When will the bleeding stop after childbirth. Blood discharge after childbirth

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Bleeding after childbirth, or lochia, is a natural physiological process that does not require treatment. Medical assistance may be needed when vaginal discharge does not go away for a long time, or other symptoms appear that indicate the development of a pathological process.

A woman who is pregnant should know how much blood flows after childbirth, what daily amount of discharge is considered normal, and what reasons should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Why is there blood

Bleeding after childbirth occurs as a result of damage to the vessels of the uterus in the place where the placenta was attached. Lochia contains:

  • scraps of mucous tissues of the uterus;
  • remnants of the fetal membrane;
  • mucus and ichor from the cervical canal.

As the reduction, cleansing of the cavity of the reproductive organ and healing of the wound surface, the intensity of bleeding decreases. Also, the highlights change color. Severe bleeding in early period may be caused by:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • injury to the birth canal;
  • rapid labor activity;
  • remnants of placental tissue that have not separated from the uterus;
  • myoma, fibroma, other gynecological diseases.

The cause of bleeding after childbirth may be poor contraction of the uterus, caused by its overstretching. This pathology often occurs as a result of multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios or a large fetus.

How often do you take a blood test?

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    Only on the prescription of the attending physician 32%, 111 votes

    Once a year and I think it's enough 18%, 64 vote

    At least twice a year 13%, 46 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 12%, 42 vote

    I monitor my health and take it once a month 7%, 24 vote

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 5%, 16 votes


If a woman has bleeding in the late period (2 hours or 6 weeks after delivery), its causes may be as follows:

  • remnants of the placenta (may be present in the cavity of the organ, even if the woman has been cleaned);
  • spasm in the cervix;
  • inflammatory processes localized in the reproductive organs.

How long does bleeding last after childbirth

After childbirth, there is blood that can be compared to heavy menstruation. Its volume by the time of discharge should not exceed 400 ml. Otherwise, the woman may develop anemia. Intensive bloody discharge lasts no more than 2-3 days. In the first 7-10 days, blood is scarlet in color. Gradually lochia are modified. They turn brown, yellow, white, and then transparent. Scanty black discharge is also not pathological. Such changes indicate the healing of the wound surface of the uterus.

If the patient has discharge from 2 to 6 weeks, and their volume gradually decreases, this is the norm. The duration of bleeding in a woman in labor will depend on:

  • Method of delivery. After a caesarean section, lochia lasts longer than after a natural birth. This process is explained by the slow recovery of the reproductive organ. After a caesarean, blood should not flow for longer than 60 days.
  • contractility of the uterus. The weaker the muscle tissue of the genital organ, the longer lochia does not pass.
  • Physical loads. Sports, lifting heavy objects, etc., contribute to an increase in the volume of secretions. The duration of those who are actively involved in sports may exceed the generally accepted norms by 1-1.5 weeks.
  • Sexual intimacy. Intimate relationships are not recommended until the uterus stops bleeding.
  • Breastfeeding. Attaching the baby to the chest helps to contract the uterus and cleanse its cavity from lochia.
  • The presence of constipation. When the stool is disturbed, the intestine puts pressure on the uterus, which prevents it from contracting.

Bleeding ends faster if a woman empties in a timely manner bladder. You can speed up the process of cleansing the genital organ if you sleep on your stomach (provided there are no individual contraindications).

What is deviation

The process of recovery of the body begins immediately after childbirth and continues until the uterus returns to its previous size. When conducting caesarean section or damage to the birth canal, it takes time for the sutures to heal.

Not only bleeding that lasts longer than 2 months is considered a pathology. If a woman's lochia stops, for example, for 4-5 days, then this is a reason to see a doctor. In most of these cases, when blood stops flowing in the first few days after labor, it accumulates in the uterine cavity. If the cause of the outflow disturbance is not eliminated, then inflammatory process.

Deviations from the norm include:

  • Heavy bleeding in the afterbirth and early postpartum period. The most common reason for its appearance is breaks.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, fever, dizziness, deterioration of health, etc. Requires immediate diagnosis, because. There are many reasons that can cause such symptoms (endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.).
  • Scanty discharge, heavy bleeding after childbirth, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • Green, yellow-green, brown or other color that is not characteristic of uterine discharge.
  • Prolonged bleeding. Even if a woman has poor discharge, there are no other symptoms indicating a pathology, but lochia does not go away for a long time, she needs to undergo a gynecological examination.
  • Sudden increase in the amount of uterine discharge.

If the bleeding in a young mother, lasting 4-6 weeks, stops, and then resumes after a few days, then this is not lochia. This symptom may indicate a renewal menstrual cycle. But there are also pathological causes that are a deviation from the norm, for example, the divergence of postoperative sutures.

