Effective candles for thrush. Candles from thrush - inexpensive and effective The most effective candles from thrush in a woman

Such unpleasant symptoms as a burning sensation in the external genital area and copious discharge always accompany the acute course of vaginal candidiasis in women. And the most effective suppositories from thrush, which have a different composition, mechanism of action and frequency of use, will help get rid of them. In the pharmacological market, they are presented in different price categories, therefore they are available to every woman.

Vaginal suppositories for thrush can have various active ingredients, have a wide or narrow spectrum of effects, be taken in a short or extended course.

And yet, which candles from thrush are effective:

  1. Clotrimazole.
  2. Ginezol.
  3. Terzhinan.
  4. Pimafucin.
  5. Livarol.
  6. Zalain.
  7. Povidone-Iodine.


One suppository of the drug contains 100 mg of clotrimazole and such auxiliary components: magnesium stearate, potato starch, citric acid, milk sugar and microcrystalline cellulose.

Disrupting the production of ergosterol by a fungal cell, clotrimazole thereby contributes to its destruction. It is active against bacteroids, gardnerella, causative agents of multi-colored lichen and erythrasma, yeast-like fungi, staphylo- and streptococci.

Indications for suppositories are as follows:

  • Candida vulvovaginitis.
  • Some genital superinfections.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • As a sanitizing agent before childbirth.

According to official instructions Clotrimazole is administered as deeply as possible into the vaginal cavity, 100 mg, that is, one suppository, in the evening, preferably at bedtime. Multiplicity of application - 1 suppository for 6 days. In order to correctly and without discomfort enter medicine, you need to lie on your back and slightly bend your knees. In a sufficient concentration for a therapeutic effect, the drug is contained in the vaginal secretion for up to 72 hours.

Clotrimazole is produced in a contour pack with six suppositories of 100 mg each. The average price is only 50 rubles.


Drug with antimycotic action for topical use in gynecological diseases. It belongs to the group of imidazole derivatives, and the active substance is represented by miconazole. By inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol in fungal cells, it leads to their destruction.

The spectrum of action is aimed at yeast-like and penicillin fungi, trichophytes, microspores and some gram-positive bacteria - streptococci and staphylococci. A big plus of the drug is that it does not change the acid-base balance and the composition of the microflora of the vaginal mucus.


  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • Gram-positive bacteria-associated infection.
  • Candidal balanoposthitis (in the form of an ointment).

Candles Ginezol are introduced into the vaginal cavity once a day in the amount of 1 piece. The duration of therapy is 7-14 days. In the case of a severe form of candidiasis or with frequent use of 2-3 suppositories per day. The instructions say that at the time of treatment it is necessary to avoid contact with any latex products (contraceptive diaphragms and condoms), as candles can damage them.

When diagnosing the following pathologies in women, it is not recommended to prescribe Ginezol for the treatment of thrush:

  • Genital herpes.
  • Microcirculatory disorders.
  • Diabetes.

It is forbidden to use suppositories with miconazole for pregnant (up to 12 weeks) and lactating women, children under 12 years old (teenage girls) and patients with severe liver diseases.

Adverse reactions are rare and usually mild: moderate, allergic rash and burning sensation. You can buy such effective suppositories from thrush in women like Ginezol at a pharmacy for 250-300 rubles.


Vaginal, which have anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antimycotic effects, which are used with great success in gynecology. The composition is represented by ternidazole, nystatin, neomycin sulfate and prednisolone metasulfobenzoate.

Appointed for:

  • Vaginitis caused by putrefactive microflora (gonococci and staphylococci).
  • Dysbacteriosis of the vagina.
  • Nonspecific colpitis.
  • Genital infections, the causative agents of which are fungi from the genus Candida.

First, before use, it is necessary to hold the vaginal tablet in water for 30 seconds. After that, the drug is gently injected into the vaginal cavity in the evening. Apply one piece for 10 days. In chronic forms of candidiasis, the course can be extended up to 20 days, and six days of use is enough to prevent infection. If a woman has menstruation, then the course of treatment is not interrupted.

It is forbidden to prescribe to patients who have allergic reactions to at least one of the components of the drug. Pregnant women can only use from the second trimester. The drug is available in special strips of 10 or 6 vaginal tablets, and the price starts from 350 rubles.


Pimafucin vaginal suppositories are complex preparations, since they contain an antibiotic from the macrolide group - natamycin, which also has an antifungal effect, in particular, against yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes.

The main direction of the remedy is the treatment of candidal vulvovaginitis. Candles are administered only in the supine position deep into the vaginal cavity, preferably at night. Apply one suppository for 6-9 days.

In severe and chronic forms, the course can be extended to several weeks.

The only contraindication to the appointment of Pimafucin is intolerance to the main substance or auxiliary components. It can be used by pregnant women and during lactation, but for the period of menstrual days, the drug should be interrupted. The price is affordable and averages 260 rubles.


Suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women Livarol are very popular - due to the fact that they practically do not have adverse reactions. The active substance - ketoconazole, is a derivative of imidazoledioxolane and has a powerful therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina affected by the fungus.

Under the influence of ketoconazole, the production of ergosterol is inhibited and the lipid layer of the outer wall of the fungal cell changes. As a result, fungi lose their ability to reproduce and begin to die.

The indications are:

  • Acute and chronic forms of female thrush.
  • Dysbiosis of the vaginal microflora.
  • Mixed bacterial-fungal infections of the female reproductive system.

In the treatment of acute candidiasis, one suppository is administered at night into the vaginal cavity for a course of three to five days. Chronic and recurrent forms of thrush are treated for 10 days of continuous use. The second or third trimester of pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications to prescribing the drug.

Livarol renders healing effect only at the injection site, practically not being absorbed into the systemic circulation, and therefore adverse reactions minimized (swelling, itching and redness). The price is in the range of 400-450 rubles.


