All about nervous tics of the eyelid. Why does the upper eyelid of the right or left eye twitch

Eye twitching is a fairly common or recurring ailment in humans. This is thought to be due to a magnesium deficiency. However, frequent twitching and spasms in this area may indicate a disease. nervous system such as multiple sclerosis. This disorder, seemingly harmless, however, causes a lot of inconvenience and really needs a qualified examination.

The sensation of eye twitching is due to muscle spasm. These spasms are usually unilateral, occurring on one of the lower eyelids. Sometimes both eyelids may be involved, but the contractions of each eyelid are independent of each other. Transient and intermittent twitching is semi-rhythmic. This results in strange fluttering sensations that are obviously annoying and can block or interfere with normal vision.

In most cases, eyelid cramps are not a cause for concern. They are often benign and therefore do not require medical intervention. Very rarely, ocular myokymia can occur as a precursor to hemifacial spasm, blepharospasm, Meige's syndrome, spasmodic facial contracture, and multiple sclerosis.

Note! Regular twitching of the eye should be a reason to visit an ophthalmologist or neurologist who will establish the cause and diagnosis of the disease.

Main reasons

There are a number of causes that can cause or exacerbate eyelid trembling. In many cases, this phenomenon is caused by the influence of factors such as:


According to ophthalmologists, a stressful situation can be one of the first causes of a twitching eye. During overexertion, the human body produces the stress hormone (cortisol). One of the immediate consequences of this is muscle arousal, which can also affect the eyelid muscles. If a person is subjected to too much mental influence for a long time, then eye twitching can become permanent. This should be a signal that you need to change something in your life and avoid situations associated with stress.

Coffee, alcohol and cigarettes

As mentioned earlier, common cause eyelid trembling is a magnesium deficiency. In turn, deficiency in the body can be caused by drinking too much coffee and alcohol. Smoking cigarettes and taking oral contraceptives also leads to a lack of magnesium. It is recommended to abandon the previously mentioned "pleasures" or reduce their use.

dry eye syndrome

Many people work in offices and spend a long time in front of computer monitors. This lifestyle can lead to dry eye syndrome, namely the chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on its surface. When the eyes are too dry, they can involuntarily begin to twitch in an attempt to moisturize themselves.


Today's rhythm of life does not leave time for rest. It has long been known that to maintain good health and health, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. However, most of us get about 5 hours of sleep, if not less. Obviously, the constant lack of sleep causes severe fatigue and subsequently leads to eye twitching.


Environmental irritants can also cause eyelid twitching. To prevent, it is necessary to correctly identify irritants and their sources.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is an integral part of our diet, which ensures the absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium is very important for the relaxation of all the muscles of the body, including the muscles of the eyes. Thus, the lack of this element in the body causes the discussed malaise.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Lack of vitamin B12 in the diet can lead to irreversible damage to the nervous tissue and, consequently, to the contraction of the muscles of the eyelids. This is due to the fact that the nervous tissue is responsible for the normal functioning of all muscles in the body. Deficiency of this vitamin provokes involuntary movement in the limbs and muscle spasm.

Inflammation of the edges of the eyes

Inflammation of the edges of the eyes (blepharitis) causes itching, pain, and redness of the skin of the eyelids (usually along the lash line). It can also lead to irritation of the eyeball and photosensitivity. Due to the above symptoms, the disease leads to eye tick. Often, blepharitis has a chronic form, in which the symptoms periodically worsen and may disappear completely for an indefinite time. Often the factor causing this disease is improper hygiene of the eyelids (for example, not removing makeup at night), a bacterial infection, or a violation of sebum secretion through sebaceous glands located at the edges of the eyelids.

How to treat a twitchy eye?

Eye twitching is usually not a cause for concern and goes unnoticed. If this is not the case, you can use the following recommendations.

Often, eye twitching occurs in a state of stress or from a large overstrain. In this case, relaxing the eyelids will completely eliminate the twitching and restore normal functioning. For this, fresh cucumber, potatoes and a bag of green tea are useful. Accordingly, before use, vegetables should be grated on a fine grater, and the tea bag should be moistened with warm water. It is necessary to impose on closed eyes and keep for 10-15 minutes.

Note!When using a laptop at night, keep the room brightly lit and never read in dim light.

