Sheksna Central District Hospital. Hospital in RP

Every year, on the pages of the newspaper, we talk about the positive changes in the Sheksna Central District Hospital - repairs carried out, updating the material and technical base, measures aimed at improving the quality and accessibility medical care for the population of the Sheksninsky district. What did you manage to accomplish in the first five months of 2017? On the eve of the Day of the Medical Worker, we asked the chief physician A.V. to give an answer to this question. Meadow.

First current year work has begun on installation, commissioning, commissioning, monitoring of operational parameters, radiation monitoring at the workplaces of personnel in the X-ray room, adjacent premises and adjacent territories, as well as monitoring the technical condition and Maintenance, with the replacement of spare parts of the computer spiral tomograph by the forces and means of the Central Regional Hospital. At the expense of funds raised by us from donations from partners providing support to the hospital, repairs were made to the premises of the Central District Hospital and FAPs. In particular, the premises of the first and second floors of the ward building of the hospital were repaired, where the provision of outpatient care for the population and the work of the emergency medical department were organized, measures were taken in accordance with the instructions of the supervisory authorities for previous years, fire treatment of the premises, recharging and restocking of all available fire extinguishing equipment , installation of a video surveillance system in the structural divisions of the Central District Hospital (fully funded by donations). Cosmetic repairs were made to the premises of the departments of the ward and administrative buildings of the hospital. Purchased and planned to purchase medical equipment, specialized medical and office equipment for a total amount of more than five million rubles, purchased medical furniture. Under donation agreements, office furniture, office equipment, building materials and other assistance for the hospital were received.
Work is constantly carried out to control accounts payable, from May 2016 to the current date there is no delay in payments to counterparties and other overdue debts.
Young specialists were attracted to work in the Central District Hospital - T.V. Yakimova, doctor of functional diagnostics from Yaroslavl, A.Yu. Garabadzhi, ward nurse of the therapeutic department, A.S. Kuklina, midwife of the antenatal clinic, A.A. Kochetova, ambulance paramedic. We returned to the Sheksninskaya Central District Hospital N.A. Botvin for the position of head nurse in the village of Chebsara, V.N. Bersenev as a paramedic in the prevention room. We plan to recruit experienced doctors and young specialists from other regions during the year in the amount of eight people, and five middle-level staff. The agreement has already been received.
- Alexander Vladimirovich, you are constantly moving specialists from office to office, from floor to floor. People who have been accustomed to one location system for years are lost, although later they admit that it has not become worse, but on the contrary, there is more space, light, and convenience. Explain why these constant housewarming?

- We are bringing outpatient care facilities in line with regulatory documents. Resettlement takes place, as you probably noticed, only in renovated offices. I hope that the patients noted the spaciousness at the office of the ENT and surgeons, even the queues seem to have become shorter - we removed the attached office of the oncology specialist, allocating him a normal room. The buffet moved from the first floor to the second, we signed an agreement with one of the cafes in the village of Sheksna, and now you can have a full meal, drink tea here - everything is civilized, pleasant, tasty. The vacated premises of the former canteen are now given over to the emergency department, we inserted double-glazed windows there, and carried out repairs. The partitions of the former premises of the emergency department on the second floor have been removed, now offices are located here and all district therapists have moved into them. In the future, the transfer of the procedural and vaccination rooms here. Gradually, the system will build up, and our patients will get used to it. Moreover, everything is done including for their convenience and comfort.
- I would like to thank you for the good deeds, the changes that began to occur in Sheksna healthcare. Thank you and Happy Holidays!


First laparoscopic surgery performed in Sheksna

In an autumn interview, the chief physician of the Sheksna Central District Hospital A.V. Lugovin said that by the end of the year the hospital will be replenished with modern diagnostic and medical equipment. In particular, a tomograph will finally be installed, additional equipment will be purchased for laparoscopic operations in our hospital, and we will no longer have to send Sheksnin residents to Cherepovets and Vologda. Moreover, we now have our own highly qualified specialist - the head of the surgical department Boris Anatolyevich Minyukhin, a surgeon of the first category, a traumatologist-orthopedist the highest category.

On December 20, endoscopic equipment for laparoscopic operations was received. It was tested, and already on December 22, the first patient was operated on. This was the reason to get to know the head of the surgical department and ask him about the prospects of Sheksna surgery.
­ - Boris Anatolyevich, who became the first patient of this unique operation for Sheksna?
- We had a patient in the surgical department who was admitted with an exacerbation of cholelithiasis. The issue was decided on conducting an open operation or, as it is also called, a band operation, since an acute attack could result in serious consequences. He was lucky, and we also had, one might say, luck to test the equipment immediately in action. Now, instead of a huge scar and a painful long postoperative recovery, he has only four small sutures 1-1.5 cm in size. He underwent a cholecystectomy, that is, the removal of the gallbladder, and with it two stones of very impressive size. Postoperative period went smoothly. The next day he was able to get up and walk. New Year our hero will meet in the home circle.
­ - For you personally, was this the first such operation or have you already done them?
- Before moving to Sheksna, I worked for 23 years in the Ustyuzhna district hospital and on my account about 200 such operations. There, this method has been introduced into surgical practice since 2009. Endoscopic surgery has many advantages compared to the traditional method - such operations are less traumatic, the body recovers faster after them, and there are no large scars on the body. And with the help of this method, it is possible to carry out operations not only to remove the gallbladder, but also, for example, appendicitis, gynecological surgical interventions.
- Boris Anatolyevich, despite your long medical experience, you are new to our hospital, but you have already earned the authority and respect of patients. In your opinion, will Sheksna's surgery be able to reach the height that the department has always been famous for before?
- The team of surgeons is efficient, the specialists are strong. It is important that we are fully staffed with anesthesiologists. Modern diagnostic equipment appears. The head physician is very interested in equipping surgery with new equipment for performing operations using modern methods, for introducing advanced technologies. The equipment of the clinical laboratory to a large extent helps us in the successful treatment of patients. With the introduction endoscopic surgery into practice, there will be an expansion of the list of operations that we can carry out. So, one of the closest options is unipolar hip arthroplasty. We have already received metal structures and unipolar prostheses. We are waiting for the equipment, the contract for its supply has been concluded. These operations will be designed for older patients. For many older people with injuries hip joint the installation of such an endoprosthesis is the best way to get back on your feet. After surgery, they will be able to serve themselves for another 10-15 years. I did such surgeries in Ustyuzhna, and we will do them in Sheksna as well. I will say that on the basis of the Department of Surgery of the Sheksna Central District Hospital, an operation has already been performed to remove varicose veins lower extremities. There are many plans.
- We accepted you into the ranks of the Sheksnins. Tell us a little more about yourself, where you are from, how you ended up in Ustyuzhna, about your family and hobbies.
- I was born in Veliky Ustyug, a countryman of our chief doctor - Alexander Vladimirovich Lugovin. Since the seventh grade, I already wanted to become a doctor. My mother is a teacher of Russian language and literature, my father is a water transport engineer, but my uncle is a general practitioner, so there were doctors in our family. After graduating from school, he entered the Arkhangelsk medical institute. A year before graduation, he wrote letters to regional hospitals, told about himself, as they say today, sent a resume. I wanted to decide in advance on the place of work. A very warm letter came from the chief physician of the Ustyuzhna district hospital. I went to Ustyuzhna, I liked the city, the working conditions too. After my internship, for 23 years I dealt with the health of Ustyuz residents. In Ustyuzhna, son Mikhail was born and graduated from school. Now he is a second-year student at the Arkhangelsk medical academy. I hope he will follow in my footsteps and become a surgeon too. As for hobbies, the main thing is my work. In addition to her, I like to read good books, play chess and dream of mastering the guitar.
- Boris Anatolyevich, thank you for decision about the change of place of work and residence. I sincerely rejoice for the Sheksnins!
- Thanks for the kind words.


