What to do if the upper eyelid is swollen? How to remove swelling of the eyelids at home Swelling of the upper eyelids, what to do.

Puffy eyelids are a phenomenon that affects both women and men. It often happens that many people do not give of great importance this problem, which is very bad. As practice shows, swelling of the eyelids can be one of the signs of pathological abnormalities. What to do when the upper eyelids swell, what are the causes of this phenomenon? Today we will try to give detailed answers to these questions.

What is eyelid swelling?

Eyelid puffiness is a localized excess accumulation of fluid in the eyelids. This disease can be short-term and recurrent. In most cases, only one lower or lower part may swell. upper eyelid. Sometimes unilateral edema occurs - a situation in which only one eye swells. This deviation occurs at any age, but most often it affects people after 30 years of age.

Many people for whom swelling has become an annoying problem are interested in the following question: “Why do the eyelids swell so much in the morning, and not during the day when a person is awake?” The fact is that liquid fills the cellular space of the eyelids only when a person is sleeping and his body lies horizontally. It is during this period that the blood circulation rate decreases greatly. During the day, such swelling, as a rule, resolves on its own.

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons why the eyelids above the eyes swell. Let's list the most common ones:

  • bruises;
  • tattoo;
  • insect bites;
  • bad habits;
  • stress, lack of sleep;
  • poor nutrition;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital pathologies of the eyelids;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics, products or plants;
  • excessive consumption of liquids or spicy foods before bedtime.

Also, the reason why the eyelids swell may be kidney and gastrointestinal diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as acute respiratory viral infections and eye diseases (for example, the upper eyelid often swells due to stye).


Edema manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • pain when palpating;
  • shine and thinning of the skin;
  • swelling and enlargement of the eyelids;
  • density of surrounding tissues;
  • stretched and tense skin;
  • rash on the skin in the form of small dots;
  • redness, blueness or paleness of the skin;
  • narrowing or complete blockage of the palpebral fissure;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes that are located in front of the ear.

Diagnosis and treatment

To answer the question: “Why do the eyelids swell?” need to be carried out timely diagnosis. Diagnosis occurs visually. To learn more about why the upper eyelids swell, you need to take a urine test to detect kidney disease and a blood test that calculates protein levels. If these procedures are not sufficient, an ultrasound examination or computed tomography.

Often, swelling disappears on its own after some time, but in some cases the situation can only get worse. Most often this happens when there is some deviation. In such situations, swelling can occur not only around the eyes, but also in different parts of the body.

Delayed treatment can lead to the following consequences:

  • glaucoma;
  • fever;
  • elephantiasis;
  • edema eyeball;
  • increased pressure inside the eye;
  • serious vision problems (in advanced cases, vision may disappear altogether).

So how to treat swelling of the eyelids in the morning? First you need to identify the cause of this phenomenon. At allergic reaction left or right eyelid will stop swelling after eliminating the allergen. If the cause is illness, then the swelling will go away when the person recovers. In the case of a wound, everything goes away after healing. Fluid absorption can be accelerated using the following methods:

  1. Drug treatment, physiotherapy, mesotherapy. To eliminate swelling using these methods, you must first coordinate your actions with your doctor. Only a specialist will tell you whether such procedures are worth carrying out or not.
  2. Cosmetics (various masks, creams and lotions).
  3. Massages that can help remove excess fluid and restore function lymphatic system.
  4. Folk remedies taken externally or internally.

The goal of each treatment course is to eliminate inflammatory processes and improve blood circulation, as well as stimulate metabolism.

Folk remedies to eliminate swelling of the eyelids

Traditional medicine is rich in natural recipes that are effective in combating edema. The central ingredient in most of them is parsley, as it contains many beneficial substances. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of this plant, you will forget about swollen eyelids in the morning for a long time.

  1. Parsley decoction. For a liter of water you need to take leaves from 1 bunch, 4 chopped roots and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Place the mixture on low heat for 30 minutes. The resulting warm medicine should be taken 3 times a day, 100 ml.
  2. Drink. Grind two tablespoons of parsley seeds to a powder, pour in 250 ml of boiling water, and then keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour. At the end, the drink needs to be cooled and strained. Take one tablespoon 4 times a day.