Watching your eyelids tremble, you need to enrich your diet with plenty of fruits and greens. leafy vegetables. Eat foods high in vitamin D, including cod liver oil, fish, oysters, and dairy products. If it is not possible to do this for any reason, you can consult a doctor and ask him to prescribe a vitamin complex.

Phosphorus, folic acid, potassium and calcium also boost eye health and reduce the risk of tics.

The best cure is a natural cure. Sleeping 7-8 hours a day improves immune system and keeps the muscles of the whole body in perfect shape, including the eyes. If this is not possible, you need to allocate time for daytime (albeit short) sleep. It is also able to get rid of the annoying phenomenon.

In case of dry eye syndrome or allergies, it is necessary to use the appropriate tablets and eye drops. This will fill the surface of the eyeball with lubricant and eliminate not only irritation, but also get rid of eye twitching.

When should you see a doctor?

Although eye twitching is often only temporary and can be corrected with proper care and diet, in some cases a tic can be a sign of a neurological disease. The latter include Tourette's syndrome, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, or an eye infection. All of these diseases have alarming symptoms, for example:

  • Twitching of eyelids lasting for several days (more than 3).
  • Involuntary closing and contraction of the eyelids.
  • Visual impairment, visual acuity impairment.
  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Burning sensation in the eye.
  • The appearance of discharge in the eye.
  • Bleeding.
  • Teak eyes and palpitations.
  • Paralysis of the nerves of the face.
  • Dropping the corners of the mouth.
  • Dizziness.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Violation of sensitivity.

Having noticed a reduction in the eye, which is accompanied by at least one of the above symptoms, you need to urgently seek help from a specialist.

Summing up, it is safe to say that eye twitching is a common occurrence and, as a rule, does not pose a particular threat to human health. Often a violation mild form can be removed without drug treatment. In the case of a more serious illness, the patient can not do without medical intervention.

Every person once in a lifetime faced with twitching of the eyelids.

inexplicable phenomenon has many reasons.

If a nervous tic upper eyelid appears constantly and unpleasant sensations do not go away on their own, this is not just overwork.

It is required to find out the cause of the condition, start treatment. In medicine, this condition is called periocular spasms, which come in several forms - myokymia, benign essential blepharospasm, and hemifacial spasms.

Causes of the nervous tic of the eye

Causes of involuntary twitching of the eyelid:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • abuse of caffeine;

Sometimes the duration of twitching is a couple of seconds, in some cases it is regular. If after resting the tic of the eyelid does not go away, it may indicate the following problems:

  • malnutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • blepharospasm;
  • brain concussion;
  • meningitis;
  • some medicines;
  • chorea of ​​Huntington.

Rarely, the condition is a symptom of a disease of the nervous system. A nervous tic is characteristic of such pathologies as VVD, Parkinson's disease, Tourette's syndrome, stroke.

Myokymia can be present at any age, but is more common in adults. It is associated with fatigue, anxiety, stress, exercise and excessive caffeine intake.

Risk group

Nervous ticks are most susceptible to people whose day is not normalized. The risk group includes people who abuse alcohol, with head injuries that do not treat eye diseases.

It is important to differentiate periocular spasms. Myokymia is a twitching of one eyelid, usually associated with fatigue. Small twitches of the circular muscle are often observed in patients. The movement is due to the fasciculation of the fibers.

Both eyelids may be involved, but twitch independently of each other. The tics are self-limiting and episodic, lasting for a few seconds.

Hemifacial spasm is a unilateral tic of the upper and lower eyelids that also extends to the face. Patients complain of spasms not only of one eye, but also of the middle part of the face.

HPS is characterized by unilateral involuntary, irregular, tonic contraction of the muscles innervated by the facial nerve. Spasms may be associated with ipsilateral pain and are often exacerbated by coughing, asthenopia, or stress.

Benign essential blepharospasm - bilateral periocular. Symptoms:

  • dry eyes;
  • pain syndrome;
  • high level of fatigue;
  • low level performance.

Patients with periocular tics often complain of difficulty opening the eye. Others note increased blinking.

Unlike hemifacial spasm, symptoms improve with rest and disappear during sleep.. The disease is not associated with an anatomical lesion and therefore imaging is not required.

