Essay on my favorite animal dog. Stories about animals for schoolchildren

In the deep autumn I had a rest on the Volga near Saratov. A huge shepherd dog lived loosely at a nearby recreation center. Every morning she ran to the house where I lived to get "breakfast" from me. She knew that I would always have food for her.
One evening I was walking past the base where this shepherd lived, and I saw that she was lying not far from the road and was carefully watching me. I called out to her as if greeting her and continued to walk towards my house. When I caught up with her, she suddenly got up, jumped on me and bit me painfully.

All evening I wondered about the reason for such an ungrateful act. And he was completely surprised when he saw the dog again the next morning at his door. Then, it seems, he understood yesterday's incident: despite a close acquaintance, the shepherd dog strictly observed its watchdog functions and vigilantly guarded the territory entrusted to it.


I will tell you about another dog that lived with my friend. This dog was very beautiful and smart, but when left alone in the house, it became uncontrollable. Left to her own devices, she tore curtains, gnawed furniture, ruined carpets. The hostess understood that this was how her pet expressed her anger at the forced loneliness, and could not do anything with her.

For some time now, shiny small things began to disappear in the apartment: gold rings, chains, earrings. Even the little gold watch was gone somewhere. There were no strangers in the house, and the search did not lead to anything.

Meanwhile, further living with the dog became unbearable and the woman decided to give it to other hands.
After the new owner took the four-legged friend, the hostess decided to do a general cleaning in the apartment. Under the carpet that lay on the floor, she discovered all her losses.

Rich is a jealous dog

Rich is a huge dog with thick black hair. At the bottom of his paws are painted light brown and it seems that he put on beautiful socks for style. He has an unusual pedigree: his mother is a real she-wolf, found in the mountains as a small animal and raised at home, and his father is a shepherd. Despite such formidable parents, Rich in general dog kind. She always treats my arrival kindly and even wags her tail as a sign of special disposition.

Once I came to the hostess of the house for her birthday and she hugged me in joy. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" came a sudden sound behind me. I turned around and saw a menacing grin growling at me. Apparently, he did not like the too warm welcome given to me by the hostess, and I had to calm him down.
Rich followed me all evening, and when everyone sat down at the table, he settled down at my feet. Peace was achieved only when I treated him to something tasty.

The next time Rich saw me, he growled again. Noticing, however, that no one was showing warm feelings towards me, he quickly calmed down.
Why do you think he behaved this way? He was jealous of me for his mistress.


When I was still at school, we were given a beautiful puppy. He had a broad muzzle with large eyes, thick short paws and dark thick fur.

Our new lodger was very fond of boiled potatoes and milk. After the meal, he minced on his mat. After a while, he began to respond to the name that we gave him. The puppy grew quickly, and became so fat that it looked like a barrel.

Once he whined all morning, and then lay down in his place and fell silent. I thought he choked on a bone and opened his mouth, but he bit my finger. And he didn't make another sound. After a while he died.

They took the miserable dog to the veterinary clinic. There, the doctor opened the body and found that the entire abdomen was full of worms. And four long worms stuck out even in the throat. They strangled the poor puppy.


When we lived in the city of Starodub, in the Bryansk region, we had a small garden with fruit trees. So that the ripened fruits would not be stolen, the garden had to be guarded, and for this purpose we were given a dog. Or rather, a puppy. On the same day I built a wooden kennel for him, set it up in the yard, and tied the puppy to it for the night. In the morning he was not there. They stole it.
Of course, we were sad, and in the evening we went to visit relatives. We told them about our loss, and they offered us their dog, nicknamed Lady. The lady was small, similar in muzzle and red fur coat to a fox.

They brought her home, tied her up, and went into the rooms themselves. After a while I go out to visit - there is no Lady. A rope with a collar is lying on the ground - which means that she herself got out of the collar and ran away. However, she soon returned, and we fed her. And the next time, when she wanted to take a walk, she easily left her collar and again ran back.
The lady was a quiet dog, did not bark, but we wanted her voice to be heard far beyond the fence. At night, however, she slept peacefully, and we had to guard the garden.

Once, however, the Lady broke off her leash, rushed at an elderly woman and tore her dress. But that only brought us trouble.

Sometimes our "guard" would run away for a few days, and after that she would appear thin, hungry and wagging her tail guiltily. Somehow she ran away once again and did not return - we did not see her again.

Angry dog

It happened in Kazakhstan, where I once lived. I had to get into one house, but a huge angry dog ​​lived in his yard. No matter how much I knocked on the window that overlooked the street, no one answered. From the house, meanwhile, came voices. What to do, how to enter the house?

I thought that dogs, no matter how evil they are, also have fear, like people. He opened the gate and entered the yard. The terrible dog with a wild bark rushed at me, but the chain holding him made it impossible to approach me. However, I still could not go into the house - then I would have to close the distance between me and the dog, and she could grab me with her teeth. But I made up my mind: I began to approach the house very slowly. The dog got even angrier. Before him there was very little, and I came closer and closer. And suddenly he... backed away from me! I took another step. Now the dog could bite me if he wanted to, but he continued to move back. Until I drove him completely into a kennel.

A story about a cheerful and kind dog Tuzik. Why a potato dog? Find out by reading this interesting story.

A story for younger students, for reading in kindergarten, for family reading.

Potato dog. Author: Yuri Koval

My uncle, Akim Ilyich Kolybin, worked as a potato warehouse guard at the Tomilino station near Moscow. In his potato position he kept many dogs.

However, they themselves molested him somewhere in the market or at the kiosk "Juices - Waters". From Akim Ilyich, in a businesslike way, he smelled of shag, potato peels and chrome boots. And the tail of a smoked bream often stuck out of the pocket of his jacket.

