Non-obstructive pyelonephritis what. Acute non-obstructive pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidney tissue) is a fairly common disease among all age categories of the population and occupies one of the main places in nephrology.

Classification of pyelonephritis

What disease can you face? Depending on whether inflammation has occurred in one kidney or in both (according to the number of affected kidneys), the following are distinguished:



By clinical course:

acute with complete recovery;

Chronic - when the process has passed into a relapsing stage.

Due to occurrence:

primary, when the disease occurred on its own, although experts believe that there is no primary pyelonephritis,

Secondary - arising against the background of another anomaly of the kidneys.

Routes of infection:

hematogenous - is formed in the presence of primary foci of inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system - cystitis, prostatitis, etc. or in other organs - bronchitis, tonsillitis, caries, etc.;

Urogenic - occurs as a result of the spread of infection from the urinary tract.

According to the patency of the urinary tract:

obstructive (with a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney),

non-obstructive pyelonephritis(the patency of the urinary tract is preserved).

Symptoms of non-obstructive pyelonephritis

Symptoms of the disease develop during the day. Initially, symptoms appear as infectious disease. Then they appear:


Urinary dysfunction (dysuria) with frequent and often painful urges,

The temperature rises (up to 40⁰С),

Chills, alternating with intense sweating with a temporary decrease in temperature,

Lower back pain from the side of the affected kidney or both kidneys (with bilateral pyelonephritis),

Common symptoms such as nausea,

Pain in the frontal part of the head,


Risk factors

The inflammatory process never occurs just like that, certain conditions are needed for this. They weaken the immune system and create a comfortable environment for the growth and spread of microorganisms. These conditions are called risk factors. Among them are general and local.

General Risk Factors

These include diseases and conditions of the body in which the human body becomes susceptible to the formation inflammatory processes. It:


Diseases nervous system(brain tumor, osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, injuries, etc.),


Hypertonic disease,

Long inflammatory diseases- sore throat, tonsillitis, adnexitis, cholecystitis, etc. Sharp weight loss and pregnancy can also provoke pyelonephritis.

Local risk factors

These are causes that relate to the urogenital area, they are the source for the spread of microorganisms in the urinary tract. Among them are:

urolithiasis disease,

kidney prolapse,

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma,

polycystic kidney disease,

Anomalies in the development of the kidneys and urinary tract,

Tumors of the urinary tract.

Bacteria that cause non-obstructive pyelonephritis

The source of development of pyelonephritis is an infection caused by microorganisms. Among them are bacteria that are constantly present in the human body. They are activated with a decrease in immunity and cause the development of inflammation (endogenous infection). There are also microorganisms that enter the body from the external environment (exogenous infection). The most common culprits of pyelonephritis are:


Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium,



Staphylococci. After these microorganisms enter the urinary tract, a pathological process (inflammation) begins.

Pyelonephritis is not a sentence!

Non-obstructive pyelonephritis treated under medical supervision. Treatment is selected after the diagnosis of the disease only comprehensively and individually. Contact our multidisciplinary medical Center in Moscow. Qualified specialists work here, true professionals in their field. The best laboratory in the city and modern European equipment allows you to conduct a survey at the highest level and leaves no doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis. Come, come! And remember, one of the conditions for recovery is the desire to recover!

Obstructive pyelonephritis is a kidney disease that has certain mechanisms of development and nature of origin. If the necessary treatment is not provided, then the disease takes a chronic form, which is dangerous for the normal functioning of the body. This disease does not have a specific risk group, it occurs in any person, the consequences of such a disease can be dangerous for a person.

Because of this disease, the main structures of the kidneys suffer, which complicates the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Most diseases of the excretory system are primarily associated with difficulties in the usual excretion of urine from the body, as well as pyelonephritis.

