How to remove wen on the face. Causes of wen on the face, their types and how to get rid of them

Wen, they are lipomas, are benign tumors. It is better not to touch them unnecessarily, but if they appear on the face, or in places where they interfere with movement, then this disgrace, of course, must be removed. It remains only to figure out how to remove a wen on the face or elsewhere without problems and complications.

Unlike papillomas, sebaceous adenomas are not viral in nature, which means they do not affect the functioning immune system and in general do not interfere with the body. Sebaceous adenomas are indeed benign tumors, and although the word tumor sounds scary, this particular variety is absolutely harmless. There is absolutely no need to worry about cancer and other serious troubles.

Where do wen come from?

The sebaceous glands produce sebum. In some cases, its overproduction, so to speak, begins, as a result of which the gland becomes too large due to accumulations of fat, which does not have time to exit through the narrow sebaceous duct. The lipoma itself can grow quite large, and it differs from viral warts precisely in the presence of fat inside. Often, by squeezing the lipoma, you can see how sebum is released from the pores of the skin. Sometimes you can see small tufts of hair growing from the fatty adenoma.

Since these formations constantly secrete fat, they can form scabs. In addition, they often itch, and scratching can lead to infection of the wounds and cause the formation of secondary scabs (scars or scars). But all these are visual (cosmetic) defects; in principle, they do not threaten health. If the process is delayed, then the fat accumulated in the cavity is dehydrated, turning into a solid fatty substance like wax, and the pinched fat cells die. This is how a real lipoma, or sebaceous cyst, is formed.

Why is it worth postponing the removal of a wen?

Wen tend to increase, so if it appeared in a conspicuous place, you should not postpone its removal. Diagnose sebaceous adenoma it is possible by a simple examination, but in some doubtful cases a puncture is taken from it and sent for analysis. After the tests confirm the presence of a lipoma, and not some other formation, you can go for removal.

Differential diagnosis and puncture is required, because. the method of removing the tumor depends on the results - whether it will be a gentle procedure, or with the capture of surrounding tissues, which will increase the wound surface and increase the risk of a rough scar.

Often lipomas are formed on the upper and lower eyelids. This is because the meibomian glands are located in the thin skin of the eyelids, which function together with the sebaceous glands, and on the eyelids they work more intensively. Therefore, the risk of formation of wen in these places is maximum. It is these glands that often provoke the formation of cysts, warts, polyps and wen. If the problem is not corrected in time, the neoplasm can grow to such an extent that it begins to irritate the cornea of ​​​​the eye, and this is already a serious ophthalmological problem that worsens the quality of life.

Moreover, the overgrown meibomian glands can be quite tiny and hardly noticeable, only a specialist under magnification can see them, but they cause a lot of trouble, a person blinks often and constantly feels eye irritation. Removal of such lipomas can be done by a surgeon or an ophthalmologist. In eyelid surgery, an ophthalmologist is much preferable because he has finer instruments. In other cases, the surgeon works.

Issues of predisposition and prevention of lipomas

Lipoma can form in anyone and at any time, its growth does not depend on either the sex or the age of people, and no predisposition factors have been clarified. That is, the process of formation of a wen starts spontaneously. And it does not even depend on the type of skin or physique - whether or not a person has obesity, dry or oily skin, it does not matter. In people with a sluggish metabolism, wen are formed more often. That is - in people prone to fullness.

Lipomas can form anywhere on the body, they grow under the skin, inside the skin, and even in muscle tissue. But most often localized under the skin. A characteristic feature of a lipoma is that it is mobile, it can be easily felt with your fingers and rolled under the skin. At the same time, it feels soft and painless. This is its difference from many other tumors. When a wen is located in muscle tissue, it looks hard and cannot be rolled. Therefore, it can seriously scare and inspire thoughts about a cancerous tumor. Doubts can only be dispelled laboratory diagnostics material after puncture.

How to remove wen

If the lipoma disfigures your face or is located in a place where it interferes with movement, for example, under the armpit, you should not postpone its removal. It will still have to be done, but the sooner, the smaller the incision will be, and the less likely it is to form a scar and other problems. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia. The wen is cut in the center with a scalpel, its contents are removed, and the wound is treated according to all the rules of surgery. The wound may be sutured.

The surgical operation consists in removing most of the mass of the wen. This means that a small part of it still remains. It is almost impossible to remove all the fat cells located there. Therefore, after a while, the formation of a new wen is possible, although this does not always happen. As a rule, after removal of the lipoma, recurrence does not occur.

How to remove a wen yourself

Small single wen on the face and in any other places up to 10 millimeters in size can be removed independently. And they almost never leave noticeable scars behind. Lipomas up to 1 mm disappear completely without a trace. How can you remove a wen yourself? Let's give some simple tips.

