Kidney descent by 5 cm. Causes of kidney mobility, clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!


Nephroptosis, or omission kidneys, - a condition in which the mobility of the kidney exceeds the physiological norm. Normally, when changing the position of the body and when breathing, the kidney can move from the renal bed in a vertical direction up to 2 cm. With nephroptosis, the kidney can move up to 10 cm. Sometimes it can descend into the small pelvis. Such a mobile kidney is also called "wandering" kidney .

Keep the kidney at the physiological level of the ligaments, fascia that form the renal bed, intra-abdominal pressure (created by the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm), fascial-fatty capsule of the kidney and fatty tissue between the adrenal gland and the kidney.

According to statistics, nephroptosis is currently observed in 1.5% of women and 0.1% of men. The predominant age for this pathology is 25-40 years. Nephroptosis is observed mainly on the right. This is due to the fact that the left kidney has a stronger ligamentous apparatus and the fact that the right kidney is normally located lower than the left one. In some cases, bilateral omission is noted ( ptosis) kidneys.

Causes of kidney prolapse

There are many reasons for the development of nephroptosis. The most frequent of them:
  • significant and rapid decline weight may lead to a decrease in the volume of the fatty capsule of the kidneys;
  • hereditary predisposition to increased extensibility of connective tissue (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome);
  • trauma to the lumbar region with damage to the ligamentous apparatus and the formation of a hematoma in the perirenal tissue;
  • heavy physical activity and labor with heavy lifting;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys;
  • excessive stretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall during pregnancy.
More likely to develop nephroptosis are patients with asthenic physique, with insufficient muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall and poor development of subcutaneous fat.

Stages of nephroptosis

There are 3 stages of development of nephroptosis:
  • at stage 1 the lowered kidney is palpated on inspiration through the abdominal wall, and on exhalation the kidney again goes under the costal margin and is not palpable;
  • at stage 2 nephroptosis, the kidney is completely palpable below the hypochondrium with the patient in an upright position, but in the supine position it again goes into the hypochondrium;
  • at stage 3 the kidney completely (regardless of the position of the body) comes out of the hypochondrium and can even move into the small pelvis.
Pathological displacement of the kidney can occur not only vertically, but also in the form of rotation (rotation) around the renal pedicle, or pendulum. With the development of nephroptosis, there is a gradual stretching and twisting main vessels kidneys are veins and arteries. As the kidney vessels stretch or lengthen, their diameter decreases.

Such changes in blood vessels lead to impaired blood supply to the kidney tissue: hypoxia and increased venous pressure, impaired lymphatic drainage. Changes in hemo- and lymphodynamics create conditions for the development of chronic pyelonephritis (inflammation of the pelvis and kidney tissue).

At the 3rd stage of nephroptosis, a kink of the ureter is possible, which will lead to a violation of the outflow of urine and expansion of the renal pelvis. Inflammatory, and then adhesive process may occur around the kidney (perinephritis). These adhesions will fix the kidney in a pathological position. As nephroptosis develops with impaired hemodynamics and urine outflow, clinical manifestations of nephroptosis appear.

Symptoms of kidney prolapse

Clinical manifestations of nephroptosis depend on its stage. At the onset of the disease, symptoms may be mild or absent altogether. Intermittent dull pains in the lumbar region on the side of the prolapse of the kidney may disturb. In stage 1, pain appears occasionally, usually after a strong cough or exercise. In the supine position on the sore side or on the back, the pain disappears.

As the prolapse of the kidney increases, the intensity and frequency of pain increase; diffuse pains in the abdomen with irradiation to the back may appear. At stage II of nephroptosis, protein and red blood cells appear in the urine due to impaired hemodynamics in the kidney.

At stage III, the pain is constantly disturbing and does not disappear in a horizontal position. This may reduce the patient's ability to work. Attacks of renal colic are also possible, when the pain becomes unbearable and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

At stage III of nephroptosis, there is a deterioration in appetite, impaired bowel function, and signs of depression appear. The progression of the disease leads to the appearance of signs of pyelonephritis, an increase in blood pressure, hydronephrosis may form (persistent, progressive expansion of the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney due to a violation of the outflow of urine).

Raise blood pressure initially noted only in the upright position of the patient (orthostatic hypertension). In some patients, fornic bleeding (bleeding that occurs during exercise) or symptoms of pyelonephritis are the first manifestations of nephroptosis.

Why is nephroptosis dangerous?

Nephroptosis can cause serious complications: pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis. By itself, nephroptosis may not have manifestations, but the pathological process of structural damage to the kidney tissue has already begun.
  • Violation of the outflow of urine contributes to the development of the infectious process and the formation of calculi (stones) in the renal pelvis.
  • A wandering kidney can cause spontaneous abortion.
  • With the progression of the process, nephroptosis will cause an increase in blood pressure, which also has a very serious complications(stroke and myocardial infarction).
Kidney prolapse with developed complications leads to disability in 20% of patients. Only timely started and carried out treatment (including surgery) makes the prognosis of the disease more favorable.

Diagnosis of nephroptosis

For the diagnosis of nephroptosis, the following methods are used:
  • questioning the patient about complaints, past illnesses and injuries;
  • examination of the patient with palpation (palpation) of the abdomen;
  • x-ray examination (excretory urography and plain radiograph of the kidneys);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys (in the supine and standing position);
  • scintigraphy or radioisotope scanning clarifies the position of the kidneys;
  • renography allows you to clarify the state of kidney function;
  • laboratory analysis of blood and urine allows you to identify and clarify the presence of complications of nephroptosis.

Nephroptosis during pregnancy

In women, nephroptosis develops at 10 r. more often than the representatives of the strong half of humanity. This is due to the features anatomical structure female body: the renal bed in women is wider and lower, the fatty capsule of the kidney in women is wider and shorter, the connective tissue of the ligamentous apparatus is more extensible, and the abdominal muscles are less developed than in men.

Pain in the abdomen increases with physical activity, decreases in the supine position. In this case, nausea, loosening of the stool may be noted. Urinary syndrome is manifested by the appearance in the urine of red blood cells, white blood cells, protein and bacteria. Dysuric syndrome is manifested by urinary incontinence (at night and during the day).

Prevention of nephroptosis in childhood consists in the correct physical education of the child, the exclusion of unbearable loads (including psycho-emotional ones), the provision of rational nutrition and the prevention of childhood injuries.

Treatment of nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney)

With nephroptosis, conservative and surgical treatment is used.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment is carried out in the absence of complications. Conservative treatment includes: orthopedic treatment, abdominal massage, physiotherapy, spa treatment and diet.

Medical therapy used only for the treatment of complications of nephroptosis (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, arterial hypertension).

Sodium causes fluid retention in the body, which contributes to edema and high blood pressure. Therefore, the use of table salt should also be limited.

Orthopedic treatment (bandage)
Wearing a bandage is very useful for nephroptosis. Put on a bandage (or orthopedic belt, or corset) should be in the morning, while still lying in bed. Orthopedic bandage should be worn only on exhalation, otherwise wearing it will be useless. Remove the bandage in the evening before going to bed.

Currently, there is a large selection of corsets, bandages, orthopedic belts. Before purchasing any of them, you need to consult a doctor, as there are a number of contraindications for their use. One of the contraindications is "fixed nephroptosis".

exercise therapy
Physiotherapy exercises and abdominal massage have an effect only in stage 1 of nephroptosis. Fulfill therapeutic exercises followed daily in the morning for 30 minutes. Exercises are performed in the supine position. A small cushion can be placed under the lower back.

1. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. Make 5-10 respiratory movements with the participation of the diaphragm: when inhaling, stick out the stomach as much as possible, and when exhaling, pull it in as much as possible.
2. For 5-8 p. lift up alternately straight legs.
3. For 6-8 p. pull each leg bent at the knee to the stomach.
4. Exercise "bicycle" to perform for 1-2 minutes.
5. Squeeze a small ball between your knees for 6-8 seconds. Exercise repeat 4-5 p.
6. For 5-10 rubles. lift both legs up while inhaling, lowering while exhaling.
7. Raise straight legs up, knees and heels together. As you inhale, spread your legs to the sides, and as you exhale, cross your legs. Repeat exercise 5-6 p.

When the kidneys are lowered, sedentary games and walks on flat terrain are allowed. Jumping, hanging, stretching and running are prohibited.

Spa treatment
At stage I of nephroptosis, spa treatment is widely used, especially with the use of hydrotherapy - bathing, bathing, drinking mineral water.

This treatment can be carried out in local sanatoriums, as well as in the resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters(Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk) and in Truskavets (Ukraine).

