Newborn baby yellow eyes skin. Yellow whites of the eyes in a newborn: causes, description with a photo, possible problems and recommendations of pediatricians

Physiological jaundice is a normal condition of the newborn during the period of adaptation to new environmental conditions. Staining of the skin and eye sclera in yellow is caused by the accumulation of a coloring pigment, bilirubin, in the blood. The liver and kidneys of the baby are not able to immediately remove all excess bilirubin from the body, therefore given state considered normal and not a reason for treatment.

But this applies only to physiological jaundice. If the pathology is caused by liver diseases, bile ducts or gallbladder, the child needs urgent medical attention. For example, with biliary atresia of the biliary tract, a Kasai operation is vital for an infant, which must be performed before the child reaches the age of three months. So that in case of existing deviations, the baby can receive on time needed help, parents need to know when physiological jaundice in a newborn should pass.

During fetal development, certain types of proteins accumulate in the blood of a child: hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome. Their structure differs from the blood proteins of an adult. During the passage of the child through the birth canal and within a few hours after birth, hemoglobin breaks down and is replaced by other types of proteins with different properties and functions.

During the breakdown of hemoglobin, bilirubin is released - the main component of bile, which acts as a coloring pigment. The organ that processes bilirubin and is responsible for its excretion from the body is the liver. In a newly born child, the liver is not able to produce the necessary amount of enzymes that destroy bilirubin, so it begins to accumulate in the body and cause characteristic symptoms: yellowing of the eye sclera and skin.

Note! If a woman has hormonal problems associated with increased synthesis of steroid hormones belonging to the estrogen group, the likelihood of developing jaundice in a child will be more than 85%. The fact is that estriol and estradiol are able to accumulate in breast milk and penetrate the body of the child, who will get rid of them in the first place. Thus, excess bilirubin will be retained in the blood, and jaundice will last several times longer compared to infants whose mothers did not suffer from endocrine disorders.

How long does it take?

Yellowing of the skin in most children occurs on the third day of life - it is during this period that the replacement of blood proteins and the process of releasing bilirubin ends. Nurse in the postpartum department every day measures the level of bilirubin using a special photodevice, which is applied to the frontal part. A slight excess of the norm is considered acceptable, but the child is taken under special control.

At 3-4 days after birth, signs of jaundice can be seen without any instruments. The child's skin acquires a bright yellow color, the sclera turn yellow, yellowness of the nail plates may be noted (the child's nails are thin, and through them you can see the yellow skin under the nails). In the case of pathological jaundice, the child's skin may acquire an unnatural lemon hue. At the same time, the following symptoms can be observed in a child:

  • frequent, restless crying;
  • poor appetite;
  • weight loss, significantly exceeding the norm;
  • inhibition of reactions and weakness of congenital reflexes;
  • constant drowsiness with short periods of sleep (the newborn often wakes up and screams without opening his eyes);
  • discrepancy between the size of the abdomen to physiological norms and the weight with which the child was born.

If jaundice has physiological causes, it disappears on the 5th-7th day of the child's life. During this time, the child will receive therapy using special photolamps. Healthy children are usually discharged from the maternity hospital on the 5th day. If the yellowness of the skin does not go away by this time, the mother and baby can be left in the hospital for a period of 7-10 days. This period is considered optimal for eliminating physiological yellowing.

Important! In some maternity hospitals with a small number of vacant places, the mother can be discharged alone, and the child left for aftercare for another 3-5 days. Of course, a woman has the right to take the child and refuse treatment, provided that she undergoes necessary procedures at the place of residence, but doctors do not advise doing this. In the presence of pathologies of the liver and gallbladder is very important timely diagnosis, therefore, it is better to leave the baby under the supervision of specialists (if the attending physician insists on this), who can provide the necessary assistance in case of an emergency.

The child is discharged with jaundice

The situation when a baby is discharged from the hospital with signs of jaundice is quite common. There is nothing wrong with this, since in some cases the yellowness of the skin can persist for up to 3 weeks. Great importance has a woman's diet for nursing mothers (it is necessary to exclude any products containing a large number of coloring pigments), as well as the implementation of all doctor's recommendations. The child may be prescribed physiotherapy, which the mother can take at the clinic at the place of residence, but pediatricians do not approve of this approach due to the high risk of infection of the child.

