What refers to neoplasms in the body. Malignant neoplasms

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The meaning of the word neoplasm

neoplasm in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


neoplasms, cf. (book and special).

    The appearance of previously non-existent forms or elements. The neoplasm process.

    A newly emerged element, form, etc. Tumors are neoplasms. Abbreviated names - neoplasm in Russian.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


I, cf. The emergence of new forms or elements of something., as well as the newly formed form itself, the element. malignant n. in the lungs (tumor).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    The appearance of new forms or elements of smth.

    A newly emerged element, form, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


NEW FORMATION (innovation) in linguistics - a new phenomenon in the language, mainly in the field of morphology, which arose in this language in a later era of its development.



  • In medicine, a tumor.
  • In soil science, a morphologically well-formed accumulation of minerals, clearly separated from the soil mass, which arose in the process of hypergenesis and soil formation.
  • In linguistics - innovation, a new phenomenon in the language (mainly in its morphology), which arose in the process of its development.

Examples of the use of the word neoplasm in the literature.

In the future, the German scientist Remak established the law that is still valid today neoplasms and tissue growth, according to which every cell comes from a cell by its reproduction and cannot be formed with all its complex details from an unformed blastema.

There was found a small precancerous neoplasm, so small that it was very difficult to detect it.

This is apparently due to the fact that certain somatic mutations serve as a preparation for the next, precancerous, which, after a series of further divisions, already lead to cells. neoplasms.

Sanatorium-resort treatment is contraindicated for persons suffering from infectious, including venereal diseases, mental disorders, as well as those who can be harmed by staying at a resort - in the acute phase of various diseases, with a tendency to bleeding, with neoplasms, especially of malignant origin, and women in the second half of pregnancy, as well as in the presence of obstetric pathology.

The age structure includes a description of the social situation of the child's development, the leading type of activity and the main psychological neoplasms age.

These neoplasms do not correspond to the old social situation of development, go beyond it.

However, the body is such a complex system that any unnecessary excess of complexity increases the chances of discoordination, the emergence of pathological forms leading to neoplasms etc.

In it, and handed over to him for safekeeping, casually thrown into his pantries, thinking, without which an even superficial fence of a part of the army already begins, acquainting us with the texts of textbooks of an unprecedented quality, consisting of continuous suffixation, cases and neoplasms, freely crawling in place and sometimes crushed on it, applause sounds around, friendly exclamations, screams shake our world without a word, without a thought, which cubically crowd at the aisles and I, waving a conductor's baton, cause a rapid decoding, analysis of the strokes of the hieroglyphs of the gates of the checkpoint, and the column swiftly flies, squinting, transversely many-armed, longitudinally many-legged, into a gap without hieroglyphs, into the territory of a part of the army.

It seems that it was not some random law that stuck, but simply everything has already come into its intended form, planned by a certain idea, and then nothing happens. neoplasms, because if at first all processes were subordinated to this idea, then with its implementation, the internal force of the development of processes was transformed into the force of maintaining the stability of the planned result.

Most frequent localization malignant neoplasms is the lip, oral mucosa, tongue.

So, it was often found that in women the development of malignant neoplasms in the field related to gynecology, acute psychotraumatization and conflicts on sexual grounds preceded.

In other cases, they were aware of the destructive forces that supposedly underlay the development of malignant neoplasms and tried to neutralize them.

There is reason to think that motivations formulated in words are generally not characteristic of a fairy tale, and motivations in general can be considered with a high degree of probability. neoplasms.

Zavadovsky, do you recognize the theory of stage development, was it not, for the first time in the history of science, an experimental proof and a demonstration of ways to consolidate neoplasms, ways of hereditary acquisition of new traits?

Many people mistakenly call any growths in the body cancerous tumors. This is a gross mistake, since the formations have a complex classification, each species has individual characteristics, symptoms and prognosis.

The proposed article will help to understand this issue: it discusses in detail the main types and most common forms of neoplasms.

What are neoplasms?

Neoplasms are called tumors, the study of which is engaged in oncology. At their core, they are a cluster of identical cells, which is localized in a specific area. Today, this problem is widespread and is considered one of the main social problems.

All neoplasms can be divided into two main groups - benign and malignant tumors, each of which has several hundred varieties.

Causes of neoplasms

Given the variety of forms and types of neoplasms, they can occur for various reasons.

Ultraactive spray against all types of papillomas and warts has already helped many of my patients. The composition contains unique, natural ingredients. Silver nanoparticles, active oxygen and silver ions - kill the HPV virus, regardless of the depth of localization.

Therefore, there is simply no point in doubting the effectiveness of the remedy, as I have recommended it, and will continue to recommend it to all patients.

Types of neoplasms on the skin

All neoplasms on the skin are divided into benign and malignant tumors. Sometimes a borderline form is also distinguished, which is precancerous stage and over time can develop into a malignant tumor. All of these groups include a large number of a variety of formations, the most common options are discussed in more detail below.

Malignant neoplasms

Malignant neoplasms are tumors that gradually grow over time, wedging in and destroying adjacent tissues. The destruction of the nerves encountered on their way leads to acute pain, and damage to the vessels leads to the opening of internal bleeding.

Tumor cells do not have adhesion and spread throughout the body along with the blood, settling in the internal organs or tissues, which leads to the formation of metastases. Very often, even after treatment or surgical intervention relapses may occur.

Get rid of papillomas, moles and warts!

Many women, having seen warts, papillomas, moles on themselves, want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

We dream of being beautiful, but often moles and warts cause discomfort, undermining self-confidence.

