What tests need to be taken to detect Trichomonas? Analysis for trichomoniasis: correct procedures How much is the analysis for trichomoniasis done.

They often occur without obvious symptoms. Time passes before a person realizes that not everything is in order with the body. And during this time, a loved one may become infected with the disease.

Sometimes a person learns about the disease only after being tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or during a routine medical examination, since the infection does not always show symptoms immediately after infection. Therefore, at the first suspicion or after sexual intercourse with an untested partner, you must immediately make an appointment with a venereologist, who will refer you to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

People who have discovered the first symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are embarrassed by the problem that has occurred and are lost in this situation. The most the best option in this case there will be no panic. A venereologist will anonymously consult and prescribe necessary examination, the result of which will confirm or refute your guesses.

If you self-medicate, you may not fully recover, “driving the disease into a corner.” And the infection will subsequently develop into chronic form with various complications.

Getting tested for infections after casual sex

If you have had a casual relationship and want to check your health, you can seek qualified help from our clinic. You can call us and find out how much tests for sexually transmitted infections cost, and also make an appointment with a doctor by phone or fill out a feedback form.

After casual questionable sexual intercourse, you should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases as soon as possible. On early stage You can be cured with one dose of the drug. But if you delay going to the doctor, the infection will progress and may become chronic.

What tests to take for STIs

Patients with signs of a sexually transmitted disease always have a question: what tests to take for STIs?

Tests for sexually transmitted diseases are a set of various tests that determine the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the body.

Basically, several types of tests are used to detect sexually transmitted infections:

  • The PCR method is a test that allows you to detect infection when complete absence signs. In women, the analysis is taken from the cervix, and in men from the urethra.
  • A blood test for infections helps not only to detect antibodies, the causative agent of the infection, but also to evaluate general state body. This analysis is prescribed to almost all citizens - from military personnel to people undergoing a routine medical examination.
  • Analysis of urine. Urine examination allows you to determine the pathogen and stage of the disease.
  • A smear involves taking biological material not only from the vagina and urethra, but also from the nasopharynx. This smear helps identify a number of dangerous infections.
  • The ELISA method recognizes antibodies that have an individual character. Thanks to ELISA, the entire history of the infection in the body can be traced.
  • A comprehensive analysis is designed for the most accurate diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The rapid test is a quick test for identifying STIs. A similar method can be used in medical institution, and at home. The test is sold at any pharmacy.

Accurate diagnostic methods

Methods for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases have become more accurate than those previously used. Any modern laboratory, private or public clinic uses methods for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases, which are characterized by a high degree of detection of people who are carriers of harmful viruses, bacteria and other representatives of the microcosm.

Currently, the diagnostic method infectious diseases PCR is the fastest and most reliable. You will receive your test results from us within 24 hours. The method is also good because it detects not only acute, but also latent infections.

Preparing for tests for sexually transmitted diseases

Before taking tests for sexually transmitted diseases, certain preparation is necessary:

  • It is necessary to avoid sex for 3 days before the tests;
  • Before collecting material, you should not urinate for 3 hours;
  • Do not use any vaginal or disinfectants.

This general rules, but each analysis may have its own clarifications, so it is better to go to the corresponding analysis page or category to read more details there.

Where to get tested

In our clinic, every patient can get tested for sexually transmitted infections in Moscow at affordable prices.

We offer:

  • Accurate STI tests in a short time, for example:
    • express analysis in 10 minutes;
    • PCR diagnostics within 24 hours.
  • painless smear collection;
  • the latest methods for diagnosing chronic sexually transmitted infections, when standard tests are powerless to detect the disease.

We are a center where the pricing policy is aimed at providing every patient with the opportunity to undergo diagnostics. Prices for tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) are presented in the table.

With this disease, the vagina, cervical canal, urethra, Bartholin's glands, bladder, uterine cavity, fallopian tubes are affected in women, and the urethra in men.

