What to do if you have constipation after surgery? Rehabilitation period after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst Loose stools after laparoscopy of the ovary.

Upon arrival home, on the third day after the operation, standing at the mirror, I accidentally noticed that something oblong was sticking out on my stomach, on the left, near the pelvic bone, closer to the navel.

Strongly in the eye is not striking, but compared to the right side - a significant bulge. Sticks out something oblong, soft. When pressed, there is no sensation.

When I drink kefir, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis bulge, rumbling and “revolution” begin, it is on the left, where it sticks out, in other areas of the abdomen everything is calm.

Was at the doctor today. I had my stitches removed and they said everything was fine. I told the doctor about the "bulging", the doctor said that it was a bone and everything was fine.

But I am very anxious and restless, because it is not a bone, but something soft, it sticks out not on the bone, but immediately next to the bone. You can see it even through a tight T-shirt.

I am attaching a photo. Unfortunately, the photo does not convey the look that in life, moreover, in the photo there is a play of light and shadow, in life everything is much more noticeable.

A week after the operation, the chair was only once, after Duphalac.

Perhaps, dynamic obstruction of the large intestine developed on the left side due to the use of epidural anesthesia?

Or, perhaps, after the operation, adhesions formed and they caused intestinal obstruction? Or possible adhesions after ovarian surgery could not affect the intestines in any way?

Tell me, please, is this possible?

After eating, seethes exactly there, on the left, where the bulge is felt.

QUESTIONS IN PERSONAL MESSAGES ARE PAID! All clarifications on the answer only in the "Opinion of the audience" window

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Full consultations and examinations at home and in the office with departure.

I don't reply to private messages due to lack of time. Write to Viber, WhatsApp.

And my doctor said that when using Biostrepta suppositories, the formation of adhesions is basically impossible, especially just a week after laparoscopy.

Why does stool change after gallbladder removal?

The gallbladder is an internal organ of the biliary system, which also includes the liver, the main tasks of which are accumulation, bringing to the desired concentration and timely release of bile produced by the liver into the digestive tract (when food is received there).

Bile is produced by special liver cells called hepatocytes. Then, with the help of the bile ducts, this secret is delivered to the bladder and accumulates there before eating. The liver produces bile around the clock, and its amount can reach up to two liters daily.

The main purpose of bile is the primary emulsification and breakdown of heavy animal fats, as well as stimulating intestinal motility.

The gallbladder looks like a pear-shaped bag-shaped hollow reservoir. It is able to alternate between relaxation and contraction cycles. Just like other internal organs, it can also be affected by various pathologies, the treatment of which, alas, is often only possible surgically.

When is cholecystectomy indicated?

This medical procedure is called a cholecystectomy. It is prescribed in cases where the bladder loses its functionality and stops working, and its presence in the body poses a threat to the surrounding organs.

Such pathologies are usually caused by the following diseases:

  • an acute form of cholecystitis (inflammation of the walls of this organ), which cannot be cured by conservative methods;
  • the presence of purulent inflammation (empyema) in the bladder;
  • in case of gangrene of this organ;
  • with stones in the gallbladder (with cholelithiasis), if it is not possible to remove these stones naturally with the help of medicines or other conservative methods of treatment;
  • prolonged chronic course inflammatory process (chronic cholecystitis), which disrupts normal bile flow;
  • the presence in this body of good and malignant neoplasms(polyposis, cancer or cysts);
  • if this organ was damaged as a result of trauma or other mechanical impact;
  • problems associated with dysfunction (disruption of functioning up to the complete failure of this organ).

As a rule, they try to stop an acute attack of cholecystitis with medications, however, in the case of an increase in the intensity of symptoms, pain syndrome and fever, they resort to surgical treatment.

Purulent inflammatory process and gangrenous form cholecystitis, as well as the presence of benign or malignant tumors and mechanical damage that violates the integrity of this organ - all these are absolute indications for cholecystectomy.

Considering a disease such as cholelithiasis, there are options here. For example, if the calculi are single and not very large, they try to crush them using shock wave lithotripsy or using a laser, and then dissolve them with the help of special preparations and remove them from the body naturally. If this therapy for stones in the gallbladder does not give the desired effect, then an operation is prescribed.

Cholecystectomy is performed in two ways - laparotomy (traditional abdominal) or laparoscopic intervention.