What was 2016 like for the Sheksna Central District Hospital?

During the year, the Sheksna Central District Hospital carried out activities aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of medical care for the population of the district. In particular, to update the material and technical base of the Central District Hospital. Work was also carried out to solve the personnel problems of the hospital, including measures to motivate staff to achieve planned targets, comply with the norms of the state guarantees program, ethics and deontology.

The beginning of positive change. 2015
In the last months of the year, it was possible to fully pay off the overdue accounts payable of the Central District Hospital for 2015. In addition, during this period, the CRH began repairing the fifth floor of the ward building of the hospital. In 2016, the district hospital entered with a vector to achieve positive results.

Repaired, bought, implemented
This year, delays in payments to counterparties and other overdue debts were eliminated, the repair of the fifth floor of the ward building was completed, where the wards of the neurological and therapeutic day hospital were organized in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. A floor-by-floor transfer of the children's, neurological and therapeutic departments of the hospital to the renovated premises was carried out. Purchased car. By the forces and means of the Central District Hospital, as well as thanks to the funds raised from donations from partners supporting the hospital, repairs were made to the premises of the Central District Hospital and FAPs. Thus, the second floor of the ward building of the hospital was repaired, where the provision of outpatient care for the population was organized, measures were taken according to the instructions of the supervisory authorities in previous years (fire-fighting treatment of the premises of the polyclinic of the Central District Hospital and FAPs, recharging and re-equipping all available fire extinguishing equipment, anti-terrorist security measures) . Repairs were made to the roof of the catering unit, ward and administrative buildings of the hospital. A significant achievement is the purchase of medical equipment, specialized equipment and office equipment for a total amount of more than three million rubles (endoscopic equipment, two dental units, a plasma defroster, an audiometer, defebrilators, a urine analyzer and other equipment), medical furniture has been purchased. Under donation agreements, office furniture, office equipment, building materials were received and other assistance was provided for the hospital.

Tomograph will be up and running soon
Until the end of this year, work will be completed on installation, commissioning, commissioning, monitoring of operational parameters, radiation monitoring at the workplaces of personnel in the X-ray room, adjacent premises and adjacent territories, as well as monitoring the technical condition and maintenance with replacement of spare parts of a computer spiral tomograph - the Somatom Emotion model. These works were planned for execution since 2014, at a pre-agreed cost of about three million nine hundred thousand rubles. It was possible to significantly reduce the costs for these purposes - the cost of the work amounted to two million six hundred and forty-five thousand rubles. The money saved is used to solve other problems.

Arrived in our regiment
Young specialists, doctors with experience and paramedical personnel were recruited to work in the Central District Hospital. In addition, more than 60 hospital employees are aimed at advanced training and training, including narrow-profile medical specialties. All the measures taken will improve the quality of medical care provided to the population of the Sheksninsky district, and in the future - to increase the level of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and reduce the incidence rate.
According to the federal program "Zemsky doctor" and in order to implement the law of the region of 06.05. 2013 No. 3533OZ “On measures of social support aimed at staffing the health care system of the region” attracted and received one-time compensation payments eight medical specialists who arrived to work at the Sheksninskaya CRH in 2016. These are two therapists, two dentists, a neurologist, a trauma surgeon, an endocrinologist, and a bacteriologist.

What lies ahead?
In conclusion, the chief physician of the Sheksna Central District Hospital A.V. Lugovin noted that new positive changes are ahead of us, work in all areas will be continued.
- Yes, maybe not everything turns out yet, not everything works out as we would like. But I am glad that we have many enthusiasts, many partners who are ready to help us, competent specialists who want to grow and improve, to keep up with the times. I am sure that together we will be able to overcome all the difficulties on the way, to make medical care more efficient, modern and affordable, and the services provided better, so that our patients visit our medical institutions with greater comfort, so that only with an insurance policy they can receive a decent level of service. . Hello everyone in 2017!


A.V. Lugovin: “My task is to restore the trust and respect of the Sheksnins to the district hospital”

There is a large replenishment in the Sheksna Central District Hospital: the district therapist Nvard Sasunovna Arakelyan, the neurologist Lidia Igorevna Makarevich, the district therapist of polyclinic No. 2 Tatyana Yurievna Obryadina, the endocrinologist Zamira Zeinutdinovna Tagirova, the dentist of polyclinic No. 2 Yulia Nikolaevna Cherepanova, the dentist of the Nifantovskaya outpatient clinic Igor Sergeevich Akulich, the dentist-surgeon Armen Sargisovich Petrosyan, head of the bacteriological laboratory Natalya Yuryevna Bashkanova, surgeon of the first category, traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category Boris Anatolyevich Minyukhin. How did you manage to solve the personnel problem so quickly? This and other questions of the journalist of the newspaper Zvezda Elena Izyumova were answered by the chief physician A.V. Lugovin.