Assign only for local treatment of genital infections caused by yeast-like fungi (vulvovaginal candidiasis). A suppository (300 mg) is injected once into the vaginal cavity, preferably at bedtime. If the symptoms of thrush have not regressed, then a second course can be carried out after one week.

Do not use Zalain only if you are allergic to the active substance and additional components. The average cost of suppositories varies between 490-505 rubles.


Vaginal suppositories contain 200 mg of povidone-iodine and are available in cell packs of 7 pieces. Upon contact of the drug with the mucous membranes of the vaginal cavity, active iodine is released from it, which forms specific compounds with the proteins of fungal cells, thereby causing coagulation and, accordingly, the death of the pathogen.

Indications for the appointment of a suppository:

  • Nonspecific colpitis.
  • Genital candidiasis.
  • Trichomoniasis.

Contraindications to the drug are numerous:

  • Adenoma thyroid gland.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heart failure.
  • thyrotoxicosis.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Lactation.
  • Iodine intolerance.
  • Duhring's dermatitis.
  • Taking medicines from radioactive iodine.

The method of application is the same: suppositories are inserted into the vaginal cavity 1 or 2 times a day for two weeks. If at the time of using Povidone-Iodine there is itching, redness, soreness, then it is necessary to stop the course of treatment and consult your doctor to correct the therapy. The price is low, in the range of 80-120 rubles.

When should suppositories be used to treat thrush?

Local antimycotic drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories are always indicated for acute thrush and as part of complex therapy chronic and recurrent forms of genital candidiasis in women.

Properly selected antifungal suppositories quickly and effectively eliminate painful symptoms in the form of itching, strong discharge and burning sensation. If desired, you can easily pick up effective candles from thrush, the price of which varies from 50 to 500 rubles.

Antimycotic suppositories for chronic thrush are the most convenient and simple preparations. Any female disease that is associated with the urinary organs requires modern treatment, since the reproductive function depends on it. When infected in a neglected form, the risk of childlessness increases, as well as other serious complications.

Features of the disease

Thrush is caused by fungi of the Candida type, so in medicine the disease is called candidiasis. Gynecologists say that it is better to use vaginal suppositories to cure the disease. Means that act locally are characterized by fewer side effects, since the active substances are not absorbed into the blood, but kill pathogenic bacteria on the affected mucous membrane, and the inflammatory process is stopped and other symptoms of thrush are eliminated. Let's clarify which candles chronic thrush more efficient.

Why does the disease form?

The formation of the disease is provoked by Candida fungi. The majority of female representatives are carriers of this fungus. With a favorable microflora in the mouth, intestines or vagina, the fungus does not appear and is completely harmless. If there is the slightest disturbance in the balance of protection, then the fungus actively spreads throughout the body.

Factors affecting the development of candidiasis in females are as follows:

  • Stressful state, nervous breakdown;
  • Eating low quality foods
  • bearing a child;
  • Violation of the hormonal background;
  • Chronic diseases.

stressful state


The formation of a fungal infection is necessarily accompanied by characteristic symptoms that you need to know about. Candidiasis in women is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Irritation of the infected area;
  2. Pain during intercourse and urination;
  3. Vaginal discharge, outwardly similar to curd mass;
  4. Itching of the genitals inside and out.

How to treat

When candidiasis is diagnosed in female representatives, it is used to treat it. different methods, for example:

  • Diet food is prescribed;
  • Medications are used;
  • Non-traditional medicine is used;
  • Treatment with bowel cleansing.

The treatment of candidiasis with the help of medications is widespread. Thanks to them, it is possible to quickly and reliably get rid of the symptoms of the disease, as well as to return the microflora in the genital organs to normal.

Such medicines are suppositories, cream and tablets. Thanks to the use of specialized drugs, candidiasis can be cured as initial form as well as chronic.

An excellent result was shown by antimycotic suppositories for chronic thrush, individual suppositories can also be used to treat pregnant women.

When contacting a gynecological clinic, a female representative will receive the necessary recommendations regarding the frequency of use and dosage medicinal product, which are due to the stage of the diagnosed disease. Often, complex therapy is used to treat a disease in a chronic form, and the drugs that are used should act specifically on the focus of infection.

Efficient and inexpensive

Among the inexpensive and effective suppositories that are used to treat chronic candidiasis, the following are distinguished.

One of the very first cheap antimycotic drugs for candidiasis. The active ingredient is nystatin, which is characterized by fungicidal activity against Candida yeast and quickly eliminates the symptoms of candidiasis. The fungus does not develop resistance to this medicine, for this reason, Nystatin is prescribed for the re-development of thrush, as well as an ailment that occurs in chronic stage. Such suppositories are used according to medical recommendations twice a day, the duration of treatment is from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include hypersensitivity to the components, as well as pregnancy.

During treatment, the manifestation of such side effects is possible: abdominal pain, stool disorders, nausea, vomiting and chills. For this reason, women are more likely to use new complex drugs based on nystatin - these include Terzhinan and Polygynax suppositories. These drugs are characterized by fewer side effects, but they can cause the development of dysbacteriosis. For this reason, at the end of the course therapy, it is recommended to use suppositories containing lactobacilli.

One of the inexpensive vaginal suppositories that are used for thrush, they are characterized by a wide spectrum of action. The active component of the drug - clotrimazole (secondary imidazole) helps to fight both yeast fungi and other pathogenic bacteria (dermatophytes, dimorphic fungi). The tool is often prescribed for complex treatment vaginal infections (thrush, vulvaginitis).

Clotrimazole is used to treat candidiasis for six days, one suppository at bedtime. The suppository is contraindicated in pregnant women (especially up to 3 months), during the lactation period, as well as in case of an allergic reaction to the constituent drugs. During treatment, there may be such side effects like itching, burning, headache, discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequent urination. The main disadvantage of this medication is that the fungus quickly gets used to the active ingredient, which leads to a significant decrease in the effect.