Purchase alcohol tincture of calendula, boric alcohol or alcohol solution at the pharmacy salicylic acid. The latter can be bought in the form of sticks or pencils, which facilitate processing. Treat your wen at least twice a day, morning and evening. This method is especially effective against lipomas under the eyes, on thin skin.

Method number 2 - puncture and removal

The procedure is quite painful, but you will get the effect immediately. And this The best way for those who ask how to remove white wen on the face on their own. For the procedure, take a new game without defects and rust, preferably medical. If you take a simple sewing needle, disinfect it with alcohol. Gently pierce and carefully squeeze out the contents. Disinfect the wound and apply a gel on it for quick healing. For several days, there may be redness and a small scab in this place. You can also remove wen in a cosmetology clinic.

Method number 3 - cauterize it with iodine

This is a long method, but also effective. Iodine is quickly absorbed, so it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed. You need a 5% alcohol solution of iodine and cauterize twice a day. When processing, be careful not to smear the surrounding skin with iodine, otherwise it will get burned and then peel off.

Method number 4 - pulling masks

You can try a harmless and painless way - pulling point masks. Can rub a small amount onion on a fine grater. The resulting puree is applied to the wen and covered with a band-aid for the whole night. Sometimes the procedure has to be repeated several times, and sometimes once is enough. In the end, it opens itself and is easily removed.

But remember that such methods can only work if you have a single wen, not multiple, and its size does not exceed 10 millimeters. Otherwise, even if you know perfectly well how to remove a small wen on your face, you can’t do without the help of a surgeon. And it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Also remember that even if you manage to remove wen yourself, but they appear in different places again and again, then you have some kind of internal problem that needs to be figured out and eliminated. This is also a reason to see a doctor. Because the reason may be in a disturbed metabolism, poor liver function, malnutrition or daily routine. And all this threatens with more serious problems than wen. And they need to be addressed without delay.

About the author: Larisa Vladimirovna Lukina

Dermatovenereology (Internship in the specialty of dermatovenereology (2003-2004), Certificate of the Department of Dermatovenerology of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov dated 06.29.2004); Confirmation of the certificate at the FGU "SSC Rosmedtekhnologii" (144 hours, 2009) Confirmation of the certificate at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RostGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (144 hours, 2014); Professional competencies: management of dermatovenereological patients in accordance with the procedures for the provision of medical care, standards of medical care and approved clinical protocols. More about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Before proceeding with the operation, any surgeon will get acquainted with the patient's medical history and select best option carrying out the procedure. In the same way, when caring for the skin of the face and finding some flaws, women must understand why they appeared. Quite often, atypical formations appear on the face white color- the so-called "wen" or, scientifically, lipomas. Doctors regard them as benign tumors. You should not immediately get down to business and, in the process, think about how to squeeze out a wen without complications.

Where are they located, why are they formed

Most often, neoplasms appear on the face, but you can see wen on the body. Looking at it, you can see that the wen is a fairly dense formation located under the skin. It is mobile, the skin above it remains normal, without visible changes. To get rid of the unexpectedly appeared “decoration”, it is necessary to remove the capsule from under the skin.

Such a superficial tumor has clearly limited dimensions, but its extrusion is complicated by the fact that the formation should be correctly removed without injuring the skin and without violating the integrity of the wen capsule. When pressed, a person does not feel any discomfort, the average diameter of the wen ranges from 1 to 4 centimeters.

According to statistics, wen on the face are formed in women after 30 years, but they can appear much earlier.

The defect appears due to clogging of the hole sebaceous gland, but why it happens is unknown. Many people believe that the main reason that wen appear on the face is the clogging of the body with toxins.

What are dangerous wen for a person

As mentioned earlier, such a neoplasm appears painlessly, does not increase in size and does not bring a person any discomfort. That is why experts consider the formation of a wen to be a purely cosmetic problem. If a woman decides to pierce a white tubercle, then she should prepare for the fact that the wen behaves somewhat differently than an ordinary pimple.

There is no pus in it, the white mass is practically not squeezed out. It is dangerous to carry out such home operations on the face because you can easily leave a scar and infect the wound, no matter if there is a small wen or a large neoplasm.

Returning to the main question, it must be said that experts do not recommend getting rid of a wen at home without special tools. Beauticians work with a surgical spoon that has a hole in it. Choosing a tool for the size of a wen, they easily surround it and gently pierce the capsule, extracting the contents.

An alternative option - squeezing out the neoplasm at home - is only suitable for very neat women who are good at working with a needle. For work, you can take a special surgical instrument, it will avoid unnecessary skin injuries. When making a puncture, it is necessary to grab the base of the wen and gently squeeze out its core - the entire capsule.