If the mother notices that the yellowness of the child does not go away, but the baby is being prepared for discharge, you should not worry. Before discharge, such a child is required to carry out:

  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • ultrasound examination of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • liver tests - a blood test that helps to make clinical picture liver status and assess the functioning of liver enzymes.

ALT indicators (liver tests) in children of the first year of life

The doctor observing the child necessarily evaluates the dynamics of changes in the level of bilirubin in the blood and draws a conclusion about the nature of jaundice. If there are no signs of a pathological course in a child, he is discharged from medical institution, and the mother is given recommendations on the regimen, care and treatment (if necessary).

Jaundice appeared after discharge from the hospital

If jaundice first appeared after the baby was discharged from the maternity hospital, this could be a warning sign. There may be several reasons for this condition:

  • hormonal problems in women who are breastfeeding;
  • endocrine disorders in the baby's body;
  • errors in the diet for nursing mothers;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • viral infections (eg hepatitis).

In some cases, late jaundice may be associated with an Rh conflict between the mother and fetus, as well as a blood type mismatch (very rare). Regardless of what reason caused the appearance of such symptoms, the child should be shown to the doctor and take a blood test. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound and other diagnostic measures to accurately determine the cause of the pathology.

The child went to the second month, but the jaundice does not go away

If the child is already 1 month old, and the skin still retains a yellowish tint, an examination will be required. In exceptional cases, physiological jaundice can persist for up to 3 months, but it is necessary to exclude the pathological nature.

In most cases, jaundice in infants older than 1 month indicates serious illness requiring examination and treatment in a hospital. It is possible that the child will need surgical treatment.

These diseases include:

  • biliary atresia (obstruction of the bile ducts);
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • damage to the liver or bile ducts, which is of a mechanical nature;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • stagnation of bile and bile acids.

Important! All these diseases have a high mortality rate in infancy, so the symptoms of pathological jaundice should never be ignored. If 3-4 weeks after birth, the signs of jaundice in the child have not disappeared, you must go to the hospital.

Video: What to do if jaundice does not go away?

How to determine that the jaundice is disappearing?

The first sign indicating the recovery of the child is the gradual disappearance of the yellow tint. First of all, the mucous membranes of the organs of vision usually turn pale, then the skin of the abdomen and extremities. The longest signs of yellowness can remain on the face, but they do not completely disappear 2-3 days after the appearance of positive dynamics.

The child's well-being also improves. The baby becomes more active, his periods of wakefulness increase, sleep becomes longer and calmer. Behavioral changes are also noticeable. The child becomes calmer, bouts of sudden crying appear less frequently. If you carefully observe the baby, you will notice that he tries to fix his eyes on objects and begins to respond to the voice of his mother or another person who cares for him.

All these symptoms together indicate that the blood counts are returning to normal, the level of bilirubin is decreasing, and the work of the liver and gallbladder is in line with physiological norms.

Is treatment required?

Most babies have jaundice and go away on their own on the 7th-10th day of life (maximum 3-4 weeks). Drug correction is usually not prescribed, but if the amount of bilirubin in the blood significantly exceeds the permissible limits, the child is shown phototherapy sessions. The baby is placed under a special ultraviolet lamp, covering the eye area with goggles. The duration of the procedure is determined individually, as well as the duration of treatment.

At home, the child is recommended to sunbathe. In summer, they can be done throughout the day, but it is better to choose periods when the sun is not particularly active: morning (before 11-12 pm) or evening (after 16-17 pm). In winter, on the contrary, it is better to take baths between 13:00 and 16:00, since this is the time when ultraviolet rays are most active and penetrate the atmospheric layer well. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the baby must be completely undressed (including the diaper);
  • on a hard surface on which sunlight falls, lay a thick diaper (it is better to use flannel);
  • put the baby on the diaper and leave for 10-12 minutes, periodically turning it from the tummy to the back and back.

