Absence of menstruation in a 14-year-old teenager. What to do with a delay in menstruation in a teenager

Every girl goes through puberty sooner or later. This is the period when the body begins to prepare all organs and systems to perform one of the main functions of the fair sex, to bear offspring. In girls, starting from 12-13 years old, menstruation appears. At first, menstrual flow can scare the child, but over time this process becomes commonplace.

Since the ovaries are just beginning to actively perform their functions, and the hormonal background responsible for the regularity of these processes has not yet been fully formed, it is quite natural when a delay in menstruation occurs in a teenager at the age of 14-15. In most cases, the irregularity of menstruation in adolescence is associated precisely with the formation of the hormonal background, but there are a number of reasons for menstrual irregularities that require a mandatory visit to a specialist.

When menstruation comes

Puberty begins in girls long before the arrival of the first menstruation. At 8-10 years old, hair begins to appear in the armpits and in the pubic zone, the chest increases, and fatty deposits appear along the female type. If such signs appear, it means that after a maximum of 2 years, the girl should begin the first critical days.

Usually, menarche, as the first menstruation is also called, appears at the age of 12-14 years, in some cases, menstruation begins a little earlier, at 9-11 years old or later - at 15-16 years old. Deviations can be caused not only by pathologies, but also by climate features, living conditions, physical activity. Early periods usually occur in girls of a dense physique, and slender teenagers do not experience their first menstruation until 12 years old. In any case, if there are no periods at the age of 15 or they begin in a girl under 9 years old, it is imperative to show the child to a specialist.

Puberty is different for each girl, but genetics has a huge influence on it. If mom's first rules appeared at the age of 11, there is no need to worry and raise big noise if her daughter gets her period at that age. In today's youth, puberty begins about a year earlier than in adolescents in previous generations, with such a trend, early periods will soon become normal.

The regularity of critical days in adolescence depends on the proper functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. In the case of a delay in physical development, these parts of the brain begin to work incorrectly, which in turn can lead to the fact that menstruation begins to be delayed and come irregularly. There are a number of reasons why there are delays in adolescence, we will consider them in more detail.

What is the cause of failure in adolescents

AT female body most processes depend on hormonal balance, and in adolescence this dependence is felt more acutely, due to a complete hormonal restructuring. Any internal and external factor can affect the hormonal background and cause an irregular menstruation cycle in girls. Consider the most basic causes of delayed menstruation at a young age.

Wrong nutrition

Metabolism plays a very important role in the proper development of the body. If a girl at the age of 13 abuses fast food, fat and sweet food, and also likes to drink carbonated drinks with various preservatives and flavors, this can lead to hormonal imbalance and delays, even when the menstrual cycle has already returned to normal at 18, and not just during its formation.

Another argument in favor proper nutrition is the intensive growth of the child at puberty. For body shaping and growth internal organs the body needs a large number of vitamins and minerals, which can be obtained exclusively from healthy food. If, against the background of an unbalanced diet, the girl also sits on strict diets in order to get rid of the consequences of malnutrition, the result may be a delay in menstruation or its complete absence.

Excessive interest in sports

Many parents from an early age begin to take their daughter to various sport sections and then wonder why their 16-year-old child hasn't had a period yet. A similar situation is possible when, during an intense workout, a child burns more calories than he receives from food. If such an imbalance is observed after each session, and workouts are daily, it is natural that the reason for the delay in menstruation lies precisely in the wrong daily routine. In order for the menstrual cycle to improve, it is necessary to provide the teenager with proper rest and nutrition, moderate exercise and a gentle training schedule.

Emotional instability

Starting from the age of 13, girls experience a psycho-emotional turn in development, which is associated with physiological changes in the body. The girl begins to perceive herself as a woman, there is an interest in individuals of the opposite sex, criticism against her is sharply perceived. An additional factor affecting the emotionality of a teenager is an unstable hormonal background, which can fail due to any stress, physical activity, or even a simple quarrel with peers. All these emotional swings can cause periods to come with a significant delay. To solve the problem, you may need not only a consultation with a gynecologist, but also the help of a psychotherapist. The way out of this situation can be taking sedatives, breathing exercises and the correct daily routine.

Hormonal imbalance

During the first two years after menarche, hormonal disruptions and delayed menstruation can occur regularly. They can be provoked by an unbalanced diet, emotional shock and other external factors, including climate change and irregular daily routine.

In adolescence, due to the above reasons, the level of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, can sharply increase, which leads not only to a prolonged absence of menstruation, but also to other unpleasant symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • may have a headache;
  • nausea and dizziness appear;
  • the girl may faint.

The cause of hormonal imbalance can be long-term treatment antibiotics, which led to insufficient production of hormones by the pituitary gland. To eliminate such a violation, the gynecologist may prescribe hormonal drugs or homeopathic remedies.

