Demodex tick: description with photo, symptoms and treatment. Demodex subcutaneous mite

With demodicosis, the skin of the face is primarily affected.

Rice. 1. In the photo, demodex mites under a microscope.

The cause of demodicosis is the acne mite

Demodex tick (D. follicullorum) belongs to the genus Demodex, families Demodicidae, suborder Trombidiformes, detachment Acariformes.

Demodex mites feed on epidermal cells and sebum.

At night, ticks crawl out to the surface to mate. Surface skin ticks move at a speed of 8 - 16 mm / h.

At the head end (gnathosoma) there is a mouth opening equipped with sharp chelicerae that promote the absorption of food (epidermal cells and sebum). Digestion of food occurs under the influence of lytic enzymes.

Rice. 2. Photo of demodex mites under an electron microscope.

Reproduction and development

Rice. 3. In the photo (from left to right) the stage of development of the demodex mite from egg, larva, protonymph and nymph to an adult.

Features of Demodex folliculorum longus (long tick)

The tick of this species is long (0.3 - 0.4 mm), females and males are of the same size. The body is worm-shaped. The head end (gnathosoma), thorax (podsoma), and abdomen (opisthosoma) are well differentiated. Oral chelicerae are more acute.

Podsoma has bristles. The covering (cuticle) is transparent. There are very short three-segmented legs. There is a transverse striation of the posterior part of the body. Live in hair follicles in groups.

Features of Demodex folliculorum brevis (short mite)

The tick of this species has a short body (0.18 - 0.19 mm). The opisthosoma is short with a pointed cone-shaped end. The head end is short and flattened. Males are smaller than females and die after fertilization. Breast broad, devoid of bristles. The cuticle is less transparent. They live in the mouths of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and meibomian glands one by one, which makes them difficult to detect. They rarely rise to the surface, which makes treatment difficult.

Demodex folliculorum longus is found 4 times more often in men and 10 times more often in women than Demodex folliculorum brevis.

Rice. 4. On the left, Demodex mites are long (Demodex folliculorum longus), on the right, they are short (Demodex folliculorum brevis).

Rice. 5. In the photo, the demodex mite is short and long.

Epidemiology of demodicosis

Source of infection

The main source of Demodex mites are sick people or carriers.

Constant humidity, darkness and air temperature in the range of 30-40 ° C are optimal conditions for iron mites. Outside the host at room temperature, constant humidity and in the dark, mites live up to 9 days.

Rice. 6. Demodex tick under a microscope.

How the disease develops

Disease development factors

Exposure to ticks of the genus Demodexper person in many ways:

Acne mites act as carriers of bacteria and viruses, which complicates the course of demodicosis and makes treatment difficult.

Rice. 7. Histological preparation of a skin section. Arrows indicate the location of demodex mites.

Clinical variants of demodicosis

Demodicosis in humans can develop as a primary independent disease, or develop against the background of existing skin diseases(perioral dermatitis, rosacea, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.), aggravating their course.

Primary demodicosis

Secondary demodicosis develops against the background of diseases accompanied by a sharp depression immune system(HIV infection, leukemia, etc.), long-term use of corticosteroids and cytotoxic therapy, or develops against the background of acne and rosacea, complicating their course. This form of the disease is recorded in 33% of patients with acne.

Secondary demodicosis is characterized by:

  • the disease appears at any age;
  • lesions are widespread;
  • the presence of an anamnesis and clinical picture of the relevant diseases.

Papulo-pustular rashes on the skin of the face are the reason for the diagnosis of demodicosis.

Rice. 8. Demodicosis on the face of a woman.

Signs and symptoms of demodicosis

The disease always occurs gradually, tends to spread and progress.

The main localization of demodex mites

Short mites live in the mouths of the excretory ducts and secretions. sebaceous glands facial skin, ear canal, chest and back, sometimes on the scalp, as well as the meibomian glands, which are modified sebaceous glands opening at the edges of the eyelids. Long mites live in hair follicles. Ticks were found on the penis, buttocks, in the area of ​​ectopic sebaceous glands.

Rice. 9. Demodicosis on the face in the area of ​​nasolabial folds.

Rice. 10. Demodicosis on the face of a woman in the chin area.

Rice. 11. Demodicosis on the skin of the cheeks, nose and around the mouth.

Rice. 12. Demodicosis on the face in women on the skin of the forehead, cheeks and nasolabial folds.

Rice. 13. Demodicosis on the face in women.

Rice. 14. Demodicosis century.

Characteristics of the rash

  • Initially, erythematous (red) spots appear around the mouths of the follicles. The rash is located asymmetrically and is accompanied by lamellar peeling.
  • The appearance of a rash is accompanied by a feeling of heat, burning, crawling and fullness.
  • Very quickly, pink or red papules with a cone-shaped top and gray scales appear in the area of ​​redness. Often there are papulovesicles (a vesicle is a vesicle filled with a clear liquid) or a papulopustule (a pustule is a vesicle filled with purulent fluid).
  • Inflammatory infiltrates and granulomas form in the dermis. The skin over the affected areas thickens, its elasticity decreases. There is a feeling of constriction. The affected areas are covered with serous, serous-bloody or purulent crusts. Over time, hyperpigmentation develops: the skin acquires a brownish or yellowish-brown color.
  • With the massive development of a pyogenic bacterial infection, large follicular pustules (purulent elements) appear at the site of inflammatory infiltrates. Over time, they spread into the deeper layers of the dermis, which leads to facial disfigurement.
  • The clinical picture of demodicosis with different types mite is somewhat different from each other. So, with the defeat of Demodex folliculorum, erythema and peeling (desquamation of the epithelium) are more often recorded, with the defeat of Demodex brevis - papulo-pustular elements, which are often located symmetrically.
  • With a long ( chronic course) demodicosis marked thickening of the skin, loss of elasticity, there is a feeling of contraction. Against the background of hyperemic skin, bloody-purulent crusts are located. When a pyogenic infection is attached, pustules and microabscesses appear. Dense infiltrates form in the deep layers of the dermis, disfiguring the face.