Ketoconazole (similar to Livarol)

An antifungal drug with a wide spectrum of functioning, based on the active ingredient of the same name. It shows good results both in the fight against fungal microflora, and with staphylococci and streptococci. These suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of thrush in the acute or chronic stage. They are also used as a preventive measure to prevent other fungal infections in the vagina, which are formed during antibiotic therapy and disrupt the microflora in the genitals.

It is recommended to use 1 candle during the day. The course of treatment is 3-5 days. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In some cases, allergies, hyperemia and itching in the vagina may occur.


Many inexpensive medicines doctors have been using candidiasis for more than one year, for this reason, pathogenic fungi have developed resistance to some drugs.

However, pharmaceuticals do not stand still and there are more and more drugs with fewer side effects. They are better perceived by the body and give the best result in the treatment of candidiasis. Currently, there are even candles for vaginal use, which bring the desired effect after a single application. Among them are the following suppositories.

An effective antimycotic agent for single use. The package contains one candle, which is recommended to be used at night. The only contraindication to the use of Zalain is hypersensitivity. Candles are prescribed even for pregnant women, nursing mothers and during menstruation.

Suppositories are recommended to treat thrush and vulvovaginal candidiasis. In rare cases, side effects may occur, such as itching and burning, passing quickly and without outside help. The big advantage is the high effect and the probability of curing the symptoms of candidiasis in one day, as well as the use of suppositories during menstruation. The only drawback is the high price of the drug.


Suppositories from candidiasis in the form of a capsule for single use. The drug is characterized by antimycotic and antimicrobial properties. The active ingredient of the drug is fenticonazole. Suppositories are characterized by effective destruction of pathogenic bacteria, and without absorption into the bloodstream and without side effects.

If signs of the disease persist after using the suppository, another capsule is introduced three days later. The drug is well tolerated and in rare situations, irritation for a short time is possible.

These suppositories are contraindicated in pregnant women and in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the medicine.

Another modern antimycotic drug with few restrictions on use. Suppositories are prescribed for pregnant women, and they are well tolerated by patients. Rarely, side effects in the form of slight irritation may occur. The only restriction to the use of suppositories is an allergic reaction to the active ingredient - natamycin. Also, candles are not used during menstruation. Treatment with this drug lasts three days, such therapy allows you to completely cope with the symptoms of thrush.


A tool with many analogues, such as Mikozon, Ginezol, Klion D-100 and others. All of them are combined medicines that are based on the antimycotic component miconazole and the antibiotic metronidazole. Quite popular among these drugs are tablets for vaginal use Klion D, which quickly cope even with advanced candidiasis. The tablet is wetted in water and inserted into the vagina at night. Course therapy is 10 days.

Drugs, the active component of which is miconazole, are used in the treatment of candidiasis and mixed vaginitis. They are produced in two dosage forms: suppositories and tablets for vaginal use. This group of drugs has a large number of restrictions on use: hypersensitivity, childbearing, breastfeeding, liver disease, vaginal herpes, allergy to components.


An antimycotic agent based on nystatin and nifuratel. The package contains 8 suppositories for vaginal use. They are administered once a day at night. The only contraindication is individual intolerance. Suppositories can be used to treat thrush in pregnancy. In rare cases, itching or rashes on the skin may occur. The drug has one drawback - the high cost.

The active component of the product is povidone-iodine, which is characterized by disinfectant and antiseptic properties and the effective destruction of many bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. Candles are prescribed for the treatment of mixed vaginitis, thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

The drug is characterized by many restrictions on its use. It is contraindicated if the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, sensitivity to iodine is increased, there is thyrotoxicosis, renal failure, while carrying a child and breastfeeding. During therapy, allergies and local hyperemia may occur. These suppositories can be used during menstruation. Usually prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis, 2 suppositories during the day for 10-14 days.

Treatment of candidiasis with using suppositories should be carried out exactly according to the instructions for the drug. If there is no improvement a few days after the start of use, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he corrects the treatment or prescribes a more effective drug.

Treatment of pregnant women with suppositories

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother undergoes changes in preparation for motherhood, and the amount of hormones also changes. At this time, the woman's work worsens immune system and there is an exacerbation of many chronic ailments, including the frequent recurrence of candidiasis.

At this time, many medicines are prohibited because they can harm the developing fetus by disrupting proper formation. In particular, it is necessary to be treated with caution in the first three months of pregnancy. Although there are suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis, which can be used even in the first 12 weeks of bearing a child. These medicines include:

  1. Natamycin;
  2. McMiror;


At the end of the first trimester, after a mandatory consultation with a specialist, the following antimycotic drugs can be prescribed:

  • Rumizol;
  • Guino-Pevaril;
  • Terzhinan.

Suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis during the lactation period are selected so that the active ingredient does not penetrate into the mother's milk. These are candles that are characterized by low systemic absorption: Pimafucin, Zalain, Macmirror and others. The main thing is that they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of suppositories

A positive point in the use of suppositories for the treatment of thrush is a quick therapeutic effect. A local remedy, when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane in the vagina, quickly kills the causative agent of fungal infection and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis.

The main advantage of these drugs - minimal absorption of active ingredients into the blood, due to which systemic side effects are practically not formed. Another advantage - modern medicines, which are intended for single use, allow, after the introduction of one suppository, to eliminate the signs of the disease.

The disadvantage with local therapy is the inconvenient use of suppositories, there is the possibility of leakage, as a result, underwear gets dirty. In addition, during treatment, it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse. Some suppositories help only with candidiasis in mild form, and in case of severe infection, additional use of antimycotic agents in tablet form is necessary.

In addition, if you use combination medicines that contain an antibiotic, dysbacteriosis in the vagina is possible. For this reason, course treatment should end with the additional use of suppositories with lactobacilli in order to restore the microflora in the vagina.

