Analysis of HPV quantum 15

Article: 769

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TORCH-PCR complex(qualitative definition) includes the definition of:
- Cytomegalovirus DNA
- Herpes 1-2 DNA types
- Toxoplasma DNA
- Epstein-Barr DNA
Intrauterine infections (IUI) - a group of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the fetus and newborn, caused by various pathogens, in which the infection of the fetus occurred in the ante- or intranatal period. The term "TORCH syndrome" is also used to refer to IUI, which was proposed in 1971 by Andre J. Nahmias. This term is formed by the first letters of the Latin names of the most frequently verified IUIs: T - toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasmosis), R - rubella (Rubella), C - cytomegaly (Cytomegalia), H - herpes (Herpes) and O - other infections (Other). The latter include syphilis, listeriosis, viral hepatitis, chlamydia, HIV infection, mycoplasmosis, etc. The danger of TORCH-complex infections is that during primary infection during pregnancy they can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus with damage to systems and organs, increasing the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, congenital deformities and malformations. These infections were grouped according to a number of principles:
- transplacental infection of the fetus during primary infection, teratogenic effect on the fetus;
- the ability to long-term persistence in the body without pronounced clinical manifestations;
- similar clinical manifestations in intrauterine infection of the fetus;
- similar principles laboratory diagnostics
Epidemiology. The true frequency of IUI has not yet been established, however, according to a number of authors, its prevalence among newborns and children in the first months of life can reach 10-15%.
Etiology and pathogenesis . IUI results from intrauterine (antenatal or intranatal) infection of the fetus. In the vast majority of cases, the source of infection for the fetus is the mother. Antenatal infection is more typical for viruses (CMV, rubella, Coxsackie, etc.), toxoplasma and mycoplasma, while the vertical transmission of infection can be carried out by transovarial, transplacental and ascending routes. Intranatal contamination is more typical for bacteria, fungi and largely depends on the characteristics of the microbial landscape of the mucous membranes of the mother's birth canal. Most often during this period, the fetus is infected with microorganisms such as group B streptococci, enterobacteria, as well as herpes simplex viruses, HIV, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, etc. The risk of infection increases significantly if the mother has inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, an unfavorable course of pregnancy (severe gestosis, threat of interruption, pathological condition uteroplacental barrier, infectious diseases), prematurity, perinatal damage to the central nervous system, pathological course of the intranatal or early neonatal period. The most common fetal infection and development severe forms IUI is noted in cases where a woman suffers a primary infection during pregnancy. The penetration of the pathogen into the body of the fetus during embryogenesis often leads to spontaneous miscarriages and the development of severe malformations incompatible with life. Infection of the fetus in the early fetal period leads to the development of infectious inflammatory process, which characterizes the predominance of the alternative component of inflammation and the formation of fibrosclerotic deformities in damaged organs, as well as the frequent occurrence of primary placental insufficiency, accompanied by chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia and the development of symmetrical IUGR (fetal growth retardation). The infectious process that develops in the late fetal period is accompanied by both inflammatory damage to individual organs and systems (hepatitis, carditis, meningitis or meningoencephalitis, chorioretinitis, damage to hematopoietic organs with the development of thrombocytopenia, anemia, etc.), and generalized organ damage.
Clinic. With antenatal infection of the fetus, pregnancy, as a rule, ends in premature birth, and clinical symptoms infectious diseases are already present at birth (congenital infection). With intranatal infection of the fetus, the manifestation of intrauterine infection can occur not only in the first weeks of life (in most cases), but even in the postneonatal period. It is extremely important to differentiate between intrauterine infection, which has developed as a result of intranatal infection, and nosocomial infection. TORCH infections of various etiologies in the vast majority of cases have similar clinical manifestations: IUGR, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, exanthema, respiratory disorders, cardiovascular insufficiency, severe neurological disorders, thrombocytopenia, anemia and hyperbilirubinemia from the first days of life.
Diagnosis. In the presence of clinical and anamnestic data indicating the likelihood of IUI in a newborn, verification of the disease must be carried out using "direct" and "indirect" research methods. The "direct" diagnostic methods include virological, bacteriological and molecular biological methods (PCR, DNA hybridization) and immunofluorescence. Of the "indirect" diagnostic methods, ELISA is most widely used.