Rice. 15. Demodicosis on the face of a woman, severe course.

Deterioration of appearance creates aesthetic discomfort for the patient and leads to the development of neurosis and depression.

Forms of demodicosis in humans

Depending on the nature of the manifestations on the skin, several forms of demodicosis are distinguished, the symptoms of which are characteristic of the corresponding diseases. Not to be confused with these diseases!

Acneform form

Acneform type of demodicosis is characterized by the appearance of papules and pustules on the skin of the face, similar to acne.

Rice. 16. Demodicosis of the face in women. Acneform form of the disease: papular (left photo) and papulo-pustular (right photo).

Rosacea-like form

The rosacea-like type of demodicosis is characterized by the appearance of papules against the background of diffuse erythema. Demodex brevis (short mite) causes inflammatory infiltrates and granulomas in the deep layers of the dermis, similar to the granulomatous form of rosacea.

Rice. 17. Rosacea-like form of demodicosis: in the form of diffuse erythema (photo on the left), granulomatous form (photo on the right).

Seborrheic (erythema-squamous) form

The seborrheic form of demodicosis is characterized by the appearance of redness and rash on the skin of the face, accompanied by lamellar peeling.

Ophthalmic form

The ophthalmic form of demodicosis occurs with damage to the eyeballs and eyelids. Redness, dryness, irritation, sensation foreign body in the eye, fatigue are the main symptoms of eye demodicosis. Itching of the eyelids, redness and swelling of their edges, the appearance of scales or crusts on the eyelids are the main symptoms of demodicosis of the eyelids.

Read the article for details "Demodicosis of the eyelids and eyes"

Rice. 18. Demodicosis century. Lamellar peeling is clearly visible (photo on the left). On the ciliary edge of the eyelid, scales form a “collar” around the eyes (photo on the right).

The role of demodex mites in the formation of androgenetic alopecia

There is an assumption that the presence of mites in the hair follicles exacerbates the development of androgenetic alopecia. During inflammation, T-lymphocytes are activated, which induce collagen synthesis, resulting in fibrous degeneration of hair follicles.

Rice. 19. Demodicosis of the scalp.

Demodicosis on the background of rosacea

Demodicosis complicates the course of rosacea in 88.7%. The disease is more common in women over 30 years of age. The phymatous form of the disease is more common in men. The pathological process is characterized by reddening of the skin of the face, associated with the expansion of small superficial vessels, the appearance of papules and pustules. Papules increase in size over time and merge, forming dense infiltrates. The sebaceous glands are hyperplastic. fibrosis develops. Persistent redness and fibrous seals on the nose are called rhinophyma.

There are many reasons for the development of diseases. Factors contributing to the development of the disease can be divided into endogenous and exogenous.

Rice. 20. Erythematous-telangiectatic form of rosacea. Multiple telangiectasias (dilated subcutaneous arterioles) are visible on the skin.

Rice. 21. The photo shows a papulo-pustular form of rosacea. Against the background of erythema (redness), multiple rashes are visible, which are papules with thin scales on the surface. The affected areas are infiltrated and swollen.

Rice. 22. Demodex brevis (short mite) causes inflammatory infiltrates and granulomas in the deep layers of the dermis, similar to the granulomatous (phymatous) form of rosacea. The photo shows a phymatous (papular-nodular) form of rosacea.

Rice. 24. eye shape rosacea is registered in 50% of patients. Inflammation of the eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva, iritis and keratitis are the main manifestations of the disease.

Demodicosis on the background of acne

Demodicosis accounts for 10.5% of acneform dermatoses. Acne (acne vulgaris) is a chronic relapsing disease that affects the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Most often, acne occurs in males during puberty at the age of 14 - 16 years. The cause of juvenile acne is propionobacteria acne, epidermal staphylococci, pityrosporum oval and orbital, which constantly live on the skin of the face. Many factors contribute to the development of acne.

Rice. 25. Demodicosis is registered in 10.5% of patients with acne. In the photo on the left, papular acne. When joining staph infection pustules (abscesses) and microabscesses develop - pustular and abscessed acne (photo on the right).

Rice. 26. With the indurative form of acne, inflammatory infiltrates appear in the deep layers of the dermis. The skin has a bumpy appearance.

Demodicosis on the background of perioral dermatitis

In half of the cases, perioral dermatitis is complicated by demodicosis. Perioral dermatitis is rare - in 1% of the population, more often in women aged 20 - 40 years. There are many reasons for the development of diseases. Factors contributing to the development of the disease can be divided into endogenous and exogenous. With a disease on the skin around the mouth, chin and in the nasolabial fold, small papules of pink or reddish color appear. Hyperemic skin over time becomes brown in color, which creates aesthetic discomfort for the patient.

Rice. 27. In the photo, perioral dermatitis. The disease in half of the cases is complicated by demodicosis.

Demodicosis in humans, as an independent disease, is rare. With persistent rosacea, acne and perioral dermatitis, it is necessary to diagnose the disease by standardized biopsy of the surface layers of the skin in order to detect mites, which should be taken into account in the subsequent treatment.