What to do

If a woman is diagnosed with postpartum hemorrhage that does not meet the standards, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence in order to treat the pathological process. You can determine the source of the problem using a visual examination of the patient or an ultrasound scan. A blood test and a vaginal smear may be ordered if there is a suspicion of poor blood clotting or infection.

When the 3rd stage of labor is complicated by an accreted placenta, in order to prevent bleeding, it is manually removed. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia.

When the blood has stopped flowing, but accumulates in the uterine cavity, a woman may be advised to massage the abdomen, an injection of oxytocin, or curettage.

If the lochia went without pathologies, but bleeding began in the late birth period, it is necessary to call ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, a woman needs to lie on her back with a roller under her buttocks.

How to stop

It is possible to stop postpartum bleeding, which was caused by pathological causes, only in a hospital setting. When the birth canal is torn, a woman is stitched. If the remains of placental tissue were found during the ultrasound scan, the patient is cleaned, i.e. scraping. If an infection is suspected, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

If a woman has weak blood vessels, she may be prescribed calcium gluconate. It is not an emergency measure to stop uterine bleeding. It is often used in combination with other drugs.

You can prevent large blood loss with the help of such medications:

  • Dicynon;
  • Aminocaproic acid;
  • vitamin K.

To reduce blood loss with uterine atony after the birth of a child, a woman can undergo external, internal or combined massage.

The method of treatment is selected individually for each woman based on the totality of medical information about the patient. In critical situations, when all previous attempts to stop the bleeding did not bring positive results a hysterectomy may be performed. The operation involves the removal of the uterus. After her, the woman loses her reproductive abilities, but such a surgical intervention can save the patient's life.

Trying to reduce the duration of uterine discharge (lochia) on your own is not recommended if the postpartum recovery of the body goes without complications.

When to go to the doctor

The appearance of bleeding in the early postpartum period is diagnosed immediately, because. at this time, the woman is under close medical supervision. If the woman in labor has already been transferred from the maternity ward to the ward, the reason for an unscheduled examination may be an increase in the volume of lochia, a progressive deterioration in well-being, fever and the appearance of pain in the abdomen.

A woman needs to go to the doctor with any suspicion of the occurrence of a pathological process.

A routine examination by a gynecologist should be done after the cessation of uterine discharge, regardless of whether there were health problems after childbirth.

In some cases, bleeding may bother a longer period or resume. In such a situation, it is better to contact a specialist, but if it is not possible to visit a doctor in the near future, then you should try to solve the problem yourself.

Why can a hole bleed for a long time after tooth extraction?

Cause of bleeding after surgical intervention is damage to the blood vessels of the gums, mucous membranes, soft tissues of the jaw and even bones. This is the primary cause of bleeding.

To secondary reasons include:

  • The end of the action with adrenaline in the composition, which constricts all vessels, except for the heart and brain.
  • Hypertension is accompanied by an increase in pressure, respectively, can cause bleeding. It is categorically impossible to carry out the procedure during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Diseases of blood clotting disorders.
  • Taking hemolytic drugs that thin the blood.
  • Damage to large vessels.
  • Traumatic tooth extraction.
  • Inflammation of soft tissues in the area of ​​removal.
  • Wide mouth opening.
  • Failure to comply with doctor's recommendations.

How long should blood flow after a tooth extraction normally?

Many are concerned about the question: how much blood flows after tooth extraction? In the absence of the patient's diseases and a normally performed operation, blood flows normally 10-15 minutes after tooth extraction, with some complications up to 30-40 minutes. In such cases, the dentist uses various medical and mechanical means. In any case, bleeding should be stopped at a doctor's appointment.

After the operation, a tooth socket remains with or without a blood clot. blood clot after tooth extraction is a normal reaction of the body, a prerequisite for good wound healing. Therefore, it is forbidden to suck blood from the wound, spit and rinse the mouth for several hours.

If bleeding resumes at home, this is a sign of a violation and requires the intervention of a specialist. With heavy bleeding, you need to call an ambulance, with a little bleeding, you can try to stop the bleeding yourself.

In what cases it is necessary to see a doctor?

You need to seek medical attention in the following cases:

  • the appearance of heavy bleeding;
  • inability to stop the bleeding for more than an hour;
  • the occurrence of weakness, headache, dizziness;
  • pain when touching the gums;
  • swelling or swelling of the jaw area;
  • temperature rise;
  • discharge of blood with impurities of pus;
  • acute pain sensations.

Ways to stop bleeding after tooth extraction

Bleeding after tooth extraction is a well-known symptom. How to stop bleeding after tooth extraction?