It has the following properties:

  • Without damage to the skin, instantly removes age spots, moles, freckles, age spots, scars, tattoos
  • Does not require special training
  • Easy to carry, lasts more than five hours on a single charge
  • We use 3 different levels for different purposes
  • The set contains 5 thin and 1 large nozzles - ideal for removing tattoos, age spots, freckles

Develops from the pigment cells of moles, this is one of the most common forms of malignant neoplasms.

Melanoma is a common form of cancer, this form of the disease is characterized by an increased degree of aggressiveness, the prognosis in most cases is unfavorable. Most often, melanoma begins to develop on new moles, although in some cases old pigments are also affected.

A number of characteristic manifestations can indicate such a diagnosis, therefore, at the first signs, you should immediately seek professional advice. medical care, because at later stages, treatment is much more difficult.

A photo

Below is a photograph that demonstrates the external manifestation of melanoma:


The main symptoms that are observed when melanoma occurs are given below:

  1. A rapid increase in the size of a mole, in just six months it can increase several times.
  2. A change in the color of the mole, it can be either lightening or darkening. At the same time, it can change its color over the entire surface or in certain places.
  3. A change in shape, usually with a lack of symmetry.
  4. The absence of obvious boundaries, since the pigment merges with the skin.
  5. The appearance of ulcers at the site of a mole.
  6. Sharp pain.
  7. Loss of hairs growing on a mole.

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"For a long time I experienced inconvenience from dandruff and hair loss. Standard shampoos helped, but the effect was short-lived. And this complex was recommended by a friend who used it herself. Great product!

The skin stopped itching, the hair combed well and was not so greasy. The fallout stopped fairly quickly. I could not even dream of such an effect! I recommend."

It is another form of blood cancer, in this case, the tumor occurs due to the accumulation of epithelial cells. The elderly are at risk, although under the influence of provoking factors, such a neoplasm can occur in any person.

Unlike many other forms of cancer, basalioma does not metastasize, the course of the disease is actually always benign, and most experts agree that such a diagnosis cannot lead to death.

The only exception is squamous cell type of basalioma, but it occurs only in 20% of all cases. However, there is always an extremely high probability of recurrence: no treatment method is capable of guaranteeing a complete cure today.

Basalioma should not be started because early stage getting rid of it is much easier. Ulcers measuring 10cm or more usually involve internal tissues and nerves, making therapy difficult. In some situations, death occurs from possible complications.

A photo

Below is a photograph of a basalioma that gives an idea of ​​what this neoplasm looks like:


At the initial stage, the basalioma is virtually invisible and often cannot be recognized in a timely manner, but then the following symptoms begin to appear:

  1. The appearance of surface formations, they are usually single and have a dense structure.
  2. All formations necessarily have a small internal depression.
  3. The shape may be different, but the boundaries of the neoplasm are always clearly defined, the diameter usually does not exceed a centimeter.
  4. The resulting tumor slightly rises above the outer layers of the skin.
  5. The appearance of a slight itching, which is initially absent.
  6. The presence of visually distinguishable nodules, which are especially noticeable when the skin is pulled. Their color can be white, sometimes there are yellowish or grayish shades.
  7. Painful sensations that begin to occur as the neoplasm grows.
  8. Crusts on the surface of the tumor, their removal usually leads to the opening of bleeding.

Stories from our readers!
“Last year, soft growths appeared on the neck, which were often injured on clothes. The doctor said that these were papillomas and advised to remove them surgically.

Found this on the internet and decided to give it a try. The drug helped. A month later, the formations dried up and fell off. I hope they don't pop up again."

It was named after the Hungarian dermatologist who first described this disease, which primarily affects patients with HIV infection.

Kaposi's sarcoma is characterized by multiple lesions of malignant neoplasms. This process usually provokes the herpes virus type 8, therefore, not only people with HIV infection, but also local residents of the equatorial part of Africa are at risk; inhabitants of the Mediterranean, having reached old age, and transplant patients internal organs.

When making an appropriate diagnosis, local or systemic treatment depending on the stage of the disease and other features of the situation.

Kaposi's sarcoma itself does not pose a threat to health, but it greatly degrades the aesthetics appearance and leads to psychological discomfort. It is also capable of causing complications that disrupt the functioning of the respiratory or digestive system, which is much more dangerous than the neoplasms themselves.

A photo

Photo below external symptoms Kaposi's sarcoma allows you to understand what these neoplasms look like:


The presence of Kaposi's sarcoma is usually indicated by the following symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  1. The appearance of spots on the skin, which may be pink, red, blue or purple. When touched or otherwise mechanically affected, they do not brighten.
  2. The appearance of a blistering rash, which is similar to the external manifestation of lichen erythematosus and can sometimes interfere with diagnosis. There is a gradual growth of the nodes, sometimes they reach the size of a rather large walnut.
  3. The affected area often dries up and begins to peel off, a spider vein is visible on the nodes.
  4. Pain that occurs with mechanical pressure on the nodes. In some situations, for example, with damage to the mucous membrane oral cavity The pain may never end.

It is the most common and well-known type of malignant neoplasms affecting soft tissues. Usually this disease occurs in male patients over 40 years of age who have any benign tumors.

At risk are people who come into contact with asbestos, as well as take various hormonal preparations. When diagnosing the disease, specialists face a number of difficulties, since it is extremely difficult to recognize liposarcoma at the initial stages, and the tumors themselves are not palpable even during palpation.