In addition, the following reasons contribute to the development of the disease:
  1. Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system can narrow the patency of urine, due to which scarring occurs, and signs of pyelonephritis also appear.
  2. Availability urolithiasis leads to various pain syndromes and obstructions.
  3. Congenital pathologies that relate to the excretory system, intrauterine pathologies.
  4. Weakened immune system due to chronic diseases, as well as after the transferred serious illness, lack of vitamins.
  5. infectious diseases.
  6. The psycho-emotional state of a person is also important, constant stress, overwork lead to exhaustion of the body.

Due to difficulties with the outflow of urine, inflammatory foci arise, which are the basis of many diseases. A weakened body is always easily susceptible to viruses and bacteria, which leads to various pathologies. Therefore, the true cause of pyelonephritis is a combination of several causes.

To identify the main root causes of the disease is one of the first tasks of the doctor, only after that you can choose the optimal treatment.

The inflammatory process in the kidneys is caused by bacteria, which develop various forms pathology. The disease can develop in the case when there are already lesions of the renal tissues, this condition is called secondary pyelonephritis.

In medical practice, the following types of inflammatory process are distinguished, which depends on the degree of changes:

  1. Obstructive pyelonephritis is diagnosed when the outflow of urine is obstructed from the kidney channels.
  2. Non-obstructive pyelonephritis - nothing interferes with the outflow of urine, the process of patency is not disturbed.
In turn, the obstructive form of the disease proceeds in the form of the following forms:
  1. The acute form has certain symptoms, obstruction of the renal canals begins.
  2. The chronic form is a long period during which relapses are possible, as well as the development of various kinds of pathologies.

The disease has various forms, as well as pathogens, which are sometimes difficult to diagnose. If there are alarming signs, you should consult a doctor who will refer you for a special diagnostic examination.

Non-obstructive chronic pyelonephritis is also diagnosed, which is associated with a reflex that promotes the movement of urine into reverse side. This condition causes infection of the urinary tract, contributes to the development of infectious diseases.

Obstructive ordinary pyelonephritis is much more common and may have different kinds and forms.

All forms of the disease in the primary stages have similar symptoms, but over time, the symptoms become aggravated and become pronounced. Acute obstructive pyelonephritis is almost always present renal colic. This state is expressed acute pain. This situation is associated with obstruction of the renal canals. The pain syndrome occurs suddenly, such a change is associated with sharply increasing changes, after a short period of time the pain becomes incredibly strong. This patient needs hospitalization and urgent medical care.

In addition to the acute form, the following symptoms are also distinguished:

These symptoms are more common acute stages diseases, during the development of pathology, pain in the muscles, lower back is possible. But it is worth considering the increase in symptoms, so a relapse can happen at any time.

Acute non-obstructive rapidly developing pyelonephritis can be easily confused with a cold, similar symptoms are misleading. Therefore, you should carefully listen to your health and visit a doctor in a timely manner.

Symptoms of the disease, only in the acute form, are pronounced, otherwise general malaise, weakness, aching pain in the muscles are possible.

The urologist deals with general diagnostic examinations as well as prescriptions and therapy. The first thing to do is to visit a doctor, during the examination he will make a preliminary diagnosis, which can later be confirmed or refuted.

The following research methods are also used:

By using complex diagnostics a diagnosis is made, and the root cause of the disease is also determined. According to the data obtained, optimal therapy is prescribed, which includes various principles of treatment, taking into account all individual features. Accurate diagnostic results are the basis for any diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions correctly.

Diagnosis of pyelonephritis is a series of laboratory, instrumental techniques that can accurately determine the true condition of the patient.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of acute forms of the disease is carried out permanently, under the strict guidance of a urologist.

There are the following stages in therapy:
  • restoration of primary functions;
  • the use of antibacterial agents;
  • treatment of the main symptoms;
  • surgical intervention according to the doctor's recommendations.

Each treatment is an integrated approach that will quickly remove pain and reduce overall symptoms. The first thing to do during therapy is to correct the normal outflow of urine. By facilitating this process, the patient will immediately begin to feel much better. Medical treatment includes medicines which have a wide range of activities.

