoster, which usually manifests itself in the region of the ribs, affecting the intercostal nerve.

The photo under No. 3 and 4 shows how shingles can appear on the face. This is also one of the most common localizations. When the face is affected, the virus that has affected the facial nerve recurs. In this case, shingles can give rashes on all parts of the face, including the ears, nose, cheeks, or passing through the eyes to the forehead.

The photo under No. 5 and 6 shows how shingles affects the lumbar region. Moreover, the photo on the left shows an atypical form.

In the photo under number 7, shingles appeared on the neck. And the photo under number 8 shows herpes zoster on the head.

In the photo under No. 9, there is a lesion of the hand with herpes zoster. And in the photo under number 10 you can see shingles on the leg.

These are the most frequent localizations herpes zoster, but not all. Herpes zoster can occur both on the genitals or buttocks, and on the mucous membranes. Quite a lot of clinical cases of manifestation of herpes zoster in the eye area, when the herpes virus infects ophthalmic nerve subsequently calling . But herpetic relapses on the neck or on the leg are rare phenomena, as are the manifestations of herpes zoster on the head. But still the most common symptoms occur when the herpes virus affects the intercostal nerve, giving relapses on the body in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs.

Herpes zoster treatment

Treatment of herpes zoster involves complex immunostimulating, vitamin and antiviral therapy. In addition, the treatment of shingles in adults can be more difficult than in adolescents, who in some cases may even endure the disease without treatment.

Treatment of herpes zoster should be carried out immediately after the onset primary symptoms. With herpes zoster, the treatment plan is aimed at getting rid of the symptoms of rashes, reducing the risk of complications, and adjusting the immune system. Need for timely treatment and the rapid suppression of the virus girdling the body in the form of herpes on the body in the region of the ribs, it is advisable to avoid postherpetic neuralgia. Which is more often manifested as intercostal neuralgia with the development of the disease along the intercostal nerve, in contrast to the manifestations of herpes zoster on the neck or on the leg.

Drug treatment plan

Let's look at how to treat shingles using complex drug therapy:

  1. Antiviral drugs for topical use. One of the main types of drugs that are taken for all manifestations herpetic infection are antivirals. With herpes zoster, treatment with local antiviral drugs will allow you to quickly overcome the rash. Of the funds worth highlighting - Acyclovir, Zovirax and Panavir.
  2. Antiviral for oral administration. Naturally, in order to cure shingles, it is not enough just to smear it and it is necessary to take antiviral pills, since their actions fight the virus more effectively from the inside. Of the tablet drugs are often prescribed - Acyclovir, Valtrex, Famvir, Valaciclovir.
  3. Painkillers. In order to fight pain, NSAIDs (non-steroidal antiviral drugs) are prescribed, they not only suppress pain, but also relieve inflammation. And also to combat pain symptoms, ointments with the base of lidocaine are often prescribed. From NSAIDs, the following drugs can be distinguished - Nimesil, Meloxicam and Naproxen.
  4. Antihistamines. Reception antihistamines necessary to relieve itching, which is very strong. Regardless of whether the symptoms of the rash appear on the neck, on the leg or on the torso, the skin will hurt at the slightest touch and will not scratch. From antihistamines should be highlighted - Tavegil and Suprastin.
  5. Vitamin therapy. In order to prevent active tissue destruction, B vitamins are prescribed. With an individual approach to treatment, they can be prescribed in the form of tablets or in the form of injections. In addition to tissue healing, vitamin therapy works as painkillers in combination with drugs.
  6. Antibiotics. If pyoderma develops or if a bacterial infection occurs in parallel with shingles, antibiotics such as gentamicin, tetracycline, or oxacillin are often prescribed.

Concomitant Therapy

In the treatment of shingles in humans, therapy involves individual approach, since the virus can proceed in parallel with other pathologies of the body in the form of immunodeficiency or other infections. Therefore, only the attending physician should deal with the treatment.