Very often in adolescence, a sharp release of male sex hormones can occur, which also leads to a delay in menstruation. Treatment in this case is also hormonal drugs in a dosage that is selected for each teenager individually.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

If delays in menstruation in a teenage girl began to occur regularly, diseases of the genitourinary system may be their cause. It can be both inflammatory processes and infection with pathogenic microflora. Inflammation can affect various organs of the child, if the pathogenic flora is in the vagina, vaginitis is diagnosed, in bladder- cystitis, if the uterine mucosa is affected - this is endometritis, and when pathogens enter the renal pelvis, pyelonephritis occurs.

If a girl has pathological symptoms, for example, her lower abdomen hurts, she feels weak and tired, apathy, her temperature rises, these are the main signs of problems with the pelvic organs. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, a gynecologist may prescribe a blood and urine test, as well as an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The course of treatment may include antibiotics, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as hormone therapy.

Other factors

There are a number of reasons that can cause a delay in menstruation in adolescents, these factors, although less common, can still provoke a menstrual cycle failure:

  • heredity. Irregular cycle may be physiological feature organism, if the same failures are typical for the closest female relatives;
  • congenital anomalies or deviations in the development of the pelvic organs;
  • tumors in the brain. A neoplasm can disrupt the normal functioning of the pituitary gland, which produces the hormones necessary for a regular menstrual cycle;
  • insufficient body weight. Low weight is the cause of reduced estrogen production and delayed sexual development;
  • oligomenorrhea (secondary amenorrhea). it pathological condition, in which the duration of the menstrual cycle greatly increases, and menstruation appears every few months. This pathology requires mandatory treatment, as it can cause infertility in adulthood. A timely prescribed course of hormonal drugs will help get rid of the problem;
  • bad tendencies. Teenage girls who smoke, use alcohol and drugs, often experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • beginning of sexual activity. If the girl began to live an intimate life, then pregnancy may well be the cause of the delay. It is advisable for parents to start sexual education of their daughter in advance so that the child knows about the available methods of contraception and knows how to put them into practice. Also, parents should provide their daughter with full information about the consequences of early sexual intercourse, so that she understands that sexual life is not only a pleasant experience, but also a great responsibility for her health.

When the cycle returns to normal

Parents, starting from 8-9 years old, should be very attentive to their daughter, if over the years there are no changes in the female type in her appearance, and anger and aggression prevail in her behavior, or, conversely, complete apathy, in such cases it is necessary to seek help to the gynecologist and endocrinologist.

If the girl has already had her first menstruation, and the second ones were delayed by 1-1.5 months, this is normal, and you should not worry too much about this, but if there is no second menstruation for more than six months or the duration of the discharge fluctuates widely (1 cycle bleeds for a week , and in the other it does not even reach 3 days), you should immediately consult a doctor.

If a girl under the age of 14 does not show secondary sexual characteristics (body hair does not grow, breasts do not increase, there is no menstruation), the teenager is diagnosed with amenorrhea. The same pathology is diagnosed when the girl has all the signs of puberty, and the critical days at the age of 16 have never come.

In medical practice for adolescence it is not customary to establish certain norms for the duration and regularity of the cycle, but most often the menstrual cycle normalizes a maximum of 2 years after menarche. If your period is delayed for up to 45 days during the first two years of the formation of the cycle, there is no need to panic, but a medical consultation in this case will not hurt.

What to do

Parents of teenage girls should know what to do if their daughter has irregular periods:

  • adjust the diet, remove from it harmful products (crab sticks, crackers, sodas, chips, etc.), add more vegetables, fruits and vitamin complexes for teenagers;
  • reduce the level of intellectual and physical stress;
  • avoid stressful situations for the child;
  • often take joint walks in the fresh air;
  • reconsider the regimen for your child, be sure to ensure that the girl has a full and healthy sleep.

During puberty, a lot of internal and external changes occur in the girl's body, she needs to learn to perceive herself in a new status. In some cases, the help of a psychologist may be needed.

If the girl does not have periods and at the same time there are severe pains in the lower abdomen, you cannot self-medicate, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist, perhaps the cause of the delay was not a banal hypothermia, but a serious infection in the urinary tract or polycystic ovaries caused by problems in the endocrine system. system. It is best to identify the pathology in a timely manner and undergo the necessary treatment, so that later, in adulthood, the girl does not have problems with conceiving and bearing healthy offspring.

The first menstruation (menarche) is an important event in the life of every girl. Menstruation is a sign of puberty and fertility. Physiological norms provide for the beginning of the menstrual cycle at 11-14 years. But deviation from standard indicators is not uncommon in puberty. Why menstruation is delayed in adolescents, which contributes to this, are topical issues for maturing girls, as well as their parents.

Physiological features of puberty

Puberty of girls begins at the age of 8-9 years and continues until the full development of physiological maturity. Girls are 2-4 years ahead of boys in development. When the first sexual characteristics appear in the form of hair growth of the armpits and the pubic zone, growth of the mammary glands, an increase in adipose tissue, menstruation can be expected within 1.5-2 years.