During the procedure, it is necessary to distract the child, tell stories or sing songs. He does not yet understand the meaning of the words spoken, but he perfectly captures the intonations of a familiar voice that will help him calm down. If the baby continues to cry, you can pet him or pick him up by going to the window.

Important! Parents must make sure that there are no drafts in the place where the child is. It is also worth remembering that sunbathing is contraindicated if the child has an elevated body temperature.

If the cause of jaundice is viral infection, a course of antiviral drugs, as well as enzymes that restore liver cells and improve the functioning of the organ, can be prescribed. For blood diseases, iron preparations can be used, as well as cytostatic (antineoplastic) drugs - their choice and the need to take them depend on which disease caused the accumulation of bilirubin.

Jaundice is a physiological condition of a newborn child, which in most cases does not require drug treatment. Normally, jaundice disappears on the 10th day of a baby's life, but there are also protracted forms (up to 3-4 weeks). If the skin retains a yellowish tint, and the child is already a month old, you need to go to the hospital - the cause may be severe pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, requiring emergency surgical care. read on our website. study the link.

Video - Jaundice

Video - Jaundice of newborns

This phenomenon is called neonatal jaundice. Doctors believe that this is a normal condition in a newly born baby. This phenomenon is temporary.

What are the signs of jaundice?

The main symptom is yellow skin in the baby. It can become so already on the third day after the birth of the crumbs. Not only the skin becomes yellow, but also the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes.
In any case, if you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. After examining the baby, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

What are the causes of jaundice?

A high level of bilirubin in the blood of a newborn is the main cause of jaundice. This amount of substance arises due to:
A large number of red blood cells in the blood of the fetus during pregnancy and a small amount of oxygen. When a baby is born, red blood cells are destroyed, and bilirubin appears in large quantities.
The child's liver is not yet fully formed and cannot perform its functions 100%. A protein deficiency in the body of a newborn leads to the fact that all the bilirubin does not have time to be excreted.
Due to the above reasons, jaundice is considered normal and usually lasts no longer than 3-4 days. She is not contagious. It doesn't need to be treated in any way.
Children born ahead of time are more prone to jaundice. Almost everyone has it.
There are also some other types of this phenomenon:
  • conjugation
  • Mechanical
  • Hemolytic
  • Parenchymal.
They differ in that they arise due to different pathologies.

How to cure jaundice in children?

As mentioned above, neonatal jaundice does not require special treatment. But there are some points that contribute to its rapid passage.
So, meconium or original feces removes part of the bilirubin from the body.
Breastfeeding is best for jaundice. Frequent application will help to quickly remove bilirubin.
As already mentioned, jaundice does not require treatment and disappears after a while by itself, without harming the baby. But the supervision of a doctor during this period is still necessary. It will help prevent liver disease.
Sometimes phototherapy may be used for treatment. To do this, use a special fluorescent lamp. Under its rays, bilirubin breaks down and is excreted. This therapy is used when the substance is too high.
In severe cases, a blood transfusion is required.
Knowing now why does a newborn baby turn yellow, you must understand that you cannot do without the participation of a doctor if you notice symptoms of jaundice in your baby.

Yellow whites of the eyes in a newborn indicate the presence of icteric pathology. If the reason is not pathological condition, it causes a similar symptom of the imperfection of the baby's body. Doctors diagnose the baby's temporary inability to adapt to new conditions of existence outside the mother's womb. Often, pathology is detected in premature babies. However, yellowing of the eyes may be a sign dangerous diseases.

Types of pathology. Physiological

The yellow white of the eye in a newborn may be different reasons. Experts divide them into two categories: safe for health and dangerous. The first type should include physiological jaundice, which is expressed in a change in the color of the eyes and skin. It can be caused by:

  • the infant's consumption of mother's milk, which contains high amounts of the hormone estrogen;
  • restructuring of the body in the neonatal period (does not require therapeutic adjustment and favorable conditions runs on its own).

