Essay linking biology to my future profession. Essay "I am a teacher" (essay of a biology teacher)

Essay "I am a teacher"

School is a treasure trove of knowledge. The seekers of this treasure are the children's kingdom, and her guides are the teachers.

A teacher, an educator… The profession of a teacher has always been respected in society. And the teacher who fell in love and chose this profession, I think, can no longer imagine himself in another job, with a different team. The word teacher sounds proud and beautiful, warm and sincere.

The teacher is the creator of personality. Maybe due to the fact that my parents worked as teachers, already in early childhood I firmly decided that I would only be a teacher. I thank my fate for the fact that I studied with sensitive and attentive, knowledgeable teachers.

Choosing the profession of a teacher, I did not know that the work of a teacher is so laborious and very difficult, because it seemed to me that he knows everything and can answer all the questions of the world.

A teacher is a person who is in love with his profession, has a huge soul and patience. Yes, of course, the profession is complex and multifaceted: there are difficulties, but there are also joys - and they are all the time.

I remember my first lessons ... A dozen children's eyes are looking at me, I am more than 100% ready, but during the lesson I realized no more than 20% of what I had prepared. I was not satisfied with myself, but the students do not leave, they are waiting ... With them, I realized how vast the world of a child is - open, naive, empty, but at the same time ready to replenish the unknown, unknown, incomprehensible ...

“When we share our experience, we enrich ourselves,” said the wise man. The teacher is not limited to the lesson and the curriculum. After all, he is, first of all, a person who conveys a thought, awakens this thought in the minds of children, helps to find himself. The teacher should be the creator, mentor and assistant of the student in the educational process, awakening in students the need, the desire to learn more and more deeply, influencing them not only with knowledge, but also with their personality.

I think that only a person who sincerely loves children can work at a school. Especially in our time, when modern society required people to do mental work. Why did it happen? Yes, we used to live in an industrial society - where manual laborers were required. And now, without realizing it, we are moving, but most likely already living in an information society where innovative thinking, the ability to learn all our lives and self-improvement are required and valued.

I do not regret anything! After all, it is thanks to my work that there are always a lot of people around me who need me and who need me.

Working at school allows you to constantly move forward, develop, learn, learn the unknowable, overcome difficulties, improve and help discover their talents in children, teach them to learn, give them knowledge.

Today, I can say for sure that I successfully chose the profession of a teacher and put my soul into it, since the state of constant happiness has become an integral part of my life!


"Biology in my life"

Enina Anastasia Vasilievna,

municipal educational institution

"Secondary school in the village of Dmitrievka

Novouzensky district of the Saratov region

"What a pleasure to question nature,

torture her. What a swarm of questions, thoughts,

considerations! How many reasons to be surprised

how many pleasant sensations when trying

embrace with your mind, reproduce in yourself that

work that lasted for centuries in its endless


IN AND. Vernadsky

If someone asks me: "What is your favorite subject"? I, without hesitation, will answer: "Biology"!

The amazing and beautiful world of nature was opened for me by my biology teachers. The first spring excursions into nature could not leave me indifferent. I could not help but see the beauty of primroses, but be surprised at the slender conical dome of the anthill, ants stained with yellow pollen.

Since the fifth grade I have been studying in the environmental and biological circle "Snowdrop". I use the knowledge gained in biology lessons in the circle classes and during field practices. At the same time, in the lessons of biology and the classes of the circle, we solve problems of a theoretical and applied nature, we join practical naturalistic and environmental activities.

Biology lessons and group work expands our biological horizons, develops research abilities: observing plants and animals, keeping records and analyzing data, the ability to compile and summarize the facts obtained, use reference and special literature.

Good results are given to me by work in the open air, in the field, in the steppe, on the river. It was there that I first got the opportunity to join research activities.