The first menstruation in most cases appears at the age of 11-14 years. But this is not always the case. Sometimes menstruation appears earlier than the recognized physiological norm (9-10 years) or later (15-16 years). This fact does not always signal the presence of a problem, but it cannot be ignored.

With a high degree of probability, one can assume the onset of menarche earlier than in peers, in physically developed, strong, and also prone to fullness girls. And, conversely, with a fragile physique, menstruation usually appears no earlier than 12-13 years.

Each organism is individual. The genetic factor plays an important role in the process of puberty. If the mother's period began at the age of 12-13 years, then the daughter will also have them around the same period. However, current statistics point to an earlier onset of menstruation in today's adolescents compared to previous generations. A difference of 1 year is a fact recognized by gynecologists.

Even in the absence of complaints of a deterioration in well-being, it is advisable to discuss the deviation from the norm with a pediatric gynecologist.

Common causes of missed periods

In the absence of menstruation in adolescents aged 13-16 years, gynecologists suspect a delay that does not correspond to normal indicators physiological development during puberty. The most common causes of missing periods in teenagers include the following circumstances:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area (endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, cystitis and other diseases). This fact should be excluded first of all in the absence of signs of an inflammatory process. It is impossible to ignore any violations of reproductive function in adolescence. An infection not destroyed in a timely manner becomes a trigger for the appearance of chronic gynecological diseases. Female infertility is often due to the lack of proper treatment.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries often disrupt the natural menstrual cycle. Trauma in childhood can cause reproductive dysfunction in the future. This fact should be reported to the gynecologist without fail. You may need to consult a neurosurgeon.
  3. endocrine diseases ( diabetes, diseases thyroid gland) often provoke menstrual irregularities in girls 12 years of age and older. Treatment of systemic diseases should precede the examination of reproductive function.
  4. Hormonal imbalance is observed during the formation of physiological maturity. The lack of growth of the mammary glands, a rough voice, male-type hairiness indicate a lack of estrogen and the predominance of male sex hormones in the body. In this case, it is shown hormone therapy to correct the imbalance.
  5. Anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs and injuries resulting from mechanical damage or surgery can cause a lack of menstruation. A doctor can detect an anomaly during a gynecological examination. This pathology is more often diagnosed in the absence of menstruation in adolescents 15 years of age and older.
  6. Increased physical activity is a common reason why menstruation can be delayed. In girls who lead an active lifestyle (going to the gym, dancing, extreme sports), a delay in menstruation for 1 year or more is not uncommon. When performing heavy exercise burned body fat, as a result, the brain blocks ovulatory function. You need to understand that puberty requires compliance with a sparing regimen in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  7. Increased mental stress is an equally common fact. A difficult school program, additional classes with a tutor, lack of free time provoke a delay in menstruation against the background of mental stress.
  8. Stress, emotional instability, characteristic of this period, also explain why menstruation may be delayed. The first love, difficult relationships with peers or parents leave a deep mark on the vulnerable child's soul. When the stress factor is eliminated, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  9. The drastic change in body weight observed when using strict diets determines why menstruation does not come on time. Restricting the consumption of high-calorie foods at the age of 12-17 years is a widespread phenomenon among adolescents. Anorexia nervosa is a trigger for dysfunction of the reproductive system. Obesity also disrupts the natural menstrual cycle.
  10. Bad habits in the form of drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking can be the reason why there is no menstruation at 12-17 years old.
  11. A change in the climatic zone of residence provokes a violation of the menstrual cycle (premature start or delay). If menstruation is absent for this reason, then there is no reason to worry. The acclimatization period is a temporary phenomenon. After some time, the natural cycle will be restored.
  12. If menstruation has already been regular for several months or even years, and then interrupted, pregnancy cannot be ruled out, despite the young age of the patient. The beginning of puberty requires a special approach to the formation of personality. Building trust at this time is the task of every parent. The girl must be sure of the support of her parents in any situation. Sex education plays a big role. Lack of knowledge about contraceptive methods leads to irreparable consequences.
  13. Application of some medicines affects the reproductive function of the young organism. When diagnosing a pathology, it is necessary to exclude the use of a girl hormonal contraceptives. They directly affect the absence of menstrual flow.

What is cause for concern?

If at the beginning of the puberty there is an active hormonal restructuring, then there is no particular reason for excitement. Another thing - violations of the menstrual cycle in 15-17 years. Amenorrhea at this age can be primary (when there was no menstrual flow at all) and secondary (the absence of menstruation was preceded by a normal menstrual cycle). Any form of amenorrhea can provoke a violation of the childbearing function in the future.

The older the girl's age, the more fears the fact of the absence of menarche causes.