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is carried out in the absence of the effect of conservative treatment and the development of severe complications of nephroptosis. Indications for surgical treatment: persistent pain, disability, chronic recurrent pyelonephritis, increased blood pressure (orthostatic hypertension), hydronephrosis.

aim surgical intervention is the fixation of the kidney (nephropexy) in its anatomical bed for a long time.

Currently, this operation is performed mainly by laparoscopy. It has a number of advantages: the risk of complications is less, the method is less traumatic, there is practically no blood loss, and the patient's recovery after surgery is easier.

Treatment with folk remedies

The recommendations of traditional medicine can be used in the initial stages of nephroptosis along with conservative treatment. They contribute to the prevention of complications, reduce the intensity of pain, but it is impossible to return a lowered kidney to its normal position by folk methods.

Recipes for the preparation of folk remedies:
1. It is recommended to use sunflower seeds, pumpkin, flax, any nuts. Flax seeds can be irrigated with drinking water, sprinkled with powdered sugar and fried in a dry frying pan. Take 3-4 r. 1 tsp per day (carefully chewing).
2. Take 2 tbsp. chopped stems of broom kochia, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Take 5 ml between meals 3 p. in a day.

Nephroptosis (omission of the kidney): causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment - video

Treatment of nephroptosis (bandage, laparoscopy) - video

Do they take to the army with nephroptosis?

Examination of citizens during registration for military registration and conscription for military service (including under a contract) is carried out in accordance with the document "Schedule of Diseases".

Nephroptosis in the Schedule of Diseases is classified according to article 72. The category of suitability is determined depending on the degree of nephroptosis.

Conscripts with nephroptosis of the 1st degree are classified according to Article 72, paragraph "G" - fit for military service.

Examined with nephroptosis II st. and those with secondary pyelonephritis are classified under Article 72, point "B" and are exempted from military service, they are enrolled in the reserve.

Examination for kidney disease is carried out on the basis of inpatient examination and treatment.

All internal organs of a person are clearly fixed in their places and the kidneys are no exception. Fastening is carried out by the renal pedicle and bed, and the capsule shell itself is fixed at the lateral part of the spine. The norm of the indicator of the natural vertical movement of the kidneys is no more than 1 cm, any deviation is considered a pathology and is subject to clarification of the causes and treatment. What is kidney prolapse, what is the danger of the disease, what signs indicate the development of pathology and how terrible are the consequences - everyone should know this. The statistics are harsh: in the world, more than 38% of patients do not even suspect that they have nephroptosis, and in fact the disease carries a direct threat to life.

Definition and causes of the disease

The displacement of the organ relative to its standard position by more than two vertebrae is called nephroptosis. In this case, the kidney, when inhaling / exhaling, wanders at a distance of 10 cm or more. After displacement, the organ either remains in a new position or returns to its original position.

What causes a kidney to rise or fall? There are many causes of pathology, the most common factors are the following:

  • rapid significant weight loss, in which the fatty tissue that forms the organ capsule sharply decreases;
  • injury to the tissues of the lumbar region caused by direct or indirect effects on the perirenal tissue: bruise, fall, physical exertion, surgical interventions;
  • weakening of the muscular muscles of the abdomen due to advanced age;
  • infectious diseases of the body;
  • increased load during sports, hard work;
  • anomalies in the development of renal tissue caused by genetic causes;
  • especially often the omission of the right kidney is observed in repeated or multiple pregnancies.

Doctors often diagnose kidney ptosis in women, which is associated with anatomical features: more elastic connective tissue, shortened fat capsule, weight lifting. Even a bag of groceries, a long stay in a vertical position, vibration can provoke the onset of pathology. This explains the increased frequency of kidney prolapse among patients engaged in certain activities: sellers, dentists, drivers.

Important! The diagnosis of kidney prolapse has different causes, but it should be remembered that an anomaly is a displacement of an organ by 5 or more cm

Types of nephroptosis

  • fixing;
  • mobile (wandering kidney).

Fixing nephroptosis occurs in three stages:

  1. When inhaling, the lower part of the organ comes out of the capsule in the hypochondrium region, and when exhaling, it falls into place. The same thing happens when changing from vertical to horizontal. The organ can be displaced from 5 cm to 9 cm; on palpation, the lower third of the organ is well felt. At the same time, there are no obvious symptoms of the disease, but if the organs fall by 7 cm, a strong stretching of the fascial capsule occurs, which causes dull pain. There are no changes in the composition of urine.
  2. If the kidney is displaced to the pelvic area, the second stage occurs, which is characterized by painful sensations such as renal colic. Laboratory tests will show the presence of protein and red blood cells, which is due to the increasing pressure in the renal vessels. Symptoms are more pronounced, the patient feels relief only in the supine position.
  3. The third stage of kidney prolapse is associated with stretching and twisting of the renal pedicle, which impedes the flow of urine, provoking the development of infectious complications. Dull aching pains appear with a return to the groin, abdomen and do not go away when changing position. Urine tests show blood and mucus.

Symptoms of nephroptosis

If kidney prolapse is detected, the symptoms of treatment depend on the stage of development of ptosis. It is possible to determine the pathology at the stage of the renal amplitude of 5 cm, however characteristics are revealed later. If the right kidney is lowered, then the manifestations occur precisely on the right: pain and heaviness under the ribs, however, regardless of the ptosis of the right or left kidney below two vertebrae, multiple pathologies develop:

  • the organ can turn around a vertical axis;
  • normal blood circulation is difficult;
  • there is an inflection of the ureter;
  • stagnation of urine occurs, which causes the development of infections.

With nephroptosis, signs may not appear for a very long time, and pain is attributed to fatigue, exacerbation of colitis, cholecystitis. It is especially dangerous if one kidney descends - in this case, patients begin to pay attention to the symptoms only to the second stage of the pathology and the main complaints: pain in the lower back, abdomen, constant tingling sensation in the side, nausea, feverish condition.

Important! In women, ptosis can only be manifested by constant pain in an upright position with unpleasant sensations heaviness in the stomach. Often, patients suffer pathology until the third stage, when a precipitate forms in the urine, the pain becomes excruciating, there is an unpleasant smell and color of the urine. If the right kidney or left organ is lowered and the disease reaches III degree, oxalates accumulate in the urine - this leads to the formation of stones with all manifestations nephrolithiasis: blood in the urine, severe cramping pains, fever. Pain during prolapse of the kidneys often radiates to the area cervical spine - sensations of "shoot through" all over the back, give to the groin, leg, side. In patients with heart failure, tachycardia, sudden pressure surges may occur.

Consequences of nephroptosis

  • Venous vascular renal hypertension. It develops as a result of elongation and twisting of the renal pedicle, which leads to a violation of blood flow. The veins fill up, the pressure rises, and vascular walls become thinner, the result is a rupture of blood vessels.
  • Pyelonephritis develops due to stagnation of urine in the pelvis. First, the lack of oxygen and nutrition leads to ischemia, and circulatory disorders reduce the protective functions of the organ, which provokes the development of multiple inflammatory pathologies. The cause may be tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis or inflammation of any other organ: in some cases, bacteria rise from the bladder, quickly and easily reaching the organ if the kidney is lowered.
  • Hydronephrosis is manifested by twisting of the ureteral canal and destruction of the urine flow. Stagnation of urine stretches the walls of the pelvis, cups, which causes atrophy of the parenchyma and dysfunction of part of the organ.
  • Urine outflow obstruction- the reason for the accumulation of salts, which means that deposits form calculi, which leads to urolithiasis. The formation of stones has a dynamic form, and this provokes not only severe pain, but also long-term treatment A stone can block the urinary tract and require surgery.
  • If the organ falls below the standard level in a pregnant woman, there is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

Important! You need to know what is dangerous for kidney prolapse in people with additional problems: pathology causes strokes, can lead to a heart attack and total loss working capacity. Therefore, it is extremely important to know all the symptoms and treatment of pathology, not to delay a visit to the doctor with obvious signs of the disease.


How to treat kidney prolapse is selected by a specialist, setting an accurate diagnosis and the degree to which ptosis has already developed. However, treatment can be both traditional and through folk methods. You should know that during the period of therapy all heavy physical exertion is excluded, and a special diet is selected, the purpose of which is to reduce the ease of the work of the organs. In particular, when the kidney is lowered, treatment involves limiting fats, salt, sugar, and meat products.

If the organ did not have time to drop to a critical norm, there are no indications for surgical intervention, wearing a special bondage is prescribed. It should be put on in the supine position on the lumbar region, fixed on the exhale. With a clearly low weight, the patient is prescribed a special diet to increase the fat layer around the capsule - reducing it is one of the signs why the kidneys wander.

With severe pain symptoms, antispasmodics, sleeping with a pillow under your feet, warm baths are prescribed. The most important element of therapy is exercise therapy. Exercises selected for a muscle group help to fix the organ in the desired position and prevent the possibility of further movement.