Sometimes five or six dogs gathered in the warehouse, and every day Akim Ilyich boiled cast-iron potatoes for them. In summer, this whole pack wandered around the warehouse, frightening passers-by, and in winter the dogs liked to lie on warm, rotting potatoes.

At times, Akim Ilyich was attacked by a desire to get rich. He then took one of his watchmen on a string and led him to sell to the market. But there was no case that he rescued at least a ruble. He returned to the warehouse with offspring. In addition to his shaggy goods, he also brought some Kubik, who had nowhere to stumble.

In spring and summer, I lived not far from Tomilin, in a summer cottage garden plot. This plot was small and empty, and there was neither a garden nor a dacha on it - two Christmas trees grew, under which stood a barn and a samovar on a stump.

And all around, behind the blank fences, real country life was in full swing: gardens bloomed, summer kitchens smoked, hammocks creaked.

Akim Ilyich often came to visit me and always brought potatoes, which by the spring were overgrown with white mustaches.

— Apples, not potatoes! he praised his gift. — Antonovka!

We boiled potatoes, made a samovar, and sat for a long time on the logs, watching how a new gray and curly tree grows between the trees - samovar smoke.

"You should get a dog," said Akim Ilyich. “It’s boring to live alone, but a dog, Yura, is a man’s friend. Do you want me to bring you Tuzik? Here is a dog! Teeth - in! Baska - in!

- What kind of name is Tuzik? Some kind of lethargic. Should have called it better.

"Tuzik is a good name," Akim Ilyich argued. - It's the same as Peter or Ivan. And then they will call the dog Dzhana or Zherya. What kind of Zherya - I do not understand.

I met Tuzik in July.

The nights were warm, and I got used to sleeping on the grass, in a sack. Not in a sleeping bag, but in an ordinary one, from under the potato. It was sewn from strong porous canvas for what is probably the best potato of the Lorch variety. For some reason it was written on the bag: "Pichugin". Of course, I washed the bag before sleeping in it, but I could not remove the inscription.

And so I once slept under the trees in a Pichugin bag.

Morning had already come, the sun had risen over the gardens and dachas, but I did not wake up, and I had an absurd dream. Like a barber soaping my cheeks for a shave. The hairdresser did his job too hard, so I opened my eyes.

I saw a terrible “hairdresser”.

Above me hung a black and shaggy dog ​​face with yellow eyes and a gaping mouth in which sugar fangs were visible. The dog stuck out its tongue and licked my face.

I screamed, jumped to my feet, but immediately fell, entangled in the bag, and the “hairdresser” jumped on me and affectionately beat me in the chest with cast-iron paws.

- This is a present for you! shouted Akim Ilyich from somewhere on the side. - Call Tuzik!

I never spat so much as I did that morning, and I never washed my face so furiously. And while I was washing, a gift - Tuzik - jumped on me and finally knocked the soap out of my hands.

He was so happy to meet, as if we had known each other before.

"Look," said Akim Ilyich, and mysteriously, like a magician, he took a raw potato out of his pocket.

He threw a potato, and Tuzik deftly caught it on the fly and ate it right in the peel. Starchy potato juice trickled down his cavalry moustache.

The tuzik was big and black. Mustache, eyebrow, beard. In these thickets, two inextinguishable yellow eyes burned and an eternally gaping wet, fanged maw gaped.

To terrify people - that was his main occupation.

Having eaten potatoes, Tuzik lay down at the gate, lying in wait for random passers-by. Noticing a passer-by from afar, he hid in dandelions and jumped out at the right moment with a monstrous roar. When a member of the dacha cooperative fell into tetanus, Tuzik joyfully fell to the ground and laughed to tears, rolling on his back.

To warn passers-by, I decided to nail the inscription to the fence: "Beware of the angry dog." But I thought that it was weakly said, and so I wrote:


These strange, mysterious words set the mood in a frightened way. potato dog— what a horror!

In the dacha village, a rumor soon spread that the potato dog was a dangerous thing.

- Uncle! - the children shouted from afar, when I was walking with Tuzik. Why is it potato?

In response, I took a potato out of my pocket and threw Tuzika. He deftly, like a juggler, caught it on the fly and instantly gnawed it. Starchy juice trickled down his cavalry moustache.

Less than a week later, our adventure began.

One evening we were walking along the dacha highway. Just in case, I kept Tuzik on a leash.

The highway was deserted, only one figure was moving towards them. It was an old grandmother in a handkerchief painted with cucumbers, with a shopping bag in her hand.

When she caught up with us, Acey suddenly clicked his teeth and clutched at the shopping bag. I jerked the leash in fright - Tuzik bounced off, and we were about to go further, when suddenly a quiet cry was heard behind me:

- Sausage!

I looked at Tuzik. A huge loaf of sausage stuck out of his mouth. Not a stroller, but a thick loaf boiled sausage similar to an airship.

I grabbed a sausage, hit Tuzik on the head with it, and then bowed to the old woman from a distance and put the sausage loaf on the highway, spreading a handkerchief.

By nature, Tuzik was a reveler and a hoarder. He did not like to sit at home and ran all day long wherever he had to. Having run over, he always brought something home: a children's shoe, sleeves from a padded jacket, a rag woman for a teapot. He put all this at my feet, wanting to please me. Honestly, I did not want to upset him and always said:

- Well done! Hey thrifty owner!

But one day Tuzik brought home a chicken. It was a white chicken, absolutely dead.

Terrified, I rushed around the site and did not know what to do with the chicken. Every second, dying, I looked at the gate: here comes the angry owner.

