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1. Research ethics in veterinary medicine

2. Some problems of veterinary medicine

3. Basic scientific problems veterinary medicine

4. Features and ways of science intensification

5. Features of the ethics of scientists

List of used literature

1. Research ethics in veterinary medicine

Today, it is important to increase the importance of the ethical aspects of science, accelerate scientific and technological progress, turn the scientific profession into a mass one, strengthen the role of collective forms labor activity in science. As a result, it becomes necessary to cover various issues of the ethics of scientists as a kind of professional group, and students are also involved in the second. For them, conducting scientific research is an integral part of the educational process, the path to independent knowledge of the truth and testing the ability to resolve various issues of a problematic nature.

As Academician K.I. Scriabin, in terms of the number of objects of study, as well as in its depth, veterinary medicine is the most interesting link in human life. After all, there is no other science that would investigate and protect such a large number of representatives of the animal world from diseases. Veterinary medicine is also concerned about the fate of small domestic animals, rare and exotic zoo animals, various laboratory animals, which it protects, and worries about their health.

That is why the theoretical arsenal of modern veterinary medicine has recently expanded and deepened so much.

2. Some veterinary problemsmedicine

Modern problems and the future of veterinary medicine are closely related to a comprehensive program for the development of the country's economy. At the same time, the main problems are the fight against epizootics and the prevention of infectious diseases. Two aspects can be distinguished here: the protection of the country from the penetration of pathogens and the introduction of diseases and the prevention of infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are still preserved on the territory of our country.

The first aspect requires knowledge of the global epizootic situation, close cooperation with the International Epizootic Bureau, the World Veterinary Association, the World Health Organization, etc.

The second aspect of the problem depends on the daily work of representatives of veterinary science and practice, as well as the veterinary biological industry. One side. This is the creation and implementation of highly specific diagnostic products. Vaccines, medicinal sera, biological methods of prevention, and on the other hand, zoohygienic and veterinary-sanitary measures, constant examination and vaccination of animals.

Veterinary medicine of industrial animal husbandry has its own characteristics. Modern livestock enterprises are characterized by a previously unknown concentration of animals in limited areas. For example, several modern poultry farms simultaneously contain more than a million laying hens, and 24, 54 and 108 thousand heads of pigs at pig breeding complexes. These are real egg and meat factories.

A modern livestock complex is an artificially created complex biological and bioengineering system. In many cases, veterinary preventive measures are adjusted to it. Therefore, the method of aerosol vaccination developed by scientists needs a fundamentally new approach to the prevention of infectious diseases, when tens of thousands of birds and a large number of other animals can be treated simultaneously. This method has found application in group therapy of respiratory diseases, disinfection of livestock buildings.

A necessary element of veterinary technology in industrial animal husbandry, in addition to the system of anti-epizootic measures, is medical examination, that is, the ability to constantly monitor the health of the entire livestock. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the main indicators of the general non-specificity of resistance, metabolism, as well as the immunobiological state of animals. It is known that mass diseases most often occur against the background of a decrease in resistance and the immunobiological state of animals, especially young animals.

With a high concentration of animals in the room, conditionally pathogenic microflora accumulates, which can overcome the immunobiological barriers of even a healthy animal. In addition, conditions are created for the selection of the most pathogenic microflora. In this case, the principle “everything is busy - everything is empty” is considered effective, which makes it possible to conduct a thorough disinfection and sanitation of the premises.

A promising task of industrial animal husbandry is to achieve harmony between technology and biology. After all, technology is constantly in contact with a living organism. Together with full-fledged feeding, the microclimate is of particular importance, the violation of the parameters of which immediately leads to a decrease in productivity and to mass diseases of animals. Therefore, reliable automated systems for microclimate regulation are the most important element of modern poultry farms and pig-breeding complexes.

With an imperfect system of machine milking, mastitis in cows can become widespread, and unsuccessful floor designs can lead to massive injuries to the limbs.

At the same time, preventive work should be carried out in two directions: further improvement of technology, creation of technologies that meet biological and physiological characteristics animals and breeding breeds and lines of animals, maximally adapted to industrial technology and high resistance to various diseases.

Therefore, the creation of integrated animal health systems, which are an organic component of new progressive technologies of industrial animal husbandry, is a promising direction in the development of veterinary medicine.

Veterinary and medical health problems are of great importance. As noted, today in the world there are more than 150 diseases common to humans and animals. These are diseases of a different nature, and in order to protect human health from them, they should be eliminated from animals. To this end, close contacts are maintained in our country between the veterinary and sanitary and medical services, and scientific development of the problems of prevention of such diseases is carried out according to a comprehensive program of scientists of veterinary and humanitarian medicine. The noted problem will continue to be an important form of cooperation between representatives of medicine and veterinary science and practice.