This figure of 97% is by no means a figurative definition of morbidity, it is a specific figure that determines the result of a long-term study (about 50 years), in which indicators of the order of more than a million people were studied. At the same time, they all determined belonging to different age groups and nationalities, corresponded to different "strata of society" and are involved in a variety of fields of activity.

The subcutaneous tick, defined as demodex, is called the gland, which served, as the name implies, a specific concentration environment, that is, the sebaceous glands, in the contents of which it is found. Mostly the pathological processes provoked by its influence (and this is a feeling of crawling, burning and itching) are noted on the skin of the face (in particular, the areas near the lips and nose, on the cheeks and on the forehead are affected). Demodex provokes reddening of the skin, leads to hair loss of the head, becomes the cause of severe skin irritation and damage to its rather deep layers.

The development of the tick and its nutrition is ensured by the substances contained in the glands, respectively, penetrating deep under the skin for this, into the hair follicles, it absorbs everything that is within its habitat - the substances of the glands, hair roots and, in fact, hair.

In addition to such a lesion, the Demodex mite also becomes a source that supplies the body with a number of different bacteria, which also turn out to be harmful to it. This happens according to a completely predictable scenario: every day the tick leaves the hairline (this happens in the evening), appearing on the surface, and then, returning to the same environment, carries away these same bacteria that were previously on the skin. Accordingly, as a result of such movements, infection of the glands occurs, which, in turn, leads to their subsequent irritation and redness.

The impact is easily determined by the naked eye. It is enough to take a closer look at the skin, or rather, its condition, in which it acquires a dark gray hue, and, of course, the already noted irritation with redness appears on it. In addition, acne and blackheads appear, the skin becomes flaky, oily, and the pores are enlarged. Emerging blackheads and pimples are evidence that the tick has begun to actively affect the skin. The reason for this may be a failure in the metabolic processes of the body, against which the secretion is enhanced. It should be noted that the subcutaneous tick in question lives on our skin almost always, however, in order for it to provoke the development of characteristic processes, it needs appropriate favorable conditions.

Causes of demodex

As we have already noted, demodex lives on the skin of about 97% of the population, in many cases, patients are not even aware of its presence and activity. Such a hidden presence is due to the fact that if there are up to three individuals of this tick within the gland, it simply cannot lead to any pronounced skin changes. Meanwhile, an increase in this number causes the spread of the disease.

The action of demodex occurs according to such a scenario, according to which normal microflora, inherent in the skin, undergoes a lesion leading to a characteristic failure, which becomes the "reference point" in the spread of demodicosis. In the standard version of the life activity of a tick, its location is concentrated within the radius of the main layer of the skin, which is why the body's immune system does not react to it. Meanwhile, certain phenomena focused on the impact within the specified layer and, accordingly, the tick's habitat (for example, the use of corticosteroid ointments) lead to the fact that the Demodex female begins to lay eggs deeper, that is, under the skin.

Following this, reactions to such an introduction are already formed on the part of the body, which manifests itself in certain chemical disorders related to fat within the skin surface against the background of regular exposure to the results of the mite's vital activity. This leads to an immune reaction and to its increase, which leads to irritation characteristic of demodicosis. By itself, the reaction of the body is normal, that is, this is how the body should react to the impact of a foreign organism (demodex in our case) in the area in which it is unacceptable. Ultimately, the demodex mite not only acts as a factor provoking the wrong type of pathological reaction on the part of the body, but also leads to its subsequent development.

There are suggestions that the symptoms of chronic demodicosis develop due to a decrease in immunity, which determines the subsequent spread of the tick. In addition, already noted failures in metabolic processes (in particular in lipid metabolism), gastrointestinal diseases, stress and prolonged nervous tension, mental and neuroendocrine diseases, as well as diseases directly related to the functions of the immune system, can provoke the disease. Pregnancy with concomitant changes at the hormonal level can also give impetus to the development of demodicosis.

Remarkably, the use of cosmetics, moreover, even cosmetics of elite and rather expensive brands, can also lead to demodex infection. The condition for this, in particular, is the content in such cosmetics of a certain type of bioadditives and hormones. The same applies to solariums, self-tanning and frequent visits to baths, saunas, swimming pools (due to exposure to chlorinated water).

The condition of the skin worsens when washing, when using scrubs (which only ensures the resettlement of the causative agent of the disease within the new territories for it). Also, the transmission of demodicosis often occurs from domestic parrots, through feather pillows, and in rural areas this is relevant in terms of tick transmission through straw and hay. Additionally, alcohol and smoking are traditionally considered, often oral contraceptives also act as a cause of demodicosis.

Women with thin and sensitive skin are most susceptible to the disease, moreover, the incidence in 90% of cases is observed in women.

Demodex: symptoms

The symptoms of the disease we are considering are not only pathological condition skin, but also the cause that determines a number of inconveniences for patients, including aesthetic inconveniences. The primary form of infection is characterized by the appearance of redness and rash on the skin, in the area where the tick is concentrated, the skin also begins to peel off. The affected areas have clearly defined boundaries, pustules or papules form on them, in general, the skin acquires a characteristic tuberosity, becomes, as already noted, grayish in hue, unhealthy in appearance.

What is remarkable primary symptoms diseases are not always noticeable. Moreover, in some cases, patients (carriers) do not even suspect that this tick is on their skin. Accordingly, the demodex mite, the symptoms of which are quite characteristic for a number of influencing factors accompanying their manifestation, in this case does not manifest itself in any way, which is compared with the cleanliness of the skin, the absence of any kind of complaints and a satisfactory appearance.