Cytomegalo viral infection(CMVI) One of the current problems modern medicine is cytomegalovirus infection, which, back in 1984, the WHO regional office included among the "new and mysterious" and defined as the infection of the future. According to WHO data, antibodies (Ig) class G to CMVI in the blood of various population groups in Europe, Asia, America and Africa are detected with a frequency of 40 to 100%. In children, this figure varies from 13 to 90%. Thus, in the UK and the USA among the adult population with an average and high socioeconomic level, 40-60% are seropositive, compared with 80% in a population with a low social status. In developing countries, the prevalence of CMVI is even higher. In the United States, CMVI is detected in urine at birth in 1-2% of all newborns. By the age of 1 year, the number of such children increases to 10-20%, and by the age of 35, 40% of adults have seroconversion with the appearance of antibodies to CMVI, and by the age of 50, almost all adults are infected with CMVI. Seasonal distribution of CMVI is not revealed. CMV refers to DNA-containing viruses belonging to the Herpesviridae family. CMV infects various tissues and organs: cells bone marrow, lymph nodes, liver, lungs, genitals, blood, etc., resulting in a wide variety of clinical manifestations of CMVI. Cytomegalovirus can be transmitted sexually, through blood, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal secretions, etc., when breastfeeding. The effect of CMVI on a person depends, first of all, on the state immune system: Most CMVI-infected people carry the infection without even noticing it. Antibodies to CMV are resistant and persist for life.
AT last years there is an increase in the proportion of intrauterine infections in the structure of infant morbidity and mortality. Among this group of infections, CMVI plays a special role. It is known that CMVI poses a risk to the health of the pregnant woman, fetus and newborn. At the same time, acute primary CMVI in a pregnant woman poses a particular danger to the fetus. In this case, vertical transmission (transplacental) of the virus to the fetus occurs very easily. Intrauterine infection of the fetus can be dangerous due to damage to the central nervous system, congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Sometimes congenital cytomegalovirus infection manifests itself only in the 2-5th year of the life of an infected child with blindness, deafness, speech inhibition, mental retardation, psychomotor disorders. Pregnant women account for a significant percentage in the epidemiology of CMVI, which is found twice as often as rubella. CMVI can contribute to the development of complications during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Obstetric pathology most often manifests itself in the form of spontaneous miscarriages, stillbirths, the birth of unviable children. Characterized by malnutrition, prematurity, often severe brain damage (microcephaly, hydrocephalus, convulsive syndrome), as well as generalized organ damage and the development of shock, DIC syndrome and the risk of death (11-20%) in the first 6 weeks of a child's life. With congenital CMVI, complications are observed in the form of: hearing loss, neurological disorders, mental retardation. Congenital cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal anomalies in the development of organs are often diagnosed.
Qualitative determination of Cytomegalovirus DNA (Cytomegalovirus) by PCR.
Qualitative PCR is used only as additional method examinations. This is due to the fact that up to 90% of the adult population are carriers of cytomegalovirus, which does not mean its activity in the body, i.e. this method has a low predictive value, due precisely to the fact that PCR detects virus DNA even in a latent state. In other words, this method does not distinguish between an active virus and a dormant one. Detection of CMV by qualitative PCR in human biological tissues does not make it possible to determine whether the infection is a primary or reactivation of the current infection. In such cases, it is recommended to perform a quantitative PCR reaction, which allows you to judge the degree of reproduction of the virus, and hence the activity of the infectious process, or an ELISA diagnosis, which allows you to clarify the duration of infection with the virus, predict the further course of the disease. A feature of CMV is its optional presence in all biological fluids simultaneously.
The main indications for screening for CMV:
- preparation for pregnancy (recommended for both partners);
- the state of immunosuppression in HIV infection, neoplastic diseases, taking cytostatic drugs, and so on;
- clinical picture infectious mononucleosis in the absence of infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus;
- hepatosplenomegaly of unclear nature;
- fever of unknown nature;
- increased levels of hepatic transaminases, gamma-HT, alkaline phosphatase in the absence of markers of viral hepatitis;
- miscarriage;
The main indications for examination of newborns for CMVI:
- damage to the central nervous system (focal neurological symptoms, convulsions, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, cysts, calcifications in the brain;
- jaundice, direct hyperbilirubinemia, hepatosplenomegaly, increased activity of transaminases;
- hemorrhagic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, anemia with reticulocytosis;
- prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation syndrome;