Every year after the end of the academic year, we have field practice, during which I am engaged in research activities in various areas:

    hydrological - study of morphological data, temperature, determination of color, transparency, pH, calculation of water hardness in the reservoirs surrounding our village;

    zoological - the study of the life of ants: accounting for the number of anthills, determining the composition of their building material, nutrition. The result of this work made it possible to identify unfavorable areas in the studied territory and the main reasons for their appearance; topographic - study and comparison of the mechanical composition of the soil in different biotopes - areas with the same type of relief and soil;

    ecological - the study of the species composition of plants, the effect of weeds on the yield of cultivated plants.

But most of all I am fascinated by the world of plants. I enjoy studying them. I, like many others on Earth, are worried about the disappearance of a number of plant species. One of the rare plants in our area is the Shrenk Tulip (Gesner), listed in the Red Book of the Saratov Region. In order to preserve and protect tulips, I studied its morphological and biological features. During the flowering of tulips, we carry out raids, actions, make appeals on the pages of the regional newspaper “Steppe tulip - care and protection”! These activities involve children in practical activities for nature conservation.

Research related to long-term observations and statistical processing of data helped me get involved in the real agricultural activities that my parents are engaged in. I devote most of my time to research in the fields of peasant farms. My dad is the head of a peasant farm, and I often heard that due to the appearance of creeping mustard in the fields, many problems arise when growing agricultural crops.

The knowledge gained in the lessons and additional sources of information helped to study the morphological and biological features of the mustard and determine the most effective methods tillage, clogged with mustard. Studies on fields sown with various predecessors made it possible to designate the most effective predecessors for increasing the yield of agricultural crops.

The end result of my research activities are speeches at a conference at the school, which are aimed at environmental education not only for schoolchildren, but also for the adult population of the village. My speeches at district, regional conferences:

    in the Regional Children's Ecological Center (2011, 2012, 2013);

    on theII, IIISaratov Regional Tour of the All-Russian Youth Readings named after V.I. Vernadsky (2012, 2013, onXXAll-Russian Youth Readings in Moscow 2013);

    publication of my work in the Practical Journal for Teachers and School Administration No. 5, 2013.

Studying the problems of water supply, the state of reservoirs in the vicinity of the village, work on the protection and protection of plants and animals, participation in conferences, meetings and discussions with experts, scientists, my peers inspire me to new creative plans, and influenced the choice of my future profession.

My dream is to become a student of the Faculty of Biology at Saratov State University.


I live in the ancient Siberian village of Petelino, which spreads freely in a picturesque place on the banks of the Tobol and is surrounded by birch copses, fields, and chamomile meadows. For me, this is the best place in the world, because this is my small homeland. I know that there are many wonderful places in the world created by nature, but I consider the reserved corners of the Siberian forests to be the most amazing and beautiful. How many amazing and rare plants, birds and animals are in our taiga lands! The beauty of wildlife never ceases to amaze me, that's why the science - Biology - is so close to me. Yes, my dream is to become a biologist and study all living things, ecosystems…

But any modern person knows that the biological balance of our planet and our region is seriously disturbed. The real problem was pollution. environment. Smoking chimneys of industrial enterprises, exhaust gases of countless cars, waste from chemical industries cause enormous damage to nature. If urgent and decisive measures are not taken to protect the environment, then many species of rare plants, birds and mammals may soon disappear in our area. I dream of learning how to protect nature, so I want to become not just a biologist, but also an ecologist.

Already within three years I am engaged in scientific research in the field of biology and ecology. Studying the species diversity and structure of the bird population in the vicinity of Kryukovskoye Lake, I went on unforgettable excursions to the Vagai latitudes, made a lot of interesting observations, and strengthened my desire to become a biologist-ecologist.

In my other work, I studied the ecological state of the environment and used available methods that do not require material costs, expensive and complex equipment: the lichen-indication method of linear intersections and the method of fluctuating leaf asymmetry, which allow using bioindicators to determine the degree of pollution of the biological environment.

I want to be such an ecologist who can convey to people the basic rules: do not litter, do not smoke, do not poison nature, because you are an integral part of it! One part of a living organism cannot kill another and still live. I believe that an ecologist must be at every industrial enterprise, in every city economy, in any forest or park area - in short, everywhere.