Demodex mite lives not only on the skin of the face or in the eye area, it is also affected hairy part heads. As the first and fundamental symptom indicating demodicosis of the hairline, active hair loss is determined, and in advanced cases, such a course of the disease can cause complete baldness. The surface of the skin is covered with a rash and redness, probing the skin determines the presence of seals, the size of which is comparable to the size of small bumps, in addition, patients are plagued by night itching. In the area of ​​​​the root zone of the hair, you can see the presence of scaly plaque.

As a complete picture of the symptoms of demodicosis of the head, it remains to note the occurrence of a persistent and unpleasant odor. Regardless of the intensity of manifestations and other factors, demodicosis of the head, like any other area affected by a tick, must be treated without delay.

Demodicosis of the eye: symptoms

Concerning clinical manifestations relevant for demodicosis of the eyelids, they include enough characteristic symptoms. Thus, patients are faced with increased fatigue, which concerns the eyes in particular, and such fatigue occurs even in the case of a minimal impact of the load. In addition, there is heaviness of the eyelids, increased sensitivity to exposure to bright light, burning and itching, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes.

The manifestation of symptoms of demodicosis of the eyes are extremely pronounced and discomfort. There is swelling, inflammation and redness along the edge of the eyelids. In addition, there are viscous and foamy discharges in consistency (they gradually collect in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners of the eyes). The scaly type of formation, concentrated between the eyelashes, is also clearly defined. They are formed during the drying of the discharge.

If demodicosis is complicated by a disease such as blepharitis, disorders associated with the growth of the ciliary row occur, hair atrophy also occurs, eyelashes begin to fall out, and the growth of new eyelashes is irregular. Symptoms of eyelid damage with demodicosis also manifest themselves in the form of papillomas, small ulcers, abscesses along the edge of the eyelids, sticking eyelashes in this case are framed by crusts similar to dandruff.


Based on the results obtained with laboratory research, which determines the relevance of the disease, and also on the basis of the clinical picture characteristic of the course of the disease, the therapy is selected that will eliminate the disease. This therapy is versatile and focuses on the following areas:

  • destruction of the tick;
  • increased immunity;
  • general cleansing of the body.

The treatment of demodicosis begins with the appointment of a diet for the patient, which contributes to the normalization of the skin condition as a whole. In particular, it implies the exclusion of fried, smoked, spicy, rich and sweet foods, the exclusion of carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking. An important point also becomes careful adherence to the regimen, in which the duration and quality of sleep is regulated, excessive mental and physical exercise. In addition, it is required to exclude exposure to adverse weather conditions (strong wind, frost, dust, etc.) and exposure to direct sunlight. Also excluded are the initially listed by us factors that provoke the disease (park in the bath, sauna, solarium, etc.). Water procedures can only consist in taking a slightly warm shower.

Drug therapy consists in general strengthening measures (including the strengthening of immunity), in the appointment of a special type of drug, whose effect will destroy the tick. It can be tiberal or Trichopolum. In addition, drugs are prescribed that ensure the restoration of capillaries, a suitable anti-inflammatory local treatment is selected. In addition, it is recommended to change bed and removable linen every day, disinfect it and strictly monitor compliance with hygiene rules.

If symptoms appear that indicate a possible demodicosis (demodex), it is necessary to seek advice from a dermatologist.

How dangerous is demodicosis?

At timely diagnosis and proper treatment the disease does not leave behind any traces, such as falling eyelashes or scars on the skin of the eyelids. The only trouble is considered to be a high risk of relapse, that is, that this disease may occur again. As a rule, this does not happen for most people, because, having gained proper experience in the treatment of demodicosis, they understand what can cause its further development, try to follow basic hygiene rules and carefully monitor their immunity.

Causes of demodicosis

As we said earlier, demodex is a tick that provokes the development this disease present in the body of every person. However, someone is being treated for demodicosis, and someone does not even know what this pathology is. In its normal state, Demodex painlessly exists in our body, clearing it of toxins. But as soon as the conditions familiar to him change, problems begin. Ophthalmologists distinguish two degrees of pathology: primary and secondary. The primary one is formed on the healthy integument of the eyelids, and the secondary one occurs against the background of other skin diseases, for example, in the presence of papillomas, various neoplasms and eye diseases. Various factors can provoke the development of this disease, including:

  • heatwave;
  • the effect of ultraviolet rays on visual organs;
  • too frequent or, conversely, too rare bathing;
  • general decrease in immunity or diseases of the immune system;
  • increased acidity of the skin;
  • decreased vision due to nearsightedness or farsightedness.

The list of reasons that provoke the development of demodicosis can be much wider. Usually ophthalmologists include in it and common diseases body: common acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, as well as disorders in the work of the endocrine and nervous systems or recovery period after eye surgery, such as cataract removal.

Diagnosis of demodicosis

Demodicosis is fairly easy to diagnose. The doctor will need a microscope for this: it will be impossible to distinguish a tick, the size of the smallest particle, without it. But to understand that a person suffers from ophthalmic pathology, the peddlers of which are ticks, is quite simple - it can be seen with the naked eye.

  • First, the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the eyelid;
  • Secondly, demodicosis often damages the mucous membrane, and with it the eyeball;
  • Thirdly, the disease belongs to the category of seasonal and often manifests itself in spring or summer.

