Healthy ten: the best sanatoriums in Europe. Treatment abroad - clinics in Europe How they treat in Europe

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. To maintain and restore it, many try to choose the best methods, medicines, doctors and clinics. One of the most popular destinations in medical tourism today are European countries. This is due to many factors, ranging from the level of development of medicine, ending with comfortable living conditions and a climate favorable for recovery. What gives treatment in Europe and how to choose a medical institution worries patients from all over the world.

Why spa treatment in Europe is in demand

As soon as a disease creeps into our body, the question of finding a suitable clinic and a good specialist appears on the agenda. And although the result of treatment will also depend on the genetics of the patient, it is still better not to make a mistake with the choice.

Health systems in some European countries (in particular, Germany and Switzerland) have reached a high level of development, covering all areas of medicine and affecting diseases of any part of the body. Such successes are due to sufficient funding from the state, which makes it possible not only to treat, but also to conduct all kinds of research, implementing the results obtained in practice.

European medicine is characterized by:

  • interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of diseases;
  • application of the latest scientific achievements;
  • use of advanced equipment;
  • attraction to work of the best world luminaries in the field of medicine.

Particular attention is paid to the training of medical personnel. Employees of clinics and hospitals constantly undergo refresher courses. Almost all major medical universities Europe has clinics operating on their research base.

The geographical location of some countries and their natural resources make it possible to speed up the process of recovery and rehabilitation. Those who need recovery at sea can look for a sanatorium in Spain, Italy, Greece, France. If the situation requires staying at balneological resorts, you can choose the Czech Republic, Hungary and other countries rich in thermal and mineral springs, mud.

The cost of undergoing a course of treatment or rehabilitation in European clinics is difficult to attribute to the benefits. Not everywhere prices are affordable for ordinary citizens.

But if we compare, for example, with programs in the USA, or consider the price-quality ratio, then the cost is quite moderate and democratic. medical services in Eastern and Central Europe, where our compatriots most often go. But in the western and northern parts of Europe, not everyone can afford to restore health.

What is treated in which countries

When choosing a medical institution, you need to pay attention to specialization, opportunities and resources, natural conditions of the region. It would be a big mistake to choose a resort based only on your own preferences and such an indicator as comfort. To prevent this from happening, consider where and with what disease you should apply.

Skin diseases

The skin is the largest organ human body, and therefore there are a lot of diseases associated with it. For their treatment, mineral water, climatic conditions, dirt. Find necessary resources Available at the following resorts:

  1. Harkany (Hungary) – psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, inflammatory processes chronic skin. This area should be chosen by those who need treatment at the Dead Sea, but cannot afford it. The effectiveness of treatment with local waters is unlikely to yield to Israeli sanatoriums. In Harkany, a large number of springs containing carbon sulphide come to the surface.

Leading health resorts use them in the most different methods disease impact:

  • baths based on thermal waters;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydromassage;
  • carbonic baths.
  1. The city of Smrdaky (Slovakia) - people come here with psoriasis, chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, ringworm, various forms of acne, scleroderma and neurodermatitis. The resort is located at the foot of the Carpathians. Treatment is carried out on the basis of mineral waters with a high rate of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur. Sulfur mud is also mined here, which is formed underground due to the flow of hydrogen sulfide sources through the soil.

The specialists of the centers use the following methods to combat skin diseases:

  • warming and wrapping;
  • baths using parchment;
  • whirlpool and pearl baths;
  • electrotherapy;
  • underwater massage.
  1. Spa Jachymov (Czech Republic) - in this region they deal with the problem of psoriasis, as well as patients who have undergone plastic post-burn operations. Jachymov is the first radon spa on the world map. Radon is a radioactive gas that is considered to be a source of soft alpha radiation that has a unique effect on the body.

The methods used in local sanatoriums can rightly be called unique. One of them is brachycobaltotherapy - treatment with Jachymov's boxes. The method is based on the use of gamma radiation as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.

The list of resorts where you can go with skin diseases is quite extensive:

  • hydrogen sulfide baths: sanatoriums on Lake Heviz in Hungary, Lendek and Zdroj (Poland);
  • radon baths: Loutraki (Greece), Lake Heviz (Hungary), Swieradow-Zdroj (Poland), Baile Felix (Romania), Kreuznach (Germany);
  • iodine-bromine baths: Busko-Zdroj (Poland), Debrecen (Hungary), Galzignano Terme (Italy);
  • thermal waters with naftalan: Ivanic Grad (Croatia), Moravske Toplice (Slovenia);
  • eczema and neurodermatitis: Prolom Banya (Serbia), Loutraki (Greece), Thalasso Strunjan (Slovenia), Kolobrzeg (Poland).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Almost all European resorts are engaged in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There are sanatoriums specializing in this problem (Teplice and Jachymov in the Czech Republic, Piestany in Slovakia, the Hungarian Heviz, the Italian Abano Terme), and those where this direction is related.

All of them differ in their content of therapeutic factors:

  • in Slovakia - hydrogen sulfide water and sulfuric mud;
  • in Hungary - silt peat mud and thermal water;
  • in the Czech Republic - radon and sulfate-hydrocarbonate-sodium water;
  • in Italy - iodine-bromine water.

Classical methods of treatment in combination with physiotherapy are followed in Jáchymov, Piešťany and Teplice. Italian experts focus on mud wraps and thermal baths. But in Heviz, they build a healing process on swimming in a lake with thermal water, mud applications and stretching the spine.