Time passed, but the owner of the chicken was not there. But Akim Ilyich appeared.

Smiling heartily, he walked from the gate with a sack of potatoes over his shoulders. This is how I remember him all my life: smiling, with a bag of potatoes over his shoulders.

Akim Ilyich threw off the sack and picked up the chicken.

"Fatty," he said, and immediately slammed Tuzik's chicken in the ears.

The blow turned out to be weak, but Tuzik the deceiver whined and groaned, fell on the grass, and wept fake dog tears.

- Will you or not?

Acey raised his paws plaintively and made exactly the same mournful face that a clown in a circus has when he is deliberately slapped on the nose. But under the shaggy eyebrows shone a cheerful and impudent eye, ready to wink every second.

- Understood or not? said Akim Ilyich angrily, poking a chicken in his nose.

Acey turned away from the chicken, and then ran two steps away and buried his head in the sawdust heaped under the workbench.

- What to do with her? I asked.

Akim Ilyich hung the hen under the roof of the barn and said:

Let's wait until the owner arrives.

Acey soon realized that the storm had passed. Snorting with sawdust, he rushed to kiss Akim Ilyich, and then rushed around the site in a whirlwind and several times fell to the ground with delight and rolled on his back.

Akim Ilyich put a board on the workbench and began to plan it with a jointer. He worked easily and beautifully - the jointer glided over the board like a long ship with a crooked pipe.

The sun warmed hard, and the chicken under the roof was suffocating. Akim Ilyich looked uneasily at the sun, which was setting towards dinner, and said meaningfully:

- The chicken is rotten!

Thug Tuzik lay down under the workbench, lazily sticking out his tongue. Juicy shavings fell on him, hung on his ears and on his beard.

- The chicken is rotten!

- So what to do?

"We need to pluck the chicken," said Akim Ilyich and winked at me.

And Acey winked amiably from under the workbench.

- Start a fire, brother. Here's the kindling shavings for you.

While I was fiddling with the fire, Akim Ilyich plucked the chicken, and soon soup began to boil in the pot. I stirred it with a long spoon and tried to wake my conscience, but it was dozing in the depths of my soul.

"Let's dine like people," said Akim Ilyich, sitting down to the pot.

It was wonderful to sit by the fire in our fenced off area. Gardens bloomed all around, hammocks creaked, and we have a forest fire, free grass.

After dinner, Akim Ilyich hung a kettle over the fire and sang:

Why are you standing, swaying, Thin mountain ash ...

Tuzik lay at his feet and listened thoughtfully, rustling his ears, as if he was afraid to miss even a word. And when Akim Ilyich got to the words: “but you can’t get over the mountain ash to the oak,” a tear ran into Tuzik’s eyes.

— Hey, comrades! - was suddenly heard.

At the gate stood a man in a straw hat.

— Hey, comrades! he shouted. - Who's the boss here?

Frustrated, Tuzik caught himself and, cursing, rushed to the fence.

"What's the matter, countryman?" shouted Akim Ilyich.

“The fact that this beast,” here the citizen pointed at Tuzik with his finger, “stolen the chicken from me.

"Come in, fellow countryman," said Akim Ilyich, nodding at Tuzik, "what's the point of shouting over the fence in vain."

“There’s nothing for me to do with you,” the owner of the chicken said irritably, but he entered the gate, glancing warily at Tuzik.

"Let's sit down and talk," said Akim Ilyich. - How many chickens do you keep? Perhaps ten?

— “Ten”!.. — contemptuously grunted the owner. - Twenty-two was, and now here is twenty-one.

- Point! said Akim Ilyich admiringly. - Chicken factory! Maybe we should get chickens too? Eh?.. No,' continued Akim Ilyich, thinking, 'we'd better plant a garden. What do you think, fellow countryman, is it possible to plant a garden on such a site?

“I don’t know,” the fellow countryman answered displeasedly, not for a second being distracted from the chicken.

But the soil is clayey here. On such soils, even potatoes are small, like peas.

“I am completely exhausted with these potatoes,” said the owner of the chicken. “It’s so small that I don’t eat it myself. I cook smoke. And it's all pasta, pasta...

He doesn't have potatoes, does he? said Akim Ilyich, and looked slyly at me. “Well, we have a whole bag. Take it.

- What do I need your potatoes for! Run the chicken. Or the amount of money.

- Potatoes are good! shouted Akim Ilyich slyly. — Apples, not potatoes. Antonovka! Yes, here we have boiled, try it.

Here Akim Ilyich took a boiled potato out of the cauldron and instantly tore off her uniform, saying:

— Cake.

- Something to try? the owner of the chicken hesitated. - And then it's all pasta, pasta ...

He accepted the potato from the hands of Akim Ilyich, salted it sparingly, and took a bite.

“The potatoes are delicious,” he said judiciously. - How do you grow it?

- We do not grow it in any way, - Akim Ilyich laughed, - because we are workers in potato warehouses. Pour as much as you need.

“Let the bucket pour, and that’s enough,” I put in.

Akim Ilyich looked reproachfully at me.

A man has a misfortune: our dog ate his chicken. Let it pour as much as it wants, so that the soul does not hurt.

The next day I bought an intelligent chain in a kerosene shop and chained potato dog to the tree

His swan days are over.

Tuzik groaned in resentment, wept with fake tears and pulled the chain so hard that cones fell from the tree. Only in the evening I unlocked the chain, took Tuzik out for a walk.

The month of August has arrived. There were more summer residents. On sunny evenings, summer residents in straw hats walked politely along the highway. I also got myself a hat and walked with Tuzik, putting on my face an evening country smile.