Surgery is also one of the directions in the treatment pathological condition. It is appointed if the situation is too neglected or when none of the methods gives a result. With the help of surgery, you can establish a habitual outflow of urine.

In order to prevent, you should visit a doctor, monitor your health, daily diet. Attentive attitude to well-being, especially in people at risk, is the prevention of the development of pathologies.

Pyelonephritis is a diagnosis that often worries people. This disease concerns the excretory system, has vivid symptoms, as well as features in the treatment.

Non-obstructive pyelonephritis is a type of inflammation of the tissues of the kidneys, a very common and well-studied disease.

It proceeds with characteristic symptoms and in most cases is secondary (acts as a complication). It has several forms of flow.

With improperly selected therapy or untimely treatment, pyelonephritis can cause kidney failure or septic shock.

general information

There are several varieties, since this disease is inflammatory in nature, it proceeds according to several "scenarios" and in most cases with a normal outflow of urine.

Non-obstructive pyelonephritis is the type of disease in which diuresis is not impaired, that is, the ureters are not blocked or pathogenic bacteria. There are no ischemic changes in the organs. Blood flow to the kidneys is not disturbed.

Specific procedures will help diagnose the disease:

  • analysis of urine and blood for biochemistry;
  • positive ;
  • extensive urography.

CT and MRI are rarely performed, most often it is enough to do an ultrasound scan, detect structural changes in the structure of organs or conduct. At the same time, the condition of the patient's blood and urine is assessed, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in biological fluids indicates an infectious process.

Therapy Methods

Preference is given drug treatment, to help surgical interventions resort rarely, because the outflow of urine with n non-obstructive pyelonephritis not violated. Surgery is required only if complications develop.

Traditional ways

Involves taking antibacterial drugs. help to stop the inflammatory process.

Can be assigned:

Antibacterial therapy can be strengthened with vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs plant origin. But therapy is selected on an individual basis.

Is an operation necessary?

If the outflow of urine is not disturbed, then surgical treatment disease is not required. Surgical manipulations are carried out only with the development of complications (carbuncle, abscess) .;

  • St. John's wort.
  • It is easy to prepare a collection from these plants and take it daily. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions (total weight 35 gr.). The mixture is poured with 1 liter of boiled water, and put in a water bath for 15 minutes, then filtered, cooled and drunk 3 cups a day.

    If not, then you can drink juice from lingonberries and honey, 200 ml daily in the morning, diluting the drink with a spoonful of honey.

    Possible Complications

    If we talk about the acute type of the course of the disease, then it is considered the main transition of pyelonephritis into a chronic form. Against the background of which there are structural changes in the tissues.

    With a long and uncompensated course, the disease can also cause:

    • carbuncle or kidney abscess;
    • bacteriological blood sepsis.

    This is the most frequent complications to which pyelonephritis can lead, but the disease often leads to damage to nearby organs and tissues. Inflammation goes to the liver, intestines, stomach. which significantly worsens general state organism and leads to the appearance of additional symptoms.

    Prevention and prognosis

    With timely treatment, well-chosen treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In the event of complications, the likelihood of surgical procedures increases.

    • timely treat bacterial and infectious diseases;
    • with a chronic type of course, contact a nephrologist once every 12 months;
    • in case of unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor;
    • strengthen immune system with the appropriate medications.

    Non-obstructive pyelonephritis is common but dangerous disease, it should be dealt with by a doctor.

    When the first signs appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor and take tests. This will help to avoid serious complications and stop the development of the inflammatory process.

    Inflammation of the renal pelvis is of a bacterial nature, that is, for the occurrence of pathology, pathogenic microorganisms must enter the renal cavity. But it greatly increases the risk of the onset of the inflammatory process of stagnation of urine in the kidneys, which is often facilitated by obturation (impaired patency) of the urinary ducts. If inflammation occurs with a normal outflow of urine, they speak of the occurrence of the disease non-obstructive pyelonephritis. When the main cause of the inflammatory focus is a disturbed outflow of urine, and a bacterial infection is secondary, obstructive inflammation of the pyelocaliceal apparatus of the excretory organs is diagnosed.