- a mononucleosis-like disease transferred by the mother during pregnancy;
- detection of seroconversion to the cytomegalovirus in the mother;
- detection of active CMV replication in the mother during pregnancy

Herpes simplex virus (HSV). The herpes simplex virus belongs to the Herpeveridae family. According to WHO, diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus rank second (15.8%) after influenza (35.8%) as the cause of death from viral infections. In the course of epidemiological studies, the presence of specific antibodies to HSV was found in 90–95% of the examined persons among the adult population, while the primary infection manifestly occurs only in 20–30% of those infected. HSV is capable of reproduction in various types cells, often persists in the central nervous system, mainly in the ganglia, maintaining a latent infection with the possibility of periodic reactivation. Most often causes mucocutaneous forms of the disease, as well as damage to the central nervous system and eyes. The HSV genome can integrate with the genes of other viruses (including HIV), causing their activation; it is also possible to switch to an active state against the background of the development of other viral and bacterial infections. Ways of transmission of HSV: airborne, sexual, contact-household, vertical, parenteral. Transmission factors for HSV are blood, saliva, urine, vesicular and vaginal secretions, and semen. The entrance gates are damaged mucous membranes and skin. By peripheral nerves the virus reaches the ganglia, where it persists for life. When HSV is activated, it spreads along the nerve to the initial lesion (the “closed cycle” mechanism is the cyclic migration of the virus between the ganglion and the skin surface). Lymphogenous and hematogenous dissemination of the pathogen can occur, which is especially typical for premature newborns and people with severe immunodeficiency (including with HIV infection). HSV is found on lymphocytes, erythrocytes, platelets; when the virus penetrates tissues and organs, they may be damaged due to its cytopathic effect. Virus-neutralizing antibodies (even in high titers) that persist throughout a person’s life, although they prevent the spread of infection, do not prevent relapses. HSV (primarily HSV-2) causes genital herpes, a chronic relapsing disease. Clinical manifestations of the initial episode of infection caused by different types viruses are similar, but HSV-2 infections are much more recurrent. The transmission of the virus occurs during sexual intercourse, the focus of infection is localized on the mucous membrane and skin of the genital organs and the perigenital zone. Reproduction of the virus in epithelial cells leads to the formation of clustered vesicles (papules, vesicles), which contain viral particles, accompanied by redness, itching. The initial episode is more acute (usually with symptoms of intoxication) than subsequent relapses. Often there are symptoms of dysuria, signs of erosion of the cervix.
Herpetic infection, even with an asymptomatic course, can cause a number of pathologies in a pregnant woman and a newborn. The greatest threat to reproductive function is genital herpes, which in 80% of cases is caused by HSV-2 and in 20% by HSV-1. Asymptomatic course occurs more often in women and is more typical for HSV-2 than for HSV-1. Primary infection or recurrence during pregnancy is most dangerous for the fetus, as it can lead to spontaneous miscarriage, fetal death, stillbirth, malformations, and can cause severe lesions. nervous system and internal organs. When defeated visual organs there are keratitis, phlebothrombosis, chorioretinitis, iridocyclitis. With the defeat of the ENT organs, sudden deafness, herpetic sore throat and lesions may occur. inner ear. The defeat of the cardiovascular system manifests itself in the form of myocarditis, atherosclerosis, myocardiopathy. If the herpes virus penetrates the central nervous system, then there is a risk of encephalopathy, meningitis, and nerve plexuses are affected. Infection of the fetus and newborn is more often observed with asymptomatic genital herpes than with a clinically pronounced typical course. The newborn may acquire herpetic infection in utero, during childbirth (in 75–80% of cases), or postnatally. HSV-2 can enter the uterine cavity through the cervical canal, affecting the fetus in 20-30% of cases; transplacental infection can occur in 5-20% of cases, infection during childbirth - in 40% of cases. It is possible to transmit the virus during medical procedures.
Qualitative determination of the DNA of Herpes simplex virus 1/2 types (Herpes simplex virus 1/2 types) by PCR.
The main indications for examination for HSV 1, 2:
- preparation for pregnancy (recommended for both partners);
- HIV infection;
- immunodeficiency states;
- differential diagnosis infections;
- patients with a history or at the time of treatment typical herpetic eruptions of any localization, including recurrent genital herpes, or the presence of vesicular and / or erosive rashes on the skin, buttocks, thighs, etc.;
- burning, pain and swelling in the area of ​​rashes;
- ulceration, painful urination;