­ - Alexander Vladimirovich, how can you explain such an interest in our hospital?
- First of all, the Zemsky Doctor program has become an effective incentive. It allows a doctor with a higher education to receive 1 million rubles to purchase housing. Since 2013, urban-type settlements have been equated to rural areas. In addition, the age limit has been raised to 50 years, and thanks to this, not only young, but also experienced specialists came to us.As a result, due to the personnel potential, health issues in the district were raised to a higher level.
­ - Is the Sheksna Central District Hospital staffed with all the specialists today?
- Not exactly. At present, two of our target clients, specialists, are undergoing internships. We urgently need pediatricians, functional diagnostics doctors, paramedics, nurses and other employees. We have posted information about vacancies and attractive working conditions on the Internet, on the website of the Central District Hospital, so we are sure that there will definitely be specialists.
- The problem of all enterprises, institutions - the sudden retirement of workers - fell ill, went on vacation. How do they get out of the situation in the Sheksna Central District Hospital?
- We use such a method of work as having a second certificate from doctors. This system allows us to provide multifunctionality in the work of specialists, including the replacement of colleagues who are on vacation or on sick leave, expand the cognitive skills of doctors and provide medical care in several specialties at once. So, we have a local pediatrician, Olga Nikolaevna Odochuk, who is also a neonatologist and a doctor general practice, anesthesiologist-resuscitator Alexander Nikolayevich Mikhin has two more specialties - obstetrician-gynecologist, transfusion therapy doctor, Vladimir Alekseevich Pankov - head of the obstetric department, obstetrician-gynecologist and ultrasound diagnostics doctor, Svetlana Rostislavovna Akulich - radiologist and doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, Ivan Alexandrovich Subbotin is the head and doctor of the emergency department and the admission and diagnostic department and also has the specialty of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Valentina Alekseevna Aksenovskaya - head of the therapeutic department, therapist and occupational pathologist, Elena Gennadievna Smirnova - head of the intensive care unit, anesthesiologist-resuscitator and obstetrician-gynecologist, Dmitry Vladimirovich Petrov - surgeon and endoscopist. And you can go on, because almost all doctors have two diplomas and two certificates.
- Alexander Vladimirovich, what about specialists with narrow profiles? Today cardiovascular diseases come out on top, and we do not have a separate cardiologist, there are problems in the urological part, oncology. People are forced to turn to paid specialists. However, they are not aimed at obtaining a quick result in the treatment of the patient. And one more of the observations is the imposition of additional services, tests, examinations, often completely unnecessary, but very expensive.
- You are right, these problems are topical for all regional centers of the region, but I would like to draw the attention of our citizens that when applying to paid clinics for patients, the priority should be the question of the advisability of prescribing medical and other services to them, and then questions of price, conditions and quality . In our district, we are solving the problem of the lack of narrow specialists by attracting the necessary doctors to conduct consultative appointments on the basis of the Central District Hospital within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, that is, they conduct a free appointment for the population. In addition, I would like to say to the Sheksnins: before applying for a paid medical service in private clinics, check with your attending physicians at free appointments if there is a need for this and indications for additional examination and treatment.
Each patient has the right to clarify with the attending physician information on this consultation or examination, perhaps they can be provided to you within the framework of state guarantees. If we cannot provide some consultation or service in the conditions of a district hospital, but it is shown to you, then we are ready, moreover, we are obliged to give a referral to other healthcare organizations in the region and the country for specialized or high-tech medical care.
I note that today there are two regional medical structures that our residents can apply to in the direction of the Central District Hospital within the framework of compulsory medical insurance - regional No. 1 (Vologda) and regional No. 2 (Cherepovets). And in order to improve the quality of specialized medical care for the population of the Sheksninsky district, we organized field work within the framework of the program of state guarantees for specialists from the regional clinical hospitals of Vologda, Cherepovets and the regional children's hospital. clinical hospital. As part of visiting teams, a variety of doctors - endocrinologist, neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, urologist, children's specialists. For 10 months, 5551 people were consulted and examined, including 3872 children. As a doctor, I want to emphasize: it is necessary for each of us to remember that it is more expedient to prevent the disease, to healthy lifestyle life and give up bad habits. Early detection, timely and complete treatment is a guarantee of recovery and longevity.
- And if the doctor of the Sheksna Central District Hospital does not prescribe the necessary or additional examinations and treatment, is silent about the possibility of referring the patient for a free examination and consultation?
- This should not be, but if it has already happened, and the doctor does not prescribe or delays, then immediately contact me or my deputies. Upon the fact of the appeal, an internal audit will be carried out with the involvement of independent specialists to identify violations in the treatment provided. We will look into each specific case.
- Alexander Vladimirovich, the terrible word "optimization" still whips up fears and gives rise to rumors. You recently explained through a newspaper about the polyclinic in Sheksna Severnaya, that not only are they not going to close it, but, on the contrary, it is planned to expand it. What is the reason for optimization now?
- By activating the internal resource and optimizing the costs of maintaining medical institutions. And first of all, we reduce the cost of utilities through energy saving, we analyze and optimize the cost of maintaining the material and technical base of the Central District Hospital, analyzing each service presented for payment. All saved funds will be directed to the development of the hospital, including the purchase of modern diagnostic and medical equipment.
- Here we come to one of the main questions. What kind of equipment? And is it really possible that the tomograph promised several years ago will finally be installed? And you will be the very chief doctor of the Sheksna Central District Hospital who can do this!
- Yes, we plan to install it in the fourth quarter of 2016, in addition, we will purchase additional medical equipment for laparoscopic operations within the specified time frame. We hope that the auction will take place in November, and the equipment will be installed before the end of the year, and the operations necessary for the Sheksna residents will be carried out in our hospital, and they will no longer have to be sent to Cherepovets and Vologda. Moreover, we now have our own highly qualified specialist - Boris Anatolyevich Minyukhin, head of the surgical department. In addition, equipment is being purchased to identify drug signs of intoxication, to identify drug addicts driving cars, which, like drunk drivers, pose a great threat to road safety. Today, there are special requirements for this. We will have new audiometry equipment for examining Sheksnin residents and conducting preventive examinations. Additionally, defibrillators and ECG devices were purchased for the emergency department and intensive care unit. New medical equipment will expand the list of services provided by our hospital, and this is only the first stage in equipping.

I also want to note that we managed to do this in addition to the fact that repairs were going on all year: the fifth floor of the ward building, where children's department, Department of Neurology and Day Hospital. The repair of the second floor of the ward building is almost completed. The premises were given for the expansion of the provision of polyclinic services. The roof of the catering unit, the roof of the three-story ward building was repaired, it is planned to repair the roof of the five-story building.
­ - Just unbelieveble! And where are the sources of funding, if not a secret?
- In addition to the budgetary funds, which are determined by the Department of Health and Economics, which I mentioned above, Evgeny Artyomovich Bogomazov, the head of the Sheksninsky district, provides great assistance in solving problems and problems, of course, these are the heads of enterprises and organizations of our district and region. A lot of people have helped and continue to help: Stanislav Stanislavovich Berezin, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Vologda region, head of the Sheksninsky LPUMG, A.A. and Yu.A. Atomyany ("AtAg"), directors of the branches of the insurance group "SOGAZ", ShKDP headed by A.I. Nakvasin. Tangible support comes from CJSC Sheksna, Sheksna-Vodokanal, Sheksna-Teploset, and district entrepreneurs. Help is not necessarily money, it helps with material and technical means, the provision of transport services, the provision of a labor resource. Take, for example, the head of the road section of the federal highway Vologda - Novaya Ladoga Tamara Viktorovna Oparina.
Thanks to her, it was possible to repair the access roads of the hospital. As you remember, for many years there were complaints about their condition, severe patients on bumps and pits shook in ambulances from side to side (photo from the editorial archive). Now all the potholes are covered with asphalt chips. A large amount of work has been done for the benefit of our district together with the leaders of the Sheksna correctional institutions, for which we are very grateful to them. The hospital is being revived, and help comes from all sides, and we accept it, realizing that this is an advance of trust from the citizens of the district, in the hope of high-quality and affordable treatment.
- Alexander Vladimirovich, it becomes clear that you are using all possible legal means to increase the rating of the Sheksna Central District Hospital, in other words, to preserve the health of the Sheksnins. I know that you, too, are doing a lot of educational work in the team, starting with impatience for rudeness towards patients, indifference, and each such case is a hospital-scale emergency with all the ensuing consequences.
- There is no other way. First of all, everyone should start with himself, with his attitude to the chosen business. We work with people! My task is to restore the trust and respect of the Sheksnins to the central district hospital. Goes on today financial recovery in general and the improvement of the collective from a purely human and spiritual point of view. Provided that we treat people adequately and with care, and they also begin to treat us. As of today, all acute issues in hospitals have been removed, and even in polyclinics there are practically none. The ticket system has been launched. Our residents began to understand that if a patient has a ticket, then it will be accepted in specified time. In addition, thanks to the coupon system, the patient himself determines the time of admission. If a person goes to the polyclinic from the village, he also already knows that with the help of a local paramedic or general practitioner, you can pre-order a ticket in order to get an appointment on time. If emergency or emergency assistance is needed, it is provided "from the wheels", as it should be. It all works and there are almost no complaints.