Important! In case of falling below IV lumbar vertebrae, will require surgery. In addition, surgical procedures are needed for very severe pain, trauma to the organ, high prolonged blood pressure, irreversible kidney dysfunction.

The operation is prescribed only by a specialist who has carefully studied the disease and has not found contraindications in the form of: complications, age gradient, comorbidities and high risks. Alternative methods of treatment involve smoothing the pain syndrome and the maximum return of the organ to its original position. Recipes are varied:

  1. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts(anything) shelled, fried and taken up to 4 times a teaspoon per day, chewing thoroughly. This method is simple, but very effective for restoring the functions of a damaged organ.
  2. Straw and oat bath(finely chopped) helps reduce symptoms of pain. Take 1 part of the mixture to 20 parts of water, steam for an hour and you can take a bath.
  3. Echinacea flowers, knotweed, rosehip petals, flax seed in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Drink strained infusion 1/3 cup three times a day for exactly 30 days.

Any of these remedies or another folk method is used only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication will lead to irreversible consequences, as well as the development side effects. If a kidney prolapse is diagnosed, the doctor will tell you what to do. And in order to reduce the likelihood of a relapse, you just need to include exercises, swimming, any active sports without power loads in the daily routine, do not catch a cold and monitor nutrition.

The kidneys of a healthy person are located on the back wall of the peritoneum at the level of the lower thoracic vertebra, and the right one is about 1.5 cm lower than the left one. This is an indicator of the norm. When the kidney is lowered by more than 5 cm, pain and other symptoms begin, which are often mistaken for manifestations of other diseases.

Why is kidney prolapse dangerous? Is it possible to treat with folk remedies?

Omission of the kidney or nephroptosis, provoke various reasons. At rest, the filtering organ is motionless, but if the right or left kidney shifts by 1–1.5 cm during breathing or movement, this is normal. An anomaly is a decrease in the organ by more than 5 cm - this is a reason to start serious treatment.

Fixation of the paired organ is carried out by ligaments, fascia and subcutaneous fat. If one kidney is 5 cm or more below the other, the reasons should be sought in the following:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • back injury;
  • systematic weight lifting;
  • complicated pregnancy;
  • decrease in the tone of the abdominal muscles;
  • congenital anomaly in the structure of the kidney;
  • renal bed.

These are the main reasons why a kidney drops below the level of another. Nephroptosis often affects young women of asthenic physique. The reasons may be as follows: prolonged labor, repeated pregnancies, express diets. All this reduces intra-abdominal pressure, provokes a drop in tone and flabbiness of the abdominal muscles.

Frequent causes of pathology are injuries and infections. The ligaments of the renal apparatus are torn due to impact, falling from a height, strong vibrations. Infection with reduced immunity causes severe consequences, provoking changes in the connective tissue.

Symptoms of the disease

It is possible to determine the prolapse of the kidney when it is displaced by 5 cm. However characteristic symptoms start to appear later. Since the disease proceeds in 3 stages, each has specific manifestations.

At an early stage, the kidney moves down by 5 cm. The organ begins to be felt by one third under the ribs, but at the moment of exhalation it returns to its place. Symptoms do not yet appear, but when the kidney is displaced by 7 cm or more, the stretching of the fascial capsule becomes severe, and there are dull pains that radiate to the back. They increase with a change in body position, with physical exertion, and subside when a person lies down and relaxes. If the right kidney is lowered, then pain and a feeling of heaviness under the ribs on the right side will become characteristic manifestations.

Kidney prolapse of 5 cm or more is accompanied by multiple pathologies:

  • kidney reversal;
  • vascular tension;
  • difficulty in circulation;
  • kink of the ureter.

All this provokes kidney stones and inflammation in the pelvis. However, these phenomena at first also do not manifest themselves in any way.
With the onset of stage II, the kidney drops by 5–9 cm, and the symptoms of the disease become more pronounced. A person complains of back pain, and when taking a vertical position, its intensity increases. During tests in the clinic, erythrocytes and protein are detected in the urine.

The insidiousness of nephroptosis is that the disease may not manifest itself for a long time, and the resulting symptoms can be easily confused with signs of appendicitis, colitis, cholecystitis. This information is especially important for young women, who are more susceptible to the disease than others.

If one kidney falls below, the pain becomes pronounced only to the II stage of the disease. Therefore, in most cases, people come to the doctor at this time. Patients complain of pain in the lower back, and also in the abdomen or side, nausea and chills. In quite rare cases, the pain syndrome has a cramping character, and blood in the urine is visible to the naked eye. Blood pressure may rise.

Stage III nephroptosis is accompanied by an even greater increase in pain. At the same time, serious violations of the functionality of the kidneys are recorded.

In women, the primary and often the only manifestation of the disease is persistent back pain when taking a vertical position. At the same time, heaviness and discomfort are felt in the abdomen.

Omission of the kidneys is accompanied by a violation of the transport of urine, because there is an inflection of the ureters. Retained urine creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, resulting in the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the back and abdomen;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • cloudy urine with a strange smell.

Urine contains calcium and oxalates, which means that when it is delayed in the body, stones will form. They are accompanied by pain in the back and pelvis, vomiting, blood in the urine, painful urination.

If one kidney is located below normal, it becomes extremely susceptible to damage due to blunt trauma to the pelvis and abdomen. In addition, patients are susceptible renal colic, which can be recognized by bouts of back pain on the side, nausea, tachycardia, a sharp decrease in the amount of urine excreted.

Consequences and complications

The omission of the kidneys entails serious consequences. Since there are obstacles to the normal movement of urine, the blood supply to the organ is disturbed, and pressure inside the kidney increases.

Pathology threatens with hydronephrotic transformation, as well as a number of complications:

  • nephrolithiasis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis.

For pregnant women, prolapse of the kidneys is dangerous with an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriages.

Treatment with folk remedies

Among the ways to treat kidney prolapse, there are recipes for alternative medicine. They reduce pain and allow you to get rid of the complications that have arisen. But treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in combination with the methods advised by the doctor. In addition, it is important to understand that it is impossible to put the body in its original place with the help of herbs.

roasted plant seeds

If nephroptosis is diagnosed, the patient's condition can be alleviated with folk remedies such as flaxseed, pumpkin or sunflower seeds. They should be sprinkled with powdered sugar and fried in a pan without oil. There are 3 times a day.

Infusion on cochia broom

To alleviate the signs of nephroptosis, the following infusion is suitable. Pour one part of the stalks of broom kochia with three parts of boiling water, close the lid tightly and insist for half a day. Then strain and drink 1 tbsp. l.

Baths with decoction on oat straw

Effective treatment with folk remedies is based on the use of oat straw. Pour one kilogram of powdered ingredient into a large saucepan, pour water and simmer for 1 hour over low heat. Then cool the broth to 38 degrees and prepare a bath with it.

Infusion on onion peel

Onion peel helps with the initial stage of nephroptosis. First, you need to rub it in your hands, and then dial 3 tbsp. l. and pour 1 cup of hot water. After half an hour, the infusion will be ready. Take it 1 tsp. 4 times a day.

Tasty remedy

Non-traditional treatment is not only useful, but also tasty. You can try this recipe: mix 100 g of honey with 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tbsp. l. acorn coffee and 4 yolks. There are 2 spoons before a meal.

Bath with Jerusalem artichoke infusion

Sitz baths are widely used in the treatment of nephroptosis with folk remedies. Including Jerusalem artichoke is added to them. 3 art. l. leaves and flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, add to a bowl of warm water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.

Lifestyle with a kidney prolapse

If one of the kidneys goes down, it is required not only to carry out treatment, but also to reconsider your own lifestyle.

  1. Do exercises for the abdominal muscles.
  2. Maintain normal weight.
  3. Follow the diet for complications.
  4. Drink vitamins for immunity.

Lifestyle does not require drastic changes. The main thing is to control the dynamics of your own weight and avoid deficiency subcutaneous tissue, because in this case, immunity will decrease.

When nephroptosis is prohibited:

  1. Lose weight quickly.
  2. Stay on your feet for a long time.
  3. Lift weights.
  4. Supercool.
  5. Injure your back.

The patient is strictly forbidden to occupy a vertical position for a long time, therefore sedentary work is recommended. The patient should at least once a year conduct an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and give urine for analysis. This will help to correct the treatment in time and prevent complications.


Diet should not become a way of life for a patient with nephroptosis. However, a special diet is necessary when the disease develops due to the rapid loss of subcutaneous tissue. This often happens during fasting - in girls suffering from anorexia, or in seriously ill patients.