In addition to parsley, flaxseed has good antibacterial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. The following recipe has worked well: pour 4 teaspoons of seeds into a liter of water, after which the liquid should be boiled over low heat for 25 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Warm drink should be taken 3 times a day, half a glass. The course of treatment is 20 days. Due to the specific taste of the medicine, it is not recommended to mix it with other drinks or foods.


To avoid morning swelling of the eyelids, remember these rules:

  1. Don't drink large amounts of water at night.
  2. Get good rest, sleep 7-8 hours.
  3. Avoid artificial sweeteners and do not overdo it with salt.
  4. In summer, wear sunglasses and avoid being exposed to ultraviolet rays for too long.
  5. Observe safety precautions in dangerous work (welders, for example, must wear a protective mask that covers the entire face).
  6. Avoid alcoholic, carbonated drinks and coffee.
  7. Avoid contact with people who are sick infectious diseases(especially with those who have eye disease).
  8. Treat inflammatory diseases in a timely manner.

Now you have learned what you need to do and what you should give up so that this problem does not overtake you. Remember: everything depends only on you and your lifestyle.

If the upper eyelid of the eye is swollen, then a variety of factors can be the cause. Most often, this problem occurs in people over 40 years of age, since with age the skin becomes loose and the muscles become weak. To begin treatment, it is imperative to identify the root cause of the swelling, otherwise the situation can only worsen.

Causes of swelling of the eyelids

Much research has been done on why the upper eyelids swell. The appearance of such edema should serve as a signal of the presence dangerous diseases, which means it is necessary to check the health status of the whole body as soon as possible. It is better not to put off this problem for later, but to seek medical help.

Types of eyelid swelling:

  1. Inflammatory: the eyelid becomes red, itching, pain, and a burning sensation appear in the eye. An inflammatory infiltrate collects inside the eyelid.
  2. Non-inflammatory: no discomfort- redness, pain, itching. There is only an increase in size of the eyelid.

All inflammatory processes that occur in the body often cause swelling of the upper eyelid. One cause is blepharitis, which is a group of very different eye disorders. Together they are united by inflammatory processes of the eyelids, which very often become chronic and accompanied by peeling and itching. In addition to this, there are other factors for eye swelling that are quite common:

When swelling appears in the eyes, you need to follow simple rules: first, identify the main factor; second - perform an examination, which may indicate the possibility of using a particular treatment method. It should be noted that inflammation of the bone tissue in the eye area can cause swelling.

Swelling of the eyelids after prolonged sleep

Patients are often interested in why their eyes swell in the morning and why their upper eyelids become red. Swelling after sleep can be a common failure of the rest regime or eating junk food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with an abundance of the freshest fruits and vegetables. Instead of carbonated drinks and coffee, you should drink purified drinking water, but stop taking it no later than three to four hours before bedtime. If you get rid of all bad habits, then swelling of the eyelids in the morning will be a thing of the past.

If possible, you should give your eyes more rest. About an hour before going to bed, you need to turn off the TV and computer. The eye muscles are strong, but they also need rest.

Diagnosis and treatment

To find out the cause of eyelid swelling, you need not to delay and undergo diagnostics, which is carried out visually. For a more accurate diagnosis, you need to take urine and blood tests. A blood test is necessary to calculate the level of protein, urine - to identify kidney pathologies. In some individual cases, a CT scan or ultrasound may be required.

At the first symptoms of eyelid swelling, you should not:

  • press or pierce an abscess;
  • warm the eyelid, apply oil compresses;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • wear contact lenses.

Quite often, swelling goes away after a certain time, but it is also possible that the situation will only get worse. This can happen if there are any serious abnormalities. In such cases, swelling appears not only on the eyelids, but also on other parts of the body.

The consequences of delayed treatment can be very different, including:

To eliminate swelling, you should definitely consult a specialist. Only the attending physician can say whether these procedures are necessary or not. Procedures that eliminate swelling include:

  1. Masks, lotions and all kinds of creams are high-quality cosmetology products.
  2. The use of suspensions or eye drops on an anti-inflammatory or hormonal basis, antiallergic drugs, diuretics.
  3. Massages, thanks to which you can restore the functioning of the lymphatic system and remove excess fluid.
  4. Traditional methods - masks, lotions or diuretic teas.