On walks, the trickster ace pretended to be a well-mannered and amiable dog, looked importantly around, proudly raised his eyebrows, like a major general.

We met summer residents with dogs - with Irish setters or greyhounds, curved like a treble clef. Seeing us from a distance, they crossed to the other side of the highway, not wanting to approach the dangerous potato dog.

Tuzik was not interested in the highway, and I took him further into the forest, unfastened the leash.

Acey did not remember himself from happiness. He crouched to the ground and looked at me as if he could not stop looking, snorted, threw kisses like a football player who scored a goal. For some time he swiftly rushed around and, having made these circles of delight, rushed somewhere with all his might, knocking down stumps. In an instant he hid behind the bushes, and I purposely ran in the other direction and hid in the ferns.

Soon Tuzik began to worry: why was my voice not heard.

He barked invitingly and rushed through the forest, looking for me. When he ran closer, I suddenly jumped out of the ambush with a roar and knocked him to the ground.

We rolled on the grass and growled, and Tuzik clattered his teeth so terribly and bulged his eyes so that laughter attacked me.

The soul of the owner of the chicken, apparently, still hurt.

One morning a police sergeant appeared at our gate. He read a poster about a potato dog for a long time and finally decided to enter.

Tuzik was sitting on a chain and, of course, spotted a policeman from a distance. He aimed his eye at him, wanted to bark menacingly, but for some reason changed his mind. Strange thing: he did not growl and did not gnaw at the chain in order to break free from it and tear the newcomer to pieces.

- You let the dogs go! meanwhile the policeman said, sternly getting down to business.

I was a little petrified and could not find an answer. The sergeant looked at me, walked around the site and noticed a bag with the inscription: "Pichugin".

— Are you Pichugin?

“No, no,” I hesitated.

The sergeant took out a notebook, scribbled something in it with a pencil, and began examining Acey. Under the police gaze, Tuzik somehow pulled himself up and stood up, as if at attention. His coat, which usually stuck out ugly in all directions, somehow smoothed out, and his plumage could now be called a “decent hairstyle”.

“This dog has been reported,” said the sergeant, “that it crushes chickens. And you eat those chickens.

“Just one chicken,” I said. - Paid for.

The sergeant grunted and again began to examine Tuzik, as if photographing him with his eyes.

Peacefully wagging his tail, Tuzik turned to the sergeant with his right side, allowed himself to be photographed, and then turned to his left.

“He is a very peaceful dog,” I remarked.

Why is it potato? What is this breed?

Then I took a potato out of my pocket and threw it to Tuzik. Tuzik deftly intercepted it in flight and ate it culturally, bowing delicately to the policeman.

"Strange animal," the sergeant said suspiciously. - He eats raw potatoes. Can you pet him?

Only then I realized what a great actor Tuzik is. While the sergeant ran his hand over his unkempt scruff of the neck, the potato dog shyly closed his eyes, as lap dogs do, and wagged his tail. I even thought that he would lick the sergeant's hand, but Tuzik resisted.

“Strange,” the sergeant said. - They said that this is a very angry potato dog that torments everyone, and then I suddenly pet it.

— Tuzik feels good man, I couldn't resist.

The sergeant clapped his palm against his palm, shook off the dog spirit from them and held out his hand to me:

— Rastrepin. Let's get acquainted.

We shook hands, and Sergeant Rastrepin went to the gate. As he passed Tuzik, he bent down and paternally patted the dog.

“Well done, well done,” said the sergeant.

And here, when the policeman turned his back, the damned potato deceiver dog suddenly stood on hind legs and barked monstrously into the sergeant's ear. Half-pale Rastrepin jumped aside, and Tuzik fell to the ground and laughed to tears, rolling on his back.

“One more chicken,” the sergeant called from afar, “and that’s it!” Protocol!

But there were no more chickens, no more statements. Summer is over. I had to return to Moscow, and Tuzika to the potato warehouse.

On the last day of August, we went to the forest to say goodbye. I collected chernushki, which poured out a lot that year. Tuzik followed sullenly.

In order to cheer up the dog a little, I rushed at him with his lop-eared blacks, but something smeared, and fun did not work. Then I hid in an ambush, but Tuzik quickly found me, came up and lay down next to me. He didn't want to play.

I still growled at him, grabbed his ears. In a second we were rolling on the grass. Tuzik opened his mouth terribly, and I put a basket of mushrooms on his head. Tuzik threw off the basket and began to torment it so that the blackies squeaked.

Akim Ilyich arrived in the evening. We boiled young potatoes, put on a samovar. Hurried voices were heard in neighboring dachas, they were also preparing for departure: they were tying knots, picking apples.

Good year- said Akim Ilyich. - Harvest. A lot of apples, mushrooms, potatoes.

We went along the dacha highway to the station and waited a long time for the train. The platform was full of people, everywhere were bundles and suitcases, baskets of apples and mushrooms, almost everyone had an autumn bouquet in their hand.

A freight train of sixty wagons passed. At the station, an electric locomotive roared, and Tuzik became furious. He fiercely threw himself at the passing cars, wanting to catch fear on them. The wagons rushed on indifferently.

- Well, why are you upset? Akim Ilyich told me. There will be many more dogs in your life.

An electric train came up, packed with summer residents and things.

- And so the apple has nowhere to fall, - they shouted at us in the vestibule, - and these with a dog!

Don't worry, fellow countryman! shouted Akim Ilyich in reply. - It would be an apple, but where to fall, we will arrange.

A song was heard from the car, they sang in chorus, played the guitar. Incited by the song from the carriage, Akim Ilyich also sang:

What are you standing, swinging,

We stood in the vestibule, and Tuzik, rising on his hind legs, looked out the window. Birches, mountain ash, orchards full of apples and golden balls flew by.