When performing home operations on the face, it is important to observe the utmost sterility. All the tools and accessories that a woman will work with should be laid out on a napkin or an alcoholized paper rag. In some cases, the wen is removed with a laser, it is much faster and is prescribed as a mandatory procedure if a woman needs to remove the neoplasm near the eyes and in other delicate, hard-to-reach places.

Folk remedies for getting rid of wen

If a woman is afraid, does not want to squeeze out her problem, you can always turn to folk wisdom and try some alternative options. As a preventive and active treatment, it is recommended to eat cinnamon. However, it should be understood that ground spice is quite aggressive for the stomach and people who suffer from gastritis should take this method as carefully as possible.

You can appreciate the old way to get rid of wen - use the egg film obtained from the eggs of domestic chickens. At first, some redness and even pronounced swelling may appear at the site of application of the film. If a person is not allergic to eggs, you can continue the course of "treatment", after 3-4 sessions the wen should disappear. Thus, you don’t have to squeeze anything out, but the option takes a lot of time, because not in every case the method allows you to achieve a hundred percent positive effect.

Speaking about the procedure on the face, care should be taken. Even proven herbal formulations can have a detrimental effect on skin color, make it too dry, or vice versa, contribute to the appearance of acne.

Popularly known for its healing properties indoor plant"Golden mustache" can also be used as a medicine. The sheet is cut lengthwise, the juicy part is applied to the place where the wen is formed, fixed with gauze, left for 12 hours, after which the bandage is changed. The course of treatment will be about 10-12 days, after which the neoplasm will disappear.

You can "treat" wen with another plant - aloe. The meaning remains the same - the sheet is applied to the neoplasm and left for 8-10 hours. Additionally, the juice of the plant relieves inflammation and improves skin condition.
You can argue for a long time about what is best to do, squeeze out a wen or not, but taking care of your beauty, you should consult a specialist or choose an independent way to solve the problem that does not require specific knowledge and skills.

The appearance of a lipoma on the body makes a person think about how to squeeze out a wen. This is a safe formation associated with the accumulation of fatty glands deep in the tissues. It is not recommended to clean it at home. It is better to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist who owns correct procedure and process methodology. The clinic uses a special Uno spoon to clean not only the liquid, but also the core of the wen. Self-medication can lead to a number of dermatological problems, deterioration in appearance and relapse.

Out of ignorance of the dangers of a wen, some people may commit dangerous mistake, engaging in extrusion of this neoplasm.

Is it possible to press a wen on the face and body?

The appearance of such a formation on the body causes discomfort, mostly cosmetic. it benign tumor, dense structure or having a liquid inside. It can go away on its own, or you can contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist to solve the problem. This is a simple operation without a period of rehabilitation. It is carried out using special equipment. Squeezing wen on your own is undesirable, you can provoke the appearance of many skin problems.

Procedure by a specialist

An abscess appeared on the skin - you need to check its good quality and do the appropriate tests to make sure that the removal of the lipoma is safe. Correctly diagnose the problem, understand how to treat it and whether it is necessary to perform an operation to remove it, only a doctor or a specialist with medical education. The doctor uses a special tool - a UNO spoon and a Vidal needle. They allow you to pierce the wen without injuring nearby tissues and choose the right diameter.

Only with such tools can you completely clean out the contents of the lipoma along with the capsule. The doctor also prescribes drug treatment to restore the body and prevent any inflammatory processes. Medical help is especially relevant for wen on the back, due to its deeper location in the tissues. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions using surgical operation, cryodestruction, laser or radiotherapy.

How to squeeze out at home?

The appearance of wen on the face or on the head often stimulates the owners to squeeze it out quickly. Experts dissuade and do not recommend the use of extrusion. This can provoke the appearance of even more lipomas or the formation of dermatological problems, and in the most severe cases, the appearance of melanoma. Unlike acne and condylomas, the wen does not provide for the release of fluid to the outside, when we start to press it - we damage the skin and injure tissues. After such self-treatment, there is a high probability of scars and scars on the body. It is impossible to make the rod come out with your hands, and this leads to a recurrence of the problem.

Before starting an independent "therapy", you should consult a dermatologist and pass the appropriate tests. If the formation is of an oncological nature, any manipulations will worsen the situation. How many pots must be broken in order to achieve an effective result is unknown. To prevent the appearance of such nodules, you need to monitor the skin, timely hygiene procedures using quality cosmetics. With preventive observation by a cosmetologist or dermatologist, the risk of such a situation is reduced. Can be used to remove lipoma folk recipes based on eggs, chrysalis and herbs with anti-inflammatory functions (calendula, chamomile).