The following facts should be a signal to immediately seek qualified help:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, in the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge with the presence of pus and an unpleasant odor;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • nausea, vomiting, disturbance general condition;
  • change in the usual menstrual flow (volume, frequency), the appearance of blood clots;
  • delay of 30 days or more.

Any form of amenorrhea requires a consultation with a gynecologist.

Perhaps the absence of menstruation is just a temporary phenomenon as a result of hormonal changes in the developing organism. But it is imperative to exclude the presence of an obvious pathology. Timely diagnosis, a competent approach and adequate therapy will prevent possible complications in future.


A teenager's menstruation is often irregular. Normally, the cycle is established over several years. In order to identify problems with reproductive health in time, to prevent the occurrence of complications, delays in menstruation cannot be ignored. In case of violations of the regularity of the cycle, a teenager needs to consult a gynecologist.

Menstruation in teenagers

The first signs of the onset of puberty in girls may appear as early as 8 years of age. The following signs indicate the beginning of hormonal changes in the body of adolescents:

  • hair growth in the armpits, on the pubis;
  • increase in the volume of adipose tissue;
  • compaction, growth of mammary glands.

Parents need to prepare the girl, explain the mechanism of the appearance of blood from the genital tract.

Important! By the time of the first menstruation, the child needs to explain everything about menstruation in adolescents.

The girl needs to understand that the release of blood is a natural physiological process. Normally, menarche begins at the age of 11-14 years. For most, the first bloody issues appear at 12-13 years of age.

At what age should the first menstruation begin?

Parents should be alerted by changes in the body, indicating hormonal changes that occurred before the age of 9. Also, the problems are evidenced by the absence of any changes in the body of a teenager by the age of 12-13. It is necessary to contact a girl with a pediatric gynecologist or an endocrinologist if menstruation went before 11 years. A doctor's consultation is also necessary if the critical days have not begun before the age of 14.

If menstruation does not begin before the age of 15, then the diagnosis is primary amenorrhea. It can be caused by genetic, hormonal, metabolic disorders. The absence of menstruation may be due to a violation of the structure of the genital organs.

In large girls, who develop faster than their peers, menstruation often begins earlier than in slender teenagers. But the stress malnutrition, hormonal disruptions can cause a delay in their onset.

How long is the cycle of menstruation in adolescents

In adolescents, menstruation becomes regular 1-2 years after the onset. During this period, the process of producing female sex hormones is normalized. Irregular periods in a teenager in the first year are not considered a problem. But it is necessary to monitor their regularity, starting from day 1.

If a teenager's period has stopped going, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist. The reason for the cessation of menstruation can be hormonal disorders. A doctor's consultation is also necessary if the cycle has not been established during the year.

What cycle of menstruation is considered normal in adolescents

Adult women are used to the fact that the menstrual cycle is regular. In women, menstruation occurs every 28 days, but slight deviations are allowed. There is no cause for concern if the cycle length varies from 21 to 35 days.

There are no established norms for adolescents, the first menstruation in girls may be irregular. But if the duration of critical days is more than 10 days or the interval between menstruation exceeds 3 months, then this is a reason for an extraordinary consultation with a gynecologist.

How should teens menstruate?

The body prepares for the first menstruation for several months. But her arrival comes as a surprise to many. Parents are obliged to prepare the child in advance, to tell what points you need to pay attention to. The first menstruation in most adolescents is not abundant. Starting from 2-3 cycles, the volume of secretions increases markedly.

Comment! If the pads last for 3-4 hours, there is no problem. The maximum amount of blood is released in the first 2-3 days of menstruation, then its volume decreases.

Some girls have spotting with blood a few days before the critical days, often they continue after the end of menstruation. In the first 2 years, while the process of setting the regularity of the cycle is underway, this is a variant of the norm. If spotting does not stop by the age of 16, this indicates a violation of the reproductive system.

Pain during menstruation in adolescents is considered a deviation. Their appearance can be provoked by the underdevelopment of the reproductive organs.

How long do periods last for teenagers?

The duration of menstruation in adult women and adolescent girls does not differ significantly. In most adolescents, the first menstruation is scanty, they last no more than 2-3 days. The duration of the first menstruation is affected by:

  • body features;
  • hormonal background;
  • health status.

Subsequent periods become more abundant, longer. The maximum duration of menstruation is 7 days, including days when only weak spotting appears. If a teenage girl has a period for a long time, this indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body or a violation of the blood coagulation system.

Causes of delayed menstruation in adolescents

If the next menstruation does not begin within 3 months, they speak of a delay. Among the main reasons that provoke a violation of the regularity of the menstrual cycle are:

  • frequent stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • intense physical activity (for example, professional sports);
  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • hemoglobin deficiency.

Also, a sharp change in climate, for example, a trip to a warm country in winter, leads to a delay in menstruation, a violation of the menstrual cycle in adolescents.

Adolescent Menstrual Disorders

The appearance of problems with menstruation in adolescents is a fairly common phenomenon. The intensity of menstrual bleeding, their regularity depends on various factors, including nutrition, condition nervous system, the ecological situation of the region of residence.