It should be noted that the hospital increases the availability of medical care for the population of the region. They go to rural FAPs medical specialists and conduct consultations, including narrow specialists. Today, a dentist has begun his work in the Nifantovskaya outpatient clinic, and the therapist Evgeny Yuryevich Ruzanov is additionally receiving. The work goes on every day, systematically and without stopping. The main tasks of Sheksna healthcare are the preservation and strengthening of the health of the population, ensuring the availability and further improving the quality of medical care, strengthening the material, technical and medical base and effective use industry resources. We have an understanding that our path is thorny and multi-tasking, but we are confidently moving along this path to achieve the goal set by the leadership, for the benefit of the population of the Sheksna district.
- Alexander Vladimirovich, thank you very much, as always, for a detailed conversation and for everything you do for the residents of the Sheksninsky district.


Sheksnintsy decided which doctor is closer to the people!

The regional competition "People's Doctor" in the Vologda region is held for the fourth year in a row in accordance with the decree of the government of the Vologda region and with the support of the United Russia party. During it, by popular vote, medical workers who enjoy special trust and respect of local residents are determined. Based on the questionnaires filled in by residents of the Sheksninsky district, the voting results for the Sheksninsky central district hospital were summed up, and the winners in each nomination were determined. We have already reported that Dmitry Petrov received the title of "People's Doctor" among doctors. The second place was taken by Ekaterina Petrova, the third - by Olga Odochuk. All three are young professionals.

« Folk paramedic »
But in the nomination "People's paramedic" only venerable professionals were among the winners. So, for the third year in a row, Natalya Yuryevna Nosovenkova holds the palm. In 1991, a graduate of the Cherepovets Medical School, a resident of the city of metallurgists, came to the Syromyatkinsky FAP for distribution. Then she worked in the Sizemskaya district hospital, and then for many years she gave to patients who needed Ambulance. For the last four years, Natalya Yuryevna has been a senior paramedic of polyclinic No. 2, a district paramedic of a therapeutic area. The residents of Sheksnin trust their health to this woman in a medical gown, as she has vast experience, knowledge, consolidated in practice, is versatile - she will not be confused in any situation, since she has seen a lot during her work. But most importantly, she did not lose compassion, mercy. Problems in human body, physical pain did not become a routine for her. For this she is loved and respected.
The second place in this nomination was taken by her colleague in the ambulance Nadezhda Veniaminovna Stulikova (pictured above). Her countdown of medical experience has been conducted since 1978. Churovskaya pioneer was an activist and "commanded" the sanruzhina. Then her teachers prophesied the future - she must certainly become a medical worker.
- My profession is my vocation. After receiving her diploma, she came to work at the Churovsky FAP, then worked at Kvasyunensky, Rechno-Sosnovsky. On the "ambulance" - since 1988. And as long as I have the strength, I will work, as well as rush to calls to the sick, listen to them, measure blood pressure, make diagnoses, give injections, help and save. They say it is a great happiness when you go to work with joy, with desire. I'm just that person. And the soul has not hardened over the years, I worry about every patient, and especially for the elderly. I feel sorry for the village grandparents to tears, I perceive the mental and physical pain of everyone as my own.

Third place in this nomination went to another respected paramedic - Lyudmila Veniaminovna Vasilevskaya (pictured). Her medical work experience is already 41 years.
Independent work began with a pre-medical office. Then, having specialized in regional hospital, received the qualification of "paramedic-ENT". Since then, 33 years have passed, of which 15 years she conducted an independent reception. Indeed, the Sheksnins consider her a professional who can be trusted. This is confirmed by the official status - a specialist of the highest category. Lyudmila Veniaminovna has the skills to skillfully perform a wide range of medical procedures. Every five years it undergoes specialization, so it is up to date with all medical innovations.

Folk nurse »
In the nomination "People's Nurse", the first step of the podium was taken by the district nurse of polyclinic No. 2, Natalia Nikolaevna Redrukhina. Such recognition is not new to her - for the second time she is on the highest step of the national pedestal. Her homeland is Sizemsky Krai. My medical activity started at the therapeutic department, and for the last 20 years has been faithfully guarding the health of the residents of Sheksna-2. Always calm, balanced, tactful, skillfully fulfill appointments, write out directions, give recommendations. An indispensable assistant to the doctor. In recent years, he has been working at the therapeutic site in tandem with N.Yu. Nosovenkova. Probably not in vain they both ended up among the "people's" winners. (In the photo: I.N. Khruleva, N.Yu. Nosovenkova, N.N. Redrukhina)

The second place in the nomination "People's Nurse" was taken by the district pediatrician's sister Olga Nikolaevna Belyakova (pictured with O.N. Odochuk and a small resident of Sheksna). Here we have a successful tandem with Dr. Olga Nikolaevna Odochuk. Youth and experience. 29 years of pediatric experience as a nurse and three years as a doctor. Also namesakes.
Olga Nikolaevna, the youngest, shared: “My homeland is Sheksna. I am a graduate of the Ustye-Ugolsk school. After graduating from the pediatric faculty of the Yaroslavl Medical Institute and having completed an internship in Vologda, I returned home. practice, a neonatologist in a maternity hospital, and also passed a personal specialization in pediatrics - she gave birth to three children. And for three years now, I have been a pediatrician. I love my work!"
The nurse Olga Nikolaevna Belyakova also loves her job. For many years she worked with a wonderful doctor Larisa Vladimirovna Kuznetsova. The friendly nurse is well known to the parents of the kids from the site, as several generations of children have passed through her caring hands.
Another winner in the nomination "People's Nurse" - Irina Nikolaevna Khruleva - third place. Her experience as a district nurse at Polyclinic No. 2 has been counting down since 1998. And before that, she worked in the Sizemskaya district hospital, in her small homeland. She and her district doctor Ekaterina Petrova are also in tandem - both became nominees. The daughter of Irina Nikolaevna followed in the footsteps of her mother, choosing a medical path, and works as a pediatrician in Cherepovets.