Let's look at a few more therapies that are recommended in certain cases to combat the recurrence of herpes zoster:

  1. Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy treatment aims to both fight the virus and contain the rashes so that they do not grow. To combat herpes zoster, physiotherapy methods resort to UVI (ultraviolet radiation) and UHF (exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields).
  2. Local treatment of the rash for drying. In order for the rashes to heal faster, it is advisable to help them with this. To do this, it is recommended to smear the affected area with Zinc ointment or green paint.
  3. Special food. In the treatment of herpes zoster, a diet with a rich vitamin composition, good protein and foods that are saturated with trace elements is necessary. It is worth adding seafood, dairy, green tea, legumes, vegetables and fruits to the diet.
  4. Interferons. In order to help the immune system fight the virus, it is recommended to support immunity with interferons.

In addition to all of the above methods of treatment, it is possible to prescribe Cycloferon intramuscularly or Ribavirin intravenously. And also, to relieve intoxication of the body, five percent glucose and Ringer's solution are injected intravenously, diuretics are prescribed together. If insomnia or anxiety is present, your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills.

Prevention of herpes zoster involves vaccination against the Varicella zoster virus. Usually, the vaccine is indicated for adults who have not met with the virus, namely, did not have chickenpox in childhood. And also for people who suffer from intercostal neuralgia after relapses of herpes zoster, or those who often suffer from relapses of the disease.

Possible complications and consequences of herpetic lichen

The consequences of herpes zoster are caused not only by postherpetic neuralgia and severe lesions of large areas of the skin. Majority serious complications occurs, as a rule, in areas of the face, on the neck, in front of the eyes, but on the leg or arm, herpes zoster can give less serious consequences, but in some cases paralysis of the limbs is possible.

Let's look at what complications after shingles can occur in more detail:

  • with the formation of lichen in the eyes, relapse can lead to blindness;
  • after the defeat of the skin areas, pyoderma is possible, when the rash begins to fester;
  • after the course of lichen on the limbs or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nervous system that is associated with them, sometimes paralysis occurs;
  • from internal disorders of the body, there may be such consequences as hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, paralysis of the respiratory system;
  • with recurrence of lichen with damage to the facial nerve, paralysis of this nervous system is possible;
  • relapses in women during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages or brain pathologies of the child.

So, we examined the causes and treatment of herpes zoster, and summing up, it is worth recalling that in young people with a good immune system, the disease may not require treatment at all. Do not forget that shingles is primarily herpes, which means that in order to exclude its recurrence, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of a healthy lifestyle and methods of preventing the immune system as a whole. In addition, with a manifested herpetic lesion, there is a risk of other diseases occurring or individual characteristics organism, which does not allow resorting to standard methods of treatment. Therefore, with herpes zoster, both the symptoms and treatment in adults and children are individualized.

Herpesviruses are common pathogens of various infectious diseases, and the manifestation of a cold on the lips is one of the easiest ailments provoked by them. If the type of virus that causes herpes zoster is present in the human body, then under certain conditions much more severe symptoms may appear.

What is shingles

This disease in the ICD-10 is also called herpes zoster, because the painful manifestations of this disease are caused by the Zoster virus - the same viral pathogen that causes chickenpox. If a person has been ill with chickenpox, then the infection does not disappear from the body anywhere. It resides in the ganglia of the posterior roots of the spinal cord, but is not dangerous - it is kept under control by immunity. When the internal defense system fails and weakens for any reason, the virus is reactivated, but for the second time it already manifests itself as herpes zoster.

Representatives of absolutely all age groups of the population are subject to this disease. A child may well get sick with this form of herpes, but most of the cases of the disease - about 75% - are observed in adults over 45 years old. According to medical statistics, older women are twice as likely to develop such an infection than men.

What does it look like

This disease has pronounced external manifestations. Photos showing what herpes zoster is are a lot on the Internet. Important: a person who, based on these images, suspected a manifestation of herpesvirus dermatitis, should immediately consult a doctor! The specialist will conduct a full diagnosis and prescribe timely adequate treatment, thereby preventing complications of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, shingles looks like a lot of papules located on the side of the body. The affected areas have an elongated shape and, as it were, girdle the patient in the direction from the spine to the chest or navel (hence the word “girdle” appeared in the name of the disease). So on the body, the path that the reactivated virus passes through the nerve trunks is marked - from the place of its localization to spinal cord to the epidermis. At the culmination of the development of the disease, herpetic papules look like pustules. Then they break through, become covered with a crust (scab) and dry up.