To date, the following forms of this neoplasm are distinguished:

  1. Poorly differentiated liposarcoma is the most common type, outwardly neoplasms look like ordinary fatty compounds that have a tendency to actively grow.
  2. Myxoid liposarcoma is a borderline form, tumor cells look and behave normally upon closer examination, but the neoplasm can begin to grow at any time.
  3. Pleomorphic liposarcoma is extremely rare, it affects mostly only the limbs.
  4. Dedifferentiable liposarcoma is a subspecies of the classical form, but the neoplasm is characterized by more aggressive behavior, there is a tendency to frequent metastases.
  5. Mixed liposarcoma is a combined combination of signs of several other forms at once, occurs in extremely rare cases.

A photo

Below is a photo of liposarcoma:


The occurrence of liposarcoma is usually accompanied by the following manifestations:

  1. Problems with breathing, speech, swallowing and urination.
  2. Pain sensations.
  3. A sharp decrease or increase in body weight.
  4. The appearance of nodes that gradually change their color and turn blue.
  5. Numbness of the affected area, if the nerve endings were affected during the growth of the nodes.
  6. General deterioration of well-being.
  7. Excessive fatigue even after a long rest.
  8. Poisoning of the body by various substances produced during pathological processes.

It is worth noting that In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic, all manifestations occur as the tumor develops.

It is a rarer type of malignant neoplasm, but all people can be affected by it, regardless of gender, age and other criteria.

Such tumors affect the fibers of the connective tissues of muscles or tendons. Fibrosarcoma can occur on the skin of any part of the body, but most often it affects the feet, much less often the face or body. The development of neoplasms and other pathological processes occur in the subcutaneous space, the skin itself is affected only in the most aggressive forms of the disease.

A photo

Below is a photo showing a fibrosarcoma that affects the skin:


Fibrosarcoma may not have any symptoms for a long time, but then the following manifestations will testify to it:

  1. The formation of a dense subcutaneous node.
  2. The affected area acquires a bluish-brown color.
  3. Pain is completely absent.
  4. Feeling weak, lethargic.
  5. A sharp decrease in body weight.
  6. The onset of fever.

Benign neoplasms

Benign neoplasms also represent tumors resulting from pathological processes, but the rate of their development is too slow or the disease does not progress at all. The danger is that they can change their shape and become malignant neoplasms.

Is a tumor sebaceous glands, the cause of the occurrence is actually always in their blockage.

To provoke the occurrence of atheroma can:

  • Thickening of the upper layers of the epidermis, as this leads to a deterioration in the outflow of the produced fat and subsequent blockage of the ducts.
  • Changes in the hormonal background can also cause this disease, since against their background there is a change in the density and composition of the fat.
  • Aggressive environmental impact and poor environmental conditions place a person at risk.

A photo

Below is a photo of the skin affected by atheroma:


The main symptom is the appearance of spherical formations that look like this:

  1. The shape of the tumor is always round and regular.
  2. The occurrence of a tumor occurs on the scalp or face, back, neck, armpits or in the area of ​​​​the genital folds, since these places have a large number of sebaceous glands.
  3. The boundaries are clearly defined and distinguishable by simple inspection.
  4. The surface is smooth, the structure is dense.
  5. Pain is present only in case of complications, when there are inflammatory processes and suppuration.

It is another neoplasm of a benevolent nature, the tumor develops from an accumulation of cells on the inner surface of blood vessels.

In the vast majority of cases, hemangioma is a single structure, although sometimes there are several formations. Most often, the disease affects hairy part head or neck, but it also occurs on the eyelids, forehead, inner or outside cheeks, nose and areas around it.

Sometimes the affected area is near the genitals, which can cause a number of complications if infection occurs. stand out various forms hemangiomas, classification is carried out depending on which vessels the tumor develops from.

A photo

Below is a photo showing the external manifestation of a hemangioma:


Symptoms depend on the form of hemangioma, the main manifestations of the neoplasm are described below:

  1. For classic form characterized by the appearance of red or purple seals, which may have a bluish tint. The boundaries of the tumor are clearly defined, with mechanical action it brightens for a while.
  2. With cavernous form there are subcutaneous nodes with a soft and elastic structure, they consist of several cavities filled with blood. The color change only occurs as the tumor grows.
  3. With a combined form symptoms of cavernous and classic hemangioma may be observed, any of the types may predominate.

Very close to the previous variety, but the tumor develops only from the cells of the lymphatic vessels.

The risk group is primarily children from birth to one year, although there are also cases of the occurrence of such neoplasms at a later age. Get full clinical picture It is possible only with X-ray examination, but in all cases the boundaries of the tumor are clearly defined, so its treatment does not cause any difficulties.

A photo

Below is a photograph of a lymphangioma:


External manifestations of lymphangioma depend on the specific form of the neoplasm:

  1. cystic form considered the most common type, it affects the area near the lymph nodes and spreads along the neck.
  2. Cavernous form is an inconspicuous tumor, because they are hidden by intact skin. They can only be detected by palpation, the neoplasm is a soft swelling.
  3. Capillary lymphangioma affects only the face area, it is a small neoplasm of a watery type and with blurred borders. It occurs most often on the cheeks or near the upper lip.

Lipomas- these are benign neoplasms developing from adipose tissue, their main features are discussed below.

Lipoma is a fairly common tumor that can occur virtually anywhere on the body, but it rarely affects the abdomen or legs. This neoplasm significantly worsens the aesthetic appearance, it does not cause other discomfort, since pain are completely absent.

A photo

Below is a photo of a lipoma that affects various parts of the human body:


The symptoms by which a lipoma can be distinguished from other neoplasms are given below:

  1. The formed node is located in the subcutaneous space, its size can vary from 0.5 to 15 cm.
  2. The node has a high degree of mobility, usually it continues to grow slowly, even with a strong weight loss of a person.
  3. Consistency may vary.
  4. Pain is absent even with mechanical action.
  5. Inflammatory processes or the appearance of suppuration is a complication that can be observed with constant friction of the tumor against clothing.