Photophobia, sensitivity or discomfort occurs in about 80% of patients. Symptoms worsen when patients are in a moving field of vision, such as when a passenger is in a car. Signs improve with concentration, physical activity.

BEB is a chronic and incurable condition. Progresses rapidly, remission is rare. May lead to limitation of daily activities and reduced quality of life. Chronic form twitching can lead to permanent anatomical complications such as blepharoptosis.

BEP may be a sign of another movement disorder, such as Parkinson's disease.

In 92% of cases, the tic starts near the eye and progresses down the face over time. In the remaining 8%, it starts near the chin and progresses upward. Twitches are not usually painful, but they can be embarrassing and interfere with normal facial expressions and vision.

The doctor will carefully study the medical history and conduct neurological examination. The clinical evaluation should include a thorough medical, drug and family history. Evaluation should include assessment of affected muscles, blinking frequency, and the presence of forced and prolonged eyelid closure.

An MRI scan may be indicated to rule out other conditions such as a brain tumor, aneurysm.

Perhaps the appointment of an electromyogram. An EMG is often done in conjunction with a nerve conduction velocity study to measure the electrical activity of muscles and nerves.

It is necessary to carry out full examination cranial nerve, including corneal sensation testing. Also perform a peripheral neurological examination to look for signs of parkinsonism.

Ophthalmic examination using a slit lamp (biomicroscopy) has importance for blepharitis and dry eyes. These examinations are usually performed by doctors who specialize in neurology or ophthalmology.



Treatment primarily involves addressing the accompanying symptoms of dry eyes and photophobia. For dry eyes, therapy includes moisturizing eye drops if the cause is allergic reaction- antihistamines.

If secondary signs are present, the patient is referred to a neurologist. He prescribes sedatives:

  • Glycine;
  • Persen;
  • motherwort tincture;
  • vitamin complexes.

Treatment for nervous tics includes oral and injection therapy, and in severe cases, surgery.

Oral medications have been superseded by injection therapy, which is more effective. Botulinum therapy is a treatment in which a neurotoxin blocks the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. This causes muscle weakness and paralysis.

Botulinum toxin is injected into specific areas of the muscles to ease or stop tics.

Side effects from injections:

  • ptosis;
  • dry eyes;
  • double vision if the toxin enters the extraocular muscle.

In rare cases, patients may develop injection tolerance associated with higher dosages. This is due to the production of antibodies to the toxin.

In cases where drug therapy not effective (if the eye twitches a lot), is carried out surgery. This may include partial or complete excision of muscle groups, nerve decompression for hemifacial spasms, or neurotomy to completely remove branches. facial nerve. However, surgical treatment is not reversible and is therefore performed in severe cases.

Exercise and massage

If trembling upper eyelid, it is recommended to do a massage or take a course of acupuncture. Massaging relaxes the muscles. Massage is carried out pointwise above the upper eyelid, under the lower and next to the corners of the eyes. The movements are circular, the pressure is light.

In order to strengthen and prevent a nervous tic, simple exercises are performed - eye movements to the sides and in a circle, blinking.

Correction of the mode of work and rest

To normalize the work of the nervous system, you will need to learn how to properly manage time. After every hour of work, a 10-minute rest is necessary, especially when working with a computer.

During the rest after work, it is useful to walk in the fresh air, swim, meditate, skate or do what you love. Night is sleep time . Staying awake at this time negatively affects the mental state.


If the eye shakes regularly and this is due to beriberi, the diet is adjusted. Every day a person should eat 2 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Exclude alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea. Includes buckwheat, dietary meats, cottage cheese, fish.

Folk methods

From folk recipes use drugs that calm the nerves. Soothing decoctions are prepared on the basis of such herbs:

  • collection 1 - wild rose, sea buckthorn, hawthorn;
  • collection 2 - fragrant rue, plantain, lemon with zest;
  • collection 3 - mint and motherwort.

Apply homemade compresses from plantain, honey, chamomile and ice compress. They ease the course of the disease.

For most, the usual twitching of the eyelids is brief and minor.

Almost every person at least once in his life felt that his lower eyelid was twitching. The reason for this is a strong nervous tension that causes muscle contraction around the eye. It is a mistake to think that this phenomenon is harmless and does not require any intervention, but not everything is so simple. twitching of the lower eyelid can lead to a number of complications that will be more difficult to cure.