The veterinary and sanitary examination of livestock products deserves special attention. Here it is important not only to prevent the ingestion of products from sick animals, the occurrence of feed toxic infections, but also to protect humans from the consumption of products that contain mycotoxins, pesticides, antibiotics and other harmful substances. Further improvement of methods for the examination of livestock products is an important and promising task of veterinary medicine.

Farm animals are a source of various biological preparations. It is known that complete effective drugs for use in medical and veterinary practice can only be obtained from healthy animals.

It is impossible not to recall the laboratory animals, which are widely used in experimental medicine. They study spontaneous and experimental neoplasms, the work of an artificial heart. The results of research primarily depend on the health of laboratory animals, the absence of infectious, parasitic and other diseases.

Thus, in the future, veterinary and medical health problems will be an important link in the activities of scientists and practitioners.

An important issue is the protection of the environment and wildlife. Industrial animal husbandry has sharply posed the problem of environmental protection, preventing its pollution by effluents from livestock complexes. Reliable decontamination, protection of the surrounding air, deodorization problems need an optimal solution.

Fish and bees, due to their close ties with the environment, have become, as it were, an indicator of its purity: when the environment is polluted, they are the first to be affected. Therefore, for fish and bees, the problem of environmental cleanliness is especially relevant.

The protection of wild fauna, as well as some species of animals that are gradually disappearing and kept in zoos, is also a serious problem. Prevention of diseases of wild animals is also important because among them diseases that are dangerous for agricultural animals are also registered.

Of great importance is the activity of veterinary medicine in testing for toxicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of pesticides, insecticides, biologically proposed for use in agriculture and animal husbandry. active substances, feed additives, etc. this work in the future acquires importance, because in practice we have entered a period of chemicalization of both crop production and animal husbandry.

3. Main scientific problems of veterinary medicine

Veterinary science faces important tasks for the further development of scientific research in various fields, especially in the field of molecular biology and genetic engineering - the foundations of modern biotechnology. New areas include veterinary immunology, genetics, leukemia and oncology, and gnotobiology. The use of veterinary aspects of animals is also considered promising, especially in industrial animal husbandry.

Modern biotechnology is already making contributions to veterinary medicine. Here, the creation of genetically engineered vaccines for the prevention of animal diseases, the use of monoclonal antibodies with diagnostic and medicinal purpose, immunoinvasive diseases for the diagnosis of infectious and invasive diseases of agricultural animals.

A new approach to the creation of vaccine preparations is the use of genetic engineering methods. For example, the creation of vaccines against FMD by this method completely prevents the risk of introducing the virus into environment. New methods will reduce the cost of vaccine production technology and remove the problem of possible residual virulence.

The use of genetic engineering methods is promising for creating vaccines against viral diseases in which it is not possible to obtain a stable vaccinated strain.

A new technology for the industrial production of antibodies promises to revolutionize areas of veterinary medicine such as disease diagnosis, patient management, and passive immunization.

The ELISA method will make it possible to diagnose serious diseases in vivo, the causative agents of which in the body weakly stimulate the synthesis of antibodies, as a result of which they create problems in identifying carriers and patients with asymptomatic manifestations of the disease. In addition, with its sensitivity, it makes it possible to detect early forms of the disease and is more economical.

Significant progress in veterinary medicine is associated with the further development of immunology - a science that covers all aspects of protecting the body from genetically alien substances of exogenous and endogenous origin. She studies not only the problems of immunity in infectious diseases.

Methods for monitoring the general immune state of animals at various stages of the technological cycle should become an integral part of the system preventive measures in industrial animal husbandry. This is especially important when assessing the impact of industrial technologies on the immunobiological status of animals. After all, often gastrointestinal, respiratory and other diseases develop against the background of various disorders or simply changes in the conditions of feeding and keeping animals, which lead to a decrease in resistance and the level of the immunobiological state of the body and create favorable conditions for the action of conditionally pathogenic microflora.

Immunological methods should also find wider use in selection and genetic work. Prospects are also opening up for veterinary genetics, whose task is to create highly productive herds of animals with genetically fixed high resistance to diseases and a long period of productive use of animals. If today only economically useful traits were taken into account, then animal breeding and genetics should work out indicators of the general resistance of animals to diseases in the future.