If the yellow whites of the eyes in a newborn are caused physiological reasons, then there is no danger to the life and health of the baby. A similar condition can be diagnosed from the second day of a child's life and last no more than seven days. During this time, the baby's body adapts to new living conditions and adapts.


However, a second type of pathology is also distinguished, when the baby has yellow whites of the eyes, which is called pathological. In this case, the baby needs emergency medical attention. The following types of diseases are distinguished:

  • liver disease, or conjugation type;
  • disorders in the bile ducts, or mechanical type;
  • excess of the norm of bilirubin in the trunk of the cerebral cortex, or nuclear type.

It is important to accurately determine the type of disease and, if necessary, provide the infant with appropriate treatment.

How does pathological jaundice manifest itself?

Yellow whites of the eyes in a newborn are observed in almost every fourth baby, which indicates an adaptation period and adaptation to life outside the womb. However, sometimes pediatricians diagnose a severe pathology that requires immediate medical intervention. Signs that indicate the need for a thorough examination:

  • In addition to the yellowness of the eyes, the skin also has a similar shade. Moreover, the color may be unnatural immediately after birth or a day later.
  • The baby feels unsatisfactory.
  • After feeding, vomiting appears, which becomes more pronounced on the third day of life.
  • Yellow pimples can be observed on the skin.
  • The liver and/or spleen are enlarged.
  • Yellow the skin does not go away within a month.
  • Symptoms of the pathology disappeared, but reappeared for no apparent reason.
  • The baby's urine is dark and the stool is pale in color.
  • There are bruises on the body.

Symptoms are usually fixed in the hospital, but the disease can develop after discharge.

Why is there a problem?

Why a newborn has yellow whites of the eyes excites all newly-made parents. If doctors see no reason to panic, then the problem is related to physiology and will go away on its own. However, in severe cases, long and thorough treatment will be required. The causes of failure in the body, causing a change in the sclera of the eyes and skin, can be:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • conflict between the Rh factor of the blood of the baby and the mother;
  • asphyxia caused by difficulties during childbirth;
  • malformations of the liver, spleen or gallbladder;
  • hereditary predisposition to jaundice;
  • failure in the metabolic processes of the body;
  • infectious diseases.

If the baby is detected this symptomatology, then it is important to correctly diagnose, prescribe competent treatment and provide proper care.

What to fear?

If the yellow whites of the eyes in a newborn are caused by natural changes in the body, then there will be no health consequences. However, with pathological failures, complications are possible, which depend on the reasons that caused them. Therefore, pediatricians strongly recommend not to let the problem take its course in order to prevent the development of dangerous conditions. To do this, you need to regularly show the baby to the doctor and when diagnosing the disease, take all appointments seriously. If you do not carefully listen to all the recommendations, then the following conditions may develop in the baby:

  • violations in cerebral circulation;
  • neurological disorders;
  • weakening of one's own immune forces;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • progressive cirrhosis of the liver;
  • deafness;
  • paralysis;
  • lag in mental and physical development.

If the disease can be corrected, then home treatment is possible. But in some cases, hospitalization will be required.

What will be offered in the hospital?

You can often observe yellow whites of the eyes in newborns. When such a condition passes depends entirely on the cause. If the jaundice is physiological, then within a week the color of the eyes and skin is normalized. If the reason is pathological changes organs, the treatment will take longer. Such jaundice will require hospitalization of the baby and mother, where a treatment course will be offered.

Depending on the cause, the baby may be prescribed procedures that combine therapeutic techniques, which include the following:

  • choleretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • immune;
  • detoxification.

As the experience of doctors and the feedback of parents shows, such methods in combination usually give a good result. There are practically no complaints about the deterioration of the child's well-being and the occurrence of complications. However, you must be prepared for the fact that at first the baby's well-being may be unsatisfactory.

Cause and investigation

It is always necessary to establish exactly why the whites of the eyes of newborns are yellow. Further therapy depends on the diagnosis. So, if the Rh-conflict became the cause, then it is advisable to conduct a blood transfusion or its components. Further, the infant may be recommended a course of antibiotics and physiotherapy. If the jaundice has a mechanical type, then surgical intervention will be required.