It was a good year, fruitful.

That year the orchards smelled of mushrooms and the forests of apples.

Dogs are known to be man's best friend! There are an endless variety of breeds and classifications of these kind and close to man animals in the world. In the books below about dogs, you will learn about the most popular breeds, behavior and character, what dogs eat. different breeds how to take care of them. All the subtleties of raising dogs, how to teach them to respond to your voice and follow commands. Which dogs are very dangerous and what to do if a dog attacks you. The history of their appearance up to ancient myths and legends. You will also find the most popular and important facts about these pets on the pages of books about dogs.

1. $
Lassie, the kindest and most devoted dog, desired by all the dog breeders of the mining town, was secretly sold due to the financial problems of her owner's parents, Joe Carraclough. However, the dog could not accept the new owner, and the faithful Lassie went on a long journey home.

2. $
A great story written by an English writer - Doudy Smith. The book tells about the London adventures of two Dalmatians - Pongo and Mrs., who want to rescue their beautiful puppies from the clutches of a villain who wants to make fur coats from Dalmatians.

3. $
The hero of the story is a small homeless dog who, like other dogs, dreams of finding and even raising a friend of his life - a man. He has to do a huge drink and overcome a large number of barriers to reach your goal.

This book is narrated from the perspective of a dog named Enzo. He is a very loyal dog who loves his owner. Danny is a racing driver, part-time, the owner of this dog, he often encounters difficulties, but Enzo brightens up these difficult days.

5. Dog Stories - James Harriot
Dog Stories is a collection of good-natured stories filled with love for animals and English humour. James Harriot (author of this book) devoted his time not only to books, but also to the veterinary profession, which confirms his love and kindness.

6. The dog who spoke to the gods - Diana Jessup
A book written by Diana Jessup, a professional dog breeder. The book tells about the relationship between people and animals, about the unwillingness of a person to recognize the existence of a soul in dogs, about human cruelty to their pets and the unrequited love of animals for people.

7. I Am Legend - Richard Matheson
A wonderful story about the afflicted dangerous virus the future. The virus infects people, conferring on them the symptoms of vampirism. Main character- last healthy man, who is trying to find a vaccine for a striking disease and survive in his lonely house.

8. Faithful Ruslan - Georgy Vladimov
The story, written by a Soviet writer, tells about the sad fate of a dog named Ruslan. The book leads the reader to think about their own freedom, because the book tells about the complete submission of a dog who served in the camp for 9 years, who died without love and affection.

9. Year of the dog. Twelve months, four dogs and me - John Katz.
The American writer tells in his book a touching story about raising his beloved dogs: two Labradors and two Border Collies. The author gets along with his pets, and also understands them perfectly. The book focuses on people who love their pets.

10. Buddy Tobik - I. Ehrenburg, K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin
A collection of wonderful stories about the relationship of dogs with other animals and people. The book was written by great Soviet writers: I. Ehrenburg, K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin. The stories are easy to read and understand and will leave a good impression.

The main character of the novel is an Irish terrier who has lost his owner. The dog ends up on an island inhabited only by savages, but thanks to his courage and courage, the dog copes with all the trials and finds a friend among the hostile savages.

Are performances with trained animals so beautiful? On stage, it looks great: tinsel, confetti, shiny costumes, exciting tricks, however, looking behind the scenes, you can understand and see all the cruelty towards trained animals.

13. Marley and Us - John Grogan
A funny and touching book that tells about the mutual upbringing of a person and a dog. A young couple who get married face various marital difficulties, but they get a dog that helps them get along and shows the beauty of true and selfless love.

14. $
The story of good and smart dog named Bim. Mainly, the author calls for the responsibility of man before all other representatives of the animal world and nature itself. This is shown through Bim, who meets various people on his way.

Difficult novel by Jack London, about the hard life of a dog who got into a difficult situation and suffered Big changes in itself. Home dog you have to forget about a cozy rug, warm food and a loving owner, now he is a predator who has to feed himself.

The life of a wolf is hard and harsh. Bloody fights, the struggle for survival, the harsh northern climate - all this awaits us in the exciting story "White Fang". However, wolves are not only cruelty and blood, it is also love, funny wolf cubs and relationships with a person.

The book mainly deals with the relationship of a person with his two closest friends - a cat and a dog, whom he considers friends, not slaves. Also, the author will show the difference in the relationship of a person with a dog and a cat, will affect the relationship of the dogs and cats themselves.

A book whose merit is truthfulness. It is the basis on real events that attracts the reader to this story, the author only embellished the recorded adventures, and diluted them with English humor, which is appreciated and understood even in the CIS countries.

A simple story, understandable to many readers, about the life and death of an eccentric poet and his little dog. The American writer retains his style, so the whole book is filled with light sadness and sadness, unattainable and bright ideals, as well as lofty goals.

The story of the fidelity of a dog and a man, the main character (a dumb janitor) was lucky to meet his beloved woman and a good friend who understands his feelings - a dog named Mumu. But the life of a peasant is not so simple, and the lady separates him from all his life partners.

A sad story of a dog who spends his days in an empty country house. The middle of the story is diluted with the happy days of the dog: in the summer, the owners of the dacha came and fell in love with the dog. But spring came, and the family left for the city, and lonely days came again for the dog.

22. $
Left alone, the boy Romochka slowly eats the supplies that were at home. But nothing lasts forever, and he has to go outside, where he meets a big dog. Time passes, and he is already at home in the dog pack. The boy grows up and he finds new adventures.23. $
Does visual loss affect a dog's life? Of course, but a hunting dog named Arcturus tried to do an excellent job even after he went blind. He developed hearing and smell, compensating for his blindness. The book teaches the reader not to give up and to persevere to the end.