To stop the process, it is necessary to mechanically or medically act on the bleeding vessels, various methods are used for this:

  • Tamponade - one of the most effective and popular ways that helps both stop bleeding after tooth extraction and stop other types of bleeding (nose, ear). To do this, a sterile swab made of a bandage or gauze is applied to the required area, the edges of the hole are squeezed and asked to bite without excessive pressure. In this case, there is a mechanical pressure on the vessels, in which they stick together and do not bleed. It is recommended to hold the tampon for 15-20 minutes.
  • Swabing with 3% hydrogen peroxide . To do this, moisten a swab in an antiseptic and apply to the wound for 20 minutes. Peroxide has a clotting effect on the blood.
  • Using a hemostatic sponge . Sponge is an excellent professional medication which can also be used at home. To do this, a small fragment of the material is placed in the hole of the extracted tooth using tweezers, a cotton swab, gauze or bandage is applied on top and the teeth are closed. The hemostatic sponge begins to act immediately. If in this way it was not possible to stop bleeding, it means that the sponge got wet and did not have time to act, the procedure for applying the remedy must be repeated.
  • Cold compress . The effect of cold on the vessels slows down and stops bleeding. It is recommended to apply cold to the area where the surgery was performed. To do this, use ice, frozen foods, or any cold object at hand. In order not to damage the skin, it is recommended to wrap the cold in soft tissue. You need to apply a compress for no more than 5 minutes, after another 5 minutes you can repeat the procedure.

At home

Several ways to stop bleeding after tooth extraction at home:

  • Apply a clean bandage or gauze to the wound for 15-20 minutes and squeeze your teeth tightly.
  • Apply a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide to the desired area for 20 minutes and press.
  • Make a cold compress with ice, frozen foods, or chilled hand tools. The procedure can be carried out for 15-20 minutes with breaks every 5 minutes.
  • Applying a hemostatic sponge. This drug can be bought at any pharmacy. To apply the sponge correctly, you need to cut off a small piece, dry the wound and put the product in the jaw hole for 15 minutes.
  • With a slight bleeding of the wound, rinsing and oral baths with decoctions can be carried out. medicinal herbs. Herbs have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound healing, regenerative and other useful properties. Apply medicinal decoctions from chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, nettle. Decoction of room temperature performs rinsing, irrigation, oral baths 5-6 times a day.

In addition to these methods, you need to know what to do at home. First of all, you need to lie down, calm down, try to relax. Need to measure arterial pressure and with its increase, drink an antihypertensive drug.

Ways to stop bleeding can be combined, so when applying a tampon, you can apply a cold compress. In the absence of results for more than 1–1.5 hours, you need to call or visit the doctor who removed the tooth, or contact the nearest dentist.

In the dentist's office

To stop bleeding, the dentist performs the following manipulations:

  1. Cleans the alveolar socket.
  2. Checks the socket of the extracted tooth for the remains of fragments.
  3. Treats the wound with antiseptics.
  4. Puts on a tampon.

If the blood does not stop within 15–20 minutes, the following methods are used:

  • imposition of hemostatic agents - sponge, fibrin film with albucid or fibrin, caprofer, aminocaproic acid, collapan;
  • imposition of iodoform turunda;
  • injection of hemostatic agents;
  • squeezing the area of ​​surgical intervention;
  • suturing - is carried out only with a complete stop of bleeding to prevent complications;
  • ligation of vessels - is carried out in case of damage to large vessels;
  • electrocoagulation - a procedure in which cauterization of blood vessels is carried out. The procedure is effective for hypertension, blood diseases, poor clotting.

Patients who had a long time or stood out in in large numbers blood, prescribe drugs (dicinone). With high blood pressure, it is recommended to take a blood pressure lowering drug.

If the patient uses hemolytic blood-thinning drugs, you need to refrain from using them for several days. Patients are recommended rest, abstinence from physical activity, visits to the bathhouse, and a repeated prophylactic appointment is prescribed.

What can not be done?

After surgery, the doctor gives patients recommendations that must be followed in postoperative period.

To prevent the occurrence of various complications, it is recommended:

  • remove the gauze swab after 20 minutes;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • do not rinse the mouth on the day of removal;
  • do not suck or remove a blood clot from the hole;
  • you can not brush your teeth on the extraction side for 12 hours;
  • refrain from eating hot, cold, spicy and hard foods;
  • you can not go to the bath, sauna or take a hot bath;
  • you can not play sports;
  • you need to refrain from strong physical exertion.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing secondary bleeding of the wound and complications in the form of inflammation of the hole. To do this, the dentist and the patient must adhere to certain rules.

Prevention for the doctor consists in taking a patient's history, determining the state of health and the presence of diseases, careful extraction of teeth, stopping bleeding and recommendations to the patient in the postoperative period.

Preventive measures for the patient include: warnings from the dentist about diseases (blood, hypertension), about taking medicines about the state of health. After the operation, the patient must carefully follow the doctor's prescriptions, do not miss taking medications, and carefully perform hygienic care of the oral organs.

It can be concluded that bleeding after tooth extraction is a common symptom. When a complication occurs, safe and effective ways stop bleeding. With the exact implementation of the rules of prevention, the postoperative period will pass easily and without complications.