You will have to contact a pediatric gynecologist if a teenager has:

  • no menstruation at 15 years old;
  • did not begin to appear secondary sexual characteristics by the age of 13;
  • the period of delay after the onset of menstruation exceeds 3 months;
  • heavy periods, in which you have to change pads or tampons more often than 1 time in 2 hours;
  • the duration of menstrual bleeding exceeds 7 days;
  • periodically there are acyclic discharge of blood from the genital tract;
  • menstrual bleeding accompanied severe pain.

After examination, a comprehensive examination, the doctor can determine the cause of the violation of the cycle, prescribe treatment. Ignoring problems can lead to the progression of the problem, in the future it threatens with infertility.

Frequent periods in teenagers

A short menstrual cycle, even during the period of menstruation, should alert the teenager and parents. If menstruation begins more often than 1 time in 21 days, this indicates a malfunction of the organs that regulate the menstrual cycle.

Comment! Do not panic if a short interval between periods was observed in the first 12-24 months after the onset of critical days.

If such a violation of the menstrual cycle in a girl at the age of 16, it is advisable to check the hormonal background. This condition is provoked by a violation of the process of hormone production by the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and ovaries. With heavy, frequent menstruation, you need to make sure that there are no inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

An increase in the frequency of menstruation is also caused by:

  • work failure endocrine system;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Long periods in teenagers

With an imbalance of progesterone, estrogen in the body, the process of maturation and rejection of the endometrium is disrupted. This leads to an increase in the duration of menstrual bleeding. This is not the only reason why a teenager's period lasts more than 7 days. Prolonged bleeding occurs when:

  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • violations of hemostasis;
  • occurrence of infections.

If you complain about long, heavy periods, you should undergo a gynecological examination, do an ultrasound, check if the girl has developed anemia.

Treatment is prescribed after finding out the reason for the increase in the duration of critical days, assessing the general condition of the teenager. The peculiarities of the course of menstruation, the amount of outgoing blood, and well-being during menstruation are important.

Very heavy periods in a teenager

When heavy menstrual flow occurs, a teenager needs help. With such menstruation, more than 150 ml of blood comes out of the genital tract. The amount of discharge is directly related to the ability of the uterus to contract. If the contractility is low, the endometrium is not immediately torn away; when it is detached, bleeding wounds form in the uterine cavity.

Poor contractility is congenital, but more often it occurs for the following reasons:

  • inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity;
  • the formation of myomas, fibromyomas;
  • polyps in the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • poor blood clotting.

To fix the problem, it is important to find out the cause of heavy periods.

Blood clotting problems occur when:

  • lack of vitamins K, P, C, minerals that regulate the process of blood clots;
  • taking medications that thin the blood;
  • following a diet high in fermented milk products(such nutrition enhances the production of enzymes that prevent blood clotting).

Important! If hygiene products have to be changed every 30-120 minutes, then bleeding has begun.

Lack of timely medical attention can lead to a serious deterioration in health or cause death.

Irregular periods in teenagers

For 12-24 months from the onset of menstruation, irregular periods are considered the norm. A delay in menstruation at 13 years old is normal. During this period, active hormonal changes take place. The body needs time to adapt to cyclic changes, fluctuations in hormone levels.

Irregular cycles are more common among lean, underweight teenagers. The examination reveals that the uterus, ovaries are reduced in size.

In the absence of pathologies that affect the regularity of menstruation, the doctor may recommend:

  • review nutrition, refuse fast food, snacks, include meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits in the diet;
  • start playing sports, moderate physical activity favorably affects the health of adolescents;
  • bring the psychological state back to normal.

Lifestyle changes help to establish a regular cycle more quickly.

Delayed periods in adolescence

Minor delays, changes in cycle length are not a cause for panic. You need to worry if a teenager has not had a period for more than 3 months. In most cases, hormonal imbalances are the cause.

Long delays can be caused by:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • stress;
  • hemoglobin deficiency.

If there are no hormonal problems, after the elimination of provoking factors, the cycle normalizes on its own.

Teenager stops menstruating

The cessation of menstruation after the installation of a regular cycle or the absence of discharge for 3 months in adolescents are reasons that require the consultation of a competent pediatric gynecologist. The provoking factors that lead to the appearance of secondary amenorrhea include:

  • a sharp change in weight;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • anorexia;
  • stress;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Sometimes professional athletes who follow a strict diet to maintain weight experience amenorrhea. Girls involved in ballet, gymnastics, and figure skating are more likely to suffer from such problems.

Why does a teenager's period not come on time?

The regularity of menstruation in girls depends on the work of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus. Until the synchronous work of the parts of the brain is established, the adolescent's cycle will be irregular.