The first technique is more traumatic and is fraught with the appearance of postoperative complications associated with injury. internal organs and tissues during the operation, therefore, this technique is resorted to in emergency cases and when the patient is contraindicated for any reason for laparoscopic intervention.

In all other cases, as a rule, a much less traumatic laparoscopy is used, in which the removal is performed under the supervision of an intravenous abdominal cavity video cameras and with the help of a special tool, which are injected through small (up to one centimeter) punctures in the walls of the peritoneum.

Such an operation minimizes the risk of postoperative complications, since it practically does not affect neighboring organs. In addition, the rehabilitation period after minimally invasive laparoscopic intervention is much shorter than after traditional abdominal cholecystectomy.

What changes in the digestive system in the absence of the gallbladder?

Despite the fact that such an operation is very common, and a large number of patients live a long and fulfilling life after it, it still imposes certain restrictions. "Superfluous" organs in human body does not happen, and the removal of the gallbladder increases the load on the remaining organs of the digestive system.

In the absence of this reservoir, bile has nowhere to accumulate, and it is constantly thrown into small portions. duodenum directly through the hepatic ducts and the common bile duct. In addition, it has nowhere to become to gain the desired concentration, as a result of which its ability to break down heavy fats is reduced.

In such conditions, for normal digestion, it is necessary:

  1. reduction of one-time portions of food;
  2. an increase in the number of daily regular meals for the timely removal of bile from the intestines;
  3. limiting the amount of heavy fats entering the digestive tract; recipes should exclude such products;
  4. exclusion from cooking recipes of foods that have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility.

Causes of stool disorders after cholecystectomy

The human digestive system is designed in such a way that, together with the digestive juice, substances are delivered to the intestines that stimulate its peristalsis to speed up the movement of food. And the main such stimulant is bile. In the normal state, this hepatic secret is thrown in portions, through the gallbladder, at the moment food enters the gastrointestinal tract.

If the gallbladder is removed, bile flows continuously, which often causes intestinal upset after the removal of the gallbladder, the most common type of which is diarrhea. The stool after removal of the gallbladder becomes liquid. Light-colored feces after removal of the gallbladder indicates that the normal process of bile outflow is impaired, and stools contain bile.

On the other hand, bile without prior accumulation does not have the desired concentration, which reduces its stimulating effect on intestinal motility. Postoperative stool disorders after cholecystectomy is a fairly common phenomenon, but it can and should be eliminated.

In most cases, the body adapts itself over time to the changed conditions of its functioning, but one should not hope for this and do nothing to help it. Persistent diarrhea for a long time causes dehydration, loss of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and this is a serious stress for the whole organism.

How to get rid of postcholecystectomy diarrhea?

The first time after this operation, the patient is in the hospital, and for his food and physical condition monitored by medical personnel. If necessary, the patient receives the necessary treatment, which involves taking drugs that limit the activity of the intestine, and this allows you to make up for the lack of fluid, minerals and vitamins.

The main problems arise in the first time after discharge, when the patient begins to eat on his own, while often forgetting about dieting.

According to medical statistics, more than 60 percent of patients with diagnoses such as cholelithiasis and cholecystitis are overweight, which means they like to eat a lot of not the most healthy foods.

After discharge, in an effort to compensate for the half-starved days of a stationary diet, many of them try to treat themselves to their favorite dishes prepared according to preoperative recipes. The result is persistent diarrhea, dehydration, sudden weight loss and a significant deterioration in well-being.

Too rapid emptying of the intestines leads to a state of insatiation, resulting in a permanent feeling of hunger, and a person tries to drown it out by increasing the amount of food taken. This vicious cycle leads to the so-called hologenic diarrhea, and it can provoke very serious consequences.

In order to avoid such paid consequences, it is necessary to follow the recommended diet and limit the level physical activity.

The first three to four months after cholecystectomy, the diet must be observed especially carefully, and only after this time and only with the permission of the attending physician, you can gradually begin to expand your diet.

Such a diet is called "Treatment Table No. 5", and by typing this query on the Internet, you can independently familiarize yourself with a detailed list of allowed and prohibited foods. If we talk about such nutrition briefly, then its main principle is fragmentation. You need to eat little (programs), but often (five to seven times a day), while observing equal intervals between meals.

You should forget about fried, spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as well as all kinds of seasonings, spices, ketchups, mayonnaises, sweets and flour products.