A photo author.


Dr. Pankov: "Life begins in the hospital!"

The doctor of the Sheksna Central District Hospital Vladimir Alekseevich Pankov became the winner of the regional competition "People's Doctor". Since 2004, he has been in charge of the obstetric department, in which about 270 babies are born every year. Each of his working days begins with the maternity hospital, and almost every day is marked by the birth of a new person. But for the conversation, I proposed questions to a greater extent not about work, but about personal life. What kind of son, husband, dad is he? What do you do, how do you relax?

- Vladimir Alekseevich, I know that your father is a military man. Why did the son not want to follow in his footsteps, but decided to become a doctor?
- Today dad is a retired colonel. And all my childhood was connected with the army, life on the road, I had to change seven schools during my studies. You just get used to a new place of residence, to teachers, make friends with classmates and everything is new. I am the only son of my parents. I wanted to break out of this vicious circle, so I could not even think about a military career. But why exactly the doctor - I do not know. Maybe my father's sister, my aunt, did her bit, she worked as a paramedic. I wanted to be a surgeon. But in the first year, he failed at admission. I stayed to work at the institute and prepared hard, so the double-2 became successful. Unlearned. And then it was determined based on vacancies in the Gryazovets Central District Hospital. By this time my family settled in this town. Surgeons were not required, but obstetricians and gynecologists were needed, so I completed an internship in this specialty. The irony of fate, it would seem, but how accurate it turned out to be in my choice. It is a great thing to help bring new life into the world. At the same time, there is enough extreme in my work, almost every day I have to quickly make the only right decision, I am an operating surgeon.

- You have three children. Who helped them to be born?
- At the birth of my first daughter, unfortunately, I was not there, but I did not entrust the process of the birth of both sons to anyone. Today Nadyushka is 12 years old, Egor is eight and Evgeny is three.
- What reason made you leave Gryazovets and move to Sheksna?
- My wife worked in the Gryazovets maternity hospital as a midwife, when I arrived at work, we met and then got married. I wanted to live with my family, separately from my parents, but it was unrealistic to get housing, as well as to buy it. Visiting doctors were given apartments, and since we had a place of registration, we were not entitled to such a benefit. So we moved to Sheksna, where we were provided with our own housing. Having settled here, we rarely came to the parental home. As I said, I am the only child of my parents. They could not stand it, sold the apartment and moved to Sheksna, having bought their own housing here. Mom and dad became our support in everything, especially with children. When there was a problem with the midwives at the maternity hospital, my wife even went to work early to support me. And grandmother Tanya took up the upbringing of the youngest grandson.
- I heard you build a house?
- Yes! And our parents pushed us to this step. They exchanged an apartment for a house in Nifantovo and moved there, so to speak, closer to the ground. So we bought a plot of land nearby and started building. We hope to be able to move in by autumn.
- Do you build your own?
- If there was time - built. But work takes a lot of effort and personal time. I'm just in the wings of the builders. On vacation, I restored an old bathhouse on the site. I dug all over the earth.
- How do you rest? Do you have any hobbies?
- Rest for me is a change of activity. We have a dacha on Zaitsev. Although we planted a plot near the house under construction, we did not abandon the cottage. And there we not only grow crops, but also keep chickens and rabbits.

- Rabbits? Kur? How do they winter there?
- We started breeding rabbits after our youngest son was allergic to chicken and beef. Rabbit is dietary product. At first we bought carcasses, and then we were offered a rabbit, who was expecting offspring. As a result, by the autumn we raised a brood of rabbits, stocks were put in the freezer, and the female was taken to her parents for the winter. With the advent of spring, they again took up breeding. Today we already have about 40 long-eared, and 10 hens with a rooster. We feed them all the waste from the garden, weeds - waste-free production is obtained. Everyone takes care of the animals. My wife specifically got a driver's license to be able to drive to the country. Children are trained to work. They also have a lot of animals at home that need to be taken care of - a dog, a cat, two parrots, fish. For the winter we make a good supply of rabbit meat, we provide ourselves completely with vegetables, berries and even fruits. Everything is environmentally friendly. Good support for family budget, and for health.
What about hobbies? I love restoring vintage motorcycles. For individual spare parts, I already assembled IZH-49, 1956, on the move, already IZH-56, 1961. Now I'm working on a new copy. I repair, I collect for the soul.
­ - And who helps the children to do their homework? What do they do in their free time from school?
- Children's lessons are the wife's concern. But Nadyushka is an independent girl. She does everything herself, and also helps her brother, a second grader. The daughter is fond of basketball, Yegor goes to the pool for swimming, he also plays basketball. Both go to a tutor for in-depth study of English. The youngest is still in kindergarten.
- The maternity hospital is a "woman's kingdom." Is it difficult to work in such a team where colleagues are women, and even one of them is a wife, patients are only women.
- Women in the maternity hospital are unique specialists, women with a masculine character, because they need to have an instant reaction, professional flair, the ability to make the right decisions on their own, plus they need to be able to turn off emotions at work and at the same time show compassion, be sensitive and attentive. They are my team of professionals! It is not customary for us to say: “My working day is over.” If someone breaks down, another one immediately takes his place, without complaints and resentment, because it is impossible otherwise. And as a result... It is probably not for nothing that many Sheksna women prefer to give birth in the district maternity hospital.


Coupon system in the polyclinic of the Sheksna Central District Hospital

In the polyclinic of the Sheksna Central District Hospital, a coupon system has been introduced for appointments with narrow specialists - a surgeon, an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, a dentist, in order to regulate the order and convenience of patients visiting a medical institution. The administration did not invent the wheel, this is how they used to receive patients, and this is how they are received in regional clinics.