The reasons why the lower eyelid twitches are as follows:

  1. Nervous exhaustion, which happens due to frequent stress, depression, lack of sleep or excitement. Such symptoms occur in pregnant or lactating women, residents of megacities, whose body is trying to adapt to a new rhythm, they experience frequent bouts of irritability and emotional stress. If you do not get rid of this in time, a nervous tic appears.

    Important! The problem of lower eyelid twitching can affect both adults and children. The latter may begin to stutter.

  2. Eye fatigue, i.e., a strong load on the organs of vision. This leads to prolonged work at the computer, watching TV, reading in low light, etc. This is especially true for people with vision problems (nearsightedness, farsightedness), as well as those wearing contact lenses or glasses.
  3. Overexcitation of the nervous system, in which the speed of transmission of impulses becomes faster, and their innervation becomes erratic. This leads to a nervous tic. The reasons for such phenomena are: frequent emotional stress, abuse of coffee, alcohol, and so on.
  4. Avitaminosis, namely the lack of vitamin B. Therefore, you need to consume enough magnesium, as well as eat properly and balanced.
  5. Chronic and infectious diseases. This includes allergies (rarely encountered), tonsillitis, damage to cerebral vessels, etc. In this case, the treatment consists in eradicating the cause of the disease, and only then - a nervous tic.

Important! If the lower eyelid twitches after a head injury, it may be a concussion.

Sometimes the cause of eyelid twitching is lack of sleep and an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, to relieve such symptoms, you should be in the fresh air more often, eat more vegetables and fruits, and strengthen your immune system.

In children, hereditary twitching of the left or right eyelid is possible, which manifests itself even in infancy.

Pathology of the nervous tic

Often the lower eyelid twitches due to a disease - nystagmus. In this case, the pulsation in it gives a person a lot of inconvenience, he cannot concentrate and consider the object. A nervous tic occurs due to drug or medication poisoning, as well as damage to the brain or poor vision.

Twitching in the eyelid can occur due to facial hemispasm, in which the cranial nerve is affected. Such an attack occurs even in the absence of irritating factors.

How to treat a nervous tic

First you need to figure out what to do if the lower eyelid of the right eye twitches. The most important thing is to avoid provoking factors, due to which this pathology manifests itself. If it really happened, and the eye began to twitch, you can get distracted, read a book or listen to music.

If the cause was visual strain, then the effect on the eyes should be minimized, and relaxing exercises should be carried out. Even frequent breaks eyes closed help deal with the problem.

If such methods do not bring results, you need to take more drastic measures:

  1. Unloading the nervous system.
  2. Relaxation of the eyes.
  3. Exception bad habits.
  4. Proper and balanced nutrition.

Unloading the nervous system

If the cause of a nervous tic is increased emotional stress, you need to calm down and relax by any of the following methods:

  1. Sleep. This is one of better ways calm the nervous system, while you need to sleep until you wake up yourself. If you have difficulty sleeping, you can take sedative drops: Corvalol, Persen or Novo-Passit.
  2. Take a relaxing bath with a couple of drops of lavender, oregano or citrus essential oils.
  3. Visit a relaxing massage session.
  4. Get more outdoors. To do this, you can take a walk in the park or go to the forest.
  5. Go in for sports that help relieve emotional stress.

Relaxation of the eyes

If the cause of eye twitching was prolonged work at a computer or watching TV, then visual gymnastics will help relieve tension:

  1. Sit in a chair and straighten your back.
  2. Put your hands in front of you, lean them on the table.
  3. Rub your palms until they are warm.
  4. Then apply them to your eyes.

This procedure must be carried out for at least 7 minutes. Heat has a relaxing effect on the eyes, which helps relieve spasm.

Strong squinting of the eyes will help perfectly, in which strong tension should arise in the eyelids. In this case, a deep breath is taken, and when opening the eyes, exhale. This procedure should be repeated 5 times.

Constant blinking for 10 minutes will also help, as well as focusing on a specific point, first with one, and then with the other eye.

You can also do this exercise to relax your eyes: you need to keep your head in place, and draw imaginary circles with your eyes. Stop the exercise when the eye muscles get tired.