    What are the causes of impaired urine diversion from the kidneys

    Normally, the cavity of the pelvis is sterile - there are no microorganisms in it. The absence of microbes in the kidneys favors the reproduction of any bacteria here, since there is no antagonism inherent in microorganisms (as in the intestines, for example). Even opportunistic microflora entering the pelvis can lead to bacterial inflammation of the mucosa. All the more dangerous is the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the renal cavity.

    For microorganisms, there are three possible ways getting into the pelvis:

    • retrograde from the underlying organs of the genitourinary system with reflux (reverse movement) of urine;
    • on lymphatic vessels from the large intestine (with inflammation of the intestinal wall and other diseases);
    • through the blood with massive septic foci localized in other organs (joints, upper respiratory tract).

    However, bacteria that are not always introduced into the pelvis, even certainly pathogenic, cause inflammation of the mucosa. With normal urine outflow dynamics and active local immunity, a small number of bacteria have little chance of staying here and starting to multiply. The likelihood of inflammation increases many times with stagnation of urine, when the removal of fluid is impaired due to insufficient patency of the urinary ducts. What, in turn, can worsen the dynamics of urination? Usually the reasons for this phenomenon are such factors:

    • congenital anatomical anomalies of the urinary system;
    • organic disorders of the ureters (narrowing) due to inflammation Bladder or prostate;
    • obstruction of the entrance to the urinary duct by a calculus in urolithiasis.

    Congenital malformations of the anatomical formations responsible for urinary diversion lead to the occurrence of obstructive pyelonephritis already in childhood, often early (preschool period). Such conditions begin acutely and suggest surgical interventions to restore the normal lumen of the ureters. Without this, even with successful antibiotic therapy, chronic obstructive pyelonephritis develops, quickly leading to more severe consequences.

    Two other factors (obstruction by a kidney stone or constriction (narrowing) of the duct due to its inflammation) are predominantly inherent in adult patients. Also, in adult patients, a violation of the outflow of urine can occur when the kidney is lowered, the ducts are squeezed by tumors.

    Important! Separately, a transient disturbance of urodynamics in pregnant women is considered, which occurs due to the pressure of a greatly enlarged uterus on the urinary ducts.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Inflammatory pathology, one of the causes of which is a violation of the outflow of urine, first occurs acutely, but under adverse conditions and the dynamics of urine diversion has not been restored, it often becomes chronic with the occurrence frequent relapses. Just like non-obstructive chronic pyelonephritis, the obstructive form of the disease during exacerbation is manifested by the same symptoms as acute inflammation mucosa of the pyelocaliceal anatomical complex.

    During the period of remission, chronic pyelonephritis practically does not manifest itself in any way, although sluggish inflammation of the mucosa can occur during this period. An exacerbation of the disease, which can be triggered by a weakening of local immunity (hypothermia, stress), a sharp deterioration in urodynamics, or the repeated introduction of infectious agents into the cavity of the pelvis, is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • severe, unbearable pain in the lower back from the inflamed kidney, often radiating to the lower abdomen, anterior femoral region, external organs of the genital area;
    • rise in body temperature to 39-40 degrees;
    • intoxication caused by the reabsorption of nitrogenous substances from insufficiently diverted urine on the one hand and released toxins due to the vital activity of bacteria on the other;
    • significant problems with urination - the physiological process is accompanied by a burning sensation and pain.

    Acute obstructive pyelonephritis, having manifestations similar to the non-obstructive form, has some differences. With inflammation that is not accompanied by a violation of the urinary outflow, the first to appear are temperature and intoxication, which is why the disease is often confused with SARS. Lower back pain appears later (second or third day) and is not very strong. Pain characterized as aching, pulling, rarely radiating to neighboring areas.