Papillomas and warts

By papillomas, experts understand a large group of benign neoplasms of the warty type on the skin or mucous membranes.

The cause of papillomas is infection with a specific virus, to which people are equally susceptible, regardless of gender or age. There are separate varieties that occur when the virus is transmitted sexually or by contact when using public toilets or visiting swimming pools.

A photo

Below is a photograph of papillomas and warts:


Symptoms may vary depending on the specific form of papillomas that have arisen:

  1. flat warts are the most common type, outwardly they are neoplasms that rise 1-2 mm above the skin. Most often, this disease affects children or young people under the age of 20 years.
  2. common warts outwardly similar to a flat variety, but they rise above the skin by 2-3 mm, and their surface in most cases is rough due to peeling.
  3. Genital warts outwardly similar to cauliflower, such neoplasms occur on the skin of the genital organs, near the anus or on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Moles and nevi

Moles are distinguished by their diversity and are the most common form of benign neoplasms, which is known to every person.

Some moles are congenital, modern medicine associates their appearance with malformations of embryonic development and migration of pigment cells into the skin. At the birth of a child, such neoplasms are invisible, but they begin to manifest themselves in the first years of life.

There are also acquired moles that occur due to excessive insolation of the skin, changes in hormonal levels, or exposure to various infections. Small neoplasms pose no threat, but large moles can cause malignant tumors.

A photo

Below is a photo of moles:


As already noted, moles are distinguished by their diversity, below are examples of how they may look:

  1. The smallest moles have a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 cm, all neoplasms with a diameter of more than 10 cm are considered large.
  2. The color can also vary: it can be dark brown or flesh, which makes the mole almost invisible.
  3. Flat moles are small spots, but there are also voluminous neoplasms in the form of peas.

- This is another type of benign tumor that develops from connective tissue fibers.

It can be present in a person from birth or be acquired. In most cases, it affects the skin and soft tissues, but sometimes the tumor also occurs in the internal cavities. Experts distinguish between hard and soft form, the second type most often occurs in women.

A photo

Below is a photo of a fibroma:


The main symptoms of fibroma differ depending on the form, the features of the external manifestation are described below:

  1. Solid fibroma is a raised growth of skin that is distinct low level mobility. The tumor can be single or multiple, affecting any part of the body or limbs. The color can vary from flesh to pink shades. Most often, fibroma has a smooth surface and is located on the leg.
  2. soft fibroma similar to a pouch located on a leg, and having a pink or brownish color. This neoplasm can occur in the armpits, in the immediate vicinity of the mammary glands or genitals, as well as on the front of the neck.

It is the last type of benign tumors, which will be discussed in the proposed article. Its development always comes from the sheaths of the nerves.

When neurofibroma occurs in childhood the tumor develops from the peripheral nerves, and when signs of a neoplasm appear at the age of 10 years and older, the development is carried out from the central nerves. In most cases, especially when neurofibroma occurs at an older age, the phenomenon is hereditary.

A photo

Below is a photograph of a neurofibroma:


Clinical manifestations of this neoplasm are completely absent, its presence can be suspected in the following cases:

  1. The formation of knotty spots located on the legs.
  2. The spread of age spots, outwardly similar to freckles.
  3. The presence of spots of milky-coffee color.

Neurofibroma can affect any part of the human body with the exception of the feet and hands.

Precancerous conditions

Precancerous conditions are usually understood as pathological processes leading to changes in tissues, which significantly increases the risk of malignant neoplasms. Below are the main types of such conditions.

Today it is considered a rare disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes, and also increases the likelihood of developing into invasive cancer.

Usually at risk are persons over 70 years of age regardless of gender, among the factors provoking Bowen's disease, the impact is chemical substances, ultraviolet radiation or dangerous doses of radiation.

In some cases, the cause of the disease may be mechanical injuries or the presence of dermatological lesions in a chronic form. The main danger to humans is the risk of transition of Bowen's disease to squamous cell carcinoma skin, which is accompanied by tumor growth and metastasis.

A photo

Below is a photograph showing the external manifestations of Bowen's disease:


Bowen's disease has a characteristic symptomatology, which is described below:

  1. The appearance of a red spot on any part of the body, the lesion usually has a round shape and uneven borders.
  2. The appearance of a copper-red plaque that develops in the place where the stain was originally located.
  3. Covering the affected area with yellow or white scales that hide the constantly weeping surface of the skin. Bleeding during the removal of scales is completely absent.
  4. Gradually there is a change in the structure of the plaque, it becomes warty and uneven.
  5. The appearance of ulcers indicates the transition of the disease to cancer.

It is a hereditary disease that always passes into chronic form. The flow features are discussed below.

The disease is most common in Africa and the Middle East, the first symptoms appear in childhood. The risk group consists of children born in closely related marriages.

Pigmentary xeroderma affects persons of any gender, but among girls this disease occurs more frequently. Sometimes it is hidden, in such cases, excessive ultraviolet radiation can become a provoking factor.

A photo

Below is a photograph showing the external manifestations of xeroderma pigmentosa:


The disease begins to manifest itself at the age of six months to a year, exacerbation occurs in the spring or summer.

The symptoms look like this:

  1. The appearance of edema, blisters and redness of the skin in places that have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Preservation of age spots, outwardly similar to freckles, which remain after the passage of inflammation.
  3. Thinning of the skin, increased dryness and cracking occurs with relapses of the disease.
  4. The appearance of papillomas and warty formations in the affected areas is one of the late stages of the disease.
  5. Eye lesions and the development of ophthalmic diseases in parallel with xeroderma pigmentosa are observed in 80% of cases.
  6. Growth retardation and deterioration of the teeth are other symptoms that often accompany the disease.