Leukozology also faces important problems. The study of leukones is of general biological significance, since it helps to reveal the molecular mechanisms of the processes of differentiation and transformation of hematopoietic cells. In hemoblastoses there is common feature course - the systemic nature of the lesion, as well as the exceptional complexity of their early diagnosis, which makes it difficult to develop effective methods treatment of the sick and disease control. The discovery of effective methods for the prevention and control of hemoblastoses in agricultural animals will not only reduce environmental damage, but also help preserve the unique gene pool of dairy farming and poultry farming - the fruits of centuries-old folk and scientific selection, an invaluable acquisition of mankind.

We should also pay tribute to gnotobiology, which studies the interaction of micro- and macroorganisms under conditions of strictly controlled microflora.

In veterinary medicine, three promising directions in the development of gnotobiology can be distinguished:

The study of various animal pathologies, especially of infectious origin;

The use of gnotobiotes in obtaining material free from microflora for scientific research, diagnostics, and the manufacture of biological products;

The use of animals free from microflora for the improvement of livestock farms from various diseases and even the creation of farms with the status of free from pathogenic microflora.

In the conditions of industrial animal husbandry, various aspects of ethology, the science of animal behavior, are of particular importance; its study will help to prevent stress in animals, which reduce productivity, and sometimes contribute to the development of various diseases. Knowledge of ethology makes it possible to establish optimal dimensions groups of animals in their loose keeping, methods of feeding and the like.

In industrial animal husbandry, it is almost impossible to observe the state of the animal, especially to determine its body temperature, the state of the cardiovascular and other body systems. Therefore, the creation of highly efficient devices is a vital necessity.

Veterinary medicine contributes to the country's economy. Losses from animal diseases can reach 15-20% and even 30-40% of the cost of livestock products. To prevent such losses, the state incurs significant expenses for veterinary and preventive measures, the development of the biological industry, the production of chemotherapeutic drugs, and the organization of scientific research. Therefore, the economic evaluation of the activities of the veterinary medicine service, the introduction of scientific research into production are organic components of the work.

Features and ways of science intensification

Progress in science has always been associated with the continuous increase of knowledge, which made it possible to create new theories. Its intensive development should be noted: in the 1960s and 1970s, even the concept of “information explosion” arose; started talking about the overproduction of information. The volume of knowledge grew exponentially, it doubled every 10-15 years. It was believed that information saturation would come in the not distant future, when scientists would no longer be able to perceive and work out new knowledge.

Today, the flow of information continues to grow, as evidenced by the constant publications in journals and other scientific publications. But publications are only the visible part of the information and not always the most valuable. As for the content of qualitatively new data and conclusions, one feels their lack rather than their surplus.

The high rate of receipt of scientific information in the era of the scientific and technological revolution is accompanied by its accelerated aging. Sometimes such information "dies" without giving any new ideas or practical or scientific impact.

The current stage of the scientific and technological revolution needs a reassessment of many outdated concepts. It is estimated that information depreciates in 4-8 years. Therefore, it is necessary to make mobile changes in scientific and technical policy.

Separately, it should be noted the troubles of science. The inventions of barometers, methods of diagnostics and treatment, which are based on outdated scientific and technical concepts, inevitably damage the national economy and hinder the growth of labor productivity.

The material and technical base of a scientist must be constantly updated and improved. Science must first of all improve its tools in order to meet the needs of society for knowledge and expand the front of fundamental sciences. After all, the level of technical equipment of science largely determines the accuracy and reliability of the information received. If obsolete equipment in production, although it reduces labor productivity, but helps to obtain a certain amount of production, then obsolete scientific research equipment, in essence, puts a barrier to the increase of knowledge.

Improvement and renewal of experimental equipment, instruments, information and computing systems is a prerequisite for the intensification of research and scientific developments. As Academician O.P. Alexandrov, the creation of new methods and instruments is a key line that makes it possible to make important discoveries.

Requirements for the characteristics of research equipment are growing, and with them, its cost is also growing. During the economic crisis, it is impossible to acquire such equipment for many research institutions. There is an opinion that the intensification of science should not lead to an increase in appropriations for scientific research, that science should also reduce costs per unit of information.

Using the existing technical base of science is too far from perfect. The load factor of research facilities in some scientific institutions does not exceed 0.3, while in other organizations there are no such devices. Given the financial insolvency, it would be necessary to change the forms of using expensive scientific equipment, to expand the circle of people who use it. It is possible to go the way of creating and appropriately equipping scientific laboratories in universities with materials, reagents and attendants. There is already experience in their use, it is only necessary to change the organization of labor and provide the necessary materials.