    The obstructive form of renal inflammation begins with pain, the intensity of which is constantly increasing and reaches a peak about a day after its onset. Intoxication and temperature appear on the second day and reach a maximum by 3-4 days of illness. This nature of the course of acute obstructive inflammation is explained by the overflow of the renal cavities with undiverted urine, as a result of which the excretory organ expands.

    The stretching shell of the kidney irritates the pain receptors located here, which leads to severe pain, the intensity of which directly depends on the degree of stretching of the organ. Pain in obstruction of the urinary ducts is difficult to stop with antispasmodics and analgesics, even when administered parenterally, which also suggests that the cause of pain is stretching of the kidney by accumulated urine.

    Diagnosis of obstructive pyelonephritis

    The definition of the disease begins with the collection of anamnestic data and the evaluation of subjective data from the patient's complaints. Already on the basis of a survey of the patient, preliminary conclusions can be made about the nature of the pathology. Primary conclusions are confirmed during the laboratory tests and instrumental research the affected organ. In the laboratory conditions are carried out:

    • a general blood test, during which signs of inflammation are determined ( elevated ESR, leukocytosis);
    • biochemical study of blood - an increase in the content in the physiological fluid C-reactive protein and fibrinogen also indicate an active inflammatory process;
    • microscopy of urine a large number of leukocytes in the field of view, the bacteria that caused the inflammatory process can be detected;
    • in order to determine the sensitivity of microbes to antibacterial drugs sowing of microorganisms is done with subsequent microbiological examination.

    The most informative in terms of diagnostics instrumental methods are ultrasound of the kidneys, fluoroscopy with the use of a contrast agent, computed tomography, during which the causes of urinary outflow disorders (stone in the ureter, tumor compressing the duct, etc.) are determined. Also, these methods make it possible to determine the degree of stagnation of urine and stretching of the organ, the state of the functional renal layer.

    Methods of treatment of obstructive inflammation of the renal cavities

    Therapeutic measures for pyelonephritis caused by a violation of the normal outflow of urine are carried out only in a hospital - urological or surgical department. Therapeutic tactics involves the following effects:

    The main task of doctors is to restore the dynamics of urine diversion. Without the success of this event, the appointment of antibacterial agents does not bring therapeutic effect. Even a partial restoration of urinary outflow significantly alleviates the condition (pain decreases, temperature and degree of intoxication decrease). Conservatively restore urine diversion by intravenous administration strong antispasmodics (Baralgin, Platifillin). If the relaxation of the wall of the ureter does not lead to positive dynamics within 2 days, surgical methods are used. Now operations to restore the patency of the ureters are performed using minimally invasive methods (endoscopy, laparoscopy), which greatly improves the prognosis and shortens the rehabilitation period.

    After successful restoration of urine diversion, antibiotic therapy is prescribed with drugs to which the greatest sensitivity of inflammatory pathogens has been determined. These can be antibiotics, uroseptics or sulfa drugs, which are prescribed for a course of up to two weeks.

    Disease prevention

    Preventive measures that prevent violation of the outflow of urine are the timely recognition and elimination of the causes leading to blockage of the ureters, therefore, the prevention of obstructive inflammation can be considered adequate treatment of such diseases:

    • urolithiasis disease;
    • prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
    • tumors of the genitourinary organs and neighboring anatomical formations.

    It is more difficult to detect congenital malformations of the urinary ducts, especially if they only partially disrupt urodynamics. As a rule, such pathological changes normal anatomy of the ureters are detected after the fact of the disease with obstructive pyelonephritis, which in the vast majority of cases occurs in childhood.

    Chronic pathological changes in the kidneys, accompanied by inflammatory processes, can be hidden for a long time. But during the period of exacerbation, they give acute symptoms, which can manifest as painful urination, swelling and high fever.

    This clinical picture may signal the development of a disease such as obstructive pyelonephritis. Its diagnosis and treatment present some difficulties. Inflammation is mostly asymptomatic, and detect it on early stages development is problematic, and when the acute phase sets in, changes have already occurred in the tissues of the kidneys, which are difficult to get rid of.