Such food can only aggravate the situation. It is recommended to use steamed or boiled dishes from lean meat (chicken, veal or rabbit meat), lean sea and river fish, pureed boiled vegetables and soups (soups) based on vegetable broths, dried fruits, cottage cheese and low-fat dairy products, as well as vegetable oils (olive, sunflower or linseed) and cereals based on buckwheat, oats or semolina. Recipes for such dishes are available on the World Wide Web. And their choice is very diverse.

Food must be warm. Cold and hot should be discarded. And remember - even if after some time you feel that loose stools have returned to normal - in no case do not give up the diet on your own! Any change in your diet is now possible only with the permission of your doctor.

The development of hologenic diarrhea is also influenced by the level of physical activity. Excessive activity in the physical plane stimulates intestinal peristalsis, and the stool becomes frequent and liquid. Also, diarrhea after removal of the gallbladder can provoke weight lifting, the weight of which exceeds five kilograms.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

In the first week after cholecystectomy, the patient is allowed unhurried walks lasting from half an hour to forty minutes daily, as well as breathing exercises.

After that, general sparing gymnastics is allowed, with the exception of jumping, running and exercises that load the abdominal muscles. Walks can be done for hours.

Only six months to a year after the operation, depending on general well-being and results medical examination, you can switch to the usual mode of physical activity, but only with the permission of the doctor.

Prolonged diarrhea after gallbladder surgery is the result of the patient's neglect of his own health.

Common causes of diarrhea after surgery

Any serious surgical intervention requires preparatory and other measures that ensure a normal outcome of surgical interventions. The period required for the recovery of the patient is considered no less serious in surgery, since by the presence of some symptoms, one can clearly represent the patient's condition at the time of rehabilitation. The use of anesthesia requires preliminary cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract for the period of the operation, this reduces the risk of the appearance and development of a number of serious complications.

The microflora of the body has thousands of different bacteria that take part in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, if during the operation some of them enter the abdominal cavity, this can provoke inflammatory processes or the development of secondary infectious diseases. The appearance of dysentery after surgery can be provoked by several factors, and one of them is the effect of anesthesia on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Diarrhea after surgery for 1-2 days is a normal and understandable phenomenon, since this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the effects of anesthesia. If the situation does not become stable, but rather becomes more complicated, doctors must without fail investigate the cause of diarrhea, since all the factors for the development of an infection that can enter the abdominal cavity in various ways are on the face, including in the absence of sterility of surgical instruments.

Temperature and diarrhea after surgery

Such operations can provoke the appearance of secondary factors that can cause harmful bacteria introduced during the operation by medical personnel.

If diarrhea after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract lasts no more than three days, and also does not bring much concern, this is considered a normal phenomenon. If blood streaks appear in the feces, and the diarrhea itself continues to bother for more than is considered normal, the patient should immediately seek medical help to find out the cause of the symptom.

Diarrhea after bowel surgery

Any surgical intervention on the intestines is reflected in the work of the whole organism as a whole, the restoration of which will require a considerable period of time. After an operation on the intestines, doctors recommend creating conditions that will help the normal restoration of organs. First of all, doctors recommend strictly adhering to the correct selection of food products that will help restore strength and health.

The phenomenon of diarrhea in the first two or three days after surgery on the intestines is quite normal. For this period of time, doctors allow a similar reaction of the body, as a kind of protective mechanism. immune system on the effect of anesthesia and removal of damaged tissues.

With a longer period, doctors do not exclude the development of an infection that could enter the abdominal cavity during the operation. In this case, experts prescribe a diet and a number of medications that will help eliminate the manifestation and resume normal peristalsis.

Diarrhea after appendicitis surgery

Appendicitis can manifest itself in symptoms that are characteristic of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the presence of pain, disruption of the digestive system and the appearance of diarrhea. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to seek help from specialists, since the consequences that may arise in case of delay in treatment, negatively affecting the patient's health.

Most often, diarrhea after an operation to remove appendicitis appears against the background of anesthesia, non-compliance with the diet, toxicosis, as the appearance primary symptom development of pancreatitis. With a long period of diarrhea after surgery, the doctor must find out the cause of the manifestation and prescribe a diet of products that will relieve the burden on the digestive tract.

Diarrhea after hemorrhoid surgery

Hemorrhoids is a disease that can occur on the most various reasons, but the most common factors that provoked the appearance of the disease are a sedentary lifestyle, a predisposition to obesity, frequent manifestations of constipation, abuse of excessively spicy, salty foods, smoked meats.