Useful video about what happens after tooth extraction

How much blood goes after childbirth? Postpartum bleeding is a physiological norm, which manifests itself in ninety-eight cases. With the help of it, the woman's body can gradually return to normal. Postpartum hemorrhage cleans the uterus itself from the placenta present in it and the so-called lochia, as well as from the remaining pieces of the placenta. These specific secretions begin to be released almost immediately after the completion of childbirth, and this can last for about a month and a half, in some cases more. But this does not always happen and the blood can flow quite strongly, which is a pathology.

Causes of bleeding

The duration of these secretions can be from two to six weeks, which is the norm. The amount of time that blood flows after childbirth directly depends on the blood clotting of the woman who has given birth, the ability of the uterus to contract, the function of tissue repair, and so on. An interesting fact is that breastfeeding women endure the recovery process much easier and faster.

Normally, it bleeds quite intensively after childbirth, but then less blood gradually begins to be released and, as a result, it turns into meager brown discharge, which ends. It is this condition that is the norm and lasts about six weeks.

In itself, postpartum hemorrhage after the birth of a child during the first two hours and the first day is caused by such reasons:

In itself, postpartum hemorrhage after the birth of a child during the first two hours and the first day is caused by such reasons:

  1. Poor blood clotting of a woman in labor, it is quite simple to distinguish it - bleeding in the afterbirth period occurs without clots and lumps, that is, in a stream. That is, thrombosis in this situation is violated. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, immediately before the birth itself and shortly before them, blood should be donated to general analysis. In addition, the use of any anticoagulant drugs should be discontinued.
  2. Too rapid delivery, which is accompanied by ruptures, that is, the uterus and its neck in particular, as well as the vagina are damaged, here the bleeding continues much longer.
  3. Placenta accreta, which makes it difficult to restore the uterus and causes bleeding in the afterbirth.
  4. The impossibility of the contractile function of the uterus, which occurs due to excessive stretching of the walls, due to polyhydramnios, a large fetus or twins.
  5. Myoma of the uterus and fibroids inside it.

There are certain causes of bleeding, for which blood is released even after two weeks, these include:

  • after a cesarean section, a woman may experience spasms, after which blood clots are released;
  • if parts of the placenta remain in the uterine region;
  • inflammation, due to which the recovery process is difficult.

Thus, if a woman in the early period does not stop bleeding from the genital organs for a long time and, in addition, it has an abundant character, you need to turn, since the reason lies in pathological changes.


Bleeding after childbirth is a physiological process that occurs normally, but women often have a question - how long does bleeding after childbirth last and why. The answer to this question is quite simple, the point here is that when carrying a baby, the placenta is attached to the uterine walls and communicates with it with the help of blood vessels. During labor, the placenta is released from attachment, exposing the vessels. Naturally, they begin to bleed, which leads to a copious discharge of blood.

Normally, literally after the birth of a baby, mothers who have given birth experience new contractions that provoke the uterus to contract and squash the blood vessels, which prevents postpartum hemorrhage, this happens at an early stage.

You should not be afraid of blood loss, as it was invented by nature itself, that is, when carrying a baby, the volume of this fluid doubles and bleeding in the early postpartum period is a protective reaction of the body itself, aimed at a speedy recovery.

When contacting a doctor due to the fact that blood discharge does not stop after childbirth, a woman needs to indicate two parameters for research: the specificity and volume of blood. In this case, the specialist often notes a violation of the rhythm of the heart, pressure, as well as general malaise.

Based on physiological parameters, normal bleeding in the early postpartum period is no more than 0.5% of the total body weight of the woman who has given birth. But often there are situations in which the indicator is higher and severe bleeding occurs after childbirth, which is a pathology.

If this volume of blood lost begins to exceed 1% of the total body weight of the woman in labor, then critical blood loss occurs. Such conditions lead to irreversible consequences and can be fatal.

This condition occurs with a weak tone of the uterus or with its complete absence. The more neglected the condition, the worse it can be restored with treatment. Moreover, the use of drugs, whose action is aimed at reducing the myometrium, allows you to stop heavy postpartum bleeding a little, but only for a short time.

The reaction of the body in this case is manifested as follows:

  1. Arterial hypotension.
  2. Pallor skin.
  3. Tachycardia.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. General malaise.

In the female body, the blood secreted from the uterus after childbirth is called lochia, it is the blood itself with the remnants of the endometrium of the uterus and with an admixture of bacteria.

A deviation from the norm is considered to be a state in which the following situations occur:

  • the duration of bleeding exceeds six weeks;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • the discharge becomes yellow-green, turning periodically into brown, which also occurs in the early postpartum period;
  • after childbirth, bleeding of an unstable nature, which can be either scarce or plentiful;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • symptoms of intoxication.

An unpleasant odor indicates the presence of an infection in the body, which penetrates quite easily into the body weakened after childbirth.