If swelling of the eyelids occurs in the morning, then it is first necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon. If the cause is an allergic reaction, then you need to eliminate the allergen and take an antiallergic drug. If the reason lies in the disease, then the eyes will stop swelling only after complete recovery. In the case where swelling appears after an insect bite or wound, you should wait for complete healing. The release of excess fluid can be accelerated by the following methods: mesotherapy, physiotherapy, medication treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes

If your eyelids are swollen, traditional medicine will tell you what to do. In her arsenal there are many proven recipes that will help combat this problem. Most of them have parsley as the central ingredient. She's rich useful substances, serves as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic property.

You can also prepare a parsley decoction. For 300 milliliters of water you will need 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of leaves and 2 tablespoons of crushed root. Boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes, then cool. Take throughout the day.

A flax seed drink will also help remove excess fluid from the body and relieve the inflammatory process: add 4 teaspoons of seeds to a liter of water, bring to a boil, and leave on low heat for 20 minutes. Strain the drink, drink 200 milliliters warm before meals. You need to drink the drink for a course of 3 weeks.

Prevention of edema

In order to have a good morning and the reflection in the mirror does not spoil your mood for the whole day, you need to adhere to the following rules:

By following simple rules, this problem will bypass you. If the eye is swollen, and the upper eyelid has significantly increased in size, then it is best to seek help from a doctor to diagnose and treat the disease.

Swelling of the upper eyelid is a common phenomenon that can occur as a result of exposure to external or internal negative factors. It can be the only symptom or be accompanied by additional symptoms, occur in one eye or both at the same time. First of all, a swollen eyelid is a serious aesthetic defect, but do not forget that it can serve as a signal of serious problems in the body. For what reasons does swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye occur and how to get rid of the problem?

Why does the upper eyelid swell?

The tendency of the eyelids to edema is due to their anatomical structure - they consist of loose fabric(mainly subcutaneous fat) and large quantity blood vessels. If too much fluid accumulates in the eyelids, swelling occurs quite quickly and can last for several days. The upper part of the eye increases in size, as a result of which the eye shape narrows, the skin acquires a red or bluish tint, as well as an unhealthy shine, and the tissues become dense to the touch.

Depending on the reasons that caused the pathology, swelling of the upper eyelid can be inflammatory, non-inflammatory, allergic or traumatic. In each case, it may be accompanied by additional symptoms (itching, pain, increased skin temperature, general symptoms) and requires appropriate treatment.

Attention: tissue swelling must be distinguished from a disorder called, or drooping of the upper eyelid - in the second case, the eyelid does not increase in size and does not turn red, but droops, covering part of the eyeball.

Inflammatory swelling

Swelling of one upper eyelid most often occurs with eye diseases, less often with ARVI, sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. Features similar conditions - itching, tingling and burning sensation, lacrimation, photophobia. Most often, the eyelid swells with barley, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, abscesses, phlegmon and erysipelas.

Table. Diseases in which the eyelid swells.

DiseaseCauses and features of the flow

The disease develops due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms (most often Staphylococcus aureus) to the surface of the eye, which causes inflammation of the eyelash hair follicle. A swelling with purulent contents appears in the affected area, the eyelid turns red, swells and hurts when pressed.

Inflammatory processes in conjunctivitis develop in the mucous membrane of the eye and are accompanied by redness of the eyeball, a feeling of a foreign body and sand in the eye, photophobia, and the release of clear secretion or pus.

The cause of the disease is inflammation of the lacrimal sac, which prevents the normal outflow of fluid. Symptoms include redness, pain and swelling, which are located closer to the inner edge of the eye.

Severe pathology of a chronic nature resulting from inflammatory process edges of the eyelids. Signs include swelling of the eyelid (usually at the edges).

Inflammation of the tissues of the eyelids, which usually develop due to a violation of the integrity of the skin and the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound. They are accompanied by severe swelling of the eyelid, impaired mobility, pain, and in severe cases, increased body temperature, headaches, and general weakness.