As T.V. Yukhno, head of the polyclinic department, now in the registry, patients who first applied for an appointment with a CRH specialist are given two coupons: a regular one for an appointment with a doctor and a coupon with a queue number and time of admission. For patients who have applied for medical help again, there is no need to stand in line at the registry office again, a voucher is issued to them by a doctor at the appointment indicating the date and time of the next appearance. Patients in need of emergency medical care receive it regardless of the availability of coupons. Set times for screenings and paid services– from 14.00 to 15.00.
For the convenience of patients, there is a preliminary appointment - you can sign up at the reception, via the Internet, rural residents for an appointment with a specialist of the Central District Hospital are recorded by a FAP paramedic by phone. A certain number of coupons have been allocated for pre-registration, so it’s better to worry 10-14 days in advance, since it’s not always possible to sign up for “tomorrow”. I would like to note that in accordance with the Program of State Guarantees, it is allowed to wait for an appointment with a specialist doctor up to 14 days, as well as for scheduled examinations.
In April 2016, a coupon system was introduced for appointments with dentists. Every day at the reception there are 9 coupons for primary dental treatment for treatment and 10 coupons for deletion. From the beginning of May, the coupon system in the X-ray room will start working, so do not be surprised when the doctor will issue a coupon for a scheduled x-ray examination along with a referral for a specific date and time. The feldsher of the FAP, when scheduling a study, will write down rural residents for a certain time by phone.
Changes will also affect such research as ultrasound. To streamline the registration for the study, so that the order does not exceed the requirements of the state guarantees program, the doctor will issue a coupon along with the referral. Without a coupon, you will not be able to sign up for an ultrasound. The exception will be the cases emergency assistance when examination is vital to establishing a diagnosis. In addition, both x-ray and ultrasound examinations are carried out for patients in hospitals, emergency rooms, polyclinics in case of emergency.
- Of course, there are difficulties, since the specifics of the central district hospitals are not purely polyclinic. Doctors, most often surgeons, can be interrupted from an appointment for an urgent operation, to the emergency department for emergency medical care. In accordance with the requirements of the law, specialists go to children's institutions for preventive examinations of children, work in the military registration and enlistment office during conscription, conduct examinations of adolescents of pre-conscription age in the clinic - Tatyana Vladimirovna shares her problems. - Despite the fact that last years The staff of the hospital was replenished with young specialists, the personnel problem remains relevant. Sometimes, instead of 40 patients, there are 80-90 patients at the reception, and each patient receives medical care in the required amount. In such conditions, the patient's benevolent attitude and his smile are a support to the medical worker. The administration of the Central District Hospital is trying to establish a system that will be convenient for both patients and doctors. There are certain questions. We are just starting to work out the coupon approach, so we are open to dialogue and discussion.
Photo of the author.


I chose the white coat because...

Medical workers have chosen for themselves a difficult, but extremely noble profession. People trust them with their greatest treasure - health, and sometimes life. They not only treat patients based on knowledge, diligence, professionalism, discipline and honesty, but give something more - faith in healing. On the eve of the day of the medical worker, I invited our doctors, paramedics, and nurses to answer a number of questions. Why did they decide to devote themselves to medicine? What guided them in their choice? Was this choice correct?

Her small homeland is the Tambov region. 36 years of experience and all in one area. Now she oversees the health of babies for the third generation. It is enough to give the name of the child, and she already knows who his parents are, what they were sick with in childhood.
- There were only teachers in my family, and even in primary school I firmly stated that I would treat children, and not teach. At the institute I met my husband, he was from the Sheksninsky district. But first I ended up in the Vozhegodsky district, I worked there while my husband was doing an internship in the specialty of ophthalmology. Three years later we arrived in Sheksna. Never in my life have I regretted choosing pediatrics and medicine in general. I liked the phrase of my colleague dentist Galina Vladimirovna Kuzmina - over the years of work, a white coat adheres to the skin. Indeed, you can no longer imagine yourself outside the profession, outside the white coat.

SvetlanaRostislavovnaAkulich,doctor-radiologist,by birthfromSeverodvinsk.
She came to the Sheksna Central District Hospital after graduating from the Arkhangelsk Medical Academy, and additionally has a specialization in ultrasound diagnostics.
- My mother is a midwife, as a child I spent a lot of time at her work, so I did not have a professional choice. And I chose diagnostics because it is interesting and extremely important, since the most important thing is a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis is a creative thought process! I think I made the right choice. My husband is coming soon. He is finishing his internship and will work as a dentist.

TatianaVictorovnaLyubutin,medicalsisterbranchesgeneral medicalpracticesNifantova:
I got into this profession because of my mother. She was seriously ill with me, I was very worried ... I could not help anything ... She died when I was in the 11th grade. Then I firmly decided that I would work for the benefit of people's health. She graduated from the Cherepovets School, was educated as a paramedic and worked for 10 years as a pediatrician, independently receiving small patients at the second section of Sheksna. Since 2006 I have been working in Nifantovo and, basically, also with children. I like my job, I am happy when it is possible to prevent a severe development of the disease, when children recover, it gives me pleasure to help them cope with infections, and it is better to avoid them altogether. And by my personal example, I urge everyone to lead a healthy lifestyle, to protect health from childhood, to appreciate life.

- I am from Sheksna. Since childhood, she dreamed of working in medicine, but after school she entered to study as an engineer. However, I quickly realized that it was definitely not for me. No longer tempt fate. I've been working for the ambulance for four years now. I made sure I made an informed choice.

Patients go to her for injections, donate blood for tests without fear. They say about her that she will even hit a fly in a vein on the fly.
- At first, I applied to the forestry technical school, and my mother's friend advised me to go to study at a medical school. After graduating from it and having worked for two years, I accidentally found in my home archive my drawing from kindergarten on the topic: “What do you want to become?” Turned out she was a nurse. I drew myself with a syringe in my hands! Probably, after all, this choice was not accidental. My aunt, Zinaida Alekseevna Tsyganova, devoted her whole life to medicine.

“I decided to become a doctor when I was in elementary school. It was only my choice, the implementation of which persistently went. After graduating from the Chebsary school, she entered the medical institute in the target area. I wanted to get a specialization in the surgical profile, but since there was only a vacancy for an obstetrician-gynecologist, I had to choose it. But I worked as a gynecologist for only three years, obstetrics today is my second specialty. I additionally studied as an anesthesiologist, and today this is the main field of my activity. My sincere conviction is that there are no random people in medicine, “wanderers” are eliminated very quickly. There are people who are persistent and loyal. I thank fate for the choice made. The health and life of a patient is the most precious thing a person can have. And I do my best to help people keep them.

- I was born in Donetsk. And my mother is from Yurochkin. I dreamed of becoming a medical worker since childhood, so I didn’t have to make a choice where to go to study. Dad was serving in Cherepovets then, we lived there, and I graduated from a medical school. According to the distribution, I ended up in Charomsky. She worked for a year and left for her homeland. She got married, gave birth to children, and in 2006 the whole family moved to Sheksna for permanent residence. She worked in Chebsary for 11 years, now she is an emergency room nurse. I have not regretted my choice for a single day. Moreover, the daughter entered a medical school, she is studying in her second year. There will be a dynasty!

Colleagues and patients say about her that she has natural mercy.
- My small homeland is the Churovskoye settlement, the village of Igumnovo. In 1985 she graduated from the Vologda Medical School, received a distribution in Slizovo. Since then I have been working here. The question why I chose the medical path, I asked myself more than once. We have teachers in our family, military personnel, no medical workers. It seems to me that Antonina Nikolaevna Malysheva, the paramedic of the Churovsky FAP, played a decisive role. I remember that I fell seriously ill, she came to my call, and immediately it became easier. It was then that the idea of ​​my future profession appeared in my head - to help people, to treat their diseases. Unfortunately, there are different opinions about medicine now. Personally, I believe that if you choose the profession of a medical worker, you should put the pain of another person and caring for him in the first place. Callous people should not work in medicine. You can’t be completely silver-free, but you can’t measure human pain with money, otherwise goodness, compassion will go away.