The modern technique with which hemorrhoids are treated allows you to cure the disease completely, but postoperative period includes the appearance of fever and diarrhea, usually disappearing on its own in two to three days. Like other operations performed on the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of hemorrhoids involves the use local anesthesia, which provokes the appearance of nausea and diarrhea at first. If diarrhea lasts for a longer period, it is necessary to additionally consult with specialists who will find out the cause of the manifestation.

Diarrhea after gallbladder surgery

The functions that the gallbladder performs generally affect the functioning of the entire digestive system, so surgical intervention to remove it can have a number of unpleasant consequences. Since bowel function depends on several factors, including the release of bile when food is ingested, the absence of a gallbladder provokes the flow of bile almost all the time, which causes the intestines to contract violently.

This factor can provoke the appearance of diarrhea in the first postoperative time. Since the strength of the flow of bile does not have a strong concentration, with the right diet, the manifestation of diarrhea can be avoided and consultation with specialists and the selection of food for the first period of time will help in this.

Diarrhea after stomach surgery

Partial resection of a section of the stomach leads to the fact that the food that enters the organ is not digested by the digestive system in the previous mode. This leads to the appearance of various symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, fever. The rest of the stomach does not have time to process some of the food, which leads to various complications and manifestations, including diarrhea during the operating period, which can last quite a while. long time.

In most cases, diarrhea is caused by a malfunction in the absorption of fats by the stomach, as well as due to lactose deficiency. Specialists for the entire recovery period after the operation advise patients to adhere to a diet that involves a small amount of food eaten at a time. In the absence of an exact explanation of the cause of loose stools, trial symptomatic therapy is carried out with the help of diphenoxylate or tincture of opium. Also, experts recommend for the postoperative period to eat food moderately warm, in small volumes, thoroughly chewed, and this will help the stomach to completely digest food for the first time without overwork and malfunction.

After surgery, diarrhea, what to do?

Mild diarrhea after colonoscopy or anesthesia for the period of surgery is normal if total time manifestations do not exceed 3-4 days after surgery. This is only then considered the norm if the operation was performed on the digestive tract and there are no streaks or blood clots in the stool. If blood is clearly visible in the stool, regardless of its color, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

The presence of loose stools over a longer period of time is a form of information that indicates the presence of harmful organisms. Bacteria provoke inflammatory processes and create all the conditions that lead to infection of the patient, which can lead to the development of a serious disease. If, in addition, fever, diarrhea, pain are observed, this may indicate the development of postoperative complications that require additional testing.

To restore the intestinal microflora, a period will be required during which a certain diet should be followed, together with taking medications prescribed by a physician. Another cause of diarrhea may be improper gas discharge after the operation, in this case, experts prescribe the use of one of the sorbents, which will positively solve the problem of bloating and diarrhea. The biggest danger for the postoperative period is not the presence of diarrhea, increased flatulence, or pulling pain, but the presence of blood streaks in the feces. They can lead to repeated surgery on the digestive tract.

In this article, we have collected answers to several questions regarding the recovery period after surgical intervention. Please note that the information below is for informational purposes only. Before making any decision regarding your health, be sure to consult your doctor!

Since this is a surgical intervention, after which stitches remain on the abdomen, there are a number of rules regarding personal hygiene. In the first few days after laparoscopy, it is not recommended to wet at all, so as not to provoke their divergence or suppuration. Further, when the stitches are removed (this usually happens on the 7-10th day), you can take a warm shower, but the stitches should not be rubbed with a washcloth. It is forbidden to lie in a hot bath during the first month after the operation. Also, doctors do not recommend visiting the bath, sauna for several months after the operation, even when complete healing occurs.

After hygiene procedures it is necessary to treat the puncture sites with antiseptic agents. For example, you can first use chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, then treat with brilliant green. You need to repeat the treatment daily, after each shower.

When can I do an ultrasound after laparoscopy?

After the operation, you can undergo a planned ultrasound scan in 2 weeks, then - if necessary and as prescribed by the doctor. Specific terms depend on the type of laparoscopy, that is, what exactly it was performed for, as well as on how well and quickly the recovery is. Unscheduled (emergency) ultrasound may be performed if there is pain after laparoscopy.

Why does it hurt, ache, pull the ovary after laparoscopy?