- women with a burdened obstetric history (perinatal losses, the birth of a child with congenital malformations);
- pregnant women (primarily with ultrasound signs of intrauterine infection, lymphadenopathy, fever, hepatitis and hepatosplenomegaly of unknown origin)

The main indications for screening newborns for HSV:
- the presence of a newborn clinical signs congenital infection, regardless of the possible etiology;
- signs of intrauterine infection, fetoplacental insufficiency;
- children with vesicles or crusts on the skin or mucous membranes;
- documented primary HSV infection,
- latent reactivation in the mother during pregnancy, regardless of the presence / absence of clinical manifestations of the disease in the child;
- signs of damage to the afterbirth of HSV during pathomorphological examination, as well as the detection of HSV antigens in the afterbirth by immunohistochemical, immunocytochemical methods, the genetic material of the pathogen by PCR (if such studies were carried out);
- signs of fetal infection detected antenatally

Epstein-Barr virus
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the 4th antigenic serotype of the Herpesviridae family, belongs to the subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae, the genus Lymphocryptovirus and is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis (MI), as well as a number of diseases associated with it. EBV infection is widespread globally, almost 90% of the population over the age of 30 have specific antibodies, about 50% of the population suffer from MI in childhood or adolescence in a manifest form, the other part of the population in an atypical: erased or latent form. Sources of infection are patients with manifest (erased and typical) and asymptomatic forms of the disease, as well as virus carriers. The main route of transmission is airborne, contact-household and parenteral is also possible. The literature contains data on the isolation of EBV from cervical secretions, semen, and the possibility of sexual transmission of the virus. Cases of vertical transmission of the virus to the fetus are described, which led to damage to the heart, eyes, and liver of the fetus; suggest the presence of intranatal transmission of EBV during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. VEB may also be contained in breast milk However, this route of transmission remains poorly understood. There is evidence in the literature that lytic forms of IVEB are a threatening factor in the development of abortion, premature birth, and intrauterine infection (IUI) of the fetus. An association between EBV and a number of autoimmune diseases is known, although the role of EBV in the development of autoimmune diseases is not fully understood. In the structure of IUI, Epstein-Barr virus infection occupies a significant place, accounting for about 50%, and can cause various lesions of the fetus and newborn: lesions of the nervous system, organs of vision, recurrent chroniosepsis, hepatopathy, and respiratory distress syndrome. This infection can be the cause of the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, prolonged subfebrile condition, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly. Infection or reactivation of EBV during pregnancy affects not only the course and outcome of pregnancy, but also the neuropsychiatric state of the pregnant woman. Associations described in the literature active forms IVEB with depressive symptoms in a woman during pregnancy and in the early postpartum period, most often reactivation of IVEB during pregnancy occurs in the I, II trimesters of pregnancy.
Qualitative determination of Epstein-Barr virus DNA, (Human Herpes Virus type 4) (Epstein-Barr virus) by PCR.
Main indications for testing for EBV:
- confirmation of the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis;
- pregnancy planning;
- mononucleosis-like syndrome in immunocompromised individuals (HIV, chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms, immunosuppressive therapy for transplantation of internal organs, etc.);