With a disease such as scoliosis, the choice of a German or Belgian blade will be unmistakable. It is here that excellent results have been achieved thanks to the use of the latest surgical and non-surgical methods. Attention should be paid to the Nord Alliance network of medical centers, the Solengen clinic, the Helios clinic network and the academic clinic at the University of Hamburg.

It is advisable to choose any other sanatorium for solving problems with the musculoskeletal system in the case when it is necessary to combine the treatment of several diseases at once in different parts of the body.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

  • moderate climatic conditions;
  • a large number of mineral springs;
  • clean air and ecology;
  • preparation of Austrian centers to receive precisely cardiological patients.

The most famous resorts: Baden, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Bad Ischl, Bad Hall.

An excellent choice would be Czech sanatoriums located in Teplice and Marianske Lazne, Podebrady.

  • heart surgery;
  • hypertension;
  • post-infarction condition;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of small blood vessels;
  • angina pectoris and many others.

You can also pay attention to the sanatoriums of Hungary (Balatonfured) and Germany (Ban Kissingen). Come here if you have:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • headache;
  • atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels;
  • damage to the heart muscle.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Spa treatment is an excellent alternative to medical treatment of organ diseases. digestive system. There are many centers that deal with this problem in Europe.

Let's name the leading sanatoriums that you should pay attention to:

  1. Slovenia, Rogashka Slatina - this resort, in terms of the healing properties of its mineral waters, even surpassed Karlovy Vary. Everyone can be treated here - there are no contraindications to drinking water from sources. And most importantly - patients do not complain about getting used to it. All types of diseases are treated here. intestinal tract, and also deal with the problem of excess weight and diseases such as diabetes.
  2. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary - this part of Europe does not need advertising. Everyone who suffers from diseases of the digestive system, or has already been here, or heard that it must be done. At the local resorts, you can combine the treatment of diseases of different parts of the body. There are 12 springs here, the water of which is indicated for patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus of both types, with impaired metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Italy, Montecatini Terme - sanatoriums in this region successfully treat gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. There are five springs in the resort, the waters of which are used for drinking courses. This place is popular with politicians, actors, famous personalities.
  4. France, Vichy is one of the most famous spa resorts in Europe. Here they treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, and also help to reduce weight, get rid of food allergies, normalize metabolism.

In all centers and sanatoriums, the beginning of treatment is preceded by intestinal diagnostics, consultations with specialists, and carrying out the necessary tests. Only a health resort specialist can prescribe drinking treatment for patients with this type of disease.

Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis

Joint diseases in Europe are treated in almost every country. Most of all in this matter have succeeded in Austria, Greece, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic and Switzerland. The latest developments in the field of orthopedics, rheumatology, arthrology and physiotherapy are actively used here.

To heal from rheumatoid arthritis is used here:

  • cryogenic impact on the joints;
  • therapy with biological products;
  • ultrasound;
  • purification of blood from autoimmune bodies;
  • medications.

When choosing a resort, pay attention not to the following regions:

  • Austria, Bad Gastein - an intensive program has been developed here, including radon therapy procedures, thermal water treatment under the watchful supervision of specialists;
  • Slovenia, Strunjan is a seaside resort, whose health resorts offer individually designed methods in combination with water procedures and aerotherapy.
  • Germany, Salzschrif - here is the unique sanatorium Tomez. Joint treatment is based on the optimal combination of salt water and the sun, the mechanism of action of which is very similar to healing properties Dead Sea.
  • Slovakia, Piestany - famous for its mineral waters and mud.

Dental Services

Dental treatment and prosthetics in Europe are of excellent quality and high prices. Germany which is famous for the use of the latest achievements in this area, the use of high-quality equipment and professional doctors.

Hungary competes with Germany. Not only Russians come here, but also residents of other European countries: dentistry services can be obtained at a fairly high level and much cheaper than in German, Austrian or Swiss clinics.

You can go on a dental tour to any country in Europe, but if there is an intention to save money, then these should be:

  • Bulgaria;
  • Greece;
  • Czech;
  • Hungary.

For example, Greek dentists provide services for a rather modest fee, but the materials themselves will cost no less than in other countries.

Dental treatment is not the only manipulation for which foreigners go to Europe. Implantation is in high demand. The price range is very wide:

  • Hungary - from 750 euros;
  • Germany - from 1100 euros;
  • Ireland - about 3000 euros.

And this is only for the implant itself, the work of the doctor will cost about the same.

Treatment of asthma and bronchitis

One of the key factors that affect the recovery process in diseases such as emphysema, bronchitis, asthma is clean air. Most European countries are an excellent place for patients with such diagnoses. The air here is truly clean, without dust and toxins, saturated with oxygen and microelements from natural sources.

Where to go:

  • Poland, a medical center based on the Wieliczka salt mine. The treatment here is based on specially developed breathing exercises, which are carried out in the conditions of the specific microclimate of the salt galleries. Sanatorium "Salt Mines Bochnia" treats children suffering from respiratory diseases.
  • Hungary. One of the most famous resorts here is the city of Tapolca. There is a natural cave in it, in which therapy is carried out. respiratory system.
  • Romania. Speleological clinics located at a depth of 120 meters underground brought popularity to the state. For patients, rooms for procedures, a playground, rest rooms are equipped. All this allows you to carry out the necessary 4 hours of treatment with comfort.
  • Slovenia. Impact on lung diseases in this region, the sea air, saturated with the aromas of pine forests, renders. The climatic resort in the town of Strunjan has gained great popularity.
  • Italy. You need to pay attention to the resort of Fiuggi, where the inhalation center operates, the treatment in which is carried out on the basis of the Telese thermal water certified in the country. People come here with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, chronic inflammatory diseases, otosclerosis, tuberculosis.
  • Germany. Here are some of the largest inhalatories in Europe. They can be found in the resorts of Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kissingen, Bad Reichenhall.

Treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

Urological diseases are the main specialization of many Czech spas. You need to pay attention to Marianske Lazne. Methods of influencing diseases are based on the use of peat mud, physiotherapy, natural carbon dioxide, and electrical procedures. In the treatment of kidneys only, a drinking course of mineral water is used.

But the Czech Republic is not the only country where you can go if you have diseases of this order:

  • Bulgaria, Hissar resort. The healing water of the region is used in the treatment of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, conditions after lithotripsy, prostatitis.
  • Italy, resort of Fiuggi. Even the great Michelangelo called the water that comes to the surface here from sources, moisture, which is capable of crushing stones.
  • Slovakia, resort Turchanski Teplice. Local health resorts build treatment on the use of thermal mineral water. Basic methods: drinking course, massages, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy.

In Austria, the resort of Laa an der Thaya is popular, in Germany - Baden-Baden, Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kissingen.

Top countries for epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia treatment

Europe is also one of the best places to get mental health and depression treatment. In almost every state, you can easily find a clinic that deals with neurological problems.

In Germany, medical institutions have succeeded in this area:

  • clinic "Charite",
  • Berlin Vivantes Center,
  • Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Freiburg.

The following methods are preferred here:

  • classes in therapeutic groups, individual sessions;
  • work with obsessive fears;
  • art therapy;
  • safe medicines.

British experts build the process of influencing the disease in a slightly different way. Neurasthenia and depression are treated here with:

  • acupuncture, aromatherapy, physical education;
  • complete rejection of even the weakest drugs.

Such methods are followed in the English hospital of Wellington and in London Bridge Hospital. In many sanatoriums in the Czech Republic, Italy and Spain, patients with depression are saved through natural resources (sea, air, mineral waters), moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, building positive thinking.

Schizophrenia is another mental disorder, which is practiced in European clinics and centers. To name just a few institutions:

  • Poland, Gdansk - Clinical Center of the Medical University;
  • Germany, Berlin - Charité clinic and Havelhehe hospital;
  • Spain, Barcelona - Teknon Medical Center;
  • Spain, Pamplona - University Hospital of Navarra.

Back at the end of the 19th century, leading European neurologists proved that the best results in the treatment neurological diseases can be achieved in resort conditions in the mountains. That is why patients diagnosed with epilepsy, disorders of the cerebral apparatus and other abnormalities in work nervous system choose sanatoriums located at the foot of mountain ranges. Most often these are health resorts of the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Switzerland.

Top 5 best European resorts

The reputation and position in various ratings has a great influence on the choice of a medical institution. Therefore, it is quite difficult to unequivocally point to the best sanatoriums.

Let's name the five most popular regions for health recovery:

  1. Italy, Montecatini Terme (Tuscany). Located between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Florence. There are 5 springs here. mineral water, 3 - with iodine waters, thermal mud. People come here with diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, with nervous disorders.
  2. Hungary, Budapest, Szechenyi Bath. Considered the largest in Europe. Water rises from the bowels of the earth from a depth of 1256 meters. Rest in this region is recommended in the presence of gynecological, rheumatic, skin diseases, as well as with deviations in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary. largest thermal spa countries: 12 springs, the water temperature in which ranges from 41-73 degrees. Doctors recommend coming here for diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, stress and depression.
  4. Austria, Baden. Located in the vicinity of Vienna. Attracts patients with sulphurous springs, is very popular in the circles of creative intelligentsia. Treatment in Baden is indicated in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders.
  5. Germany, Baden-Baden. The famous resort is located in the shade of the trees of the no less famous Black Forest. Many tourists give preference to this place due to the high quality of service, variety of procedures, and picturesque nature. The emphasis here is on the procedures for cleaning the body, rehabilitation after surgery, treatment of diseases of the blood, respiratory system, and nervous disorders.

Top 5 European cancer clinics

Patients diagnosed with cancer very often choose European medical institutions to fight this disease. And this is not accidental, because it is here that some of the most powerful and progressive centers in the world function today. The leading ones include:

  1. Germany, Nuremberg clinic. It unites several structural divisions: the Institute of Breast Cancer, Lung Oncology, Prostate and many others. The hospital has been awarded a high quality mark of honor from the German Cancer Society.
  2. Germany, Clinic at the University of Freiburg. The history of the medical institution has been going on for more than 230 years. The success rate for the treatment of liver and lung metastases, blood cancer, female oncology and neoplasms in the brain is one of the highest in Europe. Over 200 transplants are carried out here every year. bone marrow and about 25 thousand chemotherapy procedures.
  3. Germany, network of hospitals "Asklepios". About 2 million patients from all over the world come here every year. The cancer centers located in Hamburg enjoy the greatest authority.
  4. Austria, Vienna, Central Clinical Hospital. The hospital has been in existence for over 320 years. Its specialists not only treat oncological diseases, but also conduct active research work.
  5. Spain, Barcelona, ​​Teknon clinic. It is believed to work here. the largest number world luminaries in oncology: Antonia Russi (neurologist), Bartolome Oliver (neurosurgeon), Antonio de Lacy (oncosurgeon) and others.