I think that already in the foreseeable future the profession of a biologist - an ecologist will be the most significant, because what in life can be more important than life itself, bright, full, harmonious and beautiful!

Tell about seven professions related to this subject. Of course, it’s not worth identifying a lesson with the specifics of work, but it’s not bad to look at professions where you can apply knowledge on the subject.


studies general properties and features of the development of wildlife. Specializes in one or more areas (zoology, botany, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, etc.) or works at the intersection of sciences (biochemistry, biophysics, bioecology). The biologist collects information about the object of study, for example, observes the population. He also conducts experiments, analyzes and summarizes the information received, applies it in practice to solve some problems. This specialist is inquisitive, observant, responsible and patient. The choice in favor of the profession of a biologist means that you will be engaged in research and teaching activities. You can study biology at.


Not indifferent to environmental problems, if you want to save nature from the destructive actions of man - the profession is what you need. However, there are more prosaic everyday life in such work than heroic rescue operations. Environmentalists monitor compliance with environmental standards, draw up reports on the use of natural resources, waste disposal. They calculate the damage caused or potential harm for the environment. In addition to knowledge of biology and chemistry, you will need the ability to maintain documentation, convince management of the need to improve production so that it does not worsen the state of the environment. Ecologists have to interact more with society, eradicate its shortcomings, and only then contact nature. You can get a profession as an ecologist at, (in absentia).



Who feeds the country with agricultural products? Knows where, when, how to plant plants and harvest? That's right, agronomist! It combines the qualities of a researcher, a diligent owner and a competent manager. He must be aware of the latest methods of cultivation, fertilizing the land and growing crops, pest control. The agronomist draws up a production plan and monitors its implementation. This specialist controls everything from preparing the soil for sowing to harvesting and storing the crop. Rural lifestyle to your liking? Then this job might be right for you. Programs

Essay "I am a teacher of the XXI century"

Novonezhinskaya secondary school. them. B. Kenzhetaeva

Biology teacher Sushko Marina Vladimirovna

There is an opinion in society that the work of a teacher is the lot of enthusiasts who, from childhood, saw themselves as a mentor, dreamed of sowing "reasonable, kind, eternal"...

In every school there are examples of hereditary teachers, entire dynasties of teachers, but this is not a case from my biography…

I grew up in a family of ordinary working people. She grew up as an inquisitive child, constant question“Why?”, At home, I went headlong into reading books about animals and plants, into this huge all-consuming world of flora and fauna. I read until late, not noticing the fuss around me, loud conversation and other manifestations of life. Over time, a persistent interest in the biological sciences was determined.

This interest in biology continued in high school, which influenced the choice of my future profession. In 1999, after graduating from school, I entered the Kustanai State University them. Akhmet Baitursynov to the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry.

After graduating from the university, I came to my native Novonezhinsk school, where I could realize myself as a biology teacher. However, due to a change of residence, I had to interrupt my career.

After 9 years, I went into "free swimming on the waves of the mysterious and full of mysteries of the world of pedagogy", experiencing a feeling of excitement and even some uncertainty in my abilities. Due to a long break in work, the views of society on the education system have changed dramatically. But next to me were my wonderful teachers, and now my colleagues, helping me, young and inexperienced, to master pedagogical skills.

With each lesson, confidence in my abilities came to me. The first reward was the interested looks of the children, their genuine interest in what I told them about. And for myself, I concluded that the teacher is still one of the most sought-after professions. Pedagogical science is also developing, new pedagogical technologies are emerging. And we, teachers, of course, must be well versed in all their diversity.

The 21st century, a new decade of pedagogical activity, requires the evolution of professional views: events follow each other like newsreels, an avalanche of information, books and textbooks as a source of information cannot withstand competition, and modern teaching aids are actively introduced into schools. A huge help to the teacher and the student at the moment is provided by the intensive implementation modern means learning.

Today I am happy to use information technology in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, prepare presentations, open lessons. I have chosen methodical theme: "The use of information and communication technologies in biology lessons." The purpose of my work is the skillful use of information technologies, computer programs and software products to improve the quality of education through the availability of educational resources and reduce the workload of students. Probably the only drawback in my work with an interactive whiteboard is ... its absence in the biology classroom.