In rare cases, pigment xeroderma is accompanied by the appearance of malignant neoplasms already in the early stages.

It is a precancerous condition that occurs mainly in the elderly, thanks to which it received the appropriate name.

The cause of senile keratoma is overgrowth of the upper layers of the epidermis, which is accompanied by keratinization of some cells. At risk are people over 50 years old, regardless of gender, who tend to dry out the skin. In most cases, open areas of the body are affected, since exposure to ultraviolet rays is a provoking factor.

A photo

The following is a photo showing external signs senile keratoma:


The symptomatology observed in senile keratoma, described below:

  1. The primary symptom is the appearance of a spot, which may have a yellowish or brownish tint.
  2. In most cases, the lesions are multiple, occasionally there are single spots.
  3. Over time, the affected area becomes pigmented and changes color, becoming red or brown.
  4. As the spot grows, a papule with multiple small depressions forms on its surface.
  5. A rounded plaque with a diameter of about 6 cm is the final form of the lesion.
  6. In some cases, the plaque is covered with keratinized scales, the removal of which leads to the discovery of bleeding.

It is one of the forms of neoplasms, which consists entirely of cells of the prickly layer of the epidermis.

Externally this neoplasm is similar to the horn of an animal which gave it its appropriate name. In most cases, cutaneous horn occurs in the elderly, although it can appear at any age. Provoking factors are the application of mechanical injuries to the skin or severe viral infections.

A photo

Below is a photograph of a skin horn:


When a skin horn occurs, the following characteristic symptoms are usually observed:

  1. The appearance of a neoplasm of a conical shape, which has a yellowish or brown color.
  2. The dense structure of the neoplasm.
  3. Slow growth that occurs only in length.
  4. Around the formed horn, in some cases, a red rim is noticeable.
  5. Inflammatory processes can occur only near the base of the horn and are temporary.

Treatment of neoplasms on the skin

To date, there are the following methods of treatment of neoplasms on the skin:

  1. Chemotherapy.
  2. Radiation therapy.
  3. Surgical excision.

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are practiced only in inoperable cases, but in a situation with malignant neoplasms, the prognosis is actually always unfavorable, due to frequent relapses and damage to internal organs, leading to death.

Removal of neoplasms on the skin

Surgical intervention allows you to completely get rid of benign neoplasms or precancerous conditions. The process involves the removal of the affected area, as well as a certain amount of healthy tissue adjacent to it.

Currently practiced laser removal of neoplasms, which reduces the likelihood of relapses, since at the same time cauterization of the surface is carried out, which does not allow cancer cells to spread.

The issue has already been discussed on our website.


To date, there are no preventive measures that can prevent the occurrence of various neoplasms on the skin.

However, people at risk should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.
  2. Make your diet complete and balanced by including foods high in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Minimize exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. Avoid contact with chemicals.
  5. Take good care of your skin to minimize the risk of injury.
  6. Monitor existing moles and birthmarks, in case of any changes, seek the advice of a specialist in a timely manner.

Summing up, it should be noted that each person must be vigilant and attentive, since even from harmless moles malignant neoplasms can develop. Timely seeking professional medical help increases the chances of a successful resolution of the situation, and all independent manipulations at home should be completely excluded.

Oncological diseases are one of the main causes of death and disability of the population. There is now an increase in the incidence of cancer in almost all countries. In economically developed countries, malignant tumors occupy the second or third place in overall structure mortality, yielding to mortality from cardiovascular disease and sometimes injury deaths. In developing countries, in terms of mortality, malignant tumors are inferior and infectious diseases. Every year about seven million people in the world fall ill with malignant tumors, and about five million die.

The study of such diseases is carried out by oncology (a field of medicine that studies the causes, mechanisms of development and clinical manifestations tumors, as well as developing methods for their diagnosis, prevention and treatment).

A tumor (blastoma, neoplasm) is an excessive, pathological growth of tissues that is not coordinated with the body, continuing after the cessation of the causes that caused it. There are benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors grow by pushing away surrounding tissues. And malignant ones penetrate (infiltrate) the surrounding tissues and destroy them.

Malignant tumors are divided according to tissue origin: from epithelial cells (cancer), from connective tissue cells, from blood cells and immune system, from cells nervous system and multiple tissue origin.

Causes of malignant tumors, despite the huge number of studies performed in this area, still contains more unresolved issues than clearly established patterns. The reasons are divided into external and internal.

The external ones include chemical carcinogens, there are three groups of them. The first includes substances that cause malignant neoplasms (reliable information has been obtained) - these are aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene), metals (chromium, nickel, beryllium, cadmium), some petroleum products, arsenic, dioxins. The second group, possible carcinogens, includes metals (cobalt, lead), oil refining products, formaldehyde. And the third group - the carcinogenicity of which has not been proven.

The main sources of air, water, soil pollution are enterprises of the metallurgical, oil refining, chemical, pulp and paper industries, as well as transport.

Also, the most significant factors are ionizing radiation, which damages the genetic apparatus of the cell. Tumors that develop from it are indistinguishable from tumors that develop from exposure to other causes, and only in very few cases can it be said for sure that this or another form of malignant neoplasm is due to ionizing radiation or developed from it.

Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation near high-voltage power lines, radio and television stations, radar facilities exceeds the background by many times, but its consequences have not been fully clarified, but the World Health Organization has recognized the increase in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation as an important environmental problem. The reasons for this were data on the increase in the frequency of malignant neoplasms in children who were exposed to long-term exposure to strong electromagnetic fields. In addition, there is evidence that cannot be disputed about the role of solar radiation in the development of certain malignant neoplasms.