Correct use

The main requirements for the use of vaginal suppositories are as follows:

  1. It is better to introduce candles at night, so that later you do not have to get up;
  2. Suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis should be inserted deep into the vagina;
  3. To avoid leaks, protect your underwear with a pad;
  4. During treatment, you will have to completely abandon sexual contact;
  5. Course treatment for vaginal thrush must be completed by both the female representative and her sexual partner;
  6. When treating candidiasis, do not use underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  7. When treating candidiasis, give up alcohol, spicy and salty;
  8. Do not combine therapy with suppositories with other medicines without the appointment of a specialist.

If you follow the above tips, you can get the best therapeutic result, quickly get rid of thrush and prevent a possible recurrence of the disease.

Candles for thrush is the most convenient way to locally treat vaginal candidiasis in women. The action of vaginal suppositories is due to the deep penetration of the active antifungal substance into the mucous membrane, while the pathogen is destroyed, inflammation is eliminated, and the inflammation is reduced.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of different - these are both suppositories for local treatment, and medicines for oral administration, which are prescribed by a doctor for severe forms candidiasis, with chronic course thrush as part of complex therapy.

What candles from thrush are better? There is one answer to this question - these are the drugs to which the Candida fungus is sensitive according to the result of bacterial seeding and determining the resistance, resistance or sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular drug. Since in chronic, often relapsing, it may not be effective due to the development of drug resistance in fungal agents.

Uncontrolled, self-treatment of thrush leads both to the development of chronic candidiasis and to a violation of the vaginal microflora. Moreover, many women actively practice, which is not acceptable, as it only provokes further progression of the disease, further disrupting the vaginal microflora. Only the attending physician, based on the patient's history, clinical picture, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen, prescribes an adequate treatment regimen. Even with the disappearance of symptoms, clinical recovery is considered to be the absence of fungi according to laboratory data for the next 3 months.

Rules for the use of suppositories against thrush

In the absence of therapy from a permanent partner, a ping-pong effect occurs when a woman, after treatment, is again subjected to a fungal attack during unprotected intercourse.

During therapy, you should either refuse sexual intercourse or use condoms. Candles are inserted deep into the vagina at night to improve the absorption of the drug.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, she should be analyzed together with her doctor, because without eliminating or minimizing provoking factors, thrush can occur again and again.

Very often, candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.) as well as the development of gardnerellosis ().

Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, acute or chronic process, the treatment may differ in the course of therapy, in some cases it is enough to use 1 suppository, and in the chronic course of the process this is not enough and longer treatment is required.

  • Vaginal suppositories cannot be used during menstruation, with the exception of Povidone-Iodine (Iodoxide, Betadine) and Sertaconazole (Zalain).
  • For 1 candle, you can use the following suppositories - Zalain, Lomexin
  • 3 candles each - Livarol, Gino-pevaril, Pimafucin.
  • 5-14 suppositories each - Macmirror, Clotrimazole, Ginezol, Yodoxide, Nystatin, Polygynax, Terzhinan, Irunin.

During treatment, you should not wear synthetic, tight underwear, you must follow all the rules of intimate hygiene, change towels and linen daily, do not use chemicalized, flavored pads, toilet paper, intimate hygiene liquids, which only worsen the condition.

The best candles for thrush - Livarol, Pimafucin, Zalain, Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Lomixin, Macmirror - the pros and cons of using

Sertaconazole - Zalain

Zalain(price 1 soup. 480-520 rubles, prices 2018)

It is a derivative of benzothiophene and imidazole.

Use in pregnancy: Sufficient data on potential harm for the fetus and during feeding is not. But given the single method of application and the lack of systemic action of Zalain - during pregnancy, lactation, it is possible to use it in a situation where the intended benefit to the woman is higher than the possible risk to the child.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Side effects: that do not require discontinuation of the drug, allergic reactions.
Mode of application: 1 suppository from thrush is inserted into the vagina at night once, if symptoms persist after a week, re-use is possible. Before use, wash the external genitalia with neutral soap. May be used during menstruation.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage of using Zalain from thrush is the one-time administration of the drug, high efficiency, the ability to use during menstruation, the disadvantage is the high price.

Ketoconazole - Livarol

  • Livarol (price 430 rubles for 5 pcs. 600-800 for 10 pcs.)
  • Ketoconazole 230-400 rubles.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd-3rd trimester with caution.
Side effects: irritation, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching. Skin rash, urticaria.
Application: In the supine position, it is injected into the vagina deeply, 1 suppository for 3-5 days, with the chronic nature of thrush for 10 days.
Pros and cons: The advantage is the rapid effect, almost no allergic reactions. It is prescribed most often at the first time the diagnosis is established, with frequent or prolonged use, drug resistance occurs in the pathogen.

Itraconazole - Irunin

Irunin - vaginal tablets 10 pcs. 300-320 rub.

Contraindications: 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd-3rd trimester with caution, hypersensitivity, lactation
Side effects: itching, burning, skin rash that does not require discontinuation of the drug.
Application: at night for 7-14 days.
Pros and cons: An effective remedy for recurrent thrush and resistance to other antifungal agents, the disadvantage is that it cannot be used in the 1st trimester.

Nystatin + Nifuratel

(price 680 rubles for 8 pcs.)

Pregnancy: approved for use
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Side effects: very rarely itching, skin rash
Application: Intravaginally, 1 suppository 8 days before bedtime.
Advantages and disadvantages: The main advantage in the possibility of therapy during pregnancy, the disadvantage is the high price.

  • (30-60 rubles 6 pcs),
  • Candide B6 (70 r), Antifungol, Kanesten,
  • Candizol, Yenamazol 100, Candibene.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, it is strictly forbidden to use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, while breastfeeding
Side effects: burning, itching, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, headache, cystitis, frequent urination, pain during intercourse.
Mode of application: within 6 days, 1 suppository deep into the vagina at night.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage is that it inexpensive candles against thrush, the disadvantage is frequent side effects, the rapid development of resistance in fungal agents.

Miconazole - Klion D, Neo-Penotran

Ginezol 7 (280-300 rubles), Gino-dactanol, Daktarin, Mikozon (cream).
Combined preparations, which include, in addition to miconazole, also metronidazole.