Exclusion of bad habits

Often the problem of a nervous tic is associated with the abuse of coffee or alcohol, the reason for this is overexcitation. To get rid of twitching in the eye, coffee should be drunk only in the morning, but no more than two cups. As for alcohol, it is better to refuse it altogether. This rule also applies to energy drinks.


The development of the nervous system, to some extent, depends on proper and balanced nutrition. This is especially true for people with existing problems in the development and operation of the central nervous system. In this case Special attention is given to foods rich in vitamin B - these are: cereals, nuts, seeds, meat and offal, bananas. In order for vitamins to be well absorbed, magnesium must also be taken at the same time. A large amount of it is found in walnuts, peanuts and almonds, as well as in greens.

Important! If in the body significant disadvantage vitamin B, it is better to take a vitamin complex.

Essential oils

During the treatment, you can use relaxing essential oils. For example, geranium, cinnamon, lavender. To do this, they can be applied to a piece of cloth and inhale the smell. Such procedures will help relieve stress and help you relax.

Folk methods of treatment

What to do when twitching the lower eyelid of the left eye will be prompted by traditional medicine:

  1. Soothing collection of chamomile, valerian and lemon balm. To prepare such a decoction, you will need to take the same amount of each herb at the rate of 1 tbsp. l / glass of boiling water. The resulting decoction is taken 2 times a day for a month.
  2. An ice compress made from dill, mint and aloe will help to cope with the disease. All ingredients need to be chopped, mixed and added a little lemon juice. Then everything is poured with a glass of boiling water, brought to a boil and cooled. After that, everything is poured into small molds and placed in the freezer. With the resulting ice cubes, you need to wipe your eyes every morning.
  3. You can also try honey infusion. To do this, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. honey and dilute it in warm water. After that, a cotton pad is wetted in it and applied to the eye for 20-25 minutes.


If rest and relaxation procedures do not help, then you should contact a neurologist who will prescribe a comprehensive examination. In addition, the doctor will collect a complete patient history, which includes information about:

  1. Causes and onset of a nervous tic.
  2. duration of pathology.
  3. The presence of chronic and transferred infectious diseases.
  4. The treatment and its result.
  5. Was there a nervous tic in one of the next of kin.

  • blood and urine analysis;
  • ionogram;
  • Electroencephalography.

Possible Complications

If twitching in the lower eyelid is not diagnosed and treated, then such unpleasant consequences are possible as:

  1. Chronic twitching in the eye.
  2. Difficulties in being in society, maladaptation.
  3. The resulting problems with the nervous system.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of a nervous tic, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Minimize stress, conflicts, etc.
  2. Learn to control your emotions, for this you can do yoga or meditation.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Get plenty of rest and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  5. Walk outdoors daily.
  6. Spend less time at the computer or TV.
  7. Treat any diseases in time, and especially those that arise on a nervous basis.

No one can answer exactly the question of why the lower eyelid twitches. Exists a large number of very different medical preparations, which will help calm the nervous system and relieve twitching in the eye. However, all this gives only a temporary result, because the most important thing is to eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, peace of mind, peace of mind, these are the most important ways to get rid of a nervous tic once and for all.

Everyone has cases when the eyelid twitches involuntarily (scientifically called myokymia). This is enough unpleasant feeling. People say that this is a nervous tic, whether the eyelid of the right eye or the eyelid of the left eye twitches. In medicine, the involuntary contraction of the muscles of the upper eyelid is called hyperkinesis. To be precise, hyperkinesis is an involuntary contraction of various muscles. Hyperkinesis of the upper eyelid is more common, as it is more mobile.

A twitching eyelid causes great discomfort to a person. In such cases, it is difficult to concentrate, the eyes get tired quickly, the person becomes distracted, inhibited. There are attacks in which the eyelid twitches for an hour or more.

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Single uncontrolled contraction eye muscles usually does not cause panic in people, but when the eye twitches long enough and often, you should consult a specialist. It is likely that an ophthalmologist can refer you to a neurologist, as this disease often has a neurological etiology.

You have probably wondered more than once: “Why does the upper eyelid twitch?” Let's try to figure it out. Hyperkinesis can be primary and secondary.