In addition, the use of decorative cosmetics for the face, especially eye shadow or mascara, as well as various products designed to enhance the growth of eyelashes and care for them, also has a very negative effect on the development of the disease. This is due to the fact that some of their components contribute to the active reproduction of ticks. How does an ophthalmologist diagnose this disease? What manifestations does he focus on first of all?

  • Swelling and redness around the edges of the eyelids.
  • Active loss of eyelashes.
  • Increased lacrimation.
  • The formation of purulent crusts along the edges of the eyebrows.
  • Dryness and redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Peeling of the skin around the eyes.
  • barley formation.
  • Photophobia.

Another sure sign of demodicosis, by which a specialist can immediately determine this pathology, is the release of a viscous secret that has a yellowish tint. It occurs because when infected in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ciliated bulbs, pustules begin to form - vesicles with purulent contents. After a certain time, they burst, leaving behind small yellowish crusts. They are especially noticeable in the morning, before washing.
Demodex mite and its waste products are quite strong allergens. In this regard, the pathology is often accompanied by a rash on the skin. It may not be visible to the naked eye, but if, for example, you take a picture and then enlarge the photo, the rash becomes clearly visible. This can be considered another method for diagnosing this disease.

Modern methods of treatment of demodicosis

Despite the fact that demodicosis is quite easy to diagnose, and its further treatment usually does not cause any special problems, the recovery process can be quite lengthy - up to six months. The first thing to do when starting therapy is to stop the infectious channel, in other words, to normalize the protective functions of the epidermis. If, at the same time, metabolic or hormonal processes in the body proceed with disturbances, one should direct efforts to restore them.

Therapy for this pathology should be comprehensive, and therefore the attending physician must first collect a detailed history, based on which he can choose the most appropriate treatment option. As a rule, the following therapy is prescribed by a specialist:

  • taking immunomodulators and various vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • appointment medicines normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • taking broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for at least two weeks;
  • the appointment of antihistamine drugs to reduce swelling and irritation;
  • regular treatment of affected skin areas medicinal formulations;
  • use of special ointments or eye drops.

Remember that the most important thing in the treatment of demodicosis, like any other disease, is to follow the recommendations given to you by your doctor in a timely and accurate manner.

What drugs are used in the treatment of demodicosis?

  • "Tobramycin";
  • "Okomistin";
  • "Albucid";
  • "Carbohol";
  • "Physostegmin".

This is not a complete list of existing drops that can be prescribed in the treatment of demodicosis. Quite often, medicinal ointments are also used for these purposes. Their use is considered necessary in cases where the disease can be considered neglected, for example, when a rash appears on the face or the bulbs are no longer affected by eyelashes, but by hair. The most common ointments that are most often prescribed by specialists for this disease are:

  • sulfuric;
  • Permethrin;
  • Zinc;
  • "Rozamet";
  • "Benzyl benzoate".

Remember that in each case, the method of treatment is selected individually, and therefore do not ignore a visit to an ophthalmologist and make an appointment with him at the first sensations of discomfort.

What contributes to the treatment of demodicosis?

Today, some people consciously refuse drug therapy, giving their preference folk remedies. We would not recommend these methods of treatment to you, because only a qualified specialist, after necessary examination, is able to prescribe those medicines that have been repeatedly tested by various services and are absolutely safe. However, we would like to give some advice. They concern, first of all, nutrition. No wonder they say “a man is what he eats”. So, for example, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that dilate blood vessels, as they contribute to the flow of blood to the face. You should not often drink coffee, especially with sugar, it is better to cook without spices and spices. By the way, salt is also better not to abuse it. During the course of treatment, it is worth giving up spicy, fried, fatty and smoked foods, limiting the use of citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, as they can provoke an allergic reaction.

What is eyebrow demodicosis?

If the disease is not cured in a timely manner, then it can turn into a more serious form. The tick can begin to affect not only the visual organs, eyelashes and eyelids, but also move to the area of ​​​​the eyebrows of the forehead, hair and neck. Ophthalmologists call this phenomenon demodicosis of the eyebrows. With it, skin lesions begin on the nose, cheeks and chin. Demodex gradually affects the eyebrows and scalp. One of the main differences of this type of the disease is that it is accompanied by peeling, the appearance of dandruff, small, inconspicuous wounds in the scalp, as well as rapid hair loss.

If the ophthalmologist suspects that the patient suffers from this particular disease, then he must definitely take a scraping from the eyebrows. Further, examining them under a microscope, a specialist will be able to see a tick that provokes this disease. Treatment, as well as prevention of conventional demodicosis and demodicosis of the eyebrows, differ little from each other. And rather, this difference is due precisely to the characteristics of the patient's body, for example, the presence of certain diseases that do not allow the use of a certain medicinal product. If damage is also noted in the scalp, then the specialist may prescribe an additional consultation with a trichologist, who will help get rid of the tick and the hair loss associated with it.


What is demodicosis in humans

Demodicosis in a person on the face is expressed pathological change face and lesions of skin or hair rashes by a certain type of mites. The disease manifests itself in the form of blackheads, small ulcers and rashes, which are located in the area of ​​​​the chest, back and face, that is, in places with the most active production of skin sebum. The affected areas of the skin itch and cause constant discomfort. Demodicosis in appearance resembles acne, but the mechanism of occurrence and development of the disease is completely different.

How is it transmitted

Often the disease is transmitted from direct contact with an infected person, his bedding or clothing. There is a possibility of infection in the beauty salon during various procedures especially facial cleansing. At the same time, the most common method is not directly related to infection, but is a reflection of certain external or internal factors. The tick can not long exist outside the human body: in water at a temperature of +15 degrees, the survival time is 25 days, at room temperature on dead skin particles - about 20 days.