But this is not the only way to intensify the use of research equipment. It is possible to introduce a rental system that will save a certain amount while maintaining the pace of scientific development and the efficiency of instruments.

It is known that the high level of equipment of experimental bases makes it possible to improve the quality of research and at the same time reduce the development time. And today, unfortunately, the pace of updating such databases is low. In the development of the technical base of science, electronic computing technology occupies a particularly important place. The computer should become an indispensable tool for a researcher who collects, processes and analyzes data obtained in the course of research.

The improvement of electronic computing technology, the reduction of its cost, opens up wide opportunities for research, and becomes the most important factor in saving the scientist's time.

Modern science is unthinkable without technical means. And yet the leading place in the development of science is occupied by man, since technology itself is the fruit of his work. Therefore, no equipment in the near future will be able to replace a person.

Another important issue. To successfully resolve an urgent problem, a creative environment must be created in the team, and most importantly, talented people are needed, a leader is needed who boldly, would come into conflict with outdated theory, put forward new hypotheses, rally around himself and support the team. Otherwise, such a team will work fruitlessly.

The strengthening of scientific organizations, the use of collective labor is accompanied by undesirable trends, namely, the inevitable growth of the role of the administrative-bureaucratic factor. Many major inventions of the 20th century - the vacuum tube, transistor, laser, magnetic sound recording, xerography and others - were made by individuals or small teams of scientists, inventors and specialists. Working autonomously, such groups consider the most fantastic ideas that a larger organization would surely reject. But something else is also obvious: it is difficult for individuals or small teams to implement radically new ideas; for this, as a rule, a strong organization is needed. And yet, in many countries of the world, in recent years, in contrast to the high concentration of scientific resources, small research groups have been created that receive a certain autonomy and necessary funds for the implementation of scientific and technical innovations.

The intensification of science is associated with many problems. The resolution of some requires building up scientific and technical potential, others - in improving the organization of labor, and others - in overcoming old stereotypes.

5. Peculiaritiesethics of scientists

Professional ethics in the field of science requires a high assessment of the role of science in the life of society. The professional ethos of a scientist is inextricably linked with the worldview, public morality, the need to defend the truth and seek the use of scientific achievements for the benefit, and not for the evil of people.

Professional ethics form a willingness to correctly perceive criticism and, if necessary, to revise erroneous ideas, no matter how strong traditions are; the ability to combine scientific integrity with the personal integrity of the researcher; denounces the desire to adapt the results of research depending on careerist reasoning. It condemns the embellishment of facts to confirm certain statements, the appropriation of other people's data and scientific ideas, the creation of monopolies of one or another scientific school, the substitution of freedom of creative discussions for loyalty to the "scientific clan", etc.

The requirements of the ethics of science are rarely formulated in the form of codes; as a rule, they are assimilated by each scientist in the course of his research. vocational training and activities. They cover different kinds the activities of scientists, the preparation and conduct of research, the publication of the results obtained, the holding of scientific discussions, the examination of the data obtained by a colleague.

AT modern science the ethical problems of the relationship between science and the scientist and society, that is, the social responsibility of the scientist, have become particularly acute. For this, in order to engage in scientific activities, a moral sanction from society is necessary. therefore questions about the moral justification and justification for such activities are constantly discussed. But in the era of the scientific and technological revolution of science and the scale of its social effects, the problems of the scientist's responsibility to society became especially acute and filled with new content. Social responsibility of a scientist at the present stage scientific progress It is expressed, first of all, in the desire to foresee the consequences that are undesirable for man and mankind, potentially inherent in the results of his research, as well as in informing the public about the possibility of such consequences and ways to prevent them.

Ethics in science is a system of moral requirements, norms and rules that regulate the relationship in the actions of scientists, encouragement and moral punishment.

Ethics is constantly changing as science develops. At the same time, it is characterized by continuity and the preservation of key ethical values. In the norms of the ethics of science are embodied, first of all. General human moral requirements and prohibitions, the features of scientific activity are concretized. So, a plagiarist can be qualified as a violator of the commandment “do not steal”, and a falsifier who deliberately distorts the data of an experiment can be qualified as a violator of the commandment “do not deceive”.

In addition, the ethical norms of science serve to affirm and protect the specific values ​​of science itself. The first among them is the selfless search and upholding of the truth. And since it is not always possible to assess the truth of the data obtained, the norms of ethics do not require that the result of each study necessarily give true knowledge. It suffices that this result be new and substantiated.