The course of the procedure

If a person has already decided on such a risky enterprise, then the actions should be carried out in stages:

If you decide to squeeze out the wen on your own, carefully read the recommendations.
  • clean the skin, disinfect it;
  • wipe tools with alcohol and disinfect hands (it is better to use medical gloves);
  • it is possible to use "Lidocaine" for pain relief;
  • it is necessary to pierce a wen with a needle smoothly, without sudden movements, calmly;
  • it is worth pressing on the lipoma with a napkin, clamping a wen in it;
  • after a clear liquid has appeared, the area must be disinfected again.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out a wen that has formed on the eye. An awkward movement when piercing can damage the organ of vision.

In the article we discuss wen on the face. We tell you why they appear, what home and salon procedures help to cope with them. You will find out whether it is possible to squeeze out wen, what this can lead to, reviews about the treatment.

Wen (lipoma) - subcutaneous neoplasms that are benign. They do not cause physical discomfort, but outwardly they look unaesthetic.

These outgrowths spoil the structure skin. They can occur both under the skin and on muscle fibers. They are seals with clear boundaries, which, in the absence of therapy, can grow.

Despite the fact that the lipoma is a benign neoplasm, it cannot be squeezed out, cut off with a knife, as this leads to even more tubercles.

When wen appear, there are no pronounced signs. But if the growths cause pain, you should immediately seek medical advice and undergo a histological examination.

Quite often, wen are confused with, but they are completely different. Subcutaneous acne arise due to inflammatory processes or the active work of the sebaceous glands, leading to blockage of the ducts and, as a result, the appearance of blackheads and acne, which can be squeezed out when ripe. Lipoma same benign neoplasm, it cannot be squeezed out on its own due to the lack of ducts.


A variety of factors can cause the appearance of subcutaneous seals, including:

  • metabolic disorders affecting the renewal of the epidermis;
  • heredity - if one or more of your close relatives had lipomas, then you are likely to have them too;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by hormonal drugs, pregnancy, disruption of the endocrine system;
  • adolescence;
  • diabetes;
  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • regular squeezing or injury to certain areas on the face;
  • age-related features - lipomas are quite common in people over 50 years old;
  • immune diseases - in this case, growths can occur even in newborns.

Types of wen

Experts distinguish several varieties of lipoma found on the face:

  • Xanthomas - appear as multiple small seals yellow color on the eyelids, less often occur in the eyebrow area. This type refers to cosmetic defects that do not entail complications or pathologies.
  • Miliums are white seals similar to acne, but they do not have a duct, as a result of which they are not amenable to mechanical extrusion. They can appear both independently and due to a violation of the integrity of the tissue. Usually occur on the forehead, near the cheekbones, nasolabial triangle. Milia can appear both in single and multiple quantities, changing the structure of the skin, making it bumpy and uneven.
  • Xanthelasma - is a yellow seal with a moving consistency, soft to the touch. The formations are small, but may grow, merging with other xanthelasmas. They are located on the eyelids, less often on the cheeks.

Lipomas can have different densities. When located near blood vessels or nerve endings, they can cause pain.

What does a wen look like (photo)

Where to delete

Lipoma on the face is eliminated mainly mechanically. Can cope with small wen conservative treatment with the help of ointments, applications and other procedures that can be performed at home. You can also remove small milia on your own, only when they are not localized in the eyelid area.

If the lipoma is reddened, inflamed or painful, you should consult a dermatologist. After examination and identification of the nature of the neoplasm, removal is usually carried out in a hospital to minimize possible complications. If a malignant neoplasm is detected, the patient is referred to an oncologist.

How to deal with wen on the face

If you decide to get rid of the hated tubercles under the skin, first find out exactly what methods of removal exist, based on the size and location of the lipoma:

  1. Traditional medicine - treatment involves the introduction of a drug that breaks down the seal. Surgical excision may also be performed. Its disadvantage is the risk of the appearance of numerous new subcutaneous rashes and a scar at the site of removal.
  2. With the injection method, the wen is pierced with a thin needle, through which a special liquid is injected. The duration of the splitting process is up to 2 weeks. The technique is similar to mesotherapy, only in this case, instead of wrinkles, the skin in the area of ​​​​growths is smoothed.
  3. Mechanical removal with a scalpel is not recommended for the localization of wen on the face, especially in the eyelid area. In this case, it is more appropriate to use hardware procedures.
  4. Milia up to 3 mm in diameter can be successfully removed with folk remedies.Before using them, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. The advantage of folk remedies is not only the elimination of hated tubercles, but also a general improvement in skin condition.
  5. Treatment of lipomas with ointments such as Vishnevsky and Ichthyol gives positive results. These drugs bring the contents of the wen out, eliminate inflammation and activate regenerative processes. To eliminate the wen, it is enough to apply a little ointment on a cotton pad, then attach it to the problem area and leave it overnight. Such procedures should be performed 2 after 2, that is, you use the ointment for 2 days, and rest for the next 2 days. Duration of the course - until the complete disappearance of wen.