NinaIvanovnaTuchanskaya, Head of the department of medical and preventive care for the rural population of the Sheksna Central District Hospital, has been guarding the health of the residents of Chebsary and the Chebsary District for 44 years, of which she worked as the chief physician for 22 years. For merits in protecting public health, high professionalism, many years of conscientious work and in connection with the anniversary birthday - 70 years - she was awarded a valuable gift on behalf of the Governor of the Vologda Oblast - a wrist watch with the symbols of the region.

In the Sheksna CRH, having worked for 25 years as the chief nurse of the Sheksna CRH, she went on a well-deserved rest ZinaidaAlekseevnaTsyganova. On May 12, she was awarded a valuable gift from the governor - a wristwatch. Since May 24, she has been appointed to this position TatianaAlexandrovnaTropareva.
- My mother really wanted me to become a nurse. She defined my future profession and I have never regretted it. She worked for 19 years in the therapeutic department, five years as a district nurse. I am currently taking on new responsibilities.

- Alexander Vladimirovich, you are a new person for our region. I will not be mistaken if I say that not only our readers, but even your subordinates know almost nothing about you, so I would like to get to know you better. Please tell us about your small homeland, professional biography?
- My homeland is the city of Veliky Ustyug. After school, he entered the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute, after which he completed an internship at home, worked as a dentist. Three years later he became the manager dental clinic. In 2002, he moved to the Sheksna insurance company and headed the branch in the city of Veliky Ustyug. After I built a systematic work and organized the activities of the branch in six more districts, I was offered to become the head of the development department of the entire Sheksna insurance group in Cherepovets, where I moved with my family in 2005. There, from five branches, he developed a regional network to 20 branches and 180 points of presence on the territory of the Russian Federation; developing together with the company, "grew" to the position of deputy CEO. After the sale of the Sheksna insurance group to Sogaz in 2009, I was transferred to Moscow together with the general director. He worked in the capital as the head of the Administration of the regional network of the entire Sogaz group - 83 branches. In 2013, I headed the regional network of the Guta-strakhovanie insurance company as a vice president, but, unfortunately, while being active in my professional life, I devoted little of myself to my family - constant business trips, trips. When I received an offer to return to my homeland and head the service for the protection of the rights of the insured and medical expertise”, a family collegial decision was made: “We are returning!” In the course of my professional activity in the foundation, I developed a vision of solving healthcare problems, and I wanted to find practical use accumulated knowledge and experience. There were many offers, but I chose Sheksna. Convenient geographical position, and with its rivers and bays it reminds me of my homeland - Veliky Ustyug.
- You have been the head of the Sheksna Central District Hospital for more than six months, how did the team accept you?­
- When a new person takes over the position, this by itself suggests that new trends will begin with his arrival. And here came not just a chief medical officer, but a specialist with an economic education, so the team received me with caution.
- Economic education?
- Yes, I am a dentist by profession, I have a second higher education in the specialty “Finance and Credit”, besides there is a third one - “Health Organization and Public Health”.
-And why did you decide to become a doctor at one time, what guided you?
- The main role in the choice was played by my mother. She was a professional in her field, worked as a general practitioner and was awarded the high title and award of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Dad first worked as a foreman, then as a teacher at a vocational school, and later became deputy director and always supported mom and our friendly family in everything. There are three children in our family, and everyone followed in the footsteps of their mother: the older brother is the head physician dental clinic"Maestro" in Veliky Ustyug, younger sister She graduated from the Kirov Medical Institute and works as the director of this clinic.
- What were you like as a child? The same purposeful, correct, hardworking?
- Disappointing. As a child, I was a reckless tomboy. My brother and I were on good terms, he studied well, was always exemplary, and in my behavior, at best, there was a “satisfactory” rating. My parents had to blush for me more than once. My brother sat at the textbooks, I disappeared with friends on the street. There are 11 triples in the school certificate. However, these triples were no longer talking about my knowledge, but about my behavior. I entered medical school the first time, passing all the exams with "4" and "5". From the second session I got an increased scholarship and so on until the end of my studies.
- It turns out that you are a typical representative of three-year-olds who become more successful than excellent students. And what grades do you now require from your children?
- I, like my parents, have three successors of the family. The youngest daughter is 1.5 years old, the middle one is a first grader, and the son is 16 years old. He is a smart guy, there are no complaints against him and you don’t even have to demand success in your studies. I'm lucky! And he completely gave the first-grader at the mercy of his mother, having looked several times into her textbooks - "nowadays at school the 1st grade is worse than the institute."
- It is very interesting to learn about your life outside the hospital. What are your hobbies, hobbies? What is your day off?
- Despite the fact that I am in the family every day, there is still very little time for communication, unfortunately. Therefore, I try to devote myself completely to her on the weekends. In his youth, he was fond of fishing, hunting, and now he has a family vacation in the country (Alexander Vladimirovich, smiling, shows traces of calluses on the palms of the beds that did not have time to get off after the spring digging).
- I listen to you, and the question arises by itself: are you a happy person?
- Happiness is a reliable rear - a loving wife and children. Happiness is a job that you like, that you go to with pleasure. Happiness is a friendly and close-knit team of like-minded colleagues, with whom all problems become solvable. Happiness is when you are surrounded by healthy and happy people, and you do everything possible for this and give all your strength without a trace, and then rejoice with them in a joint victory over diseases and ailments.
- Do you manage to “turn off your head” from your professional activities by closing the door of the Sheksna Central District Hospital after a working day or week?
- I do not turn off either the "head" or the phone. Neither a full-fledged vacation, nor days off until I finally set up the system at work. And we are still far from ideal. We are constantly improving, moving forward in development and do not stand still. It is no secret for colleagues that the head doctor can come with a check in the middle of the night, on a day off, and just before the opening of the registry, in order to control the issuance of coupons, the attitude towards patients when making an appointment. Analyzing the work of the staff, I am on the sidelines and observe the communication of colleagues with the population. Systematic monitoring of the quality of medical care and communication with patients in the departments of the hospital and polyclinic brings "fruits of joy", namely, gratitude from the population in the organization of medical care, which it expresses directly during communication, and a decrease in the number of complaints about medicine in our district. That is why I demand from my colleagues to keep me informed of all developments in the district health system, I do not leave a single complaint from the population without attention, because only joint work will have a positive effect and improve our activities, since the “medal” always has two sides, and it is necessary always consider all opinions. We are designed to provide medical care to the residents of the area, we, physicians, cannot exist without patients, just as they cannot do without medical care. Our work should be built on the principles of mutual respect, understanding and compassion.
- What is the most difficult thing in your work today?
- In the first place I will put frames. They are the ones who decide everything. Today is good federal program“Zemsky doctor”, when young specialists who came to work in the countryside are given a lift in the amount of 1 million rubles. This is significant support. Now the United Russia party is promoting the adoption of a similar Zemsky paramedic program, which would solve the problem of securing paramedics in rural areas and rejuvenating the staff. The second component is the continued improvement of the material and technical base.
- What are your goals for the near future?
- Repair of the second floor in order to expand the premises for the provision of outpatient care to the population. Reconstruction of the ambulance room, close attention to the organization of medical care for the rural population, and much, much more. I don’t like to get ahead of myself, I’m used to talking not about what I plan to do, but about what I managed to do, so let’s give all the news after the fact.