Opening a visa

After the medical institution has been selected, you can proceed to request a visa permit at the consulate. To submit it, you will need an invitation from the hospital, a doctor's report with a diagnosis, insurance and financial support for the trip. You need to contact the representative office of the country in which the clinic or sanatorium is located.

To travel for treatment, you will need a category C visa - tourist. On its basis, it will be possible to spend 90 days in Europe within six months.

If this is not enough, you can apply for an extension of the visa, attaching to the application evidence of the circumstances forcing you to stay for longer treatment.


Many patients opt for European resorts and clinics due to the high level of medical development, rich natural resources and excellent quality of service. People come here with diseases of the skin, respiratory organs, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous and mental disorders.

Europe is also known for leading oncology centers that use latest developments in the fight against cancer.

Treatment in Germany without intermediaries // how to organize treatment yourself: Video

Here, most often, new technologies, methods, and preparations are developed and successfully applied in practice. Here, such giant concerns as SIEMENS, BOSCH, RATIOPHARM work for medicine. German part-time doctors often conduct progressive scientific activities in the field of oncology treatment.

Advantages of treatment in Germany

Each case of oncology is individual. Perhaps it is better for you to be treated in Russia, or maybe the best treatment you will get it abroad. It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. However, it will not be superfluous to learn about the advantages of treatment in Germany, as well as to consider the possibility of treatment in this country.

In addition, we note that a lot depends on the chosen clinic, doctor, as well as an intermediary company that will help collect documents, draw up an agreement with the best hospital, arrange a flight, and meet a patient at the airport.

You can get detailed information about the benefits of cancer treatment in Germany, as well as find out about the cost of German clinics for clients from Russia, on the page: We will focus on the key points.

Accurate diagnosis

The effectiveness, duration of treatment, chances of remission and even life expectancy depend on how correctly the initial and subsequent examinations of the patient were carried out. This is especially important for oncological diseases.

Advanced technologies and experience of doctors of specialized clinics in Germany allow not only to determine the nature and stage of the disease, but also to designate effective treatment.

Including in German clinics, they carry out repeated diagnostics: often they find inaccuracies in the diagnoses already made by doctors from other countries, they prescribe more effective drugs instead of less efficient ones, and so on.

Minimally invasive techniques

Modern equipment and innovative approaches to treatment in practice enable doctors to choose the most gentle therapy for the patient - without major abdominal operations, with minimal incisions, or without the need to go under the scalpel at all.

Of course, everything depends on the specific case and the recommendations of specialists, but it is possible that it is in the German clinic that the patient will be offered treatment without surgery or with minimal side effects.

Comfort in the clinic

This is an important factor of choice for both patients and their loved ones. Friendly staff, high-level service, well-thought-out equipment of the wards - all this allows us to reduce discomfort from treatment, and makes a forced stay in hospitals relatively comfortable.

How much does treatment cost in Germany?

Of course, the cost of treatment abroad (especially in the European Union) cannot be called publicly available. Nevertheless, medical services in this country are cheaper than, for example, in the United States. Under certain assumptions, prices in German clinics can even be compared with the price lists of Moscow private hospitals.

Do not self-medicate and self-diagnose. For detailed information about symptoms, drugs, treatment, contact only qualified specialists.

Many citizens immigrating to Europe are interested in the quality of medicine in the EU countries. Sometimes this factor can become decisive when choosing a state for further residence, especially if a person develops a disease or is at risk of its manifestation.

The healthcare system in the EU countries

One of the key issues for the countries of the European Union is the formation and development of the medical industry. Physicians, scientists, government bodies and private individuals contribute to the development of health care.

Countries adhere to the following principles:

  • maximum convergence of health care with the economic development of states;
  • ensuring the quality of services of medical institutions in the face of increasing budget allocations;
  • integrating health into other country policies.

The main condition for receiving free assistance is the presence of citizenship or residence in the territory of European countries. At the same time, each state independently determines the conditions for the provision and development of its own medicine. The European Union, in turn, only supports the decisions and complements the measures taken.

Compulsory health insurance

Medicine in European countries requires compulsory health insurance. A citizen who has an insurance policy has the right to receive services in public and private clinics on free or preferential terms.

In European countries, you can get both basic medical services and undergo examinations or tests. At the same time, the price list for treatment and consultations varies greatly depending on the country where the person intends to receive the service.

So, for example, for a foreigner in Germany, a consultation with a specialist can cost from 250 to 800 euros. Dentist services can reach up to 10 thousand euros, and an operation by a surgeon can be performed for 5.8-28 thousand euros. Laser correction an ophthalmologist costs only 3.5 thousand euros, which is not much higher than in some Russian clinics.

Availability of qualified medical care for the local population and foreigners

In many European countries, citizens pay annually insurance premiums. On their basis, they are entitled to receive free medical services. In addition, there are many private clinics with modern equipment that are ready to help in the treatment or examination.

Foreigners can also take advantage of European medicine. However, for them, the cost of services is much higher, because such treatment is not available to everyone. You can reduce the payment by obtaining a residence permit or citizenship.

Attitudes towards people with disabilities in Europe

Europe has developed a special approach to people with handicapped. First of all, this concerns infrastructure:

  • the presence of ramps and the minimum number of underground / overhead passages;
  • transport with a low floor;
  • the presence of tangible and sound signals for the visually impaired;
  • establishment of help centers.