Primary hyperkinesis

This type is not particularly dangerous. The main reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Stress, emotional stress. This item is not just ranked first. Today, stress is the most common cause of hyperkinesis. The upper eyelid may begin to twitch due to intense mental work, chronic lack of sleep and stressful situations at home or at work.
  2. Eye fatigue. Hyperkinesis due to eye fatigue is often found in people whose work requires concentration of vision and attention: drivers, subway drivers, people who use a microscope in their work. In this case, it is enough to give your eyes a little rest.
  3. Weakened immunity, transferred viral and infectious diseases. In these cases, similar problems may also arise.
  4. Drinking alcohol, smoking, excessive coffee consumption. In this case, the excitation of the nervous system occurs, as a result of which the body is depleted.
  5. Lack of vitamins and minerals. Avitaminosis is a serious cause of imbalance in the body. The eyes are especially sensitive to a lack of potassium, magnesium, vitamins of group B. One of the manifestations of a lack of vitamins can be hyperkinesis.
  6. Constant wearing of glasses or incorrectly fitted lenses.
  7. Allergic reaction.
  8. Eye diseases.

Secondary hyperkinesis

Secondary hyperkinesis is serious illness, which is based on disorders of the brain, blood vessels or neurological disorders. The left or right eye may twitch in the following diseases:

  1. Parkinson's disease;
  2. Increased intracranial pressure;
  3. Atherosclerosis;
  4. Meningitis;
  5. Nervous disorders;
  6. birth trauma;
  7. cervical osteochondrosis;
  8. Diseases associated with damage to the facial nerve.

There are other conditions in which twitching of the upper eyelid is one of the diagnostic symptoms.

In such cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will assess the overall picture of the course of the disease, collect an anamnesis, and, if necessary, prescribe additional laboratory and instrumental examinations.

How to get rid of eyelid twitching (myokymia)?

There are times when the eye stops twitching on its own. As a rule, in this case, twitches do not bother you for a long time and do not recur. However, if hyperkinesis keeps returning, then you can try to get rid of this nervous tic on your own. Here are some methods that might help:

  1. Most importantly, have a good rest. In most cases, the eye twitches due to chronic fatigue. Perhaps if you sleep well, get rid of worries, the eyelid will stop twitching. If you have the opportunity, then take a vacation, change the environment, walk more often in the fresh air.
  2. Take a course of sedatives. Motherwort, valerian, peony are perfect. This will serve as an excellent defense mechanism and help you cope with stressful situations.
  3. Cut down on your computer time. If your work is connected to the Internet, then try to take five-minute breaks at least every hour in which you stretch your neck and do eye exercises.
  4. Normalize your sleep. Avoid lack of sleep.
  5. Reduce your consumption of tea and coffee, they contain caffeine and excite the nervous system.
  6. Avoid stressful situations. Avoid emotional and mental stress. It is not for nothing that they say that all diseases are from nerves. Therefore, you need to be attentive to all developing symptoms and try to spare your nervous system.
  7. Apply soothing eye compresses and eyelid massage. Compresses can be made from the infusion of any herbs: nettle, chamomile, it is possible to use aloe leaves.
  8. Take vitamins. Watch your diet. Eat enough fruits and vegetables. Pay special attention to foods containing potassium and magnesium: fish, bananas, peas, dill, onions, chocolate. So you can normalize the content of vitamins, minerals in the body and strengthen your immune system.
  9. Spend more time outdoors. It is useful to increase physical activity.
  10. Get rid of bad habits. Smoking is a risk factor for many diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes, lung disease. In urban conditions, the body is already constantly exposed to toxins and gases. Don't put yourself in danger again.
  11. Do eye exercises.

All of these rules will also be an excellent prevention of the appearance of hyperkinesis.

Gymnastics for the eyes with myokymia

Gymnastics is a great way to keep your eye muscles in good shape. It is perfect for the prevention of many ophthalmic diseases, including eyelid twitching. These exercises help blood circulation, improve the outflow of eye fluid, allow you to relax and be distracted. It is preferable to do them in the morning. Here are some effective exercises:

  1. Breathe evenly, take a comfortable position, relax your neck. On a deep breath, close your eyes with all your might, count to five. Exhale and then relax your eyes. Repeat this exercise a couple of times.
  2. Heat your palms or fingers by rubbing, then cover your eyes with them for a couple of minutes. Don't put too much pressure on your eyelids. This simple method will soothe and relax your eyes.
  3. With your head still, slowly rotate your eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Five circles in each direction. If you feel tired, stop the exercise.
  4. Draw a dot on the window and alternately look at the dot with each eye first, then look at the object in the distance. The exercise must be performed for a minute with each eye.