- recurrent inflammatory diseases oropharynx;
- preventive screening studies;
- rashes on the skin (mononucleosis-like rash);
- hepatitis of unknown etiology;
- hepatosplenomegaly;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, poorly amenable to standard therapy;
- the presence of a burdened obstetric history (perinatal losses, the birth of a child with congenital malformations);
- a history of infectious mononucleosis in pregnant women or women planning a pregnancy;
- monitoring the effectiveness of therapy (not earlier than one month after the end of taking etiotropic drugs).
The main indications for the examination of newborns for EBV:
- children with symptoms of congenital infection, malformations or born of women from the risk group for intrauterine transmission of EBV;
- children born to mothers with a history of infectious mononucleosis;
- newborns with sepsis, hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, gastrointestinal lesions;
- lymphadenopathy (with a predominant increase in the occipital, posterior cervical and submandibular lymph nodes);
- early diagnosis of acute primary infection.
- EBV DNA detection, virus persistence and isolation control.
The most informative material may be if it is obtained under the following conditions (examination of adults):
- the material was taken in the presence of clinical signs of the disease;
- optimal sampling of clinical material before the start of treatment;
- it is advisable to donate blood for PCR testing on an empty stomach; on the eve for 1-2 days should be avoided taking fatty foods and alcohol;
- monitoring the effectiveness of therapy (not earlier than one month after the end of taking etiotropic drugs).
Clinical material for research:
- Toxoplasmosis: plasma, cerebrospinal fluid.
- HSV - Children: Scraping from the base of a fresh bladder, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, scraping from the conjunctiva.
- CMV - Children: saliva samples, cerebrospinal fluid, buccal scraping, morning urine sediment, blood plasma;
- EBV - Children: saliva samples, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, smears from the oropharyngeal mucosa, buccal scraping, leukocyte blood fraction (if indicated).

The choice of clinical material is carried out by a clinician, taking into account the affinity of the pathogen to possible foci of localization.

Units: qualitative test (not detected/detected).

Reference values : not detected

Synonyms: detection and quantification of human papillomavirus, HPV DNA typing and quantification.

Related tests: clinical and visual examination, colposcopy, histology, cytological examination smears (Pap smears, PAP test) / liquid cytology.

HPV DNA study HRC is the main diagnostic method for the detection of human papillomavirus in the scraping of epithelial cells of the urogenital tract. Molecular - biological methods (PCR) allow to identify certain types of HPV and have a high prognostic value, especially if, against the background of HPV infection, there is already a picture of cervical epithelium dysplasia, which allows us to speak about the risk of developing cancer. To date, an important step in the diagnosis and prevention of the development of neoplasia and cervical cancer is also the determination of the amount of the virus.

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

The virus infects epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes. The main route of HPV infection is sexual transmission of the infection (including anal sex and oral-genital contact). It should be noted that in 70% of young people aged 15 to 25 HPV is eliminated within 18-24 months, after 35 years HPV persists for a longer time. HPVs are classified into high and low risk groups according to their potential to cause cancer:

  • high oncogenic risk - 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68;
  • low oncogenic risk - 6, 11, 42, 43, 44.

Low-risk HPV genotypes are detected in the development of benign neoplasms (genital and exophytic condylomas, genital and venereal warts). High-risk HPV genotypes are detected in patients with squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.

Identification and determination of the type of HPV makes it possible to assess the risk of developing neoplasia and differentiate the persistence of the virus from the case of a new infection. A high HPV viral load is generally associated with disease severity. Cervical cancer (CC) has a long period of development. To assess the risks of developing a disease or eliminating the virus from the body, the change in viral load between visits to the doctor (6-12 months) is of great importance, and not any one quantitative value.

  • the presence of subjective and / or objective symptoms of the disease;
  • screening studies for STIs;
  • pregnancy;
  • screening examination in combination with a cytological examination;
  • uncertain and doubtful results of cytological studies;
  • dynamic monitoring of HPV infection;
  • differential diagnosis with diseases of non-papillomavirus etiology.

Research method used

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time.

Research material

Scraping of epithelial cells from the cervical canal, vagina, urethra.

Study preparation

On the expected day of the examination, the toilet of the genital organs is carried out without the use of detergents, disinfectants, antibacterial soap; douching of the vagina in women is excluded; from the last urination to the collection of the material must pass at least 2 hours.

Please pay your attention!

The study is carried out no earlier than:

  • 2 days after ultrasound examination using a vaginal probe, gynecological examination;
  • 5 days after colposcopy and biopsy/liquid cytology;
  • 2 weeks after applying all types of topical dosage forms(candles, ointments, etc.), antiseptics and medicines(probiotics, eubiotics) containing microorganisms;
  • 3 weeks after unprotected sex with a partner you are not sure about;
  • 4 weeks after application of systemic antibacterial drugs and to control therapy.

Within 2 - 3 days before the study, it is necessary to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse.

Per additional information about the possibility of conducting a study in a particular case, it is recommended to contact our center by phone.

Taking clinical material from pregnant women is carried out only by a doctor; you must make an appointment in advance.