The patient is prescribed a high-calorie diet. Due to fats and carbohydrates, it must restore the integrity of the fatty capsule in which the kidney is located, as well as the turgor of nearby tissues. When the disease is complicated by renal insufficiency, it is important that the food contains easily digestible ingredients that do not leave much waste behind.


On the early stage disease, a person's way of life should be a special gymnastics. It will complement the treatment and help strengthen the muscles that maintain optimal pressure inside the peritoneum. So the kidney is fixed in a normal position.

It is advisable to do exercises at the initial stage of the disease in order to prevent further prolapse of the kidneys. However, at first it is important to conduct studies of the organ in the clinic in order to assess the state of the excretory function. The doctor will prohibit exercises in case of kidney failure, severe pain and concomitant serious illnesses.

Therapeutic exercise for nephroptosis is simple. A couple of times a day for 30 minutes, it is recommended to do the following exercises (from a prone position):

  1. On inhalation, arms to the sides, on the way out - back (6 repetitions).
  2. Raising straight legs alternately (5 times).
  3. "Walking" lying down (2 minutes).
  4. On inspiration, lifting the pelvis, on exhalation - back (5 times).
  5. Circles with raised straight legs (5 repetitions).
  6. Smooth transition to a sitting position and back (5 times).

All exercises should be done slowly, avoiding overexertion. Yoga and Pilates are also recommended for patients. You can work out both in the fitness club and at home.

Kidney prolapse is a serious pathology that can lead to irreversible dysfunction of the organ. The patient needs long-term treatment and revision of lifestyle. Special exercises should be performed, and for women who are fond of diets for weight loss, it is important to adhere to a high-calorie diet and eliminate the deficiency of subcutaneous tissue. It will not be possible to return the kidney to its place by conservative methods, but if the recommendations are followed, the prognosis is favorable.

Nephroptosis is a prolapse of the kidney. At the same time, she acquires mobility, which does not correspond to the norm.

Causes of omission

Kidney prolapse can occur for many reasons. In the normal state, it can move no more than 1.5 cm when walking and breathing. Nephroptosis on the right and left has the same prerequisites.

drooping kidney

Causes of pathology:

  • Often the anomaly occurs after a difficult birth. At this time, the muscles relax, the kidneys do not receive the necessary support from abdominal cavity.
  • A large belly during pregnancy can also lead to nephroptosis, especially if it is the first.
  • Large physical exertion puts pressure on the abdominal cavity, which provokes stretching of the ligaments that fix the kidneys, which leads to the prolapse of the organ.
  • Diseases that cause a strong cough provoke a contraction of the diaphragm, which leads to a displacement of the kidney.
  • And also to violate the integrity and change the location of the internal organs can be injuries and strong blows.
  • Hematomas in the spine caused by impacts put pressure on neighboring organs. This can lead to their displacement.
  • Another reason may be a sharp loss in weight or heredity. In these cases, easily stretchable ligaments cause nephroptosis.

And also a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged infectious diseases deplete the ligaments.

Types and stages

Nephroptosis is divided into 3 stages. The last one is the most dangerous.

Stages of nephroptosis:

Stage Degree of descent of the kidney Peculiarities
First 5–9 cm During exhalation, it is possible to feel the lowered kidney under the ribs; when trying to sit down from a lying position, sometimes there are pain. There are no symptoms at this stage of nephroptosis.
Second 2/3 below the rib line The kidneys return to their usual state in the supine position, physical activity causes dull pain, red blood cells and proteins appear in the urine. Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree on the right also implies pain in the right side, it also applies to the left side.
Third Completely falls out of the line of the ribs The kidneys become inflamed, which is accompanied by constant pain, blood or mucus can be observed in the urine due to stagnation.

Nephroptosis is also divided into several types. The division occurs depending on the degree of omission and the ability to move the kidney. Symptoms and treatment depend on the type of disease.

  • fixing and limited;
  • wandering kidney.

In the first case, the fatty capsule decreases, but the kidney is not able to move further than the ligament allows. Wandering kidney syndrome is characterized by a decrease in fatty tissue and stretched ligaments.

Types of nephroptosis depending on the location of the displaced kidney:

  • right hand;
  • left-sided;
  • bilateral nephroptosis.


In most cases, nephroptosis of the right kidney occurs. It has a smaller artery and is located lower initially. The higher the stage, the more signs of the disease and the stronger the prolapse of the kidneys.

Symptoms of nephroptosis at different stages:

At the first stage, it is quite difficult to diagnose nephroptosis, it often happens that it is confused with similar diseases. Grade 2 nephroptosis may be misdiagnosed as appendicitis. Therefore, it is important to undergo all the necessary examinations and follow the recommendations of the doctor. With advanced nephroptosis, diseases such as pyelonephritis and secondary can develop.

Features of children's nephroptosis

When the kidney is lowered, the reasons may be different, this happens with their weak ligamentous apparatus. The disease in children is often complicated by curvature of the spine. As in adults, right-sided nephroptosis occurs more often. The consequences of the disease in children are the same: pyelonephritis, high blood pressure and others.

The disease can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • asymptomatic;
  • clinically manifest nephroptosis;
  • complicated nephroptosis.

Asymptomatic disease occurs only in 10% of cases, it is diagnosed randomly during a preventive examination. Clinical overt nephroptosis occurs in almost half of patients with this disease.

Its symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • incontinence;
  • high blood pressure;
  • leukocytes, bacteria and other harmful elements accumulate in the urine;
  • neurological manifestations;
  • developmental delay.

When lying down, pain in the abdomen disappears or dulls and is activated by walking and physical activity. With complicated kidney prolapse, the symptoms are similar, but concomitant diseases are added to this.

To prevent prolapse of the kidneys, you need to ensure that the child sits evenly. You can not force children to lift objects that are too heavy, but feasible physical activity will be useful. It is good to accustom to morning jogs or exercises. And you should also provide good nutrition and minimize the risk of injury.

Conservative treatment

If there are no complications, then conservative treatment is possible, it is prescribed at the first and second stages. Medical treatment required for pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension and other diseases that occur against the background of nephroptosis. The most common type of disease is grade 1 nephroptosis on the right.

If the kidney has fallen, you should diversify your diet. It should include as much as possible, but exclude extractive substances (most of them occur in the preparation of meat and tea), which can irritate the organ.

If there is a sharp loss in weight or underweight, you should especially carefully follow all recommendations regarding nutrition.

Diet features:

  • fractional meals (in small portions 5-6 times a day);
  • increased amount of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water;
  • legumes, pickles, strong meat broths, preserves, smoked foods, sweets and soda are prohibited;
  • recommended seafood salads.

In the presence of chronic renal failure, protein intake should be limited, no more than 25 g is allowed. in a day. Its high concentration is in legumes and flour products. This is due to the fact that protein contributes to the accumulation of toxins excreted through the kidneys. In the presence of a disease, the functions of their output do not work properly. As a result, toxins remain in the body, poisoning it.

With nephroptosis, it also involves limiting salt intake. It accumulates in the body in violation of the kidneys. The same applies to phosphorus, which leaches calcium. It is found in cocoa, peanuts and dairy products. Sodium is able to cause, retaining fluid in the body of lovers of salty foods.

Orthopedic treatment

Orthopedic treatment consists in wearing a bandage (corset or belt). However, it is worth considering that this method of treatment is not recommended for fixed nephroptosis.

He dresses lying down in the morning, while exhaling should be done. If this procedure is performed incorrectly, then all the useful functions of the bandage will be absent and the treatment will become ineffective. There are many varieties of orthopedic belts and corsets, the doctor will help you choose the right one. For example, if the right kidney is lowered, then for treatment it is necessary to choose an orthopedic bandage with a complicated device in this side.

Therapeutic exercise and abdominal massage

Increased mobility of the right kidney or the left can be treated with massage, physiotherapy exercises only in the initial stages. It is enough to do a little exercise every morning for half an hour. Jumping, doing movements that promote stretching, and running are not recommended. They should be performed lying down, if desired, you can put a roller under the lower back.

Exercises for the treatment of nephroptosis:

  • Inhale - the stomach protrudes, exhale - retracts. Only 10 approaches, legs bent at the knees.
  • Straight legs rise alternately 7 times.
  • The legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach as much as possible, 7 approaches.
  • Exercise "bike" for a few minutes.
  • The ball is squeezed between the legs for a few seconds, 4 sets.
  • 10 times rise (when inhaling) and lower (when exhaling) straight legs.

And it's also good to be outdoors. Therapeutic massage is done by specialists when prescribed by a doctor, but you can perform some movements on your own. Useful stroking and kneading the skin in the lumbar region and chest, you can perform circular motions in the abdomen.