When preparing an open lesson, class hour or a seminar - the interactive whiteboard becomes an indispensable assistant to the teacher.

I think that a flipchart thought out to the smallest detail, the opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills and abilities in working with the board, the use of a rich arsenal of interactive tools and methods will guarantee the success of the planned event.

In my work I try to be a teacher creative, proactive, not to stop there.

For my students I try to be both a friend and a good conversationalist, and a strict but fair mentor. It is very important that the guys study my subject with desire, and not under “pressure”. I think that the teacher needs, in addition to excellent mastery of his subject, pedagogical savvy, to know the psychology and age characteristics of children well.

From 2011-2013 I have been doing research work with students. In 2012, 11th grade student Temirlan Koskadamov spoke at the regional competition of scientific projects with scientific work on the topic: "Algoflora of the lakes of Novonezhinka village". The 11th grade student Zhanara Shindavletova became the winner of the regional biology olympiad 2012-2013.

It is impossible not to say about the preparation for the UNT in the 11th grade, which begins for me already from the 6th grade. Whatever they say about the UNT, at the moment testing is the main criterion for the success of not only one specific teacher, but the whole school, the entire team of teachers. The final result of the UNT is even more important for school graduates: their future and choice of profession depend on it.

Each teacher in this direction has developed its own algorithm of work. In preparation for the UNT, I successfully apply thematic tests, various methods of individual, group, collective activity. Along with this, the psychological attitude of the student plays a huge role, it is very important to set him up, motivate him for the final result.

I have developed a program of in-depth study of biology for grades 6-7. The main goal of teaching an in-depth course in biology is to prepare a biologically and environmentally literate person who understands the meaning of life as the highest value; the formation of the foundations of a scientific worldview in students, the development of intellectual abilities and cognitive interests in the process of studying biology, the acquaintance of students with the methods of scientific knowledge of wildlife, the formulation of problems that require independent activity to resolve them.

In my work, I strive to arouse in children an interest in diversified sciences, so that they can find themselves in life and apply everything that was laid in them by school. Therefore, I try to create such conditions in the classroom, such a climate in which a creative individuality, a diversified personality of a child could be formed.

In my opinion, The best way teach - personal example. From me, my skills, abilities, my attitude to my work depends on the attitude of the guys to study, the desire to learn new things, the desire to gain knowledge.

The competence of a future graduate in modern conditions should be determined not only by the baggage of subject knowledge in certain areas acquired during training, but also by the ability to continue self-education already in the conditions of professional activity.

Recently, I began to watch with alarm the unceasing flurry of “revolutionary ideas”, “ the latest techniques and technology” in education, which you simply cannot keep up with. There are fears that in the pursuit of children themselves being able to extract and apply the acquired knowledge, we will soon not hear the "living voice" of the teacher.

In the 21st century, it is difficult for a teacher to keep up with the pace of time, to endure a constant test of strength, to keep abreast of a huge number of the latest methods and technologies.

And maybe this is right? When there is no one dominant idea, indisputable dogmas that fetter society, hinder its development, as was the case in Soviet times.

I believe that the “golden mean” is important in everything, there is no point in abandoning the “benefits of civilization”, but the pedagogical experience gained over decades does not deserve to be forgotten.

I am also concerned about the content of education, methods and techniques of work, new technologies and their introduction into the educational process of the school.

Therefore, I am actively involved in competitions, mastering new information technologies.

In general, in my opinion, it is not very important: you are a teacher of the 20th or 21st century, the main thing is that this is your vocation, so that the work of a teacher benefits society.

Probably more important to match the title " modern teacher or "favorite teacher".

If the eyes of the disciples shine, striving for the knowledge of the truth of science,

Then know, teacher, devotion, love, they entrust their hearts to your hands.

And remember, you are responsible for everything: for their sorrows, joys, hardships.

And each of your lessons and your advice, the students carry through the years.