Output format:

HPV type (6, 11 (no typing); 16, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58 types (no typing); 18, 39, 45, 59 types (no typing); 51; 56; 68); HPV count: Lg copies per 100,000 epithelial cells, Lg copies/sample.

Determination of HRC HPV DNA may indicate a high level of oncogenic risk and the need for observation in medical institutions.

Prices for research on papillomavirus infections

ResearchCost, rub.Deadline
8.41 1-3 days
8.41 1-3 days
17.70 1-3 days

HPV quantum 21 is a relatively new quantitative diagnostic method. The analysis allows to detect the presence of papillomavirus on early stages infection, determine the infectious load on the body, inform about the presence of oncogenic strains.

Human papillomavirus is contagious infection. Transmission occurs by contact with the carrier through intimacy. HPV is divided into types - non-oncogenic, low degree of oncogenicity, medium and high. The presence of the latter is dangerous for a person with the likelihood of cellular degeneration, launching a malignant process. Accurate and high-quality diagnosis allows timely detection of strains, control over the development of the disease. Quantum 21 and 15 are a diagnostic analysis, which refers to the method of studying the polymerase chain reaction PCR.

The essence of PCR diagnostics is the artificial laboratory multiplication of virus DNA copies. Quantum 21 refers to the most accurate diagnoses. Based on the results of the analysis, the tactics of treating the patient are selected, and the dynamics of recovery is monitored.

Efficiency of using the analysis method

Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women and accounts for 14%. It was found that in 99% of cases of CC in patients an oncogenic strain of HPV was detected.

Among the many research methods, quantum 21 is the main diagnostic criterion, which determines the presence or absence of oncogenic strains of HPV.

This is a quantitative analysis, thanks to which it is possible to obtain and determine:

  • the degree of infectious concentration, the impact on the state of immunity;
  • the ability to observe the patient within the dynamics of the disease;
  • assessment of the state of a person at the time of passing the analysis, development forecast;
  • fast, high-quality results with a high degree of data accuracy.

Polymerase chain reaction makes it possible to get a complete picture of the state of HPV in the body. Unlike enzyme immunoassay, which shows the presence of specific antibodies in the blood, PCR indicates the DNA of the virus. A quantum test helps to identify the strain, which is necessary if oncology is suspected.

Differences between HPV quantum 21 and quantum 15

The very concept of quantum refers to the quantitative analysis of HPV PCR. Translated from the Latin quantum means how much, allows you to determine the portion of the value. The number indicates the number of studied strains. Quantum 21 carries out genotyping of 21 strains of the virus, a variant for 15-15 types.

Quantum 21 includes research 6, 11, 44 types that have a low degree of carcinogenicity. 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82 HPV types are being investigated. With a high degree of oncogenicity.

HPV quantum 15 detects 16, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58, 6, 11, 18, 39, 45, 59, 51, 56, 68 strains.

Strains 6 and 11 are low oncogenic. The occurrence of condylomas on the external genitalia is manifested. The growths are benign. Can go to the stage of papillomatosis.

16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68 - strains of high risk of oncogenicity. Cause the appearance of genital warts, sometimes covered with a serous film. Localized in the external, internal genital organs, anus. There is a high chance of developing cancer. If we talk about the differences, then quantum 21 identifies a larger number of genotypes, which makes it possible to determine the presence of a dangerous type of HPV with high accuracy.

How to prepare for delivery

Proper preparation for taking tests for quantum 21 plays an important role in a diagnostic study, it depends on how accurate the results will be. It is carried out during the period of exacerbation of the disease with the appearance of the first symptoms of warts, papillomas and condylomas.

Preparation consists of several simple steps:

  1. Refuse to take antiviral drugs, antibiotics, etc. medications at least 21 days prior to the study. Medications can affect the final result of the analysis, distorting the indicators for false positive or false negative.
  2. Refuse intimacy 2-3 days before the delivery of biomaterials for analysis. This is necessary to obtain accurate results.
  3. Do not use hygiene items that contain substances that have an antibacterial effect. It is worth abandoning antimicrobial baths.
  4. The use of vaginal contraceptives, douching, and other auxiliary elements of therapy is contraindicated.
  5. The last urination should occur no later than 2 hours before taking the material.

Polymerase chain reaction for HPV is not carried out a few days after the alleged infection. A person can become infected, but early dates the probability of a reliable determination is minimal.