  • Klion-D 100 (price 330 rubles ..),
  • Neo-Penotran (14 pieces 700 rubles),
  • Metromicon-Neo (14 pieces 300-350 rubles)

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, with caution during pregnancy 2-3 trimester, lactation (suspend feeding during treatment) with diabetes, liver dysfunction, herpes
Side effects: only at the beginning of treatment, a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain is possible.
Mode of application: within 6-7 days at night, 1 suppository., you can not take alcohol during treatment.
Pros and cons: fast effect, wide spectrum of activity, does not cause dysbacteriosis, effective in frequent relapses thrush, the disadvantage is the danger of use during the bearing and feeding of the child.


gyno-pevaril(3 pieces 420 rubles 15 pieces 800 rubles), Ifenek

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy (1 tr.), since it penetrates into the systemic circulation, in 2-3 with caution, when feeding, breastfeeding should be stopped.
Side effects: local irritation, rash, itching.
Application: suppositories of 50 mg. within 14 days, even after the disappearance of symptoms, the course must be completed. Candles 150 mg. - within 3 days, if after 7 days the culture test gives positive result, the course of treatment should be repeated.
Advantages and disadvantages: effective suppositories for thrush.

Natamycin - Pimafucin

Effect on the fetus: approved for use during pregnancy
Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity
Side effects: mild irritation
Mode of application: within 3-6 days, 1 suppository.
Advantages and disadvantages: the advantage of Pimafucin from thrush is the lack of effect on the fetus, so it is prescribed during pregnancy.

(30-60 rubles)
Complex preparations containing nystatin:

  • Polygynax (nystatin, neomycin, polymyxin B, price 6 pcs. 350 rubles, 12 pcs. 600 rubles),
  • Terzhinan (prednisolone, neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin - 6 pieces 360 rubles, 10 pieces 450 rubles), but their use is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis.

Contraindications: pregnancy of any term, individual sensitivity
Side effects: chills, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea
Mode of application: 2 r / day (morning and evening) for 10-14 days.
Pros and cons: The disadvantage of nystatin suppositories against candidiasis is a long course, use 2 times a day, the presence of serious side effects. The advantage is that they are cheap, candida does not develop resistance to nystatin, so it is often prescribed for chronic, recurrent candidiasis.

Povidone Iodine - Iodoxide

(10 pieces 300 rubles), Betadine(price 7 pieces 400 rubles, 14 pieces 500 rubles)

Contraindications: thyrotoxicosis, thyroid adenoma, with caution in renal failure, with individual sensitivity, during pregnancy is not recommended, contraindicated in the 1st trimester, in the 2nd-3rd trimester and during lactation - with caution.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, local hyperemia
Mode of application: For acute vaginitis, 2 r / day for a week, 1 suppository, for chronic 1 r / day for 2 weeks, regardless of the phase menstrual cycle.
Pros and cons: the possibility of use during menstruation, is used in complex treatment for bacterial vaginosis.

Fenticonazole - Lomexin

(fenticonazole, price 1000 mg. 1 pc. 400 rub. 600 mg. 2 pcs. 600 rub)

Contraindications: pregnancy, can not be used during menstruation, with individual intolerance to the components of the suppository.
Side effects: mild symptoms of irritation that go away on their own and do not require discontinuation of the drug, allergic reactions - rash, urticaria, erythema
Mode of application: capsule 600 mg. are administered once, according to indications, if symptoms persist, it can be used for 3 days. Capsules 1000 mg. introduced within 2 days.
Advantages and disadvantages: effective remedy should not be used during pregnancy.

Dequalinium chloride - Fluomizin

Fluomizin - vaginal tablets 6 pcs. 560 rub. - antiseptic in gynecology (bacterial vaginosis, candidal vaginitis, sanitation before childbirth and operations)

Contraindications: ulcerative lesions of the cervix and vagina, girls before the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy 1-2 trimester - there is no data on the safety of use
Side effects: symptoms of irritation, allergic reactions - rash, urticaria, erythema
Mode of application: capsule at night, for 6 days, stop treatment during menstruation, continue after.

In addition to suppositories, it is possible to use creams with antifungal drugs:

  • Clotrimazole - Candide (with an applicator 80 rubles), Clotrimazole cream 120 rubles, Canison 80 rubles.
  • Econazole - Ecodax cream 140 rub
  • Isoconazole - Travogen cream 500-700 rubles.
  • Fenticonazole - Lomexin cream 600 rub.
  • Butoconazole - Gynofort cream with applicator 600-700 rub.

In chronic recurrent thrush, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs inside:

  • Fluconazole 40-50 rubles (and more expensive analogues Flucostat, Mikomax, Mikosist, Diflucan)
  • Tinidazole 30-70 rub
  • Ketoconazole - Mycozoral 460 rub
  • Itraconazole - Irunin 320 rubles, Itrazol 380 rubles, Orungamine.

After antifungal therapy, the doctor may prescribe drugs to normalize the vaginal microflora, that is, creating conditions for the growth of lactobacilli in the vagina:

  • Vagilak 2 r / day (candles with bifidobacteria) 5-10 days.
  • Laktozhinal, Atsilakt (lactobacilli) vaginal capsules for 1 to 10 days.
  • For oral administration - Bificol 10 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories for thrush

Benefits of using topical preparations for candidiasis in women:

  • With the introduction of the drug into the place of active reproduction of fungi, the effect of local treatment appears much faster, especially when using modern effective drugs such as Livarol or Zalain.
  • Modern antifungal agents can be used once.
  • Since the systemic absorption of topical preparations is low, the incidence of side effects is reduced, in contrast to oral therapy.