Spa treatment

Sanatorium-resort treatment makes sense at the first stage. There are many medical sanatoriums within the country and beyond. When choosing, you should pay attention to those where any hydrotherapy is present. It can be baths, bathing, treatment mineral water and others.

Surgical treatment

What to do if there is no positive dynamics when conservative treatment? In this case, resort to operations. And also it is recommended for any complications. Bilateral nephroptosis is difficult to treat, often requiring surgery.

The main reasons for the need for surgery:

  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • orthostatic hypertension;
  • disability;
  • constant pain;
  • hydronephrosis.

A positive result of the operation is nephropexy (fixing the kidney in the correct position). Modern technology performance includes . It has a lower risk of complications, eliminates profuse blood loss, and the patient's recovery after the procedure is easier.

Folk methods

Conventional treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies. This can only be done after consulting a doctor. Traditional medicine for nephroptosis is aimed at reducing pain and preventing complications.

Helpful Recipes:

  • Alternative treatment involves the use of pumpkin seeds, sunflower and flax. They need to be fried and consumed with powdered sugar several times a day.
  • Recommend for treatment is also an infusion of cochia broom. You need to pour 50 gr. herbs with boiling water (150 gr.). After that, you should insist 10 hours and strain, take on a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Oat straw also helps treat kidney prolapse. From it you need to make a decoction for the bath. To do this, the grass is ground and boiled for about an hour (2-3 tablespoons of the plant will be needed per liter of water). After cooling, the decoction can be added to the bath. It is required to carry out this procedure several times a week.

The movable kidney, of course, cannot become in the correct position when using herbs, but ethnoscience can help relieve symptoms.


The main thing for the prevention of the disease is a good posture and all procedures aimed at correcting it. And you should also strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity, avoid heavy physical exertion. Will be useful sport sections with moderate physical activity, swimming. Girls in position are recommended to wear a bandage. They can lower the kidney and, therefore, traumatic activities should be avoided.

And it should also be held every six months preventive examination see a doctor, and if you experience pain in the lumbar region, contact a urologist. The omission of the right kidney can also be identified by pain on the right side, which is also the reason for contacting a specialist.

- abnormal mobility of the kidney when it leaves its bed and descends into the abdominal cavity. This disease is accompanied by pain in the lower back or hypochondrium, often on the right side. Nephroptosis is dangerous because the kidney can twist around its axis. At the same time, the blood vessels supplying the organ are pinched and stretched. This leads to inflammation and the formation of kidney stones. Normally, the kidneys are immobile. They can move 1-1.5 cm during breathing and during movements. If the kidney is displaced by more than 5 cm, then this is already considered a pathology. Kidney prolapse varying degrees a fairly common occurrence. Nephroptosis occurs in 1.5% of women and 0.1% of men. Most often, it is accidentally diagnosed during an ultrasound. Only in 15% of people nephroptosis causes pain. Average age patients 30-50 years old, but the disease occurs in childhood. Women are 5-10 times more likely to suffer from nephroptosis. This ratio is associated with the characteristics of the female body, recurring pregnancies and addiction to diets.

What is nephroptosis, or wandering kidney

Nephroptosis is a violation of the normal position of the kidney - vertical omission. The organs are located in the renal bed, formed by fascia (shells) and ligaments. Thanks to the renal bed, the fatty capsule, the renal pedicle and the intra-abdominal pressure created by the muscular contractions of the abdominal muscles, the organs remain in their place.

Our kidneys are relatively mobile organs. 2 cm downward displacement is allowed, this is a normal condition. If the figure increases to 3 cm or more, pathological mobility is diagnosed.

Bilateral nephroptosis is rare. When one of the organs is lowered, this does not mean that there is a pathology. At healthy people one kidney is located below the other. The symmetry is broken by the right organ, which is always lower than the left. At the same time, nephroptosis on the right is detected almost 5 times more often.

For every 50 reported cases in women, there are an average of 5 men. The reasons are structural features (pelvic width), weak abdominal muscles. Often, nephroptosis is diagnosed during pregnancy, immediately after childbirth due to insufficient tone of the abdominal wall.

Anatomy of the kidney and ligamentous apparatus of the kidneys

kidneys- the most important paired organs of the urinary system, which provide blood purification and maintain the chemical balance in the body. The kidneys are bean-shaped. The average length of the organ is 12 cm, width 5-6 cm, thickness 3.5 cm. The mass of the organ is 130-200 g. Moreover, the left kidney is usually slightly larger than the right one. The kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity and are adjacent to its posterior wall at the level of 11-12 thoracic and 1-2 lumbar vertebrae. The kidneys are almost completely covered by the lower ribs. Normally, the right kidney is located slightly lower than the left, and its upper edge is adjacent to the liver. In this regard, in 80% of cases, the right kidney is displaced. The structure of the kidney. Each kidney consists of a system for the formation of accumulation and excretion of urine. Outside, the kidney is covered with a dense capsule of fat and connective tissue. With their help, the kidney is attached inside the abdominal cavity. Responsible for fixation of the kidney:

  • Vascular pedicle consists of the renal artery and renal vein. However, the vessels can stretch, so they do not provide reliable fixation.
  • Fat capsule, consisting of fatty tissue, protects the body from hypothermia and injury. In women, it is wider and shorter, so it fixes the kidney weaker.
  • Fascia of the kidney. 2 sheets of fascia of strong connective tissue are located on the anterior and posterior surface of the kidney. They grow together at the upper pole of the kidney and pass into the fascia of the diaphragm. Thus, the kidney is in limbo. The fascia bears the main burden of fixing the organ.
  • Abdominal ligaments. From the inside, the abdominal cavity is lined with a thin membrane of connective tissue - the peritoneum. Its folds form ribbons - ligaments that fix the organs in the abdominal cavity. The right kidney is supported by the hepato-renal and duodenal-renal ligaments. The left kidney is fixed by the pancreatic-renal and splenic-renal ligaments.
  • kidney bed, formed by the diaphragm, muscles of the abdominal wall, mesentery of the intestines and fascia.

If one of the components of this fixing apparatus weakens, then the kidney moves down under its own weight.

Causes of kidney prolapse

Often, the culprits of the anomaly are weakness of the ligaments, muscles of the peritoneum and its wall. When the supporting elements fail to do their job, the excess mobility of the kidney is almost always a matter of time.

Reasons why organs descend:

  • Abuse of diets, diseases that provoke a sharp weight loss. The consequence is the thinning of the fatty capsule, leading either to the descent of the kidney, or to rotation (turning about its axis). Rotation is not considered a pathology. If there is no pain syndrome, and the tests do not show any violations, you only need to be examined regularly for 12 months.
  • Weakness of the ligaments, especially on the right side, where the upper "neighbor" of the kidney is the liver.
  • Strongly stretched muscles of the peritoneum, including during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Intensive sports, a strong load on the press, work associated with the constant lifting of weights.
  • Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, damaging the ligamentous apparatus in the kidney area.
  • Congenital or acquired diseases of these organs and connective tissue.
  • Rapid weight gain, resulting in obesity.

Adults with asthenic physique (weak tone of the abdominal muscles, deficiency of fatty tissue) and adolescents whose body weight is lowered, pregnant women and often giving birth are at greater risk of acquiring nephroptosis.

Causes and risk factors

The main risk factors for the development of nephroptosis include:

  • congenital anatomical and physiological features of the organism;
  • significant weight loss for a short time (with diseases or diets);
  • pregnancy (especially with a large fetus) and childbirth;
  • injuries of the abdomen and lower back (both single and prolonged or regularly repeated injury);
  • excessive physical activity.

Often a combination of several causes leads to the disease.

At risk are representatives of such professions as loaders, drivers, hairdressers, surgeons, etc. - those whose activities are associated with a long static load.

In children, nephroptosis can occur during periods of intensive growth; incorrect posture and curvature of the spine are of no small importance in the occurrence of pathology. In addition, the development of the disease is facilitated by whooping cough, rickets, as well as frequent bronchitis, colitis.

Classification by stages

Omission of the kidney is classified by stages. There are 3 degrees:

  1. First. The kidneys, one or both, are palpated on inspiration through the peritoneum, however, on exhalation, the organ again goes into place - in the hypochondrium. At this stage, they are displaced by at least 1.5 vertebrae.
  2. Second. The lower part of the kidneys descends by 2 vertebrae. They are palpable below the hypochondrium when a person is standing. However, if the patient lies, the kidneys invariably migrate to their usual place.
  3. Third. The lower part of the organ is already displaced by 3 or more vertebrae. Below the hypochondrium, the kidneys are determined regardless of position, but in severe cases they are probed in the pelvic area.