If a woman has the symptoms described above, and they last more than a month, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor, as they are about the development of infectious diseases, endometriosis, and so on. This should be done even in the early postpartum period, which will greatly facilitate the recovery process.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

Diagnosing the presence of pathologies is possible even during pregnancy, using the study of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets, which can be done even at early stage bearing a baby. It is also important to take into account blood clotting.

The muscular reaction of the uterus is examined in the third period of labor, and the muscles should not be flabby or contract weakly, as well as:

  • first of all, it is necessary to examine the placenta, which, after the birth of the child, should come out intact;
  • the fetal membrane is examined;
  • the birth canal is examined, on which no injuries should be seen.

In special cases, doctors practice the introduction of a woman who has given birth general anesthesia, after which you can manually examine the uterus for ruptures, placenta remnants, tumors and other pathologies that interfere with the contractility of the myometrium.

If bleeding needs to be examined in the late postpartum period, then only the ultrasound method is used, which helps to detect the remains of the placenta or membranes.

Normally, the discharge of blood itself should eventually change to yellowish leukocyte discharge, but if this does not happen and the discharge begins to smell strange or the blood is released with greater intensity, then it is necessary to seek help from specialists. The same applies to the situation if a month has already passed after the birth, but the blood continues to flow with the same intensity.

To start treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of this situation. For the purpose of treatment, an exclusively integrated approach should be used, including the use of medications and invasive methods.

In order to provoke the contractile function of the uterus, a special catheter is inserted into the woman's urethra, allowing her to go to urinate, and ice is applied to her stomach. If necessary, massage of the uterus is allowed, but only with a gentle method. Sometimes all the measures taken do not give results, then uterotonic drugs are administered intravenously, sometimes injections of drugs with prostaglandins are made into the cervix.

The lost plasma volume is replenished with specific infusion-transfusion therapy. To do this, plasma-replacing medicines, as well as blood components, are injected into the vein of the woman who gave birth.

When tears are noticed, anesthesia is administered, after which the specialist sews up the damage. Abundant bleeding after childbirth, the causes of which are injuries and damage, is eliminated by the same method.

The applied manual cleansing of the uterus takes place in case of violation of the integrity of the placenta, which occurs only after the introduction of general anesthesia, this will help the discharge to pass more quickly.

There are cases when, as a result of a manual rupture, a uterine rupture is detected, in this case, there is a need for suturing, laparotomy, or even removal of this organ.

Surgical intervention is necessary in case of placenta accreta to the uterus, and also if it is impossible to stop bleeding in the postpartum period.

These manipulations are carried out only in combination with the compensation of lost blood and the stabilization of blood pressure. All these manipulations are carried out in the maternity ward.

As for preventive methods, the following activities will help to reduce the intensity and duration:

  1. Try to go to the toilet as often as possible, as a full intestine and bladder squeeze the uterus, which prevents it from contracting normally and it bleeds with renewed vigor.
  2. Observe the hygiene of the genitals, do not have sexual intercourse and do not take a bath. These measures will help to avoid infection of the weakened body of the woman who has given birth.
  3. A month after giving birth, do not engage in physical activity.
  4. To end bleeding as soon as possible, you need to sleep on your stomach, which will help the uterus contract faster.
  5. Feed your baby exclusively breast milk, which leads to the fact that the discharge of blood ends faster.
  6. Don't overheat.

Using Data simple tips, many women will be able to protect themselves from many unpleasant consequences during the period when they have bleeding in the afterbirth and early postpartum period.

But, first of all, you should know that the fact that how many days after childbirth women bleed from the genitals is purely individual feature and the approach to this problem should also be individual.

By the birth of a child, a woman's body is freed from excess fluid and a woman should not be afraid that she will become severely dehydrated due to blood loss.

After childbirth, a woman may experience bleeding from the vagina for some time. This may well be normal when female body cleared from the placenta. However, there are cases that it bleeds due to any disease or postpartum complications. How long should blood flow after childbirth and how not to confuse this with a pathological process?

The reasons

Postpartum bleeding usually subsides as soon as breastfeeding is started.

Normally, bleeding after childbirth stops quickly due to the production of the hormone oxytocin, which appears in large quantities as soon as nipples are stimulated during breastfeeding. Doctors themselves can prescribe injections with such a substance so that the woman in labor does not have a lot of blood loss.

If the reproductive organ cannot recover on its own after the birth of the baby, it is normal to contract, then we are talking about pathology. This is due to the fact that the delivery took place with complications:

  • injury;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • large fetal weight;
  • problems with the placenta;
  • education in the uterus;
  • blood does not clot;
  • a large weight loss of a woman in labor in the last month of pregnancy.

If spotting in the uterus did not begin immediately after childbirth, but after a certain period of time (for example, after a week), then we can talk about infectious disease, other signs suggest this, for example, heat body.