Disadvantages of local treatment:

  • Local treatment gives a woman some inconvenience - soils underwear, limits her sexual life.
  • The positive effect of such therapy is possible only with mild forms of thrush, when the course of the disease is more severe, prolonged, local therapy must be supplemented by the use of . Therefore, it is often necessary to repeat the course of treatment after a certain time.
  • When using combined antimicrobial drugs, such as Terzhinan, Polygynax, a frequent side effect is vaginal dysbacteriosis, which then requires additional treatment, for example, the use of suppositories with lactobacilli - Lactonorma, Atsilakt, Lactobacterin, Ecofemin or Vagiflora.

Candles from thrush during pregnancy

Very often in women during pregnancy, due to a physiological decrease in immunity, thrush occurs, and many drugs are either categorically impossible to use, or there have been no reliable safety studies for the fetus. Among the entire selection of local preparations, the following suppositories are approved for use:

  • Candles - Pimafucin, Primafungin (active ingredient Natamycin).
  • Combined drug - Macmirror complex (active ingredients Nystatin and Nifuratel).
  • In the 2-3 trimesters Clotrimazole, Nystatin (low efficacy) or the ancient Borax in glycerin (Sodium tetraborate in glycerin), Pimafucin, Gino-Pevaril, Gynofort (vaginal cream), all of these drugs are used during pregnancy with caution if there is a potential risk maternal health outweighs the risk to the baby.

  • Some doctors prescribe combination drug- Terzhinan (prednisolone, neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin), but the instructions for it indicate that from the 2nd trimester it can only be used when assessing the potential benefit to the mother and harm to the fetus, as it has undesirable side effects and contains hormonal drug- prednisolone.

The pharmacy chain offers a wide selection of a wide variety of medicines that effectively fight the disease. Drugs can be prescribed in a variety of dosage forms: tablets, vaginal suppositories, ointments, creams, etc. Today we will consider the best candles for thrush.

Many of these medications really quickly and effectively cope with the infectious process and fungal infection, while others may be less reliable or simply not suitable for a particular patient. How to choose the optimal remedy?

The prescription of the drug should be handled by a doctor and in each case it may differ. Much depends on the severity of the fungal infection, comorbidities, etc. Self-treatment can lead to the disease becoming chronic, which will be more difficult to fight.

Vaginal suppositories are one of the most common dosage forms recommended by experts. Consider the top 5 best candles that have earned a good reputation and have shown high efficiency in the fight against the disease.

What candles are better for thrush?

Vaginal suppositories offered by the pharmaceutical industry for candidiasis may differ depending on the presence of the main active ingredient. Each of the drugs has its own terms of treatment, effectiveness, as well as contraindications and side effects.

The best candles for thrush must meet certain criteria:

  • pronounced therapeutic properties;
  • high antifungal activity;
  • minimal risk of side effects.

The best candles for thrush: top 5

Let's take a closer look at five vaginal suppositories that have proven to be effective:

  • nystatin;
  • pimafucin;
  • livarol;
  • zalain;
  • terzhinan.

Candles Nystatin

Nystatin has pronounced antifungal properties. Polyene antibiotic element is the main component of the drug. If we talk about the mechanism of action, then nystatin binds to sterol molecules - components of the cell membrane of yeast-like fungi. As a result of this interaction, the protective membrane of the fungal infection cell begins to weaken and eventually it dies.

If we are talking about low concentrations of nystatin, then they are able to stop the reproduction of a fungal infection, and large dosages can completely destroy it. Vaginal suppositories should be administered twice a day. Usually the course of treatment is from ten days to two weeks.

Despite the positive aspects, nystatin has some limitations, namely:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation.

As for side effects, the following unpleasant symptoms may appear:

  • redness;
  • burning;
  • irritation.

If you want to avoid these unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and follow these simple rules:

  • do not take during menstruation;
  • do not combine with clotrimazole;
  • during the period of treatment to refuse sexual intercourse;
  • treat a sexual partner.

The average price is from 50 rubles per pack. These are the cheapest candles.

Candles Pimafucin

Pimafucin is a well-known remedy for thrush, which is used to treat men, women and even children. The main active component of pimafucin is natamycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The only contraindication to the use of pimafucin is hypersensitivity to the drug. As for side effects, it is worth noting that the remedy is quite well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, local reactions may appear: itching, redness, swelling, burning of the genitals. At the very beginning of treatment, there may be nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

It is worth noting special instructions:

  • it is not recommended to take alcoholic beverages during treatment;
  • the drug can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is not recommended to use the remedy during menstruation.

The method of using pimafucin for thrush is as follows: one suppository is inserted deep into the vagina once a day at bedtime. The course of treatment is about a week.

The treatment strategy consists of two stages:

  • identification of the underlying cause;
  • the appointment of pimafucin as a complex therapy. Pimafucin is not prescribed in combination with systemic antifungal agents.

The average price is within 450 rubles per pack.

Candles Livarol

Livarol is another well-known antimycotic drug. The tool is not used in the treatment of men, as well as children due to the lack of clinical data on safety. The main active element of these suppositories is ketoconazole.

What is the principle of action of livarol? As you know, the composition of the cell wall of a fungal infection includes a substance called ergosterol. So ketoconazole inhibits the synthesis of this component. As a result, the metabolic processes in the cell are disturbed, and it dies.

As for contraindications, there are no absolute restrictions, there are only relative ones, which means that in some cases the doctor can still decide to prescribe suppositories. These contraindications include the period of pregnancy and lactation. If the potential benefit outweighs the perceived danger and risks, then in certain cases, suppositories may be prescribed.

If we talk about side effects, it is extremely rare that the remedy leads to some systemic disorders or overdose. Sometimes patients note the appearance of nausea and dizziness after using suppositories. In rare cases, reactions of a local type may still occur, namely:

  • itching of the external genital organs;
  • redness;
  • burning;
  • puffiness.

Consider special instructions in connection with the use of livarol:

  • it is impossible to drink alcoholic beverages during the treatment period. Otherwise, the risk of toxic effects on the liver increases, and the following symptoms may also appear: tachycardia, hypotension, hyperemia skin, fainting state;
  • during the treatment period, it is better to refuse intimacy, especially for unprotected sexual intercourse. If this condition is neglected, then the medicinal substance can lead to an allergic reaction in the sexual partner.