Swelling of the eyelid due to inflammation of the nasal sinuses is most often observed in childhood, but can also occur in adults. Patients are concerned about nasal congestion and discharge of purulent contents, headache, a feeling of heaviness in the sinuses, general weakness, fever and chills. This condition requires immediate medical attention as it can cause decreased vision and other serious complications.

Non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelid

Swelling of the eyelids of a non-inflammatory nature is most often observed in the morning after sleep, and is not accompanied by redness, local fever and severe pain. The skin usually does not appear hot, but pale and cool, sometimes with pronounced vascular network. Among the reasons that cause this state, includes:

  • systemic diseases (impaired functioning of cardio-vascular system, kidney, thyroid gland, digestive tract);
  • poor circulation or lymphatic drainage;
  • oncological diseases of eye tissue;
  • excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • poor lifestyle, lack of sleep, eye strain;
  • bad habits.

In some cases, non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids goes away on their own after normal rest and lifestyle adjustments. If they appear with a certain regularity, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and determine the cause of the swelling.

Allergic edema

Swelling of allergic origin most often occurs suddenly and is often accompanied by itching, redness and discomfort. Additional symptoms may include nasal congestion, skin rash, and watery eyes. Allergies are caused by food products, hygiene products, household chemicals, cosmetics, as well as plant pollen, animal dander and insect bites.

There are two types of allergic swelling of the eyelids - allergic dermatitis and angioedema. With dermatitis, the swelling is not too pronounced, but is always accompanied by redness and itching. Quincke's edema, on the contrary, is quite extensive (sometimes a person cannot even open his eyes), and there are no additional symptoms, but they are the most dangerous for the patient, as they can spread to the respiratory system.

Traumatic edema

The tissues of the eyelids are very delicate and thin, so any injury can cause bleeding and swelling. As a rule, this situation does not require medical intervention - you just need to maintain eye hygiene and make sure that the wound does not get infected. In women, eyelid swelling is often observed after a tattoo procedure, which involves driving pigment under the skin of the eyelids. If the procedure was carried out correctly, the swelling will subside within a day, but too deep injection of pigment or its poor quality can cause allergies and inflammation.

For reference: in rare cases, swelling is a consequence anatomical structure eye - if the membrane is between skin and the fat layer is too thin, any negative impact can cause swelling.

Swelling of the upper eyelid in a child

Swelling of the eyelids in childhood is most often caused by genetic predisposition, allergic reactions or infectious eye diseases (children often have the habit of rubbing their eyes with dirty hands). Allergies and infections require appropriate treatment, and for edema caused by hereditary factors, parents are advised to monitor the child’s drinking regime and daily routine, and also reduce the amount of salt in his diet. In any case, when this symptom You should consult your doctor.


There can be many reasons for swelling of the upper eyelid, so anamnesis and the presence of additional symptoms play an important role in making a diagnosis. Diagnosis of ophthalmological diseases, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for specialists, but non-inflammatory edema may require additional examinations and consultation with specialized specialists (cardiologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, etc.).

What should not be done for swelling of the eyelids?

In order not to aggravate the situation, the following manipulations should not be performed during swelling of the upper eyelid:

  • warm the affected area;
  • open the ulcers yourself if they are on the skin;
  • lubricate the eyelid with concentrated alcohol solutions, as they can cause irritation or burns.

Besides, It is not recommended to take antibiotics on your own, regardless of the form of release of the drugmisuse drugs for oral or local treatment can seriously harm the patient.

Video: Swelling of one upper eyelid, causes and signs

Treatment of eyelid swelling

The therapy used for eyelid edema depends on the cause of the development of the pathology - to eliminate edema and its cause, conservative therapy, cosmetic and folk remedies.

Conservative therapy

For infectious processes, patients are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiviral agents in the form of tablets, drops and ointments. In case of allergic edema, they are used antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs containing synthetic steroid hormones, which eliminate not only swelling, but also itching, redness and discomfort. In addition, with edema of allergic origin, it is important to determine the factor that led to the undesirable reaction of the body and, if possible, eliminate it. Non-inflammatory edema can often be eliminated by getting enough sleep, reducing fluid and salt intake, and avoiding bad habits. If swelling persists, you should consult a doctor and check your kidney function, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Cosmetical tools

If swelling of the eyelids is purely a cosmetic problem, you can use special ointments, creams and masks to relieve swelling. Good effect provide physiotherapeutic procedures - electrical stimulation, mesotherapy, different types massage (manual, vacuum, roller), which have a beneficial effect on tissue, remove excess fluid and stimulate the outflow of lymph, which helps reduce swelling.