How many days does it last incubation period with this disease, it is very difficult to say, since each person’s disease progresses individually: for some, 1–5 days, for others, 5–15 days, and for some, 15–30 days. Trichomoniasis - serious illness, the danger of which lies in its consequences. In most cases, the disease proceeds unnoticed and is detected only when patients present with symptoms of the following diseases, which are complications of trichomoniasis:

The patient may exhibit symptoms of trichomoniasis. Since Trichomonas contribute to the appearance inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, then over time this leads to the appearance of hemorrhages, through the cracks of which various infections can enter the human body, due to which complications arise.

In most cases, trichomoniasis is asymptomatic. But some patients, before contacting a specialist, revealed the following symptoms:

If you notice the symptoms listed above, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe tests to detect trichomonas.

This test should also be taken at the planning stage and during pregnancy, also if any gynecological or urological surgery is planned.

What tests are performed?

To identify Trichomonas, it is necessary to undergo a whole range of studies:

How to prepare for the test?

How do you prepare for the PCR test for Trichomonas? The reliability of the analyzes performed will be guaranteed only if you properly prepare for the collection of biomaterial.

Depending on who will take the test, a man or a woman, different requirements are put forward for them.

For women:

  • absence of menstruation (it is also not recommended to take a test on the eve of its onset and within a few days after its end);
  • after a vaginal (vaginal) ultrasound;
  • do not use suppositories or douche for several days;
  • refuse sexual intercourse before the procedure.

All this can lead to disruption of microflora and erroneous test results.

For men there are much fewer requirements:

  • refrain from urinating for several hours before the examination;
  • refuse sexual intercourse.

It is advisable to carry out all studies in the morning, on an empty stomach. As for urine, you should take the morning urine, preferably the first one. Semen and urine should be submitted to the laboratory in special containers. A smear of the flora is taken on site.

Decoding and readiness dates

Only a venereologist should decipher the results obtained.

Microscopic examination of a smear is carried out within an hour - this is the most quick way research.

The results of molecular genetic studies and blood tests will be ready in 2 days.

The longest research is microbiological. On average it lasts about a week.

Moreover positive result during examination, it indicates that Trichomonas are present in the human body, and a negative test indicates their absence.

It should be remembered that self-medication for trichomoniasis is undesirable; the help of a specialist is needed, because untimely detection and treatment of this disease can lead to serious consequences, including HIV infection and even the development of cervical cancer.

Trichomoniasis is transmitted through sexual contact and household contact (non-sterile gynecological instruments, through towels, swimsuits in saunas, swimming pools). Trichomoniasis increases the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

If left untreated, trichomoniasis causes inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, which subsequently leads to infertility.

Newborns can become infected from a sick mother during pregnancy or childbirth.

If trichomoniasis is detected in a patient, then his sexual partner should also be examined. Due to the high probability of infection reoccurring, a repeat test must be performed 3 months after the end of treatment.

Clinical picture of trichomoniasis
Characteristic signs trichomoniasis in men: itching and burning when urinating, streaks of blood in the semen.

Characteristic signs of trichomoniasis in women: foamy, yellow-green discharge with an unpleasant odor, frequent urge to urinate, blood in the discharge, redness and swelling of the genitals.


  • for symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs (itching, irritation, burning, foamy, yellow-green discharge with an unpleasant odor, frequent urge to urinate, blood in the discharge);
  • if you have other STDs (trichomoniasis is often combined with chlamydia, gonorrhea);
  • for chronic inflammatory diseases genitourinary organs;
  • when planning pregnancy (examination of both spouses);
  • for infertility;
  • with casual sexual contacts and/or multiple sexual partners;
  • during preventive screening examinations.
The study is carried out before the start of treatment antimicrobials and immunomodulators, as well as 14–21 days after the end of their use.

Women (urogenital smear):

  • Taking a smear test is not allowed on menstrual days. Three days before taking, you must stop using vaginal suppositories, tampons, spermicides, avoid sexual intercourse for 24 hours. You should not douche on the eve of the examination. After an ultrasound examination using a vaginal sensor, colposcopy, or biopsy, at least 48 hours must pass.
Men (urogenital smear):
  • 1–2 days before taking a smear, it is necessary to exclude sexual contact. You should not urinate for 1.5–2 hours before the procedure.
Interpretation of results
The result is provided in the form of "detected" or "not detected".