When it comes to the method of application, then definitely livarol is used as part of a comprehensive treatment. Before starting treatment, a comprehensive diagnostic study is carried out, which helps to identify real reasons occurrence of fungal infections.

Suppositories are inserted into the vagina every evening for ten days. They cannot be used during menstruation.

Usually, one insertion of the suppository into the vagina is sufficient. If the symptoms of a fungal infection remain, then not earlier than a week later, you can enter another vaginal suppository. Side effects are rare, there may be slight itching and burning.

The price of Zalain in pharmacies averages 400-500 rubles per box.

Candles Terzhinan

According to experts, terzhinan is effective in any form of candidal lesions. Terzhinan is a complex antibacterial and antifungal agent which contains the following active ingredients:

  • ternidazole;
  • nystatin;
  • neomycin.

In general, the composition of terzhinan works very harmoniously. In combination, all these three components contribute to the fact that the vaginal mucosa remains intact, and the acidity of the environment remains within the normal range.

In addition, the effectiveness of terzhinan is enhanced due to the presence of an auxiliary component - prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate. What property does this substance have? This is a corticosteroid that helps suppress the inflammatory process that causes diseases of an infectious fungal nature.

The drug was widely used due to the absence of side effects and minor contraindications: individual intolerance and hypersensitivity.

You can use suppositories even during pregnancy and lactation, the only thing is that in the first trimester it is better to avoid using terzhinan, because this is an important period for laying the organs and systems of the fetus.

The course of treatment is usually ten days. Both sharp and chronic form treated according to one scheme: one suppository is inserted deep into the vagina once a day. If it is not possible to administer the drug in the evening, then after the procedure it is necessary to lie down for half an hour in a horizontal position.

From this article you will learn about the use of vaginal suppositories for thrush, how effective they are in the treatment of candidiasis, whether it is possible to cure thrush only with suppositories. Rating of vaginal suppositories in terms of effectiveness: Zalain, Lomexin, Gino-pevaril, Livarol, Pimafucin, Poligynax, Irunin, Ginezol, Macmiror Complex. Rectal suppositories: Nystatin.

Article publication date: 09/08/2017

Article last updated: 11/27/2018

The dosage form in the form of vaginal suppositories is a popular local remedy. Compared to other forms for local application(creams, ointments, gels or vaginal tablets), suppositories have several advantages:

  • thanks to a solid glycerin and paraffin base, suppositories have a form convenient for insertion into the vagina and begin to actively melt only from body temperature;
  • the medicinal substance is evenly distributed inside and covers the internal mucosa, which is difficult to access for creams and ointments, with a thin insoluble film, acts locally, is not absorbed into the blood or other biological fluids;
  • quickly eliminate the pronounced symptoms of acute thrush, allow you to get rid of the chronic process or prevent its occurrence (from 1 day to 2 weeks);
  • some vaginal suppositories do not interfere with the menstrual cycle (the course is not interrupted), pregnancy or lactation;
  • side effects are minimized.

Candles of various shapes

Candles are the best effective form for the local treatment of thrush in women, some are able to relieve unpleasant symptoms the very next day after application. From a number of drugs can be distinguished:

  • high-speed Zalain and Lomeksin (day);
  • Gino-pevaril and Livarol (from 3 to 5 days);
  • vaginal suppositories for thrush - Pimafucin (from 3 to 5 days, one of the few that doctors prescribe without fear during the period of expectation of a child);
  • combined Polygynax (from 5 days), not only eliminates thrush, but also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

However, there are also disadvantages - it is impossible to cure thrush only with vaginal suppositories, you need a complex with tablet antifungal drugs, otherwise the disease quickly becomes chronic.

In addition to vaginal suppositories, there are rectal suppositories that men and women are prescribed:

    In the treatment of dysbacteriosis and intestinal candidiasis.

    For the prevention or treatment of urogenital thrush.

The composition of rectal suppositories includes the same active antifungal substances as in vaginal suppositories, the differences are the size and shape (slightly smaller), the presence of a small amount of painkillers in the composition (for more comfortable administration).

Appointment in the treatment of candidiasis in women is made by a gynecologist.

About vaginal suppositories (candles)

Violation of the instructions, terms of use, uncontrolled use of local remedies leads to the emergence of a generation of Candida resistant to antifungal agents, and the transformation of an acute process into a chronic one. As a result, effective vaginal suppositories for candidiasis at a certain point stop "working", eliminating the pronounced manifestations of thrush.

Therefore, the physician chooses medication based primarily on the results of laboratory tests for sensitivity to antifungal agents. It depends on how effective the prescribed drug will be. It is for this reason that a less effective and long-acting, at first glance, drug is sometimes prescribed.

Rules for the use of vaginal suppositories:

  • clean the perineum with soap and water, thoroughly washing off whitish deposits and films;
  • remove the suppository from the package and insert deeply into the vagina with clean hands;
  • since the solid oil base begins to melt from body temperature, it is better to do this at night, lying in bed, so most of the drug will not leak out;
  • undesirable simultaneous use cosmetics(soap, gel for the intimate area) with an acidic reaction.

During the period of treatment with vaginal suppositories, it is better to exclude sexual intercourse (more due to the fact that a partner can be infected precisely during an exacerbation of thrush).


Vaginal suppositories - with active substance sertaconazole (imidazole-benzothiphene derivative) in the composition.

How to apply:

  • Zalain - the most effective suppositories from thrush, pronounced manifestations of a fungal infection disappear the next day after using one suppository;
  • for the treatment of chronic infection, it is sufficient to re-introduce another candle after a week.

It differs from other drugs of this form in that it can be treated during menstruation - the discharge does not wash the drug out of the vagina and does not reduce its effectiveness.