European cities are considered to be among the most suitable for people with different degrees of disability to live. In addition, persons with disabilities are provided with many benefits for treatment and other types of services, which are provided by both private and public organizations.

EU countries with the best medical care

  1. Sweden. About 97% of health care costs are covered by the state budget. Residents pay the remaining 3% by purchasing an insurance policy. The peculiarities include the structure of dentistry, which provides free dental treatment for children from 0 to 19 years old.
  2. Switzerland. The country has the highest standard of living of the population. Most of the medical services are provided to citizens free of charge, the rest can be obtained under compulsory insurance.
  3. Italy. The country has a mixed healthcare system, which includes both public and private clinics. At the same time, for residents, all operations are carried out absolutely free of charge, regardless of the venue.
  4. Israel. In fourth place is Israeli health care. This result was achieved by the system due to the high efficiency of the treatment. The clinics employ professional doctors with the most modern equipment.
  5. Spain. Spain has the best medicine in the world. There are highly qualified personnel among the entire medical staff. Health care is as accessible as possible. So, for example, citizens can purchase prescription drugs through a special program.

There are more detailed lists, thanks to which you can find out where the best medicine in the world is, not only in terms of the degree of development, but also in terms of accessibility for foreign citizens.

German healthcare system

The healthcare system in Germany is rightfully one of the best in the world. Many countries receive modern equipment manufactured by the German company Siemens.

The country has the best clinics in the world, among which one of the leading places is occupied by the Weiden complex. A distinctive feature of this institution is the combination of highly qualified specialists, modern equipment, as well as the most comfortable conditions for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of their diseases.

Not only residents of this country, but also people from other countries can receive treatment in German clinics. However, it is worth noting that without a residence permit or citizenship, the cost of medical services in Germany can hit the budget hard.

France and Italy: medical tourism

Citizens of various countries in search of the best medicine most often look to France or Italy. In both countries, there is an optimal combination of prices and quality of services provided by both private and public clinics.

It is difficult to obtain a residence permit in France or Italy for insurance purposes. At the same time, it should be noted that citizens of the EU countries have the opportunity to receive treatment on preferential terms. Therefore, many tourists try to obtain citizenship or a residence permit in one of the European countries before receiving medical services.

Malta, Spain: Best Health Care Systems

In Malta, as in Italy, the best medical care in the world for foreigners in terms of price and quality. Along with it, there are several large clinics that allow you to receive the necessary treatment. Most specialists have international certificates and use new equipment.

Spanish doctors are highly qualified and also apply modern technologies in the treatment of their patients. In order for such medicine to become affordable, it is enough to apply for a residence permit and obtain citizenship. In general, the healthcare system in this country is similar to the Soviet one, except that everything is up to date.

The best clinics in Switzerland: quality

Since 2012, Switzerland has held the lead in life expectancy statistics. An important role in this fact is played by the healthcare system of this country, which includes modern equipment and highly qualified workers in their specialty.

Most Swiss doctors provide paid services which are used not only by local residents, but also by visitors from all over the world. In Switzerland, the most complex oncological diseases are treated, but without a passport, you will have to pay a fairly significant amount.

Foreign citizens have the right to obtain a residence permit in Switzerland, but for this it is necessary to make investments in the country's economy. The minimum fee is 100 thousand euros per year for 10 years. You can get full citizenship rights after 12 years of permanent residence.

Treatment in Hungary, Portugal: best prices, availability

Over the past 20 years, the flow of medical tourists to Hungary has grown. This fact is facilitated by the high quality of services of local doctors and the relatively low cost.

At the same time, it should be noted that everyone can become a participant in the investment program, under which representatives of other countries are given the opportunity to obtain citizenship. If successful, it will be possible to apply for therapy with many doctors within the framework of the minimum insurance - 20-40 euros.

If you need to get high-quality surgical services and undergo an examination in oncogynecology at competitive prices, then you should go to Portugal. It is this country that is preferred by European women who want to save on childbirth, without fear for the quality of obstetrician services.

If necessary, citizens of other countries can take out insurance for 350 euros, under which you can visit a doctor, take tests, and also undergo basic examinations. And in order to obtain a residence permit and citizenship, which contribute to a greater reduction in prices, one should invest 1 million euros in the economy or buy a house worth 500 thousand euros.

Comparison of the level of medicine in Europe and Russia
Parameter Europe Russia
Qualification of employees European doctors study at modern universities and regularly improve their skills. Russian specialists undergo long-term training before working in clinics. At the same time, doctors from large cities have the opportunity to practice with Western colleagues.
Availability of equipment In Europe itself, there are many medical equipment factories that produce high-quality equipment. In connection with counter-sanctions, the supply of most types of foreign equipment to Russia has been stopped. Own production is only increasing the pace of work.
Medicines Europe successfully produces many types of medicines and cooperates with other countries. As in the case of equipment, medicines from foreign manufacturers are received in small quantities. There is a shortage of some vital drugs.
Budget In Europe, large funds are allocated for the development of medicine, as a result of which the level of services provided to the population is increasing. Deductions for health care are minimal, and the medical staff is being cut.
Availability Medicine in Europe is available to all residents, and people from other countries also have the opportunity to undergo treatment. But this will require a significant amount of money. Citizens have access to free healthcare. However, some prefer private clinics due to better equipment.

It should be noted that not all European countries have a high level of medicine. However, their citizens can freely receive medical services in other EU countries for a reduced fee.