For reference: A massage that improves the condition of the eyelids during swelling can be performed at home - you need to gently massage the skin of the upper eyelid with light pressure for 1-2 minutes, and finish the procedure with light tapping.

In extreme cases, usually during the formation of the so-called blepharochalasis(the fold in the outer part of the eyelid that hangs over the eye), resort to plastic surgery called blepharoplasty.

Folk remedies

Traditional recipes for combating eyelid swelling involve the use of agents with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects that draw out excess fluid, improve blood circulation and lymph outflow.

As quick remedies For this, you can apply pieces of ice, slices of fresh cucumber, raw potatoes, or even cold spoons to your eyes, after putting them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Important: Diuretics, which are used to combat swelling of the eyelids, have a number of contraindications - they are prohibited from being taken in case of urolithiasis, cholelithiasis, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

Video: How to remove swelling from the upper eyelid?

To prevent swelling of the eyelids, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and alcoholic beverages, and do not overuse salty, spicy and pickled foods, especially at night. Women should be careful when choosing decorative cosmetics and be sure to wash off makeup before going to bed. In addition, it is important to protect your eyes from the negative effects external factors(ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage), treat infectious diseases in a timely manner, monitor the functioning of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye can be a common cosmetic problem, but in some cases it indicates the development of serious illnesses Therefore, if this symptom appears, you should consult your doctor.

Swelling of the upper eyelid can be caused by an eye disease or be a symptom of disorders in other body systems.

Causes of swelling of the upper eyelid

Two types of swelling:

  1. Inflammatory: the eyelid above the eye swells, turns red and quickly enlarges. Pain and itching may occur.
  2. Non-inflammatory: noticeable enlargement of the eyelid.

With regular swelling of the eyelids, which is accompanied by painful sensations You should immediately contact a medical facility. If the eyelid above the eye is swollen, this may be preceded by:

  • disturbance of sleep and rest patterns;
  • overstrain of the organ of vision (long-term work at a computer monitor);
  • drinking large amounts of fluid before bed;
  • alcohol-containing drinks retain fluid in the body;
  • dysfunction of internal organs.

Reasons why eyelids swell:

How to get rid of a tumor

In case of mechanical damage to the organ of vision, first aid must be provided to the patient. If foreign objects get into the eye, it must be immediately rinsed with water and removed. foreign body. If this is not possible, you should seek help from a doctor.

Why can’t you remove debris from your eyes yourself? Never remove a foreign object in the eye yourself if the following gets into the eye socket:

  • a particle firmly attached to the eyeball;
  • a piece of metal shavings;
  • a particle that enters the iris of the eye.

Mechanism for removing other foreign objects from the eye:

  1. You need to close your eyes tightly several times, then the object will come out on its own with tears.
  2. If the foreign body is located behind the lower eyelid or on the visible part of the cornea, it can be removed with a clean paper tissue.
  3. If the particle is not visible, it means it has gone under the upper eyelid. In this case, it is necessary to lift the upper eyelid, pull it back and remove the foreign object.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If you notice a swollen and reddened eyelid, the best solution is to visit a specialist. The most common cause is allergies.

If the eyelids are regularly swollen, it is necessary to undergo a set of tests to determine the nature of the swollen and inflamed eyelid.

Furunculosis, popularly called barley, is on the list of one of the dangerous eye diseases. When it appears, it may be observed heat, malaise and constant eye pain. If it is not possible to reduce the temperature for a long time, and the pain intensifies, urgent consultation with a doctor is required.

Swelling or caused by injury. These manifestations are easily diagnosed due to superficial signs (bruising). Recovery occurs within a week and no medical intervention is required. But if lumps, swelling, or pain occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The upper eyelids may become swollen and red due to infections. If they are detected, the specialist will be able to prescribe the correct treatment without harm to health.