Postpartum hemorrhage can be characterized by the amount or amount of discharge and its color. At the same time, the girl complains about bad feeling, general weakness, pressure surges. Physiological normal blood loss is no more than half a percent of the total mass.

Important! If the indicator is higher, then it is impossible to talk about the variant of the norm. Deterioration general condition occurs with blood loss up to 1%, if higher, then this indicator is considered critical, and the woman needs medical help immediately. The consequences of the last blood loss can be irreversible, so you need to be very sensitive to your health. You need to call an ambulance, the doctors will enter necessary drugs, which will interrupt the profuse blood loss. If the loss was significant, then a transfusion will be required.

Bleeding after childbirth can occur if the uterus for some reason does not contract as it should. At the same time, the woman feels weak, she feels dizzy, the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops, which means that the skin turns pale. It is best to contact specialists in time and avoid such a state.

There are times when the uterus does not contract after childbirth, then the bleeding is prolonged, and the woman's health worsens.


How many days does it bleed after childbirth? Bleeding after childbirth for up to six weeks is normal. In this case, spotting can alternately either stop or resume. This is typical for those women who try to play sports after childbirth or do not sit still. To stop blood loss, it is enough just to rest more and reduce the load on the body.

Bleeding occurs suddenly within a month after delivery. How much blood goes in this case after childbirth? If no more than two days, then there is no reason to go to the doctor, if more, then a visit to the gynecologist is necessary.

If everything is fine with the health of the woman in labor, then the bleeding decreases in volume over time, that is, every week there is less and less blood, it is not so scarlet. If there is no decrease in the amount of discharge, then you need to make an appointment with a specialist and undergo a procedure for cleaning the uterus. If this is not done, then you can only aggravate the problem, provoke inflammation.

The most dangerous problem is when the bleeding stopped after childbirth, but suddenly blood began to flow in large quantities, of a bright color. Such a loss of blood threatens the life of mom, so you can not hesitate - immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized.

When to go to the doctor?

Pathological uterine bleeding immediately after the birth process, doctors control, if necessary, they even cut out the reproductive organ, if the current situation threatens the life of the patient.

If something remains in the reproductive organ, for example, the placenta, then all the remains are removed manually, while the girl is under anesthesia.

If a woman feels bad for the entire period of lochia, her stomach hurts, a temperature appears, blood alternately appears and disappears, then this condition of the patient requires medical care. It is important to remember that the big exercise stress after childbirth is prohibited, it is because of this that health problems often appear.

How much blood is normal after childbirth? Lochia can last up to 4-6 weeks. But if already in the first week there is no gradual decrease in the amount of blood discharge, then it makes sense to consult a doctor.

If a week after the birth, the bleeding does not decrease, and the state of health worsens, then this is a reason to consult a doctor

Diagnostic tests for postpartum hemorrhage

Before prescribing treatment, when the bleeding began in the mother, it is necessary with the help of tests and other medical examinations determine the cause of the bleeding. Even during pregnancy, doctors monitor the condition of the girl, control the change in hemoglobin, the number of platelets and red blood cells in the blood. It is imperative to establish how well the blood of the woman in labor coagulates.

The fact that the uterus is weak, cannot contract on its own, cannot be known in advance, since the birth itself is mainly to blame for this. During the diagnostic studies, the organ is completely viewed, it is studied whether the placenta, the placenta has come out, whether the birth canal is injured.

Important!The reason why it bleeds long after childbirth is established using ultrasound.


The question of how long it takes to bleed after childbirth has already been decided, usually no more than six weeks. The whole process is conditionally divided into stages, when the discharge is characterized by quantity, color and smell.

  1. The first three days are the most abundant bleeding, while the blood can be saturated with scarlet. Do not panic, the uterus overgrows and recovers, the female body is cleansed.
  2. For the next two weeks, there is no clear blood of a bright color, the discharge is more pink or brownish, the intensity decreases significantly every day. If such a stage is not skipped, then the restoration of the uterus occurs in the normal mode.

Important! If the birth was not natural, then the genital organ will heal even longer due to the large wound. Painless discharge that appears up to the sixth week is normal, there is no point in worrying.


There can be much more pathological processes, all of them are associated with complications that occurred during childbirth or during pregnancy. What signs indicate that bleeding after childbirth is not a variant of the norm?

  • duration more than 1.5 months;
  • scanty pink or brown discharge suddenly changes to intense scarlet discharge;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • pain in the abdomen and back;
  • dizziness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the discharge is distinguished by a putrid or rotten smell, as well as an unnatural yellow or greenish tint.

With a visit to the doctor, it is better not to hesitate, if the bleeding is life-threatening - do not hesitate, but call an ambulance.

If bleeding does not stop within a month after childbirth, then this may indicate various kinds of complications.

How to treat?