Reference values: not detected (negative)

Reasons for the positive result:

  • presence of vaginal Trichomonas.
Reasons for negative results:
  • absence of trichomonas infection (norm).
Culture for Trichomonas vaginalis- this is a test that allows you to detect infection Trichomonas. Trichomoniasis of the genitourinary organs is caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. The disease is transmitted sexually. Women typically complain about itching, hyperemia and swelling of the cervical mucosa and vagina, foamy discharge. With the onset of menstruation, complaints may intensify. Men may complain of itching and mucous discharge, discomfort when urinating However, in almost 50% of patients the course of the disease is asymptomatic.

Trichomonas first infect the distal parts of the genitourinary system. Actively moving upward, they affect the mucous membrane of the urethra, prostate gland, epididymis and seminal vesicles in men, the cervix and ovaries in women. The inflammatory process can affect the kidneys and bladder.

Lack of timely diagnosis and treatment of acute trichomoniasis leads to the transition of the disease to chronic course and risks complications: premature birth, endometritis- among women, epididymitis, prostatitis- in men.

Microbiological culture is the “gold standard” in diagnosing trichomoniasis and allows identifying acute trichomoniasis, as well as its asymptomatic carriage.

The material for research can be: prostate secret, ejaculate, urethral discharge, vaginal discharge, the first portion of urine.

Culture for Trichomonas vaginalis is prescribed

  • For diagnosis of trichomoniasis;
  • For differential diagnostics of diseases of the genitourinary system who have similar complaints;
  • In the presence of clinical manifestations and if you suspect pathological conditions genitourinary organs of an infectious-inflammatory nature;
  • For examination of people at risk (under 25 years of age and without a regular sexual partner);
  • To confirm the results of microscopic examination;
  • In a comprehensive examination for pregnancy planning;
  • For chronic inflammatory urogenital diseases.

Preparing for a culture test for Trichomonas vaginalis

Patients are recommended
before culture for trichomoniasis adhere to the following rules:
  1. Do not use local treatment for 3 days before the test.
  2. Before collecting the material, the external genitalia are not cleaned.
  3. It is recommended to abstain from urination for at least 2 hours.

Urine collection
for analysis should be carried out no earlier than 4 hours after the last urination. Collect 5-10 ml of an average portion of urine in a sterile container (100 ml). If it is not possible to deliver the biomaterial to the laboratory immediately, it should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and stored for no more than 24 hours.

Sperm collection performed by masturbation into a sterile container, without touching the walls of the container and the lid with your hands.

Collection of prostate secretions performed only by a urologist.

Urogenital and vaginal smears carried out by a gynecologist at a medical center.

After collecting the material, it is sent to the laboratory, where, under certain conditions, it is sown on a nutrient medium. The growth process can take up to 7-10 days.

Decoding the results

In the absence of disease and carriage of Trichomonas the result of the study is negative. A positive culture result indicates the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis in the genitourinary system.

Despite the high level of danger of trichomoniasis, the possibility of infection still remains relevant for many people on the planet. Promiscuity and unprotected sex lead to infection, and only timely diagnosis Trichomoniasis is able to detect infection before it begins its destructive effects.

How many and what types laboratory research used to make a diagnosis and how the examination is carried out - read in our publication.

Indications for research

Trichomoniasis is an infection of the genital organs caused by the protozoan Trichomonas. As a result of sexual infection, Trichomonas colonize the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system. During development, pathogenic cells infect the epithelium, provoking multiple inflammatory processes.

If trichomoniasis is detected using tests during this period, the disease can be stopped and complications can be prevented. If you ignore the signs of Trichomonas activity, pathogenic cells will continue to develop, preserving the ability of an infected person to transmit the infection to healthy sexual partners.

The need to diagnose trichomoniasis in women is usually caused by the appearance characteristic symptoms infections:

  • Redness of the tissues of the vagina and cervix.
  • Formation of red granulomas in the cervical region.
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the tissues of the urethra.
  • The presence of erosive formations on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs.

In men, trichomoniasis rarely manifests itself as purulent discharge from the urethra and redness of the tissues of the genital organs. To detect trichomoniasis in men, multiple diagnostics using highly sensitive methods are used.