Can you get demodicosis from a cat?

  • use a large number spicy food;
  • frequent visits to baths, solariums and saunas;
  • poor adherence to the rules of hygiene: not cleansing and neglect of make-up removal;
  • use of cosmetics with hormones;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

Together with some diseases, human demodicosis can develop faster and more actively. There is a high probability of infection, the spread of the disease with a hereditary predisposition, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the immune system. Severe, prolonged nervous or physical stress, prolonged exposure to the sun, work associated with a change or sudden exposure to temperatures are separate causes of the onset of the disease.


A skin disease causes discomfort on the skin of the face: itching, flaking. Additional manipulations with the skin in order to get rid of acne lead to the formation of boils, purulent inflammation. The skin disease is characterized by infection with the Demodex brevi mite. The main symptoms of cutaneous demodicosis are:

  • redness of the skin on the face;
  • feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • irritation of the affected skin;
  • dilated skin vessels.

  • infectious eye diseases that are not amenable to the usual drug treatment- conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  • flaky eyebrows;
  • intense itching in the eyes, reddened eyelids, especially at night, with direct exposure to heat;
  • feeling of "heaviness" of the eyelids, a foreign body;
  • eye fatigue.
  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • abnormal growth of eyelashes (ingrown) with trauma to the conjunctiva;
  • marginal keratitis - inflammation of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.

One of the most dangerous of these symptoms is dry eye syndrome. It is a complication of demodectic blepharitis. In this disease, the fit of the conjunctiva of the eyelids to eyeball, and the conjunctival sac itself ceases to function normally and correctly. The result is dry eye syndrome, which has the following symptoms and consequences:

  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • high eye fatigue;
  • gradual decrease in vision;
  • development of chronic conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis - inflammation of not only the conjunctiva, but also the cornea of ​​​​the eyes.


The disease itself has several stages. The so-called premorbid period is called the prodromal stage. At this stage, the appearance of "hot flashes" is characteristic - from time to time there is a feeling of heat, vasodilation on the face, and the skin becomes very red. The causes of such symptoms are the use of a small amount of alcohol, excitement, the intake of a small portion of hot or spicy food, which without this disease do not cause such a reaction.

The first stage of the course of the disease itself is erythematous. At this stage, not persistent erythema of the face appears - redness of the skin. Unlike prodromal redness in this stage, the blush persists for a long time (sometimes up to several days) for no apparent reason. The color of erythema varies from pale pink to bluish-purple. Together with reddening of the skin, telangiectasia is soon formed - a kind of vascular network of dilated vessels. Most of all they appear on the wings of the nose, cheeks.

At the second stage - papular-pustular - papules and pustules appear by name - acne and pustules. On the reddened, thickened skin after the first stage, papules appear, which then merge together, forming pustules. These pustules outwardly resemble teenage acne, which gave another name to the disease - "rosacea".

The papular-pustular stage passes into the hypertrophic stage, during which the skin thickens very much due to hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands. There are pineal growths over the entire area of ​​the head and face. In different parts, hypertrophic processes have a form: in the nose area it is rhinophyma, on the forehead it is metaphima, on the eyelids it is blepharophyma, in the area of ​​the earlobes it is otophyma, on the chin it is gnathophyma.

Treatment of demodicosis

Treatment includes the use of local preparations on the areas of the face and eyelids that work to destroy ticks, as well as systemic agents that are aimed at a holistic increase in the patient's immunity, his physical state. External preparations must necessarily contain sulfur, tar, zinc, mercury, antiprotozoal substances, because they effectively fight ticks, blocking their ability to breathe. How external agents are prescribed:

  • ointments based on metronidazole (metragil, klion), erythromycin or clindamycin;
  • Demalan;
  • benzyl benzoate;
  • Spregal;
  • sulfuric, yellow mercury ointment;
  • preparations based on azelaic acid;
  • Lindane;
  • Crotamiton;
  • Ichthyol;
  • Armin;
  • Physostigmine.

At least demodicosis of the face is a disease of the scalp. At the same time, its diagnosis is far from always true, especially in cases where the first or second stages of the disease are hidden under the hair on the head. Patients feel itching and burning on the head, when probing the skin, seals are felt - accumulations of inflamed sebaceous glands. The most noticeable symptom of demodicosis on the head is increased dandruff formation. Prolonged lack of treatment leads to hair loss and alopecia areata - focal alopecia.

Medical ointments form the main part of the treatment. Blefarogel is one of the the best options: has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug, and a small list of side effects. These include a burning sensation in the eye, which passes very quickly, and possible allergic reactions. No cases of overdose have been reported, the drug interacts normally with any other drugs.

The most popular anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory agent on the pharmaceutical market infectious diseases eye - Tobrex. For the treatment of demodicosis, a medicine is prescribed in the form of drops. Active substance The drug is tobramycin. Tobrex is dripped for both adults and children, 1 drop into the conjunctival sac (for adults - every four hours, for children - five times a day) during the week. Contraindication to use - individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Some patients noticed side effects in the form of eye irritation, swelling of the mucous membrane.