The treatment is prescribed mixed, that is, it is impossible to solve the problem with drugs alone, drug therapy combined with invasive. Even in the maternity hospital, doctors first empty the bladder so that the uterus can contract on its own, for this they put a catheter, ice is placed on the bottom of the tummy, and an external massage is done. Not always all these measures help to achieve the desired effect.

Sometimes a woman needs a blood transfusion, she may receive donor plasma or red blood cells. If the integrity of the placenta has been violated, then a procedure for manual cleaning and suturing of the wounds formed during childbirth is needed.

In the event that the uterus has severely ruptured, it can be removed so that the life of the woman is not in the balance. In this case, during the operation, blood or donor material is transfused, blood pressure is controlled.

There are times when a blood transfusion may be required to stabilize well-being.

Prevention measures

How to reduce the risk of bleeding after childbirth?

  1. Empty your bladder and bowels regularly. If these organs are full, then they put a lot of pressure on the uterus and provoke problems.
  2. Monitor intimate hygiene.
  3. It is forbidden to swim in open natural reservoirs, a pool and even a bath if the birth was recent or the waters have broken, and the contractions have not yet begun.
  4. Intimate relations with a spouse are prohibited.
  5. Physical activity has a bad effect on the recovery of the uterus.
  6. The reproductive organ contracts faster if you often lie on your stomach.
  7. Breastfeeding increases the production of a hormone that is more responsible for the contraction, cleansing and repair of the uterus.
  8. Overheating is prohibited. It is better to give up going to saunas and baths, and in hot weather stay in a cool room.

Summing up

Bleeding should not be confused with the return of periods, which return after two months if the baby is not breastfed. On average, in a woman who has given birth, menstruation returns after six months, they go irregularly, the discharge is plentiful, and the onset of menstruation is accompanied by pain (but they are, on the contrary, almost painless, the return of menstruation after childbirth is an individual process).

Lochia after childbirth (bloody discharge, which indicates the process of cleaning the uterus) normally lasts a month, but not more than 6 weeks. it natural process, in the event that their duration, quantity, color and smell correspond to the norm. But some signs may indicate complications in the woman's body (too much discharge, the wrong color, with an unpleasant odor, etc.). If necessary, in case of deviations, it is better to immediately contact a female doctor. And in case of sudden severe bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Having given birth to a child, a woman feels joy and relief. Now she can fully feel like a mother. But there may be some troubles that can overshadow this period. It's about postpartum hemorrhage. In most cases, everything is not as scary as it seems, because many people understand this term even as a meager discharge that is normal. However, a deviation from physiological parameters can pose a serious danger, which requires close attention from the woman in labor.

General information

The postpartum period begins from the moment the placenta leaves the uterus - the placenta with membranes - and lasts for 6 weeks. During this time, involutive (reverse) changes occur in the reproductive system and organs that have undergone changes during pregnancy. In other words, the female body gradually returns to its original state.

Immediately after childbirth, the inner surface of the uterus is an almost continuous wound surface. But due to the contraction of muscle fibers, its size is minimized. The uterus decreases in volume, descending lower and lower into the cavity of the small pelvis and on the 10th day is already behind the pubic joint. This contributes breast-feeding during which the hormone oxytocin is produced.

At the end of 2-3 weeks, the cervical canal also closes. But the mucous membrane - the endometrium - requires a longer recovery. The basal epithelium grows by 10 days after birth, and the complete formation of the functional layer will occur only by the end of the entire period.

Normal changes

It is very important for women to know how long bleeding after childbirth lasts and how heavy it can be. Physiological secretions that are observed during this period are called lochia. In the first 2–3 days, they are quite abundant and consist mainly of blood with clots. In general, the volume of blood loss in the afterbirth and early postpartum periods should not exceed 0.5% of the woman's body weight. This is considered the norm and is not able to have a negative effect on the body.

But already at the end of the first week, the discharge becomes more scarce, acquiring a brownish tint. Only under the influence of certain factors, such as physical activity, sexual intercourse or straining, there is an increase in lochia. Over time, they transform into sanious or yellowish, completely disappearing at 6 weeks. But if the spotting is prolonged, becomes abundant or resumes after a break, then you should definitely consult a doctor. And the specialist will already determine what is the reason and give appropriate recommendations.

Physiological secretions are especially abundant during the first 3 days, and then they decrease and become less bloody.

Pathological processes

Postpartum hemorrhage is a serious obstetric pathology that is fraught with a real danger to a woman's life. It may occur in different periods, which is reflected in the existing classification:

  • Early - within the first 2 hours.
  • Later - for the remaining 6 weeks after birth.

When a woman loses more blood than expected, it is necessary to figure out what this is connected with and what measures to take. But this must be done in the shortest possible time.

The reasons

The appearance of bleeding after childbirth is a rather formidable sign, indicating deviations during the physiological period or certain disorders in the woman's body. The causes of this pathology are:

  • Violation of the separation of the placenta and placenta (tight attachment, increment, retention or pinching of individual particles in the uterus).
  • Reduced uterine contractility (hypo- or atony).
  • Disorders in the coagulation system (coagulopathy).
  • Traumatic injuries of the genital tract.