It is undesirable to try to squeeze out lipomas on your own, since this will not lead to anything good. Firstly, wen do not have ducts, which means that their contents will not come out. Secondly, such extrusion causes redness and irritation of the skin, and in some cases even infection.

Salon procedures

You can eliminate lipomas in a beauty salon. Choose only the institution that meets sanitary standards, and the specialists have certificates and permission to conduct cosmetic procedures. This will save you from low-quality services, which can further harm your epidermis.

Below we will talk about the main procedures used in hardware cosmetology.

laser removal

This procedure removes the wen together with its capsule. The duration of the session is approximately 25 minutes. General anesthesia is used to reduce discomfort.

The use of a special intradermal suture helps prevent scars and scars from appearing at the site of the treated area in the future.

The cost of removing one wen on the ciliary edge is from 1700 rubles, if it does not exceed 1 mm in diameter.

Chemical peel

The procedure is carried out with the help of special formulations, which are selected individually. After the procedure, a crust remains on the skin, which exfoliates after 1-2 weeks. In its place, a new layer of the epidermis appears.

The cost of the procedure depends on the composition used, and starts from 2000 rubles.


During the procedure, skin formations are cauterized using a needle electrode. The duration of the session does not exceed 10 minutes, during which time it is possible to remove wen on the eyelids and along the ciliary edge. rehabilitation period does not exceed 5 days.

As prophylactic may be assigned antimicrobials. The average price for the procedure starts from 1600 rubles.

Traditional medicine

You can remove ugly bumps at home using recipes traditional medicine. Before using them, follow these rules:

  1. Be sure to consult a dermatologist and take the necessary tests. This is important to determine what type of neoplasm is benign or malignant.
  2. Be sure to test each product for allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little of the finished product on the wrist or elbow. Hold for no more than 15 minutes. If there is no redness or itching in this area, you can use it.
  3. If after application home remedy if you feel severe itching, burning or pain, wash it off immediately.

Below are the recipes for the most effective home remedies for wen on the face.

Oil mask

It is possible to use such a tool only in the absence of cracks and cuts on the skin.


  • cognac - 10 ml;
  • olive oil - 40 g.

How to cook: Mix products.

How to use: Perform the procedure at night. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared mixture, then place it on the problem area and fix it with gauze, plaster or tape. Wash your face in the morning. Do this every day for 30 days. Then take a break for 2-3 weeks to avoid addiction.

Result: Elimination of pathogenic microflora of lipoma, improvement of skin condition.

Honey is great for lipoma

honey mask


  • sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • iodized salt - 1 tbsp;
  • honey - 20 g.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to apply: Soak the gauze in the composition, place it on the problem area and fix it with a band-aid. Remove the cloth in the morning, wash your face and wipe the skin with chamomile decoction.

Result: Elimination of seals of various kinds, stimulation of the protective properties of the body. Regular use of the mask helps to cope with wen.

Badyaga mask


  • red clay - 2 tsp;
  • tea tree ether - 2 drops;
  • badyaga - 2 tsp

How to do: Grind badyaga in a mortar to a powdery consistency. Mix with clay, pour some water and add ether. Stir well.

How to apply: Apply a thick layer of the mixture on the problem area. Rinse after 20 minutes, apply new composition. Use this mask 3 to 5 times a week until the wen completely disappears.

Result: Gradual elimination of lipoma and delay in its growth, stabilization of intracellular processes. The antiseptic effect neutralizes pathogenic microflora, the antioxidant effect removes toxins.

Mask with watercress


  • butter - 50 g;
  • watercress juice - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Melt the butter, add juice to it. Stir.

How to use: Spot apply the composition to problem areas up to 4 times a day. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Effect: Elimination of lipomas and nutrition of dry skin type.


Such remedies do not give an instant effect, unlike chemical or laser removal. But at the same time, applications have a more gentle effect on the dermis than hardware procedures.

Here is one of the recipes with honey and onions.


  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Chop the onion, take 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture and mix with the rest of the products.

How to apply: Soak a gauze in the mixture, then apply it to the problem area. Secure with tape or plaster, remove after a few hours. Carry out the procedure until complete recovery.

Result: Lipoma removal.

Recipes for lipomas on the eyelids

You can remove ugly seals on the eyelids in several ways. The first method involves the use of aloe juice, in which it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the problem area three times a day.

In the second case, it is necessary to mix honey and flour in equal quantities. Apply the resulting mixture to the wen daily until they disappear.

cream recipe


  • aloe juice - 3 tsp;
  • Vishnevsky ointment - 1 tsp;
  • ichthyol ointment - 10 g.

How to cook: Mix the ointments in a ceramic bowl, then add the juice. Mix well, then transfer the mixture to a glass container, a jar of cream will do.