If there is a malfunction in the production of bilirubin, photo procedures may be shown to the baby. Their essence lies in placing the child under a special lamp, which works on the principle of sunlight. As a result, vitamin D begins to be intensively produced in the baby's body, which successfully copes with increased bilirubin. Usually the course is 96 hours under the lamp.

For some pathologies, doctors may prescribe intravenous glucose courses and administration activated carbon. Glucose is necessary to activate the liver, and the sorbent removes the remnants of unprocessed bilirubin naturally along with feces.

Treatment at home

Most caring parents worry if the newborn has yellow whites of the eyes. When such a condition passes will depend on the diagnosis. If the cause is a physiological failure of the body, then improvements should be noticeable no later than seven days from birth. The pediatrician can also give advice to speed up the recovery process. It is known that the best medicine for the baby is the milk of his mother. To improve it healing properties experts recommend using:

  • aloe juice (one teaspoon);
  • fresh rowan juice (100 g);
  • beet juice (100 g);
  • barberry tincture (30 drops).

Usually tinctures are taken half an hour before meals three times a day. Decoctions of shoots of chokeberry or currant leaf may also be useful. Plants can be brewed and drunk instead of tea for a month.

The following infusions received many laudatory reviews:

  • From St. John's wort. A spoonful of dry raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and filtered after half an hour. During the day, you need to drink up to one liter.
  • From wormwood. Pour a teaspoon of grass with two cups of boiling water and leave for about twenty minutes. After strain and add a little honey. Drink throughout the day.

All prescriptions must be agreed with the attending physician. Treatment of jaundice at home is possible only with an uncomplicated condition.


The baby is usually signaled about the imperfection of the work of the whole organism and, in particular, the liver. This pathology is temporary and does not pose a threat to health. However, there are cases when a change in the color of the eyes and skin is associated with a serious pathology that threatens life and requires immediate treatment. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the recommendations of doctors, the implementation of appointments and careful care. Under these conditions, the outcome is usually favorable.

It's all about jaundice

A sign of icteric pathology in an infant that has just been born is the yellowness of the eye protein. The main reason for this phenomenon, if it really is not a disease, is the imperfection of the body of a newborn baby and its temporary inability to adapt in the external environment. Especially when it comes to premature babies.

Dangerous and safe forms

Physicians divided the pathology into two types.

  1. The first includes physiological jaundice, which does not pose a danger to the baby:
  • the milky appearance, which develops due to the high content of estrogen in mother's milk;
  • neonatal appearance, which is eliminated on its own, without requiring therapeutic measures.

These types of this physiological condition do not pose a threat to the health of the baby and do not pose any danger of infection. can develop from the second to the fourth day of his life and last no more than a week until the baby adapts to the new environment to which he changed the cozy world in the womb of his mother.

  1. The second pathological type includes those types when the baby needs emergency assistance doctors.
  • The conjugated appearance is indicative of liver disease;
  • mechanical view, where defects of the bile ducts are revealed;
  • nuclear view when brain stem a coefficient of bilirubin indicators exceeding the norm was established.

Symptoms of pathological jaundice

Almost three-quarters of all born children suffer physiological jaundice as a kind of adaptation period. But still, there are cases when pediatricians are forced to diagnose a real pathology, as indicated by the following signs:

  • the baby has a general state of unsatisfactory character;
  • skin color has a yellow tint immediately at birth, or the baby acquires it already during the first day;
  • the child opens vomiting;
  • on the third day of the baby's life, the symptoms become pronounced;
  • yellow pimples appear on the body;
  • yellowed skin is stable for at least a month;
  • the liver / spleen of the child undergoes an increase;
  • symptoms of the disease appear and disappear;
  • the baby has bruises;
  • the stool is pale in color and the urine is dark.

Reasons for the development of the disease

A disease in a newborn baby may have the following prerequisites for development:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • incomparable blood (Rh-conflict) in a woman and her baby;
  • in the birth process, the baby suffered asphyxia;
  • predisposition to icteric pathology;
  • biliary tract/liver defects;
  • diseases of a genetic nature;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • infectious lesions acquired at birth.