In general, it can be seen that in Europe the services of doctors are more accessible to the population, while their quality is many times higher. The level of medicine in Russia is still low, and health care, in general, is developing very slowly. As a result, Russians who care about their health are increasingly trying to get residence permits in European countries.

In medieval European medicine, the doctrine of the main four fluids secreted by the human body was widespread:

  • black bile;
  • yellow bile;
  • blood;
  • mucus, or phlegm.

An imbalance in their proportions meant the presence of a disease. So, it was believed that a cold was caused by an excessive amount of mucus, which the body got rid of by coughing. Bloodletting and various diets were used for treatment. As a result of incorrect interpretations, there was a stagnation of medicine, which led to the death of many patients.

Hospitals in the Middle Ages were directly linked to the church. The patients were cared for by monks who had no special education. At the same time, mainly pilgrims, the elderly and the poor were subject to hospitalization. Patients were treated at home. Only by the end of the 12th century, city authorities began to participate in the management of institutions.

In the XVIII century, the rapid development of European medicine began. So, in this century, the formation of obstetrics began, the first hospitals for the mentally ill were opened. As a result of a gradual separation from the church and a departure from the theory of four liquids, effective methods treatment of many diseases.

European Foundation for the Development of Medicine and Education: projects

The team of the European Foundation for the Development of Medicine is engaged in the development and development of programs aimed at improving the qualifications of applicants, students of medical schools and doctors of the world. At the moment, it is possible to register in several projects of the organization:

  1. "Military Traumatology". The project is aimed primarily at specialists whose work is necessary for the army. Registration will give you Additional information on the provision of medical services within the framework of military medicine.
  2. Medical tourism is a unique set of programs aimed primarily at patients. As part of the project, European clinics can be visited not only for the treatment of diseases. It is also possible to undergo examinations by specialists and visit rehabilitation events.
  3. Europe Medical. The program allows doctors and medical staff to get the opportunity to practice in Polish institutions. In addition, training courses are held that will help in an independent desire to become part of European medicine.
  4. "Double degree". Thanks to this program, students of medical colleges receive the right to additional education in Polish institutions. Upon graduation, official documents become available, allowing you to get a job in the EU.
  5. "Training". The program involves conducting trainings, courses and seminars for doctors and university students. Those who register can both develop leadership qualities for career advancement and gain the skills to be able to run their own business.
  6. "International Internships". Within the framework of the program, both wide-profile and narrow-focused trips can be carried out, aimed at training doctors and future specialists graduating from universities.

You can register in the programs by visiting the official website of the project.

European medicine: pros and cons

If we talk about the advantages of healthcare in the EU countries, then they include the following points:

  • availability of highly qualified specialists, from doctors to service personnel;
  • modern equipment for both treatment, prevention and research of diseases;
  • large budget funding, which makes medicine more accessible to residents of countries.

As for the minuses, the main one concerns foreigners. To receive quality services, a citizen of another state will have to pay a considerable amount. In addition, it is worth noting that not all EU countries have a high level of health care, so choosing a place for treatment and examination should be done with great care.

European medicine is a beautiful myth
Author - Natalia Barabash

A friend called me: “Read? In an English hospital, the staff killed 1000 people! Horror! How can it be - this is an enlightened Europe!” But for some reason I wasn't surprised. Alas. Stories about the magnificence of European medicine turned out to be the myth that was most painful to part with.

– Oh, you will immediately see the difference with Russia! Yes, one blood test will tell you everything! a Viennese friend assured me, who, like all Austrians, believed that there was no better medicine than theirs.

The husband was the first to turn to miracle doctors - his leg hurt for some reason.

- Do you only have general social insurance? - they asked him, - then go to the family doctor at the place of residence!

“Finally, I will find out what kind of family doctor you are, about which all Russian patients dream!” I thought dreamily, waiting for my husband.

By that time, I was already surprised to find that there were no polyclinics in Austria. At all. And if something is ill with you, you must first go to a general practitioner: there are several of them per district (although you may not be attached to your place of residence.). And he will either prescribe the treatment himself, or send him for tests, and then to specialists. A small detail - all the laboratories are also private and scattered around the city: in one place they take blood, in another they do x-rays and ultrasounds, in the third they check the heart ... Well, specialists also opened their offices, where they liked it. Not every patient can run around them all ...! But then - what a professional level!

The husband returned discouraged.

“There, there…” he stuttered slightly. - Well, in general, I will not go there again!

It turned out that our family doctor's waiting room was the size of a pantry, where there was nowhere even to sit (and in a Moscow clinic, I remember, a harpist played in the marble hall!). And there were a lot of people. Someone sneezes and coughs, some old woman hums slightly, shaking her head, and the swarthy-faced guy is dripping blood from his bandaged arm... When, after an hour of waiting, the husband came into the office immediately after the boy and saw bloodied bandages on the floor, he felt sick . An elderly tired doctor in a blood-stained dressing gown silently wrote out a prescription for an anesthetic for him - and this was the end of the first meeting with advanced medicine in Europe.

“Well, you should have taken out private insurance!” - our Austrian friend immediately stopped our complaints. - There is a completely different service! Top clinics, professors!

We cheered up. But then it turned out that only absolutely healthy people. That is, the insurance company, first of all, requires you to prove that you are not sick with anything - for this you undergo a mini-examination at your own expense.

“What if I get sick?” I wondered. - Well, for example, gastritis? What, won't they insure me?