Is shingles contagious

How this disease is transmitted and whether herpes zoster is contagious to others are natural questions that arise both in a sick person and in his relatives. You need to know that the period during which the virus is able to be actively transmitted is the time from the onset of the formation of papules to their healing, because the infection is contained in the secretions from the vesicles. Infection with shingles only threatens people who have not had chickenpox. If the transmission of the virus occurs, then the person becomes ill with chickenpox, and in the future he may develop herpes zoster.

Incubation period

Years and even decades may pass from the time when the patient became infected and suffered the primary manifestation of the infection (chickenpox) until the reactivation of the virus. If an adult has a strong the immune system, not weakened somatic diseases, then incubation period shingles can continue for the rest of the life of the infected without a direct manifestation of the disease.

The reasons

The main factor that causes the onset of the disease is a serious weakening of the immune system. In this case, the virus particles get a chance to gain a foothold in new cells, and then as a result of their avalanche-like reproduction, the infection recurs. As the causes of shingles, doctors determine:

  • a poor diet due to dieting, fasting, or eating foods low in vitamins;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • constant physical or psychological stress;
  • natural decrease in body tone in old age;
  • artificial suppression of immunity during organ or bone marrow transplantation;
  • radiation therapy;
  • HIV infection.


At the initial stage, the disease is manifested by a general malaise - a person feels chills, his temperature rises, headaches are possible. In places of future rashes, reddish spots appear on the skin that itch. After a couple of days, clear signs of herpes zoster appear - papules, which can be localized on the back, lumbar region, sides, abdomen, neck, less often - on the head. These infectious rashes grow on the body, and in places where they are localized, the patient feels itching and pain.

The patient's condition begins to normalize approximately one week after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. On the affected areas of the skin, itching weakens, new papules no longer appear, and those that exist begin to break through and dry out. About a week later skin covering regenerates under the scabs, and the crusts themselves fall off painlessly. At this stage, itching is no longer noted, but if complications have developed, then the person will feel severe pain in the area of ​​​​the localization of the rash for a long time.

Shingles treatment

Proper and timely treatment of this disease is extremely important so that the patient receives quick relief, and his condition is not aggravated by complications. Treatment of herpes zoster is simultaneously aimed at weakening the causative agent of the disease and eliminating painful symptoms:

  • As antiviral drugs for this disease, tablets or injections of Acyclovir, Famvir, Valaciclovir are used.
  • To relieve pain, doctors often prescribe Pentalgin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen.
  • AT complex treatment immunomodulators are necessarily used, and also drugs in the form of creams, ointments, solutions for treating rashes.

The doctor should determine how to treat herpes zoster. In order for this process to be effective and the patient does not develop complications, therapy must be started in the first 2 days of illness. Patients are often interested in whether it is possible to wash with shingles. With such an ailment, it is allowed to use the shower, but it is forbidden to take a bath in order to prevent the development of a secondary infection.

In the elderly

This group of the population often develops severe complications as a result of this disease, so the treatment of herpes zoster in the elderly should be carried out very carefully and always under the supervision of a doctor. Adults who are susceptible frequent relapses diseases, as a means of prevention, it is proposed to vaccinate against herpes Zoster with a special vaccine. To quickly cure the disease, they can be prescribed physiotherapy and vitamin therapy courses.

Folk remedies

A good effect for the treatment of this disease is the combination of medical and non-traditional methods of therapy at home. Treatment of shingles with folk remedies includes their ingestion (in the form of teas, tinctures) and external treatment of blisters. Here are some successful recipes:

  • 1 tsp burdock brew 1 tbsp. boiling water. In 20 minutes. you can drink this drink as tea, adding honey.
  • Wiping the rash with apple cider vinegar several times a day will help get rid of itching.
  • To heal wounds at night, a compress is applied to the affected areas of the skin from wide sheets of aloe cut along.

Consequences of shingles

It is important for people at risk of getting this disease to remember that it is necessary to be treated under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent the development of complications. Severe consequences of herpes zoster often manifest as postherpetic neuralgia (when a person suffers from itching and pain symptoms long after the illness has ended), encephalitis, facial paralysis, hearing loss, and even blindness. If the full complex of treatment of the underlying disease is not carried out in time and in full, then months and even years may be required for full rehabilitation.