Parents should be wary of a delay in menstruation in a teenager at 15 years old. If menstruation began at the age of 12-13, then by this age the cycle is established. The absence of regular menstruation is a sign of hormonal disruptions, infectious and inflammatory diseases, and physiological disorders.

Delayed period at 17

In girls aged 16-17 years, the cycle is already being established, violations of its regularity are the reason for consulting a doctor. The delay is called:

  • pregnancy (provided that the girl is sexually active);
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors (malignant and benign).

Attention! Lifestyle changes, stress, excessive physical activity provoke the appearance of a delay.

Why is there no period at 16?

The absence of critical days before the age of 16 indicates a delay in sexual development. If at the age of 12-14 a teenage girl has breasts, pubic hair, in the armpits, then menstruation will begin soon. In cases where menarche does not occur, the development of the genital organs is checked. There are situations when, due to a violation of the intrauterine laying of organs, the child does not have a uterus, a vagina.

If there are no problems with the structure of the genital organs, the cause of amenorrhea can be a malfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, which produce sex hormones. Also one of possible causes lack of menstruation in a teenager is underweight. If there is no necessary amount of fat mass, the brain does not receive signals about the need to awaken the centers that regulate puberty.

Why is there no period at 15?

If there is no menarche before the age of 15, the development of the genital organs should be checked. One of the reasons may be an anomaly in the structure of the reproductive system, underdevelopment of the uterus, ovaries.

If a teenager's secondary sexual characteristics began to appear at the age of 13-14, menstruation will begin at the age of 15. With amenorrhea, a teenager is recommended to check the functioning of the reproductive system.

Why is there no period at 14?

A delay in menstruation in a teenager at the age of 14 is not considered a reason for worries, subject to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. Many girls begin to form at the indicated age.

Important! As practice shows, in the northern regions, the onset of puberty at the age of 14 is a normal process. In the southern regions, many are already starting to panic if there is no menstruation at 14 years old.

For timely identification of problems, it is better to show the girl to a pediatric gynecologist, to make sure that there are no abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system.

Why is there no period at 13?

The absence of critical days in 13-year-olds is considered a variant of the norm. At this age, many start the process of puberty. There are teenagers whose periods begin earlier, but the period of 11-14 years is considered the standard age.

Why no period at 12

The appearance of menstruation at the age of 12 is typical for adolescents who began to develop early. Lack of hair growth, breast growth refers to the options for normal development. For the timely identification of problems, experienced parents recommend getting advice from a pediatric gynecologist, taking tests for hormones.

Do not be afraid of irregular periods in a 12-year-old girl. At this age, the hormonal system improves. A change in the duration of the period between menstrual bleeding is considered normal. It is worth worrying if the duration of the delay exceeds 3 months.

What to do if a teenager has a delay in menstruation

If a girl at the age of 13 has a delay in menstruation accompanied by severe pain, atypical discharge from the genital tract, then a doctor's consultation is required. This condition leads to:

  • hypothermia;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • infectious diseases.

Also, delays appear in adolescents with polycystic ovaries, functional, pathological cysts. The cause of amenorrhea is physical activity, diet, sports. Only a gynecologist can determine the cause of the problem after an examination, obtaining the results of ultrasound, tests.

Treatment is prescribed based on the results of the examination. The doctor may recommend adjusting the diet, giving up professional sports, and protecting the teenager from stress.

What to do if a teenager has heavy periods

At heavy menstruation You will need to consult a pediatric gynecologist. In girls, 50-150 mg of blood will be released in one cycle. With more intense discharge, they talk about the development of bleeding. In this case, without the help of doctors can not cope. Doctors prescribe hemostatic drugs, select treatment aimed at reducing blood loss, preventing the development of iron deficiency anemia.

If a girl complains about heavy periods, you need to check the work of the blood coagulation system, make sure that there are no problems from the endocrine system. One of the possible reasons for the appearance of an excessive amount of blood is neoplasms in the uterus. The gynecologist selects the tactics of treatment after determining the cause of the pathological condition.

Doctors' opinion

Gynecologists say that mothers should take girls for preventive examinations in a timely manner. This will allow timely identification of problems, prevent the development of pathological processes in adolescents. The recommended age for examination is:

  • 9-12 months;
  • 7, 12 years;
  • annually from the age of 14.

By following the recommendations, communicating with the child on intimate topics, explaining the reasons for physiological changes, adolescents cease to be afraid of parents and doctors. Girls will be able to report menstrual irregularities in time. After all, parents do not always know that a child's periods at the age of 14 are irregular. Preventive checkups, consultations allow you to identify violations in time, to prevent aggravation of the condition.


Menstruation in a teenager begins at 11-14 years. For unprepared girls, the appearance of blood can be a cause for panic, so parents need to talk with the child in advance about the changes taking place in the body, explain their importance and necessity. You need to have an individual calendar to track the regularity of critical days.