Why not? They can insure - for the treatment of everything except gastritis, - a friend explained to us. - Well, if something is more serious - they will refuse.

- But people want to treat what hurts?

- Whatever they want! The car will not be insured against damage if it is already damaged? Why would a company risk its own funds? the crown assured us.

And we went to prove that we never get sick, but simply want to give our money to the insurance company free of charge. A polite doctor himself took blood from our finger, and immediately wrote out a bill: 120 euros for an appointment and 100 euros for a blood test. From everyone. A week later, he told us by phone that we were healthy and fit for insurance medicine. I was surprised, but overjoyed! And then these Moscow doctors found so much from me that they forbade everything tasty to eat and drink!

For several months, despite various ailments, we were afraid to disturb the Austrian medicine. They also think that we are sick. They will get angry ... But then chance intervened. My temperature rose to 39 and lasted for five days. Local doctors - both we and the insurance company called five people - refused to visit me at home. They just didn't want to. They have the right - they have no obligations to patients here. There is no ambulance in our understanding either - you can call a car with a doctor for 500 euros to take you to the hospital. But I haven't reached the hospital yet.

I had to go with the temperature myself. Fortunately, with private insurance, we found a center where various specialists were received and had their own laboratories. But we are not the only ones so smart! It turned out that here you need to make an appointment with the doctors for a month!

“But I have a temperature now!” I pleaded.

- So what? And we have a turn! Okay, since you've arrived, wait! the registrar relented. And after two hours of waiting, I got to the doctor.

The doctor listened to my sad story for several minutes and immediately began to write something.

- Here is an antibiotic prescription for you, drink for 10 days!

“But what do I have? Maybe you will listen to me? Maybe some analysis?

- Why? Whatever it is, antibiotics will fix it!

I did not know then that this is the main principle of medicine here. On the tenth day, the temperature really went away. And who cares if it hurts...

I have been to this elite clinic several times. And tired. Wait an hour or more for an appointment, although you have an appointment. So that later the eternally busy doctor, barely looking at you, immediately sends you out of sight to donate blood. And to find out the result, you need to sign up for the next appointment. A month later... Once I received a consultation from a professor-laurel. He immediately clicked his tongue: you need to do the operation of the nasal septum!

- I won't! I stumbled.

The frustrated professor immediately lost interest in me.

– Do you have 150 euros with you? he asked matter-of-factly.

- There is! I hurried.

- Let's!

He took my money, quickly wrote out some kind of receipt, and immediately escorted me out the door without further ado. Never before have I spent 150 euros so quickly - it all took less than three minutes.

But maybe we are so fatally unlucky? Talked to friends. My friend with a child who had just broken a finger sat under the doctor's office for 3 hours. And she left - despite the expensive insurance, they were never accepted. Another friend had her teeth inserted in the clinic for big money. Beautiful. She just couldn't talk or eat.

There were also life-affirming examples. Our friend worked as a chief engineer at an Austrian plant. And suddenly he was diagnosed with heart disease. You need a shunt. The campaign immediately fired him so as not to pay expensive insurance. The hospital, without insurance, refused to operate on him. He borrowed money. Has made operation. To spite the former bosses, he opened his own company. And he became a millionaire. Yes, medicine can work wonders!

I got into the forums. It turns out that many Russians travel from Vienna to Moscow for treatment. They don't follow the local rules.

– Understand, there is no good and bad medicine! There are good and bad doctors - and in any country you need to look for them, - my Russian friend, who has been living in Vienna for a long time, instructed me.

Of course it is. Yes, there is good doctors in Austria. I just never got caught. But still...

For a very long time I cursed our medicine. And now I'm just sure: the Soviet healthcare system was the best. Namely, as a public service system - Europe never dreamed of such a thing. Yes, there was a lack of modern equipment, there were no new medicines. Well, this is how these issues should be addressed. Instead, we are trying to adopt the advanced European experience of family doctors, which will destroy the remnants of the good that we had. I'm afraid our sick population will not survive such a battle for health!

Because the secret of the myth of brilliant European medicine was revealed to me. There are excellent medicines here. Modern. No fakes. They do the main work for the doctors. Maybe that's why they are not sold without a prescription.

Well, a very conscious population. I kept thinking: where does such a craving for physical education and sports come from? Everyone, from young to old, ride bikes, ski from the mountains, play golf, walk through the forests with sticks ... And they are simply afraid of their European medicine!

For wealthy people who want to move to one of the countries of Europe, it is important to know how national health care works there. is an established system that has been successfully and efficiently operating for more than a century. The secret is in the insurance system, which covers all countries and most of their inhabitants. We will tell you in our today's review about which European countries you can use high-quality medical services and which clinics to go to improve your health.

Insurance medicine in Europe

One of the main conditions for obtaining a residence permit or citizenship in most European countries is the purchase by the applicant of a medical insurance policy. This should not surprise you, since insurance medicine is common in European countries. It is valid in all EU states.

  • additional
  • replacing
  • duplicate
  • obligatory

Each person pays for insurance independently from his personal budget. A number of states establish a contribution in the form of a certain amount, while in other countries citizens pay a percentage of their income.

The main advantage of insurance is that the policy opens the door to the best clinics (public and private) in Europe, while allowing you to significantly save on treatment costs. Delivery systems medical care(and the percentage of free services provided) also differ significantly in different countries. However, in any case, having insurance, you receive the highest quality medical services, and pay much less for them (in some cases, you don’t pay at all).

Where is the best place to be treated in Europe?