The asymptomatic course of the first stage of nephroptosis is the cause of ignorance, the person has no idea about the changes that have begun. Seeing a doctor occurs in the second stage, when the shift, like the symptoms, is already noticeable. The kidneys migrate 5-6 cm below the normal position. About nephroptosis at 7 cm or 8 cm dull pain signals.

Sometimes a displacement of 10 cm is recorded, and the most complex and undesirable nephroptosis is 12 cm.

general characteristics

Bilateral nephroptosis is diagnosed infrequently and implies the exit of the kidneys from the bed allotted to them and their lowering below the physiological line. In this case, severe pain appears, sometimes twisting around its axis is determined. Such an organ as the kidneys is paired, its functions are to remove waste products from the body in the form of urine. They also control the metabolic processes in the body. The organs are located in the peritoneal cavity on both sides along the posterior surface of the spine. If they are located normally, then in every person the left kidney is always lower than the right one. This is due to pressure on the last liver. The kidneys are surrounded by a layer of fat that keeps them in position. If certain factors influence, this layer can become thinner, and the kidneys gradually descend.

Signs of nephroptosis

A distinctive feature of stage 1 is that there are almost always no symptoms. There is only one single sign - dull short pains in the lower back as a result of physical exertion or a painful cough. When a person takes a different position, lies on his back or sore side, they pass.

With the second degree of nephroptosis, the kidney sinks lower and lower, where it provokes an intense pain syndrome, especially in an upright position. The frequency of attacks increases. Pain that begins in different parts of the abdomen radiates to the back, groin, genitals.

In the third degree, pain in the hypochondrium becomes constant companions, they spread to that part of the abdomen where the problem kidney is located. The pain in the abdomen increases, it does not subside even in the supine position. Other manifestations of nephroptosis:

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • cloudy urine;
  • lack of appetite;
  • attacks of renal colic;
  • dizziness, weakness, insomnia, depression;
  • increased blood pressure, complicated by hypertensive crises.

The initial stages are dangerous because it is difficult to diagnose them. Manifestations of right-sided nephroptosis resemble signs of appendicitis, left-sided is similar to colitis or cholecystitis.


As a result of nephroptosis, the patient may develop serious complications. Often as a complication of kidney prolapse often develops arterial hypertension . This phenomenon is associated with an inflection of the vessels that feed the kidney. Sometimes a person has arterial crises.

Due to a violation of the normal outflow of urine from the ureters and renal pelvis, urinary tract infection. Due to the fact that urine lingers in them, there is an active spread of bacteria. This leads to frequent and painful urination, as well as abdominal pain and chills, fever.

Stagnation of urine and decreased rate of its outflow into bladder contributes to the development urinary stones. kidney stones and urinary stones can also be formed as a consequence of impaired urate or purine metabolism.

If a person has a kidney prolapse or a wandering kidney, then this pathological condition significantly increases the risk of injury in the event of injuries to the abdomen and pelvis. A kidney displaced down the abdomen or into the pelvis is more susceptible to any injury or injury.

Renal colic- the most common complication of nephroptosis. When the kidney is lowered, colic is manifested severe pain in the lumbar region in the side. In addition, the patient is worried about chills, nausea, oliguria, protein and blood appear in the urine.

What threatens the omission of the kidney

Although nephroptosis is not fatal, this condition with kinking and stretching of the blood vessels often leads to dangerous consequences. Among them:

  • Arterial hypertension. It occurs due to the inflection of the vessels and provokes an increase in pressure in the renal vein, a disturbed outflow of urine. So, the risk of a stroke, a heart attack is high.
  • Hydronephrosis. The inability to pass urine due to kinks or torsion of the ureter leads to expansion of the calyx and pelvis. As a result, the kidney parenchyma atrophies.
  • Pyelonephritis. It causes problems with urination. The impossibility of evacuating urine from the kidneys, congestion in them is the cause of the multiplication of pathogens and inflammation.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Insufficient blood circulation in the organs is a consequence of inflammation of the pelvis and the optimal condition for the formation of stones.

Vertical descent of 5 cm is not considered a serious anomaly either on the left or on the right.

However, if there are suspicions and some symptoms, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. No one will guarantee that the descent of the kidney will not continue further.

Clinical picture

The initial stage of the appearance of bilateral nephroptosis is rather difficult to determine, since the symptoms are not specific. Initially, there are pulling painful sensations that are localized in the lumbar region and manifest themselves during physical exertion. However, they disappear at rest. At the first stage, the pain is reflex, the cause of their appearance is irritation of the nerve endings due to renal pressure. Symptoms of bilateral nephroptosis are quite unpleasant.

The second stage is characterized by the appearance of constant pain that occurs in the lumbar region and radiates to the back. It becomes difficult for patients to be in a standing position. In addition, the composition of urine changes. Laboratory research urine shows that the number of protein compounds and red blood cells increases.

The third stage is characterized by aggravation of symptoms, the vessels of the organ can twist, which causes circulatory defects and the appearance of serious consequences for a person. Painful sensations are unbearable, do not go away with a change in body position. There is also a decrease in appetite and ability to work and sleep disturbances.

How is the diagnosis made?

First, an anamnesis is taken. Describing the symptoms correctly to the patient is very helpful. This is especially true for those who subsequently have right-sided nephroptosis. Among the signs of this anomaly are always digestive disorders. The doctor begins the examination with palpation of the kidney. The person first lies on the couch, then stands.

  • blood and urine tests - biochemical, general;
  • urine according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, its daily volume per protein;
  • examination of the kidneys for glomerular filtration rate;
  • control of blood pressure with a change in body position;
  • ultrasound examination - lying, standing;
  • excretory urography;
  • sometimes - CT, MRI.

In severe cases of nephroptosis, subsequent diagnosis and treatment is carried out on the basis of a hospital examination.

Diagnostic methods and contacting a specialist

If there are signs of nephroptosis, you should contact a nephrologist. Based on the clinical manifestations, the specialist will conduct an examination. The doctor first of all carries out a palpation examination and an external examination. In addition, the following procedures are prescribed: analysis of urine and blood; x-ray examination; angiography of renal vessels; ultrasound; scintigraphy. Thanks to the indicators of these studies, the diagnosis of bilateral nephroptosis, the degree of development of the disease and the therapeutic course are determined.

Treatment of kidney prolapse

Uncomplicated nephroptosis responds well to conservative treatment, but only if there is only one kidney with a slight anomaly. When other diseases have developed (hypertension, ICD, pyelonephritis), not only medications are needed, but also other measures. Sometimes hospitalization is required.

Wearing corsets

The first method is fixation of the wandering kidney using a bandage. It is put on after sleep, lying in bed. This must be done on the exhale, otherwise the treatment is ineffective. Remove the orthopedic device before going to bed.

It is better to purchase a product of individual tailoring, which will be adjusted by the doctor. Self-acquisition of a bandage is excluded, there are contraindications. One of them is fixed nephroptosis, when, due to prolonged descent, the kidney is firmly held in a non-physiological place. It is held by adhesions, adhesions and scars.


The futility of conservative methods and severe complications require surgical intervention. The operation is called nephropexy. It is a fixation of the kidney. Among the indications:

  • severe and persistent pain syndrome, leading to disability;
  • severe cases of hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis;
  • high BP.

Kidney nephroptosis is eliminated by laparoscopy. The descended organ is returned to its place and fixed there using a mesh polypropylene implant.
The very next day, a person can get up, eat liquid food, but full working capacity is restored after 2 weeks.

Exercises to strengthen the muscular corset

Physiotherapy exercises are shown at stage 1 of nephroptosis, when the right kidney or the left one is slightly lowered. Exercise therapy must be performed daily, otherwise the effectiveness will tend to zero. All exercises are done lying down.

  1. The legs are bent at the knees, followed by a series of breaths - from 10 to 20. During them, the stomach is strongly protruded, and exhaling, it is drawn in.
  2. Raise and slowly lower straight legs.
  3. Within a few minutes, they do exercises - “bicycle”, “scissors”.
  4. pull up bent legs to the stomach, first together, then alternately.
  5. They "walk" along the wall, lying near it.

A set of exercises, despite the seeming ease, should always be agreed with the attending physician.


The abnormal position of the displaced organ cannot be cured by medicines. This therapy is used for stage 2 and 3 nephroptosis, if a person suffers from severe pain and to prevent further complications.

Mobile kidney stage 1 does not require medication. If the inflammation is insignificant, prescribe means plant origin- Canephron, Uronefron, Cystophyte. In some cases, you need:

  • anti-inflammatory - Hydrocortisone, Diclofenac, Nimesulide;
  • painkillers and antispasmodics - Analgin, Baralgin, No-shpa;
  • diuretics - Lasix, Furosemide;
  • immunostimulating - Timalin, Timogen.