Which doctor should I contact?

A long twitching eye causes concern. As with all diseases, you should not delay the visit to the doctor, as you can start the disease and make it more difficult to treat.

To determine the reason why myokymia may occur, you should consult an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination, and, if necessary, appoint an additional examination.

The doctor will prescribe you a treatment that will be aimed at combating the very cause of this symptom. Only a specialist can determine why the upper eyelid is actually twitching.

  • sedatives;
  • multivitamins;
  • medicines that normalize blood circulation.

As a rule, regardless of the cause, a consultation with a neurologist is prescribed in order to exclude the occurrence of serious neurological diseases. When they are detected, the doctor himself selects individual therapy, which takes a fairly long time.

Occurring involuntarily, at least once in a lifetime experienced, probably, every person. Stressful situations come to mind nervous work and a number of other reasons that can cause this phenomenon. And this is true - quite often it is nervous strain and emotional stress that can provoke the appearance of twitches. Sometimes they occur one-time, but in some cases the eyelid of the right eye twitches for a long time. What to do in this situation and how to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom?

What it is?

Eyelid twitches are called myokymia or blepharospasm. This is a rapid involuntary contraction of one of the muscles of the eye - circular. Doctors call this phenomenon hyperkinesis, and ordinary people gave it the name "nervous tic."

There are many reasons why a person may experience this unpleasant sensation, but most often people believe that myokymia occurs against a background of nervous strain or stress, and they are right. In itself, this phenomenon does not pose a danger, but here the discomfort is tangible.

On a note! Extremely rare, but eyelid twitching can cause pain. However, in most cases, myokymia is painless and causes only psychological discomfort. Pain may appear if twitching has become a fairly common occurrence. This is due to overexertion of the eye muscles.

It is interesting that outsiders practically do not see eye twitching in someone - in vain the patient is worried that he looks strange. Only he himself feels the tick, and those who are close to him will be able to see twitches only if the person notices this phenomenon in himself and talks about it.

Usually the twitching lasts only a few seconds, although in some cases a person experiences this phenomenon for hours. Unfortunately, getting rid of myokymia with simple willpower will not work - self-control will not be a big help here.

However, not always myokymia occurs only against the background of stress. In some cases, it can signal the development of a number of pathologies of the nervous system and even infectious diseases. Nervous tics appear when multiple sclerosis, and inflammation of the facial nerve.

Table. Types of nervous tick.

In addition to eyelid twitches, a person may complain of the following symptoms:

  • coughing or making strange barking sounds;
  • contraction of other facial muscles;
  • performing involuntary movements with hands, fingers;
  • gnashing of teeth.

On a note! Interestingly, most often a person notes twitches of the upper eyelid, and not the lower one.

Main reasons

Below are a number of reasons that can cause the appearance of a nervous tic or eyelid myokymia in a person.

On a note! Most people believe that a tick occurs only due to overexertion of one muscle of the eye. But this is far from true. Several eye muscles can overstrain at once, and the tick itself appears not only due to fatigue.

Sometimes blepharospasm of the right eye appears against the background of diseases such as HIV, otitis media, tuberculosis, malaria, etc. In some cases, the phenomenon is observed in people who have undergone surgery in the ear area, removal of the tonsils.

Where to look for answers to the question about the causes of blepharospasm?

In most cases, the answer lies precisely in the daily routine and the emotional environment of a person. So, sometimes it is enough to take a vacation and relax a little in a calm environment so that the phenomenon of myokymia disappears completely. But, unfortunately, if blepharospasm appeared for a reason other than fatigue and stress, then a vacation will not help, and you will need to continue to look for answers further.

To begin with, in some cases, you still need to abandon attempts at self-treatment and go to an appointment with a specialist. Since it is not always clear who you need to sign up with, it is most reasonable to first visit a therapist, and then get referrals from him to other specialists. So, the therapist can refer the patient to an ophthalmologist who will conduct a complete examination visual organs using various devices. Also, the patient may have to visit a neurologist, who, in turn, will refer the patient to an MRI of the brain. This study will show all the problems in the body, if any.