Of the side effects - a possible individual reaction to the components in the form of burning, redness or slight dermatitis in the perineum, which pass by themselves and do not need treatment.

Allow the use of Zalain before and after childbirth, if the doctor takes responsibility for the result.


Candles with the active substance fenticonazole (imidazole derivative) destroy the fungal infection, inhibit the development of streptococci (bacteria) and Trichomonas (protozoa).

How to apply:

    For the treatment of an acute fungal infection of the genitourinary system in women, one candle is enough.

    Relapses are prevented by repeated administration of the suppository for 3-4 days.

Do not prescribe during the menstrual cycle, before childbirth and after (contraindication - lactation), with hypersensitivity to the components (the development of a side effect is possible - allergies in the form of burning, redness, dermatitis).


These are the best suppositories for thrush among imidazole derivatives, with the active antifungal substance econazole in the composition. Gyno-pevaril has bactericidal activity against staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms.

How to apply:

  • before the introduction, the perineum is blotted with a dry cloth;
  • 3 suppositories are enough for 3 days to eliminate the pronounced symptoms of vaginal thrush;
  • the course of treatment can be continued up to 6 days if the manifestations of vaginal candidiasis persist.

The drug is not prescribed before and after childbirth (for lactation). Side effects may occur in the form of an individual skin reaction, burning, dry mucous membranes, stool disorders, vomiting and nausea.

Prolonged uncontrolled use can provoke the appearance age spots(hyperpigmentation) or skin necrosis (trophic ulcers).


Vaginal suppositories with an active substance in the composition - ketoconazole (imidazole derivative), inhibit reproduction and development, cause the death of fungi of the genus Candida and some others (dermatophytes, yeast-like).

How to apply:

Treatment of thrush with Livarol suppositories can cause side effects in the form of mild indigestion, nausea, dizziness, local allergic reaction: burning, redness, rash, which disappear after cancellation.


The active antifungal agent in Pimafucin is natamycin, a polyene antibiotic. One of the few that are approved for use by pregnant and lactating mothers.

How to apply:

    To eliminate the pronounced manifestations of candidiasis, suppositories are administered daily, from 3 to 6 days.

    With chronic thrush, the treatment time can be delayed up to 1.5 weeks.

It has no side effects and contraindications (except for individual sensitivity to the components of the drug), so it is often prescribed to patients with a tendency to violent allergic reactions and with intolerance to other drugs.


Polygynax - complex vaginal suppositories. The composition contains an active antifungal substance of the polyene series - nystatin, as well as polymyxin and neomycin, which inhibit the growth and development of the bacterial flora of the vagina.

One of the most effective candles from thrush is prescribed for the treatment of a fungal infection against the background of secondary bacterial inflammation, and also if previous medicines have been ineffective.

How to apply:

  • for the prevention of thrush during antibiotic therapy, 1 suppository per day is sufficient for 5-6 days;
  • to eliminate the pronounced symptoms of thrush and prevent the development of a chronic process, Polygynax is used daily for 2 weeks.

Side effects from the use of the drug are minimized, occasionally local allergies may appear in the form of burning, redness and swelling, which you need to pay attention to - otherwise the process may result in the appearance of eczema. All side effects disappear after cancellation.

Contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women.


Candles, which include itraconazole (a derivative of the triazole series), a substance that inhibits the growth, development and causes the death of Candida cells.

Irunin is effective in the treatment of chronic, often recurring thrush, it is also prescribed for intolerance to other drugs.

How to apply:

Perhaps the appearance of a local allergy (burning, swelling, redness, rash), which disappears after the drug is discontinued.


Vaginal suppositories with the main active substance- miconazole (imidazole derivative), which inhibits the reproduction, growth and development of fungi of the genus Candida (some yeast-like and mold), has a bactericidal effect (relieves inflammation). It is prescribed for the sensitivity of fungi to the active substance, as well as for allergies to other vaginal suppositories.

How to apply:

Do not prescribe in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, it is contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women. Perhaps the development of side effects in the form of a local reaction (burning, swelling, itching, rashes).

Macmirror Complex

A complex preparation, which consists of a combination of antifungal nystatin (an antibiotic of the polyene series) and antibacterial nifuratel, therefore it is effective not only against fungi of the genus Candida, but also as a bactericidal and antiprotozoal agent (for trichomoniasis).

One of the main advantages of the drug is that these suppositories for thrush in women have no contraindications for treatment in any of the trimesters, before childbirth.

How to apply:

  • for the treatment of thrush, 1 suppository is injected into the vagina for 8 days;
  • if necessary (positive result of a laboratory test), the course of the drug is repeated at the time determined by the attending physician.

Rarely causes side effects such as skin rashes in the perineum and burning. The appointment of the Macmirror Complex for intolerance to the components was excluded.

About rectal suppositories

This form of medicinal antifungal drugs is prescribed to men and women less often, with confirmed thrush or suspected intestinal candidiasis, which can provoke the development of an acute urogenital process in a sexual partner.

Rules for the use of rectal suppositories:

  • clean the perineum with soap and water;
  • remove the suppository from the package and insert into the rectum with clean hands;
  • so that the drug is evenly distributed in the intestines and does not leak out, the procedure is performed at night, lying in bed.

Any suppositories, including rectal ones, are used as part of a comprehensive treatment. Is there a need to use such dosage form- decides the attending physician.


What suppositories from thrush are administered rectally? Suppositories with the active ingredient nystatin (a polyene antibiotic) in the composition, which are intended for long-term treatment and prevention of intestinal candidiasis and are almost not addictive. For women, the main advantage of the dosage form is that the treatment does not need to be interrupted during menstruation.

How to apply:

Do not prescribe with special sensitivity to the components, the use of pregnant and lactating mothers is excluded, rare side effects - unpleasant itching, rashes, burning.

After consulting with your doctor, you can use any vaginal suppositories as rectal suppositories, since they almost do not differ from each other in composition.

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