    Speaking about the mechanism of development of obstructive pyelonephritis and what it is, it should be mentioned that this disease is characterized by a violation of the outflow of urine. Due to inflammation, a spasm of the ureters occurs, as a result of which urine, entering the renal pelvis and calyx, does not leave them for a long time.

    Often, pyelonephritis is a secondary disease that occurs against the background of pathologies that lead to compression or blockage of the ureters. If there are no violations of the outflow of urine, a type of disease is called "non-obstructive pyelonephritis."

    The kidney is a paired organ consisting of:

    • pyramids of the medulla;
    • medulla;
    • renal artery and vein;
    • pelvis;
    • large and small renal calyx;
    • ureter;
    • cortical layer.

    From above, the kidney is covered with a dense membrane that protects the organ from mechanical damage. Every day, complex processes occur in it for the formation of urine - this is the biological fluid of the body, which accumulates in bowls and pelvises, and then is filtered and sent to the ureter, from where it enters the bladder.

    Development of the pathological process

    With the development of pathological processes, the outflow of urine is disturbed, stagnation occurs, leading to the expansion of the organ capsule. An increase in the volume of the kidney leads to an increase in the pressure exerted by it on the nerve endings, which contributes to the occurrence of a severe pain syndrome. In the place of stagnation, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which provoke the development of inflammation.

    This is how obstructive pyelonephritis develops, which has 2 forms - acute and chronic. In the first case, there is a rapid progression of the disease with a pronounced symptomatic picture. As a rule, acute obstructive pyelonephritis develops against the background of penetration into the renal structures of infection, which provokes a reaction in the form of inflammation and overlap of the ureters.

    The chronic form of the disease differs only in that it has two stages of its development, which are replaced by each other under the influence of certain factors on the body. During periods of remission, the work of the kidneys is normalized, and at the time of exacerbation it is disturbed, which also leads to the appearance of acute symptoms, the severity of which also directly depends on the degree of obstruction. And she happens:

    • relative - characterized by a partial violation of the outflow of urine;
    • absolute - the outflow of urine is completely stopped;
    • increasing - a gradual violation of the outflow of urine.

    Causes of obstructive pyelonephritis

    Various factors contribute to the occurrence of pyelonephritis. Most often, provocateurs of pathology are:

    • congenital anomalies of the urinary tract (for this reason, chronic obstructive pyelonephritis in children is diagnosed in 80% of cases);
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • injuries resulting from a fall, impact or during surgical interventions;
    • prostatitis and the formation of prostate adenoma in men;
    • period of pregnancy in women.

    In addition, in 70% of cases, the cause of chronic obstructive pyelonephritis is improper treatment or its complete absence in the acute course of the disease, as well as:

    • development of infections of the respiratory or genitourinary system;
    • prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;

    Features in children

    It should be noted that chronic inflammation kidneys and a violation of the outflow of urine is most often observed in young children. The reason for this are viral infections that the mother suffered during pregnancy, genetic and hereditary predisposition.

    The penetration of infection into the kidneys in children can occur in different ways:

    • hematogenous;
    • urinogenic.

    Hematogenous infection is most common in children under 1 year of age. In this case, provocateurs of the disease can be:

    • pneumonia;
    • omphalitis;

    In older children, infection most often occurs by the urinogenous route. Diseases such as intestinal infections, vulvitis (in girls), balanoposthitis (in boys), cystitis, etc. Neglect of hygiene rules is of no small importance.


    The clinical picture in this disease in children and adults is the same, and it depends directly on the course of the disease. So, for example, if a person has acute obstructive pyelonephritis, then in this case the following symptoms begin to bother him:

    • renal colic, which is characterized by strong pain in the lumbar region (if pathological processes occur in only one kidney, discomfort appears on the left or right side, if in two - on both sides);
    • cramps when urinating;
    • weakness;
    • body temperature up to 38 degrees, but sometimes higher;
    • nausea;
    • lack of appetite;
    • dry mouth, constant thirst;
    • increased heart rate;
    • drastic weight loss.