On a note! Sometimes the body simply does not have enough of any substances, so a tick appears. So donating blood for biochemistry to determine the level of such elements as magnesium and calcium is still worth it. Calcium deficiency can occur when malnutrition or excessive use of diuretics. Lack of magnesium often provokes the occurrence of convulsions, muscle spasms, etc. It is often observed in athletes and pregnant women.

How to be treated and what to do?

The treatment of a condition such as blepharospasm of the right or left eyelid should be chosen by the doctor. On your own, you can only try to normalize the emotional level around you and think over a sparing daily routine, maybe take a vacation. You can also try to take a course of simple exercises at home.

On a note! As a rule, a one-time occurrence of myokymia does not need treatment. But often and regularly repeated, it is worthy of close attention and properly selected and effective therapy.

If blepharospasm is a constant phenomenon, then in any case it is required to go through all the doctors first. As drugs, you can arbitrarily take only herbal remedies based on natural herbs. All other medicines should be prescribed only by specialists, depending on the cause of blepharospasm. The fact is that twitching of the eyelids can appear as a result of serious neurological diseases or injuries. Sometimes doctors may prescribe strong or weak sedatives. You can only take valerian on your own.

As a therapy, you can use the normalization of the diet. In some cases, the reason for the appearance of a tick is a lack of some elements or vitamins, that is, a banal beriberi. In this case, it is important to stop drinking alcohol and coffee, but include peas, bananas, dates, rye bread, beans in the menu. These foods contain magnesium. And the lack of calcium will be filled with milk and dairy products, nuts, fish, etc. You can also take complex vitamin preparations and, in some cases, dietary supplements. It can be Complivit, Magnelis B6, Calcium D3 Nycomed and others.

If the cause of the tick was any infectious disease eyeballs, then the person will be recommended:

  • in case of development - washing the eyelids with furatsilin, using an ointment containing antibiotics, etc.
  • with phlegmon and - the use of drops with antibiotics.
  • in case of uveitis, the use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

With certain indications, doctors are advised to undergo physiotherapy courses. It can be UHF, laser therapy, electrophoresis, etc. Acupuncture has proven itself well.

On a note! With a strong manifestation of blepharospasm, a person can be prescribed injections of Botox, a botulinum toxin. This is a poison that is used in small doses in medical practice. The toxin acts on muscle tissue and for a long time will not allow the muscles of the eye to contract without human will.

It is also required to regularly walk in the fresh air, moreover, walks should be calm and measured, away from the hustle and bustle. You can choose a route that runs through the park.

Simple exercises

You can try to relieve a nervous tic at home by doing a few simple exercises. For example, within 30 seconds, quickly blink your eyelids and then let your eyes relax, covering them with your palms for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to this “charging”, the eyes will have time to slightly restore their tone and relax. It is also recommended to close your eyes tightly once, and then open them. This exercise should be done about 5-6 times.

You can also just lie down for a while and close your eyes. The main thing is to find a quiet place where no one will disturb and distract.

Attention! Such exercises will only help if myokymia was caused by overexertion and eye fatigue.

How to stop a nervous tic?

In some cases, to eliminate this phenomenon, it is enough to follow the instructions below.

Step 1. To begin with, close your eyes tightly or squint hard. After that, the eyes should be opened as wide as possible. You need to blink so hard that tears flow from your eyes.

Step 2 You can massage your eyelids with your fingers. It is recommended to perform light circular motions. Do not press hard on the eyes, so as not to injure them.

Step 3 Within 30 seconds, quickly blink both eyes at once. This usually helps relieve the spasm.

Step 5 Some exercises can be done with your eyes closed. For example, you can try to close your eyelids without opening your eyes at all, and then relax them.

Step 8 It is required to normalize the diet and refuse to use caffeine and alcohol, but at the same time balance the food.

Step 9 You should sleep for the time set for a good rest, that is, at least 7-8 hours a day.

Video - Three tests if the eye twitches

If a person noted a twitching of the eyelids, it doesn’t matter - on the right or left eye, panic and look for the most terrible diseases he shouldn't. It is advisable to try to deal with this problem yourself according to the instructions above. But if blepharospasm haunts a person every day, then a visit to a specialist is inevitable. Timely treatment will help to avoid a number of serious problems.