Folk remedies

What to do when the kidney is lowered, only the doctor should decide. Self-employment is not allowed. It is the doctor who can advise this or that folk remedy as an addition to the main therapy. Usually these are diuretic herbs and fruits:

  • St. John's wort;
  • dill seeds, parsley;
  • juniper berries;
  • Birch buds;
  • knotweed;
  • horsetail.

Brewed as standard: 1 tbsp. dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour and filter.

A course consisting of one component is prescribed by a nephrologist or urologist. Its duration is from one to two months. If there is no result, the treatment is stopped, but therapy is continued with another herbal preparation.

Nutrition Features

Diet modification has two goals:

  • unloading of the urinary system;
  • buildup of adipose tissue, if its deficiency led to nephroptosis.

Violation of the kidneys dictates a sharp and complete rejection of excessively salty and spicy - canned foods, smoked meats, marinades, fatty meat and fish dishes, fast food.

Sweets, sparkling water, strong tea, cocoa, and coffee are on the list of prohibited items for nephroptosis. Meals should be six times, but portions are recommended small. The daily volume of liquid drunk is at least 1.5 liters. Diluted freshly made juices are welcome. A large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is required, but sorrel is contraindicated.

When exhausted, a high-calorie diet is necessary.


A person with nephroptosis is obliged to make significant adjustments to his usual existence:

  • If the doctor has recommended wearing a bandage, then this should be done daily.
  • Therapeutic exercises that strengthen muscles will not be effective if you skip classes.
  • It is impossible to allow hypothermia of the body, fraught with activation of the infection.
  • All bad habits(smoking, alcohol) must be left in the past.

For the prevention of bilateral nephroptosis, it is necessary to form from childhood correct posture, perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall. Do not allow injury, heavy load, prolonged vibration. Pregnant women need to wear a prenatal bandage.

Bilateral nephroptosis is not dangerous with severe consequences for the body. But in the absence of treatment of 2 and 3 degrees, pyelonephritis can develop, and after it - kidney failure. The condition of kidney prolapse from the second degree is accompanied by pain, which significantly reduces the quality of life, therefore it is better to seek help as soon as possible.


Nephroptosis is a disease, the outcome of which is usually favorable if all medical recommendations are strictly followed. Nephropexy, carried out on time, guarantees the disappearance of the pain syndrome, the rapid normalization of pressure. Late treatment, on the contrary, is fraught with chronic diseases- hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis.

If a person constantly works on strengthening the muscles of the press, this dangerous condition will not return. You need to avoid trauma in the kidney area, heavy physical exertion, sudden weight loss. During pregnancy, wearing a bandage is indicated. Timely contacting a doctor at the slightest symptoms will reduce the risk of relapse.

Why does it occur?

The development of bilateral nephroptosis can be provoked by several factors. Especially common cause thinning of the layer of fat around the kidneys is a sudden loss of body weight. This can occur during a diet or in severe illness. As a result, the organs become mobile, and disease-causing symptoms appear. The causes of nephroptosis are also:

Do they take to the army with nephroptosis

The answer to this question is within the competence of the medical commission:

  • if increased mobility of the right or left kidney is found in stage 1, then doctors, having assessed the condition, more often allow the conscript to do military service;
  • at stage II of nephroptosis, not burdened with complications, there is a high probability that you still have to go to the army;
  • pathology of the 3rd degree is a strong argument for exemption from military service, but enrollment in the reserve.

Timely detected nephroptosis is the key to successful treatment, therefore, when a pulling pain appears, an immediate visit to a nephrologist or urologist is necessary.


The most effective procedure is nephropexy. This manipulation consists in the fact that the lowered kidneys are attached, and their location is restored. The preparation time for the operation takes approximately two weeks. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the spread of infection. During surgery, the specialist sutures the organ in the way it is physiologically located. For this purpose, a special implant is used. The operation can be performed only through the laparoscopic method, which reduces the likelihood of complications, and also shortens the rehabilitation period.

What types of nephroptosis are found?

According to localization, they distinguish:

  • nephroptosis of the right kidney;
  • nephroptosis of the left kidney;
  • bilateral nephroptosis.

The following degrees of nephroptosis are distinguished:

  • nephroptosis of the 1st degree (displacement of the lower pole of the kidney at a distance that is more than 1.5 lumbar vertebrae);
  • nephroptosis of the 2nd degree (displacement of the lower pole of the kidney for a distance that is more than 2 lumbar vertebrae);
  • nephroptosis of the 3rd degree (displacement of the lower pole of the kidney by a distance that is more than 3 lumbar vertebrae).

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of the disease, and when it occurs, to prevent the progression and the formation of dangerous complications, it is necessary to carry out primary or secondary prevention.

Primary prevention includes:

  • maintaining a constant normal weight;
  • avoid heavy lifting, prolonged stay in a horizontal position, prolonged vibration, injury;
  • during pregnancy, postpartum and postoperative periods temporarily use a bandage, corset or belt.

Secondary prevention involves:

  • regular examination and examination by the attending physician;
  • a set of optimal body weight during exhaustion;
  • conducting timely treatment(conservative or operational);
  • avoidance of heavy lifting, long stay in a horizontal position, prolonged vibration, injuries.


Both exogenous and endogenous factors can provoke nephroptosis. Pathology occurs in patients with a weak ligamentous apparatus that is not able to hold the organs in the correct position.


Among the factors that can lead to nephroptosis, we can distinguish:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth. These processes entail overstretching of the abdominal muscles, due to which the kidneys lose their support. A significant increase in the abdomen and repeated pregnancies increase the chances of the disease.
  • Congenital pathology of the ligamentous apparatus due to genetic defects.
  • Natural aging of the body. With age, the muscles of the pelvis and lower back become weak and lose their elasticity.
  • Availability serious illnesses, which are accompanied by the development of dystrophy (for example, cancer) or too rapid weight loss as a result of following strict diets. In this case, the fatty capsule becomes thinner, and the kidney, having lost its support, changes its location.
  • Damage to the fat capsule and / or ligaments during the surgical intervention.
  • Frequent exposure to the body of vibration, shaking. Drivers usually face this problem.
  • Unfavorable heredity. If close relatives have nephroptosis, the likelihood of pathology also increases.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Neglect of sports leads to a decrease in pressure in the peritoneum and weakening of the muscles. As a result, the kidneys descend, and the fasciae are stretched.
  • Injuries, bruises. They can cause damage to the ligamentous apparatus and / or the appearance of large hematomas, which subsequently begin to put pressure on the organs.
  • Weight lifting. This can provoke an increase in pressure inside the peritoneum, stretching of the fascia and ligaments.
  • Severe chronic cough. With it, the diaphragmatic muscles actively influence the internal organs of the peritoneum and shift them down.

The main diagnostic methods to confirm the diagnosis

Instrumental and laboratory diagnostics

  1. General urine analysis. The research can identify the following pathological changes: the appearance of protein, erythrocytes, cylinders, leukocytes in the urine.
  2. excretory urography. The most informative diagnostic method that allows you to determine nephroptosis of any degree.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys. This method it is recommended to carry out in the horizontal and vertical position of the patient, since with the usual performance, nephroptosis of the 1st and 2nd degree is often not detected.
  4. Angiography of the vessels of the kidneys. It is carried out to assess the condition of the renal vessels.
  5. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys.

Differential Diagnosis

Right-sided nephroptosis(nephroptosis on the right) should be distinguished from diseases of the gallbladder, liver, head of the pancreas.

Left-sided nephroptosis(nephroptosis on the left) may resemble diseases of the spleen, tail of the pancreas.

Nephroptosis of any localization is often similar in clinical manifestations with diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, intestines, peritoneum.


For a simple layman, kidney nephroptosis is commonly called "wandering kidney".
More often there is a displacement of the right kidney, less often - the left, in exceptional cases there is a bilateral nephroptosis.

The disease can occur at any age - both in a child and in an adult. Among all patients with nephroptosis, female representatives prevail.

Not every displacement of the kidney is considered nephroptosis and is a pathology. During respiratory movements, the kidney moves, in amplitude, not exceeding the height of the body of one lumbar vertebra. This shift is called physiological.

Video about right-sided nephroptosis

Treatment of nephroptosis in the early stages will help to avoid getting on the operating table and serious consequences. How to prevent it and how to treat it? Video consultations of experienced doctors will help you learn more about nephroptosis and take the first necessary steps in treatment. Significant benefits of wearing orthopedic bandage and the use of herbal preparations, when used correctly, will increase the prospects for recovery.

How to treat kidneys

Nephroptosis - wandering kidney

Diagnosis of pathology includes an assessment of the patient's complaints, his examination, as well as palpation of the kidneys. If the doctor has a suspicion of nephroptosis, then additional research methods are additionally prescribed.