When these symptoms are detected, the baby needs competent treatment and good care.

Negative consequences

As a rule, complications of the course of the disease are directly dependent on the prerequisites for its development. In order to be able to prevent the occurrence and development of dangerous conditions that are the result of an illness, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and take its treatment seriously.

What to beware of:

  • disorders in the brain;
  • weakened immunity;
  • deviations of a neurological nature;
  • the likelihood of developing cirrhosis of the liver;
  • poisoning of the body of a toxic nature;
  • paralysis;
  • deafness;
  • lagging behind the child from peers in the development of mental abilities.


In a hospital setting

Pathological jaundice diagnosed in a baby will require the mother and child to stay in medical institution for a course of treatment.

Due to the established causes of the disease, both individual and complex therapy where various therapeutic modalities can be combined. After carrying out diagnostic measures, the infant may need therapy:

  • antiviral;
  • detoxification;
  • antibacterial;
  • immune;
  • choleretic.

During the entire period of use of therapeutic measures in relation to newborns who were treated for pathological jaundice, there were practically no complaints about the severity side effects. If there were any, they were weak and short-lived.

When the blood of the child and his mother is incompatible, it is advisable to conduct a blood transfusion. Additionally, a course of physiotherapy and antibiotics are prescribed.

The mechanical appearance of the disease with jaundice in an infant requires an operation.

In some cases, the child is assigned a course of phototherapeutic measures, the essence of which is to place the child under a lamp (special equipment) that has the same effect. sunshine. This procedure allows the accelerated production of vitamin D to cope with bilirubin. The course contains 96 hours of procedures.

Sometimes physicians consider it appropriate to treat with the introduction of glucose and activated charcoal preparations. Glucose activates the functionality of the liver, and the task of coal is to remove bilirubin from the masses of feces, after absorbing it.

home remedies

To eliminate the jaundice of a newborn baby mother to enhance medicinal properties milk is recommended to receive the following:

  • fresh rowan juice (100g);
  • aloe juice (1 tsp);
  • rosehip syrup (teaspoon);
  • beet juice (100 grams);
  • barberry tincture (30 drops).

Any of the proposed drugs can be taken three times a day before meals for half an hour.

You can brew a currant leaf or blackberry shoots and drink it like tea. Take within a month.

  • Pour a teaspoon of wormwood with boiling water (2 tbsp) and leave for twenty minutes. Drain and add some honey. Drink throughout the day.
  • St. John's wort (15 grams) is poured with a glass of boiling water and, after insisting for half an hour, is filtered. Drink a liter a day.

Yellow sclera of the eyes in newborns

The reason for this phenomenon in a newly born baby, as a rule, is the functional inferiority of the liver that has not yet settled down. This failure is temporary and does not pose any threat to the health of the baby. However, there are many cases when the yellowness of the sclera in a newborn directly indicates the presence of a serious pathology of the liver, mainly of congenital etiology.

There are a number of prerequisites for the development of yellowing of the eye sclera in babies who have just been born. Among them:

Crigler-Najjar Syndrome

The absence of an enzyme in the liver cells that turns bilirubin indirect into direct. The sclera turns yellow with the accumulation of indirect bilirubin in the blood.

Dubin-Johnson Syndrome

Congenital pathology with impaired excretion of bilirubin from the liver and the whole body.

Physiological jaundice in newborns

Such yellowing of the sclera of the eye is temporary and lasts no more than a week after the birth of the baby. The reason is the natural course of the physiological process of the exchange of the intrauterine environment in which the baby lived for the one that is outside.

Jaundice nuclear

The reason for the yellowing of the eye sclera of a newborn is a pathology, which is characterized by a conflict of incompatible blood groups between mother and baby.

infectious hepatitis

The baby is affected during the birth process by an infection of the mother, which causes yellowing of the sclera of his eyes at birth. Such infection of a newborn is possible when a woman is not examined properly during pregnancy and is practically not observed by a doctor.