The study is not carried out during menstrual bleeding among women. In this case, the analysis is transferred to more late dates. Before conducting laboratory diagnostics, the doctor will inform the patient about the necessary precautions.

If the preparation is done correctly, it increases the chances of highly accurate HPV test results. Ignoring the rules can lead to erroneous data. If the patient does not rule out taking antivirals, it is likely that it will not be possible to determine the actual viral concentration. Consequently, the person will receive incorrect data, which will either affect the treatment or cause the need for a second examination.

Technology for taking material for quantum 21 HPV

The biomaterial for the study is epithelial cells, which are obtained by taking a scraping (smear) from the cervical canal, urethra or cervical wall. The procedure should be carried out exclusively in a medical institution by a specialized doctor.

cervical canal

Before taking the material, the vagina and cervix are cleaned of mucous secretions using a sterile cotton swab. Next comes the treatment with saline. A special probe is inserted into the woman's vagina, which moves 0.5 - 5 centimeters deep. After receiving required material, the probe is pulled out with extreme care so as not to injure the walls. The resulting HPV smear is sent for analysis by quantum 21 by PCR.

If the procedure is performed correctly, the woman will not feel pain. There may be some discomfort in the genital area throughout the day.


A smear from the urethra is necessary to detect neoplasms in the ureteral canal.

The entrance to the urethral canal is disinfected. If purulent discharge is observed, which indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process, it is necessary to clean the channel. Most often this is done by natural urination. In this case, the procedure is repeated 15-20 minutes after the patient visits the toilet.

During the sampling of material for quantum 21, the doctor needs to perform several actions that are similar in sensations to massage. During this, a scraping is taken with a probe, which, upon extraction, is applied to a glass slide.


The procedure for taking scrapings from the cervix for HPV is similar to the method of sampling from the cervical canal. The main task of the doctor is to clean the necessary area from impurities, disinfect it, and take a sample. After scraping, the biomaterial is sent to the laboratory for further research. The analysis is the key to diagnosing HPV infection in case of erosion, dysplasia, cervical cancer, the sampling must be done correctly and efficiently.

After the PCR diagnostics, the doctor will receive the results of the study, will decipher the analysis to draw up a scheme for further treatment.

Decoding analyzes for HPV

In the form of certain values, laboratory indicators of quantum 21 are indicated, on the basis of which the result of the study is interpreted.

The doctor will inform the patient about the results of the study. The doctor will explain the values ​​​​of the indicators, suggest further tactics antiviral therapy. The right approach will stop the influence of the infection, restore the normal functioning of the body. The main task of the doctor is to choose the actual method of treatment. The main task of the patient is to contact the doctor.

Quantum 21 is a unique technique that allows you to determine the presence of HPV, its effect on human body. A person needs to understand that the study does not guarantee accuracy if the patient ignores the necessary rules. Before taking the PCR, you should get full information about the specifics of the analysis.

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    Anna Viktorovna is an excellent specialist, I have been worried about stomach problems for many years, I have already gone through many doctors, and when my hands completely dropped, I accidentally fell into her reliable hands. Thank you for being not only a qualified specialist, but also for providing me with psychological help at a moment that is difficult for me. I recommend it, since a doctor is not only the one who prescribes pills, but also the one who can listen to...

    We turned to Elena Igorevna for advice. Provided the results of previous ultrasounds. She very competently explained the dynamics and reasons for the changes in all indicators. Before taking drugs, I always find out the opinion of several specialists. It was after her competent explanation that I was convinced of the correctness of the prescribed treatment. Thanks a lot. I recommend to everyone. ...

    I was there, I liked everything very much. The doctor is tactful and polite, the effect of the treatment is good. At the reception he was well informed, the doctor carried out a high-quality diagnosis. The attitude towards patients is very good. I also liked the clinic. I will recommend the doctor to family, friends and colleagues. A professional in his field. ...

    A very responsive doctor. Explained everything, polite and friendly. Knows his job perfectly. Looked at everything very carefully. ...

    Almaziya Raisovna treated us well during the consultation. In my opinion, her communication with the child was normal. The reception was a little late in time, but the duration was sufficient. The doctor made a diagnosis and gave recommendations. Let's go to her a second time. ...

    Great doctor! Kind, caring and caring about his patients! Thank you from your grateful patients. ...