At the first visit to the patient, the doctor performs a diagnostic examination of the genital organs and collects anamnesis to make a preliminary diagnosis. Additionally, during the examination, the degree of orderliness of the patient’s sexual life, the presence of unprotected sexual intercourse, and the level of manifestation of clinical symptoms diseases.

To confirm or refute a preliminary diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo an examination - he needs to take tests. Deciphering the studies conducted will allow not only to determine the diagnosis, but also to prescribe drugs to which the infectious agent has no resistance.

There are a number of studies for diagnosing trichomoniasis.

be careful

Among women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, myoma develop, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, Bladder and kidneys.

Want to know what to do? To begin with, we recommend

Types of diagnostic tests

The following types of laboratory tests are considered the most effective: urine test, bacterial culture for trichomoniasis, blood test, polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Bacterial culture (smear)

An analysis during which the patient’s biomaterial is taken and examined under a microscope to identify pathogenic cells is a culture for Trichomonas. Such a study is mandatory for all patients:

  • With symptoms of trichomoniasis.
  • In the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area.
  • When planning a pregnancy.

The objects of study during bacterial culture are samples of discharge from the genital organs - in women, biomaterial is taken from the back wall of the vagina and the cervical canal, in men - from the urethra. The collection of material for bacterial culture for the causative agent of trichomoniasis is carried out by a venereologist.

Before the procedure, measures are prescribed that provoke an exacerbation of the Trichomonas reaction.

The biomaterial obtained using a smear for the causative agent of trichomoniasis is placed in a special nutrient medium that promotes the proliferation of microorganisms. Then a native smear is performed by placing an unstained drop of biomaterial in a warm sodium chloride solution under a microscope slide. In this way, the presence of Trichomonas in the smear is established.

The interpretation of the analysis means the following: a positive result means trichomoniasis, a negative result means the absence of infection.

There is a procedure for conducting research.

If the test result for trichomoniasis using a smear shows positive reaction, the possibility of error is eliminated. If the result is negative, a repeat test is performed. If before the analysis was carried out antibacterial treatment, the results of the study may be distorted and may not correspond to reality.

Despite the high accuracy of testing for trichomoniasis, such diagnostics have a significant disadvantage - processing of biomaterial and waiting for results takes a lot of time.

Other types of analyzes

PCR – polymerase chain reaction

Among the most accurate diagnostic methods refers to PCR for Trichomonas. It is especially important that with the help of this research you can:

  • Establish even the hidden form of the disease.
  • Detect concomitant infections.
  • Monitor the process of treating the disease.
  • Select the optimal medications.

To obtain diagnostic information, urine or seminal fluid is given. In the laboratory, the resulting biomaterial is studied by the method of recognition and multiple synthesis of DNA copies.

Interpretation of the analysis: a positive result means a diagnosis of trichomoniasis, a negative result means the absence of infection. The results of the procedure can be obtained the next day.

Blood test

Additional information about the presence of infection and the patient’s health status can be obtained from a blood test for antibodies to Trichomonas (ELISA - linked immunosorbent assay). Antibodies – immunoglobulins various types– are formed in the blood as a response immune system on the infectious agent.

In the acute course of trichomoniasis, these are immunoglobulins G, in the chronic or asymptomatic form of the disease - immunoglobulins M. The study makes it possible to determine the presence and type of immune bodies and diagnose the disease.

Additionally, a blood test is prescribed during diagnosis.

If the transcript of the analysis showed the presence of Ig G and IgM, then this confirms the presence of the pathogen or indicates its recent presence. Normally, these antibodies should not be present in the blood.

This test for trichomoniasis is not considered accurate, since it is ineffective in the latent form of the disease.

Blood should be donated in the morning on an empty stomach. Considering that blood for ELISA will be taken from a vein, you should not take antibiotics before the procedure. In addition, it is recommended to limit your visits to the toilet 3 hours before the test.

Any diagnostic measures can provide the greatest effectiveness only when carried out comprehensively.

Not only the diagnosis, but also the method of treatment and its result depend on the data obtained during the study. High-quality diagnosis is the key to successful recovery.