How to apply: Apply the mixture daily for 14 days to the cleansed problem area of ​​the face. Then take a break for a month. If necessary, repeat the course.

Effect: Elimination of inflammatory processes, improvement of renewal processes, prevention of population growth, getting rid of wen.

garlic cream


  • fat - 0.1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head.

How to cook: Grind food with a blender.

How to apply: Rub the prepared mixture into the lipoma twice a day. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

Effect: With regular use, wen disappear.

Compress recipe

Ingredients: Kalanchoe - 3 sheets.

How to cook: Chop up the leaves of the plant.

How to apply: Place the prepared gruel on a cotton pad, then attach to the wen and secure with tape. Carry out the procedure at night, remove the compress in the morning. Perform compresses until the lipoma disappears.

Effect: Elimination of a wen.

Daily facial care minimizes the risk of wen


Certain preventive actions reduce the risk of lipomas:

  1. Regularly cleanse your face of impurities using scrubs, tonics and cleansing gels. If possible, make homemade masks based on your skin type.
  2. Use anti-comedogenic cosmetics that saturate the skin with oxygen and do not disturb the renewal process.
  3. Try not to visit tanning salons often or stay in direct sunlight for a long time.
  4. Eat right.
  5. When the first signs of lipomas appear, immediately contact a dermatologist to prevent the growth of subcutaneous tubercles.
  6. Use only cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type.

Pushing or cutting: which is more effective? Consider everything possible ways elimination of wen on the face in terms of benefit and safety.

Any skin defects, especially if they appear in places that are visible to everyone, cause not only damage to the appearance, but also reduce self-esteem. A small pimple can spoil the mood for a long time, and if the neoplasm does not go away on its own, then this is just a disaster: the skin looks unkempt, sick.

Today we’ll talk about how to remove a wen on the face and why these ugly bumps appear at all.

Zhirovik: what is it

Wen are called such neoplasms, which in medicine have the status of a lipoma. This is a benign growth of adipose and connective tissue that can occur anywhere in our body. Often, wen, close to the surface of the epidermis, arise due to dysfunction of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland.

In this case, the fatty secret does not have the ability to stand out and remains inside its own capsule. At the same time, the contents of the gland thicken and mix with dying cells, and the tumor itself is overgrown in layers with new layers of connective tissue according to the principle of onion peel.

Distinctive features of lipoma:

  • the formation is located in the hypodermis, can grow into muscle fibers, so it cannot be eliminated without damaging the skin.
  • for the most part, wen are painless and harmless, however, under certain conditions, they can grow to a significant size, put pressure on nerve endings and pinch blood vessels;
  • the contents of the capsule become quite dense over time;
  • the tumor is movable with finger pressure.
  • they rarely pass on their own (we will talk about those cases when this is possible);
  • usually they are small single formations with a white or yellowish head;

- lipomas that occur on the body can be of impressive size, do not have a capsule, grow deep inside, up to the bones, or affect internal organs.

It is noteworthy that in most cases, a wen on the face does not pose a threat to health, but spoils appearance so it needs to be removed.

There are several different variants of the tumor, we will talk about the main ones that can be found on the face.

  1. Milium. It is a single neoplasm that resembles a small pimple, but unlike the latter, it has non-purulent contents and is located deeper in the skin. Such wen in the people are nicknamed "white eels". They occur mainly on the cheeks, chin, in the T-zone, under the eyes. Milia resemble millet grain, which is why they are also called millet. They can be white or yellow.
  2. xanthomas. Unlike milium, which prefers to sit alone on the skin, xanthomas like to merge into an extensive group. However, they are not as convex as milia, and are yellowish plaques under the skin. They have their own varieties inside nosological group, can occur not only on the face, but also on the body, even on the palms. As a rule, xanthomas affect the skin of the elderly and are associated with impaired lipid metabolism in elevated level blood cholesterol
  3. Xanthelasma. This term refers to xanthomas that appear on the eyelids.
  4. Atheroma. This is a tumor of the sebaceous gland, it is a capsule with fatty deposits. Atheromas are close enough to the surface of the skin and have communication with the external environment, so pus can often accumulate in it as well.

Each type of lipoma can bring inconvenience (physical and psychological), and under certain circumstances - become inflamed.

Wen in a child: features

Often, wen on the face appear in newborns. They are small white formations and appear due to functional immaturity. sebaceous glands, as well as in connection with the physiological sexual crisis: the transfer of maternal hormones in utero and at the beginning of breastfeeding.

These formations on the skin of a child are called milia, they pass by themselves as the sebaceous ducts open and their work normalizes.

Children may also have larger lipomas, more than 1 cm, which require observation by a doctor and must be removed if they grow rapidly. Need to apply for urgent medical care if the neoplasm is accompanied by signs of an inflammatory reaction: the skin around it is reddened, the bump is hot to the touch, there is pain, impaired appetite and sleep.