    Nice woman, calm. She explained everything as it should, and showed, double-checked the ultrasound again and gave an accurate diagnosis, and immediately reassured me. ...

    We want to say a huge thank you to Grigoriev Vladislav Vasilyevich for his professionalism, kind, human attitude! On March 21, he operated on my son at the Children's Clinical Hospital for fibrous dysplasia. The doctor explains everything to the parents and the patient in detail, calmly, jokes, supports! We talked with different orthopedists, saw different attitudes, but it is Vladislav Vasilyevich who inspires you to believe and proves what a doctor should be like! Vladislav...

    Diagnosis of papillomavirus - HPV Quant 4, 15 21, Multicomplexes in real time, quantitatively


    PCR laboratory medical center"Aibolit" offers research HPV QUANT designed to detect, type and quantify human papillomavirus DNA in real time.

    There are three options, depending on the number of detected types of human papillomavirus:

    HPV quantum-4- designed to detect HPV 6, 11, 16, 18;

    • HPV quantum-15- designed to detect HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68;
    • HPV quantum-21- designed to detect HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73, 82.

    With the absolute type of analysis, the number of virus DNA copies in the sample taken is calculated programmatically. With the relative type of analysis, the amount of virus DNA is normalized by the amount of genomic DNA (GVM) in a given sample, i.e., by

    the number of cells in the sample. CME is used to exclude preanalytical errors. In case of insufficient amount of the collected material for analysis, repeated sampling of the clinical material is required.

    HPV QUANT studies also calculate the total HPV load.

    With a qualitative type of analysis, only the presence of DNA of detectable HPV types in the sample is determined.

    ATTENTION! A clinically significant concentration of the virus is at least 10 3 copies of HPV DNA per sample (if the material is taken correctly), which characterizes a high level of infection and can lead to the development of cervical neoplasia.

    Therefore, when analyzing PCR results, by default, the software limits the obtained values ​​of virus concentration if they do not fall within a clinically significant range.

    To obtain an objective result, it is necessary that the test material contain the largest possible number of epithelial cells and the minimum amount of mucus and blood impurities. Incorrect sampling may lead to the impossibility of obtaining a reliable result and, as a result, the need to re-take the biomaterial.

    Features of taking material from the urethra

    • before taking the biomaterial, the patient is advised to refrain from urinating for 1.5-2 hours;
    • immediately before taking the biomaterial, the external opening of the urethra must be treated with a swab that can be moistened with sterile saline;
    • in the presence of purulent discharge scraping is recommended to be taken 15-20 minutes after urination, in the absence of secretions, it is necessary to massage the urethra with a probe to take the biomaterial;
    • in the urethra in women, the probe is inserted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm; in children, the material for research is taken only from the external opening of the urethra.

    Features of taking material from the cervical canal

    • before taking the material, it is necessary to remove the mucus with a cotton swab and then treat the cervix with sterile saline;
    • the probe is inserted into the cervical canal to a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm;
    • when removing the probe, it is necessary to completely exclude its contact with the walls of the vagina.

    Features of taking material from the cervix

    • the material is taken before the manual examination;
    • before taking the material, it is necessary to remove mucus, inflammatory exudate or blood (if any) with a cotton swab;
    • then it is necessary to carefully scrape off the exfoliative cellular material and
    • superficial epithelium from the vaginal portion of the cervix, the region of the transformation zone (ZT) and / or the cervical canal, if the connection of the stratified squamous and prismatic epithelium is displaced into the cervical canal.

    The procedure for taking material into a test tube with a transport medium

    • Open the lid of the vial.
    • Using a disposable probe, scrape epithelial cells from the appropriate biotope (urethra, cervical canal, cervix).
    • Transfer the probe with the biomaterial to the tube with the transport medium and rinse it thoroughly, avoiding splashing of the liquid. Then remove the probe from the solution by pressing it against the wall of the tube, and remove excess liquid from the probe against the walls of the tube. Dispose of the used probe. If it is necessary to take biomaterial from several biotopes, repeat the procedure, each time taking the material with a new probe into a new tube.
    • Close the lid of the vial tightly, label the vial.

    Research cost:

    HPV quantum-4 - 650 rubles.

    HPV quantum-15 - 1300 rubles.

    HPV quantum-21 - 1500 rubles.

    Completion time - 2-3 working days.

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