The health of a teenager is extremely vulnerable. The body of young ladies reacts especially violently to all adverse situations. A sensitive mother, knowing this, tries to prevent the girl from exhausting herself with excessive physical exertion. The mother expects the first menstruation of her “princess” with joyful excitement. The onset of menstrual bleeding indicates a successful maturation of the patient. When menstruation "sleeps" and does not want to come, the young lady is worried. Her mother is tormenting herself with conjectures as to why a schoolgirl does not have her period at 14.

If by the onset of her fourteenth birthday the girl did not feel what menstruation is, it makes no sense to tune in to a frightening scenario. Perhaps the body of "Juliet" did not have time to accumulate enough female hormones. It is also possible that there is an inflammatory process in the uterus or gonads of the girl.

Protracted childhood and periods

The first menstruation (gynecologists call it "menarche"), as a rule, begins in a girl at the age of twelve or thirteen. If a fourteen-year-old patient did not wait for this event, there is no reason to "sprinkle ashes on her head." It is quite possible that the organism of the young person was not ripe for rhythmic changes.

In such a delicate matter as puberty, it is not reasonable to look up to peers. The level of female hormones will differ even between two twin sisters. “But what if there is no period for too long?” - such a question to the gynecologist is often asked by young patients. First of all, a girl should protect herself from nervous shocks. In order for your period to come to you sooner, you should not experiment with the diet. An excessively harsh diet can deprive a girl's body of important vitamins and microelements.

The first thing to do if there is no menstruation is to assess the appearance of the patient. If the girl’s mammary glands have just begun to fill up, and the vegetation in the “tender zones” has not appeared, puberty has been delayed. In order to make sure that the young lady is healthy, you should show her to the gynecologist.

What's up with the chest?

For the first time, critical days come to a girl three years after the start of her breast growth. If at the age of thirteen the mammary glands of a schoolgirl only had time to “appear”, it is pointless to wait for menstruation at 14 years old. We list the reasons for delayed puberty in a girl:

  • prolonged depression, conflicts;
  • active sports;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • smoking;
  • colds.

After stress or the flu, a girl's body can recover for more than one month.

Is the patient's relatives "to blame"?

Another reason for the slow maturation of schoolgirls is the family factor. If the patient's mother and grandmother had their periods no earlier than at the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is logical to assume that her menstruation herself will not begin earlier than at the age of fourteen.

Before the menstrual cycle "starts to work", the girl's body must complete the formation of all organs of the reproductive system. If the gonads function poorly, dominant follicle cannot mature. So, it makes no sense to talk about ovulation or menstruation.

There is the concept of "protracted childhood". It concerns not only character, but also physiology. Sometimes menstruation comes to young ladies on the threshold of their adulthood. The absence of ailments indicates that nothing frightening is happening to the girl. Doctors consider the age of sixteen years to be the critical date for the arrival of the menarche.

The Depressing Causes of Late Ripening

It is difficult for an impressionable mother to accept that her daughter does not have a period at 14. A woman starts reading articles, listens to the advice of her friends. She may be tempted to purchase medicines or supplements for her young daughter in order to menstrual bleeding. It is dangerous to tempt fate and treat the girl on your own. It is possible that you yourself came up with trouble. There are situations when the intervention of a doctor is necessary.

Let's name the ailments that depress the puberty of a girl:

  • thyroid disease.
  • pituitary tumor.
  • congenital pathology of the ovaries.
  • adhesions in the structures of the vagina.
  • absence of a uterus.

It happens that the girl does not have a vagina. The uterus and gonads of the young lady are functioning, but menstrual flow does not appear in her. Doctors call this situation false amenorrhea. In some young patients, the hymen is devoid of holes. Of course, this defect prevents the arrival of menstruation.

To confirm or exclude the presence of the aforementioned problems in the young lady, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, a blood test for hormones. If a girl has congenital defects in the organs of reproduction, the doctor will decide what to do. Recall that surgical correction allows you to eliminate almost all the bitter "surprises" of nature.

Puberty begins in girls from 9-11 years old. The growth and development of the reproductive system occurs, the cyclic synthesis and secretion of hypothalamic hormones that regulate ovarian function are established. The proportions of the body change, the mammary glands increase, secondary hair growth of the body begins, the first menstruation appears. These signs appear gradually, over 5-7 years, and a girl of 15-16 years old can be called fully sexually mature. Therefore, a delay in menstruation in a teenager of 15 years old should be considered a wake-up call in order to consult a doctor and find out the cause.

The first 2-3 years of the menstrual cycle may be unstable, this is a natural phenomenon. If at the same time the general well-being of the girl does not worsen, then there is no reason for concern.

The causes of menstrual irregularities in a teenage girl can be:

  • diseases;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • excessive sports;
  • delayed sexual development.

A delay in menstruation in a girl of 12-17 years old may occur as a result of disruption of the endocrine system or transferred colds. Frequent hypothermia contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora, which in turn leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

To prevent such phenomena, it is necessary to monitor your health, always dress according to the season and visit a doctor once a year for prevention.