    Main symptoms

    With the development this disease the outflow of urine from the kidneys is disturbed, which leads to stagnation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that release harmful substances. Against this background, intoxication occurs, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • bad breath;
    • chills;
    • diarrhea;
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • drowsiness;
    • pallor of the skin.

    Symptoms of chronic obstructive pyelonephritis during an exacerbation are no different from clinical picture characteristic of the acute course of the disease. At the moments of remission, when the functionality of the urinary system is restored, the human condition returns to normal. The duration of the remission stage directly depends on the treatment that the patient receives and his lifestyle.


    If kidney inflammation is suspected, the following tests are prescribed:

    • clinical blood test;
    • bacterial culture of urine;
    • general urine analysis.

    These studies make it possible to verify the presence of inflammatory reactions in the body and to identify the causative agent of the disease, if it has become an infectious agent, as well as to establish its resistance to antibacterial drugs.

    A computerized study of the kidneys is used to determine the location of the focus of inflammation, the degree of obstruction and the condition of the ureters. In this case, the most commonly used:

    • x-ray;
    • CT, MRI.


    In order for the fight against pyelonephritis to be successful and without complications, the patient must receive appropriate treatment, which is carried out under medical supervision in a hospital setting. It is selected on an individual basis, but antibiotics and other drugs are almost always required, the action of which is aimed at restoring the outflow of urine.

    With strong inflammatory reactions and partial blockage of the ureters, surgery is performed, during which a drainage tube providing the excretion of urine.
    If during the examination the patient was diagnosed with obstructive pyelonephritis against the background of absolute obstruction of the ureter, then in this case various types of surgical interventions aimed at restoring the outflow of urine can be used. For this purpose, most often used:

    • the installation of a ureteral stent, which has the form of a tube that promotes the expansion of the ureter;
    • percutaneous nephrostomy, in which a tube is inserted to drain urine through the urethra;
    • pyeloplasty, in which resection of the damaged area of ​​the ureter is performed, followed by the installation of a stent;
    • transureteroureterostomy, during which the damaged ureter is connected to a healthy one;
    • reimplantation, in which the removal of the affected area of ​​the ureter and the subsequent connection of healthy tissues are carried out;
    • ureterolysis, during which fibrous or scar tissue is removed that prevents the normal flow of urine through the ureter;
    • nephrectomy, in which the kidney affected by the obstruction is removed.

    Medical treatment

    Since this disease is accompanied acute symptoms, is mandatory drug therapy aimed at curbing them. It includes taking:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which reduce inflammation and have an antipyretic effect;
    • antispasmodics and analgesics, providing elimination of spasms and pain syndrome;
    • multivitamin complexes that help strengthen immunity;
    • prebiotics for recovery intestinal microflora(used only when taking antibiotics in parallel).

    According to doctors, medical and surgical treatment of pyelonephritis is not enough. The patient needs complete rest. He also needs to follow a special diet that will help reduce the load on the kidneys. To do this, you should minimize the use of salt, give preference only to light dishes (fatty, fried, smoked foods should not be eaten) and completely abandon:

    • alcohol;
    • beverages containing sugar and caffeine.

    In combination, all these measures provide relief of inflammatory processes and restoration of kidney functionality. It is important to start taking them in a timely manner when the disease is still in the acute phase. This will avoid its transition to a chronic form and the development of complications against its background.


    Preventing the development of chronic obstructive pyelonephritis is much easier than treating it. And for this it is important to follow some rules:

    • conduct timely treatment renal pathologies and infectious diseases;
    • strengthen immunity;
    • avoid hypothermia;
    • give up alcohol;
    • eat properly.

    If a person has already been diagnosed with obstructive pyelonephritis, then he should regularly visit a doctor and take blood and urine tests to control the course of the disease, constantly follow a diet and avoid emotional stress.