Homeland Natalia Alekseevna - Churovskoe settlement, here she was born, grew up, graduated with honors from school, after which she entered the pediatric faculty of the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy. The theoretical knowledge gained was consolidated by practice, starting her own labor activity in the children's city polyclinic No. 3 in Vologda. Having gained experience as a local pediatrician, Natalya Alekseevna returned to her native Sheksna and has already managed to establish herself as a competent, attentive, conscientious pediatrician. In the pediatric department, which is currently located on the third floor of a five-story hospital building next to the therapeutic department, Natalya Alekseevna now carefully treats the children who enter there.
- Natalya Alekseevna, there has been a lot of talk about the pediatric department lately, what do you think about it? Tell us what conditions are created for children?
- The hospital administration, medical workers working with children make every effort to make our little patients and their parents feel comfortable while being treated in the pediatric department. Work on creating conditions continues. Six children can be treated in the department at the same time, and there is also a single ward "mother and child". The nursing station is located in close proximity to the wards, so the children are under constant supervision. Experienced children nurses carry out doctor's appointments, they can take the children for a consultation with specialists, physiotherapy.
- In modern conditions, many diseases are treated on an outpatient basis, what are the advantages of treatment in a hospital?
- Yes, treatment in a hospital has its advantages: it is constant monitoring of the child's health by the attending physician, the possibility of timely adjustment of treatment, the availability of additional examinations in a short time, physiotherapy treatment, which is very important for the family budget - free provision medicines to treat a child. I believe that hospital treatment is especially important for children who live far from Sheksna.
- Natalya Alekseevna, you are not only a young doctor, but also a mother. I would like to hear your opinion about childhood vaccinations? Are you making them for your baby?
- Of course I do! Unfortunately, pediatricians are increasingly faced with the problem of parents refusing to vaccinate their children. I don't understand them. By their decision, they endanger the life of the child. If the baby is healthy, or there is a pathology that is not an obstacle to vaccination, then there is absolutely nothing to fear. The rise in body temperature, which parents often fear, is a normal reaction to the introduction of a vaccine, which means that antibodies against viruses and bacteria are actively produced. Therefore, I repeat, do not believe the myths and stories about the dangers of vaccination, but believe the achievements of medicine and common sense. Before vaccinating a child against a particular infection, the doctor will determine if there are any contraindications for vaccination (a specific vaccination has specific contraindications).
­ - How can you facilitate the process of adaptation of the child upon admission to Kindergarten?
- I immediately want to set the parents to the fact that they want it or not, but the children will most often get sick during the first five years. This is due to the characteristics of the formation immune system. The frequency of diseases depends on the individual reactivity of the body. It's sad, but you just have to get through this time. And you should not once again interfere in the physiological process with the help of modern immunomodulators if the child does not have a congenital or acquired immunodeficiency. And you can prepare the baby’s body for getting used to the new environment with the help of a set of hardening procedures that can be carried out with early age. These are air and sunbaths, wiping, and for older children - dousing, local exposure to environmental factors. Thanks to these activities, the child will be more resistant to the effects of cold air, temperature changes, will have a sound sleep, good appetite, and will feel better. The only thing to remember is that recreational activities must be carried out systematically to achieve the desired result. I wish all residents of our region, their children health and well-being in 2016!

doctor of the medical prevention department.

Budgetary healthcare institution of the Vologda region ( BUZ VO Sheksninskaya CRH), is a therapeutic and diagnostic advisory center. Provides outpatient (both planned and emergency), and round-the-clock - stationary, corresponding to the most modern medical standards, assistance to both residents of their own and neighboring areas.

On the basis of the Sheksna Central District Hospital, both free of charge, within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program and the Territorial Program of State Guarantees, and paid medical services. Within the paid medical services you can get a management certificate vehicle, a certificate for the purchase and carrying of weapons, a certificate for employment, as well as get expert advice and other types of services.

Sheksna Central District Hospital equipped with modern medical and diagnostic medical equipment. Achievements are constantly being implemented in the institution modern science and techniques, preventive methods. Service is carried out by highly qualified specialists. On the basis of the institution, visiting teams of medical specialists have been created to provide various kinds medical, organizational methodological and advisory assistance.

Sheksninskaya CRH is a constantly developing and improving medical institution. The organization uses the most modern information technologies. For the convenience of patients, the possibility of electronic appointment with a doctor online through the international Internet network using the "Electronic Registry" service is widely used in work.

The population of the Sheksninsky district attached to the medical institution is about 33 thousand people. In addition to residents of the district, all residents of the surrounding areas can also receive help here.

In the structure of the Sheksna Central District Hospital, in the complex, there is a polyclinic, a multidisciplinary round-the-clock hospital, a day hospital at the polyclinic, offices of general practitioners, and an emergency department. To serve the rural population - feldsher-obstetric stations. The diagnostic service is represented by a clinical diagnostic (general clinical and biochemical) laboratory, an ultrasound diagnostics department, fluorography rooms, an X-ray room, exercise therapy and physiotherapy services.

The controlling function of the Sheksna CRH is carried out by the Department of Health of the Vologda Oblast, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor for the Vologda Oblast and the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Vologda Oblast.

TIN: 3524004946, PSRN: 1033500887793, OKPO: 01921340, KPP: 352401001.

BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF HEALTH CARE OF THE VOLOGDA REGION "SHEKSNINSKAYA CENTRAL DISTRICT HOSPITAL" is a state budgetary institution providing medical services to the population.

The hospital provides consultations and treatment at the expense of the budget, insurance premiums, and other income. The health care institution employs certified, experienced doctors who constantly improve their skills. BUZ VO "SHEKSNINSKAYA CRH" has high-tech equipment that allows you to conduct research of a different spectrum, provide emergency medical care.

The chief doctor of the organization is LUGOVIN ALEXANDER VLADIMIROVICH.


Based on real assessments and feedback from citizens about medical organization we present you the average score, reflecting the quality of paid and free medical services in the HE "SHEKSNINSKAYA CRH".

Working mode

The organization operates according to the following schedule:

When planning your visit, be sure to check the work schedule by phone.


The institution employs doctors specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases. The schedule of appointments of specialists corresponds to the latest relevant data.


Any public medical institution must be licensed to provide medical services.

License: LO-35-01-000795. Date of issue: 02.11.2011. Licensing authority: Department of Health of the Vologda Oblast.


BUZ VO "SHEKSNINSKAYA CRH" is located at the following address: 162560, Vologda region, Sheksninsky district, Sheksna rp, Lenina street, 22.

You can build your path to the institution using the map:


You can consult or make an appointment with a doctor by phone: 8175121806, 8175122460. You can also contact with your question at email institutions: .

Official site

The medical institution has its own official website:, which contains all the information about the attending physicians and their working hours.

BUZ VO "SHEKSNINSKAYA CRH" interacts with the portal