Among internal causes that cause cancer, viruses are primarily isolated. Hepatitis B and C viruses cause liver tumors, papillomavirus causes cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis, schistosomiasis can cause cancer Bladder, opisthorchiasis causes cancer of the bile ducts.

Hormonal disorders are also considered as the causes of cancer. The role of female sex hormones (estrogen) in the development of breast cancer has been recognized.

It is impossible to exclude heredity. The frequency of tumors increases if close relatives suffered from these diseases. But it is believed that not the tumor itself is inherited, but only the predisposition to its appearance.

Do not forget about bad habits(actually this is the most important thing). First of all, smoking. It is associated with approximately 85% of lung cancer cases ( lung cancer most common cancer), 80% lip cancer, 75% esophageal cancer, 40% bladder cancer, 85% larynx cancer.

There is also strong evidence of alcohol abuse. Ethanol increases the risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, larynx, liver, breast, lung, and colon. And this applies to both strong and low-alcohol drinks.

Nutrition can also cause the development of malignant neoplasms. The main causes of oncological lesions of the colon is an excess consumption of the following: animal fats, salt, nitrates, smoked meats, preservatives, and a deficiency of fiber and vitamins, excess energy value food. The role of fats, mainly saturated fats, in the appearance of breast, prostate, colon and rectum, and lung cancers is clearly recognized.

It should also be noted that the development of malignant neoplasms depends on the quality of the immune system. In patients taking immunosuppressants, the risk of developing diseases such as lymphomas, liver cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer and others increases significantly.

Cancer symptoms

The main symptoms signaling the appearance and development of a malignant neoplasm are:

a symptom of “unsuccessful treatment” (ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the stomach, pharynx, bladder, pneumonia), when the patient long time tries to cure the disease, but there is no improvement;

syndrome of “small signs” (increased fatigue, reduced efficiency, decrease or loss of interest in the outside world, discomfort, strong and short-term changes in body weight), incomprehensible discharge (blood, mucus, and others), persistent dysfunction of any organ, paraneoplastic syndromes.

a symptom of “plus tissue”, that is, the growth of a volumetric formation. The symptom “plus tissue” is detected during examination and palpation. It is possible to detect asymmetry and deformation of a part of the body, palpate the tumor and assess its size, consistency, mobility, relationship with surrounding tissues, pain. Special attention should be given to The lymph nodes. Be sure to inspect and feel them. With lesions, they are enlarged, rounded, sometimes bumpy, dense, soldered to the surrounding tissues, limited mobility.

Paraneoplastic syndromes are clinical manifestations of a tumor that develop at a distance from the primary focus and result from biochemical, hormonal or immunological disorders caused by the tumor. It happens that these symptoms sometimes occur before the detection of the primary tumor. They can manifest themselves in any organs and systems.

Persistent organ dysfunction is manifested by complaints associated with the affected organ. If it is lung cancer, then complaints will be shortness of breath, cough, hemoptysis, pain; if the gastrointestinal tract is affected, then these will be symptoms of dyspepsia, pain.

Thus, in order to suspect the presence of a malignant tumor, one should, firstly, remember the existence of this pathology and, secondly, carefully and purposefully collect an anamnesis, analyzing the existing complaints from an oncological point of view.

The cancer community in the United States of America has identified 7 signs of a malignant tumor:

1) dysfunction of the intestines or bladder;
2) an ulcer that does not heal for a long time;
3) unusual bleeding or discharge;
4) thickening or appearance of a node in the mammary gland or any other organ;
5) dysphagia (impaired swallowing) or severe and prolonged digestive disorders;
6) obvious changes in a mole or wart;
7) long and violent cough or persistent hoarseness.

Research methods.

X-ray diagnostics, which includes conventional X-ray studies, computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and radioisotope studies. In oncology radiodiagnosis used to identify neoplasms and determine their affiliation (primary diagnosis), clarify the type of pathological changes ( differential diagnosis, that is, an oncological lesion or not), assessment of the local prevalence of the process, detection of regional and distant metastases, punctures and biopsies of pathological foci in order to morphologically confirm or refute an oncological diagnosis (interventional diagnosis), marking and volume planning various kinds treatment, to evaluate the results of treatment, that is, to see what happened to the tumor (disappeared, decreased), to identify relapses of the disease, to conduct treatment under the control of radiation research methods.

Endoscopic examinations are a method of early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms that affect the mucous membrane of organs. They solve the following tasks: detection of precancerous changes in the mucous membrane of organs (respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system) and form risk groups for further dynamic monitoring or endoscopic treatment, diagnostics of hidden and “small” initial forms cancer, differential diagnosis (for example, between benign and malignant lesions), assessment of the organ itself that is affected by the tumor, determine where the malignant neoplasm grows and clarify the local prevalence of this tumor, evaluate the results and effectiveness of surgical, drug or radiation treatment.

Morphological examination, a biopsy is taken for further cellular examination. These methods help in formulating a conclusion before treatment, urgent diagnosis during surgery, and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment. Studies on tumor markers (complex proteins produced by tumor cells) that are determined in biological fluids (blood, urine, and others). About 20 tumor markers are known.

Prevention of oncological diseases.

The main prevention of malignant neoplasms is a lifestyle change. You should not start smoking, if you smoke, then you need to give up this habit, if it doesn’t work out, then at least don’t smoke in the presence of non-smokers, try not to overweight, do daily physical exercises, increase the volume and variety of vegetables and fruits, reduce the consumption of salt, smoked meats, fatty foods, reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, try not to stay in the sun for a long time (especially children and adolescents), if there is a tendency to burn, then take active measures to protect the skin throughout life, make sure not to be exposed to carcinogenic factors (live near factories, high-voltage power lines, etc.), a woman over 25 years old is recommended to undergo a regular cervical examination, and over 50, it is recommended to undergo a regular examination of the mammary glands, men after 40 are recommended to donate blood for PSA (prostate-specific antigen) annually, men and women after 50 annually examine the colon and rectum, also actively participate in vaccination against hepatitis B.