Wen on the face actively appear in adolescence under the influence of hormonal changes, and with insufficient care for the skin of the face.

Reasons for the appearance of wen

Wen can appear for many reasons, but this pathological process is usually based on systemic dysfunctions of the body. The formation of fatty deposits and the secretion of sebaceous glands are regulated by multiple physiological factors, so almost any violation of organic functions can affect lipid metabolism, leading to pathological intradermal deposits.

The most common factors that provoke the growth of wen:

  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • cholesterolemia, the presence of plaques in the vessels;
  • malnutrition;
  • excess body weight;
  • metabolic disorders, including those due to diabetes mellitus;
  • improper skin care;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • hereditary factor;
  • pathology of the excretory system of the body, incomplete disposal of toxins and decay products;
  • elderly age;
  • the systematic use of alcohol, smoking;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • hormonal changes in the body: puberty, PMS, pregnancy, menopause;
  • oily skin type with insufficient cleansing of secretions, dead cells and microbes. But people with skin of any type are at risk, wen can also form on dry skin.
  • excessive love for squeezing pimples, insufficiently clean hands for any manipulations in the face.

Do I need to deal with wen

Wen are not prone to rebirth and, in general, do not manifest themselves in any way on the skin, the only discomfort they can cause is a deterioration in appearance.

Even one milia can bring a lot of trouble: they are poorly masked by means of decorative cosmetics, and if the neoplasm is present on the eyelids, it can limit their closure, increase the susceptibility to conjunctival infections.

Volumetric lipomas anywhere in the body are considered hazardous to health, as they put pressure on surrounding tissues, as well as tumors with an attached microbial infection. On the issue of their elimination, you need to consult a doctor and, possibly, undergo additional examinations.

As a rule, any kind of wen must be removed in order to eliminate a cosmetic defect and restore smoothness and neatness to the skin of the face.

How to remove wen on the face with the help of procedures

In order to qualitatively, safely and quickly solve the problem with wen, you should seek help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist. The specialist you choose to consult on this issue must be skilled in the treatment of such diseases.

Lipomas are deep in the skin, so it is almost impossible to fight them without damaging the epidermal layer. But to choose the best and most suitable way for you to get rid of the defect is quite feasible.

Cosmetology has for this a supply of options that are different in terms of efficiency and degree of comfort.

  1. Chemical peeling. Well suited if there are a lot of milia, and there are also problems with impaired sweating function, enlarged pores and the skin needs thorough treatment. professional cleaning. This method is used when wen have chosen the cheeks, chin, forehead area. It is not used to get rid of tumors in the eye area, with severe inflammation of the skin and herpetic eruptions. With sensitive and thin skin, it is carried out with caution. The depth and intensity of exfoliation is determined only by the doctor.
  2. mechanical cleaning. A professional way to deal with acne and wen using special tools or manually in sterile conditions. In this case, the contents of the clogged gland are squeezed out, and the capsule itself remains under the skin. Therefore, the risk that over time it will again be filled with a sebaceous secret is not excluded. It is also quite painful and traumatic method.
  3. Aspiration technique. Suitable for removing small tumors. When using this method, the wen is pierced with a sterile thin needle and the contents are sucked out with a syringe. The disadvantage of the method is that there is no way to assess how effectively the contents of the wen were removed. Quite often, particles of contamination remain inside the capsule and the tumor recurs.
  4. Dispropane injections. Small lipomas on the face up to 3 cm in diameter can be removed by injecting a drug based on the steroid betamethasone into the tumor. Dispropan helps the resorption and removal of the contents of the lipoma, but the capsule remains intact, so after a while the return of the neoplasm is not excluded. Usually, the process of removing the defect is not fast, it may take about three injections of the drug for the tumor to decrease in size.
  5. Cryodestruction. Atraumatic method, which is based on the freezing of pathologically enlarged adipose tissue with a low probability of damage to the surrounding epidermis. Cauterization with liquid nitrogen does not require anesthesia, it is painless, the affected area heals quickly and, with sufficient care, no traces remain after the procedure.
  6. Electrocoagulation. Small lipomas are removed by exposing them to direct current. At the same time, adipose tissue is literally evaporated under the influence of a physical factor, and the tumor capsule is also destroyed, which almost certainly prevents the reappearance of the pathology. For large lipomas, this technology is not used.
  7. laser therapy. One of the popular methods of dealing with neoplasms on the face. The laser is indispensable for multiple lipomas of small and medium size, as well as in areas where removal is difficult - on the eyelids, near the eyes. At the same time, the risk of scarring after the procedure is minimal, since the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor are practically not damaged. The ability to adjust laser light radiation to a certain depth of penetration into the skin makes this method effective and safe. We will tell you more about how this procedure is carried out step by step in our article “Removing a Wen on the Face with a Laser” (link to article 3).
  8. Classical surgical method. With the help of a scalpel, mainly large wen are removed, as well as neoplasms with a particularly hard capsule (fibrous). Depending on the complexity, the operation is carried out both under general and under local anesthesia. After excision of the wen, a special cosmetic seam, which eventually resolves and the area of ​​the operation becomes invisible. Traditional surgery allows you to effectively remove a lipoma, examine its tissue for cell degeneration, and qualitatively clean out all the modified elements. But this method is quite painful and is characterized by a long recovery period.