If the ovaries hurt after laparoscopy - this is natural process. Still, this is an operation, albeit performed by a non-laparotomy method, in which recovery is even longer and harder. After leaving anesthesia in the first hours, the right ovary or the left one sometimes hurts, as well as the puncture sites.

If the pain after laparoscopy persists for a long time, after the stitches have been removed, then this is a good reason to contact medical institution for additional examinations. The causes of pain in the region of the left ovary or on the right may be an improperly performed operation, too slow tissue healing, as well as other reasons.

What should I do if my lower back hurts after laparoscopy?

Most likely, this has nothing to do with the operation. If it was drawn in the abdomen, then a woman can instinctively strain her back muscles and not even notice it. Hence the pain in the lower back. In any case, you should contact your doctor and necessary examinations(smear for flora, ultrasound), as well as an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine, as it may be a pinched nerve fibers or osteochondrosis.

Why does constipation occur after laparoscopy?

Since carbon dioxide is introduced into the abdominal cavity during the operation, this can provoke a deterioration in intestinal motility and cause constipation. This phenomenon is undesirable, since constipation after laparoscopy creates unnecessary tension in the abdominal cavity, which can cause rupture of the internal sutures. To minimize constipation, you must follow a special diet that excludes the intake of "fixing" foods. It is also necessary to drink plenty of fluids so that there is no problem going to the toilet in a big way. Doctors also recommend leading an active lifestyle and moving a lot. Long walks will be beneficial.

It is important to follow these rules in order to avoid hemorrhoids after laparoscopy, which provokes constipation. Laparoscopy is a rather innovative and gentle operation, but even it does not exclude the possibility of hemorrhoids (especially if this method was used to remove the uterus and / or its appendages).

Why is there loose stools (diarrhea) after laparoscopy?

This phenomenon can be caused by anesthesia, since the narcotic substances contained in it inevitably affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, general muscle atrophy can temporarily cause diarrhea.

In order to stop the diarrhea that has arisen as soon as possible, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in fiber into the diet. It's bran, whole grain bread. You can also eat rice.

Why can't you lift weights after laparoscopy?

When lifting weights of more than 3-5 kg, a strong tension is created in the abdominal cavity, which can lead to divergence of the seams, bleeding and the appearance of an inflammatory process. Therefore, lifting any objects more than 3 kilograms after laparoscopy is strictly prohibited. This restriction must be observed for at least 3-4 months after the operation.

Can I smoke after laparoscopy?

On the one hand, it is advisable for women who smoke to stop smoking 3-4 weeks before surgery and approximately 1 month after. But some doctors do not recommend doing this. The fact is that when you quit smoking, your lungs begin to clear out harmful tar and nicotine. To make clearing faster, coughing begins - this is a natural process for quitting smoking. Coughing tenses the lower abdomen. And since the sutures remain on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity after the operation, this area should not be strained once again so that the sutures do not separate, and also so as not to provoke pain.

Can I fly after laparoscopy?

There is no direct ban on flying, but it is not recommended to do this during the first days after the operation. It's all about strong pressure drops, which can negatively affect overall well-being, which is already unstable throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

A fairly common problem. People who have it should know that it is not difficult to deal with it.

The process of digestion in the human body has its own characteristics. The gallbladder is involved in it. It secretes bile, which is necessary for normal digestion. But it happens that, for medical reasons, the above-named organ is removed from a person. And then the process of digestion ceases to be complete. Surgery to remove this organ is called cholecystectomy.

Patients often experience constipation after gallbladder removal. Treatment should, of course, be individually selected by the doctor. But its basis will be a special diet.


It happens that constipation occurs after Why do you need

During the normal functioning of the gallbladder, bile is secreted from it, which enters the stomach. The acids contained in it are actively involved in digestion. Removing the bubble is not a threat to human life. But the process of digestion requires a more careful approach. If constipation occurs after removal of the gallbladder, the doctor will tell you what to do. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors and adhere to a special diet.

It must be started immediately after surgery. First of all, remember that you can not overload the body with foods that are difficult for the digestive process. Also unbearable. You should go to the toilet on time. One of the nutritional recommendations are more frequent appointments food. In this case, portions should be small. This will ensure that bile does not accumulate. If, nevertheless, this happens, it will lead to the emergence inflammatory processes in the body. Patients need to be aware that the composition of bile changes after this operation. Therefore, fatty foods are not digested and cause constipation after gallbladder removal. will help to normalize the work of digestion of food. For example, dairy products are useful in such a period.