Scientific achievements would not be possible without mutual trust between those involved in this activity. Therefore, violations of the norms of scientific ethics naturally require moral sanctions on the part of the scientific community, which may be too tangible for the violator, up to and including exclusion from the scientific team.

Spanish listusedliterature

1. "Professional ethics of a doctor of veterinary medicine", ed. I.S. Panko. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Krasnodar, Lan, 2004

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In recent decades have been significantly improved and developed new surgical methods for abdominal, thoracic and craniocerebral surgery.
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Resuscitation algorithm

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Antigens for diagnosing canine babesiosis

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Diseases of the prostate gland in males

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Effects of perioperative para-aortic blockade of the abdomino-aortic plexus on cats

Influence of perioperative para-aortic blockade of the abdomino-aortic plexus on the course and outcome postoperative period in domestic cats that have undergone ovariohysterectomy.

The effect of seasonality on the incidence of uremia in cats

Kidney disease is fairly common in the cat population. Along with a whole complex of pathogenetic factors, one of the most important reasons for the high incidence of kidney damage in this animal species is the species (constitutional) predisposition. The kidneys have a fairly large compensatory capacity.

Possibilities and perspectives of heart, kidney, liver transplantation in cats and dogs

Pathologies of the kidneys, liver and heart in the terminal stage are characterized by the dramatic course of the disease and, unfortunately, the lack of response to conservative drug therapy.

Possibilities of Epidural Blockade in Pets

Veterinary surgery has a wide range of corrective and recovery operations, including the use of modern high-tech materials and structures. Most of these operations are characterized by high complexity, duration, multi-stage, significant trauma and blood loss.

Along with surgical care, pain relief for injuries should be considered as an essential element pathogenetic treatment severe damage. Intensive therapy in combination with anesthesia not only improves the quality of surgical treatment, but is also the main element in the prevention of complications.

Inflammatory bowel disease in dogs

Inflammatory bowel disease - common name for the whole group chronic diseases bowel characterized by persistent or recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms and inflammation. Go to options inflammatory disease conditions such as gluten sensitive enteropathy, antibiotic responsive bowel disease, immune proliferative disease small intestine, protein-losing enteropathy, lymphangiectasia, atrophic gastritis, gastric carcinoma, cyanocobalamin deficiency, granulomatous colitis.

Isolation of a new strain of chlamydia in conjunctivitis in cats

The epizootic characteristics of chlamydia in cats are currently not well understood. The above was the basis for a statistical analysis of data obtained from laboratory studies of cats suspected of having chlamydia. From 2001-2005 in Kazan, we tested 132 cats for chlamydia. As laboratory tests for diagnosing the disease, we used fluorescent microscopy of smears of prints and an enzyme immunoassay method for detecting antibodies in animal blood sera.

Gaff disease

The full geographical name of this disease is " Gaff-Yuksovskaya-Sartlan disease". medical name - alimentary-toxic paroxysmal myoglobinuria (ATPM) introduced after the 1984-1986 outbreak. on the lake Ubinskoye, Novosibirsk region. People get sick, most domestic animals (including ruminants), cats are especially hard. In severe form, the disease causes irreversible destruction of the muscle tissue of all vital organs.

Hydrocephalus in dogs. Ventriculo-peritoneal shunting

Hydrocephalus - a congenital pathology dwarf breeds dogs, which is characterized by an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain, which leads to a decrease in the mass of the nervous tissue and, as a result, to severe neurological symptoms.

Dermatopathy in dogs with hypothyroidism

Advances in veterinary medicine in the field of small animal dermatology make it possible to accurately detect skin lesions in dogs associated with endocrine diseases.

Most endocrine skin lesions are due to hypofunction thyroid gland, and this is perhaps the most common endocrine dermatopathy in dogs (Paterson S., 1998).

It is very rare in cats (Panciera D.L., 1994). Often this suffering is further exacerbated by iatrogenic pathology. With erosive and ulcerative skin lesions, sick animals are often prescribed locally or systemically glucocorticoids (injections, ointments, gels, etc.), while glucocorticoids, which are characterized by inhibition of thyroid function by suppressing the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the adenohypophysis, further increase hypothyroidism.

Dermatophytoses of cats and dogs

Dermatophytosis - infectious diseases keratinized tissues (skin, hair, nails) caused by fungi species Microsporum, Trichophyton or Epidermophyton

Diarrhea in dogs and cats

Diarrhea is characterized by the presence in the faeces, compared with the norm, of a relatively large proportion of water. Most often this is due to excess water loss, but sometimes the cause of diarrhea can be a decrease in the solid component of feces.
Fluid loss is accompanied by loss of electrolytes. This may be accompanied by dyslectremia, a violation of the acid-base composition of the blood, dehydration and is a threat to life in the absence of their compensation in the provision of veterinary care.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Boxers and Doberman Pinschers

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was described relatively recently: approximately 50 years ago in the medical literature and 30 years ago in the veterinary literature. Since then, it has attracted the unrelenting interest of clinicians, morphologists, and geneticists. The term "cardiomyopathy" was proposed in 1956 and soon became widespread.