These measures help prevent or detect malignant neoplasms at an early stage and start treatment in a timely manner. Only it is not necessary in every case to think about a malignant neoplasm, but onco-alertness should always be present.

To date, a number of established mutagens are known that can cause the development of neoplasms:

Ionizing radiation - the carcinogenic effect of radiation has not been questioned for a long time. Examples of an increase in the incidence of leukemia can be found in post-war Japan, and looking at Chernobyl veterans or just people who lived at a distance of one and a half kilometers from the nuclear power plant. The influence of radiation in the development of chronic myeloid leukemia due to the treatment of lymphogranulomatosis with radiation, acute myeloid leukemia - with preventive irradiation of the head during the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia has been proven.

Chemical mutagens - the harmful effects of benzene have been known since the middle of the last century - a number of studies have proved the unconditional dependence of the increase in the incidence of leukemia among people who have been exposed to benzene for a long time. Based on this, it would be quite logical to assume that other chemical compounds can also have carcinogenic properties. However, such observations began to appear only relatively recently. In particular, it was found that some cytostatic drugs (azathioprine, leukeran, cyclophosphamide) and antibiotic drugs (levomycetin) used to treat other cancers can cause myeloid forms of acute leukemia.

The role of viral mutagens is still at the experimental stage, but the amount of material accumulated in the course of research is impressive: today there is no doubt that some viruses are capable of some

Neoplasms according to ICD-10:

Malignant neoplasms of the lips, oral cavity and pharynx
Malignant neoplasms of the digestive system
Malignant neoplasms of the respiratory organs and chest
Malignant neoplasms of bones and articular cartilage
Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of the skin
Malignant neoplasms of mesothelial and soft tissues
malignant neoplasm of the breast)
Malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs
Malignant neoplasms of the male genital organs
Malignant neoplasms of the urinary tract
Malignant neoplasms of the eye, brain and other parts of the central nervous system
malignant neoplasm thyroid gland and other endocrine glands
Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined, secondary and unspecified localizations
Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues
Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple localizations

A benign tumor is a pathological neoplasm with a slow or absent rate of development. Timely treatment gives positive forecasts - in most cases, the patient completely gets rid of the disease, there are practically no relapses. The danger to humans is secretly developing in the body. In the absence of symptoms and pathological changes, it is quite difficult to diagnose the disease, which threatens to transform a benign formation into a malignant one.

What is a benign tumor?

is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of the mechanism of cell division and growth. As a result of this, their structure changes in a certain area, an formation unusual for the normal state of the body appears and, as a result, the manifestation of symptoms.

feature benign tumor is slow growth. Often, the formation retains its original size for several years, after which complete healing occurs or it develops into a malignant one. Another characteristic feature is the lack of influence on the body and the appearance of metastases. The tumor is formed in one area, where it slowly develops. Other organs are not affected. If we compare a benign formation with a malignant one, then in the case of the second, it is not the tumor that is of particular danger, but. They rapidly destroy organs and tissues, leaving almost no chance for a full recovery. With a benign formation, the prognosis is mostly positive and after a course of therapy, as well as while maintaining healthy lifestyle life, the disease recedes.

It is possible to determine a benign education by the following signs:

    The tumor is mobile, not connected to the surrounding tissues;

    When pressed or touched, discomfort or pain is felt;

    With internal tumors, there is a deterioration in well-being, fatigue, sleep disturbance;

    External tumors of the mucous membranes and skin may bleed.

More often, benign tumors do not manifest themselves, which presents difficulties in diagnosing. It is possible to detect the disease during a preventive examination, pathological changes on the skin.

In the human body, cells always follow the same path: the cell grows, develops and dies after 42 hours. It is replaced by a new cell, living a similar period. If, as a result of a certain effect on the body, the cell does not die, but continues to grow, then a tumor appears.

It has been scientifically proven that a benign formation is a consequence of a DNA mutation, which can be caused by the following factors:

    Work in hazardous production, regular inhalation of hazardous fumes and poisons;

    Smoking, drug use, substance abuse;

    Drinking alcohol and other drinks unfit for drinking;

    Ionizing radiation;

    Frequent ultraviolet radiation;

    Hormonal disbalance;

    The penetration of viruses;

    Improper nutrition;

    Lack of normal daily routine (lack of sleep, work at night).

A study conducted by scientists showed that every person has a predisposition to the formation of a benign tumor. You can prevent it by following a healthy lifestyle. This is especially true for people whose families previously met cancer diseases. Heredity refers to another reason for the occurrence of benign education.

Nervous cells have an adverse effect on the cells of the body. In combination with a disrupted daily routine, they create an increased risk of gene mutation.

Stages of tumor growth

In total, there are three stages in the development of a benign tumor: initiation, promotion, progression.


At this stage, it is almost impossible to detect a mutational gene. Initiation is manifested by a change in the DNA cell under the influence of adverse factors. In this case, two genes are subject to mutation. One of them makes the modified cell immortal, and the second is responsible for its reproduction. If both processes occur, then the tumor becomes malignant. When one gene is changed, the formation remains benign.