When constipation occurs after gallbladder removal, what to do? What diet is prescribed after surgery? A person who has experienced such a surgical intervention needs to tune in to proper nutrition. The diet will help you quickly bounce back and improve the digestion of food without a cut out organ.

Nutrition in the early days

How to get rid of constipation after gallbladder removal? Immediately, during the day after the intervention, you should refuse to take any food. Also, you can not drink water and other drinks. The patient is allowed to wet his lips and rinse his mouth with infusions of special herbs. After 24 hours have passed, you can drink water without gas. It is allowed to add rose hips to it. You can't sweeten the water. The volume of liquid should not exceed one liter.

On the second day, dry fruit compote or tea can be introduced into the diet. In this case, sugar is not recommended. You can also use kefir, it should be low-fat. The total volume of liquid can be two liters.

Fourth day after surgery. What is?

You can start eating solid food from the 4th day after the operation. Better start with mashed potatoes, vegetable soup-puree. In this case, the food should be cooked in ordinary water. You can also eat boiled fish, scrambled eggs without adding yolks. On the 4th day, sugar is allowed to be added to the tea. It should be remembered that you can eat food in small portions, but often.

You don't need to expand your diet every day. It is better to introduce new products gradually, for example, every other day. Then you can start eating crackers or stale bread, then cereals. It should be noted that the latter must be boiled in water. After that, the introduction of meat and dairy products is allowed. It is necessary to ensure that the products are ground. This option will provide assistance to the stomach in the process of digestion.

In the postoperative period, a person must follow a diet for two months. At this time, it is necessary that all food be cooked in the form of mashed potatoes. Meat should be consumed only boiled or steamed. The same rule must be followed with fish. Steamed vegetables are allowed. You should refuse to eat food that is cooked by frying. The fact is that fried food leads to irritation of the stomach.

Patients who have undergone surgery are advised to observe the work of the stomach for several months. If it works stably, then you can try to include heavier foods in your diet. You can try to cook soup on meat broth, cereals on milk. Meat should be lean. It is recommended to stop eating pork. It is better to cook beef or poultry meat. New foods should be added to the diet gradually. You should look at how the body reacts, namely how the stomach works.

How to be a person who has constipation after gallbladder removal? What should he do? There are foods that are recommended to be eaten without fail. These include:

1. Vegetable soups without the use of broth.

2. Dietary meat.

3. Low-fat sea fish. There are restrictions here, namely, it can not be used more than once a week.

4. Porridge must be present in the diet. It is recommended to eat barley porridge, oatmeal and rice.

6. Oil in not in large numbers can be used, both vegetable and creamy.

7. Eggs (should be eaten once a week).

8. Vegetables and fruits in fresh. It is especially recommended to use pumpkin and carrots.

9. From sweets, you can eat marshmallows, honey or jam. These desserts should be consumed in limited quantities.

forbidden food

There is a list of foods that should be excluded from the diet. Because they are irritants to the stomach. They can also cause constipation after such foods include:

1. First of all, it is salty, spicy, sour food.

2. All types of smoked meats.

4. Seasonings, spices.

5. Onions and garlic.

7. Fatty meat. For example, pork. It is also forbidden to eat oily fish.

8. Canned foods and marinades.

9. All kinds of sweets.

10. Those foods that contain a lot of fiber (for example, cabbage).

11. Alcoholic drinks.

12. Soda, ice cream.

A person who has lost his gallbladder will have to give up a lot. But it is necessary to do this in order to maintain the body in healthy condition. The first time will not be easy. But in the future, if you constantly stick to a diet, addiction will come.

The list of foods that can be consumed is also rather big. Therefore, if you turn on your imagination, you can come up with a varied menu. You need to learn how to replace the usual products with those that can be consumed. For example, sweets can be replaced with fruits, and fried fatty meat with boiled chicken.

In addition to following a diet, there is a set of measures that will help get rid of constipation. It happens that they pass by themselves after a certain time. And it happens that the situation cannot return to normal for several months.

Causes of a delicate problem

Why does constipation occur after gallbladder removal? If after the operation a person begins to be disturbed by constipation, then this is a sign of low acidity of the body.

In order to remove it, it is necessary to provide best job intestines. To do this, acidic foods should be included in the diet. For example, apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates and others.