Diseases of the hepatobiliary system in dogs and cats

The modern classification of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, based on the nature of morphological changes and ultrasound characteristics, distinguishes 4 groups:
vascular disorders of the liver (portosystemic shunts)
parenchymal disorders of the liver
diseases of the gallbladder and ducts

Infection in the development of pathologies of the urinary system in dogs and cats

The importance of bacteriological research is determined, among other things, by the trend that every year pathologies previously related to diseases of non-infectious etiology are now recognized as infectious.

The use of computed tomography for the diagnosis of protrusions of the intervertebral discs of the first type according to Hansen in dogs

To date, protrusions of the first type according to Hansen continue to be an urgent problem in veterinary medicine, in particular, neurology, surgery and visual diagnostics. Frequency of occurrence this disease due to the following factors: the genetic predisposition of certain breeds, such as dachshunds, French bulldogs, Pekingese and Shih Tzu, and the popularity of these breeds in Russia.

Use of fresh frozen human plasma in dogs

Plasma by volume occupies almost half of the entire blood mass and is a 7-8% colloidal solution of a mixture of proteins: albumin, a-, p- and y-globulins, fibrinogen, their complex with lipids and carbohydrates and 0.9% inorganic compounds.

Plasma is a universal drug with a pronounced detoxification and hemostatic action. It eliminates protein deficiency and increases oncotic blood pressure, helping to increase diuresis and eliminate edema; serves as a great addition to complex therapy infectious-toxic shock, hepatic coma and precoma, hemorrhagic syndromes, correction of plasma protein deficiency in malnourished animals (forced starvation, intestinal obstruction, severe septic processes, ascites, extensive damage to soft tissues, burns).

A complex of diagnostic and therapeutic measures for prostatitis in dogs

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma in dogs have recently become widespread in most male dogs aged 5 years or more.

Studies of 20 dogs aged 1.5-12 years with a diagnosis of prostatitis were carried out in 1998-2001 in several areas:
- examination of urine with sediment microscopy;
- clinical analysis blood with the determination of the amount of FEC, hemoglobin, ESR, leukogram;
- blood tests using "Immunocomb" tests (presence of antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis, IgG);
- echotomographic examination of the prostate;
- complex treatment.

Conservative treatment of discogenic traumatic paralysis

Dogs of a stretched (dachshund) or shortened (French bulldog) format have a high breed predisposition to spinal pathology and concomitant diseases in the form of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. In our clinical practice more than 90% of the total number of cases of acute movement disorders (hereinafter - ADD) are associated with these two breeds. There is a clear tendency for dachshunds to relapse this disease. Currently, two methods of treating ADR are used - conservative and operative. This article discusses practical experience conservative treatment ODR as simpler and more efficient.

Corrosion behavior of thermooxide coatings of osteofixators

With pin and rod fixation, the proportion of inflammatory complications that occur is significantly high, which is associated with the limited biointegration qualities of the surface of the metals used for fixators.

Treatment of oral papillomatosis in dogs

Papillomas oral cavity in dogs it is quite common. Sometimes they litter the mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips, gums, tongue and throat in large numbers. warts, by appearance sometimes resembling cauliflower, usually appear on the lips and then spread to the mouth and throat. By its nature, this benign tumors, which are usually caused by the canine papillomatosis virus, which is transmitted through contact. Most often, viruses are transmitted when sick animals are kept together with healthy ones. Numerous observations in kennels are known that shortly after the appearance of a papillomatous puppy, papillomas began to develop in other puppies. Transmission of pathogens by injection needles, animal care items, etc. is possible. The virus enters the body through scarified skin and mucous membranes.

Feline lymphoma

Feline lymphoma is the most common lymphoproliferative disease in this animal species with an incidence of about 200 cases per 100,000 population. One of the main etiological factors of lymphoma in cats are retroviral infections (FeLV and FIV). From the 1960s to the 1980s 60–70% of cats with lymphoma have feline leukemia virus (FeLV) antigenemia. FeLV disease is predisposed to young animals (1–6 years, average age- 3 years), and FeLV-infected cats have a 62-fold increased risk of developing lymphoma, while virus-induced lymphomas are more often low-grade.