Jaundice in newborns is observed in 60% of full-term and 80% of premature babies. It is manifested by yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera (outer membranes of the eye). Jaundice may appear on the second or fourth day of a baby's life, and disappear after two or three days.

Causes of neonatal jaundice

The reason why the delicate skin of a newborn turns yellow is elevated level bilirubin in the infant's blood. Normally, its indicator does not exceed 20.5 µmol / l, therefore, values ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 35 indicate jaundice.

Hemoglobin, which inside the mother's womb carried oxygen through the blood vessels of the fetus, after the birth of the baby breaks down and is excreted from the body. If the necessary enzymes in the liver of a newborn are not enough, this hemoglobin accumulates in it, poisoning the body and manifesting itself as yellowness of the skin and eyes of the newborn.

The immune system of premature babies is very weak, so they are more likely to be exposed to jaundice than healthy full-term babies. However, modern medical technologies and equipment perinatal centers allow you to quickly cope with jaundice in newborns, which is physiological in nature.

Depending on the causes that cause yellowing of the skin of a newborn, they differ:

  1. physiological jaundice in newborns;
  2. pathological jaundice.

Physiological jaundice is not a dangerous phenomenon, it will pass quickly, often already in the maternity hospital after several sessions of phototherapy, in which the newborn is placed under a special lamp.

Pathological jaundice is much more serious. The cause is a violation of the outflow of bile from the body. Cause jaundice in newborns can:

  • hereditary diseases received from parents;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the liver or biliary tract during childbirth.

With pathological jaundice in a newborn, in addition to the yellowness of the skin, there will be other signs that indicate the disease. Doctors in the maternity hospital or mother after discharge can pay attention to them.

Physiological jaundice in newborns

Physiological jaundice is not considered a disease. After the birth of the baby, the load on the liver increases sharply, but a healthy children's body will cope with this load on its own in a few days, and the yellowness of the skin and eyes will disappear by itself.

Signs of pathological jaundice

Pathological jaundice in a newborn is caused by a violation of the outflow of bile from the body. Such conditions require medical intervention. Jaundice can be caused by:

  • birth trauma;
  • hypoxia;
  • acute and chronic infections;
  • thyroid insufficiency.

Mechanical jaundice

The causes of obstructive jaundice in newborns are a violation of the patency of the biliary tract, pathology of the liver or gallbladder. They can be caused by birth trauma, appear 2-3 weeks after birth. In addition to yellowing of the skin, children can notice:

  • colorless feces;
  • dark urine.

The child becomes irritable, his delicate skin is dry. Upon examination, the doctor will reveal enlarged spleen parameters, and tests will show a significantly increased level of bilirubin in the baby's blood. Additional examinations, including ultrasound, can reveal blockage of the biliary tract or other pathologies.

Hemolytic pathology

Less than 1% of diseases are caused by hemolytic disease. The causes that cause it are hereditary in nature:

  1. mismatch of blood groups in a child with a mother;
  2. Rhesus conflict between mother and child.

Jaundice will appear immediately after birth: the newborn has a clearly visible yellowness of the skin and sclera of the eyes (the skin acquires an orange tint), the newborn does not show activity, looks lethargic, his reflexes are reduced. On palpation, the doctor determines an increase in organs: the liver, spleen.

When Mom Needs to Worry

Physiological jaundice of the skin of newborns is not a pathology, it will pass in a few days. In order to speed up this process, it is necessary to apply the newborn to the mother's breast as early as possible. Colostrum, which appears after childbirth in the mother, will help the speedy removal of bilirubin from the child's body.

Urgent treatment to the hospital and, if necessary, hospitalization will be required if the mother notices in the baby:

  • involuntary tilting of the head back;
  • reduced sucking reflex;
  • moodiness or constant drowsiness;
  • muscle cramps of the limbs, fever;
  • constantly tightly clenched fists, legs bent at the knees;
  • respiratory disorders.

Such symptoms may indicate the development of "nuclear jaundice", which is fraught with disability of the child. Timely treatment will reduce the risk chronic disease and lethal outcome.