Conversely, if there is increased acidity in the human body, then it should be reduced. As a rule, in this case, help dairy products with a low fat content, namely: yoghurts, kefirs, etc.

Another way to normalize the acidity in the body is to drink clean water in large quantities. It needs to be non-carbonated. You can use a filter to purify water or buy a special one. Its use is an important component of maintaining the body in a normal state. It happens that the cause of constipation lies in dehydration. As a rule, an indicator of this condition is a small excretion of urine from the body. In this case, the color becomes bright, and the consistency is concentrated.

Prunes are very good for constipation. It can be consumed fresh or dried. Also worth buying children food with prunes.


Thus, if a person follows the recommendations of the doctor after the operation, he will be able to avoid constipation. It is necessary to adhere to the prescribed diet, make a bias on permitted foods, refuse forbidden foods. If constipation occurs, then you need to drink more water and eat food either to increase the level of acidity in the body, or to lower it. If it is impossible to solve the problem on your own, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe a treatment regimen. As a result of therapy, you will forget about constipation after removal of the gallbladder. Reviews of people who have coped with this problem indicate that the cause of it was malnutrition.

Surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the removal of appendicitis, thick or small intestine gives rise to side effects and sometimes complications. One such negative companion is diarrhea after surgery. Normalization of bowel functions is a long process that requires complex therapy compliance with preventive measures.

Common causes of diarrhea after surgery

Before resection of the intestine, measures are taken to cleanse it with the help of laxatives, enemas, hydrocolonotherapy. The need for release from fecal matter is caused by the risk of infection and complications. Diarrhea after surgery occurs when the dosage of drugs that increase intestinal motility is not observed.

A "slag-free" diet, prescribed at least three days before surgery, also causes loose stools. Diarrhea appears as a reaction to anesthesia. The use of high-quality anesthetics does not exclude the possibility of general intoxication in a weakened body. To get rid of poisons, self-purification occurs, expressed in diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Diarrhea is not considered a complication if it is moderate and short (no more than three days). AT feces foreign impurities in the form of mucus, blood streaks should not be present.

Diarrhea is caused by antibacterial drugs after operation. With a prolonged period of impaired defecation, the doctor assesses the risks, reviews the prescribed therapy, reducing the dose or canceling the drug that negatively affects the intestinal microflora.

The patient can be admitted to the hospital with impaired peristalsis with dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the pancreas, colitis.

Diarrhea lasting more than three days or with bloody inclusions is a reason for examining the patient, identifying the causes of complications.

Diarrhea and fever

If the postoperative period is accompanied by diarrhea, elevated temperature the first days, this indicates the body's response to surgery.

Hyperthermia appears during the healing of the wound surface, the installation of drainage, it normalizes on its own after the causes are eliminated.

Fever, diarrhea accompany the patient before surgery and after with purulent appendicitis, inflamed intestines. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed. Painful signs arise as a response immune cells to anesthetics that cause intoxication of the body.

Different types of infections enter the body during surgery, if the sterility of the surgical field is not achieved or the intestines are not cleaned well enough. Inflammation, suppuration of the wound begins. The doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination to determine the type of complication. The treatment is reviewed, in some cases, a second operation is required.

Weakened immune defenses increase the risk of infection infectious diseases accompanied by diarrhea and fever.

The causes of complications are caused by:

  • hospital infection;
  • mistakes of doctors;
  • malnutrition;
  • exacerbation of concomitant diseases due to weakened immune defenses;
  • the trauma of the operation;
  • seam defects, drainage;
  • inadequate postoperative care.

The duration of the temperature is affected by the method of surgical intervention. With a classic incision, the wound heals longer than punctures during laparoscopy, respectively, painful symptoms last a longer period.

After appendicitis surgery

Inflammation of the appendix of the caecum is not always detected at the initial stage. Symptoms are similar to signs of protrusion of the intestine near the appendix, inflammation of the appendages, right kidney. Strong pain on the right indicates pancreatitis, hernia, obstruction, colitis. In any case, consult a doctor for early diagnosis of the disease. When delaying the visit to the surgeon, there are serious complications in the form of peritonitis.

The occurrence of diarrhea after appendicitis surgery is due to the influence of anesthesia, residual inflammation of the mucous membrane prescribed by antibiotic therapy. More often, the reason lies in the severe intoxication of the body with inflammation of the peritoneum.

Fecal masses do not acquire the desired consistency due to a lack of food enzymes, an accumulation of altered tissues in the peritoneum.