The book is designed for elementary school students, it teaches kindness and loyalty to your friend. The boy Alyosha Seroglazov is the owner of a little puppy, but he considers him the most beloved, faithful and good dog. In a difficult moment, the boy Alyosha did not leave the dog and came to his aid.

25. $
The Mowat family has a dog named Matt, which is the focus of this story. The family constantly travels, so the author described a large number of beautiful places in the country, nevertheless, the book turned out to be fun, and the dog is a full member of the family.

This book was written by a teenager, but it is relevant and vital. For people deprived of a normal worldview, it is very important to feel love and kindness. In the story, the guide dog takes care of the boy and understands all his feelings.

27. Saved - Jim Gorant
The book talks about real crimes solved in the United States. People treated animals cruelly dog fighting, and the defenders of these dogs made a heroic deed worthy of writing a book, which allowed many pets to be saved.

28. $
The book is entirely saturated with friendship and love for dogs, it will also tell about important qualities person. There are a large number of animals in the story, but the main characters are dogs and children who make extraordinary friendships with each other.

29. $
many famous history about a brave and daring shepherd dog, which helped solve a wide variety of criminal cases in the Leningrad police. The book will appeal to all ages, because the book contains the best qualities of a dog, as well as its friendship with a person.

30. $
The story tells about a devoted dog, but abandoned by its owner. She very much wants to return home and goes on a trip. On the way, she meets a wide variety of people, but will she return home, and what will await her upon her return?

The book is aimed at a children's audience. This is a story about a boy Alyosha Seroglazov and his dog named Kysh. This is one book from a whole series of stories about Alyosha, throughout the book the reader will expect a large number of adventures of a boy and a dog in the Crimea.

32. Incredible Journey— Sheila Barnford
Two dogs and a cat live soul to soul with their beloved owner. But he disappeared, and the pets decided to put themselves at risk and go in search of their master. Throughout the book, a wide variety of trials await them, but four-legged friends will overcome them together.

33. While there is Tuesday. The amazing bond between man and dog, with… — Luis Carlos Montalvan
The book is an autobiography of the author - a veteran of the war in Iraq. He received a concussion and various mental disorders, lost his wife and military career. However, he got himself a specially trained dog - Tuesday, which helped him become popular and overcome illnesses.

34. $
A young girl gets a dog for herself, only the dog turned out to be 20 kg more than the mistress herself. But this did not stop them from establishing a strong friendship. The book has a lot of simple humor, and there are sad moments in the book, but they are minor.

35. $
This is a continuation of the book "Varvara and I go as a couple ...". But in this book, the emphasis is on puppies brought by a dog. Like the first part, the book is entirely positive, but also tells about small troubles that happened to the mistress, puppies and their mother.

Franz Kafka - the masterful owner German language, however, he is the most unusual writer of the 20th century. In his surreal story, Kafka appears to readers as a dog who is trying to explore the world and understand its essence, and not every person does this.

37. $
The book is intended for children to read. In appearance, an ordinary puppy with cute eyes discovers an unusual ability that allows him to communicate with other animals and even people. The work is entirely devoted to his adventures with his friend Ryzhik.

38. $
A story about 1944. This is the time of the creation of the Soviet-Polish tank division, it is in it that the main characters will serve: three Poles, a Georgian and a dog. A military story that is cleverly diluted with humor and love for animals and people.

39. Tramp - Alan Lazar
A very sad story about a lost puppy. Kate adopted a dog named Nelson, they quickly became friends, but he got lost, got into big trouble, helped an orphaned boy find joy in life, but always remembered his first mistress.

40. Romka, Fomka and Artos - Konstantin Lagunov
A story aimed at children of primary school age, about the adventures of three friendly dogs, their mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Courageous friends can stand up for themselves, as well as stand up for those who are weaker. The book encourages you to be kind and loving.

41. $
A wonderful collection of short stories, saturated with kindness and love. All stories are just recorded stories from life. They tell about the life of the author with five faithful dogs: Bull, Mukha, Tobik, Manyunya and Bobka, each of which has an original character.

It's just about the symbol of the year - red earthen dog. She came to me from overexposure. Its owner died, and his relatives closed the dog alone in the apartment for three days, and then decided to take it and leave it in the garden.

So the dog came to me in 2011. She was just over three years old, she had health problems due to malnutrition, as well as a whole range of funny cat habits, because she was brought up with a cat. There are two stories about Zhulka in Mouse Stories: “about the red-haired Zhulka” and my favorite is “Beauty”.

I think this year should be especially successful, because its symbol lives with me - a red earthen dog.

About the red Zhulka

Chapter 1

One warm autumn day, Nadya and Vadik went for a walk in the neighboring yard. A crowd of guys gathered in the very center of the site. Nadia came up too, but she couldn't see anything. Then she asked the little girl with the doll:

- What happened?

- Inna and Zhanna are there. They cry.

In the middle of the crowd of children stood a tear-stained girl and a small red dog, resembling a fox, was sitting. She was so sad that she seemed to be crying too.

“Zhanna is the dog of our janitor grandfather Stepan,” explained a tall, dark-haired boy named Fedka. Last week, grandfather Stepan died, and yesterday his relatives arrived and kicked Zhanna out into the street.

- The janitor also had a cat, but she immediately ran away somewhere. And Jeanne always sits under the door and does not go anywhere. Doesn't eat anything we bring,” another younger boy said.

“I wanted to take her home, but my mother drove her away. Pity her! Who will take it now? - choking with tears, stammered Inna.