Magnetic resonance imaging. Fundamentals of physics and reading magnetic resonance imaging

To date, magnetic resonance imaging is included in the group of routine studies in diseases of the brain, and is often simply a necessity for animals with spinal pathologies. Having the skill of reading magnetic resonance tomograms, one can comprehensively approach the diagnosis of a patient and have the possibility of detailed planning of a surgical intervention.

The basis for obtaining a magnetic resonance image is the radiation emitted by the hydrogen nuclei of the patient himself.

Minimally invasive abdominal operations in veterinary surgery

The aim of the work is to study the possibility of using minimally invasive operational access and a universal retractor of original design in veterinary surgery.

Morphological diagnosis of breast cancer in dogs

The relevance of the problem of diseases of the mammary glands in dogs is due to the steady growth of this pathology throughout the world. In addition, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in these animals.

Morphological aspects of toxic and side effects of estrazine

Hormonal drugs have established themselves as highly effective drugs for the treatment of cancer. They are used for the treatment of malignant diseases both in medicine and increasingly in veterinary medicine. The main indications for use hormonal drugs are, mainly, tumors of those organs that are under the influence of hormones, the so-called hormone-dependent tumors (A.M. Garin, 2000; I.M. Dilman, 1990). The results of hormone therapy for cancer of the breast, prostate, endometrium, thyroid, kidney are well known (L.M. Bernshtein, 1998). Recently, data have been accumulated that testify to the hormonal dependence of laryngeal cancer, melanoblastoma, gastrointestinal tumors, chondro- and osteogenic sarcoma. These data open up possibilities for further expansion of indications for the use of hormone therapy in both medicine and veterinary medicine (H., 1981; G. Karakousis., 1980).

Some aspects of the use of hormonal contraceptives in pets

It is no secret that during the sexual hunting of pets, the owners experience certain inconveniences and, in turn, use oral hormonal contraceptives to stop sexual hunting in dogs and cats.

Veterinarians of the Don Cossack Region

Veterinary- veterinary medicine (from lat. veterinarians- caring for livestock, treating livestock) - a field of scientific knowledge and practical activities aimed at combating animal diseases, protecting people from zooanthroponoses (infections common to animals and humans), producing high-quality sanitary products and solving veterinary and sanitary problems of environmental protection environment.

Veterinary medicine as an independent discipline took shape in the first half of the 19th century, after the development of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and other basic and related disciplines. However, even in the "pre-scientific" period, starting with the domestication and domestication of animals, man provided them with medical assistance.

Veterinary medicine in the ancient world

From ancient times, for many millennia, knowledge about diseases was superficial, based only on observations and the accumulation of facts without their scientific analysis. Therefore, veterinary care for internal diseases, as well as for childbirth and injuries, was primitive, limited to the use of heat or cold, kneading the abdomen, running and other simple procedures. Medical assistance to sick animals was provided, as a rule, by blacksmiths, shepherds, healers. Later, individual craftsmen appeared who specialized in the treatment of animals, who used more complex methods; enemas, drinking herbal infusions, etc.

Information about animal diseases and treatment is found in manuscripts ancient egypt(Kakhun papyrus - 2000 BC), India (I century AD), Greece (Aristotle, Apsyrtus - IV-V centuries AD). Animal diseases are described in the writings of Roman scientists, such as Cato the Elder, Varro and Columella, in whose writings the terms were first mentioned "veterinary care", "veterinary medicine".

However, this information was fragmentary, incomplete, often with elements of speculation and superstition. In the Middle Ages, the doctrine of animal diseases actually did not develop, and there were no special veterinary educational institutions.

On a scientific basis, study veterinary medicine was delivered after the opening of veterinary educational institutions in Central Europe, later transformed into higher veterinary schools: in Lyon (1761), Alfort (1765), Vienna (1775), Dresden (1776), Hanover (1778), Budapest (1787), Berlin and Munich (1790), etc. The departments of these schools carried out systematic research on etiology, diagnosis, private prevention and therapy. internal pathology. The veterinary clinicians of the Budapest Veterinary School under the guidance of F. Gutira and J. Marek had a particularly great influence on the further development and formation of private pathology and therapy as a science. They wrote the book "Private Pathology and Therapy of Internal Diseases in Domestic Animals", which went through several editions and was translated into many languages, including Russian.

Development of veterinary medicine in Russia

In Russia, the doctrine of veterinary science began to develop on a scientific basis with the opening of veterinary departments at the St. Petersburg (1808) and Moscow (1811) medical and surgical academies and veterinary institutes in Warsaw (1889), Derit (1876), Kharkov (1851) and Kazan (1873). ).