At the second stage, mutated cells begin active reproduction. Carcinogenesis promoters are responsible for this. The promotion stage can last for several years and practically does not manifest itself. However, the diagnosis of a benign formation at the very beginning of active cell reproduction makes it possible to stop the development of cancer. To do this, therapy is carried out that regulates the action of promoters and stop the further action of the genome. But due to the lack of symptoms, it is problematic to identify the presence of the disease, which leads to its next stage of development.


The third stage of tumor growth is not final, but the further condition of the patient depends on it. Progression is characterized by a rapid increase in the number of mutational cells that form a tumor. By itself, it does not pose a danger to human life, but can lead to compression of neighboring organs. Also, a benign formation at the progression stage causes a deterioration in well-being, a violation of the functionality of the body, and the appearance of ugly spots on the skin. This facilitates the diagnosis process and forces the patient to consult a specialist. It is not difficult to detect a tumor at the progression stage even without special equipment.

The time during which a benign tumor develops can vary from a few weeks to decades. Often the disease is diagnosed only after death during an autopsy. In this case, the tumor may not be the cause of death of a person.

The progression stage is dangerous because the influence of adverse factors and the lack of treatment leads to the degeneration of the tumor. The mutation of genes continues, cells multiply more actively. Once in the lumen of the blood vessel, they begin to spread throughout the body, settling on the organs. This process is called metastasis. At this stage, specialists diagnose already a malignant formation, life threatening patient.

tumor growth

Tumor growth is also subdivided according to the effect on human organs:

    expansive growth. It is characterized by the formation of an external tumor that does not penetrate into the tissues. As it grows, it displaces the organs, becoming covered with a capsule. The tissues surrounding the tumor atrophy and are replaced by connective tissue. The pace of its development is slow, it can last for several years. It is difficult to diagnose such a tumor, patients complain of pain in other organs, long-term treatment no positive results.

    infiltrative growth. It is characterized by rapid development, tissue damage. More often infiltrative growth is characteristic malignant formations, but often occurs in benign tumors.

    appositional growth. It is characterized by the transformation of healthy cells into tumor cells, which leads to the rapid development of the disease. It is extremely rare, affecting more often the organs of the peritoneum.

Types of benign tumors

A benign tumor can grow in any tissue. There are several types of neoplasms.

It is a tumor consisting of fibrous connective tissue. It has a small amount of connective tissue spindle cells, fibers and vessels.

Fibroma occurs most often in women on the genitals. Manifested by a violation menstrual cycle, infertility, severe pain during sexual intercourse, painful and prolonged periods. Often there is intermenstrual bleeding, which leads to a deterioration in general well-being, a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

There is also a subcutaneous fibroma, manifested by the formation of flesh-colored. It can be diagnosed by its dense structure.


A lipoma is otherwise called a fatty tumor and is a formation that practically does not differ from normal adipose tissue. When diagnosing, a capsule is noted, which characterizes the disease. Lipoma is more often formed in women during menopause and can reach huge sizes.

Lipoma causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. It is mobile and painful, causing a long time to be in a lying or sitting position.


Chondroma is composed of cartilaginous tissue and looks like hard tubercles. The cause of the development of a benign formation is trauma or tissue damage. Chondroma can appear both in a single instance and in multiple quantities, affecting mainly the limbs. The tumor develops slowly, may not manifest itself. It is possible to identify chondroma in the diagnosis of the skin.


Doctors also call neurofibromatosis Recklinghausen's disease. The disease is the formation of a large number of fibroids and age spots. In this case, inflammation of the nerves joins. Symptoms are pronounced, although diagnosis may be difficult due to the involvement of several tissues in the process of tumor development. Often there are incomplete forms of the disease, manifested by the formation of nodes on the sensory nerves.


Osteoma is a benign formation consisting of bone tissue. It has clear boundaries and rarely develops into a malignant tumor. Osteoma is congenital disease and is formed as a result of the pathological development of the skeleton. A solitary tumor of this type is more common.


Myoma is a single or multiple encapsulated formations with a dense base. The disease develops in muscle tissue and affects more often the female reproductive system. The cause of the tumor can be hormonal disorders, abortion,.

Replacement therapy

Many benign formations arise as a result of a malfunction in the hormonal system. If the tumor is small and does not tend to develop, then the patient is prescribed replacement therapy. In this case, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist and undergoes regular examinations.

Diet for benign tumors

The effectiveness of treatment depends largely on the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. When diagnosing a tumor, the patient must give up nicotine and alcohol, completely exclude coffee and strong tea from the diet. Specialists also prescribe a diet that will help restore immunity and prevent the development of neoplasms. For this, the patient is recommended lean and low-fat meals, a large number of vegetables and herbs. Dishes can be baked, boiled in water and steamed. Fried, smoked and stewed food with fat is completely excluded.

Folk remedies

In addition to the main treatment, experts recommend introducing into the diet products from traditional medicine. The most effective of them are:

Prevention of benign tumors

    To prevent the formation of benign tumors, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat right and fully.

    The body will begin an independent fight against pathological cells with proper rest, regular sleep and the absence of irritants.

    To prevent benign tumors of the female genital area will help regular sexual relations with one partner, keeping the organs clean, the absence of abortions, timely treatment hormonal imbalance.

    Preventive checkups specialists will help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

However, you can not prescribe treatment yourself! Folk remedies help restore the functionality of the body, restore lost strength and improve immunity. In the fight against tumors, they are ineffective.

Many patients underestimate benign formations, neglecting the need to see a doctor. However, only timely treatment can guarantee complete recovery and the absence of negative consequences. It is worth remembering that most malignant tumors are reborn from benign formations that do not pose a threat to life.

Education: completed residency at the Russian Scientific Cancer Center named after N.N. N. N. Blokhin” and received a diploma in the specialty “Oncologist”