It should be said that most of these conditions have their own predisposing factors and provoking aspects. They must be taken into account when carrying out diagnostic measures. For example, hypo- or atony of the uterus often occurs in women with concomitant phenomena and problems:

  • Polyhydramnios, large fetus, multiple pregnancy (distension of the uterus).
  • Tumor processes (myomas, polyps).
  • Late toxicosis.
  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus (saddle-shaped, bicornuate).
  • Placental complications (previa, true increment, detachment).
  • Neurohormonal disorders and endocrinopathies.
  • Weakness of labor activity.
  • Operational interventions.
  • Inadequate drug therapy (with the appointment of uterotonics, antispasmodics, tocolytics).

The causes of coagulopathic bleeding may be general diseases of the hemostasis system or hemorrhagic diathesis, which include hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, hypofibrinogenemia and others. But much more important are secondary conditions, in particular, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation). It develops under various conditions:

  • Premature detachment of the placenta.
  • Gestosis (severe preeclampsia, eclampsia).
  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • Amniotic fluid embolism.
  • Massive blood loss.
  • Transfusion of a large volume of blood.
  • extragenital diseases ( diabetes, heart defects, renal and hepatic pathology, oncology).

Given the variety of probable causes, each case requires individual consideration. To understand what processes have become the source of bleeding, an appropriate examination is necessary. And only a doctor can carry out a full diagnosis, so the only way to solve the problem lies through the consultation of a specialist.

Causes of postpartum hemorrhage can be various states- associated with obstetric complications, gynecological or extragenital pathology.


Bleeding on early dates, i.e., in the first 2 hours after childbirth, can occur for almost any reason from the above. But most often we are talking about placental (afterbirth) anomalies, uterine hypo- or atony. There may be signs of coagulopathy, but this is less common. In the first case, there is a delay in the placenta in the uterus - it does not come out for half an hour - or appears with a defect on the surface (signs of an additional lobule). The doctor checks for special symptoms that indicate the separation of the placenta:

  • Schroeder - the uterus becomes narrower and lengthens, deviating to the side.
  • Alfeld - lengthening the outer edge of the umbilical cord.
  • Kyustner-Chukalov - when pressed over the pubis, the umbilical cord is not retracted.

If they are negative, then the placenta is still attached to the uterus and auxiliary techniques are required to remove it and, accordingly, stop the bleeding. With hypotension, the uterus may initially contract normally and then relax, leading to a gradual increase in symptoms.

There are also reverse cases, when massive blood loss occurs immediately. On palpation, the uterus is soft to the touch, enlarged - the bottom is located above the navel line. She does not respond to external stimuli: massage or the introduction of uterotonics. Abundant bleeding leads to an increase in general symptoms:

  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Pallor.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Pulse increase.

Uncontrolled bleeding leads to hemorrhagic shock and DIC. And the latter is characterized by microcirculatory and ischemic disorders due to numerous thromboses of small vessels. But in the future, hypocoagulation develops due to the depletion of the reserves of the coagulation system. In turn, this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Bleeding from various parts of the body: uterus, surgical wounds, teeth, kidneys, lungs, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Local necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Multiple organ failure.
  • Anemia and intravascular hemolysis.
  • Euphoria, disorientation, impaired consciousness.

This is a very serious condition that poses a threat to the life of the puerperal. Severe and neglected cases, unfortunately, end unfavorably. But with early emergency measures, the prognosis is much better.

Another situation in which blood may appear after childbirth is the rupture of a woman's genital tract. They are observed quite often, especially with a large fetus, post-term pregnancy, rapid labor and the use of assistive devices (obstetric forceps). Bleeding can become protracted and noticeable already in the early period. Tears often spread to neighboring tissues: from the vagina to the perineum, from the cervix to the uterus. If the urinary tract is damaged, blood will leak from the urethra (hematuria).

Clinical symptoms in postpartum hemorrhage can vary significantly, which facilitates the diagnosis. But common signs also exist.

Additional diagnostics

To pinpoint the cause spotting after the birth of the child, the doctor will prescribe additional studies. Depending on the situation, they are carried out in a planned or urgent manner. As a rule, such diagnostic procedures:

  • Detailed complete blood count (erythrocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, color index, ESR).
  • Coagulogram (fibrinogen, prothrombin index, plasma clotting and recalcification time, fibrinolytic activity).
  • Ultrasound of the uterus.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Colposcopy.

It is necessary to establish the cause of bleeding as early as possible, in which the results of additional studies help. Focusing on them, the doctor will prescribe a therapeutic correction to the woman to eliminate the source of the pathology and its consequences. And by what methods this will be done - conservative or surgical - depends on the severity and origin of bleeding. But in any case, you can hope for a full recovery of health.