  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry.


  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • IV excretory urography.

Only after evaluating the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct course of treatment.

The level of danger to the body

The patient, having learned about his diagnosis, is immediately interested in whether the prolapse of the kidney is dangerous? Large blood vessels lie in each kidney - an artery and a vein: anatomically they are wide, shortened. When the kidney is displaced from the physiological niche in which it is supposed to be, the blood vessels are forced to stretch, narrowing the width of their lumen. This causes a violation of blood circulation inside this paired organ.

Also, the displacement of the kidney becomes a factor predisposing to the bending of the ureter, which is fraught with the development of acute urinary retention. These deviations from the normal state create favorable conditions for the onset and progression of inflammatory process kidney tissue. Pathology is defined as "pyelonephritis" and on an ongoing basis, can cause serious complications in the form of chronic renal failure.


The most effective exercises for nephroptosis in the first and second stages of its development. But it is important to remember that the patient will have to perform the exercises constantly in order to maintain the achieved effect. This method of treatment is widely used by specialists. Before doing the exercises, it is recommended to give yourself a light massage.

  • lying on your back, pull your bent legs to your chest;
  • lying on your back, raise straight legs alternately;
  • in the same position, immediately raise 2 straight legs;
  • in the same position, you should lie near the wall. Take a couple of steps along it to straighten your legs (raise your pelvis). Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.


There are many ways to eliminate nephroptosis. The choice of method depends on the stage of pathology and individual features the patient's body.

Use of bandages

With the help of a bandage, it is possible to achieve an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and a decrease in the mobility of organs, their fixation in the correct position.

The main purpose of using a bandage is to strengthen the supporting apparatus of the organ, as well as to prevent torsion of blood vessels.

You need to wear a bandage throughout the day. It is allowed to remove it only before going to bed and before doing gymnastics.

A bandage is put on in the morning, after waking up. In order for the kidneys to stand up correctly, the patient needs to take a deep breath and raise the pelvis. It is at this moment that you need to fasten the structure. It is recommended to wear a bandage on top of underwear. This will help avoid scuffs while wearing.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined individually. Usually it does not exceed 12 months. At the end of therapy, the patient's ligaments will be strengthened, and the organs will be securely fixed. However, it is important to understand that achieving therapeutic effect it is possible only in one case - if the patient strengthens the abdominal muscles. Otherwise, from inactivity, the muscles under the bandage will weaken even more, which will significantly slow down the healing process.

You can buy a bandage at a pharmacy. It comes in 4 sizes. To choose the right one, you need to focus on the volume of the waist. Since the design is equipped with Velcro, fasteners, this allows you to fix it exactly according to the figure.


A diet for nephroptosis is needed to normalize the amount of fat surrounding the kidneys and reduce the burden on the urinary organs.

If the kidneys are functioning normally, the first task is in priority. Patients with pathologically low weight should consume daily a large number of calories, fats and carbohydrates. This is the only way to increase fat layer in the body.

Internal fat will refill the renal bed and increase the elasticity of nearby tissues.

A slightly different treatment is required for patients who have concomitant pathologies of the urinary system. In this case, when compiling a diet, it is very important to take into account the accompanying problems. Usually, with kidney disease, doctors advise to reduce the intake of salt, spices, proteins and acids. In particularly difficult situations, you may have to give up fried, smoked and canned.

Among the undesirable foods are legumes, fish, meat, fatty cheeses, as well as vegetables with oxalic acid in their composition.

Patients should adhere to a drinking regimen and consume predominantly vegetarian food. If there is a need for weight gain, meals should also be high in calories.


In the early stages, hydrotherapy can be very effective.

Alternative medicine

Treatment folk ways used in the initial stages of nephroptosis. It will perfectly complement other methods of conservative therapy.

Sick kidney symptoms during omission are extremely unpleasant. With the correct and regular use of folk remedies, you can achieve a decrease in the intensity of pain, prevent various complications. Unfortunately, they cannot return the body to a physiologically correct position.

The most popular in this case are the following recipes:

  1. Flax seeds are irrigated clean water, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar and fried in a pan without the use of oil. You need to take the remedy for 1 tsp. three times a day. At the same time, it is important to chew the seeds well. It is also useful for nephroptosis to use pumpkin and sunflower seeds, all kinds of nuts.
  2. Stems of broom cochia (in crushed form) in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. you need to pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a warm place for 12 hours. After the specified time, the medicine is filtered and consumed 5 ml three times a day.
  3. 50 g of liquid honey is mixed with the same amount of butter. Next, 1 tsp is placed in the resulting mass. (with a slide) acorn and almond coffee, 2 egg yolks. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The healing liquid is used in 1-2 tsp. every time after a meal.
  4. You need 3 tsp. frayed onion peel pour 2 cups boiling water, then insist in a warm place for half an hour. The finished medicine is filtered and taken in 1 tbsp. l. four times a day.
  5. 1 kg of oat straw is poured with two buckets of water, brought to a boil and boiled for an hour. After this, the remedy is infused for several hours and used for sitz baths in the morning and evening. The duration of the procedure in each case should be about half an hour. Take sitz baths every other day. If desired, the patient may not prepare a new decoction each time, but warm up the old one.
  6. You need to mix equal amounts of sage, chicory, horsetail, mint, wormwood and St. John's wort, and then 1 tbsp. l. Pour the resulting raw material with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. The finished medicine is filtered and taken in a glass three times a day.


The use of medicines is necessary when the consequences of nephroptosis appear. For each patient, medications are selected individually. So, with pyelonephritis, antibacterial agents are usually recommended (Ofloxacin, Suprax), as well as uroantiseptics for plant-based(Kanefron, Zhuravit).

With the omission of the kidney, symptomatic treatment may include the use of ACE inhibitors(Enalapril, Lisinopril) and AP2 blockers (eg Telmisartan).

If a lowered kidney hurts, what should I do? To stop unpleasant symptoms in such situations, doctors prescribe painkillers and antispasmodics.

exercise therapy

Exercise therapy can only help with mild nephroptosis. It is recommended to do exercises in the morning, after waking up for half an hour. Classes are held lying on your back. For the greatest convenience, a towel rolled up with a roller can be placed under the belt.

Urologists say that with nephroptosis, the following exercises are most effective:

  1. The patient bends the limbs at the knees and makes 10 respiratory movements, while using the diaphragm. When inhaling, experts advise strongly blowing out the stomach, and when exhaling, pull it in.
  2. Straighten and stretch the lower limbs forward, and then alternately lift them up. Similar actions should be repeated 8 times with each leg.
  3. The legs are extended along, and the arms are wound behind the head, the shoulders are slightly raised. The lower back should be pressed firmly against the floor. Next, you need to make movements with your legs similar to those that are made during cycling. The right knee should try to touch the elbow on the left hand and vice versa. These actions should last 2 minutes.
  4. Pull the limb bent at the knee to the stomach. Do 7 times on each side.
  5. Place a small ball between your knees and squeeze it for 8 seconds. Repeat for 5 sets.
  6. Legs stretch along the body. At the same time, they must be lifted up while inhaling, and returned to their original position while exhaling. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Raise your legs up, while keeping your knees and ankles together. On inhalation, the limbs must be moved apart, and on exhalation, they must be crossed. Repeat 6 times.

With nephroptosis, preference should be given to not too active games and walking on a flat surface. Stretching, running and jumping should be avoided.

To eliminate nephroptosis symptoms in women, it is recommended to sleep with slightly raised lower limbs, take baths filled with warm liquid.


If the patient has signs of kidney prolapse, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, medication does not help, and the pathological process progresses, the urologist may prescribe an operation.

Surgical intervention in patients with nephroptosis is usually prescribed in the presence of:

  • persistent severe pain;
  • disability;
  • chronic, often recurrent pyelonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • hydronephrosis.

The essence of the procedure itself is that the doctor fixes the filtration organ in a physiologically correct position. The effect achieved in this way is maintained for a long time.

Today, this operation is performed mainly laparoscopically. With her, a specialist in order to gain access to internal organs instead of a cavity incision, he makes several small punctures. He watches his actions on the monitor screen.

Thus, the patient's body is less injured, the risk of bleeding and other complications is reduced. Recovery after laparoscopy occurs as quickly and easily as possible, and as a result, rough scars and scars do not remain on the skin.


It is estimated that about 20% of women may have bilateral nephroptosis, but only a small number of patients have symptoms. Although this condition is usually discovered during some diagnostic tests, it is not often a concern unless a person has symptoms. This most often affects right kidney than to the left. Although this physiological condition is rare in some people, symptoms may or may not occur. Sometimes the symptoms are obvious, usually they are:

  • Noticeable discomfort.
  • nausea, chills;
  • pain during urination.