Diarrhea continues with flaws in diet therapy. disturbed intestinal microflora requires a sufficient amount of prebiotics to normalize the digestive process.

After bowel surgery

The consequences depend on the type of surgery. When more than half of the small intestine is resected, short bowel syndrome occurs.

Violated absorption of nutrients, the body appears lack of vitamins and minerals. One of the symptoms of this syndrome is intractable diarrhea after bowel surgery, leading to weight loss.

In this state, it is important to maintain a sufficient volume of fluid, to use drugs that delay motility.

In other types of operations, loose stools are the reason for the cleansing of the body in case of poisoning with anesthetics, the decay of damaged tissues.

Diarrhea lasting longer than three days is caused by infection of the wound and peritoneum and requires urgent action.

What to do

Moderate diarrhea is allowed as a possible reaction of the body to intervention, violation of the integrity of tissues, a consequence of bowel cleansing. What to do with a long liquid stool with extraneous inclusions, only the attending physician knows.

Since the reason leading to postoperative complications not alone, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination of the body. Based on the results, antibiotics, drugs that normalize intestinal motility, enzymes are prescribed for better digestibility of food. Dietary nutrition plays an important role in rehabilitation.

The patient is under constant medical supervision. After 2 weeks of treatment, if the diarrhea does not stop, a second, more in-depth examination is done. If necessary, the treatment plan is subject to adjustment.

If paresis (obstruction) of the intestine occurs, it is quickly stopped.

Postoperative care includes timely sterile dressings, early rising, physiotherapy exercises. To avoid infection, suppuration of wounds, physiotherapy (UVR) is performed.

The problem of bloating and diarrhea is solved with the help of sorbents.

Most dangerous symptom are blood clots in the stool. The resulting bleeding leads to repeated surgical intervention.


AT recovery period the task of the doctor and the patient is to bring intestinal motility to a normal state. Achieve normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

At drug treatment diarrhea, enzymes, drugs that regulate motility, probiotics are used.

Antidiarrheal drugs that affect intestinal motility include;

  • Imodium;
  • Laperamide;
  • Loflatil.

Replenishes the lost fluid, electrolyte balance in liquid stools Regidron saline solution.

If the cause of diarrhea is intoxication, enterosorbents are prescribed to help remove toxins:

  • Diosmectite;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Smekta.

In case of indigestion, the following preparations containing the enzymes protease, lipase, amylase are taken:

  • Creon;
  • Mezim;
  • Pancreatin.

If prolonged diarrhea is caused by infection in the wound and peritoneum, antimicrobial therapy is prescribed. Apply antifungal drugs, antiseptics, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones. The choice of a group of drugs depends on the type of infection, and the specific drug depends on the clinical picture.

Probiotics Enterol, Linex, Bifiform, Probifor are suitable for restoring microflora.


The following preventive measures help to avoid the occurrence of complications after surgery:

  1. The use of antibacterial agents.
  2. Timely detection of foci of infection.
  3. Early diagnosis;
  4. High quality suture material.
  5. Fight against hospital infections.
  6. Surgical debridement, increase vocational training doctors.

Prevent or stop diarrhea postoperative period proper nutrition will help. Diet therapy is an important condition for the restoration of bowel function. Within a month after bowel resection, you need to eat:

  • at certain times;
  • fractionally, in small portions;
  • grated, soft food;

Steamed, boiled or stewed. You can not eat food fried, smoked. Invalid fatty foods, fresh vegetables, bloating abdomen, flatulence. Sweet confectionery, factory canned food, homemade preparations are contraindicated. Enhance intestinal perelstatic milk, onion, garlic, mustard, hot spices, alcohol.

Prohibited products include:

  • cabbage;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • sausage;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate, ice cream;
  • sweet pastries;
  • tomatoes, beans.

Proper nutrition in a hospital is not enough. After discharge, diet therapy is continued at home.

As the recovery progresses, rabbit, chicken, and turkey meat is added to the diet. Low-fat sea fish will not cause irritation.

Prolonged diarrhea leads to dehydration, withdrawal useful substances. It is important to observe the drinking regime (2–2.5 liters), giving preference to clean water, saline solutions, decoctions of wild rose, chamomile.

The essence of the diet is the use of easily digestible products that do not irritate the mucous membrane of the operated organ, the gradual inclusion of familiar products in the diet.