German clinics are rightfully considered leaders and main innovators of European medicine. People from all over the world come here to improve their health (including in the most difficult cases). Health insurance in Germany can pay for a heart transplant, joint replacement and others the most complex operations.

The German healthcare system has a high percentage of private medical practices - about 45%. Any doctor who has the appropriate qualifications can open his office. The competition is also very high, so each clinic tries to keep the highest possible brand.

The best clinics in Germany with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • Clinic of St. Martha and Mary (Munich)
  • University Hospital (Bochum)
  • Academic Center (Dortmund)

Great Britain

In the UK, 95% of medical institutions are owned by the state, and about 10% of the state budget is allocated to healthcare. Such infusions have a positive impact on the quality of medical services. Doctors' services are available to everyone who has a residence permit or British citizenship. The cost of services remains stable, as the state controls prices. Budgetary restrictions reduce the likelihood that doctors will impose unnecessary drugs.

The best clinics in the UK with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • Clinics of University College London
  • Wellington Clinic (London)
  • HCA International Clinics (London)


The quality of local medicine is evidenced by the life expectancy of the Swiss. Men live here on average up to 80 years, and women - up to 85 years. The secret is in the advanced methods of medicine and environmental cleanliness. The cost of medical services is partly covered by the state, and partly paid by the residents of the country themselves - at the expense of insurance, which every holder of a residence permit or a Swiss passport should have.

The best clinics in Switzerland with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • University Hospital (Zurich)
  • Clinic Generale Beaulieu (Geneva)
  • Clinic Genolier (Glynon).


In Spain, foreign citizens with a residence permit are entitled to free medical care, since medicine here is 85% state-owned. At the same time, the country regularly enters the Top 5 European countries in terms of the level of medicine and the qualifications of doctors. Residence permit holders receive an individual medical card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual - TSI), which allows them to apply to state institutions. Patients pay 40-50% of the cost of drugs prescribed for use after discharge from the hospital. Pensioners over 65 pay only 10% of the cost of medicines.

The best clinics in Spain with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • Capio Catalan General Hospital (Barcelona)
  • Hospital "Costadelle Sol" (Marbella)
  • Quiron Clinic (Madrid)


In Austria, there are several options for health insurance:

  • compulsory social
  • voluntary social
  • voluntary private

All citizens working in Austria, as well as pensioners, pay insurance premiums in the form of a percentage of their salary. Children are insured together with their parents. You can voluntarily enter into an insurance contract with a private insurance company. This document will allow you to choose a clinic and a doctor. Unemployed citizens can take out voluntary social or private insurance. Whichever option you choose, in any case, in Austria you are guaranteed quality treatment according to advanced technologies.

The best clinics in Austria with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • Vienna Private Clinic
  • Private Clinic Leech (Graz)
  • Evangelical Clinic (Vienna)


There is a combination of the public health system in combination with insurance and private medicine. In most cases, residents of the country are entitled to 100% reimbursement of treatment costs, however, in some areas of medicine (diagnostics, dentistry, inpatient treatment, etc.), the state pays only 55-60% of the cost of services.

The best clinics in Portugal with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • Da Luz Hospital (Lisbon)
  • Lusíadas Medical Center (Lisbon)
  • Todos Santos Hospital (Lisbon)


In this country, the healthcare system combines public and private principles. Most public clinics (about 80%) are concentrated in Athens and Thessaloniki. Moreover, in terms of the quality of services they are not inferior to German ones, and in terms of cost they are much lower. In Greece, state insurance companies operate, they fully cover the stay in the hospital, outpatient treatment.

The best clinics in Greece with multidisciplinary treatment:

  • Interbalkan Medical Center (Thessaloniki)
  • AHEPA University Hospital (Thessaloniki)
  • Clinic of Saint Luke (Thessaloniki)

Life expectancy in European countries

The best specialized clinics in Europe

Profile Clinic City, country
Cardiology – German Heart Center
– Royal Brompton Center
- Munich, Germany
- London, Great Britain
Ophthalmology – Ophthalmological Clinic of Duke Karl Theodor of Bavaria
– University Eye Clinic
- Munich, Germany
– Leipzig, Germany
Gynecology – Gynecological clinic C3
– Clinic “Teknon”
– Düsseldorf, Germany
- Barcelona, ​​Spain
Children's medicine – Children’s University Clinic “Haunerschen”
– Child Health Center Donaustadt
- Munich, Germany
- Vienna, Austria
Oncology – Royal Cancer Hospital
– Clinic radiotherapy
- London, Great Britain
– Porto, Portugal
Neurosurgery – Clinic Helios Zilschlacht
– University Clinic of Neurosurgery
– Zillschlacht, Switzerland
- Vienna, Austria

How to start treatment in Europe?

Maintaining health and curing diseases is the primary task of every person. European countries offer ample opportunities to use high-class medical services. However, for people who experience health problems, it is most often inconvenient to open a visa every time to travel to Europe for treatment. And if you need to go to the doctor urgently? ..

Treatment in clinics in Germany, Switzerland or Austria may well become affordable for you. Efficient and fast decision problems - obtaining a residence permit in one of the countries of Europe under migration programs for investors. Get a residence permit for investment in the economy and get unlimited access to quality medicine. You will be able to move around the EU without visas and use the services of public and private clinics.

Our experts will help you find the most suitable way to obtain a residence permit. Call us or come to the office - we will offer you the simplest and most short cut to make your dreams come true good health and longevity.