- We will take! Nadia said. - We have a kind dad, he will not let her drive away. Let's go to us! - Nadia took a short leather leash in her hand, stroked the dog on the head and led her home.

Vadik followed. He was silent. He wanted to argue that Mom would also drive them away before Dad returned from work, but did not. He always wanted a dog very much.

Mom wasn't at home. Nadia brought a sausage to the dog, but she did not eat, curled up in a ball on the rug by the door.

Soon mom and dad brought Grisha from kindergarten. At first they did not even notice the red ball in the hallway. Grisha immediately ran up to Jeanne:

- Doggy! Af-af!

- What's that? We just missed the dog! Mom was outraged.

“Mommy, don’t be angry, it’s Zhanna. Her owner died. She can't live outside, winter is coming. She won't bother you at all!

“I already have three children and a rat!”

Dad scratched the back of his head.

“That's right, Mom. We have three children and a rat. Why can't we raise a dog?

Dad's word in the house was always the last.

Chapter 2

On the first night in Nadia's house, Zhanna decided to leave. She tore the door upholstery and all the wires that ran nearby. But over time, the dog survived its loss and began to have fun playing with new owners.

Contrary to expectations, it was not necessary to raise a foster dog. She was already well brought up.

True, Jeanne turned out to be a cunning animal, which corresponded to her fox appearance, and slightly rogue. For which it was gradually renamed Zhulka. The name Jeanne somehow did not take root - it did not go to the dog.

During the first month of life with new owners, she recovered considerably, managing to convince each of the household members to feed the dog.

When Nadia came home from school, Zhulka licked her from head to toe. “Poor Zhulka, you must be hungry,” said Nadia and hurried to the kitchen to pour a couple of bags of dog food into a bowl.

Then, having played enough with the boys in the yard, Vadik would come home. He was greeted with ringing barks and high jumps, so high that Vadka grumpily wiped his licked nose with his sleeve: “What, no one fed you since morning? Let's go, I've got cartilage for you since lunch.

In the evening, my mother came home from work and brought Grisha from the kindergarten. When she sat down to undress the baby, Zhulka stood up on her hind legs, put her graceful front paws on her shoulders and looked into her eyes for a long, long time. And my mother gave up: "Well, let's go, I'll give you something."

Dad came home later. He put large bags of groceries on the floor, Zhulka first of all checked their contents, sticking her nose into each bag, and then, looking directly into dad's eyes, she made such a drawn-out roar, only a howl, only a grunt, and maybe even a whole speech in an unknown language. “The house is full of people, and there is no one to feed the dog,” dad was indignant and went to the kitchen to unload food and feed the dog at one time.

And then one day, when Zhulka's sides were already fairly rounded, the truth about enhanced nutrition surfaced, and dad hung a dog feeding schedule on the refrigerator, where each breadwinner had to be marked with a cross in special cells.

In addition to all her cunning, Zhulka had many other unusual habits.

In the mornings she licked herself, washed her muzzle like a cat with her paw, before dinner she took out balls of dry dog ​​​​food from the bowl, tossed them up, rolled them with her paw. In general, she played like a kitten plays with a ball or a cat with a mouse. He won't play, he won't eat. But she did not know how to gnaw bones.

Zhanna also loved cats very much, as if she recognized them as relatives, and she was afraid of dogs.

One day the guys were playing on a bench at the entrance. Nadya and her friends were preparing a puppet dinner, and Vadik and the boys were fixing the bike. Zhulka dozed, curled up in a ball on the grass. And then my mother called from the window:

- Children, let's go eat meatballs with pasta.

Zhulka was the first to respond to the call: she jumped up, started, in two jumps jumped to the closed entrance door (and there were still wooden doors in their old house), opened it and ran inside.

- Stupid Zhulka, where are you in such a hurry? You won't get the call! Vadik laughed.

- I didn’t understand something, but how did she open the door? - Tyoma's classmate Vad'kin was surprised.

“She poked it from the side with a claw, she always does,” said Nadya.

But dogs don't open doors like that!

How do dogs open?

“They stick their nose into the gap and squeeze through,” Tyoma explained.

“Sometimes it seems to me that our dog behaves not at all like a dog, but like a real cat,” Vadik said thoughtfully.

- So you have a real cat! She was raised by a cat! said Fedka, who was sitting next to him. - When grandfather Stepan picked up your Zhulka on the street, he already lived adult cat Martha. So Martha raised the puppy as best she could.

“Dad always says that upbringing makes a man out of a monkey!” Nadia said.

- It is taught that it can even make a cat out of a dog. That's education for you! Vadik scratched the back of his head.

Chapter 3

Dad strictly ordered that the Beetle not be allowed into the nursery, and the door to it was always kept closed.

Dad said this:

- A dog by nature is a predatory animal, and a rat is a small animal, although it can bite. Our duty is to take care of everyone, and not allow anyone to offend anyone.

But one day Nadia and Vadik found the door to their room ajar.

- Zhulka went into the room! She probably wants to eat Tata. She is like a cat. She must be able to catch mice!

The guys ran into the room: there was no rat in the box. There was no dog or rat in the room.

Rather, we must find them! - the guys rushed to look for Zhulka, ran to her rug in the hallway and saw this:

Zhulka was lying on her rug under the chair. Between her paws, curled up, lay Tata. And Zhulka ... licked her. She also willingly allowed the rat to touch her nose with her paws and even look into her mouth.

Vadik called dad.

Dad squatted down next to the animals and said softly:

“It seems that our Zhulka really wants to become a mother: she has a nest here,” and he pointed to his socks rolled into a ball, neatly laid out around Zhulka on the rug. The socks were obviously taken from a basket of dirty laundry.