Famous Veterinary Clinicians

Obvetpoliclinic of the Vyatka province. Admission of sick animals from 1905 to 1978

The first veterinary clinicians in Russia were Ya. K. Kaidanov, P. I. Lukin, G. M. Prozorov, I. I. Ravich, X. G. Bunge, who laid the foundations for general and private therapy and prevention. In all four veterinary institutes, departments and clinics of therapy were organized, in which, in the process of teaching students and conducting scientific work, methods of clinical and laboratory research, medicines were tested, diseases were experimentally reproduced, textbooks and manuals were published. By the time of the Great October Socialist Revolution and in the first years of Soviet power, a world-renowned school of veterinary clinicians-therapists had developed, which had a decisive influence on the further development of the entire veterinary science. The most prominent representatives of this school are K. M. Goltsman, N. P. Rukhlyadev, G. V. Domrachev, A. R. Evgrafov, A. V. Sinev, V. E. Evtikhiev, L. A. Faddeev, I. G. Sharabrin and others.

Progressive materialistic views and the works of Russian physiologists and medical clinicians S. P. Botkin, G. A. Zakharyin, A. A. Ostroumov, I. M. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, M. Ya. Mudrova, M. V. Yanovsky, M. P. Konchalovsky, G. F. Lang, A. L. Myasnikova, V. Kh. Vasilenko, N. D. Strazhesko, G. A. Luria and others. Veterinary medicine is always developed in close connection with medicine.

Veterinary medicine in Soviet times

From the first years of Soviet power veterinary business concentrated in the hands of the state. In 1919, a decree was issued "on the unification of the administration of the veterinary unit in the republic." The further development of veterinary medicine is associated with the names of such prominent organizers of the veterinary service as V.S. Bobrovsky, N.M. Nikolsky, A.V. Nedagin, K.G. Martin, I.V. specialists, in Russia in 1918 veterinary institutes were opened in Saratov and Omsk, in 1919 - in Moscow and Petrograd. Veterinary supervision is being organized, the production of medicinal, biological preparations, disinfectants, etc. is being established.

In the period 1941-45. veterinary service ensured the epizootic well-being of the country, the return of horse stock to the USSR. There were facts of retraining of veterinarians for pediatricians in wartime conditions.

Such dangerous infections, as plague and peripneumonia of cattle, glanders, infectious anemia and infectious encephalomyelitis, epizootic lymphangitis, scabies of horses. Anthrax, rabies, sheep pox, infectious goat pleuropneumonia, foot and mouth disease were reduced to isolated cases. The offspring, weight gain increased significantly, the mortality of young animals decreased, breeding business developed.

It should be noted that along with the advanced development of veterinary medicine in industrial animal husbandry, poultry farming and fur farming, veterinary care for urban domestic animals (dogs, cats, etc.) lagged far behind the European level. This situation began to improve only in the late 90s, which was facilitated by modern legislation and close cooperation between the Association of Practitioners of Russia and Western specialists, the publication of professional literature and international symposia and congresses.

Modern veterinary medicine

Modern veterinary medicine unites three conventionally distinguished groups of disciplines.

  1. Veterinary biological
  2. Studying the structure and vital activity of a healthy and sick organism, pathogens, the effect on the body medicines. These are such sciences as physiology, morphology, microbiology, pharmacology, etc.

  3. Clinical
  4. Studying animal diseases, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment (epizootology, therapy, obstetrics, etc.).

  5. Veterinary sanitation
  6. Studying the effect on the body external factors, problems of optimizing the habitat of animals, improving the quality of livestock products (zoohygiene, veterinary and sanitary examination.)

Operating table of a veterinarian

Veterinary medicine is closely related to many natural sciences. As a system, veterinary (veterinary and veterinary services) is linked to many sectors (livestock, food and light industry, transport, import and export). The state of development of the veterinary industry is determined by the social system of the country, the level of the economy, the development of science and education.

Development prospects

The main promising areas of veterinary science and practice at the moment are:

  • Studying the dynamics and characteristics of animal diseases both in conditions of intensive animal husbandry and at home, further improvement and development of diagnostic methods
  • Study of endemic and infectious diseases
  • Finding effective dietary and therapeutic agents, premixes and feeds optimal in terms of vitamin and mineral composition for the prevention of metabolic pathology
  • research effective means increasing the specific and nonspecific resistance of the body, the development of reliable methods of group and individual therapy.