The main criterion for choosing a specific option for eliminating a wen is the following indicators:

  • tumor size;
  • location (for the delicate area under the eyes and on the eyelids, only the most gentle methods are suitable);
  • type of lipoma (some lipomas do not have a capsule and diffusely penetrate the tissue, as if spreading);
  • location depth;
  • the presence of an inflammatory complication;
  • individual characteristics of the patient: chronic diseases, the presence of contraindications.

Therefore, basically how the lipoma is removed depends on each specific case.

Is conservative treatment possible?

Sometimes, to combat lipomas, it is recommended to use dressings with absorbable antiseptic ointments. For example, with ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointment. But it should be remembered that the wen sits in the subcutaneous fat, and pulling out its contents is not always possible without damaging the skin.

At the same time, ointments have an unpleasant odor, which makes their use on the face extremely inconvenient. Moreover, it is necessary to use such methods for a sufficiently long time (from one to several weeks) in order to get at least some result.

Additional medications in the treatment of xanthelasma and xanthoma associated with high cholesterol, there are drugs that reduce blood lipids, the so-called statins - Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Lovastatin, etc.

They do not dissolve existing tumors, but help prevent the development of new tumors. As a prophylaxis for non-cholesterol lipomas, these drugs are not used. It is also unacceptable to take these funds without the appointment of a doctor.

On the Internet, you can find many recommendations on how to get rid of a wen at home, using improvised means.

The most popular of them: squeeze out the wen yourself, after piercing the skin above its top with a needle.

This method does not stand up to scrutiny:

  • any damage to the skin should be carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, at home it is quite difficult to provide;
  • part of the contents of the lipoma will somehow remain inside the skin, so most likely after a while the tumor will reappear;
  • if in the process pathogenic microorganisms get into the damage that has appeared, then the risk of getting inflammation is high;
  • by deciding to self-medicate, you can aggravate the process and cause complications: scars, an increase in the number of tumors or uncontrolled growth of a lipoma.

The same goes for folk methods treatment. Lipomas are hidden deep in the skin, it is difficult to act on them with external agents, for example, beets, or soda, without making a puncture. The effect of external application of any means cannot be achieved, so it remains only to mechanically extract the contents.

And again, we come to the conclusion that the tumor needs to be opened, and any injury is a way to introduce an infection. Moreover, incorrect actions can lead to the fact that the wen will increase in size, and time will be lost, which would allow the neoplasm to be removed using gentle methods.

It is also necessary to remember that a wen is a tumor, although the probability of malignancy is statistically quite low, but any neoplasm may have such an opportunity, especially if it is damaged or secondary infection.

Prevention of the appearance of wen

There are no universal methods that are guaranteed to prevent the appearance of wen on the skin. But there are some recommendations that will minimize the risks of reappearance of lipomas.

  1. If there is a problem with acne, you should treat them in time.
  2. For oily skin types, remember to cleanse, tone, and moisturize your skin on a regular basis.
  3. Problematic skin requires a systematic visit to a cosmetologist and deep cleaning, detoxification, saturation procedures. useful substances, normalization of seboregulation: peeling, mesotherapy practice and others.
  4. At home, you can use clay-based masks, phytomasks.
  5. Dieting does not always have proven effectiveness in the fight against lipoma, but it is useful for problems with excess weight, high cholesterol, gastrointestinal dysfunction, which are also involved in the development of tumors.
  6. If ordinary cosmetic procedures do not give a special effect, after some time the wen begin to bother you again, you should look for systemic disorders, for example, contact an endocrinologist to determine the hormonal status.
  7. Maximum control of comorbidities, treatment of chronic disorders, and avoidance of bad habits will help not only reduce the likelihood of lipomas, but in general will have positive influence on the condition of the skin.

Dear friends, today we told you how to remove wen on the face, you can ask your questions on this topic in the comments if something seemed incomprehensible to you.

And in the next article we will talk about how they can be dangerous and how to eliminate them without consequences for health and appearance.

1. Belevitin, A.B. Ambulatory surgery / A.B. Belevitin, V.V. Vorobieva - St. Petersburg: Hippocrates, 2011