On the face

The use of topical preparations (ointments, creams, gels) is the most effective way overcome the disease. Such drugs not only destroy ticks, but also cleanse and disinfect the surface of the skin, reduce inflammation. The most popular and effective means are:

  • Metragil in the form of a gel for external use. It has no contraindications except for individual intolerance to the components. It is prescribed with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. The drug may have side effects as allergic reactions, lacrimation. As part of the drug, the active substance is metronidazole.
  • Spregal in the form of an aerosol for external use. Active substance- esdepalletrin, piperonyl butoxide. The drug is recommended to be applied at night, without washing off for 12 hours. The drug is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, during lactation, with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug.
  • Ichthyol in the form of an ointment. The composition contains ichthyol and witepsol. Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age and with individual intolerance to the drug. The medicine is taken externally on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Folk remedies

Drug treatment is often combined with alternative medicine and other methods of treatment. Do not forget to change bedding daily during treatment, which must be thoroughly boiled after each wash to prevent re-infection. Instead of a personal towel, it is better to use disposable paper napkins. In skin care, do not use alkaline soaps, pay attention to cleansing masks, scrubs with small exfoliating particles and enzyme peels.

Do not forget to moisturize the skin, serums based on hyaluronic acid are suitable for this. At the time of treatment for the disease, you should refrain from visiting baths and saunas. It is worth reviewing the diet - spicy, fried and very salty foods, spices can irritate and increase inflammation. During treatment should be excluded from the use including alcoholic beverages.

Natural remedies are suitable additional method treatment. A decoction of wormwood, consumed for six days, is taken orally in half a glass, strictly observing the regime: on Monday - every hour, on Tuesday - every two, from Wednesday to Saturday they drink with a break of three hours. The broth is stored for a day, for its preparation you will need chopped grass, filled with boiling water, infused for at least three hours in a warm place. For a more pleasant taste, you can add a little honey to the drink.

Homemade ointments against demodicosis work very effectively. One of the simplest and effective means- ointment based on celandine. Fresh roots of the plant are poured with refined sunflower oil and the mixture is left in the sun for a couple of weeks. After this time, the mixture is filtered and stored in a dark glass in the refrigerator. Apply the product along with sour cream before going to bed. The oil mixture can also be applied to the eyelids and ears.

Photo of demodicosis on the face


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Rice. 1. Demodicosis on the face and eyelids.

Rice. 2. Ointments, creams and gels are the best means for the treatment of facial demodicosis.

Difficulties in the treatment of demodicosis

When using the most effective acaricidal preparations ( chemical substances that reduce the number of ticks) often the treatment is ineffective, which is associated with the special structure of the external integument of ticks, their larvae and eggs.

Rice. 3. Demodex mites (view under a microscope).

Features of therapy for demodicosis of the face

Complex treatment of demodicosis

Treatment of demodicosis should be comprehensive and include acaricidal, anti-inflammatory (including antibacterial), desensitizing drugs and immunomodulators. Be sure the patient's body must receive the required amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. If demodicosis occurs against the background of existing skin diseases, they are treated.

Treatment of demodicosis is long. Depending on the form and stage of demodicosis, treatment can be extended from 4 weeks to 1 year.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the treatment of demodicosis on the face

The criterion for the effectiveness of the treatment of demodicosis on the face is the reduction or disappearance of the clinical manifestations of the disease and the decrease in the number of ticks according to the results of the analysis.

Rice. 4. Long mites Demodex folliculorum longus live in hair follicles in groups (left picture), rise to the surface at night for mating. Short mites Demodex folliculorum brevis (picture on the right) live in the mouths of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and meibomian glands one by one, rarely rise to the surface, which makes them difficult to detect and treat.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

  • At the first stage of treatment, it is necessary to use drugs that suppress the microbial population. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs for external and systemic use are used. Ointments, creams and gels with antibiotics for external use have a good effect: Metronidazole, tetracycline, or erythromycin.
  • With advanced forms of the disease antibacterial drugs applied internally. Showing Metronidazole (Trichopolum), Tetracyclines, Ornidazole, Monocycline, Doxycycline, Roxithromycin, Erythromycin.

Rice. 5. Metronidazole and Trichopolum are widely used for demodicosis.

Metronidazole for demodicosis

Metronidazole inside applied for 2 - 4 weeks, 250 mg 3 times a day (standard scheme). Analogues of the drug for internal use are Trichopol, Klion, Flagyl and etc.

The drug of choice for demodicosis is Ornidazole (Ornizol). It is stronger than metronidazole, well tolerated, has fewer side effects. It is used in courses of 10 days, 500 mg 2 times a day.

Rice. 6. Rosamet cream and Metronidazole gel - preparations for external use.

Rice. 7. Zineryt powder contains erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate.

Permethrin for demodicosis

4% Permethrin ointment applied to the affected areas of the skin and rubbed with massaging movements. After 24 hours, the ointment is washed off with warm water and soap. Often a single procedure is sufficient. But sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated, which is allowed after 14 days.

Other insecticidal preparations:

In some cases good effect with demodicosis, insecticidal preparations such as Crotamiton(cream), Malathion(emulsion concentrate), (emulsion), benzyl benzoate(emulsion, ointment, cream and gel). Benzyl benzoate is applied at night to the affected areas of the skin after washing. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Rice. 8. Insecticides Permethrin and Crotaderm. Used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 9. Insecticides Lindane and Benzyl Benzoate are used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 10. Spray Spregal has a pronounced effect against iron mites.

Tar and sulfuric ointment from demodicosis

In the treatment of demodicosis, preparations containing sulfur and tar are used.

Manting, Xin fumanling and Mefule- Chinese drugs. There are many on the Internet positive feedback about them in the treatment of demodicosis, which is due to the fact that they contain sulfur in their composition. Products Demodex Complex is a complete copy of the above drugs, but it costs much more.