Emotional depression

The reasons for the delay in menstruation in adolescents can be the current lifestyle - constant employment. Modern teenagers are extremely busy at school, and in their free time, many attend circles and sections. Overwork, lack of sleep, conflicts with peers, unhappy love - all this can cause psycho-emotional stress. Prolonged depression leads to the launch of the body's natural defense mechanisms. The work of the pineal gland is activated and the production of its hormone - melatonin, which inhibits ovulation, increases. As a result, there is a violation and delay in menstruation.

Sports and diet

Adolescents are often overly concerned about their own appearance. Slimness is constantly advertised on TV screens, and many girls spend all their free time in gyms or exhaust themselves with diets, trying to look like models. The growing body can not cope with the loads and as a result, violations of the cycle begin.

For the successful implementation of the function of the gonads, a sufficient amount of fat in the body is necessary. With its lack, ovulation is suppressed, and menstruation does not occur.

Sports activities should be under the supervision of a coach. An experienced specialist will determine the permissible level of stress. Also, in case of a sudden malaise, you should not perform the exercise through force. Sports should bring a feeling of cheerfulness and give pleasure.

A teenager needs a balanced diet, it is best to eat at the same time. You can’t completely give up sweets, but it’s better to replace sweets and muffins with fruits or chocolate. If there is anorexia nervosa, then the girl may need the help of a specialist.

In the last few decades, acceleration has been observed among schoolchildren - accelerated development, including sexual development. A ten-year-old girl already has ovaries developed like those of adult woman. In addition, girls mature physically for intimate relationships faster than boys, so parents should not discount the possible pregnancy of their daughter.

Even with modest and well-mannered teenagers, it is necessary to have conversations about sexuality and methods of contraception. Trusting relationships will help parents to warn the child from mistakes.

delayed sexual development

As a rule, delayed sexual development in a 4-15-year-old adolescent is characterized not only by the absence of menstruation, but also by a number of other features: the absence of pubic and armpit hair, underdevelopment of the mammary glands, and anomalies in the body structure. The causes of this phenomenon are birth injuries, infections, hormonal status disorders, pathologies of the development of the uterus and ovaries, chromosomal abnormalities. 30% of girls with delayed menstruation are registered with a neurologist.

ZPR can have a hereditary basis - in some cases, a girl's period, like her mother's, begins at the age of 15-16 years, but in the future reproductive system develops without disturbance.

To find out the cause of a violation or delay in menstruation, it is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also a psychiatrist, geneticist, neuropathologist and endocrinologist. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, endocrine glands, MRI of the brain, tests for hormones are performed.

Causes of ZPR, diagnosis, treatment

Amenorrhea can occur both due to impaired functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and due to underdevelopment or retention of the uterus or ovaries.

In the first case, there are no disturbances in the processes of growth and ossification of cartilage, but the internal and external genital organs are undeveloped, the level of follitropin and luteotropin is reduced, and their secretion into the blood is acyclic. Violations of the tropic function of the pituitary gland leads to inhibition of the ovaries. This disease is called Kalman's syndrome and has a hereditary predisposition.

To identify the potential of the ovaries, tests are carried out with choriogonin, which stimulates their activity. If the ovaries are underdeveloped, then stimulation has no effect on them.

To clarify the diagnosis, a test with hypothalamic releasing hormone is done. With its introduction, after a few hours, the level of pituitary LH and FSH increases. Also, examinations of the brain indicate the existence of violations precisely from the side of the hypothalamic-pituitary control.

Complex treatment is required: in addition to therapy designed to normalize the state of brain structures, it is necessary to take hormones to stimulate the functions of internal and external genital organs.

If the reason for the delay in sexual development is a malfunction of the ovaries, then in this case hyperproduction of gonadotropins will be observed. It is assumed that this pathology occurs in fetal development, due to damage to the fetus by mumps or rubella. In patients, a genetically determined violation of estrogen synthesis also occurs, and skeletal growth slows down.

The ovaries do not respond to stimulation, ultrasound indicates a decrease in their size, treatment consists of hormone replacement therapy.

The cause of menstrual irregularities can be genetic pathologies. In girls with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (karyotype 45, X), the absence of menarche is accompanied by a number of disorders of physical and mental development: curvature of the bones of the arms and legs, short stature, severe malformations of internal organs. Often the ovaries are completely absent.

Possible violation anatomical structure when a girl with a developed uterus does not have a vagina or a hole in the hymen. outflow menstrual blood does not occur, and the teenager may suffer from pain in the lower abdomen. In such cases, surgical intervention is required.

Do not disregard the absence of menstruation or a delay in a teenager of 14-15 years old. This disorder is a marker of serious health problems and is often accompanied by infertility. In this regard, the girl may suffer from feelings of inferiority. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. The method of therapy depends on the cause of the violation in the reproductive sphere.