Medicines and folk remedies for swelling of the eyelid

Swollen eyelid: how to treat it - medications and folk remedies? This question is always of interest to those who are sick, but first of all it is necessary to proceed from the severity of the disease.

  1. If the eyelid is swollen, treatment must begin immediately. If swelling of the eyelid occurs during colds, in this case, it is worth using antibacterial drugs for treatment.
  2. Symptomatic treatment is used for insect bites.
  3. For quick solution For problems with infectious diseases, the patient can take diuretics.

Self-administration medicines without a doctor's prescription can lead to serious consequences.


Let's consider ways traditional medicine which will help if the eyelid is swollen.

To quickly relieve or reduce swelling of the eyes, a compress with cool water can help. It should be kept on your eyes for no more than 20 minutes. You can use pieces of ice that are wrapped in cloth, otherwise you can burn the delicate skin of your eyes.

For conjunctivitis, as well as if the eyes become red with other inflammatory symptoms, use beeswax or honey, which is first diluted with water in a 1:2 ratio, like eye drops.

A decoction of chamomile can help by rinsing your eyes several times a day. Lotions and compresses made from cucumber juice and boiling water on a swollen eyelid will help relieve eye inflammation. If only one eye is inflamed, the healthy one should also be treated. Otherwise, the healthy eye will become infected.

Eye wash saline solution will help in the treatment of conjunctivitis. It is necessary to dilute the solution in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of boiled water.

For eye diseases, you should follow a therapeutic diet that limits the consumption of sweet, peppery, and fried foods. You should not eat foods containing starch, tomatoes, and cereals. During treatment, it is better to avoid drinking strong alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee.

It is necessary to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables should be included in the diet, with the exception of potatoes and citrus fruits. Animal products, apples and whole grains can be consumed.


Swollen eyelids can indicate many things, for example, chronic lack of sleep, an allergic reaction, symptoms of certain diseases, and so on. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the swelling in order to get rid of it. It is enough to simply refresh the skin with local compresses.

When the cause of swelling of the eyelids (upper) is lack of rest and overwork, then you can get rid of the problem quite easily - you just need to create the right regime. You need to sleep as much as you need to sleep, just keep in mind - at least seven hours a day! Before going to bed, we recommend that you refrain from drinking liquids, remove excess cream with a paper napkin, and try to sleep on a fairly low pillow (you can even do without it).

Masks and compresses will help put your sensitive eyelids. You can add raw cucumber or potatoes to them. Use vegetables in the form of plates - cut into circles and place them on your eyelids. You can grate a potato or cucumber, because it is equally useful to apply the squeezed cucumber to the skin of your eyelids. vegetable juice and pulp. Add chopped fresh parsley to grated raw potatoes - the effect of the compress will increase many times over. You can boil the potatoes, then serve by mashing them and applying them as a mask to the upper eyelids. In general, there are quite a lot of options for using ordinary vegetables.

Effective express methods for eliminating eyelid swelling include strong tea leaves and discarded tea bags. Apply tea leaves or damp sachets to your eyelids for a couple of minutes, then wipe the skin with ice. It is worth highlighting from herbal decoctions infusions of chamomile, parsley, St. John's wort - all this will also work very effectively, you can get rid of swelling under the eyes. When fluid is retained in the body, it is difficult to avoid the appearance of puffy eyelids; here it is worth taking herbal teas and mild diuretics.

Blepharoplasty is a radical way to solve the problem of drooping eyelids; not everyone will decide to do this. Puffy eyelids are sometimes the result of genetic predisposition, poor lifestyle, drooping corners of the eyes, or the result of natural aging - there can be plenty of reasons. Eyelid surgery will help cope with the listed problems - excess skin will be removed surgically, subcutaneous fat layer- Same. You can also slightly tighten the skin of the forehead or raise the eyebrow, simultaneously solving the problem of transverse folds - the skin of the eyelids will tighten and the eye will open. Blepharoplasty also has its contraindications, like all other operations, it can result in complications. But if everything goes well, the result of the procedure will last for a couple of years for sure, and you are unlikely to achieve such an effect with simple lotions and compresses. Of course, only you can decide which method to choose to get rid of puffiness around the eyes.