The girls play with dolls and the dogs sometimes nurse socks and soft toys. But Tata, it seems, is her first living puppy.

- It turns out that Tate also likes to play mother-daughters with Zhulka?

“More likely, she just likes such care.

- Dad and mom take care of us, we take care of Zhulka, Zhulka takes care of Tata ... Probably, everyone in the world should take care of someone, right? Nadia said.

“Of course, because without this it is impossible to become happy,” dad answered.

dog stories

Page 3

I was on the bus. At one stop, a dog came in the front door, walked across the bus, and settled under an empty seat. When the required stop was announced, the dog went out in a first-come-first-served manner. People on the bus began to talk: "What a smart dog ...". To which the conductor replied: "She travels this route every Friday, there is a kiosk with shawarma near this stop and on Fridays they throw out the leftovers."

I'm coming from work. I want to eat, it's unbearable. I understand that I will not make it home. I went to the food stall and bought some sandwich. I stand, I chew. A dog sits next to me and looks at me with sad eyes. I took pity on her, tore off a piece of sandwich and threw it on the ground. And she sniffed him, poked her nose into him, and did not even try! I looked at all this, then at the sandwich that I had in my hands, and somehow I immediately got sick of eating it - you never know, I think what it was made of that even a dog won’t eat! I threw it into the nearest trash can, and went.

I turn around and what do I see? This cunning beast climbed into the trash can, pulled out my sandwich and calmly eats it up! That's it! This dog needs to go to college, to teach applied psychology there!

Dad told a case from practice when he worked as a district police officer. We went out to detain especially dangerous criminals, took a bunch of people with them, even took one dog handler with a shepherd Jack.

They ring the doorbell, they open the standard "neighbors from below." The dog, apparently, felt the beginning of the operation and rushed ahead of all the participants. Only the corpulent district police officer Zhenya from the neighboring district blocked her way. A hefty dog ​​crawled between his legs and rushed into the apartment. However, Zhenya, out of surprise, sat on Jack's back. So they drove into the brothel - district police officer Zhenya, brandishing service weapons and uttering heart-rending obscene cries, riding the fearless Jack.

Batya says that he had never seen hardened criminals sob with laughter before. On that day, even handcuffs did not come in handy.

I'm going to visit a friend one day. They have a wonderful courtyard - closed, on one side there is an arch, on the other a path. I enter along the path and see: a huge dog, either a black terrier or a Moscow watchdog, is carrying a small child in its teeth. What to do? Freezing in horror, I am preparing to squeal in a voice that is not my own, but the dog calmly puts the child in the sandbox, where two more of the same are swarming. And he himself fits next to him - his muzzle on his paws, like he is dozing.

The second kid, looking back at the dog, gets out of the sandbox and slaps to the arch - it’s so interesting there: people, cars, a busy street ... The dog watches from under shaggy eyebrows. When there are 5 baby steps left before the arch, the dog gets up, catches up with the "violator" in two jumps, takes it by the hood, takes it to the sandbox and lies down again ... The border is locked!

The fact that many dogs, even stray ones, cross the green road with people has long been known, I have seen it myself many times. But what happened today, I saw for the first time.

A pack of four dogs runs up to the crossroads. The red light is already on, but the cars haven't started yet. One young dog is eager to run across, but another, larger and wiser by experience, quietly, but authoritatively, barks at him. The young one obediently returns and waits with the others until the green light turns on, and then the whole pack calmly and leisurely crosses the roadway. Apparently, even dogs are smarter than some people who run through red lights in the hope of saving a couple of extra seconds.

We have an addition to the family that no one expected. The culprit was our Cocker Spaniel Misha. He brought a cat into the house!

This story lasted for a week. Misha and I go out for a walk, and then a cat comes out to us from somewhere. And yesterday he flatly refused to go home, ran up to me, then to the cat. Then I said, "Well, call her too." And the dog really somehow called her, because they already went to the entrance together.

There was a time when we were teaching our dog all sorts of tricks right in the apartment. For example, a good exercise is to bring the ball. The daughter is sitting on the couch, with a ball in her hand, goodies in the box, and sliced ​​carrots as goodies, from which our dog just drags himself. The daughter throws the ball, the dog is in no hurry to run, traces where the ball rolled, and then goes to get it. He returns with a sad muzzle: they say, she could not get it. The daughter goes to look for the ball, the dog, as it were, goes with her. But when the daughter returns with the ball, she sees how the dog calmly eats a carrot from the box. So, who is training whom?

Yesterday with a friend, after drinking two liters of beer, we decided that it would be very funny to paint my Dalmatian red with henna. No sooner said than done. Rushed to the supermarket, bought two bags of henna. And they painted it. How they painted it is a separate story, because the dog did not really like the coloring procedure. But the effect exceeded all expectations - we really got a leopard. That is White color painted over, but black spots remained.

And in the morning on the first walk was just a sensation. He walks with me without a leash, and people just shied away from him with demands to remove this creature. No one believed in all the explanations that it was a dog!

One man installed a special system so that his dog would not run away from the site: a fence with sensors and a special collar. The essence of the device is that when approaching the fence, the collar starts to squeak, and if the dog runs out of bounds, then it will be hit by a weak discharge of current.

One day we got a puppy. And, despite his young age, he was already knee-high in height (now this monster freely looks into a person’s eyes, standing on its hind legs). In general, we put a collar on him, but we didn’t have time to bring him up. And the little one fled somewhere for the whole day. In the evening he returned home, and a note stuck in his collar: "You don't have to feed him. He has already gobbled up our slippers. Your neighbors."