Rice. eleven. Sulfuric ointment widely used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 12. Demoten and sulfur-tar ointment for the treatment of demodicosis.

Features of the treatment of some forms of demodicosis

Treatment of resistant strains

Despite receiving positive results in the treatment of demodicosis with classical means, treatment-resistant and recurrent forms of the disease are increasingly common in recent years. So with the development of resistance, it is recommended to use cryotherapy in combination with the use of cream Rozamet containing 1% metronidazole.

Treatment of papulo-pustular lesions

In the treatment of papulo-pustular rashes, it is recommended to use classical reducing (restoring) agents - ointment zinc-ichthyol, 1 — 2% tar and ichthyol ointments, 1% pasta ichthyol-resorcinol. Contains zinc hyaluronate gel Curiosin.

Treatment of acne form of demodicosis

Rice. 14. Preparations of the retinoid group are used in the treatment of demodicosis in case of development of resistance. Pictured is 0.1% Retin-A cream.

Rice. 15. Acneform form of demodicosis: papular (left photo) and papulo-pustular (right photo).

Rice. 16. The effectiveness of the treatment of acne form of demodicosis.

Rice. 17. Rosacea-like form of demodicosis: in the form of diffuse erythema (photo on the left), granulomatous form (photo on the right).

Demodicosis and rosacea

Demodicosis in humans complicates the course of rosacea in 88.7% of cases. This mainly occurs in the later stages of the disease - erythematous-papular, papulo-pustular and nodular. The basis of the therapy of demodicosis and rosacea is the correction of pathology internal organs and the use of external treatments.

  • For the treatment of demodicosis in rosacea, the use of sulfur-containing drugs and benzyl benzoate is recommended. An aerosol preparation has a good acaricidal effect. "Spregal".
  • For external use, when papules and pustules appear, the use of salicylic acid, resorcinol, adrenaline, etc. is recommended.
  • Prevents the appearance of seals in the outer layers of the skin and eliminates redness gel and ointment with azeloic acid gel and cream .

Rice. 18. In the photo, Skinoren gel and Azix-gel cream. Contains azeloic acid.

Demodicosis on the background of seborrheic dermatitis

With the appearance of demodicosis against the background of seborrheic dermatitis, the use of Retinoic ointment. It prevents the development of increased proliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, reduces the production and evacuation of sebum, helps reduce the inflammatory component and promotes skin regeneration. The simultaneous use of antibiotics of the tetracycline group and glucocorticoids is not recommended.

Rice. 19. When demodicosis appears on the background, the use of Retinoic ointment is indicated.

Demodicosis for acne

Demodicosis in humans complicates the course of acne in 33% of cases. In its treatment, only an integrated approach and long-term pathogenetic therapy are used against the background of basic facial skin care.

Rice. 20. In the photo, acne on the face.

Skin care during the treatment of demodicosis

  • Increased production of sebum and excessive proliferation of the skin epithelium creates good conditions for the reproduction of iron mites, so daily cleansing of the skin is a mandatory manipulation in the treatment of demodicosis on the face and other parts of the body. For this purpose, foams, gels and lotions are used. They remove excess greasiness and do not overdry the skin. Soap is not recommended. The frequency of washing in the treatment of demodicosis should not exceed 1 - 2 times a day. Good skin cleansing gel "Cleanans" medical cosmetics series "Exfoliac", "Clerasil Ultra", "Cetafil", "Sphingogel", "Sebium" and "Zeniac".
  • Degrease and disinfect the skin alcohol solutions with antibiotics (5% chloramphenicol alcohol), 2 — 5% salicylic acid solution,2% resorcinol, 5 - 10% alcohol camphor solution.
  • Iron mites feed on epidermal cells and sebum, therefore, in the treatment of demodicosis, keratolytic and anti-seborrheic agents should be used. Keratolytic properties have: Benzoyl peroxide (Baziron, OXY-5, OXY-10, Klerasil-ultra), preparations of the retinoid group, Azeloic and salicylic acids, Resorcinol.
  • With increased dryness of the skin, the appearance of irritation and peeling, the use of moisturizing creams and gels is indicated. Well proven soothing cream "Klin AK", "Avenfor hypersensitive skin, "Tlerance Extreme".
  • In order to regenerate (restore) damaged areas, the use of a regenerating cream is indicated. "Sicalfat" with zinc-copper complex or "A-Derma Epithelial A.N DUO Regenerating Cream" with hyaluronic acid.
  • To prevent the formation of atrophic scars after pustules, the use of a gel is recommended. Contractubex. Applies 4 weeks.
  • Constant humidity and darkness are optimal conditions for the life of iron mites, so it is better to abandon cosmetics for the duration of treatment.
  • Excessive ultraviolet exposure should be avoided. An increase in the production of vitamin D under the influence of UV radiation leads to the activation of the synthesis of cathelicidins, which support the inflammatory process.

Rice. 21. Keratolytic and anti-seborrheic properties Salicylic acid and Resorcinol.

Rice. 22. Baziron is effective in the treatment of inflammatory elements on the skin, has keratolytic properties. The drug is available in various forms (cleansing gel, tonic, scrub, corrective preparations), which makes it convenient to use in various settings (at home, at work, on trips, etc.).


In the treatment of demodicosis, both as an independent disease and against the background of skin diseases such as rosacea, acne, perioral and seborrheic dermatitis, only an integrated approach and long-term pathogenetic therapy against the background of basic skin care are used.

Demodicosis is complex problem. It affects not only the health of a person, but also affects his psycho-emotional state.